#which mammon then picked up in turn
Lucifer picking up on IK's style of humor is adorable omg
Got me thinking... what other things would the brothers and Ik pick up from each other?
I'VE THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE TOO hang on let me try to remember the good ones
satan holds cups weird - by the base, with the bottom sorta resting in his hand, because it's easier to balance them that way when his other hand's occupied with a book. ik's started doing it too, but she has to use both hands because demon-sized cups are so big
one time belphie asked ik where beel was and ik responded "he's eating hot chip" (he went to hell's kitchen) and now all of the brothers say that when beel's gone out to eat
(including lucifer, but only in the privacy of the house of lamentation - and only in front of mammon, who no one will believe about lucifer saying it)
ik unconsciously does a happy little wriggle on the spot when something exciting happens, like a cool scene in a movie or a victory in a game, and sometimes levi copies her cause he thinks it's cute. then one day he does it on his own when he wins a pvp match and he realises "oh no"
when they get caught off-guard by something really funny, ik and mammon laugh the same way (one time they synced perfectly and it just made them both laugh more)
every now and then ik catches herself copying lucifer and satan's hand-on-chest idle pose
ik described a loud critter in creature studies as 'a chatty little guy' and now satan says that whenever he encounters a vocal animal
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zephyrchama · 4 months
"Welcome back, it's been a while."
After a long time has passed, how might the Obey Me! demons welcome you home with a hug?
Lucifer tries to approach you in a calm and collected manner, but that facade easily crumbles as he gets closer. His pace quickens and his expression melts into an inscrutable blend of emotion. The man is fighting to stay composed.
He pulls you towards him, unwilling to wait a moment longer to have you in his arms. His gloved hands wrap around your back and waist with a secure grip. Your toes brush the ground as his hug lifts you to eye level, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Welcome back, I've missed you."
Mammon sprints up with the goofiest grin imaginable plastered on his face. He catches himself at the last moment though, grinding to a halt as a blush creeps over his ears. He wants to be cool. "You sure are a piece a work to keep The Great Mammon waiting."
His arrogant act is betrayed by the many glances in your direction. By the way he's clenching his fist so hard his knuckles are white, and by the way he immediately crumbles into your open arms the second you reach out. He throws his arms around your shoulders and digs his face into your neck. He grips the back of your top a little too hard, as if you might leave again any moment.
Leviathan sheds his insecurities and doubts, all negative emotions, just to be able to bask in your presence again. It's a moment he's looked forward to for weeks. He puts trust into the belief that you've also been looking forward to seeing him.
He wraps his arms and legs around you, unconsciously aiming to get as much skin contact as possible. "I've really missed you, you know!?" he half-shouts before burying his face in your shoulder. You fight to stay standing upright. Every little movement, every minor adjustment in posture you make causes Leviathan to snuggle closer until you can't tell where your limbs end and his begin.
Satan can't control all of the overwhelming emotions that hit him at once. He grabs hold of your hand, and with a palm on your back he pulls you close until your entire weight leans against him. At your touch, all he can do is smile.
"Glad to see you again." The two of you sway back and forth, turning your hug into a psuedo-Waltz. When you look into his eyes, Satan gives your hand a kiss and presses your intertwined fingers against his face.
Asmodeus laughs as he barrels into you. "Did you miss me? Of course you did!"
You stumble back several steps yet he catches you before you fall, latching onto your side like a matching puzzle piece. He rubs his cheek over your head, pausing every few seconds to give you a kiss as his free hand enthusiastically traces its way up your back.
Asmodeus is the most reluctant to let go. Making a mess of your hair and clothes only gives him a calculated opportunity to touch you more as he tidies up your appearance. His caress lingers over your collarbone and around your ear. His fingers brush against your mouth, which he then brings to his own lips.
Beelzebub falls to his knees, relieved to see you return safe and sound and glad to be by your side once more. His arms curl around your hips. He noses his face into your chest and looks up with a content smile as he greets you, "welcome back."
You lean over to return the hug, running your hands through his hair. You don't expect Beelzebub to stand, picking you up in the process. You steady yourself on his shoulders as he rises, his violet eyes not wavering from you for a second, tempting him to steal a kiss.
Belphegor wraps his arms around your shoulders and practically falls on you. He doesn't seem concerned that you're sinking to the ground. In fact, he's so preoccupied with cuddling up to you that there's no way to avoid sitting on the ground with this demon on top of you.
He curls his body around your legs. You feel his warm breath on your neck as he slowly exhales, "welcome back." He's awake, but nothing will stop him from pretending to be asleep as his grip strength loosens and his face trails down your body.
Diavolo laughs amicably as you approach. He wants you to come to him, and is so thrilled to have you back. He bends down to latch his arms under yours and swings you around, sweeping you off your feet as you twirl two, three times, then slow to a stop.
"How have you been?" In due time he wants to know everything, and hear all the stories of your time away in detail. For now, he's got you locked in a bear hug. You feel his lips brush over your hair as he lightly swings you back and forth.
Barbatos' hug is the most restrained. It's simple and polite. At first he was content to just greet you with a gentle handshake and loving gaze. Though, when you request a hug, there is no way he can say no.
He extends his arms around your back, gives you two soft pats, and hesitates for just a moment before letting you go.
At night that evening as you prepare for bed, you find a note in your pocket that Barbatos must have cunningly slipped in without anyone noticing. It's a detailed letter with everything he didn't get to tell you in person.
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astaroth1357 · 8 months
I have long wanted to write a headcanon where high demons have lesser forms, so take a walk with me on this:
Imagine that the brothers are fighting with each other and one of them takes a serious hit, like, somebody's left hook got them right in the jaw and it was brutal. They fall to the ground, stone cold, and... just. Poof into a tiny little critter. Like a verison of their familiar. And they can't retake human form until they've rested and healed their wounds.
I'm doing that.
Lucifer becomes this fat-ass, little peacock. He's like one of those rotund Chocobo from the Final Fantasy universe, you just want to pick him up and squeeze him but he's slightly too heavy for that. His feathers are black, save for the tail which have black, red, blue, and green markings. If something makes him "Poof!" then he'll hide away in the Castle because he refuses to let his brothers ever see him in that state. MC can visit him, though, and he'll coo and get all fluffy whenever they pet his tummy.
Mammon turns into a three-eyed raven, but not fat like Luci. He basically becomes a bigger verison of one of his familiars, he's about the size of an eagle. For being the second strongest he gets "Poof!-ed" rather often because he gets caught up in so many fights. Most of the time, he's just a bystander then some stray shot hits him and suddenly he's squawking everybody's ear off! Hilariously, he's arguably smarter in this form so when he's stuck as a bird, his grades actually improve (if anyone can read his actual chicken scratch penmanship).
Levi becomes a snake. Duh. He has similar markings along his back to the colorful scales on his neck in his demon form. He isn't even the length of your average scarf, so MC can drape him behind their neck easily and he doesn't get in the way. He's absolutely MISERABLE like this, though, because he has no hands to play games with. He can get extra clingy to people if he's feeling cold, but MC has to invite him to share their body heat because he's too shy to signal what he wants.
As much as Satan would love to be a cat, he becomes a little unicorn (Sorry, I didn't make the lore). He's about the size of one of those miniature horses, but don't be fooled. He will snap your kneecaps and he's at perfect height to rear-kick his brothers right in the crotch. His coat is black but his tail, mane, and the underside of his horn are all his signature green. If he every gets "Poof!-ed!" he's big mad, so he'll spend the entire time trying to kick and spear his brothers so they have to suffer along with him. He's the cause of a lot of chain "Poof!-ings."
Asmo becomes the smallest, cutest scorpion you ever did see. Well, as cute as scorpions can be. His whole body becomes hot pink and he has the biggest widdle eyes (think those jumping spiders who wear raindrops on their heads type energy). He's also venomous as all hell, so his brothers HAVE to make sure that they continously call him "small, cute, and adorable" lest they suffer a week's worth of paralytic toxin. He can fit the palm of a hand and makes MC tie a little bow around his tail so he doesn't feel too bad about being under-dressed.
