#where are they. who are they. where are their pokemon.
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invisiblue · 2 days ago
Also felt like sharing an old list of vine that i have:
you want a treat? yas YAS
merry crisis merry crysler
1 thing worst than a rapist
mouthwash shots (luke vines)
rebecca is not what u thinking
drugs owl
run umbrella
my imortal black cat
red dress lana del rey chicken
is that a weed? Im calling the police 911
ipot microwave snoopy dog
2 bros chilling
im still a piece of garbage
the flock is in the air
pepe the frog - hello darkness my old friend
and they were roomates
Its a fucking bear (all around me are familiar...)
vaccum cleanner shes a maniac
thts free water hotel
road work a head yeah
AA AAA AAAA bateries
black panther blows paws psipsispsi
hello hello hello teacher
what are those? CrocksD,
that was legitness
country boy i lov u :p
if you love me let me gooo grass
Jared 19 i dont know how 2 read
bring the beeties any thing for u beyonce
im michael with a b, where is the b?
3 dinos crawling in my skin
thx Obama
helium balloon car
helium balloon church
2 girls michael jackson walking
brandon whats num1? bitch I dont give a f
UKs look its the fucking rain
Goofy Goof wake me up
goat dont you yell at your mom
guardiam of the sand fuck off
look at this graph
fuck that shit im out
what the fuck photo/calculator in a show
im lesbian a thought u were american
This bitch is empty yeet
a piss of your water, its vodka, its vinegar
look at all of those chickens
cooking lady 2 shots of vodka
sounds trapped in your mind yoga
bible studies we're all children of jesus
lets go to the beach beach nicki minjaj
avocado guaca mole guaca guacamole
child throws doll law and order SVU
lipstick in my valentino white bag
*sneeze* nice ron
lebron james
oh drink this vodka dumbass skyy
false rat supermarket is it real
yaaa yaaahh boy basketball ball head
omg is that alowded? couple hugging
welcome to jesus line youre alive
whoever trow that paper your mom is a whore
we’re breaking free
little girl wii sports
birds running away from wave
jonny has 19 bootle of soup mind yo business
is that a chicken (little pig)
hurricane katrina more like hurricane tortilla
and omg colesterol
im librarian
cockroach you need jesus
i wash me in my clothes
2 free tacos
pasta in the pocket
anything better than pussy a rly good book
can i pls get a waffle
0,69 cents not enough for chicken nuggets
4 female ghostbuster feminists are over
kevin kevin watch the light dude
nacho credit card transaction complete
you mess with my truck
oriental lady with her cat
scrolling insta declaration of independence
make me yoyo man but the yoyo master
ask me what kind of tree we have
ωσω smoke
guy bottle flips glass of water
dont tell your mother DIE FOR EACH OTHER
piano SAIL
hum, shithead? Its Shafi
blink once if youre hitler omg
lollipop snake (take me away)
10M point for griffinpuff
who is that pokemon? its pikachu/ cleafary
COD: BOIII - Awekening
little dog with italian flag (italian music)
hahaha i do that
duck youre just like your father
why dont we just relax? turn on the radio
go back to sleep and starve
love yourself accept yourself
wtf kyle step the fuck up
cute carnivorous plant xtmas
little dog running sofa all around me...
jesus car take the wheel
watch your language jesus car
im 11 so shut the fuck up
round and round rihanna bathtub
how do you feel about the corner dog
its time to wake up noo penguin seadog
you have to say that youre fine
if your name is junior raise your hand
do inch worm like to party?
