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silverstarssart · 1 year ago
Some OCS of mine
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Names from left to right: Farant, Evie, Wiyaka Hinhan, Maya. (Farant and Evie are in love. And Wiyaka and Maya are in a sort-of-annoying-but-enemies-to-lovers-situationship
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iam8lu3 · 1 year ago
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Iktómi and the Man that Would be a Wolf
Once, in the land where Native American people thrived, there lived a man named Wiyaka. His heart was touched by the spirits of the wolves that roamed the deep woods. Their unity, their strength, and their closeness to the land filled his thoughts day and night.
One evening, as Wiyaka sat by the river, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Iktómi, the spider-trickster, known to all Native American people. Iktómi wore the colors of the setting sun on his cheeks and the wisdom of the ages in his eyes.
Iktómi, seeing Wiyaka's longing, asked, "Why do you yearn to be a wolf, Wiyaka?”
Wiyaka replied, "I admire their spirit, their closeness to the land, and their unity. I wish to become a wolf and experience life as they do.”
Iktómi smiled knowingly and said, "I can grant your wish, but remember, the path of the wolf is not an easy one.”
Without waiting for Wiyaka's response, Iktómi chanted ancient words and cast a spell upon him. In an instant, Wiyaka transformed into a magnificent gray wolf.
As a wolf, Wiyaka roamed the woods, learning the ways of the pack and hunting alongside his newfound brothers. Yet, he soon understood the harsh realities of the wolf's life—the constant search for food, the dangers of predators, and the unforgiving wilderness.
One day, as he looked at his reflection in a river, Wiyaka felt a deep longing for his human life—the warmth of the campfire, the embrace of his family, and the comforts of his people's ways.
With a heavy heart, he howled a mournful cry that echoed through the forest, reaching the ears of the spirits. Iktómi appeared once more, this time with a look of understanding.
"I see you've had your fill of the wolf's life," Iktómi said.
Wiyaka nodded and replied, "I have learned the value of my human existence and the beauty of the wolf's world. I wish to return to my people and cherish both.”
Iktómi chuckled and reversed the spell, turning Wiyaka back into a man.
From that day forward, Wiyaka lived among his people, sharing the wisdom he had gained from his brief experience as a wolf. He cherished the unity of his people, the interconnectedness of all living beings, and the balance of life and nature.
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thebigkelu · 4 years ago
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Wiyaka Noghe or Wi-Ya-Ka-No-Ge or Wi-Ya-Ko-Mi (Feather in the Ear) or (Earrings), Dakota Yankton, in Native Dress and Holding Pipe and Bag - Shindler - 1867
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swanmask · 5 years ago
me, foolish: hm... all this monster hunter talk makes me wanna play it! how about i open it and look at wiyaka for a--
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gosulsel · 4 years ago
Kenang Golkar Pinrang, Bupati Irwan: 30 Tahun Saya di Sini TP Senior Kami - Gosulsel
PINRANG, GOSULSEL.COM - Ketua DPD I Golkar Sulsel, Taufan Pawe (TP) membuka Musda X Partai Golkar Pinrang. Kegiatan digelar di Kantor Golkar Pinrang, Jalan Sawitto, Minggu (25/04/2021).Taufan didampingi sejumlah elite Golkar Sulsel. Diantaranya, Marzuki Wadeng, La Kama Wiyaka, Zulham Arief, Rahman...
#Golkar #TaufanPawe
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wastewiyoung · 4 years ago
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If I ever run for office in North Dakota or South Dakota this is the pic I would use. “My pawpaw used to drive Ford Trucks too.” Lmfao. Omg, i can’t even finish typing that. Lmao crying laughing. Just giving rm am@o. Lmao hewwwn This is the ultimate right here. Me, wamb’di and Wiyaka. Somewhere in the heart of Očetí Šakowín early 80’s. Not sure who took this picture. (at The Sacred Black Hills- Land of the Oceti Sakowin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL8ajcAFa8D/?igshid=1xvkk9haqx283
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xzoneradio · 1 year ago
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standingrockstories · 8 years ago
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Prayers for Sacred Stone today, and all the Water Protectors that have taken a stand for Mother Earth, and sovereign rights. Sacred Stone was the first camp, and the last camp to stand. Today I pray all ends in a good way, and all are able to leave with dignity, respect, and with the knowledge that SS was the spark that lit the friction of change across this planet. Thank you to LaDonna, Joye, Wiyaka, Linda, and countless others for waking us up. We are eternally grateful. -Redhawk
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bizcatalyst360 · 6 years ago
Can Dreams Make You An Empowered Woman?
Can Dreams Make You An Empowered Woman?
It was such an honor to be interviewed on Empowered Woman Radio by my host/guest writer today Gwilda Wiyaka, also the host of Mission: Evolution Radio, both of which are part of the ‘X’-Zone Broadcast Network, formed to fill a void in radio programming and allow listeners around the world to have access to the very best of Paranormal, Parapsychology.
Gwilda Wiyaka is also the Editor-In-Chief of
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barbarasvulva · 8 years ago
check out this SoundCloud page I'm gonna make a mix with his music mixed in and it's gonna be called Free Red Fawn, he's writing a song that'll have the same title
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wastewiyoung · 4 years ago
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Neesh. Now I have another profile I can’t keep up with. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I turned in my final project, finished my finals. “We”are officially half way done with law school. This semester was hard as the first because of the pandemic. Collectively, we lost so much. But I think... I’m learning... or trying to. process and work my way through it. I have to knead it and work my way through the shock, sadness, anger in order to get through to acceptance and healing. Idk tho. 🤷‍♀️ I’m no expert but I do know grief inside out, right side up, up side down. Aye. Lol. Fr. I admit that I was ready to give up. Every.day I had to dig deep. I think after our aunts and cousin passed away last month from covid I disconnected from reality here and school. I started helping with covid relief at home. I actively pushed away my school work, rarely responded to emails or texts, and neglected professional and personal relationships. At this point, all I want to do is pass. I don’t care about my grades right now as much as I should... because our homes, our communities and the people we love the most in this world are on the endangered species list. 😔 Aye But.☝️ As misun Wamb’di says: persevere. And as tiblo Wiyaka says: Pure Severe. Aye! ✊🏽✨😂🤷‍♀️🥰😛🤣⚡️❤️💙 (at Albuquerque, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI3siXZlYdy/?igshid=1a4mmy3kpt7su
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tenderlyscreechingenemy · 4 days ago
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tenderlyscreechingenemy · 4 days ago
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tenderlyscreechingenemy · 10 days ago
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tenderlyscreechingenemy · 12 days ago
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tenderlyscreechingenemy · 12 days ago
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