#adult x teen
kaidatheghostdragon · 8 months
Crack prompt: Danny has declared war on the curses in Gotham. He is armed with a water balloon gun, but the balloons are full of medical-grade ectoplasm. He targets any location, ghost, or liminal being tainted by curses and/or corrupted ecto - absolutely drenching them before yeeting off again.
This includes the Bats. Danny is smart about it, though. He lived in Gotham for several months before acting, so he could get the lay of the land. He also waits for patrol to be finished before hitting the Bats - he doesn't want to interrupt their Quest to Better Gotham (or be labeled an invader to their haunt).
One night, Danny happens upon Batman patrolling alone and waits for him to finish cleaning up a crime scene before hitting they guy with a half-clip of balloons. Batman gives chase, like he always does, and Danny runs, like he always does. He knows by now that, for whatever reason, Crime Alley is off limits to Batman. The whole alley just gives off "no (other) bats allowed" vibes.
Red hood is just more territorial. Whatever.
At any rate, Danny is enjoying the chase, using just enough ghost powers to stay ahead of batman, almost-but-not-quite taunting him. Crime Alley isn't too far, so instead of turning invisible around a corner like he usually does, he makes his way to the Alley to see if the no-trasspassing rule is enough to stop Batman mid-chase. He leaps across rooftops and weaves through fire escapes, ecto-balloon-gun bouncing by its strap against his back, until finally he's at the border, slightly tapping into flight to make the jump across a slightly wider road into the alley proper.
He turns around immediately, spotting Batman skulking on the rooftop on the other side of the road, stopping the chase and suit half-covered in healing ectoplasm.
"Sanctuary!" Danny yells, pumping his fists in the air from getting caught up in the exciting rush of adrenaline, "I claim sanctuary!"
"Who the fuck is claiming sanctuary in my territory?" Red Hood booms from almost directly behind Danny. He would have yeeted out of his own skin from surprise if he hadn't spent years honing his ghost-fighting instincts. As it was, Danny instead whirled around and emptied the clip of balloons into Hood, purely out of reflex.
Hood stood there, drenched in ecto like his fellow Bat one rooftop over, glaring murder at Danny with glowing eyes. But his haunt betrayed Hood's true emotions.
Surprise, concern, impressed, you-little-brat.
Danny booked it to the fire escape and turned invisible the second he was out of sight.
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hypewinter · 3 months
Danny joins the JLD but apparently there's an unspoken rule about teen heroes joining a teen team first to get used to saving the world in a "collaborative setting". As if he hasn't done that a million times already. Regardless, because of some bat interference, Danny gets shuffled onto the new Teen Titans team instead. Really? He couldn't have been put on the Young Justice?
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bluerosefox · 1 year
No Longer In Service
hear me out
Ghost King Danny Summoning!
The heroes fail to stop it, everyone is panicking, they feel like they’ve truly failed to stop it. etc etc
EVERYONE is ready to fight for their final life.
They’re as ready as they can be to go against something so evil JLD are scared of it.
SO when the dome that was sealing them away from the summoner finally shatters they are expecting some huge eldritch being, something made of pure nightmares... Only...
Only to find an old tape recorder in the middle of the summoning circle...
Everything is dead silent. No one moves...
Then it clicks on and makes a loud noise.
The noise?
It was the no longer in service beep.
“We’re, not, sorry.” a teenage voice began after the beep ended, startling everyone as they weren’t expecting this at all “But the Ghost King you are trying to reach is no longer in service or rather King anymore. Thus any big evil world ending plans you have made will not be approved during my reign. Please, get a life and try to actually live it because I will not be ending anyone's or mass genocide anything... Also to the really insane Fruitloop that tried summoning a being with the warning of "will cause the end of your world". I am the Ghost King now, eventually everything and everyone will enter my domain regardless of who, when, how, or why. That is something I can wait for, I got no reason to speed it up.... So have a pleasant day and enjoy being arrested or ended for doing this dumb summoning if you decided to do this in front of like everyone in your world or something... Goodbye!”
The world went silent after that.
None of them were expecting that at all.
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bluespiritshonour · 5 months
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Here's kataang art dump. Reprise.
P.S. don't ask me why I handed Katara what looks suspiciously like an electric trimmer.
