#which is common...) WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?
notur-dreamboy · 9 hours
Assinging the endless to dead boy detectives characters because I can. (With explanations using a mix of comic and tv show lore)
Edwin - dream This was a hard choice, and while Despair was the more Canon choice as she claimed him as her friend in the 7th episode. Alternatively, I like exploring the similarities in dream and Edwin's character arch. In the comics edwin died in 1916 and escaped hell in 1989 much like the show, in the comics dream was kidnapped from 1916-1989 as opossed to the show where he escapes in 2020 or 2021 (I am unsure as to which one) they also both go through archs of finding companionship/acecpting people into their life and finding a greater purpose/finding peace with the one they're given. They're also both the bitchy intellectual type and hate most people.
Charles - destruction. I see so much fan content with him and desire, and while I see the vision, I have to disagree. (I also wanted to save them for the much more obvious choice) Destruction abandoned his position after he saw science being used as a tool for destruction because he didn't want to be the cause of massive devastation or obliteration (paraphrased from destructions page on the sandman wiki) and if that's not so incredibly Charles I don't know what is. Charles arch, we see him deal with this destructive type of anger he wants nothing to do with, so much so he represses all of it with a smile until it becomes too much.
Crystal - destiny. I gave her destiny because her arch and plotting in so intertwined with Edwin and Charles's it feels like it was nothing but destiny. Without her they wouldn't of even noticed the Becky Jackson case, the start of everything. Nothing would've happened without her. Because of her charles faced things he was hiding from himself for years, edwin let other people into his life, they wouldn't of saved niko if Crystal never had that quick interaction with her in episode one. She is so intertwined into everything I wouldn't be surprised if she was crafted by destiny himself.
Niko - death. There are multiple reasons why I gave niko death (including and in spite of the obvious). The biggest one is her future role as the principal, an employee of the afterlife and death. This is also another case of the personalities lining up. Death is seen as welcoming and kind despite being hated and feared as a concept. Death is also seen as wise and understands her role in life she is also the endless dream is closest with. On the sound of her wings when dream is feeling down about his quest for his tools being she allows him to shadow doing her job and offers him advice about his own state. I also just think death and dream's relationship is so similar to niko and Edwin's.
The cat king - desire. Really, this one is obvious. I don't know what you want me to say. His kingdom is all about want and pleasure, wuth is literally desire. His entire role is just to wake edwin up to his own desires. This is such a common concept that the most popular head Canon for him is that he is desires child.
Jenny - despair. I almost gave despair to edwin along with dream given their Canon interaction, but I decided otherwise. We don't know much about Jenny's backstory, but things can be assumed and interpreted certain ways. She owns her family's butcher shop but no family is ever mentioned (outside of a quick anecdote about her father in episode 5 but more on that later), she doesn't seem to have any friends or a social life for that matter. The letters, she reads them and follows up on the but is immediately off put on the idea of a date, which ended horribly. Her father, described as an acholohic and raging narcissist, couldn't have been a man who provided a great childhood either, yet she still took up his butcher shop. We can assume he's out of the picture for one reason or another as Jenny runs the shop herself. The first piece of advice she offers essentially boils down to people who are selfish, it can be assumed this is pulled from personal experience. Jenny is a character surrounded by despair and has grown so comfortable in it she doesn't even notice it anymore.
Tragic mick - delirium. The only endless to have 2 forms, delirium used to be delight before she evolved to delirium for reasons unknown to even destiny. Mick initially seen as comfortable in his human for until we learn about the washer woman. Niko gives him a piece of sea glass in hope it will help but instead we see him descend further into the quite madness he's proven himself into. Then we hear his story, a tragedy about a walrus forec to live the rest of his life as a human because of a bad decision. He's winds up mad (or delirious if you will) by thus decision, now wanting nothing more than to go back to being a walrus.
Bonus (Esther, monty, and the night nurse as various sandman characters) (little explanation, sorry)
Esther- the Corinthian. Created (or blessed) by a god-like deity for a certain purpose but took it too far out of pure selfishness
Monty- Mathew. Simply because they're both anthropomorphic birds.
The night nurse- lucienne/ lucien. A loyal assiant to their respective endless. Certain events cause them to drift from what they've always done or thought.
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mi-i-zori · 1 day
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A Tiny World
CoD - 141 x Snail (OC/Fem!Reader)
SYNOPSIS : Snail really likes to play Animal Crossing to relax. Turns out, Ghost does too.