inch worm dancing fast
kidnaping in school its okay he woke up
little girl car its gonna eat you omg
boys gets his free taco who can say
frying pan naruto sound
2 girls dancing store alarm
i smell like beef
pumped kids vine
*mission impossible music* camera spoted
PATRICIA honey can u be quiet
jonh bbq and foot massage
my impression of britsh driver
am i a womf
hipism that was magestic
happy birthday raven i cant swin
4x4 = 16
jurassic park mom and baby screaming
sony logo
photosinthesis hacked
not being racist i love goat cheese
what a those? converse dino jurassic park
tampons? TAMPONS
oh for fuck sake oh for fuck sake
bitch call me ugly i sad bitch where? muslin
yas Yas YASSS dinos jurassic world
cat walking car horn ☆ive been feeling☆
how did u kill cap ameri? shield size of a plate
guy making phone sounds
rapper guy looking in the dictionary imposs
mission imposs little hamster
40% sale/sail music
ladie lipsinging car
u feel so nice dino toy petting real cat
little puppy runnig shoe store
guy scooter never gonna dance again
trump know a lot about truck binbinbinbin
yungman grave
Liam Neeson vine
topic out of question permission denied next
we are in this together political discurso
old lady what are they saying
shaking my head shaking my head
hey dont you want to be famous?
I should have left u... But you didnt
fuck off janet im not going to your bby shower
chillary clinton, im just chilling
any spirits here, this sounds like shakira?
10 people died in a fire last night news
verified in twitter but are u in the eyes of god
i want ro be president slavery legal again
cheerleader and mascor together
*shoot* thats why mom doesnt love u
cowgirl boot fucking bitch DISGUSTING
little kitty keyboard xxxxxxxxx
im from every continent in africa
car sound made by instrument
girl walking away kitchen dad upset
girlfriend take a real gun from game
move im gay
faces eating faces disagreeing
thats not correct according to encyclopedia...
zack stop za stop
freestyle dance teacher
rip u face off, what did he do? He f pushed me
on all levels expect physical im a wolf
we all die u either kill yourself or get killed
shaved my eyebrows i...d...k
my birthday gift on my birthday present
cheese of thruth immigrants cause cancer
guy driving dancing classic music girl filming
woman full cigarettes cherif
naruto run university
Soup for my family
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dastardlyromanticart · 1 day ago
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EDIT: I was missing a panel!! Orz Now the whole thing is there It's done!! GOOD HEAVENS this was an undertaking with a bunch of going back and editing drawings to be more cohesive!! But I am so glad to finally have it done, for Pokemon day! This all was inspired by a few AUs I've seen by people such as @waywardstation and @parasolladyansy , as well as an AU RP I did with a friend where humans who were Deeply Wronged became the wrathful Hisuian Zoroark (With her Akari nearly becoming one herself) I totally have more drawings I thought of for the whole song, ("But the voice of the ghost was coming from a ghost no more" being Emmet, having a side by side with Emmet going on a journey looking for Ingo and comparing his journey to Akari's) but it was already like, 14 drawings and I wanted to tell a cohesive story without burning out instead;; Happy Pokemon Day!!
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flightyquinn · 23 hours ago
I have a feeling that I know the plot of Legends: Z-A.
Did you notice how there's holographic technology all over Lumiose City? Well, guess who developed the holo-tech in X and Y. That's right. It was Lysandre. So the big corporation in Z-A is probably just Lysandre Labs, but redbranded.
So, you know how the CEO's secretary is a big guy with amazing sideburns and his hair tied back? And you know how the Ultimate Weapon able to grant AZ and Flowette eternal life? Yeah. I'm calling it now. That's Lysandre in disguise.
So what's the deal with the redevelopment plan? That's the big central event the game is revolving around, after all. You're a part of the action as Lumiose City is being rebuilt into a place where people and pokemon coexist. Well, I can't take credit for this, since I got it from a Youtube comment, but I'm pretty sure they were right on...
You remember what powers the Ultimate Weapon, don't you?
It's pokemon. The Ultimate Weapon is powered by the souls of pokemon. Taking out two armies killed enough to fill a three screen graveyard. So let's say you were building a new Ultimate Weapon. Say, under the pretext of urban redevelopment. If you wanted to reshape the world, you'd need a lot of pokemon on hand to power that. Like say a major metropolis' worth.
Could I be wrong? Sure.
Maybe Gamefreak wants to have a nice, cozy epilogue for X and Y where nothing bad happens.
Or maybe they have a third game that they never made, and finally see a chance to resolve the plotline they started. There has to be some reason that Zygarde, a pokemon that's supposed to protect Kalos' ecosystem, would be majorly involved in the solarpunk utopia urban redevelopment project, right?