Beel, unfortunately, becomes a fly. A big fly (by fly standards), but a fly nonetheless. You wouldn't even know that it's him if he weren't traffic cone orange. Literally everyone panics when he gets "Poof!-ed" because it would only take some bozo with a swatter to put an end to the sweetest brother... Belphie never lets Beel out of his sight and even has a tiny leash so he can keep track of him if they have to go out. He's a lot easier to feed like this, but everyone has to resist that automatic urge to smack him away from their dinner plates.
Belphie ironically has the largest lesser form out of his brothers. He's a cow, more specifically a bull, but there's nothing special about him aside from the navy fur. He is a full grown bull and he loves to lord it over the others if they all get "Poof-ed!" at once. Also, good luck getting him to do ANYTHING in this form. He is a bull. If he does not want to move, he will not be moving. Not even Beel can carry him like this. He's the only brother who doesn't mind getting "Poof-ed!" all that much because of it.
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chrolloluvr · 6 months
Adam, Mammon, Alastor and Lucifer with a insecure S/o
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💋ྀིྀིAdam, Mammon, Alastor, Stolas and Lucifer w/ Insecure S/O 💋ྀིྀི
Note: Yesss i love this request!! As somebody who is insecure about quite a few things I think this is so cute <3 🥰 Also I hope you don't mind me adding Stolas <3
Female!reader, GenderNeutral!Reader for Stolas <3
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of sex
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Mammon 💸:
He does not grasp the concept of insecure. Why be insecure when your with him? He chose you, right? He is extremely picky, so what is there to worry about? Why are you insecure? To him you are adorable, so who cares?
He may notice you are feeling down lately, or that you have been avoiding him, which agitates him to no end.
So at first, he will have you bottle up your insecurity, just so that he can be your big savior, and make you feel loved by him.
When you tell him exactly what you are insecure about, he audibly laughs. Well, he doesn't mean to make you upset or anything, but like, are you being serious?
He will say things like:
"Babe, what the fack? you look hot, theres no need to beat around the goddamn bush."
"What, is it your (insert insecurity)? cmon, don't be such a sour puss. You look just fine to me."
"Cmon sweets, whats on ya mind? How about we go out to the restaurant you love, yeah?"
He will go to that restaurant, even though he hates it. He just does not like seeing his little trophy upset or visibly irked. Even if there is Paparazzi around, he will hide them from you, or bribe them to leave.
His favorite insecurity on you would have to be your thighs. He loves squeezing them, jiggling them, putting his head between them, seeing them move when you walk, etc. If you have bigger ones, he thinks that one of, if not the best physical quality about you. He will spend his time ranting to you while snug in your legs about how annoying his newest stars are, or how Ozzie did this, or Fizzarolli did that-
Overall, he will make sure you dont go on with that contentious bullshit ever again. He cant have his favorite little lady upset, can he?
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Adam 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪:
He is Adam, the first man, he does not ever feel insecure. he never makes mistakes.
But in reality, he has felt insecure. Especially after his two wives left him for the. same. man.
He does not notice until a while later that you are upset. He thinks you are happy all the time because of him. But he's basically your husband, so he will notice things about you, that you don't even know about yourself (same as mammon)
When you tell him you are insecure, he coddles you, and threats you like you're an infant
He will say things like:
"Your insecure? About what? You have to be lying babe, you look perfect to me."
"Relax babe, im kidding, so its your (insert insecurity)? Oh, are you joking?"
"How about... you and me do a little something something, hm?"
(He is a sex deviant, so he will always bring that up.)
He tries to make it up to you by putting on your favorite movie, and bringing you your favorite snacks. But he ends up eating most of them himself...
But anyways, his favorite insecurity is your ass. He likes squeezing it, spanking it, etc. Even if it small, he likes it and thinks its cute. He will randomly pick you up and throw you over his shoulder and just, spank it, and put you down??
So overall, he is okay at comforting you, but dont come running to him unless you dont want things to turn somehow sexual.
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Alastor 🎶:
He has never felt insecure in his twisted mind.
He will notice immediately that you are upset about something. He takes action fairly quickly, by rubbing your shoulders, etc.
When you tell him you are insecure, he is very understanding. You are his dearest, so he wants to take care of you, and make you feel like an angel.
While he may not understand insecurity himself, he understands you are disarmed, and that bothers him greatly.
He will say things like:
"My love, don't fret about these regal thoughts. What are you feeling down about now?"
"Is this about your (insert insecurity)? If so, that is silly nonsense, my dear. You know I do not mind."
"How about, we take a stroll. Maybe we could stop by Rosie, she sure knows how to cheer you up, hm?"
He tries his best to make you feel better, because your feelings reflect on him. While it may not seem so on the outside, his heart tears when he sees you like this.
His favorite insecurity has to be your hip dips. He thinks they make you look very feminine and womanlike, which he likes. He likes to run his hands over them, enjoying the way his fingers sink into them.
So overall, Alastor makes you feel very loved and cared for. You will never feel discontent as long as he is in your vicinity.
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Lucifer 𓆩𓆪:
He has felt insecure a lot. From being casted down into Hell, to his wife somewhat recently leaving him, (to his height), he knows what it feels like
But since meeting you, he is very attentive over you.
So he notices very quickly that you are upset.
When the time comes to tell him that you are insecure, (because he kept asking you frantically whats wrong), He is very understanding.
He will say things like:
"Seriously? You? Insecure? Well we cant have that here, now can we?"
"Its your (insert insecurity)? Its ok honey, I love you just how you are."
"Honey, how about the two of us stay home for the day, hm?"
He will stay by your side a lot more often now that you told him that. He is a very doting and worried lover like Stolas, so he wants you to feel comfortable with yourself.
His favorite insecurity of your is also your thighs. Big or small, he loves them. His favorite is when his head and cheeks are squished against them. Or when he's eating you out, and he feels the warmth smothering his face. He loves the way they move when you walk as well like Mammon.
So overall, he knows what it is like to be insecure. He wants you to feel loved, and like you are cherished by him.
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Stolas 𓅪:
Feels insecure a lot like Lucifer. WIth his (ex)wife, concerning his daughter, etc.
He also will notice your changes instantly. SO he will constantly ask if something is wrong. When it comes to you being upset, he will be very combative in telling him.
So when you tell him you are insecure, he feels for you. He will hold you close, and let you lay on top of his fluffy, feathered body.
He will say things like:
"Sweetheart, what is troubling you so much? I am always by your side, you know. So if you want to talk, we can."
"Your (insert insecurity)? But they are beautiful! You don't have to worry my owlette."
"How about we watch a movie? That always seems to cheer you up."
He is very concerned about you, and just wants to make you happy. That is his duty in his mind. If he cant make the rest of his family happy, he can surely make you happy, right?
His favorite insecurity of yours is stretch marks. He likes them, and he thinks they look like cute little tiger cub stripes. He will run his slender fingers over them, making you shiver in the process. He believes they are like pieces of art, just all over your body.
So in his mind, you are perfect. He is always going to love you, insecurity through and through. You are his lover.
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budbuddnbuddy · 2 months
You know how in the beginning of the exchange program where some of the demons were gossiping about eating us?
…What if we started just straight up juking them when they started to try?
Obviously at this point we can’t fight them off, we can’t really hide because they know the realm and RAD better then we do, and we can’t outrun them, at least for very long.
However it’s when MC is running away from a few demons a new idea comes to mind, slowing down in the middle of the chase.
You aren’t particularly sure who the demon was, probably some delinquent who skipped classes to smoke on the roof top, and you didn’t really care. Just another Demon at RAD that gave you nasty glances before gossiping over to what seemed to be their friend, no big deal. It’s not like they were actually gonna do anything to you, right?
You didn’t mean to stare, you weren’t even looking at them in particular just staring at the wall behind them while you waited for the line for the bathroom that extended out into the hallway to shorten, which means you certainly didn’t mean to pick up the words they were saying.
