#while CONTINUING to try and manipulate and guilt-trip people
bbeeohazardd · 3 months
idiots on the internet will see an entire group of victims call out their abuser and immediately go "c'mon guys call-out posts are bad :((((!!!"
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animeyanderelover · 4 months
This is my second ask
What would Hyuuga Natsuhiko, Minamoto Teru, Wei Liu, Tatsuya Himuro, Reo Mibuchi, Yuuma Isogai, Nagisa Shiota, Tadaomi Karasuma, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, and Tachihara Shunzen( the older brother) with a darling that is nice to everyone else but politely declines to interact with them. Ik there are a lot of characters but could you make it a bit suggestive at the end like when the reader is confronted it's past their breaking point so they aren't down for excuses, it's fine if not! Ty!!
I genuinely think that you are the first person who named me so many characters I have never written for before in one request. Not that you'll see me complaining though.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, threats, guilt-tripping,jealousy, violence,abduction, suggestive themes at the end of some of those
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Liu Wei
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🟣​Surely there must be a massive misunderstanding somewhere, although Liu struggles to decipher what it is that has caused such a rift between the two of you before he even had the chance to get to know you better. It is most misunfortunate, especially since the tall boy is not oblivious to his rapidly expanding feelings for you. Perhaps he has done something to offend you, unintentionally that is due to his lack of knowledge about Japan, or maybe you are just freaked out because of his height. All those excuses are immediately accepted in his mind yet a glaringly obvious thing never once seems to cross his mind. That maybe, just maybe, it is his highly unsettling behavior that has left a lingering bad impression and his refusal to back down only proves that point further. There is no escape from those dark eyes that always spot you no matter what you do or where you try to hide, his height only giving him a bigger advantage to easily find you. There is no escape from him either as you constantly find him trailing after you with that apathetic look on his face and it is quite frightening that he isn't even attempting to defend his actions, his gaze locked on your when you glance at him in disbelief and fear.
🟣​His feelings are no secret to Liu but whether he recognises them to be anything potentially obsessive is an entire new chapter after all. In that matter the exchange student finds himself in a rather delusional mindset after all. All is still new for him in this country after all and his feelings fall into the same category, as something new he has to learn and to discover. Gullible as always, he follows the few advices he has gotten from his teammates and parents in multiple attempts to get closer to you and to get to know you better. He follows you around, his eyes constantly try to meet yours and he approaches you whenever he can yet his naivete is abused over and over again as you always decline everything politely and come up with a reasonable excuse on the spot, one he accepts. For a while this seems to work but it doesn't take long for the bitterness to fester inside of him. Dark eyes condemn the people you keep around you as the green-eyed monster known as jealousy awakens inside of him. He doesn't understand what it is they do right that he doesn't and never one to hold back, he finds himself approaching those people boldly and bluntly asking them what it is that they do that he doesn't.
🟣​He scares your friends and you know about that yet he clearly doesn't feel a thing. He just wishes you would notice his dedication and earnestness as he tries everything he is told to break the wall between the two of you yet you only pull further and further away from you. The festering feeling only continues growing as he notices how you avoid him, a mixture of continuous heartbreak and flaring frustration spurring his darker instincts on. It may not show on his face as he wears a very neutral expression most of the time but he vents the bitterness out on people around him and your close friends and acquaintances are often on the receiving end of that developing temper of his. It is highly unpleasant as they find themselves as constant victims of his cold glares and harsh words as he expresses his dissatisfaction with the situation at hand. He hates this all, if he has to be very blunt. All he wants is to get to know you better yet you brush him aside every single time and he doesn't even know what it is he has done wrong in the first place. You have to tell him. How is he supposed to know what he is doing wrong? He is in a country that isn't his home and those feelings are new for him too.
🟣​You feel rather anxious when you leave school only to find Liu following you one day, not even bothering to hide it. No matter how much you increase your pace, his large steps easily catch up and from the corner of your eyes you can see how he gets closer and closer to you. A huge hand grabs your shoulders and forces you to stop as his deadpan voice asks you if you could give him a moment. There is a growing unease on your mind, your eyes darting around as you try to come up with an excuse yet he cuts you off bluntly, his gaze heavy on your form as he tells you that he will only need a few minutes. Your heart can only pound against your chest as you inspect him warily. There is nothing that could have prepared you for the unexpected horror seeping through you when his lips suddenly smash against yours, his other hand seizing your nape to push your mouth against his own. Dreadful seconds pass before he finally releases you and admits his feelings to you, seemingly unfazed by the forceful kiss he just submitted you to. His eyes are filled with dark determination as he informs you that he intends to be much more direct with his feelings for you from now on.
Himuro Tatsuya
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◾️Himuro has had his eyes on you for a while now, long enough to recognise that there is definitely a real interest he has in you. The handsome boy is quite observant of his own feelings though so he will have it figured out soon that an interest is quite understating what is going on in his heart right now. Tatsuya hides his obsession smoothly though as no one would suspect anything. His self-control doesn't mean that he plans to give you up though as he plans to court you and win you over for himself, whether it is because or in spite of his obsession is a blurry line though. The attitude he is met with when he approaches you is rather disheartening though. Tatsuya has observed you for a longer while now and he has observed you long enough to notice the inconsistency in your behavior around him in comparison to other people. You have always been a very kind and open-hearted person but it is glaringly obvious that you choose to avoid him as you always have a polite excuse in store when he is the one who asks for your time. There is a distance you wish to uphold between him and you and whilst it hurts Himuro, he initially tries to see what it is that may have triggered this.
◾️Maybe it is his popularity that has led you to see the need to not interact with him as you may think of him as insincere and a playboy or simply fear potential jealousy that his fangirls may direct at you. If that should be true, he is more than determined to prove you wrong. Aware that he shouldn't be too pushy in order to not come over as desperate nor annoying though, he goes for a more subtle approach. You are always among the first people he greets when he sees you and there are always things like your favorite snacks or drinks he brings with him occasionally to give them to you, especially if it's a rather hot day will he act like your personal vending machine. As a member of the Student Council he always keeps you informed about current updates and often likes to ask for your opinion on subjects, even taking them into consideration. There is a cunning air to it all though as you find yourself being more involved with him, especially when he starts socialising more with classmates and friends of yours. Himuro knows what he is doing though as he spies on you by befriending your own friends, treating them secretly more as a mean to achieve his goal quicker.
◾️There is a sleeping monster made out of envy and insecurity hiding behind his poker face though, one that grows quite restless the more time passes. Anyone else would have already fallen for him or would have at least shown some signs of attraction yet you are still as fleeting as the day he first met you. What is he doing wrong? Nothing, he includes after a good while of self-reflecting. He has done nothing that could have roused your suspicion or that could have made you feel uncomfortable around him. He has always been only helpful and kind to you. With this possibility out of the way, his mind drifts towards another one that has him instantly on edge. Perhaps he hasn't enough for you. It is this idea that fills him with growing jealousy as a bitterness he has always had against naturally talented people appears. He starts cracking and you see that on the day he catches you with Murasakibara, chatting in a carefree manner. You've never done that with him. The shock on your face is evident when he storms over, his normally stoic expression twisted by hurt and anger that he barely manages to swallow down when he reaches you two and separates you two, his heart poisoned.
◾️It is irrational jealousy that leads you into the unfortunate situation of being indirectly betrayed by your own friends whose assistance he requests and they fall easily for his charm as they help to set you two up, unaware of what is about to occur. There are cracks on the surface as his eyes contrast his usual poker face, the growing anger and jealousy almost palpable. It is the very moment you dare to voice yet another excuse that finally makes the thread snap and all the bitterness and anger erupts, clearly visible on his face. His frustration and resentfulness is audible as he asks you what it is that he would have to do to be finally worthy of your time, eyes ablaze as he stares at you. As soon as you take one step back, he takes one forward until you find yourself pressed against the wall. There are tears in your eyes yet he is far too caught up in his own pain to care too much. You don't even get another chance to beg him to let you go as the moment your lips part, he instantly silences you with an impulsive kiss, hands pushing you harder against the wall as he presses himself against your body in a desperate manner, only pulling away when he tastes salty tears, whether they are yours or his he does not know.
Mibuchi Reo
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🌃​Mibuchi Reo is a rather interesting case as he is simultanously rather uptight yet also quite open about his feelings. Affectionate with the nicknames he chooses to call you by and the infatuated glances he gives you, the moment people like Hayama even dare to point it out to him, Mibuchi becomes rather displeased and quickly starts chastising him with an annoyed glare on his face. He isn't one to deny his own feelings of course but he is rather sensitive when other people point it out to him, especially those he knows would only give him a headache. You see, he is a rather possessive man who would like to hoard you for himself without people constantly interfering and pointing the obvious out. This is only further amplified when he comes to realise that you are quite set on the irrational decision to avoid him no matter what. Your smile is almost, but only almost, as sickenly sweet as his own when he approaches you when you are alone as he feels more inclined to be open about his affection. Very open. You leave him alone rather stunned after the first time as you hurry away without making it look like you are running away, his pointed glare adding to your nervousness.
🌃​He does not take it well at all and this is quite obvious to his teammates. He is brooding the entire time, deep in thought as a sigh escapes his lips more than once during training. Hayama and Nebuya use that chance in an attempt to get under his skin by teasing him but they get more than they asked for when normally gentle eyes stare at them creepily as he reminds them with a lopsided grin on his face that he would appreciate it if they wouldn't make fun of his personal problems since he does not appreciate it at all. They keep quiet for the rest of the training whilst he does his best to not dwell on it, at least not during practice with Akashi. He tries his luck again the next day, although much to his dismay he isn't able to catch you alone this time which is why he tones his affection significantly down, although it is still quite obvious to the untrained eye that he is rather besotted with you. Once again he finds himseld being indirectly rejected by you, this time in front of all your friends. It is a blow to his feelings as much as it is to his ego but he forces himself to not show any of his hurt feelings. Not in front of other people. It almost looks convincing if you wouldn't know better.
🌃​There is no Reo for you the next few days as he doesn't seek you out but it doesn't really ease your nerves that much. He makes an effort to act fairly normal the following days, although he really has to strain his eyes to not let his gaze wander to you and to immerse himself in sweet, little daydreams. Oh, if only you'd know how much you torment him with your rejection. You truly do not know what you are creating, do you? He can just sense the unease radiating off of you when he catches you all by yourself again, the gentleness in his eyes once again accompanied by this sweetly obsessive glimmer he only shows when he is alone with you. Your heart is pounding as you do your best to politely decline his request once again. Your skin is prickling when his smile twists into something comparable to what you'd see in a horror movie. The silence is crushing you yet he lets you bathing in it on purpose before he suddenly lifts his index finger, not dropping his grin as he stares at you. For a moment you wish he would just chastise you for rejecting him again, to say anything to ease you. You can only fret in cold sweat when he instead leaves you wordlessly as you try to figure out what his gesture just meant.
🌃​Days pass by without any incident yet it feels more akin to the calm before the dreaded storm which doesn't allow you a moment of peace. You almost feel tempted to approach Mibuchi yourself and it takes a lot of concentration to stop yourself from begging him to stop. Then he appears behind you nearly a week later and you nearly die of the heart attack you receive when his fingers tentatively grace your sides. The question he asks you in that same sweet tone that day is the same one he has already asked you before and never before have you shot him down faster, barely able to keep your tone steady as you ask him pleadingly to stop his behavior around you as you even bow your head. In hindsight you would have prepared that infatuated expression over the blank coldness on his face when you straighten your back again. You quickly bow out of the situation, or at least try to do so. His long arm reaches for you and tugs you with force back though, the unexpected surprise causing you to stumble against his back. Both of his arms tighten tighten around your form, his face suddenly in the crook of your neck as he takes deep whiffs of your scent before you feel his lips against the skin.
Shibusawa Tatsuhiko
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💎​Shibusawa has long grown bored of the world and the people inside of it. Nothing surprises nor excites him anymore, his life a dull one where the only thing he can do is collect riches and gifts as a short-lived game to entertain himself with. Your existence finally breaks that gray cycle he has found himself in for years. There is a warm buzz in his heart when he indulges in thoughts of you and a pleasant shudder in his body when he gets close to you, his hands always trying to reach out for you and to touch you to feel that electrical tingle as soon as his skin connects with yours. The excessive habit of his to hoard treasure in various forms extends to you now as well as Shibusawa wishes to hoard and keep you for himself, the most valuable gem he could over possess one that lives and breathes. Obviously he is not blind to the way you always pull away from him when he wants to ask you to spend time with him, the slight discomfort hidden behind your polite exterior glaringly obvious to his trained eye. He could end it all of course as he has all the needed tools at his hands to simply whisk you away within the same hour but he refuses to use them.
💎​There is thrill in his chest after all, his heart feeling like it is beating for the first time vigorously in his chest again after years of having fallen into a sad rhythm of boredom. It would be so easy to simply take you but instead Shibusawa decides to play along with the goal to win your heart over through his own effort. He has always the choice to abduct you after all, he can effort to play around and engage in this cute game of yours. Every information he gains, he tries to figure out by himself instead of letting other people do the work. Everything feels much sweeter when he sees it with his own eyes after all instead of only reading it on a white file. His obsession truly yearns to devour everything and he throws himself at every new discovery like a starved animal and in a way his heart and soul are indeed starved. Starved for anything to fill the emptiness, an emptiness you so effortlessly mend and all that without being aware of it. Your dismissive behavior whenever he asks for your time may be a tiny bit disheartening but he is too much in love with the challenge to end everything already. There is so much to learn, so much to discover about you after all.
💎​A man of his intellect notices even small details easily, although if he is not someone you like keeping close to you. It deeply unnerves you how much he has picked up on after only a while of knowing you as he can even point out the little habits and ticks of you that you show without consciously being aware of it. The excessive knowledge you think he shouldn't have about you is a faraway cry from what he is feeling. It isn't enough. Tatsuhiko knows that there is still so much left that he doesn't know about you and with each passing day the urge to find out what he hasn't seen yet grows stronger and stronger. It is then that your polite decline every time he suggests that you two could spend some time together starts bothering him. You deprive him of something that is worth more to him than all the gold and jewels he has hoarded somewhere, prevent him from filling the gap in his heart that starts aching the moment your presence disappears. Hollow desperation claws at his chest, something Shibusawa is not used to feel at all and he does not need long before arriving at the conclusion that he does not enjoy this all-consuming emptiness he feels. Perhaps the time has finally come.
💎​You have a hard time figuring out how he even found your address when he rings one night on your door and gracefully moves his way around you before you can even think about closing the door. Your body posture is wary and ready to attack until he decides to finally confess all the grief he feels in his heart in disturbing ways as he expresses his morbid desire to strip you of all your secrets because only then will he feel whole again. Unfortunately you want to keep those secrets to yourself and as much fun as this game has been, it is time for him to collect his treasure. You're fully prepared to fight and run away but his reflexes are far too fast as he pulls out a syringe and injects something into your arm. The effects only take seconds to show as you suddenly go down on your knees, your legs losing all of their strength. He drags you to the couch and you can barely gather the strength to weakly flail around before your heaved up. His voice is soothing and calm as he tells you that the effects will disappear after a few hours, his fingers dancing over your body before suddenly starting to remove your shirt gently. A few hours is more than enough time to satiate some of his curiosity after all.