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thestalkerbunny · 2 days ago
Stalky's Live Direct React
It's mainly regarding Pokemon Z-A cause that's all I DEEPLY AND CARNALLY CARE ABOUT but let's get French
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New Trainer fits look cute; the male protag looks a LOT like Sycamore.
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Why it look like he on an awkward lunch date?
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Now a new game changing mechanic: PARKOUR AND FALL DAMAGE /j
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Tf is you
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TF is YOU?
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Mega Evos are BACK Bay BEE
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LOOK OUT ITS A WELL DRESSED FRENCH WHITE WOMAN (With insignia possible new team boss?)
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Wait....Wait is that the fucking GIANT from the last game.....
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Oh my God it fucking is, That's AZ.
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Someone getcha dog off the damn roof.
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Hottest take-I think the overall theme is going to be Progress Vs. Nature. Much like the Art movement of Art Deco Vs Art Nouveau; human design compared to natural design. As seen in the Z and A logo Straight rigid lines vs organic curves.
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Ah I love the scent of french trash in the air.
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One of these things is not like the other-one of these things is ANCIENT.
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Ah that's who you is.
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GOD HE'S SO FREAKISHLY TALL-FUCKING CROTCH HEIGHT TO HIM. Also HIGHLY cool choice to show him with a knee brace and a cane because in recorded history and science-WE ARE NOT MEANT TO BE THAT TALL and people who do reach that height often need disability aids to help.
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We gotta get her. She's a fucking CEO.
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I love that he just....has a hotel now. He's got old classic hotel vibes. Honestly-I really like it because if there's one thing I DONT like in design is ultra modernism where it's minimal with no colors or patterns. It actually irks me the heck off-I get pissed off walking into an apple store.
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Fucking gated communities.
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Ah...I don't think we'll be exploring the rest of Kalos and be primarily centered within the city itself. A tad bit disappointing, I was looking forward to returning to Laverre City to see what happened to the charcoal remains I left when I went there in XY and BURNT EVERYTHING TO ASH
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DETECTIVE? D--DETECTIVE?!??! -frantically climbs over chair- DETECTIVE??!?!?!?!?
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Ah I love when Pokemon comes out around my birthday. It makes me feel so SPECIAL like it's a unique little treat just for me.
I'm honestly rather excited, Having the entire game take place in a contained singular city is a new angle. We're very used to being thrown willy nilly out into the wild to rough it between god and sheer luck. But now it's Urban Exploration. Which I think can be a strong idea on how FAR Lumiose city has developed since we long last saw it.
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luesmainblog · 19 hours ago
okay but can we talk about how much EXTRA fucked up this is? it... it's the pokemon world. at least 1/4th of any given country's population is kids/teenagers/young adults on their pokemon journey. where you very famously don't have an easy way to go home for a good chunk of it. i know the anime tells us that there's usually room at the pokemon center, but we ALSO know those centers have curfews and won't let you in to stay if you're past it. hotels are shockingly sparse throughout most regions, and it is not at all unusual for these - again, literal children - to be camping out in the wild. what i'm saying is, an expected part of everyone's path growing up in life makes you Effectively Homeless for a while. not because you don't have a home to return to, but because it's ridiculous to expect you to be able to get home in time unless you very specifically have a pokemon who knows Fly or a registration with a flying transport service.
and yet.... anti-homeless bench.
i wanna be really clear: these are already really, really fucked up for a city to implement. my point is that it's more fucked up the more homeless people there are in a city(i'm lookin at you, paris), and if we count people who are far away from home and on their journey, kalos has a LOT of temporarily homeless people.
inb4 anyone brings it up: yes i'm sure some employee just looked up "french benches" and modeled based off of what they found without really thinking about the implications or why it was designed that way. frankly, that'll actually be more upsetting than if it's a hint towards some larger part of the story.
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Waht if we kissed on the pokemon legends z-a anti homeless architecture bench,
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lindleland · 3 days ago
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God this took fucking forever. Who the hell keeps letting legendary pokemon get Rest by level-up at levels where we will inevitably encounter them in the wild???
