#who was on the Mayflower. The s
fandomsandshipping1 · 10 months
For a Friend
Alright I've got more writing but this time it's for someone. It consists of Peggy and August standing up for @askthelovenest's S/I, Mrs. Alicen Mallow.
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“At least you were able to climb the social ladder by marrying the marshal.” China Princess smugly stated. As Alicen turned away, someone cleared their throat behind China. Standing there was a very displeased looking, blue and white fairy winged, woman.
“I believe the only one who’s done any climbing, has been the marshal. Lady Alicen seems a far greater upgrade from-” She frowned, looking over China with a look best described as disgust. “-Whoever you are.”
“Whoever I am?” China demanded. “I am a princess, thank you.”
“A princess?” The woman let out a light laugh. “And you think that is supposed to impress me? I have never heard of you.” She added, with a slight lift of her head.
“Hey Auggy? What’s going on?” Another, slightly shorter, woman, who was strangely wearing a suit, came over.
“Your friend has dared to step in for her.” China gestured back at Alicen. The suited woman frowned.
“And who are you?” She asked. China frowned.
“I am China Princess.” She replied. The suited woman thought for a little, before shaking her head.
“Never heard of you.”
“Never heard of me?” China scoffed. “How have you never heard of China Princess?”
“Look, chick, I’m dating a man who defended royalty as pretty much a living. Compared to them, you’re nothing but a cheap, likely plastic, little doll.” The suited woman stated. “Especially if we’re also comparing you to Mrs. Alicen Mallow.” She added. This caused China to let out an offended gasp.
“How dare you.” She spat. “I won’t take this lip from commoners.”
“Commoners?” “Auggy” replied, with a sharp laugh. “I am a queen, actually.”
“Well I’ve never heard of you.” China huffed.
“Then we must be in very different circles.” “Auggy” replied.
“Yeah, especially if you’ve never heard of August MacBeth.” The suited woman agreed, before glancing around the crowd. “Do you have a date here, then? You must be a plus one from some lower circle.” She added, causing China to look more offended.
“A plus one!” She huffed. “If anything you’re the “plus one”.” She stated.
“Actually-” August reached into her purse and pulled out not one, but two, invitations. “-We were invited.”
“Unlike you, I’m guessing.” The suited woman added.
“Oh! You impudent-” China was cut off by a very sharp frown from August, a crackle of lightning dancing across her fingertips. A low rumble of thunder could be heard from somewhere, even though the weather was supposed to be clear.
“I would recommend you not to finish that sentence. There is only so much vileness I can tolerate from someone.” The woman stated, her voice and face both stormy and dark. “And, for your sake, I recommend you leave lady Alicen alone, understood?” She asked, her eyes cutting, cold, and dark. China took a step back.
“Fine.” She frowned before leaving. August then looked over at the suited woman.
“You had very good timing, Peggy.”
“Yeah.” She nodded, then looked at Alicen. “You okay Alicen?” She asked.
“Yeah but… you two didn’t need to step in.” Alicen replied. August softly frowned.
“Yes, we did. You, Lady Alicen, are one of our friends.” She stated.
“Yeah! And that means we’re going to step in if someone’s giving you problems!” Peggy agreed, with a sharp nod. “Hell, I’d have kicked that tiny trashy little fake antique’s ass, had it come to that.” She added, causing August to sigh and shake her head. Alicen couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Thankfully it didn’t have to come to that… I do appreciate the sentiment though.” This caused Peggy to grin.
“Hey, that’s what friends are for, isn’t it?” She stated.
“Indeed.” August agreed. “Now, we still have a lot of time left, so let’s enjoy the rest of the night.”
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prettieinpink · 10 months
( A collab with thee lovely lele @bloombabydoll )
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If you want to reinvent and rebrand yourself, or just continue to make positive improvements in 2024, the first thing is to evaluate your current year. 
Reflect on how things went for you. Was there continuous growth? Were there many difficult times? Did you discover anything major about yourself and so on. Try to summarise your year in (a) paragraph(s) at least. 
Oversee your goals. Which ones you didn’t, did achieve, difficult ones, easy ones and the impacts it had on your life. 
Compare your dream girl then and now. Is your visualisation of your life currently different to the one you have now and why? 
List any major losses or successes you’ve had in your life, and how they have helped you or why it matters to you. 
This evaluation can be as detailed or simple as you like, but as long as you have a decent outline of your year. 
To prepare for 2024, you want to know what you want life to be like in 2024. Something realistic to a point, but still is a growth journey. 
Think of something that you can associate with 2024. This can be a word, a symbol, art, a song, a book, a movie, a place, or even just all of these things. When you think about your goals and your journey, this is your theme. This is something that should relate to your goals or your dream girl somehow. 
For me, I chose a word and a song. My word is growth because, for me, 2023 was a year for just being able to shed my old self which I did achieve however I just felt there wasn’t much growth as an actual person and not just in my environment. 
For my song, it is Mayflowers by Proleters and Taskrok. This song is the epitome of what I would imagine, is the most polished mindset. I would say perfect, but having a perfect mindset is near impossible. I want to have a mindset glow up because I’ve just been hard on myself lately which has caused my confidence to plummet. 
Before we get into the fun part of the preparation stage, we have to do some organisation in our life. I want you to take a look at your daily lifestyle and your habits, and be completely unashamed about this. 
Then categorise these habits into two sections; Leave and Leap. Leave habits are habits that you are leaving behind in 2023, leap habits are habits that are leaping into 2024 with you. 
Any habits that are self-destructive, addictive or generally harmful are leave habits. Beneficial habits and self-building are leaping with you into the new year.
I want you to do the same for people in your life, all environments (school, work, online etc) and anything else you believe needs to be sorted out. 
This works better if you can reason with yourself why it is a leaping or leaving habit, but don’t try to convince yourself a bad habit is good or vice versa. 
Now, I want you to document an honest paragraph about who you are right now. List your bad and good habits, your strengths and weaknesses and your behaviours. This one requires a bit more detail. 
Then, write a paragraph about who you will be in 2024, your dream girl. List her habits, lifestyle, behaviours, mindset, strengths and anything else extra. I’ll explain later but do not include materialistic desires in this your dream girl. Once again, this one also requires details. 
Stemming from those paragraphs, I want you to create specific and achievable goals. SMART goals are best, but I want to introduce you to how I set goals. 
I divide my year into quarters. For each 3 months, I have 3-5 goals for those months. Usually, it’s one from each area of my life. Then, I break down these goals. 
Questions and How They Help 
Why do I want to do this goal - For motivation and commitment. 
How it’ll benefit me - For the sake of improvement. 
How can I involve myself in this goal - To achieve your goal.  
I prefer this method because it is a lot simpler for me, as I am just a young girl and my bigger goals are more in the future in which I’ll utilise SMART goals. 
To create good goals; Make sure they align with your current values and life principles first. Try to avoid creating goals that you have just taken from the internet. Those goals just aren’t it and you most likely won’t follow through with it. 
Be specific. Don’t say you want to eat more healthily, instead say you want to include (a certain group of veggies/fruits) in your diet and reduce the intake of ( food/drink). 
E.g using eating healthy example
I want to eat healthy -> I want to start including foods that boost my immunity system and support my skin while reducing those that have the opposite effect. 
Then break down those quarterly goals into monthly, weekly and daily goals. Make these habits that you can establish in your lifestyle and have a way in which you can refer back to your progress. 
Quarterly Goal - Read 6 books.  
Monthly Goal - Finish 2 books.
Weekly Goal - Be or near half way of one book.
Daily Goal - 20 minutes of reading per day. 
Health and wellbeing
Mental health
Personal life
Hobbies and recreation
Now for the best part- vision boards! Collect all of your favourite images that embody your quarters or the whole year, then put them in one place where you can see them regularly!
Some ideas are a scrapbook, Pinterest boards, mood boards, playlists etc. 
Choose your theme; It can be your healthy girl era, your academic come back or whatever you want. You can have more than two btw.
Use quotes! Then actually say them in your daily life as a way to shift your mindset to reflect said quote.
Include inspirational people. It doesn't even have to be a millionaire or a very well established person, it could be your friends or someone on the internet.
Be imaginative. Your vision board doesn't have to realistic in my opinion, as the whole point of it to me is that viewing it daily and considering it to be part of your life one day allows for you to open up to those opportunities.
Materialistic Wants
I feel obligated to make this a separate section. This section is practically tangible objects that you want.
However, when choosing this said object that you want, mindfully think about why you want that thing specifically.
It doesn’t have to be meaningful, but as long as each thing on that list has got a purpose to you, and will serve you, I think it’s all good!
If you want, you can definitely start implementing habits before January. However, I believe that as long as you go into 2024 at least knowing who you want to be and shedding away any limiting beliefs, you’ll be fine.
Make sure to incorporate some self care rituals into your daily life as well✨
To end this, I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas! And that 2024 they will achieve to close that gap with their current selves and their dream girl selves! 💖🙏
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The Hazbin Timeline
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I'm just making a timeline list of the Hazbin Hell residents biological and death ages. It's fun and interesting to see who is around who time period and such.
It might make help fanfic writers with backstories to know who existed at what time.
Im making the "current" date in the Hazbin universe 2019 as that's when The pilot aired.
Oldest: Lucifer. Existed before the dawn of mankind.
Adam: First man, existed since the dawn of mankind
Lilith: First woman, Existed since the dawn of mankind.
Eve: Second woman, Existed since the dawn of mankind, after Lilith.
Zestial: Information unknown beside oldest overlord, but going by his Shakespearean speech, death around the 1600's making him about 400 years old.
Possibly witness in his lifetime: Mary, Queen of Scots, executed for treason by order of Queen Elizabeth I, Galileo's experiments, Pilgrims from England arrive at Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the Mayflower.
Charlie: Appears to be in her 20s but
Despite her youthful appearance, it appears that Charlie's age is a matter of question. Although Vivziepop thinks that Charlie does celebrate birthdays with the standard kind of party, she is still unsure of how demon years and time work for someone like Charlie. In a later stream, Vivziepop stated that demons age in "hell years"] This may hint that Charlie's biological aging is different from how humans age, although it is unknown if hell years are similar in length to Earth years.
In one of the Hazbin Hotel pilot teasers, a portrait of the Magne family taken in the year 1871 hints that Charlie is decades older than she appears. Although this detail is omitted in the final version of the pilot, Faustisse has corroborated that Charlie is over 200 years old.
Rosie: Tricky, giving by her preferred time period, her death would be about 1890ish and her birth near 1850s-1860s making her 170 years old BUT Faustisse stated Rosie never died, suggesting that she was born in Hell. Which may subject to change as the show progress but if she's Hell born, they grow slower. So if we doing the same math as Charlie, she been around for 400 years. Which is similar to Zestial but not mention she on par with him in age so I think her being Hellborn not going to be finalized in canon. Rosie human age would be a little older if not similar to Alastor mother ages which is probably why he so easily bonds with her along with similar interest.
Sir Pentious: Biologically 40s, deceased 1888 making his soul 170is years old. His birth year is in the 1840s (This guy live through over 100 exterminations, and turf wars and challenging Alastor?)
Witness in his lifetime. The great famine in Ireland, the great Chicago fire, the pony express, the civil war, Lincoln assassinated, the statue of Liberty being dedicated,
Carmilia: Going with my headcanon that Carmilla was the lead ballerina in swan lake. Swan lake composed in 1877. Also, we have to consider her daughters to figure her death as I think they all died the same day. One of them goes by the name Clara...which is character in the nutcracker composed in 1892. So their deaths are after that date. Swan lake had a revival at 1895 so we just making their deaths at that time for sake of making it easy. Carmilla is vibing near 40 but I wouldn't push her past that as I think it be tough to be a 40 year old ballerina in the late 1800's. So her birth year is 1860s So I'm just going to guess her age be no older then 35 making her soul 160ish.
Her daughters being little after that. Being 150ish years old.
Witness in his lifetime. The civil war, Lincoln assassinated, the great Chicago fire, the statue of Liberty being dedicated,
Tom Trench: Biologically in his 40s, died 1910-1920s. Assumed during ww1 making his birth year late 1870s. His soul being around 150ish years old.
Alastor: Biologically 30-40's so for simplicity sake-35. So being born just smidge before the turn of 1900s. His death is 1933. Making his soul about 120 years old.
He witnessed 3 states included in the Us (up at 48 at his death) Wright brothers flight, Titanic sink, WW1, Great depression, Woman can vote, and prohibition.
