#while having my own food and water up in my room for my cats
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? Olive has the same meow for "please come pet me while i eat" and "please come here and play with me" now, which only developed after i bought her a new toy (quickly became her new favorite) which is interesting. maybe this is a general meow for "pay attention to me" now .. she no longer really meows for being pet while she eats anymore after buying this toy for them both, for some reason, which is good (that was a REALLY bad habit of hers ive been trying to wean her off of)
#her meow for ''please play with me'' USED to be a very high pitched cry which changed#i feel like ive been playing with her in the same amount as i used to though so i dont think its that#she has the ''pet me while i eat'' habit because as a kitten my family had many adult cats that used to bully her#so i would make sure they didnt push her away from the food dish by staying near her when she ate. which she then wanted into adulthood#i then specifically would feed my cats upstairs in my room after that went on too long#that was a combination of a lot of bad things all at once that she grew up in (family only giving cats one food dish & free feeding them)#i would later atleast convince them to add a second and third dish to different areas that i'd maintain#while having my own food and water up in my room for my cats#.. still .. there were 7 cats.#its a lot better now though. there's only 3 cats that live in that house now. and i took my two girls with me here#i get to care for them how i'd like now .. its better that way#she developed the very high pitched cry when i left for a year while i was trying to sort out my living situation.#apparently she used to meander the house carrying a toy around and looking for me the year i was away#i know thats a separation anxiety thing (she also does this when i go to work and go to sleep) but she'll do it for play as well#they both have different toy collections and styles of play they prefer that im trying to add to and expand#i wanna get one of those kick-y toys next. those fish that wiggle. i think Olive specifically will LOVE that#Hope is more of a ribbon-toy and laser light girl. Olive likes to kick and kill her toys but has overlap with toys Hope likes too
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What you've been missing || Worst!Logan x Reader
summary: Logan has found work at a local pet shelter but the last person he expects to see is his very cute neighbor looking for a new cat.
warnings: sad cat backstory, fluff, swearing
a/n: Here's pet shelter logan!! I'm ngl I almost started crying writing this because I want a cat so fucking bad but my dad is allergic and I still live at home so I can't get one. Also it made me think of this one senior cat I saw and I wanted so bad I cried to my boyfriend for days. Anyways I hope lives up to the og idea blurb I had. I've been feeling a little down and wanted to write something cute for a change.
"Hey watch the claws bub." Logan glares at his attacker. The one who stuck their sharp little claws into his leg as they climb his body like a tree.
The adorable orange cat looks up at him with innocent little eyes. The cutest he's ever seen. Sighing he takes the cat in one hand and places her on his shoulder.
"This is why the others think I play favorites Jeanie." he mumbles. She just purrs happily, rubbing her head against Logan's and taking her place on his wide shoulders.
This really isn't how Logan expected to spend his time. But getting pulled into a new universe meant he was starting from square one and that meant he needed a job and money. Bad. If he ever wanted to get his own place so he didn't have to wake up and see Wade walking around in nothing while making breakfast. Most places were unsure about hiring a man like Logan.
Until he stumbled upon a local pet shelter. Yeah he's not exactly what anyone would think when they thought animal rescue but the animals loved him and this shelter desperately needed help. Plus Logan always got along better with animals than humans. Logan was primarily put in charge of the cats. Feeding, changing their litter box, and playing with them.
Logan understood the cats and they seemed to understand him. They wouldn't hiss or scratch him out of fear, they inherently trusted him. He found himself a little home. He could escape the world and just be around the animals.
"Where are my babies?" He hears Wades voice come from the other room. Logan rolls his eyes as he walks in with a big bag of cat food on his other shoulder.
"There you are Shopping cart and Totino's pizza rolls." Wade scratches the two cats heads. Surprise surprise he named them.
Though as soon as they hear Logan walk in they abandon Wade without a second thought. Logan slices open the bag and pours food into each bowl. The cats scramble to eat, doesn't matter if you had fed them an hour ago they're always happy for food.
"Jeanie, you gotta eat bub." Logan raises his hand and gently pets her head. But her claws dig deep into his shirt.
"Alright come on," Logan he grabs a can of cat food and walks into an empty room.
The sound of it opening makes her ears perk up. Logan gently takes her off his shoulder and places her on the table next to the canned food. He watches as she sniffs it, taking a few small bites before looking back at him.
"More than that." He scolds and she just meows back.
"Please?" She takes one more small bite before abandoning the food and curling up by his side.
Logan sighs, pushing his hair back as takes her in his arms. Jeanie was a surrendered cat. Logan hadn't been here long when she was brought in. Her owner was an old lady who had passed away and her kids couldn't keep Jeanie.
The first week was really hard. She was sad, lonely, and would barely touch her food and water. At first Logan let the more experienced staff deal with her but she just wouldn't budge. Eventually he gave it a shot, talking to her and pushing some nice wet food towards her. To everyone's shock she actually responded to Logan. Peeking her head out of her cage and giving even sniffing his hand.
Since then she really only responded to Logan. Following him around and giving him all her love and attention. She was a mature cat, not as cute as the kittens that most people scooped up right away. It did hurt Logan just a little to see her be passed up because of her age, but Logan did enjoy getting to see her everyday. Still, he knows that with Mary Puppins at home he can't adopt her.
Suddenly the door opens and Jeanie scurries back up to Logan's shoulder.
"Logan, I have a 1:30 appointment and Kathy isn't here so I need you to cover her." Penny begs, she's the one who runs the shelter. She gave Logan the job and he does owe her, but he's never been good with customers.
"I don't know, not exactly a people person." He mumbles but she just rolls her eyes, grabbing his wrist and drags him out of the room. Well kind of, it's hard to pull a 300lb man with a metal skeleton.
"Just one appointment. Show them some cats and see if they want to adopt. That's it."
"Okay," Logan agrees, hoping it's over quickly. He tries to put Jeanie down but she throws a fit, meowing loudly until he just gives up.
"Fine, but you keep it down when I'm talking alright?" He pushes open the door leading to the lobby and stops right in his tracks.
There you are sitting on the waiting room couch. Logan knows you. You live a couple apartments down from Wade. He's seen you in passing, catching whiffs of your shampoo in the elevator in the least creepy way ever. You've shared a few hellos but that's it.
The truth is Logan's pretty...well pretty. Your crush on him wasn't surprising in the slightest but you try and stay clear of him, hoping that it will go away so that you can actually talk to the man one day.
"Logan? I didn't know you worked here?" You say, shocked to see your hot neighbor here.
"Yeah, uh anyways you here to adopt a cat?" He asks awkwardly.
"I hope," You respond.
He nods his head and opens the door for you, putting his hand out as to say you first. Logan shows you a couple cats up for adopting, they're all adorable but none of them feel quite right. On the bright side they're kittens so you know they'll be adopted soon.
Logan remains relatively quiet as you say hi to each cat. Wade's been incredibly persistent about getting him to talk to you. Saying that only serial killers smell peoples hair in the elevator and to just pop a Viagra and talk to you. Pushing Wade's stupidly aside, he really doesn't know how to talk to you.
It's stupid, he used to be great at this kind of thing. Flirting was second nature to Logan but now he can barely think of a conversation starter. Plus you don't make it easy when your laugh is so hypnotizing and your smile is brighter than the moon.
"Who's this pretty girl?" Your voice breaks his thoughts. You're pointing to Jeanie who was still on his shoulder.
"Oh, this is Jeanie." She tilts her head at the sound of her name.
"She's so cute." You lift your hand up but Jeanie shrinks away. You immediately pull your hand back, afraid that you've upset her.
"Don't feel bad, she's not great with people."
"Reminds me of someone else I know." You joke. Logan raises an eyebrow, are you talking about him?
"Me, I was talking about me." You add on quickly.
"I've never really been great at making friends or just being around people." The truth is you're lonely.
You're tired of coming home to an empty cold apartment after work. Sure sometimes you go out with coworkers or old friends but it's not the same. You like being alone but you don't like to be lonely. Does that even make any sense? Not that you want to burden Logan with your problems.
"I wanted to adopt a cat because I wanted a friend, is that sad?" You ask nervously. Logan chuckles, reaching up and placing Jeanie down on the counter nearby.
"Not at all, I get it." Logan was alone for a lot of his life and he's still adjusting to having friends. A family if you could call it that. A really weird and fucked up family.
"Play nice Jeanie, I like this one so don't go scratching them up." He whispers, but you catch his words anyways. A faint smile on your lips as you reach your hand out slowly.
"Hi Jeanie, I'm a friend of Logan's." This time Jeanie doesn't run away, in fact she sniffs your hand cautiously.
She looks back at Logan and he nods. You smile when she rubs the side of her face against your hand. Walking around slowly as she takes you in.
"I think she likes you." Logan says.
Carefully you pet her head, making sure not to overstep any boundaries and Jeanie seems to love it. She even rolls on her back surprising both you and Logan.
"Her owner passed away, that's why she's here." He explains as you continue to pet her. Her big eyes are too much to resist. You know senior cats often get overlooked but she deserves to be loved again.
"Is she adoptable?" You ask and Logan hesitates. The answer is yes but apart of him doesn't want to see her go. He's grown very fond of her. But...she deserves a home. Even if it will hurt letting her go.
"Yeah, she is." He says softly.
"If its okay with you, I want to adopt her." Logan's heart clenches, he smiles but he feels the sadness creep in.
"Of course, let me get the paperwork." When Logan disappears you see Jean start to look around, wondering where her friend had gone.
"Hey there girl, If it's okay I want to take you home. I promise I'll take really good care of you." You say gently.
Her little whiskers twitch and she gently headbutts your face. The connection you feel with Jeanie is something you just haven't felt with any of the other cats. You want to love her and give her a nice warm home with toys and treats and anything she could ever want. But apart of you feels guilty knowing how close she is to Logan.
"Just need you to sign a few things and then pay the adoption fee." Logan says, coming back through the door.
Jeanie trots up to Logan and rubs her head all over his hand and torso. Purring happily as he scratches her head. But she makes no move to get on his shoulder, in fact she trots over to you and does the exact same thing. He's always heard that cats have a good sense of character, so he trusts Jeanies judgement here.
After signing the papers and paying the fee Logan helps you carry Jeanie to your car. You can see the hesitancy in Logan's face. The sadness behind those hazel eyes of his.
"Logan, do you want to say goodbye?" You ask softly. He was never going to ask for himself but you could sense he needs it.
"If you don't mind." He mumbles.
"Of course, I'll go put the rest of the stuff in my car." You touch his arm, squeezing it gently before giving them their space.
"Alright Jeanie listen up, you gotta be on your best behavior okay? You deserve this and I know they're gonna love you real good." Logan holds Jeanie up to his face. She just meows as Logan talks.
"I'll miss you bub, don't tell any of the other cats but...you were my favorite." He gives her one last chin scratch.
Jeanie headbutts his face one more time, rubbing her head along his jaw as if to say goodbye. You watch the whole thing from your car, you feel horrible taking her away from Logan. But you know that your building has a rule against more than one pet. If anyone were to take her, he's glad it's you.
Maybe...maybe this is your chance to talk to Logan. Your crush lingers but maybe you don't have to get over it. Logan walks over and hands her to you. He starts to walk away but you call his name, chasing after him.
"You know, I could really use some help with Jeanie. I mean I don't know what food she likes or her favorite toys or anything like that." You ramble, seeing Logan's face turn to that of confusion.
"I was wondering, if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night? Help Jeanie get settled in and stuff." You ask nervously. Your anxiety building as you wonder if this was a mistake.
"You sure?" Logan asks, unsure if you're just doing this because you feel bad for him.
"Yes. I mean. I've been wanting to ask you to dinner sooner but I've never found the right moment because you're really hot and you make me very nervous but Jeanie is going to miss you and it would be cruel of me to keep you two apart so it's a win win situation and I'm going to stop talking now." The words vomit from your mouth before you can stop them.
Great now he's going to think you're creepy and lonely. Logan chuckles, a blush creeping up his face. Was it always this hot outside today?
"Dinner sounds great. I can't cook for shit but I can try for you." Your face breaks out into a smile, Jeanie purring as you hold her close to your chest.
"Then its a date." You say shyly. Logan steps closer to you, his eyes on your lips.
"It's a date." He starts to lean but Jeanie meows loudly making both of you laugh.
"Okay I should get her home, the doors always open if you miss her by the way." You tell him and he thanks you. He stands in the parking lot with a smile, watching as you drive away. Wade sneaks up next to Logan, scratching behind his ear before Logan pushes his hand off in annoyance.
"What the fuck?!"
"Look at you boy! Did someone decide to take you home?" Wade asks in fake excitement.
"Shut up." Logan grumbles, rolling his eyes as he turns around to walk back to the shelter.
"Is someone grumpy? How about we get you a new collar and some treats huh boy?"
"I said shut the fuck up red." Logan snaps but Wade just smiles wider. He's been waiting for someone to adopt his friend. Wade was this close to posting an ad on craigslist.
Old man mutant available for adoption. Loves beer, hates everything else. Is potty trained.
Wade sees the smile Logan's trying to hide. He's been waiting for you guys to get together forever.
"Aww does someone need a belly rub?"
"Touch me and die asshole."
#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#worst!logan howlett#worst!logan x reader#wolverine x reader#logan howlett fluff
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Billy likes to be independent, he is a little homeless boy who fights life tooth and nail. He always needs to be strong to show society that he doesn't need, much less want, an adult in his life sending him here and there.
But he doesn't need to fight to prove himself strong when he already looks strong. Billy can't ask for help as Billy because that will bring trouble or an adult trying to dad him
But Cap? he can let himself be vulnerable as Cap, even if he doesn't need help, he can ask for it. Marvel will just be a friend in need of help and no one will treat him like a helpless child for that
So, after a good few months, if not years, of becoming friends with his league colleagues, the captain starts to show how he loves having people around him for little things.
he wants to open a jar from the kitchen. He has the strength to go head to head with Superman, but he would never miss the opportunity to ask Superman himself to do it for him. Clark always gets a little confused, because the pot isn't that tight, or tight at all, but he always helps because he sees how it brings a genuine and happy smile to his colleague.
Does he need a snack? He will ask Flash to prepare something for him, saying that the food he makes is the best and with the best flavor.
captain has a problem with magic, he is completely capable of solving it himself, but he will knock on zatanna's door to ask for advice, potions, a protection spell and even a good luck hug if he feels she wouldn't refuse
There's a new movie, he doesn't even want to see it that much, but he's going to ask Cyborg if he can make the movie show in the watchtower break room because he finds the control and streaming platforms confusing
He will ask Batman silly questions, or even prepare complex questions with Solomon's help so he can ask and listen for hours while the bat explains things to him. Not that he didn't already know the answers or couldn't find them in the rock's library of infinite knowledge. but he likes to have someone talking and explaining things to him with so much patience, teaching and even being happy to have someone to listen to his knowledge
Are they going on a water mission? He will ask Aquaman for tips on how to swim faster or more efficiently
Is he having a slower day? Why not ask the Martian Hunter to accompany him to a cat cafe? Ask what are the best sweets or brands of cookies? ask for help to bake a cake or taste the frosting, a brigadeiro
He's having problems with his communicator, better go see Red Tornado if he has tips on how to use it without confusing the private lines again, or ask if he has some free time to go for a fly through some storms. He makes hurricanes, he must like storms just like him, right?
There is a dangerous magical temple sending dangerous magical frequencies, he can destroy it alone, but he asks the hawkwoman for help to put everything down with her mace
there's a cockroach in the watchtower… better ask dr.fate for help to kill it
A LADYBUG ON THE WATCHTOWER?! Call the jl green lanterns asap so they can conjure up a green safe pot to transport her back to earth!!