“-eat them.”
The air suddenly got cold, you watched as the last two words fall out of the demons mouth as his mouth curled into a sinister toothy grin. At this point your eyes met, he was staring at you this entire time…he…he didn’t mean he wanted to eat you right?
Maybe he meant something else? (he didn’t.) Maybe he meant someone else? (There wasn’t anyone else.) Maybe he meant the person behind you? (No one else was behind you.)
Then, he started walking towards you. Slowly.
It was only then that you noticed how close the distance between the two of you was, only then did you notice how large he was, how sharp his teeth were, how you were slowly backing away with each step you took. Then a realization came down onto you. Two of them in fact.
1. This guy totally wanted to eat you, right here, right now.
2. You didn’t need take a piss anymore.
Now you were running, bolting, sprinting, anything that you could do to possibly shake of the demon who was right behind you. Each corner you turned to put some distance between the both of you he just seemed to get closer, sped up, get more hungry.
Your feet are burning, your legs hurt but you can’t stop. He was right there, ready to grab you and rip off a chunk of your skin for what? The fun of it? Because he thought he just simply could?!
Of course when you needed Mammon to be here he wasn’t there! Of course when you needed any of the brothers to be here they weren’t there! You were a bug to them, a summer ant! The only importance you held to them was the fact that you were an exchange student! No one would really care if you got eaten!
…No one would care if you got eaten.
That alone just makes you stop in your tracks, in front of a long staircase that stretched down almost endlessly. You’re out of breath, tired, sweaty, aching, needing to pee, are about to die…and you’re thinking about the aftermath.
You’ll die, in a place that isn’t even your home. None of your friends or family will know what happened to you and no one would care to tell them.
Wait…you’re about to die!
Turning your body sideways, your eyes met with the demon who was now sprinting past you. You watched as his expression goes from blood hungry to shock and confusion. You watch as he moves right past you at high speeds with his arm reached out to grab at you, ready to dig his nails into you and make you bleed. You watch him in what seems to be in slow motion as he misses.
He tilts down, he turns around uselessly, letting out a scream and then…he falls down the stairs.
Slowly inching over the railing, you peak down at the end to where your attacker laid on the floor. Groaning and bruised in areas where you couldn’t see, his leg was broken from how aggressively fast he went down the stairs and it’s not like the stairs were treated any better, some were broken in half towards the end. Most likely causing splinters deep into the demons skin.
As you continued to stare down at the severely injured demon, a fairly large size crowd began to circle around him carefully, confused as to what happened and scared from his injuries.
“Oh my stars I can see the bone!”
“Are those…his teeth all the way down the hall?”
“Dude just what the hell were you doing up there?”
The delinquent flutters his eyes open meekly before letting out a high pitched scream at the fact that he to can see the bone from his broken leg jabbing out his skin.
“What the fuck are you idiots standing around for? Get me to a damn hospital!!” He yells at those around them, spitting out blood and saliva as his eye go bloodshot from panic.
All you can do is cover your mouth in shock, you didn’t even know demons could break bones! Nevertheless lose teeth! Gulping as you slowly started to back away from the staircase clutching your bag before scurrying off to the nearest bathroom that wasn’t crowded…
Man you really needed to pee…
Soon enough there’ll be completion videos of you escaping from Demons on Deviltube. “Best vids of the human escaping demons in a badass fashion!!”
The brothers don’t find out until like…a month later when you don’t have to dodge demons anymore because the bros were the ones on top of you now constantly. (Don’t worry they absolutely geek tf out when they know lol.)
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Can I touch your wings..?
Asking to touch / see their wings with Mammon, Lucifer, and Diavolo! i feel like these would be kinda sensitive but not rlly?
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you had both been working in his office, you were simply trying to work through your homework without the brothers interfering (as they usually did). Your most recent subject involved the anatomy and biology of demons.
reading through the various lists of wings and their differences, you realized Lucifer's wings were a bit odd compared to the others in the textbook. most were bat or insect-like. Glancing up, you spoke.
"Hey... Lucifer, could I see your wings a minute?"
eyes immediately lifting to meet yours he grunts
"and why.. pray tell?"
fumbling over yourself you flip your textbook over to show him what you were studying. "Yours don't look anything like these! I just wanted to get a better view of them. Pleaseee, it's for my assignment."
rolling his eyes, he stood from his chair and dropped his jacket onto his desk, back facing you. in a blink, they appeared, black feathers swooshing around you.
they were enormous, gorgeous even, the pure slate colored feather tips gently drifting across the floor. you had assumed he had gorgeous angel wings, and that they looked similar to what was in front of you. which made you wonder...
reaching a hand out, your fingertips brushed the spot the wings met his back. before you knew it, he whirled in front of you, grabbing your wrist that was touching his wings.
you staggered back at his reaction, trying to pull free from his grip.
"Don't" he released you as you fell back into the chair, gaping up at him.
"luci... they're incredible! I- I didn't know they were so sensitive, my bad."
he left you to your studies, but you were completely breathless... wanting to touch them in full again.
meanwhile, as lucifer struck out of his office, his heart was erratic in his chest. the feeling of your hands gently stroking his feathers caused him to bristle, no one had ever dare to touch his wings before you...
 Somehow you and Mammon had ended up binge watching nature documentaries as he made an offhand comment about not knowing much about humans and their animals.
So, you had picked one about flying animals and now, the narrator was explaining the different types of wings and how each fits the species and their needs perfectly.
Eyeing the male next to you, you thought about his own wings.
“hey… Mammon?” you murmured, causing his head to turn towards you as he raised an eyebrow in question. “I mean… can you show me your wings? I kinda want to compare them to what I’ve seen in the human realm.”
He shuffles awkwardly between himself, turning his head away, “the hell would’ja wanna do that for? You’ve seen them plenty.” You huffed at his reply and grabbed his shoulders, turning his face towards you. Blinking up at him, you gave your best puppy dog eyes.
He squirmed away from you, “uGH, fine! Just… turn around!”
Happily scooching back, you felt a slight breeze as his wings popped out. Glancing at them, you stared in awe as you came closer, looking over the white, bony structure connected by a thin, black membrane that seemed almost translucent the more you looked at it.
You reached out a hand, fingertips brushing along the sharp edges. You felt Mammon shiver beneath your touch, his face becoming flushed as your gentle touch. Were they sensitive? You thought, bringing your hand to wrap around where it connected into his back.
He jolted, wings disappearing as he spun around to face you, sweat starting to slick his brow as he brought up his wrist to cover his mouth. “Alright! That’s enough, you can’t just poke and prod wherever ya please!”
You laughed, short and soft as he became more and more uncomfortable beneath your gaze. Settling back down to the couch, you continued on with the show.
Unbeknownst to you, Mammon was on fire, the spot where his wings met his back was on fire from your touch. He hadn’t realized how sensitive to your touch he was… but he couldn’t say he was complaining.
You had been playing some games with the lord of devildom, entertaining him with games, books, and more about different folklore and fantasy that humans were interested in. He was particularly interested in one of the mini board characters, a dragon to be specific.
“Indeed, it does look rather defiant, does it not?” he asked you. Nodding in reply, you grabbed the mini figurine from him and turned it around to study it. you took particular notice of it’s wings, the hook looking incredibly similar to the ones on someone’s wings…
“Hey, Diavolo? Could I see your wings for a minute?”
Eyes widening, he tilted his head at your request, looking at how you were contemplating the tiny statue in front of you. Did you mean to compare his wings to this…. Tiny clay thing? He smiled and the next thing you knew, Diavolo was in his demon form.
He turned around and rolled his shoulders back, stretching his wingspan to it’s full length. Your mouth dropped open. Fanned out in front of you, were the largest wings you had ever seen. The muscles and membrane that stretched between the structures of all four wings were nothing but impressive. You looked at the changing colors between the membrane, noticing tiny glistening cells that made up the brunt of it.
“Holy shit…” you murmured. To be honest, his wings very well could have been the inspiration of dragons. They looked incredibly strong… you reached out a hand instinctively to touch the …horn? On the top of his wing.
