#who knows what harley would have said both at the start and here if not interrupted
rodolfoparras · 7 months
Thinking about threesomes with Boomer
I can imagine the most fun threesomes would be with Digger and Nanaue
The one to be the most difficult to bottom I think would be Nanaue solely because he'd have to be dp'ed the entire time I think? Because no way would anyone be putting their dick near his mouth...
But I think it'd be so fun with Digger. You've said repeatedly that he rushes prep, and I agree. So you'd probably have to tie this guy up for prep to take Nanaue or if he does manage to get it rushed, it probably takes forever to get Digger fully seated and he's probably crying the whole time
I am a King "huge monster dick" Shark truther. That guys humongous??? His dick matches
Yeah, Boomer's dick is big but that's for an average person. Nanaue tho...
I think the most competitive threesomes is definitely Digger and Deadshot. Who's the biggest, who can make you cum the hardest or fastest, who can last longer, who has the biggest loads, blah blah blah. Probably got a little notepad by the bed with a fuck ton of tally marks on it
The ones most adventurous/insane would probably be with Harley. They're probably doing shit you've never heard of, kind of motherfuckers that try anything once with very few hard nos. Also reader and Harley tag teaming Boomer could be sooo fun. Could probably use genuine torture tactics on him and he's cumming. Could discover so many kinks with them, I think it'd be fun
Okay but thinking about…
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watching Digger being practically skewed onto Nanaue’s dick, tears trickling down his face thighs shaking yet being determined as ever to take it and when the sweet thing finally gets used to the stretch and starts slowly but surely working himself up and down nanaues length you can’t help but tease him telling him how a monster cock probably isn’t enough for a greedy slut like him maybe he should take yours as well just to make sure he’s satisfied and although he knows he can’t take you and Nanaue at the same time a man can dream right? And he quickly cums at the sheer thought
And what about tally marks being drawn onto Digger’s skin; above his belly button, or on his thighs and back, along with some degrading words scribbled next to the tally marks, while you and Deadshot try and see how many times you can make him cum? And Digger is here for it loves to challenge himself especially when it comes to something like this, will have nothing but pathetic spurts of cum spilling from cock and he’d still want to go for another round, he also loves testing new and crazy positions just to be able to pleasure you both at the same time, you’d go round after round until the three of you finally pass out
And I can definitely see torture tactics working on Digger-something you him and Harley had discovered by accident while out on a mission and now use it to its fullest potential. That man can take whips and chains but put a blindfold on him and lock him in a dark room with only a vibrator strapped onto his dick and he’s losing his god damn mind begging and pleading for the two of you to just fuck him
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jmdbjk · 1 month
All things Walmart, poo, ticks and inspiration...
Spoiler alert but to hell with it, I know y'all have watched it all already.
Things I cannot relate to and will never happen to me:
• Pushing my cart down the snack aisle at Walmart and running into Jungkook searching for Tostitos and a sponge.
• Going out to the mailbox to gather the day's junk mail and two guys on a Harley drive by and wave at me and me not know it was Jimin and Jungkook.
• Hiking through the forest and not realizing that guy way up ahead swatting at mosquitoes is Jimin.
• Enjoying my lobster mac & cheese at a restaurant and not know Jungkook is discreetly (not so discreetly) staring at my food trying to decide if he wants to order what I'm having.
I didn't have time today to spend on this like I wanted to and I feel like everyone has already talked about the finer points they're most interested in so I'm going to just drop a few things that made ME laugh, smile and cherish the fact they even started this thing, this show. Episode 3 will be here tomorrow night (for me) so I don't want to delay this anymore so I'll be brief for Ep. 2.
Saturday, July 15:
They left the campsite and Jungkook got to ride the motorcycle. Jimin said he looked like a proper American.
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They stopped at a park and hiked a trail. Jimin fought mosquitoes. It was brutal. I've seen people worried about ticks. And snakes. Jimin pointed out a spider on a tree. Jungkook fantasized about alligators. Tick inspections occurred all around later on I hope.
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We didn't see the transition from woods to marina. Maybe they had to make a bathroom stop for Jimin. Or urgent care to get him some meds. Who knows. Poor thing was suffering.
On the yacht, Jimin was still feeling puny but he tried. He ate though he knew he was risking it all.
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He horsed around with Jungkook with the beast still rolling around in his guts.
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I really wasn't expecting so much poop talk during Are You Sure but here we are.
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I think this summed up the yacht trip. Especially after how it all started with the excursion being leaked by the boat captain himself. Perhaps the editors did this on purpose.
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FYI those concentric ripples in the images are my camera trying to capture the screen in a different frequency than the monitor refreshes or some tech mumbo jumbo. Apologies and please ignore. It's Disney's fault for not letting us screen cap using an app.
I think Jungkook was looking for ticks. He would take something like that seriously, don't you think?
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But Jimin mostly slept on the yacht. He had a rough night before. They still salvaged what they could and they still seemed to enjoy the experience.
A trip to Walmart. On the way they have one of those rambling conversations where Jungkook, who is not the most talkative type, decides to talk Jimin's ear off. They talked about making music and what drives them personally in their choices about their work.
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We'll visit that thought again in a minute....
The whole Walmart visit is surreal to me. I go to Walmart at least once a week so to see Jimin and Jungkook browsing the aisles just blows my mind. NEVER did I EVER dream I'd see them looking for bacon at WALMART.
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They look just like anyone else pushing their shopping cart going down the cereal aisle past the boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Sugar Pops.
Jimin was a tad testy when JK disappeared. He even cussed him out. HAHAHAHAHAAA. BEEN THERE DONE THAT!!!
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I know Jimin-ssi, why are men like that? I swear to god...
I saw someone say this sums up their dynamic perfectly: Jimin calculating in his mind how to work the self-check out while Jungkook does the helicopter cam above him.
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You gotta give it to Walmart though, they do know their customer. The self check out is pretty self-explanatory.
The content of their cart:
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TWO boxes of Twinkies???? And both Prego AND Ragu...
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Getting to the AirBnb accommodations. Cooking. Chilling out before bedtime and Jimin lets Jungkook hear Who.
Horsing around in bed. You know, all these years, I've wondered how they keep the toothpaste spit inside their mouths while brushing their teeth? We've seen them brushing their teeth backstage, in the bathroom, walking around the green room, outside practicing choreo... HOW DO THEY NOT DROOL ALL OVER THEIR CUSTOM MADE OUTFITS? And now wrestling on the bed...
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Waking up, JK and his frosted flakes. Jokes about abandoning Jimin...more horsing around on the bed. And then they doze off again. I know they did. Hard to tell but Jungkook is glued to Jimin's back.
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Jimin gets to ride on the back of the Harley with JK. It starts to rain. I guess they were bringing it back to the rental place.
Going back to the store for a sponge.
I think Jimin was feeling much better. Looked like he slept better.
We see the Army who said they met Jimin and Jungkook last year. When I first heard about it I thought how lucky and random and what kind of stars need to align for that to happen??? What a great experience!!! When will it be our turn???
And then the next idea for Run BTS (the show)... hide and seek while shopping for specific ingredients to cook with and the twist is they're in a foreign country. WORLD TOUR RUN BTS!!! BIGHIT I HAVE IDEAS!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!
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Its raining, dancing in the rain as they exit the store. They leave in the Jeep and head back to the house to eat their pizza.
Army in Connecticut won in life.
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Then they start their journey back to NYC (I'm assuming) so Jungkook can go on to London and Jimin can head back to Korea. They stop one more time for lobster rolls and lobster mac & cheese.
That's when we see Jungkook contradict himself...
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In the Jeep just a little while ago you said nothing inspired you. Was it the rain or the beer that was inspiring you? Or was it the head full of new memories and ideas about the next trip that were swirling around in there?
By the end of this trip, they are back in sync.
Their closing interview: JK wants to keep doing this until they're 50, 12 more seasons! JK said "practice being better variety show entertainers so the two of us can continue doing this" as motivation to continue doing this type of thing way into the future. Jimin found humor in that. And that's where we fade to black.
And during the credits, Jimin is eating again, spicy ramen, possibly the next day. Apparently his stomach is back in order as he readies to fly back home.
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What a trip.
Deeper thoughts:
Jimin and Jungkook wanted to spend time together. We knew that. It didn't seem to happen when it could have. They even said so in the Jeep. But JK concluded the discussion succinctly:
Finally they were spending quality time together. Though their talk was brief, we have no idea if there was more to it before or after what we saw of it. The editors showed us that much enough to explain the situation and why it had not happened. The end result of it all was: finally.
Finally, after wanting this. Finally, after saying we would. Finally... doing something together that we loved doing before and we've wanted to do again. Finally.
Jimin pushed for it. He knew. He made it happen. Finally.
They are two distinct personalities and their journeys through this solo era leading up to their enlistment were different.
Jimin is a leader and doer. He is the initiator. Jimin said if he hadn't pushed for this show to happen it would not have gotten done.
There were a few moments in these first two episodes where Jimin brought up MS. Jungkook didn't seem thrilled to talk about it.
They truly didn't know what they were going to film for this show. They got in the car and started to make it up as they went. I can see how that would be awkward.
They don't understand that just them being themselves is what we want to see. They don't have to try to make something happen. Its the spontaneous moments that make the best content (see kayak dump and Walmart trip). Maybe Jimin was more in tune with this than Jungkook was but he is the one who turns on a live and sits there and watches Netflix while eating chicken. They had to get back in sync and they did.
So the first episode was a little slow, a little cautious, a little quiet. Reserved. That first day they were finding their groove, getting 're-acquainted' if you will, finding the slots and spaces in each other that fit and feel the most comfortable to them. You could see them relax as the day wore on.
But, they still had challenges. JK's head cold. Jimin's stomach bug. You want some TMI's? Watch Jimin run to the bathroom for the fifth time.
We may see a little bit of this quiet re-acquainting when BTS does its first group live next year. And yes, I am 100% confident we will see this first live shortly after Jimin and Jungkook are discharged. We will see them in a way we've never seen before.
After both episodes... my conclusion is we saw about 2 hours out of the roughly 3 or three and a half days Jimin and Jungkook were together. Thursday evening, July 13 through Sunday evening, July 16. I'm not exactly sure when JK left for London but Jimin went back to Korea on July 17.
I wonder if the plan was to create hour long episodes or if there was so much they wanted to show the episodes just ended up being that long. They could have easily hidden Jimin's stomach issues from us. They could have edited a lot of it down. But in making the episodes this long, they showed more and more of their dynamic in play.
I didn't put everything into this post that I wanted to but we've got six more episodes coming and I still haven't had time to watch Run Jin.
Hashtags arent working... I'll add them later.
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localgremlinboy · 10 months
I have been sitting on these for a long time because I wanted to have some more varied stuff but I haven't had time to write anything! So here's what I've got! Honestly these are some of my favorites
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- Whenever he's kicked out of an area or event, Oswald proceeds to start shoving anything not taped down into his pockets. He doesn't need the stuff, he just likes to be petty and ruin it for everyone else
- Bane has done a series of infomercials for various products & services that only air on late night product channels. Alfred is the only batfamily member who knows, he was doing laundry late one night and nearly lost it
- Mr Freeze writes restaurants/companies when they wrong him. Like nice formal letters, signing them and everything
- The Joker has an imdb page. Actually a lot of the villains do but like the Joker has one he updates with fun facts. Who says they're accurate but they sure are fun
- Riddler freaking hates puppets. Their soulless eyes say it all. He refuses to or "work" with puppets. That being said, Scarecrow has chased him around with Scarface once or twice "for science"
- Scarecrow has and still does write letters of recommendation for his ex students. He freaking still has Gotham University letterhead paper and everything. Honestly some of his students have gotten the job from his letter alone (maybe it's out of fear but like it's still a win), and they 100% send Jonathan thank you gifts in Arkham. He's got one of those dorky teacher scrapbooks where he keeps the thank you letters. One of his students even crocheted him a little plush scarecrow. It's like, they don't love his crimes but you know that was ol kooky professor Crane for ya
- Harvey kind of has a soft spot for sitcoms, he used to watch them with his mom growing up. One of their favorites, ironically, was night court
- Bane has a famous chili recipe and he makes one batch a year. It's fucking delicious! He makes an edition with meat and a vegetarian version too. Of course consults Ivy for home grown excellent quality vegetables and she gets first dibs in return
- the Joker has not one but TWO released albums. One is essentially a mash up of all the serenades he's made Batman listen to over the years and the other one is called "The Holidays with the Joker: Christmas selects edition"
- Scarecrow's car is a mess. He's got a work truck of course but his main car is like a wood panel sedan that he's been driving since he was a professor and refuses to get a new one. It's a fucking mess, he has like clothes, papers, garbage all over the place. He still has term papers he forgot to grade under the seats. Riddler HATES his car, with a passion
- Riddler has gone through the pain and suffering to teach all the rogues how to use discord, he had once hoped it would make their crimes more efficient. They have a group chat but it's mostly suffering on his end as all chaos ensues
- Scarecrow owns a Halloween train village he has set up in one of his lairs. It plays instrumental versions of Halloween songs as it goes around the track
- Joker will push open cups off of tables because he can. He's got the chaotic energy of a cat awake at 3 am
- Riddler and Scarecrow's friendship starts like super formal and co worker like but after like a year and a half, evolves into a weird symbiosis. Jonathan points at random ass objects or books and goes "you" when he's with Edward. Eddie has a habit of fixing or picking debris of Jonathan, usually when they're crimeing. Also one time, they were both startled so bad by Batman that Scarecrow jumped into riddler's arms like Scooby & shaggy, except they both held onto each other for a second before toppling over. Robin then unmasked them like scooby doo
- Harley & Ivy are frequent Panera customers and often get pick up orders there under "codenames" given by Harley. All the workers know who "Plantmamma" and "the quinnanator" are but like they tip great and everyone should get to enjoy soup
- Bane has one CD in his car, it's a 2010 greatest hits CD that someone accidentally left in there. Who you ask? He has no idea
- Harley has a getaway playlist preloaded in her phone for car chases
- Riddler and Scarecrow watch reality tv/game shows together. They binged all of survivor and the amazing race in a year. It was a joke at first but they both got really into the shows. They have both applied to be on amazing race together and unfortunately haven't been called back
- Joker still uses cassettes (and vinyls probably) except he mixes them himself and labels them all stupid titles like "Birthday bash #9", "Baty's mix", "what's the deal with airplane food?", "etc". But he also has a tape recorder and makes notes to himself and labels those ones too, so he gets his personal notes mixed up with his music jams all the time. He goes to put on some epic clown music and instead it's a twenty minute recording he made of himself eating fruit loops
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raes-writing-space · 6 months
Childhood Friend!Reader x DogDay (Finding DogDay Hung Up)
Warnings: Mentions of gore and blood, abuse including manipulation, depression, death, cursing, DogDay does NOT get saved in the end, heavy bittersweet/angst warning, etc.