WARNINGS : None. But please read the Author’s Note below.
Author’s Note : Snail is an OC that can be read as a Fem!Reader - I do my best no to describe her too much, but may sometimes say that she’s small (height) and has long hair.
I do not give anyone permission to re-publish and/or translate my work, be it here or on any other platform, including AI.
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Playing Animal Crossing is Snail’s way to escape the world whenever she can’t do or focus on anything else.
At the beginning, her first goal is to fill the museum to the brim - which she does pretty quickly, allowing her character to sit on a bench in front of the exhibits and enjoy the music playing in her ears. The aquarium is her go-to place to fully relax. Sometimes, she even falls asleep, leaving her little persona to bob her head left and right while watching the fishes.
When she really wants to empty her mind, she focuses on building her own little world. She’s quite indecisive about the theme she wants to follow to decorate her island, which leads her to divide it in multiple « regions ». Each one has an aesthetic that progressively gives way to another one, like a natural border that allows her to create a smaller theme in-between.
To go with these regions, she’s made different characters. They, too, live in a house and are dressed to fit a specific theme, and she enjoys crafting stories for each one of them. Her favourite house is like her own little museum, filled to the brim with curiosities of all kinds. Insects, fishes, plants, skeletons… The main room looks like an old apothecary shop, and a part of her longs to be able to make her own apartment a real version of this virtual house.
Ever since he stumbled upon her playing quietly in the common room, Ghost has been sharing this moment of peace with her, watching her play, learning about the game and the little world and characters she’s bringing to life. He rejected her offer to create his own character in there, but it doesn’t stop him from sitting next to her and throwing a few glances at the screen while reading or watching TV, or fully focusing on it while sipping on a cuppa.
« You sure you don’t even want to try playing a little bit, LT ? » Is what Snail keeps asking every single time - and, at some point, Simon gives in.
He finds that he really enjoys fishing the most, hunting bugs being a close second. Snail excitedly explains every single mechanic of the game to him, and the roles end up being reversed. She’s now the one watching him play as he keeps catching the most expensive things for her to sell as if he’s been doing this for his entire life, and he quietly listens as she blurts out random trivia about whatever fish or bug the little character is showing off.
There’s a moment when a neighbour actually manages to steal the expert’s target, immediately digging their own grave. Simon now sees a mortal enemy in them, and is ready to unleash hell on their life whenever he can. Snail taught him how to use the net as a weapon, causing him to whack the poor fellow on sight, despite her asking him to not be too mean. She likes this neighbour - it’s a frog, after all, and they’re nice to her. She does her best to keep them on her island, making it up to them after Simon’s spent at least an hour bullying them.
To try and salvage what’s left of her friendship with that neighbour, Snail introduces him to the islanders she actually wants to move away.
« LT, this one said the custom mushroom dress I made for myself wasn’t fashionable. Can you please help me unleash Hell on them until they leave ? »
« This guy put his house on the beautiful patch of rare flowers I’d made for my new zone. It took me weeks to get them all and now I have to remake everything ! »
« I don’t vibe with this islander. They’re mean to everyone, and made my best friend sad. »
« Equip your net, » is what he always says in return, settling comfortably on the couch before grabbing the controller.
Simon never realised how satisfying it could be to whack the characters of a cute video game on the head in-between a few sessions of fishing. So much that it’s become a little ritual now.
Though he still adamantly refuses to create his own character.
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metamorphesque · 2 hours
ASALA: Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (part 1)
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In 1915, ottoman turkey committed the Genocide of Armenians: more than 1.5 million Armenians were massacred.
Women were assaulted, raped, sexually mutilated and tortured. Many were killed by bayoneting or died from prolonged sexual abuse. The “lucky ones” managed to kill themselves, while others were sold as slaves, forced to work as prostitutes or into marriage by their perpetrators. An eyewitness testified, "It was a very common thing for them to rape our girls in our presence. Very often they violated eight or ten year old girls, and as a consequence many would be unable to walk, and were shot."
The men were usually separated from the rest of “the deportees” during the first few days and executed, but, of course, not before being tortured and mutilated. Some were crucified, beheaded, others were often drowned by being tied together back-to-back before being thrown in the water. So many bodies floated down the Tigris and Euphrates that they sometimes blocked the rivers and needed to be cleared with explosives. Other rotting corpses became stuck to the riverbanks, and still others traveled as far as the Persian Gulf.
