#where she obviously has make up. i think i got rid of it once but for whatever fucking reason when i opened the game later she had it on
blyszczopies · 8 months
okay but. rory has the "hates being wet" werewolf temperament. which means she gets furious from contact with water
she also has dirt on her hands. always no matter what. cause it comes from the "tattoos" category. sure, she spends a lot of time outside. she might be digging a lot of holes. constantly
but i firmly believe. rory does NOT wash her hands
or anything. not with water at least. she just grooms herself like the animal she is. which leads me to some other stuff i would like to point out
rory would NOT put on fucking make up. she would NOT fucking shave. her creators are cowards. let her be masc without stupid additions "just so people still can tell its a woman!!"
okay back to funny stuff. rory i know youre the biggest metalhead here. yess lets go to a metal concert together. but girl why are you wearing bovver boots in your sports outfit . are you insane
anyways heres a screenshot of rory holding an obviously oversized rabbit<3
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so nice you get to look at it twice
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starryeyedjanai · 6 months
Steve and Eddie meet through their local buy-nothing-sell-nothing group when Steve’s getting ready to move in with Robin and he realizes he can't keep everything he owns while trying to merge households with her.
The first time they meet, Steve hadn't even been meaning to actually meet the person picking up the free toaster oven he’s giving away.
He’s setting his toaster oven outside his house on the porch when Eddie hops out of his van to pick it up and it would be rude to duck back inside without saying anything since he obviously sees him coming up, so they make small talk for a minute and Steve has to keep his eyeballs in check because they keep wanting to rake all the way down this guy’s body.
He’s covered in tattoos and so extremely Steve's type, but he knows better than to hit on someone who lives in his neighborhood and is not here for that reason.
He laments to Robin about it the next day, about the hot guy who’s probably using Steve's toaster oven as they speak, who he’ll probably never see again.
Robin rolls her eyes fondly at him and tells him that maybe if he puts more stuff up for grabs on the facebook group, he might see him again, but Steve suspects she just wants him to get rid of more of his stuff so it doesn't overcrowd their new apartment.
The set of items he puts up in the group next is an old blender and a butcher block that has three of the knives missing—seriously where did those knives go? He has yet to find them.
He tries to pretend he isn't secretly hoping Eddie will comment under his post that he wants the items, but he isn't fooling himself when his heart literally skips a beat when the first comment is from Eddie. He messages him and tells him to stop by later that day.
When Eddie shows up, they talk for longer than last time, Eddie asking why Steve needs to get rid of so much stuff and Steve asking why Eddie needs all this stuff—especially considering Steve snooped through the group and saw that Eddie joined over a year ago and hadn't once commented before now (he doesn't mention that thought, but he is thinking it real hard).
Eddie laughs and says he was in the market for a toaster oven when Steve posted one and wouldn't you know it? He also needs a blender—the knife set is just a bonus, he says.
Steve tries not to read too much into it, but his brain is spinning the interaction around in his head for the next week.
He puts up a space heater in the group and within minutes, Eddie has claimed it.
“I should just get your number and text you directly when I find something I want to get rid of next time,” Steve says flippantly when Eddie comes by to grab it that night. “Instead of clogging up the facebook group.”
Eddie smirks at him and steps a little closer. He says, “Maybe you should.”
His neighbor’s car alarm decides to go off right at that moment, ruining the flirty atmosphere with its incessant shrill. They can barely hear each other over the drone of it, so Eddie leaves without giving Steve his number and Steve is left feeling like he keeps having these missed connection moments with Eddie.
In a fit of desperation to see Eddie again, Steve puts up a bunch of random stuff in the group the next day—a shoe rack that’s missing a piece, a step stool, a cheap side table he got from Ikea—and Eddie is still the first person to comment like he’s been refreshing the page, just waiting for Steve to post.
“I left without giving you my number last time and I didn't want to be creepy and message you unprompted,” Eddie says as they load the side table into his van. “I think I was overthinking things and then got kind of spooked.”
“It doesn't look like anything could spook you,” Steve says.
When they get the side table inside the back of the van, Eddie turns to him and admits, “A very pretty boy could.”
Steve can feel his face getting hot. “You think I’m pretty?” he asks.
Eddie nods. “Why do you think I keep coming here? There's no way a person who’s lived here for as long as I have would need all this stuff.”
“Did you need any of it?” Steve asks in a teasing voice. “Or were you just so blown away by how cute my profile picture is that you just had to meet me?”
“Oh, I needed the toaster oven, but everything after that was just to see you again,” Eddie says before biting his lip.
There’s an entire swarm of butterflies in his stomach when Eddie's hand brushes his, when Steve takes Eddie's hand in his and leads him inside his box-filled house.
Later, when they’re making out on Steve's couch—when Steve really should still be packing since he has to move in less than a week—he pulls back to ask, “Wait, so are you gonna put the rest of the stuff you don't need back up for grabs in the group? I feel like that would start so much neighborhood gossip.”
Eddie grins wide and Steve wants to kiss him again, wants to feel his smile against his mouth.
“Oh, we’ll be the talk of the town, baby,” Eddie says, pulling him back in.
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astral-gamma · 5 months
bsd x reader when some bsd men are talking to another woman or person and they seem to be getting just a liiiittle too comfy so reader get jealous and is clingy all day but doesn't speak and/or ignores them. reader can be fem or gn
fluff , no smut or seggs pls
chars: fyodor, nikolai, dazai, ranpo and whoever else you want! (but maily fyodor cuz i'm a s.i.m.p)
(i can see reader just dragging niko where ever she/they go but don't even make eye contact with him)
u wanted requests and i thoughts of this so you can do it whenever u want and also thank you!
Characyers: Fyodor-Dazai-Nikolai-Ranpo (separeted) making reader jealous ^^
Note!: this took so long yet i couldve done much better 'cause i dont really like it *cries*
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Fyodor has been spending the whole day with this cute girl and ignoring you, it's not as we was cheating on you,you knew that, and you also knew that she Was just a pice for a new plan of his… yet he was only looking at her you kinda felt bad and sad. you felt a shockwave go through you as you  saw him smiling with her, a sudden jealously that I had not expected. His enthusiastic motions drew her in like a magnet as he leaned in a bit too near. You observed from a distance, creating fantastical stories about their friendship in your head. What were the secrets they were sharing during those giggly conversations? you couldn't help but feel irritated by his lack of interest.
As the day went by , dusk approached, the boy with darker locks eventually decided to come back to the house you shared.
Your cheeks were still wet from the tears you had just cried, and you were already fast asleep, cuddled up under the covers of your large bed. Fyodor, who was incredibly smart despite everything, saw this and knew right once what was going on.He knew what was coming for the day when he woke up the next morning with you in his arms (obviously, it wasn't bothering him in the least; in fact, he was just glad to have you close)... He probably knew that you had no intention of leaving him for at all, and for the rest of the day, Fyodor tried to work but was distracted by your soft touches and gentle actions. Eventually, he gave up and paid attention to you, giving you the cuddles and small gestures that you sorely needed.
"Still jealous my Mishka?"
You said nothing just stayed in is warmth “oh my,my dear i love you and you only”
we all know how dazai flirts with all girls but this time he went over the limit and spent the whole time talking to the waitress despite her and YOUR  discomfort. It was supposed to be your date and what does he do? Flirts and is with another girl!!!? 
When you were then on your way home he tried to talk to you and start a conversation but your responses were a simple "mh mh" or "yeah sure" in a cold and uncaring tone and this behavior went on until the next morning. You had calmed down and were getting up and noticed that the raven-haired boy had already disappeared to who knows where....
You got ready to go to work and noticed that your boyfriend was already there,without thinking much about it I took the chair and stood beside him linking your arms to his upper arm
He looked at you with a confused look
"Bella! You need"
No answer
No answer,just you snuggling into his arm
He understood and left you there while he did everything but work
Having a bright and cheeky nature, Nikolai would naturally draw attention from others.
You observed with a sinking heart as Nikolai struck up conversations with appealing girls.
You wondered, your mind racing with uncertainties and fears, "What if Nikolai prefers the company of those girls over me?"
You couldn't get rid of the uneasy sensation in the air that night as they sat by the fireplace because you couldn't look Nikolai in the eyes."What troubles you, my love?" With a soft voice, Nikolai questioned.
But you remained silent.You rushed up from where you were sitting and hopped on him, giving him a tight embrace without saying anything. The man realized after some consideration that you were probably overthinking things.
 Nikolai held your hands in his and soothed your anxious state with kind words of passion and love as his eyes softened with tenderness. He explained that while he appreciated the beauty of others, it was you who held the key to his heart, and no one else was comparable to you.
Ranpo acts and behaves in a very childish manner; he is direct in everything he says and does, frequently acting without hesitation.
He doesn't even understand it at first—he's the greatest investigator in all of Japan, yet he's incredibly naive—he doesnt even realise hes making you jealous and kinda feel bad.He didn't even look at you during a investigation in which you were tasked with assisting him, and he ignored you if you had something to say. All he was thinking about was that case and how he could make himself stand out and demonstrate that he was the greatest, the smartest, he and he only...
You'd be lying if you said this behavior wasn't upsetting you.You choose to remain in the distance, maybe to let time pass or in hopes that someone would eventually take notice of you.
Ranpo only returned to you a few hours later, mumbling about how foolish everyone was in comparison to him after Ranpo's Ultra Deduction had solved the case.
You didn't respond, and he realized right away—not because of his incredible deduction, per se, but also because he observed your depressing attitude.
He let you snuggle and love him because he knew deep down thats what you wanted and opened his arms to make you feel better and in hope you'll forgive him. 
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kisses4kaia · 1 year
can you do one where y/n and charlie are friends and he wants to know how to eat someone out so she teaches him (they end up fuckign))
im so high but happy 4/20 to those who celebrate ☀! fem! reader 17+ nsfw . also unprotected sex is mentioned in this, don't do this ! (btw, title has nothing to do w fic i just really love blue banisters🎃) 🕯️
living legend🪶- c, walker ,,
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a yawn exerted your throat as you sat on your best friend's couch, a binder full of homework sat neatly in your lap.
"char? c'mere, i don't get this one," you called out to your friend and furrowed your eyebrows.
charlie quickly sat down next to you, staring at the page. "this one?" he pointed towards the question. you offered a small nod of verification.
as the gears turned in his head, trying to figure out the equation, you stared at the deeply concentrated look on his face.
"i got it. it's 13," he broke you out of your trance when he looked at you with a smile. "thanks, char." you gleamed at him.
his eyes flashed to your lips for a split second, seemingly lost in his thoughts. "o-oh, yeah. um, of course. any time," he gulped and looked away from your face.
"...charlie? what is it?" you could read him like a book, he obviously wanted to ask you something.
"n-nothing! nothing at all!" he defended.
you just continued to glare at him with a knowing look adorning your features.
"fine. i just... wanted to ask you something," he looked down at his hands. "yeah? what's up?" you were curious now.
"promise not to laugh?" he stared at you seriously. you put on your best, fake, solemn, face. "cross my heart," you joked.
he scoffed. "well, uh... i was just wondering if you could maybe teach me how to," there was something else at the end of the sentence, but he was so quiet, you couldn't make it out.
"speak up, charlie." you demanded. a deep breath.
"could you teach me how to give head?" he was much louder and faster with his tone this time.
your eyes widened. he kept his head down, not daring to see the expression on your face. a few moments of silent tension lingered in the air.
you broke through it. "i mean... of course. but, like... why me?" you asked purely out of curiosity.
his head snapped up. "wait, really? well, uh, i mean, there's nobody i trust more than you and i just figured you'd be the best teacher... i guess," his cheeks were now turning vermillion.
"homework can wait, i think." you set the binder on the coffee table in front of you. "mhm, yes." he nodded quickly.
"well, uh, foreplay is really important," you nodded, pulling him closer to you. you took his hands into yours and placed them at the tops of your thighs.
he was frozen, terrified to make any movement. you took account of this and used your hands to run his up and down your thighs. "relax," you whispered.
he nodded abruptly. "yeah, yeah. sorry," he shook his head as if to rid his head of every thought.
you smiled. he was fucking adorable. "i'm gonna kiss you, that ok?" you asked, pushing hair behind his ear. "yes, please," he shied.
you leaned in carefully and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. the kiss was heightened as he pushed you onto your back, not disconnecting his lips from yours once.
his hands explored under your shirt, and you were tired of the restricted material, so you threw it off. he removed his lips from yours to simply stare.
"char? everything okay?" you furrowed your eyebrows. "you're gorgeous." was the only thing he said. you felt your cheeks get warmer as his eyes burned holes into your skin.
his hands found the rim of your pants and his fingers danced around the hem. "go ahead, love." you allowed. he looked up at your face for confirmation and you nodded.
he slipped the trousers down your legs, along with your underwear.
"okay, lay in between my legs," he lowered his face in front of your core, taking in the scent and energy.
"go ahead and try something, i'll let you know what feels good, m'kay?" you began to play with his hair. he nodded and locked his eyes onto your face, ready to absorb anything and everything you gave him.
he licked a line up your slit as he took in the delectable taste. god, he could spend the rest of his life here.
a sigh escaped your lips. it's been a minute.
charlie suctioned his lips onto your clit and used his tongue to circle around it. your fingers tightened their grip on his hair.
this caused a hum to vibrate against you. "fuck, you're doing so good," you praised.
the muscle swirled around your folds and tried everything he'd seen in porn on you, and you let him know what he should continue and what he should cut out.
at one point, his tongue dipped deeply into you, causing your back to arch off of the couch.
he ate out you out like there was no tomorrow until you stopped him.
"wait, char. stop," he pulled away immediately and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
"sorry, did i do something wrong?" you shook your head. "no, um... i just want you.. inside me?" you asked, closing your legs, feeling shy.
"are you serious?" his eyes widened. "only if you want to-" he cut you off. "are you kidding? i've dreamed about fucking you for literal years," he quietly admitted. it made your heart flutter.
his clothes were all over the place in no time. "have you ever done this before?" you asked him. "no," his voice was soft and almost embarrassed. "hey, look at me." you allowed him to sit back on the couch.
you moved to straddle him. "let me take care of you, hm?" you looked down at him.
he could've cried.
instead, he nodded. you lined his tip up with your entrance. "ready?" you needed one final assurance. "mhm,"
he was big, no doubt about it. he stretched you out beyond belief as you sank down on him.
the sound that elicited him almost made you cum right there. you allowed both of you to adjust before moving.
when you did, he couldn't help but let his head fall into the crook of your neck. you were so warm, so tight around him. he whimpered and whined into you as you grinded and bounced and clenched around him.
"f-fuck, mommy, you feel so good around me," he whined.
the moan you let out at the name was straight out of a porno. you sped up your pace as you attacked his neck and collarbone with hickeys. you were fully aware robbie, kirby, and jill would see them tomorrow. you couldn't care less.
"t's too much, momma! fuck, slow- slow down," his hands glued onto your hips as tears began forming in his eyes.
"you can take it, right? you can be my good boy and take it for just a little longer, can't you?" you wiped the droplets that cascaded down his cheeks.
he nodded. it was all he wanted, to be good for you. "yeah, i can take it. all for you," he said closing his eyes and allowing himself to feel the ecstasy of your cunt around his cock.
"i'm gonna cum, pretty boy. you wanna cum with me? can you do that for me?" you were breathless in your ask. "please," he whimpered.
only a few swift movements of your hips later, your release was staring you dead in your face, along with charlie's. "now, doll." you whispered in his ear and he let out a strained moan and he let out his load inside of you as you came around his dick.
"oh my god, y/n." he chuckled into the sweat-coated area of your shoulder. you couldn't do anything but chuckle back until you both burst into laughter.