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eldragon-x · 1 day ago
pokemon characters who are therians to me:
N Harmonia (Zoroark)
AZ (Furfrou)
James TeamRocket (Moltres, in that one episode where he dresses like one specifically)
That one npc in ballonlea who says he wishes he could be a pokemon
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inprogresspokemon · 17 hours ago
#158.5 - Totodile are known for having some of the strongest jaws in the Pokemon world, capable of crushing anything. As they age, their new teeth grow in forked backwards like barbed fishhooks, giving them a powerful grip in addition to a strong bite. A maturing Totodile that walks around with its mouth closed is considered to be well disciplined. These Pokemon are strong swimmers from birth, and present a severe threat to unwary Trainers who wander into their territory.
#159.5 - As Croconaw grow older, they prefer to spend more time in the water rather than on land, where their growing bulk does not slow them down. However, as their hind legs grow stronger, they often practice dashing on land - a technique they will use to take foes down with surprising speed. Maturing Croconaw can easily intimidate foes by opening their huge mouth; those who do not heed their warning will be bitten with massive and powerful jaws, and torn up savagely with a shake of their head.
Named: Totodile - Caimaul - Croconaw - Predagatr - Feraligatr 
- - - - - - - - - -
Follow for more In-Progress Pokemon evolutions!
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airborneice · 13 hours ago
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soo throwing out my pmd au designs for the trio, and also their levels and movesets bc I put way too much thought into this already and I’m gonna yap about all of it under the cut :>
so for why I chose the pokemon I did…David and Hilda’s pokemon were really quick to figure out for me - teddiursa is already orange and literally the son boy pokemon so it was a perfect match imo, and shinx picks up 3/4 of Hilda’s colour palette without even trying. plus the electric type has a reputation for being a bit feisty and impulsive so that fits Hilda p well I think
Frida gave me way more trouble finding a suitable match but I think I’m finally happy w making her an espeon. I think her being a psychic type is a good analogue for magic so it ticks that box, and espeon picks up the purple in frida’s s3 design (her white patches are also meant to relate to her s3 look :> ). alsoo it’s not super obvious here but her inner ears and gem are blue so she can still match both hilda and david’s colour palettes like god intended 😌 OH and also a bit of Frida’s clothing/decor in the show is cat-themed, so I figured if she likes cats so much she can be one. as a treat 😌
so in this AU Hilda takes the place of the player character, so she’s the one randomly waking up in the pokemon world with amnesia and the vague recollection of being human before whereas David and Frida are just regular pokemon (something something parallel to Hilda moving to the city and having no idea how anything works vs David and Frida already having it figured out etc)
at the start, Frida is already evolved and a bit higher level than the others. I was thinking of that drive to overachieve & live up to expectations that she has at the start of the show, and how in a pokemon au evolving a little early would probably be a point of pride for her (and her parents). david and hilda on the other hand don’t have much expertise battling yet (Hilda is literally fresh into being a pokemon so doesn’t have battles figured out and David is actively scared of them) so they’re low-level and their movesets are basic, though I tried to tailor them to their personalities a little bit. I wanted to make Frida’s moveset more tactical and thought-out since she’s the one planning and strategising to keep the team on track. (a moment of silence for her hanging on to Baton Pass when she’s in a team with two pokemon who are too scared/inexperienced in battle to be any help at all…) plus she has the odd TM bc I figure if her parents had such high hopes for her, they’d try to make sure she had a good start and got the best moves money could buy. at the point where Hilda comes in, Frida and David both want to become explorers but for their own reasons can’t quite work up the nerve to make it happen yet..we’ll get to that in the next post :>
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ratwithhands · 2 days ago
The connection is really spotty where I’m at but I got to check out the pokemon presents finally. Seeing Z-A being set in the future was very baller 👍
I’m debating if I dig up my old Z-A AU with Cybernetic Emmet, since in that one Unova and Kalos are making a joint effort to futurize and develop the capital. It’s gonna be a while before I get back to that but for you guys who saw it beforehand, would you like to see it again?