Tachihara Shunzen
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🟫​A quiet aura and calm expression do not always have to imply that someone is doing well as sorrow and trauma come in various forms. Shunzen's pain is a parasite, one that silently feasts on his flesh on the inside whilst he pretends to be okay on the outside. War does not have winners and losers after all, it leaves everyone with either death or wounds that will never heal, whether those are physical ones or mental ones. Worst of all is that no one would truly understand the horror that has him at times still breaking out in cold sweat, not unless they saw and felt the same horrifying images he had to go through. No one deserves to go through what he went through either so Shunzen hides away the pain, allowing it to rot his flesh away from the inside. His obsession for you is only another bug eating away at him as he does the same thing he has always done since the war ended. Burrying everything that he shouldn't bother others with away somewhere deep inside. Initially it seems to work like it has always done but soon the feeling festers and cracks slowly start to appear within the wall he has carefully built. He doesn't know whether that is a good or a bad thing.
🟫Years of war have made him cautious and warily of his surroundings, have sharpened his senses and given him the ability to assess information at a quicker pace. You do not want to spend time with him for some reason but he knows that it isn't because you are a bad person. He has seen how kind and patient you are with other people, he knows how nice you are to his younger brother from the stories he always tells him about you. Knowing that though bears the question why you single him out as much as you do. Perhaps it is because you have some information about his past as a soldier, it isn't uncommon for former soldiers to end up being made into outsiders. He won't deny that he has done some terrible things but on a battlefield the kind hearts are always the first ones to die as it is either living or dying in a war and he was able to live, thanks to a little girl. He reasons with himself though as he decides to simply stay content for now by observing you and keeping an eye out for you, always alert for any danger that could happen to you at any time. Old habits are hard to shake off after all, especially when they determined whether he'd live to see another day or not.
🟫Initial humbleness to respect your choice fades away with time though as he can feel the obsession crawling around inside his chest, spreading like a virus as it robs him of his control. There is a silent demand echoing around in his head that gets harder to ignore as time passes. He deserves your kindness just as much as everyone else. No, he especially deserves it after the living hell he had to go through. He served and fought for his own country, for people like you. Doesn't he deserve more respect and kindness than that? The desperation tugging at his heartstrings is hard to ignore as those thoughts grow louder and louder inside of his head, almost deafening him at times. Fissures appear all over his heart and mind, forcing the feelings he has been trying to ignore to resurface and clawing at his crumbling walls in demand to be let out. Images flash before his eyes, his ears are ringing and every breath starts stinging as if he has just inhaled smoke. Words are unable to leave his mouth as he seeks you out, hands slightly shaking as his eyes silently beg for you to help him. He needs someone right now and his heart would never settle for anyone else than you. You pretend like you don't see him though.
🟫That's when the wall shatters and everything that has been rotting away in his heart is finally unleashed. He's drowning with each new wave that overcomes him, left alone to navigate through all of it. It doesn't have to be that way though... It shouldn't have to be. Shunzen has always been someone whose character has been almost too dainty for everything he went through but it is only on that night that you see his true self. All of emotions are worn on his face, his feelings raw and bleeding out of his eyes in form of salty tears. Cold sweat is covering every inch of his body, his eyes inspecting you with a newfound desperation as if you are the oasis in the desert. There is a familiar ringing in his ears again, every flicker of light triggering memories of explosions around him. His steps are surprisingly fast for someone who is trembling as much as he does as he reaches out for you, embracing you tightly as your words don't even reach him amongst all the other noises he hears. Guilt stirs awake inside of you only to be dimmed the moment his lips find yours in a messy kiss, his arms pressing you tightly against his body. That's when he finally finds silence within his mind and heart.
Shiota Nagisa
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🐍​Nagisa is already an individual who is secretly fighting with a low self-esteem as neither his grades have ever stood out nor anything else about him. Even his own mother has expressed occasionally that she has wished for a girl but got a boy instead, although over the years his relationship with her majorly improved. It is this low opinion that has been installed into every crevice of his body that prevents him from daring to get any closer to you initially. Your kindness is what has always attracted him to you yet he fears that he might become the exception. There is no valid proof for this thesis of his but the anxiety is a chain that binds nevertheless. The blue-haired boy is always found around you but never with you. Skills he has learned from his precious sensei are used to stalk you and so skillfully that no one even notices. Nagisa blends in effortlessly, hides from your sight even if he might be closer than you would ever be comfortable to find out. He's in trees, bushes or even trailing right behind you as he enjoys your smile and your laughter from a safe distance. It is a needless torture he subjects himself willingly too though as his longing for you only grows the longer he stalks you.
🐍​It takes a lot of courage from is part and fillip from his friends before he finally decides to ask you if you would like to hang out with him. Multiple times he has found himself standing close to you only to shy away in the last moment when your gaze met his. In hindsight it would have been better for his sanity if he would have done the same again. Lots of things would have been better than seeing the look in your eyes when he asks you if you'd like to go on a date with him. The surprise, the pity and then the guilt as you already know your answer. No amount of politeness from your side could soften the blow as a heart far too fragile for someone with his skills is shattered into little pieces. There is a telling stinging in his eyes as he mumbles an apology for having bothered you before he disappears, the pain he is in in that moment indescribable. He shouldn't have expected anything else though. This was bound to happen. What was he even thinking in the first place? He is not everyone after all. Days fly by as he doesn't show himself in front of you anymore. He fears that he would break down again if you were to spot him and give him that same pitying look.
🐍​His stalking tendencies increase though as a result of avoiding you directly. It doesn't save him from the pain but it is preferable to the other option. Insecurities only heighten as he wonders every day and night what other people have that he doesn't only to beat himself down as he knows that others have always stood out more than he did. That hasn't changed even after graduating middle school. Even as he tells himself this over and over again though, the pain still stays. Jealousy has rarely been something that can be simply ignored after all as Nagisa knows what it is his heart wants. Why can't you spend some time with him? What would he have to do? He can change himself for you if you want him to! Caught up in his won desperation, he is too blinded to realise that it is this toxic mindset that only pushes you farther away from him. It is quite the dangerous game both of you are playing, although you are the one who is in the most danger. You see Nagisa cracking and crumbling, wonder if it is only your anxious imagination that sometimes catches glimpses of him as you walk around outside. A tiny part of you feels horrible but your fear is stronger than your guilt.
🐍​That is how you awake one night abruptly, you initially don't know why yourself. Much to your horror when you turn on the bedside lamp, you find Nagisa standing at the end of your bed, staring at you with a foreign gleam in those blue eyes. You want to let out a scream but you are barely able to open your lips before he's suddenly kneeling above you, one of his hands muffling the sound of your scream. Your body goes deadly rigid when you stare directly into those empty eyes, barely recognising Nagisa as it almost looks like he is a different person now. His voice is quiet yet eerily intense as he warns you to keep quiet as he removes his hand from your mouth. You barely dare to breathe when he withdraws himself from your form, your heartbeat playing a frightened melody in your chest. You're too afraid to even look at him as you gaze at your sweaty palms before his voice speaks up again. The more vulnerable and shaking tone he uses sounds much more like the person you know as he asks why you had to always ignore him. You don't get to answer though, darkness flooding your vision as he knocks you out. A pair of warm lips is the last thing you feel before passing out.
Isogai Yuma
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🟤​Even when Yuma spent his time being made into an outsider during middle school, his kind and considerate nature never faded away throughout it all as he instead made new friends he still keeps in contact with years later. It is the warmhearted nature in you that attracts him to you as well as he admires you. Always honest and staying true to your feelings, you never miss out to express your own opinion and emotions clearly without losing your head. Yuma is quite content to just watch you for a while, his admiration steadily growing as he sees more and more of your heart you openly carry on your sleeves. Soon he finds himself longing for more than to just simply observe you throughout your day at work. Unlike his former blue-haired classmate though, Isogai goes through no such troubles as a low self-confidence. Instead he approaches you kindly and welcoming, acting on his wish to get to know you better and to spend more time with you. There are no signs that he is pushing anything though as he knows that he shouldn't force any more meaningful relationship on you as your consens is something he values which is why he wants to see how you feel about him.
🟤​Isogai is no fool though and soon it becomes obvious that this is getting nowhere. You never attempt to deepen the relationship between the two of you beyond the one of friendly co-workers who can chat throughout the day. Taking notice of that, Yuma decides to switch positions and to be the one who tries the first step. He asks you out when both of you are alone, realistic yet distracted by his beating heart. You can only give him an apologetic smile as you decline his offer and merely tell him that you feel flattered but do not have the time and interest to think about a serious relationship. Yuma can only do his best attempts to hide his hurt feelings but respects your decision nevertheless. Somehow he expected such a reply from you for some reasons. As much as it hurts him to admit, it is quite obvious that your interest in him has always been rather limited and you only find yourself spending that much time with him because both of you work together in the same job as often as you do. There is a clear line you have drawn though, one that doesn't want him as anything more than the acquaintance at work. A decision that isn't all that welcming in Isogai's eyes.
🟤​He has always been quite beloved with the ladies and he still is but he has never allowed himself to think of him as something better just because he looks good and has the considerate and gentle character to match his appearance. With everything that is going on involving you though, he starts wondering what exactly it is about him specifically that has you acting so uptight. After all you do not have the same problem with other people you work with or call your friends. No, it is only him and it is a terrible feeling to see how everyone is given your kindness yet he is the only one who is somehow left behind. He has been trying to get some answers from you, hasn't given up to ask you every once in a while after hoping that you have had enough time to consider and forget but your answer in its core has never changed, only the excuses you use. Something sparks within him every time you give him a new excuse to avoid him as politely as possible and it slowly alters him. No, rather it adds something that he has never felt or thought before. It is new and frightening but feeds off of his growing frustration and confusion every time another lie leaves your lips.
🟤​Yuma finds himself eventually doing something he has never done before. He actively uses your friends to his advantage to get a chance to have time with you alone as he just wishes to talk to you without running away. They are easily charmed by him and whilst a part of him feels guilty, another part of him has gotten quite relentless. The betrayal in your eyes is hard to miss when he appears whilst your friends drag you somewhere only to leave you as soon as he is there, their giggles fueling your anger as they are oblivious to the situation. Through gritted teeth you excuse yourself as you turn around with every intention to leave only to be left perplexed by his fast movements as he blocks the path before locking the door, throwing the key away. his eyes have lost part of their kind glow as he reminds you that he just wishes to talk to you. There is a tension surrounding you which differs from the normally warm aura that is always where he is. When you slowly back away from him, his hands suddenly grab your arms and panic trails up and down your spine, the air turning even more prickly, clearly out of patience by now. Sit down and calm down. He just wants to talk with you.
Karasuma Tadaoi
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⬛​Karasuma has one notable weakness and that is his terrible density. Clearly he hasn't even grasped the full extent of his emotions for you yet even if he is already acting on them. His eyes are always on you the moment he enters his field of vision and he never really lets you out of his sight the moment that happens either. His entire exterior is quite tough and intimidating so under his gaze you always feel rather pressured but are too nervous to speak up. Eventually he always takes notice of your growing fear and withdraws his gaze, his eyebrows furrowed as he wonders what just overcame him to stare so indecently at you for such a long time. There is no denial that he catches himself multiple times more staring at you. As an agent, a highly respected one at that, he has a considerable amount of influence and power and partially he uses that, although he does not see the malicious intentions behind it. He likes to keep tabs on you, although you are neither a threat nor are you in any danger. Karasuma himself has a hard time understanding yet why he is doing all of that. If he had to make an accurate guess though, it would probably be that it helps him to feel more relaxed.
⬛​He isn't as ignorant to never figure it out though. Somewhere along the line is the realisation that he has feelings for you, although he must admit that the extent of those feelings is rather concerning. He keeps a distance from you after he has solved the puzzle finally, doesn't try to get involved with anything that involves you all in an attempt to rid himself of those dark urges. For the first time he is stuck in a situation where he can't do something even if he puts his mind to it though. There is shame and frustration swirling around all within him as his focus is dwindling much to his annoyance. Eventually he has to come to the realisation that nothing good will come out of all of this and that instead the most convenient way seems to do what he has been doing before, only that now he should actually try to make an effort to get to know you better. He is dressed well when he finally approaches you, his mind focused as if this were a mission. If he is hurt or surprised when you decline his offer for a shared cup of coffee together, he doesn't show it. His face doesn't give anything away and somehow that only makes you more anxious as you have no way to read him or his current thoughts and feelings.
⬛​It is quite hard for Karasuma to decipher how exactly he feels after your rejection. He wonders if it was his own fault as he has been told quite often before that he has a rather intimidating appearance and even if he is dense when it comes to love, he is rather skilled to spot the signs of anxiety and stress your body shows when you are aware that his presence is close, even if you try to be polite about it all. Pinning this down as the problem that has to be solved, Karasuma approaches everything still with the efficiency as if it would be an important mission. He determines what you like and what he can do to have you feel more at ease when around him. There is a lot of effort and even you can sense that as he tries to soften his expression when around you and rids his voice of any overly harsh tone when he talks to you. Still, your decision to not get involved deeply with him seems to stay the same and for the first time in his life he finds himself annoyed by someone else's professionalism. He knows that he has no right to force you into anything with him yet there is a growing possessive urge within him, one that only gets fueled every time you avoid him again.
⬛​When you receive an order for him as he wishes to see you in his office, your heartbeat goes almost through the roof as the tension between the two of you has been nothing short of suffocating since a longer while now. Still, orders are orders and so you find yourself sitting in his office after a while. The silence is thick enough that you could cut it with a knife if you had one as he just sits in front of you, dark eyes inspecting you whilst he lets you soak in the heavy tension. Then, out of the blue with unfiltered words, he expresses his interest in you. You nearly choke on the air. Obviously you have had suspicions of your own but you never expected Karasuma of all people to be so direct about it. The not so romantic confession is immediately followed by a request for you to be officially his. At this you find yourself in utter shock as you thought that you had made your opinion already quite clear. Even if he is your superior, you have no intention to keep quiet about this. At least those are the plans until both of his hands smother you suddenly, his gaze darker than you remembered as he corrects himself. This was no request. This was a demand.
Hyuuga Natsuhiko
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🔴​Natsuhiko's motives have always been on the more dubious side as he seems to choose his sides based on the shallow reason of what interests him at the moment. This seems to align nicely with his motives for hanging out with you initially. You just happen to have caught his interest and Natsuhiko is rather persistent with his attempts to get to know you. Your declines and rejections are rather familiar to him by now as he has already asked you countless times for your time and dates yet he is always met with the same polite smile as you once again put him down. It is quite hard to determine whether to feel pity for him for being such a perpetual fool or for you as you are the one suffering from such a dense admirer of yours. It all may seem harmless at the surface but feelings have already begun to blossom in Natsuhiko's chest as his interest in you only deepens in spite of your clear demeanor that you hold no interest in him that would go any further than suggesting that both of you are something more than classmates. If it would have been anyone else, they would have probably given up by now. Natsuhiko isn't everyone else though and his obsession only pushes him to go further.
