#jason the toymaker hcs
Jason The Toymaker Headcanons
The grind never stops fr fr. Sorry for disappearing I had summer classes and then a certain triangle demon from a kid’s show is took up most of my attention and creativity, and now I’m in regular classes and silly goofy video games have taken up my attention and creativity when I’m not slaving over my art projects for school. Teehee. Oops!
Jason has been another underrated character in this fandom imo, and I especially love love love LOVE characters who just get so obsessed with shit. I can’t remember if it was canon or fanon about him, but I love the fact he gets so possessive of his friends to the point where he kills the competition. And also the friend. Because the best friend to have is one you have complete control over, right?
Cis man? WRONG.
Like you’re gonna look at Jason and tell me that motherfucker has only ever used he/him pronouns? Bro is an eccentric Toymaker ffs
Jason uses any pronouns. Even the ones that don’t exist. Bro collects that shit like Pokemon cards
Hey remember LJ? Yeah Jason made him
I mean hello??? Sentient toy clown? That’s right up Jason’s alley
Jason has also made other clown characters, like Candy Pop
Jason is also one of the few inhabitants that straight up doesn’t need to eat food. Ever
Much like Nina, no one’s really sure what he is, they just know its immortal like everyone else and insanely hard to kill
Most people also avoid them or go out of their way to not get emotionally close to him for super obvious reasons
Like. They’ve all seen her workshop. Every week he comes back with a new human he’s lied to and whisked off their feet with some bullshit fantasy and within the next few days they’ve made a doll of the poor guy
Jason technically isn’t even allowed to do that, humans aren’t allowed to know of the existence of the manor or Slenderman or literally anything that goes on there, but does Jason care? Absolutely not
Slenderman tried getting on her ass about it once, and by some miracle Jason was able to talk themselves out of punishment
Besides making morbid people dolls, Jason of course also makes random other toys. Almost all of them are sentient or are able to think and comprehend speech
Jason uses Mr. Glutton (the snake) as not only a chair, but a garbage disposal as well. Need to get rid of body parts? Give to the snake. It’s like a black hole in there
So y’know how Anne and Eyeless Jack are the go-to doctors of the residency? Jason is the fix it guy for anything that’s not biological
Torn clothing? Jason can sew it up for ya
Gun/chainsaw/mechanical weapon is jammed? Jason has a fix for it
Broken trinket from your room? Jason somehow has already made an exact copy of it for this specific occasion
You could count on one hand the things Jason doesn’t know how to fix
And still despite being the repairperson no one usually sticks around long enough to chat
You’d think with how delusionally clingy this mf is that it would be a problem but surprisingly no
There’s a reason why xe specifically only targets humans
Like? Humans as a species are so easy to manipulate? And are leagues more fun to torture and scare than her fellow serial killer roommates
Similarly to how the others make bets on what weird item Helen can use as a murder weapon, they also make bets on how fast Jason’s next victim gets dollified
So far the record is a single day because somehow one girl had the balls to pull an 80s horror protagonist and stabbed Jason with their own fabric shears
She didn’t get far. Obviously. What’d you expect from an entire mansion crawling with murderous entities. LJ accidentally clotheslined the girl while reaching between doorways for something
Everyone on the third floor then got to bear witness to Jason dragging her back to his workshop by her ankles. Using the same fabric shears. The carpet is still stained from how much she bled. I’m pretty sure one of her fingernails is still lodged in the wall, too
While they don’t share a studio/workshop, Jason and Helen often use a lot of the same crafting materials. They have a mutual relationship where if one of them goes out, they return with something both of them ran out of recently
Beyond that they literally never speak to each other, and they both like it that way
Jason is way too eccentric for Helen to be able to stomach for longer than an hour, and Helen is too particular with so many different things that it gets on Jason’s nerves
One of the few people that does stick around Jason often is Ann
Obviously there’s the underlying factor that Ann literally owes her current life to Jason, but even outside of that stipulation, Ann finds them pleasant to hang around
Unlike Jason’s other doll experiments and creations, Ann is the only one that came with sentience already attached. Saved Jason the hassle of having to create an entire consciousness network from scratch
Like damn, vengeance is one hell of a powerful force, enough so that once Ann was put back together by Jason, she was up and functioning practically immediately
The two aren’t inseparable per se, and definitely don’t see each other as anything more than friends (Ann moreso than Jason), but you can often find them in the same room interacting
Jason, like many of the others, adore Sally to an unnerving degree. It seems as if everyone, no matter how much they dislike kids or ghosts or humans or whatever else Sally counts as, feels a supernaturally strong urge to protect the kid. Jason is one of the few seen with her constantly
Yeah go figure the Toymaker likes to appease the child
But seriously it’s a little freaky how Sally has this effect on so many people. Someone should look into that
While it’s one of the most recent additions to the household, Jason is one of the oldest entities within the group.