Husk: Biologically 60-70, to make is simple 65. his death in the 1970s. Making his birth year about 1910's. About a decade after Alastors birth. Husker soul age about 110 years old. Husker has nearly the same timeline as Alastor and Angel except Husker lived an additional 40-50 years. Husk is about 10 year difference between both Alastor and Angel in either direction. So Husker being one the very few characters who lived a full life could at some point crossed paths with most of the characters in his living life, especially its been noted he was a world traveler to increase those odds. Alastor, Mimzy, Angel, Vox, Nifty, and Valentino. Husker is the unique character we get to witness that he an "old soul" because he lived the longest while alive, yet is in the same soul generation as Alastor, Angel and Vox, yet one of the youngest with his afterlife and still managed to be Overlord at one point. His overlords years being in the 1980-90s. As it takes time to become an overlord with the exception of Alastor. But I believe Husk did raise to Overlord fairly rapidly but lost it nearly as quickly as it seems Alastor had him under contract for a long while. Husk was in his 20s during Alastor death, in his 30s going on 40s for Angel Death, and 40's for Nifty and Nox death. Husk and Valentino share the same Hell afterlife timeline.
Angel Dust: Stated his age is in the 30s...and it most be very early 30's because I do not get the impression of him being 30 but more in the 20's. It so weird to know Angel meant to be a few years younger then Alastor biologically. Death year 1947. Making his birth year around 1917. His soul being just over 100 years. about 20 year difference from Alastor. Alastor hitting the age of adulthood while Husker not even a preteen at the time of Angel birth. Angel was in his mid teens when Alastor died.. Alastor possibly linked to is murders at this time of death and Angel would witness the news that would arise from it. Possibly heard some of Alastor broadcast. Angel is assumed gone by the name Anthony for a few decades in Hell before adopting his porn star name when he signed on with Valentino.
Vox: Biologically 30-40's so for simplicity sake-35. Died in the 1950's. Making his birth year about 1915 his soul just over 100 years old. He was a teen at the time of Alastor death. Alastor possibly linked to is murders at this time of death and Vox would witness the news that would arise from it. Angel and Vox lives and death are about in the same timeline, Angel died no more than a decade before Vox.
Witness in his lifetime: Great depression, prohibition start and end. all of WWII, holocaust, Hindenburg, Mount Rushmore finished first motion picture with sound The Jazz Singer.
Niffty: Biologically 22. Died in the 1950's making her birth year about 1930's. Her soul is about 90 years old. She possibly the youngest biological age character we seen. She as an infant when Alastor died. A preteen to late teen when Angel died. Possibly watched Voxs programs. (I headcanon that Vox is a tv game host). Died about the same time as Vox. Husk was in his 40s at her time of Death. Husk was in his 20 at the time of her birth.
Valentino: I'm placing him similar to Vox age so 35. He died in 1970's making his birth year about 1935. Just after Alastor death. Was in his late teens at the time of Vox death. Possibly watched Voxs programs growing up. (I headcanon that Vox is a tv game host). His soul is about 85 years old. Angel is older than Valentino even if Angel biological age might been slightly younger.
Angel been around longer than Valentino and its easy to forget that. Angel been uncontracted for a few decades before Valeninto became an overlord.
In his lifetime, the last two states was added to the US. Beatlemania, the space race, woodstock.
Katie Killjoy: in her 40's and died in 1992. Her birth year being late 1940-early 1950s. Making her soul little over 70 years old.
Zeezi: No information but giving her blatant 80's style she dies in the 80's and her personality seem of someone in early 20s...she was born in the 1960's Making her soul just about 70 years old. Same age as Katie, but Katie lived longer making Zeezi a citizen of Hell longer.
Cherri Bomb: Biologically in her 20s, and died in 1980s. Her birth year being 1960s. Living the same exact timeline as Zeezi. Cherri is possibly the youngest character we witness so far.
Velvette: No real information released but appears to be in the 20s. Her "age and death age" don't really match up to her character, but since maybe that's because she just good at updating and staying on trend. I headcanon it takes a minimum for a soul to become an overlord 10 years. So going by that, early 2000s since she not a brand spankin new overlord, she vibing she been overlord for a few years-close to a decade. ? Her birth year being in the 1980's which....doesn't seem to match. But giving the show timeline is 2019 subtract having years of experience as an overlord, and years to accomative the power and climb the ladder, and add her age...its near 1980s. Only way she can be an overlord with her birth being later in the 90's and death close to current year frame is that the other Vees saw potential and her and adopted her immediately and steamline her into being an overlord. But why would they do that if they just make a deal for her soul and use her potential that way?
That it for now. Hopefully someone enjoys this or could use the information I gathered, some venture a guess on the characters timeline and who may overlap who. I hope it wasn't terribly dull.
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autisticrosewilson · 5 months
You have any Wilson family headcanons to spare? Especially on Rose & Grant?
DO I EVER!!! Gosh where do I even start
I mentioned to a friend of mine the other day that I think Slade was a leash kid, and I stand by that whole heartedly. He wanted to raise Grant as a leash kid too, simply because he thought you were supposed to, but Adeline threatened his life so it never happened. This was the first of many times he was confronted with the concept that maybe his home life wasn't great.
He would not even begin reflecting on this until almost a decade later. He still doesn't really consider himself a victim and honestly most of his shitty parenting comes from him just having no clue what he's doing. He's aware that he's bad at it, but instead of trying to improve he just tries to avoid his kids in hopes that they'll be better off without him.
Also he grew up in 1950's-60's Appalachia, I think he's more superstitious than he lets on. I imagine he grew up hearing about family curses and old wives tales, and while on some level he recognizes that Fran likely just used those stories to cope with the situation there's also a part of him that believes it for the same reasons she did. He's not a victim, he can't be, so it must not have been abuse. Which eventually turned into him just kind of accepting that he was always going to be a bad father, that there was never a chance for him to have a family and any attempt he makes will just end up worse than the last.
It makes it easier to maintain his self imposed isolation that way.
Adeline is a lot more interesting than people give her credit for. I like to think she was born and raised in a big city like New York or maybe Gotham if I wanted to be funny. She was definitely a wild child, and that was something that didn't change during her first marriage.
I truly do believe that Count whats-his-face (I don't care enough to look him up) tried exactly once to hit her and he ended up with three bullet wounds that all knicked arteries. It was his only warning and he was smart enough to know that.
Addie is loyal to the end, she's the kind of person that steadfastly refuses to let go of people she cares about. In basically ever version of her story she tries, she tries so hard to make things work. I once compared her to the Greek myth of Medea and I think about the comparison often.
I also think that Adeline was always her father's daughter, whether she liked it or not. I don't remember if it was canon that she was raised primarily by her dad but I only remember her dad being mentioned so I think she grew up in a single parent household and was mostly left to her own devices as a kid. She probably grew up really close with her cousin, most people probably thought they were sisters.
Mayflower fucking HATES Slade, she was advocating for the divorce before they were even married. I know in my heart she was Slade's biggest hater. Her and Slade talked mad shit about each other but they were also gossip buddies for the longest and it was the only thing that stopped her from beating his ass all the time.
SladeAddie is so toxic Bi4Bi coded. Really funny to me that Addie was probably older than Slade, do you know the kind of rizz you have to possess to bag a milf that could kill you in 20 different ways before you could blink? One who's already been divorced? What charm was this freshly 18 year old drop out exuding to be pulling like this?
When do you think he told her that he lied to the recruiter about his age and he wasn't actually 23 or whatever? Did he ever tell her? Did she figure it out herself? It was literally never addressed but I think about it all the time.
Slade is definitely still mildly in love with her and falls a little all over again every time she deals him grievous bodily harm. I don't know his thing for people who hate him is probably a self conscious way to punish himself for sucking all the time.
Billy and Alfred being friends is a headcanon that I literally never stop thinking about. Why wouldn't they be old friends or whatever? They have tea the 4th Tuesday of every other month. They complain about their respective morons and brag about the kids they have to take care of because their morons won't.
Billy is definitely a British rock fan and he fucking HATES country music. Slade starts playing it in the car and Billy threatens to crash the whole car just to make a point.
He's like maybe 5 years older than Slade if I'm being generous about it, he just looks older next to Slade because he's not hopped up on super serum.
He's the one Rose gives her father's day gifts to <3
SladeBilly is canon to me, no way Slade is capable of spending that much time with someone without sleeping with them at least once. It might be the healthiest relationship he's ever had with anyone and Billy barely tolerates him.
Lilian Worth my beloved,,,,,,they gave her such a white ass name. I choose to believe that she changed it later on for anonymity. Chea Nath is a name she hasn't used in a while, but it's still one she holds dear.
She seems like someone who was really into ballet, and probably someone who was really good at it too.
She's one of those characters that we don't really have any information on, which leaves a lot of wiggle room backstory wise. I probably write too much about characters with poor backgrounds (surprise your bitch grew up impoverished) so I guess I'll let Lili have this one.
Diplomats daughter, her and her mom were really close growing up, and she seems like she grew up with sisters. She's got that middle sister energy to her, growing up everyday was a fight and let's just say she didn't lose often.
If Adeline is Medea, Lili is definitely Circe. Versatile, powerful, a man hater, and she'll do anything to protect her girls.
Honors student, her grades never dropped below an A- and she has degrees in everything from fine art to communications. Rose went to college purely because her mom made it clear that not going was not an option.
Grant is one of my favorite characters. Ever. He's definitely an old school country enjoyer, much to Billy's chagrin and Slades secret delight.
He was the boy who climbed up the tallest trees to prove he could and then came home with a thousand little scrapes on him.
He has a bee allergy.
He's the least enhanced of his siblings but he still has a meta gene, I think the reason the H.I.V.E. serum didn't activate it like it should have is because his power was the mental kind and not the physical kind so his body couldn't hold up against it even while his psychic powers were getting stronger.
Painted his nails one(1) time, it was a dried up iridescent blue that Addie dug up and was going to throw away but Grant wanted to try it. He didn't know what nail polish remover was though so he scraped his teeth on his nails to get it all off but he couldn't get all of it and he almost cried so hard he threw up at dinner that night because he was scared of Slade noticing (Slade didn't notice and wouldn't have cared if he did).
Thought he was SO stealthy when he snuck out but literally everyone knew because he always came home smelling like weed, hungover, and he went to school in the same clothes he wore to go out. Most of the time Addie didn't care (See above: "former wild child") but Slade "Biggest loser in his hometown" Wilson always had an issue with it.
Officially his tomb is located in the Kane family plot but he's actually buried in Slades hometown next to his grandmother. (Adeline is not aware of this)
Joey was actually the one who pulled most of the pranks when they were kids, but Grant always took the fall. Mostly because literally no one would believe it even if Joey said he did it. Which he tried to do, many times.
Grant taught Joey to make flower crowns but he never admitted it because he thought it made him look weak. He still keeps the few that Joey made for him though, they're basically turning to dust in the drawer he hid them in to this day. They're one of the few things that weren't torn down and shoved in the attic after his death.
Joey still celebrates Grant's birthday every year, him and mom play The Last Man by Clint Mansell on the piano because it was his favorite piece to play before he stopped because it wasn't "cool".
Grant tried to get Joey to come with him when he ran away but Joey didn't want to leave Addie. Joey ended up moving into Grant's old apartment, he often thinks of what life would be like if he'd taken up the offer.
Grant is THE ass hole big brother from the late 90's/early 2000's. Down to the mullet and the shirt with the sleeves cut off. He used to steal Addie's eyeliner and she would get so mad because that stuff is EXPENSIVE and he's just smearing however. She teaches him how to do it properly but he says it makes him look "too girly".
Grant's picture is the only one in Slades wallet because he doesn't have to worry about putting him in danger anymore.
DON'T let Joey's "natural" pretty boy look fool you he has a 20 step skin routine and a 15 step hair routine and he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn to start on his makeup.
He used to get the worst acne as a pre-teen and he has physically burned all the evidence except for one picture of him and Slade on a fishing trip when he was like thirteen, he doesn't know it exists and it's the only picture Slade consistently travels with.
He doesn't want to be the favorite but he would get mad if someone else was the favorite because what work were YOU even putting in for it.
He has 12 year old boy humor I fear. Giggles at dick jokes and has used his name to make "Joe Mama" jokes on various occasions.
Number one Mama's boy of all time, there's not a single time they've gone out in public together where they haven't had coordinated outfits. Him and Addie call biweekly to shit talk people and exchange recipes and the like.