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taglist; @themostintellectualblonde @dreamtofus @wannabe-indie-sleaze
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
As It Was (You Know It’s Not The Same)
prompt: part II of the pornstar!au; what happens after the shoot
warnings: angst,smut, minors dni
If you would like to get two week early release, exclusive content/tropes, among other benefits - consider signing up for my Patreon for $3 a month :)
part one
YN is staring blankly into her bowl of chicken alfredo that Niall was kind enough to make after they got home from the shoot.
She had so many different emotions coursing through her that it felt like overload and it was making her numb as not one single thought could be construed properly in her head.
Niall let her process for a while as he chowed down on his own meal, eyeing his best friend regularly to try to get a gauge on her mental status.
It jars them both when Niall’s phone begins to ring, the obnoxious default music echoing through the apartment and interrupting the silence.
His phone was face down, in typical Niall fashion, he flips it quickly and answers, barely glancing at the unknown number on the screen.
“‘Ello?” He states through a mouthful, ever the gentleman, and as soon as the caller begins to talk, Niall’s eyebrows pinch downward and he drops his fork as he listens.
“She doesn’t owe you shit, mate,” Niall responds loudly and YN already knows who it is, knows that Harry has Niall’s number but not hers because she changed it a while back when a subscriber found it out and called incessantly.
“I’m not asking her whether she wants to talk or not. If she did, she obviously would have stuck around to do so. You don’t get to make demands when you were the one getting your dick wet elsewhere,” Niall was nearly shouting at this point where YN didn’t even need to hear Harry to know that he was keeping a deathly calm tone with a sharp edge to each word.
YN had only heard him yell once.
“You won’t let me explain!” Harry erupts angrily, YN had never heard him this loud ever as he stood in the entryway of their apartment, “You’re kicking me out and you won’t even fucking let me explain to you what’s been going on!”
“You had time to explain,” YN grits out, there were fat tears streaming down her cheeks and she could not catch her breath, “But when I asked you wh-what was going on you lied. You said n-nothing was sneak-sneaky.”
Harry’s eyes soften a bit as he tries to step forward with his arms outstretched, “Baby, you need to breathe. You’re going to pass out. Please, just let me help you first.”
“Don’t you dare,” YN manages to hiss between hiccups, taking a step back until she hits the wall behind her, “Don’t even think about touching me.”
Harry’s voice raises again, “You think that I would throw what we had away? For what? Sex? Are you that fuckin’ daft? When would I have time to get it anywhere when I’m trying to get with you every time I can? Our sex life is literally amazing.”
“You tell me,” She rebukes with a shake of her head, she just needs a minute to think and everything is going a mile a minute, “You tell me why.”
“You know what?” Harry scoffs with a clenched jaw, he looked more intimidating in this moment than he ever had as he spoke through his teeth, “The fact that you think I would ever cheat on you is disgusting. That you think so god damn little of me after I’ve spent the last five years proving my love and loyalty to you.”
YN’s bottom lip quivers at that, a fresh round of tears because this isn’t her fucking fault, and he is making her doubt herself right now.
“The fact that you’re willing to throw away this relationship because of something you suspect with nofucking proof. Just because of what you went through with your parents. That ready to get rid of me,” Harry’s volume lowers by the end, a watery edge of emotion to it, and YN watches him rub his eyes furiously to wash away the tears.
YN regrets what she says next because she knows they should have a conversation even if it’s not what she wants to hear.
However, she instead spits out, “Get the fuck out. I hope I never see your fucking face again. Go find the girl who was worth it and enjoy your life.”
And then she’s turning on her heel out of the room, the deafening sound of Harry slamming the front door shut as he leaves makes her ears ring and he had to have to splinter it.
YN has never collapsed to the ground before like she did right then, sliding down the wall in her kitchen and dropping her head to her knees - letting out the most earth-shattering wail as her soulmate walks out of her life.
“You can fuck off, mate,” Naill’s hard words interrupt her flashback as he pulls his phone away from his ear and presses the red ‘end’ button before setting his phone back down on the table, “Jesus. He wants your number.”
YN squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, shaking her head and taking in a deep inhale because it’s not that she doesn’t want to talk to him, she just knows that it’s not the best decision for her.
However, with the choices she made today to sleep with him, she wasn’t truly making great decisions anyways at this point.
It didn’t get him out of her system, if anything, it reminded her of how much her body craved him and how much her soul needed him - it reminded her of how broken she was without him.
“Thanks, Niall,” YN sighs as she pushes her full plate away, “I just…I just need some time to decompress. I’m probably just going to get a bath and head to bed. I’ll text you tomorrow. Thanks for everything today.”
Niall gives her a concerned look, not truly believing that she was okay enough to be alone but he nods, leaning over to kiss her forehead before telling her, “Call me if you need anything before then. Okay pet?”
YN agrees before walking him to the door, locking it behind him, and just standing there for a moment to gather herself - she hated that there were pinpricks of tears in her eyes because she missed Harry.
It didn’t help when she was undressing in her bathroom as her tub filled up, eyes tracing the bruises that Harry had left all over her skin - it was so unprofessional, actors knew that was in poor taste to leave marks.
Harry had proved once again how much he owned, controlled her body, even now with how tender the skin on her belly, hips, thighs were from his blunt teeth that nipped into her.
As she’s relaxing in the water, head resting against the basin as she watches a trashy reality television show on her phone, the dialogue pauses when there’s an incoming call on her phone from a number that wasn’t saved in her phone.
She can’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the interruption as she answers with a short, “Hello?”
“Hello,” It’s a voice that sends chills down her spine, she swears her nipples tighten at the mere single word uttered through the phone.
“How did you get my number?” YN demands, her heart already beating out of her chest as she sits further up in the bathtub.
“I have my ways,” Harry responds uselessly before he’s continuing on, “You ran from me today. You broke your promise.”
“Let’s not talk about broken promises, Harry,” YN snaps automatically, defensive and on-edge instantly with the conversation.
How dare he.
Harry let’s out a low chuckle that makes YN’s skin prickle in aggravation, like he’s in on a secret joke that she’s not privy to, “I promise you that the conversation I wanted to have with you would have benefited you. But that’s not why I’m calling.”
“Why else would you need to call me?” YN prompts because if she’s not aggressive like this, she’s going to cry, and she hates not feeling in control of her emotions, hasn’t felt like this in so long.
“I’m checking to see if you’re okay,” Harry’s bravado had softened now, like it did when he would really baby her, “I know today wasn’t easy. It wasn’t easy for me, at least.”
“You got your rocks off, how wasn’t it easy?” She replies sharply, YN knew that it wouldn’t be easy for him either but she wanted to hear it, she wanted to hear Harry say how hard it was for him - she knew that was wrong but in this moment, she didn’t care.
“YN,” He huffs in disapproval, he seems to debate his words before speaking carefully, “To have sex with you after not being able to for a year. To have sex with the woman that I thought that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. The only person I would have sex with for the rest of my life. It was fucking devastating.”
His voice cracks on the last sentence and he pulls away from the receiver to cough - he would always couch to hide emotion, it was a tell for him, always had been, and it makes her heart ache a bit.
“Well, you’re in the adult film industry now. I guess you gave up that idea,” YN hates how cold she sounds, her instinct is to comfort him, and assure him that she was struggling to - she couldn’t give in.
“No, not really,” Harry tells her, “Today would have been my first shot with another actor. All my other work has been solo. I haven’t slept with anyone since you. I feel like you showing up today was my sign that I don’t want to sleep with anyone else.”
YN realizes that she was digging her nails deeply into her palm, leaving marks, and she stops clenching her fist, resting it more delicately against her thigh, and she looks away from the lovebite that it lands on.
“I did two scenes,” YN mumbles under her breath, she knows she has no reason to feel guilty or bad about it, they were broken up, “One with a guy and I hated it so I did one with a girl and I didn’t like it either. I’ve been doing it solo since then.”
“I see,” Harry responds, his voice doesn’t give anything away.
“I-Does that make you mad?”” YN regrets asking instantly, she doesn’t know why she felt the need to fucking ask that - of course, she wants to know the answer but she needs a filter sometimes.
Harry pauses for a moment, thinking over his response carefully, “No. Just, it doesn’t feel good to hear, obviously, but I’m not upset with you, sweethea-.” He catches his pet name and rephrases, “Don’t act like you don’t remember what a possessive sod I was. It makes my skin crawl to imagine you with some else but it’s nothing that you did wrong.”
“Harry, baby,” YN giggles quietly as Harry’s mouth attacks her neck, sucking harsh bruises into the thin skin, biting at the crook of her neck as she knots her fingers into his curls to grip him, “S’okay, H.”
Harry’s hands curling into the waistband of her biker shorts, tugging them down her thighs along with her underwear, his hand finding her mound, and his fingers splitting through her plump lips to push up inside of her.
“S’mine, yeah? Tell me, pet,” Harry orders as he pulls back from her neck, only to bring their lips together as he crooks his two thick fingers forward to pet at the sponges spot inside her walls.
“Oo-oh fuck,” YN moans as softly as possible, her back hitting the stall door, and making a shuttering noise as he scissors his fingers to spread her open, thumb navigating to her clit to rub at it.
“I’m going to stop,” Harry bites out, acting like he’s about to pull out his fingers, and it makes YN let out the most spoiled whine which makes him drag his teeth against her jaw, “Tell me, whose this is? Tell me who owns this cute little cunt.”
“You, baby, you,” YN babbles quickly because she wants to come, she can feel herself dripping onto his palm, and it’s making the most filthy slick sound in the otherwise silent bathroom.
It was all because they were working out at the gym and while Harry stepped away to refill his water bottle, some guy took the opportunity to approach YN to ask if she needed help with weights, and lifting technique.
Harry did not miss the way the chiseled man’s eyes didn’t move from YN’s bum for more than a minute while she squatted and ignored his advances - acting like she couldn’t hear him through the music in her headphones.
“She’s good, mate,” Harry cuts in, his hand coming to rest possessively at the small of her back, fingers creeping towards her bum to let this guy know that he didn’t have a fucking chance, “Don’t fucking approach her again.”
Dude got the message quickly, scurrying back to a different bench press but Harry could still feel this creep’s gaze on his girl as she went about her workout and he didn’t miss the way other men at the gym stole glimpses too.
“Who am I? Say my name,” Harry goads as YN tries to clench her thighs together with her oncoming orgasm but he knees them even further apart, and with his free hand, he yanks down her sports bra until her tits spill out, ducking down to lick at the hard nubs.
“Harry, Harry,” YN chants as her thighs begin to quiver violently, her head knocking against the door as she lets her eyes close and let out a long mewl as the intense feelings rock through her.
“There’s my girl,” He hums approvingly, cheekily licking at his fingers before helping tug her leggings back up in the small gym bathroom, “All mine, yeah? Don’t I make you feel so good, yeah?”
“Always,” YN replies sweetly, leaning forward to give him an appreciative kiss and tug him into a hug which makes the tough man melt a little bit.
“Let’s get you home, shower you, and then I’ll give you a nice cuddle, hm?”
He was so fucking gone for her.
“I remember,” YN can’t help let the giggle spill from her lips at the memories of him.
“Don’t laugh at me,” Harry pouts but lets it dissolve into a laugh as well, “Fuck, I miss that sound.”
“Harry, why did you call?” YN sighs, bringing the conversation back to the now because YN felt herself melting into him like she always did and she couldn’t let herself do that.
“Like I said, I wanted to make sure you were okay,” Harry reiterates, “It was an emotional day and you bailed before I could check on you. I just wanted to make sure you were good.”
She wasn’t.
“I’m fine,” YN couldn’t even deny how much of a lie it sounded like.
“YN,” Harry grunts firmly because he knew, of course, he knew, “We need to talk. Seriously.”
And this is were YN backs out, cowardly, she doesn’t care because she can’t talk, she can’t get her heart broken again.
“I, uh,” YN sputters for a moment, wracking her brain for an excuse, “I forgot I have something in the oven. I have to go. Bye.”
With that she hangs up on him, she knows hes going to call back, and like clockwork, he does - phone lighting up again with the unsaved number, YN silences her phone and tosses it onto the plush rug - slipping back down into the tub and groaning at the shit storm she got herself into.
YN was a bit early, always was usually, especially to an important meeting like today.
It was with Warren at the production headquarters, all that she’s been told is that it’s good news, and that she shouldn’t worry about anything because at first she thought she might be in trouble over something.
They guide her into one of the fancy conference rooms with sleek gray colors and modern furniture - she’s dressed in a professional outfit, a tailored suit and her favorite pair of heels.
Anxiously, she plays on her phone as she waits for the others to arrive, and after a few minutes, people begin slowly pouring into the room - they come with tablets, computers, notepads that mean business.
Warren walks in like he owns the place as always, a tacky white suit on with his black hair slicked back with so much gel it looks greasy as he sits at the head of the table, “Just waiting on one more,” He announces as he fixes his gaudy gold watch on his wrist.
YN should not be shocked at this point when Harry enters the conference room last, in a tailored suit too but his button up was barely buttoned, revealing the butterfly right below his sternum and his sparrows on display.
She can tell that Harry was also not expecting her there by the surprise on his face when he scans the room and sees her sitting there, he regulates himself fast and his face goes back to emotionless as he sits down closer to Warren in the last available seat.
“Okay, now I know you two don’t know why we’ve called this meeting,” Warren begins and picks up a little remote, clicking on a projector screen as multiple graphs pop up on the wall, “But this is about the video you two made last week. It’s the most view, top rated, and most downloaded video that has ever been posted on our sight. THe demographic is evenly split between male and female viewers. The age demographic also ranging from eighteen to sixty. The advertisement revenue has brought in nearly five million dollars alone.”
If YN wasn’t working on controlling her facial expression, her eyes would have bugged out of her head at the announcement - she hadn’t been tracking how successful it had been but she did not expect that.
“Based on the majority of comments, female fans loved the intimacy and realistic interaction between you two. They reported that it reminded them of a real couple. Men commented that they enjoyed that dominance of the Harry and how responsive YN was to him.”
YN felt the heat rising to her cheeks as they discussed the topic, her eyes glued to her hands as she nervously picked at her nail beds until it hurt, she didn’t know where this conversation was going.
“We are offering both of you an opportunity,” Warren continues with excitement in his voice, “A series on the channel. The catch is that we will be asking you two to exclusively film with each other at this time. We are aiming for at least ten videos but possibly more based on the continued popularity which we do not see as being a problem.”
Oh god.
“The team has decided on a generous offer of two point five millions dollars for ten videos plus added bonuses contingent on the advertisement revenue,” Another businessman speaks up, he’s clicking around on his laptop as he talks, “Then there will be another offer if the series continues.”
Two point five million dollars.
In YN’s wildest dreams would she think she would be offered that amount, right in front of her, let along to get to do the videos with the only person she’s every felt sexually compatible with.
She wouldn’t consider herself greedy but that amount of money would really really push her life in the right direction, she could find a better apartment in the city, she could do so much.
YN was willing to put up with the emotional sacrifice, fuck, she’d hire a therapist with that money if she had to but she couldn’t imagine turning that down all because it’s will Harry - she’d had sex with him for free anyways.
It’s a no brainer.
So it’s an absolute shock when YN gazes up at Harry, who’s sat back in his seat with his arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face with his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowed.
Her heart drops into her stomach when he makes direct eye contact with her and tells the room, “Absolutely not. I decline the offer. I have no desire to participate in this.”