Diavolo laughed at your expression of awe and desire to touch his wings. No one had ever been bold enough to try and touch them, even Barbatos knew better than to brush past them. But you… were so delicate and curious about them. He assumed you thought they were the stuff of legends.
“Are they to your liking?” he flapped his wings, causing a gust of wind to overtake you. Blinking up at him you responded, “They are… something out of a fairytale, Dia. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so…” you were at a loss for words, extending your hand towards the middle of his back, your fingertips brushing along his wingspan.
In a blink, he was towering over you, his wings cocooning you closer to him as you braced your hands against his chest.
“Oh! I- uh… I’m sorry,” you squirmed, backing into his wings. He laughed, transforming back to his casual clothes from before in a blink. He enjoyed teasing you, but you couldn’t ignore the glint in his eyes the way he turned towards you after you touched his skin.
“Well… shall we continue where we left off?” Diavolo gestured to the games laid out in front of him. You nodded, a bit spaced out by the whole ordeal.
“Dia, I have to admit, your wings are magnificent.” Glancing down back towards your book, you laughed as you plunged back onto the couch.
Unaware of his gaze, Diavolo felt an immense pride at the idea of you admiring him. He didn’t consider himself insecure by any means, but he felt his chest flutter at your words… and your touch, he felt his blood scream when you had touched them.
“Well you know… you can see my wings anytime you like.”
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
having a brainrot about how it would be if the characters turned into their animal type (is that what that's called?)
like imagine a shady sorcerer happen to accidentally cast a spell that changes them into their animal type how fucking cute and funny that would be
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a/n: that's so cuuuute. I went with the symbolic animals from their banners.
the wild side | the demon brothers + karasu
0.5k words | sfw | fluff + humor
related: the dateables' version
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The Peacock (Lucifer)
How he responds to you vs. how he responds to everyone else:
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He can't keep his feathers fanned out on full display as much as he wants to because he keeps getting stuck in doorways.
He walks around the house in a slow strut. Sometimes he spins around to show off all 360 degrees of his exquisitely-feathered beauty.
He doesn't notice that sometimes he smacks you in the face with his plumes if you're nearby.
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The Crows (Mammon and Karasu)
They both bring you gifts and intimidate the others that try to get too close.
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They're even more clingy than normal too.
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It's surprisingly easy to tell them apart: Mammon's feathers are tipped with white, and Karasu's eyes have a deep scarlet glow.
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The Snake (Leviathan)
He desperately wants to curl himself around your arm or leg. He'll try to keep his space if you're visibly creeped out by snakes though, he doesn't want to scare you.
An alternative you could try is wearing one of his oversized hoodies: he'll curl up inside the pocket and every once in a while he'll poke his head out and flick his serpentine tongue at you.
If you don't like that either, he'll curl up in the bottom of your closet or under your bed, somewhere dark and warm where he can still be close enough to keep an eye on you.
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The Unicorn (Satan)
The House of Lamentation wasn't designed for horses or horse-like creatures.
He's the only one Lucifer won't try to chase away, his hooves look deadly.
Satan doesn't fit in your bedroom easily but he'll follow you in the hallways or inside the larger rooms with more space.
You are definitely going to recreate this movie moment at some point before the magic wears off:
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The Scorpion (Asmodeus)
He's a bit bigger than most scorpions which means he's even more cute or gross depending on how you feel about them.
He's careful not to hurt you with his pincers if you pick him up.
He must be powerful even in this form because he releases sweet-smelling pheromones when he senses you're nearby.
He curls in the makeshift bed on you place on your desk for him. He's surprisingly calm even though scorpions are usually nocturnal.
His eyes have an eerie pink glow. You didn't notice it until you turned off the lights at bedtime.
(He stares at you until you fall asleep.)
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The Fly (Beelzebub)
He's a bit larger than a normal fly.
He's restless and his wings are so noisy when he buzzes around you.
Most of the time you can hear the faint sound of his wings coming from the kitchen.
When he's not eating, he's usually hovering on or near Belphie.
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The Cow (Belphegor)
He barely fits in your room and he snorts irritably when you raise your arms up and remind him that he is definitely not allowed to sleep on your bed like this.
He's even more annoyed because he can't go up to the attic like this either.
He just happens to plop down in front of your doorway to sleep instead. The others can't climb or go around him easily. He flicks them away with his tail when they try. He doesn't mind if you climb over him though.
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read more: obey me masterlist
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r0-boat · 4 months
Which of the whb demons do you think is most willing to sit on mc's lap? Especially if the mc is smaller than them. (I just need deep pressure therapy lol)
Demons in your lap!!
Whb various demons react to Your gorgeous lap
It is a fail proof way to get your intention. Yes you might scream at him, Hit him, choke him but jokes on you he has all of your attention now. And not only that he can silently stick his claim over you no demon would want to protest when the king of envy is sitting in your lap glaring them down like he owns you.
Staring at a demon for far too long? And you're talking to them!? Well fuck you.
Soft lap!! He wants to lay his head on your lap! He wants to sit in your lap and wrap his arms around you! Leraye is kind of obsessed with your lap. When he lays his head on it he kisses your thighs.
Nothing like sitting in the lap of your bestie/lover Well binge watching TV shows, doesn't matter if they're big spoon or little spoon They like all spoons. He practically holds you like a teddy bear. Picking you up like a stuffed animal He can't help it You're just so cute and comfy and squishable! You would prefer it if you were in his lap but it's so cute given the size difference.
Alas He cannot enjoy the softness of your thighs on his bum for he is too big and he will crush you, something he frequently mentions. However this is Mammon we're talking about, He will find some way to get in that precious lap of yours.
WARNING DO NOT LET THIS MAN IN YOUR LAP!! It will always and I mean always 100% of the time lead to something more.
Demons can't lie but Beel doesn't tell the entire truth either. He just wants a little nibble of your thighs That's all he wants He just wants to sit pretty in his seat what's the big deal :( Tricky devil!! we all know what he's going to do!!
Zzzzzz *snore* mimimimimi *snore*
Zzzzz *snoring but also squeezing your thighs*
Sitting in your lap his head laying on your chest and listening to Your heartbeat your chest blessing to it speed up is his favorite thing. He can lay against you for hours in your lap holding you close.
No he is a sophisticated devil That serves his majesty in the country. Why is his tail wagging so much? He looks over at Amon who is now dead asleep in your lap and he can't help but whimper. He supposed to be a good boy why doesn't he get the lap :(((.
(not a demon but hear me out)
You patted your lap as a joke demanding him to sit in it Your classmates laugh and squealed when he complied turning red and embarrassment. A moment from your childhood that repeatedly plays in his mind every time he stares at your thighs. Desperately wishing to rest his head on your naked thighs, though I'm not sure he could handle His head right next to your crotch where your underwear hugs you so tightly. Poor poor pervert Minhyeok.
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books-and-catears · 6 months
Solomon: Hey guys I'm here to pick up MC today, are they done helping you sort your daily chaos?
Satan: You're rather late. Their designated time to leave is 2 hours ago.
Solomon: Wait...MC changed their hours? Since when?
Belphegor: Since you went on that Ocean trip or whatever.
Lucifer: But MC did say it's only a temporary thing and they seemed really occupied with something so we eventually allowed it...
Asmo: Yeah but we were so not happy about it! Just what happened on that trip, Solomon?!
Solomon: But if MC left for home then I should have seen them on the way...
Leviathan: Lol ask Mammon where they are, he's constantly stalking MC.
Mammon: Am not, ya liar!
Solomon: I see you have decidedly ignored the last conversation we had regarding MC.
Mammon: Damnit he's back with that creepy smile again!
Solomon: Which way did MC go, Mammon?
Mammon: Jeez overprotective much!? MC can handle themself you know-
Solomon: Mammon.
Mammon: Jeez okay okay, they just walk by the Devildom beach practicing some sort of water magic with the ocean I don't know! But I assure MC is fine! Also don't tell I told you please!
