#who cares...? well clearly there are ppl who do. and i respect that. i just cant get myself fully invested
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gordonengineswifenirmal · 2 days ago
It’s vile to think that actual paedos are given a harmless acronym.
Even more vile that some folks harass innocent people who are NOT paedos, n befriend the ACTUAL paedos n their friend circles. Not only have I been falsely accused, but I know a few others as well. None of us are into children.
I could not be less into weeuns. I’m extremely sex and romance repulsed, n I don’t like seeing anyone unclothed. I’ve even been harassed because ppl get the idea that I think everyone should go around in burqas. I don’t, but tbh, the idea isn’t without a certain logic lol. Im starting to understand why it’s not a bad idea sometimes.
There r a lot of people (and they don’t have to h all that much younger - even by like 10 years or so) who think an older person shouldn’t be in their fandoms unless they stick to a certain ‘unwritten protocol for oldies’. These very same fans can do the same things that they don’t want the older person doing. It’s ok for them.
For instance, if one drools over characters meant for kids, right away they are seen as paedos. Now, to be fair - if these characters were humans, animals, or what have you that are clearly being expressed as minors - then yes. Or if the accused was the ONLY one drooling over these characters, then yes - incredibly suspicious. However, some of the same people who harass, insult, make false accusations, etc. are guiltier. It’s a way to cover their tracks.
In fact, I’m in such a fandom. However - there r two versions of the characters - 1 version, where they are portrayed as machinery older than all of us. The second, where they are reimagined as cartoony children. The latter is very disturbing on its own. I’ve had people falsely accuse me of being a paedo and other things, and others blindly believe them. These same people defend those who befriend ACTUAL paedophiles. Convicted felons. With mugshots. They also have extremely disturbing sexual content on their blogs and elsewhere. Content involving people, open to anyone with just a few clicks to bypass verification - not carefully guarded privately for just a few of appropriate age. They also believe the sex bots and Gaza scammers asking for money are all genuine people not out to harm them, and forward their blog posts mindlessly - so they are often helping to promote scams which could rob others of money, or help ACTUAL groomers prey on victims.
Now, with that being said - I have NEVER had interest in children. In fact, I’m quite proud that I’ve never held a baby, and don’t plan to. I don’t have the slightest inappropriate thoughts or feelings toward kids. I will be friendly to them on occasion, but in general - I prefer them kept far away from me, and fully clothed at all times. Also, I have never been convicted of a crime if this sort, because it’s never even crossed the mind. I e never been convicted of a crime in general, and wish to keep it that way. In fact, I try to avoid thinking of it, because I was violated as a child, n it’s incredibly disturbing. The further they are kept away, the better, unless they are mentally mature enough to hold down a decent conversation (about any topic, nothing sexually inappropriate, because I have to spell this out, sadly). I do chat to some younger folks online, but I try to keep the conversation as respectable as possible. The moment they get too inappropriate, then I have to shut them down. Some do have wonderful conversations, and teach me technical stuff about trains, and whatnot. It’s interesting. I like that. I try to avoid talking anything sexual with minors. I don’t want to talk anything sexual with anyone, unless I’m laughing at how cringe something sexual is or goofing about n laughing with other adults about fanfics.
So with that being said - be careful of ‘proof’ - some people will take something out of context to harass another (often because that person strikes a nerve, and the harasser can’t come to terms with that truth responsibly, and so, lashes out) and others will believe that because they are gullible and easily impressionable. They also want a popular crowd to hang with. This could get them into trouble.
This is the modern society we’ve come to live in, sadly. So yes, please - stay away from MAPS - but please take the time to make sure they ARE one first, especially if they try to chat anything sexual to you. Don’t just assume. And DO block the scammers and sex bots.
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mihai-florescu · 7 months ago
I appreciate the dedication to preserving niches but im too bored with the concept of labels and ultimately uncaring towards circlejerk communities and maintaining a "lifestyle", perhaps at this point of burnout uncaring towards aesthetics altogether, to be able to meaningfully participate.
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andy-wm · 3 months ago
"Who's been sleeping in MY bed?" the little one asked
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I had a comment on my previous post asking if Jimin & JK stayed at the same hotel in NY and I realised I had assumed Jimin stayed in JK's room. But I don't think he did and I have thoughts on this whole situation.
[[ETA a few ppl have mentioned they had to read this twice. I apologise that this post jumps around and meanders and side-tracks all over. Believe it or not i did try to organise it... unfortunately it's an accurate representation of my brain]]
It's taken a few (probably way more than necessary) hours of looking at every bloody room in the Loews-Regency NY, and going back and forth between Are You Sure, I am Still, and the AYS behind clips to work it it but I can confidently say I know exactly* what unfolded on the night Jimin arrived in NY...
*clearly a lie, since we never REALLY know anything... However by collecting all the clues** left in these 3 series I do have a lot of circumstantial evidence. Combining that with a bit of deductive reasoning and a healthy dose of speculation, I have a decent enough theory.
** This cannot be accidental. The same people would be responsible (to an extent) for all three series. They have managed not to re-use any content, except once or twice we get the same scene from different angles. And that means we have a lot of information. BH knows army well enough to know we are absolutely going to gather up the (red) threads of these series and stitch together a story.
This is what i know:
Jungkook was in a Two Bedroom Suite - he had the master bedroom.
A Grand Executive Suite was used as a dressing room (but not much else).
Jimin had a Grand Executive Suite to himself (almost).
This is what I have reasonable evidence of:
Jungkook's master bedroom in the two bedroom suite was clearly used. Clothes on a chair, two open suitcases, personal items on the nightstand etc are evidence of the space being occupied. However when we saw him packing to leave for AYS, the bed looked largely unused. A dent in one pillow (the other pillows thrown across the bed) shows someone lay down on the bed, but the comforter was undisturbed and even the blanket at the bottom of the bed was still in place.
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At first i was amazed that JK's suite is shown almost without restriction. It is not treated as a private space. But then i realised we see a number of staff moving in and out of the space too. It dawned on me that even though JK has an area for his own use (the master bedroom) this is considered a work environment, much like the hotels in BV and ITS.
So it's unsuprising that when filming, the staff casually follow JK around as he does his thing, even making a point of showing spaces we wouldn't otherwise see - like the master bathroom with its great big tub. Jungkook himself invites us into the living area when he checks on reactions to the Seven MV. and in AYS we get a glimpse into the kitchen.
We don't get to see the second bedroom or bathroom so I assume a staff member - maybe JK's manager - used those.
Compare this to the way Jimin's space is treated:
Jimin's suite is treated - mostly - as a private space. It's not just careful editing. By the actions of the staff members filming him we can see they are very aware of this.
We see it at the start of AYS when the staff member wakes Jimin up. They stay in the doorway of Jimin's suite, literally not even stepping inside. We see only a glimpse of the (second) bathroom, and the footage is cut when the camera pans away. Jimin seems quite cheerful about being on camera despite his sleep swollen face and his bed hair, but nevertheless the staff member doesn't enter his room.