Catch you later, I’m going to bed
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orsan1070 · 1 day ago
A Quick Z-A Lore Overview
I love me some Pokemon lore, so here's a quick compilation of all the important things I noticed in the Z-A trailer and gameplay footage! A lot of this has already been mentioned by others, but I just wanted to get this out there! (This isn't complete, just a compilation of things I noticed and wanted to talk about.)
The very first thing the trailer gives us is a look at the protagonists.
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Now, it took me a bit to notice, but these are totally based on Ethan and Lyra, right?
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Firstly, their hair is very very similar. Their hats have the same color scheme, minus Ethan's counterpart missing the yellow. The Z-A protag's shoes match their respective HGSS protagonist's outfit colors very closely, and their belts match their PokeNavs. As for what this means, well, that's... less clear.
The Z-A website says the protagonist begins by "arriving in Lumiose for some sightseeing" and "While visiting Lumiose City during your travels, you’ll come to stay in an old hotel named Hotel Z." As for whether they're literally Ethan and Lyra on vacation, I'm... not sure. It's true that Legends Arceus features Lucas / Dawn, isekaid into Hisui, but here, we're in modern-day Kalos. We're definitely after XY, judging by AZ's Floette, likely after SM, due to the prominence of the Rotom Phone, and, honestly, I think after SV, due to the Rotom Phone's new capabilities (more on that later). Now, we know Red is 20 in SM, according to concept art, placing his adventure as nine years prior. Ethan / Lyra came three years later, making them 17 in SM. We don't know how much time passed between SM and SwSh and SV, other than I think Peony's Adven-tour lacking Penny only makes sense eighteen months or more before SV. Even if you disagree with me, the Johto protagonists effectively have to be adults by the time of SV and onwards, where we seem to be. Plus, the Z-A protagonists seem to not have Ethan and Lyra's eye colors-- it's kinda an averaged grey-brown. I don't think we're literally Ethan/Lyra for that reason, but I do think we're related somehow.
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Just a minor observation, but those are the ambiguous statues seen in places like Kanto's Victory Road, and the Wild Zone number is inside a pentagon, much like the Route signs in the original Kalos games! Neat!
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I know Sandile are frequently shown hiding in the sand like this, but if I'm not mistaken, this is the first time they've shown Krokorok like that?
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Wild Zone 1 is given quite a bit of focus in the trailer-- enough where it's super simple to point out where on the map it is! It's what I've outlined in purple, while it seems like we meet the starters in the red circle. The Fletchling and Fletchinder are obscuring Hotel Z, where we can see later in the trailer the first rival battle with Urbain/Taunie occurs, and what's past the first Wild Zone?
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That's Sycamore Pokemon Lab! Seems like we'll be heading there quite early in the story. Is Sycamore himself still in charge, or has enough time passed where it's changed hands to Sina, Dexio, Trevor, or another character?
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In a blink-and-you'll-miss-it animation when jumping across roofs, we can see that it's actually the Rotom Phone enabling the player to double-jump! The last shot of the trailer also features a Rotom Phone:
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It definitely seems like the Rotom Phone will be playing a big role! I also think this points to Z-A taking place after SV-- the Rotom Phone is clearly doing more advanced things than catching us when we fall, and now it has three cameras, when it had one in SwSh and two in SV!
As for why the Rotom Phone is relevant, well, Lumiose City is the home of Clemont, who invented the Rotom Pokedex (according to concept art, Samson in SM, and Kukui in Masters). Perhaps our Rotom Phone's new features tie back to him in some way?
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AZ and his Floette being together means this is after XY at the very least. But, also, why does AZ seem older? He didn't need a cane before. He's immortal, he shouldn't *be* aging (the height is not due to his immortality, that's due to ultimate weapon exposure). Was his immortality lifted somehow?
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While the Pokemon Centers in Lumiose have changed designs, as has the PC, the nurse behind the counter seems to be roughly the same.