Joey is THE biggest gossiper. He'll talk shit about people right in front of them if he's sure they don't know ASL and whoever is around just has to try not to laugh while they "translate" him.
He's so good at convincing people to do things for him just by looking at them with his big ol' eyes. And he's a theater kid so his expressions are really exaggerated.
Rose, my muse. I know canonically she's a smoker but I'm changing that to her being a vaper. I don't know she just looks like she'd beat the shit out of you for a cherry lemon cancer stick.
Energy drinks don't work on her in normal amounts so to rectify that she constantly walks around with horrific concoctions in a water bottle the size of her head.
She street races as R4V4G3R and she's pretty good at it. She learned a lot about cars doing it which is how Slade justified being an anonymous benefactor for her.
The few weeks Slade had her she ran that shit like the navy. Up at 6 AM on the dot, tight ass ponytail swaying as she got ready for school. She was out that door by 7:25 everyday and she would MAKE Slade violate traffic laws to get to school by 7:35.
Has bitten people before and will do it again.
Had the BIGGEST crush on Donna Troy when she was on the Teen Titans. She didn't know it then but she did. Her taste in women really hasn't changed at all.
Only has her grunge thing going on when she's planning on meeting people, average day outfit is all pastels and florals that her mom used to pick out for her.
Got pretty much all of Lili's stuff, her main apartment is always Immaculately decorated. She also lives in L.A. because literally fuck New York. She's trying to get her engineering degree in PEACE.
She looks up to Grant a lot, she really only has Joey's account of things and he only tells her the good stuff. How he was brave, and strong, and funny. When she was younger she really wanted to be like him, but that was the last thing Slade wanted. So obviously she named herself Ravager out of spite.
Rose is the shortest one in the family but she's buff as hell, my girl is built like a fridge and she knows it. Joey tried to rest his arm on her head one and she stabbed him. It didn't go through his armor obviously but it did leave a mildly annoying bruise that he pouted about for a week.
She low-key really likes Addie but she tends to stay away because of the whole "child of infidelity" thing. She HAS threatened to call Addie on Slade multiple times.
Grew up with a bunch of other kids so she never really wanted siblings, but she would kill for Joey. She'd like a sister though. Really misses her cousins and aunts from the brothel but doesn't want to put them in danger by talking to them.
She's fond of kids but wouldn't want her own because she doesn't want to bring a kid into the kinda life she has, or their family in general.
Routinely takes jobs from Slade because she knows full well he won't do shit. And she's right every time he makes it into a team up that usually ends with them fighting but sometimes, every once in a while, they do something nice together and it makes her remember why she wanted to find him so bad when she was 13.
I don't like her carving her eye out for Slade I thought the whole concept of her idolizing Slade was fucking stupid. She tolerates him at best. So I like to attribute it to her visions, I think the blind prophet symbolism is really fun. Especially because then we can have a Prometheus type situation where her eye patch keeps switching sides/sometimes she's not blind because she keeps carving them out in fits of Seer Madness™️ but they keep regenerating.
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nekodere07 · 2 months
Can you guys recommend me Evil X centric fics? And provide a summary and major spoiler to convince me to read them? I listed the ones below that I discovered/read so far, so you don't need to recommend them again. It also functions as me recommending stuff to EX enjoyers :D
Asking for Nothing by mayflowers fr "i can be the one you call" series (Evil X redemption saga after traumatizing Keralis w/ Zed's help; you need to read everything for context since it has diff events and has continuity) ✨
Anthophobia by residentevilxisuma (Evil X has platonic Hanahaki disease) ✨
Make Me Hurt, Make Me Bleed by residentevilxisuma (Reaper Evil X got tortured by Mumbo but doesn't have physical scars due to his regeneration, but it's been hiatus/discontinued since 2021 😭) ✨
residentevilxisuma's Reaper AU by residentevilxisuma (collection of Evil X reaper au)
Another Chance by Ronin_Resistance fr "Void Medic EX" series (Evil X is in charge of respawn while in the void)
Homesick by Inquillitory (Evil X redemption arc after being indirectly responsible for s8's doom)
Can't Even Hear My Own Sobs by GoodTimeWithCip (EX has meltdown after being ripped fr the void)
Here is Home by Shrug (Icynightsky) (not centric but major role; Evil X rescues Impulse fr the void who was banned due to Imposter Syndrome)
The betrayal of brothers doesn't mean the betrayal of others. by JustAnotherMutantKid (Evil X was banned by Xisuma for not doing what he wants but got help by Team ZIT + Wels)
The Road to Hell (Is Paved with Good Intentions) by Random_Reviewer (not centric but antagonist; Evil X tortures Etho and streamed it for the Hermits to see)
this is about a stuffed bird by Bee_4 (downloaded it but didn't have the motivation to read since MCD)
The Hermits And The Mystery of How Evil X Eats by thatgirlfromasgard (not centric; like the title suggests)
it takes two to play (the game of mutual secrecy) by kiwinatorwaffles fr "the hermitcraft hero au (VDHAU)" series (Evil X vigilante due to admiration of a hero, not knowing it was his older brother Xisuma, and those two were just oblivious to each other's identity when all their friends already figured it out a long time ago) ✨
Late Night Visits by Lackyducks (not centric but major role; Evil X sends a stressed Xisuma to Scar since he can't shapeshift back)
Family Revelation series by PickleGirl23 (Exil X found and adopted Grian as his son; didn't continue the series tho since they crossover w/ DSMP)
Iron Bleeds Green by MawoftheMagnetar (not centric but major role; X and EX were formerly the same person but separated due to a tech fr their home planet, and an individual fr there was hunting both of them down)
Cat Among Pigeons by qvill (Evil X was spit out by the Rift after being void banned, shapeshifts into a cat so no one will know it's him)
Love Me Like I'm Dead by Dani_ofCrows (ongoing; major role; X and EX were secretly some kind of creature but X keeps it a secret fr the Hermits until this was forced to be discovered, Hermits shortly realized that both siblings have Hanahaki disease)
I'll Take You By The Hand by ScarletHalo (Evil X was captured by the Watchers but Grian helped w/ his injuries until Xisuma comes to theit rescue)
Words Are Hard by BDbSafe4U (BlueDblue62) (depressed Evil X can't communicate how much he was hurting to X until he tried to off himself in Decked Out)
voidfishing, the new sport that nobody regretted partaking in (eventually, anyway) by kiwinatorwaffles (major role; Xisuma fishes out kid Evil X out of the void)
Well well, look who's inside again by rorythewriter (ongoing; Evil X is freed fr the void but has amnesia and is suicidal due to the pain fr sensory deprivation/overload, EX and Zed friendship for the win)
Cold and broken and hurt (Warm and healed and protected) by Moonflowers24 (EX disappeared in s8 and was stuck in the void until s10, assumed X hated him since he banned him to the void again and never responded to their texts)
A Nether Return by Sharo (EX glitch spawned in the 1.16 Nether after being banned, got sick but was taken care of by team ZIT and Zed got pissed after discovering X banned EX)
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
A sudden headcanon popped in my head after seeing a video of LNER 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley with class 47 Lady Diana Spencer. Almost all mainline steam excursions have helper diesels at the rear. Emotional support diesels. Almost all steam engines that made it to the end of steam and BR were horribly neglected. Many were run until they broke down then dragged off to scrap. Those who survived in preservation probably have a phobia of failing their trains, because for them that meant scrap. More than one excursion ended in tears after the steam engine failed. The solution? Emotional Support Diesels. (Much Like Gold in @tornadoyoungiron 's fics). Engines that can take the train if the steam engine suffers a malfunction, having someone the engine already knows take the train rather than a random engine, makes it far less likely for the steam engine to have a panic attack. Support diesels are specifically chosen for their temperament and personality. What do the diesels get out of this? Well it's a mark of prestige. You are trusted by both management and the preservation groups to be given the job. You are seen by railfans alongside legendary locomotives as you travel around the country on special trains. And if you do it well? It's also an almost ironclad guarantee of preservation. When the first generation of support diesels faced withdrawal, it was quickly realized that the steam engines were in no way willing to let support diesels be cut up, even if the diesel in question had not been their specific diesel. After an incident where three Great Western castles stormed a scrapyard to save the diesel formerly attached to Thompson B1 "Mayflower", it became policy to arrange for support diesels to be slated for preservation prior to withdrawl.
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pinehutch · 2 months
bodies: why, part 2737293: I went for a picnic on Sunday. I fell over and hit my head at one point, and I got too much sun, and I also was bitten or stung by ants and possibly more things but I don't know which ones. and now I feel faintly awful, and I can't tell if it's because I caught something in the few moments I spent indoors without a mask on, or if I'm just worn out because I was awake for half the night last night, or if I'm having an outsized reaction to whatever these bites are because I'm an autoimmune weirdo who is delicious to insects.
thinking about the spring I turned 12 and how bad the blackflies were. the kids at school with the backs of our necks bloody, cratered, scabbed from scratching like we had some sort of pox. my calves too swollen to fit in my 90's jeans. the taste of liquid antihistamines, when I thought I'd grown out of liquid meds. cold showers, to soothe.
we lived in a bright green, deep green, wet-as-anything woods. dark earth and the cool spring underneath. to everything a season: maple sap, pin cherry, mayflowers, trilliums, strawberry, raspberry, milkweed, blueberry, goldenrod, aster. also: blackflies, mosquitoes, deer flies, horseflies, ants.
this summer, as I have for so many years, I live on the upper floors. and though it's rained and rained, privilege in the lake-riddled heart of the country it's so hot, and the pipes run under the black dormer roof and the water comes out warm, even at night
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demifiendrsa · 8 months
Judas — Trailer #2 | Who is Judas?
Judas is in development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam, Epic Games Store). A release date was not announced.
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The “Who is Judas” trailer offers a deeper look at the game’s setting aboard the Mayflower, a spacefaring city whose citizens are trained to tear each other apart for even the most minor infractions, and where machines control every aspect of business, art, and government. You, as Judas, are the driver of every event in a mysterious story with a new cast of characters to get to know—and to change—in a world where every decision you make affects how the story unfolds. The leaders tried to turn you into something you’re not: a model citizen. And you sparked a devastating revolution to tear it all down. Will you fix what you broke, or leave it all to burn?
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sunnyrealist · 8 months
🌶️ Ch. 25: Promises 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: Kate and Sebastian enjoyed a sensual Sunday morning. They had breakfast in bed, during which Kate told Sebastian about her last relationship, which had been emotionally abusive and led her to move to Hogsmeade. She felt a need to explain this to Sebastian, who had gotten extremely jealous and possessive after seeing Kate briefly interact with her Hogwarts ex-boyfriend when they ran into each other by surprise. This chapter continues directly after their conversation.
Pairing: Aged-up, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x female OC (Kate Mayflower)
Content warnings: In general, this story is rated 18+, so MNDI! This specific chapter is a smutty one and features shower sex (stand-up and doggy style).
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Any feedback is appreciated. A comment, like, or Kudos would make my day!
Chapter 25: Promises
“What are you doing?!” Kate giggles and shrieks as Sebastian picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She playfully kicks her legs.
“Taking you into the bathroom for a wash, you dirty girl!” Sebastian replies, his eyes smiling, a mischievous look upon his face.
Once they are in the bathroom, he deposits her on the counter in a sitting position. She gazes upon him lovingly as he turns the shower on, the room growing warm and steamy rather quickly. He leans in to kiss her tenderly, then helps her down and slides the door open.
Sebastian pinches Kate’s arse as she steps into the shower, following close behind. She squeals, then turns and pulls him into a tight hug, kissing him, as the water cascades down their bodies. Her long hair quickly grows wet. The glass becomes foggy.
“Just relax, close your eyes, and let me take care of you, princess,” Sebastian murmurs, reaching for a shampoo bottle. He squeezes some into his hand, then works it into her hair and massages her scalp, relishing the floral, deeply feminine scent of lilacs and peonies. She sighs, letting all the tension leave her body as she leans onto him, her head on his chest and her arms around his waist.
Sebastian turns them around so that she can stand directly under the wide-reaching stream to rinse out the shampoo. He then uses the same product in his own hair, not having a more masculine option available but not really minding all the same. He’ll bring some of his own another time. He steps away momentarily to use a honey-scented bar of soap on his own body, his eyes never leaving Kate’s voluptuous curves. The water streams down her shoulders to her big, round breasts, then trickles in between to spread to the rest of her petite frame. His cock twitches eagerly at the sight, beginning to harden.