Viewer discretion is advised!
Summary/Notes: (Y/N) was one of the orphans at Playtime Co, reader is said to have been VERY smart and observant child, and found out about the Bigger Bodies Initiative at a very young age (around 8). This happened to affect their relationships with the other orphans, including an orphan name Samson "Sam" who was their best friend, who would later be turned into DogDay. Feeling guilt, they go back to the Playtime Co. after escaping "The Hour of Joy", and hoping to save those left, they find DogDay and imagine what life would have been like if things were different.
Word Count: Roughly 2,250 words? I use Obsidian as my writing doc.
Romantic or Platonic?: Could be read as platonic or romantic, but it may seem like it leans more towards romantic.
A/N: This is heavily based off an OC of mine and an AU I have for Poppy Playtime, but I really wanted to share some DogDay content since I've been scouring the tag for weeks now and need more content. If you'd like me to post my notes about the different AU's I have, let me know!
Since this is a writing from my OC, it originally has she/her and feminine descriptors/titles, however I did my best to change them to try and make it more gender neutral, if you happen to see anything I've missed please let me know!
(Y/N) was lead into a prison that seemed underneath the Playhouse, a place they didn't know about from their time at Playcare. They had assumed that was possibly where CatNap had to have been held, when he wasn't interacting with the children. They hated how isolating it already felt, despite the "childish" nature, nothing about a prison was childish. (Y/N) didn't even know what they were looking for at this point, just another way out - away from all these poor starving toys trying to eat them alive. That was when they saw the scene, it took them a moment to really process it all. DogDay, Sam, their first childhood friend they ever had. The friend that was picked for the Bigger Bodies Initiative when Harley Sawyer found out about (Y/N)'s knowledge about the project. That was a guilt they never could find themselves to forgive themselves for. They knew that truly, it was the adults that betrayed them both, but how could they simply still leave him here after all this time? DogDay was hung up by the arms, belts and straps tied to pieces of the cell. Even worse, his legs were missing, only a tightened belt around his waist was keeping his organs from falling out of his body. How long had he been like this? Had those toys been eating him alive as a last resort?
"Sammy?" (Y/N)'s voice called out, in the moment they sounded so small, just like a child again.
As if it was instinct at hearing the nickname, his head seemed to pick up, silent for a moment, as if processing if this was in fact real or not.
"Angel?" He questioned, voice box even sounding ragged.
Even the voice box has aged… (Y/N) knew that they were never really supposed to sound like themselves after the procedure, but things were so different now. Before (Y/N) could linger on it for too long, his voice brought them back to the harsh reality they were both in.
"There's nothing left to save… not here… A million pairs of eyes are on you now. Watching, waiting, hungry. They want nothing more than to crawl-" "Shh… Sam, shh… I know… I know… Let's not think about it for now…" (Y/N) moved closer to him, resting a gentle hand on his cheek for a moment, before a shaky hand goes to wrap around his torso, as another hand goes to undo the straps on one arm. "What-What are you- Angel, listen to me, please, you need to get out of this place, you need to live. You and Poppy can fix this. End this madness, the torment, please, just leave me." He started rambling quickly, especially as he could feel one arm become free. "I…" (Y/N)'s voice became shaky, as he immediately noticed the tears well in her eyes, "I know… I know I'll have to… just… Just let me have this moment… Please, I'm just tired and want to sit for a moment and talk to an old friend…"
There was a silence for a moment, a small grunt when they had done their best to keep him supported as they released the other straps, as the two of them slid down the wall of the cell for a moment. There was no way for him to be truly comfortable, but they tried for him anyway. The two sat side by side for a moment, before (Y/N) closed their eyes and leaned their head against his shoulder. DogDay must have been hung up for a long time, almost unaware that he could move his arms again. He seemed to then move his arm a little, before rotating his hand to be palm up. (Y/N), in their paranoid state since arriving, had noticed the small movements immediately, before they put their hand in his. Maybe it was the effects of the poppy gas finally getting the best of them, even after how hard they had been trying to fight it. Maybe they really were just tired, tired of running, of fighting for their life, of seeing their friends suffering, of all of it.
"CatNap will be coming for the both of us if he knew you released me… Angel, please… you have to go…" DogDay attempted again. "No… I'm sure he knows… And I'm sure he knows the power he already holds… Before the Hour of Joy… CatNap helped me speak with the Prototype. The Prototype was trying to plan something with me, and I was just… too far gone in my sadness to listen… The Prototype had even warned me about the event and how I should escape from it all…" (Y/N) trailed off, and DogDay seemed to turn to them, almost as if in shock that they had known this whole time, alongside the rest of the monstrous toys. "CatNap knows that I'm just trying to find answers, I don't know if Poppy is right, or if the Prototype is right, but I at least want to come to that decision on my own… So, CatNap knows… as you said, there's a million eyes watching… so, just let them watch, and listen… for now…" (Y/N) spoke again, as they rubbed their thumb against the palm of his hand, it was always much too big compared to theirs.
"We were best friends before you were chosen for the Bigger Bodies…" "I always knew there was something special about you…" DogDay tried to sound lighthearted, attempting to find the peace they were yearning for. "Theo… CatNap… knew the Prototype before his procedure too… He tried to help Theo escape, but then something happened, and the Prototype risked capture to save him… That's why he treats the Prototype like a God, for him, that is his savior." (Y/N) attempted to explain, hopefully giving him some more clarity, despite it not meaning much now in these final moments. "I like to think… before your procedure, maybe our friendship was on your mind… Maybe that's selfish of me, but as much as it hurt to see you become DogDay, when I heard how happy you were to see me… How you called me Angel and thought I was special… It gave me some peace of mind that you weren't angry with me, for not being able to say goodbye…" (Y/N) trailed off.
"You weren't there?" DogDay seemed to question, as if trying to recollect a memory that felt so distant to him that it almost never existed in the first place. "No… the fucker, Harley Sawyer, the doctor who created the Bigger Bodies Initiative, told me I would be spending the day with him… Purposely made me anxious, and kept me past curfew so I wouldn't get to say goodbye or see you go… Before he told me that you were chosen for testing, but that of course, the orphans at Playcare would be excited to hear you were being adopted… He wanted to break me down, so that I wouldn't somehow speak about the initiative, and… it worked…" (Y/N) answered. "He saw in my files that I once told a counselor that DogDay was my favorite toy and character, because so many people thought I was a sunny leader, like him…" Tears started to well up again, as they could hear him let out a deep disappointing sigh.
"And then they conditioned me to cheer up any kid who looked sad, knowing that out of all the kids, you would be the worst." DogDay pieced together, as (Y/N) simply nodded. "I was used as your reminder… Those sick… Why did you not push me away? You could have-" "No… I never could do that… Yes, you were a reminder of one of the worst days of my life… but Sam you gave me so many days that I consider the best days of my life… I would never trade those days in for anything…" (Y/N) looked at him, tears streaming down their face, as his gentle and slow hand attempted to wipe the tears away. "I only wish I could have given you more days like that… God, after I left… I started to imagine this… alternate world where everything was different… That we really were just kids at an orphanage who would be able to grow together, and maybe get adopted by kind loving families, and hope that we'd find and see each other again, and that… somehow we did, we always did…" "I imagine what life would have been like for us… If we would have told each other about our first crushes, or would get too embarrassed because maybe the truth was that we had crushes on each other… A typical stupid teenaged life, where we'd make mistakes, and learn, and be awkward, and fall in love or out of love, and things would just be easy…" "That we could just be kids or teens or adults just laying in a patch of grass and enjoying the real life sun against our skin… and that even despite all our real world problems, we'd know that it'll all be okay in the end because we had each other…" (Y/N) couldn't help but ramble on about this idealistic dream they'd had for so long, a motivating factor to keep going just one more day… Caught in a world that they knew would never exist, but made them feel genuine happiness as if it did.
"That's sounds like a wonderful world to be in…" DogDay couldn't help but finding himself imagining it, a sweeter dream than the nightmare he's lived in for so long. "I've lost myself in that reality far more than I'd like to admit… I've gone down so many routes, but refused to think about anything that wasn't a happy ending of some kind." "What was the happy ending you imagined the most?" DogDay questioned them genuinely, his body slumping a bit more, finally finding some semblance of peace. "We'd grow old together… It didn't matter how, if we were married, or had kids of our own, or were just best friends until the very end… But I imagined us having a picnic on top of this, gorgeous hill… That our old bones would have taken a while to climb, but we'd leave early, to watch the sun rise… And talk about life until we watched the sun set…" "I would thank you for… helping me understand what any semblance of love would feel like despite no adult ever showing us or teaching us how to love someone… I would thank you for being the closest thing I ever had to a family, for always being there for me just when I needed it… just like right now… I would make sure you knew just how much you meant to me, what you meant to my life, and in the end… all I would want is to make sure that I made you feel just as loved and appreciated as you've made me feel…" "You have. You always have." DogDay is quick to respond, never wanting them to doubt once for a second that he didn't appreciate his time with her too.
(Y/N) then started to shuffle themselves up, tears never ceasing as they knew this would be goodbye, there wouldn't be a way to save him, and there wouldn't be an easy way to bring him along, not when things could be more difficult from here… They knew they needed to leave him with something to dream about, on the happiest note they could really give him, and hope that he would forgive her for having to leave him once again. "Then I would kiss your forehead…" (Y/N) trailed off, getting on their knees and leaning forward to give a long and lingering kiss on his forehead, just as they had said, "And a big hug, that I wouldn't ever want to let go from, but knew I'd have to…" arms wrapped around his bloodied "fur" that had become his body, as they felt his arms wrap around them in return, also not wanting to let go, knowing this would be the last time he ever saw his Angel again. "And I'd tell you to close your eyes…" DogDay listened, closing his eyes as best as he could, knowing there would only be hungry monsters awaiting him once they left. "And let the sun feel warm on your skin…" He started to imagine it, so deeply and vividly that he could almost convince himself that he did feel a warmth… and maybe he did in some way… "And finally, thank you for spending your life with me… I wouldn't say goodbye, I couldn't… Because I know that one day, maybe in a different life, or an afterlife, that we'd meet again, like we always do… So instead I would just say… I love you, good night, and sweet dreams, I'll see you later Sammy."
"I'll see you later, my Angel… Thank you… I love you too…" DogDay trailed off, sighing as he let himself get lost in his imagination and not in the sound of their footsteps retreating from him.
(Y/N) suddenly found another pathway, they assume CatNap must have opened it for them at some point. They attempted to wipe their tears and breathe deeply, despite the circumstances, as they let themselves get lost in the fantasy again themself, ignoring the quieted groans of what they assumed must be the final outcome of DogDay's fate. They hated having to leave, they hated knowing as much as they did, but as much as they could linger on the negative, and let it drown them again…
Instead, they decided to take a note from DogDay, the symbol of optimism for his friends, and chose to only think about the good, even if they're just distant memories.
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to-the-stars8 · 7 months
Vigilant Coffee
Batfamily x Reader Chapters AO3
17- Color Changing Cups
It was the Brooklyn accent that tipped you off and, before you even had time to turn around, there she was on your side of the counter. Harley Quinn wasn’t the worst customer you’ve ever had, not by a long shot, but she was one of the most unpredictable. One week, she was all roses and friendliness; the next, she was waving a gun around as she asked for the money in the cash register. You doubted it was pure crazy, but rather some internal struggle of her’s. She was constantly at battle with herself on who she wanted to be and who the Joke would want her to be. Either way, it didn’t matter what you thought at the end of the day, because she was the psychologist and you were just the barista. 