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doginprogress · 7 days
A Collection of Very Interesting Ibizan Hound Mixes
Ibizan x Rhodesian Ridgebacks (affectionately nicknamed beezerbacks)
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Ibizan x Doberman (dobeezer)
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Ibizan x Malamute/IW/low-content wolfdog
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Ibizan x Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (and a touch of Pharaoh, DNA tested)
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venriliz · 2 months
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did @birdietrait's random cas challenge again °-° yeah... they're quite random lol. rolls/prompts are below the cut! :]
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Marius/Sim 1: punk, fantasy, blonde hair, no makeup, gap teeth Nylah/Sim 2: favorite tv show*, bratz (completely missed that one i think lol), brown hair, long hair, gap teeth Sachiko/Sim 3: cyberpunk, prom, red hair, white eyes, gap teeth
-> * ok ok ok! for favorite tv show i picked The Tribe bc i've been obsessed with the show since my early teens BUT... why have so many ppl never heard of that show? v.v it's literally so good, it's basically the first time i experienced media abt post-apocalypse/dystopia and it became my comfort tv-show to watch. °-° rant over.
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notedgyanymore · 1 year
Danny tells the Justice league that he is thousands of years old and a powerful ancient entity. He thinks that he is lying, but little did he know that what he said is more true than not.
When Danny tells the just League that he's an ancient entity, he expected to gain some respect and authority. Unfortunately for him, that didn't happen, his appearance and maturity level and later mention of an evil adult version of him all seem to indicate that he is the teenage aspect of a multifaceted being, which leads to the justice league keeping their somewhat condescending attitude towards him after all, no matter how old he technically is he still a teen at heart.
What Danny doesn't know is that the justice league's assumption about him is actually pretty close to the truth. Being clockwork's apprentice, it's a given that Danny has time traveled a lot and for that reason, there are multiple versions of him simultaneously existing at the same time, each of them solving a different problem. In fact, Dan himself still exists as he is the angry aspect of Danny who is there to punish humanity when it goes too far and the version of him who was defeated and later imprisoned is the version of Dan that has overstepped his role.
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humans-are-tasty · 1 year
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crowlipso · 1 year
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They're so silly.
By the way, info about their kiddos!
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I've been curious to look into Springtrap and Deliah, as I've seen some of the art of it and really liked the style, and hadn't previously heard of it. All I knew was that the relation between the two title characters was suspiciously close, and I was down to see more.
So when I see a video called "The DISGUSTING Truth About Springtrap and Deliah", I just think "oh good, an anti, now I know I'm gonna get all the juicy, hardly censored, invasive details". And I was so fucking right. Not only do I get a summary of the comic so detailed, that I honestly don't even need to read it for myself, but I get to see the drama around it in one sitting.
I just wanna rant about the stupidity of the video~
The creator of the video just keeps going and going about how abusive and creepy springtrap is, and how that would be fine if it was portrayed as a bad thing, rather than trying to "guilt trip" the audience into feeling bad for springtrap. Like honey, honey noo. That's the fucking point. This may be surprising, but even the most horrific people are still fucking people. They aren't one dimensional, mustache twirling villains. Plus, don't forget that unreliable narrator is a thing that is commonly used in storytelling. Not to mention, you want the comic to show how the relationship is bad, and springtrap needs to get far far away from deliah? Why the fuck then do you think the light/good ending features springtrap leaving her life for good, and trying to figure his shit out without her?
Also, when getting into the "dark truth about the author", it's fucking hilarious to see this warning not once, but twice. The second time, censoring the word "proship" with a zero. I get that "demonetization" is a thing, but if you had even half an ounce of respect or maturity for the topic you're approaching, monetization shouldn't matter, and you'd use the full and correct spelling of the subjects you are warning about, rather than using L33T SP34K to censor yourself.
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Continuing, between these warnings the youtuber goes "the creator really liked to draw them and roleplay them in romantic and sexual relationships that were extremely violent and often non-consensual in nature. Yeah, absolutely disgusting".
That's like, just your opinion man.
"And cause I know there's gonna be at least one person that's gonna say something like 'oh but it's fictional, they're just characters, it doesn't hurt anyone,' first of all shut up. It's still weird and I don't like you."