Did he fall? He wasn't even hurt, but he's going to ask Diana to check if he doesn't have a bump on his head. Diana understands where her little brother's requests come from, and she never unmasks him, she just takes the opportunity to make her little brother happy without feeling bad about asking for help.
Now, a hero approaches little Billy with a piece of food? oh. he will bite off your fingers and throw the food back in your face (not really because that would be wasteful, but he would return the food and tell you to eat it yourself, that he would get food for himself on his own)
He can be feral, try to teach him a life lesson and he will teach YOU a life lesson.
His shoelaces are untied and he just stuck them inside his shoe? you leave his shoelace inside the shoe. If a hero, be it the Man Of Steel himself, bends down to tie his shoelaces, OH MY, he'll kick you in the face and scream that you're not supposed to touch his stuff
Unless that you are also a child or mr tawny, then he maybe either accept your help or gently refuse
#batman#billy batson#headcanon#bruce wayne#captain marvel#shazam#dc#clark kent#superman#fic ideas#zatanna#dccomics#flash#cyborg#wonder woman#diana of themiscyra#diana prince#aquaman#martian manhunter#j'onn j'onzz#red tornado#hawkwoman#dr. fate#tawky tawny#green lantern
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── 𝗠𝗥. 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗠𝗥𝗦. 𝗬𝗢𝗢𝗡 ft. jeonghan
⛧synopsis; an intrusion, a couple, a murder and a twist. — second fic of lola's spooktober
⛧ pairings; husband! jeonghan x fem! reader ⛧ genre; smut, gore, horror ⛧ w.c; 4.1k+ ⛧ warnings; hybristophilia, body worship, blood, murder/death, description of corpse, sex on the dining table lmao, HORNY fucking, unprotected sex, oral (f.receiving) creampie, allusions to cults, devil worship, etc etc. mentions of food ⛧ a/n; *clears thorat* *coughs* im so sorry for the delay lmao, i was absolutely not motivated to write. but anyways, enjoy!!
[ 07th October, 2024 ]
Thunder crackles, and lightning strikes. The heavy rain pitter-patters on the windows and roofs. Water flows, flooding the streets, making them inhabitable to unlucky strays. Chaos brews outside, and you observe it from within the safety of your home.
A ‘meow’ shifts your attention. You smile at the cat you rescued from the storm and rub its head. It meows again and shuffles to the living room, black fur disappearing behind the couch.
“-And everyone is requested to stay at home or take shelter till further notifications. Police’s investigation into the recent murders have been halted due to the storm. We request everyone to stay sa—”
The television cuts off and comes alive again, buzzing and glitching. You turn it off with a sigh. Except for the pitter-patter of the rain, your home is silent. The silence lays heavy on the walls and floors. You can’t seem to fill it no matter what. Your hand involuntarily touches the pendant your husband gifted you. Muttering a prayer to Him, you ask for Jeonghan's safe return to you.
[ ... ]
The gentle sizzle of the vegetables fills your ears, and you pour water into the vessel, turning down the flame.
Your newly adopted cat nuzzles between your legs, purring with content at the warmth. You smile and coo at it. But before you can adore it further, the doorbell rings.
You wipe your hands, contemplating whether or not to attend it. It couldn't be Jeonghan. You sigh and walk to the door. The black furball stays in the kitchen, observing you with its yellow eyes.
Looking through the peephole, you see someone shivering from the cold and absolutely drenched. Your hands fly to unlock the door, and the person is startled at the force you open it.
“Come in, please!” you move from his way. He nods his head with gratitude and walks in weakly.
Quickly shutting the door, you lock it. The stranger turns to see you secure the array of locks on the door. You greet him with a smile. He smiles back.
“I'm sorry for the inconvenience,” he apologizes, but you assure him and welcome him into your home. “Oh no, It's fine. I don't mind some company.”
He removes his drenched coat and hangs it on the coat hanger. While doing so, he notices another coat on it. “Is it just you at home, miss?”
“Mrs.” You correct him and reply, “Yes, my husband is out of town for business.”
He also removes his shoes and places them near the door, noticing another pair of shoes. “May I ask you why you are out in such a storm?”
“Ah, I turned up for work and my friend who was supposed to pick me didn't turn up.”
You give him an apologetic nod and gesture towards your living room. “Please make yourself at home. I'll quickly put together a warm soup for you.”
He tries to protest, but you reason with him and disappear into the kitchen. He sits on the sofa with a sigh and thanks God for helping him at the right time.
The low purr of a cat catches his attention. A black cat sits in the middle of the living room. It stares at him, and he awkwardly smiles at it and tries to distract himself. It leaves eventually.
The interior of your home mesmerizes him, reminding him of those vintage homes. The teal wallpapers and the antique decors mesh well together and create a homely look. The myriad of pictures on the wall near the kitchen intrigues him.
He walks towards it and observes each photo. He sees you in all of the frames, along with a man whom he deduces to be your husband. He sees all types of pictures, varying from road trips to studio ones.
“Is your husband a celebrity by any chance, Mrs. Yoon?” He inquires after seeing a frame with the writing, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Yoon.’ A vague feeling of familiarity brews in him the more he looks at your husband.
“Ah, no, no. He's devilishly handsome and he could be a great actor but he only does business.” You voice from within the kitchen, but his mind drains you out. He's more fixated on the pictures, unable to shake the feeling.
He doesn't say anything after that, but you don't mind the silence. Quietly humming, you put together the soup. You smile to yourself, thinking of your husband. If he had been here, he'd be behind you, arms wrapped around your waist as he peppers kisses on your neck.
Your daydream feels almost real as you feel a presence behind you. Chuckling, you shake your head and move to grab a bowl. But before you could, a voice shouts behind you.
“Did you kill him?!” The stranger yells, anger surging through his voice. Confusion strikes you, “What do you mean?”
You try to distance yourself from him and grab a knife. His hand catches your wrist harshly, and you cry out. Acting on your instincts, you fling the pot of soup at him. He yelps as the hot liquid makes contact with his skin.
With him muttering a plethora of curses, you run out of the kitchen. The cat observes the chaos, slowly wagging its tail. The stranger blindly moves to the sink and splashes water on his face to wash off the soup.
After gaining composure, he trudges out of the kitchen with a meat knife. He checks every door and room, eyes darting to all corners to find you. His skin stings and burns painfully. He winces but doesn't let it deter him.
The floor creaks beneath his foot, and he doesn't care if it alerts you. He wants you to know where he is, to be afraid of him. He wants to make you feel fear.
A smirk pulls his lips when he notices the basement door open. He stands in front of it, observing the steep set of stairs. As he descends down, a foul stench hits him, and he covers his nose.
He struggles to find the light switch and crashes into a few things. The stench is unbearable, and he cringes. After finally finding the switch, he turns it on.
Light illuminates the room, but some things are better hidden in the dark, like the dead guy tied to the wall. He can't find it in himself to scream or even utter a word. The only noise that escapes him is a gasp.
His horror intensifies when he recognizes it as his friend. “You fucking bitch! You killed him!”
But it seems that there are far graver things than his dead friend. The red pentagram etched on the ground makes his skin crawl. A turn of his head also reveals a board pinned with a map that has pictures of people pinned on several locations.
His heart stops beating when he finds his own picture on it.
A noise from the cupboard pulls him out of his trance, and he stalks to it. Yanking the door open, he finds you there, cowering in fear. You push him off you and run away from him. But there's no way out with him standing directly in front of the stairs.
He runs to you, pinning you to the wall. “You bitch!” Then, he cackles, “Aww, can't run anywhere now?” His grip tightens, and dread fills your gut. He leans in closer, “You're going to be so sorry for what you did when I gut you.”
You flinch and shut your eyes. The sound of a stab echoes through the room, but you don't feel any pain.
A heavy thud echoes through the room, followed by the sound of a body falling on the floor. Warm blood dots on your face, and some stain the cotton of your slip. You gasp and shudder, chest heaving as you struggle to breathe. Your eyes land on the injured body. Blood flows from his mouth and his chest. Three holes punctured through his chest.
You don’t need to look at him to figure out who your savior is. “Jeonghan!” you cry, throwing your arms around him. The garden fork he yields in his hands meets the floor as he hurries to take you in his embrace.
Your lips are on his instantly, kissing him with ardor. He matches your passion, both his hands on your waist, pulling you flush against him. You curl your arms around his neck, lost in the warmth of his lips. It isn’t long before his tongue prods your lips, and you’re more than happy to oblige.
His tongue glides over yours like it has countless other times. He shifts his head to gain a better angle and kisses you deeper. One of your hands uncurls to caress his face—his flawless skin, his high cheekbones, the bone of his jaw before it slides down further. You glide your hand over his shoulders, his lean biceps, and finally his crotch.
Jeonghan pulls away, out of breath and overjoyed. You mirror his grin when you find him rock-hard beneath his slacks. “Oh, how I missed seeing you kill,” you finish with a giggle.
With a playful roll to his eyes, he retorts, “it’s been barely four days since I did it.”
“And four days since I’ve seen you.” you pout, making him doe eyes at him. He melts instantly and cradles your face. “Always hungry aren’t you?”
“For you? Yes.”
“And for blood.” he adds, making you both giggle.
“Come on now, you gave me something to take care of.” With a pat on his bulge, you pull him up the stairs. Jeonghan happily follows but throws a cautious glance at the presumably dead body. He smiles, catching no sign of life in him, and trails behind you.
You strut to the dining table that adjoins the kitchen and the living room and sit on it. He grins at your place of choice, and lust taints his visage when you spread your legs, inviting him.
He stands between your thighs, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty in front of him. Little drops of blood decorate your face, but the look in your eyes entrances him. A myriad of emotions swirl beneath your irises, but he recognizes all of them, mainly lust and hunger.
His eyes dip down to the column of your neck, which he glides his forefinger over. His finger slowly ventures down and undoes the knot of your slip. He tuts, complaining about the blood on them. “That’s fine. It gives me evidence of your love.”
“I’m right here. The living proof of my love for you,” he pecks your lips and pushes the slip off you.
He pulls you to the edge of the table. His fingers ghost over the cloth of your underwear, brushing against the wet spot on them. His warm breath wafts down to your breasts when he kisses your neck and chest. “I can prove it now, if you want me to.”
A breathy moan escapes you, giving him somewhat of a ‘yes.’ With another kiss to your jugular, he pulls away and kneels down. He kisses your heat through the cotton material and smirks, eyeing the wet patch formed by your arousal. In one sly movement, he removes your hipsters. His lips are on your heat before you can process it. He kisses your little nub and gives kitten licks to your hole. His eyes dart to your eyes, mischief swirling under his dark irises. “Jeonghan! Please!”
“Please what sweetheart? You have to use your words.” You feel his smile on your core, and his warm breath wafts against it.
“Please, eat me out!”
He groans and obliges to your wishes right away. He dives right in, licking and kissing your folds. He moves above, wrapping your clit between his soft lips. He sucks on the bundle of nerves, tongue flicking at the bud softly. He makes sure to look at you the entire time he’s buried between your legs.
You relax and lay back down on the table. He spreads your legs further and licks up stripes on your sopping cunt. His tongue provides you the utmost pleasure, and moans fall from your lips freely. He switches to a slower pace as if he’s making out with your cunt.
His tongue prods your folds, licking and savoring your taste. His hand moves to spread your lips, and he places a wet, loud kiss on your clit. A gasp escapes you when his tongue slips past your hole. He slowly moves his tongue in and out while he thumbs at your clit, drawing circles.
He tones up his pace, getting faster and faster. Your legs tremble around his head as the coil in your stomach tightens. You cum the easiest whenever Jeonghan touches you after a “long time”—which is three days at the least. He seems to have some magic hidden up his sleeve to bring you the utmost pleasure possible. And, of course, all your years of marriage add to it.
The pressure on your clit builds up, causing your entire body to shudder and tremble. Your back arches, lifting off the table, but Jeonghan pushes you down, holding you firmly. And now that he has secured a tight grip on your hips, there is no escape from his tongue.
“Jeonghan!” you moan his name, hand shooting to grip his black locks. You push his head further into your cunt and move your hips in sync with his tongue. He smiles lazily between your legs, eyes holding nothing but awe and mirth.
The coil snaps, pushing you over the crescendo of pleasure. Wanton moans fill the room, and you cum on his tongue, giving him all your sweet nectar. Jeonghan licks you dry, caressing your trembling legs before he stands up.
Though you achieved your climax, the sight of your husband undoing his belt warms you up again. You sit up eagerly, hands flying to unbuckle his belt and slacks. He only chuckles, patting your head and muttering a low coo of ‘that's my girl.’
He slips off his shirt along with his slacks and boxers. It prompts you to undo your brassiere, presenting yourself bare to him. With a grin, he approaches you. You fawn at his rock-hard cock and undo your legs unconsciously.
Overwhelmed with the urge to feel him inside you, you pull him to you. He crashes his lips on yours in the process, giving you a searing kiss that sets your body aflame with desire. Your hands don't stay put, eager to roam all over his body. He does the same, hands relearning the route of your body for the nth time.
The heat of his body on yours melts your brain, knocking every thought out of you. The only thing you remember is his name and the way he makes you feel. Not the dire situation at play now or the dead body in your basement.
The brush of his fingers on your nipples, the poke of his cock against your inner thigh, the sensation of your sweltering skin making contact with his, the glide of his tongue on yours—all of it pushes you over the edge, driving you insane. Your arousal drips down your core, and it throbs with desire.
“Hannie,” you whine his name, your desire burning with a rage only he can control. “Fuck me.”
“As you wish, dollface.”
His cock slips past your entrance with ease, filling you up in an instant. You hook your legs behind him, your foot digging into his back to push him in further. Your gummy walls envelop him in a warm hug that makes him dizzy.
You moan in unison when he bottoms out, in bliss with how perfectly he fills you. Throwing your arms around his neck, you prompt him to move. The first thrust is easy, given how your cunt drips down with arousal. It fills you with a pleasure that makes your body tremble.
He sets his pace, fucking you with eagerness. Each slap of his balls against your ass makes your eyes roll to the back of your head, and you cling to him for dear life. Sinful moans rumble from your throat with each snap of his hips.
His lips find yours again, but this time the kiss is sloppy and messy, with moans passed between your tongues and erratic snap of his hips. You meet his hips with the same vigor. You fuck him with an animalistic desire in your veins, and he gives you back just the same.
“Ah—fuck! God, I love fucking after we kill.” you yelp between your moans. He groans, replying with a “fuck, yes.”
Jeonghan grips your hips firmly, driving his cock in and out of you with a vigorous pace that numbs your nerves. Your nails dig into his back, and you scratch his delicate skin, leaving red marks for him to admire. “Ah, ah, ah, ah!” you moan, unable to control your pleasure. The table squeaks in response to the vigor of his hips. You press your tits against his chest, desperate to feel more of his warmth.
You look down to where your body meets him. The sight of his cock disappearing into your cunt with a wet squelch each time makes you moan. A creamy ring forms at the base of his cock, and some of your arousal drips down to the table.
Jeonghan shifts one of his hands to harshly grip the back of your head, forcing you to look up at him. A grin decorates his face at the hazy look in your eyes. He keeps up his pace while moving his other hand to squeeze your mouth open. You push your tongue out eagerly, waiting for him to spit in your mouth. He does, and you happily taste him before swallowing it.
“Good girl,” he kisses your forehead, sliding his hand down to wrap around your throat. He grips your throat, squeezing it lightly. A chuckle erupts from his chest, watching your eyes roll back. He kisses your forehead again, only for him to deliver light slaps to your cheeks. Warmth pools in his chest when you whine and push yourself closer to him.