She was going through the stack of reusable coffee cups, throwing them all around as she attempted to find the ‘perfect’ one. Her words, not yours. You tried to reign in your frustration because, as much as she claimed to like you, you weren’t prepared to get on her bad side with one bad joke. 
“How ya doin’, babes?” She asked. “Still dealin’ with those bats?”
“Bats? Don’t even know ‘em,” You joked. It was something she liked about you, your somewhat cheesy sense of humor. 
She snorted, before saying, “Aha!” and holding up a pink plastic cup. Harely spun on her heel toward you and held it out. It was a pink one that changed colors under different temperatures, and on it was the shop's logo. With a sigh, you took the cup from her and started to make her drink, which was a strawberry cream frappe. You hated making those, and you felt she knew it, too. 
“Got any plans for tonight?” She asked, hopping up onto the counter. You turned to her, gesturing all around, before going back to what you were doing. “Chatty tonight, aren’t we?”
You rolled your eyes, not amused by her sarcasm. When you finished her drink she giggled excitedly as she oohed and aahed at the cup turning from pink to purple. Now that she was satisfied, you turned to cleaning up her mess. 
“Ya know,” Harley said, kicking her feet. “I like you, kid.”
“Thank you, Harley,” You said, still picking up the cups. 
She let out a big sigh before hopping off the counter to help you. You were a bit surprised, to say the least, but thanked her. Harely waved a dismissive hand at you, grumbling under her breath how she wasn’t doing it for you. 
“I didn’t know you came here, Harley,” A voice said, making you both look up. 
Leaning over the counter was Batman, looking like the usual bore that he was. Harley squealed and stood, exclaiming some variation of ‘Batman’.  She held her drink toward him as she told him all about the cup and how she didn’t even need to rob you this time. It was the thought that counted, you guessed. 
“Harley,” said Batman. “Did you pay?”
She seemed surprised by the question before sheepishly looking away. “I mean, my presence should be enough.”
Presence doesn’t pay rent, you thought. Batman rolled his eyes before pulling a five from one of his many pockets and setting it on the table. You took it, and just as Harley was about to thank him he used one hand to grab the cup she was holding while the other reached to haul her over his shoulder. She protested, but it seemed like the Dark Knight heard none of it. Batman told you to have a good night before starting toward the door.
“Aren’t you gonna help me?” She said, hitting Batman’s back. 
You looked at her like she was crazy. “How? You want me to fight him?”
“If you gotta!”
“They hardly pay me enough to stand here all night, and you think they pay me enough to go toe-to-toe with Batman?” 
The door closed before you could hear what she said, but you could see through the front window Harley thrashing about as she complained about how unfair it was— She kept saying that it was only a drink.
“It’s only a drink,” You mimicked mockingly. “Yeah, but you’re not the one who would get fired.”
You picked up the last of the cups, looking at them thoroughly before you stumbled on the same kind Harley kindly picked out for herself. You pressed your fingers against it, watching the colors change from blue to orange. “Heh, I guess that is pretty cool.” 
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boygiwrites · 2 months
Harley D. Dixon 38
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Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board!
Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
— TW: DISCUSSION OF HARLEY'S SA. It's gonna be integrated into the story, guys! Beware!
Who's ready to get rescueeeed?! 🙈😉
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My lips are tinglin', is the only thought that floats through my mind, like a lost bobber in the ocean.
"Baby, say somethin'," My Dad tries again a minute later, more of a plea than a demand.
I hug my knees tighter to my chin.
"I'on know what to do," He mutters after the silence stretches on for too long, slouched on the floor in the opposite corner of the room with a sense of defeat. He rests his beaten, sweaty temple against the wall as he stares longingly at me, but it ain't me he's talking to anymore. At least, I'on think it is. He's talking to Glenn on the other side, whose voice I've almost forgotten is attached to a real person.
"Daryl, please," Glenn begs him, "I know it's hard, but you have to tell me what happened in there."
"He—," Dad starts, unable to get the words out right, like they taste of somethin' foul. "He made her—..."
Desperate, he insists, "He made her, what, Daryl?"
He can't say it.
I didn't wanna kiss Philip. Less than I've ever wanted to step on a rusty nail or swallow a raw egg, I did not wanna kiss Philip. Dad knows that. He has to. There was a gun to my head. He saw. If I had kicked him or punched him or cussed him out some more, like any brave person would do, like I was sure I was gonna do, he would'a shot me dead. But instead, now, my lips are tingling.
That's how I know he's still not gone, because his warm, chapped lips are brushing against mine, and our noses are tickling against each other, and his breath is ghosting across my face. I'm in two moments at once, trapped between nothing.
Don't move, Harley. I can still feel the gun trained on my head. Don't move.
"He made her kiss him," He eventually admits, his voice echoing weakly off the concrete walls. "Made her kiss him on the mouth."
There's a painful silence emanating from Glenn's side of the wall for what feels like a long, long time.
"He's a fucking monster," He exclaims quietly after I'd thought he'd say nothing, his chin trembling with anger easy to imagine.
"She won't talk." Dad continues staring at me, like he just can't pull his eyes away. I wish I could shrink into the sharp point between the walls and the floor until I fold in on myself like a little origami creature and disappear forever. Stop lookin' at me, I mentally scold him, sounding a lot more passionate in my head than the empty, heavy feeling I've got in my chest. "Won't let me touch her."
"This is Merle's fault," Glenn tells him matter-of-factly. "As much as it is Philip's. He let this happen."
"No." Dad mumbles, sounding sure. "Ya don't know my brother. He loves Harley more'un anythin'. This weren't him."
"He's a bad person, Daryl."
"You think I'on know that?" He shoots back, pausing for a long moment before adding, "I'd made my peace with him bein' gone."
"Sorry, I just—... I don't know how they're getting away with this."
"It's fine. Sky's blue. Shit stinks." Dad says, wincing as he feels along his jaw, coughing up another bloody molar. "Fuck."
"How bad are you hurt?"
"Got the Chicklets beat outta me," He licks his bloody lips, groaning, "But I ain't dead, yet. You?"
"Not dead," He agrees, but he don't sound too far from it. I try to remember everything Herschel's ever said about sepsis, but my thoughts are dashing around my head like spooked rabbits, disappearing and reappearing into hidden pockets I can't reach.
Maybe if I stare at the floor hard enough — It's grey, concrete, speckled with dirt — it'll all go away.
"Shut up in there!" A guard suddenly shouts from outside, making us both flinch. "No talkin'!"
Don't move, Harley.
"When are you gonna let us outta here?" Dad shouts back angrily. "Ya feel good about yerself, lockin' up a lil' girl?"
"You ain't heard me the first time? Shut up!"
After that, he stops beggin' me to talk to him.
From the porch of our trailer house, I watch as Mandy's small, white car crawls up our driveway.
How did I get here, I ask myself, looking around at all the people gathered in our front yard. The sound of cheering and whistling cuts through the warm air like it's the fourth of July, the smells of sizzling meat drawing my attention to the back of the crowd. There's our shirtless neighbour, Mark, wearing his cheap, black apron — The one that says, King of the Grill — as he flips hotdogs and dances to the radio sitting nearby. There's his skinny sister, Hannah, with her chubby baby sat on her hip, and their nephew, Timmy.
I recognise most of the people here. Neighbours, people from Dad's old job at the mechanic's, friends.
A memory, I realize — It's the day my Dad came back from prison.
"I know that's right," Merle whoops as the car comes to a stop, the engine shutting off. He grabs my hand and Tank follows us down the porch steps, the cheering growing louder by the second. If I didn't know any better, I'd think I was at a concert for a rockstar. I'm frightened, excited, angry. I'm about to see my Dad. After four years, he's here. "My brother! Daryl motherfuckin' Dixon!"
I squeeze Merle's hand tighter as my Dad steps outta the passenger seat, closing the door behind him.
"Daddy," I exclaim, my voice lost to the noise, but somehow, he hears me.
"You're so big," Is the first thing he says to me, and he looks proud and sad at the same time, bending down to wrap me in a hug. I make sure he knows how much I missed him by squeezing him so tight I hear him grunt in pain. "I missed you so much, baby."
He weren't here for my birthdays. He weren't here when I got that certificate at school. He weren't here at all. I feel like I don't know him anymore, but at the same time, it's like no time has passed at all. I mean, how much can a Dixon really change?
All of a sudden, there's something fluffy and slobbery forcing its way between us.
"Tank," I complain with a giggle, pulling away.
"Hey, boy," Dad laughs as he pets the big dog. "You miss me, too?"
"Not as much as I did," Merle jokes as Dad stands up and lifts me up to sit on his hip. "Four fuckin' years, huh, buddy?"
"Four years," Dad agrees as they share a hug, before he pulls away to gawk at all the people that showed up for him. "Hey, y'all."
"At least let him put his shit away first, ya vultures," Mandy scoffs. She steps outta the driver's side of the car and spits her bubble-gum onto the ground, sending her boyfriend a sassy look. "I'm sorry to say, Mark, but yer hotdogs ain't that good."
"Love you to, darlin'," The king of the grill laughs.
"Nah, Mandy, it's alright. I'm starvin'," Dad smiles. "The shit they serve in prison ain't even fit fer pigs."
"Get on in here, then, man!" Mark beckons him with a wave of his spatula. "We got plenty to go around!"
The crowd is swallowing us up and congratulations are flying left and right. My Dad is a hero. He's the reason I'm still here. He's the reason everybody else's kids are safe to play outside, without the threat of Ronnie lingering around any longer. He's got double the balls these people could only dream of havin', the brave underdog rising from the ashes, returning home from war. We ain't always the most functional of neighbours and friends, but we get shit done to protect our own in this part of town and we're proud of it.
Soon, I'm sitting on Dad's lap and I'm feeling like a princess, ketchup and mustard smeared all over my face as I chow down on my fat hotdog. I can't stop smiling. There ain't nowhere else I'd rather be than here, even after everythin' that's happened.
My Dad is a hero, and for the first time in my life, it feels like we've won something.
"Long as me and Merle are here," He promises me once everyone's attention is elsewhere, "Ain't nothin' gonna happen to you."
I smile back at him.
I believe him with my whole heart.
"Get up."
I wake to the sound of a guard's gravelly voice.
What? What's going on?
"Get up!"
My Dad cries out in pain.
There's a gun pointed in my direction. No. No, not again.
"Wakey-wakey! Let's go!"
The guard uses his free hand to force Dad to his feet, shoving him toward the door.
"No—" Dad croaks, turning to look at me. "Harley—"
"Let's go!" The guard roars, and suddenly my Dad don't look like much of a hero at all. "Let's fucking go!"
He's taking him away.
He's taking my Dad away.
"Hey!" Glenn shouts, banging against the wall. "Hey, what are you doing to them?!"
"Shut up! Let's move!"
I should get up. I should help Dad. But I can't make myself do it. I'm stuck somewhere inside myself, unable to pull the strings. All I do is cower deeper into myself, hugging my knees so tightly I think I might implode. I can't move. Don't move. The Governor might come back. I don't want him to come back. Terrified, I watch Dad stumble across the room, his pleas desperate, panicked, useless.
Then the door is slamming shut and I'm all alone.
"They's gonna cut his throat open," I frantically whisper to myself. "They's gonna cut his throat open."
Why didn't I move?
"Harley?" Glenn calls out.
"They's gonna cut his throat open."
"Harley?" He tries again, his tone softening. "Harley, listen to me. It-It's alright. I'm— I'm here, okay?"
"No, you ain't!" I shout at the wall. I'm alone. I'm all alone in here. "You ain't here, Glenn!"
"I am," He insists. "It's just an inch or two of concrete, and then I'm right here. Please calm down. It's gonna be okay."
"I want my Dad!"
"Take a deep breath. I'm gonna do it with you, okay? Ready?"
Kicking my feet against the floor, I shriek, "I want my Dad!"
"I want my Dad!"
"You motherfuckers!" He suddenly turns his attention away from me, shouting out at the guards in pure anger, voice cracking. "This is inhumane! You've got a little girl in here — She can't take this! She can't! Don't you have a conscience?!"
"This is the safest place for her right now," A guard argues back. "You'd do best to shut up."
"The safes—? Are you kidding me? Where the Hell is her family?"
I swear I hear him snicker. "They're kinda busy right now, but you can check back in on 'em later."
"What does that mean?"
"Governor's gonna make 'em fight," He sounds pleased to admit. "Give the people a show. Make an example outta them."
Example? A show?
I don't know what that means. What does that mean? Is giving people a show worse than gettin' yer throat cut? Are they gonna die?
"What?" Glenn exclaims in confusion. "How is he getting away with all of this?"
"You'd be amazed, the shit people get used to when they're promised a home. Every time you think the line's been crossed—..."
"Do they know he kissed a little girl? Do they know that?"
He says nothin'.
"Daryl's daughter," Glenn pleads with him. "Merle's niece. You can't do this to them. You can't do this to her."