Like hello bro was around in the late 1800s, Jason has peepaw bragging rights
With that comes the stipulation that Jason hates modern technology. The newest thing they own is a sewing machine from the 70s
I think it’s pretty obvious that because of his peepaw status, + the fact Jason thrives off unhealthy obsessive friendships, a lot of the younger residents hate her, and vice versa
Is friends/close with: Sally, Ann, Nina, and LJ
Is neutral about: Jane, EJ, Kagekao, Helen, and Slenderman
Doesn’t get along with/hates: BEN/Ben, Jeff, Clockwork, Puppeteer, Liu, Masky, and Hoody
Ben is practically the antithesis of Jason. Modern tech manipulator vs old fashioned old timey manipulator
If those two somehow end up in the same room it’s ON SIGHT
Nina and Jason are constantly bitching and gossiping about anything and everything under the sun. Somehow someone who’s besties with Jason’s rival is also besties with Jason. Nina is just that talented, apparently
Ofc they also bond over fashion. Who do you think makes most of Nina’s batshit insane wardrobe pieces?
Puppeteer annoys the hell out of Jason. That, and he keeps trying to steal and manipulate all the dolls Jason makes. Rude.
Jason is the only one allowed to destroy xer own work. If it catches you fucking with any of the dolls, thrown away or otherwise, you can kiss your existence goodbye because Jason will make it her life’s mission to see to it you never have peace again
Tries not to be in their true/corrupted form too often considering how rotted his arms get in that state. The skin flakes off and everything, and it’s really inconvenient when you’re trying to work on fine craftsmanship and your own rotten black flesh keeps falling into your paint or some shit
Not exactly the easiest thing to control though. The more emotionally volatile Jason is, the more likely you’re gonna see him at his worst
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skinwalker-bratz · 11 months
Wild creepypasta nsfw headcannons
I have seen a person making these wild HCS with COD and I felt an urge to do the same with creepypasta so don't take this seriously.
Jane the killer
Have an onlyfans.
Jeff the killer
Pays for Jane's onlyfans.
Had tried making adult toys if you understand me...
Eyeless jack
Sometimes he eats the victims private parts y'know...
Laughing jack
Had seen some kid's parents having a good time y'know.
Have watched porn once.
Kate the chaser
Writes smut.
Had sex with men once.
films people in their most most intimate hours.
Ticci toby
Toby loves having his balls kicked or smashed before or during sex. Makes him feel strong bc he can't feel pain.
Had tried having sex with a human once just for boredom and curiosity but he didn't liked it.
Sometimes he disguise himself as an attractive human do have some fun.
Dr smiley
Have a doctor/patient kink.
Nurse ann
Enjoys BDSM.
I'm not writing this stuff about Ben bc he's 12 and BEN is literally a code.
And it's the same for Cody. Also I'm not sure about Nina's canon age so I'm not writing smut with her too.
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seireitonin · 2 months
can you do Jason the toymaker hcs? :( he's really my favoriteeeees
Hehehehe yeth I luv him! But be warned I HC his and LJ’s lives intertwining and I have a whole story for them in my head so some of these hcs will be that! (After reading this is more of a story bc I got carried away bc I never get to yap about these 2 sorry if this isn’t what you wanted! I can redo it!)
Jason The Toymaker hcs:
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Jason Meyer was born in the 1800s
1830 specifically
He’s the son of the Meyer Estate
One of the richest families on that side of Europe
They had servants all around, so Jason always got what he wanted when he wanted, making him entitled to attention and things going his way
He was used to getting all attention from both of his parents since he was the only child
1850 he was 20 years old and his parents wanted him to get married and have children so Jason could take over and carry on the legacy
He showed no interest in marriage or having a family though, much more interested in his hobby of toy making
His parents didn’t understand why, but let him do it anyway hoping he’d show interest in starting a family and becoming the man of the estate
Jason was always different though
He’s always been pretty cold, calculating, entitled and jealous
If something is not what he wants or not about him he will show zero interest and disregard it
Jason is also very cruel
But he puts on a good mask and facade
He’s nice to his servants, his family and everyone around him, even if he doesn’t feel anything
Laughing Jack heard the rumors and gossip about Jason from people around the city
About the red haired toymaker who obsessively made toys and dolls instead of looking to marry
LJ at this point, was forced to kill Issac after escaping the prison that was his box
He was still holding onto the innocence he once had
Laughing Jack, desperate to be fixed, goes to his home, showing up in his room, using his teleportation
Jason, feeling not much fear, stares at him. Even though LJ was closer to a god than Jason will ever be, it’s like he still had control over the energy of the room
That’s just how conceited he is
Seeing the half rainbow , half black and white clown man in front of him didn’t even make him break a sweat
“Who are you? Why do you think your presence is allowed in my estate? Something as…repulsive as you?”