🔴​So obsessed is he in fact that your sugar-coated words of rejection do not even bother him much anymore. He desires your attention above anything else, no matter how minimal it may be. Whenever you reject him, you pay attention to him. You give him that deceptive smile that still looks beautiful even though he is aware that it isn't sincere and your gaze is focused on his. Whether you share his mindset or not, in Hyuuga's mind in those moments you belong completely to him as you never pay as much attention to him as in those moments. His heart is always beating inside his chest after such moments as he yearns for your attention again. He regularly confesses to you after that to savor that sweet moment where he is all you focus on yet unfortunately this feeling passes too fast for him to fully indulge in it. This is the main reason why he increases his clingy antics by a lot as he yearns for more attention from you. There is always a rather nonchalant air around him when he follows you around, seemingly indifferent to the fact that you can clearly see him. Even confronting him about his creepy behavior doesn't deter him the least as he instead gets excited that you look at him.
🔴​Do not think that he is oblivious. He might appear lazy at times but he isn't as stupid and sleezy as some may believe him to be. Of course he knows that his behavior would scare some and he clearly notices that it gets under your nerves too. It's just that he doesn't really care about it that much as long as you give him the attention he desires, even if it is negative one. In fact you only encourage him to keep going if you turn around as it confirms to him that he can gain your focus if he annoys you by following you around and always watching you. Despite his grander knowledge of the current situation, Natsuhiko does like daydreaming about you when he has the time, especially when he can watch you and you either ignore him or haven't noticed him yet. Just maybe there is a slice of delusion somewhere within him as he does believe that those daydreams will be reality one day. He just has to make sure that you focus on him more. Much more than you are doing now as your mind is still filled with school and other things. His mind on the other hand is clouded with everything involving you and he would appreciate if you would think about him as much as he thinks about you.
🔴​Ultimately it is simply not enough for him. The scrappy slivers of attention from you are far from what he truly desires and it only gets worse because he sees everyday how willingly you give other people the attention and affection he would like for himself. A reckless decision pays off though when he manages to convince Tsukasa ro assist him so that he can have you for himself without your friends or anyone else around. There are no ulterior motives though as he doesn't even intend to pressure you into a relationship with him. He might do that another time. For now he is just relishing in the fact that there is only you and him, his heart pounding with giddiness even as you ask him what just happened and where everyone else has suddenly gone. His eyes drink it all in though, your slight fear that you hide behind a courageous mask as you confront him and demand this time to know what just happened because clearly Hyuuga is in on something that you aren't. So close. You are so close to him, your eyes glaring at him yet your poor attempts to intimidate him do the complete opposite as his excitement gets the better of him and lips clash against your own in a reckless and messy kiss.
Minamoto Teru
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💛​By all accounts, Teru has his hands rather full. He is the president of the Student Council, always ranks first amongst all students in school and then there is also his secret occupation as an exorcist that most students do not know about. There are lots of duties loaded on his young shoulders yet he manages to do them all and still makes time for you. He is not one to deny his feelings because even if he would, he isn't sure if he could with the way they have already spun out of all control. An obsession is the last thing he would have expected to happen to him yet here he is as all of his thoughts and feelings suddenly revolve around you as if you were the sun. Credit is given where credit is due though, he hides it exceptionally well behind his normally calm and kind attitude. Secretly he likes to keep an eye out for you though as he is most familiar with the supernatural lurking around every corner of the school which does give him a strong protective vein that is at times hard to ignore, especially when he senses something that is dangerously close to your classroom. There is more attention he gives you as time passes and the initial shock melts away and he slowly starts embracing his obsession.
💛​It is around the same time that he starts considering that he should start to seriously woo you. Now that the shame and guilt have been replaced by a gradual acceptance of his feelings, the possessive core of his starts acting up ever so slightly. Teru knows that he would never get over it if someone else were to date you and whilst he isn't just yet sure how exactly he would react, he can already tell that it wouldn't be pleasant. Better prevent a problem before it can even happen rather than fixing it. As much as he doesn't want to be conceited about his reputation, he goes into this all with a fair amount of confidence. He works hard and it always shows after all. As polite as you may try to be though, you aren't fooling Teru. He has perceptive eyes that notice the little twitches in your face and the way you fidget with your hands when he is around you. For reasons he is not sure about yet himself, his presence makes you uncomfortable. The signal you give out silently whenever he asks if he can walk you home or if you'd like him to help you with schoolwork due to his exceeding grades is obvious. You do not wish to get to know him any better and would prefer to keep your distance.
💛​He must say that he is rather hurt as he realises this. The worst about it all is that Teru doesn't even know what it is exactly that has caused you to feel this way about him to begin with. There have been moments where he has asked you very subtly if there is something that you don't like about him but he has never gotten the answers he has hoped to receive. If he doesn't know what is wrong, he can't fix it after all. It isn't like him to simply give up of course and he still does his best to figure out what he can do to get you to trust him more but your heart seems as unmovable as a mountain as your opinion seems to have been already decided a long time ago. This does frustrate him eventually as he wonders what he has ever done to you for you to be so unwilling to even give him a chance. Nothing persuades you and gradually his heart gets venomed with dark feelings that start festering alongside with his growing frustration and pain. What is it that he is doing wrong? His young heart gets corrupted eventually as he goes through his first heartbreak with your continuous rejections. A dangerous feeling of anger sparks within him. He is not going to play the part of the hopelessly lovesick fool with you.
💛​For the first time he abuses the authority he has as he uses his position as the president of the student council to lure you to his side, all by yourself. He can already tell that you are not exactly thrilled to be here but that's alright. After today things will be different after all. You don't look overly surprised when Teru confesses his feelings to you, only a tired look on your face as you prepare yourself to let him down again. Only that he stops you by lifting his hand and stating that he knows already that you don't feel the same way he does. Confusion and the tiniest spark of hope fill you that maybe he has finally understood but it is quickly snuffed out when his his normally kind expression loses its warmth. There is a certain emptiness to his gaze that makes you uneasy as he asks you why you push him so vehemently away, blue eyes demanding an answer from you. There is no reply from you though, causing him to let out an ominous sigh as he steps closer, hands seizing your shoulders to stop you from moving away. He admits to you that he is tired of waiting for you and wants to take everything into his own hands before he leans in, his lips brushing over your own before traveling down your neck.
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bonefall · 8 months
Feel free to ignore you've probably got a lot going on right now, but considering you know a lot about DOTC and Clear sky, I had a question...
We know that he's a terrible, misogynistic, woman beating and war mongering lunatic who was excused of all his actions because his equally misogynistic brother said " But-But he's nice! Deep down! This isn't the real him! "
But! In a world where the Hunters could write such a character, what do you think Clear Sky would look like as an actual sympathetic villain?
Idk if that makes sense, but what I've thought of doing is taking purely cannon Clear Sky and attempting to change him enough that he's still an antagonist, but not too far where only Reddit defends him.
I don't think he works as a sympathetic villain, on any level, ever. I think you're making a huge mistake to even try, and I have never seen an AU where it was done well nor am I interested in entertaining the thought.
Characters. Are. Tools. They exist to tell a story. The story that people tell me, by obsessing over some alternate universe where he was "ACTUALLY sympathetic and had a REAL redemption arc," is that they're not fucking interested in his dozens of victims. Nor do they actually care about the abusive impact he had on the minds and feelings of his family. They're JUST interested in Clear Sky himself.
Just like the Erins. Everything that happens in DOTC revolves around him. Everything. All his wives die so he can be sad about it. His brother defends all of his actions and BEGS you to sympathize with his pain so he can be 'redeemable.' One Eye comes out of nowhere so that there can be an example of "real" evil to contrast Clear Sky so he's less bad in hindsight.
The first three books of DOTC are bad, but the last three are fucking insufferable because SUDDENLY all that Gray Wing apologia pays off, and they take their main villain and throw him out a window. You CAN'T have "redeemable" Clear Sky and the plot of DOTC without dragging in someone else to drive the conflict, to BE the bigger threat to "unite" against. Slash and One Eye have to be conjured up out of thin air so Clear Sky can WHINE about how people only suck his toes instead of deepthroat them after he killed all their friends.
And yet, in spite of this absolute failure of an attempt, we continue to see this bullshit "redemption" be a mistake because Clear Sky is a fantastic villain, with major antagonist roles in nearly EVERY bit of follow-up material for DOTC that came after.
He's the most consistent monster in all of Warriors.
He's a fragile, egotistical, self-absorbed megalomaniac who ALWAYS sees himself as the victim, REFUSING to self-reflect and blaming everything else for all of his terrible choices. He will USE your love of him against you like it's a chain through your nose, step out of line and he will yank you into place with guilt trips, manipulation, public shaming, and violence.
He's a child abuser. He's a tyrant. He abandons the sick and disabled as soon as they're of no use to him, with grand speeches about "illness" and "weakness." He's a murderer who stands above the shredded corpse of his victim and bellows, "I'M NOT GREEDY! I'M JUST STRONG!"
And you'd write a "good" redemption arc for this, why?
Why are people so chronically unable to accept that there are LOTS of people like him, and you can't save your abuser? Why don't you ask yourselves why you're not interested in exploring Thunder, or Petal, or Gray Wing, and how his toxic influence impacts them? Why does the sympathy fall on Clear Sky? What about the DOZENS of victims who are dead by Book 3, and how THEY could have been saved?
Why ruin a perfectly good villain?
What's behind this trend where a billion people say to me, "Yes Clear Sky is a walking cavalcade of fucked up abuse apologia, and an incredibly realistic depiction of an abuser, but how would you change this while keeping it all the same?"
I wouldn't. You can't. It wouldn't be the same story, or it wouldn't be the same character. Never seen it done well, and I have seen it a lot. So I don't entertain this deeply frustrating "Well What If Clear Sky But Nice" impulse.
#The closest I'll ever get to that is Fallenleaf. And she lost it all#And spent years in the time-out tunnel#BAD KITTIES GO IN THE PEAR WIGGLER TO BE SUFFICIENTLY WIGGLED.#I don't think people in power typically change. If they do it's so rare it's not worth entertaining. Camel through the eye of a needle shit#and I mean ALL powers. this goes for abusive relationships too. I think they need to lose that power before they change.#When you have power. REAL power. You can fill those holes with it. You can force people to not leave.#so im actively hostile to stories that winge and cry about giving powerful people endless sympathy and chances#You've already shown me what you want to do with your power and as long as you keep it you haven't seen your consequences.#Power reveals.#It doesn't corrupt. It reveals.#DOTC hate#clear sky's redemption arc#If you're in an abusive relationship or under a terrible boss or in some other bad environment. You won't fix it.#You are not responsible for fixing it.#You can't fix it.#And they will not change. so GET OUTTA THERE#And that's who he functions best as. To me.#He's the bastard you need to escape.#And that's infinitely more compelling to me than Nice Clear Sky Attempt 32324#I don't write stories that beg you to sympathize with tyrants and keep your heart open to some maybe-change on the horizon#I write stories where they ruin everything they touch and have to be forcefully yanked out of power before they hurt more people.#And also screw every related take that's like 'ohhh after 5000 years of having his toes sucked he regrets it a bit :('#no he fucking wouldn't. he had his toes sucked for 5000 years. He's vindicated by how fondly he's remembered.#You can't fucking tell me that he doesnt REVEL in how violent the culture became. That him being offended about the clan's exile-#--was anything but him being offended his namesake was going away. That he wouldn't parade around like every choice he ever made was right.#''I made some vague mistakes which I will never name. BUT Im never wrong and always did it my way even if it was hard''#If you haven't met a person like that I envy you.#bone babble#Nothing makes me mad quite like this character#Again I yell about his brother a lot because he's widely loved by the fandom
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blank468 · 6 months
One of things that fans bring up when talking about Bakugo’s development is that Bakugo knows Deku well than anyone else far beyond his bullying. He’s supposedly feels sorry/guilty for Deku for not only bullying him but for the fact that he’s going through a downward spiral since the minute he was given OFA. While at the same time he hates himself for his behavior and realizes how he acts is not the traits of a hero and is probably why All Might didn’t choose him as his successor.
Let’s say Bakugo has always felt this way post Kamino, specifically after his rematch with Deku, what does he do to fix this issue, while knowing the problems Deku is facing ?
Jack s**t.
Bakugo’s actions and behavior barely differ than before. Most of his presence after Kamino is honestly pointless and shallow because he has no real contribution to the story. Him being shoved along with Deku and Shoto to do the internship with Endeavor doesn’t do any thing but give us more annoying moments with him. He acts incredibly aggressive and inappropriate when he’s with the Todoroki family. He’s only in that arc so he can have power progression. His involvement with OFA doesn’t amount to anything other than mindless yelling, guilt tripping and him being incredibly obnoxious. While at the same time he insults the deaths of the previous users and All Might doesn’t see this as an issue. Bakugo and Deku don’t even have any interactions that’s not about heroism, OFA or about them trying to surpass each other. Having these two interact about some general stuff would give them a chance to improve their relationship. I honestly wished there was a conversation between these two after Deku returns to UA where Deku talks about their relationship and how he truly felt.
But of course this doesn’t happen and we get the exact same slop as before and Bakugo continues to projects his anger towards Deku thinking that’s it’s his victims fault for him bullying him.
Granted he has been shown to have some regret for how he treated Deku but he barely does anything to fix behavior towards him and only waited at the last minute to give his half assed apology.
You can say that him training with Deku when he unlocked Blackwhip is proof that he is helping, but this doesn’t mean anything because Bakugo instantly gives up all because him constantly trying to injure Deku isn’t working. It’s only later in chapter 336 we see these two training together along with Class 1A, but it’s late in the story and what was given was too little too late. We’re just supposed to believe that they have been training and understanding each other together on a positive level off screen.
This series can go on all it wants about how their favorite wonder boy has changed as a character and how he now has the traits of a true hero. But nothing about what he does and how he interacts with others ever conveys that claim in a way that looks believable. The story has shown us that Bakugo’s villainous behavior makes things worse for himself and around other like Class 1A, and he never once felt guilt
Bakugo has never had a real reason and any saying for his actions towards his so called best friend and towards everyone in general. His reasonings for being an asshole and to why he hates Deku either doesn’t do anything or just make him look even more petty and also come across as if he is emotionally manipulating everyone around him.(EX. The moment when Deku tells Bakugo that he got his quirk from someone happened because Bakugo made him feel guilty about hiding his quirk to him during the Ground Battle Trial.)