In 1918, the young turk regime took the war into the Caucasus, where approximately 1,800,000 Armenians lived under Russian dominion. Ottoman forces advancing through East Armenia and Azerbaijan here too engaged in systematic massacres. The expulsions and massacres carried by the nationalist turks between 1920 and 1922 added tens of thousands of more victims. By 1923 the entire landmass of Asia Minor and historic West Armenia had been expunged of its Armenian population. The destruction of the Armenian communities in this part of the world was total.
And yet, despite all of this—the unimaginable horrors that plagued the Armenian nation in the early 20th century—what do you think the world did in response? After this descent into hell, after the suffering, the bloodshed, the total annihilation—what followed? Silence. Deafening, shameful silence, as always.
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Silence—until it was shattered 58 years later, when, at the age of 78, having exhausted every peaceful avenue to draw the world’s attention to the Armenian Question and faced with nothing but ignorance, Gourgen Yanikyan fired 13 bullets at the Turkish consul and vice-consul. This singular act of defiance wiped 58 years of dust from the forgotten pages of Armenian history, forcing the world to confront the cause once again.By sacrificing his freedom, Yanikyan ignited a movement. His act became the catalyst for a wave of Armenian activism, inspiring the creation of ASALA, who would go on to fight for the recognition of the genocide.
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In 1975, a group of Lebanese-Armenians led by Iraqi-Armenian Hakob Hakobyan, all of whose parents and/or grandparents were survivors of the genocide, inspired by Yanikyan’s self-sacrifice, decided to found an underground organization, which through armed actions will again bring the Armenian Question into the international political and legal dimension, present the recognition of the Armenian Genocide carried out by the turks in 1914-1923 by the international community, and create prerequisites for the liberation of Western Armenia. The organization was called ASALA - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia.
The military operations of the ASALA were mainly aimed at turkish embassies, consulates, diplomats, government officials, military and police institutions, the turkish business environment, especially the offices of "turkish airlines corporation", as well as the state and public structures of other countries, which showed financial or military support to the turkish state.
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Now, why am I telling you about this today? Well, today - on September 24th marks the 43rd anniversary of the Van Operation (24/09/1981), carried out by 4 Armenian ASALA soldiers - Vazgen Sislyan, Hakob Julfayan, Gevorg Gyuzelyan and Aram Basmajyan. On this day in 1981, four Armenian youths, aged 20-24, armed with pistols, automatic rifles and explosives, seized the turkish consulate in Paris, holding it under their control for 15 hours.
4 Soldiers of The Van Operation taking off their masks
The trial of “VAN” turned into a trial of the turkish government. The “VAN” operation and the political trial that followed it played a major role in bringing the Armenian issue to the international political arena, globalizing the territorial claim and the violated rights of the Armenian people, creating a new wave of condemnation of the reality of the Armenian genocide, strengthening the pride and spirit of struggle among Armenians.
When all the hope has slipped away, It’s the mad who find a way.
Though violence is condemned, it is the cruel truth that it is the only language to which the world listens.
More about the Van Operation in the second part.
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earnestecho · 8 hours
Was listening to a podcast I like and they started talking about crows and I ended up falling down a rabbit hole of googling crow facts. With this new information I got struck with the realization: Jean is not a raven. He’s a crow.
Sure, if you don’t know much about birds they look identical. They’re both big and black. An easy mistake to make, though they’re rather different.
Ravens are found in isolation. In forests, wildlife reserves, and the like. Crows flourish in two types of areas: 1) large, open habitats like agricultural fields and 2) urban areas like parks and city centers. Jean belongs outside of the nest and in the light of day surrounded by others.
Crows are a large bird, but they’re smaller than ravens. The tail of a raven is tapered, causing raven tails to have a pointed end and giving an overall diamond shape to their appearance. Crows have tails that fan at the end. In addition, ravens have longer wingspans and heavier beaks where crows have shorter wings and thinner beaks which speaks to agility. Jean, like the crow, cannot be described as soft. However, in comparison to the raven, he is less harsh.