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coolnameloading · 7 months
Lute x Fem! Reader Part 2
Part 2 of Lute x Sinner Reader story yaaaay
Over the last few months, the hotel has been in what you can only describe as organized chaos. The hotel gained a new resident in Sir Pentious who was a spy for the Vee’s and then wasn’t or something. Charlie reassured you constantly that Pentious was not working for the Vee’s anymore and you had nothing to worry about.
But those sick fucks have been chasing you for longer than any of the other overlords so you’d rather be more safe than sorry. 
After that particular event, you started to feel less safe in the hotel. 
You heard Vox, he tried to infiltrate the only place where you’ve felt safe since you got to the literal hell hole and he tried to send in a fucking spy who Charlie just let walk in instantly after he had attacked the hotel twice.
Who knows what would have happened to you….all of you if Angel Dust hadn’t seen him planting those stupid cameras? 
You love Charlie, she’s nice and she gave you a place to stay. Being mad at her is like being mad at a puppy but all you could keep thinking about for the rest of the month was wondering if Vox saw you.
If the Vee’s know where you are.
If they’ll come looking for you.
What they might do to you if they do catch you.
You had a close call with Velvette one time and one time was enough for the rest of your afterlife. Bitch tried to color-match your fucking fur! You’re pretty sure the only reason you got away was because she was drunk off her British ass.
Vaggie could tell right away that there was something wrong with you and tried to reassure you.
“He didn’t see you Chesh”
She whispered approaching you slowly. 
“You don’t know that boss! What if he did? He could be on his way right now with the other two and he already beat the radio demon once! I need to lea-”
Vaggie cut off your rant by placing her hand on your shoulder gently and pushing you down to sit on the couch.
“Charlie and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. We promised when you started staying here that we’d keep you safe and we will. You don’t need to run.”
“Thanks, boss… I’m sorry for freaking out. It just really shook me up, I guess.”
You mumbled out, blushing at how pathetic you sound. 
You may not remember much about your life but you’re pretty sure you died sometime in your 20’s. Yet here you are whimpering pathetically and having to get comforted over a fucking video camera. 
After that incident you became more jumpy, every sound put you on edge, and it was worse whenever you were around any form of technology that didn’t look like it was from before the 1980s.
The others tried their best to calm you down in their own ways. Angel Dust started leaving his phone in his room because you’d flinch every time he got a text or phone call from Valentino. 
“Don’t make a big deal outa it, he was annoying me too.”
Husk would keep your favorite booze on standby at all times, when you’d thank him he’d simply grin at you and say, 
“Us feline demons got to stick together.”
Alastor was happy to throw out any and every piece of technology that would make you tense up even slightly, which included most of Pentious’ weapons and very nearly his airship. 
He obviously wasn’t doing it for you but it still felt nice.
“Don’t worry my friend! I’ll happily get rid of these infernal contraptions! I’ve always believed they lacked class anyway.”
Pentious recognized his part in your new-found anxiety and tried to gain your trust by handing his machines to Alastor with many, many, many tears.
“I am more than happy to…give up my arsenal as an apology for invading your persssssonal boundariessss.” He’d hissed out while trying to hold his tears back.
You couldn’t really be mad at him after that.
Nifty even volunteered to go out and ‘hunt phones’ for you.
You said no but that didn’t stop her from bringing you the….remains of some people’s phones.
 “Sometimes I kill mother phones in front of their children as a warning to the other phones!”
“Niffty phones don’t have mothers.”
“Hehe, not anymore…”
Charlie was actually very happy to see how the others stepped in to help you and she was very proud of them even if their methods were…unorthodox.
But that lead her into a spiral. She was desperately trying to figure out why the hotel wasn’t working even though everybody showed considerable improvement.
This leads to her talking with her dad, which somehow leads to you being here in heaven.
“Um, boss why exactly am I here?”
You ask Vaggie nervously, glancing around at the pastel clouds around you. God you haven’t seen pastels in years.
Vaggie looks over at you and sighs, “Well Charlie figured you wouldn’t want to go out with the others and you wouldn’t like to stay in the hotel alone so this was the best option.”
You nod, understanding her point but on the other hand.
“And the…exorcists?”
Vaggie’s shoulders tense for a moment before she looks away from you and mumbles, “I have a feeling they won’t do anything even if we do run into them.”
You want to ask more questions but decide against it, today was stressful enough as it is without you asking stupid questions. 
“Whatever you say, boss.”
You whisper following behind Vaggie and Charlie as they enter the gates of heaven after another fucking song. 
Is it just you? Are you the weird one? Should you be singing more often?
The three of you follow behind the two seraphim, Emily and Sera, while they give you a tour of heaven. Charlie looks completely enamored by the place but Vaggie looks annoyed, as if the pastel clouds had offended her personally.
And you…well honestly you feel a little underwhelmed.
Heaven looks like a glorified mall so far, a mall with strippers because there are way more people walking around shirtless than you thought there would be. 
So you keep trailing behind Vaggie, Charlie, and the angels when you see someone who looks familiar.
She’s a cat demon like you, same color pallet and everything, except she seems much shorter and has a pair of pastel-blue angel wings coming out of her back.
You end up drifting away from the group and start following the small cat angel through the crowds. 
Eventually, you get close enough to reach out and tap her but when you’re about to get her attention you feel a firm hand on your shoulder and you get pulled away roughly and pinned to one of the walls.
You’re completely disoriented for a moment and then you hear a familiar annoying voice.
“Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in.”
You look up to see Adam and Lute, Adam has a wide smirk on his face and Lute looks….wow.
She’s not wearing her helmet so this time you get to admire her completely.
You’d probably be happier about her pinning you to a wall if she wasn’t also holding a giant spear to your neck.
Then again…-
Yeah, it’s still pretty hot.
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
๑ keep safe : his hand on his ankle (12)
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one piece x male reader
i think we're like fire and water. 
i think we're like the wind and sea.
you're burnin' up
and i'm coolin' down 
『 prev 』
“oi, pervy cook, stop harassing women!” [name] shouted from across the market stalls, “look this guy has a good deal, give me the bag of beri nami gave you!!”
sanji’s eyebrow quirked up in annoyance, new angry tick marks spawning all over his forehead as well. due to [name]’s shouts, the two beautiful women in front of him ran off.
he didn’t pick up on the fact they just ran away from sanji as a person, not because of [name].
grumbling under his breath about skewering [name] alive, he walked over to the stall and looked at their selection of ingredients. pretty quickly, sanji got over his anger and began bargaining with the sales rep.
[name] looked around as sanji took care of collecting all the ingredients, sighing as he felt himself grow immensely hot at the island’s weather. he had already stripped off his shirt, now donning a pair of knee length shorts while his torso was exposed.
he should get some more breathable clothing soon because the looks the townspeople were giving him were obviously laced with disapproval.
“i really can’t take you anywhere, your manners are nonexistent,” sanji said, backtracking to how [name] yelled earlier.
“they weren’t gonna get with you anyway,” [name] teased, throwing an arm around sanji’s shoulder. sanji easily shrugged the heavy limb off, scowling as [name] got too up close and personal.
the two continued on shopping and as soon as things began piling up, [name] looked around in wonder, “where’s chopper?” he asked, mentally hoping that the chef kept an eye on their newest crewmate.
“ah, i thought he was with you?” sanji said mindlessly, browsing through more selections of clothing for nami and vivi.
“hm, he probably is fine- hey! sanji, don’t buy those clothes, that’s not appropriate attire for the desert, idiot,” [name] said, slapping sanji in the head to rid him of his sudden heart eyes.
the blonde was looking at a beautiful piece of clothing that was definitely not actually made for the desert heat. “get them something more…not flashy,”
“flashy is the best!” sanji cried out, making [name] slap him on the head once more.
[name] took care of buying actual clothing for the women, and the men — since sanji definitely wouldn’t care about them enough to spend beri on them, and made sure he snagged the whole bag of beri away from sanji. he didn’t need the chef wasting any more money on useless things.
after what felt like hours of shopping, the two rejoined with their group that was in hiding.
“huh? where’s chopper?” nami asked, noticing their missing reindeer.
“well, we don’t know, but!!! before you hit me, he’ll be able to find us with that strong nose of his, if anything we just lost him in the crowd,” [name] said, not really putting nami at ease, but it did stop her from hitting him on the head.
sanji quickly threw food at zoro and usopp, who jumped at it to ravenously eat it since they were starving. then he politely handed the share to vivi and nami. lastly, he didn’t even think twice in throwing a skewer at [name] — who easily swallowed it in one second.
“at least savor it, [name],” vivi said, worried as she saw [name] spit out the wooden stick that went through the meat skewer without a care in the world.
“i did savor it, your country’s food is yummy, vivi,” [name] approved, a thumbs up given to the princess who could only hum in delight.
“and, nami-san and vivi-chan, please put on the gowns i bought you!” sanji said, once again love struck as he spun his way over to nami and vivi. at that cue, [name] rummaged through their newly bought goods and brought the actual clothes out.
he laid them out to zoro and usopp first, the two nodding quickly in thanks before going back to devouring their share of meat. and then he walked over to nami and vivi, giving them an apologetic smile.
“here's some more clothes if you want to change into this instead,” vivi didn’t seem to hesitate in grabbing the cloths. she saved him a thankful look, patting him on the head as well. nami kept sanji’s choice of clothing, telling [name] to put the other robes into the bag for safe keeping in case.
everyone changed into their new outfits, [name] gagging as he felt it become even more suffocating with the layers he put on. the moment he emerged from behind the wall where he was changing, they all stopped and stared at him.
“does it really look that bad? because i feel like shit right now,” he said, not thinking much of their stares.
and there was nothing to make of it anyway as they all erupted with their own comments.
“yeah, you fit the part of a bandit,” sanji insulted, taking a drag of his cigarette.
”don’t have such a pathetic look on your face, [name], it makes you seriously look miserable,” nami advised, sweatdropping as [name] dropped in front of them in exhaustion from the heat.
“you’re gonna eat shit in the desert, aren’t you?! haha!!” zoro laughed at [name]’s personal hell.
“come on, [name], get serious! you need to be in tip-top shape in order to protect us, this isn’t a joke!!!” usopp cried, shaking [name] back and forth by his collar.
meanwhile, [name] was slumped over right next to chopper as they were both suffering immensely from the heat.
“[name], are you going to be alright? you look really, really…” vivi trailed off, seeing the sweat that was practically soaking into [name]’s headpiece. “hot.”
“i’m terrible with hot weather! first we go to drum island, as fucking cold as it was, then we end up in the middle of the desert! i might as well jump into a boiling tub of hot water!” [name] shouted, kicking into the sand in frustration, “i can’t deal with this!”
“you’re awfully affected by the weather, just make sure you pack some water,” nami huffed, shrugging her shoulders, “or take off a couple of layers.”
[name] easily did as told, eager to get the suffocating clothes off of his person. he kept the headpiece on, tying the arms of the robe around his waist to leave his torso bare. he threw the sword over his person to rest on his back, breathing a sigh of relief.
with his muscular back and torso exposed, nami eyed him in interest. something had caught her eye on [name]’s back and she stopped him from moving around when she finally made out what it was.
”you have a tattoo, [name]?”
[name] turned around to look at his back, grinning when he saw the ink that permanently was etched into his skin.
“yeah, you like?”
it was a big tattoo, honestly. the crew was surprised they’d never seen it before. a pair of wings were running the expanse of [name]’s wide shoulders, going on until the ending tips of the wings were a little bit exposed to his deltoids.
“what’s it mean?” nami asked, gently trailing a finger over [name]’s inked skin, flinching back when she felt that the skin was slightly raised as well, “wait…what’s this?”
her hand flattened against [name]’s back, making sanji seethe where he stood, to get a better feel. [name] sighed in content feeling her cool palm cool him down, but then perked up at her actual question.
“it’s like, you’ve got a map…of scars,” she breathed out, eyes widening in realization. just as she said, there were linear scars that were trailing over [name]’s back. she looked down and realized that they continued on until his hip, which was as far as her eye could see.
she abruptly turned him around, shock gracing her features as she saw that [name] was thoroughly scarred all over. the lines of his raised marks were very, very thin, and small. very precise work, it looked like.
but no doubt, it was there.
“how have we never seen?”
“well, they’re small, so it only really noticeable when you’re up close,”
in intrigue, usopp leaned in closer and was shocked to see that there really were marks all over [name]’s torso, “woah, they kind of look badass, how far do they go?”
“from my face, all the way down to my feet,” [name] said, shooting a look to chopper, as if a warning to not say anything. the reindeer dropped his head and obediently stayed quiet.
before nami could ask any more questions regarding the scarring, vivi abruptly asked about the tattoo on his back.
“so what is the significance of the tattoo?” she asked, feeling a sense of pressure put on [name] to explain the scarring that even made her uncomfortable. the marks themselves weren’t making her uncomfortable, but rather the incessant questions that [name] may not have wanted to answer.
nami and usopp probably didn’t mean for it to come off as invasive, but either way that was what it felt like, to vivi at least.
“to make me fly!” [name] childishly grinned. his smile was purely innocent, as if he truly believed he could. it was a smile that could easily mirror that of their captain. he looked so carefree as he referenced the large tattoo. and it was easy to miss the longing look in his eyes as he smiled, but a certain few picked up on it.
vivi smiled sadly at [name], sensing there was a deeper meaning to it than just that, but she left it alone. as did everyone else on the crew.
“sounds stupid, humans can’t fly idiot,” everyone besides zoro, as he was always eager to rile up [name]. and it worked as he knocked the swordsman on the head.
“but are you sure you want to walk around like that, [name]? the sun might get to you even more with your skin exposed,” vivi said worriedly, but [name] shot them down instantly.
“i’ll be fine,” [name] said, waving off the worries. “if anything, i’ll put the clothes back on if its really getting too much,”
“put them back on now, no one wants to see it,” sanji and zoro said in a monotonous voice, making another fight between the three of them break out. nami and usopp could only sigh at their antics, chopper watched on in admiration, and vivi couldn’t help but feel secure.
she had such strong people on her side.
well, she still had to ask them to assist her…she swallowed the lump in her throat, looking up with a fierce glint in her eyes.
“everyone, please, i want to save this country. and the journey is going to be treacherous, especially across the desert, there’s no saying what will happen. but, please!! if you could lend me your help, please!”
it was silent for a couple of seconds. nami was the one to break it with her mischievous giggle, “you finally said it! we were waiting for you, of course we’ll help you!”
[name] grinned along with her, throwing an arm around vivi’s shoulder, “you remember my promise, don’t you?” he asked, mindlessly leaning into her. she felt flustered at the close contact with the half naked [name] that her ears and cheeks started burning almost instantly.
sanji took care of her “problem” by kicking [name] down on the head. and with his foot still resting on top of [name]’s head, he grinned at vivi, trying to look charming, “of course, we will help you, vivi-chan! anything to help you my beautiful princess.”
“pervy cook,” [name] said in a strained voice in unison with zoro’s bored one.
“we gotta go through yuba first, right?” usopp checked, earning a hum of confirmation from [name] and nami.
chopper, despite feeling the heat most sensitively, was more than excited to see the vast desert.
everyone raised their marked arms into the air, ready to set themselves out for adventure. but then they all faltered as they realized they were missing someone…their captain.
“where the fuck is that idiot?!”
the only resolution they had to their missing captain issue was searching in the nearest town.
“i’m gonna go check the restaurant,” [name] said, his head held down. just as he was about to walk off, nami grabbed ahold of his ear.
“only to look for luffy!!! do not, i repeat do not!!!, go in there to eat for your own appetite. we have a whole country to save, [name]! don’t even think about getting distracted now!”
“i won’t, now let me go!” [name] whined, running in his spot as nami had a hold on his ear. when she finally let go, he mimicked a rocket taking off with how fast he made a beeline to the restaurant up ahead.