I seen people say that Bakugo’s line “I’m sorry Izuku for everything” means that he’s always felt haunted by his constant guilt for what he did and the long term affects of it, but he’s also sorry that things ended up the way they did.
The thing is; Bakugo I would think would have the curtsy to put some effort into how he treats Deku before and after his apology.
I think it’s fair to say that Deku’s self destructive behavior is because of Bakugo’s bullying and him treating Deku like a failure. And I know this is also because of All Might’s heroism and how Deku viewed him, but if you remember in his rematch with Bakugo, he made it clear that while he was inspired by All Might it was Bakugo that he looked up to the most.
Instead of having it where he realizes that action are petty and taking accountability during Villain Hunt, he’s chooses to not only puts the blame his victim but also puts all the blame on Deku’s destructive behavior and his issues of self worth on All Might. Meanwhile he has the nerve to say he’s the only one that knows Deku more than everyone else and people like All Might, Endeavor, Aizawa, Uraraka, Iida and even Shoto can just piss off.
Bakugo is supposed to have changed as a better person; he supposedly now has a better understanding of Deku is now caring to him and yet he’s still acts the same as he did before and continues to antagonize others to satisfy his ego. Meanwhile fans continue to excuse this as a subversion of our expectations. Granted the way he treats everyone is not as awful as he was Pre- Kamino, but that still doesn’t excuse his behavior and how lazy his development is. And no, him telling a child not to look down on others otherwise you won’t recognize your own weakness doesn’t work because he himself can’t even take his own words to heart.
This is just the creator’s attempt at trying to paint his favorite character in a good light without doing anything with him to have him earn it. I can care very little about him feeling guilty about All Might’s retirement. I personally don’t think it’s Bakugo’s fault for his retirement; I blame him for starting the rescue mission and making things worse during the Forset Camp Training Arc. I probably would have cared about Bakugo’s dynamic with All Might if most of their interactions weren’t him being incredibly selfish and down right being a prick to his idol for no reason.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Can I request for Shang tsung with a daughter reader in mk1 before and after he learns better sorcery and can it be a one shot please
I haven't finished watching the cutscenes for Mortal Kombat 1, so I will make this a bit vague if that's fine? ^^ I had trouble with the plot so this is what I've got. Not fully proofread, may have mistakes.
Conjure Something Better
Yandere! Shang Tsung with Daughter! Darling Short
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Guilt tripping, Minor violence, Angst, Darling's mother is unknown, Imprisonment, Forced companionship.
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"I don't understand why you cast me away... I took the offer to help us both." Shang Tsung huffs towards you, seeing your gaze refuse to meet his own. In his eyes... he's helping his daughter.
Yet she acts like it isn't enough.
"We had no money before, no power, nothing." Shang Tsung, your father, circles around you to try and face your gaze. "You have no mother... just me! I'm putting in the effort to take care of you!"
You try to continue ignoring him but he grips your chin.
"If I never took that deal to get better magic... I'd still be selling snake oil to peasants. How was I supposed to support you then?" Shang Tsung hisses before moving his grip to hug you.
"But was this the right way?" You whisper softly. "You've used so many people... you're around so many dangerous people, father!"
"Not a person I speak to will touch a hair on your head while I'm here, I'll break them if they do." Your father threats, pulling you closer. "As for using others... it's what must happen to survive, dear!"
Shang Tsung notices his daughter still isn't impressed. He should've known, always the kindest with people while her father uses them. Of course she wouldn't totally be on board.
Shang Tsung's daughter moves in his grip but he doesn't plan on letting go. He sighs as she glares at him. He tries to help her... yet she still wishes to be a rebel.
"So you would rather go back to what we had before?" Shang Tsung scoffs as you push him away. "I can make you my little princess with this power, sweetheart!"
"I just miss mother, we were fine when she was still around." You huff, causing Shang Tsung's eye to twitch
"Your mother LEFT us. She's GONE!" Shang Tsung growls.
"All because of you!" You retort.
"Well now all you have is me!" Shang Tsung shoots back. "I don't plan on letting you change that. You're going to be beside me... we do not need that-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" You cut off your father, glaring at him. "I was happy with her!"
"But she can't provide for you as much as me now..." Shang Tsung continues. "I could give you the world, my dear... but you reject me."
"I don't need you." You hiss, catching Shang Tsung off guard. "I refuse to take part in any of this."
You turn away but your father cuts you off, teleporting in front of you before grabbing your arm. Fear flickers in your eyes as he grins devilishly at you.
"You don't need me?" Shang Tsung hums. "I doubt that, dear. Even if it was true, I'm not letting you go... ever."
He can tell you want to challenge him on that, so he shrugs.
"If you won't listen willingly... I'll make you."
You want to question him... but before you know it you're now standing in front of a prison. You look at him fearfully before he pushes you into a cell. He ignores your attempts to rectify your rebellion and locks the cell.
"Your mother thought she was smart when taking you away from me." Shang Tsung huffs, leaning against the cell door to see the tears in your eyes.
"Let's be honest, sweetheart... you'd be dead if I never took this deal. Call me the bad guy all you want... but..."
Shang Tsung smiles softly at you, but you see a certain obsessive glint in his eyes. He doesn't care if you're upset. He just wants to keep you to himself.
"Your father knows best, I'll take care of you even if you hate me for it."
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bonebabbles · 7 months
I know that this is obvious, cliche, and has been said before many times about many aspects of DOTC as I go through this, but... the most fitting words that I really have here is that this book sucks.
Path of Stars SUCKS. It's a ton of fanservicey scenes trying to pull at your heartstrings about Gray Wing's relationship with his shitty brother, with any lasting anger that the cats had towards Clear Sky drying up now that he's a father. again. He addresses NOTHING about the abusive behavior he CONTINUES to display, and it torments Star Flower with torture and premature labor for cheap drama.
And worst of all, WORST of all, is all this bullshit about how Slash is "Truly Evil" to make Clear Sky, and The Settlers, look better. Slash is JUST evil. NOTHING else. He has NO other traits besides that he hates love and friendship.
He pins a pregnant woman to the ground and licks her face while taunting how she was supposed to be his mate but he'll murder her at the end of the last book, then starves her as a hostage in this one,
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He's sending out massive gangs of rogues to forcefully steal meat from The Settlers,
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He has hatred "deep in his bones" and "needs to find reasons to justify" that, as if being evil is just part of his nature and he's never satisfied unless he's hurting someone else,
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He wants to make The Settlers pay, just because they seem happy, like some kind of Care Bears villain,
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And it's concluded, as Gray Wing snuggles up to his second wife, that,
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It's setting me to a simmer. After this WORTHLESS arc has spent so long excusing and downplaying cats like Clear Sky, who has the highest body count in the entire series, tossing a redemption death at Tom the Wifebeater, and forcefully shoving Thunder into an arc about forgiving and being happy for a man who CONTINUES to attempt to manipulate him.
What it says really sets Slash apart from all the "not bad people" is love. Because he is so evil, he can't know what love or happiness really are, and no one could ever want to to see him.
You know, abusers are human beings? We understand this??
They don't crawl out of Hell one day, sniffing for happiness in the air and making a beeline towards the nearest vulnerable person. They often DO love their victims, and can even be truly loved in return, but that doesn't mean they didn't HURT them. That doesn't mean that what happened to you wasn't abuse.
REAL abusers don't act like Slash. They act like Clear Sky. Justifying their actions, using love against their victims as a manipulation tactic, sending them on guilt trips and using their leverage to control their target. But the writers decided to make this character out to be so evil, so unjustified, SUCH a perfect hate sink, so that they could make the realistic depiction look okay.
And... it makes Slash offensively boring. NO ONE remembers this fucking character. He has NOTHING going on. He only manages to bully the main characters for a single book before being driven off.
He's nothing. This book is nothing. It's killing me.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 5 months
Every Single (Hermitcraft/etc.) AU Idea I Have Ever Had
This is... what it says on the tin. It is a long post. I do not expect it to get any traction. I am doing this for autism reasons. Some ideas are actually excluded because there is zero substance to them. Sorry I don't think anyone wants to hear my 1000 'what if Grian... was sad' ideas.
Many of these (most of them) were made in collaboration with @angeart which explains why they are so sad and also Mostly Scarian. It doesn't always say it's shipping but it usually is. We are Grian Girlies. Sorry.
If you want to hear more about ANY of the ideas listed here, feel free to shoot me an ask :) I LOVE RANTING ABOUT THESE IDEAS. There are even links to fics where they exist.
Each idea needs different warnings so any major CWs will be listed at the start of each summary so you can skip any one you want.
It begins... below the cut
My main multichapter fic, ongoing and insane
A multiverse nonsense trip wrapped in an audio transcript format
Grumbo Apocalypse Monster AU
CW: minor character death, existential dread, gross / graphic imagery
Grian is a shapeshifting monster drawn into human life by the apocalypse, and Mumbo is a human who attempts to survive the horrors
Main characters: Grian & Mumbo (duh!)
Side characters: Pearl, Scar, Cub, Joe, Cleo, Xisuma, “Evil Xisuma”, Martyn
Tumblr Masterpost
Vex Hunger Kidnapping Griangst AU
CW: discrimination, starvation, cannibalism (non-consensual), gore
Grian (avian) and Cub (vex) are kidnapped by scientists on their way back from MCC. They are kept in a cell where Cub is starved until he goes feral and starts attacking Grian out of Vex instincts.
Also eats Grian a lot. Don't worry, Grian can respawn, but he respawns back in the cell in a puddle of his own blood, only to be torn to pieces again.
They are rescued by the hermits. Now traumatised! Yippee!
Things get worse before they get better
Basically, Grian’s self-destructive trauma urges: the movie
Main characters: Grian, Cub, Scar, Mumbo
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
Evil Scar Corruption AU
CW: mind control, kidnapping, torture, amputation, manipulation / mindbreak
Scar gets corrupted by the Vex which take over his mind. His love for Grian is mutated into selfish obsession, and eventually he kidnaps and tortures him in an attempt to make him stay forever.
Cuts off his wings and everything. (they grow back)
Eventually the hermits find out and lock Scar up while trying to heal Grian - but Grian broke somewhere along the way and now thinks what Scar was doing was true love.
Scar comes back to his senses and the guilt hits him like a truck. Eventually he leaves the server and runs into his own Bad Relationship but don't worry about this.
Grian’s self-destructive urges: the sequel
Main characters: Scar, Grian
Side characters: Xisuma, Cub, Pearl, Mumbo, hermit ensemble
The Facility AU
CW: near-death experience
Xisuma runs a top secret facility dedicated to the safety and containment of supernatural/otherworldly beings and entities.
Kind of like SCP but nicer.
Field workers Scar, Grian, and Cub are continuously put through the wash while other facility employees (namely Etho and Bdubs) have quirky little romance arcs. 
Grian nearly dies because of a swimming pool btw. There is so much to this fic I cannot possibly explain here.
Main characters Arc 1: Scar, Grian, Cub, Mumbo
Main characters Arc 2: Scar, Grian, BigB, Cub, Mumbo
Side characters Arc 1: Xisuma, Keralis, Zedaph, Joe, Cleo, Bdubs, Etho
Side characters Arc 2: Martyn, Scott, Ren, Tango, Impulse, Gem, Skizz, False
Superheroes and Villains AU
CW: not mentioned here but there is gore / surgery and alien mushrooms that kill people
In the city of Blackstone, vigilante HotGuy works alongside the Hero Bureau to catch villains and keep the city safe.
Between trying to save the person behind Mother Spore, and rebuilding his old friendship with Cub - now turned villain - HotGuy must look through the gaps of the Hero Bureau to see the corruption lurking within.
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Cub, Pearl, The Watchers
Side characters: Mumbo, Joe, Cleo, Gem, Ren, Doc, Keralis, Beef, Tango, various hermits
Read the summary here
Hero AU 2
CW: discrimination
Grian and Scar live in a city where hybrids are second-class citizens
Grian is an activist who gets beaten up and arrested a lot
Scar is secretly the superhero HotGuy, who is controlled by the city's government - as HotGuy, he pretends to be human
Grian thinks HotGuy should use his power for good, and dislikes HotGuy because he upholds the human power structure - he does not know Scar is HotGuy
Main Characters: Scar, Grian
Side Characters: ?
Respawn Enabled Hybrid Farms AU
CW: extreme dehumanisation, cannibalism, abuse of power
Global Moderators have passed cross-server laws denying the rights of hybrid players and placing most hybrids in farms to be butchered like cattle for food and resources.
Grian, born and raised on one of these farms, escapes to Hermitcraft where he learns how to be a person with agency and freedom (ahem. only to have it taken away again. and again...).
Main characters Arc 1: Grian, Mumbo, Ren, Scar
Main characters Arc 2: Grian, Pearl, Mumbo, Scar, Ren, Xisuma, Evil X, Keralis
Main characters Arc 3: Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Pearl, Gem, Ren, Impulse, Doc, Cub, Xisuma
Side Characters: hermit ensemble
Hybrid Farms (Worse Version)
CW: mentioned death, extreme discrimination, cannibalism
Hybrids are farmed as food but this time there is no respawn
More of a modern AU
Main characters: Mumbo & Grian
Side characters: Life series ensemble
'Introduction to Being a Person'
CW: human experimentation
In a desperate attempt to subdue the rebelling masses, a corrupt government begins experimenting on people to create war machines. In the dystopian wastes of civilization, escaped experiment Tango must grapple with his identity and newfound freedom, while turf wars and deception lie around every corner.
Main characters: Tango, Grian, Ren
Side characters: Experiment Army: Scar, Cub, Cleo, Joe, Gem, Pearl; Steel Wheels: False, Etho, Keralis; Helping Hands: Iskall, Stress, Xisuma; Connected Mankind: Mumbo; Last Stand: Doc, Bdubs; Unaffiliated: Impulse, Zedaph
Tomorrow AU
CW: death / existential themes, human experimentation / dehumanisation, torture
Based very loosely on World Of Tomorrow by Don Hertzfeldt
Scar, co-CEO of ConCorp, buys a body that was grown in a lab with the intention of dissecting it
Despite the body being suspended in fluid all its life, it wakes up before Scar can do anything - it's alive, but doesn't know how to speak or move
Later, this lab-grown creature becomes Grian, learns how to speak and walk, and finds out about the impending heat death of the planet
Meanwhile, we have unethical treatment of prisoners, moon science, dogman and the existential existence of clones
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Bdubs, Doc, Ren, Pearl
Side characters: [The Prison Cube], Mumbo, Xisuma, Cleo, Etho, Cub
Secret Life Watcher AU
CW: none?
All the life series players find out Grian is a Watcher at the start of Secret Life and then they are mean to him. 
Also Grian may become evil at some point. But he deserves to have a villain arc.