The two birds have different calls as well, which (for birdwatchers) is the best way to tell them apart. The crow has a high pitched caw, while the raven has a deeper, throatier croak. The crow call is similar to birdsong in that it is used to signify presence within a territory rather than mark it. In fact, both birds do not use their call as a way to mark territory but rather as a way to communicate with other birds of their species within the territory, specifically their families. The reason i bring attention to this point is because Jean has always been speaking in a language unavailable to his teammates. He has been using crow calls to speak to ravens that do not view him as family, in the species sense of the word. His words are only given power when he speaks to what becomes his own family, whether that be Kevin in the nest (who is also not a raven) or the Trojans.
The way that they deal with mean humans is an important point as well. Crows are extremely intelligent and inquisitive. A crow is known to never forget a face, and when encountering a mean and potentially dangerous human it teaches others in its family how to identify that human. I don’t think I need to draw the clearest line here to Jean “is Cody safe” Moreau. He speaks for himself.
My final point comes in the form of false beliefs about crows. One of the biggest beliefs surrounding them is their love for shiny objects (which i was going to evidence Jean’s experiences with bisexuality until I started to read more on it lol). However, this is a common myth. In fact, crows show little preference to shiny objects (the same is true of magpies!). It is simply a falsehood, if you would, that is believed by many people…sound familiar to any rumors floating around about Jean?
How in the hell is a crow supposed to survive in a raven’s nest?
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that1notetaker · 6 months
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The ringmaster and the amphitheater. The chessboard and the player. Round and round they go.
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finelinens1994 · 11 months
it always pisses me off a bit when i see people trying to use their platform to Educate The Public and the "educational resources" they provide are twitter threads, tiktoks, and carrds. like yes absolutely a social media post from a primary source is invaluably helpful when it comes to getting first-person perspectives on current events, but you just cannot learn extensive history from tiktok. idk. maybe you can. maybe i'm being too quick to write off tiktok as a whole. it's just rare that a tiktok is going to be well-researched and provide sources for the viewers to vet or use for further research on their own, so it's natural to be doubtful.
people easily believe anything on social media if it's well-said and seems sincere, which is just dangerously stupid. vet your sources. think critically. don't just blindly believe a tiktok because the person filming it is using smart people words
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Just looked at the glossary, pronunciation guide, and terminology sections of 7seas tgcf and y’all were right, this shit is mad offensive lmao. (Not to say that I didn’t believe folks before, I’d just always skipped everything after the actual story content for the other mxtx books.)
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mr-cactis · 5 months
I like that we agree that there's something very strange going on in the Better World
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get-more-bald · 24 days
the thing about X6 is that he's essentially a slave given to the Sole Survivor by the Institute. and I think that the fandom's treatment of him would be different if the game addressed it or even just said it
#forever crying cause x6 has no companion quest#i mean like. would be cool if fallout fans could read implications but also i think im one of the very few who actually think about x6#like. what the hell.........#also obv the institute synth slavery plotline was incredibly mishandled and also bad but like. everyone knows that#fallout 4 would be SO good if it was good#one thing i think about the synths. is that there are different divisioms of gen 3s#the common one: normal artificial human-cyborg basically. BUT has a short life expectancy (like... 10-15 years? short in general)#for the coursers i cant decide whether theyre upgraded commons (which would make them 'a class above' with some 'gifted' individuality)#or if theyre just. made to kill. superior physically and mentally. proficient with weapons. uncommon. even shorter life expectancy tho#and the impersonators made specifically to inflitrate the outside world. who have a life expectancy much closer to a real human#but theyre uncommon (usually community leaders) and theyre hard to make. so the commons are also sent up a lot of the time#and the institute goal in all this is to secretly control the commonwealth societies AND to use the synths (with 'a shorter life anyways')#to clean the commonwealth of radiation and create safe spaces and generally make it good and safe. and also perform eugenics on the humans#so that after the commonwealth is safe and non irradiated etc. the institute humans can actually come out and have the world ready for them#and they'd be provided for etc etc. which would make a convincing goal for a vault-like society AND have the ss actually consider joining#but with obvious flaws