‘coffee!! meat!!! sorry, nami!!!’ he thought in his head as he ran into the restaurant. not waiting a second, he took a seat at the bar’s counter and got ready to be served.
“cup of coffee and three plates of meat, please!” [name] said, grinning from ear to ear at eating a proper meal. he had only eaten that one skewer sanji had secured for him, that piss blonde didn’t pity [name]’s endless stomach one bit!
“[name], we gotta stop meeting like this, it’s feeling a little bizarre,” a voice said from next to him.
[name] turned his head to the side, tears coming into his eyes as he recognized that grin from anywhere, “ace!!!”
he jumped out of his seat, completely tackling ace out from his seat. this landed them both on the floor. he peppered kisses all over ace’s face, whose cheeks dusted pink very quickly at the action, “my ace!!!”
“alright, alright, i get it,” ace said, holding onto [name]’s shoulders to push him back a little from his suffocating attitude. “i missed you too,”
[name] broke free from ace’s grip on his shoulder, leaning back down to press his forehead against ace’s, nudging the freckled nose with his own. even if he was already burning up from the climate outside, he couldn’t help but press himself further into ace’s warm chest.
“we saw each other a couple months ago, [name], get ahold of yourself!” ace said, tired of fighting against [name]’s need to be pressed against him. [name] was stubborn and didn’t let up his pushing at all.
“come on, ace, i never knew when i’d see you again!” [name] said, nuzzling into ace’s neck, a devious grin on his face, “i can be selfish on the affections,”
“i think you were plenty selfish last time we saw each other,” ace mumbled with red dusting his face.
the two got up, or rather, ace sat up and since [name] had all of his limbs wrapped around ace, he too came up with him. ace sat back down on the barstool, [name] sitting on his lap.
it was definitely a sight to see for everyone in the restaurant. [name] wasn’t some small guy, he was tall and imposing with his strong build. to see him so childishly (trying to) fit himself onto ace’s lap, who was significantly smaller than him, made the customers blink a couple of times to make sure they were seeing right.
”i can’t eat with you on me like this!”
“hm, i’ll just feed you,”
ace looked at him in annoyance, “that’s not my point, idiot,”
rolling his eyes, [name] propped himself up on the bar counter, off the side of ace so that the man could eat his food perfectly fine. [name] kept his legs resting in between ace’s, squeezing every now and then around ace’s thigh to keep the skinship.
“you’re oddly clingy,” ace grumbled, not flinching backwards when [name] pressed their faces close to one another again, “you act too young, man up a little,”
“i think we both know you wouldn’t prefer the cold shoulder, though,” [name] smirked, referencing the last time the duo had seen each other, “weren’t you the one who almost started crying when-”
ace shoved a spoonful of rice into [name]’s mouth, “shut up.”
[name] happily ate the food and grinned in utmost pleasure, “say, ace, join luffy’s crew!”
“you always were so heartless,” [name] sighed.
“i think it’s obvious why i can’t join,” ace said, scarfing down more food. one of his hands wrapped around [name]’s ankle, the one that wasn’t in between his legs, and he squeezed it gently.
[name] looked up at the action, ace’s firm and warm grip around his foot knocking him out of his daydream. he was greeted by a smirk from the freckled man, “why don’t you join the whitebeard pirates? they’re more in your league anyway,”
“nope,” [name] grinned, putting his fingers in front of his face to form an ‘x’ shape.
“see, that’s what i thought,” ace said, rubbing his thumb up and down [name]’s ankle as he spoke. neither of them paid the action no mind. ace did it to reassure himself [name] was really in front of him and [name] always welcomed skinship with ace, so he definitely didn’t mind.
then ace’s grip on his ankle became loose and a loud slamming onto the table made everyone in the restaurant look their way.
“he died mid-chew!?” they cried out, looking at the ravenette who collapsed.
[name] sighed, taking ace’s hat off and placing it on his own head. he buried his hand in ace’s hair, happily taking more food off of his plate and eating to his heart’s content.
“he doesn’t even care!!!”
“eh? he’s not dead,” [name] simply said, looking at the crowd as if they were crazy, “how’d you guys come up with that conclusion?”
“he obviously looks dead, don’t play dumb!” the crowd shouted in unison once more.
suddenly, ace shot up again, looking dazed. wordlessly, he snatched his plate back up from [name] and continued eating.
“he didn’t die?!”
“i told you he didn’t!”
“ah, [name], my hat looks good on you,” ace said cheerfully, a stunning smile on his face.
“ew, ace, you’ve got food in your mouth still,” [name] grimaced, “also around your entire face, hold on,”
[name] grabbed a stray napkin and wiped ace’s face clean, the man presenting himself prettily to [name]. that made him laugh, gently tap his cheek at his obvious posing, and ruffle his hair.
“all clean.”
“you’re so reliable [name], that’s why you should join old man’s crew,” ace said, once again slipping an invitation into the conversation.
ace’s warm hand went back to resting on [name]’s ankle, continuing to finish plate after plate.
”you two are bold to be eating out in the open like that,” a voice said behind ace, making [name] look up in interest.
he saw a man with two thick cigars resting on the corner of his mouth, eye twitching at the sight. the man continued on, “second division commander of the whitebeard pirates, portgas d. ace.” his eyes then trailed onto [name], looking even more angered, “and you, cursed orphan [name]. are you aware that your bounty had shot up?”
[name] sweatdropped, “but i didn’t even do anything,” he said in exasperation, nudging ace, “these guys hate me for no reason, i swear,” this made the freckled man burst out laughing.
“you’re a wanted man, a bounty of 250,000,000 million,” the man announced, making [name] pout, “that’s not even much higher,” and that was enough to send the entire place into an uproar.
“whitebeard pirates?! over 200 million bounty?!” they all shouted in fear and realization. these two men that were casually cuddling up with each other in the middle of the restaurant were fearless, deadly, and intimidating pirates.
“what are you two low lives doing in this country in the first place?”
as ace turned around, [name] leaned his entire body against ace’s, resting his chin on his shoulder. the two grinned devilishly, and the occupants in the restaurant genuinely did fear for their lives. the two answered easily, “i’m looking for my little brother / i’m here to kick some warlord’s ass,”
the marine, [name] assumed, flinched at their confessions, averting his eyes to [name], “you, what did you just say?”
[name] grinned proudly, twirling the ends of ace’s hair with his finger, “i’m gonna beat up some asshole,” he grinned, enjoying the confused look on the marine’s face and laughing in delight.
tension in the room seemed to only fill, almost at its brim.
“so? what do you want from me?” ace asked, biting back laughter as he felt [name] attach to his back as if he were a backpack. if [name] wasn’t sitting on the bar counter, ace would have had to uphold all the weight of him on his back. his legs were wrapped around his torso and his arms were lazily thrown over ace’s front.
[name]’s chin was resting on ace’s head, the orange hat still on top of his h/c hair.
the two looked so casual and comfortable, not to mention smug, for smoker’s liking.
“to capture the both of you quietly,”
“nope, i think i’ll pass. how about you, [name]?”
“i just said i have important business, marine man, i got places to be so no can do!”
“well, i figured,” he sighed, a puff of smoke trailing out of his mouth, “i’m busy trying to find another pirate at the moment. to be honest i have no interest in taking either of you in,”
[name] gave a thumbs up, “great, so leave us alone!”
”can’t,” the marine said in a strained voice, “so long as you’re a pirate and i’m a marine, i can’t let either of you out of my sights,” smoke began to erupt at a much faster pace, this time coming from his fist and [name] already knew that the man in front of him had some sort of devil fruit power.
“that sounded too much like a confession,” [name] hummed in disinterest, leaning into ace’s back even further.
“that’s a pretty bland reason,” ace said, hands turning into clenched fists, “don’t go threatening us, either. you should know - i like showing off in front of [name], so i won’t go easy on you,” ace leaned back a little, raising an eyebrow as he felt nothing but completely relaxed, “so let’s have some fun!”
[name] squinted, seeing past smoker and sensing something very, very, very rapidly approaching. unfortunately, his innate abilities weren’t even fast enough to dodge, so he only took a tight hold on ace, acting as the man’s human shield and braced for impact.
in a second, the front door of the restaurant welcomed a crashing figure — who was shouting about food. ace and smoker were knocked off of their feet, [name] as ace’s backpack, as the mystery person crashed into both of them.
[name] felt several walls break down behind him from the impact, making him grit his teeth in annoyance. he’d kill luffy for sure! moving the rubble surrounding them aside, [name] sat upright with a frown on his face.
“you alright, ace?”
“yeah, just pissed off, who the hell is causing all that trouble?”
”i think we both know the answer…” [name]’s voice trailed off as he stood up and began walking through the many holes his captain caused inside people’s homes and establishments.
as he walked ahead, he could only think of so many ways to make luffy understand he was dead meat.
as [name] and ace came to the restaurant, ace’s eyes widening as he realized who it was, they were about to rush forward, but were slapped down to the ground by the marine that was pestering them earlier.
“you’re fucking with me right now,” [name] cursed into the bricks he got a face full of, feeling nothing but annoyance seep into his bones. “i’ll kill the both of you bastards!”
“straw hat!!!” the marine called out, rushing forward and chasing luffy out of the restaurant.
in a second, luffy was running out of the place, followed by smoker, who was then followed by [name] and ace.
“wait, luffy! it’s me!!! wait up, luffy!!!” ace desperately shouted, running after luffy’s fast figure.
”luffy, come back here so i can kill your dumbass! i’ll send you flying!”
the chase happened for much longer than it needed, but eventually [name] caught up to his captain. and the first thing he did was sucker punch him. ace disconnected from him to stop smoker, who was very close to actually catching luffy.
when luffy finally got up from being punched, he looked up at the scene in wonder.
“that’s what we’ve been trying to tell you, idiot, idiot, idiot!!” [name] said, knocking some more sense into his captain, “we’ve been running after you like mad men, don’t you have ears to listen!?”
“[name], i was running from that guy there, give me a break!” luffy whined, holding onto his head in fear of getting hit once more.
“luffy, you really never change, do you?” ace asked, smirking at the sight of his little brother and the crew he acquired.
“ace, did you eat a devil fruit?! you have powers now?!” luffy asked in astonishment.
“yep, the mera-mera no mi,” ace easily answered, the smirk on his face not going away for even a second as he stared at the marines ahead, “anyways, we can’t chat like this! i’ll catch up! you guys run!”
that was enough for [name], as he still wanted to knock some sense into luffy, who dragged their captain by his ear and ran off.
”aren’t you a bit too ready to run away from a fight?!” usopp shouted, never seeing [name] so eager to get away.
“come on, don’t fall behind now!!” [name] shouted, smirking at the still crew, “ace’s got it all handled, let’s run now!!!”
“is he an acquaintance of yours, luffy?! [name]?!”
luffy laughed happily, looking back at his crew with that notoriously troublesome smile, “yeah!! he’s my brother!”
the crew would’ve stopped running in shock, but seeing as the marines were hot on their tail they had no other option but to continue rushing forward. the looks on their faces said it all though.
they thought that learning [name] and luffy grew up on the same island was shocking, it still was, honestly but just now finding out luffy had a brother? and the fact luffy and [name] were so casual on the fact, made their faces freeze in shock.
what else was their captain hiding?
[ miniature : BONUS ]
“why are you protecting those two, fire fist?” smoker snarled, watching as the entire strawhat crew got away from him.
“it’s normal for an older brother to worry about his bungling little brother,” ace smirked, the heat that was dancing on his skin becoming flames.
”your brother-? then you mean to say…” smoker’s voice trailed off, but before he could delve too deep into the new information, he demanded ace move once more.
“i’m afraid that’s a no can do,” ace said, the flames growing stronger with each passing second, “i did warn you though, i said i like to show off in front of [name]. so you understand where i’m coming from even more, right?”
“hardly,” smoker grunted, still not understanding how ace was related to both [name] and luffy.
“come on, you wouldn’t wanna put in some extra effort in impressing your lover?”
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taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea
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smutinlove · 4 months
fem reader
*dad figure glenn♡♡
Reader and carl fight because of y/n got jealous of him and enid always being toghether ( or y/n feels like hes slipping away from her)
anyways u choose the ending, ty:)
enjoy (not proof-read though)
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
It was unbelievable. Ever since you and the group had gotten to Alexandria, you and Carl had sort of been slipping away from each other.
Carl had adjusted quicker than you did. You always stayed away from most of the Alexandrians, you only ever communicated with them when you needed something.
But other than that, you despised them. They were always "sitting pretty" and they obviously did not know a thing about hardwork and survival.
Carl had also made an odd friend. A friend which you did not like. You hated her. Her name? Enid. She was oddly close with him, always clinging to his shoulder. It pained you. And you loathed Enid.
After pushing your thoughts away, you heard the door to your bedroom open. When you looked up, your eyes met a mesmerizing azure. It was Carl. "Hey, love," Carl said, making you roll yours eyes.
"Carl, it's almost midnight. Where have you been?" You asked, anger slowly seeping into your words. Carl chuckled. "Sorry. I was hanging out with Enid and the guys."
Enid and the guys, huh?
You let out a breathy laugh. "Enid and the guys?" you questioned. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" asked Carl.
Carl hung out with everyone except you. Hell, he even hung out with Carol. You were worried about him. But you were also mad at him.
"Carl, I can feel you slipping way from me. I love you, you know? You're my best friend and my lover. You're the one, Carl. But I can't stand it! I can't stand you pushing past me all the time!" Tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Y/N, please. I love you too! But I want a life even in this monster-infested world. That doesn't me I'll stop loving you just because I want a life." Carl explained.
"Carl, what the fuck? What about me? You're slipping away from me because of that Enid! And you're losing me." You yelled. You hated saying these things to him, but he needed to know how you felt.
Carl stared at you in disbelief. "Y/N, she's just a friend, I swear!" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "She's flirting with you!" You yelled. "Why can't you understand that? She is fucking flirting with you. That bitch has a crush on you and if you can't see that, fuck you. Talk to me when you've come to your senses!"
You ran out of your bedroom and went downstairs, only to realize that everyone was awake. It was midnight, why were they awake? Then it hit you. They'd all heard your fight with Carl.
And there stood Glenn Rhee. The man that saved you. The man who gave you your life back. He was like a father to you. He cared about you.
And now you found him staring at you with pure pity in his eyes. "Y/N, dear..." And something in you shattered, your heart was in shambles now.
Hearing his voice ended it for you. Tears once again fell down your cheeks. Everyone took it as a sign to leave, making it just you and Glenn downstairs. You ran to him and hugged him.
"It's okay, Y/N, I'm here for you." He let you cry out your frustrations into his shoulder.
After a few minutes, you pulled away from him. "Thank you, Glenn, for being there for me. You're amazing." You sniffled.
Glenn smiled softy. "You're a brave, sweet, and wonderful person. If Carl can't see that, then he's the one missing out." You nodded at his reassuring words.
It had been a few days since your fight with Carl. You had avoided Carl and tried not to think about him. But whenever you thought you'd gotten rid of him from your mind, he'd suddenly appeared in front of you and beg for your forgiveness.
It was getting old.
Now you sat at the edge of your bed, tying your shoelaces when you heard the door creak open. You looked up, your eyes met a pair of azure blues. "Carl, please, leave."
He shook his head.
"No, not until you hear me out, Y/N," you knew it wasn't gonna end unless you listened to him. "Hurry up."
He got close to your and squatted on the floor.
"I'm sorry, okay? I know how you feel around Enid and I should've listened to you. But the thing is, she likes you, love," your eyes widened.