On both occasions when we see Jimin's suite, the staff member recording him is cautious about being his space.
That's not something we often see when BTS are on camera - especially not as overtly we saw it here. The privacy of Jimin's suite is very obviously being respected.
Packing for AYS: Jungkook vs Jimin (and the MOOD)
In the Behind clip for AYS we see both of them packing for their getaway.
Jungkook seems quite unbothered about having his packing process documented as he moves around the big suite. It crosses no boundaries for him. He hums and haws about what to take, he chats to the staff member, and he talks to the camera as he moves from room to room. He knows he's working and this is part of his job.
Jimin, on the other hand is rattled. He stuffs his clothes into the cumbersome bag with visible annoyance, not even taking the time to open the bag properly.
Now remember, Jimin is a performer. He goes out of his way to be charming and entertaining. He knows how to turn that on for the camera and in this moment he's choosing not to.
He doesn't engage with the audience.
He doesn't talk to the staff member.
He doesn't turn towards the camera.
He gives nothing.
He huffs in exasperation as he struggles with the bag, and his movements are tense and abrupt.
Prickly is the word that comes to mind, but honestly that doesn't even cover it.
When he's done packing, he snatches that bag up and marches out of the room without a second glance.
His hair covers his eyes like a shield as he walks toward the camera but the tightness in his neck and jaw betrays strong emotion.
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Yeah he's not happy
He slips through the half open door and strides down the hallway.
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I get the feeling that if the staff member didn't move fast enough, Jimin would run them over.
When something like this happens, my response is usually to look closer, so let's do that.
Firstly Jimin is a consummate professional. He can usually put a good face on any situation. But in this case he doesn't even seem to try. I guess whatever is bothering him is not something he can or will just brush off in that moment.
So what's actually happening here?
What is it that's pissed Jimin off to such an extent?
Let's look at it again...
They are filming him pack his bag. The staff member stands closely beside Jimin and focuses only him, his bag, and the sofa.
Let's be honest, there is absolutely nothing interesting about this scene (except the implications we are currently unpacking).
They could have made this count for a little more, maybe by panning around the room or changing the position of the camera in relation to Jimin. But they don't. Even when, by chance, there's a glimpse of what looks like takeout containers on the coffee table and some random debris on the chair behind Jimin, the staff member moves so that we only see Jimin, the bag and the sofa. That is all we're getting.
That's a clear decision and there has to be a reason for that decision.
When they leave the room, we have an abrupt cut before the camera backs out the door and down the hallway. That's another clear decision. The staff member could easily have moved behind Jimin and followed him out of the suite but this keeps them - and us - out of Jimin's personal (private) space and he remains the literal gatekeeper to that room.
Once they are out of the room Jimin lifts his head briefly, shakes his hair out of his eyes, and strides purposefully - defiantly even - on. He still doesn't interact or make eye contact. He still isn't giving them (or us) a damn thing, and even the funky upbeat muzak they've used can't alleviate the tension in this scene.
So why is Jimin in a mood?
We know Jimin was there for one night before they began filming for AYS. So all this takes place before filming for AYS began.
And that, in my mind, is the key.
Jungkook was promoting his album and he expected to be on camera. He knew the space he occupied was a filming location. Jungkook was already at work when he was packing for AYS. but Jimin was not.
Okay, but this a BIG MOOD... what else is happening?
It's not the end of the world to be asked to start your schedule a little earlier, is it? We know Jimin was already awake...
But they came into his room.
I don't believe he expected to have anyone in his private suite - anyone besides Jungkook. And I don't believe he agreed happily, based on his behaviour.
I'm 99% sure Jungkook spent the night in Jimin's suite for two reasons.
Logically it makes sense that they would choose the place they have the most privacy, and even though Jungkook had the master bedroom and a private bathroom in the bigger suite, that is a WORK LOCATION. It's not his private space.
Add to that Jungkook saying he was packed and ready to go, and only needed to brush his teeth which he would do when Jimin arrived. He even told us where he would be putting his toothbrush (future tense).
It's not hard to guess where his toothbrush was. And why.
So we have two healthy young adults who (we are told repeatedly by Jungkook) have barely seen each other. The flirting started at the restaurant, and we've already seen the evidence of a night spent in energetic passion.
And we have a closed-up room. I don't know how much air would be circulating in that room with the blinds down and the doors closed. I don't know how much air would need to circulate to remove the ...how can I put this delicately? the ripe and musky scent of celebration. I expect there was A LOT of celebration...
And we have Jimin. Jimin is MESSY. Jimin breaks mosquito nets and marks people's necks and pushes boundaries even in public. He throws his things about with not a care in the world... clothes, yes, and other things. How many of Jimin's tissues has JK picked up? You get the picture. It's a Biohazard.
Lastly, we have (or had) an expectation of privacy, of no staff, of restricted access.
Now there's a person in his private space unexpectedly. And they have a camera.
So Jimin is pissed off.
I'd be pissed off too.
He seems to be over it by the time they're filming the preamble to AYS, but he obviously felt compromised and deeply uncomfortable. I am glad he made it clear he was unhappy.
This highlights for me the importance of them having agency over their content and their personal time and space. On this occasion he must have reluctantly (and with conditions) agreed but I hope that in future his boundaries are respected.
I hope even more that ARMY (and Jikookers especially. I hold us to a higher standard) remember that their personal time and space is precious to them, and they deserve to enjoy their lives away from the public eye. Like the rest of us they should have the freedom and confidence to do what they want (no matter how messy) without the fear that someone with a camera will invade their space and record them.
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Please don't go to Jungkook's house, even while he's not there. It's not a tourist attraction.
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mstowel · 2 months ago
this is a lot of posts for me in 24 hours, but there are a couple things i saw/experienced at the show in relation to audience & stage door behavior that i think is important to know to discourage that behavior. this is gonna be super long, so bear with me <3
tldr: be quiet during shows & be respectful to those around u at stage door
first the audience behavior. i was sat behind two people who i have had the unfortunate luck of sitting behind at an earlier show a few weeks ago. so this doesnt go for all audience members, but i have heard other situations like this as well. the ENTIRE show, they were lip syncing to the songs and dancing (which ok worse things have happened, but it was incredibly distracting for the people around me, who kept complaining about their behavior). they also were literally quoting the scenes out loud. like, would say the character's lines before the actor even said it themselves. it was actually insane? like fully ruining scenes and moments in the show, because they clearly wanted people around them to know they had seen the show before. behavior like that is just rude and incosiderate. if u wanna sing along and act out the dialogue, maybe stay home and watch a bootleg? people paid a LOT of money to see the actors perform, not random audience members. it was really frustrating to a lot of people sitting around me, and to me as well. so just dont do that maybe?