“Fuck, I love it when you go dumb on my cock.” He whispers into your ear, tickling you with his breath. His cock kisses your sweet spot, and you feel him twitching inside you.
You clench around him on purpose. He groans a low curse, and his movements turn erratic. You continue to do so till he eventually stops, whining a string of curses. “Stop it. Stop doing that,”
Obliging to his wishes, you observe him as he takes a few seconds to compose himself. His eyelids flutter, and his lips fall apart as he tries to regain control. A knowing smirk graces your lips, knowing the effect you have on him.
“Brat,” you only giggle in response, which is cut short when he thrusts with a force that has you shuddering. His tip kisses your cervix, sending shudders of pleasure through your body. Tears prick your waterline and eventually cascade down your cheek as you cry out his name.
All it takes is one more thrust to push you over the crescendo again. This time, it's more intense and mind-numbing. You moan his name over and over again, like a prayer for salvation. He follows suit and fills his load inside you, shuddering the same as you.
His hands wrap around you tightly and, yours around him. Leaning your head against his shoulders, you catch your breath and try to control the shivers through your body. His warm breath on your back calms you, and so do his feather-light touches.
Your eyelids feel heavy as slumber descends upon you. And, before you know it, you fall asleep in his arms.
[ … ]
“We have to let the others know about this,” Jeonghan informs, stirring his cup of tea with a spoon. You nod wordlessly, sipping your own cup of tea.
Slumber hasn't left you completely, and the tiredness weighs down on your bones. Your eyes slowly close shut again, and you lean back on the loveseat. Jeonghan sighs to himself, setting his cup down on the coffee table. He takes away yours before you can spill it on yourself.
Your soft groans make his heart flutter, and you stir awake again. The first thing you see is your husband sitting on the floor as he massages your legs.
“Poor thing, you must've had a hard time.” The pout on his lips makes you smile. “Not really,” you chirp, feeling more energetic as the seconds pass.
“Oh really?” he muses, and you hum. He shakes his head, worry marring his features. “What if I didn't get here on time? Why did you even allow him in?”
“I was bored.” To which he glares at you, a tired sigh falling from his lips.
“And, He visited.”
Jeonghan stops massaging your legs and looks up at you, confused. You see the tinge of fear in the clench of his jaw and the hold of his breath. You point to the black cat that has made itself home despite all the chaos that went down a few hours ago.
He visibly calms down and bows his head at the cat meows in return. He looks back at your smiling figure, and it strikes him. “Right, I asked for your safety to Him.”
“He saw our pictures,” your words barely audible as you look at the big wall covered with all your pictures with him. A soft smile graces your lips when your eyes fall on your wedding picture. 14th October, 1949.
Then you cackle, recalling the realization and terror on that guy's face. “Oh, you should've seen his face.” Jeonghan laughs along with you and resumes his ministrations on your legs. You relax on the cushion and let out a blissful sigh.
He sighs and zeroes in on the blood spots on your vintage slip. One of his many gifts to you, and it's something you've treasured for over seven decades.
“Ugh, it's fine. You can always buy me a new one.” You say, and a smirk adorns your lips when your eyes fall on the Johnny Cash vinyl on the shelf. You stand and walk towards it, pulling it out gently.
You flash your husband a grin, and he mirrors your visage. Placing the vinyl on the platter of the vinyl player, you move the tonearms and set it on the vinyl.
The world tunes into a buzzing background as you dance with him. His hands are gentle on you, holding you delicately. The setting is all a little too familiar to him, and before he knows it, he takes a trip down memory lane.
But the only one he can remember is the time when he almost lost you to death. The image of your bed-stricken figure flashes through his mind. He holds you a little closer.
In his life plan, Jeonghan never even imagined that you'd be diagnosed with cancer fifteen years into your marriage. Nothing held out, and it was hard to be optimistic with his wife on the lifeline.
And as he was holding your pained body in his arms, he cried and cried. What kind of god would allow this? Why should you be taken away? He felt life slowly slip out of you, and he couldn’t stop it.
They say to never pray to the gods that answer at night, but that’s all he could do. Turning his back on religion and righteousness. His love for you blinded all reason, and he yearned to be in your embrace once again. He could never live without you—what he feels is an immortal desire, lust, love. Even if he is to die, the ground around him will flourish and sprout your favorite flowers—an amaranthine yearning.
So he did it. He prayed and prayed, and when He finally answered, he vowed to do anything and everything that He wished for. Immortality for the curse of bloodied hands. He cringed at the sight of blood staining his skin, but as your bloodied hand intertwined with his, all felt right and in place.
His hands take purchase on your hips, holding you as you sway to the gentle hum of the music. You smile at him and lean on his shoulders, content in his embrace. He mirrors your smile and kisses your forehead.
What a blessing it is to be here with you? To gently sway to some music in the living room of your home with your blood-stained slips and his stained soul?
He kisses you, and you kiss him back. You bite his lips just enough to draw blood. A thousand ways to bleed, but you are his favorite.
⛧spooktober taglist !
@verogonewild @blancflms @chromequette @junniepookiedookie @kyeomiis
@jeonghnie @scoupsieee @xuminghaes @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @ririesna
@monstacheol @hoshiskimchi @miyx-amour @woozidanisms @choco-scoups
@cookiearmy @shadowyjellyfishfest @wonwoossecret @strxwberry-skiess @iamawkwardandshy
@merakilles @vitaminkyeom @okiedokrie @armycarat2612 @gyuguys
@idubiluranghae @goodforgyu @jungkooknippleanddicksucker @gyubakeries @nonuify
@aaniag @4cheezflatbred
#lola's spooktober ⛧#jeonghan smut#svthub#svt smut#seventeen smut#jeonghan fluff#yoon jeonghan#seventeen#jeonghan drabbles#jeonghan hard hours
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‧₊˚ to kiss or kill.. a vampire?‧₊˚

you've been a vampire for as long as you can remember. you were going through your day, or night, routine as normal when a noise startles you. a man, katsuki bakugo to be exact, was standing at your door. though, he can't seem to remember whether he's supposed to kill or kiss you...
★pair. knight(?)katsuki x vampire!reader. tags. fem!reader, fantasy!au, vampire!au, amnesia trope, memories, kissing, hugging, dates kinda, blood, daggers, stakes. wc. 2k.
noteღ. i love the memory loss trope but its hard to write it in a way that doesn't seem like lazy(???) idk how to say it, also happy halloween to all who celebrate!
embedded deep in the forest, vines growing over the bark of the trees, the sun not visible from the impressive manor you called home.
a lake so deep you couldn't see the bottom, the moonlight the only thing reflecting off the darkness of the water.
it was quiet, quaint. only the animals as company for such a faraway place.
you roamed freely around your garden, tending to the black rose bushes and cutting the thorns to an appropriate length. feeding carrots you only grew for the deer and bunnies that had grown used to your presence, seeing the generations of them rest and birth, a consequence of being immortal.
your outfit was dark, camouflaging you against the night sky, the only time you were able to go out. you'd grown used to it, comforted by the night sky and sleeping critters around you.
but a crunch of grass snapped you out of your relaxation. the tuft of blond hair you'd spotted alarming you.
your pot of water was now splashed onto the floor, your red eyes were widened and pupils like a cat as you moved out of vision. vision of whoever was trampling into your long uncivilized manor.
it was a man, donning expensive yet ripped up fabrics and cloths, a beaten up satchel, and bright hair that stood out against the night sky.
you couldn't help but notice though, that he had red eyes just like yours.
he must be a vampire, you reasoned, moving closer to investigate the man who was unmoving at your door. you popped out from behind him. “who are you and why are you here?”
he jumped, seemingly not expecting you to be behind him. “i'm.. lost. i can't seem to find my way. or.. remember what i was doing here.” he turned to face you, his figure towering over yours, his eyes on you. “you don't remember anything? is it possible that you've been hit with a strong spell?”
you kept talking while looking over at his complete attire now, noting the royal emblem on his chest.
“it's possible.. i don't remember what i do exactly.” his red eyes kept boring into you, striking you with a sense of familiarity, though you couldn't place from where. “well, you can stay here for the night. i have spare rooms.”
his eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows raising. “really, you're inviting me in? what if i was a vampire?”
“well, no need to fear one of my own.”
his mouth went agape when he realized. “you're a vampire.”
“yes. does that change anything?”
“i.. guess not.” a hand went to the back of his neck, his eyes averting as he looked up in thought. “it's just surprising. i think.. i feel a connection to the word. to its meaning. i must have been- sorry be- a vampire. don't you agree?”
“let's talk more inside. if you are a vampire as you believe, we'll die if we're outside another hour...” you left it open ended as to ask for his name.
“katsuki. call me katsuki.”
“well katsuki. welcome in, don't suck my blood or something.” you joked.
as he followed you inside, he awed internally at the extravagance of your mansion. it definitely was the home of a vampire, as all the windows were closed and barricaded.
“i haven't had many guests over for a while.. so. excuse the mess.” he followed you as you showed him the different parts of your home. he passed by the kitchen, so gorgeous that he felt upset when you noted how you only used it to make food for the animals outside. you showed him your bedroom, which only housed a single, heavily padded coffin.
you went upstairs finally, your mansion was huge so he began to notice the ache in his feet. when you arrived in your lounge area though, he felt a pang in his head as he eyed a dagger. a silver one.
memories flooded into his head at once, making him hold his head in discomfort.
words. so many replayed in his mind though they were incoherent. sights of blood, of one of those very daggers in his hand, a stake in the other.
“ėřīdɯǎʌ ħ ʇ ľļ ʞ”
he couldn't understand it at all, the visions in his mind were playing and flashing right after another.
training, studying vitals, the word vampire. why did it seem so familiar?
“katsuki. are you okay?” your hands were on his shoulders now, your face of concern went unnoticed by him, his eyes were only laser focused on the sharp fangs of your mouth.
“i–. i– um. i don't know what the fuck happened to me.” he admitted, he still felt weak from the confusion revelations that had unfolded in his mind.
“maybe.. you should head to bed for the day. i have a bed for you in here.”
you took his hand, he almost pulled away, he didn't know why it still felt so bloody. why it felt like he was holding an unseen weapon in his palm. but he let you comfort him slightly anyways.
you laid a towel onto his forehead, closing the door with a, “goodnight.”
you left him resting with his thoughts as you continued your chores outside.
it was obvious he wasn't a vampire like he thought. he wasn't nocturnal like you. the sight of the blood bags you had left cooling in a safe him feel queasy, and he could touch metal just fine. he found himself tracing the details of the dagger in your living room mindlessly, enthralled with it. it felt just as familiar as your eyes did. he was sure it would feel just as right in his hand, he moved to pick it up when-
“what are you doing?” you asked sleepily. your attire from yesterday was gone, replaced with casual clothes that didn't seem to fit you. “..i just got curious.”
he stared at you. the crimson of his eyes confusing you to no end, but you let it go with a sigh. “well, stop messing with that stuff. like seriously.”
he took your warning. but the strange memories never went away. though, he noticed that they'd only really pop up around you.
he'd gotten to know you in the couple hours of the first day he spent with you. your favorite color, food before you turned, your true age, your favorite flower.
and you'd gotten to know the vague things he remembered about himself in exchange. how he grew up in a village, how he remembers training hard everyday to become a knight, how he grew up with the next in line for the throne.
you'd traveled around the forest with him, showing him some of your favorite spots. pointing to nearby towns and taverns, warning him to stay away from spots where werewolves would roam frequently.
you'd gotten him a new wardrobe of clothing that happened to match yours. black button downs and slacks with red accents, something that suited him perfectly, was what you had gifted him.
he tried to gift you things as well. it was unfortunate that his gift for cuisine went wasted on you, who couldn't eat food. he picked you flowers from different regions of the forest you wouldn't venture to. dandelions that he insisted you'd blow out together, red roses that paired perfectly with your black ones, and baby’s breath sprinkled tastefully in between.
the words grew less scrambled over the days of which he spent with you. it'd been a month of living with him at this point, and your life together had become routine. the pangs where he'd keel over for seconds in real time, but hours in his mind happened more frequently too. the same visions of blood on his hands, a dagger identical to the one displayed in your home would always be there. but additions of a torch in his hand and a dagger would change. the memory would change, which confused him.
he'd be lying if he said he didn't like the calm nature of your life together. the tranquil feeling of feeding the bunnies and deers alongside you, the rushing sound of the lake as you sat side by side admiring it.
the feeling of your skin, cold to the touch, on his body that seemed to run too hot.
your open-minded nature, the lingering loss of your presence he'd feel when you were gone.
though, he now could hear some parts of the sentence quite clearly.
“k– the vampire.”
as he laid around on one of the many couches of your manor, petting a black cat, he pondered on what the last word could be. he knew it could only be one of two words, he wasn't dumb.
to kiss or to kill. but what reason was he given to kill you? you'd been nothing but amazing to him, welcome and open when he was vulnerable. the only thing you'd been strange about– the only thing he felt he wanted.
was to hold the dagger in his hand.
he laid the cat onto the side of the couch before standing up. it was like an invisible force was leading him away, taking him right to his object of interest that he had been so hyper aware of since the day he arrived.
every step he took was like a piece of the puzzle being put into place.
he was hit by a memory loss potion while he was out on patrol.
patrol for the kingdom, where he served as a knight. however, after many vampire hunters had gone missing in this part of the forest..
he had been sent out here.
he opened his satchel that he'd thrown into the corner. affirming his thoughts, a dagger, identical to the one on the stand was in it.
next to it was a stake, and a torch with an ignition next to that.
he stood up, the final words given to him. but it didn't feel as good as he thought it would.
“kill the vampire.”
because the order was to hurt someone who'd grown so dear to him.
was it wrong for him to continue acting like nothing was wrong? maybe. but he couldn't help but still continue to be enamored by you, even if it was wrong.
the stereotypes, the horror stories he'd been fed of vampires. as he held you close to him in the comfort of your coffin, he didn't know what to do anymore.
as he guided you to the lake, he wasn't sure of what he would do. he had his satchel with him now, yet he still held your hand in his.
“are you leaving?” you asked, unknowing of the war taking place in his mind.
“no. i just, wanted to bring it along.”
“oh. okay.” you'd shrugged, unfazed by his words. he felt his heart bleed, bleed because you trusted him so much, but also tugged towards his sense of duty.
you'd sat together again, his body facing the same lake that had guided him to you. he felt your gaze on his face, he squeezed his palm into a fist.
“what's wrong?” you asked, your voice low, you held the long sleeves of your black outfit as your eyebrows scrunched in concern. “you've been acting weird.”
“i.. my memory. it came back.”
your eyes shot up, before a small smile came over your face. “really, that's great katsuki. so,
what were you doing out here?”
the words lingered in the air, his eye painstakingly moving to look at you. his mouth was held open for a second, seemingly speechless as he tried to tell you. he finally, just let it slip. “i was supposed to kill you, [name].”
you stilled, he continued to explain. “it all happened once i saw the dagger. it eyed me, and i eyed it. it seemed so familiar, your eyes did too. until it all came back.” he took a sharp breath and continued.
“men, vampire hunters of the kingdom specifically, went missing around these parts. i was sent here to find the vampire and kill them. but i was ambushed along the way by a witch who hit me with a spell.” his hand moved to his satchel, you stayed unmoving as you absorbed his words.
he held the stake and dagger in his hands respectively, the materials that would kill you if pierced glistening ominously in the moonlight. the same moonlight that encapsulated you two.
“i thought it over. a lot. thought about what i wanted, no. what i thought was right.” he gripped them tightly, holding them up.
you closed your eyes, as you heard the words, “goodbye.”
but death, the feeling of wood piercing your heart never came. the splash of the water was the only sound heart by you, who had tearfully looked to face him.