"Yeah. I guess... maybe I should be worried." Carl joked, causing you to smile. "I love you, okay? I would kill everyone for you. You're my family. I don't know how I'll live without you."
You blushed. "You definitely know how to make a girl smile."
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
anyway send more reqs!!! i had so much fun writing this <3
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
Request: can you write where OC who is in the police force/ a detective and trying to catch the world notorious mafia king (no one knows what he looks like). OC found an injured jimin and helped him. Jimin became madly obsessed with oc, stalked oc and kidnapped oc and made oc his
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Wicked Games PJM
Synopsis - Your a new detective who gets put on a rough case to solve a string of cocaine over doses.
Pairing - Yandere! Jimin x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Toni Braxton, Jackson Wang (Begrudgingly.)
Tags and Warnings - Drug mentions, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Jimin being a little bit mean, sexual tones towards the end
Authors Note - I need to write more mob boss fics. Tis was fun.
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Your office was blistering cold as you stared at a huge file on your desk.
You were tasked with connecting and solving a string of cocaine related deaths. Your boss, the police chief Toni, had gave you the case hoping to give you experience with a big case rather than a little one for your first case under the detective title.
But the scenes you saw with this case haunted you. Slacked jaws and frothing mouths. All while the environments around them showed their hopeless situation. You felt bad for the men, probably all dealing with addiction.
You were shaken from your thoughts as the door opened, Toni handing in a weeks worth of lab data. “The lab work for the coke came back. All of the various samples provided were all of the same, and get this, were all stronger and more concentrated.”
“That would make sense, all these men who died we're big named in the crime world.” You added standing up, grabbing both badge and gun. “That would make all the deaths planned! I'm going out, doing one last swoop of some of the crime scenes. I think I'm looking past a bigger picture.”
“Well who do you think it is?"
“I don't know. But I think it's a power play thing. I just need to do investigate more! got this!” You said rushing out of your office, leaving a stunned Toni.
She began to look at your board, seeing towards the end of your board a blank face with the name Jimin written in red ink. He had no connection to the case, but you were considering him.
Toni took a deep breath before shaking her head. “This can't be good...God please protect her…”
As you drove down to the first crime scene, you tried to clarify any leads as who it could possibly be. This has been your focus for the last week, and you had to prove your worth to Toni. It was a personal goal, but hopefully a goal that would be in good favor.
When you pulled into the first crime scene, the place was obviously a party house. The yard and peeking inside, were both messy. Jackson Wang's body was found here, a known crime boss and partier. This was probably one of his go to rental spaces for parties.
You walked past the yellow tape and glanced at the main room. It reeked of booze and death. The table that sat right in front of Jackson's deathbed was still messy as the night of his death. What's a better place to start looking again rather than here?
The table had split drinks, which were now sticky, all over it. But what caught your eye was a brown paper bag. Upon a closer examination, there was a small “P” written on the top. You rose a brow at that. Then you picked it up, looking inside to see more coke.
What drug dealer would mark their works at a and then leave it there once the area became a crime scene? Wouldn't they want to get rid of any connection to the death? More so why hadn't the police picked it up during their first sweep through? Toni was initially over this case, and she didn't seem to be the type to leave crucial evidence behind.
You slipped on a glove and picked up the brown paper bag, putting it into a small zip lock bag you'd brought. Maybe this would be the key to figuring out the cases? You’d just have to visit the other spots and see if the bag was there as well.
Upon your way out you heard a loud gutteral yell. You followed the sound seeing a dark haired man holding his abdomen. He hissed as he slid down the wall. His assailant hurried off, but you didn't have time to chase him up on close inspection of the injured man. Blood began to seep through his shirt.
“Holy shit! Sir, I…I'm going to bring you to the nearest hospital. Just hold onto me while I bring you to my car.” He gave you a small nod, almost as if he had a choice in the matter. You refused to let this man die.
You got down to his side, grabbing his arm to lift him up. You carried his body to the back seat of your car. He kept hissing and groaning, but you settled him down with a cold water bottle you had. “Keep this on or near the wound. It will slow down your blood flow so you don't lose as much.” You then quickly got in and cranked the engine, setting the car to drive.
Jimin laid in the hospital bed, eyes trained to his right, watching as you slept. The amount of love he held for you, reached no boundaries. Jimin knew he was obsessed, but it's not like he could do anything about it.
Once Jimin saw something he wanted, he had to have it.
Jimin had everything planned out.
The police station was already deep in his grasp majority of them being corrupt and self serving. Especially Toni.
Police Chief Toni Braxton was one of his ex’s. It was a relationship that ended months ago and something he didn't miss. However he knew for a fact she missed him.
All it took was hint the possibility of getting back together. And with that Toni almost immediately to fell into her place for his plan.
“Jimin, I still love you. I know I shouldn't but I do.” Toni told him. He knew if he visited her apartment, she would be all over him again. Which was correct, as she was already on his lap, and he hadn't been there not even 30 minutes.
“Oh baby, I'm willing to bring back what we had. I missed all this.” Jimins hand grasped at her ass hard, knowing she'd bruise. Toni let out a small gasp as Jimin continued. “I just need you to do a small favor for me.”
“Anything for you. You know that.”
“You know that new detective you promoted baby? I want her on my case.” Jimin said leaning into Toni's neck, leaving small hickies.
“Why?” She gasped out. Her hand went to his face, pushing his eyes to meet hers. She placed her forehead on his own, lips almost about to connect.
“You know I don't wanna get caught now? She won't be able to catch me, catch us. Just do it until I get things together, then we can have that life we always talked about.” And with that Jimin connected her lips, sealing his ask with a small hot and heavy makeout.
That marked down Toni, next he needed to play hurt. But he knew he couldn't just fake being seriously hurt. He'd already contacted the hospital about his plan, in hope that they'd receive a small extra shipment of what he has to offer.
So he got one of his guys to stab him in the alley by that dickhead Jackson's place. He knew you'd have to revisit as he made sure to leave some things missing from the initial crime scene. Once Jimin saw you, he waited a few minutes before whispering a small now for his man to stab him.
And it hurt.
It fucking felt like he'd been shot, but ten times worse. The stab wasn't deep but still.
But he was relieved as he saw your worried expression come into view.
All of that hard work led to now, him watching your slumbering face. You'd refused to leave his side upon arrival and he couldn't be more grateful for it. You had such a sweet heart. More so you couldn't see the game he was playing.
He was so rudely pulled from his gaze as Toni walked in, brown locs pulled into a pony tail. She took off her uniform seemingly to present herself to him. Her white button down had a few unbuttoned near the top and her pants hugged her curves just right.
It left such a bitter taste in his mouth.
“Jimin! I heard you were hurt.” She turned around looking at your passed out form in the chair. “She's still here?”
“Yeah. Why are you here Toni? The hospital doesn't play with visitors. They're allowing her to stay as mine right now.” He rambled on.
A lie.
But just maybe he could piss her off enough to where she could go on her own accord. But Toni only came closer hands resting on his shoulder.
“I know, I just worry about you. Shes begun to piece things together.” Toni kissed at his temple. “I just hope she doesn't end up getting hurt. I can't have you go to jail for murder now.”
Jimin shrugged Toni away. “Just not right now. I'm actually fucking hurting and all you can think about is her. Obsessed much?”
Toni took a step back before letting out a huff. “Fine. I'll text you later whenever your not being a asshole. Make sure my detective gets back safe.”
Jimin knew damn well he was going to do the exact opposite. In fact she was never going to see him nor you ever again. As soon as Toni walked through the door, she just about secured his and your future together.
“Don't worry baby, I got some men coming get us. It's going to be so nice. I'm happy your played along with all this. I love you.”
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bumblebeehug · 3 months
Juvia being herself in spite of it all.
Like? She’s born and shunned for her entire life for making it rain constantly. She’s scouted by some horrible bad guys that at least tolerate being around her, but absolutely doesn’t like her still. Everyone she dates tells her she’s gloomy. She doesn’t know happiness, because no one gave her a reason to be happy. And then, when she finally gets treated with respect by some good looking half naked guy (Gray) she gets to see the sun for the first fucking time in HER LIFE. Obviously she falls for him, love @ first sight and all that. And then, even when she’s finally not gloomy or sad all of the time, she STILL gets shunned for wanting to change herself. People in the guild that she wants to join, don’t want her there because of her messed up past (she was a victim of her circumstances). Her newfound crush is a major tsundere and treats her like she’s a bother (which is better than any other guy has treated her). Her only friend from Phantom insists on calling her rain woman, despite her hard work to get them into the guild in the first place. She constantly gets tested on her loyalty - people think she’s only in the guild for Gray and still has violent tendencies. She has to shoot herself up in the sky and explode herself in order to be taken seriously.
And during all this? Her cheerful self shines through. She’s determined to get rid of that rain, so she paints a dreamworld where she can be as silly as she wants - all to embrace this second chance she got in life. But things still aren’t easy - she’s constantly left out, her crush keeps her on at arms length at all times (never close enough to accept her, never far away for her to be able to let him go) and eventually, when things are finally looking up for her, she has to kill his father. Like hello? Give her a break. But she does and she regrets it, and she starts hating herself for it and she’s this 🤏🏻 close to giving up on him because she doesn’t deserve to love him, but thankfully he forgives her. Actually, he thanks her. So as the guild (that’s finally accepted her for her - all of her silliness, her happiness, sadness, craziness) disbands the two of them get their own safe haven where they train and get closer - except once again Gray keeps her at arms length, and one day he just ups and leaves. And it’s hell for her, because she can’t just cheerily create delusions that keep the rain away - she’s heartbroken! The sun has been taken away from her. And even when she gets reunited she’s just supposed to be happy again, which, don’t get her wrong, she is! But she still feels betrayed, and that feeling lingers.
Then there’s the whole suicide thing as well - she would rather die than harm Gray in any way. Hell, she even taught herself dark magic because she knew that one day she would have to make her water into blood, because Gray being Gray, he would eventually sacrifice himself for something stupid.
Things end up well somehow, but oops, nevermind, Gray still can’t get over his inferiority complex so he goes to a whole other continent with his team. All she can do is wait at home. Except this time he low-key confesses and stuff when he sees her again? But yeah, no, they can’t get together until he’s solved the mission that’s been unsolved for over a hundred years.
But you know. Somehow she’s still happy. She’s pretty and she’s funny and she keeps going. Life has never been in her favour but she’s persevered. So yeah I love her and she’s my soul.
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books-and-dragons · 11 months
I'm so sorry, I'm kinda drunk and dropping another idea, do with it whatever ye will.
Yknow how in the beginning of the game, Sojiro tells Ren he won't take care of him when he gets sick?
Consider: he's not used to city germs/being that closely shoved against other people on the train. He DOES start to get sick around Kamoshida's Palace, powers through it, and then is SUPER sick just after it's over.
He plans on sucking it up and hiding it, but Futaba hears his hacking coughs over her bug even when he's upstairs, followed by wheezing, maybe even a little weeping. He's constantly in and out of the bathroom, and he's starting to run out of tissues.
Futaba nervously texts Sojiro that the kid they took in sounds awful. Sojiro is gruff at first and says he's not a baby, he can take care of himself. She responds by sending him the audio and suddenly Dad Instincts kick in
obviously it's a YES, our brainrots continue because early-game ren and sojiro dynamics break my heart every time how dare you get me so invested in this idea, this post got too long so it's going under a read more
listen listen look i love sojiro and the coffee family okay, but early-game?? sojiro could catch these hands
ren has already been though so much by the time he arrives in tokyo, to then be put into a dusty old attic like a spare part would absolutely fit in with ren's own perception of himself at that stage. it would be almost too easy for him to put his own health on the backburner kinda like he's already used to it
very used to not taking up space, 'not being a bother', and then sojiro really reinforces this message when ren first gets to leblanc- so when ren inevitably gets ill a month into his probation, it's already doomed for maladaption
tokyo would be such a breeding ground for sickness compared to the countryside, and ren just doesn't have the consitution to deal with it. the dusty attic and poor eating habits don't help matters, and then we have the stress of kamoshida and the metaverse?? ren is not having a Good Time™
at first it's something he thinks he can shrug off, and is adamant that ignoring it is the way to go. a cold, it's nothing, he can handle this alone, no need to bother anyone else with it.
inevitably, he gets worse, because that's what happens when you don't rest and let yourself recover. a tickly cough becomes a tightness in his chest, mild congestion shifts into an attack on his senses and blurriness- but maybe that's the dizziness. he's not really sleeping, either.
it's something that's becoming increasingly difficult to brush off and hide, he even relented to finally getting some medicine (nothing as strong as he needs by this point, that would eat too much into his limited funds, but some painkillers to take the edge off). once or twice he's tempted to stay off school, at morgana's insistence, or a too close call where he definitely blacked out for a minute, but then sojiro's voice will ring in his head 'i won't be the one looking after you if you get sick', 'your parents got rid of you for being a pain in the ass', and all his worst insecurities come rushing back and he's resolved to deal with it on his own
meanwhile, futaba's been making use of her hidden audio bugs- normally they're a comfort for her in the daytime, but since the new kid- ren- has been staying at the cafe (part-timer her ass, how gullible does sojiro think she is?!), she's been listening more frequently. when ren gets sick, she figures it out quickly.
time goes on, he's not getting better- he's actually getting worse- and futaba starts to wonder if she's the only one who knows
(there's something in his sharp contrasts- the quiet kid who shuffles through the cafe and takes sojiro's scolding, to the coughing kid who cries into the silence of night when he thinks there's nobody there to see it- that stabs through her numbness. it feels like a companion to her own ghost)
one night she swears the kid gets up to be sick, and there's hardly any sound heard from the attic all night. if nobody's gonna help ren, then she will (futaba used to like helping, once upon a time).
she texts sojiro the next day, when ren doesn't say anything again, and goes off to school with what she bets is a fake assurance on his face
and you're so right, sojiro dismisses her concern really easily, claims the kid can 'take care of himself' and he won't 'baby' the part-timer. insists ren needs to learn some disipline, then maybe he'll stay out of trouble
frustration wells in futaba- if she was less fixated on what was going on with ren, she'd register it's one of the first changes of mood she's had for months- and she responds with nothing but an audio clip, an attached explanation that this is just from the past few days- it's been going on for weeks, then she waits, and hears the distant sound of her compilation through one of the bugs, a hitched breath from sojiro, curse words under his breath-
for all his earlier postulating about not helping ren if he gets sick, sojiro is immeditely struck with a pang of concern- it sounded bad, and if futaba's words were anything to go by, this had been going on for a while. the kid's at school now (at school, being as ill as that and he was still going to class-), so sojiro will talk to him when he gets back. there's a chance he goes a bit too over the top, between the variation of medicines he purchases, supplies he grabbed from home- if you accused him for over-compensating after maybe being too harsh on the kid in the beginning, you'd be right
and you just know ren would be so resistent at first to help, or even just the offer of staying off school. in his sickness-induced fugue, ren's filter-less in rattling off how he can't stay off, what will the students and teachers think, and he has work that afternoon, and a test soon, and he doesn't want to get in the way-
sojiro's heart just shatters
this kid, whose been silently carring the weight of the world and has apparently been falling to pieces for weeks now and sojiro didn't even notice?