for stage door behavior, im gonna name one person (bc multiple ppl have had issues with them), but leave the other two unnamed because i dont think anyone needs to receive unnecessary hate. there were a few people at stage door who werent at the show, and i understand that that happens all the time and u cant really do anything about it! but it was people who often brag and post about going only to the stage door without seeing the show and take up a few spots at the front. like....this is not the first time they've done this, and also they were maybe involved in a certain dming and food situation from a while ago if u guys remember that....so. no hate to them, free will and all, you can do what you want. but like, the repeat offending of constantly stage dooring without seeing the show is wild to me.
for the named person, broadwaypolaroids needs to chill tf out. i know multiple ppl who have had issues with her, and i never really cared to think about her until the last few times i have stage doored (all of which she has been at) where she is just so disrespectful not only to the actors, but the other fans who were at the show waiting to talk to the actors. she was fully interrupting fans conversations with certain actors to make the actors take at lesat 3 or 4 photos on her dumbass camera. she also was fully blocking the way for actors to leave and forcing them into stopping to take pictures. also insane that she charges money for these pictures and i think more people need to be talking about it, but maybe thats just me. i also one night saw her be rude to security because trevor (who was on as pony that show) didnt sign playbills in the section she was standing in. mind u trevor was outside for lile 15 minutes really taking his time with the fans. she went up to security and basically demanded they get trevor to come back outside. it was literally one of the more insane things i have ever witnessed. anyways, that turned into a rant. but the behavior from her last night was seriously not cool and shes just a rude person from what i have seen.
anways! lets remember to be considerate and respectful of those around us, both at the show and afterwards. everyone is there for the reason of enjoying the show and maybe getting to compliment the actors' performances after. so just be quiet during shows and be kind to those around u, in seats and at stage door. its truly not that hard. ok bye! <3
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brucewaynehater101 · 10 months ago
Tim drake ruler of worlds
Ok I am an outsider but I think ppl are focused too much on the brucequest. Imagine the comedic potential of none of the batfam knowing but the loa does. Damian arrives and shows respect to Tim bc even the demons heir knows when they are outclassed (by several planets worth of people). Batfam + jl don't realize this until a force appears that overtakes planets and sees Tim. Tim says "fuck off". They promptly fuck off. What the jl doesn't know is that they only overtake weaker planets without a good defense. Planets Timmy has multiple planets to act as a defense and should not be counted. He wouldn't ask them but the second those planets hear of the threat to their beloved rulers planet???? They shall take this strain from his shoulders!!! He has done so much!!! (What if he thinks we are too much work) We can do this small act for him!!!
They hear of one (1) threat and are like but what does he get from ruling us?? (Mental health boost from millions saying how great he is, stress relief tbh, the ability to take days off while he feels like he's still being useful). We Will Keep Our Overlord!!!!
Better if they have longer lifespans and so Tim being 17 is like.. Smart Baby!! Babey so clever!! We love him!! Earth babies are clearly such good rulers!!! We should recommend?! But wait?? He tries to KILL earth?? THATS WHERE OUR BELOVED BABY RULER IS??
Tim is like people electing a bear to president because it clearly can't make anything worse right? But then he makes it BETTER?!??!??
I fucking love this so so much. I can't with them electing him for the morale boost (baby for overlord), and Tim somehow doing well anyways.
Just planets of people who love their mascot overlord who actually does really good work.
Also, you are correct that Damian (and LoA) knowing about Tim from the get-go would be such a juicy twist! Like, Damian would try to befriend Tim instead. He would try to establish a friendly relationship and connection for the purpose of having him on Damian's side when Damian takes over the LoA or Batman's mantle.
I bet Talia has trained Damian in business relations and how to manipulate people onto your side. Damian would try these tricks (there can still be some conflict with Tim being Robin) and notice months later that they somehow became brothers. Oh well. Tim's proven to be a formidable ally. For those who hurt his family? He's a terrifying opponent. It's truly better this way (and not that he'll admit it even to himself, but he also cares about Tim at this point).
Since Damian knows about the planets and they have a friendly relationship, Tim would take Damian with him sometimes when he visits. He'd show him some of the ropes (training useful for WE or LoA) and implement ideas Damian proposes.
Then! Your whole JL and invading forces ideas??? Fuuuudge. I love that shit so much. I just love dramatic reveals like that
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skyartworkzzz · 10 months ago
COTL Headcanons ramble
Felt like sharing these in case I take a long ass time to draw it out These are still raw in my mind, so some things may change futurely or the way I explain it might not make sense BUT ALAS it is fun to ramble
Before Narinder was banished, a feeling of mistrust was already growing amongst the siblings, and one of the reasons for such a thing involved envy (except for Shamura, I like to think they were above finding themselves lower or greater than anyone) Ever since a young age Narinder has always been a fast-learner, and quite skilled at everything he did. Gardening, fighting, cooking, strategizing, he was good. Definitely not perfect, but alarmingly good So as time went by, the Bishops grew colder with him until he eventually turned against them all, and thats where their feeling of envy turned into fear. For both of their own lives and their brother's, because that's when they realized his "flawless" abilities were always and clearly prone to turning him into the monster he then became (smtng like Anakin Skywalker if the image I have of him in my head makes any sense-) Naturally, a feeling of guilt lingers in them for not having been able to see it sooner and stop it, but as Shamura pointed out after Narinder was sealed, this was meant to happen. He was meant to be a monster, and a really good one
Aym and Baal were secretly given to Narinder by Shamura; they performed a ritual by themselves and killed the kits to send them to the Gates. When the brothers arrived, Narinder reluctantly took them in and naturally grew fond of the twins as time went by, but because they were sacrificed as offerings, Aym and Baal were half-immortal (something like the Lamb once they receive the Crown), meaning that they still had mortal needs such as eating or sleeping At the time, Ratau was serving Narinder as the bearer of the Red Crown, and amongst the rat's adventure, the god of Death eventually introduced the red chest we use to sell things for gold. He would request Ratau regularly to send in meals and fish in order to feed Aym and Baal (and I feel like a genius for coming up with why that chest exists hi-) When the kits were finally fully grown and well-trained, they ascended to Divine Guardians of TOWW and officially started serving him Despite their Ascension, Aym and Baal were never trapped into the Gates, so they were able to visit the world above but as ghosts of sorts (which means only a few ppl would be able to see them). It was through these ghostly travels that both were able to learn who their mother was and watched her from afar when not serving TOWW
The Bishops were once mortals before becoming bearers of the Crowns, a long time to ago, meaning that they likely have a life they no longer rememeber For the funs and giggles of it, I like to imagine that this "long time ago" for them was around the times animals still did not wear clothes nor knew how to speak aside from their respective noises AUHAUHASDJSD ALSO POSSIBLY LESS HUMANOID I like the thought of them looking either much more beast-like or just- tiny. Very tiny. As the animals they are AUHAJMDKADS
The Lamb doesnt know how to do SHIT aside from fighting. Im writing my Lamb as an artist in my Death After Life fic for the sake of the angst, but in actuality, they do not care about art that much. I like to think that they'd prefer small silly doodles over full-blown paintings, but if they do put in the time and effort, they manage to make smtng Mona Lisa-esque. So the skill is there, but they prefer to not use it unless for smtng specific. Its like those kinds of hobbies nobody knows u have til u make smtng CRAZY yk This also goes for cooking, except they are truly a Terrible cook, in modern AU Lambert lives off from cheap pizzas and dollar-stored cupnoodles u cannot change my min-
Leshy is the one who'd soften up the most for me. Obv still a fcking GREMLIN but I think he'd be much more considerate than his former self My guy would go from "kys /srs" to "kys /j" ALSO I like to think his and my yellow cat's love language is gifts and/or acts of service, theyre oftenly pampering each other out of the blue <3
This idea is still in the approval stages but.............Shamura remembers a bit of their pre-Bishop life. A bit. And that bit revolves around the fact that they might have known love in the past. Perhaps a romantic one, Im still not sure- Which now that I think about it would make the most sense as to why theyre so forgiving to Narinder, since the Bishop of War would probs want anything but peace with those that wronged them, unless they had a good reason not to cause havoc immediately............