Maneuvering their bodies once more, he positions himself in the direct stream, then lathers the soap to clean her body. Cleaning? Truly, it’s far more than cleaning. Kate exhales contentedly, moaning at his soothing touch, moving so slowly and thoroughly over her entire body - her shoulders, her arms, her chest, her tits, her soft stomach, her hips, her legs…
“Mmmm, that feels like heaven,” she sighs out. “Your hands feel so good on me, Sebastian…” She inhales deeply as he massages her arse cheeks.
“I aim to please.” He grins, his eyes filled with desire. “Now, spread your legs a bit wider for me, my sun.”
He kneels down, positioning himself between her spread thighs. With slow deliberation, he licks her inner thighs teasingly, trailing kisses along her sensitive flesh before reaching her pussy. He uses his tongue to swirl around her clit, finding her delightfully wet and ready.
“S-Sebastian!” she exclaims in surprise, her voice breaking. She begins to tremble. “I… I don’t know that I can stand on m-my own if you… d-do that to me right now…” He doesn’t stop. “Gods, gods… Oh, ffffuuuuckkkkk,” she groans as he pushes two fingers inside of her, pumping.
“That’s it, love,” he praises, his lips against her cunt. His tongue continues its relentless assault on her sensitive bud while his fingers move in tandem.
In response to his ministrations, Kate’s upper body twitches, her orgasm building rapidly. Her moans turn into high-pitched whines of pleasure. “Seb… please… I don’t… want to… to come… without you…”
He groans in response. His voice is deep and husky, his fingers working faster. “I… alright… K-Kate… I…” he can’t quite finish his sentence.
A moment later, his brain reawakens. Sebastian lifts her up, pushing her back up against the shower wall, resting her thighs over his. He grasps her arse and kisses her intensely. His long and thick cock steadily pushes into her, deeper and deeper, claiming her once again. Her legs desperately wrap around his waist.
Their cries of pleasure fill the bathroom as they begin to rock their hips in sync, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony. He thrusts up into her over and over, pushing her harder into the wall. Eventually, he becomes the one fully in control, moving so fast that all Kate can do is bounce on him, her breasts jiggling. She shrieks into his mouth as his lips claim hers, his cock driving even further into her pussy.
“Tell me… tell me how good it feels to have me inside of you,” he demands between heavy breaths. “Tell me how much you want this.” He picks up the pace, his dick hitting her g-spot relentlessly.
Kate cries out. “Mmmmm…. S-Seb… nnngggh… oh… oh! … nnnn….” She is mindless, unable to string words together. “S-sooooo good… So m-much!!!”
“Fuck, Kate,” he groans. “You’re so sexy.”
Sebastian’s thrusts become almost brutal; each powerful stroke drives him deeper into Kate’s core, causing her to cry out in pleasure. She claws at his shoulder blades as she begins to come, absolutely shrieking. “Seb-Sebastian! I’m- I’m- oh!”
He becomes frantic as her body trembles around his cock. This is something out of his dreams, and though he feels like he could explode at any moment, he isn’t about to let it end so quickly. He allows her to ride out her climax, but as soon as he feels her even begin to relax, he pulls out and lowers her to the floor.
“Turn around,” he growls, his voice filled with lust.
Kate immediately obeys, her face completely flushed, her chest heaving. Sebastian uses wandless magic to levitate her body a few inches higher, taking her off-guard. She scrambles to right herself, but immediately, her thighs are opened, and she is pushed into the shower wall, her face, hands, and breasts straining against the foggy glass. She cries out as he lines up his cock; with a thick grunt, he plunges into her cunt again in one smooth movement.
“Oh, yes… that’s my good girl,” he praises in a tone dripping with seduction. “Hold yourself up against the wall… just like that.”
Sebastian’s thrusts, brutal yet precise, begin without hesitation. His hands grip her hips tightly, holding her in place as he pounds into her. The sound of skin slapping against skin and their heavy breathing fill the bathroom, an erotic symphony of passion. Their ecstasy is only enhanced by the warm sensation of the streaming water.
“Seb… Seb… I can’t! I… I can’t… hold on much longer…” Kate groans, her breathing labored. “I love this… I love… you…” Her hand, splayed out against the glass wall, begins to slip down as he slams into her. “Seb… are you close?”
“Not yet, Kate,” he growls, his voice deep. “You’re mine now, and I’m not finished with you yet.”
His thrusts become even more forceful in the minutes that follow, driving deeper into her tight channel and pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Kate wails, her inner walls closing around his dick. She is trying so hard to hold on and knows she is going to fail. She doesn’t even have footing - he is completely in control.
“Please! Oh, Seb… p-please…” she moans, whimpering with every rough stroke. “Please! P-Please…. Let me come!”
“You’ve been so good for me, Kate.” Sebastian’s voice is thick with lust. “Fine - I’ll reward you. Go ahead. Let go.”
With another of his powerful thrusts, she cries out, sent over the edge. Her body convulses around him; he follows quickly, leaning further down to press his body against her back and grab her breasts as he loses control. Sebastian’s seed shoots deep within her in spurts until he is completely milked dry. Breathing heavily, he pulls out of her, a rope of cum trailing between them. His eyes are filled with satisfaction as he gazes down at her plump arse and her pussy dripping with his thick white seed. Still suspended in the air, Kate pants for a long while.
His tone low and husky, he murmurs possessively, “You’re mine now, Kate. All mine.”
A moment later, the levitation spell suspends, and Kate slides down the wall. Sebastian reaches out to help her stand as she lands on her feet with a soft thud.
“Are… are you alright?” he asks, gentle now, concern suddenly etched on his features.
Kate turns to face him, her face completely red. “I’m… more than alright. Seb… I… I don’t even know what to say.” Her body is shaking, and she tries to steady herself by putting her hands on his hips. She meets his gaze with doe eyes. “Sebastian… I am yours. It’s true. I need you, my moon. You’re… gods, Seb… you’re everything to me.” She raises a hand to caress his cheek.
“And I’m yours, Kate,” he says softly, reaching up to cup her hand against his cheek. “Forever and always.” He moves closer, capturing her lips in a tender kiss.
“Forever,” she echoes quietly, smiling and nodding as he embraces her tightly under the stream of warm water, steam rising all around them.
After they have finished cleaning up, they carefully step out of the shower and use fluffy, soft towels to dry off. Sebastian realizes too late that he has forgotten a razor. He combs his hair, styling it as best as he can without his usual products. He leaves the bathroom to put on clothing, leaving Kate to clean and moisturize her face, use scented oils on her legs, and dry her hair. She leaves it down, letting it flow freely down her back.
Once they are both dressed in fresh clothes, they sit on the edge of the bed, holding hands. Sebastian looks at Kate, his eyes filled with adoration and love. “So, what now?” he asks, a playful glint in his eyes.
“Anything we want, Sebastian. Anything.” She leans in to kiss him, then pulls back and blushes. “Just… I’m sorry, but no more sex. I’m… well, honestly, I’m sore…” She chuckles softly. “Merlin, Seb, it’s a good thing you take the men’s contraceptive potion. I know it isn’t as effective as women’s potions, but… it’s better than nothing for now. I won’t be able to start mine until after I have had my female courses this month. We… well, we had better hope yours is working.” She smiles faintly.
“Don’t worry, love,” he reassures her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. “The potion is effective enough.” He stands and pulls her to her feet. In a hushed, low voice, he asks, “But… would it be such a bad thing if it wasn’t effective?”
Kate’s eyes go wide. “Sebastian!” She doesn’t even know what else to say to that.
“Just thinking out loud,” he says nonchalantly, smiling and trying to brush off his comment. “This weekend has been filled with the best sex of my entire life.” He winks.
“I just… erm… I worry that if we continue like this… like we have been this weekend…” she trails off, biting her lip. “Well, I just need to get on a potion as soon as I can. Two weeks. Just two more weeks and I can start it. I…” She begins but ultimately decides to say nothing more.
“I completely understand,” Sebastian replies, caressing her cheek. “We’ll figure this out together, okay? Just promise me one thing - that you’ll never hesitate to tell me if something is bothering you, yeah?” he asks sincerely. “We’re in this together, and I want us to be honest with each other about everything.” He reaches out to brush a loose strand of hair from her face. “I love you, Kate.”
“I love you, too, Sebastian. Yes, I promise,” she responds, looking into his eyes. She pulls him close and embraces him tightly, resting her head against his chest. Listening to his heartbeat, she closes her eyes and savors the feeling.
“That’s my girl,” he says, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. He presses a soft kiss to the top of her head, enjoying the warmth of her body against his.
The day had been as pleasant as Kate could have imagined. They had spent time reading together on the loveseat, listening to music from her gramophone, and conversing over a lunch of roast beef sandwiches, baked potatoes, and a simple dessert of strawberries and cream. Sebastian had even agreed to help with her Sunday chores in exchange for more time together.
As the sun begins its descent, Sebastian and Kate stand in the entryway.
“I truly don’t want to say goodbye,” Kate murmurs, looking up into Sebastian’s eyes. It’s the truth. She would have him stay in her cottage forever, given the choice.
“Me neither,” Sebastian replies, his arm resting on the wall over her.
“I just don’t know that I could possibly get myself out of bed tomorrow morning if you’re in it,” she explains. “I wish I didn’t have work. I know it’s just one more week. But now it’s torture, especially since I won’t see you in the evenings either.”
“I couldn’t stay if I wanted to, anyway. I’ll be in the field the next two days.” He frowns. “I never know when I will be home for the night. I wouldn’t want you to be up all hours waiting for me. There’s always the possibility I don’t make it home to my own bed when I have an assignment like this.” His look seems distant. “Kate… My job can be violent. Some nights, I come home battered, bloody, in need of emotional rest. I wouldn’t want to frighten you.”
“I can take care of you, Sebastian,” Kate whispers. “I can handle it. You don’t have to avoid me because you are worried about my sensitivities. I can bandage wounds and brew healing potions if necessary - anything you need, I’ll do.”
His voice is quiet. “You don’t understand yet. I don’t want you to see me like that. I play a part, my love. When I’m in the field, I’m one of them - I am a Kelpie. Even letting my guard down slightly is dangerous. Sometimes I come back to an inn and go to sleep as a gang member - not as the Sebastian Sallow you know.”
Kate doesn’t respond immediately, but eventually, she says, “You’re not a Kelpie. I’ll never believe you are one of them.” She pauses, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Merlin… We need to get you out of this situation if it is as bad as you say. I need you, my moon. I need you to be safe and completely free. You’ve done enough. You’ve atoned enough.”
“I’ll never be free until they’re destroyed,” Sebastian quickly replies, shaking his head. “It’s more complex than you could comprehend. It’s taken more than a year, but I’m getting close to a potential solution… However, there is no guarantee it will work. No guarantee I’ll bring them down… no guarantee I’ll surv-” He stops himself mid-word, his eyes going wide. “No. I didn’t mean to say that. I don’t want you to worry. Remember, I know how to take care of myself, sweetheart.” He pauses, gazing into her eyes. “I’ve survived so much already in the past decade. And now that I have you, I have so much to live for, to look forward to. Taking me down wouldn’t be easy for any of them. I wouldn’t go down without it being the duel of a lifetime.”
Millions of thoughts run through Kate’s mind - all of them riddled with anxiety. She knows she must push them down, so she forces herself to. “When can I see you again?”
“Wednesday evening, provided there are no surprises in the field over the next couple of days,” he tells her. “If I’m not here, it’s because of work - because I absolutely could not be here. I swear I’ll do everything in my power to be with you that night.” Sebastian runs his hand through her hair. “Gods, I’ll miss you until then. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” Kate replies. “I’ll think of you every moment of every day. I will be counting down until the minute I can see you again, Bash.”
He leans down, pressing his lips to hers. They kiss slowly, tenderly, his hand on her cheek.
“Promise me,” she whispers in his ear. “Promise me you’ll come back to me.”
He pulls her into him, holding her tight. “I promise. I promise, sunshine. Love of my life.”
Kate’s heart aches as he steps back and places his hand on the doorknob. Of course she knows she will see him again, but now, even the thought of two days without his touch, his presence, his laughter is utter misery.
Sebastian stares at Kate for a long moment before opening the door. She follows behind a couple of steps as he exits her cottage.