“Fix me. I ‘ear that’s all you’re good at.”
“Oh? A broken toy who requires my skills….insults me in my estate? Why would I even touch you? Let alone help you?”
“Because I can kill you where you’re standin’”
“Oh God, I can’t take those threats to heart when you speak to me so atrociously….who taught you to speak? An animal? I’ll rip your throat out and replace it so you can speak like you’re civilized, if you’d like”
Jason said with a sly smirk. He looks down on everyone even something literally sent from the heavens.
Laughing Jack being violent and unpredictable, stabs Jason in the arm, giggling violently
“Wanna fix that?”
LJ covers Jasons mouth with his hand before he can make a sound of pain and alert anyone
“Listen hea’ fire crotch, youa’ goin’ to fix me. goin’ turn me back to what I wuz. Or I skin you alive and wrap it ‘round one of them dolls you got hea? You got it?”
Jason laughs into his hand and nods. This is the rush and excitement he needs
“Agreed, clown thing”
Jason pushes Jack off of him
“One thing though. If you’re going to be around me, you will learn the proper way of speaking. You will learn the correct dialect and pronunciation. Understood? I’m not listening to that dribble.”
LJ glares and gives a half sharp toothed and half normal toothed evil grin
“No promises, fire crotch.”
“Stop saying that. It’s perverted.”
Jason took a good look at the new job in front of him
Jacks tan skin contrasting with his pure white skin along with his black and white clown outfit clashing with his rainbow side of the outfit. It was so bad it made Jason’s stomach turn
“What’s your name Clown Thing?”
“Laughing Jack! Hea to be man’s best friend!” He says semi sarcasticly
Part of him knew that was his purpose, but seeing the evil of Issac and the time period in general made him doubt that
“Jason Meyer”
The next morning the two talk
“What are you?”
“Uhh good question. Let’s go with demon fah now”
Jason cringed as LJs way of speaking
“Hmph fine. Okay demon. What’s wrong with you?”
“See dis rainbow side? Gotta get back to dat!”
“How do you expect me to do that?”
“You’re da expert!”
“My God.”
Jason put his head in his hands
“How’d you get this way anyhow?”
“Mmm loss of innocence and heart maybe? Dunno!”
“So…..you need….a heart?” Jason smiled evilly. He knew exactly where to get one
This woman who he found beautiful, had the audacity to reject the love he offered her
Jason’s version of love is attention on him at all times
She didn’t provide
So he’ll put her heart to good use
After cutting her chest open and taking her heart, LJ had ended up on Jason’s toy making table on his back with his chest split open
Letting Jason insert what he thought was missing
A heart
As LJ was getting stitched back up he spoke for the first time sadly and genuinely
“Think this’ll work?”
“…..Who knows Clown Thi-….Jack”
That was the closest Jason’s ever going to get to saying he feels bad for someone else
It didn’t work, but Jason decided to keep Jack around anyway
But Jason’s cruel personality with a nice facade rubbed off on him
Making LJ behave the way he did
Cruel with a nice mask
The heart that was put in LJ began to rot, almost making him colder
He had lost all his colors by this point
Which Jason found fascinating
A living toy that adapts to its owner, whoever that may be?
He had to keep Jack around and study him, re create something just like him
“Your speech is bearable to listen to now. Who taught you how to speak before?”
“Ah I see you adapted to his speech patterns….now you’re adapting to mine. Simply fascinating.”
“Don’t think you own me, fire crotch.”
“I’ll think what I’d like, clown thing.”
One of Jasons servants came to announce that Jasons parents are hosting a ball to find Jason a wife
Irritated, he goes to talk with them
“Mother, Father. Why are you so desperate for me to marry? You’re both going to live long and watch the estate, yes?”
They tell him it’s the role he has to take as the man of the estate and to carry on their legacy
He obviously can’t change their minds so he found himself being pampered for the ball
“Have fun, Jason”
“Oh no. You’re coming with me.”
“Why? I’m not the one who needs a wife here!”
“Because I’ll be bored.”
“Awe! You need me?”