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uriekukistan · 6 months ago
other than stuff for the first year trio, what would you want to see in ur like. ideal jjk ending? :3
hiii thank you for the ask :D hope you're doing well !!!
okay ASIDE from the first year trio hmmmm i mean definitely not what im seeing that's for sure
the main thing that comes to mind is that i would have loved to see yuuta either lose something to return to his body or suffer from an immense amount of guilt or disgust w himself. ideally both. like idk him just returning to his body as normal a) falls flat narratively and b) just doesnt seem like yuuta imo. SPECIFICALLY I SAW YUUTA LOSING RIKA tbsh
the second thing that comes to mind is that i would like to see shoko mourn gojo and i would like to see some kind of reaction from her knowing that geto's body was used by kenjaku. nanami's death too. i mean those were her closest friends, and i know that like she's a logical character above all, i respect that. but like as a primarily logical person it is simply unrealistic that those characters never fall to emotion. its so one dimensional to write them in any other way imo (this applies to megumi too but ik you said other than the first year trio. i could write a whole post on emotional vs logical megumi)
finally, the other thing i can think of, and i feel like this is kinda an unpopular opinion, but its something that came to mind after 270. but maki's first emotional response is anger like she covers her real feelings w anger. and i feel like no one sees it for either of them other than me. like idk i dont think a strong female character has to be unemotional, i think a strong female character should be emotional too idk if this is making sense but my point is. the last chapter. i didnt see it as a cute yuutamaki moment the way a lot of ppl did. like idk i read it as. maki uses anger as a defense mechanism, she always has done this, and her continuing this shows a lack of development rather than the self-actualization some people claim it is. so i'd like to see maki be a bit sensitive, especially w yuuta who's someone she clearly cares for
anyway this is just what comes to mind. there's probably more i can say but yeah. thank you again for the ask!!
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platonicallylovesick · 9 months ago
Some more "ppl defending Mrs. Bakugo" crimes against my mental wellbeing
People on titok are genuinely insane oml
"It's not abuse tho abuse is where its mentally and emotionally affecting the child's well being. and i think Bakugo is completely fine since thats his family's love language." GURL WHAT. GURL. DID YOU WATCH THE SAME SHOW?? IS BAKUGO DEVELOPING A CRIPPLING INFERIORITY COMPLEX AT THE AGE OF 6 NOT AFFECTING HIS WELLBEING???
"this is just for comedy... plus Bakugo is a brat and needs to be slapped sometimes" literally no child *NEEDS* to be slapped. the 16 yr old boy does not NEED to be slapped and esp not in front of his teachers who he genuinely looks up to and respects? ESP NOT WHILE BEING TOLD HE'S THE REASON THAT THEY NEED TO BE MOVED INTO DORMS IN THE FIRST PLACE????
"They're just messing around, have you never had a good relationship with your mother?" I have a lovely relationship with my mom, and there is a SOLID different between being lightly and playfully smacked on the shoulder during a lighthearted conversation AND BEING HIT ACROSS THE HEAD WHILE BEING YELLED AT TO SHUT UP IN FRONT OF *MY ONLY IDOL*
"Plus lets not forget in the earlier seasons this dude was a BULLY plus if you look at Bakugo he isnt even phased by her words he's just mad cuz she hit him. also if you watch the rest of the episode, Mitsuki says to All Might and Aizawa to take care of Katsuki and shows worry for him" oh so there's plenty to unpack here! First up. I WONDER WHY HE WAS A BULLY? I WONDER WHERE THAT 5 YEAR OLD LEARNED THOSE BEHAVIORS?? IT WASNT FROM ALL MIGHT VIDEOS, I PROMISE YOU THAT ?! Next up: "he isnt even phased, he's just mad she hit him." Bbg if you're told you're trash even just once a week for at least a year, you will stop reacting to it every time, in the moment. that does not change the mental stress it puts on you. Now add in the factors of "its def more than just once a week," "that is his MOTHER," "He's already immensely guilty about the situation," and "HE IS A CHILD." Then we have, "He's just mad she hit him." YOU'RE TELLING ME. YOU WOULD NOT BE UPSET. IF YOU WERE HIT BY YOUR MOTHER. IN FRONT OF *ANYONE* YOU RESPECT. LET ALONE THE LITERAL SYMBOL OF PEACE. WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE HIT BY *YOUR* MOTHER IN FRONT OF FUCKING IRON MAN?!
Last but MOST CERTAINLY not least: "She shows worry for him." Babe imma hold your hand in an white knuckle grip when i tell you this. I don't think you've ever been abused in your life. Because you do know that most abusers don't wake up thinking "MAN today will be a great day to torment my only son," right? She doesnt think she's abusing him. She's just doing what comes natural to her. She isnt reflecting on what effect her actions have had on her kid, she's the mother so ofc she's in the right and she loves her son so clearly the problem is his peers praising his powers too much, I cant possibly be to blame because i love him! She doesn't think about how its affecting him at all. Hell, it could even be a cycle bc honestly it already is one. When Katsuki is faced with unruly children he correctly identifies that there's some kind of lead kid (because he was a lead kid at that age, he was a problem child), and then HIS SOLUTION IS TO PHYSICALLY FIGHT THE KIDS, USING THE JUSTIFICATION THAT THAT WAS HOW HE WAS RAISED AND IN HIS OPINION HE TURNED OUT FINE.
This is actually a trap I've fallen into myself, I have recommended a little more tough love against my little siblings because I was treated much more harshly at that age than they are now. I WAS NOT IN THE RIGHT. KATSUKI IS NOT IN THE RIGHT. THIS IS HOW MALTREATMENT CHANGES A CHILD'S MIND. THIS IS HOW IT WARPS OUR VIEW OF THE WORLD AROUND US. Unless he gets some serious SERIOUS help, he will carry these experiences with him for the rest of his life. He might become just as terrible a parent as his mother.