He chuckles quietly. “I really don’t want to leave you. I honestly think you may need to go back inside, princess. I might not be able to focus on apparition otherwise.”
Kate nods, looking down and smiling faintly. “I understand. I don’t want to make this any harder. I love you, Sebastian. Be safe. We’ll see each other soon.”
“We will,” he echoes with a similar expression on his face. “I love you, my sun.”
Going against every instinct in her body and mind, she backs up and closes the door, walking straight towards the kitchen without looking back.
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quordleona03 · 2 years
Social class of M*A*S*H surgeons I got the idea from reading this interesting post by @majorbaby about Frank Burns. My reference was 8.3 Social Class in the United States
Charles Emerson Winchester III is upper-class his family has money and social position. He would certainly like you to think that his family is upper-upper class all the way back, and perhaps that's even true.
"Members of the upper-upper class have “old” money that has been in their families for generations; some boast of their ancestors coming over on the Mayflower. They belong to exclusive clubs and live in exclusive neighborhoods; have their names in the Social Register; send their children to expensive private schools; serve on the boards of museums, corporations, and major charities; and exert much influence on the political process and other areas of life from behind the scenes." B. J. Hunnicutt is upper-middle class. He went to Stanford: he was past of an exclusive fraternity, which Frank Burns comments on. He and Peg may be having cash-flow problems, but they're on the lines of "how do we pay for the second mortgage" not "how do we pay the rent". "People in the upper-middle class typically have college and, very often, graduate or professional degrees; live in the suburbs or in fairly expensive urban areas; and are bankers, lawyers, engineers, corporate managers, and financial advisers, among other occupations."
We don't get enough clues from the six appearances of Oliver Harmon Jones what social class he was supposed to be before institutional racism cut him from the series. Henry Blake - insufficient clues about background, but certainly comfortably upper-middle class when drafted. Frank Burns wants to be upper class and is origins are probably lower-middle class - he wasn't allowed into the exclusive fraternity that BJ Hunnicutt joined. "Members of the lower-upper class have “new” money acquired through hard work, lucky investments, and/or athletic prowess. In many ways their lives are similar to those of their old-money counterparts, but they do not enjoy the prestige that old money brings." John McIntyre and Hawkeye Pierce both look like scholarship students to me - McIntyre's accent places him on the South side of Boston, and Pierce's father, though a doctor, probably acquired that training the old-fashioned way, not by eight years of medical school. I place both families as lower-middle class. "The lower-middle class has household incomes from about $50,000 to $74,999, amounting to about 18% of all families. People in this income bracket typically work in white-collar jobs as nurses, teachers, and the like. Many have college degrees, usually from the less prestigious colleges, but many also have 2-year degrees or only a high school degree. They live somewhat comfortable lives but can hardly afford to go on expensive vacations or buy expensive cars and can send their children to expensive colleges only if they receive significant financial aid." Sherman Potter was a farm kid. He joined the cavalry in WWI because he could ride, and though I don't know they've ever mentioned Potter's rank in WWI, I get the impression he was an enlisted man, not an officer. He went to college to train as a surgeon as a military officer. His son-in-law is a salesman. His family may have been land rich before the Great Depression, and lost that land in bank foreclosures. That would put him in working-class origins - if so, the only other officer at the 4077th who had a working-class background is Father Mulcahy, which may explain why they get on so well.
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!!Human Name HC’s for the states!! (Don’t question the last names nor the fact that only some have middle names cuz i will not hesitate to throw the chancla, I am a professional 🤠🩴✨)
Alabama: Alan Johnson (Nickname: Al)
Alaska: Ivan Morozov (Nickname: None)
Arizona: Alejandro Desilva (Nickname: Ali, Ro)
Arkansas: John Merryweather (Nickname: Johnny)
California: Calvin Solester (Nickname: Cal, Calv)
Colorado: Colton Fournier (Nickname: Col, Colt)
Connecticut: Connie Laurel Kirkland (Nickname: None)
Delaware: Darrel O’Connor (Nickname: None)
Florida: Flynn Martinez (Nickname: None)
Georgia: George Casey (Nickname: Georgie, Geo)
Hawaii: Aolani Kekoa (Nickname: Lani, tho only Alaska can call her this-)
Idaho: Ian Ryder (Nickname: None)
Illinois: Isaac Williams (Nickname: None)
Indiana: Indiana Jones :3 (Nickname: Indi, Diana)
Iowa: Michael Sawyer (Nickname: Mike, Mikey)
Kansas: Kayden Tarrel (Nickname: Kay, Kaydee)
Kentucky: Ken Davidson (Nickname: Kenny)
Louisiana: Louis Beaumont (Nickname: Lou, and his first name is pronounced Loui)
Maine: Mac Barkley (Nickname: None)
Maryland: Merri (yes we must be fancy-) Smith (Nickname: None)
Massachusetts: Matthew Mayflower Kirkland (Nickname: Matt, and Mattie which was given to him by NY)
Michigan: Omar Johansson (Nickname: None.)
Minnesota: Marley Dickinson (Nickname: Mar)
Mississippi: Morgan Mackentire (Nickname: None)
Missouri: Max Haroldson (Nickname: None)
Montana: Monty Lambert (Nickname: None)
Nebraska: Nicholas Elsher (Nickname: Nick)
Nevada: Nathan Hansley (Nickname: Nate)
New Hampshire: Niles Barkley (Nickname: None)
New Jersey: Vincent Kirkland (Nickname: Vin, Vinny which was also given to him by NY 🥺)
New Mexico: Stephen Sanchez (Nickname: None)
New York: Micah Rosales Kirkland (Nickname: None)
North Carolina: Nigel Hudson (Nickname: None)
North Dakota: Noah Lopez (Nickname: None)
Ohio: Buck Foxworthy (Nickname: Bucky. If you call him this, he might kill you so maybe just don’t-)
Oklahoma: Kai Campbell (Nickname: None)
Oregon: Owen Mire (Nickname: None)
Pennsylvania: Adam Jones (Nickname: None)
Rhode Island: Rhodey Nelson (Nickname: None)
South Carolina: Sebastian Hudson (Nickname: None)
South Dakota: Scott Lopez (Nickname: Scotty and only ND and his s/o can call him this. Anybody else will be dropped in the road during Sturgis.)
Tennessee: Sam Maxwell (Nickname: Sammy)
Texas: Terrence Morales (Nickname: Ter, Terry)
Utah: Peter Rickinson (Nickname: None)
Vermont: Malcolm Barkley (Nickname: Mal)
Virginia: Virginia Adams (Nickname: Ginny)
Washington: Whyatt Wesley (Nickname: None)
West Virginia: Wilson Adams (Nickname: Will, Willy)
Wisconsin: William Anderson (Nickname: Will, Willy. Him and WV get confused sometimes.)
Wyoming: Taylor Beckett (Nickname: Tay, Tay-Tay don’t call him this. Florida almost died.)
Gov: Eli (Ee-li) Jones (Nickname: None)
IDC: Elizabeth Jones (Nickname: Lizzy, Liz)
CDC: Drew Lynch (Cuz that’s who plays him and I’m lazy af)
FINALLYYYYYY!! This took too damn long 😭😭😭
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tricornonthecob · 10 months
Or maybe all the tea I drank
LK 122: Heaven is a Place in Versailles
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pfffffft all the way to South Cackilacky, that's somehow worse than the Mayflower getting blown all the way to fucking Mass.
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lololololololol Cackilacky would open fire.
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Wow they went from Stan Your Ground to Bring This Man Around Town.
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aww shit road triiiip
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lol I bet Congress is absolutely sauced rn.
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nice save there, Sarah, your patriot was almost showing.
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...Henri that would defeat the purpose of why he went and bought himself a fucking boat.
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"Live in your mansion." Henri you are simping so hard how long has it been since you've been around a Frenchman? Surely there are Quebecois that come visit Philadelphia.
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I see, Henri just wants that drip.
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"...Well ok then."
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"everything I have" aren't you boat-poor, Laf?
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Sarah's not *super* thrilled she got voluntold to be the transcriber, but she doesn't mind all that much.
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Congress: "without pay???? Say no more, fam."
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"People who can afford to be defrauded of their labor!"
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oooh yeah. Those delegates are sauced.
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the only person here to properly pronounce marquis.
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Major-General jesus fucking christ they fucking *are* sauced.
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Pondering the Gourd.
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Moses, let a girl ponder a gourd and a selection of Purple in peace.
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Not to interrupt this very important dialogue but I wonder how long it took the studio to get halfway decent at drawing cocked hats, they are a BIIIITCH, also is that a fucking machete they're using to cut that cheese wheel.
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is a ham transition a hamsition.
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Okay I am actually curious wtf is this.
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Gettin a taste of that Pilly nightlife, Jober?
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is Lafayette supposed to be short or did James grow a fucking inch gotdamn the great dane/beagle puppy had a growth spurt.
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Okay fangirl, take it down by like one notch.
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violetsvisions77 · 2 months
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The Return
What has it been, like 15 years since I’ve last posted on Tumblr AND painted!?
I can’t say I know this platform that much anymore, and I’m due for a refresh (or crash course, all them veteran Tumblrers share your wisdom to fill me in if I’ve missed much).
Ngl. Writing this makes me feel old, I’m 34 by the way (since we’re doing introductions now?). I guess that is old in internet years. I know the zoomers think I’m a living relic, anyway.
Hey I survived Y2K, Ebola and really traumatically cruel 90’s Christian school teachers (IYKYK)
Where have I been these last 15 years?
Other than opening and then closing a business during the pandemic and nursing that wound, I think my last profile/posts (that no longer exist, hopefully) involved my broken engagement, that then turned into a bro-code breaking wet dream dating the best friend for 5 more years, that I’m still getting therapy for today. Love
Yeah. Love the whimsy of betrayal, lies and dudes manipulating naive hopeless romantic girls, who desperately needed confidence way more dick.
Oh… welcome to my tumblr 🥴😉
You’ll see a lot of rage-induced, ADHD fueled ramblings here with lots of other colorful sprinklings catapulted into the mix (y’know, kinda how the name Technicolor Ramblings implies). Not colorful how you think tho. Literally I’m an indigenous hairdresser and artist: Tater-baters and red hat brigaders leave wake (in fact take that lil Mayflower ass back on that sailing the ocean blue bullshit outta here and hope the killer whales getchu along the way too)
Anyway. Where were we?
Oh yeah, my hummingbird painting. Because like, that’s here so let’s talk about that instead of your daily dose of post-pandemic rantings and landback diatribes…
Right, so, this painting that’s not finished yet. It’s a Walela (Hummingbird in Cherokee. Yes I’m Tsalagi). The flowers all have meaning I’ll speak of later, but in short my life, more or less, has been saved by birds. My body has tried to kill me so many times, but picking up the simple hobby (should be something we all do, btw) of feeding birds and nectar-feeders has honestly saved my life and refocused my depresso messo of a fucked up mind.
My ancestors reminded me that I was here to be a steward. I have gifts. Feeding the birds and punishing the squirrels with spicy bird feed when they knock my cardinals off the feeder was my path in life (fr can we talk about what antagonistic little bitches squirrels can be?) Just joking… I’m indigenous, I love all animals and those lil fuckers do make me chuckle from time to time…
Lmao, okay okay, back to my sad sap story-turned influencer Tedtalk blog:
(Fr tho) I almost forgot myself, but the birds reminded me. I’m compassionate, I’m vibrant, I’m a work of art. I’m also crazy- like legit can’t keep my train of thought worth of shit, whatever the hell that means… (for laymen’s terms; I’m a bird brain)… but I’m me. An air sign, and an observer of nature, an indigenous woman who hails from descendants of Anitsiskwa (bird clan). Birds show me who I am. Weird little shits, but beautiful and so very valuable to our ecosystem. Each have their unique call(ing), colors, and purpose in this world.
And to be real, we waste so much of our own air chasing ideas of ourselves that’s based off others. We spoil so much of our own magic when we don’t love ourselves enough to foster the gifts we were given, that is MEANT to be shared
Magic. Yeah, Harry ain’t the only wizard here.
We each have our own rizz, y’all.
Mine is to feel, create and share, like many artists. That’s why it’s a blessing I can paint this Walela after a 15 year art hiatus. It’s my gift to share from the magic I contain.
Our experiences are meant to be the wisdom we learn from.
Our experiences were meant to heal.
And the experiences we foster into gifts of wisdom and art, are how we heal ourselves and others. It’s all tied together.