in their plan (maybe not even their grandchildren would see the outside. the synth slavery obv (with disregard for#their lives). the basically slow genocide of the outside humans and ghouls and all mutated life. like itd be so good#also the short life cycle of a synth (especially a courser) would make an x6 story so tasty. like. hes probably what? 6 or 8? not a lot#is he a child? not really. an adult? i dont think so. hes just here and hes going to die soon and theres nothing you can do#could be a nice ground for a companion quest where hes free and learns how to live to the fullest for his remaining years or smth#also the short lifespan (finally remembered thw word) could actually be a reason for synths to be considered less than human#cause in the base game its just like. theyre just some guys with metal in their heads and i guess they were made in a lab (noone could tell)#coming back to the institute. they would be so full of themselves and scared of the outside and pretty pathetic that thered be no way#to talk them into changing their plans and working with the outside world. but youd have to think about it a bit cause their supplies#WILL run out. its a matter of time. and they will NOT work with the other factions no matter what. so if work against them youll doom them#which is why we could use some innocent institute npcs too. or like... show some children there or whatever. make them human too#but you also see how much destruction theyre causing in the outside world (insert quest about synths like... the mcdonough quest or smth)#damn and i thought i wouldnt go on a tirade in the tags again.... alas#well here are my almost 2am thoughts about the institute and that its stupid in base game#fallout 4 would be so good if it was good
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piplupod · 29 days
i think i like n.eocities so much bc i can just... put stuff up there and not see if anyone sees it. i try hard not to care about that on tumblr but sometimes the likes thing does get to me - and idk even which way it bothers me ?? do i want ppl to see my stuff? do i not want them to? i think i just like the ignorance tbh. i do like being seen (to some degree. makes me nervous but also its nice to like... exist in the world) but i also... prefer to just,, not know for sure if im being seen or not maybe LOL, i feel like a cat TwT
so to be able to just throw things onto my website and not have any "likes" feature is so freeing sdjfkl also not having everything i post show up on other people's dashes/timelines/fyp etc is so great too bc then i dont feel like im shoving my garbage in ppls faces dghjkl
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
yeah. I don't care what anyone says I still love 2005 p&p more than 1995 bbc p&p
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yellobb · 11 months
American “healthcare” can go fuck itself please and thank you
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trans-leek-cookie · 8 months
as a certified Aromantic Asexual (I should make myself a certificate) I genuinely don't Believe there is systemic oppression that specifically targets Aromantic or Asexual people.
I do however believe that people Cannot be normal about ppl who don't have sex or romantic relationships, and that can Really Impact Aromantic And Asexual People.
Also like. Aros n aces are still. Experiences Other forms of oppression that can interact with the aro and/or ace-ness
#Like. Woman doesn't get married. Maybe aro maybe illegal for her to marry who she wants maybe no fuckin reason. She's probably gonna get#Some shit for it but that's primarily misogyny. While it does affect aro ppl disproportionately bc. Yeah. It's not based on them being#Aro it's a conicindental intersection. Also can y'all be normal about sex and virgins#Anyway slightly related dreaming of a world in which it was better acknowledged that sex repulsion while common for ace ppl#Was not synonymous w being ace so we avoided the ace discord phenomenon that a bunch of gay/lesbian/bi ppl mis identified as ace#Bc they couldn't deal w the idea of having sex w a person of the same gender#With the idea of actually having sex bc it was treated as gross (sex repulsion as a result of society) or that trauma survivors#Misidentified as ace bc they had issues w sex bc trauma. Also that sex repulsion wasnt like an identity but rather a Symptom that could be#Either a problem or neutral. Who else's brain was boiled by ace and also inclus/exclus discord and came out thinking everyone was fucking#Stupid. Like both sides had Points but it was mostly just bullshit and no one fucking talking. Also ppl kept talking about ace ppl#''stealing resources'' and multiple ppl joked Abt that which is a problem bc that means. A BUNCH OF LGBT PPL DIDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT RESOURCE#THEY HAD (anyway looking back on it. Idk if ace ppl were even taking up resources or anything like the common example was LGBT shelters#Bc like if u were gay u might be kicked out of a normal shelter but if u were ace u would probably not get kicked out so if an ace person#Went to an LGBT shelter then they might've taken a bed from someone who needed it more which. I guess is theoretically possible but also id#If that ever fucking. Was something to actually give a shit Abt. Correct me if I'm wrong)#ALSO the idea of ''all gay ppl should go to hell'' ''oh do bi ppl only half go to hell?'' sure thats probably a problem but also. A LOT OF#THOSE WERE EVERYONE DOING IT INCLUDING GAY PPL? LIKE THE FUCKING ''ALL GAY PPL SHOULD BE ON AN ISLAND AND THE POPULATION AUFNFJNSAJ''#like does anyone else remember that. Everyone was making those stupid fucking jokes. This is just a rant Abt me being on Tumblr without an#Account for years and the psychic damage I've accrued. Anyway fuck AO3 goodbye