Why? Afraid of a decent argument? You just gave two opinions and one opinion was directed at your opponent, rather than backing your claim of why this is disgusting. And anyone who uses weird as an insult needs to grow up.
"Second of all, [proceeds to describe how the author was manipulative towards friends, and used their fame to pressure others into doing erp, while showing a screenshot of someone claiming the creator would threaten to self harm for attention] And if you think THAT'S okay by any means, shut up, I double don't like you."
Holy shit man, first, correlation =/= causation. Just cause the creator was extremely mentally ill, and wrongfully hurt people due to their insecurities (everyone is sooo supportive of being there for the mentally ill, until they actually start showing symptoms that aren't pretty), doesn't mean that the depiction of fictional characters in taboo fantasies causes an inherent harm or encouragement of toxic behavior.
Seriously, if you think the author didn't know these negative traits were so wrong, and desperately wanted, yet feared, being held accountable for their actions, feeling trapped by their own issues, why the hell do you think they projected onto springtrap so hard, only for the good ending to have them lose their first and only friend in order to open up the door to accountability and self improvement? The creator was fucking 16 at the time! A time where more often than not, many teens suffering from mental illness find their issues taking a sudden nosedive in severity, drowning in the deep end, desperately searching for any coping mechanism. Being able to show that level of self awareness and desire to improve while navigating their darker thoughts with art is amazing. Even if they were far from perfect and were a terrible friend at the time, it's still something for a 16 year old.
So get over your fucking high horse and stop justifying your disgust towards dark fiction with your thinly veiled ableism.
Also youtuber really said they'd be heavily censoring the more nsfw screenshots, but they are hardly censored, only blurring half the words that could refer to erogenous body parts, while keeping the others in. Plus the blurring is a weak gaussian blur, so you can still easily read the words that are blurred. It's a pathetic attempt to play the better, pure role-model, while putting in 0 effort to what you claim.
funny at the end that they ask proshippers not to interact, watch their videos, and respect their boundaries
like damn, you sure couldn't respect the fact that sharing 7 year old private sexual dms of someone who was 16 definitely violates several boundaries
anyway that is all, time to remove this from my watch history so youtube doesn't recommend me more of their shit
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shrimpfeverz · 8 months
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today i give u charlie and cassidy. tommorow? who knows.
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critteryaoi · 2 months
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Our Strengths
"What do we do now? Tucker asked. His voice cracking with stress and worry as he stared at the scene before him not able to look away as his best friend and his family were being dragged out of their home.
Danny cuffed in anti-ghost cuffs and knocked the heck out with a ecto-gun pointed at his skull by one of the GIW agents, they eventually tossed Danny into their van that was parked right outside the Fenton Works. Jazz was pleading, begging them to let her brother go, even though she too was cuffed and not caring that another gun was at her back. Maddie was hissing like angry feral mama cat at the two agents, ignoring the other two that were holding her shoulders to keep her from squirming around and saying "you dare touch a single hair on my babies I will rip-" before she too was lead away to the GIW van. The last to come out was Jack and he looked haunted and stressed, and despite being a huge guy he was trying to make himself look small. He too was sent into the van, and one of the last things Tucker could see before the doors close was Jack kneeling down next to Danny and going to cradle him but being stopped by the GIW agent in the van.
Sam chewed on her lip, her eyes wide and wild as she tried to think of... well anything to save her friend and his family from this.
To think Vlad would be so petty after Danny finally told his parents about being Phantom and them accepting and loving him regardless and even apologizing for trying to hurt him that he would go and tattle to the GIW about Phantom.
Danny hadn't even told them about Vlad being a halfa either. Not even a bit. All Danny told them was that Vlad made him super uncomfortable. About how the guy seemed obsessed with his mom but seemed to be shifting his obsession to him.
And for once Jack listened, especially after Maddie finally told him the times the man flirted with her and had even tried getting her to leave Jack. With only Danny. No mention of Jazz, only Danny.
After that Jack turned papa bear mode.
Say what you will about Jack Fenton but his love for his family outweighs any kind of friendship.