"I'm just a guard, buddy."
"Fuc— Come on!" I hear him hit the wall in a burst of outrage. "You know this is wrong. You know it!"
"This is the cost of safety," The guard scolds him. "We got a system here. I'm prepared to uphold it, and if that's wrong, so be it. Y'all ain't the only people in the world with kids and family to protect, alright? Don't act like you're above us. We all sin."
"We don't take children hostage," Glenn retorts hotly. "We don't make people fight like dogs."
Nothin', again.
"Please," He continues, "Just let him take his daughter home. We've all paid the price, okay? You got your hits in. It's over."
We wait a long time for the guard to answer.
"Please. Hello?"
This is it. This guard don't care. He's gonna let us all die in here because a paradise is still paradise if it's paid for in blood.
"Please, just think about this. Please."
It ain't no use.
"Are you ther—?"
I flinch.
A gunshot. That was a gunshot. My own squeal of fright is the last thing I hear before my heartbeat takes over my ear drums, and I'm burying my face in between my knees, rocking back and forth, back and forth, huffing and puffing, praying, No. Don't shoot me. I did what you asked. There's shouting and thudding in the corridor outside, as if a violent stampede is tearing through the walls.
I don't know what's going on out there. Is it more angry guards? Is it the Governor? Is it him?
"Harley!" I hear Glenn's voice very faintly, but behind it all, I know it's a guttural scream. "Harley! Are you okay?"
Don't shoot me, I keep thinking, making myself into a hard shell where nothin' can get me. I did what you asked.
"Hey! Hey, what's going on?!"
More thudding. Doors being kicked in. It's the Governor. He's coming. He's gonna kill me. I'll have to explain to him that— Well, I did wanna kiss him, because it meant he wouldn't shoot me, but I ain't meant nothin' by it. I just didn't wanna die.
I swear years go by before the shooting stops, leaving nothin' but a sharp ringin' in its wake.
"Sh— She's in here—"
The door to the room busts open, punctuating the silence with a, THUD.
He's here.
"I did what you asked," I tell him before he can shoot me in the head, I did what you asked, but what I don't realize is that it's not the Governor at all. Glenn spills into the room first. He clutches at his abused thigh as he limps, half hopping, over to my corner of the room before he falls at my side, which is when I notice Rick, Maggie, and Oscar behind him. It's them. They made it, I think, gawking up at their rifles and blood-stained clothes. I want to be relieved, but the Governor could still be near. He's here. "I did what you asked."
"Is she hurt?" Rick asks Glenn, crouching down and reaching out to touch me. "Honey, can you walk—?"
His fingers are claws descending on me, my body shrinking in on itself on instinct. I cry, "Don't!"
"Woah, okay," He placates, flinching away from me. He glances at Glenn for answers, but his expression betrays nothing but a sad wince. Somethin' bad happened down here. To all of us. This is the part of the fairytale where the knights rescue the hostages, except the air smells of gunpowder and my whole body hurts. Looking back at me, Rick soothes, "Okay. Okay. It's okay, Harley."
Glenn's dishevelled, sweaty hair and gaunt cheeks do nothin' but make me wonder just how long we've been down here for. A day? Two? A week? Watery blood dribbles down his bare chest as he pants, tired just from taking a few steps. He looks sick.
"Where's Daryl?" Maggie asks him urgently. Now ain't the time for lickin' wounds. "He's not down here?"
"I did what you asked," I whisper to nobody, maybe Rick, maybe Glenn. "I did what you asked."
"They took him away," Glenn explains to her as Rick sends me a troubled look. "Merle, too. Said they were gonna make them fight."
"They say where?"
"I— I don't know."
"Those gunshots weren't silent, people," Oscar anxiously reminds everybody. "We got, like, two minutes tops to jump ship."
"Yeah. We gotta move," Maggie agrees. "Glenn, how bad are ya hurt?"
"I—I can walk," He stammers as she hooks her arm around his waist, holding him up. "I'll be fine."
"And her?"
"I don't think they hurt her," He shakes his head. "But Daryl said she hasn't moved for the last few hours."
"Screw it," Rick says under his breath and swings his rifle onto his back, readying himself. "I'm gonna have to carry her."
There's only half a moment for me to react. I can barely shoot my arms out to swat him away before his hands are under my armpits and I'm being lifted onto his chest, my attacks useless. He looks around at everybody, his eyes lingering on Glenn.
"Alright," He nods, "Let's get outta here."
End Notes.
Our knights in shining armour have arrived! 😌
I was thinking two things while writing this chapter — First, I feel so bad for Harley, Daryl, and Glenn. Sorry, guys. And second? Hooooo, the revenge is gonna be sweet!!
Wasn't sure how to incorporate the flashback considering we're in first person perspective, so I decided to make it a sort of dream sequence, but everything that happened in it was real. Also wanted a break in the monotony of y'know… being locked up and tortured in a basement.
I'm excited to escape Woodbury and move into the next phase of the story. Merle's my next target. I like the action as much as anybody else, but it's the drama I live for!
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, guys! 😊
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Halloween prompts no. 14
Danny gets thrown into the Blue Exorcist universe, saw how Rin was being treated and straight up kidnapped him when no one was looking and took him to another dimension/reality/whatever to keep him safe.
Rin, as you can imagine, doesn't take kindly to being kidnapped and tries to roast Phantom. The fact neither understands the others language did not help. Danny, taking a gamble, dropped his phantom form and raised his hands in surrender.
Rinse eyebrow twitched and he asked wtf he thought he was doing. Danny got an idea and raised a finger ask if asking one moment please before bringing out his phone and typing into Google Translate.
Things go better after that, Rins still kinda mad and demanded to be taken home but Danny refused, saying he wasn't going to send him back to a place that would treat him like that! The fight escalated until Danny confessed he died because people ignored the abuse and neglect from his home situation and he terrified Rin will face a similar fate. This finally took the wind out of Rins sails. Rin comforts Danny who may or may not be crying.
This is when the local heros show up because it turns out they landed in the dc universe. They realize they've pretty much melted part of the city they were in during thier fight and scram before anyone can get a good look at them. They're branded as mysterious villains almost immediately.
Danny and Rin take to stealing in order to survive and start teaching eachother thier language so they don't have to keep relying of the translation app. (Also they can't reliably recharge the phone) They're bonding and building up eachothers self esteem. Rin enjoys having someone who let's him protect them as a big brother should and Danny enjoys feeling safe and protected for once in his afterlife. They both start wearing masks and start stealing bigger marks as supervillians in order to survive.
The Justice League Dark is absolutely freaking out because why is a Gahena demon and some kind of Lazarus Pit child working together?? Demons from Gahena never come here cause they shouldn't even be able to and they had no idea Pit People even existed up until now. And why are they stealing such strange things? The bank robberies they understood but the baby food incident? (They stole a bunch of baby food to help the homeless and low income population) The lab thiefts? (Danny recognized the type of machine they were making was designed to be a portal when the press conference about it said nothing about portals. So he stole it and destroyed it cause it was sus.) The JLD knew they were missing something.
Batman himself eventually tracks them down and finds out
1. They are 14 and 15 year olds.
2. Both are traumatized
3. Black hair blue eyes
4. Both have supernatural abilities they can't fully control
5. Both are very sweet and are being more vigilante than villain
Bruce has already mentally signed the adoption papers.
Unfortunately, Danny has bad memories of another billionaire who kept trying to adopt him and is avoiding both him both as Batman and as Bruce Wayne. The boys run in to Harley Quinn and she figured out these kids needed help. She aids in thier language endeavors and if the only reason she knows Japanese as well as she does is from her binging anime for a few months during a quarantine caused by Scarecrow then thats her business.
Anyway, she gives them not-therapy since she can't ethically give them therapy therapy and in exchange they pay her with cash they stole. Neato. Rin eventually gets onto an ADHD medication that suits him and he's doing so much better. He uses a lot of the coping skills aunt harley taught him and its like hes a totally different person. Granted Rin has to take an ungodly high dose for it to work due to his demonic heritage but they make due. They already rob banks, whats a few pharmaceutical companies?
Ivy and Harley pseudo adopt Rin and Danny and sometimes the boys would just come over to Gotham to hang out or play with the pets. Rin loves cooking and has taken over the kitchen in his and dannys safe houses. He does most of the cooking and keeps the kitchen spotless. Danny does the laundry and dusting and they share most other chores. Rins used to having Yukio sleeping in the same room as him so sometimes he sneaks into Dannys room in the middle of the night to sleep on the floor.
Danny keeps waking up and moving him to the bed. Neither say anything about it and Rin assumes he slept walked into the bed and flees before Danny can be woken up and weirded out. Miscommunication! Yay!
Meanwhile the birdie brigade are on thier tails and watching/spying on them every chance they get. They're already making preparations in the manor for two more people.
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starabsol · 1 month
okay so this is like a rant and questions and shit i have on my mind about pokemon advanced/contestshipping because i can
something that has always confused me is— where the HELL did solidad come from? during the entirety of the hoenn contest circuit we never saw her, neither in the entirety of the kanto circuit UNTIL the grand festival. and you can go and counter this with a “she only started participating in contests during the kanto circuit” which like, yes, is reasonable. there’s one thing that very much bothers me though. in the spontaneous combusken episode brianna (who looked up to drew) literally STATED may was the only female coordinator he had respect for. and she is OBSESSED with him, and watched all of his contests, by the way. and then, SOLIDAD COMES IN??? HUH??? atp i’m convinced solidad was like a last minute decision to say some shit about drew because obviously he ain’t the character so do so himself, and that feels so wrong to me. like her only reason of existence in the anime is just to spill stuff from drew’s past or whatever.. you could’ve introduced her sooner, and then later it could’ve been like “woah! she knows DREW?” but no she just came out of nowhere and that was it. ok so that’s point one
secondly, why did they only reveal the reason harley dislikes may so much is at the END of the kanto circuit? a whole ass season after they even met? like we get convinced in the beginning he just hates this girl because he called his pokemon scary and didn’t go all crazy over his cookies, and then like bam this girl that looked like her stole his cookies and that’s why he’s so angry. so what was the point of the first reason he hated her so much..??? and with this you could counter “well he didn’t recognize her yet” would be fair except they look exactly the fuckinf same, OR “he just kept it to himself” which i find not so fitting as harley, each time we get a shot of him just doing his own thing, he talks to himself and is just constantly rambling about. so if he DID recognize her, i feel like he would’ve said at least SOMETHING about that.
thirdly, why the hell was drew in only 2 contests along with may? ONLY FUCKING TWO leading up to both of the grand festivals. which like, all right, i do understand, they want their battles to be long awaited and heated, totally fair. but it feels so wrong to call him a main rival, if, out of quite a few contests she participated in, she only battled him face to face once, in her first contest. the rest of the things he really only did is just keep an eye on may and make a haughty comment here and there to piss her off, and stopping harley, a few times. it’s exciting, sure, but it would’ve been so much more rewarding if may won from him after more than just two losses (in actual competitions) but, again, that’s the way i look at it.
fourth, this is much rather more rambling than a straight up question i ask myself every so often, but… i’ve read a shit ton of contestshipping fics. and thing i noticed very frequently is that in the stories that are written drew always has a burning hatred against harley, which feels odd. because, during the entirety of the series, the only moment he really got mad was after the whole assist commotion. the rest of the times? he laughed him off, for instance after harley lost to may in the hoenn grand festival, and in mays last contest before the kanto grand festival. "arent you smart!” and the “you better not make me any angrier drew” “back at ya” like bro this mf does not feel threatened by him AT ALL. he even complimented that he raised his pokemon very well, which, i am sure he wouldn’t have said if he hated him as much as people make out as he does. and the brianna being really fuckinf bratty and evil thing… if anything she’d seem somewhat of a sensitive and shy girl, in worst case scenario she’d call into a depression if they got together or something.
fifth, and my last question, how the hell are there enough contests to give out ribbons? aren’t there like, more than 200 participants in one grand festival? and every coordinator needs at least 5 ribbons? that means 1000 ribbons to be given out, in one year, in one region. and you have like the wallace cup thing, but it’s held every year, and the ribbon from the wallace cup can be used in any region, so that’s barely filling anything in. so where the HELL do the 999 ribbons come from? wouldn’t they have to hold like a dozen of contests? because, obviously, there’s coordinators who have less than 5 ribbons, unable to enter in the grand festival, which means there’s only more ribbons to add up to the 1000 total. and yeah, more ribbons could be given out in smaller contests in smaller towns, but there was never much mention of that. it’s just really fucking vague
that was my rant. please tell me what you think………please
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Oh look who’s sorry, now their answering to me
Tim was so tried, of the suspicious glares form Dick and Bruce even Steph, of being forgotten with the only people who would remember him on a regular and check up on him having tried to kill him. He just wanted to be welcomed in his home, not treated like and outsider to his family.
Harley noticed and offered to let him stay with her and pam. He accepted, Dami was heartbroken that the only two people who didn’t view him as a killer had left him.
Tim’s pov.