(a part of it reminds him too much of the other kid he's got at home, the countless ways he's already failed futaba, and now ren too? he feels useless)
sojiro focuses on what he can do, and that's making the kid rest. work will understand, school can wait, ren isn't an inconvenience, he guides the kid to bed, calls takemi immediately (who rushes over, despite the fact she's technically closed at this hour, and refuses to take any payment),
even still, there's this stilted awkwardness between them when the quiet pushes on too long- they hardly know each other, afterall. sojiro is still figuring out the 'caring for kids' thing, and ren isn't familiar with any kind of parental affection, so some of sojiro's care veers a bit too close to clinical or mechanic, and ren still struggles to communicate what kind of help he needs, but it's enough for now.
for now, sojiro is there. he's trying, and at least ren's getting some colour back on his skin. for now, ren's willing to take a few days off and have some medicine, but he's over-apologetic and definitely tries to make up for his sickness once he's healed. it's gonna take them both a while yet, but luckily there's always their guardian hacker, ready and able to call them out when needed (and maybe some day she'll be able to keep an eye on ren and sojiro in person)
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cheezeybread · 3 months
Recently, I've had one of those moments where my brain reminds me of something existing that I'm not sure many other people remember about, and that thing is American McGee's Alice [and, additionally, the sequel to that game, Madness Returns].
Two braincells collided here, because I've got mild Twisted Wonderland brainrot to go along with this reminder, and so inevitably my mind conjured up this: Riddle [or all of Heartslaybyul, if you're up for it. Individually, of course.] with a reader who is a lot like Alice, but instead of the expected Alice in Wonderland personality, they're the warped version we wind up with in American McGee's Alice.
For additional context, I've got some brief excerpts from the Wikipedias for both games:
"The game centers on the novels' protagonist Alice, whose family is killed in a house fire years before the story of the game takes place. After several years of treatment in a psychiatric clinic, the emotionally traumatized Alice makes a mental retreat to Wonderland, which has been disfigured by her injured psyche."
"Alice was discharged from a psychiatric clinic and now lives in an orphanage for mentally traumatized orphans under the care of Dr. Angus Bumby. To get rid of the trauma and learn the truth about her past, she once again falls into Wonderland, where a new evil force has corrupted it."
Bonus points if you feel like covering, touching on experiences near the beginning of the reader being present at NCR and potentially making an assumption of being ported off to some place like that Twisted version of Wonderland [haha] that they'd been in before, only to have to learn this is something very separate from that [the focus doesn't have to be on this obviously, especially not since there's not MUCH you can do with that, I don't think]
Yeah, hi, I was literally just about to go to bed when I saw this and thought "no, I'll do it in the morning" and then I COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT
I've never heard of this game before, but tbh, now I really want to play it! Sorry if it's messy, but I started thinking about Overblot Riddle, and then I just started typing away...
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: After years of intensive treatment after a housefire, Reader is brought to Twisted Wonderland, and mistakes it for the Wonderland they've previously been trapped in mentally. Even after the realization of this different world, old scars still stay
𝙁𝙩: 𝙈𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙍𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚, 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙪𝙡 𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙢 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨!
Tw// Dark imagery, graphic depictions of death and fire, mentally unstable mc (just like me fr fr)
.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.
You couldn't seem to escape it.
The Twisted Wonderland of your own mind.
You thought you were starting to get better, after the first incident. Or, at least, as better as someone in your situation could get. You had escaped the torment that your brain had cooked up. You learned to deal with your emotional scars, alongside the physical scars lining bits and pieces of your skin.
But then, the black mirror seemed to call out to you in your dream. It held such alluring promises, and the dark glass, rippling like some sort of soft river current, seemed to invite you to look through it once more. Without thinking twice about it, you stepped through the mirror, and found yourself trapped in another world.
The shapes of the cards haunted your mind.
Ace, Spades, Clovers, Diamonds...they circled your brain in a make-believe dance. Refusing to leave.
Meeting Heartslabyul was the trigger for it all.
The small, seemingly innocuous symbols marked on their faces made your blood freeze. Paint the roses. Happy Unbirthday.
The words made your skin crawl, and the burns etched on your skin began to ache, to jolt your brain into remembering.
.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.
A happy little tea party, set in a field of bright green grass, unnaturally soft under your toes. The table set before you was piled with goodies, and a set of friendly faces sat around you, each carrying their own conversation. It was such a wonderful party.
But then the grass under your feet grew from a cooling sensation to a burning one. You stood up from your chair, and the motion sent you reeling back into reality.
Bright orange flames flickered around you, each one reaching out like the hand of a ghoul attempting to pull you down into the grave. You jumped out of your bed, crying in pain when your bare feet hit the carpet underfoot. Although it wasn't exactly carpet at that point; the plastic fibers in the fabric had melted and were boiling hot.
Despite the pain, and the terrifying feeling of the fire, you ran out of your room and out into the hallway, only to be met with the sight of your father laying on the ground mere feet away, face-down, one arm outstretched to the door of your room. His flesh had mostly melted away at that point, the charred bones in his skeleton peeking out from barely clinging-on skin. The only distinguishable feature was his silver wedding ring, now dulled to a flat gray.
Room by room you ran, despite the flames grabbing at your arms and legs, causing irreversible damage. Dead. Dead. Dead.
The Firemen who arrived on the scene first found you in the front yard, alone, passed out from smoke inhalation and pain.
You didn't wake up fully for several years after that.
.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.
Not even a whole week into your stay in this world, you were met with the horrifying fact that "overblots" existed.
Unfortunately for you, the very first was akin to the Queen of Hearts herself.
"Riddle, please, stop!" Trey yelled out, his skin glistening with sweat from exerting his own power in an attempt to block Riddle's signature spell.
Either oblivious to his friend's cries, or simply not caring enough to respond, Riddle raised his arms up and dropped a fist in a slamming motion, causing one of the rosebushes to uproot itself and leap towards those trying to save the Heartslabyul leader.
You dropped to the ground, hands covering your ears as you shut your eyes tightly. At the first sight of Riddle, at his transformation, everything had ceased to be. Your progress in recovering, your calm demeanor towards this "Twisted Wonderland", your semi-friendly actions towards the students who sneered at you, and even your attempts at befriending the Heartslabyul members. It all came crashing down, and all you could feel was the ghost of of a fire encircling your body, and the quick flashed of those in your own twisted Wonderland coming back to haunt you.
You couldn't escape them, could you?
"Hey, HEY!" Someone put a hand on your shoulder, causing you to scream and jerk away. You opened your eyes in panic, which allowed you another glimpse of the Ruthless Tyrant, and only made you panic more, your chest heaving from gasped breaths.
The man who had touched you looked concerned- and rightfully so- at your wide eyes, paled skin, and wet eyes "Hey, stay with us, please," Ace begged "We need all the help we can get."
But you would be no help here.
You gave one final look to the Blotted Riddle...surprisingly, he looked back at you, his eyes narrowed with hatred and disgust.
They looked just like her eyes...
Everything went dark.
.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.
Riddle sat in a chair next to the mysterious student's bed, his gaze focused on a small piece of hair laying on the floor underfoot. He looked like shit, to say the least. He held bags under his eyes, and his skin was several shades paler than it normally was. He had just been released by the nurse a day ago, following the incident with his overblotting.
There was a slight shuffling sound, and Riddle looked up hopefully, expecting to see you awake and fine. But no such luck. It was only your shoulder twitching in your sleep.
Riddle would be lying if he said he wasn't interested in you from the beginning. The sheer amount of terror in your eyes as you stepped foot into the Heartslabyul's territory (as told to him from Ace) was something to behold. And, also according to Ace and Deuce, you had some....issues...with cards and a certain "Wonderland". And he felt like shit about it all. He had known, even from just a gut feeling, that there was something going on with you. He could tell that much just from looking at the deep, darkened burn scars that flashed underneath your sleeved, that showed whenever the leg of your pants raised up a little bit above your ankle.
And he had played into that terror. He had made you get worse, and you were still in the nurse's office, recovering from the "incident".
"I'm sorry," he said softly, reaching out a hand to pat your arm gently. An apology was all he could muster at the moment.
But, to be sure, he would make up for everything when you woke up.
If you woke up.
.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.
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morningmask27 · 9 months
Dimitrescu sisters catified references
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I posted a few drawings of these three in cat form and I thought I'd share the reference drawings i made for them. I wanted to add little traits that they share, but while also making them all unique.
family traits:
all three have a stripe that leaves from their eye.
beige chests and bellies (aside from Bela who only has a lighter chest)
a white marking that represents something about them (kinda) + one stripe going in the direction of that white spot
the ear tufts (Bela's are shaped differently, but she still has ear tufts)
their jaw structure is all about the same (square-ish), Cassandra's is just hidden by the fluff
I wanted her to be smooth. she takes great pride in keeping her fur clean, but there is ONE spot she can't tame and those are her fluffs right above where her front legs begin. (it makes her so mad)
I am mean I gave Bela a lot of heart-shapes everywhere; her ear tufts, the "shoulder" tufts, the white spot, her tail being a three in one, her dorsal stripe ending in one, ...
her tail is always droopy.
she's technically the same size as Daniela, but because in my mind she slouches a lot (It's a slightly more defensive posture), Daniela always seems to be taller than her.
her white spot is, as previously stated, a heart. It's very on the nose, but I never said I'd not hammer on that little detail. Her stripe there does do an interesting thing: before Miranda takes away her heart, the stripes don't cover her spot, just like with her sisters, but as soon as Miranda did her thing the stripes move slightly to now end on the heart. once she gets her heart back the stripes move again, away from her marking.
she has one scar and that is her nicked ear. it fully got rid of her (also heart-shaped) ear tuft. she got this when Miranda took her heart. (~symbolism~)
her eartufts are fully shaped differently than her sisters' and mother's. It is my favorite way to draw ear tufts, but that's beside the point.
I imagined her as looking the least like Alcina. I don't really know why exactly, but I did. I also decided to give Heisenberg's dog for the same eyecolor as her and beige markings that mimic these of Bela and her sisters. he's family and Alcina hates it.
(well actually I kinda have the idea in my head that she's kinda the daughter that wasn't really good, a first draft if you want. she's the elders, but her younger sister recieves more attention than her and I just find it striking, so I made her look the least like Alcina to make that distance between the two more tangible)
I did not have the courage to draw her cult ending form. I didn't want to cry.
spikey, and she likes it that way. her fur is groomed, she just keeps it more natural. she thinks (and she's kinda correct) that it'll make her more charming and attractive (to some)
I pretty much had wolves in my head while drawing her, I wanted her to be a bit more canine-like than her two sisters. Misunderstood, seen as dangerous and solitaire beasts, but actually very caring to those they love. But also imposing and grandiose. whereas Daniela is just a cat, chilling and Bela is a cat and tbh she's tired, Cassandra hogs the spotlight and demands attention.
I wanted to make her makings sharp. nearly all of them have pointy ends. you have to handle her with precaution or you'll end up hurt. she doesn't do this intentionally though;
star-shaped chest marking, because she is a star, obviously. She flaunts about it everywhere she can, much to everyone's annoyance.
no scars because this diva will never try to get into actual trouble. She cries at the first sight of (real) blood.
her ear tufts are very similar to Alcina's and she's very proud of it. she is a mama's girl after all.
she's not all fluff, there are some muscles underneath the fur, but her fur is pretty long still. she can hide small items in her fur if she wants.
shortest out of the three sisters (like in the game). stands as tall as she can to still appear taller than Bela. she's got basically the ebst posture just to win against Bela.
somehow, despite her activities, she has the smoothest and cleanest fur (Bela is very jealous, but will never admit it). she says she just cleans it and there is no secret. Bela swears she'll one day understand how she does that.
very muscular because she's always off doing sport of whatever. due to this she's also the strongest out of her sisters and very much able to win a fight against them, but she doesn't want to actually fight with them, so this fact doesn't see much use.
the scars she has are from the occasional accident. running a bit too fast and tripping for example. They're all very funny, albeit embarrassing stories that her sisters Love to share.
she's very round, shape wise. aside from a few sharp angles or straight-ish lines, everything is softened out; she is very friend shaped. unless she's angry and then you realize she's a lot stronger and taller than most.
her chest marking is the one I kinda dropped the ball on if you want my honest opinion. It's oval-esque and could be seen as her board since she loves skateboarding, but it's also just because it flowed better with the rest of the stripes I gave her.
round, friendly (and slightly curious) eyes. she's very cute and will convince you of anything when she wanted to, yet she doesn't really look very kit-like.
as tall as Bela, but obviously looks the tallest due to Bela's grumpy slouching. she teases her sisters about that.
her heart tufts look like a between part of Bela and Cassandra's. it was an accident, but it's cute so I kept it.
the freckles and heterochromia were obviously brought into this design. I am an avid fan of both.
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Jason The Toymaker Headcanons
The grind never stops fr fr. Sorry for disappearing I had summer classes and then a certain triangle demon from a kid’s show is took up most of my attention and creativity, and now I’m in regular classes and silly goofy video games have taken up my attention and creativity when I’m not slaving over my art projects for school. Teehee. Oops!
Jason has been another underrated character in this fandom imo, and I especially love love love LOVE characters who just get so obsessed with shit. I can’t remember if it was canon or fanon about him, but I love the fact he gets so possessive of his friends to the point where he kills the competition. And also the friend. Because the best friend to have is one you have complete control over, right?
Cis man? WRONG.
Like you’re gonna look at Jason and tell me that motherfucker has only ever used he/him pronouns? Bro is an eccentric Toymaker ffs
Jason uses any pronouns. Even the ones that don’t exist. Bro collects that shit like Pokemon cards
Hey remember LJ? Yeah Jason made him
I mean hello??? Sentient toy clown? That’s right up Jason’s alley
Jason has also made other clown characters, like Candy Pop
Jason is also one of the few inhabitants that straight up doesn’t need to eat food. Ever
Much like Nina, no one’s really sure what he is, they just know its immortal like everyone else and insanely hard to kill
Most people also avoid them or go out of their way to not get emotionally close to him for super obvious reasons
Like. They’ve all seen her workshop. Every week he comes back with a new human he’s lied to and whisked off their feet with some bullshit fantasy and within the next few days they’ve made a doll of the poor guy
Jason technically isn’t even allowed to do that, humans aren’t allowed to know of the existence of the manor or Slenderman or literally anything that goes on there, but does Jason care? Absolutely not
Slenderman tried getting on her ass about it once, and by some miracle Jason was able to talk themselves out of punishment
Besides making morbid people dolls, Jason of course also makes random other toys. Almost all of them are sentient or are able to think and comprehend speech
Jason uses Mr. Glutton (the snake) as not only a chair, but a garbage disposal as well. Need to get rid of body parts? Give to the snake. It’s like a black hole in there
So y’know how Anne and Eyeless Jack are the go-to doctors of the residency? Jason is the fix it guy for anything that’s not biological
Torn clothing? Jason can sew it up for ya
Gun/chainsaw/mechanical weapon is jammed? Jason has a fix for it
Broken trinket from your room? Jason somehow has already made an exact copy of it for this specific occasion
You could count on one hand the things Jason doesn’t know how to fix
And still despite being the repairperson no one usually sticks around long enough to chat
You’d think with how delusionally clingy this mf is that it would be a problem but surprisingly no
There’s a reason why xe specifically only targets humans
Like? Humans as a species are so easy to manipulate? And are leagues more fun to torture and scare than her fellow serial killer roommates
Similarly to how the others make bets on what weird item Helen can use as a murder weapon, they also make bets on how fast Jason’s next victim gets dollified
So far the record is a single day because somehow one girl had the balls to pull an 80s horror protagonist and stabbed Jason with their own fabric shears
She didn’t get far. Obviously. What’d you expect from an entire mansion crawling with murderous entities. LJ accidentally clotheslined the girl while reaching between doorways for something
Everyone on the third floor then got to bear witness to Jason dragging her back to his workshop by her ankles. Using the same fabric shears. The carpet is still stained from how much she bled. I’m pretty sure one of her fingernails is still lodged in the wall, too
While they don’t share a studio/workshop, Jason and Helen often use a lot of the same crafting materials. They have a mutual relationship where if one of them goes out, they return with something both of them ran out of recently
Beyond that they literally never speak to each other, and they both like it that way
Jason is way too eccentric for Helen to be able to stomach for longer than an hour, and Helen is too particular with so many different things that it gets on Jason’s nerves
One of the few people that does stick around Jason often is Ann
Obviously there’s the underlying factor that Ann literally owes her current life to Jason, but even outside of that stipulation, Ann finds them pleasant to hang around
Unlike Jason’s other doll experiments and creations, Ann is the only one that came with sentience already attached. Saved Jason the hassle of having to create an entire consciousness network from scratch
Like damn, vengeance is one hell of a powerful force, enough so that once Ann was put back together by Jason, she was up and functioning practically immediately
The two aren’t inseparable per se, and definitely don’t see each other as anything more than friends (Ann moreso than Jason), but you can often find them in the same room interacting
Jason, like many of the others, adore Sally to an unnerving degree. It seems as if everyone, no matter how much they dislike kids or ghosts or humans or whatever else Sally counts as, feels a supernaturally strong urge to protect the kid. Jason is one of the few seen with her constantly
Yeah go figure the Toymaker likes to appease the child
But seriously it’s a little freaky how Sally has this effect on so many people. Someone should look into that
While it’s one of the most recent additions to the household, Jason is one of the oldest entities within the group.