Solomon: The ocean...
Solomon: There you are, MC.
MC: I- How did you- Who snitched on me?!
Solomon: I'm sorry I promised not to reveal his identity.
MC: Damnit Mammon.
Solomon: Ahaha looks like me not revealing it didn't help at all. So...what is it you're doing here, hmm?
Solomon: ...why?
MC: Remember when you told me your magic had potent destruction and attack powers useful in battle...
MC: I started training my powers to make strong shields and better healing.
Solomon: Yes..
MC: Well after what you told me on that trip, I'm...trying to get the Ocean's blessing.
Solomon: ....
MC: I know you cant get rid of your curse and I know you have enough magic to not care about it anymore...but that trip was the first time I'd seen you... afraid. I hated it.
MC: So I'm trying to restore and help with anything that's broken or cursed in there. A lot of fish helped bring random artefacts to the shore which I have been working on...and I finally got the blessing today.
MC: So no you longer have to be afraid or even uncertain down there.
Solomon: ...you turn my shortcomings...into your strengths?
MC: I aim to be your perfect complement when it comes to magic. So that if we ever have to fight - we'll have all bases covered. And nothing can pose a threat to us.
Solomon: *hugs them tight* And I thought I was supposed to be protecting you, MC.
MC: *smiles* The protector needs to be protected too.
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koolades-world · 8 months
One bed troupe w/ Mammon
There wasn't a boring day with Mammon around. As your self proclaimed first man, he ensured you went everywhere together. Because of this, he often dragged you along to gatherings with his friends.
When you first arrived in the Devildom, you didn’t get out very much. It was a pretty straight schedule: wake up, get walked to school by whoever's turn it was that day, do class, get walked home by someone else, do homework, go to sleep, then repeat. Once you got closer, Mammon realized how boring of a life you were living despite being in hell. He vowed to make your life more interesting and began showing you the fun side of life. He brought you to bars, restaurants, his favorite casino (of course), and so much more.
Today was no different. You were at a casino together with his friends early in the evening. You had grown closer with them at this point, and things weren't awkward when he had to leave for whatever reason. While nice, you began to learn the things Mammon hadn't told you that he told them. It was never anything bad, rather, it was usually cute things, such as how he really loved when you wore yellow or gold since he gushed to them every time you did.
Mammon had walked off to cash out his large bucket of tokens he'd earned for the third time that night, leaving you and his friends to chat.
"Tonight is a good night, huh?" You sip at your drink, lazily stirring it with the cute decorative pick that came with it.
"It is!" His friend states, shaking his own bucket.
"Mammon would say, it's cause of you." Another chuckles. You join in, amused.
"That's my Mammon. I'm happy to be a good luck charm, especially since he bought me my drink." You cause the group to laugh. The conversation begins to drift, but somehow makes its way back to Mammon
"You know, he's a little worried about you. Later tonight, one of Vazimid's friends is stopping by, but Mammon has been saying he hasn't liked the way he's been eyeing you." This statement worries you too. You know that despite growing comfortable, the Devildom is by no means safe. Mammon is protective, but it's rare that he'd admit it. Before you could respond, Mammon came back.
"Hey, Mc! I'm rich! Gotta say, I only do this good when yer around." He fixed his jacket, a smug grin on his face.
"Well, I wouldn't mind joining you every time you come here." You throw your arms around him, catching him off guard. The confidence melts away from his face as he begins to stutter, causing you to hug him tighter. The next few hours go well, until that friend arrived that nobody seemed to want there, which killed the mood. Mammon kept you close, but it eased him when you were by his side.
Later in the night, someone else in the group conveniently ended up winning several fancy room in the hotel the casino was in, free of charge. It was all a little too convenient. When Vazimid's friend asked who would be staying with who, Mammon immediately claimed a room for the both of you that nobody else was allowed in. After you teased him a little about it, a quick uncharacteristic glare to silence you. Not wanting to make him more upset, you remained quiet.
After collecting the room key, he drags you away from the friend group and onto the impossibly tall elevator. The ride up was quick, but neither of you spoke. Once you arrived at the room, Mammon unlocked it and promptly close it behind the both of you. You finally work up the courage to speak, but you’re not really sure what to say, or where to start.
“Mams? Is something wrong?” You put a hand on his arm and peer at his face. His expression is tight but softens once he sees the worry in you eyes.
“Nothin’ darlin’.” He smiled at you, but you can still tell something is bothering him.
“I know you. Tell me what’s wrong.” You placed your other hand on his other arm so you could pull him closer.
He hesitates at first, but eventually speaks. "Do ya really wanna know? It's dumb." He glanced at you.
"I do. Now tell me." You waited.
"It's that demon that Vazimid keep brining around. Don't trust him around you at all. I just know he wants to get his slimy hands on you." He sighed. You giggled a little at the realization.
"It's alright to be jealous, babe." Mammon back away from you instantly at the accusation.
"Hey, hey. That's not what I said!" His ears turned red, confirming what you thought.
"Whatever you say. Will sharing that bed with me quell your inner turmoil?" You began to giggle more as he came to the realization that he'd picked a room that only had one bed. 'It's free, Mams. You love free things." You scanned the room and saw a variety of goodies laying around the room you knew Mammon would scoop up once he was done being embarrassed.
You decided to leave him to his own devices and get settled in the room. You took a quick trip into the bathroom to find two sets of hotel branded pajamas that were suspiciously in the correct sizes. You showered with the nicest soaps you'd ever gotten your hands on and reappeared to find Mammon sitting on a chair, on his D.D.D.
"I'm done, knock yourself out." You throw yourself down onto the bed, face first.
"Took ya long enough." He skulked away and took his turn in the bathroom too. When he was done, and also emerged in the matching, branded set, he seemed less enthusiastic to get in the bed than you had been. Once he sat down, though, he realized how nice it actually was.
"Ya should've told me how soft these pillow were." He cuddled one of the pillows to his chest.
"If I didn't, maybe you wouldn't have at all and I could've had this entire bed to myself. Now, stop cuddling that pillow and cuddle me instead." You rolled yourself over to him and did grabby hands in his direction. He went red again, but listened. His hair was still a little damp from his shower and the jasmine scented hotel soap made him smell wonderful. He always ran very hot, which you enjoyed since he worked as a great personal heater. Once he had decompressed, you spoke a little bit about your plans for tomorrow, and eventually you drifted off.
Mammon remained awake for a little bit longer, thinking about the exciting evening the both of you had had. He was thankful that he had you, and even though he would never admit it, he had been jealous. He hated the idea of sharing you with some werido that he never invited in the first place. He hugged you a little tighter, and eventually feel asleep himself, thinking about you.
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messysketchyobeyme · 9 months
You watch as the credits from the last movie of your movie marathon quickly scrolls past the TV screen. You catch a few familiar names of demon actors that you have learned thanks to Asmodeus teaching you about the Devildom’s celebrity sphere. (It was a very interesting dive into Devildom culture, in your opinion, even though Lucifer begged to differ).
The screen fades to black, delving the room into darkness. Mammon lays curled into your side, like he had been since the last two or so movies. His face is pressed into your shirt. You aren’t even sure he had watched the last thirty minutes of this last one.
You card your fingers through Mammon’s hair. You had started half-way through the marathon and hadn’t found a reason to stop for any particularly long duration of time. His hair is silky and thick, which made it hard for you to resist the temptation of playing with it. You twist the locks of hair with your index finger, taking care not to tug on the strands.
Mammon hums in content, tilting his head to give you easier access. You scratch the base of his head and note the way he scrunches up his shoulders in response. He was making it harder and harder for you to stop, but, alas, all good things must come to an end.
You stretch out your arm, as pins and needles dart up your fingers. You shake out the uncomfortable feeling and reach toward the remote to turn off the TV. “Well, that was fun, but I’m beat,” you say, “How about we call it a night?”
Before you can pick up the remote, Mammon lets out a small whine. He gently grasps your wrists and places your hand back on his head.
You laugh and reflexivity begin massaging the crown of his head. “You’re feeling needy, huh?”
