A Tale of Ours
219 posts
A blog dedicated to rewriting My Hero Academia
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my-rewrite-academia · 7 days ago
Are there some rules in your writing process to decide wich character will be stronger or do they just use luck and KyouBrainMagic? Since quirks don't play a big role in who wins in your story and i don't get why the invisible girl just wins all the time. Thank goodness we don't see her much in the actual story(haha get it? Cuz she invisible)
It's kinda like, "Izuku is so great and helpful and great and awesome! Look at him beating mega-quirk student! Isn't he so incredible! He's proving to us anyone can be a hero!" It's better than what we got in the actual story wich is just Izuku being belittled at every action but it gets a bit repetitive and predictable i guess. It ain't showing anything new apart from "great superpowers≠practice"
Short answer: yes!
Long answer: there's been a lot building up to justify why Tooru wins a lot. First of all, in the Q.A.T., instead of it being ironically biased towards strong, flashy quirks, the students do a physical exam entirely quirkless. Tooru gets second place because I made her far buffer for this rewrite.
In Week Two, she is one of the few (Izuku, Momo, Shouto, Tooru, Rikidou, and Mashirao) who understands the value of combat outside of quirks, because, before Izuku analysed her quirk, she believed she was only invisible, so she made up for that by improving her muscles and combatitive ability.
This post explains why she's buff and a good fighter. This post also explains that Tooru is as muscular as Izuku, though people obviously can't see this due to her being, you know, invisible.
Her quirk analysis also explains why she's good match-up against most people. She beats Shouto because she can manipulate energy/radiation. In other words, she can melt his ice. Now, if Shouto didn't go straight for the kill, he would have beaten her, simply by pushing her away with the ice rather than trapping her. But, because he trapped her, she was able to melt the ice by manipulating the thermal energy and take him down while he let his guard down. Shouto was overconfident, that's all.
In the King of the Hill game, she doesn't beat Shouto. She pushes back against his ice and directs his attention towards her, but that's it. Against Mina, she bluffed her way into making Mina attack the way she wanted. Mina's acid would burn her, but Tooru made it sound like it wouldn't, so Mina didn't bother trying.
In the One-on-Ones, she beats Itsuka by using her stealth and gaining the advantage. She could see Itsuka, but Itsuka could not see her. Then she loses to Izuku.
Tooru does not keep winning, and I do try to keep battles logical while also subverting expectations - again, in a logical manner.
Mina beats Ibara by melting through her vines. Ochako beats Shouto by making his ice collapse in on itself, and Shouto can't bring himself to use his fire, because trauma isn't so easily beaten. Izuku beats Tooru by taking her by surprise, with gravity on his side.
And Izuku loses too.
He lost to Tomura when he broke into U.A., and he couldn't fight back against a nameless villain in the USJ. He couldn't do anything to the Noumu. He loses to Shouto, and then loses to Koujirou. If he was alone, he wouldn't have stood a fighting chance against Stain.
And I do not intend to make Izuku the greatest, strongest hero who can overcome any enemy ever. That's not the point of this rewrite or his character.
He doesn't win because he works harder than anyone else. His intelligence doesn't make him better, it gives him a platform to stand on. In fact, he doesn't win all that often. Yeah, he won against Momo back in Week 2, but he also then lost to Mashirao afterwards. He didn't even get in the top three in the Labrynthe. His team comes fourth place in the King of the Hill. He doesn't stand on the podium in the Sports Festival. Let's remember that he only landed one hit on Stain and was paralysed twice during the fight.
I know that not everyone who works hard succeeds, but I also believe that everyone who succeeds works hard. This rewrite isn't even a quarter of the way through, and there will be plenty of moments in the future where Izuku loses badly or messes up big-time. Times where he's in over his head and pays the price for it.
Izuku has only won five times. He got first place in the Entrance Exam, and that was only because the exam was reworked to favour heart over brawn. He won against Momo in a sword fight. He won against Hitoshi and Tooru in the Sports Festival, neither of whom have a super strong quirk. He won against Stain, but only because he was backed by Shouto and Tenya, and Stain was in rush to kill them and leave before more heroes got there.
In 23 plot-focused posts, Izuku has won 5 times. Out of 13 fights, he's won 5. He's lost 8 times. I don't think that's out of line at all, especially considering the people he won against. His wins were against people whose quirks weren't traditionally powerful, like Shouto or Bakugou.
Luck will always take place, no matter the moment. But it also takes skill to take that luck and turn it into opportunity. That's exactly what Izuku does, and what many other characters do. Like Mina metling Ibara's vines, or Mina believing Tooru's bluff, or Eijirou being better at hand-to-hand combat than Tetsutetsu because people more skilled than him at it happen to be in his class.
I'm sorry if it feels repetitive, but I do think carefully about who should win fights and how they can in the first place.
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 9 days ago
15 weeks has passed in-universe, congrats! Now on to my question, how has the impressions 1-A and the UA Staff had of Izuku changed since the beginning of school? Feel free to do a "then vs now" format if would be easier for you.
First all, thanks! It took a while, but we're here now.
I usually get this ask the opposite way around, so this is quite interesting. I'll seperate it by groups and/or individuals.
First of all, we have Ochako, Tenya, Eijirou, and Mina. They're the ones who immediately liked Izuku. Tenya had a somewhat rocky start because of the entrance exam, but he quickly changed his perception of Izuku during it too. The four of them have always liked Izuku, believed that he could become a hero, and they've just been proven right again and again.
Then we have Momo, Kyouka, Mashirao, and Denki. People who didn't have any strong feelings one way or the other about Izuku. Throughout U.A. they've become closer with Izuku one way or the other, and now deeply respect him. Momo from mostly the Sports Festival, Kyouka and Mashirao from the USJ, and Denki from his analysis.
Then there's Aizawa. He didn't really believed Izuku would last as long as he has - after all, it was hard with a quirk so it must be even harder without a quirk. However, Izuku has proved himself capable, getting further than Aizawa expected of him. He can now see Izuku becoming a quirkless hero, though he's not quite, hm, respectful about it. Though, he's just an all-round hardass anyway.
Shouto is a category in and of itself. He just didn't care about Izuku. Didn't think he was useless, but also didn't think he was worth keeping an eye on. It's not until the Sports Festival that he starts taking Izuku more seriously. Then, of course, Izuku saves him. Changes his entire life. At this point, he considers Izuku both his saviour and his closest companion. A friend, if you will.
Mic has always believed in Izuku. Not because of anything grand, but because he just believes. To Mic, there's nothing more admirable than chasing after your dreams despite your limitations, and Izuku is a prime example of that. He cheers Izuku on, and he always will.
Now, All Might. I'll consider this from the start of school, so by that measure, All Might has respected Izuku's dream since the beginning, and considers him a great hero already. Even after he lost to Tomura, was hurt in the USJ, lost to Shouto, he believes that Izuku will become a great hero.
Finally, we have Bakugou. Bakugou's feelings are... complicated, to say the least. He utterly despised Izuku at the start. He believed Izuku was looking down on him, and, somewhere inside, he knew that Izuku was stronger than him and that scared him. As of right now, he himself has no idea how he feels about Izuku. If he hates him or if it's something else entirely. Bakugou, right now, is confused.
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 11 days ago
If you could, how would you make your story if it were a game? Like how would you explore the characters and the world if MRA was a game? Would your game be like Persona?
Oh, this an interesting question. Fun fact about me: I did Games Art and Design in college! English college, so that's typically 16-18, for anywhere that calls University 'College'. So, I guess a know a few things about game design.
Now, there are two routes one can go with this. A: creating a game based upon MRA, or B: creating a game using the story. Option A would be a game like Hogwarts Legacy, while Option B would be like the AOT games, where you play out the story's events.
I'm going to assume that you meant Option B, as Option A wouldn't really make sense for this blog.
In the daily life, yes, it would perform like Persona games, wherein the player controls Izuku, and you can unlock what would be called 'Allies', to fit with the hero aspect.
Each 'ally' would have ten rankings, and it's up to the player to decide which ally to rank first. Of course, many would be locked until certain story points, such as Shouto being locked until after the Sports Festival, and Bakugou being locked until far later. I can also imagine Tenya's rank being halted during the Internships.
Outside of ranking up allies, you can increase stats by doing various tasks. Going to the gym would increase HP and strength. Going to the track field would increase accuracy/evasion and movement. Inviting allies to train with you would increase defence.
I imagine the Support Course acting as your shop, of sorts. Getting some sort of credit system, allowing you to gain better armour and equipment.
As for battle, it would be a mix of RTS, (Real-Time Strategy), and Dynamic Combat. This would reflect on how Izuku uses his intelligence in fights, and how thrilling hero fights are. Confused? Let me explain.
You would have a max of six characters to choose from. You can move these characters around a board, so long as it matches their allowed movement - like the Fire Emblem games. When your characters match up against enemies, you would then take control of that character in a Dynamic Combat fight - see: Tears of the Kingdom or God of War.
It would have a bad, a good. and a true ending, though it wouldn't be a choice-based game.
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 11 days ago
do you have any facts for Shinsou and Mei
This has been sitting in my inbox for a while - my apologies. Anyway! Let's get to the facts!
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Mega rich. As in, Momo amounts of richness. Nobody expects it, and he keeps it quiet
Has insomnia as a by-product of his mother's quirk, which makes it so that she doesn't sleep. Unlike his mother, who gain energy the more she doesn't sleep, Shinsou gains no advantage
Used to get bullied in pre-school, before his parents pulled him out and sent him to a private school where he escaped all the bullying
Since Mina, Denki, Izuku, then Aizawa called him out, he's been working out in the gyms
Hastume Mei
Used to want to be a hero, but her passion for creating overtook her honestly small desire for heroism
Buff as hell. She rarely works out, and it's only really to aid in her creation
Currently creating plans to steal Momo after seeing her quirk in the Sports Festival
Always keeps a stack of business cards just in case
In middle school, she used to get bullied for being a 'freak'. She put an end to it after creating a mini bomb and threatening to use it against her bullies
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 11 days ago
piggybacking off of the previous anon's ask, how do you start re-writing in the first place? how can you tell if there's gaps in plot or missing information/information that doesn't correlate? I've always been so interested in people who re-write things and wanted to know how you start to do this?
Hm, this is strange. Not the question, of course, but my answer. I can't speak for everyone, but when it comes to rewriting stuff, there's only two reasons, for me:
One; I find the world and characters interesting.
Two; I find the world and characters lacking.
For 'One's case, I want to rewrite the story, not because I was disappointed with what we were given, but because I'm greedy and want even more. If the geographical world building is amazing, then I'd want to see that translated into the historical world building, and vice versa. Maybe it's not necessary for the story, but I find myself wondering even more.
More often than not, the first case leads to a regular fanfiction, rather than all-out rewrite. After all, if I tried to do a rewrite where I'm satisfied with mostly everything, it's more of a novellisation than anything else. So, a fanfic does me just fine in those cases.
Now, for 'Two's case, it's a bit more complicated, and it's the reason I decided to rewrite MHA. Both the world building and the characters, in my opinion, were lacking. Geography-wise, we have no idea how countries outside of Japan function with quirks and heroics. History-wise, we only know about All for One and the birth of quirks. No idea what happened after quirks were discovered, just that it led to the present in canon.
When it comes to deciding what I want to rewrite, I sit on it for a while, figuring out if I could actually do something with what I'm presented with, if I could really handle anything or anyone better than canon did.
With MHA, the answer is easy. Because it's easy to handle a character better when that character barely exists in canon material. Most of 1-A are placeholders, so I knew that I could make them more interesting by giving them an actual arc.
how can you tell if there's gaps in plot or missing information/information that doesn't correlate?
This is more of byproduct of reading something critically, rather than out of enjoyment. This isn't for everyone, of course. Many people dislike reading fiction critically, as it may take the enjoyment out of it. For people like me, however, I actually enjoy looking at stuff critically. Acknowledging the faults in something, after all, doesn't mean I can't enjoy it.
Plot holes aren't as damning as some may paint them to be. Stuff like a character saying they hate coconut in an early chapter, but enjoying it in a later one isn't a deal breaker. I can look past that, as it's nothing big.
For example, in Race to the Edge, Tuffnut says and hears 'tears' many times, but it's revealed in a later episode that he can't hear 'tears' without crying. In later episodes, this is forgotten once more. This is, of course, a continuity error, but it's minor enough to be forgiven.
There actually aren't too many plot holes in MHA, but there are a lot of plot contrivances. For those who don't know, a plot hole is defined as a gap or inconsistency in a storyline which contradicts the established logic within the world. A plot contrivance is when plot points are forced or artificial in nature.
Using MHA as an example, a plot hole would be how Shouto uses his quirks simultaneously during the Sports Festival, but is later revealed to be unable to do so.
MHA is full of plot contrivances: Tooru getting into U.A. (the off-switches are not canon), Minoru staying in U.A., nobody having an issue with Bakugou post-USJ, Nighteye's death, Bakugou's apology, Iron Might, and so on.
These are all plot contrivances, as they're forced into the story. There is no explanation as to why Tooru got into U.A., why Minoru hasn't been punished for sexual harrassment, why Bakugou isn't hated by his peers, why Nighteye was forgiven in his death, why Bakugou's apology did anything for Izuku, why Iron Might had to happen, and so on.
These make up most of the issues with MHA, when looking at it with a critical eye. There's also the fact that Horikoshi just... didn't do anything with much of what he had.
Horikoshi is good at a lot of things. His art is amazing, his foreshadowing is great, his build-up is great, his designs are... mostly good. But he also sucks at a lot of things.
The world of MHA is very interesting, but it's never really drawn upon. We don't know much about heroics as a career and lifestyle works. Did the MLA actually have a point? How do quirks affect lifestyles other than heroics? How has society progressed with quirks?
There's a lot of unanswered questions in MHA, which is a large reason why I wanted to rewrite it. To create answers to those with my own hands - Horikoshi certainly wasn't going to give them.
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 11 days ago
Week 15 (Internships - Part 2)
Mount Lady
Izuku leaves in the early morning to get to Toyama from Musutafu, where Mount Lady is located. He goes in his casual clothing, with his hero costume in his backpack. As he waits on the train, he messages the class group chat, which Shouto finally joined before the Internships started. It's just over two hours to get there, so he has a lot of time.
While many of his classmates respond, he notices that Tenya is online but doesn't respond to anything, even when he usually would. Such as Denki or Mina jokingly saying they'd do something dangerous, or the banter between others. Tenya would usually reprimand Denki or Mina, or step in if he thought someone was going too far with their banter. He doesn't.
Izuku messages him, asking if he's okay. He gets no response. Ochako and Izuku text each other about it, as she is also ghosted by him. In the end, they can't do anything but worry about Tenya's state of mind, as Ochako arrives in Chiba and Izuku waits to arrive in Toyama. 
Two hours pass, and Izuku leaves the train. Mount Lady, during her twelve months of being active, never really associated with any hero agency, though she isn't an independent hero, like Miruko is. She often collaborates with other heroes, and gets along well with them, from what she's shown in interviews and in the public eye. That being said, it isn't really surprising that she has Izuku show up to, not an establishment or a dojo, but to her living quarters - a modest house with two bedrooms and two floors. 
He knocks, waits, knocks again, waits, and it's on the third knock that the door is finally answered. Mount Lady opens the door, curses under her breath, having forgotten that today was the day of the internships, and invites an honestly somewhat confused Izuku inside. She's also not wearing her costume, dressed in pyjamas. It's a bit concerning.
Mount Lady yawns, asking Izuku to make her some tea. Still confused and, well, underwhelmed, Izuku makes the tea almost mindlessly, wondering if this is some sort of test. He gives the tea, sits down, and waits. As he does, he looks around.
Her house is a mess. No other way to put it. Laundry is thrown all over the place, a small stack of plates in the sink and on the table, rubbish all over the floor and around the full bin. The shoe shelf by the entrance is a mess, and there's muddy footprints on the floorboards. Mount Lady herself is a mess, her eyes baggy, hair all over the place, and he's pretty sure he can see bruises underneath her clothes. 
It's a mess. Plain and simple. 
