#who said that??? uwu
ofscalesanddatabanks · 3 months
Wha to do with grandpa yang?
"Well, this is ominous..."
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we’re only 3 episodes in but buddy daddies is already superior to lots of shows in the childcare genre by letting the child character have tantrums and be annoying to her guardians sometimes and say she needs to go pee at literally the worst moment rather than just being a cutesy moe blob designed to induce baby fever
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ganondoodle · 24 days
the company i work for decided that its switching from the german formal "You"(Sie) to the informal "you" (Du) in all of our websites so now we have to scour the entire database to change it and i quite frankly hate that, not just bc the unecessary extra work but especially bc its such a weird and unecessary change
i bet its bc everything here is getting englishfied (both literally and culturally it feels like, when my new boss talks its half in english bc every second german word is just replaced by an english one despite there being perfectly fine words for it in german too, its so annoying) and bc they want to sound more personal in hopes of getting more clients bc 'company is your fwiend uwu!!', i know this here is the amercian tm site so you wouldnt understand really but i do not want to be greeted with 'du' by companies, no, thats too personal, you dont know me and im not giving you my data, stay away!!
i guess thats how i would describe it .. the formal you is like a polite distance, like someone you dont know staying outside your personal space, but when its the informal 'you' it feels invasive unless i told you you can call me that, and that goes double for companies
maybe its a small thing that doesnt seem important but i cant stand it, im just a little part time worker doing data work so i got no say in it but the companies founder also announced hes giving his post to his kids some time ago so ...... since then theres been alot of changes and new projects that solely aim to imitate whats popular and whats done by other companies, despite ours being one that is, or used to be, intentionally different, like, that was the POINT, but i guess chasing trends is just too appealing for CEOs
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lilithofpenandbook · 1 month
Seriously how can M*r*uders stans like random Slytherins (who tf are Evan Rosier, Pandora (is that Luna's mum and why tf is she Evan Rosier's twin in half of these), and I don't even want to discuss Regulus) and make them Actually Misunderstood Good People Who Were Forced Down That Path when at least one of them *coughreguluscough* was obsessed with Voldemort
And then turn around and make Snape an awful person?
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eightspringdays · 4 days
People who infantilize autistic coded characters are the weakest link in society's chain.
How are you gonna look at this mf
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And then tell me he's too uwu to do anything. Open your eyes, expand your brain; he thinks of the MCnasty too. Let him say fuck !!!!
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three--rings · 3 months
I'm really disturbed by the fact that I'm seeing people post S2ep8 of IWTV still talking about Lestat as an abuser and Louis as a victim, period end of conversation.
Because I feel like we are explicitly told in ep7 and 8 that that is not the case but some people haven't adjusted their thoughts yet.
Now this is a show explicitly about the unreliability of personal accounts and what we see on screen is often proven not to be how things happen. So, obviously things are always up for debate. But.
We are shown the extended scene of what happened before Lestat flew Louis up into the sky to drop him. In S1 we saw that scene from Claudia's perspective, and she just heard crashing and shouting, and then saw Louis thrown through a wall by Lestat before the whole flight thing.
Ep 7 we are shown Lestat's version of events which are Louis physically and verbally attacking him over and over, slamming Lestat into things, while Lestat begs him to stop, warning him that he will fight back and he's afraid of hurting Louis, and Louis merely eggs him on. Then we get Lestat turning the tables and throwing Louis through a wall.
Now, obviously this is Lestat's version and probably a bit biased to be sympathetic to him. But Louis admits Lestat's version of Claudia's turning is the more correct one than his account and he admits to portraying Lestat intentionally as a villain in the interview, so...well I think the show is telling us that our impression from S1 is at least not the whole story.
Ep 8 underlines this with the scene with Louis and Lestat when Louis apologizes for the way he acted to Lestat in the past, saying "I tried to make nights awful with you. I wanted you to suffer."
We also see him throw Armand into the wall in this episode, which I get people feel Armand deserved, but I feel like the conversation around that has been weird as well. Like, people talk about that being a sign that Louis is stronger than Armand, as if physical violence is impossible from someone who is weaker than their victim. But this is also another instance of Louis using physical violence against his partner when (justifiably) angry.
Look, abusive relationships are complicated. Mutually toxic ones even more so. Reactive abuse is a thing, when an initial victim becomes violent or abusive in response to abuse they've received. It's complicated, and I speak from personal experience.