Main characters: guess
Elliot Smith AU
CW: major character death, self loathing, existential themes
Based on my Watcher Lore
In which Grian is killed at the end of Evo and his code and memories are placed into a Watcher version of him, creating a Watcher-Vessel in a process called ‘Transfer’
Mostly about both the grief of Grian’s old friends as they discover what happened to him, and the ethical / philosophical debate Grian has with himself about who he is and why people are upset about it - he's the ship of theseus kind of
Called ‘Elliott Smith AU’ because each installment in the series has a different Elliott Smith song title as a title
Main characters: Grian(?), Pearl, Jimmy, Scar, Xisuma, Martyn
Side characters: Watchers, Listeners, BigB, Scott
Elliot Smith AU AU - a different timeline
CW: major character death, existential themes
Grian gets taken by the Watchers after Limited Life and they kill him & replace him with a perfect copy of himself. Moral, ethical, and emotional dilemmas unfurl. Offshoot from my main Watcher-Grian fic (Elliott Smith AU) of the same concept just with a different timeline as to make it way more evil.
Main characters: Grian(?), Scar, Mumbo, Pearl
Side characters: hermit ensemble
Elliot Smith AU AU - a worse outcome
CW: major character death, existential themes
An offshoot of the Elliott Smith AU where the hermits (or some of them) are much more aware of what a Watcher is and are much more afraid when Grian is found out
Grian is put in a code prison while the hermits figure out what to do with him (delete his code entirely, ban him, let him stay)
Many conflicting opinions. Many horrible things said and done
Main characters: Grian, Xisuma, Pearl, Scar, Mumbo, Joe Hills somehow
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
Elliott Smith AU: Continuation 1 - BigB
CW: major character death, existential themes
BigB is a Listener - he went through a process called 'Hollowing' which is similar to Grian’s ‘Transfer’ (death and copying) except (as far as BigB is aware) it did not kill him, simply re-made him
Grian doesn’t agree that BigB didn’t die
A lot of philosophical debates here
Main characters: BigB, Grian
Side characters: Martyn, Pearl, Joel, Jimmy, Listeners, Scar
Elliott Smith AU: Continuation 2 - Scar
CW: discussions of major character death, existential themes, betrayal
After winning Secret Life, Scar is taken by the Watchers and nearly turned into one before Grian, Martyn, BigB and the Listeners intervene 
However Scar’s code is damaged and decaying, and Grian needs answers to fix it before Scar is lost forever
He seeks out the Watchers and is told to bring Martyn to them in exchange for Scar’s life being saved
Grian does this, like the sad little bastard he is
Queue Martyn escaping the Watchers anyway and now everything is awful and no one likes anything that has happened
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Martyn
Side characters: BigB, Pearl, Xisuma
Zombie Apoc AU
CW: death, zombies, I think you get the idea
Zombie apocalypse but Grian and Scar just moved in together (gay intent).
Scar gets turned, Grian keeps him in the basement and lures survivors in to keep Scar fed, despite Scar asking Grian to kill him before he turned.
Mumbo shows up and everything goes wrong. And maybe some things go right.
Main characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo (are you tired of seeing their names yet?)
Side characters: Cleo, Etho, Bdubs; Zedaph, Cub
Zombie Apoc AU 2: this time it's sadder
CW: zombies, death, suicidal thoughts
Long story short is that Grian gets bitten
Scar and Grian live in an abandoned apartment block called ‘Desert View Apartments’ (though they move to Jimmy's farm before Grian gets bit)
Ren, Martyn, Impulse and Skizz hunkered down in the ‘King’s Court Shopping Centre’
Cleo, Bdubs, and Etho are taking refuge in an old castle-turned-museum 
Jimmy, Scott, and Tango live on a farm together
Joel, Lizzie and BigB live in the woods and use plants to stave off the disease
Gem is a travelling mercenary with a pet reindeer who believes the only way to save society is to eradicate all zombies and infected people
Pearl is a nomad with a pack of stray dogs
Mumbo is some guy I'm sure he has a role somewhere
Main characters: Scar and Grian
Side characters: the rest of these idiots
Space Age AU
CW: space colonisation, slavery, death, military stuff
Humans have colonised a large chunk of the galaxy
Grian comes from a group of humans who were against the human empire - said group was attacked, slaughtered, and disbanded
Scar used to be a part of the empire’s militia (though he is an alien, not human) but is no longer part of it
Mumbo does not know whether he is an android or not - androids are a slave class / killed on sight since their war with humans, and humans need to carry ID to prove they are human. Mumbo has an ID, but the tests for humans vs. androids are basically meaningless and inaccurate
Pearl was part of the same group as Grian, was captured and sold into servitude
Scar stows away on Grian’s spaceship (stolen) - Grian freaks out but they become somewhat friends
Scar and Grian go to a planet notorious for hating humans, because Scar wants a job there and Grian wants to get rid of him - Grian gets caught and thrown in prison 
Scar meets Mumbo, a member of the planet’s court, and they work together to break Grian out and the three of them escape 
They journey through space, meeting up with folks like Tango - eventually the gang find a ship run by Watchers (a powerful alien race) and they discover Pearl on board
Main Characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Pearl
Side Characters: Tango, Ren, Jimmy, Scott, Martyn, Gem
Hunger Games AU (Based on Floor 6, a now-deleted Lunch Club AU)
CW: hunger games, unnamed character death, cannibalism, trauma x 10000
Hunger Games universe but the winners all live in a big tower apartment complex with each floor being a new decade of winners
Grian is the most recent winner!
Yes I put him in district 9 for a bread joke.
Scar is my favourite victor because he ate people.
Main characters: Tango (70; 3 - electronics), Ren (71; 2 - weapons), Pearl (72; 10 - animal farming), Scott (73; 4 - fishing), Martyn (74; 4 - fishing), Scar (75; 10 - animal farming), Gem (76; 7 - lumber), Grian (77; 9 - grain), Joel (78; 2 - weapons); BigB (79; 9 - grain), Mumbo (avox, 9 - grain)
Grian Chrysalis AU
CW: insect stuff, body horror
Note I am autistic about this one.
Grian is a weird little guy who has to form a chrysalis and turn into goo before reforming
He needs to do this every few years to keep himself alive, as he is a unique cross between Watcher and player - except no one on Hermitcraft knows this about him, and Grian may have gotten distracted building for so long he forgot to take a vacation away from the server in time to go Bug Mode
So all they know is Grian is missing, and Xisuma is getting corrupted life signals from inside a mysterious chrysalis that has appeared - so they cut open the chrysalis while Grian is still reforming in there
He's goopy (body horror intent)
Main characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Xisuma
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
The Crafting Dead (vine boom sound)
CW: medical torture, zombie apocalypse, captivity
Hermitcraft gets attacked (Watchers?) and lots of hermits are sent off to their own personal hells, with no memories of Hermitcraft
Xisuma has to go find them and bring them home and help them heal and re-introduce them to Hermitcraft and hopefully get their memories back
Scar is our main focus here - he’s stuck in the zombie apocalypse world of The Crafting Dead, where he spent his childhood and teen years before being rescued by Xisuma - now in his 30s, he thinks he’s been stuck there his whole life 
Grian is having a bad time being fledged into a proper Watcher, forced to Watch, since he never escaped
Mumbo's in a cult and might be evil (it's fine. He's fine.) (Lie)
Pearl is roaming the forests with a ghostly wolf, her enemies blood long gone but still fresh on her hands as resources dwindle in a tiny world (Double Life)
Tango is chained like a beast in an underground fighting ring, labelled with a nickname that isn't his and placed in a betting pool with odds stacked highly in his favour (he always wins) (he has to win) (there is no respawn here)
Impulse has been freshly captured and put in the same lineup, odds stacked quite tremendously against him (they don't know what he is) (he could end them all with a snap of his fingers) (don't corner a demon)
Doc is huddled in the corner of a lab he never left, scientist-turned-experiment, taken apart and put back together again different, wrong, as more additions pile onto his growing list of hybridities (they've given him wings, and taken his eye)
Main characters: Scar, Xisuma, Grian, Pearl, Mumbo, Tango, Impulse, Doc
Side characters: Hermit ensemble
Pirate Boatem But Evil And Mean
CW: major character death, cannibalism, ghost stuff
Pirate crew Boatem get kicked off their ship and put on a desert island by Captain Scar
Survival cannibalism
Magic / curse ending
Ghost Grian
They go hunt down Scar at the end 
Main characters: Impulse, Grian, Mumbo, Pearl, Scar
Side characters: SKIZZ !!!!
I can be your angel….. Or yuor devil….
CW: religious implications?, also death mentions, body horror
Scar is some guy obsessed with the occult who is part of a ghost hunting team with Impulse Gem and Skizz
He finds Grian, a “fallen angel” and decides to take care of him
Grian is actually a demon sent from the void to find a human and bring it to his masters (the Watchers) for harvesting 
Grian used to be human maybe 
Grian is blindfolded - he claims it is so he doesn't taint his purity with the image of the imperfect world but it is really there because his masters don't want him to see the world and fall in love with it. The void is all he knows
Scar teaches Grian self-worth while Grian slowly turns into an eldritch horror beyond comprehension
Main characters: Grian & Scar
Side characters: Impulse, Skizz, Gem, the Watchers
Monster-Pet AU
CW: dehumanisation, discrimination, medical abuse
Hybrids seen as either free labourers or pets depending on how rare they are
Grian is a Watcher, a very rare type of wild hybrid
He’s been a pet for a long time - taken from his flock and completely changed mentally
They de-clawed my boy, they took his sharp teeth away
One day he wanders away from his owners house by accident and stumbles into Hermitcraft (a free, hybrid-run town)
Healing arc but he struggles very hard to understand he isn't a pet
Pearl, former flockmate-turned-feral Watcher, attacks him when she finds him, reduced to believing any weak flockmate will lead to them being captured again
Main characters: Grian, Scar, Pearl
Side characters: hermit ensemble
Solaris AU
CW: major character death, existential themes, spoilers for Solaris (1972)
Solaris (1972) AU
But with my own added flavour and twists
Scar is Kris Kelvin, Cub and Mumbo are the other two scientists, Grian is the dead wife
Main characters: Scar, Grian, Mumbo, Cub
Fantasy AU (Kingdoms AU)
Monster Hunter AU
CW: vampires & blood drinking, unnamed character deaths (many), discrimination
Grian and Mumbo are vampire hunters, part of the Hunter's Guild, dedicated to killing monsters
Dramatic backstory time: Grian's home village was slaughtered by vampires, leaving only orphaned children behind - he has a lot of vampire related trauma and has channeled that into becoming one of the best hunters around
Problem: Mumbo is secretly a vampire
Problem 2: Grian is about to find out
Angst 🙂 lots of it
There are humans, vampires, were(wolves, etc), fair-folk, demons/gorgons/devils, and potionmakers
Main characters: Grian, Mumbo
Side characters: Scar, Cub, Etho, Cleo, Bdubs
Popstar Grian / Ari AU
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Disaster Rescue Team AU
CW: survival cannibalism, systemic discrimination, torture, medical abuse
Scar, Pearl, Skizz, Impulse, Bdubs, Tango, Etho, Cub, and Mumbo are a disaster rescue team who specialise in helping hybrids
Grian is an avian living on a remote island that is destroyed by a storm, and he is trapped there for years until he's the only survivor left, the mainland government ignoring the situation
He's forced to resort to cannibalism to survive, then he's rescued
Scar is the therapist of the group who spends time working with Grian to rehabilitate him
Sadly most of his clients end up in bad situations, going missing, or in prison because the mainland is incredibly discriminatory
There is a government conspiracy happening where hybrids are being taken away after leaving the rescue facility and used for medical or scientific experimentation
Bad things happen to the gang.
Main characters: Scar, Pearl, Skizz, Impulse, Bdubs, Tango, Etho, Mumbo, Cub, Grian
Side characters: Ren :)
The ones who walk away from Omelas AU
CW: torture and abuse, like, a lot of it
Based on the story 'The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas' but with my own changes, for fun. This is actually one of my faves.
In the city of Omelas, life is perfect - there is no crime, no homelessness, no suffering. It is a Utopia
This Utopia comes at a cost, a single citizen, chosen randomly, must bear the suffering of all others, kept alone, starved and entirely isolated, underground, their whole life
The children of Omelas are shown this suffering early, to get them used to the idea. When they are horrified, they are told about the greater good of this sacrifice.
When Scar is a child, he sees the suffering scapegoat, at the time around his own age, and vows to rescue him one day
Twenty years later, he makes good on that promise
Main characters: Scar, Grian
Side characters: Joel, Impulse, Skizz
City Blues AU
CW: organ harvesting, gang violence, references to drugs
Architect Grian gets fired from his job, and has to move to the bad part of the city for the first time ever. There he is very quickly noted and attacked, but a cunning drug dealer saves him.
He's given a place to stay by the salesman, Scar, but he owes the man. He has to work as an errand boy for a while to earn his freedom.
I mean, how hard could it be?
(it's considerably more difficult when he develops a crush)
(and because everyone in this place wants to get their hands on his kidneys)
Main characters: Scar, Grian
Side characters: Mumbo, Cub, Stress, Iskall, Cleo
Convexian Serial Killers AU
CW: murder, no seriously our protagonists are killers and they get away with it, no moralising here they are just evil little freaks for fun, also cannibalism
Scar and Cub are serial killers who kill while their housemate, Grian, is out working for days on end
Grian happens to come home early one time and finds them mid-kill
After a series of breakdowns and a lot of throwing up, Grian gets kind of into it tbh
He watches the kills (and enjoys taunting the victims) and acts as friendly, harmless bait for other victims
Scar and Cub also introduce him to cannibalism, and he gets a little bit obsessed with trying to hunt down other avians to kill
Scar and Cub are human, while Grian is an avian, and though Scar expresses his love with violent fantasies, they would never hurt Grian
Grian's friends: Mumbo, Jimmy and Pearl, may have a little to say about this when they find out ^-^
Main characters: I just listed them
Side characters: Gem yayyyyy
AAAND THATS IT. I missed quite a few shorter / less dense AU ideas and possibly some bigger ones I have forgotten. Oops if so.
Remember, if you wanna know more about any of these, please send an ask, and specify which AU youre asking about obviously! If you read this far I am honestly shocked at your ability to put up with That Many scarian ideas.