His behavior is not his fault. He is a CHILD. A MINOR. If he was in his twenties and has experienced life firsthand and he was still being a bully for no reason or being physically violent with minimal to no provocation, I would agree that he needs a serious wakeup call. Still wouldnt agree with hitting him, but like yeah he's an adult, his prefrontal cortex is fully developed, he should be self reflecting. But AT SIXTEEN. HE IS A CHILD, A LITERAL CHILD. THIS KIND OF HOUSEHOLD ENVIROMENT IS ALL HE FUCKING KNOWS. IT IS THE RESULT OF HOW HIS PARENTS RAISED HIM, WHICH WAS TOXIC, ABUSIVE, AND EMOTIONALLY NEGLECTFUL.
Shoutout to the one guy in that comment section fighting for his life making good points as to the fact that YES Mitsuki is the fucking issue.
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whoredmode · 8 months ago
As requested, talking about Saint's Row 1.
Troy is my absolute fave character in the series and his role and characterization in 1 is so compelling and nuanced and he deserves better recognition, and also deserved a better continuing storyline and involement in 2.
The torn loyalties. The fact that he's really trying his best to keep everyone alive. The fact that he fails. His willingness to help out anyone in the gang when he can, even if just in the hopes of keeping the murder count down. The pretty obvious implication that he's the one who saves playa in the opening.
And most importantly, he's jonsing for a funbag.
Excited for your ramble rant!
my second fave for sure (dex gets the number one spot for me but troy is right behind him).
oh my god i know. ppl love to laugh at the foreshadowing w him but it’s legitimately so well done. like i’ve said it before but the fact we can catch it and feel vindicated by it just proves that it was very seamlessly written in? just the lil things. his constant nerves, his care and fear for lin in particular, the way he walks around questions, the way that even monroe clearly doesn’t like him and doesn’t tell him things? the fact the fucking game manual is written by him! he’s such a genuinely compelling character, and that continues into sr2, even if he got so unfairly cut from that narrative. and the narrative afterwards as a whole, i suppose.
and oh my god the opening. troy being the one who saves them. julius not introducing himself but introducing troy. julius and troy’s whole dynamic in sr1 makes me CRAZYYY!!! it may be a fairly unpopular reading of it but i LOVE reading their dynamic as julius knowing full well that troy is undercover. i need that constant tension. i need them in that push and pull. i need troy being so unsure of himself and his beliefs. he knows julius is full of shit but at the same time julius knows he’s buying into it, that he cares about the saints. their fate is in each other’s hands. like it’s insane.
not to mention dex and troy, which is literally like 90% of this blog. i cannot shut up about these two. destined to hate each other in every universe. i’m very into the cyclical relationships between characters in my canon, how in some ways it feels as if some ppl are fated to go through the same motions and issues over and over again w the same ppl, and that plays a huge role in dex and troy’s dynamic in particular. they will never be rid of each other. but my god their sr1 dynamic specifically is so good. i just love it. dex being so suspicious of him, finally figuring him out but not being able to say a word bc. who would believe him? so many saints barely respect him as a lieutenant, already think he’s gonna be the one to betray the saints (“pulling some warren williams shit”). what is he supposed to do. he just has to sit there and watch as troy continues to lie. and then the actual confrontation we hear through the recordings? how troy respects dex too much to deny it? oh my goddd
anyway ig all that to say. there’s just so many beautifully tragic elements to sr1, and a lot of them revolve around troy and his role as a character, as the betrayer, as the conflicted friend. torture that blonde man some more.
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schro4444 · 1 year ago
It's a pity in japan they don't do trick or treat bc I can imagine they'd do something insane like, making a a giant booby trapped net around the house's perimeter that looks like spider webs and dropping down from above dressed as giant spiders when a trick-o-treater gets stuck in it, or something. But you know what Kaitou Kid was an *international* criminal so hey, who can say he didn't do a heist in America around Halloween? No one, that's who. Also bringing Chikage and Kaito with him everywhere bc he loves them and bc if he misses any of Kaito's milestones (magic and thieving included) he will DIE and bc the police would be looking for a guy travelling alone, not for a family of 3 with an actual child who couldn't possibly be an accomplice (jokes on them Kaito makes the BEST accomplice even if he doesn't exactly know what he's accomplicing)
Dyou think they purposefully got a house next to the Nakamoris and then left Kaito in his care once things got dangerous? BC Nakamori Toichi can say with 1000% certainty is squeaky clean and subtle as a punch to the face and LOUD so ppl would notice if he got dissappeared, or alternatively kick up HELL and rally the police if anything at all happened to Kaito?
THEY TOTALLY WOULD. AND THEY WOULD HAVE THE BEST HALLOWEEN DECOR, OMG…. all of the ways they could make it look like ghosts are making things float/tossing them around… playing recordings of them saying things in spooky voices… improbable jumpscares… honestly if they really wanted to go full smoke and mirrors they could just Have ghosts. it would be awesome.
YOURE SO RIGHT. there are many benefits to being an international thief >:D they’d totally do themed family costumes. also the idea of toichi bringing chikage and kaito everywhere with him has me breaking down, actually. kaito breaks open his first safe right after a heist in austria and toichi is so busy celebrating this with his wife and child that he gets completely skipped over as a suspect
omg… nakamori being ENTIRELY distracted by the fact that 5yo kaito has a new magic trick to show him RIGHT NOW and it’s REALLY IMPORTANT (toichi has stolen the jewel) and it has to be NOW because nakamori is always busy (toichi is halfway to the roof) but now that he’s HERE nakamori can finally watch the trick and he can see how cool magic is (toichi is back in plainclothes and is walking in to pick kaito up)
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and as for the neighbor thing, HONESTLY I WOULDNT BE SURPRISED. clearly chikage trusts nakamori to look after her son, which is a huge compliment especially from a former thief—I feel like trust issues come with the job. all of the kurobas have/had a lot of faith in his morality, which says a lot about his (sometimes dubious) character that we don’t explicitly see in the story. I wonder how he proved himself to them so thoroughly?? maybe it was smth like he saved kaito from someone gunning for Kid really early on, back when actual danger during heists was rare, and thus he accidentally earned the undying respect of two phantom thieves, lol. plus I bet kaito came home after the clock tower meeting rambling about his new best friend aoko, and toichi and chikage were like. Well We Were in the Market For a New House Anyway…
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eternalwritess · 1 month ago
Hii so I was hoping to get a JJK matchup 😋please and thank you !!
Gender: I’m a guy ! (He/him)
Sexuality: Gay ^•^
Personality: uhm my MBTI type is ISFJ. I joke around a lot with my friends and stuff. I talk a lot with people I’m comfortable with. I think I’m decently funny. I’m pretty smart. I suck at remembering what personal space is. I overthink a lot. Uhhh idk I’m bad at describing my personality 🙁
Likes: reading, music, rollerblading, acting, theater in general, playing guitar, stuffed animals (I have like 120 or smth), singing, i lovee space, my favorite animal is a raccoon, red and black, art, yeah idk I’m out of ideas 😔
Dislikes: people who don’t respect me or who I am (I’m trans and a lot of ppl don’t like that), spicy food, bugs, people being mean to someone I care about.