I feel like I haven’t always been good at that, using my experiences and turning into gifts to share. But with enough conviction, life is about second and third chances. So… with limited resources from our broken bird brain, we’re off into the races, my friends. I’m here to find, foster and share my colorful, weird and flighty magic again.
So without further ado as the Tumblr curtains open once again: I hope, if you done did the stumbler upon my Tumblr, you enjoy my own personal magic ✨
(It’s batshit crazy)
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1074: Our Green Bean Plumber (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
8:45 a.m. at Smash Mansion: Luigi and Daisy's Bedroom........
Luigi: (Groans as He Slowly Starts to Open his Eyes and Wake Himself Up) Mama Mia.....Where....am I?...
????: Morning, Sweetie~
Luigi: (Turns to See a Very Familiar Face Laying Next to Him on.the Bed) D-Daisy? (Starts Rubbing his Eyes) Is that really you?
Daisy: (Smiles Softly) The one and only. We're finally back home in our bed.
??????: And a good thing too.
Luigi turns to see Samus and Chun-Li sitting on the other side with Chun-Li happily waving at him.
Samus: (Smirks a Bit Playfully While LettingOut a Chuckle or Two) You were so fucking hammered last night.
Luigi: (Sighs While Laying Up on the Bed and Scratching Behind his Head) Well, that explains the massive headache.....I wasn't too much of a hassle to take care of, was I?
Samus: Nah. You were just vibing and having a good time for the most part
Chun-Li: As the cutest drunk ever~
Daisy: Right?~ (Playfully But Gently Pinches Luigi's Cheek) You were so cute and adorable that I could just eat you right up!~ (Gives Luigi a Kiss on the Other Cheek)
Luigi: (Giggles a Bit Ticklishly) Daisy~ Come on- (Suddenly Gasps at a Black Circle Around one of His Girlfriend's Eyes) D-Daisy, is that-
Daisy: A black eye? Yup, the one and only. (Gently Places her Hands on Both of Luigi's Cheeks) And before you say anything, please don't blame yourself for this. What happened last night was all on me and me alone, okay?
Luigi: Okay. B-But how you did managed get yourself hurt in the first place?
Daisy: (Starts Rubbing The Back of Her Head Back and Forth) Wellllll.........
Flashback to Last Night at the Karaoke Bar........
Luigi: (Drunkenly Sings on Stage) FlY me to DA MOoN n LeT me PLayyy aMong the StARsssss
Daisy: (Places her Hands onto her Chest and Sighs at her Boyfriend On Stage) He sounds just like an angel~
Samus: (Snickers a Bit) Yeah. An drunken angel.
Chun-Li: Has he always get drunk so easily?
Samus: Yeah, our poor green bean over there is a bit of a lightweight when it comes to drinking.
Daisy: (Turns to the Couple) But he gets even more cuter than he usual does though!~ Like, this one time, he went to Tifa's bar with her, Cloud and Dedede and he has gotten so wasted that he came back to the mansion and had De playing the acoustic guitar as he sings how much he loves me before he passed out sleeping, saying my name over and over.
Chun-Li: (Giggles Softly) Awwww~ That's so adorable and funny~
Daisy: Right!?~ I love that man so much I just- (Looks Up at the Ceiling Before Letting Out a Scream) ('UGGGGGH') (Places her Hands on Cheeks her Happily Twists her Head Side to Side) I can't!~
Samus: Calm down, Mayflower. It ain't that serious.
Daisy: (Immediately Glares at Samus) S-Sammy! (Starts Whispering) Ixnay on the last name....
Chun-Li: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Mayflower is your last name?
Daisy: No-
Samus: Yes. Yes it is.
Daisy: (Grumbles as She Goes Back to Glaring at Samus)
Samus: Oh quit giving me that look. Everyone else in the mansion knows that already.
Daisy: Which they SHOULDN'T!
Chun-Li: (Smiles Softly at Daisy) I think your nickname sounds nice to say.
Daisy: (Sighs Before Smiling Back at Chun-Li) Thanks, Chuns. You're sweet. Unlike your girlfriend over here.
Samus: Oh come on. I wasn't planning on making fun of you over it. At least not yet anyways....
Daisy: (Groans While Rolling her Eyes) Whatever. Just remind me to pummel Dedede whenever I see him next time, okay?
Samus: (Shrugs) Fine by me.
????: Ohhhh brother! This plumber FUCKING STINKS!
Daisy: (Immediately Gets Up From her Seat, Slams her Table and Glares at the Heckler Behind her) ('SLAM') WHO SAID THAT!?
????: (Raises her Hand Nonchalantly) Uh. Right here, Little Miss Mayflower.
Daisy: (Starts Growling in Anger)
Chun-Li: (Facepalms Herself at a Familiar Looking Woman with a Dark Purple Dress and Long Hair) Oh God. Not you again.....
Samus: You know this girl, babe?
Chun-Li: (Turns to her Girlfriend) Remember when I told you there was this woman who started poking fun at me for being old at the café earlier, the same one I also told you that I have history with in the past?
Samus: Yeah.
Chun-Li: Well, that, believe it or not, is woman I was referring to: Juri Han.
Juri: (Grins Mischievous at Chun-Li) What's happening, grandma! (Gets Up From her Table and Makes her Way to the Trio) Trying to relive your youth here tonight?~
Chun-Li: (Glares at Juri) We're having ourselves our first double date for the evening, thank you.
Juri: (Starts Snickering) Really? Who would ever date your old ass?
Samus: (Glares at Juri as Well) Me. And unless you wanna know what plasma feels like, I suggest you keep your mouth, twerp.
Luigi: (Angrily and (Dizzily) Points at Juri in the Distance With the Microphone in his Hand) YEah! YoU leAvE ChuN-Li aLONE, you ('Hic') BULLY!
Juri: Oh God. He's wasted.
Luigi: Yeah. I'm wasted. And YOU lAdy are ('Hic') VeRy MeAN!!
Juri: (Rolls her Eyes) Gee, what gave that observation away, genius?
Luigi: YoUr FACE!
Juri: ..............I mean....(Shrugs) Okay?
Luigi: No, It's Okiee-DokIE, ThAnk yOu VEry muCh! (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Now, where was I.....Oh YeAh! (Points at Juri Again) SToP being MeAn to my FriEnd CHun-Li! SHe's the preTtieSt, STroNgEst ('hic') WOman in the Whoooole WidE WoRLd and she should be ('hic') TReaTed as SuCh!!
Chun-Li's begins starts to melt by Luigi's as she happily place her hands on her chest while blushing.
Luigi: AnD SaMMy is DEFINITELY NoT the one to mEss with EiTheR! ShE's an AsS-kiCkiNG BOunTy HunTeEr who ('hic') blEw up like GaZILLION planets without tUrninG bAck ONCE!
Samus: Not the exact number of planets I've destroyed. (Smiles Brightly at Luigi While Blushing) But thanks, Weeg!~ You're actually making me blush right now.
Luigi: AnD Don'T yoU ('hic') DARE starT and mAkE fun oF mY priNcEss too! SHe's stroNG, BeaUtiFul, and TrEats me VeRY niCeLy OvEr the YeaRs and I loVe her a....(Spreads his Arms Open) WhoooooooLe much!~
Crowd: Awwwwwwww!~
Daisy: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as She Smiles Tearfully at her Man on Stage) I love you a whole lot too, Sweetie!~
Juri: (Scoffs While Rolling her Eyes Again) Of course he would fall for a second rate princess like you.
'Record Scratch'
Daisy: (Eyes Widened in Anger as She Slowly Turns her Head Back Towards Juri) I beg your pardon.
Juri: Are you deaf? You. Are. A. Second-Rate. Princess. And a pretty obnoxious one too. Like, the dumb blonde bimbo isn't any better, but at least she's a lot more popular than you ever was. Not even Bowser could be bothered to try and kidnap you.
Daisy: That's because I slapped his fatass across the moon once, what's your point!?
Juri: Look, I'm stating the facts here. (Walks Closer to Daisy) You're not shit, you're never gonna amount to shit, and the fact that you're dating that Player 2 loser over there-
Luigi: Heyyyyyyyyyyy!
Juri: -proves my point perfectly. (Flicks Daisy's Forehead With a Smug Look on her Face)
One of Daisy's eyes begins to twitch for a few seconds she decides to take a quick deep breath to calm herself down.
Daisy: So, that's what I am to you: A second rate princess.
Juri: I didn't stutter, did I?
Daisy: No, no. You didn't. But I do have a question for you though.
Juri: Which is......
Daisy: Can a Second Rate Princess do this!?
Without warning, Daisy delivers a right hook across Juri's jaw much to her and almost everyone in the bar's surprise.
Juri: (Places her Hand on her Cheek as She Winces in Brief Pain) Ah what the fuc-
Daisy let's out a battle cry roar before tackling Juri down to the ground pulverizing her in the process.
The crowd then rushes towards the two girls as they start chanting "Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight"
Samus: (Watches the Fight Unfold in Front of her and Chun-Li) Wellllll, that happened, surprise-surprise.
Chun-Li: Yeah, but it's nice to see Juri get taken down a peg for once.
Samus: Agreed. (Sighs While Stretching her Arms) Welp, I'm gonna try and stop our flower girl before this fight escalates even further. You mind getting Weeg off stage so we can hopefully get out of here together?
Chun-Li: (Simply Nodded) Not at all. (Makes her Way to the Stage) Weegie, it's time for us to go now.
Luigi: Do wE ('Hic') have to leave NoW? The figHt just GoT startEd.(Turns Back to the Crowd as He Cheers Daisy on) KiCk her aSs, sWeetiE! Go foR the EYeS!!
Daisy: (In the Distance) On it, honey!!
Juri: ('ARGH') You BITCH!
Chun-Li: (Simply Nodded) I'm afraid so. You can barely stand normally right now.
Luigi: Oh PlEase! I ('Hic') can stand on my own ('Hic') (Starts Getting Dizzier) just F-FinE....
Luigi's about to trip down to the ground before Chun-Li swooping and catches him in her arms woth ease.
Chun-Li: I gotcha! Are you okay?
Luigi: YaYyyyyy!!~ (Reach his Hands Up in the Sky) YoU sAaaaaaved me!~ (Happily (And Drunkenly) Hugs Chun-Li) My hErO~
Chun-Li: (Giggles Softly) Awww~ There's no need to thank me, dear. Just making sure you're okay is all. Now come on. Let's get the girls and blow this popsicle stand.
Luigi: I like popsicles. Have yoU ('Hic') ever tried SeAsaLt IcE CrEam before?
Chun-Li: (Starts Walking Off the Stage With Luigi in her Arms) Why no I haven't. You guys should treat me to one sometime.
Juri: (In the Distance) I'LL HAVE MY REVENGEEEEE!
End of Flashback
Chun-Li: Then after that, you sung yourself to once we head back to the mansion and got you into bed.
Samus: And now we're currently banned from ever setting foot on that bar for a while.
Luigi: (Frowns a Bit Sadly) Aww....I like singing in there.
Daisy: (Gently Rubs the Top of Luigi's Head) I know you do, sweetie. But there's many other clubs around to go to besides that one, so it's not the end of the world completely.
Luigi: ('Sigh') Yeah, you're right about that. (Smiles Softly) I still had a great time with you girls. (Blushes While Scratching his Cheek a Little) Despite....me getting myself wasted and everything.....
Chun-Li: (Smiles Brightly at her New Friend) We had a great time with you too, Weegie. And thank you so much for making my birthday this year, the most memorable yet. (Leans Over and Kiss Luigi's Forehead)
Samus: (Place a Hand on Luigi's Shoulder With a Smile of her Own) We know we kept telling you this a million times by now, but we really do love you to pieces, Luigi, drunk or not.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) Thanks, Sammy. I love you guys too.
Daisy: Group Hugs!~
The ladies and Luigi happily huddle in for theor group hug for the morning.
Tifa: (Happily Knocks the Door) Knock knock!~ Company's here~
Cloud: (Holds a Tray a Breakfast in his Hands as He Walks in Behind Tifa Along with King Dedede) With breakfast.
Dedede: And a whole ton of entertainment! (Picks Up the Remote From a Nearby Dresser and Turns on the Room's Television) On y'all's TV.
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly at the Trio) Good morning, you guys!
Daisy: Perfect timing! (Chucks a Pillow at Dedede)
Dedede: Girl, what the hell!?
Daisy: (Glares at the Former King) THAT'S for making my last name go public, fatso!