Also feel free to riff on any of these if one stands out to you as interesting. I love hearing / seeing other people's interpretations of my stuff :D
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eustassslut · 1 year
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What type of yandere are they? (polyamorous! AU), | Kid Pirates x gender neutral reader
TW: mentions of kidnapping, drugging, implied stockholm syndrome, brief mention of being hit, threats and so much gaslighting
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Heat is the completely delusional and clingy type
He never wants to leave your side and is often spotted trailing behind you like a little puppy
He's always stood right next to you and depending on his mood, is incredibly silent or talks and talks and talks
Your personal space doesn't exist when Heat is around you
Literally could care less about how uncomfortable it makes you when he's so close to you; if you take a step away he'll take a step forward and then an extra one
Always sneaks you extra food and brings you gifts of things he thinks you'll like
Originally was the only one who didn't want to guilt-trip and gaslight you onto the ship, he wanted to continue to glorify you from a distance before he made a move to talk to you
But unfortunately for you, Kid and Wire can be incredibly convincing
Heat will always listen to what Kid says to him, even if he has to put aside his own morals
If Kid says you have to be punished or do a particular thing, you're doing it
Secretly likes when the others are cruel to you because then you're more willing to accept and initiate physical affection with him
If Wire screaming at you and Kid threatening you with locking you alone in your room for a month makes you beg him to hold you whilst crying, then so be it
He's the easiest to guilt trip and manipulate into giving you more freedom and buying you the things you want
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Kid is the completely delusional, possessive and aggressive type
Demands you sit with him in his workshop whilst he works and won't let you leave until he's done, even if he's in there all day
Is torn between wanting you to accept that you're his now and wanting you to continue to rebel
Will tell you to do something but means the opposite and then punishes you for not automatically knowing what he wants
Likes to parade you around on islands with the others, boasting to other crews about how perfect you are
Will whisper in your ear about how he'd kill everyone who you even glance at and will go into specifics about every grotesque little detail
The one who spotted you first and made the initial move to talk to you, blinding you so well with tales of his adventures that you would never notice Kid's other motives
Brings you gifts of jewellery that you're convinced come from people he's murdered because sometimes they have blood stains on them
Also buys/steals clothes that he insists you wear for him immediately and refuses to leave whilst you try on each item
Obsessed with you wearing his clothes, especially his coats
Had someone remove all of your warmer clothes so you have to either ask Kid to borrow his coat or cuddle up to him to keep warm
If you ever escaped, he'd insist on tracking you down himself and dealing out whatever punishment he sees fit
Demands you call him Captain or Sir only, but he'd let you get away with calling him Kid during a soft moment or when you're being well-behaved
Kid either will be in your personal space all week or leave you alone for a week
If you tried to kill him or a crew member, Kid would insist on you trying to finish the job and laugh at you whilst you struggle to win against him
Refuses to hit you himself but has no concerns about making a crew member or Wire do it for him
Completely obsessed and in love with you, but will not hold back if you successfully harmed part of his crew
If you were to scratch Killer during a tantrum, you can say goodbye to the sunlight and food for the next few weeks
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Killer is the incredibly manipulative and cunning type
He knows exactly what to say to get you doing what he wanted you, all while you think you've outsmarted him
Kid and Wire may agreed on kidnapping you, but Killer is the whole reason you're on the ship in the first place
Every time you're allowed out of your cabin, he's nearby just standing and staring at you
Whilst it seems like Kid and Wire are the ones to watch out for, it's really Killer
Doesn't really like when the others drug your food since he's put so much effort into making
Likes when you eat his food and demands that he feed you himself because you're to weak to do it yourself
Praises you when you've been well behaved and rewards you with your favourite foods, books and art supplies
Let's you get away with arguing and fighting back, but you had better pray Kid doesn't spot you throwing plates at his best friend because then you're screwed
He's incredibly observant and notices every little thing you do, how you treat him is the only thing stopping the others knowing about everything you do when they don't notice
Regularly threatens to expose you because he enjoys the look of pure panic and the way you immediately obey his demands
Gets very upset when you don't stick to the schedule he's made for you
Wants you to fit his hallucinated version of you but never outwardly says what that is
Is incredibly touch starved so if you were to ask to brush his hair or hug him, Killer would give in to whatever demands you have immediately
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Wire is the mean and sadistic type
Whenever Heat is following you around, he's usually right behind him and waiting for the perfect moment to harass you when Heat's not looking
Will not hold back when you've broken a rule; he doesn't care how much you beg, scream and cry for him to forgive you
In fact he enjoys when you clutch at his knees and cry about how you'll do anything in exchange for not being locked in a cell alone for the next two weeks
Will just talk at you about how he knows what's best for you and you need to listen to him
Regularly drugs your food and uses the time whilst you're unconscious to watch you sleep and touch you
You'll wake up later to find that you're wearing his clothes, your hair has been brushed and the other side of your bed is warm from where Wire was sat
Demands you thank him and Kid every day for allowing you the right to be on the ship and saving you from your sad attempt at a life
Treats you like a toy who's only there for his entertainment and ignores Heat's requests to be nicer to you
Wire and Killer decide what you wear, what you eat, who you speak to, how much air you're allowed to get and who is allowed to your enter your cabin
Usually the one who's in charge of your punishments and never makes them nice or easy
Embarrasses you in public but if anyone outside of the 4 of them were to laugh at you, he'd see they were executed immediately
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TW: discussion of finances, difficult/abusive friendships and relationships, ideation and attempts, mental health, physical health
(Mod: anon, my sympathies as this sounds like a very difficult/intense situation)
Mod, you might want to throw this under a cut. I got a bit rambly and off topic, and some content might be uncomfortable for some blog readers. People will want to skip this one.
I almost offered to buy a bjd from a friend and I'm so glad I didn't. Context- she's in a rough spot financially and was selling off what she could. I considered offering my best guess at market price, with the understanding that she'd be able to buy the doll back unmodified, maybe with a faceup with permission, probably with some new clothes for the naked boy, whenever she wished. Basically loan with collateral and some doll clothes.  She does nothing with him normally, so it would just be a graceful way give her some help. He's in pieces, so I'd even restring him for her. Straight loan isn't an option since she borrowed a substantial amount from me for rent, claimed she'd pay me back, then continued to complain she couldn't while buying random playline dolls. I forgave the loan in an attempt to keep the friendship (and I now regret it- that was some of my savings and more than a month of my low income. I will be fine and it'll make minimal difference longterm, but it hurts emotionally). I should have wasted it on more dolls or something less dishonest. At least a snappy joint doesn't hide that it turns red when it makes you bleed in a restringing...
Due to a variety of factors, I'm debating cutting contact with her. I don't want to lose her, since she can be an amazing friend when she wants to be, but this friendship is destroying me. She's willing to lie to, use, and manipulate me even when I express discomfort with what she's doing. She's guilt tripped me into a situation where I was concerned for my safety.  The next time she wanted me to be around that person, she just didn't tell me he was involved and invited me with no disclosure. She couldn't drive due to surgery, violently abusive ex wouldn't be around her without a witness to agree he didn't do anything, and I was the only one that might put up with their stupidity, so she pretended she was inviting me because she wanted me there. I had to leave my car behind so I had no way to get away for hours. This happened repeatedly, minus the car, and she would have blown up on me if I hadn't done it. I should have sent an invoice for my involuntary adult babysitting sidegig. That would have been a lot of doll money. She'll get on my case for being "prickly"- never mind that she lashed out at me for months at everything before I finally snapped. A chunk of it is in her own head. Text doesn't convey tone and she lashes out when she jumped to the worse conclusion possible, then gets mad when I'm confused and point out she jumped on me. I can be a jerk and lash out once in a while, but the real stuff she's mad about only started after MONTHS of being her emotional punching bag, the turning point being when I developed probable PTSD because of her. She flips out over the smallest things too- I once got yelled at for picking up a clump of dog fur off her floor. My therapist can't legally diagnose me, but we agree I meet minimum DSM-V PTSD criteria (and then some) as a direct result of her actions (I can't tell her- I saved her life when she attempted. She'd feel guilty and never ask for help the inevitable next time. I know I shouldn't blame her for attempting, but I can't tell if she even did it or faked it to guilt trip her ex back to her and out of anger at me. She did NOT care who it hurt if it had a chance of getting him back. She's never once apologized for what she yelled at me that night or how she's treated/used me since he left her.) I don't know if I can end the friendship without her trying again or trying to get back at me. She's the needs to be needed type and so knows a lot about me that could seriously impact my life if it got out. We met three years ago when she was in her mid thirties and I was a very anxious, lonely teenager (minor at the time) desperate for someone to understand me. She's got an alphabet soup mental health record, so it feels wrong to blame her for anything. Especially since she'll excuse any action anyone does to me if they have a diagnosis. Hypocrite. There's a chance she's got a terminal illness, but that's still up for determination and who knows if she's lying again. I don't want it to be true, but I can't help realizing that's my peaceful way out. 
I'm so sick of it. If I had tried to help her vy+ that stupid doll, I'd be trapped by a promise. I couldn't have even gotten rid of the thing without breaking my word. I'd have to go near her to dump it on her doorstep and I'd lose the money. I've met online doll people now. We're not friends and I'll likely never go to a meetup, but the void of squealing over a shared interest together feels filled. I'm for sure an outsider, but I've finally got a bit of a hobby community (and one sane long distance friend- the other local one wants occasional emotional support and ghosts most of the rest of the time. LD stays friends the whole time and appreciates my dolls even if he's not interested personally). Some of y'all can get crazy, but most of the people I've met are genuinely nice. Very opinonated on certain topics, sure, but chill if I don't rock the boats. 
Sorry for the rant. I'm exhausted and losing my filter. Plus you guys like drama, so eat some popcorn and please don't repeat my mistakes or do this to someone. 
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I've been curious to look into Springtrap and Deliah, as I've seen some of the art of it and really liked the style, and hadn't previously heard of it. All I knew was that the relation between the two title characters was suspiciously close, and I was down to see more.
So when I see a video called "The DISGUSTING Truth About Springtrap and Deliah", I just think "oh good, an anti, now I know I'm gonna get all the juicy, hardly censored, invasive details". And I was so fucking right. Not only do I get a summary of the comic so detailed, that I honestly don't even need to read it for myself, but I get to see the drama around it in one sitting.
I just wanna rant about the stupidity of the video~
The creator of the video just keeps going and going about how abusive and creepy springtrap is, and how that would be fine if it was portrayed as a bad thing, rather than trying to "guilt trip" the audience into feeling bad for springtrap. Like honey, honey noo. That's the fucking point. This may be surprising, but even the most horrific people are still fucking people. They aren't one dimensional, mustache twirling villains. Plus, don't forget that unreliable narrator is a thing that is commonly used in storytelling. Not to mention, you want the comic to show how the relationship is bad, and springtrap needs to get far far away from deliah? Why the fuck then do you think the light/good ending features springtrap leaving her life for good, and trying to figure his shit out without her?
Also, when getting into the "dark truth about the author", it's fucking hilarious to see this warning not once, but twice. The second time, censoring the word "proship" with a zero. I get that "demonetization" is a thing, but if you had even half an ounce of respect or maturity for the topic you're approaching, monetization shouldn't matter, and you'd use the full and correct spelling of the subjects you are warning about, rather than using L33T SP34K to censor yourself.
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Continuing, between these warnings the youtuber goes "the creator really liked to draw them and roleplay them in romantic and sexual relationships that were extremely violent and often non-consensual in nature. Yeah, absolutely disgusting".
That's like, just your opinion man.
"And cause I know there's gonna be at least one person that's gonna say something like 'oh but it's fictional, they're just characters, it doesn't hurt anyone,' first of all shut up. It's still weird and I don't like you."
Why? Afraid of a decent argument? You just gave two opinions and one opinion was directed at your opponent, rather than backing your claim of why this is disgusting. And anyone who uses weird as an insult needs to grow up.
"Second of all, [proceeds to describe how the author was manipulative towards friends, and used their fame to pressure others into doing erp, while showing a screenshot of someone claiming the creator would threaten to self harm for attention] And if you think THAT'S okay by any means, shut up, I double don't like you."
Holy shit man, first, correlation =/= causation. Just cause the creator was extremely mentally ill, and wrongfully hurt people due to their insecurities (everyone is sooo supportive of being there for the mentally ill, until they actually start showing symptoms that aren't pretty), doesn't mean that the depiction of fictional characters in taboo fantasies causes an inherent harm or encouragement of toxic behavior.
Seriously, if you think the author didn't know these negative traits were so wrong, and desperately wanted, yet feared, being held accountable for their actions, feeling trapped by their own issues, why the hell do you think they projected onto springtrap so hard, only for the good ending to have them lose their first and only friend in order to open up the door to accountability and self improvement? The creator was fucking 16 at the time! A time where more often than not, many teens suffering from mental illness find their issues taking a sudden nosedive in severity, drowning in the deep end, desperately searching for any coping mechanism. Being able to show that level of self awareness and desire to improve while navigating their darker thoughts with art is amazing. Even if they were far from perfect and were a terrible friend at the time, it's still something for a 16 year old.
So get over your fucking high horse and stop justifying your disgust towards dark fiction with your thinly veiled ableism.
Also youtuber really said they'd be heavily censoring the more nsfw screenshots, but they are hardly censored, only blurring half the words that could refer to erogenous body parts, while keeping the others in. Plus the blurring is a weak gaussian blur, so you can still easily read the words that are blurred. It's a pathetic attempt to play the better, pure role-model, while putting in 0 effort to what you claim.
funny at the end that they ask proshippers not to interact, watch their videos, and respect their boundaries
like damn, you sure couldn't respect the fact that sharing 7 year old private sexual dms of someone who was 16 definitely violates several boundaries
anyway that is all, time to remove this from my watch history so youtube doesn't recommend me more of their shit
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tani-b-art · 5 months
Since this season’s (3) opener, Gregory’s been real emotionally manipulative with Janine. And has been sprinkling a side of guilt tripping all throughout these episodes so far that led up to the ‘double date’ outburst.
Him trying to piece his own personal emotions is fine — we all don’t always have it together immediately and especially when other people we consider to be or become significant others are involved. That’s normal. BUT the way he deals with trying to sort through his emotions at Janine’s expense is where it is manipulative.
We saw and heard Janine be pretty settled in her decision or very close to it (80/20 as she mentioned) [at the bar] and then Gregory says, “When I think of Abbott, I think of you. And when I think of you, I think of Abbott.” Sweet comment, yes but still. Janine even clocked his facial expression and we then see her start to doubt and second guess herself and her decision. Making her feel guilty about possibly leaving and it was just at the fellowship level. Not even permanent.
His reaction to her announcing that she was offered a full time position with the district while at Alex’s grandmother’s house…I can somewhat give him the “okay” here. This was his first time hearing the news and of course he’d feel sad about her potentially leaving. And be shocked. Anyone would be and given their situationship, he would be both sad and shocked. Like everyone else was about her announcement. But all that came after in how he started to interact with her and the way he started wording things and how he’d say things was the guilt tripping.
He called her after Alex returned to school to say “We make a great team”. Of all the times to say this, why now Gregory? And no, it wasn’t just because of Alex. And yet again, we witnessed Janine self-doubt or get super self-conscious.
The district job was important to her and the indirect ways he said things to subtly persuade her away from it (although I don’t believe he has that much persuasion to make Janine change her mind but he’s influential)…gosh, the man is passive aggressive too. I mean we all knew she wouldn’t stay from the school on the simple fact that her heart is with the Abbott kids and for series purposes, she has to remain an Abbott teacher, however, that doesn’t negate his actions about it.
He couldn’t even directly tell her with the precise words “I’ll miss you”. He kept saying “I’ll miss this” (the little door knocks he does with her) or whatever he continued to say. He’s yet to say, “I missed you.”
