#jason ttm
uncannyoceanz · 4 months
what do you
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msked-svicide · 1 year
I care about you. Jason The Toymaker comfort fic 🫂
Comfort fan fiction 🧸
Fluff, No warnings unless you're uncomfortable with affection and petnames, No smuts no gore, nopes. Made this bc i am being TESTED here
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You were sitting on your bed cross legged, crying in your room, seemingly, your friends were losing interest in you and becoming distant/mean. You were angry, sad, upset. Tired of not being good enough, you just wanted to have someone want to be near you. With you. Caring about you. Without getting tired of you or using you and stuff. Suddenly you hear cloth, as if someone were walking, your eyes had tears in them, making your vision blurry. you slightly looked to your side, seeing some colors, and what seemed to be a face, some red.. You felt a hand on your head, patting you. You rubbed your eyes until your vision was no longer blurry. A man was crouched next to you, he looked exactly like Jason the Toymaker. That creepypasta you read about online. Your eyes widened a bit. ''Jason..?'' he nodded. ''The one and only..'' he said in a sweet tone, giving you a kind smile. ''Wh..at are you doing h..ere..?'' you asked, although you knew him and his story, you believed he wouldn't want to be friends with you anyway. But you were wrong. ''I'm here because I want to be your friend. Those people don't deserve you, and.. I'm really sorry all of that happened to you, and is happening.'' he said, honesty in his tone. You looked at him, kind of staring. Not believing he said that. ''D-Do you mean it..?'' you asked hesitantly, sniffing and resting your hands on your legs. ''Yes, I mean it, friend.'' he says, giving you a sweeter smile, and taking his hand away from your head, slightly wiping away a tear from your face, then resting both of his hands on the bed. You looked at him worriedly, not knowing wether to believe him. ''You can trust me, dear,'' he says, getting up from the floor and opening his arms. You got up aswell, and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back, petting your head a bit. ''You're safe with me, I promise. I wouldn't leave you like those stupid idiots did.'' he said, reassuringly. You stopped hugging, and just smiled at each other, he looked around for a second before speaking up again. ''..Would you want to come with me?'' he asked.
its kinda bad sorry but hope u enjoyed besties
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killakalx · 6 months
killa ur one of my absolute fav jason writers so i felt the urge to share w u what has been rotting my brain recently. all i can think abt is ak/rh!jason meeting robin!reader for the first time. at first he’s angry, enraged, really, seeing flashes of red and green prancing across rooftops like you don’t have a care in the world. he has half a mind to beat some sense into you, knock that ‘i’m invincible in this suit’ mentality right out of your pretty little head. until he sees you up close, because that kevlar vest can’t hide the swell of your chest, and of course he notices the way your cape flares out to accommodate for the curve of your ass. just imagining the way he’d get obsessed, always cornering you in dark alleys just to rile you up and make you feel guilty that somebody like him has your panties all sticky and your thighs clenching, only to leave you high and dry ‘til the next time he ‘coincidentally’ runs into you during your solo patrols. kicking my feet js putting this into words he’s actually taken over all my thoughts i can’t function 😵‍💫
omg wait ilysm nonnie ☹️❤️ im glad my writing for jason is what you like!!!
ok i’m gonna edit ur take just a lil bit bc if you want me to be so honest rn, the idea of reader as a robin implies to me that reader’s still kinda young. ik that isn’t the fact but i just associate robin with being tiny and thrilled to get your life destroyed by an old man in a bat costume. now if we go about it like reader’s being mentored by b-man and has been for a long time, so it’s obvious to jason that she’s got that lil invincible flair? i’m all for it. cuz i feel like jason has beef with anyone who subjects themself to the same things he did when he was under batman’s wing.
now i’m not gonna say jason’s a stalker but yk. he’s definitely keeping track of you. judging your every move and making sure to be as hypercritical as possible, just to distract him from how badly he wants to ruin you himself. two things immediately came to my mind when i read this and it was brat taming and corruption, but jason as a brat tamer is always in the back of my mind somewhere 🫣 he’s almost looking forward to the moment he gets you to pounce on him with some sneaky shit, waiting for you to pull something just so he can show you how easily he’ll have you right under his thumb. and every time he corners you it’s a little game- he’s wondering if you’re feeling feisty and wanting to give him a hard time or if you’re gonna be all calm and collected and try to outsmart him. he almost finds it pitiful, really, if not entertaining.