“what?” was all you could helplessly utter, as he kneeled to sit in front of you:
“..i don't want to kill you [name].” he moved to hold your hand, cold as ever, against the beating heart of his chest. “but i'd like to kiss you, honestly.”
you let out a shaky laugh, a tear falling down your face as you sighed in relief. “i think i'd like that too.”
as the last bubbles burst at the surface of the lake, he tilted your head forward, holding your chin in between his fingertips as he gently kissed you. only the grass between your bodies bore witness to the newly born relationship forged by trust ignited.
the full moon now faced you two. he held your hand tightly, encaging you with the broad of his body.
he saw the moon start to slip away and picked you up, taking you to the bedroom you'd gifted him and laying you by his side.
he'd turned practically nocturnal too from these past weeks, the desire to be by your side fueling him.
so as he laid with his eyes half lidded, looking at you in the dim candlelight of the room, he held you impossibly closer.
he wanted to spend an eternity with you. maybe he'd truly cast his old life aside and become a vampire alongside you.
that thought rocked him to sleep that night, your body like a puzzle piece next to his.
who knew all you'd have to do to kiss a vampire is cast your old life aside?
tags. @k0z3me @darhinadadragon @maddietries @exoticrasin @lavendarstarz @hisonlyobsession @i-the-fluffo @uy242c @cookielovesbook-akie @frosted-flakes @irenne-stans @kemziicore
#this is my second peak i think#lilac's drabbles#bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugo#bakugo x y/n#bakugo katuski#bakugo x you#bakugo fluff#katsuki x you#bakugo drabble#mha x you#mha drabbles#bnha drabble#katsuki x y/n#katsuki x reader#mha fantasy au#vampire!reader#halloween#happy halloweeeeeeen#bakugo x female reader
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a/n: hihi @bri22222 !! tumblr for some reason ate your ask in my inbox but here is the cat demon!reader taking care of sick alastor request you sent <3 i hope you like it!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You had taken it upon yourself to become Alastor's own personal nurse when he got sick, despite his outspoken displeasure in being babied.
He was an Overlord, for god's sake, and one of the most feared at that. There was a certain irritation in him when you would show up to his room (which didn't even have a bed in it until he fell ill and you decided to push one in yourself, much to his dismay).
You'd sport all kinds of goods; warm jambalaya, his own mother's recipe, that he would deny even though he was itching to eat it. Some cough drops that tasted horribly of sickly sweet honey and lemon. Fresh boxes of tissues since he was going through them faster than you could imagine.
The worst of them all was when you would show up at the foot of his bed with little rodents, eyes wide and expectant for praise that would never come. Then you'd settle in his bed, curled up in his lap like you owned the place, and fall asleep.
While the warmth was nice, which he would never admit, and he liked the feeling of his hand smoothing down the hair between your set of drooping feline ears, he's not sure how much more of this he can take.
"You know," he starts one day when you sit at the edge of his bed, straightening out the duvet as you do. "I do wish you would stop fretting over me."
"You're sick," you deadpan. "And you took care of me when I was sick. At least let me return the favour."
He grimaces, remembering how miserable you looked when you caught a nasty flu a few months ago. Who knew cats were so pitiful when sick?
"Really, dear, it's fine! I was just helping a friend."
You frown, unconvinced. "And I'm just helping you back! Come on, you can barely go downstairs to get food by yourself."
"I'm perfectly fine!" He mutters between his grit teeth, smiling bordering on baring his fangs at you. Unfortunately, he doesn't do a very good job at intimidating you. Not after you've already seen his soft side of clinging to you like you're his personal heater.
Of course, his cursed demon body decides to betray him at that exact moment and he falls into a coughing fit, sputtering as he rakes in sharp breaths of air.
You're quick to climb over the bed to him, straddling his lap and forcing him to drink from his glass of water. He glares at you but drinks without refusal.
Alastor is the Radio Demon. Owner of souls. Entertainer extraordinaire. Yet here he is, taken down by a pathetic fever and being coddled by his favourite feline.
He carefully pinches your tail to get you to pull away from him, yelping in the process. "I'm fine," he hisses. "I don't need your help. I don't need to be taken care of!"
Your ears flatten against your head at his tone and you scramble off of his lap, cowering like a wounded animal.
For a moment he feels a flash of remorse, or whatever feeling has replaced what would be guilt in that black heart of his. He even considers opening his mouth to say something more reassuring. But then you scurry out of the room and slam the door behind you. His ears ring from the echo of it, then deathly silence follows.
Alastor reaches over to drink from his water glass on his own, only to realize it was knocked over in the commotion.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
He counts the days that pass, subconsciously or not, and feels his smile shrinking by each daylight.
Sure, he was quick to temper, but he had never lashed out at you before. It's an awful feeling that sinks into his stomach, making him dread what's to come when he fully recovers.
Worst of all, he was wrong. He does need your help.
It was peaceful at first and he enjoyed the silence that came without your company. However, he hadn't realized how accustomed he had grown to your ambient presence.
How had he never realized you were so loud when you made your entrances, or that you purred ever so slightly when he scratched just behind your ears? And was he really so weak that he was thinking of apologizing? He can't stand the idea that he may have frightened or hurt you.
It used to be so easy for him to sit with his own thoughts. Nowadays it's hard without getting to hear about your day or getting to fluster you with his incessant teasing.
He's cold, too. He would gladly let you fetch him a hundred rodents if it meant getting to hold onto you in his sick state.
On the fifth day, he decides he's had enough. The demon doesn't even bother knocking, instead opting to materialize from the shadows and jumpscare you from behind.
"I'm..." he seethes through his teeth, eyes thin and twitching.
You tilt your head at him curiously, prickled hairs flattening back down as confusion replaces your adrenaline. "You... what?"
"I'm sorry," he finally manages to get out, though it comes strained and awkward. Still, he swallows his pride and avoids your eyes while he continues. "I was wrong."
You stare at him blankly for a few seconds, intrigued by the sight of such a powerful Overlord trying to do something as uncharacteristic as apologize. In the end, you can't contain your laughter.
He glowers at you as you topple over in your bed in a fit of giggles, wiping away the tears in your eyes.
"Oh, you sap. Come here!" You sit up and open your arms wide, a big, cheeky (and smug) grin spreading across your face.
Grumbling, Alastor shuffles into your bed and collapses into you, effectively crushing you under him. You don't seem to care, arms tugging him closer and tail brushing over his body.
"You missed me that much?"
"One more word out of you and I am leaving."
"Aww, so that's a yes?"
The Radio Demon only sighs, heavy eyes drifting shut in your warmth.
"Don't get it twisted, dearest. I will not be thanking you for putting rats in my sheets every morning."
taglist: @the-lake-is-calling @dragons-and-dwarves-are-nice @averylonelysea @bri22222 @cxrsedwxrlds @amarokofficial @anae-naea-zacheria (send an ask to be added!)
#alastor x reader#hazbin hotel x reader#alastor#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel#hazbin x reader#alastor fanfic#alastor fluff#alastor headcanons#alastor fanfiction#alastor hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor x you#hazbin hotel fanfic#hazbin hotel fanfiction#hazbin#hazbin fic#alastor fic#radio demon#radio demon x reader#faye's thoughts — ☁
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My mom has this awful friend, Cynthia. My loathing goes deep enough that I’m not even going to change her name. If she ever finds this she knows what she did.
On multiple occasions my mom asked this horrible irresponsible chicken brained woman to watch after our animals while we were away. I don’t know why once wasn’t enough, because the first failure was so spectacular that anyone in their right mind would know she couldn’t be trusted with any level of responsibility or direction following.
You might be thinking to yourself, FFS, this level of antipathy is surely unwarranted! But you’d be wrong.
To set the scene, we were living in downstairs of our house when I was about fifteen. My mom has always wanted more animals than can reasonably be kept indoors which is how we ended up with three cats. When she wanted to kick them all outside I protested, and so all three cats lived in my bedroom with no access to the rest of the house.
That really wasn’t great, so in an attempt to give them options we made a window cutout with a cat door in it to give them access to the outdoors. Looking back on this as an environmentally conscious adult it’s wretched, cats should be indoor only, but at the time I was desperate to give them some freedom because one bedroom is too small for three cats.
So my parents and I went on a week long trip to visit family out of state. We told Cynthia to come feed and water the cats, and to scoop the litter box. Most importantly, don’t lock the handle of the door, because we only have the key to the deadbolt.
I’m sure you can see where this is going.
Cynthia locked us out. We arrived home after 12 hours on the road, desperate for the comfort of our own beds. We were met with an unyielding door. With a sigh I volunteered, “I can punch in the cat door and climb in the window.”
I slipped behind the bamboo outside my window and pushed in the cutout. A horrible insidious reek wafted out at me. I paused, prickling with foreboding. But I had a job to do, and by god I’d see it through. I hefted myself up into the window and my hand immediately landed in something wet.
Skin crawling, I pulled myself up and surveyed the darkened room as a miserable odor of decay and suffering poured out of the room around me. I could see dark shapes littering the carpet and it didn’t take a genius to guess that the cats had taken up hunting in a big way during my absence.
I pulled my hand out of the pile of vomit it had landed in and dropped into my onetime bedroom turned now into a hellpit of decomposing wretchedness. I turned on the light. I wished I had not turned on the light.
My eyes scanned across the floor, tallying as they went. Two dead birds, a dead baby rabbit, five dead mice, and one dead snake. I paused on my alarm clock, perplexed to see a stain of white on it. I stepped closer and saw a furtive movement.
The tally suddenly contained also: one live bird that had shit in several places, probably in pure terror to find itself trapped in a room littered with decomposing woodland creatures, which honestly, fair. I coaxed it out the window and finished the survey with five discrete piles of vomit.
I unlocked the door and let my parents in. They exclaimed in disgust at the horrible smell. We stood together in my doorway floored by the magnitude of neglect. The unscooped litter box was a subtle footnote in the tangible reek my living space. I disposed of the parade of ecological disaster, cleaned vomit, and scooped the box after a brutally long day on the road. The cats were fine, and happy to see me. They had a huge dish or food and water so Cynthia’s neglect at least hadn’t harmed them.
Then I slept on the couch while my bedroom aired out, the windows flung wide to dispel the uneasy ghosts of the hunted. I spent the whole night cursing Cynthia’s name for this evil she’d visited upon me. When my mom asked her, "Cynthia, didn't you see the dead animals?"
Cynthia responded, "Yes, they smelled so bad, I just ran in and out as fast as I could." I fully don't believe she did any caretaking, and I'm personally of the opinion that she locked herself out on the first day and never came back.
The next day my room had returned to a habitable level of smellscape and I gratefully crawled into my bed that night. I stretched out and froze as my foot brushed something cold and wet?
The final indignity: one last dead snake, inside my very sheets.
Fucking Cynthia.
#ramblies#story#ffs foibles#keep your cats inside#but also looking back like why didn't I change my sheets#I did not have good bed hygiene instilled in me from my parents#later that lady would go on to leave a huge metal dish of dog food in the middle of the yard#despite the fact that we told her over and over not to feed the dog because he was on a diet#and I knew not to trust her so my friend was coming twice a day to feed him his portioned out meals#he gained like ten pounds in the week we were gone eating rained on mushy dog food#that fucking woman was a menace#Cynthia
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silly things I think the brothers have done
not proof read, also I did all of the things on these lists so it's kinda like the brothers as things I have done hehe ( I couldn't come up with some stuff for some of them so forgive me for some brothers having shorter or more boring lists)
alternative title: the brothers as real things I have done (I swear I'm not that insane)
use whatever the devildom version of red bull is as an 'emergency tool' to quickly stop being tired only when he really needs to (don't do this)
accidentally sent a formal important email to somebody completely unrelated because it was 3am and he wasn't sharp (poor person had no idea what he was talking about) (this still haunts me)
one time when he was at a farm a peacock kept following him and kept opening its feathers to him no matter how many times he walked away
always buys something one of his brothers or mc will like in a store when he sees it for them
bought expensive perfume and quit his job two seconds afterwards
made the mistake of online shopping while being drunk and then cried over a mini bag and bought it because it would be cute for his future child
accidentally almost burnt down a school chemistry lab because he put a plastic tube over the fire (the teacher warned him not to do that) (everything was fine the tube was just a little on fire it only had like salt water in it)
met his favorite artist and accidentally dropped his bags right before the picture in front of said artist (the artist tried to help him but he said nono its okay while fixing the mess) (he dropped the bag 1 second after asking if it was okay to put it down) (this still haunts me I'm so sorry to the artist for having to see me fight a bag)
messed up karaoke one time when he was home alone and destroyed his voice for the next week
attended a vocaloid concert
accidentally made somebody believe he has a child because he calls a cat his baby or his son and forgot to specify he's talking about a cat
saw a cat meow and paw at somebody he didn't know's front door and he felt bad for it so he rang the doorbell and asked the guy who lives there 'is this your cat?' but the cat already went inside (luckily it was his cat or else that would have been super awkward)
cut his own hair once out of protest because somebody kept forcing him to cut it (they never forced him to do anything with his hair again so it worked) (I was like 11 years old when I did this)
wore platform heels while hiking because he refused to wear hiking shoes (those were the only shoes he brought to the vacation too) (there was no room to bring more because he already overpacked)
when somebody was being rude for no reason over his fashion choices he accidentally said 'not my problem you're allergic to slaying' out loud (I said this to my mom I almost died)
packed a full suitcase and a big tote bag for a one night hotel stay (the suitcase had an extra bag in it too)
sent his profs emails telling them he's sick so he can go to his beauty salons (this happened more than once)
traveled to a different city to buy a lot of a specific type of food and then came back
sometimes has to function as an alarm clock for one of his brothers (belphie) because its impossible to wake him up
stays home with his brothers when they're sick so they don't have to be alone
tried to make an oven pizza in the microwave with his brothers because the oven was not working (don't try this) (it turned out literally wet by the way)
planned a way to skip certain class times every day without getting in trouble to sleep more
woke up from a nap extremely disoriented and asked someone what his name is
I'm so sorry I tried to come up with more things for him but I can't its been a week of thinking
#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me swd#obey me nightbringer#obey me scenarios#obey me imagines#obey me headcanons#obey me lucifer#obey me satan#asmodeus obey me#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#beelzebub obey me#belphegor obey me
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when their s/o gets hurt - txt
note: hello!! I finally found some time to write so please enjoy! I’m doing my best in my classes so please wish me well 💘 anyone in school/uni, good luck! You’ve got this!! This was highly inspired by an incident that happened today after dinner 😭 pray for my scrape to heal soon without getting infected. Please enjoy this and let me know if you like it.
he’s more worried than you are. you actually have to help him not have a panic attack. you two decided to have a cute little picnic at a nice park. you made lots of yummy snacks and finger foods! He was munching on a pbnj while you were looking around. You found a cat and reached out to pet it but turns out, the kitty wasn’t wanting to be touched because they scratched you. The kitty scurried away and yeonjun rushed over to you. He was struggling to not scream his head off and hyperventilating. You look at him and put your not bloody hand on his shoulder, “baby, relax. It’s just a small scratch. well go get it checked now and they’ll just give me a little shot.” You kiss his cheek and after a while, he calms down and drives you to the urgent care room.
big softie tries not to show any worry because then he knows it’s going to scare you even more. you and him were walking and at some point, you got stuck behind him while talking on the phone. your friend had called about some plans for later that night. because you weren’t paying attention, you failed to notice the poll right in front of you. You crashed right into it and let out a yelp. Soobin was quick to turn around and gently pull you close to him. He checked to make sure you were okay and noticed the small bruise forming on your nose. He let you say goodbye and then took you to get ice for your face.
he’s like your best friend. he’s loosing his shit when it happens but then gets so worried and feels bad for laughing. you were walking down the street with him, enjoying an evening of shopping. You had a bag in your hand with the new gentle monster jelly sunglasses! you weren’t paying attention so you tripped over a crack on the side walk. You fell and the bag went flying, falling hard on the floor. Beomgyu started to giggle but when he heard you start to sniffle, he crouched down to pick you up. your palms were all scraped up so he rushed to grab your bag and took you to the nearest pharmacy to get stuff to clean your hands. it stung of course but he was careful. he was also sad to see you pout about your broken glasses so next week, a new pair was sitting on your best, plus another pair!
he’s so calm, much like soobin. he doesn’t want to worry you but he himself is also not to worried. he knows his girl is tough and can get through anything. you were fixing up your hair to go on a date with tyunnie. While straightening a section of hair, you went up a little too high and burned your ear! You cried out in pain and dropped the straighter. He heard your cry and rushed over from the bathroom where he was fixing up his own hair. “Oh my, what happened hmm? A burn?” He examined the burn sight and wordlessly went to get some burn ointment. “You’re gonna be okay. Right? For being so strong, I’ll get you a little prize. How does that sound?” He’s collected and calm and you remain calm too.
huening kai
he was with you when it happened and he was panicking! he is such a caring guy so when it happened, he’s rushing to you to make sure you’re breathing and alive lmao. you were playing by the pool at your family home. you’d brought him to meet your parents and you two had an afternoon to yourselves. you weren’t listening to his warnings to not run and you fell! you slipped on water and he was flying out of the pool to help you up. you were luckily okay, just a scrape on your knee. That’s what you were thinking but kai was worried. He rushed you inside, made you tell him where the first aid kit was, and he nursed you back to perfect health. what a sweetheart, is what your parent says upon hearing about this.