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In the gameplay overview, we can see this holographic person. The other man is likely speaking to him with the Holo Caster-- in fact, holographic technology seems to be heavily connected to the reconstruction in general, with the Wild Zone gates seemingly being holograms and the redevelopment program being described as high-tech. Lysandre was the one who made the original Holo Caster, though, and he's dead. So, uh, what's going on here? Could Malva be involved somehow? She was the main newscaster on the Holo Caster. This definitely seems to tie Quasartico to Flare in some way...
I'm very curious as to the in-universe etymology of Quasartico, by the way. A quasar is a very specific thing to use in a name, yknow?
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One of the final shots of the gameplay overview is this-- the Looker Bureau! Emma runs it now, so she'll likely appear. I wonder what role it'll play in the story.
That's... all I've got! All the little lore details I figured were worth sharing. Thanks for reading!
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eriisaam · 1 day ago
Service animal might be a bit stretched in definition here (a lot of these work with supernatural creatures, fandom or otherwise) but bear with me:
In terms of direct service animal creatures
To explain her, Kyo and Teru are childhood friends with a bunch of other trainers, including Tali, who is the one with the actual service animal pokemon.
In the same incident that cursed Kyo and Teru to have their powers, screwed Teru's health irreparably with said powers, and allegedly killed two of their friends in their circle (with one of them being dead to them in another way despite both turning out to not be quite so dead after all), it was also the same incident that led to Tali being horribly injured and leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. Not only is she wheelchair-bound, but when she's not otherwise getting by in whichever areas are wheelchair-accessible (including their co-founded restaurant Papilon in Lumiose), but when she can't otherwise access places, she heavily utilizes her pokemon, including pokemon such as machamp, who will physically pick her up and carry her up and down places, or the pokemon of her other friends, of which every friend has at least one pokemon capable of assisting Tali if for whatever reason Tali is unable to access her own pokemon, or someone has a medical emergency otherwise.
(In terms of the aforementioned, Kyo has a gardevoir, who can lift people with her psychic abilities, and Teru has not just basically every eeveelution up to and including espeon, who can do the same thing, but also access to pokemon such as a chansey-then-blissey, who also serves as Teru's own service pokemon to help his own treatment with his own health in addition to backing up Tali and the others in their own time of need.
Also many trainers and tamers tend to have at least one digitized pokemon or digimon respectively who has direct access into their tech, and said tech had extended into emergency health capabilities such as health monitoring, emergency broadcast signals (in the event they get lost or stranded, and because this is a sentient creature sending out a potent signal with their power, it can sometimes have a far larger range and stronger persistence than just a regular broadcast), and outright abandoning their electronic post in favor of coming out and fighting outright in the event that their trainer/tamer is in trouble, including Kyo's rotom, Teru's porygon, and the primary partners of Sparrow and Ephrel (where Sparrow relies on a renamon while Ephrel had originally split duties between an angewomon and ladydevimon pair, then got a beastmon later on as a more dedicated helper).
In terms of characters who have creatures show shades of service animal esque roles (albeit not exclusively dedicated to such):
Adding to the above...
Teru's chansey-turned-blissey assists him in times in keeping relatively close to him ever since he got her at a time his health deteriorated, so her role is largely to keep his health stabilized and monitored, albeit the pokemon's assistance is only one of many layers to the level of constant help he routinely needs. (His supports also shadow him, for instance.)
When Kyo was a child, he earned the bond of a zacian who imprinted on him (it should be noted there's more commonplace cases of younger fledgeling legendaries, and their numbers are as frequent as the gameplay side of pokemon, rather than the anime, so this is not a unique occurrence to be clear), and ever since reuniting with him, now as a more broken and barely-kept-together adult, that same (also now older and more roughened up) zacian will very often shadow him and nudge him around the most, especially when she picks up on Kyo's moods and senses when he's on the verge of a mental break or crisis that he's otherwise doing a strong act of masking or faking-til-making in trying not to break down in public and/or in front of his supports. She already served as a wolf-mom role in the first place to keep a kid from getting ran over and torpedo'd to death by random wild pokemon in the first place, but she's very much an emotional support doggy in his adult years, whether he realized it or not.