then suddenly you’re looking forward to the moment he’s got you really cornered, head to head with him and he’s giving you that death stare even from under the blank helmet. “i know you like this stupid little game,” he’d taunt after getting you in a chokehold all the way up against his chest and pelvis. “aww, he didn’t teach you how to get outta this one yet?” when he definitely has, and you can’t quite figure out what exactly you’re supposed to do when you’re caught off guard by the little tingle between your legs. not to mention how the tight grip around your neck has you gasping… god you’re ashamed of yourself, and he can tell with the look of frustration under that cute cowl. you can’t tell that he’s enjoying this too, and he makes sure of that. just know that he’s eager to hear your half-assed protests and how you “shouldn’t be doing this with him” while he’s… 🤭 mmmm ak!jason todd w a corruption kink save me pls
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superyum · 5 months
It drives me insane that I can’t find a twerking scenario for dc characters yet. Like I wanna know Dick’s or Bruce reaction to reader shaking some ass in a club on a Tuesday night to release stress. Clark Kent getting a lappy for the first time, is he foaming at the mouth or WHAT? What about a girl days in with Harley and it turns into a twerk off?? Give me some fucking “baby grind on me~” content pleassse. I already know marvel does, very few, but it’s a hell lot more than dc.
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thatartiststudios · 9 months
Another fic update:
The meeting room was bathed in the soft glow of the lamps, casting a warm ambiance over the diverse group gathered within. They sat around the table, their faces illuminated with determination.
Carter spoke first, “We’ve learned about each other’s powers, but now I think it’s time to see how we can work together. I specialize in combat magic, particularly spells of protection and offense. Rayla, you say that you’re skilled in combat. Perhaps we could combine my combat magic with your own experience?”
Rayla nodded, her eyes alight with determination. “Sounds like a plan. I’ve yet to see your Khopesh in action, but I’m sure it’s impressive. I’ll make sure to cover you while you cast your spells.”
Sadie interjected with a mischievous grin. “Callum, we’re versed in complex magic. I suggest we team up. Your elemental control and my understanding of intricate spells could certainly be powerful.”
Callum nodded in agreement. “I like that idea. Together, we could create powerful magical defenses or attacks. Plus, your knowledge of Egyptian magic might complement my understanding of primal sources.”
Piper chimed in, her eyes flickering with excitement. “Jason and I already make a great team, given our demigod powers. But Jason, you and Callum share a connection to the sky. Maybe you two could explore that further, exchanging techniques and strategies?”
Jason nodded, appreciating the idea. “I’ve seen your mage wings, Callum, and I’m sure you have plenty of other Sky spells to use. I’d certainly be up for trying it.”
“Sounds good.” Callum agreed.
Carter leaned forward, his hands resting on the table’s polished surface. “We’ve discussed our strategies. Now, let’s put them into practice. Tomorrow, we start training. Each pair will work on combining their abilities effectively.”
Sadie nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. “I certainly have some challenging spells I can use. Let’s see how well we can handle them.”
Callum exchanged a glance with Rayla, his confidence matching her resolve. “We’re up for the challenge. Working together, we can overcome any obstacle.”
Rayla’s eyelids fluttered open, but the world around her was not the familiar deck of the Argo II. Instead, she found herself in the midst of a haunting nightmare. The air was thick with an eerie coldness, and she stood in a desolate landscape of ice and shadows. Her breath crystallized in the freezing air, forming a ghostly mist that hung around her like a shroud.
Before her, encased in ice, were shadows of figures, their forms distorted by the frosty prison. Rayla’s heart constricted with fear and helplessness. The ice seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy, concealing the identity of her loved ones behind a layer of mystery. Their faces remained hidden, creating an unsettling air of uncertainty. Silent cries echoed in the icy silence, their pleading eyes urging Rayla to unveil their identities.
Rayla approached cautiously, the figures within barely discernible. As she drew closer, the frost yielded a glimpse of the first figures—her parents, their features etched with pain and despair. Rayla’s breath caught in her throat, but she pressed on, determined to see them all.
Each block of ice revealed another, and with each unveiling, Rayla’s dread deepened. Runaan, once proud and valiant, now trapped and suffering. She moved to the next, uncovering the shadows of her fallen comrades. The air grew colder with each step, the atmosphere heavy with despair.