After minutes pass of nothing but Mount Lady sipping tea, Izuku finally asks, "Why did you request me?" 
Mount Lady shrugs. "I felt like it."
"Not many people would request the quirkless kid on a whim, regardless of placement."
"They haven't seen you in proper action," she shoots back, smiling behind her cup. Izuku jumps. She reveals that she still remembers him from the Sludge Villain incident. Despite how she scolded him back then, she was grateful all the same that he pointed out such an obvious flaw in her battle tactics. Even if he didn't mean to, he made her realise that she was relying on her quirk way too much, just by telling her to shrink down. "You're smart. Makes me wonder what else you could make me realise."
Izuku is not-so-quietly freaking out about this. That he made such an impact on a hero he met just once. Plus, he's not that smart. He's just weird, and notices all those small details. It's not being smart, it's just being a creep. He says as much and Mount Lady sighs, before tapping the top of his head with her cup.
"You calling me an idiot?"
"N-No! I would never–" 
"'Cause it would have taken me a lot longer to realise that I didn't need to rely on my quirk to fight." Izuku pauses. Mount Lady continues, "Your self-confidence is shit, kid. You gotta work on that." Izuku falls quiet again, head bowing down. He knows. He knows he isn't exactly confident, even if he has his moments. But it isn't as easy as telling himself he's worth it. 
Mount Lady knows this too, and instead changes the topic. She acknowledges this is a pretty awkward setting, then introduces herself. Mount Lady; her real name is Takeyama Yuu. She isn't exactly sure how internships really work, but she'll start by taking Izuku out patrolling with her, finding a spare set of communicators for Izuku. It's an earphone. A tap to the earphone opens the line, another tap closes it. Izuku wears it, and follows Mount Lady out.
The patrol is more bland than Izuku thought it would be. The first hour has them doing little-to-nothing, apart from interacting with a few fans. Selfies are taken, and Izuku avoids saying his hero name for the most part. The first crime is two hours in, and they come across a guy who snatches a purse.
Mount Lady rushes after him, while Izuku really only tags along for observation. The guy has a smoke quirk, (we'll call him 'Smokey'), and Izuku notices how he can't control the direction of the smoke, and the smoke makes many civilians cough. The closer they get to Smokey, the more affected they are, some even falling to the ground.
He opens the comms and tells Mount Lady this, theorising that disturbing the windflow will disrupt Smokey's quirk. Mount Lady hesitates for a moment, but ultimately takes his advice, growing somewhat bigger and using her now-enlarged hands to fan the smoke away. She then tells Izuku to get a hit on Smokey while she gets rid of the smoke.
Izuku, flustered and excited, does as told, rushing in faster and slamming his sheathe into Smokey's gut. Mount Lady uses the chance to jump in and deliver the final hit, rendering Smokey unconscious. They wait for the police to arrive, Mount Lady greeting fans and Izuku trying to hide away from the attention. 
After everything is cleared up, Smokey is arrested, and the purse is returned, Mount Lady and Izuku manage to escape the crowd and find refuge in a fast food place, where they spend about twenty minutes on break, before returning to patrolling around. Mount Lady explains that interns can only join in battle if their 'teacher', so to speak, is present and has given permission.
They stop three other minor crimes, and the patrol is over after six hours and a short, twenty minute break every two hours. 
They return to Mount Lady's house, and they're both exhausted. Izuku's legs hurt after all that walking, and his muscles ache from the four short chase-fights they'd been in. Mount Lady gives Izuku permission to crash on her couch, tells him to grab anything from the fridge if he's hungry, and goes to her room to take a nap before her night patrol. 
Izuku wants to take her up on that offer, but the couch is as messy as everything else. He thinks about how tiring just one patrol was, and how there was another patrol to come later on. To his research, Mount Lady doesn't take days-off. Maybe she'll skip morning or night patrol, but she's busy doing other things, such as interviews, marketing, ads, photoshoots. 
As he sits on the couch, taking in the dirty house around him, he thinks about how naive he is. He's always known that heroics wasn't an easy career, but he never really thought about how it would affect his private life, aside from being recognised in public. He's never thought about how hard it would be to take care of yourself and your home with how tiring just a mostly-uneventful patrol is. 
Messages ping on his phone – from his friends, probably. But he keeps staring at the mess around him, thinking about how Mount Lady lives like this because she can't bring herself to be any cleaner, thinking about how tired he is and how tired she must be, and he thinks about how he wants to be a hero to help and save people.
So, he goes to Mount Lady's closet, finds cleaning supplies, and decides that he can forgo a nap if it means he can help her.
Mount Lady wakes up three hours later, around six in the afternoon, to a clean house and a passed-out Izuku on her couch. It's the first time her house has been clean in months. The sight alone nearly makes her cry, but she stomps it down, and instead decides that she'll treat the kid with her very own, (pretty decent), cooking.
To Hosu!
Night patrol came with two more crimes than in the morning. Mount Lady explains that crimes happen more during the night, and it's also when Underground Heroes tend to work the most. Limelight Heroes work the night too, but mostly in the busy areas and without any subtlety. 
Day two comes around. Morning patrol for Mount Lady and Izuku goes pretty much the same as the previous morning patrol. They run across a few crimes, Izuku gives his analysis and advice, and Mount Lady deals with the threat. Once again, Izuku manages to keep his hero name a secret, especially as people are far more invested in Mount Lady than a kid they've never seen before. 
Back in her home, Mount Lady and Izuku take a short nap, and Izuku wakes up first. With nothing much to do, he pays back Mount Lady by cooking a small meal, with the TV on in the background. As he cooks, he hears the NEWS speak of Stain. 
Stain, true to his title, always leaves his mark, branding the heroes he targets with two, intersecting blades. More often than not, he leaves his victims alive. The first time, anyway. After a few months, the heroes he brands either retire, admit to a big scandal, or they're killed. The method of death always ends up being blood loss, via sharp weapons. Though, there have been cases in which they die from blunt trauma or shock. Either way, each of his victims have two gashes on their torso, like an ×. 
As the NEWS plays, Mount Lady wakes up after smelling the food cooking, and walks in as Izuku begins to mutter, hands moving unconsciously as he cooks. He mumbles about Stain's patterns, how he tends to mark or kill three heroes per prefecture, then moves onto the next one, again and again, until he circles back around to kill or confirm his victim's actions. In Hosu, he's only marked two. There's a high likelihood he'll return to claim two other victims, or to kill one. And, if he recalls correctly, the hero Native had been marked by Stain three months ago, and he patrols in Hosu. 
Mount Lady approaches Izuku from behind and interrupts his mumbling with, "Then, I know where we're patrolling tonight!" 
Izuku shrieks and nearly turns around to hit her, but she easily catches his arm. She smiles, leans in, and says, "While we're on the train, you should tell me more about your Stain theories."
"Yup! We're going to Hosu!"
"… Huh!?"
Conflicting Ideologies
As in canon, Stain is brought to the League. He's stalking Native when it happens, thinking to himself about how it's heroes like him that bring a bad name to heroism. As he watches Native leave his agency, a purple portal appears beneath him, and he lands in the bar. 
His first instinct is to attack. Kurogiri attempts to protect Tomura, but Stain notices the metal brace and figures out there's a body underneath the purple fog. Aiming for the arm, Stain manages to cut Kurogiri and paralyses him in an instant. Tomura lunges out, and Stain dodges his arm, stabbing his shoulder with his katana and pinning Tomura to the ground, paralysing him for good measure.
"Why did you bring me here?" Stain asks, and Tomura snickers despite how his shoulder hurts.
"I want you to join us, Stain," he says, with much difficulty considering he's mostly paralysed. He says that he also wants to kill heroes, that they were the ones to break into U.A., and he wants Stain to join their cause.
In response, Stain asks what the cause is. Tomura repeats himself, confused, because he just said it, didn't he? But Stain only pushes his sword in more, ignoring how Kurogiri calls out for Tomura. "You misunderstand and underestimate my goal. I do not wish to kill heroes. I wish to rid heroism of the corruption it holds. If killing those fakes is what it takes, then that is what I'll do. So, I ask you once more. What is your cause, Shigaraki Tomura?" 
Tomura's eyes are wide, crazed. "I want to destroy what I hate. The hero system that hurts people like me. The earnest heroism that makes me sick." He grins. "I want to kill All Might."
Stain reacts instantly, grabbing a knife and pointing the tip at Tomura's neck. "Then, we shall never see eye-to-eye. All Might is one of the only true heroes in this wretched society!" He pushes the blade into Tomura's neck, making him hiss. Kurogiri calls out to him. As Stain begins to carve, the symbol many corrupt heroes wear or wore, Tomura's hand comes up, grabbing Stain's knife and decaying it.
He can move. 
Stain is taken back, realising that Tomura must be a type O, and is taken aback once more when Tomura grabs his wrist. Stain reacts quickly enough, ripping his arm out of his grip, pulling his katana out of Tomura's shoulder, and backs away, prepared to fight.
But, Tomura grabs onto his bleeding shoulder, and only tells Kurogiri to send Stain back. Stain tells Tomura that his cause is pathetic and ultimately worthless, spotting images of Izuku and All Might on the bar table, before Kurogiri finally regains his mobility and sends Stain away. Back to Native's agency. Stain moves, intent on finding Native once more.
In the bar, Tomura asks 'Sensei' if his toys are ready. They are. 
Hero Killer: Stain
Tenya goes to Manual's agency. Manual knows, okay? He knows that Stain always targets three people before moving on, and he's only gotten two people. One of which was Ingenium, Tenya's older brother. It's not a reach at all to recognise that Tenya chose him, out of many, because he's based in Hosu. He tells Tenya that revenge clouds judgement, and it will only harm him in the long run. Faced by this, Tenya agrees, but his eyes tell a different story, full of rage. And Manual can't save a person who doesn't want to be saved, so he can only keep an eye on him. 
They patrol, morning turning to night. As the sky turns dark, several things happen at once.
Fire erupts to the East, people screaming as they evacuate. Large, hulking monsters drop from purple portals, at several locations. Heroes in the area rush to fight off the threat. Endeavour, too, is there, and Shouto is with him. Using his fire. Finally, Tenya disappears. 
On the train to Hosu, where Mount Lady and Izuku are, a flying beast appears, breaking through the train. Mount Lady reacts instantly, tackling the beast out and growing to fight it. Izuku recognises it as a Noumu – different from the one in the USJ, but terrifying all the same. He has no idea if it has the same quirks as the USJ Noumu, but he lists them off to Mount Lady anyway, leaping out of the train as it comes to a stop, using whatever he can to scale down safely. 
Izuku realises that Tenya's gone after Stain. He needs help, and Izuku decides he will be Tenya's help, but not before telling Mount Lady to go for the exposed brain. 
In the centre, Izuku arrives, just as Manual appears, yelling out for 'Iida'. It takes a moment. Maybe two.
He pieces it together: Tenya's odd silence, his cold, angry eyes, his odd choice of internship, his attitude, his behaviour. It was something he didn't want to think about, but with Tenya's suspicious absence, he can't avoid it any longer. Tenya's after Stain. And Izuku won't let him go through this alone. 
He turns around, scaling to the rooftops for a better view, mind rushing, calculating Stain's patterns, where the heroes branded or killed were found, comparing it to a mental map of Hosu's streets. There are only three streets as narrow as the ones his previous victims were found, and two of them are by the big fight – something Stain would avoid due to the attention and people there. Location found. Now, he can only hope he gets there in time.
A few minutes prior, Tenya came to the same conclusion, having spent the past week researching Stain's patterns thoroughly. With his speed quirk and the distraction provided by the Noumu's, Tenya finds Stain with a relative amount of ease.
Rage floods his being. Tensei's neck flashes, that brand searing into his mind, and he hates, hates, hates. It's not a career-ending injury. Tensei can recover and return to heroism. But, the fact alone that he was targeted did more than enough. Ever since it got to the public, people everywhere have been talking about it. About how Ingenium must have done something bad to deserve Stain's attention. People are already calling Tensei a corrupt hero, that he probably deserved being attacked, that it was only a matter of when. 
Tensei can still perform as a hero. But the damage has been done. People are calling him a fake. All because Stain targeted him. Branded him. That damage can never be undone.
It is with this rage that Tenya finds Stain, seeing him and only him. He rushes in, kicking at Stain, only for Stain to slash at him with his katana, knocking Tenya's helmet off. Stain tells him to get lost, as he's not after a child wearing a suit.
Tenya's rage grows, realising Stain doesn't even see him as a threat. He glares up at him, and Stain recognises the anger in his eyes, warning Tenya that, in certain scenarios, even children will become his target. 
Pushing himself up, Tenya glowers at him, teeth grinding. "Listen up…! I am the little brother of a hero you targeted. A hero who did no wrong! He cannot be here to take you down, so I shall take revenge for him! Do not ever forget this name: Ingenium! For it is the name of the hero who will take you down!"
Stain looks at him, twisting his head. "I see… Die."
Tenya rushes in once more, aiming for Stain's head with a powered kick. Stain easily twists out of the way, regarding such a fatal move as unbefitting of a hero. Tenya yells at him to shut up and try to punch him, only for Stain to cut his forearm, but Tenya, simply reacting to the pain of being cut, accidentally hits Stain's hand, making the blade fly away. 
While inconvenient, Stain is unbothered, simply grabbing another blade and rushing once more. But, Tenya has experience with a talented blade wielder, and is able to dodge many more of his slashes, though it comes close many times, his armour taking the brunt of many slices, scratching and chipping away at it.
Eventually, Stain is able to get a hit in, sending Tenya to the ground. He brings the blade to his tongue, and Tenya is paralysed. With a foot on Tenya's head, Stain begins to lecture Tenya, asking him if he even questioned why he targeted Tensei. Tenya merely states that there is no reason. 
Stain laughs, "You must be ignorant, or as corrupt as your fake brother."
"Shut your mouth!" Tenya snaps. "My brother is a splendid hero! He did nothing to deserve such cruelty! I'll kill you!"
"Save him first." For the first time, Tenya notices Native, shoulder bleeding sluggishly. Stain glares down at him. "That's the problem with you fakes. So egotistical, you can't even do your job and save people. No, you put yourself first. At the end of the day, you only care for yourself." Stain raises his blade over Tenya's neck. "I'll get rid of you now. Perhaps your death will do good for your revolting brother."
Tenya shakes, eyes flooding with tears. "Shut up! No matter what you say…! You'll always be a rotten criminal who hurt my brother!"
Stain swings down.
Izuku's heart is thumping wildly, eyes darting all around the place, trying to find the alley as fast as he can, nearly falling off the rooftops in his flurry. He can't let Tenya do this, fall into a darker path or march to his death. He can't. He can't, he can't, he– 
He spots a glint. 
Safety be damned, he jumps down, using the narrow space to get down with relative safety. Stain raises his katana above Tenya's neck, and Izuku lands, katana out, knocking against Stain's blade. His ankles and knees sting from such a feat, but he manages to get Stain's katana away from Tenya's neck. 
Stain reacts, slashing at Izuku, only for him to block it. Izuku kicks out, sending Stain away and keeping his katana trained on him. Behind him, Tenya yells, "Mi– Kyou!? What are you doing here!?"
Izuku smiles. "What does it look like? I'm here to save you!"
Stain cocks his head. "Such a nice statement. Unfortunately, it is my duty to kill these men and purge the world of fake heroes. If you get in my way… naturally, the weak will be culled."
Izuku shivers. Tenya calls out to him once more, telling him to just run away, as he's paralysed by Stain's quirk. At first, Izuku figures he could grab Tenya and run, but he spots Native and realises he can't leave with two people, especially with Tenya's heavy armour. 
He holds his katana in one hand, pointing it towards Stain and angling his body away, hiding his hand as he pulls his phone out and sends his location to the group chat. "I want to be a hero, I-ngenium. You can't expect me to abandon you now!"
"No! This has nothing to do with you!"
"And!?" Izuku pockets his phone once more, holding his katana with both hands once more. "So what if it has nothing to do with me? I'm not a hero yet, but I could never be one if I stayed out, just because I'm not part of whatever this is!" He levels his katana towards Stain, his grin wobbly but a grin nonetheless. "If I get hurt because I decided to save you, then that's fine by me!" 