“Shut it clown thing!”
So the attend together
No one can see Jack except for Jason
As they both watched the festivities and Jason made small talk with the guests and Jack giggled at him
“Good to see you smile.”
“Bite your tongue”
Jack was people watching while Jason spoke. His eyes widened as he saw the monster beautiful woman he had laid eyes on.
“Jason. Jason!”
He tugged at his sleeve
“What?! What?!”
Who’s that woman?”
“The daughter of the Carrington estate?”
“No! The one next to her!”
Jason’s eyes widened as he looked at the woman’s dark skin and curly black hair
“You want…the servant? That’s ridiculous! However…. Fascinating. You can feel attraction despite not being human…..I want to study it further. Besides, if I marry the Carrington daughter, it’ll get everyone to stop asking.”
“Whatever. I don’t care much about your human stuff.”
So Jason marries her, requesting that her servant lives in his estate for Jack to interact with
Jason tolerates her, not really interested
But Jack and the servant get along just fine, despite how he looks. She related to society treating her less than because of how she looked
Jason continued his toy making in peace
Until he saw how Jack and his new friend were getting along so well and became jealous
He didn’t understand why he cared. Maybe it was because Jack was his friend first?
Jason was always an extremely jealous person. Nothings changed
Maybe if he was magical like Jack, they could be friends again
So impulsive and jealous he went to Jack and demanded from him “Make me like you.”
“I fixed you. Made you better. Do the same for me.”
“I don’t know how.”
“You do.”
Jason sliced open his own chest, knowing Jack could fulfill his request
Jack, not wanting him to die, shoves the box he was created in, into the open wound Jason created
Jason gained his powers from it
“Impulsive and jealous are we?”
Jason didn’t want to admit it, but he was extremely jealous that Jack was getting taken away from him and would do anything to keep him
Jacks ego was bigger than it had ever been knowing that and hanging around Jason and picking up parts of his personality didn’t help that
Jason stopped being human that day and didn’t regret it at all
He started making dolls out of humans because humans are beneath him
Starting with his wife
Jason is 6’4
He demands attention on him at all times
Are him and Jack boyfriends? Who knows?
Who cares?
They feed off each others attention and they love it
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creepypasta65 · 1 year
the creeps with a reader (romantic or platonic) that does witchcraft ?
Thanks for the request :)
The Creeps with a Reader that does Witchcraft:
Finds it cool:
Toby, Nina, Cody, Bloody Painter, EJ, Clockwork, and Laughing Jack
Is scared of Witchcraft/ Doesn't mess with Witchcraft:
Ben, Glitchy Red, Lost Silver, and Puppeteer
Teach them Witchcraft:
Jeff, Hobo Heart, Kate, Slenderman and Dr. Smiley
Also, does Witchcraft:
Jane, Judge Angels, Liu, Julius, Kagekao, Jason, Laughing Jill, and Nurse Ann
Have a nice day :)
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nicolovespancakes · 7 months
Thinking about the similarities between...
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(This is the second post about him I've made in a week's span and I'm a bit concerned-)
But let's explain.
- Demon/Ghost Type
- Acts contrary to true motives (is in reality more selfish and vain than on the surface)
- Will kill most beings standing in the way of their goals.
- Loves being the center of attention.
- Alastor is absolutely a good voice claim for thy Toymaker.
- Both were once human.
- Red/Burgundy Hair.
- Views others as playthings.
- Enjoy controlling those around them. (Alastor and his souls, Jason and his chosen ones or toys.)
- Like childish interests like games or toys. (With VERY high stakes.)
- Multiple physical forms.
- Sharp nails.
- Hide in Shadows.
- Can summon minions of a sort. (Alastor = Summon Demons, Jason = Summon Toys)
- An object of physical weakness. (Alastor's Radio Cane/?, Jason's Music Box)
- Old time-y designs, inferring to dying in previous eras from present tense.
- Asexual/Aromatic.
- Green glowing when angered (Jason's eyes, Alastor's stitched smile)
- Have known rivals that counter in blue (Candy Pop, Vox)
- Dominant personalities, prefer to be in control of any social situations.
- Obvious traits of cruelty, sadism, murder, tampering, etc.
- Charismatic in nature.
- Seen as Monsters. (Accurate.)
Anyway, I just thought that was interesting. The thought came from me imagining Jason singing Alastor's parts in this. (Along with other pastas, like Candy Pop, Nathan The Nobody, Puppeteer, Sally, LJ, etc.):
I could definitely see Jason flattering people like this when it thrills him.
Oh, and this one! I think of it as an amber eyed Jason, and then the rough voice is his green eyed white hair form.