Living with Harley and Ivey was easy, though i wasn’t expecting to meet Harleys son Danny, he is kind and always makes sure i’m ok and doing well, He makes sure i’ve slept and eaten, he made me feel like i’m not a burden. So when he proposed that we start dating, of course i said yes. After dating for about a year we got our own two bedroom apartment, Damian would often stay with us to get away from Bruce’s bullshit. After two more year Danny proposed with Damian’s help, (3 years of dating) I had never stopped being RR. After a year and a half we both revealed our secret identity’s. Once we were engaged I moved into the place in the infinite realms. Damian moved with us. we consider ellie and dami our kids they get along like siblings being closer in age. Our wedding was grand the ghost called it the marriage between hero’s or, to kind souls becoming one. Danny got my father to walk me down the aisle. I hadn’t seen him in years it was like a dream come true, Dami was my best man with Jason and Connor and some other old friends as my groomsmen. Danny had all three of his siblings along with his two oldest friends. We were both over joyed the celebration was amazing, everyone that had made a positive impact on our lives were there Cass showed up and it was like the icing on the cake.
3rd person pov. Time skip three years.
Bruce was going insane it had been three years since he’d seen his youngest two kids, he know he’d treated them both badly Tim more so then Dami. He was in a JL meeting when a green portal opened and swallowed all the hero’s. When the shock wore off they saw that they were in what appeared to be a court room. They were chained in the center de-masked. A man sat in he judges spot. “Who are you and where are we” someone yelled bruce didn’t care, he couldn’t believe that his second youngest whom he believed to be dead stood there look healthier then when he live with bruce. “Oh, well i’m the king/queen of the infinite realms and you are all here as witnesses” (i stand gender fluid Tim Drake) “Tim what’s the meaning of this” Bruce yelled as he was left in the center while the other members filled the stands. “Darling I think your going to be quite a bias judge” a new voice spoke up, and a man with electric white hair slinked out of the shadows he was about 6’8 towering of Tim who stands at 5’10 average height. Tim tsked “why don’t you and Dami have a seat in the stands while i cover this one” “ Fine he responded Dami is already sitting there” The man bruce still didn’t know his name sat in the judges spot, “I Daniel Nightingale, holder of the ring of rage, King of the infinite realms ect. Charge Bruce Wanye with child abuse, child neglect and child endangerment, his punishment the nightmare realm” The man, Daniel had stated with a smirk, the magic users were shocked what had Bruce done to get this attention from both Kings of the infinite realms. “My dear i’m pretty sure that’s worse then what i was going to give him” The other male, Tim as they had learned said. “ well i’m sticking him with Vlad so it’s a fair trade” A childish laugh was heard Robin, the one that had gone missing sat there laughing as his father was put in the nightmare realm until they got borde of him. “ Well Tim off to the garden for tea with me” the boy had said “Of course” and the two walked off through the grand doors. Daniel watched with a smile before turning back to the remaining members “If you even dare to try anything you’ll be experiencing the nightmare realm first hand, got it?” He said as he smiled with to many teeth. silence followed by many heads nodding. “Good well off you go” they fell through another portal back to there meeting place. Danny smiled he now had a good life with an amazing family and he was going to let nothing harm them.
The end
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kindnessisweakness2 · 11 months
"Oh my god! No you never!" Emily's laughter echoed around the empty house. " No Jax, I call bullshit!" She struggled to get the words out in between giggles. A red faced Jax was a sight for sure. He was never the type to get embarrassed, not easily anyway. But he could feel the warm glow on his cheeks as he told Emily the story of him falling victim to one of Opies pranks. "No seriously! I had to walk back from the lake Naked Em! Fucker stole my clothes while I was swimming with a girl. Wouldn't have been as bad but I had to walk through town in the middle of the day! My mom wasn't impressed." That spurred on another round of laughter from Emily as she imagined a naked Jax strolling down Main Street. They sat curled up on either end of Emily's plush sofa. Both comfy under the fluffy blankets she kept within arms reach. The TV played in the back ground, a movie neither of them had paid attention to. Instead they sat and actually talked. About any thing and everything, childhood memories, family and what they want from life. Jax's kutte hung on the hook by the front door, his phone in the pocket, giving Emily his full attention. And for the first time in a long time Jax felt disconnected from the stress and worry of the club. It felt weird to say but being there with Emily, it felt homely. Safe. "So you know all about my disastrous love life. It's only fair I learn about yours." Emily smiled at Jax over the top of her mug of tea as she took a sip. He shifted against the side of the sofa, always uncomfortable at the mention of Tara, but she was right it was only fair. "That was a mess, to say the least. First love, high school sweethearts. Felt like I had to be with her every minute of every day or id lose my mind. She just took over everything ya know? Couldn't see myself with anyone else. But her and club never mixed. She just couldn't understand my connection to it. My future has always been laid out for me, I'm gonna be at the head of that table, with alot of men's lives in my hands one day. My responsibility to keep them safe, to make the right decisions and get them back to their families. My mom always said it was flawed from day one. Said Tara wasn't strong enough. And looking back she was right, she pulled me away every opportunity she got. She had bigger dreams. Wanted to be a successful doctor with a cookie cutter house and a white picket fence. But I couldn't give her that. And so came the ultimatum. Her or club." Jax's eyes never left Emily as she listened to him talk. The way her face twisted he could see she wanted to say something. "Did you ever consider it? Leaving club for her I mean?" Jax smiled at her. "Of course I did. Packed a bag and everything. But then I quickly realised that I couldn't go. Look, ever since I was a kid all I wanted was a Harley and a Kutte. If I left with her I would be giving that up. Plus, what the fuck was I gonna do? I'm an okay mechanic who barely got his GED. How the fuck was I meant to provide for us, or even think of starting a family? I'm not Noah. I won't sit on my arse and let my girl bust hers to pay for everything." Emily nodded as Jax spoke. She couldn't help but think how nice it was. To sit here and just talk, be open. " Sorry for that last comment. But you must get what I mean? What kind of man would I be if I can't provide for my own." Emily smiled as she placed her now empty cup on the coffee table. "Don't worry. I know i was stupid when it came to Noah. I only have myself to blame for letting him do me dirty like that. I didn't want to see what was infront of my face. Like I said before, love blind." Emily quickly brushed the comment away, not wanting to reveal the truth. The truth was ugly and painful, and she didn't want to admit it to anyone, let alone Jax Teller. Noah had broken her, but she wouldnt admit it to anyone. She wouldnt give him the satisfaction of knowing he made her weak. Anyone asked she was fine, like always. Emily was a pro at masking how she really felt.
Jax sat looking at Emily. He could tell she wasnt as okay as she was trying to make out. Nobody could be in a relationship for that long, go through a betrayal like that and just be fine. Jax's phone rang, cutting through the comfortable silence. "You should probably get that." Emily smiled as she grabbed their cups and headed into the kitchen to give him some privacy. Jax's eyes widened in suprise. Most girls would go moody at their time being cut short, or atleast wanted to listen into the call. Being privy to club information is only an old lady perk. While he took the call from Chibs, Emily quickly tidied her kitchen packing a to go box of the meatball subs she had made them earlier, along with some victoria sponge cake. Making sure they were wrapped good she quickly popped them in a bag as Jax appeared in the kitchen. "Im sorry, i've got to go. Club shit." Emily smiled at him and handed him the bag of food. "Its okay. I get it dont worry. I packed you some left overs from earlier. If it turns out to be a late night atleast you'll have some decent food." For the second time that night Jax's eyes widened in suprise. Taking care of people clearly came natural to her. "I had a really nice time tonight Em." Jax smiled at her as she followed behind him to the front door. "Me too." She pulled him in to a hug before opening her door for him. "Look Jax, i dont know what club business your going to deal with. Its not my place to know. But just be careful." He smirked at her concern as he leaned against her door frame. "Always am Babe." Rolling her eyes, but unable to wipe the smile from her face at the blatant flirting from the blonde adonis, Emily watched as Jax rode away on his Harley.
Butterflies still flew around her stomach long after Jax had gone, but she did her best to ignore them. He flirted with everyone. From what she knew about this town he had slept his way through most of it after Tara and never settled down. She would just be another notch on his bedpost if she gave in to the temptation. Another woman silly enough to swoon over THE Jaxon Teller.
Or would she?
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achaotichuman · 10 months
*Slides in asks* okay but like Modern!AU but like Lucien as a Hot Motorcycle guy riding down the coast with his hot artist boyfriend Tamlin.
Sorry but I'm a motorcycle lover and imagining Lucien riding A Harley, wearing all those leather and gears is making me 🥴🥴🥴 and the gloves, don't get me started on the gloves 😭😭😭
Ngl I have never written a Modern!Au before, and I know nothing about motorcycles, but first time for everything right? One hot man with motorcycle and hot boyfriend coming right up!
"Do you need a ride home?" Tarquin asked. Tamlin looked up from his music sheets to see the younger man packing up his guitar, preparing to head back to his place.
Tamlin glanced around at the others, Kallias was sitting on the couch up against the wall with Viviane beside him. Both knee-deep in papers and books. Eris and Cresseida were sprawled over an armchair, practically covering each other as they jotted down notes. They were at the recording studio, today they were supposed to be recording some vocals for a song they had been working on for six months now. But it seemed most of Tamlin's friends were taking the opportunity to cram in extra study time. Considering exam seasons were coming up it was now wonder why everyone could only think about their courses.
It still made an irrational part of Tamlin angry. They had started this group to record and eventually put out music, not to study.
Tamlin himself was pursuing a bachelor's degree in environmental science. He desperately wanted to help with the protection of their natural world. It was dying, slowly but surely, dying. He was pursuing this path out a need to do something. To help. To do his part.
Still, he was trying to juggle what he really, truly wanted to make his life. Music called to him at every given opportunity. Never in a million years would he give up his hope to one day help restore at least some of the earth they had lost, but he still hated that his friends were just... seemingly no longer interested.
Even Tarquin who had picked up his things and was preparing to walk out the door, had only played a few chords today before burying himself in notes and studies.
"No, I'm fine, thanks for the offer though. I might take you up on it next week." Tamlin said, returning his eyes to his music sheets.
"You sure? Everyone's staying here for the night, you'll have to catch a taxi if you want to get home." Tarquin pressed.
Tamlin sucked in a breath. Everyone was staying here tonight, because their recording studio, was also technically classified as Eris' basement that he let them use from time to time. Eris mostly came down to listen and watch the show when they were using the studio. Every now and again Tamlin could convince him to play a melody, but those were rare occasions.
Their entire band wasn't here at the moment. Thesan and his soon-to-be husband were buried in their own life. Bron and Hart were on a back-packing trip around Europe. And the second eldest Vanserra brother Silas was on vacation with his girlfriend. So at least most of the time they were busy when they were at the studio.
Still, it felt like they had stopped playing for the most part. Maybe he was being a little dramatic, but he loved playing in this group. The idea of losing it broke him more than he cared to admit.
"Yeah, I've already got a ride, he'll be here in a couple of minutes." Tamlin snatched up his phone and quickly checked the time, already 5, he should start packing up his things as well.
"Who's picking you up?" Kallias asked, not looking up from his notes.
"Lucien." Tamlin said, beginning to pack up his sheets.
"Ooohhh" Cresseida whistled from her seat beside Eris, "Hear that Eris, Lucien's picking him up."
"Yes I heard Cress." Eris hummed, "Believe it or not they have been dating for some time now."
Viviane huffed, "Dating since they met more like it."
"Hey!" Tamlin said, "We were good friends, its just... recently it became more."
"As if," Kallias said, "I remember when I first saw you two at a party together. Lucie practically had his hands all over you, and you glared at anyone who dared to try and get his number."
Eris let out a loud 'hah'. And Tamlin's face couldn't have been hotter.
He couldn't deny the truth in their words though. Tamlin had always felt strangely possessive over Lucien, and Lucien had never held back from touching Tamlin like he owned him. That had just always been their relationship, they stuck so closely together one might think they were joined at the hip.
It was also Lucien who warned Tamlin against dating Rhysand. Tamlin hadn't listened, too charmed by Rhysand's flirtatious personality that he never saw how the man gaslighted and manipulated him. Nearly talking Tamlin out of thinking Rhysand had cheated on him.
Six months, that's how long it took for Tamlin to leave bed without sobbing every time he passed a place that reminded him of the bastard he once called his lover. A year it took for him to look at Lucien, the man who had stuck by him the entire time and finally realize what had been beside him all along.
And how he was teased for not realizing it sooner.
A message popped up on Tamlin's phone. Lucien. It read 'Outside, ready when you are.'
Tamlin quickly grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder, "Alright, I'm going now."
"Have fun with Lucie!" Viviane called out, the rest of his group laughed. Tamlin walked outside with Tarquin. The younger man knocked his shoulder against Tamlin as they headed out of Eris' house and out onto the street.
"You have to admit, it took you ten years to realize Lucien was right there, you're lucky he didn't get taken before you could have him.
"Yeah, I know, I don't deserve him." Tamlin hummed.
"No one does, its Lucien for the Gods sakes." Tarquin said, a wistful look appearing in his eyes, "You scored with him."