#txt imagines#txt headcanons#txt reactions#txt fluff#txt x reader#soobin x reader#beomgyu x reader#huening kai x reader#yeonjun x reader#taehyun x reader
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Natasha Romanoff x Pregnant Reader
Word Count: 1881
Request: Hey! Could you do a Nat fic where reader is pregnant and Natasha is so scared of hurting the baby that they don’t have sex anymore and reader gets frustrated?
Warning: 18+ content - NSFW
“Are you looking for something specific?” A girl no older than twenty three asks you, and you have to admit that the look of utter kindness on her face makes you want to run in the opposite direction.
You’re an adult for Christ sake, surely you can buy a sex toy without getting flustered like this.
You smile at her before setting the red dildo back on the stand, and when the thing wiggles you blush a vibrant red, almost matching it.
“Not really.” You speak, and clear your throat immediately after. God, this is mortifying! “My wife usually does the shopping.”
The girl in front of you nods understandably, and you look down at your feet hoping that the ground would swallow you whole.
“Don’t worry.” She says, and her voice is quite soothing. You realize that she’s one of those people that makes you feel comfortable and safe, no matter the situation you’re in. “My name is Jane, and I’d be happy to help you find something, if it’s okay with you.”
“Please.” You practically groan, and as she smiles her eyes fall down on your belly for a second, and your hands immediately come to rest on top of it. “I’ll be seven months along next week.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” She apologizes quickly, and it’s your turn to placate her.
“Don’t worry. I’ve gotten quite used to it.” You tell her as your baby begins to move, your guess is that she’s turning over. “She’s moving.” You smile, and Jane’s smile is delightful. Even more so when you take her hand, and place it on your belly. Which has become a habit of sorts as of late. Your wife’s friends are always eager to feel your baby moving after all.
“Oh my God.” She smiles, as your baby kicks and you do too. “That’s amazing.” Jane says, taking her hand back.
“Yeah.” You nod, but the moment you look to your right and find a purple dildo the size of your arm you remember where you are, and why you came here.
“You and your wife are very lucky.” Jane says, and you huff without really thinking about your answer.
“I wish I was getting lucky, if you know what I mean.” The moment Jane’s eyes widen you realize what you just said, and you’re back to blushing madly. “I’m so sorry. That was so inappropriate. I don’t even know why I said it. I’m so sorry.”
“You know what?” Jane interrupts you, still cool and collected. “I know just what you need.” She says, and with a grimace you follow her to the back of the store.
The moment you get home you’re a hundred percent ready to break in your new acquisition, and you don’t even feel bad about it. It’s been months since you had a decent orgasm, and you need it, you so need it.
You have a quick shower, and make sure the cat has food and water before you lock yourself in your room. You turn off your phone so nothing can interrupt you while you do what you have to do. It’s a matter of health at this point, because you’re losing your mind, no question about it.
First you sit down with your laptop to do a bit of research, and your anxiousness only gets worse the more you read the reviews on your new toy. It seems like you got yourself a very useful item indeed.
Without waiting another second you go about undressing yourself before opening the box with the new toy in it, and if you’re blushing it’s okay because no one can see you in the privacy of your own bedroom anyway.
“Okay. Let’s do this.” You murmur as you lay down, and God you should be ashamed of how wet the sight of it is making you, but you’re not.
You take a moment to rub it in your hands to warm it up, but the more you rub it the more your mind goes places, and you wish your wife was here. You wish she was kissing your neck, her hands on your breasts, her naked body rubbing against yours…
But Natasha is simply not interested in having sex with you now that you’re showing.
“Not going there.” You murmur to yourself, because you don’t need to dwell anymore about why she’s so afraid of having sex with you nowadays. You just want to get on with it because on top of everything, it seems like your libido is off the charts too.
Closing your eyes, you finally let your hand dip down between your legs, your index finger brushing against your already swollen clit.
“Oh God.” You moan softly, and even more so when you find yourself dripping wet. It’s been months since you had a decent orgasm and that’s all you can think about.
With your free hand you take the toy between your legs, letting its prominent head rub over your slit before you gently insert it.
“Oh, God!” You scream, as it rubs you exactly where you need it. You squeeze the sheets with your free hand as your hips push against the mattress, and you push the toy a little deeper.
With a feral scream ripping through your lips, you come unexpectedly, and so incredibly fast that you immediately throw the damn thing away in fear.
That thing is surely witchcraft!
“Oh my God!” You scream in your empty room as the toy hits the floor, and your inner walls continue to shiver, and clench around nothing. “Oh my God!”
Once the force of that first orgasm begins to fade away you realize that in your frenzy you completely relocated to a different part of your bed. And you’re squeezing the living hell out of a pillow but once the surprise, and slight terror of the strength of that orgasm is completely gone you decide that you want more.
Witchcraft or not.
It’s between your fifth or sixth orgasm that the door to your bedroom is kicked in, and your wife rushes inside with a gun in her hands, and the sight makes you come harder than any of the previous times did.
“Are you serious?” She half yells at your direction, but not even her anger is enough to wipe the smile off your face right now.
“I thought you were gonna be late.” You tell her, as your entire body shivers and you finally, set the toy on your nightstand.
You’ll clean everything up later. God, you’ll clean the entire house later. You’ll cook dinner, and arrange your wedding photo album too. You’ll bake cookies, and go visit your mother too.
“You weren’t picking up your phone. I thought something happened to you!” Natasha says, as she goes about your bedroom, gun still in her hands, swallowing thickly when her eyes can no longer ignore your naked body.
“Something did.” You smile goofily up at her. “I found the perfect dildo, Nat.” You chuckle, and she sits down on the edge of the bed, her upset slowly turning into amusement.
“You did, huh?” She asks, eyeing said item on the nightstand as she places her gun next to it. “I can’t believe you went shopping without me.”
“It was either that, or die of sexual frustration.” You point out.
“Come on.” She says as she looks away, and you grab her arm to pull her closer.
She leans forward willingly, her eyes taking in your chest, your lips, your glistening skin, and a spark runs in between your legs at the sight of her darkening gaze trained on your lips.
“You don’t think I’m sexually frustrated too?” She asks softly, her hot breath ghosting over your lips as she speaks. “You have no idea of how badly I want to fuck you right now.”
“Why don’t you?” You ask, as you pull her harder, and her full lips finally press against yours in a heated kiss.
Your breath leaves you when she kisses you like this, forceful and urgent, as if she wants to devour you. As if this is exactly what she wants to be doing now and forever.
“What if we hurt her?” She asks suddenly, and she’s already pulling back, a deep frown forming on her forehead. “What if something happens?”
“Natasha, stop it.” You order her, and her lips fall shut but the frown on her face doesn’t go away.
“I just don’t want to hurt her.”
“You’re hurting me!” You pointedly tell her. “I had to go to a sex shop today, on my own. I had to go and get something to masturbate with because my wife is too afraid of hurting our unborn child to even touch me with a ten foot pole.”
“You know I love you.” She tells you, pointedly too. “And I want you. You’re the only person I want to be with but...”
“When you say ‘but’ right there, Nat... fuck! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, or why I’m so horny lately. Maybe it has to do with the pregnancy or something, but damn it! I should be able to count on you. You’re my wife!”
“You can count on me.” She tells you, and you notice the hurt in her voice.
“No, Nat. I had to count on a girl named Jane who recommended I buy a freaking toy, and the reason why you’re seeing me naked right now is because you thought someone was attacking me.”
“That’s not - ” she trails off.
“That’s what it is.” You tell her, but not unkindly.
“I want you. I do.” She says as you sit up, and maneuver yourself onto her lap.
“Then show me.”
“Tell me you understand where I’m coming from, please.” She begs as you cup her face, and her hands fall on your waist before she’s touching every inch that she can reach.
“I do.” You assure her, and not because she needs to hear it but because you really do. You know how fiercely she loves you, and how uncontrollably she desires you. You know because she does show you in so many other ways that aren’t sex.
“I’m yours. Every part of me is yours. You know that, right?” She pleads to know, and God! You love her so much. Even though she’s denied you sex for the last couple of months, because of a fear that goes way deeper than what she’s letting on.
“You’re gonna be a great mom, Romanoff.” You grin down at her, and her green eyes spark with joy as her hands pull you harder against her.
“You just want to get laid.” She teases you, the mood changing once more.
“Sorry, babe. But you have to know that your mouth, and fingers have nothing on that little piece of heaven.” You tease her right back.
“Oh, really.” She taunts, and when you reach out to grab the toy from the nightstand she flips you, pinning your hands down on the mattress beneath her. “We’ll see about that.”
Ok, so maybe buying a toy, and using it home alone was part of a very meticulously thought out plan, and maybe that plan worked out perfectly for you.
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i was gonna cut it in half, but you get 2k for Valentine's Day <3
<< thirteen | 😺 | fifteen >>

Eddie asks Wayne where is a good place to make key copies, and drafts a plan. He'll go to Steph's salon, pick up her keys, make a copy for her, and drop them back before she leaves work. Just a tiny good deed from a friendly neighbour, so she doesn't have to juggle her one set between cat feeders and whatnot.
Except Wayne sees through him immediately and throws a bucket of cold water on his enthusiasm.
"While I fully support whatever you two are doing..." He promptly raises his hand so Eddie would spare him any of the explanations brewing behind his lips. "I think this would be a little too much."
"How?" Eddie frowns, confused.
"Well, a bachelor she has just met is asking for her keys to make copies. It's a little too much too fast, don't you think?"
Eddie opens his mouth, closes it. Frowns.
"How would you feel if a new friend thought they know better how many keys you should own?" Wayne raises his eyebrows. "And took it upon themself to do it for you?"
"Okay, fine, I hear you!" Eddie groans, throwing his hands up.
Wayne sips on his coffee, now calm enough that his nephew won't do something too stupid.
"With that said, I too think it's silly to not have a spare."
"Thank you," Eddie murmurs, drumming his fingers against his cup. "So what do I do?"
"Buy her flowers, ever heard of it?" Wayne raises his eyebrow.
Eddie twists his mouth, unconvinced with the idea.
"I don't know, it sounds pretty forward..."
Wayne almost snorts his coffee out of his nose.

Eddie follows the blanket permission he got the last day and walks up to Steph's apartment around the same time. Since he felt that bringing her flowers would be too much, he settled on cookies from his favorite bakery. They could share them with coffee or tea, and it wouldn't be too weird.
It's just...
He really hopes they could actually talk.
When he opens the doors labeled 54, he's hit with the smell of spices. Steph leans through the kitchen door to greet him.
"Hi! I'm making fried rice, do you want some?"
Eddie nods, curbing the desire to come over and kiss her.
"Yeah, it smells good." He steps into the kitchen, setting the cookies on the counter. "Can I help with something?"
Steph keeps stirring for a second, before she points to one of the cupboards.
"Take out two bowls, please?" she asks.
Eddie's been in the apartment all alone, and he's looked through Steph's stuff to some extent. Opening cupboards while she's cooking shouldn't feel as thrilling as it does.
When she finishes the food, he grabs beers for the two of them, and they move to the the living room again, a movie already waiting to be played.
"Is Willow okay?" she asks, hovering over the play button, and Eddie's eyes couldn't go any wider. Only one lamp is left on in the room, and the TV is illuminating Steph like an angel offering him the finest pleasures in life.
"Is the sky blue?" he shoots back. "It's one of my favorites."
She smiles, all self satisfied and wide, like she already knew he'll love the movie.
Eddie tilts his head, eyeing her suspiciously.
"Did Wayne tell you?"
Steph shakes her head 'no'.
"It was a lucky guess," she admits coyly.
Oh, to be known like that by another human. Have someone with enough intimate knowledge of him to guess his thoughts, pick out things they know he'll like. She knows he'll like.
Eddie does like the movie, but he wishes it was something boring so they could talk. Of course, he's also enjoying having Steph pressed against his shoulder, and the movie is a great excuse to just be in her presence, without the responsible adult communication thing.
It's when she gets up asking if he wants another beer, when he realizes he's been too engrossed in the movie.
"Uh, I'm not even halfway," he says, moving the bottle in his hand.
"But are you gonna drink more?"
"Probably," he shrugs.
She brings back another four beers, and as this time he's paying attention, he notices she's already drunk a fair amount of the one she's holding.
"Everything okay?" he asks gently. He doesn't remember Steph drinking this fast, or this much, during their previous hang-outs. And it's a weekday, too.
"Mhm, yep." She plops down next to him heavily, but even the weight of her body against him doesn't soothe his nerves. On the contrary. It's easy to tell she's already tipsy, and she's planning to have at least two more beers, including the one in her hand.
"Not to be a buzzkill, you know..." Eddie licks his lips nervously. "But you're drinking more than usual."
She makes an amused sound, deep in her throat.
"Tell that to my high school self."
"Well, I'm telling it to my adult friend Stephanie, I don't know that other one."
Steph huffs, staring at the screen.
At loss of what else to say, he leans back against the couch, hoping the press of their shoulders will bring her some comfort his words apparently can't. He's turning to the TV, when she speaks up.
"I have something to tell you."
Eddie's eyes immediately go back to her, but she's staring ahead.
"Yeah?" he prompts.
"After the movie."
He's confused and worried, but since she wants him to stay, it can't be anything bad, right?
"Okay," he says, feeling anything but. All the possible confessions are going through his mind, movie forgotten. The only things he's aware of are Steph's movements when she brings up the bottle to her lips, and her muscles flex against his arm, and his own racing thoughts.
She's going to tell him she's a lesbian just like Robin. Maybe they're secretly a long distance couple, or she has a thing with Joyce. Or she has a man in another state. A secret family, a husband? What if she has a kid? Eddie would make a good step-dad, but he wasn't planning for that any time soon. Or maybe it's way simpler than that, and she'll finally tell him to stop, that she's not interested, never was. That Eddie, a metal musician still in college, isn't worth it.
"I wasn't born a woman."