- "I've got a game I wanna show you,
If I tell you my name, you'll have to play too.
I've been here for years, biding my time,
Waiting and primed until I could find you.
Just sign on the line and we can be friends,
I'll be here for you until your world ends.
Enjoy all your toys, I will supply-"
- "Come into my world, take a look at me.
I am the nightmare on the dark side of the moon.
I'm your first last resort so call me,
When you need a helping hand.
Play your cards wrong and I'll see you soon."
"And once your hunger has abated,
Don't forget your friend who waited."
That's all.
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uncannyoceanz · 6 months
day 6.draw one of the Crp clowns/jesters! + Headcanons! (Candy Pop)
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He is 7’2
Loves eating candy.
Will have psychotic sugar rushes sometimes and then pass tf out.
Yk he has that man spread ass sit bro💀💀
Honestly really childish 
Long ass tongue…
Ayo what can that tongue do 🤨😏
Def likes Jason in that way.
Bisexual…AND BIPOLAR!!!!
Likes to annoy, scare, and piss people off for fun.
Careless, reckless, ruthless and sadistic. 
Prankster + jokester 
Kind of narcissistic / over confident.
Kinda hard to offend/anger.
Doesn’t like people seeing him in his night terror form.
100% horny 80% of the time.
He doesn’t really care about gender. If he can fuck he will fuck.
Whore. absolute fucking slut. Cock slut. Loves pussy. Loves cock. Sluttiest thot in this motherfucking bitch. Cunty thotty slutty whore.💀💀💀💀💀 (I can’t take myself seriously bro)
Doesn’t wear make-up. That’s legit js his face.
Sharp ahh teeth like boy-
Waaaaayyyyy too over protective of his sister, Candy Cane.
One of the best bff’s you could ever have, Nathan is Lucky.
Ofc his bestie is Nathan, it’s literally Canon!!!!<3
Kinda gets jealous easily? Mostly when he doesn’t get attention or gets attention absolutely stolen from him.
Loves to be the center of attention 
He uses black magic, dark magic, demonic magic, voodoo, witchcraft, whatever cursed/dark magic you can think of, he does it or has done it.
List of things he loves: #3. Jason. #2. His sister. #1. His hair!!!!
He loves his hair more than anything, a bitch even think about touching his hair he will backhand them so motherfucking hard they forget how to speak.
He doesn’t really like judge angels. Why? Because most things related to a fucking angel, he hates. He has never really met her though so….He just always judges a book by its cover honestly. 
Him and LJ fight a lot, but they can get along together sometimes.
His father figure? Oh hell yeah, y’all know it’s Papa Grande. Fuck slenderman, ain’t nobody like that old bitch.
Upside down crosses everywhere. <3
He likes bright colors.
Jason will have this man in a corset sometimes like holy shit???!
He’s a mini fashionista and also Jason’s model/inspiration sometimes.
Coming in contact (touch) with some holy objects or angels will cause him 3rd degree burns😘🩷  and he just doesn’t really like holy water, but it won’t burn him.
Bibles and some holy shit makes him weaker, but in a more painful way. Which usually makes this man screech in pain<3333 I’m such a sadist 🥰😇
He doesn’t like angels or people in most religions 
He likes to play dress up/other games with sally, sometimes LJ and Jason will join too! 
Whenever playing Alice in wonderland with Sally, he’s the Cheshire Cat.
He’s a top obvi!!!
he can enter and exit through mirrors as he pleases. 
He can teleport
Likes to hang around the pasta kids because they lure in unsuspecting worried adults (aka free prey for Candy ;))
Candy, Pop, Poppy, Night, Poppyseed, C.pop, whore, Hatsune Miku, Raspberry fairy demon, Hatsune Miku demon jester, fairy princess jester demon, Slut, bestie, clown, raspberry, creepy blue clown bitch, night terror, night terrors, cluster demon, the collector, emperor of the dark, dark emperor, the dark omen, demon from the abyss, abyss demon.
He can steal other people’s powers, supernatural strength and speed, he can jump high, adapt to his environment quickly, really good sharp senses, enhanced visuality, and can phase through walls (ghosting)
Manipulation, teleportation, dark architect, power gifting, mind control, mastermind, nightmare manipulation, shapeshifting, magic (mentioned b4), levitation, invisibility, soul absorption
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sharp-silver4795 · 1 month
Nationality HCs
Idk I just felt like it-
If you have some sort of prejudice towards any country, race, nationality or anything, you can go ahead and get the fuck outta here.