The ice was everywhere, seeming to trap Rayla in a haunting maze as she found yet another block of the sickening crystalline material, and within it, the outline of a young boy. As the frost began to dissipate, the features of King Ezran, Callum’s younger brother, became visible. Rayla’s heart plummeted with dread, the realization striking her like a dagger. Ezran was like a younger brother to her, yet she could do nothing to save him, only watch as Ezran was ensnared in the icy grip. Panic surged through her veins.
In the distance, a sinister figure emerged from the shadows—Lord Viren, his skin as gray as death, his eyes like dark pits filled with malevolence. His presence exuded a chilling aura, seeping into Rayla’s bones and freezing her from the inside out. The twisted smirk on his lips sent shivers down her spine.
“You…” She snarled at him.
“Do you like my collection, Rayla?” Viren’s voice slithered through the icy silence, as if she’d said nothing, his words echoing in the emptiness. “Look here, I’ve added another.”
He gestured towards the last block of ice, where a familiar figure remained obscured. The figure stirred, as if aware of her presence. Rayla hesitated, a sinking feeling in her gut. As the frost cleared, the features of the trapped figure became visible—Callum, his expression contorted in anguish. The sight of him trapped and suffering ignited a fierce fire within her. Rayla’s fists clenched, fury replacing her fear. She refused to let Viren break her, to let him take away everything she held dear.
“Get away from him!” she shouted, her voice strong and defiant, cutting through the eerie silence like a blade.
Viren’s lips curled into a malicious smile, his eyes glinting with sadistic amusement. “You’re too late, Rayla. But don’t worry, you’ll be joining him very soon.”
His staff began to glow with dark energy, and Rayla’s instincts screamed at her to move. Just as Viren was about to unleash his magic, she gasped and jerked awake, her body drenched in cold sweat. The nightmare’s icy grip still clung to her, making it hard to breathe. The moonlight filtered through the window, casting eerie shadows across the room.
Rayla’s breaths came in ragged gasps as she struggled to shake off the lingering fear. She glanced around the room, seeking reassurance in the familiar surroundings. Despite the nightmare, the presence of her fellow heroes on the ship offered a sliver of comfort.
Still trembling, she decided to get some fresh air up on deck and clear her mind. To her surprise, she found Leo there, hunched over the interface that controlled the Argo II, his fingers dancing across the controls.
“You’re still up?” she asked, her voice soft, not wanting to startle him.
Leo glanced back, his eyes tired but determined. “Yeah, can’t sleep. Figured I’d tinker with the ship’s controls a bit, make sure everything’s running smoothly. Besides, the quietness of the night helps clear my mind.”
Rayla nodded, understanding the sentiment. “Stars have a way of making everything feel insignificant, don’t they? Like our problems are just a tiny part of something much larger.”
Leo smiled in agreement. “Exactly. It’s easy to lose yourself up here, far away from the chaos of the world.”
They stood in silence for a while, each lost in their thoughts. Rayla’s fingers traced the outline of her Butterfly blades, a familiar comfort in her hands. She hesitated before speaking again, her voice barely above a whisper. “I had a bad dream.”
Leo turned fully toward her, his expression filled with empathy.
“I get it. I have my fair share of bad dreams too. But hey, we’re in this together. We’ll watch each other’s backs”
His words offered a glimmer of comfort, and Rayla managed a small, grateful smile.
“Thanks, Leo.”
He returned the smile, then gestured to the vast expanse of stars above them. “You know, sometimes I come up here to remind myself of the bigger picture. All those stars out there, it’s like... endless possibilities, you know? We’re just a tiny part of something much greater.”
Rayla followed his gaze, her eyes tracing the constellations. The vastness of the universe stretched out before her, and for a moment, the weight of her nightmares felt a little lighter.
“Yeah,” she agreed, her voice steadier now. “Endless possibilities.”