The credits are rolling on the screen, letters forming Eddie's miserable scenarios, and he's so focused on them he barely hears Steph's words. But finally, he turns his head towards her. She's slumped next to him, picking on the label of her empty beer bottle. He's so relieved he doesn't understand what's going on.
"I know." Not his best reaction but he can't believe she's been worried about it all this time, drinking just to tell him something he's already figured out.
Steph frowns, before turning to him with glassy eyes.
"You know?"
He points to the collage on her wall.
"You have your old photos right there?"
She stares at the display like she's seeing it for the first time in her life. Her eyes widen with the realization and she makes a sound between a snort and a groan, head falling back.
"Of course I fucking do."
Eddie drums his fingers against his beer bottle. He still has a couple of swings left.
"Is that what you were so worried about?"
"Of course!" She throws out her hands angrily, startling him. "It's always 'do you not want me, Steph?' and then 'ew, you have a what?' or 'i always wanted to fuck someone like that' and honestly? At this point I don't know which one is worse. So yes, I was fucking worried!"
Steph stands up angrily, swaying a little, but she quickly catches her balance. She starts gathering the empty bottles and Eddie rushes to help before she drops any and makes a mess, but she gathers them petulantly in her arms.
"You can go, I got this," she says dismissively.
"I want to help," he protests, hands held out uselessly. Steph marches to the kitchen, all the bottles pressed close to her chest. Eddie quickly follows, but she safely deposits them all in the sink and stares at them, expression hidden by her hair.
"Stop sucking up to me. I'm not something to be scratched off a bucket list."
"What?" Eddie frowns.
Steph finally turns towards him, and now he wishes she didn't. Her eyes are sad and angry and he doesn't like them directed at him like that.
"Is that why you kissed me? Because you knew?"
'I always wanted to fuck someone like that.'
"No. No," he protests firmly. "I liked you before that, it doesn't matter to me."
"Are you sure?" she scoffs. "You might change your mind when I get undressed."
"I highly doubt that." He crosses his arms over his chest. "I've told you I'm not deterred by d—" His eyes widen momentarily, the word lodging in his throat, but Steph only rolls her eyes with annoyance.
"You can say 'dick'. I have a dick. I am a woman with a dick."
That's a lot of dicks for just a few words. And Eddie is trying to prove that he's into them but not in a weird way. Which is difficult when you're rarely normal about anything.
"Yeah, that, and I've had close encounters with those, though never on a woman before," he admits. "I would operate whatever genitals you have because they're yours, not because I'm hoping they're a certain way. I don't care. Well, I care because they're yours, but if you told me I can never touch or look, that's okay." Though what a travesty that would be. What about all the orgasms he promised her in his head? But she still has a prostate, right? He probably could—
"Say it," Steph interrupts his futuristic plans.
"Say I have a dick." She crosses her arms tightly over her chest.
Eddie inhales deeply.
"You have a dick. It doesn't matter to me either way. You could have a pussy, a dick, or a cacti, and I would accommodate. Though we probably would have to get rid of the thorns on the last one. Or get me some protective gear."
She lets out a startled snort.
"Yeah, sure. We'll see about that."
It sounds like a challenge, and while Eddie might hate sports, he loves games. If it's up his alley, he can get competitive easily, and this one promises great treasures, if he wins.
If only he knew the rules.
"Tomorrow, same time. Wear something comfortable."
Eddie's eyes widen.
"For what?" His voice comes out higher than he'd like, but his mind quickly resurfaces from the gutter it found itself in, and he frowns, suddenly suspicious. "Will you make me exercise?"
Her features soften, and a playful smirk pulls on her lips.
"You'll see."
Her smile is a good sign, even if it's at his expense, so he decides not to push his luck anymore and end the night here.
"Well, I'm gonna..." He awkwardly motions to the door, hesitating.
Steph is leaning against the bar counter, watching him knowingly.
"You can get a goodnight kiss tonight," she says, resting her cheek against her palm. "Or get more tomorrow."
Eddie wonders, if the game has already started. He puts his quick Dungeon Master wits to work, and figures with how far he's come, he gets advantage on the Charisma check.
"I could live off of goodnight kisses for forever," he says. "There's no need for anything more."
He almost feels bad at how fast her resolve crumbles, giving place to fiery red flush.
"Fucking charmer," she scoffs almost angrily, before rounding the counter towards him. The energy coming off of her makes him take a step back, and he hits the front door. Steph's nails scratch the wooden surface right next to his ear. She tilts her head.
"You're gonna put your money where your mouth is?"
Eddie's been trying to get better at that, sometimes to his own demise—staying true to his words, keeping promises. So he reaches for her neck and pulls her in.
It's more like their first kiss than the last one. It's hungrier, the knowledge that they both want more seeping into their muscles, grasping at clothes, pulling and pushing. Eddie groans into Steph's hot mouth, happy to be pressed between her soft, strong body, and the cold door. She pushes even closer, gathering the sound with her tongue and claiming it for herself.
They pull apart with a wet smack, and Steph laughs breathily at the dopey smile she finds directed at her. She pats Eddie's cheek affectionately and untangles herself from his grasp. The door clicks when she twists the lock, and it seems to bring Eddie back from his daze.
"Goodnight, Eddie," she says pointedly.
He blinks at her, before his soft smile comes back, and he reaches up again to place one last kiss on her lips.
"Goodnight. See you tomorrow," he smiles, before slipping outside the door.
Steph is terrible person, and also more smitten with this boy than she'd want to admit, so she looks through the peephole at the dimly lit corridor. She hopes Eddie can't hear her chuckle at the silly dance he does while walking away from her door.
@wheneverfeasible @steddieinthesun @hattsy-likes-pretty-stuff @bumblebeecuttlefishes @phantomcat94 @tartarusknight @tinyplanet95 @steddiefication @estrellami-1 @disrespectedgoatman @madigoround @tartarusknight @blasvemous @cryptid-system @hiei-harringtonmunson @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @dreamercec @manliest-of-muppets @bookbinderbitch @marklee-blackmore @icecat @rootbeerandmusic @mollymawkwrites @milojames16
help me with rent
#crazy cat lady stevie#steddie#stranger things#eddie munson#steve harrington#mine#stevie harrington#cw: age gap#steddie fanfiction#transfem steve harrington#wayne munson#steddie au
154 notes
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By Line
pairing; ceo!wonwoo x reporter!afab reader
genre; enemies to lovers, smut, dramatic af, angst
notes/warnings; TOXIC BEHAVIOR, drugs, alcohol, food, dirty talk, sex in a public place, fingering (f receiving), death mention (?), and y’know sex
word count; 5.3k
this is for @svthub’s garden collab
You couldn’t believe it is going to end like this. Your years on Earth, coming to a close, because you were thirsty. You are an idiot.
It wasn’t entirely your fault, however. It is his fault too. He’s the one that poisoned you, instead of being a decent human being. Just because you accepted a glass of water, does not mean you consented to dying. Wonwoo is a terrible person, and you did walk straight into his trap.
As you struggle to keep your eyes open, the world in front of you going blurry, you can’t help but think back to what led to you being here. How hungry you were for the facts, for the story. It was going to be your big break into journalism, and you would finally be able to carve your own island out in the field.
You had followed Wonwoo for weeks, making notes of his comings and goings. Who he was meeting with. What he even had for breakfast (he usually nibbled on some kind of muffin while walking to his office building, a coffee in his other hand). You were trying to follow the money, and you were so close to exposing him.
Little did you know that he had been watching you too. Which is how he ended up inviting you to dinner at his penthouse, saying he would give you an interview of a lifetime. He made, as a one Don Corleone had said, an offer you couldn’t refuse.
“What di- did you give me?” you mumble, your head drooping slightly.
Wonwoo simply chuckles, clearly amused with how you’re fighting what he slipped you. “Don’t worry about it. It’s painless. It’s just like going to sleep,” he assures you, before taking a small sip of his wine.
Well, he isn’t wrong about that. It does feel like you want to sleep. Just drift off and not have to worry about anything again. It would be easy. Painless, like he said. Your eyes start to flutter close, but you shake your head and snap them open as wide as you can. “No. I’m no— call the police,” you say weakly, slapping the table to find your phone.
You hear him chuckle as he reaches for your phone and slides it towards him, watching you with interest. “Hm. You’re adorable when you’re stubborn.”
“Shuddup. ‘M not.” You frown at him and blink wearily, his figure turning into a faceless blob. “My phone,” you whine as you start to slump over the table.
Wonwoo finishes his wine and sighs, leaning back in his chair as he picks up your phone. “Cute lock screen. Is that your cat?” he asks, though he’s not expecting an answer from you.
You let out a whine as fear overtakes you, your eyes finally shutting. “You’ll never getwaythis…”
The last thing you remember before the darkness overtook you was hearing Wonwoo laugh at your utterances. “Whatever you say, ace.”
Funny. You didn’t think you could dream when you were dead. It wasn’t exactly sugar plums, but visions drifted in and out of your mind. Your parents, friends, Henry (you prayed someone would take care of him when you are gone, the gremlin of a cat) were all present… memories, maybe? Was this what they meant when they said that your life would flash before your eyes?
You can feel warmth on your face, which only confuses you even more. It’s bright, even through your eyelids. Was it the bright light that greets you in death? No one ever says it’s warm. It’s comforting. You can’t help but smile at the feel of it, and snuggle further down into the sheets.
You wiggle your fingers, and they move. You sit up in the bed and blink your eyes open, heart pounding as you take in the fact that you’re still alive. Alive and in an unfamiliar room. You aren’t sure if you should be overjoyed or scared. Instead, you let out a yelp as you try to scramble out of the bed.
Where the hell are you? What happened last night? Every possibility and scenario races through your head as you get tangled in the sheets and fall out of the bed to the floor with a loud thump. You groan as you roll on to your back, trying not to cry as you hear a knock on the door.
“Are you decent?” a gruff voice asks through the door.
You pause at the question and glance down at yourself, letting out a sigh of relief when you realize you are, in fact, fully clothed. You scowl as you slowly push yourself to your feet and cautiously step towards the door, folding your arms over your chest. “What the fuck did you do to me?” you demand in a harsh whisper, not wanting to open the door quite yet.
You hear him laugh from the hallway, clearly amused with you. “Nothing. Well… I carried you to the bed after you passed out from the sleeping pills that were in your water… but other than that, nothing. I promise.”
Anger rolls through you at his words, and you yank the door open to find him leaning against the door frame with a nonchalant look on his face. “You did WHAT?!” You aren’t sure you heard him right, you couldn’t have.
Wonwoo rolls his eyes at you and runs a hand through his cropped hair. “You looked like you were in some desperate need of sleep, so I helped. You’re welcome.” He pauses as his eyebrows shoot up at your angry, yet confused, expression. “You didn’t actually think I poisoned you, did you?” he asks, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Your blood is boiling at the look on his face, his stupid face with his stupid glasses. But he wasn’t wrong. You did think he poisoned you, but it wasn’t like he didn’t give you a reason not to believe it. And, you guess in a way he did actually do it. “What do you call slipping me sleeping pills in my water? A sweetener?” you nearly yell at him.
“No. I call it a helping hand. I’m a businessman, not a murderer, ace. Killing people isn’t a good look for my company,” he teases as he stands up straight.
You take a step back, your hand still gripping the doorknob tightly as you glance him up and down. You couldn’t deny that he looked good in his oversized white t-shirt and gray sweats, at home casual seemed to suit him more than business casual. Has his shoulders always been so… wide? You meet his eyes and huff when you see the satisfied look in his eyes, scowling at him again. “Well, does your “helping hand” mean keeping me hostage? Or am I free to go?”
Wonwoo steps back and gestures to let you pass him, watching as you stalk into the hallway. “Your things are by the front door. I can call a driver to take you home, if you want,” he offers. He waits for a reply and shrugs when you don’t give one, tucking his hands into his sweatpants. “Though, if you leave now, you won’t get your interview.”
You stop at his words, a small struggle brewing inside you. Leave, and you can rid yourself of this monster and this whole ordeal. But then you won’t get what you’ve been after all these weeks. The truth. Straight from the man (and you use that term very loosely in this case) himself. The temptation is too great.
He knows exactly what he’s doing. Fuck him. You’re not going to play into his hand so easily.
“Complete and unadulterated truth? Everything?”
Fuck. You slowly turn to face him with a heavy sigh, knowing he has you. So much for not so easily. “Fine. But no open containers from you.”
He grins at you as he walks past, tapping your chin lightly. “You have a bit of dried drool right there,” he comments as he makes his way back out to the living room.
It’s not too long until you’re both seated in his home office, him behind his desk with a mug of coffee while you sit in a plush armchair on the opposite side (no drink for you, for obvious reasons). Your voice recorder is on and sitting on his desktop, and a pen is poised in your hand as you stare at him. You narrow your eyes as you study him, his own eyes dropped to his phone as he typed out a text. “Are you busy or…”
He hums in acknowledgment and takes a sip of his coffee, not looking up as he finishes his typing. “Sorry. Urgent business.” He finally sets his phone down and directs his attention towards you, offering you a small smile. “Okay. Go ahead, ace. Ask away.”
You roll your eyes at the nickname, tapping your pen against your pad of paper. “Right. Mind telling me what the urgent business was?” you ask, nodding to his phone.
“When you run a multi-million dollar corporation, everything is urgent business,” he jokes. “Right now, we’re in the middle of trying to acquire some land in Denmark. Trying to set up a regional office there, so we can run our European operations a little more smoothly,” he explains. “So far, it’s been a lot of back and forth. If you know anything about Denmark business or land law, you’d be a great asset right about now.”
You shake your head as you scribble some notes down, not bothering to look up as you ask your next question. “Don’t you have lawyers to sort out all that? Or are they around to just make it all look legal?”
Wonwoo quirks an eyebrow up at your question, tapping his fingers against the side of his mug. “We do have lawyers, but not every lawyer is an expert in every law.” He pauses as he sips his coffee, studying you as he does so. “And I always make sure everything I do regarding my business is legal.”
You scoff in disbelief, your eyes catching his as you look back up. “I doubt that. A company as big as yours can’t always do legitimate business,” you mutter. “And I find it ver—“
“Now hold on,” he interrupts, sitting up and leaning forward in his chair. “Is that why you’re so interested in me? You think I’m some kind of criminal?” He, of course, knows what you think, but he wants you to say it out loud. He never would have asked you to meet for dinner if he didn’t know. That, and he definitely had enough of you following him.
Your cheeks warm with embarrassment, but you square your shoulders off as you sit straighter. “Yes. I think you’ve had some illegal business dealings, or you know about it within your company and are covering it up,” you answer, your fingers nervously fidgeting with your pen. “I believe you’ve cheated for your success, and you and your company need to be exposed.”
He can’t help but grin at your words, though he manages to hold back his laughter. It is a ridiculous accusation, of course. Hearing it out loud just made it seem even more so. “So, you thought following me around was going to reveal this big giant scandal?” He pauses as he chuckles lowly, leaning back in his chair. “Ace, you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble, and just asked me straight out in the beginning,” he tells you.
You narrow your eyes at him as he speaks, holding back a scoff. “Would you have told me the truth?”
“Yes. I have no reason to lie to you.”
You study him for a moment, trying to find any scrap of deceit. It’s frustrating that you can’t find one. Either he is an expert liar, or he’s telling the truth. Maybe you’re just shit at reading people, which would make you a pretty shitty reporter. “And I have no reason to believe you,” you finally say, dropping your gaze back down to your notepad.
A tense silence falls between the two of you, and it seems to stretch for hours. Though, it is less than thirty seconds before Wonwoo speaks again. “Look, this relationship isn’t going to work if there’s no… trust betwe—“
“Trust?!” you nearly screech at him. “Trust was tossed out the fucking window when you drugged me! So, I don’t think trust is ever going to be something I have in you.”