Fun facts about yourself: I was an athlete for 10 years and did like 6 sports, I’ve played 3 different instruments.
Love languages: physical touch and words of affirmation
Appearance: I’m 5’2 (like 157cm or smth) short curly brown hair, green eyes. I dress in masculine stuff, always pants and a shirt or jacket. I wear jewelry a lot, earrings bracelets necklaces rings all of it. I live in converses atp. I think that’s all ?
What you're looking for in a partner: someone who’s nice and wouldn’t mind me talking a lot or being really touchy and clingy. Obv someone who’s respectful and doesn’t make me feel bad about myself. And someone who doesn’t mind reassuring me when I’m feeling down.
Thank you sm if you do this ^•^ sorry if I didn’t give enough information :( again, I’m bad at describing myself
i match you with... 𝔂𝓾𝓾𝓳𝓲 𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓲 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
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✸ Now first off we got the classic jjk meetup!!! Since you're smart and Megumi was most likely on a mission Gojo had you introduce Yuuji around to the school properly, he would've had Nobara do it but she's a girl and he thought a guy doing it might help Yuuji feel "more at home"... also he just did NOT want to risk Nobara asking for his card-
✸ Afterwards you and Yuuji would totally spar, just for the both of you to see where he's at and oh- he's crazy strong... well no worries! I still think you'd best him (especially since at the time he is new to this) just because you clearly have a LOT more experience in this type of stuff than him and also you did say you were an athlete for quite a while so yeah :)
✸ Every now and then he'd have a silly little quip and whenever you'd respond back he'd start giggling, you really made him feel welcome at Jujutsu Tech which meant a lot seeing as well... his grandpa did just die a while ago so yeah... trauma and all that lol
✸ You once asked him if he wanted to go rollerblading and he said yes so the both of you did end up going rollerblading. It was his first time and he wasn't very good at it but you still helped him get the overall hang of it <3
✸ Once he figured out he liked you Nobara had already found out 100x over and then proceeded to lock the both of you in a room together the moment she found out that Yuuji did not want to confess... he ended up confessing in that room-
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
✸ He loves your physical touch and he leans into it every single time, he also grabs your hand a lot and wraps his arm around your shoulder quite often. He also puts his arm around your waist too! He also picks you up... yeah he loves physical touch :)
✸ You being smart is definitely a good thing with him seeing as he isn't the brightest 100% of the time... yeah he's gonna need your help </3
✸ You like red and black? Well those are kinda his colors in a way... well that and pink... i hope you like pink lol. But i's mostly red and black with him :)
✸ Theater? Oh you totally take him to see plays with you all of the time and he loves it. Absolutely eats that up, and in return he'll take you to see movies with him and if there's a play based on a movie or a movie based on a play you'll both see it and have a little discussion about which one it better
✸ The two of you don't shut up and Megumi and Nobara hate it. Gojo thinks its hilarious though and every time he looks at you two he gets a little reminded of him and Suguru... (stsg!??!?!)
✸ He gets you stuffed animals from time to time... just keep them away from him because he's gotten punched by some of them a few too many times for comfort </3
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dearweirdme · 2 years ago
I think it's pretty obvious that jk is crazily attracted to taehyung but the way I see it, and I'm aware that there's no way to tell someone's feelings and it's specially tricky with a closeted couple so this may sound dumb but I don't think he is as in love as taehyung is or at least I think he prioritizes his career and image over taehyung, I have nothing against him but I can't help but notice the differences between how Tae even includes him in his art, him more recently sharing that sunset after going to an event with that song, he cares deeply and maybe jk does too in intimacy but I have seen many examples where he put the well-being of his image over taehyung, him very pointedly avoiding every Tae content on tiktok when he comments and likes stuff about the others, and right now is too early to tell but if he ends up not showing any support for tae publicly this will go in line with what I think, I don't think he is forbidden to support in public tbh, I think that some things are choices that serve him to protect his image from the gay rumors, the drama, and hate and jikookers giving him their backs and joining their cousins pjms to attack him, ppl may say that the way he acts towards tae would cause a similar reaction in tkkrs and kths but it's not the same, some tkkrs may speak about it and turn on jk but there's a lot of jk biased tkkrs something that rarely happens with jikook and even kth biased tkkrs make a lot of excuses for jk bc Tae showing so openly that he is part of his life and that he loves stops them a bit, I guess the big difference between jokers and tkkrs reaction towards these kind of things is that tk is obviously a real couple and jikook is not and is totally dependant on content, narratives and their delusions, ppl who care truly about Tae would be hesitant of saying vile stuff about someone who he clearly loves, another thing is pjms, they are known for being one of the most organized vilest akgaes (dc gallery etc) jk knows that he won't encounter anything like that for not showing public support for Tae like it happens with JM, I think jk chooses to stay away from the drama and dangers his real rs brings out for his career as much as he can
Hi anon!
Well, it will come to no-one’s surprise that I disagree I think. People show their love in different ways. People differ in the way they want to be public. It is quite common amongst regular couples to be very different about these things.
First of all, Jk isn’t open about any of his friends or family. Sure, Jkkrs make a whole fuss about his Jimin episodes, but.. does Jk actually tell us about their bond? No he does not. I would even argue that he mentions Tae the most when it comes to non band situations. But Jk shares very little about the details and persons in his life in general. He will let us know how he feels about things, he will cook with is, sleep in front of us, show us his house, talk about Bam, but we do not know much about him and his friends and family. Tae is different, he shares more about his friendships, about the places he goes, about the art he likes. It just comes easier to him.
I do think Tae has more of a wish to be open than Jk. But, is it wrong of Jk to be more private? I don’t think so, every person should feel comfortable in sharing what they want. He does not however have issue with Tae being more open. Tae is talking about Jk seemingly freely, and he has been for quite a while now. If Jk had a problem with that they would have discussed and Tae would probably respect him enough to stop.
I don’t think Jk is as calculating about his image as you think. I think Jk just wants to be as free as he can, under his terms.. not under anyone else’s.
I think a lot of Tkkrs think Tae and Jk live with shippers in their minds a lot. I think shippers play a very small part in their lives. Tae being more open is in general not for us, it’s for himself. I don’t think he goes “I’ll do this for the Tkkrs”. But rather, he’s thinking about something and just wants to share his feeling. Jk being more private, is also for himself. But not because he wants to protect his image (imo) but because he feels safer that way (protecting his relationship maybe, or protecting his own heart, or protecting himself from oversharing).
I agree that he’s not restricted from mentioning Tae or supporting him publicly. But I don’t think it’s lack of love that has him stay silent. If nothing else.. Jk has supported other members, and he’s not even in a relationship with them. So love or respect or ego is not part of why he hasn’t mentioned Tae’s album yet. I don’t know what is, but personally I’m not thinking about it in a negative way.