Mammon grumbles something that you can’t quite parse before sighing. “Maybe I wouldn’t be like this if ya weren’t leaving me tomorrow.”
You quiet down. You know why Mammon had invited you to hole yourself up in his room to binge-watch all of his and your favorite movies with your favorite snacks and your favorite games in case you got bored. You know why he had been glued to your side practically all day and why he had seemed to be quiet throughout the entire marathon. You had been trying to avoid it the entire time, but that’s impossible.
“It’s not my choice, Mammon.”
“I know,” he says, “I know.” Mammon is quiet for a bit. You listen to the steady tick of his clock. It’s a harsh reminder of the continuous passage of time, but it is still comforting all the same. After a while, he speaks up again. “Do ya mind if we stay like this for a little longer?”
“Of course I don’t mind.” You wrap your arms around Mammon, dragging him into a tight squeeze of a hug.
He hugs you back, harder than you ever could. His fingers flex against your torso, pressing into your sides. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, and you feel the hot tears run down your skin. You wonder if he’d never let go if he had the choice.
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l3viat8an · 11 months
I saw this thing that was like “playing truth or dare with my crush and daring them to do push-ups and say my name after each one” (so it sounds like they’re having sex) and I’m like which one of the brothers would try to do that with mc lmao
Or alternatively which one of the brothers would fall for it if mc dared them to do it
Nsfw! Ish
Beel would do this- and he knows exactly what he’s doing~ after all it’ll be sooo much fun to play truth and dare with him! He just has to wait for you to pick dare- and when you do it sounds easy enough, all you have to do is a few push ups while saying his name. You’d have to be watching him closely to see the way Beel shifts around, trying to hide the fact he’s getting hard- his name just sounds better after every push up you do, even better if you start whining a bit too. Saying it’s ‘Too much Beel.’ and watching his face turn bright red!-
Mammon would absolutely fall for it- are you dumb human? All the things you could dare him to do and you want his to do a few push-ups?? Easy!!! It takes him a few push-ups before it actually sounds like a moan and then he’s tomato red- sitting up on his knees to glare at you and huff about his embarrassing that was!! He’ll dare you to do the same on his next turn hskaha if you fall for it or not is up to you.
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astaroth1357 · 2 years
"MC, Who's Best in Bed??":
*on an average HoL morning, the MC is trying to enjoy a cup of tea in the dining room but there's been nothing but shouting in the House for about an hour now... They’re nearly at their wits end when the seven culprits come marching in the room themselves, glaring at esch other. Before MC can even speak, Asmo takes initiative and slams his hands down onto the table, making their teacup clatter*
Asmo: MC, you have to be the one settle this! Which one of us is best in bed???
*the MC... almost does a spit take*
MC: Excuse me???
Mammon: You heard'em! You outta know by now, so who is it??
*the MC looks at their demons like they've gone mental, but seven pairs of eyes stare back at them expectantly, hell, even determinedly. Seeing that they likely can't weasel out of this, the MC gives in with a sigh*
MC: .... Do you really want to know?
Asmo: Of course!!
Satan: We promise we'll be alright with whoever you choose...
Mammon: But it's gonna be me, right??
Satan: Shut up, Mammon!! 😡
MC: Well... if I have to pick...
MC: It's gotta be Lucifer.
Lucifer: *smiles REAL wide for a guy who's been pretending that this conversation is juvenile and beneath him...*
Lucifer: Well. I think that settles that.
*he walks over and arrogantly kisses the back of MC's hand while his brothers all groan somewhere between irritation and disappointment...*
Mammon: Look what ya did, MC, he's never gonna get over himself now!!
Lucifer: Mammoooon?
Mammon: 😨 Shit!
MC: It is Mammon, actually.
Mammon: Eeh-?? Er, s-SEE I TOLD YA!!
*he tries to act proud, and he is, but it's pretty obvious to everyone that he got caught off guard and is flustered as hell*
Mammon: W-who else could it be but the Great Mammon? Right??? This is why I'm their first!!
*Mammon continues to loudly bluster and gloat as MC gets up from the table, taking their teacup with them*
MC: It sure is~
*they peck him on the cheek, which bluescreens his brain while his brothers scoff in disgust*
Belphie: Geez, at least get a room first guys... 🙄
MC: You won’t believe me, but it's Levi.
*the brother stop, collectively look at each other, and then shake their heads*
All (INCLUDING Levi): We don't believe you.
MC: *shrugs nonchalantly and takes another sip of tea* What'd I tell ya?
Asmo: MC, you can't be serious...
MC: *looks him dead in the eye* Two. Dicks. Need I say more? Because I can! He can also-mph!!
*a confused MC gets a hand clamped over their mouth by a mortified Levi, who's still puttering around to figure out how he should feel*
Levi: M-MC! Please...!! 😣
Satan: So there ARE some things that better left unknown... Fantastic... 😰🤢
MC: It’s actually you, Satan!
Satan: *blinks* Eh? Oh really...?
*already turning his head towards Lucifer with a BIG shit-eating grin*
Satan: What do you know? Looks like we've heard it, haven't we?
Lucifer: *angerily covering up his frustration behind a stone cold poker face* So we have... Not that it matters.
Satan: Hm. Your face says otherwise. 😏
Lucifer: Don't push your luck....
MC: Asmo. It's Asmo, it's obviously Asmo!!
Asmo: Honestly, it's like no one understands my job description here!!
Asmo: I can, will, and do fuck better than all of you! You just have to accept that. 😌
Mammon: Ugh! Give it a rest already... 😮‍💨
MC: You know what? It's Beel.
*the brothers stop and collectively look at their absolute UNIT of a sibling.... then breathe a combined sigh of defeat*
Beel: *flustered pink from embarrassment, but still very happy to hear it* Thank you, MC. 😊
MC: You're welcome, Beel! 🙂
MC: Weirdly enough, it's Belphie...
Belphie: What do you mean, "weirdly?"
MC: I mean, if we were just going based off resumes here, I wouldn't exactly put yours on top.
MC: But you're living proof "work smarter, not harder" are words to live by. Your technique is flawless!
Belphie: .... I'm not sure how to feel about this anymore....
MC: *gives a blank, thousand yard stare into the middle distance*
Mammon: Uhhhm.... MC? Still there?
MC: I just realized something... I'm really am going to Hell...
Levi: Huh? But you're already here...?
MC: *gets up from the chair and starts to jog away urgently* I think I need a priest...
Belphie: What? Why?? Is being here a problem to you??? 🤬
MC: *calls out as they skid past the doorway* It is because I'm fucking an angel!!! 😫
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the-auguer · 4 months
no guts
just a little something that’s been in the crockpot of my mind for, oh, a year. i’m purging the dreaded WIPs of my notes app and figured I finally found the direction I wanted to go with this one. this is inspired by @fickleminder’s “no hope, no love, no glory” which you should definitely read. basically, what would happen if MC fell out of favor with Mammon
“And— and ya shoulda seen the server’s face when Beel kept goin’ with the— hey. Hey? Ya listenin’ over there?”
Your eyes had gone cloudy. They usually do around halfway into any story, but Mammon was determined to make you laugh this time. This was a story tried and tested to make even the grumpiest demons laugh and he misses your laugh like he’s never missed anything else. There’s an ache where your presence used to be that nothing else can fill. Because he can be leaning over your bedside, fussing over your pillows, scooting his chair up until his knees knock against the bed frame and it won’t matter. You’re present and you’re breathing and he’s close to you, but you’re not there. Not there. 
Your eyes drift back down to his face, focusing back in, just a little. It’s enough for Mammon to pick back up his story, watching your attention extra carefully now because this is the punchline of the story and you can’t miss it or he’ll never hear you laugh and the void will keep aching because he’s greedy and grasping but there’s nothing to have anymore, nothing to grasp— except there will be because Mammon will make it. He’ll create something to hold onto, something he’ll horde all to himself in the hole in his chest. He’ll create it. 