Dedede: (Glares Back at Daisy) How many times I gotta tell ya, girlie, I ain't fat! I'm big bo- ('BAP') (Gets Hit by Another Pillow)
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cyberaxolotl · 1 year
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The Snaktooth Island Disappearances: Chapter 1
Warnings: Major character death, horror, non-explicit death, references to s^lf harm
AO3 Alternative
“The following documents are classified.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] writing for [\£?%], reporting on the recent tragedy and semi-mass disappearance of several grumpuses. An expedition was hosted years ago to Snaktooth Island, a small land off of the coast of North Mayflowers, which seems to have been part of a small archipelago. A team of twelve grumpuses lead by Elizabert Megafig left in June of 1967, and journalist “Scarla Echoyear” from GNN was sent in August of 1968 to interview Megafig and learn more about the island and the expedition team. The journalist was scheduled to return from the island 13 months after they had left; it is now December of 1970 and nobody has heard word from Echoyear nor of the expedition team. Workers were sent to Snaktooth Island to perform a welfare check on Echoyear and return them to the mainland, only to find that not only have they disappeared, but every member of the expedition team has. Detectives and investigators are currently taking routine trips to the island to investigate the mysterious disappearances of all thirteen grumpuses.
Those who disappeared include Scarla Echoyear, Elizabert Megafig herself, her wife Eggabell Batternugget, Filbo Fiddlepie, Shellsy Woolbag, Cromdo Face, Beffica Winklesnoot, married couple Wambus Troubleham and Triffany Lottablog, Gramble Gigglefunny, popstar Wiggle Wigglebottom, Chandlo Funkbun, Snorpington Fizzlebean, and Floofalie Fizzlebean. We are sure that their last whereabouts were on Snaktooth Island, as no boats of any kind have docked here carrying any of the team, and everyone attending the expedition is recorded as having left the mainland three years ago.
Investigators are struggling to find evidence, however, they have found what seems to be a diary of some kind. It is signed as being written by Beffica Winklesnoot, and the handwriting matches her records. The diary has been analyzed by investigators and a selected timeframe of passages has now been passed to me for documentation. All of the following is directly transcribed from the diary unless marked otherwise.”
September 25th 1970
I usually don’t write in my diary this late, or this early I guess, but something grumping strange just happened. I heard someone walking around outside my hut, and when I went to see it, it was just Gramble sleepwalking :o/ I thought it’d be more fun to wake him up than let him walk around doing nothing, but he screamed in my face the second he was up cuz I scared him so hard. I was bugging him while he went back to the barn, and then we saw it; I don’t even know how to describe it!! There was a THING there, it looked like a grumpus, but it wasn’t! It was MADE of bugsnax, more than anyone who was snakified or anything. When we saw it, we both just froze, until it fell apart and ran away- then I shrieked. Woke the whole town up. When we explained it, they didn’t rlly believe me, but they did believe him. Double standards :o(
Scarla couldn’t even figure out what it was after they looked around. Whatever it was, I didn’t like it; I’m not scared of the dark, but I feel uneasy just looking out my window now. Dunno if I can go back to bed after that, not even sure I feel okay turning off my lantern!!
“We are unsure if this entry is linked to future highlighted ones, however we’ve documented it just for security.”
October 15th 1970
Floofty came back to Snaxburg last night, can’t say I’m upset ;o) just means another snarky grump is back for me to mess with. So long as they don’t cut me open in my sleep for it
Scarla’s been a REALLY good bestie~ they’re helping me snakify my arms all green today, we’re gonna get Chandlo’s secrets outta Snorpy soon! Whatever his baggage is, it has to be REALLY juicy for it to be hidden so well
I'm hoping Scarla gets back with those snax soon. i dunno why, but i think i've been feeling more tired than normal- i'm ALWAYS sleepy at sunset, whenever it’s dark, but i feel like i'm getting more tired earlier. Is it getting darker earlier? I can't tell, but it’s getting colder anyway, so I might just be feeling like hibernating lol~
October 16th 1970
Trying to get Chandlo’s secrets out of Snorpy TOTALLY failed :o( never been more disappointed than this!! I thought I’d get some good JUICY dirt and I got nothing!
Buuuut, even if I failed with Chandlo, I heard Floofty and Triffany talking about something in the research tent. Not sure what, but I heard the words “dark” and “winter” a lot, so i guess they’re talking about all that. then they saw me, oops ;o3
Eggabell came back today. I’m surprised, I didn’t think she’d come back, and even then without Lizbert. I gotta wonder how she’s doing.
October 17th 1970
Okay, something is REALLY up now.
Most of Snaxburg has the same schedule, we wake up when the sun rises, go to bed once it goes down. I think I just naturally don’t get up unless the sun is blazing in my face nowadays, so imagine my surprise when I woke up and it was almost noon! and the sun was barely up!
I asked everyone at the center of town about it and they had done it too. Floofty said it’s because it’s becoming winter, it’s gonna be darker earlier and brighter less, but by this much? I don’t buy it. Gramble’s trying to train a bugsnak like a rooster so that we wake up at the right time, but waking up when it’s dark doesn’t sound like something I wanna do. It’s cold anyway~ so if that means waking up right before noon, so be it
Chandlo and Snorpy are walking around town putting up lantern posts. Not lit yet, and I'm hoping they’re pretty dim, I don’t need a lantern right outside my door all night long.
The sun set today at, like, six pm. Hell if I know what’s going on, but if it’s just winter, I can see myself doing a lot of sleeping.
October 18th 1970
The same thing happened today, the sun didn’t rise until noon. Dunno what’s happening around here :o/ Snaktooth Island is a pretty weird place, but I’ve been here three years, and I NEVER saw this before. Not last winter, at least. Filbo helped Snorpy and Chandlo put oil in all of the lanterns, so we don’t have to stay inside when it’s dark anymore. It’s better than only having a five hour day.
I noticed something today. I looked into the distance, at the rest of the island, and it’s all dark too. Usually I can see the volcano glowing and burning, but I can’t see anything out there when the sun isn't up. And when the sun is down, it’s weird that there aren’t any stars.
Safe to say it’s pretty obvious that nobody in town knows what’s going on. Gramble brought all of his snax into the barn and I barely see him come out when it’s dark, and Snorpy seems hellbent on not leaving the mill at all if the sun isn’t up.
Filbo’s still getting up at the usual time to start the fire, and I realized that he didn’t stop it at all, even when the sun was up. I bet he’s scared of the dark~
“The following passages are written in noticeably messier cursive.”
October 19th 1970
The sun didn’t come up today.
I woke up to Scarla shaking me awake, and I wondered why they were waking me up when it was still dark, but then they showed me their watch- it was the middle of the afternoon.
Everyone in town gathered for a meeting around the fire, which was HUGE. I think Filbo and Chandlo stocked it up higher today, because that thing burned brighter than any of the lanterns.
When we realized what was going on, everyone turned to Triffany, Floofty, and Snorpy. If anyone was going to know what was going on, it was them, wasn’t it? They’re supposed to be the smart ones.
We all ignored Snorpy when he went on a fit about the Grumpinati, figuring the other two would have a better idea, but they DIDN’T. I’ve never seen Floofty more defeated than when they didn’t have an explanation.
I don’t grumping like it at all. The fire was warm, but when I walked away from it to go back home, it was cold. REALLY cold, like freezer cold. It went away when I got back to the lanterns, but I feel like it comes back whenever I look into the darkness too.
I’m not scared of the dark, I never have been. But something’s wrong today.
October 20th 1970
Still no sun. I woke up and saw the fire blazing outside, and I was surprised when I wanted to join everyone and sit around it. Filbo, Wambus, Eggabell, and Chandlo were all around the fire, and when I was awake enough, I joined them.
They were talking about how to give everyone enough light in their huts over the days. The lanterns are hung up all around town, and a few are hanging in the tent, but most of us don’t rlly have more than candles in our huts. I’ve got fairy lights, and the end of my pen glows~
But I’m pretty sure my fairy lights are giving out. Without electricity here, they’re powered by other light hitting them, and there isn’t much of that anymore. And it’s not like the dinky little glow of my pen is gonna do anything.
It had to have been noon when Filbo called everyone to the fire to ask who needed new lanterns or candles. I took a lantern, don’t need an open flame in my hut, but I heard some of the others talking while they were given out. Gramble said something about how the barn was giving him chills now, like it was too big for him, and the darkest corners were huge. Eggabell agreed with him, she said the darkness felt cold, and she couldn’t bear to look at the corners of her and Lizbert’s hut. I didn’t think anyone else felt it.
Floofty and Triffany were talking too. I think they’re trying to figure out what’s causing this, stuff about winter, and prolonged eclipses, or something to do with the bugsnax. But I think whatever’s happening is bigger than the bugsnax, it has to be, doesn’t it? The bugsnax can’t make an entire island black out like this.
Everyone agreed at the end that, even if the dark is scary, it isn’t dangerous. I might not like it, but it��s not like the darkness itself can kill me. Filbo asked if Shelda wanted to stay inside someone’s hut instead of out in her gazebo in case she felt unsafe, but she didn’t want to. Everyone is just staying in their own huts, alone or with their housemate.
October 21st 1970
Another day of darkness. Everyone gathered around the fire today instead of staying in their huts, and it seemed like today was the day Filbo decided to try to keep our spirits high. He kept talking about how he’s sure the sun will come back up again, and we just gotta wait, but I think he knew half of us didn’t buy it. I don’t know what to believe, tbh.
Triffany said that she’s going to start trying to do some research, cuz Floofty gave her some new books for her study. I don’t even know what she COULD research about this, but I'm not rlly a science grump, so I guess I wouldn’t know anything at all.
Gramble said that the bugsnax have been restless today, ever since last night, he said the ones outside have been banging on the door. Didn’t find it amusing when I offered to eat them ;o)
We realized today that we weren’t sure how we’d get bugsnax now if Gramble didn’t give any up. We thought Scarla could go out of town and catch bugsnax nearby, but Filbo didn’t want them to do that, and neither did Eggabell. What else are we gonna do, though? I’m not gonna go out in the dark to steal from Gramble, there’s no lights over the pen. I don’t want them to go out either, but if Scarla doesn’t bring us snax, who will?
I don’t know what decision they came to. Today was a lot of nothing, just half-assed decision making.
October 22nd 1970
We gathered around the fire again today. I think most of us think it’s better than being alone in dark huts, except Snorpy and Gramble, but they’ve always been exceptions.
Apparently Scarla decided to go out and get snax today. No matter what direction I look, I can’t see their lantern anywhere in the distance. I asked everyone why they thought we couldn’t see them, and everyone had a different answer. Triffany and Floofty said the darkness is also part fog, Filbo said they’re up in the mountains, and Wiggle said we’d never be able to see their light from so far away. I guess I believe the scientists the most~
It was an excruciatingly BORING day today. I spent a lot of it listening to everyone else talk on and on about whatever, I almost fell asleep by the fire a couple times, and I probably would’ve if Cromdo’s voice didn’t make me jump every time. I don’t think any of us even know what the time is anytime anymore, we just go to the fire when we wake up, and leave when we’re tired.
“The following page had a page ripped out before it. Searching the writer’s hut, we found several torn pages crumpled under the bed, including the one that fit.”
i had a nightmare that felt too real it was like the sky was falling and the fog was rolling over the stars
i was alone, so alone not even in my hut but on cold stone it felt like scorched gorge but it was so cold i was scared i was so scared
there was nothing but a candle there with me and it felt like nothing the darkness consumed everything that wasn’t the flame it was all i saw and when i looked away something called to me and told me to come to it
it wanted me to leave the light and be part of the darkness
i don’t want to be cold
October 23rd 1970
I was the first one at the fire after Filbo lit it today. He looked surprised when I was the first one to come up behind him, and I actually think I scared him. When it was just the two of us, I felt… Awkward. Maybe it was because it was Filbo, and he expected me to insult him, but I couldn’t today. I didn’t try to talk to him at all, and he didn’t try to either. When Wambus and Triffany got there, he was all over the conversation. When everyone arrived, we all had a question.
Scarla wasn’t back today. It had to have been about 24 hours since they left, and they weren’t back. Filbo was sure they were getting as many snax as possible, so that they could get food for everyone, but can’t they only carry so many? Everyone figured they’d get back soon, if they can get set on fire and not care about it, they can survive this.