And Stain?
Stain grins. 
The battle starts, Izuku matching Stain's blade with his own, straining against the shocking amount of strength in Stain's swing. Tenya lays on the floor, only able to watch as Izuku and Stain fight. Frustratingly, he notices that Izuku's a better match for Stain, possibly due to their matching weapon choices. Their swords clang together, metal scratching upon metal. Unlike the Sports Festival, Izuku's blade is not blunted. 
But, as skilled as Izuku is, Stain has far more experience. It takes only a few seconds, less than a minute, for Stain to get the upper hand. Izuku slashes up, and Stain ducks down, moving his katana and slicing it against Izuku's abdomen. It doesn't go too deep, but it's enough to draw some blood, and Izuku falls to the ground, paralysed. As he falls, he notices Stain bring his sword away from his tongue, and realises it's not from being cut, but from him licking blood. 
Stain marches over to Tenya, stating that there are dozens, hundreds of fakes in hero society, and it is rare to see anyone who isn't just talk. He will allow Izuku to live, as there is worth in doing so. However, for Native and Tenya, they shall be culled tonight. Stain raises his blade above Tenya once more, Izuku screaming for him to stop, to no avail. 
As Tenya shuts his eyes, a blast of fire erupts towards Stain. 
Shouto had been with Endeavour. There was only one reason why he chose to intern with his father. As horrid of a person he is, a worse father, Endeavour was a good and efficient hero. The best to learn how to use his fire from. He will never like Endeavour, never love him, but he can't deny his expertise. 
Ever since the Sports Festival, since Izuku saved him, he's been paying closer attention to his classmates. He notices how Izuku still flinches at contact, how Ochako's tone is a bit too-sweet sometimes, how Momo portrays confidence but folds at challenges, how Yuuga rarely if ever speaks of himself. He notices how angry and cold Tenya's eyes are. How Tenya looked just as Shouto did before Izuku's interference. 
He knows without asking that Tenya is suffering, and his silence only makes it worse. He knows that Tenya needs saving. 
He goes to Hosu with Endeavour, and it becomes rampant with three Noumu's. For a moment, he's scared, remembering how strong the Noumu was in the USJ. But, Endeavour superheats one, and it falls dead. Its weakness is fire, he realises. In the same moment, he also realises that, if he used his fire in the USJ, Aizawa, Mic, and Izuku could have been spared so much pain.
Before he can really delve into that, his phone pings. The group chat he finally joined the week before. Izuku sends only his location. It takes a moment, before he realises it's in Hosu, where he is, and he turns. He finds a hero, telling them the location Izuku sent to him and requesting immediate back-up. Then he chases after Izuku, praying he'd get there in time. 
And he does. Just as Stain tries to kill Tenya, he shoots his flames out at him, forcing Stain to back-up, then creating a platform of ice, catching Tenya, Izuku, and Native, sliding them all behind him, narrowing the street even further in the process. Izuku warns Shouto that Stain ingests blood to paralyse people, and Shouto decides that he can fight long-range. At least, so long as Stain doesn't figure out how to shatter his ice like Izuku did. 
At that moment, Stain throws a knife, cutting Shouto's arm and drawing blood. He then throws his katana up, distracting Shouto momentarily, and Stain comes in, trying to lick the blood. Shouto sets his side on fire, making Stain back-up once more.
They're woefully outmatched. But they can't back down now. As Shouto fights, relying mostly on his quirk, Izuku's hand twitches, and he realises he can get up. Stain gets the drop on Shouto, and Izuku leaps in, arm blade released as he blocks Stain's katana, then kicks him away. Izuku then theorises that he can move either because Stain's quirk lessens the more people he paralyses, or a difference in blood types.
Stain confirms that it's blood type, though knowing so doesn't do much. Izuku asks Shouto to provide long-range back-up while he fights upfront, tapping his communicator and asking for back-up from Mount Lady. Tenya, once again, begs them to leave, only for Shouto to yell at him that they can't. They will save Tenya, Native, and themselves. If Tenya really wants them to go away, then he should stand up and make them. 
"Look closely at the hero you want to be!" 
Tenya hates. He hates a lot. He hates that he's so weak, hates that he can only watch as his friends put their lives on the line for him. He hates that Tensei's career has been so thoroughly damaged, and he can't do anything about it. He hates that he's the reason his friends may die. 
Izuku battles Stain up-close, switching his style to more offensive than defensive. Shouto provides ample long-range back-up, sending wave after wave of fire and ice. Stain isn't so phased, managing to dodge Shouto's attacks while keeping Izuku away. 
Then Stain manages to cut Izuku's arm, and he's down once more. As soon as Izuku goes down, he charges at Shouto and his katana is so close to slicing his arm clean-off and–
Tenya moves. A recipro burst, his foot slamming against Stain's katana at the side, snapping it cleanly in half. Mobility regained, he apologises to Shouto and Izuku once more, then states that he'll make up for his wrongdoings by making sure they come out alive.
Stain rejects this idea, believing that it takes far more for one to rid themselves of their corruption. Izuku, on the floor, puts it together. Why Stain brands his victims and returns within three months. He gives them a chance. A chance to come clean about their corruption and to show palpable change. That's why many of his victims either lose their careers, confess to their wrongdoings and change, or they stay silent and are thus killed. 
Shouto rebukes Stain too, as it took one stubborn kid to change his entire worldview, and change for the better. 
In Izuku's comm, Mount Lady finally responds, telling him she's on her way with back-up. Izuku relays this information, and Stain moves faster and stronger. Tenya takes a throwing knife to his arm for Shouto, and Shouto sends a sharp pillar of ice at Stain, who cuts it but is forced back. 
Tenya hates himself thoroughly at the moment, but he'll hate himself more if he allowed his friends to come to harm and he did nothing. He asks Shouto to cool down his engines, just as Izuku regains mobility. Stain rushes, and they all notice how frantic he seems. 
But, of course, he's frantic. He failed to kill Native, failed to kill Tenya. It's a three-v-one scenario, and he knows there are heroes on their way. He has to hurry.
Izuku pushes himself up, arm bleeding sluggishly, and it hurts to hold his katana, but he has to push himself. If he stops now, then they may not leave alive. He jumps from wall to wall, scaling up. 
Shouto readies his fire, building a platform of ice for Tenya at the same moment. His arm hurts too, but it's nothing right now.
Tenya's engines burst, and he uses Shouto's platform to fly up. Stain swings down at him, but Izuku drops down at him, cutting into Stain's wrists. Tenya kicks right into Stain's ribs. Shouto fires, searing Stain's face. 
The three of them drop down, and Shouto readies himself once more, Izuku and Tenya shooting to their feet and– 
Stain is down. Unconscious. 
They nearly collapse from the relief. 
They find some rope in a garbage bin, tying Stain up with it. Native remarks on how useless he was the entire fight; more of a liability than anything. He decides that he never wants to go through with that again, and he'll turn himself into the police along with Stain.
Tenya asks Native why Stain marked him and tried to kill him, and Native confesses that he's been protecting a drug ring. He didn't want to let go of the money or his career, which was his undoing. Stain was right about him.
Izuku, Shouto, and Tenya are all affronted by this, but Native has said that he'll turn himself in for his crimes, so there's nothing they can do.
As they leave the alley, Mount Lady, Manual, and Endeavour's sidekicks arrive. Manual scolds Tenya for leaving him, while Mount Lady frets over Izuku. She holds him up, trying to check for all his injuries, accidentally opening the cut on his torso further. As she apologises for doing so, a claw comes down, wrapping over Izuku and taking him away.
Mount Lady thought she had finished it – its brain was bleeding from her punch, after all, some of the blood flying from it and landing on her cheek. She begins to grow in order to chase after it, only for a tongue to lick the blood off her cheek, paralysing the Noumu.
Stain leaps, his wrists screaming in pain as he both grabs Izuku and stabs the Noumu in the brain. It falls, and Izuku is free, though underneath Stain's foot.
"The fakes who call themselves heroes… And the criminals who aimlessly throw their power around… They are all my targets, who shall be culled. All of this… is for a just world!" Izuku struggles under his foot, trying to get away from him. Stain's mask falls, his eyes wide with wrath. 
Endeavour comes around the corner, searching for the flying Noumu. He sees Stain, and grins, knowing that this will contribute to his fame.
Stain's eyes widen further, bloodlust rising at the sight of him. "ENDEAVOUR!" 
Everyone. I mean, everyone, freezes, trembling for Stain's fearsome rage. 
"Another fake! Someone… Someone must stain themselves in his blood. The word 'hero' must be restored!" He steps forward, and Endeavour steps back. "COME! JUST TRY IT! YOU FAKES! THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN KILL ME IS ALL MIGHT!" 
And nobody moves, less it's to fall on their asses. Stain, alone, stands strong, demanding that these fakes dare try to take him down. 
Upon a rooftop, Tomura watches, wondering what the hell Stain was doing. He sighs and, as he does, Stain turns. To his direction. Tomura shivers, scratching his neck. 
Before he knows it, Stain is scaling up walls, and he's suddenly in front of Tomura, knife branded. He tries to cut Tomura's neck, only to fall flat with his injured wrists. "Hear me now, Shigaraki Tomura!" he yells, gaining the attention of the shock-still heroes on the ground. "Your cause is weak! Useless! The boy you target is a true hero, and he will not be killed for such a worthless cause. I will come back for you, and I will stain myself with your dirty blood!" 
Stain gets away. Heroes chase after him, after the blood trail his wrists leave.
They lose him.
In the hospital, Izuku, Tenya, and Shouto share a room, each of them with a scar on their arms. It's a bit ironic.
Tenya, once again, apologises for allowing his hatred to blind him, and thus putting them in harm's way. Shouto waves it off, and Izuku immediately forgives him. They reckon that Stain allowed both Izuku and Shouto to live, at first, only cutting deeper when he was getting desperate. By all accounts, they should not have survived that attack. 
Shouto notices scars on Izuku's arm that weren't there before, and Izuku reveals that they're from the Sports Festival. Shouto feels guilty at first, but Izuku forgives him easily. A physical scar is nothing compared to healing Shouto's mental scars. 
Tenya reveals that his left hand, the one he used to protect Shouto and take that throwing knife, has nerve damage. While their society is now at a point where they can heal damaged nerves and perform surgery on them, he will leave them until he can view himself as a true hero. Izuku and Shouto decide that they'll also keep their scars, despite being able to get rid of them, to help Tenya on his journey.
Tenya deliberates on Stain. Native has already turned himself in, and the drug ring he protected is being taken care of. Many of Stain's previous victims also had a tendency to turn themselves in. In that case, what did that mean for Tensei? He never asked Tensei why Stain hurt him. He just assumes his brother would never do anything wrong. 
Before he can really think about it, the door opens. 
Mount Lady and Manual come in, followed by Chief Tsuragamae Kenji, of the police department. He commends them on holding their own against Stain, and that it was a shame Stain managed to escape. Nevertheless, even if they didn't capture Stain, fighting with their supervisors present and permission given is illegal. They could be tried for it, in other words.
Shouto argues against this, (though he doesn't call Kenji a 'mutt'). Mount Lady intervenes, calming them down.
Kenji then goes on to say that he is willing to overlook their battle, so long as they keep quiet about their involvement, and give the credit to their supervisors. Shouto relaxes, though he hates that he has to give Endeavour credit for any of his actions. Izuku agrees, as does Tenya. 
The conclusion of that fight, and the fight in general, wasn't what they'd call amazing. If anything, it was a big eye opener. The USJ villains were scary, but Stain was terrifying. That fight was a look into how far they needed to go before they could become heroes.
And it's a challenge they're eager to meet.
Mount Lady actually teaching her intern? You betcha! Izuku realising that heroics can affect more than going out in public? You betcha!
So, in canon, Stain says that he let Tensei live to spread the rumours, but we never really find out if he targetted him solely to spread rumours, or if it was a secondary objective. I've decided that there is a reason, and we'll find that out in a later update
Stain getting away and having a go at Tomura couldn't possibly have an affect on the story going foward... Right? Mwehehe
Next week, we're gonna take a look at a bunch of other internships, so be ready for that!
(This was 6,163 words long. I'm so glad I pre-wrote a bunch of this)
Izuku is properly introduced to Mt. Lady and analyses Stain's pattern, leading to them going to Hosu
Izuku tracks down Tenya, saves him, and sends an SOS to the 1-A group chat, which Shouto responds to
Stain is able to get away, and acknowledges Izuku as a 'true hero'
Tenya is left in shambles as he thinks about morality and heroism
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my-rewrite-academia · 17 days ago
Did not mean for Aizawa to call Izuku's offer count 'lofty'. Just editted it to 'miniscule'. Sorry for any confusion regarding that
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my-rewrite-academia · 18 days ago
Week 14 (Internships - Part 1)
Make a Choice
The Sports Festival ends with a bang. While some of the students don't feel as though they displayed everything they wanted the Pro's to see, a large number are satisfied to a certain, agreeable extent. Ochako is still buzzed, not quite believing that she truly came out on top, flustered and fired up when people around her praise her performance. 
In 1-B, Juuzou is constantly getting bombarded with praise by his classmates, who are so happy for him, and assure him that he did them proud, standing on the podium for all of 1-B – and, of course, for himself.
Shouto approaches Izuku at the start of the week, though he only says good morning before returning to his desk. On the other hand, Tenya comes in ten minutes later than he usually would, (still twenty minutes early), has been locking himself in his room outside of school, and his smile is strained whenever he wears it. Both Ochako and Izuku express concern for him, but he waves it off. They chalk it up to grief. 
Aizawa, during homeroom, announces that internships are coming up. A one-week interval where students learn from a pro. Pro Heroes will have seen the Sports Festival, and they will send an invitation to whomever they want. Should students not get picked, they will intern with a member of staff from U.A. With that, he shows a list of everyone, (in 1-A), who was sent an internship request, and how many.
Todoroki Shouto: 1,201
Uraraka Ochako: 1,079
Iida Tenya: 786
Ashido Mina: 635
Yaoyorozu Momo: 598
Kirishima Eijirou: 521
Aoyama Yuuga: 427
Hagakure Tooru: 201
Tokoyami Fumikage: 198
Sero Hanta: 167
Kaminari Denki: 154
Midoriya Izuku: 19
Immediately, there's quite a bit of outrage. Izuku assumes they're mad they didn't get a request, but then– 
"Midoriya got fourth place!" yells Tooru, hands flailing in her rage. "I lost to him, so why did I get more!?"
Yuuga frowns, "As a matter of fact, I lost first out of everyone, yet I received more than Hagakure-san and Midoriya-kun?" 
While Izuku tries to assure everyone that it's fine, because it's better than he was expecting, Shouto speaks up and says, "No." Izuku goes quiet. In fact, the whole class does, as Shouto speaks. "I suspect I got the most due to being Endeavour's son. But, while Uraraka beat me, you were the one to push me the hardest. It doesn't make sense for you to get so little."
To hammer the final nail, someone says, "It ain't right." To that, Izuku's far too taken back to say anything. Not when it's Bakugou saying this. While Bakugou doesn't add anything else, Izuku falls quiet. In the back, Eijirou nods at this change in attitude. 
See, all throughout the Sports Festival, Bakugou had no choice but to watch. To watch as Deku, as Midoriya, proved exactly why he's thriving in the Hero Course, while Bakugou was unable to do anything but wallow in his own self-misery. Watching Midoriya give his all, watching others return it, watching people win in all these gratifying ways, was nothing less than superb. And Bakugou, a wannabe hero, was left to watch. A bystander. 
It was pathetic. 
Aizawa drags everyone's attention to him once more, explaining that, even if they were impressed, the Pro's will look at people they can actually hope to train, unless they're high-profile. While he doesn't agree with the miniscule amount of requests Izuku received, there's nothing they can do about it. The class finally calms down, though many are still ruffled by it.
Those who received requests will have them emailed to them, while everyone who didn't will have this week to decide which member of staff they'll intern with. Bakugou included. 
However, with the internship, it's likely the hero will have the students patrol with them, if only to watch how pro's act in combat. As such, it's about time the students begin to create a hero persona, should they wish to go Limelight. Aizawa announces that, once again, they'll collaborate with the management course to work on this.