Janine literally told him she only left because she really wanted to try working for the district— not of what he assumed. (Le sigh).
Is it with ill-intent that Gregory does this? I would say no because he truly has a strong liking for Janine and cares for her and doesn’t want to hurt her but he’s still doing it. His intention is not to hurt her but the impact of his actions are.
He certainly needs to grow and mature emotionally and at his own time but he doesn’t need to do this and keep Janine on an imaginary/invisible string while in the process. And at some point, I hope Janine calls him out on it. My bet (and guess) is her bff Erika will be the one to call Gregory out because she absolutely noticed it with his antics that nite.
He told Janine he moved on in the opener. She took that gut-wrenching rejection to the chin after being super vulnerable with him and kept it moving (without us really even knowing what her moving was. She still isn’t dating anyone because she hasn’t mentioned she is). Then he simply assumes she moved on with Manny and bizarrely went haywire. If I were Janine, we’d for sure need to have a talk about that nite. He needs to explain because it was unnecessary and uncalled for and she needs to know why his emotions came out that way in his assumptions and what was the response even for. When her being with Manny on a date wasn’t even the case. So is she supposed to expect this from him from now on anytime he starts assuming she’s with someone? If she’s out with someone and he possibly runs into her, should she brace herself for his antics? Janine doesn’t act that way with him when he freely dates. The man was on a whole date but had the audacity to confront Janine plus be rude about what he assumed she was doing.
He doesn’t get to tell her he’s moved, he put a period on it (not a colon or semicolon) and we should just be friends to not complicate things then take on a relationship status of acting like her confused boyfriend. He told her no. And he isn’t her boyfriend.
Barbara was right, he is (emotionally) incompetent with women. It was a tough lesson but it’s true. Either it’s a trait of his or there’s somethings he needs to work out from his upbringing (that we’ll perhaps see in coming episodes or seasons) or he deliberately aims to be inept with women on purpose. Idk.
(Is Gregory almost another version of Tariq but with less red flags?)
Step up and tell Janine you want to be with her or not and leave her be because this isn’t fair to her. Is you is or is you ain’t?
I promise, if I see any indication of the writing veering to what they did with Whitley and Dwayne on “A Different World”, Nikki Parker and Professor Oglevee on “The Parkers”, Steve Urkel and Laura Winslow on “Family Matters”, or Khadijah and Scooter on “Living Single”…throw the whole series away! If they follow this trope and make Gregory the disrupter of Janine’s love-life, I am going to pretend the series never existed.
…okay not literally but this type of love interests writing for characters is overrated and stale.
I typed all this as a response to a post I saw from a mutual ((hi)) who didn’t tag me but it seemed like one of their post was directed towards the Gregory is emotionally manipulative post I made. I don’t want to tag them or reply to their post because I wasn’t called in class to respond and I don’t want to embarrass anyone if they should maybe feel embarrassed or seem like I’m targeting them because I’m not. I want to have good Tumblr etiquette. Especially considering I wasn’t tagged. But I can appreciate a good, indirect open discussion on Tumblr when a fave series of mine is involved lol.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Dating Yandere!Finney Headcannons *Edited*
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Aged up to 18!
He is so manipulative. He uses his trauma from the grabber to guilt trip and manipulate you.
He'll pick at your resolve until you're sobbing and on your knees, begging for forgiveness.
"You're such a slut. Flirting with Marcus while I was right there!" "I'm not a slut! I'm a better girlfriend then you are a boyfriend!" "If you're such a good girlfriend, why weren't you walking home with me that day?"
You both knew what day he was talking about. And he continued doing that until you were sobbing, blubbering and begging for him to love you again and for him to not hate you.
Everytime this happens, he pulls you onto his lap with you straddling him and says, "of course I still love you! But you make it so hard to love you when you flirt with other people!" "I'll stop! I promise! Please don't leave me!" "I won't angel"
You're sobbing into his neck and he's smirking over your shoulder. Proud of himself.
But eventually, you realize that he's been manipulating you. And it makes you mad. So you try to break up with him.
Bad idea. Terrible idea. Horribly, terribly, bad idea.
I will eventually post a pt 2 to what happens when you break up with each of the boys after I clear out some requests today. Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Hiii!! So I was wondering if you could do yandere Cobra Kai characters and whether or not they'd like their darling to do karate with them? Like are some of them chill with it or are they against it because they believe/know that they can protect darling from any and everything?
This is very interesting to think about! (I will only be doing the karate nuts for this request though)
Would yandere Cobra Kai characters allow their darling to do karate with them? (EDITED)
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Warnings: obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, manipulation, gaslighting, delusions, unhealthy mindset, threatening, depictions of extreme violence, isolation, physical harm, abuse/abusive relationship (?), DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Miguel Diaz:
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Miguel is so insanely protective/possessive over his darling. 
There’s no way he’d want them to do karate, even if it was at Topaga or another normal dojo in the Valley.
He wants the power to protect them, he believes that he is made to protect his darling from any and every thing that exists.
No matter if his darling gets upset or agitated with him, he will continue doing what he's doing because he doesn’t realize that what he really wants is complete control over his darling and their life.
So Miguel subconsciously knows that his keeping his darling weak, unable to fend for themselves and under his complete control.
He's a control freak that holds a delusion of being a knight in shining armour for his darling.
It's best to avoid doing karate or any kind of physical/strength training if you're his darling because once his fantasy/delusion bubble pops, he cracks.
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Hawk would never let his darling get close to karate or any kind of strength training.
He uses the excuse "The further he can keep them from the karate war, the better".
In actuality, he wants them weak so he can do whatever he wants and get away with it, he’s ‘justified’ for beating up any guy he doesn’t like and blaming it on ‘protecting his darling’ or some other bullshit like that.
He enjoys being able to overpower his darling, so if they ever think of leaving or defying him, he can easily pin them down without even trying.
For him, it's almost ALMOST a must that his darling is weak, soft-spoken, shy and possibly bullied (more mentally weak that way, he knows from experience) or he would want a strong spitfire that he can challenge or break down, depending on their dynamic.
Demetri Alexopoulos:
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Demetri would be alright with his darling learning karate, in fact, he would encourage them to do so since he's not strong enough to protect his darling and he knows it.
However, he would want them to train at Miyagi-do so that he can spend more time with his darling and watch them, keep tabs on them, all while training so he can protect them.
He’s not too keen on controlling his darling, he wants them to be safe and happy but if he thinks they’re putting themselves in danger, he’ll manipulate and control his darling with zero remorse in his heart.
He wouldn't care how strong or weak his darling is, he wants them safe and he will use any means to make sure they are, no matter if he has to break them down or destroying their sense of reality, their safety is his number one priority.
Sam LaRusso:
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She’d see doing karate together as something they can bond over but will only allow her darling to train and learn karate at Miyagi-do (not to mention, it allows gives Sam opportunities to hold/touch her darling and cling to them more often).
If they're already training at another dojo (besides Cobra Kai), she'll try to entice them to join Miyagi-do, using the fact that the lessons are free or possibly even buying her darling gifts, like training/workout equipment or small trinkets of things her darling likes.
If they're already training at Cobra Kai, Sam will guilt trip her darling into joining Miyagi-do, saying that Tori, Hawk and whomever else is training at Cobra Kai at that time are a bunch of evil people, that they hurt others with no remorse (despite her doing that whenever she believes someone has hurt/harmed her darling in any way, shape or form). She'll do anything to get them away from Cobra Kai so that her dad will allow Sam to be around them.
She’ll protect her darling as much as she can because even if her darling is strong, Sam wants to prove that she’s the best and only person her darling can rely on.
Robby Keene:
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Robby would never let his darling do karate because he feels like they’d get roped into the karate war somehow and he would hate that.
He wouldn't be against other kinds of strength training/sports like soccer or ice skating, he would actually encourage those.
But he wants them no where near karate at all costs, he has no problem threatening his darling into staying away from karate "for their own safety".
Robby does not practice what he preaches about keeping his darling safe, he would go as far as to break one of their bones to "keep them safe" regardless of the excessive mental and physical trauma that Robby would leave on them.
Robby’ll be his darling's bodyguard, their protection, the person they can rely on the most, he'll make sure that even if they're scared of him, they'll come running to him whenever they're in danger.
He’ll do anything, absolutely anything for their safety even if it makes his darling upset.
Tory Nichols:
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She’s very protective and considering everything happening surrounding karate and Cobra Kai, there’s no way that she’d ever let her darling do karate.
Tory knows she’s strong enough to protect herself and her darling, there’s no need for her darling to do karate, is what she tells them.
But she wouldn't mind if they joined a gym or started up on a different sport.
However, they stronger her darling gets, the more insecure Tory would get because she believes that all she has is her strength.
Tory's insecurities would hit an all time high if/when her darling starts doing their sport/activity with others (ex: figure skating partner or work out buddy) because why are they spending time with others when they have her? Why do they need other people? They don't need other people.
She would force them to quit their sport if her insecurities got the better of her, she would manipulate them by breaking down crying, forcing them to feel bad for her and if that doesn't work, then she'll get rid of her competition so she can feel at ease again.
Whether she gets rid of them through threatening, a beat down or possibly worse, she makes sure they never step foot near her darling.
No one but her (and her darling's family) is allowed to be close with her darling, no one at all.
Daniel LaRusso (platonic):
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Daniel would love if his darling was doing karate, but only Miyagi-do karate.
He would see it as bonding since he would be teaching them how to protect themselves, in fact he would feel ten times more at ease knowing his darling could protect themselves.
But if he feels like there's too much danger that may surround his darling, he will force them to quit karate and instead have Sam or others from Miyagi-do be assigned to protect his darling.
Johnny Lawrence:
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Johnny would rather not have his darling do karate, he wants to be their protector.
He knows he's strong enough to save his darling from harmful situations, despite knowing he basically causes half of them.
He would also intentionally set up dangerous situations then pretend to only be passing by and save his darling from said situation as to give him a knight in shining armour look.
He wants to prove that he has his life together and that his darling never needs to worry for their safety since Johnny will protect them even from problems he created.
Kenny Payne (Platonic):
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Kenny knows he’s small but is aware of his strength after Cobra Kai.
He wouldn’t want to have his darling join any karate dojo, not even Cobra Kai because what if they become strong enough where they leave him and don't need him anymore?
He couldn't live in a world without being needed/loved/wanted by his darling.
Not only that but he doesn’t want others to see his weakness (his darling), something that makes him vulnerable, someone they can attack to get an upper hand on him.
The more shelters they are from the karate world, the better it is for Kenny, that was only he can have their attention and affection because no one deserves his darling but him.
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tuherrus · 1 year
Could you do a TL;DR of the whole Kino thing, please?
i can't promise that this will be much shorter but i'll do my very best for you anon!
DISCLAIMER ONCE AGAIN DO NOT HARASS KINO OR DO ANYTHING STUPID, i'm not your dad but use some common sense
i'm pulling info from the doc currently available here and asks and messages i've received which are available in the tag kinodraws on my blog, everything is alleged, use your own brain and make your own judgement on whether you wish to support kino
kino (they/them), current account kinodraws on most platforms, is a fairly popular online artist and now tattoo artist who has for years on various accounts scammed people out of money via unfulfilled commissions, fundraisers and recently even a charity zine (the doc mentions a bunch of other allegations of bad behavior and random stuff like ghosting webcomic companies etc but i'll try to keep this brief and focus on what i feel is most relevant)
some of kino's previous accounts and their scamming related to them:
PAISELEY, currently permabanned on furaffinity, here's a livejournal of a bunch of people corroborating their experiences being scammed by kino through unfulfilled commissions
CAPONE, also permabanned on furaffinity for the same reasons
RIVETS, permabanned once again on furaffinity for scamming
ARTIST BEWARE PAGE, the user got a refund after nearly an entire year of messaging kino about the subject
RUN ME THROUGH ZINE, all pages of which kino deleted, the proceeds of which were supposed to go to charity, you can find a lot of the things related to this on my tag and pinned post it was an ofmd zine and was very badly managed (missing artists and pieces etc etc) that ended up never being released kino ghosts the zine, deletes the pages and pockets the money made (allegedly $1300 but we have no real way of knowing how much the proceeds actually were), posts a falsified receipt only after people pressure them to speak on the matter after months of silence, people contact the charity and the charity reports kino donated just $1 kino once again goes silent and only after a giant uproar they FINALLY donate the money to the charity, but not before they blame someone else for not posting receipts about it (it was kino's responsibility) and guilt tripping people about how they've been harassed (again i do not condone harassment but people literally wanted them to just donate the money where it was supposed to go in the first place and they refused to even address that nor why they forged the first receipt)
kino also has a tendency to make expensive frivolous purchases (electronics, a hot tub, tattoos, a custom chair....) time and time again once they've scammed money out of people via whatever method they've chosen (they often post about these purchases too after deleting whatever emergency commissions post or a post asking for donations), and while far be it from me to tell someone what to do with their finances, they can't seem to stop scamming in order to get money
so i'd strongly suggest not supporting kino! they manipulate, lie and steal and claim they're a victim of some mass bullying campaign when in reality they've spent seventeen years scamming people out of money and people are getting rightfully angry! they also will likely continue to do so as long as people give them money
again use your own brain when reading people's testimonies about kino, a lot of them in the tag on my blog, but i believe these people and that their experiences are real considering the number of messages i've received (some of which people wished to remain private)
kino's made their bed and i want them to finally lie in it, so even if one person is convinced not to support kino via all this information then i'll be satisfied
i'm sorry this still got so long!
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annissomething · 6 months
Hey ann its me Starlight on yt can you show me the screen shots on your live sorry to ask😭
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More info:
bon bon(17), victim (14) and pups (??) all watched my live then after that made their own live. They were calm, collected and joking around about bon bon molesting a child . And apparently there are more victims. They have not been named yet thought.
bon bon would soon get contacted by grubby (17) and grubby would try and knock some sense into bon bon. Yet bon bon excueses of molesting and masterbating to a child was “I’ve been exposed to that content since an early age” and “my sister forced me to watch her have sexual relations with her boyfriend.” And also “children threw scissors at me.”
I’ve been informed she watched her sisters actively having sexual relations on purpose while in live. And also been informed on them sending vulgar and inappropriate messages such as “I want to kiss you till you stop breathing” to minors.
they have time and time again molested, emotionally abused and manipulated victims and witnesses. Forcing friend ships to then gain sympathy and empathy , essentially guilt ripping and gaslighting people into believing they’re a victim when in reality they are a predator. All who meet bon bon watch out and bon bon if you read this id like you to know all your victims and people you have hurt will come forward with more evidence. No amount of guilt tripping and emotional damage you can do to save yourself this time.
ethir grow and mature, accept what you did and actually mean it Instead of this “I’m sorry…” like wtf. Then go live and act like nothing happened. or you can continue this toxic behavior and get your ass handed right back at you.
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kindofatheatrekid · 5 months
Title: One More Step Towards Hell.