Ditto, while her brother zamazenta at least tried to mimic her role in doing the same thing for Eclair, it's very "there was an attempt" due to him never quite outgrowing his puppy phase all the way, and Eclair being a bit less significantly closed off and more apparent when he's at his limit anyways to tip off his supports of when he's full blown having a panic attack in comparison, though he still tries anyways to fulfill the same role to him likewise.
Similarly, Sparrow also has a very emotional-support relationship with her renamon Lerena, who is not only superglued to her from being her first starter digimon, but also due to the nature of what brought them together in the first place: Sparrow wished for an older sister role who'd support her when her actual sisters failed her and turned her back on her, so Lerena, in the same way all digimon partners will mold themselves to fit what their trainers need most - has a very dotting and protective nature and Big Sis role to her likewise, and due to the natural high empathy sensitivity of a digimon, fulfills the same role of sensing when Sparrow is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, at her limit, or in the throes of a panic attack, and will immediately intervene to calm and soothe her while removing her out of situations. She also goes a step further, due to the above aforementioned integration with healthcare-related tech, where she can directly connect to things like heart monitors remotely, and thus if Sparrow pushes herself to a more physical limit without realizing (and not only has she done this naturally, but was subjected to this in direct consequence of the aftereffects of visiting Erin's homeworld making this natural sense suddenly shut down on itself temporarily), she can immediately pick up on this to intervene with Sparrow on that front likewise.
While all digimon are technically capable of the same thing, some suffer from lack of experience, being too green (fledgeling, new, unfamiliar I mean), or they had this level of reach and ability interfered with by another party (for instance Ephrel's partners could do the same thing, but a combination of Eitri and Freyja temporarily severed this, and it took getting Ephrel back to reconnect this again).
Honorable mention (as they're not an OC but does get a service animal through OC-AU means):
Sharena accidentally has one in the form of the terriermon who was originally a stray digimon that sort of recruited themself into the Order of Heroes and then never really left. While the terriermon was originally just kind of there and hung around a lot like Feh does, eventually, Sharena befriended them and was outright encouraged to adopt the terriermon formally as her partner, and with it, all the above benefits Sparrow and Ephrel were afforded to go with. While Terriermon had a lot less of an impact compared to Lerena to Sparrow or Ephrel with their own, she did have one reoccurring treatment plan in that Terriermon quickly picked up in moments of Sharena being in emotional distress from either all the pressures of going-ons, or stress from past going-ons or triggers, all of which she originally keeps bottling up from a combination of not wanting to worry people and not having an outlet to properly vent and hash these feelings out in lieu of the current events and pressure. So with things like how Sharena might slip into insecurity stress, slip into a sudden lack of confidence, or outright teeter on the edge of panic attacks in trying to cope with major life changes or revelations she had to put a brave face on in the moment, but teeter a bit in dwelling on it in hiding, Terriermon in all their 'momentai!' plushie-sized glory did end up serving as that huggable venting point.
In a similar parallel vein, a lopmon (who is the direct counterpart/sibling species of terriermon, think like latios and latias likewise) and audino pair both served similar roles to the alfr collectively, but Plumeria and Triandra in particular. Like Terriermon, Lopmon served a similar role in handling them on an emotional front, while Audino helped them heal their physical ailments, both of which with their lack of judgement and fairy disarmingly-cute-and-harmless looks allowed them to easily reach out and connect with the alfrs, especially when things got tense in regards to Triandra and Plumeria's other option being Ephrel or Freyja otherwise (which was challenged when both of them initially came at odds with one another).
Unlike Terriermon, however, Lopmon can and did have moments of working a bit TOO well, and demonstrating that while digimon have supremely strong levels of empathy connection over most pokemon, this is a double-edged sword in that they can have too much sensitivity and potentially go against their role ironically trying to fulfill it. One such extreme case was when Lopmon transformed into their far more powerful final-stage evolution in Cherubimon, due to their role in protecting Triandra and Plumeria from a threat that was traumatizing them into extreme stress-panic came in conflict with their direct wishes of not wanting to harm their primary source: Freyja. This led to Lopmon (as Cherubimon) very narrowly avoiding killing Freyja outright, and it took Ephrel, Audino in mega form, and both dokkalfars to eventually calm Lopmon down and parse through this grey area that became easier to resolve when Ephrel firmly stood between them and Freyja in mediating all parties involved.