“And it was a mess, and the server said, he said—“
“I was a server,” you croak and Mammon is instantly snapping his mouth shut. His teeth clink together uncomfortably but Mammon ignores it, nodding his head rapidly, eager to egg you on. You talk so little. Your voice sounds a bit rough, should he grab you a glass of water? But no, he has to pay attention, he’ll get you that glass in a minute. He’ll remember. 
Your eyes list to the side and Mammon swerves his head so you’re still making eye contact with him. 
“There was… the company went bankrupt so I had to find another job.” You say. Your fingers inch across your blankets, tapping against the mattress just slightly. Like you’re about to start gesticulating when you speak. They don’t go very far. “It was around— no, it was near my… my house. Apartment. The restaurant was near my apartment… maybe two, three miles away. I’d walk there everyday.”
Mammon leans further in, hanging off your every word. What little he knows about your life outside your time in the Devildom hurts him. Pains him like nothing else. That you had a life, that you had experiences, that you lived your human lifespan and Mammon only gets the tail end of it when he wanted the all of it. But that’s his own fault, isn’t it? No use in being greedy with something you gave up. Mammon will leave that to Levi. He’d prefer to be greedy with the time you have left in his life than envious of the time you spent without him. 
“I mostly… I mostly handled the cashdrawer. The customers would— they never tipped when I was the server.” Your eyes move to him and there’s the clarity Mammon’s been aching for. The slightest bit of sharpness in your eyes. It makes his heart beat a little faster, even after all this time. “And I always wasted the— the ingredients when I cooked. So I manned the register.”
You huff out a breath and Mammon’s heart near leapt out of his throat. You laughed. You laughed you laughed you laughed you laughed. You laughed and he was here to see it. 
“Should— I should have known,” you mumble and Mammon strains himself to hear everything you say. “I never did anything right. It was a couple dollars at first. Every few nights. But then I was losing ten. Twenty. Thirty. Every night.” Your brows furrow as you recall. “And they said— said I was stealing.”
Your eyes turn to him and they bore into him with… something. Not intensity. Not sadness. But some kind of weight Mammon can’t place. Every nerve is prickling. His chest hurts. 
“I wasn’t.” You whisper, like it’s a confession. “But the— and then when I was moved to cleaning, when it stopped going missing. And then I spilled— I was fired. From being a server.”
Your eyes slide away from him and you look down at your hands, still and wrinkled on the blankets. 
“Never did anything right,” you mutter.
“That’s not true!” Mammon bursts out heatedly, making you startle a little. He lowers his voice immediately. “That’s not true. Ya— ya did everythin’ right. Ya did.” 
You slowly sink back against the pillows, loosing whatever wind you had, the firmness of your posture and eyes fading away. You make a ‘hmmph’ sound of mild derision and say nothing else. 
Mammon’s hands hover over one of yours. There’s a sick, tight feeling in his throat and he just wants to explain that you weren’t a screw up or a failure or whatever else you might think. They were the failures, the colossal fuck ups. Mammon most of all. 
If you were having trouble at your job, Mammon should have been there. Your first man, your protector, should have helped you prove your innocence and helped you find the missing cash. Mammon’s always had a nose for money, and it would have been easy for him to give you some of his—
Some of his affinity for it. 
“No. No no no no no no no no no no.” Mammon hands cover your hand, squeezing it tightly. “Ya— did you have trouble? Did— did— ya said your company went bankrupt? Money went missing? What other stuff happened? Hey, hey. Focus on me, please? What else happened? Please?”
Your eyes do move to him, annoyance in the slight furrow of your brow. But you don’t say anything. 
“No, please? Just— ya don’t gotta tell me all of it, promise. Just a little.”
“Every company,” you mutter, resentful. Mammon doesn’t know if you’re resentful of him or what you’re talking about. He doesn’t want to know. 
“Every company what,” Mammon snaps, impatient. His heart is thudding so fast. His hands are drained of color around the knuckles and shaking over your wrinkled one. “They what?”
“Went bankrupt. Or I got laid off. Every company I worked for.” You shake your head, eyes trained on the ceiling but looking off somewhere unknowable. “Never did anything right.”
Mammon’s hands fall away from their vice grip on yours. They find a new home over his mouth, where he clamps his fingers to his jaw as he fights wave after wave of nausea. 
Fuck. Fuck!
“I didn’t…” he gasps. “It— I didn’t do it,” he tells you desperately. “It wasn’t me! Or I— I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know!”
You look at him again. And it… it’s awful. Mammon can spend hours by your bed, praying for you to look at him, hoarding every moment you acknowledge him. But this? Your empty eyes that somehow pin him to his chair? They make him want to run. Shrivel up and disappear. Worse than when Lucifer gets the wrinkle in the middle of his forehead that means he’s really upset and Mammon has fucking done it this time. 
“Okay,” you say, befuddled and… and nothing else. Nothing at all.
Mammon puts his head in his hands, his elbows digging into his thighs. You once told him his elbows were bony. Laughed right in his face when he got all puffed up and mad about it. He feels it now, the aching pressure that presses his legs into the fake leather cushion of the stiff, uncomfortable chair he sits in. 
He would give every Grimm— no, every bit of gold, every shiny piece, every glimmer in his collection for you to call him bony again. 
“I didn’t know,” he says again. To you. To the open air of the stupid, shitty human nursing home. To his brothers— fuck how is he going to tell them? How is he supposed to… fuck. 
You don’t answer. And for once, Mammon’s grateful for it. 
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chrolloluvr · 5 months
Hi, happy to see you back❤. I remember in one of your previous works, you mentioned Mammon possibly would babytrap reader. May you please write something on this topic?
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♡ Toxic!Mammon: Babytrapping Hcs ♡
Female!reader, AFAB
Warnings: NSFW, toxic themes, creampie, future child, exploiting
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He will babytrap you, 100%
As I have said before, Mammon likes the idea of having complete control over you, your life, and everything you do. And what better of a way to do that than making you bear his child?
He gets this magical, invasive idea when talking to one of his work buddies. He was talking about how annoying you were, even though he cannot live without you, when his co-worker mentions how much responsibility and care a woman has for her children. And the idea hits him. If you are just going to sit around lazily all day like a spoiled brat, why not add a child into the mix?
So he will have you prowled up against his chest, his cock basically stuffing you full, as he pistons in and out of your already sore pussy. Seemingly out of nowhere, telling you
"You'd be such a good mother, wouldn't you babe."
"'Wanna see you swoll with my kids, wouldn't that be somethin'-"
Which makes you feel physically ill. Raising a child with Mamm would be basically impossible. You would never raise a child with this man. Would he support you? Would he genuinley care for your baby? Oh Satan, would he even care-
Your thoughts are abrupted as Mammon stuffs you with his seed, finishing inside yours walls and painting them with a loud groan. He gives your ass a harsh slap, as he watches his cum spilling out of you. He looks you in the eyes, and gives you a daunty chuckle. He forces you to look up at him with your tired, exhausted eyes, as he tells you ohoho babe, we aren't finished until i'm done, alright?.
And he keeps that promise, with the goal of getting you pregnant. He knows the public would go feral. The King of Greed? With a child? It gives him a publicity boost, which in turn, is good for his business, and his image.
Once you find out you are pregnant, you have to eventually tell Mammon, to your dismay. Every day, he makes you take an on brand pregnancy test as he watches. He will hold the test while you pee. Yes you heard me right. So when the test says positive one day, he is over the moon. Not at the fact that he is going to be a father, but at the fact that he is now in complete control over you, and that he can use another part of you as a pawn in his twisted fantasy.
The paparazzi have a field day over this news, because he ends up almost immediately making an announcement. There are headlines, candid photos of you going forcefully outside by mammon, etc. Its like a never ending nightmare. And dont be mistaken, he would never let you out of his sights, or get an abortion. He thinks this is too good of an opportunity.
Behind closed doors, he will actually treat you very well. Feeding you, paying attention to your every need, and not letting you lift a finger. He may even go out of his way to find some stuff by himself at the store. He'll will make you go outside with him. But at times he has to do a meeting, or host an event, he will have his goons escort you places, making sure you go public routes, to get a really good look at your swollen belly.