But I very much feel like the show is SCREAMING at the audience that things are not simple and that no one in this scenario is blameless, ESPECIALLY not Louis. He's not blameless in the case of Claudia. He's not blameless in the destruction of his relationship with Lestat. He's not blameless in his relationship with Armand, for all it's built on a lie, because he entered it to fucking make Lestat mad for god's sake and that's a terrible foundation for a relationship.
Raglan James says Louis is the one to really be afraid of. Louis at the end of the season with his "I own the night" speech. Much of the second half of S2 is ABOUT this.
The entire heartbreaking scene with Lestat at the end is Louis owning his part of the responsibility, and that's huge. Lestat accepted his responsibility and apologized on stage in Paris, and now Louis is as well.
So yeah, I think some people need to rethink their attitudes when they call Lestat Louis's abuser and Louis a battered wife. I read that and I go wait, we're not gonna interrogate that at all?
I of course feel at this point I have to put in a bunch of disclaimers about how this is not an anti-Louis post or trying to excuse the violence done by Lestat, blah blah but honestly some people who can only see things in terms of Good and Evil and Guilty and Innocent are never going to appreciate that kind of thing anyway. I just don't know why those people are watching this show, which is entirely about nuance and complicated interpersonal relations that are messy and resist easy analysis, BY DESIGN.
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elvenbeard · 4 months
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You're my World
Doesn't matter where we are as long as we're together.
New Pride Flags Makeup (AXL Edition) by @pinkyjulien 💛
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eggcats · 7 months
not to "uwu" Alastor in any way, but it's WILD to me how many people act like him asserting dominance to Husk as a "omg he's the worst! Husk is so innocent!!! Alastor is just as bad as Valentino!!" esp when in comparison to the V's (and to Angel and Valentino)
like the 2 aren't really comparable - it's heavily implied/speculated that Val in some way tricked Angel in his contract, meanwhile Husk gambled and lost and sold his soul to Alastor to keep his powers as an overlord, just without the title or souls
I'm not saying it's not a bit fucked up with Alastor's threat to Husk and Husk's fear, I get that 1000%. But sometimes I feel like Husk fans who hate Alastor forget that Husk landed HIMSELF in that position and Alastor just took advantage of it - he could have just lost everything INCLUDING his power instead
Like he says it himself, "I sold my soul to keep my power" bro knew what he was getting into - he ALSO owned people's souls the SAME as Alastor
I'm not saying Alastor is innocent, or he's secretly a good guy, or that you even need to like him - but the hypocrisy gets me here bc we don't KNOW how Husk was as an overlord, but him being an overlord doesn't make him an innocent victim in this!
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sugarcoatednightshade · 6 months
Israels actions against Palestine make me sick to my stomach. Every time I look at the news I see some new horror they are committing, and see how they are justifying the inexcusable, I feel sick to my stomach with rage. But now, in the heart of Ramadan, the word angry feels too small for the fire I feel in my chest.
Palestine will not be able to properly celebrate Ramadan this year. Trying to explain the situation to people who have never interacted with the community is difficult. Even when thinking to myself, I have the urge to compare it to what I know. "Imagine if there was no Christmas." "Imagine if someone took away Easter." "Imagine there was no food on Thanksgiving."
But Ramadan is not any of those things. The fact that there is no Ramadan in Palestine should be enough to make you angry.
I've been living in a muslim country for six months now. Ramadan is not nearly as festive as Eid was, but its presence is unmistakable. You can taste the joy in the air. Children here get out of school early this month. There is a school across from my home; I hear their laughter every day. String lights hang from the balconies of my neighbors, wrap around palm trees, dangle from streetlights. In the news I read that the Sheik has pardoned hundreds of prisoners, paying off their fines himself in the spirit of charity. Shops here are decorated to match, with cut out stars and crescent moons and streamers. Many shops offer discounts. "70% off home delivery."
There are festivals in the streets and lectures in the colleges.
It is wonderful. And the people of Palestine do not have this. Their fasting is forced, their children out of school by force, their houses lit by firebombs and not crescent moon LEDs, homes that smell of gunsmoke instead of oud.
I hate Israel. It feels childish to admit this. It feels like a shortcoming; hate is what causes this crisis, I should be able to focus on loving Palestine instead of adding more hate to the world. But it is a word I can't help but feel when I think about what Isreal has done, is doing, will do to the people of Palestine. What injustices they will force upon them next. Hate. It's not something I say lightly, but it is something I feel I must say.