Next Part
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ninaiznathan · 2 years
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TW/CW; m a y have some g0r3 mentions, most likely not cause this is meant to be quite wholesome and stuff, this thingie WILL be a slendermansion type of thing so if anyone gets pissy about the whole slender mansion and how unrealistic it is than I don’t suggest reading this, it’s all for fun and just nostalgia of the old CRP fandom. <3
he is excellent at knitting and sewing, he taught himself how to knit scarfs and sweaters and taught himself how to sow up tattered clothing/and or create his own clothing!! He’s also very much willing to teach others how to knit as well. He gifts the other residents of the manor scarfs of their favorite colors during the winter and autumn seasons. Liu’s scarf had been torn a good few times so whenever kagekao gets the chance he’d help repair it, he does so for the others as well!!
Jeff the killer:
Emotional drunk. They don’t get violent in any way while they are drunk, oh no no no. He’s literally the biggest cry baby when he’s drunk. Most people believe that Jeff is a asshole but when you really get to know the dude all he wants is a good hug. And with people they really trust he won’t hesitate to break down in their arms crying, whether he’s sober or not. 
Brings animals back to the manor. Could be the poisonous thing known to man kind and he’d still bring it home just because it had a minor scratch on it. This man cares for animals like his life depends on it. If he was never dragged along by slender he would’ve probably been a veterinarian! His love for animals is probably the reason why the rake and SeedEater like him so much, next to Jack ofc because they luv Jack but they luv Toby too! He brings them little Knick knacks and makes sure they are fed well, even if they are usually fed, a snack never hurts!
She isn’t as shitty as everyone makes her out to be lmao, she was terrified of Jack at first cause she thought it was like a minion working for zalgo or sumthin but turns out it’s a random entity that spawned with no eyes and ate kidneys. She still doesn’t like it all that much tho, she actually doesn’t like most of the pasta residents. The only one she really likes is Sally and that’s cause Sally tends to help her out even if she is a little trickster and mean at times.
Zero/Nina H:
Her and Nina are girlfriends <33 don’t care what anyone says they just are. When they first met they grew quite a nice bond with each other and after a year or two started dating. Graveyard dates/picnics every once in a while!! They are quite close with eachother and everyone respects that, they are inseparable! They share all their missions together cause they make such a good duo!
Nurse Ann:
Oh. My. God??? Love her sm. You’d be surprised bout the fact that she leads the whole medic crew (which.. consists of her, Dr smiley, Dr pain, and Jack for some reason) literal man eater, WILL walk you like a dog fr. She treats Jack as if it’s her child- and favorites it while she is always lecturing the other two dumbasses.
Dr smiley/Pain:
Not really a surprise this came next, but they are boyfriends!! Smiley is the more rational and calm one (surprisingly) while Pain is always probably high and basically bouncing of the walls. But regardless they love eachother so very much
Eyeless Jack:
Talked about Jack a lot, so why not just make it’s own category? It doesn’t really live in the manor, it does have its own room there!! But it tends to lurk the forest with SeedEater or basically go and torment Mitch, jack basically lives under Mitch’s bed/in the corner of his room Jack isn’t verbal, it doesn’t really speak so it relies on others to be it’s voice, but tends to just use the sign language it was taught by Ann. It’s not cause it chooses not to speak, it actually hurts, it’s vocal cords are shattered due to an incident it caused itself way back. No one knows what the accident was though.
He had begged Jason (TTM) to help him create a mini doll so he can gift it to Helen <3 well, it did work out, but things got a little out of hand. It started with the stuffed plush being ordinary and stuff before the pup decided it’d be a fun idea to bring it to life, did it scare the living shit out of helen? Yes. Did he forgive puppeteer I’m the end for his efforts to gift him something? Also yes!! In the end the puppeteer just gifted him a regular stuffed toy.
He owns those Cat headphones, they where jokingly gifted to him and he claimed he hated it multiple times until he was one day caught actually wearing them, turns out he actually enjoyed them a bunch and was too embarrassed to admit it. He ended up getting Sally a matching pair of them so they’d end up playing video games together. 
Since SeedEater practically knows almost every language, which gives him the ability to mess around a lot with the residents. Not because he’s scared of being called out by them, but it’s funny watching the residents get so confused when he just starts blabbering in a random language and than mixes it up with other languages at the same time. Not many others have the ability to speak multiple languages, especially almost all, but those who do have a fun time snickering to themselves about the random shit seed eater rambles on about while many others tend to stay confused. Although his abilities to speak many languages mess around in his head a lot. Most times he accidentally mixes and jumbles words together because he simply can’t remember the exact words he was trying to say in just one language.