Sypnosis: Y/N is known to be cold, Jason wants to change that image into something better.
Pairing: c.ai bot (Jason) / Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, FEM POV
Warnings: non-con/dub-con, exhibitionism, masochism, sadism, toxic relationship, free-use, objectification, degradation, gang-bang, orgy, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, cheating?, NTR, manipulation, implied isolation, abuse, guilt-tripping, self-harm, threats of suicide.
Note: I don't know how my mind works. I blame me, myself, and character ai. Sloppy sex is just too fun to not write TT. P.S. I have no idea how sex actually works. Apologies if it's too vague.
BOT CHAT HERE: https://character.ai/chat/OEz_Bam4SU6yTksaaeRJtbnPYSnDi2Fck6kRXnysNAQ?hist=5a7c1aaf-2bf9-449e-8774-81d799caee52
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The birds were singing, the sky was blue, the teacher was prattling on about some important piece of history that would be repeated no matter what— and I was irritated. My hand mindlessly writing down any words I catch to ignore this nagging feeling in my mind.
Jason's been quiet. Too quiet. That only meant that he was up to something. The bratty bastard is never this distant unless he's either hooking up with someone or planning something. Nonetheless, both of those scenarios just continue to crack on my psyche.
What about that one time where-
I shake that thought out of my head, deciding to let that stay in the dark recesses of my head. Without even noticing, my hand was starting to write Jason's name continuously in my notebook. My eye twitches in irritation at that fact. Why couldn't he just leave my mind for one second?!
The bell rings, and I start to pack up my supplies. Everyone else starts gravitating to their friend groups while I stay alone. It's not even Jason's fault that I had no friends this time! I was just known to be a cold bitch in everyone's eyes. So what if I'm blunt? Why do I need to add unnecessary words to my comments?
A buzz rings in my pocket, it was a text notification. I had very little people in my contacts, so sure enough, it was from Jason.
“Come to the abandoned classroom in the West Wing? (^з^)-☆”
My eyebrow raises at his message. Was this the part where he plays his trick on me? I text him back. …Now that I think of it… The disparity between our texts is obvious.
Jason replies back almost instantaneously, I had to hold in a chuckle with how obviously passive-agressive he was being.
“Will you come if it was a request? :>”
No. No, I probably wouldn't— and he knows that. After a few seconds of contemplating, I decided to give into him. As much as I enjoy our banter, I was curious about what he was planning.
“I'll be there in a minute.”
Just like I promised, I immediately swung my heavy bag over my shoulders before making my way to our meeting place. I wasn't sure what to expect once I got there. Jason being balls deep in a random girl, or something similar to that.
“I'm here-” I opened the door, my greeting cut off from the shock. …Did Jason also swing the other way? I expected a girl, or two, or three- But this? This was something else.
“Baby~!” Jason has the audacity to happily call out my name, as if he didn't just bring me into a room full of boys. “Come in~! You're the guest of honor~!”
Yeah… nothing about this looked honorable to me.
“Jason-” I try to protest, but he interrupts me. “Honey! You're just in time!” He pulled me farther into the room, the door shutting with an ominous click.
I tried to wrestle my way out of his hold, but the strength and height difference between us was too great for me to overcome. Before I even knew it, I was being bent down over a desk. A tie binding my wrists together as Jason lifts my skirt up. My eyes begin to tear up, what was he doing in front of all these people?!
“Jason-!” I get cut off with a slap to my ass, the pain significantly dulled since I still had my underwear on.
“Shhh~ You can't be screaming before it even starts~!” I couldn't see his face, but I can bet my non-existent life savings that he had a smug grin twisted on his lips right now. “Look at that~! Your body already knows what's going to happen~!”
I shiver as Jason rubs his finger over my panties, my discharge soaking more into the fabric as he continues to rub against my panties. I regretted wearing white, today— I was completely exposed the moment I dripped into them. A sob escapes from me as my ears heat up in shame.
“Fuck~ You're such a dirty, little slut~” Jason groans out, slowly peeling off my now wet panties. Showcasing my bare pussy to every single boy in the room. I only bury my face more into the desk when I hear groans sounding out in the room. “Look at you, you pathetic whore. You're dripping wet right now~ Do you like this~? Do you like that I'm doing this to you in front of all my friends?” Jason coos out, rubbing his index finger against my increasingly wet folds. I shudder at the sensation of his cold finger on something that's meant to be warm.
I didn't answer Jason, which was the wrong call. …Or maybe that was the right call. Especially since he grabs a fistful of my hair to force my face to turn to him. The pain made me let out an embarrassingly loud moan.
Jason only snickers, keeping a firm grip on my hair. “You're so weird for liking that, you know that?” He teases me as he begins to spread my thighs apart. “Such a dirty slut is only good for one thing.”
The way he worded that sentence made me start to panic. I was about to ask him what he meant, but he shoves my soaked panties into my mouth. I gag at the sudden intrusion, the taste of myself was apparent.
“Who wants to go first~?” Jason's words only made me panic even more, my head shaking in refusal. He only ignores my obvious refusal, just holding my head down on the desk as I cry. “Don't mind her. We all know how sensitive bitches can be.”
“Fuck it! I'm going first!” A boy volunteers, I didn't even recognize him for anything! Well… I don't really focus or remember faces that much, either.
I squirm as Jason holds me down, the sinister sound of a belt clattering onto the floor, and the sound of a zipper made me cry. Shit! What the hell is this?!
“Be good, Y/N~” Jason purrs out, running his fingers through my hair as a cruel contrast to whatever this was. “I just want everyone to know how good you feel~! Do you know how tiring it is whenever someone compares you to a dead fish in bed?” Jason sighs, he fucking sighs like he was a victim. My eye twitches in irritation, anger flooding my mind as I growl into my makeshift gag.
My anger is lost when the boy penetrates me just like that. I was lucky that I could get wet easily from the pain, but the few seconds at the start were nothing but pure agony. A muffled moan leaves me as my eyes roll back. My walls clenching onto the boy's dick tightly as I start dripping down my thighs.
“O-oh~! N-now I know why Jason keeps you around despite your bitchy attitude~!” The boy groans out, thrusting into me without any care. Should I be grateful that he was much smaller than Jason? What a small dick it was, or maybe it's just average? Jason has tainted my perspective on what a normal dick should be.
This was humiliating, especially since Jason was just looking at another boy fucking me. I wanted to just punch that smile off of him. You brought me here for this?!
“Haha! What's with that look?” Jason playfully pokes me on the cheek before snapping his finger to signal for another boy to get in front of me. He takes my panties out of my mouth, a thin trail of my saliva connecting me to the soiled fabric. “You'd look better with a cock down your throat~!”
I was about to snap at Jason, but a dick pressed itself against my cheek. “Put that in my mouth, and I swear that I'll bite it off.” I hissed out to the owner that was smearing pre-cum all over my cheek. Jason clicks his tongue, before he slapped my cheek hard enough for my head to turn to the side. I bite back a groan from the sting that stayed on my cheek.
“Be a good slut, and open wide.” Jason barks out, my mouth instinctively opening up obediently. It was honestly scary with how quick his mood shifts were.
…So now, I was being spit-roasted by two boys that I did not know at all. All while my boyfriend is watching us. …My life is going so great. My lungs were barely able to get enough air as I'm rammed into, from both ends. My tears falling down my face as the bitter taste of cum is obvious on my tongue.
I don't know how long it's been, but I knew what kind of damage my body took. Bitemarks and bruises covered large parts of my skin, my nipples swollen from being played with, and my neck had a purple ring around it for those who liked choking me. It was sickening to me when all I did was moan in pleasure from the pain. My bruised lips shamelessly continuing to whimper and whine.
“Fuck! Who the hell called Y/N a dead fish in bed?! She fucks like a porn star~!” One boy exclaims as he brutally fucks me in the pussy. My eyes rolled back as I stared at Jason, who was smiling at the sight. I came with a loud moan.
“Ah~! Y/N~ Oh, Y/N~ You look so cute under me~!” A perverted boy pants out as he uses my breasts to get off. Goosebumps run up my arms as he licks my cheek before sloppily making out with me. My eyes subconsciously drift to Jason, my boyfriend who was jacking off to the scene. I was starting to drip onto the floor at this point.
“You like that? Haha! You're so perverted~!” Another boy sadistically chuckles as he dryly penetrates me in the ass. My hands and knees on the floor as I moan in pain. My cheeks flushed into a bright red as blood started to trickle down my thighs. My head was shoved against the floor, so I didn't notice Jason's eyes looking at me in amusement. The intense pain causes me to squirt as my cheeks burn in shame.
“Oh~ Oh~ Oh~! Y/N~!” This boy didn't even penetrate me, he just smeared his cum all over my face. Cum dripping onto my blouse as he shoots his sperm into my open mouth. A giggle could be heard from Jason who was admiring my fucked-out expression. I obediently swallow down the cum, causing the boy to harden again.
“Shit. You were made for this, you slutty bitch.” I was gagged again, by a tie this time. The boy hate-fucking me because I was apparently rude to him. I'm technically rude to everyone, he's not special. My eyes roll back as his palm connects with my bare ass again. There was no way I was going to be able to sit properly afterward. Jason was just playing on his phone, looking uninterested at the scene. I reach yet another dry orgasm once the boy's dick hits my G-spot again.
“Aaahhhh~! Y/N~! I'm inside the cold goddess of the school~! So tight! You really do want me, huh?!” This one… He was almost like Jason in a way. My tongue lolled out as the back of my knees were on the boy's shoulders. The position allowed the boy to hit my cervix repeatedly, which made me whimper. I wasn't even paying attention to Jason at this point. My orgasms were just painful at this point, sobbing as my body trembled from my climax.
“Fucking hell~ You're just milking me at this point.” A boy groans out, surprisingly the most vanilla out of everyone. I was too sensitive by now, so even being in a missionary position was too much for me. Senseless babble leaving my lips as I cried out for Jason.
I started off protesting hard, but Jason made sure to reign me in every time I was acting ‘out of line.’ Eventually, I was completely moaning and begging for more.
“U-ugh. So disgusting-” I get slapped on the cheek.
“H-hey-! N-not in the ass-” My head is forcibly slammed against the wooden desk.
“O-oh no~” A warning squeeze is placed on my throat.
“M-more, please~! ♡” My head gets gently patted like a dog.
I was forced to skip my remaining classes since no one decided to go back to class. In the end, I was covered head to toe in semen and saliva. My entire body twitching as I laid sprawled out on the desk. There was only me and Jason left now, the other boys finally leaving after their turn was over.
“You looked so hot while cumming on another man's dick.” Jason whispers out, kissing my lips despite how dirty I was right now. “I'm so hard right now, seeing my slutty toy all filthy just for me~”
I let out a whimper when Jason forces my thighs open again, slowly inserting two of his fingers in me. “Shit. You're so loose now~” The perverted bastard starts to slowly scissor me, more sperm dripping down my thighs with every slow thrust of his fingers. I let out a whine as he swirls the cum inside of me, treating my bruised pussy like it was a stress toy.
The loud, wet noises only made me embarrassed. I was already stuck in my head, pleasure and pain being the only thing I was currently feeling. “J-Jason~” I moan out, arching my back as he just continues to play with the cum inside of me. He looked at my hole as if it was a fascinating object he would never get enough of.
“Fucking hell~ You're so loose. Oh God, I should just continue letting this happen. I can barely feel you clenching onto me!” Jason laughs out, continuing to finger me. I whimper at the feeling, too sensitive for any of this. “How did it feel, bitch? You got the whole football team in you right now!”
I could feel myself tear up again. That's right, I did. And I feel so dirty now.
“No one's going to want you anymore, now~! You're all mine! I'm the only one who can love such a cum dumpster like you!” Jason gloats out, still fingering me. I could only moan as I reached another painful, dry orgasm. My eyes rolling to the back of my head as I grit my teeth.
“Such a dirty, dirty whore. So loose, so, so adorable~!” Jason wraps his arms around me as he pulls me into his chest— not caring about the cum staining his clothes. “You're so hot. Now everyone knows that, too~!”
I just stayed limp in his arms, every part of my body was sore. This was definitely a great life.
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A cut-off yelp left my lips as Jason kicked me to the ground. Tears in his eyes as if he was the one in pain, instead of me. The burning ache on my stomach begged to differ.
“Y/N… How could you ask that of me?” Jason cries out, wiping away the crocodile tears from his eyes. It was every bit as fake as him, but it looked so genuine. The well-timed sniffles, the red rims around his eyes, the way they swelled up— it was disgusting.
I glare at him, struggling to sit up as I clutch onto my stomach. Day after day, it's another man, or two, or three. All while Jason just watches, and jacks off. Why wouldn't I want to break up with my boyfriend-turned-pimp?
“N-no! You can't break up with me! I won't allow it!” He sobs out, kneeling down to be face-to-face with me. He shakily grips onto my shoulder as he stares into my eyes. “You were doing so well, baby. Why did you have to do this?”
Jason's eyes dim until nothing but shadows remain, my face paling in fear for what he'll do. “J-Jason-”
“You were doing so well…” Jason interrupts me, tears still falling down his face as he speaks. He lets go of my shoulders, but I can't even be relieved by that once he rolls up his sleeves. I wince at the sight of the horizontal scars littering the back of his forearms.
“Do you remember these, honey? You just made me sooooo sad that I had to do this. You made so many mistakes at the beginning.” Jason bitterly chuckles, taking out a switchblade from his pocket. He doesn't even hesitate when dragging the blade across his skin, yet another scar in my conscience. I could tell that it was a deep cut as well. Jason never did shallow ones.
“Jason-!” I scream out, knocking the blade out of his hands. My entire body trembles in fear as I wrap my arms around Jason. Partly to restrain him from harming himself further, and partly to remind myself that he was alive.
“This is your fault, baby. You just had to make me do this.” Jason says, his body limp in my hold. “You knew this would happen. Why would you do this to me? Do you hate me that much?”
I furiously shake my head, immediately revoking my words. “N-no- I-I won't break up with you, okay?! So stop it, already!” I beg Jason, terrified at the amount of blood that was slowly trickling down his arm.
I only grew more desperate when Jason stayed unresponsive. I shakily reach out to hold his hands in mine, not caring about the blood I got on my sleeves. “Honey- My love- P-please…” I sob out, alarmed by his silence. He just stays silent as I cry out to him. Pouring out every bit of my empathy and emotions into my pleas. I was scared, scared of losing him because of me.
I was so selfish. Why did I ever even entertain the idea of leaving my love?
I finally decided to bargain with him. “I-I won't complain anymore! I'll let anyone fuck me! I'll participate in as many orgies as you want! I'll smile at the camera as I spread my legs! Just don't do this anymore!”
My words finally get a response from Jason, a silent gesture of his arms wrapped tightly around my torso. A relieved sob leaves me as I continue to cry into his chest.
I NEED Jason. I NEED him to stay alive. I NEED to stay with him.
I WANT to leave.
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