So yeah Vlad finding himself being 'cut out' of the Fenton's lives, realizing the only times he could even get close to Maddie and Danny was because Jack was always welcoming to him, and finding out Jack point blank said he no longer wanted him around his family, he raged and decided to get back at Danny was to go tell the GIW about him being Phantom.
No doubt the creep was going to show up later, 'save' them and start making demands or indebt them to him.
And now here they were. The Fenton's, after being told about Phantom, were being unjustified hauled away by the GIW while all of Amity watches from the streets and despite the protest from, mostly teens, Amity Parkers no one could do anything with both weapons pointed at them or the 'law' decree.
Closing her eyes, Sam took a breath. When she opened them back up she finally looked away as the van and the rest of the GIW began to leave, her hands clutched so tight that her knuckles were turning a deadly white. When she finally released her grip she felt something in her hand.
Confused, Sam opened her hand and gasped as she recognized a familiarish green sticky note and words written in purple ink. She's never read any of the sticky notes CW would send Danny but she has seen them appear out of no where.
She read the note, ignoring Tuckers questioning, and once done she snapped her head to look at him. It was so fast that Tucker jumped for a second. Her eyes were alight with a new found kindle of hope, determination, and a plan.
"Sam? What is it?" Tucker finally asked once more, he had a feeling whatever she had in mind was going to be insane but if it sent by CW and meant to save his best friend he'd do it.
"We play into our strengths and get some help." She said as she brought the sticky note up for him to see.
"Help? From who?" Tucker asked as he took the note and instantly noticed the drawn symbols on the bottom. When he snapped his head back up to look at Sam his mouth fell open and he said in shock, awe, and disbelief "No. No way. Them? But I thought-"
"Gonna stop you right there Tucker. Remember what Dani told us last month? About that new under the radar teen hero group?" Sam cut in.
"OOoooh. Them.... Yeah I can totally get behind asking them over asking the adults." Tucker responded, his mind coming up with a plan as the sticky note words played into his head 'Use your strengths'
"Good we have no time to loose. I'll contact Dani to find out where we can find their base, you get ready to hack and find what you can so I can use it to help... persuade them into helping us."
Young Justice was having a normal, well as normal as a bunch of super-powered and very well trained teens could have day.
Or at least it was until their comms and entire system were hacked by an unknown hacker, a goth girl appearing on their main sceen and her saying this
"Hey, Young Justice right? Look I'll be blunt about this. We need help, our best friend and his family got taken by some shady government jerks that wanna experiment on him and we need to save them. It's a long story. However, we do not like the JL too much and don't trust them, we have our reasons, so to make sure you don't go crying to them, we're taking your systems hostage and blackmailing you with things our hacker found out." Her eyes narrowed at them, her face in a scowl and it left no room for negotiations at all, she was determined to get things her way "So that's the deal. Help us save our best friend and his family while not letting the JL know, and we let go of your systems and forget about what we found out."
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nelkcats · 1 year
Almost Parent Material
When Dan and Ellie decided to change the titles from "cousin" and "acquaintance from another reality" to "father," Danny could honestly say he panicked. He wasn't a teenager anymore but he wasn't sure if he wanted kids; well, it's not like he had much of a choice.
Maybe it was a ghost thing but the moment Dan and Ellie (kids, his kids) said those words, something inside his core froze, in a good way, it was a comfortable, comforting cold, like a Christmas morning.
The problem was that while the situation made him extremely happy, Danny didn't know how to be a father, and the Fentons were horrible references. So he made the most logical leap: online forums.
He found himself chatting with an online user named KNight quite frequently, he seemed to have also been thrown into early parenthood a couple of years ago and was still struggling with it, but overall he had a couple of good tips.
KNight soon transitioned to Bather and then just Bruce, every time Danny talked to him it felt like they were a couple of little old ladies gossiping. Between the random chatter and the parenting advice he was actually having fun.
So, when Bruce invited him over to his house two years later to officially meet, Danny naturally panicked. Dan and Ellie were laughing at him in the background, the little shits.