Like hello bro was around in the late 1800s, Jason has peepaw bragging rights
With that comes the stipulation that Jason hates modern technology. The newest thing they own is a sewing machine from the 70s
I think it’s pretty obvious that because of his peepaw status, + the fact Jason thrives off unhealthy obsessive friendships, a lot of the younger residents hate her, and vice versa
Is friends/close with: Sally, Ann, Nina, and LJ
Is neutral about: Jane, EJ, Kagekao, Helen, and Slenderman
Doesn’t get along with/hates: BEN/Ben, Jeff, Clockwork, Puppeteer, Liu, Masky, and Hoody
Ben is practically the antithesis of Jason. Modern tech manipulator vs old fashioned old timey manipulator
If those two somehow end up in the same room it’s ON SIGHT
Nina and Jason are constantly bitching and gossiping about anything and everything under the sun. Somehow someone who’s besties with Jason’s rival is also besties with Jason. Nina is just that talented, apparently
Ofc they also bond over fashion. Who do you think makes most of Nina’s batshit insane wardrobe pieces?
Puppeteer annoys the hell out of Jason. That, and he keeps trying to steal and manipulate all the dolls Jason makes. Rude.
Jason is the only one allowed to destroy xer own work. If it catches you fucking with any of the dolls, thrown away or otherwise, you can kiss your existence goodbye because Jason will make it her life’s mission to see to it you never have peace again
Tries not to be in their true/corrupted form too often considering how rotted his arms get in that state. The skin flakes off and everything, and it’s really inconvenient when you’re trying to work on fine craftsmanship and your own rotten black flesh keeps falling into your paint or some shit
Not exactly the easiest thing to control though. The more emotionally volatile Jason is, the more likely you’re gonna see him at his worst
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
hey y’all, anon bestie back at it again😍
but rlly, like imagine.. tess getting a lil submissive but still being the one in control and getting on her knees in front of you to do sum unholy things LORD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL
Tess Servopoulos x fem!reader
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A/N- hi bestie!!! I thank you for your service , you’re my favourite 🫡 I was just gonna write a little Drabble for this but as always. I got carried away! It’s actually surprisingly soft 🤧 I think sub Tess is RARE like I think that side of her only makes an appearance once in a blue moon when she’s just unbelievably drained and needs to not be the one in control and scary all the fine. And needs a lil comforting herself. And here is one of those times.
Warnings: 18+ || Tess. She’s a warning on her own lmao. Smut: oral ( reader and Tess receiving ), slight sub/Dom roles.
Word count: 4.2k of pure self indulgent filth.
Masterlist - Tess one shot requests are open!
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3
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Tess was silent as you wound your way through the back alleys of the QZ, sticking close to the shadows and the walls. You knew your way around all the secret pass throughs like the back of your hand by now, which in that case was good. You were in a hurry.
You were supposed to have received a drop off from Bill and Frank on Monday. It was now Friday. Both previous attempts to collect your goods had gone south, FEDRA almost catching you both times.
And now you’d failed attempt number 3.
There had been a spike in people trying to escape the walls, take their luck surviving outside of zone in some hopes of a better future. So FEDRA had increased their presence by the walls. If it hadn’t had been for the other two making a break for it and distracting the officers from where you and Tess were positioned, you’d be in the back of an armoured truck having them see what size noose you wore.
Tess was pissed. Obviously. And stressed beyond belief. You both had people waiting on pills. On bullets. Food. On stupid shit like socks and books. And it was all sat outside the wall somewhere waiting to be collected. You just couldn’t reach it.
Tess ducked into one of the buildings that hid a tunnel heading right back near your apartment, still not speaking a word. Not even when she braced herself to boost you up onto the ledge leading out. No muttered annoyance at whoever had gone through there last not leaving the ladder in plain sight.
Not even a thank you when you held out your hand and pulled her up too. Just a nod of her head and a light hand to your back, ridding you of your backpack and tucking it away for next time.
It wasn’t until back in the relative safety of your shared apartment did she finally break her silence.
You watched her intently as she pulled off her jacket, tossing it onto the back of the couch before slumping down, elbows on her knees.
“ fuckin FEDRA assholes “ it didn’t really hold the level of anger you’d expected. Her voice wasn’t bitter, no venom laced her words. In fact she just sounded… tired. Like the entire weight of the world was currently sat upon her shoulders.
“ we can try again tomorrow “ she shook her head and sighed again sitting back, looking up at the ceiling.
“ if our shits even still there. There was food in that package too. Fuckin fox or dog or some shit has probably had a field day with it “ she pinched the bridge of her nose, eyes closed now. you wandered over to her and carefully placed your self in her lap, cupping her face gently in your hands.
“ then we get the other stuff. People will soon realise that FEDRA have upped security by the wall, they’ll stop tryna run for a while, officers will be deployed else where. Then we get our shit “ her eyes danced across your face for a moment, sadness swimming across her pupils “ what’s going on with you today? “ you brushed her hair away from her face, running your fingers lightly through the greys peppering her temple before tucking it behind her ears
“ I don’t know “ she’d never really been one to talk about her feelings. She was honestly pretty fucking shit at expressing them in any way that truly made sense most of the time. In fact in the 10 plus years you had been together you didn’t think you could even actually recall a time she’d said ‘I love you’.
Of course she told you in other ways. In the ‘ be fucking careful ‘ , the ‘ touch her and I blow your fucking brains out’. In the tender kisses that were reserved solely for you, in those moments where you hid away from the world and pretended you were safe. The hand to your shoulder. The strong arms around you as you slept. She was better at showing than speaking.
“ you can talk to me “
“ yeah. I know “ she held your gaze for a moment, some wordless discussion happening between you. It was like she didn’t quite know what to say. She didn’t know how to ask for help, didn’t know how to truly make herself vulnerable to you. Even after so much time. And it was funny actually. Because she could do it to you so easily. Could have you tearing your heart out and serving it up to her on a silver platter with very little effort. But she was so unbelievably opposite.
So reserved and closed off. So strong and demanding and powerful.
She looked on the verge of speaking. Or kissing you. Or both. Eyes darting between your own and your lips. But she did neither. Simply sighed again, her face taking on that look that said she very much did not want to talk about it now. And she patted your leg lightly, urging you to stand.
You watched her walk over to the kitchenette, suddenly unbelievably interested in cleaning dishes. Keeping busy. Keeping her hands occupied.
You knew Tess well enough to know that what would usually have calmed and eased most, wouldn’t work with her. You couldn’t use all the techniques she used on you. The way she would pet your hair and let you cry into her chest after a particularly traumatic nightmare, the way her hands that were covered in so much blood could be so gentle and tender with you, her usual demanding bark that she used with people on the black market that crossed her, that turned soft for you.
It wouldn’t work on her. She’d never let you do it either. You’d tried before and she’d shut herself off from you.
She wasn’t one for pity and sympathy. So no, you couldn’t use all of her tricks for her. On her. But you could use one.
The most common, the one that was her go to. The one that had you floating and mind crumbling to mush inside your skull, had your blood morphing into a river of molasses in your veins. Slowing you down. Forcing you to relax.
She’d never let you go to that extreme on her, that was a fact. But with how truly drained she looked in that moment? You were convinced you could push her a little. Force her to relax and try and give her the treatment that so often saved you from losing your own damned mind.
A break.
A solitary moment where she didn’t have to be strong. Or powerful or whatever the fuck else she forced herself to be everyday.
“ Tess “ she looked over at you as you stood by the counter, the usual fiery look in her eye not burning as brightly as it usually did. She was running on empty “ c’mere “ she hesitated for a moment before drying her hands on a towel and walking over. Your heart was racing a little, not used to the possible switch in dynamic you were about to propose. You cupped her cheek gently, thumb brushing along her cheekbone for a moment. To your mild surprise, She was the one to lean in, capturing your lips with hers in a kiss far gentler than normal.
She usually had a force behind her, a solid and sure hold on your face. Or your waist. Where ever she’d chosen to anchor herself to you. Usually gave the direction, the press of her thumb to make you tilt your head a certain way or the one to brush her tongue over yours and silently command you to submit. But in that moment she didn’t. It was still there… sort of. The hand that had planted itself on your waist lightly fiddling with the hem of your shirt, cold fingers slipping under so desperate for the skin to skin contact she always craved. Fingers pressing into your flesh, but lighter.
And it gave you the motivation you needed. The motivation to attempt to peel her apart until she was as open as she could be to you.
“ I want you on your knees “ you said against her lips, your voice low. Not entirely commanding in the way that she usually was, but far more than you’d ever let yourself be before. For a brief moment you regretted it, wishing you’d just left her be. But, to your complete surprise, she did it.
Her hands trailed down your body as she went, along your arms and over the dip of your waist, pausing briefly on your hips before falling loosely into her lap as she sat on her heels.
You hoped you didn’t look as lost as you felt. Even when traversing the sticky handlings of drop offs you weren’t as stern as Tess could be. The people that feared you only really doing so because they knew you had Tess right at your side, and Joel on the other. But you could still hold your ground. And she had done this for you so many times before, pushed you to submit and let your mind leave you for a while. It was about time you repaid her. So you tried.
“ take them off, my jeans “ you were still on edge waiting for her to laugh at you for even attempting to switch roles. Maybe yank you down onto the kitchen floor with her and fuck you into the floor tiles until you couldn’t walk anymore. Show you how it was really done But she didn’t. In fact she almost looked relieved. Eyes almost glassy with some kind of relaxed fogginess, the weight of her week slowly lifting from her shoulders. A realisation that in that tiny little apartment she wasn’t expected to be cruel, to be loud and in charge. That she could be vulnerable. No one expected anything of her there, least of all you.
She still had her usual Tess tendencies. Dragging everything out. Slow as she unbuttoned the tight denim that was hugging your body. Dragging them down your legs in a way akin to some kind of odd assisted strip tease.
“ can I- “ she cut herself off with a huff. Seemingly some mixture of annoyed and embarrassed at being put in the position you always held. The one asking permission. You reached out for her again, hands cupping her face and making her look up. Her eyes had closed, some debate clearly happening behind her eyelids.
“ Tess “ she kept her eyes closed, her face still not as relaxed as you wanted it “ Tess, love. Open your eyes “ you coaxed, rubbing soft circles into her cheeks with your thumbs until they opened “ relax. I’m trying to help you. To you know, Relieve some stress “
“ yeah. I know “ she sighed, her hands gently running up and down your legs. Hands that were rough from fighting her way through the hell of the last 20
Years, that sent your skin raising in goosebumps. Like a trail of braille that only she could decipher, the reactions and workings of your body made solely for her to understand “ I’m not very good at asking permission “
“ then don’t. Just act “ and she did, leaning forward, brushing her nose against your cloth covered mound. Slow and wet open mouthed kisses through the fabric of your underwear and you feared she was simply slipping back into her usual ways. Teasing mercilessly and dragging things out for hours. But that wasn’t how you wanted to play. This was only the start “ take them off “ her fingers hooked into the waist band and dragged them down your legs without further prompting.
She lifted your left leg, pulling your foot from the loop. And then the right. But instead of putting the right carefully back down again, she hooked it over her shoulder. She kept her eyes on you as she pressed kisses along your inner thigh and you snaked a hand down into her hair.
“ stop teasing “ it came out a little breathier than you’d wanted, not as stern as you’d been hoping for. You really weren’t cut out for the dominant role. But you sure as hell were going to keep trying.
“ then tell me what you want “ even then with her voice more gentle that it usually was, she still had that control. She would never lose it you were certain. But either way, it was distracting her from her stress and that was all that mattered.
“ you know what I fucking want “ you said and slipped your hand further into her hair, curling your fingers into it and tugging her back a little to look at you more “ so fucking do it “
“ yes ma’am “ she said with a small laugh, even mocking a salute with her fingers before burying her face in you. Your fingers tugged at her locks wrapped around your fingers, in a way that was no doubt painful, as you gasped. But she didn’t react, too preoccupied with you, her lips sucking harshly at your clit.
“ and none- none of your teasing shit “ you could feel her smile against you and you didn’t even care that you were well and truly shit at telling her what to do, because at least she’d cracked a fucking smile. If she was making fun of you not, you didn’t care.
“ nice and quick. I can do that “ the truth to the matter was, you did want it over fast. Knowing that getting her to let you touch her was a rare occurrence. And she definitely wouldn’t let you if you hadn’t already came first at least once.
And you needed to touch her. Wanted to. Desperately. Needed to show her the same attention she showed you, to have her floating and forgetting why she was even stressed out in the first place.
Not that Tess needed to know that just yet.
You let her work her magic, head thrown back in pleasure as she alternated between wrapping her lips around your clit and thrusting her tongue into you. It was barely a couple minutes before she already had you on the edge, eyes locked firmly on your face as you clenched around her tongue. Some attempt to keep her there and not let her leave
“ fuck. Fuck just like that “ her fingers pressed harder into the flesh of your thigh, so hard you knew you’d have bruises blossoming across your skin in the morning. A colourful reminder of exactly who you belonged to “ just like that oh shit “ you looked down at her, truly admiring the image of her there on her knees. Committing it to memory, certain you wouldn’t see it again anytime soon. Noting the almost submissive look that was clouding her eyes as she kept up her pace, relentless in her efforts to have you coming on her tongue.
It was something you’d never known you needed, to see her like that. To see the woman that had people moving out of her way as she walked past, too scared of upsetting her or getting in her way, right there on her knees. For you. Only for you. She was ravishing.
“ fuck- I’m gonna- Tess “ you whined, teeth sinking into your bottom lip in some attempt to stave off the noises slipping from your throat. You kept her intense eye contact as your orgasm slammed into you, blooming from the pit of your belly and making your entire body shake. You gasped out her name as she worked you through it, only stopping when you tugged at her hair to detach her from you “ too much “ you mumbled, leaning your head back and attempting to catch your breath.
She peppered light kisses across your thigh before gently easing your leg back onto the floor. You simply wanted to melt into a puddle and bathe in the bliss she’d gifted you for the rest of the day. But you had more important things to do rather than sit and soak in your post orgasm glow. You looked down at her again, quite certain you could actually come again just from the sight of her.