Who are you?
With the management course, Izuku and Saki paired up once more. They go through the steps, first with how Izuku wants people to view him. It's a loaded question, despite being so small.
Does he want the general public to see him as a strong hero? Or does he want them to see him as a mark of safety? Maybe he wants the villains to see him as a threat, or even underestimate him? Ultimately, however, his mind goes back to Saki's question from weeks ago. What does he want to achieve through being a hero?
He wants to save people. He wants to save people who can't save themselves. He wants to save those quirkless kids, so they cannot be branded by 'kyou', so they can look up to a hero that looks like them. 
"I want to inspire hope," he says. "Hope that people can be saved, that someone will save them, even if it's not me. Hope for their own future. That's what I want people to see in me: hope."
Saki smiles, writing his response down, already jotting down some ideas, especially with the future she saw in him. Speaking passionately in front of all those people, holding that little girl in his arms. 
The next step is figuring out how he wants fans to view him. If he wants to be seen as strong or approachable. Izuku thinks about it, really wanting both, but if he's to inspire kids, then he would like to be approachable first and foremost. He wouldn't want people to avoid him for any reason, especially if he could change their lives. 
Their session goes on, Saki getting to know more about Izuku and his goals, writing down and crossing out many ideas, before they decide to put it into practice. They don't do anything about his costume, as it's both appealing and practical, but they do go through faux interview questions. 
She makes Izuku introduce himself until he's speaking with his whole chest and no longer stuttering. She makes him answer personal questions without divulging any actual information. 
"Do you have any family in heroics?" 
"I consider my mother my greatest hero," Izuku says, heart beating rapidly. 
"Why did you become a hero?"
"To save lives, of course!" 
"Were you the kid involved in the Sludge Villain attack!?"
"I– Wait, how did you– OW!" 
Saki pinches the area between his thumb and pointer finger. "I did some research on my own. You have to be prepared for unexpected questions. Now, were you the kid involved in the Sludge Villain attack?" 
Izuku rubs his nose, but collects himself soon enough. "I was present…?"
"I was present during the attack." 
Time goes on, everyone going through similar steps, and this happens throughout the week, with 1-A, (and 1-B), spending time with the management classes to better their hero personas and learn how to act as a public figure. Bakugou, in particular, has difficulty, his partner regarding him as too dismissive to be seen as likable. Mezou also has trouble, seen as stand-off-ish. Denki and Mina have a habit of distributing too much information.
Everyone who has requests go to Momo's dorm, (though 'dorm' isn't the appropriate word for what's basically a flat/apartment), in the living room, each of them with their own appliances, and Ochako borrowing Momo's tablet due to being more convenient. Tenya is strangely quiet, sifting through his requests without speaking once. 
Shouto, though already knowing who he will go to, sits with them. Well, he sits next to Izuku and says nothing, but the fact that he's there at all is an improvement to his previous behaviour. 
Izuku, naturally, is the go-to for advice and information regarding unfamiliar heroes. Though, there are still a few they look-up instead. Not even Hero-Maniac Midoriya Izuku knows every hero in existence, after all. 
Momo eventually decides on the highest-ranking female hero in her list, Uwabami. Izuku ponders on this, but he supposes that Momo could be wanting to see how Uwabami locates disaster victims, so he doesn't say anything. 
Eijirou decides to go with Fourth Kind, which Izuku agrees with, knowing that Fourth Kind is adept at close-combat, which Eijirou would benefit by learning more of. 
Fumikage then reveals that Hawks sent in a request for him, which greatly surprises him, as he didn't get far in. Nevertheless, it's a great opportunity and many in the room are jealous that he was picked. Dark Shadow holds it over all their heads.
Izuku asks Tenya who he's going for, and he quietly says he will intern with Manual, stating that he admires Manual's perspective on heroism. This, however, doesn't convince much of anyone, though he let it go, not wanting to push Tenya. 
Everyone chooses theirs, and Izuku goes through the nineteen requests he has. Most aren't wouldn't be very compatible with him. Quite frankly, he has no idea how to check if they really want him, or if they want fourth place in the Sports Festival. He can't tell by their hero persona alone, as he's come to realise after the management classes. There's every chance they're secretly discriminatory, even if they act like they're not.
Then one name catches his eye. There's not really any reputable ones in his list, mostly people who are either desperate for a U.A. intern, or people he's not sure he can trust, being quirkless and all. But one name is pretty popular at the moment. He saw their debut, and he's even interacted with them in action.
Mount Lady. Why she's sending him a request, he has no idea, but he at least has some semblance of her personality. Out of everyone in his list, she's honestly the best option at the moment. So, he goes for her. He will intern with Mount Lady.
Ochako is still struggling to decide, and that makes sense, considering she's gotten over a thousand requests. There's a bunch who she could intern with, but she has no idea what she would want to learn from them, especially when many probably only want to brag that they got the student in First Place. She stews on it, throughout much of the week, until Friday hits. The deadline, and she has no idea who to choose. Izuku gives a lot of advice, going through many of the best options, but she's still not sure if they're suitable. 
Then Aizawa approaches her, face twisted for some reason. "We've received one more request for you. She had to get her license to intern you, so that's why it's so late." He sends the form, and Ochako chokes. As does Izuku, who stands by her side, peering over her shoulder to look at her phone. 
Just like that, Ochako has her answer. She's interning with Miruko. 
Hehehe, that's right!! Miruko was the woman watching Ochako's fight. Her reasoning will be explored later
Oh, poor Tenya. Nobody wants to feel like they're intruding, without realising that intruding will, in fact, be key to saving him
I love involving other courses for things that make sense. Of course the management course would be the perfect place for the hero kids to learn how to handle the media!
Yeah, Izuku's going with Mount Lady. No, Minoru is not going with Mount Lady, as he didn't get far enough for her to request him
Students choose their internships
Before then, they are introduced to the management course to learn how to act as a public figure
Izuku interns with Mt. Lady
Tenya is suspiciously distant
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my-rewrite-academia · 23 days ago
admittedly not sure which blog to send this too but it is about your rewrite so ig it is fine to send it here? (also not looking for advice im just nosy).
so! what is your process when creating/writing for your rewrite? like how often do you look at the manga or anime for ref, how far in advance do you pre-write the parts, how indepth is your outline/how far into the story does your outline go atm, have you run into roadblocks involving the plot or characters yet, etcetera
This is completely fine, even without the clarification, so don't worry!! Honestly, I wanted to answer this ask as soon as I saw it, but, well, life hit hard. Sorry about that. Anyway! Now to actually answer this...
Honestly, I don't look at the source material too often. I looked at it a lot for the Shouto vs Izuku battle in the Sports Festival, as Horikoshi genuinely did really well with it and I wanted to, sort of, be on even ground with it. Like, I wanted to make sure the character points hit, without making it a one-to-one copy. If I don't change something from canon material, I usually add, 'as in canon', or something among those line.
Really, I only look at the source material for character basis, but even that is few. Outside of centric cast, everyone is really, hm, flat. Either always happy, always calm, or edgy. I believe this to be why characters who go against this, (e.g. Bakugou, Aizawa, Shinsou), are so popular - it offers a new personality type.
For pre-writing, it depends. I don't pre-write entire posts, but I will pre-write specific scenes I know I'll have trouble with. Prime examples being the mini-battles in the King of the Hill game; Mina and Ochako's fight; and the downtime snippets between battles.
My outline is pretty deep, with all the arcs for the first year being completed, and I have a rough idea of how the second and third years will go down, just without all the details. I actually use the 'conclusions' at the end of every posts as my outline notes, which makes it easier for the TL;DRs.
I also have a sheets document for each year planned, with arcs and post numbers at the ready, which I add as I complete more of my outline. This helps me keep track of how much I have left to write for either the arc or the year.
I have most definitely ran into blockages, especially concerning characters who didn't amount to anything in canon. Something I want to do is give each student in 1-A their own, at least, mini-arc, and up the importance of others. After all, I think I can handle more than three characters at once... *cough*Horikoshi*cough*
While I have a general idea of what those arcs will be, I don't know how to intergrate all of them into the story just yet, but I'm working on it. At least, it will be properly planned out by the time it comes around.
Whenever I create a new character or change a character design in any way, (e.g. hero costumes), I tend to sketch it out, either in my sketchbook or clipstudio, whichever I'm more bothered to use, to be honest. As I have aphantasia, this helps me understand how they fit into the world of MHA, and if they would look natural with other canonical characters.
I do have a post here, where I answered a similar ask, though not in nearly as much depth.
I've also been assembling a playlist specifically for this rewrite that I listen to so I can get into 'the mood'. I know you didn't ask for advice, but I do highly recommend creating specific playlists for projects, writing or otherwise. I do this for my other project as well, and it helps a lot to get me locked in.
Also, if you do use this, try making character-specific, scenerio/genre-specfic, and relationship-specific playlists too. So it's not all clashing.
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 24 days ago
Hello! Is it greedy to ask for another set of trivia facts for Aoyama? lol
Hello! (I know, it's been a while since I answered an ask. Sorry xoxo)
Previous Yuuga Facts. Not at all, haha! There won't be as many, but I hope you enjoy them:
Hates mild cheese with a burning passion. Thinks of those who only eat mild cheese as cowards
People, upon finding out that he's half-French, always ask if the Eiffel Tower is really that tall. He has never been to Paris
Has an eye for classical art, of all kinds of media. Paintings, music, literature, and so on
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 25 days ago
Week 13 (Sports Festival - Part 5)
Izuku, Shouto, Ochako, and Juuzou are getting ready, sitting in their rooms, some surrounded by friends, and others, (read: Shouto), by themselves.
1-B have piled into Juuzou's room, ecstatic to have had at least one of them this far in. Neitou makes him swear to get onto the podium, and bring back a medal. Juuzou swears to win gold, and Koujirou makes a big spiel about, after the festival, being able to beat 'first place'. Juuzou laughs, but he accepts the challenge. Itsuka pats his shoulder, as the semi-finals begin, and 1-B return to the stands.
Ochako and Izuku, not to fight until the finals, are in the same room, and all of 1-A, (barring Shouto and Tenya), are there, supporting both of them. Denki teasingly asks Momo who she's rooting for more. She hesitates, going back and forth, recognising that there's only one winner, but she's friends with both of them. 
Izuku and Ochako try to calm her down, but Momo ultimately wants Ochako to come on top, as Ochako was the one to beat her. Izuku, as opposed to what Momo thought would happen, is actually quite happy, acknowledging Ochako as a tough opponent, and he won't hold back. Ochako agrees, wanting to end the festival on a bang by beating Izuku. 
Meanwhile, alone, Shouto prepares himself, recalling how Izuku nearly forced him into using his fire, and how he was the only one to consistently battle his ice, (Sen could only do it once). Endeavour's words come to mind, and wisps of condensation begin to ease off his body, rage building once more. 
(Tenya rushes to the hospital, mind clouded.)
Battle 1: Todoroki Shouto vs Midoriya Izuku
This is it, folks. The moment you have all been waiting for! Izuku versus Shouto! Or, shall we say, Kyou versus Shouto? That's right. We're here now!
Mic announces the fight with enthusiasm, while the crowd are infinitely more bored. Yep, while you guys are excited, the crowd is far less so. After all, every fight Shouto's been in has ended in less than a minute, and they're sure this won't be any different, especially with a quirkless kid as his opponent.
"We have 1-A's Shouto in one corner! With his overwhelming strength, he decimates his opponents as soon as the bell rings! Will this fight be any different? We'll just have to see!"
Shouto walks onto the stage, people clapping politely. 
"And in the other corner, also of 1-A, we have Kyou! His fighting sense has kept him a worthy foe, using his wit as his ultimate weapon! Can he stand strong against Shouto? Now's the moment where we find out!"
Izuku walks up, a hand on his katana. He thinks back – to each time Shouto defeated his opponents with his ice, a sombre air about him as he melted his ice. Each time, just like now, Shouto would look up, away from his opponents, and to the overbearing figure in the crowd. Endeavour.
It angers him, rightfully so. He's Shouto's opponent. This is the semi-finals. Yet he has the gall to pay more attention to a bystander? As much as he knows why Shouto looks away, it doesn't stop his ego from being bruised. And it strengthens his desire to save him. 
Mic counts down, and Shouto finally looks at Izuku, but his attention is still elsewhere.
Izuku rushes in, katana at the ready. Shouto, recalling what happened in the King of the Hill showdown, moves away, ice forming on his arm, but, by a step, Izuku is faster, penetrating the ice, right above his arm, and it shatters, shards of ice scattering around the arena. Again, and again. Every time Shouto tries to use his ice, Izuku destroys it.
The crowd stirs, taken away by the sight. Of all people they expected to put up a good fight, none of them expected the quirkless kid to do it, especially against the number two hero's son. Endeavour watches, silent. 
Izuku breaks another attempt, and Shouto backs away, reaching out and icing over Izuku's katana. But, with how quickly Izuku retreats his blade, it takes only a quick hit to shatter the ice, the katana's blade shaking but intact. 
By now, Shouto is hyper-aware of Endeavour's gaze, constantly looking back and forth between him and Izuku. He's watching, he knows he is, watching him struggle against the only quirkless kid in the tournament – possibly in all of U.A. He's watching and he can't do anything about it–
"Where are you looking, Todoroki-kun?" In his distraction, he fails to notice how Izuku reels his katana back, swinging up and catching his torso with the blunted blade, sending Shouto stumbling back. "Your foe is in front of you, not in the stands! Where are you looking!?"
Angered, Shouto takes many steps back, shooting out a barrage of ice, but Izuku manages to dodge to the side, having predicted he'd make such a move. After all, he's used to dealing with attacks born from anger. 
"Everyone in this festival has given their all! To refuse to return that is nothing less than insulting!" 
Shouto only becomes more desperate, falling back on large attacks that mean nothing when Izuku defeats them so easily, and his throat is cold, his head freezing over, limbs shaking, turning red with how much he's been using his ice. 
"Look at yourself," Izuku commands, rushing in and landing a hit on Shouto's hand before he can even begin to form anything. "Look at me! You haven't put a single scratch on me! Out of the two of us, your ice has been hurting you more than me!"
He's right. Shouto knows he's right. But there's no other choice. He can't use Endeavour's fire, not now. Not with what it would mean. He can't accept Endeavour, not after everything he did to him. To them. His memories are full of watching his siblings move through life without him, his mother being hurt for the crime of loving her child. He remembers crying, terrified of the man who was supposed to love him. Of feeling alien when classmates spoke of loving parents.
So he can't. No matter what comes of him, he can't use Endeavour's fire. Not now, not ever. 
"Why are you limiting yourself?" Izuku asks, out of breath because he wasn't completely honest when he said he was untouched. The cold atmosphere is viscous, and it's only from exerting himself that he isn't falling to it. "Do you think your quirk belongs to Endeavour? If so, I think you're an idiot!" 
Shouto chokes, Izuku swinging his blade into his gut. 
"Then I guess my hair is actually my parents' hair! I guess my eyes belong to my mother, and my gender to my father!" He steps in, bringing his elbow out and burrowing it into Shouto's abdomen, jabbing the butt of his katana into Shouto's jaw when he bows over. "I guess my parents' quirks were just magic tricks! After all, they're quirkless, aren't they!?"
That's not the same, Shouto wants to say, and his eyes fall to Endeavour once more. It's not the same. It isn't and–
Izuku strikes him once more, and Shouto stumbles back. "Stop looking at him! I'm not fighting Endeavour, I'm fighting you! Todoroki Shouto! And I want to beat you at your best! So stop holding back, and start using your quirk! Not your mother's, not Endeavour's! Your quirk!"
Shouto breathes in, his mind going elsewhere as he's stricken once more. As a child, he cried on his mother's lap, on a rare day when Endeavour was busy elsewhere, and he was finally allowed room to cry without fearing a beating. All Might was on the TV. "What matters is your own flesh and blood – it belongs to nobody but yourself! Which is why I always say, 'For I am here'!" 
Izuku lands yet another blow. "We're all here for the same reason: to become a hero! Not to prove a point that only hurts yourself, and could end up risking other people's lives!"