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im FERAL about Childhood Best Friend!Soap thank u for planting that seed in my brain! now I can't stop thinking about young soap and reader doing all kinds of adorable friend stuff. Friendship bracelets? Exploring "the wilderness" together (except it's just a copse of trees behind one of their backyards)? Reader being allowed by their parents to invite 'anybody at all' to their birthday parties each year, but the only person who EVER gets an invitation is John? IM SOFT AND FULL OF THOUGHTS
No because you get it anon you don’t understand
You’re usually the one who comes up with the plans, Johnny just follows you like a sick puppy. He’s always by your side and he’s always doing something goofy to get you to laugh
He keep all of the bracelets you make together
He spends every weekend at your house, having sleepovers and watching Sunday cartoons with you. The two of you play video games and get so competitive that your mom has to turn it off to save herself a headache.
And sweet Johnny even at a younger age still coming to defend you from bullies. Getting into fights with boys who tease you and standing up against any girls who say something rude to you.
He’s your best friend. Always there for your birthday, bringing you the best gift you wanted.
God forbid you cry in front of him. He’s suddenly a comedian, saying the most outrageous things and doing the most to make you smile.
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
katsuki's schedule, over the last few weeks, had been packed.
he was out of the apartment before the sun could even poke its sleepy light past the horizon. you grew accustomed to waking up to cool sheets and parted curtains, the smell of tea wafting gently from the kitchen from when he'd made a cup to help him get ready for the day. and he, more often than not, returned just as you were about to slip into bed, fatigue heavy on his battle-worn muscles. there wouldn't be much conversation held, just chaste kisses as he'd quickly eat something and shower so he could finally collapse next to you, out cold before his head even hit his pillow.
you didn't think much of it at first. the life of a pro-hero was bound to be crammed with patrol after patrol, each precious minute dedicated to saving the lives of those who needed help. you did your best to simply support him where you could—there were times where it felt like it was all you could do, really, silly little you. but you knew he appreciated your attempts all the same.
it wasn't until you caught a glimpse of his schedule on his open laptop—that he'd fallen asleep in front of on the living room couch—that you realized just how busy he was.
his entire schedule—from monday to sunday—was packed with patrols, meetings, and more patrols. there was hardly any free space for him to have any sort of free time. if he wasn't on patrol, he was training. if he wasn't training, he was in a meeting. seeing it all lain out before you made you pause.
you didn't get to see what he did once he stepped foot out of your apartment—didn't get to go to his agency to keep an eye on him at all times of the day. so you weren't privy to what exactly he did. but this... seeing his days, his weeks, so filled to the brim... it wasn't healthy. it couldn't be. and it was just for this month in particular too.
you decided to confront him about it one evening as you both rested lazily in bed.
"baby," you whispered as you propped your head up on your hand, your elbow resting on your pillow, "why has your schedule been so crowded lately, hm?"
katsuki gave you a tired hum, his carmine eyes moving from where they'd been blinking heavily up at the ceiling to your gentle face. you took the moment to look at him—really look at him. the bags that lined the bottom of his eyes, the pallor to his skin. and his words, when he spoke, were slightly slurred—intertwining with his weariness. "s'just all part of th' job, y'know."
"i thought you were supposed to have more free time now," you told him with a frown, "the higher you ranked."
he only grunted and gave the smallest of shrugs with his shoulders. you pursed your lips, but didn't say anything else—just lifted a hand and ran it through his spiky hair. across his forehead, down the curve of his cheek. he hummed again—low, broken—and closed his eyes.
it was then that you realized he was doing it on purpose.
he was running from something—purposely filling his schedule with so many things so that he wouldn't have a moment to rest. to let his thoughts filter in. to let himself be alone. he exhausted himself down to the bone so he could collapse at night on your shared bed and dream a dreamless dream.
for all the nitpicking katsuki did at his own regimens—making sure he exercised, ate healthily, got enough calories every day—it seemed like he couldn't control certain things from his own mind. the things he went through—things you were not knowledgeable of, not really—caught up to him sometimes. caught him off guard. made him go through phases where he was just the slightest bit out of control.
you worried for him, of course you did. it just... it was something he needed to deal with on his own. something he didn't want you caught up in—all the shit he kept locked down in his head. he kept you at an arm's length—it was why he never told you just how much he was weighing himself down. he loved you too much to let you be swept away in the hurricane going on inside him.
but you'd be there for him—willing and waiting—ready to finally catch him once it all faded away.
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