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mossflower · 2 years
i really need to stop reading booktok books
#the atlas six… what the fuck was that#the pacing felt super off#it was really hard to tell what the hell was going on and yet nothing fucking happened!!#i liked some of the characters libby and gideon were enjoyable and nico was pretty good too#but parisa and callum were exhausting tristan was boring and reina didn’t fucking do anything#reina pisses me off the most because i did like her character as a concept but then she just. spent 500 pages doing fuck all#and having zero development or exploration of her character#having a character who didn’t care about her power could have been so much more interesting than the way this book chose to handle it#just because she can’t really use her power the way the others can doesn’t mean she shouldn’t actually affect the plot for the entire story#it’s just a waste of her as a character. anyway#i would have been 1000% more interested in a story about gideon nico and libby and the entirety of the alexandria plot being dropped#because gideon was hands down my favourite character in this book and libby and nico would be far more interesting#if we didn’t have four extra characters to bother about#booktok books have a tendency to contain lots of fancy prose and ‘clever’ twists#while having literally the worst plot you have ever read and characters that are just plain bad and boring#oh and the setting and worldbuilding was awful too#how does magic integrate with the regular world? is it commonplace? there’s magic universities but are they secret? i have no fucking idea!#there was a mention of magic being used to help fix environmental issues which politicians know about#but is this common knowledge? no idea!!#there’s merpeople and other magical people who don’t get assistance from the state but it that because the state doesn’t know they exist??#it’s just bad worldbuilding i’m sorry#okay. i’m done. sleeping now#morganposting
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wabblebees · 2 years
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cockringhoratio · 2 years
im not gonna lie i expected wendell and wild to be,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, better,,,,,,,
#smashy the cache#murder your babies henry selick good lord lol#they needed an exrta 20 minutes or smthn bc that shit was just like#oof#it was a lot of ground to cover for 90 minutes and unfortunately they decided hitting all the story beats was more important than like#making characters with inner worlds. that feel things. and do things based on their feelings. and not Because The Plot Needs Them To#also theres stuff like. fairly early on they introduce that kat went to juvie and im like yeah sure this is a common trope#her trauma and insufficient tools to process it lead to her Acting Out in some way#maybe stole something breaking and entering graffiti maybe arson for some Symbolism idk It Doesnt Matter really bc its shorthand#NO SHE KILLED SOMEONE???#and this information is dropped LITERALLY SECONDS BEFORE SHE 'lets go' AND  'makes her peace with it' LIKE WHAT????#like first of all she INSISTS she is the reason her parents died when it is pretty solidly her dads fault sorry delroy#and its like okay her Angst stems from the survivors guilt and grief and all that and then when she is facing#A LITERAL MANIFESTATION OF HER OWN GUILT AND TRAUMA#the film is like No Actually it stems from all this other shit that weare only showing you JUST NOW MOMENTS BEFORE THIS WILL BE RESOLVED#like idk i feel like a child blaming herself for the death of her parents AND THEN ACCIDENTALLY CAUSING THE DEATH OF ANOTHER CHILD would idk#FEEL A BIT MORE ABOUT THAT than just offhand mentioning right before it doesnt matter anymore#also just EVERYTHING about hell maidens lmao#'hey youre a hell maiden' 'sounds cool i have no further questions im gonna summon demons which is something i can do'#'also i can see the future which is connected to that somehow'#literally what the fuck is a hell maiden and why do they have different powers and why does swearing an oath matter#and more importantly WHAT THE FUCK DID HELL MAIDENS EVEN DO BEFORE THAT GUY MADE THE EVIL TEDDY BEAR???????#like idk its a very Telling Not Showing story but like theyre telling you stuff you just watched happen and not like. necessary context lol#also idk why they bothered w siobhan's 'wait prisons are bad actually :(' arc or the dj dad demon coming to the surface#hes literally chasing wendell and wild down to punish them and then sees a mural and is like 'am i a bad dad :(' and lets them go#why did that need to happen like they coulda just ran away and thats it damn sorry yall had a shitty dad like the story doesnt change#xcept maybe wendell and wild have to do some actual soul searching and penance to get back in kat's good graces#god im gonna stop myself here lol i just keep thinking of other stupid shit they wasted runtime on instead of making a compelling story#anyway lol#i liked the visual design and the hell themepark
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