"It's okay, Shouto," his mother had said to him, smiling in a way he couldn't remember she ever had. "You are not a slave to your blood. You can become the man you want to be."
As Shouto reels, Izuku braces himself, katana pointed at him. "It's your quirk!"
'It's my quirk.'
Finally, it fits into his mind, the final piece of puzzle he didn't know he was missing. Warmth spreads through his body, healing the cold and stiff muscles, and sparks begin to fly. Heat permeates through his flesh, his blood, his body. 
Fire blooms on his skin, and Izuku smiles. 
(Up in the staff room, Toshinori gapes, finally realising what was happening. Recalling how Endeavour called Shouto his 'masterpiece', how Shouto had never used the fire part of his quirk. He watches as Izuku grins, and Shouto smiles back, and heroism looks as grand as it did back in his day.)
Shouto's grin is wide, like it was always meant to be there, yet lost to unfortunate circumstances. "I want… to be a hero too!" 
Izuku responds in kind, "Let's be heroes together!"
Unable to help himself, Shouto laughs. "You're insane… You could have ended this earlier… Yet you do this? Dammit, Midoriya."
In the stands, Endeavour roars, ecstatic at Shouto finally using his flames, declaring that he will finally become the hero he wants him to be, only to fall silent when, for once, Shouto looks only at Izuku. 
Midnight and Cementoss ready themselves, prepared to intervene if anything goes too far.
Shouto lifts his left hand, fire bursting as he did. Izuku rushes in, smiling as he does, and Shouto, finally, sees hope in the future that awaits him. "Midoriya…" The fire clashes with the residue of ice, superheating it, leaving the shards to explode. "Thank you."
As Izuku rushes in, he raises his blade, spinning and lifting the flames as he does. It's hot, scalding even, but he won't give up now. Shouto lets the fire bloom for a moment more, then drops it entirely, the leftover flames still surrounding Izuku, before he shoots a beam of ice, taking Izuku by surprise, and it lands, sending Izuku flying.
Out of the arena. 
Shouto rushes over, helping Izuku up as the crowd goes wild, unaware of how meaningful this battle was, but loving the spectacle and the intensity of the match. As Shouto helps Izuku leave the stadium, taking both of them to Recovery Girl, Endeavour meets them halfway.
"I'm proud," Endeavour says, and Izuku blearily looks up, his body sore from the viscous kiss of flames. Shouto, however, keeps walking. "Your fire is still unstable, and you'll need proper training to utilise it fully. I will teach you. Come to my agency for your internship, Shouto…" He trails off, Shouto walking past him.
"It's got nothing to do with you. I won't stop hating you. It's just… at that moment," he moves on, "I completely forgot about you."
Battle 2: Honenuki Juuzou vs Uraraka Ochako
Following up the battle of Shouto versus Izuku would always be difficult. But it's that challenge that motivates both Juuzou and Ochako, swearing to make their fight just as good, to rile up the audience the same way Shouto and Izuku did.
Izuku did what most thought impossible – making Shouto struggle. Ochako shivers at the memory of watching a quirkless boy go toe-to-toe with a boy with dual quirks, and demanding the world of pro heroes to acknowledge his strengths. 
"In one corner, we have Mudman of 1-B! Using his opponent's strengths against them, capturing them with great skill and timing! But can he capture…"
Juuzou steps onto the arena, mind pacing as he tries to figure out how to battle Ochako.
"Uravity of 1-A!? The girl who has bested opponent after opponent, showing her combat skills and intelligence in battle! Who will win!?"
Ochako walks forth, energised and full of an endless desire to win, and prove to the world why she is hero material.
Juuzou starts first, softening the ground under and around Ochako. She grabs herself, lifting her body into the air and away from him, telekinetically accelerating her body towards him, fast and… furious. Juuzou responds by kicking into the softened ground, lifting it up and catching Ochako with it. There's enough there to weigh heavily on her, dragging her towards the ground.
Before she can be caught, however, she spins her body, flicking off the substance and freeing herself, though her stomach churns as a result, even faster than it usually would. Juuzou tries again, and Ochako breaks free once more, only worsening her sickly status.
This fight would never match the intensity of the previous battle, but it's fine, because the crowd roars with excitement whenever it looks like one of them will win. When Ochako lands a hit on Juuzou, or when Juuzou drags Ochako back down to the concrete. 
It lasts a while, both giving their all. Ochako gets closer and closer to throwing up, and Juuzou's limbs feel heavy. It becomes harder for either of them to use their quirks fully, and that's seen when Ochako stumbles, unable to bring her fingers to her own body, and when Juuzou's reach decreases significantly, unable to reach her, nor able to move up. 
And when quirks are out of the picture, it comes down to a brawl. 
Ochako moves first, coming in hot and swinging. Juuzou manages to block it, and the fight starts anew. Punches and kicks, tearing up the already damaged ground beneath them. But, one of them has spent time training with a quirkless kid, the other spending more time on their quirk.
With a final downsmash to the back of the head, Juuzou falls to the ground, disorientated. Midnight rushes in, checking on Juuzou. After a few standard checks, she speaks into her communicator, and Mic loudly announces:
"Mudman is unable to continue! URAVITY WIIIIIINS!"
Juuzou is taken to Recovery Girl, and Ochako screams, fists in the air, and she wonders if her parents are happy for her. 
Far away, the woman grins once more, and decides she'll break from her lonesome streak.
As Ochako leaves the stadium, Cementoss repairing it, Mic announces the finals and the third place match-ups: Shouto versus Uravity, and Kyou versus Mudman. They're given a five minute break beforehand to heal from injuries.
Just A Moment!
Let's take a break from the action, and look at poor Tenya.
Tenya arrives at the hospital, meeting his parents there and rushing to Tensei's room. The nurse gives them the details on the way - blood loss, but not enough to make it fatal. Bruised bones, his ankle broken in three places, and, most jarringly…
A scar on his neck. In the shape of two blades crossed over the other. 
It's dirty and it's gruesome, and Tenya nearly breaks then and there, walking into Tensei's room, seeing him dressed in bandages, too still on the hospital bed, pale and on death's door.
"Nii-san…" There's no point asking who did this. Not with the scar on his neck, a trademark of a most loathsome villain, left behind on all of his victims.
His mind clouds over, and all he can think about is his brother. And Stain.
Third Place Battle: Midoriya Izuku vs Honenuki Juuzou
Both combatants are exhausted after so many battles, each pushing them further than the last. 
Despite the weariness in their bones, they fight to their best, Izuku throwing himself away from softening ground, and Juuzou avoiding the swings of his blunted katana.
The crowd, unlike before, are all-in for this fight, cheering both of them on. As they call for Kyou to win, they call for a hero. A person. Not a hollow, quirkless kyou, but Kyou – a hero in the making. 
Of course, cheers alone aren't enough to make him win, and the accumulated exhaustion gets to Izuku first. He falters, just as Juuzou softens the ground beneath him, and he's captured. 
"Kyou is unable to battle! Third place belongs to MUDMAAAAAN!"
Yeah, Izuku thinks as Juuzou helps him out of the ground, this is okay.
Finale: Todoroki Shouto vs Uraraka Ochako
Shouto is still reeling. His arm feels detached and foreign. Ochako walks up, lighter than ever, (pun intended), and victory feels so close, she could almost taste it.
Mic announces them, and the arena bursts with excitement, the match of all matches about to begin. The screen displays a short montage of each fight they were in. 
The battle starts shortly after, and Shouto starts by unleashing a viscous ice attack, only for Ochako to slap it, harming her wrist and fingers, but telekinetically accelerating it backwards, forcing the ice to condense back into itself, exploding at the force of it. 
He tries again, only getting the same results, as she shatters the ice by making it fold in on itself. Shouto is blown away, finding not just one but two people who can readily combat his ice and effectively make it useless. He's forced to realise that he isn't as strong as he thought, especially by only using half of his quirk.
He raises his left hand, knowing he now has that option, ready to use his flames, and–
(His mother crying, "Stop, he's only five," and "You live in another world," and siblings more like strangers, and classmates calling his abusive father 'cool' and pain and 'I will never be like him' and–)
He falls short.
Ochako rushes in, slaps a hand on his chest. He instinctively tries to ice over her arm, and it works, but it does nothing as he's pushed out of the stage. An unsatisfying match, but a victory nonetheless. She stands as the sole victor, the stadium going crazy even with the shorter fight. It's not as intense as Shouto and Izuku's fight, but remember that this is an accumulation of everything they've done in this festival.
Midnight raises Ochako's hand high in the sky. Her eyes, however, stay on Shouto, who slowly pushes himself off the ground. 
"Next time!" she yells, before Shouto can leave. "Next time, let's have a fair battle!" 
Just hearing that, Shouto… feels better, somehow. "Yeah."
Awards Ceremony!
Ochako stands on the highest podium, first place, Shouto in second, and Juuzou in third. Izuku, in fourth place, gets a special mention, but he stands with the rest of 1-A and the other contenders. All Might appears, praising each of them as he passes down the medals, embracing each of them like a father to his child.
"You did 1-B proud, and I'm sure you'll do even better next year," he tells Juuzou, who refuses to tear up as all of 1-B cheer for him, not upset in the slightest despite what he thought might happen. 
"You truly have proven yourself a capable man. I'm proud that you've finally accepted all parts of yourself." Shouto can't help but smile at All Might's words, knowing how true they are. He will only continue to accept himself from now on.
"Your parents will be proud, and you've truly shown the world that you are here!" Ochako does tear up, the gold medal feeling light yet heavy all the same, and she smiles, her muscles sore and her joints aching, but it feels so good in the face of her total victory.
All Might faces everyone once more. "Look upon this podium, and see for yourself the three that stood on the top! But, don't be fooled. Everyone had a chance to stand in their place. You all saw for yourself the strength of the new generation of heroes! They all found their rivals to push them to greater heights, and they'll only continue to grow! To that, I shall add one more statement:
"PLUS ULtra…?"
The Shouto vs Izuku fight... was 1.5k words long. I hope you're happy. Seriously, please be happy. I'm happy with it (≧◡≦)
Now, I know that the other fights were shorter... That's all. I know they're shorter, because they don't have to be longer
Has anyone noticed that Shouto got second place in all of the games in the Sports Festival? ☆(>ᴗ•)
All Might is kinda funny actually. Or maybe that's just my humour
Also, say it with me folks, SCREW ENDEAVOUR!!
Final Game: One-on-Ones (Semi-Finals, Third-Place Battle & Finale)
Battle 1: Todoroki Shouto vs Midoriya Izuku. Winner: Shouto
Battle 2: Honenuki Juuzou vs Uraraka Ochako. Winner: Ochako
Third Place Battle: Midoriya Izuku vs Honenuki Juuzou. Winner: Juuzou
Finale: Todoroki Shouto vs Uraraka Ochako. Winner: Ochako
Sports Festival Top Three: #1 Uraraka Ochako, #2 Todoroki Shouto, #3 Honenuki Juuzou
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my-rewrite-academia · 1 month ago
Week 13 (Sports Festival - Part 4)
Before Stage Two
Kyouka and Mashirao, after Izuku's fight, go to his waiting room, excited and happy and proud. Setsuna also drops by, thanking him for beating the 'smug guy', quietly thinking to herself that she could never imagine Shinsou as a hero.
Izuku is still a bit, hm, peeved, let's say, as he looks at Mashirao and recalls how Shinsou labelled him a 'monkey', with the same vile sound as people would call him a 'kyou'. Because he can understand doing anything to get a chance, but he couldn't understand why going such a route was his first choice.
Mashirao, after Izuku tells him about this, reveals that, growing up, people would call him that a lot, and he used to rise to the bait all the time, getting himself in trouble for fighting against the cruel words. It only stopped when he stopped reacting, and he reckons that Shinsou would have been one of those bullies - who said and did cruel things for his own entertainment or maybe a power trip.
Meanwhile, Shinsou visits Recovery Girl to heal his minor injuries, and Aizawa meets him there. Shinsou only recognises him as 1-A's teacher, knowing that he's a hero but not sure which one. Aizawa asks Shinsou what he said to Izuku, and, though hesitant, Shinsou spills the beans.
Throughout it, Aizawa is quiet. After explaining everything, Shinsou bitterly laughs, reflecting on how Izuku made him respond to him simply by saying 'knock knock', and that maybe he would have won if he went up against anyone else.
Aizawa finally speaks up after he says this, "Is that all you can reflect on? How you could have won?" Shinsou jumps, Recovery Girl rolling her eyes and ushering other lingering students out of her office, (other losers of the rounds). "A hero's job isn't just to win every fight they get themselves into, not even underground heroes. It's to save people. And if you think discriminating against others is okay if you win a fight, then you're the furthest from being a hero in the school."
Shinsou looks down, hiding his eyes from Aizawa's sight.
"I don't know why you're like this - if you were bullied when you were younger or if you were just taught the wrong things. But don't make yourself the victim when you made one of everyone else."
With that, Aizawa leaves, and Shinsou stews in his own self-misery.
Tenya is ready, calm and collected, stretching to prepare his body.
His phone rings, hidden in his bag.
He doesn't hear it.
Battle 1: Honenuki Juuzou vs Iida Tenya
Aizawa returns to the booth, just as the second round begins. Mic announces it with all the flair he can muster, announcing the two combatants as they walk up the stage.
"In one corner, we have 1-B's Mudman!"
Juuzou walks up, his promise to Bondou repeating in his mind, raising his fist high to the cheers of the audience.
"And in the other corner, we have 1-A's Ingenium!"
Tenya marches up, recalling how he promised his brother to show the world what he's made of, and he intends to do so by winning.
Midnight stands on her podium as Mic summarises their previous fights, bringing up Juuzou's reaction time and method of subduing his opponent, and Tenya's adaptability and proficiency with unfamiliar items.
Tenya reacts first, booting up his engines with the intent of roundhouse kick to Juuzou's waist. Having predicted such a thing, Juuzou manages to duck out of the way, Tenya's foot missing him by inches.
And it goes in such a way for a while. Tenya rushing non-stop at Juuzou, his offence quick and brutal, while Juuzou dodges each one, softening the ground at each moment he can, making Tenya stumble, but not for long, as he quickly escapes the sinking concrete and continues his assault.
Juuzou struggles, soon unable to outpace a heated Tenya, resorting to deflecting where he can, and taking hits when he can't.
But it all comes to an end, as everything does.
Tenya is fast and he hits hard, but the constantly offence drains him, and his calves are already beginning to sting with how much he uses his engines. If he continues to push himself, he will end up burning the flesh around his engines, and that would only make his defeat pathetic.
Juuzou, similarly, is tired after the five minute mark, constantly moving to avoid attacks and getting hit every so often. While the adrenaline masks any of the pain he feels, it still makes it mark on his body, and fatigue begins to climb.
However, one of them is putting more effort in than the other. Tenya.
Eventually, Tenya hesitates, his calves burning. For a brief second, the pain overwhelms his desire to win, and it's all the time Juuzou needs.
Juuzou drops to the ground, hands slamming on the floor, and the ground beneath Tenya softens. Knowing what is to happen, Tenya tries to boot his engines up once more, but he doesn't react fast enough, and his legs are swallowed up by the ground, before Juuzou hardens the floor and Tenya is stuck.
He tries to break out, spraining his mucles as he tries to pull his legs out, but it's a futile effort.
Tenya admits defeat.
Juuzou helps Tenya out, and they walk off the stage together, both praising the other for their performance. Tenya declares that, next time, he will win, and Juuzou readily accepts his challenge.
As they leave the stadium, Momo runs up to Tenya, distraught.
"Yaomomo-san?" Tenya asks, concerned. "What's wrong?"
"I... It's your brother. He's in the hospital."
Just like that, Tenya's day is infinitely worse.
Battle 2: Ashido Mina vs Uraraka Ochako
Mina and Ochako are both excited for this fight, still pumped from their previous battles, feeling like they can take on the world as they are.
Mic, once again, recalls their previous battles. Mina's slippery tacticts and her burning attacks. Ochako's relentless assault and using anything in her vicinity.