She truly was a sight to behold on her knees. Paired with the mess you’d made of her hair and the evidence of what she’d just done to you coating her lips and chin in a glossy sheen, it was almost too much to bare. You needed her desperately. Needed to ravish her until she forgot her own name, some deep primal instinct to be the one to make her feel as good as she did you.
“ c’mere. Up here. Come here “ you said almost in a rush. She pressed a kiss to your thigh again before rising to her feet, kissing you without you having to ask. You could taste yourself on her lips, something that only made that fire burn stronger in your chest, setting your entire body ablaze with a desperate want to simply give. To please “ come with me “ you said in between hurried kisses, tugging at her hands in the direction of your bed.
“ what are you- “
“ shh. Just do as I say “ you kept kissing her as you went, not able to bring yourself to stop even for a second.
Sometimes when you sold your pills they would ask you if you sampled your own goods. Which you did. Occasionally. But never enough to let it become an addiction like them. Cause Why on earth would you need pills to feed an addiction when you had her? What high could possibly even come close to the one that was kissing her? Tasting her, touching her, completely and utterly consuming her. Nothing could beat it. No drug no drop of alcohol.
“ lie down “ you gave her shoulders a push to urge her on, crawling on top of her as you did. Her hands were all over you, roaming under your shirt and trailing along your spine. You detached your lips from hers and began pressing a trail of kisses across her jaw, along her cheekbones, on every scar and line her face held. You could feel her melting beneath you, her tense muscles gradually turning to Jelly. It was working.
“ Tess “ you said softly, close to her ear, finger tracing along the waistband of her jeans “ will you let me help you relax? please let me “ you whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips again “ I want to help you “ she pushed your hair back behind your ear, trailing her fingers across your jaw to rest on your chin. Her thumb ran over your bottom lip, pulling it down and watching it snap back into place “ Tess “ her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, letting out a slightly shaky breath as you said her name.
“ say it again “ it was so quiet you weren’t entirely sure you’d heard her correctly.
“ Tess “ her body visibly relaxed beneath you, her shoulders go slack as she melted down further into the mattress.
“ I love the way you say it “
“ Tess “ you whispered it softly, as if it were the most beautiful word to ever leave your mouth, brushing your lips over hers. Her eyes were still closed, lips parted as her chest rose and fell in a deep and steady pace. You kept repeating it, over and over like a mantra as you stripped her of her shirt, kissing every inch of new skin you revealed. Like some holy prayer that deserved nothing but the upmost care in reciting “ do you want me to help you? “ you caught her nod out of the corner of your eye but it wasn’t enough “ say it for me”
“ yes “ it was a whisper but you knew she didn’t have the strength to be more confident with it. So you didn’t push. Simply continued your path down her body, helping her out of her jeans and planting yourself between her legs.
You could actually count the number of times you’d gone down on her in the last 10 years on your fingers. She liked to give and was quite often reluctant when it came to receiving. So when she did let you, you weren’t going to squander it. She was watching you closely now, eyes heavy and half lidded as you moved forward. Letting her completely overwhelm your senses, letting her consume you.
Your fingers carefully parted her and you heard her breathe hitch, stuttering as your tongue licked a long stripe along the seam of her. You glanced up, checking on her. A moan left your own lips just at the sight of her, which was funny and maybe a little pathetic. But fuck it. Her lidded eyes and disheveled hair, the way her chest heaved and lips were slightly parted.
You waited. Waited for what felt like an eternity and a half before she gave you a small nod. The go ahead to continue. And you didn’t need telling twice. You buried your face in her cunt, eating her out like a woman starved.
She’d never really be one for making much noise, you were always the one that needed her hand clamped firmly over your mouth to stop you from waking the neighbours. And the entire QZ. But the small breathy moans she did allow herself were like music to your ears.
You wrapped your arms around her thighs, tugging her closer and unable to stop the smile the pulled at your lips as her back arched up from the mattress. You felt like the cat that had gotten the cream- metaphorically and figuratively you supposed- a mix of being smug and proud swirling in your mind.
Her taste was addictive. And maybe now you did understand how people can let themselves become so dependent on something, because who in their right mind would ever want to give up this? And with the opportunity for a hit of her so rare, you dare not let a single drop of her go anywhere but your tongue.
Her hands were twisted into the sheets, knuckles blanching with the force of it, short quick breaths escaping from between her lips.
You slowly added your fingers, working her open and coaxing something akin to more of a moan than quickened breath and you force yourself not to smile again.
“ is it good? “ you asked, curling your fingers in an attempt to locate the same spot she always abused in you.
“ shut the fuck up and keeping going “ bingo.
That had done it. She was just as desperate as you.
It simply made you more desperate, now that you were drawing more and more heavenly sounds from her mouth. You ate her like your life depended on it. It was messy. Indecent. Practically pornographic but you were too far gone, not a single care for anything other than making her come.
And god you needed to feel her come, needed to feel her clench around your fingers and trap your head between her thighs. Needed to hear the sounds she’d make and commit them to memory.
When her breaths quickened and her hips lifted from the bed you knew she was close and you reluctantly detached your lips from where you’d been suckling at her clit.
“ wanna come for me? “
“ I won’t fucking beg you for it “ she said, breathless, propping herself on her elbows to look down at you “ do you know how fucking smug you look right now? “ you could take a good fucking guess.
“ smug? Me? Never “ you curled your fingers again and watched her face soften, her eyes flutter
“ fuck you “
“ you already did “ she flashed you her practical trademark irritated face and you shrugged “ I’m not asking you to beg anyway. Just say please “ she scoffed and you shrugged again, reluctantly removing your fingers.
“ the fuck are you doing? “
“ say please “ she held your gaze for a few agonising moments, and you raised your eyebrow in a silent challenge “ say it. One word “ you started peppering kisses along her inner thighs, across her now puffy and sticky lips making sure to avoid where she actually wanted you “ I know you’re close. Know you want to come. Just say please “ it was mildly cruel. But also a little funny. After years of her making you beg she was finally getting a taste of her own medicine. She dropped her head back into the pillow and groaned.
“ please “
“ wasn’t so hard was it? “ you were back on her in an instant, luring her back to the edge with your lips, tongue, fingers.
The sound she made as she came was otherworldly, choking out a sob of your name and arching her back off of the mattress. Her thighs clamped around your head, forcing you to stay in place and drag out her orgasm for as long as humanly possible. Not that you had intended to do anything different anyway.
You lapped at her entrance determined not to waste a single drop of what she gave you, even if she was starting to affect your ability to breathe. But you figured it’d be a good way to go. At least you’d die happy.
When her body went slack you carefully crawled back up to her, pushing her hair away from her damp forehead and leaning down to kiss her.
“ better now? “ you asked quietly, already knowing the answer. She’d never looked more relaxed than she did in that moment. She hummed an answer pulling you down to lay with her, tucking you into her side. You pressed a kiss below her jaw and you felt her smile softly.
“ don’t get used to that “
“ wasnt planning on it “
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onmyyan · 11 months
🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon, here again! #3?
I don’t think you’re ever gettin rid of me now that you’ve told me you like what I’ve submitted to ya. Ya bad for me n my ego. You’re enabling me hun. It does mean a lot to me though and I am very happy I’m makin you foam at the mouth. Your men make me go feral and I obviously have stage 4 brain rot for all your OCs. No treatment for me. No salvation either doc
So here some intense follow up appointment delulu I got from the long ass Ashley Hunt AU story with hard core city girl reader I sent earlier. Buckle up bitch…you’re probably always gonna be in for a long haul with me…
Leavin off from Ash and our HEA, we got twins on the way n shit. And Ash is gonna give us at least another 5 babies too since we his happy lil breedin sow. But we gon speed up in time and not focus too much on dat, cause in the end we got 6 sons and 1 lil baby girl who da youngest. All back to back pregnancies. Ash got dem sexy hot dominant genes and really just gave his sons all the gifts he himself has. Tall, handsome, strong, chivalrous, charismatic, intelligent, etc. (They probably god’s favorites too). And we were like a fuckin printin machine makin copies n wonderin why the fuck we havin so many sons. So we fuckin delighted when we finally got a baby girl and are finally able to put the towel in cause we were also done havin his babies too. We love him. But 7 is plenty…
And so our story is really gonna focus on our lil baby Princess, cause she’s basically gonna be the “new reader insert.” Lil baby Princess grows up as a total daddy’s girl and is also doted on by her 6 big bros. She knows how to do some farm work, though she mostly inside helpin us her mama doin domestic work as it’s a bit more tough takin care of 7 men by oneself and we can always use an extra pair of hands in the kitchen. And you bet Ash is drillin in the same work ethic into his own sons as his own pa did to him. Builds character...
Lil baby Princess grows up wantin more in life. Just like how Ash’s sons inherited near almost everything from him, she inherited near almost everything from us her mama. Princess wanna leave the small town fast and is dead set on doin so when she graduates with her associates degree from the local community college. Her daddy, Ash managed to convince her to stay at the community college first. Get out general eds, stay closer to home before makin the big city leap and potentially getting a bachelors degree. Reluctantly Princess agreed to it but still had to go to the next town over since that’s where the community college is. Her home town is still much smaller…
And so she finally got her associates degree at 21 and is headin to the city to find a job n new life once the summer passes. It’ll be her last summer at home with her family she’s decided. On one of her casual outings ridin a horse she finds a man stuck on the road. Flat tire. Nice car too. He’s very handsome, tall, and muscular…to everyone else. But to Princess he just average and nothin much to look at. That what livin with 7 men built by Greek gods for 21 years does to ya. Makes ya numb to everyone people will conventionally say is beautiful n attractive. And Princess grew up with every woman around her thirstin over one of her bros and her father too. Even women from other towns would find excuses to swing by and gawk at the 7 men workin on the farm. So needless to say Princess isn’t wooed by men’s appearances…
Princess decides to help the poor fellow out cause her daddy raised her right. Offers him up a ride on her horse and tells the man she’ll call a truck for his car later. The man accepts and thinkin she’ll have to help him up on the horse for some time, the man easily mounts on the horse like it’s the second nature? And in an expensive suit too? She shakes it off and they go back to the Hunt farm…
During the ride the man asks Princess her name and what not (and I guess it’d still be Y/N cause the excuse is that she was named after her mama by Ash’s demands). Princess asks his name too, he gives it to her, and then no more talking on her end. This confuses the man as all his life people have usually wanted to make conversation with him. Or have usually always commented on his beautiful appearance by now. But not Princess. She really doesn’t give a shit about a stranded man’s life story. She’s here to do a job and get on with her life. And of course she’s immune to beauty at this point…
They finally come to the Hunt residence where Princess puts away her horsie and fixes up the man some water and food, bein a good host and all. She calls up the local mechanic and informs them of the details. Princess then just straight up leaves the man and tells him if he wants to take a nap, shower, whatever, to help himself. This is a fuckin power move as Princess has truly run out of shits to give in life. And she still ain’t tryin to converse at all with the man. Man is livid right now. Seeing Princess’s eyes filled with indifference. He confused as fuck too. Wonderin if she mentally sound or this is some country culture etiquette he doesn’t understand…
Now for the good shit. The Hunt men all come in as with so many hands workin on the farm now, shit gets done exponentially faster even though they got more stock and stuff over the years. They a little confused at first seein a posh lookin man greet them. But nothin gets bad as the man quickly explains the situation that happened. And the man is stunned to lookin at all these 7 aesthetically gorgeous men. The man is very confident in his own looks and it rarely happens in his life that he starts to get a bit insecure about them…
Ash asks the man where his daughter is, and the man replies that she just left? Much to the laughter of Ash’s 6 sons howling that “they’ll have nothing to ever worry about” with Princess. The man’s ego is damaged at this point. Is he unattractive? Is he undesirable? But he easily keeps a calm and collected face and voice…
The Hunt men politely excuse themselves having to go wash up from workin all day, leaving the man all alone again. We the mama enter the area, having heard commotion n stuff. We were preparing dinner n stuff in the kitchen which was far away. We go through same process and introduce and meet the mystery man. The phone rings and it’s the mechanic tellin us that the car won’t be ready for quite some time and the man will have to hitch a ride out of town if he’s got somewhere to be urgently. We inform the man and also ask if he got a place to stay. He don’t since he was just drivin by the town, so we offer him our home for the time bein. He hesitantly accepts…
Man decides to converse with us instead since we’re the most hospitable and social person he’s met in the family. He asks about our family and we do him. He keeps his background vague and we get the hint not to pock around. He really is just curious about our daughter, the Princess of the family. And we happily tell him all about her. Her hopes and dreams n stuff. Much to his delight that Princess seems like a normal human being n not a mechanical doll…
And that when he get the idea to propose to Princess later to take her with him out of the town to see the city and new places. Cause while he hasn’t fallen in love with her at first sight or anything like Ash did, there’s something about us that’s drawing him near. Perhaps it is our absolute indifference to him, and the fact that he just wants to prove something to himself. He wants to “figure us out.” Princess is a bit of a conquest and trophy to him, and he’s not afraid to admit that. So what’s the harm in this mutually future beneficial relationship? He’ll provide for Princess to get out of town and be able to see the world, and in turn he’ll get us to fall for him. The perfect plan. Nothing can go wrong…
A Princess for a Grand Duke, isn’t that fitting? Though the man will keep that a secret for as long as he can. If she asks questions about his wealth he’ll just pretend he’s an investor or something. One things for sure, Princess will definitely keep him entertained for a long time. A really really really long time…⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
And scene! I just love imaginin different flavors of a yandere stories. Like dis one is obviously a much more slower burn than the whirlwind romance of Ash and his wifey. And it’d really follow the descent of madness of a Grand Duke yandere who’s truly falling into love and obsession over his lady. He thinkin he in control at first but realize steadily fast that he can’t live without her. And to make it worse, he never lose control of things in his life. Not his looks, his composure, etc. so it makes this predicament even nastier for him to deal with. But lucky for us Princess, havin grown up with Ash as our daddy and 6 big bros who also have some questionable “protective” tendencies, we have a bit of a contorted sense of love too. So our “normal” is much different than other people’s “normal”
Also did you like the hint I dropped in dis drabble about the mystery man’s background? It was about him being able to easily get up on a horse despite being in a suit and lookin all fancy and stuff. Cause not many people can do that. So you either know how to do it as a career…or as a hobby…
Final thought as to why a Grand Duke yandere ya thinkin? From your OCs ya got the Delmonts who are criminal flavor, then Ash who’s country flavor, and then other popular yandere archetypes tend to be royalty, famous, or CEO more often than not. So I thought that royalty would be fun since it’d give the new leadin man not just an abundance of financial power but social power as well that CEO power might lack. Ya know…since royals can have diplomatic immunity and CEOs pretty much don’t. Some new flavors for the spice cabinet is always good. Besides I also just wanna see a man abuse his absolute power with impunity in yandere stories sometimes…So if ya ever decide to make a new yandere OC. Here an idea. I don’t mind ya usin it and I’d be thrilled if ya did
Love 🗡️Psycho🗡️ Anon
Princess stared at the man, her hard (e/c) eyes unwaivering, unmoving in their glare. She sucked her teeth, hearing her father's voice in her head as she stuck her hand up waving the stranger over.
"Get on, we'll take you somewhere safe, get this all figured out yea?" Princess says, no hint of suggestion in her soft voice. The stranger staggered for a moment before offering her his famous grin, a smile that had gotten him far in his life, "Thank you- really you're too kind, what's your name?" He says smoothly mounting the horse, expecting some fanfare from the desert rose before him, but instead he got a stiff nod and, "(Y/n)." was all he got.
She clicked her tongue and the horse took off, she hadn't waited to see if he was situated, a small smile on her face as she heard him gasp at their sudden departure.
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