"Don't even think about him like that Tarquin." Tamlin snarled. Tarquin rolled his eyes, then turned towards his car parked on the curve.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Tam." He said as he unlocked and opened his car door, "You head off with your precious lover."
Tamlin rolled his eyes, but waved as Tarquin started his car and drove off.
What a prick. A what a bunch of pricks his friends were.
Well, they were his pricks so he couldn't really complain.
As Tamlin watched Tarquin drive off down the road. The sounds of another engine filled his ears, he turned to see Lucien heading down the road towards him. On that damned motorcycle.
Lucien stopped abruptly in front of him, sending dust flying in his wake. He swung his leg off the motorcycle as he pulled his helmet off.
Head to toe in leather, gloves covering his hands and red pouring out down his shoulders, Lucien stood before him. Tamlin felt his breath get caught in his throat as he watched Lucien's chest expand with his breathing, forcing that tight jacket to stretch around his ribs, accentuating every muscle he had.
"Hello beautiful." Lucien purred as he walked towards Tamlin and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Tamlin blushed so hard he felt dizzy. He bit his lip and pressed his forehead to Lucien's.
"You brought your motorcycle," Tamlin murmured, remembering one to many times Lucien had done terrifying tricks while Tamlin had watched, scared out of his mind.
"You love it." Lucien accused. Tamlin laughed.
"I like the leather." Tamlin whispered, tracing a circle over Lucien's sternum. Barely able to take his eyes off the gorgeous body before him.
"Everyone does." Lucien said as he pressed his lips to Tamlin's. Tamlin entertained his kiss for a second, before he pulled away with an eyebrow raised.
"Who is everyone?" Tamlin asked.
Lucien laughed and wrapped an arm around Tamlin's waist, holding him close, "Anyone that passes me."
Playfully, Tamlin shoved Lucien's shoulder, "You've got too big an ego for your own good."
"You say that like you don't."
"I deserve to be egotistical." Tamlin said.
"Whatever you say, my love." Lucien said, pulling him in for a proper kiss. Tamlin complied, pressing their bodies right up against each other.
After Tamlin finally remembered they were in fact, in public, he pulled away from Lucien and pulled out his helmet from his bag. Quickly strapping it on, he let Lucien get on the bike first before his slid in behind him.
Tamlin wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's middle. Tamlin wouldn't admit it aloud but being on the motorcycle tended to terrify him at times. Considering he had no clue how it worked, and Lucien often went faster than he should just to 'impress him'.
It was impressive, or it would be if Tamlin wasn't on the bike with him. At least Lucien always slowed down whenever Tamlin asked.
They took off. Speeding down the highway so fast everything in Tamlin's vision became a blur. He held tightly onto Lucien and laughed. Watching the blurry view beside them.
The wind whipped around him. A welcome coolness against the hot sun. They passed cars and sped through the city. Tamlin felt every part the girl on her bad boy boyfriend's bike from the Hollywood movies, and he loved it so much.
They eventually found the coastal road. Lucien slowed as they went through the scenic route. Passing the glorious sea spread out over miles and miles, glittering in what was now the sunset light. Oranges, red and purples danced on the horizon, a beautiful painting that adorned the sky.
Tamlin let out a content hum as he hugged his boyfriend a little tighter.
Eventually they slowed to a stop outside of their favorite restaurant. Tamlin furrowed his brow as Lucien shut off then engine. Taking off his helmet Tamlin asked, "What are we doing?"
"I'm taking you out to dinner of course." Lucien said, taking off his helmet, and pulling off his gloves. Tamlin nearly licked his lips as he watched those bronzed hands slowly be revealed.
Standing up, Tamlin placed his helmet on the bike, then turned to Lucien. He wrapped his arms around Lucien's neck, then stood up on the tips of his toes.
He pressed his lips to Lucien's. The Vanserra paused for amoment, seemingly surprised, but then he gripped Tamlin's waist and pulled him close. His tongue gently prying Tamlin's mouth open and slipping inside. Tamlin moaned and pulled him as close as he was physically allowed.
The sun set over their heads. A brilliant end to the day.
In Lucien's arms. Covered in that skintight leather. Kissing him senseless. Tamlin didn't think he could ever be happier.
I may add more to this at a later date, just because I really like it. Thanks for the prompt! I loved writing this!
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meadow-roses · 5 months
Untitled Document
Thank you for the ask!!
"Untitled Document" is a character exploration scene for Kate, and a rough first draft of when she finds out the identity of Dauntless.
Here's a snippet:
There was something in the air about this conversation that was not setting right in Felix’s gut. He swallowed against the sudden dryness in his mouth and attempted to continue the conversation like normal. It was probably nothing, just his nerves fritzing out like they had been doing a lot lately.
“Uh-hu, well- as good as I was expecting, in a- new place and all. Um.”
Kate seemed to have picked up on his nerves and gave him a quizzical stare. He tried to smile back but was really unsure how well that reassured her.
She sighed and adjusted her stance against the counter, fixing him with her sharp gaze.
“Well, Felix, I wanted to ask you something while it’s just the two of us. And I want you to answer honestly”
“Of course,” Felix replied. He did not like the direction this seemed to be going in.
“You’re a terrible liar.” She stated simply.
Felix squinted at her, cringing internally. “And?”
“And I know you’re keeping secrets from me. You seem like a nice guy who wouldn’t want to hurt anyone, so instead I’m just going to ask you. Whatever it is, it's safe for you to tell me. We can help you.”
"Julia" is kinda similar to the previous. Written from Felix's mother's pov, it's kinda her musing about how she figured out Dauntless' identity, but dramatic✨✨
It wasn’t hard to figure out. Really the hardest part had been accepting the truth that was blatantly obvious from the very beginning. She knew who Dauntless was.
The fact that only someone close to him could put the pieces together was what was keeping his secret safe in the council halls, but still, the fragility of the situation was unnerving. Somehow, she had to sit in meetings and keep her face straight and her demeanor calm as officers and politicians discussed ways to find and put an end to the man who was her son. It was terrifying.
She knew it was only a matter of time before the charade would come to an end, and she couldn’t imagine that end being a happy one.
"Felix" is the first doc I made when I started working on his backstory!! :D I'll share the opening to the first scene I wrote in there. XD
Harley, Andrea, and Scott have slightly shifted personality-wise as the story developed, and also the scenario is entirely not canon BUT first dialogue from Felix :D
“Well. We’re stuck here,” Andrea said, sliding down from the mountainous pile of trash and rubble she had been standing on. “I can’t catch a signal, the ship is trashed, and I can’t get the map to load up so we’re just lost behind enemy lines.”
She huffed as she sat down next to Scott on an ancient upside-down pickup truck, both legs stuck straight out in front of her. Scott grunted, arms crossed across his chest.
“Hey, can I see the PD?” Harley asked, looking up from where she was kneeled wrapping Marco‘s leg. “I might be able to get it to work when I’m done here.”
Andrea shrugged. “Catch.”
The device arched through the air headed in decisively the wrong direction. Harley lunged to catch it, her body moving fast enough it became a blur to the others. She caught it neatly and gave Andrea a curt look before crawling back to where she had been sitting.
“You two should be more careful with that,” Marco said, wincing.
Andrea shugged again. “It’s not like she can miss.”
Harley patted Marco's leg and settled into the rubble beside him, flicking the screen on and scrunching her face in concentration as she messed with settings. Marco laid back and closed his eyes.
“Say, were’d the little guy go?” Andrea said suddenly, straightening from her slouch.
Scott gestured over his shoulder with his thumb. “Ran off that way. Said he was looking for ideas.”
“Huh. Guess we could use a few of those."
The junkyard became quiet except for the occasional grunt from Harley, and Marco's labored breathing. Somewhere off in the landfill wasteland something large dislodged from the side of a trash mountain and crashed into the valley below. Andrea shifted her position on the truck and crossed her arms. Scott continued staring at the disfigured rubble at his feet, lost in thought.
Harley glowered at the unresponsive device in her hands. No connection, no way to send for help. It seemed the only way out of this one would be to walk, but what to do with Marco? Carry him? It didn't seem like a good idea to just leave him here, but carrying him into further danger?
She was broken from her thoughts by the sound of rattling cans, and looked up just in time to see the ginger-topped head pop up from behind a nearby trashed vehicle.
“Does anyone have a hairclip I could borrow?”
Andrea spun around, still seated. “A what? Buddy we’re lost in a junkyard not a hair salon.”
“I've got one, Felix,” Harley said, pulling the pin from her bang and holding it up for him to see. Without the hairpin her electric-blue bang fell into her face and over her eye.
Felix scrambled over the rubble and accepted it with a grin. “Perfect, thank you.”
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dessarious · 1 year
What Comes After Pt5
Beginning   Previous  
Mari sat at the table with Chloe next to her, and the Sirens opposite. She had no idea how to even start this conversation.
"If you want us to leave because of what happened, we understand." She could only blink at Harley in confusion. Leave? Oh.
"Batman would have shown up at some point whether you were here or not, and I'm the one who said Red Hood could stay." She paused and glanced at Chloe, but the all she got was an encouraging smile. Not helpful. "This is actually about what Batman said about the Miraculous."
They all just stared at her, waiting. No questions. Nothing she could use to jumpstart her brain or her mouth. Harley was giving her an encouraging smile, but the other two were blank, and that was just creepy, especially from Selina. Finally, Chloe took pity on her.
"I know we haven't talked about it, but what do you know about what happened in Paris?" Harley and Ivy shared looks, but Selina just frowned at them. It was a good question, though. Given what they'd said in the beginning, the Sirens hadn't really looked into it at the time. Mari wasn't certain how much research they'd done since. Harley ended up answering.
"Not much, to be frank. A lot of the media we found, we aren't certain if it's reliable and don't want to make any assumptions. Other than the basic information on the villain and all the statistics from the final battle and aftermath, we were honestly waiting for you two to feel comfortable enough so we could ask." That was good and bad. Mari took a deep breath and kept her eyes on her hands as she began speaking.
"The Miraculous are magical jewelry that grant powers to their holders. The first Akuma was Stoneheart. A boy in our class named Ivan was being teased about his crush, and that's all it took. Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared to fight him. Ladybug screwed up and didn't capture the Akuma after the fight which led to a much larger problem. When that escalated, Hawkmoth made himself known to the public. After that, the people of Paris were in constant danger of their emotions being weaponized until he was defeated. At some point, Chat defected to Hawkmoth's side. Hawkmoth and Chat Noir were both killed in that last fight and revealed as Gabriel and Adrien Agreste. Gabriel's assistant died a week before from using the Peafowl Miraculous." She let out a sigh. "Those are the official facts that are known to the public."
"That's... that's not very much." Mari could only sigh at Selina's observation. She still had no idea how much secrecy was necessary, but fewer people knowing the details certainly made things easier to contain.
"No, it's not, but for most people living it, it was more than enough, given what they went through. Honestly, I think everyone was too relieved to question anything, even if Ladybug was willing to share, and she wasn't." Chloe started rubbing her back, but it still took everything in her not to cry. Mari wasn't even certain if it was grief or anger.
"But you know more about it?" It wasn't really a question, and Harley kept her voice soft.
"I know everything." She couldn't help the dead tone, not that she tried very hard. Chloe actually scooted her chair closer so she could pull her into a hug. "But, before I tell you anything, I need to know if you're willing to help fix the problems that Ladybug and Chat Noir caused." Mari put a hand over Chloe's mouth before she could argue. This wasn't something they were going to agree on, and it wasn't relevant for this discussion. Granted, the Sirens didn't look happy with her wording either.
"We'll do whatever you need us to." Mari was surprised that Ivy was the one who spoke, but they all nodded. There was no hesitation and that, more than anything, made her decision.
"I need you to be part of a team of new Miraculous users."
"What?" Ivy seemed surprised the word came out and immediately cleared her throat. "I thought Batman said the Ladybug and Black Cat had to be active."
"Batman knows nothing about the Miraculous. While having a balanced pair wielding those two is one option, it's not the only one. Given what happened the last time, it's not worth the risk." Harley was frowning at her, but Selina seemed to be trying to analyze her.
"Okay, so this other option doesn't require balance?" Mari let out an amused huff. She should have expected Ivy's question.
"All life requires balance, but there are different types. Finding two people who balance each other exactly for the most powerful Miraculous is extremely difficult, and that doesn't account for how people change and grow. I'm not sure exactly how long it would take to restore the balance, but the chance of making things worse is higher than the other options. Our current plan only requires the team to have a common goal."
"And what would that be?"
"Well, restoring the balance for one. Other than that, it's something for us to discuss and figure out among ourselves."
"You're going to be part of this team?" Harley tried to hide her worry, but all three of them looked concerned.
"I am. Five people are needed, and having us all living and working together will reduce any chances of someone breaking from the group and causing issues."
"You don't trust us?"
"I don't trust anyone, not with this. With that in mind, you'll also have to agree to being put under a spell that will make it impossible to talk about anything you learn about the Miraculous with anyone other than the five of us. The spell should be powerful enough to sense if anyone is listening in covertly as well." None of them seemed comfortable with that, but they didn't say anything. "This isn't your problem, and I understand if you don't want to do it."