Brings you to meetings during this time, and picking your outfits carefully. He cant have his darling wearing any disgusting maternity clothes. So he will have you perches on his lap while he sits in his seat, embarrassment eating you whole as you see the sins/overlords snickering and bickering presumably at you. He has one hand rubbing your round belly, and one hand rubbing your shoulders as Mammon discusses his newest buisness plan.
He would create a Mammon Baby Care line. He knows he will profit off your pregnancy
"Alright fellas, so i was thinking for the ladys, a Mammon breast pump, hm? Its great right? Oh! And Mammon themed bibs, ha! Sure to make me a bunch, right babes?"
People think, how could you let Mammon knock you up? Of course, millions of girls idolize Mammon, and would want to be with him. But sometimes it feels like you are the only one who is infatuated with him. So you will try to look past the fact that he got you pregnant. You'll just try to be hopeful. But it is literally impossible with the way he keeps sweet talking you, as you snap back into the sad reality that you will be having Mammons child, and raising it. No questions to be asked.
He will lead you to subconsciously feel insecure about you and your body. He will squeeze your newly chubby cheeks, glaze his fingers over your stretch marks newly littering your body, etc. And he definitely does that on purpose.
As you reach up to the half full Nutella jar in the high cabinet in the kitchen, you hear a pair of loud footsteps coming behind you. Its Mammon. You try your best to ignore him, but you cant help but feel uneasy when you feel a pair of familiar eyes on you. It is currently 1:30 AM, and he is in a really tired mood.
"You need help sweets?"
He said with a suckle voice, knowing its affects on you are vast. He looks you up and down, admiring your perfect body in his mind. Your curves, belly, and the look your giving him. It makes him want to just bend you over and fuck your brains out likes theres no tomorrow. But he cant, he just has to be extra agile with you.
"Do I look fat?"
Ohhh boy. The question you always ask when you feel like he's eyeing you up. he hates when you ask that, because then he has to make up some half assed excuse to why he's looking at you a certain way. When your pregnant, he basically has to walk on eggshells around you.
"You... look like your carrying my child, and I like the sight of that."
"Okay, do you love me?"
He pauses. One wrong answer, and you'll refuse to talk to him for weeks. You two, as of your relationship, are in a really good spot right now. You will basically do anything for him. But you are really sensitive emotionally and physically, due to your hormones.
As he walks up behind you, he lifts you up by your waist, and hold you up to the cabinet, letting you reach.
He says in a low, gruff voice.
"Yeah Mamm?"
"What the hell kind of question is that. Of course I love you."
He says as you look at him, face to face. You watch his eyes never leave yours, which makes you break off eye contact in a flustered state. You then realize that he is holding you, which makes you feel insecure.
"Okay, I love you too Mamm"
"Alright, now get your sweet treat, and get the fuck to bed, and hurry up. We've got a busy day tomorrow sweets."
He sets you down, and leaves the kitchen, leaving you with yourself, your Nutella and a spoon in hand. You look down at yourself, and your huge stomach. You wonder how you got yourself into this twisted predicament. You mostly worry about your baby's future as Mammons child. Because you are aware that Mammon will only use them for his own monetary gain. You cannot escape this man, even if you try. But you can always pretend you have your own free will, and you could always just eat your silly thoughts away, as Mammon always told you.
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
18+ Obey me cast smut headcanons
18+ Don't take my warnings lightly love~
most of Obey me cast x gender neutral reader
Warnings: My opinion, dark kinks, swearing, talking about smut in detail, minors don't interact
Note: Consent is important kids! In all these situations consent is used. Later side characters are not displayed here, since I am not at that part in the story. Reblogs and constructive criticism is always appreciated!
Concept: How I believe sex would be like with the characters! A lot of these are shared opinions by the Obey Me community.
Word count: 858~
-Hard dom for sure
-Will sub for you under certain circumstances
-R.I.P the bed
-Uses you as a stress reliever (with consent)
-Loves tying you up
-Daddy kink
-Brat tamer
-Secretly likes it when you act out
-Is willing to share you with Diavolo
-Switch but with a sub lean
-Loves lap dances
-Wil try to use money during sex
-Strip games, especially poker
-Would love a sugar daddy/mommy lifestyle 
-Would love being the sugar daddy but would also love you playing that role
-Praise kink 100%
-Will want cuddles for a long time afterwards
-You are his human. No one else's, so sharing is off the table
-Just really wants to make you happy
-Loves watching you play with yourself
-Also is a brat in the sheets, if ya catch my drift
-Loves the pain <3
Leviathan (This being very long is my way of saying happy birthday to my baby boy <3)
-I also believe he is a switch with a sub lean
-Tail fucking
-Two cocks
-Underwear thief
-Loves being degraded and praised so…go to town!
-Needs constant reassurance so please give him some.
-A great way of easing him into it, is sexting and phone sex
-All the hentai he has seen definitely fucked his expectations up
-He also got like a couple of dark kinks because of it
-Hentai addiction, but will imagine you as one of the characters
-Is really into cuckolding, but is too shy to say anything about it
-When figuring out a kink you have to help him out since he is too shy to talk about it
-Does not last long in the beginning, but you can help him build it up over time
-There is a good chance that he is a virgin. He does masturbate a lot though
-You have to start intimate moments because of his insecurities
-That being said, when he is jealous that is definitely not the case
-Will want to have sex in the infamous bathtub
-Whether it is actually going to happen is up too you 
-But if you are willing to do it in said bathtub he will put tons of soft blankets and mattresses in there
-Role play
-When he role plays as a character he likes he is way more confident 
-Hard dom just like his daddy
-Uses you as a way to relive his anger and frustration which is often
-Always with consent
-Pet play <3
-Cockwarming while reading -Fucks you while reading
-Reads smut in public places
-Also fucks in public places <3
-The library is a popular pick, so uhh have fun? 
-The definition of a switch
-This man has tried it all
-Certified sex god
-A sex toy collection larger then Diavolo's castle 
-Voyourism and exhibitionist
-Would be the most likely to share you sexually
-Especially with Solomon
-VERY experimental
-Very high sexdrive so goodluck!
-Has his little checklist in his room of where you have and haven't fucked yet
-Moans his own name
-The definition of a service top
-Food play
-Good at head
-He is super sweet and gentle with you 
-Is obviously willing to share you with Belphegor
-2 for 1 deal!
-Will suggest doing it in at the gym or sport locker rooms
-Does not like to do it often, but will do it more if you want to!
-Hard dom and power bottom 
-60% of the time will let you do most of the work
-A wild card you never know what to expect
-Might play with the concept with consent
-Knive play
-What i am trying to say, is that he likes his sex dark if that makes sense
-Has fantasies of kidnapping you with Beel
-Will use his powers to make you dream about sex
-Gets turned on when he sees you sleeping
-Will fuck you when you are asleep if you give him your blessing
-Soft dom
-R.I.P the bed and the floor, and.. you get the jist
-This man fucks and he fucks HARD
-Breeding kink 
-Please read my sugar daddy fics of this man to get a better idea of how he is like
-Also a service dom
-Will stop in the middle of sex if Diavolo or visitors need him
-He is a busy man, so don't expect a lot
-Tail fucking
-This man is a mystery, so he will definitely keep you on your toes
-Switch?? Maybe soft dom
-We don't have enough in game material to make confident statements
-The only way you would get there is by a very very very motivated corruption kink
-Congrats! You made him fall from grace
-Will still keep a lot of his angelic traits when he falls. He will be gentle
-Secretly has a lot of pent up anger so good luck with that
-He is a wild card man (just like Belphegor)
-You can never quite expect what is going to happen next
-Definitely puts his powers to good use
-If you are okay with it, he will invite Asmo to join in
-May or may not be your side hoe when you are in the human realm for a little too long
(Plz i need someone to write about this and tag me)
Started on and finished on: 8th of april 2023
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