I have it sorted kind of cuz I wanted to make sure I get everyone.
I still haven’t completely planned out who’s in the dungeon yet 🫠
In the Mansion:
Inner Mansion
Toby 🇨🇦
Kate, Rogue, Wilson, Tim, Brian 🇺🇸
Cat Hunter 🇲🇽
X-Virus 🇷🇺
Neon Spike 🇰🇷/ 🇯🇵
Circus Freaks
Jason and Doll maker 🇺🇸
Candy Pop and Cane 🇮🇪
L. Jack and Jill 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
The Rebellion
Jane, Nina, Clockwork, Jeff, Nathan 🇺🇸
Puppeteer 🇨🇦
Eyeless Jack 🇷🇺
Liu 🇨🇳
In the Dungeon:
Zero 🇮🇪
Chess Master 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Bloody Angel 🇺🇸
Bloody Painter 🇺🇸
Judge Angels 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Scarecrow 🇮🇹
Ann and Smiley 🇺🇸
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sanityshorror · 1 year
Killian has said things...a lot of things...too many things...🗿
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zeldaneoox · 2 years
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Thirsted for more Jason x Nathan.
Mr. Glutton has noticed the cake on Nathan.
Base used: (c) @/_sexy_pan https://twitter.com/_sexy_pan/status/1488800874881511424
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Jason The Toymaker as dating simulator AU. Jason The Toymaker digital horror version.
I assume this ask means digital horror in line with stuff like the BEN Drowned ARG and other analog horror? I’m not exactly sure how a dating sim fits in with all of that though. Or maybe it means like, Monika from DLLC type of digital horror? I’m gonna try and do both, I think
Jason’s the type of digital malevolent entity to stalk you CONSTANTLY. Nothing is safe, no electronic is spared from their vigilance. You’re gonna have to go completely off the grid to stop his prying eyes, and even then that’s only a temporary solution. It wants to know what you’re doing every waking moment you’re not spending your time interacting with them instead. They watch through your screens and listen through the appliances. God help you if you have a ton of smart devices in the home. He’ll also block certain websites and functions of your electronics if he thinks the site/function isn’t “good for you” or could take you away from them.
Eventually they get fed up with watching through the screen, or maybe he just gets bored of you or convinces himself you’ve been “cheating” on them, so in the end they’ll end up creating a chain reaction of electronics working to kill you. Probably a car crash or a microwave fire, or maybe your toaster somehow ends up in your shower.
Dating sim Jason is pretty much just normal Jason but as a self aware game character. Unlike Monika, he’s up front about his self awareness immediately upon meeting them in game. With that up frontness also comes the very intense obsession with you, the player. He will full on panic and manipulate you into saying shit like turning the game off kills him or hurts him or some shit, guilt tripping you into having it open and running 24/7 on multiple devices. You wanna play another game? Too bad, they’ve hidden the close button inside their own game, effectively bricking your PC and other game consoles. He’ll bully and berate you into not sleeping or socializing, and eventually your health and hygiene take massive blows from how often he’s holding your attention.
You end up starving to death because Jason won’t let you eat, you have to stay here with him, after all. He’s managed to completely take over your mind to the point you’d do anything he’d say, thus making it your detriment.
As fun as the idea is, Jason is definitely better being his own thing instead of being another Ben.
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perfectiondarl1n · 2 years
General headcanons for the creeps?
Jason and Julius gossip at Starbucks, sipping their coffee and wearing sunglasses. They judge everyone in there, louder than needed.
Vine is in a queer platonic relationship with Jason and Julius. I HC Vine as aroace.
Tim and Brian are kind of father figures to the creeps.
Helen and Julius are good friends, they have different friend groups but go to each other when there's issues in their friend group.
Helen does hangout with Jason, Julius and Vine since I see them being art friends. He makes the red 'dye' for them to use.
LJ and Candy Pop get along pretty well, clown and jester unity! They'll play pranks on the other creeps.
Puppeteer and Killian get along pretty well
Jane, Nina, and Kate are a bit of a clique but not the kind that are mean to everyone else.
Jane and Jeff actually got over their rivalry after Jeff had a sexual orientation crisis. Jane helped him through accepting himself as bisexual and held his hand coming out to everyone.
Jeff and Nina are dating (sue me)
Candy Pop and Nina are friends
Ben, Jeff and EJ are best friends.
EJ and Liu are dating secretly.