Wonwoo frowns at your words and stands to his feet. “I think trust was gone the minute you started suspecting me and following me around the city,” he pointed out, leaning forward over the desk with his palms flat on the wood.
Another silence as you let his words roll around in your head. He wasn’t wrong. You never actually trusted him, but there was no chance of it now, that much is certain.
He sighs and stands up straight again, pulling his glasses off. “I know I shouldn’t have drugged you,” he starts, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That was wrong, and honestly, reckless of me. I am sorry.”
You blink in surprise at his words and the sincerity in his voice. That’s not what you are expecting. An apology.
“But you need to learn when to take a break and get some rest. You’ve been stuck to me like a goddamn shadow, trying to find anything I’ve done wrong. Which, fine, but you’re like a dog with a bone. You won’t let go until you’re satisfied,” he continues with a half amused look. “It’s kind of cute. Your tenacity. I admire it.”
Your cheeks warm as he speaks, and you shake your head. You didn’t want to admit he was right, that you did need a break, but you knew you had to get this story. You clear your throat as your gaze drops to your notepad, scrunching your nose. “My mother calls it stubbornness. It caused her many headaches during my childhood.”
Wonwoo smiles as you speak, studying you carefully. He notices a softness to your edge when you speak about your mom, and can’t help but be a little endeared by it. He reaches for his phone again and unlocks it, muttering under his breath as he scrolls through it.
You look back up at him, confused, and watch him as he mumbles. “What are you doing? More important business?” you ask, furrowing your brows.
“Next Sunday. You’re coming with me to a garden party one of my business partners is hosting. Maybe it’ll give you some insight to what it is I am doing at my business,” he tells you as he looks back at you with raised brows.
You scoff at him and shake your head again. “You expect me to listen to you and just go with you to this party? You don’t even ask, you demand me to? What if I have plans? I can’t just drop what I’m doing and jump at your commands,” you reply with annoyance. Of course, your only plans that day are to nap with Henry and stuff your face with waffles, but he didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to know that Sundays are your bra and pant free days.
Wonwoo raises an eyebrow at you, tilting his head to the side as he questions you. “Do you have other plans? I just figured you’d end up following me around anyway, you might as well have an invite to the party.”
Your mouth opens and closes a couple times as no words come to you, before you scoff again as you shake your head. “Fine. I’ll go. Not because you demand it, but because I can use it for my story,” you relent, doing your best to ignore the look of victory on his face.
You draw in a deep breath and let it out slowly, smoothing your hands down the side of your thighs nervously. You are standing outside the entrance to the botanical gardens, where you are supposed to meet Wonwoo for the work party he invited you to, and you suddenly want to turn around and run back home.
You nod once and are about to turn around, when a hand comes to rest lightly on your lower back. You jump slightly at the sudden presence, turning your head to see Wonwoo looking at you with a small smile. “Shit, you’re like a cat sneaking up like that. I should get you a bell,” you mutter, looking back at the gardens.
He chuckles and lets his hand drop, studying your profile. “Hm. I think I’m the one who should get you one, with how you follow me around. I think a collar would look good on you,” he teases, your skin instantly on fire at his words. “So, are you ready to rub elbows with some powerful people?”
You clear your throat, hoping to hide any effect his words had on you, and you straighten your blazer. “No, but I don’t really have a choice if I want this story.” You let out another long sigh and shake your head. “I feel severely underdressed, and this is my best pantsuit.”
Wonwoo steps back to look you over, tilting his head to the side. “You look great. Green is your color. You only need a collar to complete the look,” he jokes, before he steps off towards the entrance. “Come on. All the good hors d'oeuvres are going to be gone if we keep standing out here.”
You watch as he steps up to the security, your mind reeling from the mental whiplash. He really is an insufferable man. Insufferable and incredibly sexy in his light blue suit. It fit him perfectly, and hugged him in all the right places. Seriously, has he always been that broad?! You scrunch your nose at your own thoughts and silently curse yourself and the man you follow into the party.
Bored. You are actually bored. You did not think it was possible, but here you are, champagne glass in one hand and a tiny cucumber sandwich in the other, bored of listening to all the business talk. Not a single person had let anything juicy slip. No shady deals, no illicit affairs, not even someone discussing a traffic ticket. You sigh and tip back the rest of your mimosa, before shoving the sandwich into your mouth. Well, at least you got free snacks and drinks out of it.
You chew slowly as you turn around, freezing when you see Wonwoo staring at you with an amused look on his face, though he is nodding at the person he is talking with. He reaches up and pokes his cheek, before turning his full attention to his companion.
You mirror his actions and poke your own cheek, your eyes going wide at how puffy it is. You must look like a hamster with food shoved into its cheeks, the way you feel the sandwich there. You finish chewing and swallow, looking around and hoping no one else noticed your uncouth actions.
Though you don’t see anyone paying attention to you, you decide that it is better to dismiss yourself from the party. It seems like as good a time as any to do a little exploring of the gardens. Maybe it’ll give you a chance to leave completely unnoticed.
“Trying to escape so soon?”
Wonwoo’s sudden presence once again startles you, and you jump a little as your heart nearly shoots out of your chest. “Fucking hell! Seriously. Make a noise or something,” you grumble, crossing your arms over your chest.
He can’t help but laugh at your reaction, his hand resting against the small of your back as you both start walking away from the crowd. “I did. I said something.”
You roll your eyes, trying to ignore the effect his touch is having on you. How you wish it is more than his hand on you. “Before you sneak up on someone.” You pause as you glance at him quickly, only to find him looking back at you. “Anyway, I’m not— okay, yeah, I am trying to escape. You didn’t tell me how boring this would be,” you relent with a sigh.
Wonwoo let out a low chuckle and shrugged one shoulder, tucking his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, the daytime parties are usually pretty lame. Now, dinner parties and cocktail hours? That’s where all the excitement is,” he jokes, following you as you turn down a side path.
You snort and shake your head, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “You’ll have to invite me to one of those. Maybe I’ll actually get something to write about.” You pause your walk as you read a sign about the foliage, sighing quietly. “You really do everything above board, huh?”
He looks over at you, studying your profile carefully, and nods once. “I told you. Now, do we toe the line with how things get done? Sometimes. I like to push and be aggressive with some things, but I never do anything illegal. Questionable, maybe, but always legal.” He adjusts his glasses and shrugs again. “Losing my business isn’t worth it.”
You bite your lip, feeling ashamed of having suspected him of anything nefarious. Aside from drugging you with sleeping pills, that is. You don’t say anything as you take a right towards another section of the gardens, leaving him to follow after you once again. Your thoughts are swirling in your head, and suddenly his presence is making it hard to think straight. Or maybe it was the three or four mimosas you had.
“I was the first in my family to graduate from college, you know. My parents either didn’t want to do college, or they couldn’t afford it, but they made sure I went,” he says after a moment. “I started this business from the ground up, worked my ass off. I took out loans, nearly went bankrupt. Hell, I lived with my parents for longer than I wanted just to save anything I could.”
You furrow your brow as you come to a stop in front of a small white building, large windows on either side of a stained glass door. You knew he had started the business, but you didn’t know everything he had gone through. Now you feel like a total asshole. “So, no mob connections, huh?” you crack half-heartedly as you push open the door.
He scoffs as he follows you inside, shaking his head at you. “No, sorry to disappoint.” He blinks as he looks around, looking slightly confused. “Where are we?”
You shrug as you look around, your eyes finding a plaque on the wall. You cross over to read it, groaning quietly. “This is where they house the most poisonous plants. Says here, ‘among them are oleander, nightshade, mistletoe, and foxglove’. Huh. I don’t think I knew mistletoe was poisonous.”
Wonwoo can’t help but laugh as he wanders over to a cluster of two foot tall stalks with an assortment of colored flowers. “These are poisonous?” He crouches down to read the small sign staked into the ground in front of them, raising his eyebrows. “Foxglove. They look too pretty to be deadly.”
You swallow as he speaks, licking your lips as your eyes move over him. “Could say the same thing about you,” you mutter under your breath.
“Nothing!” You clear your throat as he stands, turning away from him towards a padded bench at the center of the building. You sit and smooth your hands over your thighs, doing your best to ignore the amused look on Wonwoo’s face.
He stands and moves to sit next to you, sitting with his body angled towards you. “You still think I’m deadly?” he asks.
You roll your eyes and scooch back from him a tiny bit. Space is necessary between you two. “You did drug me the other night. So, yeah. And you’re wrong, about not doing anything illegal. That seems like a pretty illegal thing to do,” you point out, raising your eyebrows at him.
He grimaces and lets his head drop in shame. “That really wasn’t my finest moment. Good intentions carried out in a horrendous way.” He pauses as he looks back up at you, apology written all over his face. “I really shouldn’t have done it. I don’t think I can ever apologize enough. And honestly, I don’t ever expect you to forgive me for it. I wish I would have made a better impression on you,” he finishes, his voice quiet as he reaches up to brush hair from your forehead.
You draw in a slow breath as his fingertips brush your hairline, your skin feeling as if it were on fire. “I wish you did too,” you reply in a near whisper.
He leans in as he rests his palm against your jaw, studying you carefully. “Will you let me try to make it up to you? I know I never could fully, but I could give it my best shot,” he says softly, his thumb ghosting across your bottom lip.
“You can do your best.”
And with that, his lips meet yours. His hand keeps a hold of your jaw as his lips move over yours, allowing you to deepen it if you wish, even if he wants to. He shifts slightly so he can move closer to you, relieved that you don’t move away again.
Your heart is crashing within your chest as you kiss, and you reach up to rest a hand on his wrist. You want more, and you are surprised at yourself for nearly craving it. You furrow your brow as you allow yourself to deepen the kiss, brushing your tongue across his lips. Your other hand finds its way to the side of his neck, holding him to you as his tongue tangles with yours.
The kiss only lasts for seconds, though it feels like minutes. You finally break away and are breathing heavily, eyes closed as you rest your forehead against his. “Well… um… that’s a good start… I guess,” you breathe.
He scoffs at your words, though amused, and pulls you to him again. This time, the kiss is more intense, as if he’s trying to prove something to you. You suppose, in a way, he is. How sorry he is. How he’s innocent of anything you think him of. How much he actually wants you.
You start to lay back as you two continue to kiss, wrapping an arm around his shoulders so you can keep him close to you. You’re grateful when he moves with you, hovering over you on the bench. You don’t even care if you're in the middle of poisonous plants, or that you’re even in a public area. You just want him, and it’s clear he wants you too.
He finally separates from your mouth, only to trail his lips down your face and to your neck. “You look so fucking sexy in this suit. No shirt under the blazer,” he mumbles against your skin, before dragging his tongue down between your breasts. “I was praying for the slightest peek this whole time.”
You can’t help the whine that escapes you as he speaks and kisses you, your back arching into his touch. “No one was going to get one. I made sure of it,” you joke with a half laugh.
“I’ll have to get a good look later then.” He lifts his head to look up at you, a cat-like smirk pulled across his lips. “Right now, I am trying to do my best,” he adds teasingly.
You don’t get a chance to reply before he lifts himself up a little, his fingers finding the buttons to your pants quickly. Your eyes go wide as you watch him quickly undo them, though you don’t try to stop him. “Jeon Wonwoo, do you mean to fuck me in front of the foxglove and mistletoe?” you hiss.
He shrugs as he tugs your pants down to your ankles, pulling your underwear with them. He stands and quickly does the same with his own pants and briefs. “I mean to fuck you in front of the foxglove and mistletoe,” he says as he lays back down over you again, his hand finding your pussy.
A moan falls from your mouth as his fingers slowly tease your clit, and you know he can feel the wetness pooling between your legs. You never had someone get you this wet this fast, and you certainly weren’t complaining. You spread your legs as much as you can, with your pants literally around your ankles, as he slips a finger inside you.
“I can’t wait until I can really get to know you. Make sure I explore everything about you,” he whispers into your ear, his thumb circling your clit slowly. “When we’re not surrounded by plants that could actually kill you.”
You let out a breathy laugh at his words, though your mind is too hazy to fully comprehend what he is saying. Before you can say anything in response, his finger leaves you so he can wrap his hand around himself. You lick your lips as he lines himself up, your eyes finding him as he teases you with his tip. “If you don’t stop that, I will push you into a plant,” you threaten, though you know there’s no way it’d ever happen.
He chuckles and slowly pushes himself into you, causing you to gasp in pleasure. “You feel better than I imagine, ace. So fucking good,” he moans as feels you clench around him.
You move your hips against him, hoping it would get him to move. You fist his jacket in your hands as his cock hits your spot just right, whining as you match his thrusts. You hold him to you tightly, biting on his collar to keep from being too loud. The last thing you want is for someone to find you two, and ruin a good thing.
He speeds up his thrusts, panting into your neck as you match his pace. The urgency to finish doesn’t diminish the pleasure for either of you, nor does the threat of being caught. Wonwoo would swear that it is actually making you more excited, even if you don’t realize it.
It’s not too long before you can feel the coil tighten in you, and you find his lips with yours once again. This time, the kiss is messier, more desperate, and needy. You need him, as much as he needs you. Both of you chasing your high in the middle of some greenhouse, sweating through the fabric of your suit jackets.
You can feel the tip of his cock drag across your g-spot, bringing you closer and closer. You clench down as he thrusts into you hard, hitting you deeper, and it sends you spiraling. You keep your lips locked with his, tongues tangled together as your orgasm hits you in waves.
He helps you ride it out, which only brings him to his own climax. He finally pulls back from you, nearly gasping for breath as he spills into you. His quiet groans fill your ears as he slows his movements, before he finally stops and holds himself above you on his elbows.
You are breathing hard as you look up at him, reaching up to wipe the sweat off his forehead with a laugh. “Well, you might be on the right track,” you tease softly.
He grins at your words, before pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose. “Good.” He pauses as he glances around, before resting his forehead against yours. “We should get out of here, before both of us are literally caught with our pants down,” he whispers.
You hum in agreement and smile. “Yeah. And now I’m going to have to find another story.”
Wonwoo lifts his head and smiles down at you, tipping his head to the side as he studies you for a moment. “You really think I’m pretty?”
#svthub#svthub.collab#wonwoo smut#seventeen smut#wonwoo angst#seventeen angst#wonwoo fic#seventeen fic#svt smut#svt angst#svt fic
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Adopted Dad! Husk + young demon Cat reader

Husk found her in an alleyway, (before pilot) and out of the **kindness** his heart (more so knowing what's like being in hell at first and being scared) he took her in, not officially adopting her but just kinda keep her, she was around ages 15-16 in pilot+First season.
" ---tel? What the fuck is this?....You!! "
When Husk first arrived at the hotel, she was there with him napping as he gambled, also grewing scared and confused when teleported to the hotel. Gripping the table, ears lower and fur raising, Husk's wings Shielding her. Alastor knows of her and stood there smiling at the two
" Ah, Husker, y/n, my good friends! Glad you could make it! " Alastor said as everyone watched, reader standing there confused
vaggie pointing at the teenage cat demon "is that a child? "
" Don't you "Husker" me, you son of a bitch! I was about to win the whole damn pot! " husk said to Alastor, Alastor explained the situation with the hotel and husker growled, hissing at Alastor" You thought it'd be some kind of big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?! You think I'm some kind of fucking clown?! "
Alastor smirked wider " Maybe " the reader holds in a laugh, husk looks at her with sharp slit pupils, she shakes her head waving and mumbling a sorry. Alastor tells husker he can ran a bar and a have a few drinks. Also just as long as reader isn't touching or drinking said alcohol drinks. Husker hissed again " what do you take me for? Of course I'm not giving her drinks!! I don't let her touch the stuff! she just ain't old enough!!" you stood by rolling your eyes, like any teenager "--- and What? You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze?! " Alastor glares at Husker menacingly " ...Well, you can! " Husker said, taking said booze fearful of Alastor.