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not-goldy · 2 years ago
Goldy i am sad. I am heart broken. As much as i love Tae and he is my bias. I am Vmin bias and follow ur blog quietly. I am so happy for his upcoming album and all the mvs that will be released but my heart aches for Jimin. When he wanted mv for every song on his album he was told its impossible by Hye but now look at them. Why are they treating both my bias different. Why is Jimin the one who is always suffering ? Do they want to divide us ? And why are all the members so quiet ? Do they not want Jimin to have what he deserves ? Do they not support each other ? Why is Jimin still in Hybe or why is he not doing anything about it. 😢😢
Hi there vminer, okay but your "Why are they treating both my bias different" hit me in the chest😭😭😭😭
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Look at him. He doesn't deserve any of this😭😭😭
What's worse
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Hold on that's not the worse part
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Please in which universe would Suga ever ever tell PARK FREAKING JIMIN he sucks and they will kick him out of the group if he doesn't try hard to deliver. THE FUCK DELUSIONAL WHAMY BARMY SICK PHYCHO REDUNCULOUS NONSENSE IS THAT.
I don't know about you but I'm really over this whole INSECURE ARTIST TROPE they keep recycling about JM I'm just- I'm tired.
It's never about a young man who's hard work, effort and dedication inspired 6 boys to work hard and strive to achieve his level of excellence. It's never about how the last member of the group felt he needed to push himself to earn his place in a group that created a loving and enabling environment for him to find himself and thrive SOAR ABOVE THEM ALL TO BECOME A LEGACY A ROOKIE BIBLE.
I hate this place.
Thanks for ruining Yoonmin for me thanks a lot
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And as if it can't get any worse hybe goes and give V 5 MVs. 555555555555555555555555555
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Jimin never catches a break. Just watch ppl twist this into a vmin fanwar. If we speak out we are jealous if we don't we are cowards. We never catch a break out here.
I know exactly how you feel. You just never know whether to be happy for one or feel sad and bad for the other or do both. It's such a dilemma 😫
For JM, I try not to overly victimize him because you just know how much of this is actually his decision and choice to listen to and respect Hybe in such matters in spite of all the screwing they be screwing him.
but you just can't fathom some of these things really. You can't.
I try to wrap my head around this and I can't.
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Like would it hurt to treat them equally? Would it? Would hybe spontaneously combust poof into thin air if it actually treated these men EQUALLY?? Equal resources, Equal attention, equal opportunity, equal everything! Geez!
I don't really understand this either Anon especially when they know damn well fans Will forsho talk. Like who are they kidding, of course we will drag their edges off for this.
Why isn't Jimin leaving is such a good question. Some one give him the mic 🎤 he needs to speak into the microphone cos I'm not understanding shit either. Just pack your bags, left foot infront of the right foot and walts your way out of that hybe hell gates. It's that simple.
It's starting to feel like a toxic relationship to me where he's the member that's too trusting of Hybe hence gets the most screws to his ass.
There are times I wonder if when he talks about not getting voice training or the MVs he wanted or this or that- I wonder if it's mistranslation or that he might have miscommunicated but we all know the painstaking care and thought JM puts into his choice of words in order not to be misunderstood.
But I also wonder, if they simply couldn't do all the MVs for JM because they had already burned through his budget or did not give him a huge budget to begin with- so I ask, how much budget did they allocate each member. Like we need to know cos clearly they working with different budgets here.
Also, we don't know how each member chose to spend their budgets- Jimin had western collabs, shot parts of his MVs in the US. The directors he worked with were top tier, the dance crew- That tend to be costly especially if they paying in dollars. For Tae I know he's into minimalist productions, I don't expect much dancing and heavily choreographed performances. I'm guessing some of those MVs are going to be like winter bear. Don't really know but Layover has that type of vibe mi feel
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If not then boy would all hell break loose💀
I'm not going to jump into conclusions for now. I mean it's not like Tae did anything wrong in getting those 5 MVs. It's even possible they learned from their mistake with Jimin💀
With Hybe as much as I disagree vehemently with some of the things they do, one thing about them I admire is their propensity to learn, grow, adapt and adjust where their money is concerned. Trust, they not about to fumble the bag🤣
We saw what they did with Jack in the box. We saw them tweak something with each members release. Perhaps Jm speaking up got them quivering and they decided to give Tae as many mvs as he wants. Perhaps they learning from the successes of Jm and the others. I mean Jks song had so many versions, I lost count and we saw how good those numbers were. This is the last Maknae to go out-bet your sweet behind they gonna go all out on him. I think Hybe is maximizing it's profits and scaling. The good thing about having a seven member group, you get to lern 7 times over. Truth is we would never know the reason. And we shouldn't jump into conclusions.
With time we will get to understand why certain things happen.
What I don't want to hear is ppl saying Hybe is favoring Tae over Jimin- I don't want to hear that.
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The company has put Tae through shit as well. On God. I Swear to God they have.
Let's remain calm and positive and give hybe the benefit of the doubt. If they were that bad Jimin would be the first to go💀
I'm happy for Tae. I'm excited for his release can't wait to see what has in store for us on layover
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My advice to you would be learn to prioritize. Its the only way you can have some sanity stannng two people at once.
As much as I hate what they doing to Jimin over there, I think this is Taehyung's time to shine😔
Let's give him that.
I think your heart is in the right place and you are definitely right to bring this up. It's not fair to JM. And it's equally not fair to Tae people use him to find dissatisfaction with their favs.
Whatever limited resources Jm had, he set the bar so high with his achievements. And even though they keep rigging the game and moving the goal post, perhaps Tae needs all our support to beat them at their own game. It's BTS against the world, not BTS against each other.
We don't know what really happened and I hope one day JM will turn on live throw everybody under the bus. I want to know how he feels about these things. Just throw hybe under the bus with a tell all episode on weverse. Let the cat out of the dirty bag and set fire to the company 😊
I'm waiting patiently till V is done with his release so we have enough data to compare and contrast and then we will rain hell fire on Hybe's shady ass💀
For now let's be happy for Tae. Let's be excited for him and wait with gleeful anticipation for his Album- We did that for JM. Tae deserves this too🥺
Don't let anything distract you for now- focus on Tae.