"Both 1-A students! We have a showdown between Acid Trip and Uravity!!"
The audience is in immediate cahoots, the excitement of Ochako's fight still fresh in their mind, and they wonder how Mina's long-range style can hold up against Ochako.
When Mic announces the start, Mina is the first to move, Ochako getting into a defensive position. Mina slicks her feet up with acid, sliding around the ring with grace and frivolity as she tosses burning acid at Ochako.
Ochako dodges her attacks, though the splash strikes her legs and feet, making her slow down with each one. This is Mina's plan: not to crush Ochako, but to chip away at her until she can no longer fight back.
Ochako, with all the acid eating at her lower half, resorts to using her jacket to shield her body, throwing it up in front of the next ball of acid that Mina throws. It doesn't stop it, but it drains some of the acid and makes the rest of it drop lower. Seeing the impact, Ochako sticks with this strategy, using anything she can to disrupt the flow of Mina's acid.
Her shoes are the next thing sacrificed, and Mina thinks to herself that she will run out of things to shield herself with. Ochako even uses her socks, and the bottom of her feet hurt as she runs across the concrete ground, but she refuses to lose.
When the final sock is gone, Ochako knows that her strategy is gone, and throws all caution to the wind, rushing at Mina.
Mina panics, confused and somehow scared by Ochako's direct approach. Especially as, when Mina hits her with burning acid, Ochako only stumbles for a second before gritting her teeth and charging forth. The next hit, she doesn't even flinch, only hissing and wincing at how painful it is, her sights set on Mina, and coming out as the victor.
With her arms and legs in agony, the smell of burning flesh in the air, Ochako hones in on Mina, closing the distance. Her hands burn as she pushes her hands flat against Mina, lasting less than a second but leaving a cruel after-effect, but it's all worth it as Mina begins to float in the air.
She isn't done, making the acid rain down on Ochako's body, but remember that Ochako didn't grab Mina. She pushed her. Mina is slowly edging towards the edge of the ring, and Ochako recalls Izuku's analysis.
She doesn't make things weightless. She doesn't negate gravity. She telekinetically accelerates them. While she hasn't done much to experiment with what this means, as a student of U.A., it's only fitting that she Goes Beyond, Plus Ultra.
Touching her thumbs together, she screams out, desperate for this victory, and Mina screams too as her body accelerates, right out of the zone, before Ochako presses her fingertips together, and Mina drops onto the grass.
Far away, from the comfort of her home, a lone woman watches Ochako's win, the livestream granted from U.A., and grins.
Battle 3: Todoroki Shouto vs Kirishima Eijirou
Shouto makes his way to the stadium, and, once again, Endeavour awaits him. He scowls, ignoring his bastard father as he barges past him.
"It is a waste to keep your fire at bay," Endeavour says, as cold as ever. "When will your childish temper tantrum come to an end?"
Shouto moves on, silent, but his face contorts, his rage a blazing inferno, and he despises how, despite his efforts and his vow to be nothing like Endeavour, he cannot ignore him.
Eijirou knows he won't win. Not against the beast that is Todoroki Shouto, and it seems the stadium knows this as well, their usually eager pre-game applause now more hesitant and tame. After all, there's no excitement in a match you know the outcome of.
It's frustrating. Incredibly so. But there's no denying the pure magnitude of Shouto's prowess, and the lack of one in Eijirou. In any other match-up, the outcome wouldn't be so clear. He would be hopeful and he'd fight to his very best.
This isn't any other match.
And when Shouto walks up, not stone-cold but pissed beyond belief, Eijirou knows he won't be like Sen. He won't get a fighting chance.
After recalling their performances: Eijirou's tenacity and defensive style, and Shouto's absolute power, Mic announces the strat of the battle.
And, as soon as he does, it's over.
Eijirou is trapped in the ice, unable to even flex in its containment, and he hates how utterly weak he is. He couldn't even struggle.
Once again, the audience call out for Eijirou, "Don't mind, don't mind," knowing how frustrated he must feel. Yet oblivious to the pain of Shouto, as he begins to melt the maelstrom of ice.
"Sorry," Shouto says, water dripping down his hand, trailing down to his elbow and sinking into the fabric of his jersey, "I was upset."
In the stands, Izuku stands up, turning to run down to his station, and swears that he will beat Shouto. For both of their sakes.
Battle 4: Midoriya Izuku vs Hagakure Tooru
Oh, now this is an interesting fight. After the previous display, the audience become a bit let-down, especially as they realise the next fight will be the quirkless kid versus the invisible girl, expecting a lacklustre fight.
Izuku and Tooru both recognise this, and, without words, agree to end this round on a bang. Tooru is somewhat upset that she won't get a rematch against Mina, considering Ochako beat her, but she decides that she'll just beat Mina by ranking higher than her. Izuku looks up to the stands, where he knows Shouto sits with the rest of 1-A, and promises to meet him in the next round.
Mic, being the best person ever, is as loud and as excited as ever, summarising their past feats: Izuku's handling of both Tenya and Shouto, and his intelligence; Tooru's unsuspecting strength and her stealth skillset.
The fight starts with Izuku, who refuses to let Tooru slip out of his vision. Tooru plays it slow, starting with unzipping her jersey, and moving her forearm up just in time to block a strike from Izuku's katana.
She punches back, and he blocks it with his guard, kicking his foot out and tripping Tooru up. He rises his katana and drops it down, only for Tooru to roll out of the way, discarding her jersey as she does, her upper body only covered by her undershirt.
Izuku speeds up, attacking fast with precision - at her shoulder, her hip - and blocking any of her hits much the same, doing his best to keep her fist from touching his blade, less it breaks, though it's hard to do so considering he can't see it.
Tooru, taking several steps back and away from Izuku, brings a hand to her shirt and, with a single pull, tears her shirt off, leaving her upper body invisible. Before she can do the same to her trousers, Izuku rushes in, swinging his katana up in an elegant yet brutal curve that has Tooru stumbling back, unprepared for his follow-up attack - a thrust near her throat, only just missing as he forgot to take into account her bowed-over positioning.
She regains her stability soon enough, and Izuku observes the positioning of her legs, how one leans more than the other, how her left knee bends lower, and moves his guard accordingly, letting it take the brunt of her full-body uppercut. But the power behind it is enough to send him back, and thus leaving enough time for Tooru to discard her trousers, rendering her invisible.
Izuku, for a brief moment, panics. He's screwed, he thinks, as he can't use even the smallest tells to figure out how Tooru will attack. All he can do it stand there as Tooru disappears from his vision, and the now-excited rambling of the crowd covers any noises she might make.
Think, he implores himself, heart thumping and blood rushing. Think, he yells at himself as the first strike lands, a heavy liver blow that has him stumbling. Think, he cries, as Tooru hits again, this time at his chest, winding him. Think, he demands, and he does.
Tooru, hidden from sight, hesitates as Izuku sheathes his katana, wondering if he's giving up. Well, it just means her victory will be easier now. She rushes in, fist cocked back, and she drives it into Izuku's gut.
Then, before she can draw her arm back, a hand clamps around her wrist. Oh, she thinks. She's the one who's screwed.
Izuku may not be able to see Tooru, but he is able to feel each hit she lands, and he used this to grab her before she could run. Bracing his legs, he pulls Tooru's arm up, grabbing at air before finding her upper arm, just before her shoulder, and he tugs her closer. Tooru stumbles, trying to pry her arm out of Izuku's hold.
They struggle against each other, both as strong as the other, before Izuku finally hooks his foot under Tooru's and trips her up. She falls, and Izuku twists, pushing her in front of him and pulling her arm behind her back, using his entire body weight to pin Tooru to the ground.
Midnight notices the gap between Izuku's knees and the floor, as well as the odd shadow his body casts, and quickly puts two-and-two together.
"Kousen is pinned by Kyou!" she yells into her comms, and Mic repeats the information to the audience, who stirs in excitement and anticipation.
"How will Kousen get out of this sticky situation!?"
Tooru struggles, fighting against Izuku's grip, but she can only use her arm, while Izuku uses his entire body. She had no choice. There is no getting out for her.
"I surrender!"
Midnight cracks her whip, "KOUSEN SURRENDERS!"
Mic yells, which makes the audience yell in-turn. "KOUSEN IS UNABLE TO CONTINUE! KYOU WIIIIIIIINS!"
Okay, so maybe it's not as long as the previous post, but it's pretty long, so I'll take it :)
Oh? What's this? Aizawa calling Shinsou out instead of sympathising with him? Hehehe
You know exactly what happened to Tensei. But I also wanted Tenya to actually fight, and this will also have an impact on Tenya too
RIP Eijirou. I'm sure his instant loss won't affect him in a negative way at all...
Final Game: One-on-Ones (Round #2)
Battle 1: Honenuki Juuzou vs Iida Tenya. Winner: Juuzou
Battle 2: Ashido Mina vs Uraraka Ochako. Winner: Ochako
Battle 3: Todoroki Shouto vs Kirishima Eijirou. Winner: Shouto
Battle 4: Midoriya Izuku vs Hagakure Tooru. Winner: Izuku
12 notes · View notes
my-rewrite-academia · 1 month ago
Week 13 (Sporta Festival - Part 3)
Game 3! B-B-Battle!
(Yeah, y'all knew I wasn't about to change this. Be honest.)
Mic announces the next game, Aizawa preparing student files for everyone who passed, including the 1-C and 1-H students, even getting Vlad King's input on his students.
Midnight draws names for the first round, each one appearing on the screen. Once again, only hero names are used, with the exception of Shouto who, well, goes by Shouto.
The match-ups are as such:
Battle 1: Aoyama Yuuga vs Honenuki Juuzou.
Battle 2: Ashido Mina vs Shiozaki Ibara.
Battle 3: Hagakure Tooru vs Kendou Itsuka.
Battle 4: Iida Tenya vs Hatsume Mei.
Battle 5: Kaibara Sen vs Todoroki Shouto.
Battle 6: Kirishima Eijirou vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.
Battle 7: Midoriya Izuku vs Shinsou Hitoshi.
Battle 8: Uraraka Ochako vs Yaoyorozu Momo.
Before the battles start, students are allowed to spend a further five minutes preparing, whether it be mentally or physically. Izuku and Shouto cross paths, though nothing is said. Only a nod of their heads, before they continue on.
Kyouka and Mashirao meet up, staring at the match-ups. Specifically, at 'Mindjack's name, against Izuku's. They both feel so frustrated, because they couldn't even show the pros what they were made of, and how they used their quirks. It was all orchestrated by Shinsou, and they can't even remember how.
Seeing them, Setsuna, also pissed that she can't even remember what she did, approaches.
"There were no rules against using your quirk on your teammates," she says, eyes strictly on Shinsou's name. "He didn't cheat. He used whatever or whoever was at his disposal. Only sore losers would claim he cheated..." Her eyes narrow, crossing her arms and digging her fingers into them. "That doesn't mean it was okay."
They agree to warn Izuku of what they remember: Shinsou saying something to them. After that, it's all blank.
Izuku gratefully accepts their warning, making notes on how to deal with Shinsou, and what he remembers himself of their short meeting, both at the Entrance Exam and in the King of the Hill game.
Yuuga sits in his waiting room, staring at the floor, his body shaking and his mind racing. He can't bring himself to calm down, but he knows he'll have no choice but to fight if he wants to make something of himself. (If he wants to be a hero.)
Meanwhile, Mei ambushes Tenya in his waiting room, and they come to an agreement, using the rest of their prep time to contact a teacher: Midnight. Midnight, liking the showmanship and the comradary, agrees too.
Sen is pretty much dead-eyed, staring up at the ceiling, much to Kousei and Hiryu's concern, who both came to cheer him up. They all knew how strong Shouto was, and even their inter-class rivalry isn't enough to get him fired up. Kousei pats his back, telling him to make his victory hard. Sen grumbles, but agrees.
In his waiting room, Eijirou pumps himself up, recalling how much carbon-high food he'd been eating, and starting every morning with a small amount of activated charcoal. Denki, who visited him, cheers him on, and Eijirou responds with just as much cheer.
Tetsutetsu, in a similar vein, is excited beyond belief, because he's well aware of how similar his quirk is to Eijirou, and he wants to know just how well they compare. Pony, though not understanding where his rivalry comes from, cheers for him.
Neitou visits Itsuka, and tells her only one thing: win. Itsuka agrees, knowing that this is their chance to prove that 1-B and 1-A are just as strong as each other.
Juuzou is visited by Kojirou, who makes him swear to not lose to anyone but him. There are sparks of a rivalry there, and Juuzou swears to stand upon that podium.
Tooru is, unexpectedly, met with Mina, and they both rave about how exciting it all is, and they promise to meet each other in the later rounds to finish the battle they started in King of the Hill.
Momo and Ochako sit by themselves, as their friends prepare in their own rooms. They recall how their fight never truly ended, with continuous offence on Momo's part and constant defence on Ochako's. Though they're in different rooms, they both swear to beat the other.
Battle 1: Aoyama Yuuga vs Honenuki Juuzou
The five minutes are up, and the first battle begins, Yuuga and Juuzou entering the stage. The pros in the stadium cheer out of respect, the bell rings, and the fight begins.
Yuuga shoots a laser from his navel, just as Juuzou reaches to the ground. The laser is enough to disrupt Juuzou, and he decides to play defensive, ducking and weaving between lasers.
It isn't long before Yuuga's stomach begins to cramp, his bursts becoming shorter and shorter. Soon enough, has no choice but to stop less he throws up then and there, and Juuzou takes the chance to touch the ground, the concrete under Yuuga turning into much, making him fall until half of his torso is under the ground.
Knowing he can no longer fight, and escaping was impossible when Juuzou resolidifies the ground, Yuuga resigns.
Mic yells, loud and clear, "And the winner is Mudman!"
Battle 2: Ashido Mina vs Shiozaki Ibara
As Yuuga is freed from the ground, Aizawa comments that the match-ups may be by chance, but some people just have bad luck. Mic agrees, but also reckons that skill can definitely overpower luck.
Mina and Ibara walk onto the stage, and their fight begins. Ibara reacts first, lashing her vines out at Mina, who swiftly dodges to the side, her feet gliding across the acid she secreets.
Ibara is just as fast, however, and she's more battle smart, as she changes her trajectory to where Mina goes, rather than where she is. Like that, her vines wrap around Mina's torso and lifts her from the ground.
But, just as she tries to throw Mina out of the ring, Mina, (by instinct), covers herself in highly abrasive acid, and Ibara's vines dissolve. Mina falls to the ground, and realises what this means. So does Ibara, who changes her strategy to form multiple layers of vines, trying to use density to her advantage, but Mina's acid is too strong to do much.
In the end, Mina breaks through her fortress of vines and pushes Ibara out of the ring, leaving 'Acid Trip' as the victor.
Battle 3: Hagakure Tooru vs Kendou Itsuka
Mic calls out for the next battle, and Itsuka and Tooru walk in. As they do, Mic helpfully reminds the crowd of their quirks: Kousen (Tooru) with 'Invisibility', and Battle Fist (Itsuka) with 'Big Fist'. Aizawa hums, and monotonously informs him that Tooru's quirk name is outdated.
While Mic is confused by this, the bell rings and the battle ensues.
Now, Itsuka makes a big mistake, and that's evident by her first move. She immediately grows her fist and throws a punch at Tooru. Only for Tooru to catch it, crossing her arms over her head to do so.
It's then that Itsuka realises that Tooru isn't just 'invisible'. She's buff as fuck.
That realisation makes her panic, and Tooru uses it to her advantage, running forth and slamming her elbow into Itsuka's gut. Itsuka kicks her away, enlarging her fist once more, though to a smaller, more controllable size, and goes to swat her.
But, this time, Tooru doesn't respond with her physical strength. No, she drops to the ground to avoid Itsuka's attack, and, as she does, removes her shirt. Itsuka becomes flustered, knowing that Tooru would quickly gain the advantage, and tries to strike her once more.
She's too slow, her larger fist making for a bigger swing, and Tooru jumps back and out of the way, throwing her trousers on the ground, and suddenly she's gone.
Panicking, Itsuka grows her hand even more, soon becoming the same size as the ring, and she begins to twist, letting her hand comb through the entire ring in an attempt to find Tooru.