Everyone was introduced to the reader, who (is kinda like loona) wants to be left alone and stays on her phone. Alastor kinda tries to teach her something about tech rooting her brain, she doesn't listen to anyone besides husk who kinda grumbles at her to at least talk or try to engage in conversation when people speak to her.
Husk's favorite moments with the reader are when she wants to help but he doesn't want her to touch booze yet, since it's so additive and he doesn't want her to ruin her life. So he goes to the second beast and tells her to cook something and serve it, which she's good at. Husk has given her a "job" (more like his little helper) since he found her, which has been her cooking food
Charlie watches Husk and Reader bond. While cooking, (husker watches so she doesn't hurt herself) the reader sprays husk with water to piss him off. Which he replied with pouring some flour on her. Alastor also watched, finding the scenario "cute" but also entertaining. Vaggie made sure husk and reader cleaned the mess, while angel stood up telling husk the reader was kicking his ass at a childish game. Nifty just joined in to clean making sure they were doing it properly
When Husk met Valentino, the reader was also there to support Angel. Telling him Valentino sucked and Angel was bad ass in standing up to him. Husk told Angel to keep fighting Valentino. Angel in a way turned into a second dad when it came to the reader, one time as a joke, the reader made angel food cake and told the Angel it was for him. A hole in the middle of the cake with icing making it look like an ass hole. Husk nearly choked on his beer as Angel was dying laughing at the joke.
Everyone else found it less amusing.
Angel helps the reader cook and makes sure her room is clean, despite his own room being kinda dirty. Angel and Husk are getting teen reader out of her shell but being protective when it comes to boys, and girls depending on their attitude.
The reader suffers with nightmares, during her life, her parents were abusive so in a fight she killed both of them, and they also killed her during said fight. So sometimes everyone can hear the reader crying or screaming. Husk is the only one who walks to comfort her. Telling everyone to give her space, he'll handle it. But Angel walks in. The reader is under her bed, husk trying to get her out and comfort her. Angels lay on the ground telling her stories, singing songs and telling her how bad ass she is for fighting back against her parents, like how she comforted him when he stood up to Valentino, this sorta helps. Reader comes out, allowing Angel and husk to hug her. Husk makes her hot chocolate to help her sleep and Angel cuddles her, rubbing her fur and singing her good night.
Charlie proceeded to hug and praise husk and Angel for taking care of the reader so well.
The reader got an invite to a party by cherry bomb, the cool aunt who also helps get her out of her shell, reader Mets some people. But husk, Angel and surprisingly Alastor, the strict uncle, was not pleased by this. So they went to find her. Only to see a wolf demon, holding down the reader, she's scared and tearing up. You could hear angel yelling "my baby" as he ran to her. Husk, and angel Jump on the wolf. Alastor, gently helping reader up, telling her this was why she shouldn't go to parties. He teleports her to the hotel where vaggie, Charlie and nifty comfort her.
The wolf demon was found dead, dismembered and basically Unrecognizable that same night
#yandere hazbin hotel#platonic yandere#yandere! hazbin hotel#yandere hazbin hotel x reader#yandere husk#husk x daughter reader#yandere angel dust#Angel dusk x daughter reader#platonic yandere hazbin hotel#platonic yandere Alastor
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You Give Them a Magical Companion (Team Free Will x Male Reader)
A/N: So this idea of mine originally started as just stuffed animals given to them but I wanted to give it a more 'supernatural' vibe lol. I couldn't find an exact mythology for what I wanted to do so I took a bunch of inspiration and just made my own thing. I'll probably make another post later on fleshing this idea out because why not?
What you need to know for the sake of this post is that the reader can imbue an item (Usually Jewelry) with a magical creature influenced by the wearer. Anyway with that out of the way consider this my birthday gift to you all, and enjoy!
When it came to Dean you decided that a bracelet would be the best option for him. Mostly because you remember Dean complaining about rings getting scratched up when opening beers and him getting hit in the teeth by necklaces. He will forever deny fanboying over the fact that his companion turned out to be a wolf but that doesn't stop him from subtly bragging about it once in a while. Dean's companion is mostly used during hunts to help track down monsters or sometimes help in battle if Dean really needs it. When not on a hunt Dean can be found hanging out in the Batcave with the wolf sitting close by.
For Sam, you decided that his item would be a ring. You didn't want to choose anything that stood out too much and a ring seemed like the perfect subtle piece of jewelry. Sam was a little worried that the world would decide to make his animal a moose but much to his relief, it turned out to be a simple owl. The owl became a kind of study buddy for Sam as he would ask his companion to find certain books for him while he focused on other tasks. In return, Sam would give the owl scratches which it would coo at, and eventually, he even made it a small nest in his room for it to rest on whenever it wanted.
Figuring out what item to give Cas was a challenge since Cas didn't seem to have a big opinion on the matter. Eventually, though you decided that he would have a necklace. When Cas accepted the gift and saw that his companion was a cat he was confused but of course accepted it. Cas didn't know what to do with his new companion but after a bit of contemplation, he decided to get all the needed items for a cat owner and set them up in his room in the bunker. Though Cas's companion didn't require any food or water to live it did eat any food and drink any water that Cas gave it. Usually, the cat can be found perched on Cas's shoulder watching the people of the bunker.
Thinking about how Crowley you knew that a brooch would be a good choice for him. You thought it was the perfect fit for someone whose closet seemed completely made of suits. When Crowley laid eyes on his tiger companion he thought that it was an apt creature to be paired with. Crowley is quick to befriend the companion and learn as much as he can about it. During meetings and interrogations, Crowley will sometimes let the tiger sit close to him as a way to add a little extra intimidation factor. When not busy with something Crowley will let his companion roam around especially when Crowley's with the Winchesters just to annoy them a little bit.
#team free will x male reader#supernatural x male reader#dean winchester x male reader#dean x male reader#sam winchester x male reader#sam x male reader#castiel x male reader#crowley x male reader#spn crowley#team free will#supernatural#spn#x male reader#male reader
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slow living reader and sev having a baby? 🥹
AWE of course!
also! this is the fifth little blurb for this series so i'm giving it an emoji on my masterlist! 💐 lets do a little bouquet of flowers because i picture a bunch of wildflowers surrounding your garden :)
men and minors dni
sevika doesn't fuck around when it comes to your pregnancy. so while you're used to getting up in the early morning and spending a couple hours on your hands and knees in the garden and hauling wheelbarrows around your property-- the moment you find out you're pregnant, sevika puts you on a ban from all physical activity.
it's ridiculous. you're barely three weeks pregnant, and sevika's insisting on helping you carry a gallon of milk in from the goat pen. just a gallon.
it's sort of nice though. your baby certainly takes after sevika, if it's appetite is anything to go by. while you're usually happy snacking on snap peas and berries from your garden all day until dinner, where you eat a hearty meal cooked by sevika: now you're shoveling half a dozen scrambled eggs down your throat in the morning, eating through a month's worth of cheese and crackers in the afternoon, and snacking on spicy pickles when you can't sleep in the middle of the night.
sevika finds it hilarious. you guys buy a few more ducks to keep up with the rate your house is eating eggs.
as annoying as she is when she's insisting you don't do anything, she does a fairly decent job of handling the garden herself. after a few afternoons of standing over her to supervise as she weeded to make sure she didn't pull any of your crops on accident, she made a little custom set up for you in the garden: a big sun umbrella covering a reclining lawn chair, a battery-powered fan, ice-cold pitcher of water, and big bowl of sunflower seeds waiting for you each afternoon.
it's become your favorite part of the day: lounging and snacking and chatting with your wife while she learns more about the garden, one of your hands on your growing belly, the other reaching out to pull sevika down for a kiss every ten minutes.
the cats start becoming really protective of you. a few of the older mother goats do too-- recognizing that you're pregnant. you never have a moment to yourself once you start showing, there's always a cat or two standing on guard to make sure you're okay while you wander around your home.
what you used to call 'the cats room' is now your baby's. all the cat trees, beds, and toys have migrated to the basement to make room for a bunch of furniture sevika hand-made.
a crib that can transform into a kids' bed when the kid gets older, a dresser that can last a lifetime, a rocking chair and stool for you to nurse in, and a gorgeous bookshelf for you to fill with toys and books for your baby. sevika made it all in at her little woodworking station in the storage shed by the goat's pen. each piece of furniture is inscribed with a message that makes you sob each time you see it, a simple, sweet, 'for our sweet baby.'
you know that once the baby comes, it'll be a few years before you and sevika can fully adjust and get back to growing all your own food. so, you guys start stocking up on produce and meat-slabs from local farms nearby.
you don't make it to the hospital when the baby comes. you planned to deliver in the hospital, you wanted a fucking epidural, but your baby came out of nowhere a week early.
one minute you were laughing at sevika struggling to prune the watermelon vines, the next minute your water was breaking and you were going into labor right on the reclining chair you'd spent a majority of your pregnancy on.
it doesn't take long to realize that you're not going to make it to the hospital. you know something's wrong when you try to stand.
"sevika!" you gasp. she's staring at you like a deer in headlights as she holds you up.
"what, honey, what's wrong?"
"fuck, baby, i think it's coming now." you whine.
sevika sits you back down on the chair, helps you get your bottom half naked, then looks between your legs.
"is it bad?" you start to cry, the pain and adrenaline needing an escape.
sevika's panicked, you can see it in her eyes, but she doesn't let it show as she speaks. "it's exactly what it's supposed to be, baby. but i think you're right. i think you gotta push."
you start to freak out. "sevika! we can't have our baby here! it's the garden, there's dirt everywhere! we don't even have clean towels and fuck!" you growl as a contraction overtakes you. sevika's pressing kisses to your knuckles as you grip her hands. "sevika, you're not a doctor!" you cry.
she chuckles, reaches up to kiss your head, and then kneels between your legs again.
"i delivered the goats when marnie got pregnant a few years ago." she tries.
"i'm not a fucking goat!" you scream.
and then--
little tiny cries fill the garden, and all your pain washes away. sevika looks up from between your legs, grinning and sobbing, and then she stands.
and wiggling and screaming in her arms, umbliical cord still attatched, is your little fucker.
"it's a girl." she whispers, leaning down to pass the baby to you.
you take a shaky breath, and then burst into tears upon seeing your baby. she looks just like sevika. it's uncanny. "she's so fucking beautiful." you cry.
sevika wraps your baby up in her shirt, cuts the cord with the gardening shears, and throws your placenta right on top of the compost pile before she starts guiding the two of you toward the car to take you to the hospital.
you have to keep reminding her to drive-- she'll pull up to a red light and get distracted looking at you and your baby in your arms in the passenger's seat. you get honked at a few times, but you don't mind.
not when she's looking at you like that and you've got her baby in your arms.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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Every breath you take (18)
Summary: There is a shadow following you. He doesn’t know what he got himself into.
Pairing: Stalker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: a man out of time, secret admirer trope, “crazy” reader, fluff, mentions of masturbation with a plushie, jealous Bucky
A/N: You all made me do it! Here’s the series to this random idea: Stalker Bucky & Crazy Reader
Catch up here: Every breath you take (17)
Every Breath You Take Masterlist
Bucky is fuming. Not only did you break his rules to not touch yourself; no, you did it in front of one of the hidden cameras, smiling into the camera while riding one of your plushies. A big bear you named Bucky Bear.
“Bucky bear makes me feel so good,” you whimper on the footage as you rub yourself against the plushie. “Always so good. If only the real Bucky was here to watch us doing naughty things.”
“DOLL!” Bucky calls for you, but you remain in the bedroom. You giggle because he calls you a naughty doll. “I told you not to touch yourself!”
“You told me many things! As long as you treat me like a dangerous criminal you must lock away, I’ll ride fluffy Bucky Bear, not you.”
Bucky laughs. He believed you’re a shy and sweet girl, when in reality you’re a naughty devil in disguise. Bucky shakes his head when your moans on the footage get louder.
“She’s a naughty girl, Alpine,” he says to himself. His cat is occupied elsewhere. The white furball is currently curled in your side to get some cuddles. Bucky looks around the room, huffing, as his cat is nowhere to be seen. “Alpine, punk. Don’t get all cozy with her. She deserves punishment.”
“So do you,” you reply, and snuggle into the pillow. “Alpine is such a good companion. At least they didn’t leave me all alone, with only cat food and water.”
Bucky sighs deeply. He should be in charge and correct your behavior, but he doesn’t have it in him to punish you for breaking his rules. You’re not wrong.
Bucky doesn’t trust you yet, afraid you’ll leave him. Sooner than later, everyone left him. Even his best friend. Steve Rogers. He promised Bucky till the end of the line but left to live his life with some girl he met during the war.
Sometimes Bucky believes Steve left because he realized his old friend was long gone. Maybe Steve knew that his friend was broken beyond repair and ran for the hills.
He shakes his head. No. Steve deserved his happy ending. Even if that means leaving his best friend behind, this world has a new Captain America now.
It’s time for Bucky to find his own life and happy ending. He stops the footage and decides to fix what he messed up.
“Doll, I’m sorry,” he kicks off his shoes and takes off his pants to join you on the bed. He snuggles close to you and runs his hand over your head. “I know you came with me willingly. I’m just so scared that you’ll leave me too.”
“No,” you hastily reply, and you move closer to hide your face in Bucky’s chest. He wraps his arms around you to hold you tightly. “I gave up my whole life to be with you, Bucky. I left my job, home, and freedom behind to come here. I didn’t know what awaited me when I got with you, but I knew, I’ll be safe.”
“I’ll always keep you safe, Y/N,” Bucky murmurs. He nuzzles your hair and sighs as you relax in his embrace. “I thought about what you said too. You’re right. I can’t keep you here like a caged bird.”
“We must be careful,” you murmur and kiss his chest. “My colleague reported me missing. If anyone sees me... they could call the cops. I don’t want them to take me away.”
“You’re right again.” Bucky nods. “What should we do now? I didn’t think so far. I only wanted to grab you and bring you here.”
You giggle. “Bucky, you’re an awful kidnapper.”
“I did a great job,” he grumbles. “You’re here, with me. That’s all that matters to me, Y/N. Consequences be damned.”
“What if I email my former boss, telling them I quit? Maybe I can pretend that I’m in Paris or having a sunbath on an exotic island. What do you think?”
“Photoshop,” Bucky hums. “A great invention if you need to fake being elsewhere. We can create some photos and send them to your colleague or boss. You just upped and left to have an extended vacation.”
“That sounds good to me,” you whisper his name while running your hand over his chest. “I’ll send an email, telling my boss I quit. At the same time, I’ll post fake pictures of my extended vacation on social media.”
“Do you think this will work out? I mean, maybe you should stay hidden.” Bucky wonders if it’s a good idea to post fake pictures on social media. He spent so many years hidden in the shadows that stepping into the light seems to be dangerous to the former assassin.
You snuggle into his chest, ignoring his questions. “I don’t know. Let’s get some sleep for now. We can think about a plan tomorrow. Only if you don’t lock the kitchen cabinets again.”
“I unlocked them, doll,” Bucky assures you once again. “This will never happen. This is your home now, not a prison. I want you to feel welcome and happy.”
“With you around, I’m happy,” you whisper his name and close your eyes. “All I wanted since I first saw you was to be with you.”
Part 19
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#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x reader#x reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky x reader#bucky x female reader#Every breath you take (18)
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