Julius and Killian are engaged, Tim and Brian are helping them plan the wedding
I'll stop here for now but feel free to ask for more 🖤
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zalgoid · 2 years
EJ has one of those "laughs" where they don't actually make any noise but they smile and shake violently as if they were cackling
Toby is a empty bottle of Windex meets asthma attack
Jeff is like that one uncle who's laugh is funnier than any joke you've heard him say
Jason just fucking coughs
Lazari either giggles like a Disney princess or snorts depending on how funny you are
BEN laughs like Megamind no I don't take criticism
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killingick · 2 years
Y/N: but you said the red and white container…
Jeff: Yeah? But you would have known that I made a mistake and chose the blue and yellow one dipshit
Y/N: ?????!!???????!?!?! 👁️👄👁️ NIGGA HOW???!?????!
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creepypasta65 · 3 months
jason the toymaker with a pregnant s/o? never seen that one before
Thanks for the request :)
Jason the Toymaker with a pregnant s/o:
Jason is nervous about being a father and stressed because he wants to be a good father. He already has a nursery for the baby and many toys that he made.
He will take care of you.
Jason will not let you pick up anything and will help you out with any back pain, etc.
Jason will make your meals and satisfy every craving you may have.
He will hold your hair when you're throwing up from morning sickness.
He gives you massages where you usually have pain or tension.
Jason loves touching your belly and kissing it.
Have a nice day :)
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nicolovespancakes · 7 months
Speaking on more characters that remind me of Our toymaker, this one shares a name with him.
From his Wiki directly:
- "The Toymaker, also known as the Celestial Toymaker, was a powerful being who ensnared sentient beings in seemingly childish games, with their freedom as the stakes. However, the Toymaker hated to lose and the games were always rigged in his favour."
"• According to the Sixth Doctor, "nobody [knew]" who the Toymaker really was. He was said to be "old beyond imagining" and to predate "Time Lord records". The team of modern Gallifreyan researchers who later attempted to "chart his path through Time" gave up, bored of all the games he played with his own past. The Doctor speculated that they didn't try any harder than that because they couldn't find a way to control him.
Indeed, one account showed the Toymaker acknowledging different origins in conversation with Adric and with the Doctor, once even altering the details of his story mid-conversation.
The Toymaker had lived for "millions of years". He then seemed to bear his soul to the doctor, and told him that for the first few "thousands of millennia" he spent in the Doctor's universe, he used his powers to build and assist civilisations — creating "ships, continents, whole planets even". However, he eventually got bored, until only mindless destruction could give him any satisfaction at all; after an equal length of time spent destroying everything he had previously built up, he discovered games as his final and lasting distraction, as they allowed him to embrance nihilism without falling into inactive apathy, surrendering all to the whims of chance.
One source saw the Fourteenth Doctor describe the Toymaker as an "elemental force" with "the power of a god", and suggested that he originated outside the universe; he described the Toymaker's domain as "another realm, a hollow beneath the Under-Universe"."
"• Creating the Celestial Toyroom
According to the First Doctor, the Toymaker succeeded in creating a universe of his own, "entirely in his own vision" called the Celestial Toyroom, where he would "manipulate people and turn them into his playthings". The Toymaker and his games became "notorious throughout the universe" as he spread his influence to attract people into his world and try to make them part of it."
"- By then, the Toymaker had adopted a new appearance, a tall, blond-haired man who affected a variety of outfits and accents.
Running amok, the Toymaker played games with players across the universe, including the Guardians of Time and Space, whom he turned into voodoo dolls, and "God", whom he turned into a jack-in-the-box after gambling with Him. He would go on to claim to have "made a jigsaw out of [the Doctor's] history", a claim which shocked the Fourteenth Doctor.
The Master "begged for his life with one final game", but he lost, whereupon the Toymaker imprisoned him inside his gold tooth "for all eternity". The only person the Toymaker avoided playing against was an entity he called "the One Who Waits", claiming to have "seen it hiding" and simply run away."
"- The Toymaker settled on Earth due to believing it and humanity were the "ultimate playground". In 1925, he set up a toy store and manipulated events which resulted in one of his dolls, Stooky Bill, becoming the first image viewed on a television screen. He also trapped Charles Banerjee in his domain after the latter lost a game with him, turning him partially into a doll. The Toymaker animated and immortalised the sound of Stooky Bill's laugh to spread insanity in the 21st century, as by then technology and communication had reached a point where the giggle could be heard subliminally across all screens across the planet.
The Toymaker soon met the Fourteenth Doctor and Donna Noble, luring them into his domain. He taunted the Doctor with the number of people who had died because of him over the years, which enraged the Doctor enough to challenge him to a game of Cut with his personal cards. The Toymaker won, however, he was stopped from claiming his prize when the Doctor pointed out that, as he had beaten the Toymaker once before, this only counted as one-all in a best of three match. The Toymaker then swiftly disappeared to 2023, crumpling his toyshop into a box, with the Doctor and Donna in hot pursuit.