Gramble came to the fire today looking more traumatized than usual. None of us got an answer out of him around the fire, but I could tell Wiggle was going to get it out of him given how much he trusts her. They walked off to talk to each other by the barn, and I was just lucky enough to be the one closest to them.
His snax turned to mush. All of them. Every snak, in every enclosure, turned to mush and disappeared.
Does that mean every snak on the island is gone now? Is Scarla out for nothing?
I didn’t tell the others, but it’s been worrying me since I heard it. I don’t want to eat sauce until this is over.
October 24th 1970
Scarla still didn’t come back today.
Wambus is giving out rations of sauce, but it’s hard to make sure everyone gets their preference when most of us like sweet stuff. Though, it was pretty entertaining to watch Triffany drink straight hot sauce without a change of face.
I feel like the lanterns and the fire are starting to give off less light or something. It used to envelop the entire heart of town, but now, it barely escapes all of the seats, and the lanterns don’t really make a path anymore. It’s a lot scarier to go from my hut and back now, I can’t stand being in the dark for even a few seconds.
I kinda wanna ask to hutmate up with someone, but do I really want to? It’d probably be for the best, but then again, who’d wanna room with me lol. I didn’t really listen to todays conversation, I think I got super stuck in my own head
I hope Scarla is back with snax soon.
October 25th
There was no fire today.
I dunno if Filbo forgot to start it, or if he didn’t want to, but there wasn’t a gathering around the fire today. I think everyone stayed in their huts all day today. As far as I can see, their lanterns are all on. I see the little lights in their huts. Or, at least Wiggle, Eggabell, Triffany and Wambus, and Gramble are all at home. I can only see half of town from my window, but hey, it means they’re still out there.
If Scarla came back today, I hope they weren’t disappointed by the fire being out. I hope they’re waiting for it to come on, or they’re going to come by our huts and give us food, or smth. I don’t know.
October 26th 1970
forgot year yesterday, L beffy
There still wasn’t a fire today, and tbh, I’m kinda worried about it??? Filbo isn’t rlly the kinda guy to miss this out two days in a row. One if he’s super tired, but two? Nah. I wish I could see his hut from here and know if his lights are still on.
It’s also… kinda lonely out here. I didn’t think I’d feel it so fast, but after so long of seeing everyone by the fire, I think my brain has gone funny. I’m tempted to ask Wiggle if I can bunk by her until the fire goes back on, I can see her pacing around her hut, but I rlly don’t think she’d welcome me.
I gotta feel bad for Shelda about this. She doesn’t even have walls, can’t imagine her feeling safe about all this. Or warm.
I’m not really warm either, even if I am inside. My bed feels cold, my lantern is cold, it’s all really cold. I don’t like it. It’s been a long time since someone has hugged or held me, but well, what can I do about it?
October 27th 1970
Is this just one big halloween prank from the world to us? The fire wasn’t on again today, I don’t think Filbo is okay and I’m grumping scared. Everyone else’s lights are still on, and sometimes, I see Eggabell pass by the window. She looks just as scared as me, and if she looks out, she only looks worse. I feel weird looking out the window too. Even seeing the light of the other huts isn’t enough, the darkness just… it’s scary.
Sometimes I end up hitting my desk with my pen, and the light on it goes out for a little bit. It doesn’t take more than another tap for it to turn back on, but still, it’s scary to see it go out. I don’t know WHY it scares me to see it go out, when I’ve got the lantern, but it does. It doesn’t make me feel any better knowing my fairy lights went out ages ago, and I didn’t even notice.
October 28th 1970
I managed to talk to someone today. I saw Wiggle standing by her doorway, looking out, and I wondered if I could talk to her from across the street. Wasn’t easy, but we did it.
Put simply, we’re both grumping terrified. She was worried because she can’t see Gramble’s barn from her hut, but I can still see the light, and it felt kinda nice to see her feel better when I told her he was okay. We talked about what we thought this was, and she said something about bugsnax covering up the entire sky. I really don’t think so, but she’s got a few loose screws, so I wasn’t gonna stress myself out being mean right now.
I asked her if she thought it’d be safer if more of us were in the same place, and she was one step ahead of me. Said she’d been planning to take her lantern and run for the barn to stay with Gramble, but every time she’s about to go, she can’t get herself to. I guess I get it, it doesn’t seem safe to try and run across town like that. I wanted to ask if I could join her, but I dunno if she’d be very happy with that. I dunno if I would be either.
“The following is another ripped out page that fit into this spot between the other pages.”
i can’t do this i can’t do this i can’t do this i want my sister i want my father i want anyone who still loves me to hold me it’s too cold it’s too dark
the lights have all gone out all i see is black even with my eyes open it feels like something is staring back
i want to rip out my eyes i want to claw apart my flesh i don’t want to be cold i don’t want to be cold i don't want to be cold
i would give anything to be home and have dad telling jessany and i a story i would give anything just to be warm and happy
“Research has yielded that the mentioned “Jessany” is Beffica’s older sister, who has lived in New Grump City for all of her life with the two’s father, Olivier Winkleberry. We have not yet told either member of her family about Beffica’s disappearance and presumed death.”
October 29th 1970
I’m with Wiggle now. I had only been awake for a few minutes when I heard someone screaming, but it wasn’t even screaming- it was a yelp, and then silence. I caught a glimpse of light in town when I looked out, but it was gone in a second. It was one of the boys, one with a deeper voice, but I don’t know who. Wambus and Triffany’s light has still been on since it happened, so it wasn’t him either. Whoever it was, I didn’t wanna be next.
Wiggle had heard it too, and when she called out to me first, I knew I had to ask if we could stick together. She was so desperate that she didn’t care that it was me, she held her lantern out and told me to come to her.
I’ve got my diary obvs, and my lantern and pen. But something weird happened while I was crossing the street.
First of all, I felt SUPER cold the moment I was out of my hut. I would’ve frozen if I wasn’t rushing to get to Wiggle’s hut next, but I swear if I was out there a second longer, I would’ve gotten hypothermia or something.
And my pen is really struggling to stay on now. A few hits on the desk, and it only lights up for a few minutes. It’s like going through the dark broke it or something.
Neither of us want to sleep at the same time after hearing that scream this morning, so we decided we’ll sleep in shifts. She’s asleep rn, but she’s about to wake up, and it’ll be my turn.
I want this to be over soon.
“We are unsure of the validity of the timeline anymore, given the irregular sleeping shifts mentioned on the previous page. However, it is all we have to go off of currently.”
“The following page is covered in wet stains and has a very large ink splatter at the bottom.”
October 30th 1970
Wiggle has been basically hysterical for the little bit we’re awake at the same time for. She’s not doing anything crazy, but she’s talking to herself, and I'm pretty sure she’s crying based on how much mascara is leaking down her eyes. I'm scared too, I can’t deny being grumping terrified, but for some reason I can’t cry. I’ve never been able to take big stuff like this, I guess I don’t think it’s real, but it’s super real to her. I feel bad, I think. But with two lanterns and double the light now, I feel more secure at least. I'm hoping it lasts long.
“The following passage was written in messier handwriting and less refined, sometimes incorrect cursive, as well as on the same page as the previous passage.”
what the fuck what the fuck what the FUCK i looked away and she was fucking GONE where the fuck is she
she was sleeping just a second ago where did she go what did she do
did she go to get gramble?? why???
she took her lantern with her i don’t feel safe i don’t feel okay
my pen is still struggling to stay on and i don’t know where she keeps the fuel for her lanterns
why am i all alone again why why why why WHY WHY DON’T FUCKING DO THIS TO ME DON’T DO THIS
“The handwriting returns to normal for the rest of the page.”
im okay im okay I’m Okay
She’s going to come back. She’ll be back, and she’ll have Gramble, and then there will be three of us. and it’ll all be okay
I’m so tired. I’m so cold. But it’ll be okay soon. I just need to rest and she’ll be back in the morning
“The following is the last torn out page that we could find, and it fits here. Unlike previous pages, this one is in an entirely different handwriting. After being compared to records, it is most likely Wiggle Wigglebottom herself that wrote this.”
the final song i ever sing will be my aria into the dark unknown
may light find everyone as the shining stars disappear
may this foul force have mercy on them all
“The rest of the page is full of nonsensical black scribbles.”
october 31
she’s not back it’s not okay i’m not okay i can’t do this i can’t survive this
the darkness is calling me to it. it’s taking everything around me into it too. wiggle’s lantern is gone, mine went out while i was asleep
all i have left is my pen
and it’s too cold to keep my paw moving
i’m sorry for being a terrible friend
i’m sorry for being a horrible daughter
i’m sorry for being a mean little sister
dad, jess i love you two so much
hold me one last time please
“This was the final page in the diary, and no other pages seemed to have been torn out or removed. We cannot determine the fate of Beffica Winklesnoot yet, however the pages imply insanity to have consumed her by some means.
Investigators have decided that most information inside this diary is not to be considered during the investigation and to instead all be marked down as insanity unless evidence can be found to support it. They will continue searching for evidence around Snaktooth Island in an attempt to determine what happened.
This is [&/:$):?/?/&@] signing off.”
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Hmmm, that wasn’t me. But I can see why you think it was
I bitch about my white stepmom, but her family while did treat me and my sister like part of them
Now I did a huge fuck up so I’m estranged. But my little sister is still very close to them
Yet I always saw the issues because the left allow people with toxic treats of my stepmom goes uncheck also allow them to hide their bigotry
The left: All men are trash!
Black men: Hmmmm?
The left: I mean white men!
It’s like the Israel/Palestine conflict and many Jews feel betrayed. Like Jews, the left may have said “Fuck Columbus/Colonizers!” a lot. But they never hated the atrocities they committed. They hated that the non whites were on the loosing side of the wars, a long time ago
Take a look at Killmonger, an embodiment of Black Israelite racist view on the world who turn himself into a weapon of cia imperialism. AND destabilized Wakanda so he can make his own empire where black people was in the top
(Even though pre phase 4 Nick Fury, War Machine, and Falcon would have killed his ass.)
Also someone lives in the Chicago area, if the hood rats got Wakandians tech. They wouldn’t overthrow white people. They would kill each other more
In high school, there was a story about a gangster being a son of a rival into a alley and killing him
Then one Halloween, a Latina girl was killed in a crossfire while fucking trick or treating
But …certain n-words people like Killmonger overlook the horrific things we do to each other
Then there the women king, which expose people to the horrific actions of what Africans did to each other. Not to mention I finally learn who cut my ties to Africa
The French and British should have asked the USA to send some African soldiers to help them out. Though we would probably make the fall of  Carthage look like a joke
Trailing off, but why the fuck African Americans were never taught about they in school?
No seriously I demand answers to it wasn’t taught in schools to the point Viola Davis basically did a black “Jews lionizing the Nazis” or birth of a nation movie for female empowerment
The Amish know why their ancestors went on the mayflower
The Irish and Italian descent Americans knows why they are in America
Steven Spielberg did a fucking kids movie loosely based off his grandfather as a child traveling to America. Where it most famous song is “There are no cats in America!” JEEEZ I WONDER CATS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A REFERENCE TOO
Also Muslims spin a tail saying they always been peaceful and such. Hmmm what happened 52 years ago during the Olympics? I think Robot chicken did a parody of https://youtu.be/vuQIh0mHGrI?si=1jSOKkrYfPIZCvim
But that the thing about the I/P, I asked Dave, tumblr local libertarian and shitposter. Why do modern feminists and Hitler sound so a like? Now he pointed out that both groups believe in conflict theory and yep.
Jews, the left only used the Holocaust as a way to bash white people. They never care about you as a people. So they would automatically see you as evil to protect the innocent Muslims
(I don’t think all Muslims are evil. But they act like feminists saying that they group never had bigotry and such)
And people think Jews would be perfectly safe after Israel dislove, I follow a Hindu blog that reblog the Kashmir Hindus genocide
That happened in the 90’s
Lord’s know what would happen to Israel if they fall
It's amazing the things folks do in the name of nation or religion, heartbreaking too.
In the name of family makes some more sense, we should focus on humanity instead, but that's not gonna be a huge thing I don't think since we tend to use that as a way to bash other people and ideas anyhow.
wish we could just stop hurting each other, all the yelling and screaming about pollution I imagine war is going to be one of the bigger drivers of climate change, at least the part that humans are responsible for.
Maybe some day, folks can change their focus.
As for your family, hopefully you can get bridges mended eventually at least to the point of being cordial.
Needs to be far less anger in the world
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