"It's not that. We want to help you, but having some random person casting magic on us isn't exactly smart for us." She could only blink at Selina in confusion for a moment. Oh, of course they thought it was someone else.
"Not some random person. I would be doing it." That just got more blank looks. "I'll be able to explain a bit more once it's done."
"If you're sure this is how you want to handle things, we'll do it." Harley didn't seem to like the idea, but Mari wasn't certain how much of that was the magic, and how much they were just worried about her and Chloe.
"Want is not the issue, unfortunately. This is the only option that isn't likely to end with the universe imploding." Ivy let out a short laugh, but it seemed more of a reflex than anything else. The other two were just exchanging frowns.
"What do you need us to do?" Selina sounded resigned more than anything else, and honestly it was comforting. The fact that they weren't excited about wielding a Miraculous made her think this plan was likely to work. She pulled three vials out of her pocket.
"Drink this." They all took them, but waited for Ivy to smell it and nod before they drank. It was good that they were cautious. Given the look Ivy was giving her, she knew about the 'special' ingredient in it as well.
"That's all?"
"That's all you need to do for the spell. Now you won't be able to speak about what I tell you. For everything else, it's only the beginning." She knew she sounded tired, and far more grim than she should have, but this wasn't something she could be happy about. "I suppose it's best to start with what the Miraculous really are. Each one is powered by a god tied to it. They grant their users abilities based on their aspects. We will be using Miraculous that give powers based on emotion, metamorphosis, subjugation, deceit, and protection."
"Gods? Like one of the old pantheons?" Selina's nose wrinkled as she talked, and Mari could understand why.
"No, the Kwami predate all of them. The gods you're thinking of were actually created by the Kwami in an attempt to have better control over the physical world. Not their best work, I'll admit. Honestly, it's right up there with Plagg wiping out the dinosaurs in an 'oops' moment."
"You're kidding." Ivy's tone was dry and Mari just tilted her head. "You're not are you? And you want us to just let these gods use us as they see fit?"
"That's not how it works. The Kwami that bound themselves to Miraculous gave up their autonomy for the most part. They have to obey their holders, which is why Hawkmoth and Chat Noir were able to do the damage they did." Chloe hugged her tighter, and the Sirens were shooting them both concerned looks. Mari could only wonder when thinking about Paris wouldn't feel like someone was ripping her heart out of her chest. "You guys can come out now."
The Siren's confusion turned to surprise as the five Kwami made their presence known. Pollen went to sit on Chloe's shoulder, while Nooroo hid under Mari's chin. Even if she hadn't been the most suitable for them, she wouldn't have given the Miraculous to someone else. Nooroo needed to be with someone they trusted. Wayzz, Dusuu, and Trixx settled on the table studying the Sirens, who, in turn, were just blinking at them. Trixx broke the silence by giggling.
"This is going to be fun. It's been a long time since I've had a suitable holder." Mari felt herself flinch. While Alya had been a good person, and now a lot less nieve, pairing someone who wanted to get to the truth of things with the Kwami of deceit wasn't her best decision. Especially since it had actually made her more susceptible to Lila's lies.
"This isn't about fun, Trixx. But I'm glad you approve." Now all the Kwami looked worried too. Wonderful.
"I'm sorry Guardian, we know this isn't easy for you." All the Kwami cuddled up to her. She'd forgotten how nice it was to have them around. Well, when they weren't driving her insane anyway.
"Guardian?" Harley's soft question brought her attention back to the discussion at hand. The question was how much she wanted to tell. Even knowing they couldn't tell anyone else, she wasn't certain.
"I'm the Guardian of the box of Miraculous that all these Kwami belong to."
"Just these five?"
"No." She could tell they wanted to know more but were afraid of overstepping. "There's currently nineteen, including all those used in Paris."
"So Batman's assumption that you could get him in contact with Ladybug was correct?" Selina looked like she wanted the words back as soon as they came out.
"Ladybug no longer exists." None of them knew how to take that. Even the Kwami were giving her odd looks. It was true, though. Even if she had to use the Miraculous again, she wouldn't be Ladybug anymore. Too much had changed. She'd changed. "Batman is chasing a ghost, and I'm more than willing to let him." Honestly, she was glad that the magic users in the league either didn't know, or didn't feel the need to tell him, about the order or Guardians. That or he just felt finding Ladybug was the only way to get to them.
"When you say she doesn't exist..." Harley didn't seem to be able to finish the thought, and Mari tried to give her a reassuring smile.
"The hero no longer exists. The person who was forced into that role is alive and as well as they can be." She looked less than thrilled with that explanation. "Right now, we need to figure out how this is going to work, or rather, how we're going to work together."
"I still vote setting off explosions in the Batcave." Chloe's words just made her roll her eyes.
"While I certainly don't have a problem messing with Batman, going after him on his home turf isn't wise. We could have all sorts of fun with him when he's on patrol, though. We know Gotham just as well as he does. Some of it better." Chloe pouted at Ivy's suggestion, but Mari knew it was a much better plan. He was already going to be pissed that they were in his territory. Going after his base was just going to get all the others riled up as well.
"I'd prefer that our main goal be helping people, rather than just trying to see if we can get steam to come out of Batman's ears." Mari's voice was dry, but she couldn't help it. "The last thing I want is for us to only be thinking about petty revenge." Would it be a good uniting factor? Absolutely. Did she want it to be the main one? Absolutely not. The Sirens softened at that.
"There are certainly more than enough people in Gotham that could use the help. Did you have any particular person or groups you want to start with?" Harley's question caused Mari to pause. She hadn't thought about it, but the answer was obvious.
"Kids, and people who have suffered the loss of family, blood or otherwise." She honestly wasn't certain what to make of the looks she was getting.
"That's definitely something we would be happy to help you with." 
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divineerdrick · 7 months
Homestuck: Beyond Canon Upd8 for 2/10/24
We got our news post a little late and our upd8 a little early. I'm struggling today and behind on progress for everything, but I still want to read.
James is being a bit hammy, but he's teasing some good news. It looks like we'll be getting [S] pages in the future. Hopefully with more than one person and a slower upd8 schedule, they won't ever need to pause for them.
Kinda curious about the VTuber mentioned. I like watching people experiencing Homestuck stuff! It's the whole reason I started live blogging.
Now onto the upd8!
Looks like I might have been right about Yiffy potentially having something to do with that ominous red glow. Let's see what's going on.
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Like all teens, the worst thing that can happen to her is public parental affection. Though Jade is laying it on thick! Where's Rose with a quip about contacting CPS? Although she'd be calling them on herself.
Not sure how I feel about the gag, honestly. It's pretty cliché, and Tavvy is right there. We don't know how badly Yiffy has suffered, but like Tavvy it's been real abuse and neglect. This comic does have a habit of trying to make child abuse a joke, though.
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Kanaya is obviously still struggling, and I can't blame her. Yiffy is one of the most controversial aspects of this comic, supposedly handed down to us from on high by AH himself. One of the great complaints about the Epilogues is that it takes the characters in directions that were intended to challenge fans. But even then, the idea that even a Candy Rose would cheat with Jade to have a secret love child and hide it from her all this time is so fucking out there. Everything about it feels wrong.
And then, of course, they get into a silly dare and name her Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley!
But I'm not saying things that haven't already been said a million times. It's always felt like one of AH's epic troll moments, like the ones I both love and hate in the original work. And I hoping it will eventually pay off to something.
Looking at the text here, Yiffy's color could definitely be the red. Hah! Pepis.
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Yiffy's mind is also on Kanaya it seems. We're also getting a sense of her attitude much more clearly now. I'm kinda getting Susie vibes.
Oh wow! They're actually calling it "The Yiffy Reveal" in universe!
Wow! Wow! Fucking wow!
The fuck!
I think my jaw just splintered the floor at my feet!
Rose used her power. She actually used her fucking power! And not only does she believe this will all be fortuitous (it's practically fated since it gives us a set of four kids), but that fortune would dictate Kanaya's eventual forgiveness.
She didn't just decide on, "Easier to get forgiveness than permission." She believed it inevitable, so that made it okay!
The fuck!
We're digging a little into Jade's adult life now. And yeah, it's just as bad as we probably imagined it was. Doesn't justify them going behind Kanaya's back, but you can understand her yearning.
That . . . that oddly makes sense. It still seems wrong, but it's the kind of backward logic that might occur on Candy Earth C. I don't know if AH had this explanation as part of Yiffy's backstory, or if it's writing we can attribute to one team or the other. But it's an actual explanation for how we got here.
Still not enough to pay off the trolling yet.
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How . . . Tavvy, what were you doing?
Yeah, no. I'm betting right now Kanaya is feeling a lot more forgiving towards Jade and a lot less forgiving towards Rose.
That's Meenah's symbol, so we know who to expect a call from next time at least.
Of course a lot of attention is payed to the captchalogued corpse in Jade's possession. Did she find Dave's body and is still not dealing with it? Has she considered her taxidermy tradition dealing with it enough? Is this somehow another corpse considered fitting for the Harley traditions?
Tune in next time!
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Every Opportunity Pokemon Missed by not having Drew in Destiny Deoxys: A Non-Comprehensive But Still Long-Ass list
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Art above- credit to the lovely @salon-maiden-anabel ! So. This is a topic that, if my sister mentions, she knows I will go off about it at the dinner table while my mother stares on confusedly. This is a topic I feel very strongly about, and I decided to put it into words for this post-and I KNOW I'm not the only one with strong feelings about this topic! @raich-raichu I know you showed interest in this topic when I said I'd do it so hope you don't mind if I @ you! THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE: PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE REBLOG WITH YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND/OR ADDITIONS ON THIS. I thrive on hearing everyone's takes and opinions. Images are included which makes it kind of long, each number on my list has a corresponding image below. For funsies. Also, I imagine this happening right before the last grand festival, though I know that’s incorrect. It just gives me more developed characters to work with since advanced and battle frontier Drew are pretty different development wise. This is with late AG Drew.
Some background. Why do I think Drew should be in Destiny Deoxys (which will be referred to as DD for the sake of my carpal tunnel)? What is the connection? Why DD and not, say Temple of the Sea? The key is the location. Drew is canonically from LaRousse City. And DD is the ONLY time we ever get to see it. Connection has been established. So... what would he even do in the movie? I'm glad you asked! Let's get into it. A numbered list of every missed opportunity the writers had by not including him.
1.) Character building through backstory. We know little to nothing about Drew's backstory, and this would have been a really natural way to learn more about it. We could have had a scene where we learn, oh, this is the flower shop his mother worked at and he grew up helping tend to the plants or whatever. This is the garden where he met budew. Just little things here and there would have been fascinating, and this movie's setting was a PERFECT opportunity for it. Plus, here's the vision. We get a semi emotional, nostalgic scene with his favorite place as a child, right? Rare Drew emotional moment, maybe sharing it with May and co.? And then, later in the movie, we see that place destroyed by the conflict in the city and we get an emotional sad moment there!!!! And in the ending credits with the song??? WE SEE HIM AND HIS POKEMON STAYING BEHIND IN THE CITY AND STARTING TO REBUILD IT (after waving at Ash and co. on the train back to mainland Hoenn). Guys, my vision is CLEAR AS DAY. Greenhouse time.
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2.) Seeing him interact with other characters. Drew isn't the most extroverted guy out there, and we only ever really see him talk to Ash, May, Solidad, Harley, and Brianna. Also, May is the only consistent one in that list. That's literally five people, for those of you keeping count at home. In DD? A large cast of interesting characters for him to interact with, possibly childhood acquaintances that know him! We have Rebecca, purple hair metagross trainer who likes her computer more than most people. Sid, a human golden retriever. Rafe, who's basically Drew but with brown hair and none of the redeeming qualities. The two twins, whose names are never spoken and are only in the credits as Audrey and Kathryn (one of them also has a masquerain iirc, or at least a Surskit!). And Tory, kid who is scared of pokemon and tbh I wouldn't change Tory's role or screen interactions much. I would, however, say the others have a lot of potential for interactions with Drew. Rafe taunting both Ash and Drew at the same time? Rebecca and Drew getting along well because they're the only two who appreciate silence as a form of hanging out? Audrey and Katherine taking little sibling roles, possibly? Tons of possibilities here.
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3.) Shamelessly plugging the contestshipping agenda here, but why else do you all follow me? Anyways, Sid from Destiny Deoxys has a sweet but entirely blatant crush on May (who actually knows and does not give much of a shit, though they get along well anyways). Now, I usually do not like jealousy tropes. I think they're easy to do poorly and for them to come across as posessive, which I am not a fan of. HOWEVER, I am a fan of Drew being all moody and bitchy /affectionate. I can see it going either one of two ways: one, we get asshole Drew back from season one of Advanced, who makes snide remarks at Sid who would likely brush it off as fun banter, further annoying Drew who literally cannot get under Sid's skin due to Sid's overwhelming optimism, or two, we get the Drew that has all of his walls up, hiding behind this cool facade of professionalism and aloofness, sort of emotionally overcompensating for trying to hide how much it irks him. Either way, would have been fun. Could have been used for comedy, too, since May is dumb as shit with the guy who has genuine feelings for her, but clocks the puppy love crush from Sid immediately. Would I have trusted the pokemon company to do this trope well? No, but it could have been funny as hell in the right hands.