Stun (or Steven Goldberg rather, but he's typically known more as just "Stun" now. For all maybe one or two of you people following me who lit up recognizing him, yes, Bloody Roar Stun), to explain his canon, is a mess. Like a physical nightmare of a mess. His monstrous bug-hybridized mutated state was due to painful experimentation from a former colleague in Busuzima, and ever since then his body is in constant threat of total collapse and deterioration, drove him to bouts of insanity on and off in trying to either find a cure and/or ease his suffering in the form of extreme acts like turning outright vampiric in an attempt to stave off his suffering (that is, hunting down and feasting on the blood of other zoanthropes in an attempt to ease the pain in temporary bouts), and is in excruciating pain on the constant as one can imagine.
The quickest way that the summoners, or rather the dokkalfarians collectively, accidentally befriended him, was when the earlier mentioned audino recognized Stun's suffering, extended her feelers to grab him by the arm and heal him, and the combination of Stun realizing the pain suddenly heavily eased and (genuinely) was soothed for once in a long time, combined with the dokkalfarians and summoners putting two and two together on Audino pacifying him through healing, prompted them to give him his own separate audino Kyo and Teru went out to catch for him in exchange for recruiting him.
Needless to say he's been highly keyed up levels of protective over the sentient ibruprofen pokemon ever since.
Which OC has a service animal?
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dailypokemoncrochet · 14 days ago
What if there's a Japanese me out there crocheting all the Pokemon and they're farther along than me and I would never know or find them because idk how to search that or where they'd even post or if they're even posting.
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inkskinned · 5 months ago
this is just my opinion but i think any good media needs obsession behind it. it needs passion, the kind of passion that's no longer "gentle scented candle" and is now "oh shit the house caught on fire". it needs a creator that's biting the floorboards and gnawing the story off their skin. creators are supposed to be wild animals. they are supposed to want to tell a story with the ferocity of eating a good stone fruit while standing over the sink. the same protective, strange instinct as being 7 and making mud potions in pink teacups: you gotta get weird with it.
good media needs unhinged, googling-at-midnight kind of energy. it needs "what kind of seams are invented on this planet" energy and "im just gonna trust the audience to roll with me about this" energy. it needs one person (at least) screaming into the void with so much drive and energy that it forces the story to be real.
sometimes people are baffled when fanfic has some stunning jaw-dropping tattoo-it-on-you lines. and i'm like - well, i don't go here, but that makes sense to me. of fucking course people who have this amount of passion are going to create something good. they moved from a place of genuine love and enjoyment.
so yeah, duh! saturday cartoons have banger lines. random street art is sometimes the most precious heart-wrenching shit you've ever seen. someone singing on tiktok ends up creating your next favorite song. youtubers are giving us 5 hours of carefully researched content. all of this is the impossible equation to latestage capitalism. like, you can't force something to be good. AI cannot make it good. no amount of focus-group testing or market research. what makes a story worth listening to is that someone cares so much about telling it - through dance, art, music, whatever it takes - that they are just a little unhinged about it.
one time my friend told me he stayed up all night researching how many ways there are to peel an orange. he wrote me a poem that made me cry on public transportation. the love came through it like pith, you know? the words all came apart in my hands. it tasted like breakfast.
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critterbitter · 1 year ago
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Language divides and building bridges.
Elesa’s feeling homesick. Emmet, bless his heart, tries to help by infodumping while Ingo frantically runs off to find water (crying is a very dehydrating experience).
((Would you look at that! The kids are picking up kantonese and galarian from each other!))
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Heh. Callback.
Want to see more? Here’s the masterpost for submas!
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pillowbugs · 21 hours ago
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okay i'm sorry but ICE CREAM STAND N... going hysterical over the idea. had to doodle it
god sorry i Cannot get over az being. a hotel manager of all things. like can you imagine if in bw2 you didnt find n in the castle, you found him working at the casteliacone stand instead
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