Hidden from the human eye, Tooru ducked under the large hand, and keeps her body low as she runs in, fist reeling back as she gets closer, until she's finally by Itsuka's side, and she puts her entire body's weight into a punch, straight into Itsuka's side.
Itsuka stumbles back, desperately trying to hit back at the angle she was struck, but her hand swings into thin air. Tooru punches her once more, again and again, until it finally stop, Itsuka falling onto her butt - outside of the ring.
Battle 4: Iida Tenya vs Hatsume Mei
The next round is... interesting. As in canon, Mei uses Tenya as free advertisement all the way through, disappointing some heroes who wanted to see Ingenium's little brother fight, and gaining the interest of others, who want to see more of the support student who made it into the final games, just to promote her work.
Tenya also displays an impressive amount of adaptability, faced with unfamiliar support items he's only been faced with today.
Battle 5: Kaibara Sen vs Todoroki Shouto
Sen knows he's going to lose. But he won't make it easy. At the very least, he will prove himself a worthy enough match to the son of Endeavour.
In the stands, Endeavour's presence is undeniable, as he watches Shouto walk into the ring. See, just before the match started, Endeavour approached him, displaying disgust that he had yet to win any of the games, despite passing them, and reckons that he could win overwhelmingly if he just used his fire.
And Shouto despises that. His gaze is on Endeavour as he enters the ring, before its forced away as the bell rings.
As he usually does, he shoots forth a large, strong ice-wall, intent on finishing the match as soon as he could, just to prove that he didn't need his father's fire.
But Sen isn't having any of that, rotating his arms fast enough to drill into the ice, breaking through in a matter of moments.
The stadium begins to stir, enticed by the idea of someone standing a chance against Endeavour's son and-
Shouto slams an pillar of ice into Sen's torso, sending him flying and out of the ring. The arena goes silent.
"D... Don't mind...!"
"Don't mind!"
Despite Shouto being the victor, all words are aimed at Sen. Sen hates that he barely lasted a minute, but at least he lasted past the first attack.
In the stands, Izuku watches Shouto melt his ice, and his heart clenches at the solemn look in his eyes.
Battle 6: Kirishima Eijirou vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Now, this is what the pros were looking forward to. While previous matches have had their own interesting qualities, as Yuuga fought until he couldn't anymore, Ibara's vines were melted by Mina's acid, Tooru proving her strength and stealth, Mei advertising herself with Tenya's aid, and Shouto proving why he's the son of the second ranked hero, this battle is gritty.
Two kids with quirks that improve their defence significantly getting into a slug fest, as they challenge the other, finding out for themselves whose defence lasted longer and which was harder.
It's a match full of both offence and defence, whittling away at each other, until one of them finally dropped.
And it's not the one who had a diet specifically for his quirk.
Eight minutes go by, punching and punching, before Tetsutetsu's finally exhausted all he could from his quirk, and Eijirou lands a hardened hook to his jaw. Tetsutetsu is too exhausted to continue and surrenders, but Eijirou holds a hand out to him.
Midnight and Mic gush over the comradery.
Battle 7: Midoriya Izuku vs Shinsou Hitoshi
Izuku had been preparing for this since the match-ups were announced, his blood boiling every time he thought back to how Shinsou called him a kyou. Not Kyou, a kyou. Hollow, because that's what quirkless people were.
His heart thumps with rage, and he trembles with it as he walks onto the stage, Shinsou walking up the opposite side with a damningly smug smirk on his face. As if he'd already forgotten how easy it was for Izuku to throw him off the throne.
Mashirao, Kyouka, and Setsuna watch from the stands, and they all desperately want Izuku to win.
Aizawa watches, bringing out Shinsou's profile, and staring directly at his quirk's name: Brainwash. He wonders if Izuku will be able to win.
The bell rings and Shinsou wastes no time, "We meet again, kyou."
Izuku's spine shivers, and he doesn't even bother reaching for his katana, darting at Shinsou and swinging his right fist at him. Shinsou fumbles, stumbling to the left and out of Izuku's swing.
"Not gonna say anything? Ha! Should have known those freaks warned you. Who was it: that monkey?"
Oh, that was it. Izuku takes a risk. He knows that it must have something to do with responding, because that's what he saw in the Entrance Exam, and what Mashirao, Kyouka, and Setsuna remembered. But no quirk was without its limits, and there was a common trick to quirks that affected the mind.
So, he grabs his katana, bringing the blunted tip to his chest, and he speaks, "You think you're hero material!?"
Shinsou jumps, but he reacts as fast as possible, dragging Izuku into his quirk's trap. Izuku goes limp, his mind falling blank, and his chest drops with it.
Right into the tip of his katana. It digs right between his ribs, winding him, and the pain brings him right back from Shinsou's brainwashing. He continues, even as Shinsou scrambles to do something, "You're nothing but an entitled asshole!"
Once again, Shinsou tries to capture him, but Izuku falls onto his katana once more and comes back, gaining his footing when he does.
"What gives you the right!? Everyone in this arena has worked their asses off to get here! Everyone but you!"
Shinsou flinches, brainwashing Izuku for the third time, but it's for naught as Izuku gets back, and he's struck with this abrupt realisation that, oh, he's screwed.
Izuku, done with facing him, sheathes his katana once more, lunging at Shinsou and ducking under his pathetic hook. He slams his feet on the ground, twisting his body as he swings his fist up, right into Shinsou's abdomen.
Shinsou stumbles back several times, winded and on the verge of throwing up, until his foot steps onto the edge of the ring, and he falls onto the grass.
"And we have a winner!" Mic roars. "KYOU!" Around the stadium, people begin to clap, nowhere near as enthusiastic as the other fights, as if they couldn't quite believe it. Despite it being a hero student versus a gen ed.
Izuku doesn't pay it any mind, too busy glowering down at Shinsou. "Knock-knock," he says through gritted teeth.
Shinsou blinks, confused beyond belief. "Wh-Who's there...?"
Izuku sighs, his rage subceeding. "See? You can't help but respond." With that, he walks away, and Shinsou falls silent.
Battle 8: Uraraka Ochako vs Yaoyorozu Momo
Both of them are excited as they walk onto the ring. The fact that they're the last match-up is both exciting and full of pressure, as they have to follow up on every match that came before them. Neither of them are particularly confident in themselves, but there's one thing they share.
The desire to win.
The match starts with a 'DING', and they waste no time to finish what they started last game. Except, this time, they're both prepared. In King of the Hill, Ochako had been taken by surprise, left to follow only what she saw and her instincts, and Momo only had a few minutes of preparation, half of which was used to prepare for Tenya.
This time, they've had more than enough time to come up with their own strategies.
Once again, the crowd are not disappointed, as they both rush in, strategies clashing at once.
Ochako has had enough of constant defence, and is on pure offence, pushing past any strike that lands on her, intent on touching Momo at least once.
Momo goes a different route, creating several small items from her skin, her outer layer gone before the match started. Each item is sacrificed, as Ochako's fingers land on them instead of her skin, sending them into the air.
Their fight is close-combat all the way, and both of them are thriving, using their combat prowess to get close to the other. Despite how this should be in Ochako's favour, Momo holds up strong, landing several strong hits on Ochako's body, while using her small objects to block Ochako's quirk.
Then it changes. Ochako's mind rushes, and she finds her strategy morphing. No longer was it completely her own - her strategy was to use Momo's against her.
Momo makes a muffled noise of confusion, as Ochako kicks back, far away. She thinks about it, trying to piece together what Ochako was aiming for by retreating, when she realises, and her head shoots up to the sky, where all those small objects she made float.
Ochako grins, and pushes her fingers together just as Momo realises. Fast to react, Momo creates a thick sheet of sorbothane, coating herself and letting it absorb the impact of those objects falling onto her.
Ochako uses this momentary distraction to rush in, stretching her hand out just as Momo removes the sheet. Momo tries - she really does. She creates a taser from the patch of skin Ochako's hand reaches out to, but the sparkles of her creation alert Ochako, and she moves her hand down.
The taser drops onto Ochako's wrist, shocking her enough to let go, but the damage is done. Momo is in the air, and Ochako is one step closer to victory.
Momo creates a grappling hook, aiming for the ground, but Ochako has experience with it from Mei, and she grabs the rope before the hook can sink into the ground. Holding onto the rope with both hands, she drags it over her shoulder, and pulls as hard as she can, throwing Momo outside of the ring.
Ochako, heaving heavy breaths, lets her quirk go, and Momo drops to the ground. At first, Momo bites her lip, frustrated beyond belief. But then the arena erupts, applauses sent to both of them.
"That was a great fight!"
"You two should join my agency!"
Ochako smiles, walking over to Momo, and she holds her hand out, pinky bent out - a promise to not use her quirk. "Let's fight again!"
Momo brightens, her frustration washing away by Ochako's encouragement. "Yes!" She takes her hand, and Ochako raises both of their arms up, the arena's cheers only increasing as a response.
Hehe, this one was long, and the others are going to be just as long, with matches having more to them. RIP Yuuga and Sen. You went out fighting, at least
Setting up rivalry now, and don't you worry - I will not forget them!!
I promise I have nothing against 1-B. They just got unlucky, I swear. Juuzou's still in though ;))
Final Game: One-on-Ones (Round #1)
Battle 1: Aoyama Yuuga vs Honenuki Juuzou. Winner: Juuzou
Battle 2: Ashido Mina vs Shiozaki Ibara. Winner: Mina
Battle 3: Hagakure Tooru vs Kendou Itsuka. Winner: Tooru
Battle 4: Iida Tenya vs Hatsume Mei. Winner: Tenya
Battle 5: Kaibara Sen vs Todoroki Shouto. Winner: Shouto
Battle 6: Kirishima Eijirou vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. Winner: Eijirou
Battle 7: Midoriya Izuku vs Shinsou Hitoshi. Winner: Izuku
Battle 8: Uraraka Ochako vs Yaoyorozu Momo. Winner: Ochako
13 notes · View notes
my-rewrite-academia · 1 month ago
okay im curious. how does each of 1-a in your rewrite deal with being sick, specifically and just for simplistic stake let's say how does 1-a deal with when they have the average case of the flu?
It hasn't been brought up yet, but hero students have lectures dedicated to this sort of stuff. To looking after their body, what to do when one is ill, and maintaining health, rather than assuming you're always healthy if you're not ill.
Most of them would handle the flu in the same way: coming in anyway with a mask, but being excused from physically demanding activities.
Izuku, Momo, and Bakugou would be more stubborn about being included in physical stuff, but the staff won't allow it.
Recovery Girl usually looks after them if their symptoms get worse, but very few of them would willingly stay in their dorms, (generally due to Japan's working ethic).
Tenya would be the most vigilant about illness, and he'd be the one making sure the ill party gets the treatment they need, as well as checking up on everyone to see if they show signs of illness.
Rikidou would cook soup for anyone sick, and, if he's ever sick, everyone would work together to make a banging soup to pay him back.
Quirks factor is, as well, depending on how unconciously they use it, or if they're a mutant.
Tsuyu's legs turning red, she'll stop eating as much and be more tired in general, her skin will start to turn green. Or she'll be weirdly energetic, and nobody knows that she's ill, not even herself, until she passes out.
Fumikage would struggle to breathe, and his temper will be much shorter than normal. His eyes would swell a lot in response. Dark Shadow would be feeling just as shit, and it's only because of this that Fumikage can't even try to hide his illness.
Mina would be dripping acid everywhere, or she can't produce acid at all. She would isolate herself or soak in neutraliser so she doesn't melt the floor or hurt anyone, which would just make her feel worse until she gets better.
Being ill is one of the only times Tooru gets to feel particularly hot or cold, and she hates it. She takes care of herself to great extents just so she can stop feeling it.
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 1 month ago
is tooru quirk still called invisibility or something else
Also can she turn off her invisibility if so why doesn't she
Tooru's quirk is... interesting. It's described as absorbing and manipulating radiation across her skin, which is obviously a big difference from plain ol' invisibility. It manifests in multiple forms, one of which, (the main one everyone notices), being appearing invisible due to manipulating the way light energy/radiation touches her skin.
As of right now, her quirk is officially Invisibility, as stated on her quirk register. But that is not what it truly is, as we've already discussed.
Her quirk name will be changed when the time comes, and it's not much of a spoiler so I can say what her quirk's name will be:
Irradiated (照らす or Te-ra-su).
As for turning her invisibility off, yes and no. The capability is there, but she isn't at the point where she can. It's not a matter of just hitting a switch, it's more like draining a boiler.
At this point in her life, she's so used to moving the radiation to appear invisible that she has no idea how to stop, or even how she's doing it in the first place. So, yeah, that's why she can turn it off but also can't.
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 1 month ago
Me when I see that you've posted the next update: yipeee!!! Yahoo!!!! Yaaaay!!!!
In all seriousness tho I'm enjoying your writing, ideas, and direction you're taking things. Hope you're having a good day/night and life is going good for you!
Hehe, thank you! It makes me happy knowing that people look foward to my next updates, and that my writing is good in other peoples' eyes.
Have a good day/night too!
Thanks for the ask!
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my-rewrite-academia · 2 months ago
Week 13 (Sports Festival - Part 2)
Game 2
One by one, Midnight's platform fills out, until 42 students stand atop it. Cementoss drops the walls, as Midnight announces the end of the first game.
Hanta is jumped by his classmates, who all congratulate him on getting first place. Shouto stands off to the side, simply staring down anyone who tries to congratulate him, internally regarding it as needless chatter. Meanwhile, Juuzou is praised by 1-B for his high placement.
Izuku tries to get lost in the crowd, but Ochako loudly praises him, as does Tenya, and he gains attention anyhow. Shouto stares at him wordlessly. Neitou catches Izuku's eye, and, with a flush on his face, gives him a thumbs-up.
Soon enough, the platform decends and those who didn't make it leave the stadium with their heads hanging low. 1-C grumbled among themselves, calling it 'unfair' and that the hero course have an obvious advantage.
In his booth, Mic cheerfully announces all of the winners, their profiles showing up on a screen. "What an exciting showdown!" he yells, Aizawa inching away from him. "Don't you agree, Aizawa-chwan?"
Scowling at the honorifc, and the drawling of it, Aizawa grumbles, "No. The limited rules were put there for a reason. It was just a matter of who figured it out first, and who could get on top of the Labyrinth easiest. Cellophane's quirk was practically made for this."
"As expected of 1-A's homeroom teacher!" Mic grins, ignoring his aching ribs as he raises his voice. "In that case, who do you think will win this next game?"
Aizawa shrugs, knowing exactly what Mic was leading up to and monotonously going along with it. "I dunno... What even if the next game anyway?" Yup. As monotonous as ever.
Mic jeers at him. "Boo! Sound more excited Aizawa-chwan! After all, we're going to watch the crowning of the King of the Hill!"
Cheers explode from the stands, and the students stay cautious, knowing it won't be like a usual game of King of the Hill.
"What's thaaaaat!?" Mic drones, ear up against his mic. "You wanna know how it's gonna work? Well, you're in luck! That's what I'm getting paid for!" He gets a hefty amount of laughter at this. "King of the Hill, version Teams! Yes, you heard that right, you will playing King of the Hill in teams!
"With a maximum amount of four, our little listeners will team up and assign one student as the King - gender be damned! These teams will battle to get their King on the throne atop the hill. WAIT, HILL!?"
On cue, Cementoss places his hands on the ground, creating a cement hill, the incline steep enough to make many nervous, larger than three times their height. A podium stands atop it, shaped like a throne.
"Now, one thing has been decided from the get-go," Mic ominously states, chuckling under his breath like a villain. "That is: Cellophane's team will automatically start on the throne!"
Eyes turned to Hanta at once. That meant one of two things: he was their target, or he was their King. Either they would defend the throne, or try to take it.
"We'll give you ten minutes to decide on your teams!"
At once, Hanta is jumped, multiple people trying to gain the upper-hand by being on his team.
Izuku shuffles away, unnerved by the sheer amount of people. As he does, he bumps into a girl. You know who it is. The girl beams at him, grabbing him by the shoulders and introducing herself: Hatsume Mei.