She’s the one cooking!! She doesn’t cook for everyone though, she cooks for the ones who can’t cook for themselves or aren’t trusted in yeh kitchen. Besides that everyone else either eats human body parts, gets take out, or cooks themself. She’s surprisingly a very good chef, so whenever someone happens to get sick they are in for a treat cause they get Janes home made soup and it tastes absolutely BOMB
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dollmakersfans · 2 years
General creepypasta headcanons
You have been waiting for a long time my darling and I am so sorry :(( Sorry for the veeery late answer :(
-he is very nice to Ej and they aren't rivals but get along well
- he has male soft boobs. He is a stuffted toy so he is probably all soft.
Candy pop:
- he is Italian
- they write the most romantic shit in a diary
Jason ttm
- He is from France and Candy calles him "parigino" that in Italian means from paris
- he can tolerate 6 bottles of vodka
Nathan the nobody:
-He forgets names, he forgot even Candy pops name and it was very embarassing
-takes every single pet he finds on the streets home
Candy Cane:
-she is very strict with her brothers and is the only one who Drolsoir listens to(bc she may have threatened him-)
Laughing Jill
- she is overprotective to Jack bc for her "his brain isn't in the right place so I have to think for him"
- she loves spicy food
Jeff the killer
- alcoholic. And smokes-
- he is mostly quiet but has some sort of anger issues and if he isn't in the right mood he'll just kill you
Papa Grande:
-considers Jason and Nathan his childs
- he is actually very supportive to people who are part of any community
General for all the creepypastas:
-none of them will fall in love at first sight like in most of creepypasta x reader stories-
- some of them like Jeff, Liu, Ej, Ben, etc.. Probably don't even know how to demonstrate love and it's hard for them to do it
- half of them do not know how to use a phone properly-
- probably it's the most supportive fandom towards the LGBTQ+ community since MAYBE only 3 of all the creepypastas are straight and it's also one the most traumatized fandoms
This is all I have! I hope it's what you wanted darling!♡♡
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Here are some fanarts that you might like! Sorry again for the long wait♡♡
Art: @ijustwannahavefunn
(And the others are random thing found on pinterest or in my gallery, if I find the artist of some of them I'll edit)
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kazzattack · 8 months
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TAGS;; still kinda messy lmao sawry
#chatterbox <3 - me talking. that’s it
#jukebox <3 - whatever’s going on in my headphones
#ttm <3 - anons/reqs
#jt <3 - anything jason todd
#dg <3 - anything dick grayson
#co <3 - anything carlos oliveira
#rh <3 - anything roy harper… even tho there’s only 1 lawl
# … ml <3 - mutuals
#fuck i want him - most likely a fic rb lmao
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mikethefanboy · 3 years
Manic Monday! Pinky Hearts Ted Lasso! Meeting Jason Sudeikis! Ted Lasso Himself!
Manic Monday! Pinky Hearts Ted Lasso! Meeting Jason Sudeikis! Ted Lasso Himself!
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan here to see if you’re as obsessed with Ted Lasso as we are? The world might be crazy right now, but the best thing to come out of the past year (at least in my opinion) is Ted Lasso. It’s just a warm hug of a show! The amazing series just completed its second season after (rightfully) dominating the Emmy awards and I’m already longing for its return. Over…
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revs-archuero · 4 years
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@jason-j-lake @faithlessismyname
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gingesbecray · 5 years
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My recap of The Hills New Beginnings S1:E05 Playing With Fire
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uncannyoceanz · 4 months
Sally Williams art + Headcanons :33
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Art by me, OmniElle :3
She is actually about 65 rn :)
She doesn’t like slenderman that much, and LJ actually brought her to the mansion
She is possibly the most powerful creepypasta
her teddy bear is alive and nice to her
her favorite color is pink
It took her a while to actually start trusting Eyeless jack, but she eventually got comfortable with him and they are like father and daughter now!!!! ^^
Jeff and Ben are her (best) older brothers!!!