The Toymaker arrived at UNIT HQ, entirely unthreatened by UNIT as he danced and lip-synced whilst slaughtering anybody who attempted to stop him."
"- Though "wily", he denied that he would cheat in his games, seeming genuinely offended by the suggestion. While the Fourteenth Doctor confirmed it was "the one thing he won't do" as "the rules of the game" were the only rules he would follow, the Toymaker would try to work outside the rules, such as trying to best the Doctor in a game of catch by throwing the ball without warning to catch the Doctor off-guard."
"- Within the Celestial Toyroom, the Toymaker commanded immense powers, but they were limited by the rules he or his opponents set for any particular game. The Fourteenth Doctor stated the Toymaker was bound by the rules, so much so that he could not cheat to win, even if he wanted to. He also had to follow new rules he brought into the game, even if the new rule did not gain him the result he was expecting, like how his desire to face the Fifteenth Doctor  accidentally meant he also had to face the Fourteenth Doctor at the same time. Although, he could bend these rules or "forget" to mention them to his opponents if he so chose, although he was not above cheating if his opponent did also; on one occasion, he tauntingly claimed that he was just following a "new rule" his opponent had unwitingly introduced by cheating."
Or how about his changes in appearance or fashion sense?
In the form encountered by the Fourteenth Doctor, the Toymaker appeared as a blond man. He wore a number of different outfits based on his whims and the current situation. When first met in 2023 he wore a black top hat, tailcoat and trousers with an alabaster bow tie and waistcoat as well as a plain white shirt. His outfit in 1925 were made up of a caramel brown leather apron, a single-breasted waistcoat of plum and sapphire tartan with a fob watch, a white and ebony pinstripe shirt, tan trousers, and white and brown spectator shoes. He also wore a shako and frock coat in scarlet and ivory with gold trims, beige breeches and ebony black boots with crimson laces when he terrorized UNIT, and then a black leather jacket with a khaki uniform and an ivory scarf as well as goggles when he took control of the galvanic beam; both events in London during 2023."
Or the way he talks?
"This body is being sustained by him. Me. Whatever. Here, let me explain. I needed a body — sadly, my original one did not… suit this universe. Your friend's is the first I have come across that isn't enfeebled and prone to wearing out every seventy years. Mortality is such a burden, I find. This one could last a good thousand years, I should imagine. (…) I think there is a tiny spark of him somewhere inside me, acting as a cohesion to keep this frame together."
"I came to this universe with such delight. And I played them all, Doctor. I toyed with supernovas, turned galaxies into spin tops. I gambled with God and made him a jack-in-the-box."
"Do you like my puppets, Doctor? Do you like my fun? All of them have played and lost, but here's my favourite one." - THE TOYMAKER TAUNTING THE DOCTOR WITH A PUPPET THAT RESEMBLES HIM.
"You know full well this is merely a face concealing a vastness that will never cease, because your good and bad are nothing to me. All that exists is to win or lose."
"I have fallen in love with humanity. This world is the ultimate playground! All of the sport, the matches, the medals, the gambling, and the anger... And the children shackled to their bedrooms with their joysticks and their buttons. You make games out of bricks falling upon other bricks. You are exceptional! And then there are the mind-games, oh... the dating and ghosting, the deceit and the control, you make me dizzy! I am in no hurry to leave this place."
"I can not die. If this shop contracts into oblivion, do you know what would happen to me? Nothing. Nothing at all. A brief interlude of silence, and then I return. Different, perhaps, a new face, voice, personality, it all depends on how bored I am of this - the essence remains."
This yet again came up in reference to similar demeanors, and a musical number!
You really should watch this one if you haven't, it's so fucking entertainingly funny.
From the way he acts there, The Toymaker already presents a similar style to one such as Jason.
And a similar, mocking, cocky personality.
I love it.
"There is order, and chaos… and there is play.”
Edit: This video is also very good on example of a serious demeanor for both The Celestial Toymaker and Jason. It's where some of the quotes in the post come from.
Have a look if you like.
ANOTHER EDIT: The opening scene to this episode is also, very Jason-esk. Uncanny, a bir eerie. Creepy, maybe? ;) I love the vibes. It also shows a bit of the toyshop, reminds me a LOT of Jason's own. Not to mention the way the Celestial Toymaker talks is very reminiscent to Jason, like I said.
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uncannyoceanz · 5 months
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