While she was initially going to team up with first place, Izuku arguably has more attention from the pros, due to being quirkless. She asks if he really is, and he confirms it, sinking into himself. But, rather than hating him for it, she delights, raving on about how she constantly has to take into account of quirks, but the quirkless have nothing to be wary of.
He's a blank slate to her, and that makes him desirable. Izuku privately wonders if all support students would be excited to create for him, and decides that he doesn't want to know.
Just like that, Mei badgers herself onto Izuku's team, though he's not really going to deny her. Just as Mei starts to introduce her 'babies', a hand taps on Izuku's shoulder.
He turns around and faces a floating sports outfit. Tooru. She expresses how she wants to stand out, and that she knows Izuku will be able to help her to do so. Most of all, she wants to win, and she trusts him enough to know he can help her.
Izuku gratefully accepts her, and Mei states that Izuku has to be King, which Tooru happily agrees to. Mei and Tooru get along pretty well, with their personalities matching up, both unphased by the others', hm, uniqueness.
As Izuku balefully wonders if he's made a mistake, someone calls out to him. Tenya. At first, he believes Tenya wants to join him, but Tenya quickly corrects this, stating that he views Izuku as something of a rival to him, and he wants to beat him. While anxious, Izuku also feels giddy, knowing that Tenya sees him, a quirkless kyou, as a worthy rival. Someone worth beating.
So he accepts this challenge, and the two share a smile before Tenya turns to Shouto.
Now, Ochako was going to join Izuku's team. She was, really. But then she sees the interaction between Tenya and Izuku, and she feels somewhat ashamed. More than anything, she wants to win. She wants to show the pros what she has to offer, and she can't do that if she hides behind Izuku.
She's sure that Izuku has a plan to win, or he'll create one, and she's sure that, if she joined him, she'll move onto the next game. But... Before she can really make up her mind, Momo moves first.
Momo is initially hesitant to, being a bit 'protective', let's say, about being in a leadership position as 1-A's class rep, but her desire to prove herself outwins this.
She approaches Izuku and asks to join. She has a million and one justifications prepared, but Izuku agrees willy-nilly, glad to have someone so versatile. Momo flushes at his praise, expressing her gratitude.
Behind them, Ochako realises that she's lost to Momo because of her hesitation, and decides that she can't do that anymore. So, she turns to Shouto, determination flaming in her eyes.
Team 1: Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Shishida Jurota, Komori Kinoko
Team 2: Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei, Hagakure Tooru, Yaoyorozu Momo
Team 3: Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina
Team 4: Honenuki Juuzou, Kendou Itsuka, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Kaibara Sen
Team 5: Awase Yosetsu, Monoma Neitou, Kodai Yui, Fukudashi Manga
Team 6: Shinsou Hitoshi, Ojirou Mashirao, Tokage Setsuna, Jirou Kyouka
Team 7: Bondou Kojirou, Asui Tsuyu, Rin Hiryu
Team 8: Kirishima Eijirou, Aoyama Yuuga, Shiozaki Ibara, Tokoyami Fumikage
Team 9: Mineta Minoru, Kouda Kouji, Shouji Mezou, Satou Rikidou
Team 10: Yanagi Reikou, Shouda Nirengeki, Kamakiri Togaru
Team 11: 1-C student, Tsunotori Pony, Tsubaraba Kosei
Game... START!
Once the ten minutes are over, Mic explains how the teams who go onto the next game are decided.
The Kings will have to be on the throne, and their time there will be recorded. The team last on the throne will automatically be added to the next game. The top four teams will go onto the next round. If that total is under sixteen, the fifth group will decide amongst themselves who to send to the next game.
With the explanation over, Hanta's team is taken to the throne. As soon as he sits on it, "START!" Mic begins the game.
At once, teams rush up the hill, fighting amongst each other to get the upperhand, to be the first one to get to the throne.
Shouto throws out a large blast of ice, and Tooru dives in front of her team, melting it as it approached. But the delay is enough for Shouto's team to get there faster.
Denki uses what Izuku taught him, combining hand-to-hand with his quirk, inflicting shocks with every connected hit. Though, he was unfortunately paired off against Tenya, who easily weaves in and out of his punches. Shaken, Denki says 'screw-it' and throws out a large blast of electricity, shocking Tenya to the point that he falls to his knees.
But, Ochako is there as soon as the electricity fizzles out and slams a hand on Denki's shoulder, then grabbing him and throwing over. Like Denki, she recalls what Izuku said about her quirk, and tries it out, pressing her pinkies together and slowly making Denki fall, all way at the starting area.
Jurota attempts to attack Ochako, but is met by Mina, who throws acid on the floor, viscious and a higher pH, making Jurota slip. She continues making those slippery traps, all the way down the hill and catching many others as she did.
Kinoko giggles nervously, but creates a large array of spores on her arms. She throws them at the group, intending to make mushrooms bloom in their throats, or to use the smell to make them nauseous, but Shouto quickly puts a stop to that, blocking them all with a wall of ice.
Mina melts down the ice wall, something Shouto requested her to do for all his ice walls before the game started. As soon as she does, Hanta lashes out with tape, still atop the throne. Kinoko rushes in with his tape backing her up, and she-
Immediately gets slapped by Ochako. Panicking, Kinoko tries to throw fungi at Ochako, but Tenya sweeps Ochako away, just as she presses her pinkies together, sending her with Denki and Jurota at the bottom.
Faced with the four of them, Hanta sweats, knowing he'll probably lose. Of course, he does, as Tenya quickly pushes him off the throne, and Mina creates a slippery slide to the bottom for Hanta to fall down.
Shouto takes his place on the throne, just as another teams arrives. Izuku's. He tries to create an iceberg on them, but Tooru, once again, takes it for them, melting the ice as she uses the radiation of the sun to do so.
Izuku, Momo, and Mei leave keeping Shouto busy to Tooru and quickly face off against the others.
Momo quickly finds herself faced with Ochako. Creating a (blunted) spear, she charges in, keeping Ochako at a distance as she thrusts the spear at her. Ochako dodges the blade, but it's obvious to see that they're now, much like Tooru and Shouto, in a standstill, neither of them making much progress.
Mei and Mina face off, with Mei using her jetpack, (which she also used in the Labyrinth), to stay off the ground, internally thanking Momo for giving her parts she needed to modify the jetpack. Mina tries to throw acid up at her, but Mei shifts ever so slightly to dodge it all, hissing at splatters that do catch on.
Izuku and Tenya meet, both eager to fight, as they planned beforehand. They engage, Tenya rushing at Izuku, who steps aside and wields his katana simultaneously, striking out. Tenya dodges it, firing one engine to spin on his foot, using his other to kick out. Izuku blocks it with his guard and steps back, just to run in once more, as Tenya turns, and slices up. The blunted edge catches onto Tenya's torso, and he's knocked back. But, it isn't over yet, and Tenya continues on.
Meanwhile, as Tooru and Shouto face-off, a new team enters. Eijirou's. Fumikage slams Dark Shadow into Shouto, who falls off the throne. Eijirou jumps in, landing on the throne with his arms hardened.
Shouto then turns his attention to Eijirou, only for Yuuga to shoot at him, just a quick burst but enough to distract him as Ibara uses her vines to grab him. Pissed, Shoutou creates a sharp arc of ice, cutting through her vines. He tries to go for Eijirou, but Fumikage stops him, Dark Shadow strong enough to destroy any of the ice sent his way.
Seeing their leader in danger, Tenya, Ochako, and Mina all go to him, and Izuku's team chase after them.
"Switch!" Izuku yells, and they all exchange marks.
Momo matches Tenya, discarding her spear and creating a metal spray can as she steps in front of him. He appears cautious, and Momo only smiles as he gets past her once more. Then she turns, spraying the can's contents at Tenya's engines.
Liquid nitrogen, she explains. Tenya instantly realises that if he tries to use his engines, there's every chance they'll implode. It's terrifying, and he thinks of calling it evil, but there's a reason Momo warned him.
Momo throws away the can and forms a rapier. "En garde," she says, then throws herself into battle.
Mei meets Ochako, her grappling hook at the ready. She throws it at her, and Ochako instantly grabs it, unravelling it from her torso. Mei cheerfully runs up, however, and Ochako grabs her. But, Mei has her jetpack and is able to navigate in the air. She reveals that Izuku told her Ochako gets sick if she uses her quirk on people for long, and that Mei's only job is to keep her distracted.
Ochako's stomach is already beginning to churn, after floating Denki and Kinoko and now Mei too. But, she can't give up. She lets Mei down, but, with Mei's grappling hook, she can't get close enough to do much.
Tooru catches Mina, joyfully reminding her that she can't be burned by her acid, keeping it to herself that acid is, in fact, not a form of radiation. Mina, not knowing this, hesitates, and it's enough for Tooru to get a head start in their battle. Mina softens the blows, creating slippery acid on her skin and making Tooru's fists slip off.
Their fight is fun, most of all, but they're both competing to win.
In the background, Eijirou is defending the throne, but loses it often to many others: Shinsou, Juuzou, and Reikou. But, Fumikage is a strong guard, and he manages to push people off before too long, and Eijirou is accumulating a lot of time.
Shouto and Izuku meet. At first, Shouto writes him off, believing that a quirkless kid can't hold a candle to him, and that he's nothing to worry about. But then Izuku forces him to pay attention, jumping him with a swing to the back of his neck.
Shouto blasts some ice, forcing Izuku back. Just as he's about to turn to the throne once more, Izuku rushes in, and Shouto tries to create an ice wall.
But, Izuku thrusts his sword in, right above Shouto's arm, and the ice shatters instantly when he pulls it out. Shouto realises that his strength must be great - to pull a sword out after it'd been encased in ice, and disturb the foundations enough to make the rest of his wall shatter.
See, it works like this: Shouto's ice isn't complete until he finishes of his own volition. Until that point, it's unstable, and the integrity is compromised. All Izuku did was find the weakest point, by his arm, and break it before it ended.
Realising he can't take him lightly, Shouto faces him. He goes for the same tactics, creating ice walls, which Izuku destroys with a certain amount of ease. He's cold and shaking, but he's pushed one of the strongest students in 1-A to a standstill.
There's only one minute remaining, Shouto realises, and, in a moment of pure desperation, flames begin to rise on his right arm. Before he can even think about it, Izuku lunges in and knocks his arm away with his blunted side.
Shaken by his own move, Shouto is helpless as Izuku kicks his feet out from under him.
"Yaomomo-san!" Izuku yells, and Momo turns from her fight with Tenya, forming a ballon in her hand. She chucks it at Shouto, ignoring Tenya's kick to her waist. The balloon explodes on Shouto. He instinctively uses his ice, and finds himself frozen to the ground.
Liquid ethane. A suggestion by Mei. Shouto tries to melt it, but his fire refuses to ignite. Not after it nearly happened before.
With Shouto frozen, Mina goes to melt him out, allowing Tooru to help Mei with Ochako, shoving her from behind and forcing her down the slip 'n' slide of Mina's creation. The two of them then help Momo with Tenya, with Tooru using her superior muscles to battle him while Mei helps Momo up.
Izuku rushes to the throne, where Shinsou is sat.
Mashirao rushes at Izuku mindlessly, Kyouka and Setsuna doing much of the same. Izuku finds it a bit odd that none of them are using their quirks, but it makes his work easier. He dodges them with ease, pushing them aside with his guard.
Shinsou wears a mean smile, "Hey, kyou," not his title, but the slur. Izuku's lips twist in distaste, and he sheathes his katana, grabbing Shinsou by the collar and throwing him over his shoulder, right into the rapidly approaching Shouto and Eijirou, both desperate to get more time on the throne, Juuzou shortly behind them.
Izuku turns, sitting on the throne, arm resting on it. Momo, Tooru, and Mei catch up to him, poised either side of him, just as the bell rings, signifying the end of the game.
"IT'S OVER!!" Mic screams, the arena either full of cheers or silenced by the sight of the one quirkless kid sat upon the throne. "Let's look as the results! In first place, we have team Red Riot! In second, we have team Mindjack! In third, Team Shouto! And, last but most certainly not least, Team Kyou!"
The hill falls back down, and Midnight cracks her whip as she walks up, hip pushing out a bit for the pros' entertainment. As she begins to declare the winners, three people speak up.
"I would like to resign!" Mashirao is the first to speak, but Kyouka and Setsuna agree shortly after, none of them feeling like they should, as they can't remember anything they did. It would be a dishonour to everyone who put the effort into it themselves.
Shinsou stares ahead, unaffected.
Fumikage also resigns, believing he froze, and does not think of himself as worthy to move on. In reality, Shinsou had brainwashed him, but he cannot remember this.
With four of them resigning, Midnight then assigns the next team to join. Juuzou's. Fortunately, everyone gets to move up, as four drop out. Itsuka feels a bit dirty, but she wants to prove herself, so it all works out.
Mic announces a fifteen minute interval, and Shouto approaches Izuku.
Shouto brings Izuku to a secluded corner. Izuku's heart races as they stand in silence.
"I'll be honest," Shouto finally says, looking into his eyes, "I didn't think much of you. That was a mistake on my part. Despite being quirkless, you've proved yourself plenty of time, which I ignored."
Izuku bristles. Maybe that was true, but he didn't like the phrasing. Not one bit.
"It was that carelessness of mine that nearly broke the promise I made so long ago." Shouto stares at his right hand, scowling at it. "Tell me: have you heard of quirk marriages?"
Izuku can feel his blood go cold. "Y-Yeah. It was made illegal thirty years ago... Why?" He knows why. He knows why, and it makes him want to throw up.
Shouto doesn't seemed bothered in the least, his cold glare everpresent. "When two people wed in order to breed a child with a merge of both parents' quirks. Marrying for the sake of power. The rich would buy poorer 'partners' to create a powerful child."
Izuku knew all this. He knew this.
"My father practiced this as well."
He just didn't want to.
Shouto's eyes narrow further, his brows scrunching up. "In all my memories, I can only remember my mother crying."
His siblings are strangers, his father making it so. Training to the point of throwing up since the age of five. Watching as his mother was struck for the crime of wanting to protect her son.
Izuku listens, horror flooding him, and suddenly Endeavour is no longer a hero. He's not a hero, not to him. He can't look at him and see a hero. He doesn't look like one anymore, no. He looks like the bullies who beat him for fun, the cashiers who spit on him when they see his ID, the teachers who look the other way or make things worse.
(He looks like Bakugou.)
"She told me my left side is ugly," he mutters, hand rising to his scar, "before dumping boiling water on my face." Izuku gapes, unable to vocalise anything. Shouto's fingers dig into his scar, threatening to tear it open. "Fuck him," he curses. "I'll never be that piece of shit's tool! I'll never his fire, no matter what! Becoming the number one hero without his help... That's my complete disvowel of him."
Izuku can only stare for a while, flooded with raw emotion.
Shouto sighs and looks back up, hand dropping back to his side. "I don't know why I told you all that," he admits, walking away as he did. "But that is my pledge. I will beat you, and I'll do it without his fire."
"... Me too." Shouto stops, turning to him. Izuku licks his lips, recalling how weak he's felt. Whether it was bullies beating him down, or struggling against Tomura and the Noumu. "I don't care much for becoming the number one hero, but I have my own aspirations. And I will beat you, as my first step closer."
Shouto observes him for a moment. For a moment, he thinks about scoffing. A quirkless kid beating him? But then he remembers how Izuku was the first one to push him that close to breaking his own pledge.
And he nods, before walking away.
Did NOT expect this to be this long, omg. But you're welcome. Let's just say I'm making up for the shorter post last time.
Oh, Earlyroki... You're hilarious for many differing reasons
I hate Shinsou, but I promise he will get his shit handed to him. I felt sorry for everyone I paired with him.
Tenya and Izuku WILL be rivals, and they were always meant to be!!
Second Game: King of the Hill
Winners: Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina, Hagakure Tooru, Honenuki Juuzou, Iida Tenya, Kaibara Sen, Kendou Itsuka, Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku, Shiozaki Ibara, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Yaoyorozu Momo, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei.
Shouto tells Izuku about Endeavour's abuse
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