As for them haters,
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On God
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violentviolette · 2 years ago
My bad if you've already answered this, but how do you go about not masking around those you consider/want to be truly important people? Like, it seems in my head difficult to go from "polite friendly person who is clearly mentally average and a nice chap" to "Hi names JoeBob, actually I literally cannot properly care about anyone you care about to the extent I know you want, and honestly can't quite care about you to that extent either, wanna be homies? Oh also I've faked like 90 percent of any emotion of showed you, have fun reassessing everything," ya dig?
generally speaking, i dont mask socially in environments where i might make friends in order to just avoid this issue entirely. so like, i mask at work and at family functions, but if i go to hangout with new people or to an event and the intention is to make actual friends, i just dont mask from the start. i feel that helps mitigate a lot of annoyance and also helps to quickly identify people who i know will understand and respect my limitations but if ur in a situation where u met someone while masking but now want to get closer to them and unmask, then its easiest to do it gradually and just be very upfront but not rude. like i think a lot of people underestimate how much word choice can help make a situation less awkward. cause like saying "i cant and will never care about u but lets be friends" is obviously never going to go over well and isnt even very true or accurate in the first place. but phrasing it not so hostile or aggressively is a lot more reasonable, something like "im not a very emotional or emotive person by nature, but people dont really react kindly to that so i tend to overperform emotions when i first meet someone. but once im more comfortable with ppl i tend to mellow out and show way less. it doesnt mean i suddenly hate u, im just getting more comfortable and being more true to my actual self" or stuff like "i dont really have the capacity to care deeply about people i dont know, and even ones i do know and care about, my feelings never reach as deep a place as other peoples. that doesnt mean i dont respect and like u or that i'll suddenly start treating u poorly. its just that my care is going to look very differently from a nuerotypical person"
its really just dozens and dozens of small conversations about urself where u dont lie about it. its an ongoing conversation. usually these kinda come up naturally when ur getting closer to people and learning more about eachother. but u can also sit someone down and have a more formal conversation. like "hey so ive got some stuff going on with my brain, heres how it works and what i am and am not capable of. i like to be upfront about it with people i wanna get closer to so there arent misunderstandings or hurt feelings when i dont react or respond the way ppl expect. i think ur really cool/fun/ect. and i wanna get closer and become better friends so i wanted to have this conversation so we could understand eachother better and i can be more authentic with u going forward"
the biggest thing imo is to frame it from a positive place because it is a positive thing. u respect and like this person, theyre important to u and u want to be genuine with them so that u can get closer in a real and healthy way. but u also need to be true to urself and ur own limitations in order to do that. and so coming at the conversations from that place usually helps a lot. and if the other person is chill and a geuine friend, usually they understand and they work with u. they respect where ur boundaries are and understand what u cant give, while appreciating and enjoying what u can together.
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kaiser-s-bitch · 5 months ago
People don't comment on unrealistic hair and eyes because it's an anime-styled game. Of course they'll point out the skin tone when an overwhelming majority of the PLAYABLE cast is within the same, pale range. If you don't like the discourse, then you can mute it instead of dickriding for a company who only gives a shit about whales and shareholders. They're more than capable of ignoring the hate.
You did NOT say what you think you said, unless implying that Chinese companies are blissfully unaware of the global market and therefore exempt from any external criticism is genuinely what you meant. Plenty of other Chinese companies have darker skin tones in their games, the Hoyo executives just happen to be colorist.
And you might want to think twice before unironically saying "the Chinese" while defending questionable design choices. Just say "Chinese people" or "the Chinese market" for God's sake, you sound like a racist. Especially when you're being all high and mighty about people hating your pasty ass gacha game characters next to it.
TLDR: The skin tone discourse isn't that deep, you're just as annoying as the white people you're whining about. If you're so tired of it, then log off or get out of big fandom spaces because they're always arguing over something.
—A (non-Mainland) Chinese person
Thank you for sending this in, I understand and respect what you’re saying.
Like I said before, there’s probably a lot of pieces I’m missing because I didn’t dive THAT deep into it, I just got annoyed by the amount of people hating. The people complaining about it could also just log off instead, but of course I’m aware they won’t because ppl on the internet just love beef for some reason.
But I’m not trying to defend Hoyoverse or their "questionable design choices" here, I also clearly stated that I’d like it a lot more if the playable characters had darker skin tones as well. I only speculated that they might make more money this way because yes, as such a huge company, of course they care about "whales and shareholders". And if enough of the whales and shareholders would demand darker skin tones, we would get them.
I do apologize if me saying "the Chinese" sounded offensive in any way, English is not my native language and I am merely used to referring to people of any nationality that way because it’s quicker. I’ll make sure to correct my mistake, thank you for pointing it out. :)
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noahschnappinfs · 5 months ago
You know what???? I loooooOooooove the reality check this birthday picture gave some people (excuse my bad English, I’m French) who pretended that their fav were oh so so not wanting to be near Noah, or I remember when the cast picture with everyone was out (the black and white with everybody on it and Noah on the sofa) and some ppl were saying that a lot of them looked uncomfortable or tense or did not want to be there and I just want to laugh at them. They wanted Noah to be miserable and friendless and that is so messed up to act like this, and yeah you’re definitely right about the parasocial thing.
The crew absolutely adores Noah and they are delighted to spend time with him. Do people really think they’re obligated to? Trust me I’ve been in enough fandoms to recognise when cast mates just want to be colleagues and not spend time together. (Like… it’s really frequent actually.)
Shame on these people.
yeah it’s actually quite normal for cast members to act like co workers and i think it’s totally fine, nobody has to be forced to hang out if you don’t want to because at the end, this is just a job, they are in fact just co workers. it’s us that expect them to be besties when a set is actually a work place so as long as everybody is respectful, i don’t see a problem. in that aspect, everybody seems to respect noah and we haven’t witnessed any real problems (not rumors) so it’s all cool there.
now obviously some friendships do start at work and it’s clear everybody seems to have good friendships with noah and it’s funny how people wanted/expected him to be shunned by the cast when months later, we can see that he is one of the people who gets invited to everything, like one week he’s at gaten’s birthday with everybody and the next he’s the only one of the young cast that made the cut to millie’s wedding. all the young cast + joe also accepted his invitation to celebrate his birthday at the sweat tour and it’s funny certain people celebrate that certain cast members weren’t there when doing that is just setting yourself up for disappointment because believe me, they will hang out and we’ll get pictures someday and you’ll have to step down your high horse. btw i’m sure that all the cast would be disgusted at the way people talk about noah, that’s their friend while your just a person behind a keyboard being mad because your fantasy of noah being sad and friendless isn’t real.
you know, i always see people being like “oh [insert actor/singer here] we miss you so much, post something” and it’s funny because celebs are pulling away because of you all! it’s all your own doing! everybody is over analysing and policing their lives, bullying their friends, family and significant others. why would anybody share their lives with you if they only will receive fake outrage? nobody wants you to write think pieces about their lives.
it’s such a complex topic because on one hand, if you share too much, you create these parasocial relationships because the fans connect too deeply with you and i think this is what has happened with noah because he’s been reality open before. on the other hand, if you don’t share anything at all, you give free will to people to project themselves into you and that creates parasocial relationships as well and i think this happens to people like sadie and finn that aren’t online at all. you can see it so clearly in certain people get outrage when their favs act a certain way or befriend certain people because they don’t have any real info about them so they project their own moral onto them so it gets super personal because this person is a real person that isn’t following the script you’ve created in your head, that’s why we get the “i’m so disappointed” think pieces on twitter which are ridiculous because i can assure you that they don’t care what you think and aren’t reading your tweets.
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