I am not disappointed in Israel. I am not sympathetic to their 'cause.' I will not censor myself to sound more moderate, to convince the undecided. I hate Israel. I hate Israel. I hate Israel.
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baede-6 · 2 months
Me,watching people that did nothing but hate on Crow before The Final Shape suddenly acting like they always liked him because he got Cayde's stamp of approval. Changing your mind is one thing but this is different.
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grimark · 11 days
the problem with a lot of f/f fic is that people will do things like tag it with the words "useless lesbians" and i will have to be like sorry i'm not reading that
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the fact that one of the last things ford says in the journal is 'stay weird, stay curious, stay kind, and don't let anyone ever tell you you aren't smart or brave or worthy enough' and people still say he's a prick
'i like this kid, she's weird!' 'you're a good person mabel!' ('well obviously he hates mabel and doesn't want to be around her and also he's sexist')
(ford consistently comforting dipper after incidents, taking a literal shot for him, telling him to run when the tower collapses, being upset when he's stopped from playing a game with him, keeping dipper close to him when the kid's in danger, lifting him back on his feet when he's knocked over and trampled, being excited to show him all his neat anomalies/findings) ('well obviously he only wants dipper around because he reminds him of himself. and also he's sexist')
ford: be kind! don't be afraid to be yourself! don't listen to people that try to tell you that you aren't smart or brave or worthy enough! ('well obviously i'm not going to listen, just in general, but also that doesn't apply to you')
fuckin. it's exhausting. i get it, you like your oc named stan to the point that you act like he's the actual canon character. you like him so much that you made another character named after ford whose entire point is to make the first one look good. but not all of us want to roleplay, y'know? some of us like the actual characters. some of us like the actual canon stan twins and don't feel the need to pretend they're something they're not to do so
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sir-will-herondale · 6 months
'oh, marie antoinette is an interesting historical figure! i should research her in detail.'
*wades through a pool of increasingly bad takes for half an hour*
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
this isn't like comics-fandom specific by any means, but one thing i do think about semi-regularly is that like. some people are so insistent on stuff being "for fun" so that they can justify never actually thinking about what they're doing, and that's... idk man. in a world where we are inundated with propaganda and bullshit all the time, media literacy, critical thinking, and reading comprehension skills are pretty important. and yeah like no one can have their brain running at max capacity 24/7 but you still gotta like... put in SOME critical thinking. otherwise you just get people being like SO WHAT if this comic is really racist??? you can't ask me to think critically about how it portrays characters of color!!!!! im just here for fun!!!!!! and it's just like. dude.
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firstaidspray · 1 month
Sometimes I think about how I saw someone in the tags of that bcs/brba randomized smash or pass or fmk or whatever wheel get Domingo and say about Domingo "he's a dickhead but I'd smash" like are we talking about the same character???? Domingo??? A dickhead??? Since fucking when??? Like unless you were rooting for Walter (which automatically makes your opinion less than nothing to me) how in THE HELL does anything Domingo said or did in his brief appearances in both shows make him a dickhead?? I really wish bad things on whoever it was that said that. They don't deserve to get him on that wheel. I, however, do, and I got him on the first try bc it was meant to be. (No seriously I got him on the first try it was crazy. Krazy, even.)
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randomnameless · 19 days
i've seen more people give a pass to elgor than to alcina but they're both pretty horrible people to be honest
We haven't be frequenting the same circles then lol
But yeah, I can guess some people completely elude the "he brainwashes people to make them fight against others and claim to be king material over people only if he can brainwash them" part of his story or the parallel he and Morad (and Yunifi?) have - both having tampered with and received a "modified" appearance - which is why Morad's last words to him, about the two of them wanting a better Bastorias more accepting of its various people was interesting -
But I guess some people read too much Kishimoto, so being abused/prejudiced against gives you a pass to abuse/be prejudiced against everyone in return.
Like, idk when Elgor became a Zenoiran general, but I wouldn't be surprised if the "take baby Yunifi hostage" plan didn't come from him, or he had no issues with it because hey, it's her fault for being born as a lion so she deserved to died, even if she was a kid.
However, unlike Alcina, the "man what a sad bastard" thing sticks more with Elgor and Gary because the game isn't hamfisting the "sad" and eluding the "bastard" part.
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