Nina is her best older sister :3 and will do anything to protect her.
she kills and tortures adults who hurt teens/kids like herself and makes their lives horrible and unbearable because killing them isn’t enough :p (inspo by someone 4 that hc)
her bffs are Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Jason ttm, Candy Pop, Lulu, luring Lyra, and some more people :333
she is very trustworthy
she has night terrors a lot and will go to Ben, Jeff, or even EJ’s room and ask to sleep with them because she’s scared :( poor baby
EJ is one of her parent figures, but Jane and Mary are her two mother figures!!!!! lesbian power!!!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
she knows every single swear word known to man and that’s because of Jeff, Ben, LJ, and Zero.
Thats all 4 now!
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ivydarkrose · 2 years
Lemme tell ya about Candy Pop's full blooded brother
Going through my characters I stumbled across my former creepypasta character. He's now fully Umbra only. Me and Jest had been talking and I brought up Mire. (pronounced like Mirror) And I had mentioned how Mire was inspo'd when I was in class, thinking about Jason TTM and Candy Pop, then a bunch of other themes and got the idea for this new creepypasta. Told jest about it, and since I was remaking him for Umbra I asked if he could be related to Candy pop. So just like Candy Pop, he's parents are Calicifur and Jesterca . Reason I pulled him from the CP fandom was mostly because I wasn't sure if he really fit in persay. He's a horror based character but also more that.
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Here is that old look of him lol 2015 I believe. Wow has my art leveled up since. Also Linked is the old ref on DA lol Ofcourse Candy Pop and Mire have a lot of half siblings on their Father's side. Including "Kanebel" Aka Candy Cane's upgraded appearance. I would post the family Picture jest Made of the other siblings but its HUGE file so I can only link it here. So Mire is the older brother to Candy pop, and he takes more of the appearance of his father unlike Candy Pop who looks more like his Mother.
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I honestly would by that jacket from him if it was real 😭 Damn Just like Sin (singerman) Mire use to annoy the hell out of Nathan LMAO nearly forgot about that. Mire now has this older brother being protective of his younger siblings vibe, for good reason too.
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wolfpai999 · 7 years
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Inktober day 12, 13, and 14 Wanted to draw some simple stuffs, so I drew my squad First one is a random Halloween theme, second is a Friday the 13th theme and the last one is my squad as team skull
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zalgoid · 2 years
Creepypasta name, age, sexuality, and pronoun HCs cause I'm ✨unoriginal✨
Jeff tk: Jeffery Cain Franklin, 53 , Straight (also probably homophobic), Cis man He/him
Jane TK: Jeanette Leona Richardson, 41 , Lesbian, Cis woman She/her
Lou: Louis Victor Hodek, 38, heterosexual, Trans man He/him (uh this is random but to explain him and Jeff's age gap and them having different last names I actually hc Lou as Jeff's brother-in-law, Lou married Jeffs sister who Jeff is 13 years older then)
Nina tk: Nina Lee Franklin, 19, Demi/Omniromantic asexual, Demigirl They/She
EJ: Edom Jackson Rozhdestvenskyy, 28, Demiromantic Grey ace/bisexual, Nonbinary They/them
Ben: Benjamin Louis Michaels, 15 (forever, would be 27 if he could age) Heterosexual defiantly a straight ally, Cis boy He/him
Toby: Tobias Andrew Rodriguez, 23, Heterosexual bi wife energy tho, Cis man He/him
Kate the chaser: Katharine June Milensbuerg, 25, dead ass tobys bi wife, Cis woman She/her
Jason ttm: Jason Franklin Myers, ???, Grey aromantic Bisexual, Cis man He/him
LJ: ??? (Idk I was thinking John/Jane Doe but . . .), ???, Demiromantic asexual, Agender Any pronouns
Clockwork: Natalie May Oullete, 19, Lesbian, Trans woman She/they
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Hello! This has been in my mind for a while-
Maybe Jason TTM,puppeter,candy pop and LJ (together) with a young fem!reader that have recently arrived at the mansion and they take care of her and see her as a little sister figure and they sometimes fight for her attention because she is ABSOLUTELY WHOLESOME bcz she didn't find them scary or weird?<333
(sorry for the bother)
Hun I’m assuming you’re new, I’m just gonna let you know that 1. Requests are closed, and 2. You broke several of my rules.
I don’t accept gendered asks unless it’s necessary (like for a pregnancy ask or for something that absolutely needs gender to make sense), and I have a 3 character ask limit. The rules and blog status are listed on the pinned post at the top of my blog. If tumblr is still being dumb and not showing it I am happy to provide a link ^^
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