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4.) On that note, THE PASSPORT PHOTO SCENE. May isn't the most photogenic person in the world. Does he tease her about it? Does he make some offhand remark about how he thinks she looks nice before aloof-ly and deftly moving on from the topic, leaving her with the rare compliment as she tries to figure out if he was serious or not (or was it for her beautifly)? Does he show her how to retake it? DOES SHE GENUINELY SMILE IN THAT RETAKE PHOTO, LOOKING AT HIM BEHIND THE CAMERA ROBOT THING???????ASDFGHJKL so much potential with this already gold scene.
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5.) More location-based character building. LaRousse City is home to the (or at least a) Battle Tower, and no mention of contests. This means, likely, that LaRousse is a very battle-enthusiast city. Did this make Drew feel like an outcast as a kid, being interested in something different from his peers? Could have been interesting.
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6.) Let Drew have his hero moment. Let's be honest- most of the times that we see him, he's being either a jerk (affectionate), head-over-heels in love, or pathetic (see: Who What When Where Wynaut drowning incident). And in what I would categorize as an adventure anime, he has remarkably... little adventuring, save for a traipse in the woods with On Cloud Arcanine. This can be his moment to actually shine! He's obviously a great battler, though he prefers contest-oriented formats. He beat Ash with a type disadvantage. He's a strong trainer- let him put it to use and try to hold off the Deoxys clones (bonus points if he's holding them off from May, not that she needs him to save her ass).
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7.) Forced togetherness with the crew. We know Drew has no issue spending time with May, and he's at the very least quite tolerant of Ash. But... Brock? Max? Fun fact, Brock CANONICALLY does NOT like Drew. At all. Calls him nails on a chalkboard. Makes this face at him (pictured below). Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want more of that. Tell me to my face that you don't want more of him having to socialize and of Brock being... like this. Shit's hilarious.
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Look at him.
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I need more of this in my life.
8.) The angst. He has his entire city destroyed, let him have a grieving moment for it. Hell, let him have a moment where May tries to reach out and he has to decide if he's going to let her in or shut her out. Does he snap, like he did in May, We Harley Drew'd Ya? Does he let her in, like The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing? Do the other LaRoussians reach out to him and let him know, hey, we're in this together? DO THE PLUSLE AND MINUN TRY TO CHEER HIM UP??????
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9.) Let him get separated from the group, or let the group get separated from him. Let him have panic, uncertainty, worry for his newfound friends. Humanize him a little bit for casual viewers who know him as 'that asshole with the roses'. You know how Pokemon loves shots of people reaching out to save someone? Give me that. Let him not reach their hand in time as Deoxys clones pull them away or as they get lost in a swarm of security bots. Give me a Drew that thinks he’s failed, that it’s his fault. It isn’t of course, I just like putting him through it. Then… give me a reunion scene. An “oh my god, you’re all safe, I thought I had lost you” scene. Did you guys know we don’t get a single contestshipping hug????? Ever???? No, her keeping him from drowning doesn’t count. I think that’s a crime and I think a “thank god you’re alive” hug, from either end, would be amazing. Ship mode activated. Imagine. May, spotting him from across the city plaza once the dust settles, and sprinting to him, nearly knocking him over with a hug that he hesitantly returns, before realizing he doesn’t want to let go. Alternately, the other way around: he lets his walls down long enough to hug her, to feel safe to break down for a minute in her arms because he was so fucking worried. May, short-circuiting slightly because wait, is this really the same rival that she accidentally threw a frisbee at and hated so long ago? Give me Sid reacting forlornly in the background too fhdhhf. I love Sid, he’ll be ok. (Also: Brock having a moment of “Oh. You’re still alive. Great.” Kidding, mostly.) also… Brock giving Sid a “yeah, I know how it feels” pat on the back???? Just a concept.
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10.) More Roselia teasing him. She's the biggest contestshipper out there. I love this little green rose gal. We need more of her being snarky to her trainer. She had so much personality with so few appearances, I love her. GIVE HIS OTHER POKEMON PERSONALITIES TOO!!!! Give them time to shine! My own takes here, but I like to think Absol is over Drew's bullshit 24/7 and is the serious one of the group. Flygon? no thoughts head empty, like most reptiles. Ft. a picture of my own no thoughts head empty reptile, who made friends with a cricket in his cleaning bowl below under Roselia gif. The others, no idea but there's my takes.
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Arthur Morgan Modern Headcannons pt2
Everyone loved the modern headcannons and wanted to have some modern wedding headcannons 
As well as some more arthur on the bike wink wonk
we’re gonna combine the two, and start with the wedding and work in some of the bike!
Oh and @photo1030​ suggested Arthur on a more vintage looking Indian Motorcycle rather than a Harley, so I’ll leave an image of both and write for both! 
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So after Arthur has asked you to marry him because of course he did
You two set away at making wedding plans almost immediately
You more than him
not that he isn’t excited to marry you because of course he is
but because he isn’t exactly into big party’s
he’d be willing to just get married with his family, your family, and one officiator.
But he knows you’ll want something a little more extravagant.
So he let’s you do whatever it is you’d like to do for it
You want to do a color scheme? He knows you won’t make him look like a total fool
you want a specific kind of food there?
He’s not picky he’ll eat anything you put on his plate
it’s the same with the cake, it can look any way you want
he’s absolutely there to accept any and all plans you make
of course he’ll help with certain things but he’s given you free reign
Like I said
it’s not that he’s not excited for your wedding
quite the opposite 
he mentions to you just how excited he is for it every morning he wakes up with you
He mentions ‘we’ve got X amount of days until you’re Mrs./Mr. Morgan’ and then the rest of the day you have a smile on your face.
He helps pick the location, obviously
He wants to do it on Dutch’s ranch, there’s plenty of space there to set up a venue, and you debate it over a night but then realize it’s probably best for the two of you.
It’s close to family and Arthur would love to be closer to family rather than somewhere he doesn’t know, and you know that.
Plus there’s a beautiful apple orchard that Hosea’s started there 
that you think would be fantastic to put the alter at
You invite your family, your friends and the entirety of Arthur’s family and all is set up sooner than you think
Of course you make the color scheme your favorite color and white, or black if that’s more your style
(Myself it’s olive green and white, that’s what I’d like to have whenever my actual wedding happens, if it happens lmao)
which means whatever your favorite color is, is the color of Arthur’s tie, or his tux with a black tie, depends on the route you decide to go
 (Like for me, an olive green suit with a black or white tie, I think it’d look fantastic) 
Your dress is the same way! 
(A mostly white dress with olive green accents for me I swear these are just to try and give you an idea of what I mean but also shut it I can dream too)
The decorations match the color scheme and Abigail does a lot of it, she kinda takes over and decides that she is gonna be your wedding planner.
Jack is OBVIOUSLY the flower boy
The song Arthur proposed with 
This one btw
Is the one you two have your first dance to
The song that plays as your maid of honor and bridesmaids walk down the aisle with the groomsmen with is 
This one here
and then obviously the traditional wedding march as you walk down the aisle, but with a little bit of a southern twang to it, played on an acoustic guitar. 
Your bridesmaids and Maids of honor are either your closest friends (Any you can think of!) 
Your closest friends from Arthur’s family!
Mary-Beth, Tilly, Karen, Molly, Susan, and Abigail of course! 
Who is your Maid of Honor? 
Def Abigail, she helped do the entire wedding of course
and obviously John is Arthur’s Best man
It was a real toss up
it was between john and charles
but john won
because of that whole brotherly bond thing
The dj for the wedding is Sean because he insisted and if you didn’t he threatened to make you feel bad for the rest of your life for it.
The whole thing goes off without a hitch! 
Arthur is crying at the alter and pretending not to be
He sees you and just can’t stop himself you’re just too perfect and he’s sniffling and trying to wipe away the tears without it being too noticeable
That makes Abigail cry, which makes you cry, which makes John cry, and everyone is crying
Dutch is crying the loudest and Hosea is hitting him repeatedly to try and get him to shut up
When it comes time for the reception, food dancing and the like
everyone keeps calling you Mrs./Mr. Morgan and welcomes you to the Van Der Linde family without hesitation
Everyone dances happily, and gets drunk
Arthur gets drunk but for once its happy drunk, and not drinking because it’ll take his mind off things
He sings badly for you and the two of you 
Just have the time of your lives
the pictures you get taken for the wedding are sent to you about a month after and you swear you’d almost kiss Albert for how well they came out
Arthur looked so handsome and you PROMISED him that the photos would be treasured forever
You even set one of the digital copy ones as your lock screen because he looked so damn fine
Speaking of fine
Those motorcycles
He doesn’t ride them often but you complain to him to start doing it more because
The vintage Indian Motorcycle is older and it takes a lot of repairs sometimes
He doesn’t take the bikes into the shop though
Mainly just because he’s got the tools at home to fix it 
On the days you aren’t at work you sit at home and watch him work on it
swearing under his breath
sweating and wiping oil on himself
Tossing things to the side and calling them names
Going from angry at the bike to nice the next second
“You fuckin’ bitch that’s my goddamn hand”
“Aw...start up for me, please?” 
Now, modern Arthur keeps his hair fairly short, faded at the sides and anywhere from a 2 to 3 level beard.
He’s got tats on his arms all the way to the shoulder, a sleeve, only on one arm though, the other has a few tats but not a sleeve
He’s got a chest tat, but its not huge
the one on his back is tho
You get to see them when he works on the bike because he gets hot and frustrated and tosses his tanktop to the side or ends up using it as a rag because the one he usually tucks in his waistband gets lost when he kicks pieces to the side
The back piece is a Buck, one of his favorite animals and his arm is an amalgamation of things
His favorite fire arms, which he uses as an excuse to say 
“What, you mean, these guns?” And then flex
He’s got just a bunch of things that mean a lot to him and also anything that he thinks looks good on him.
He’s got a feather tattooed on there somewhere from an eagle, (it’s matching with Charles)
In general he’s got wilderness things tattooed on him, mountains and trees and the like
The chest tattoo is small, but also a favorite firearm, one of the repeaters he likes
He’s got flowers mixed in too! A man can like flowers damnit!
When his bikes are fixed up
he’s a hunk
He wears this tight fitting white shirt and these fantastic jeans with biker chaps and a leather jacket to match.
He wears his cowboy hat too, which of course you always warn him it’s gonna fall off when he’s riding but of course he remembers to tie it on with the straps he had you sew in
Like I said he usually keeps his cigarettes rolled up into his arm sleeve, that way he can reach them easy, and the sight of him smoking on a vintage bike 
He always smirks at you and says the PERFECT THINGS
He drops you off at work sometimes and when he does you know that means he’s gonna pick you up for a bike ride that evening 
When he pulls up to your work and kicks that kick stand out to wait for you to get on he’ll look at you, smirk with his cigarette between his lips and say
“C’mon Baby. You an’ me are gonna ride all damn night.”
He’s just so damn hot you don’t know what to do 
He takes you on long bike rides sometimes
on like
bike week? 
He’ll take the harley for those tho, cause it’s more reliable for the longer trips
and the two of you ride together
Sometimes he steers with one hand and puts the other on your thigh while he drives
It’s a little precarious because 
ya know
but he knows what he’s doing so you always feel safe
He loves both of his bikes like 
i mean
sometimes he talks to them and you’re like
“Honey, for the love of god, if you don’t say those exact words to me right now and fuck me in the hayloft you and I are going to have marital issues that I’m not sure we can fix.”
Cause he says with that stuPID voice of his
“That’s my Girl”
“Good Girl..” 
Not only that but he’ll get mad when he’s fixing them (As previously mentioned) 
And say something like
“Goddamn it why can’t you just fuckin’ start for me you dirty whore?” 
And let me tell you
after a ride on the bike he’s a little riled 
and the two of you go
you go ham
When the two of you finish said hamming
You always make food because he’s sleeping
snoring his ass off in the adjacent bedroom, laying flat on his back with his arms spread eagle and a blanket just barely covering his unmentionables
His hair all tousled and a small sheen of sweat covering his body
he’ll eventually stumble out with boxers pulled on haphazardly 
It’s mostly because he smelled food, but also because you weren’t cuddling him and he’s a little bit of a baby.
You feed him, and sit there playing with his hair, which he LOVES
he thinks about growing it out a little longer because then there’s more for you to mess with but 
with him being a mechanic he doesn’t wanna risk it getting caught in some machine and ripping his scalp at all
So he keeps it short but he loves you messing with it all the same.
He makes you lunch btw
he isn’t the best at cooking but he’s pretty good
he makes you your favorite sandwiches and puts soup in a container for you and literally makes sure all your favorite snacks are in there for you
He packs it the night before while you’re reading in front of the fireplace and then he curls up with you on the couch
9 times out of 10 you have to wake him up and herd him into the bedroom where he immediately cuddles back up into you.
He is 
Who happens to also be
I’ll write so many more of these if it’s what pleases the people
just tell me
request them
ill sell my soul to write more
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