#when it was really a very formative thing in my life
enhaven · 2 days
all night | pjs (m.)
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pairing ⇢ jay x reader
genre/au ⇢ fluff, smut, established relationship
wc & rating ⇢ 2k+ | 18+ (minors gtfo)
summary ⇢ all Jongseong wanted was to put you to sleep but you're more than awake to play along with his melodies.
warnings ⇢ cursing • unprotected sex • riding • handjob • fellatio • pet names • praise kink kinda? • aftercare
song ⇢ i love you 3000 - stephanie poetri
a/n: happy national boyfriend day to my main man! i didn't realize that i had an est. rel wip whipped last feb lmao. it's been sitting in my drafts for too long so might as well ^^
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the dim lights and the strums of guitar strings are lulling you to sleep.
that's what Jay's been hoping to accomplish anyway after noticing you getting fussy as soon as you arrived earlier. it happens when you’re very tired so he'd love for you to sleep right away after dinner.
now you're plastered on your shared bed, brows scrunching as you try to make yourself comfortable. you look so adorable, just like when you complain about how bright it is every time the lights are on due to your sensitive eyes. 
it's a good thing Jay knows just what you need. he turns off some lights but leaves a lamp on so he can still see around the room. walking towards his closet, he grabs his guitar from the inside which you didn't notice. then he sits beside your lying form before placing the body of the guitar on his propped leg. 
smiling at your sleepy state, Jay starts tuning the guitar, some random melody already emerging in his mind to play for you. he made it a goal to himself to help you sleep after finding out that it didn't come to you easily.
the sound of your boyfriend plucking the strings was making you sleepy until you looked up at him. the sight made you gasp inwardly, the sleepiness leaving your mind as you watched Jay playing his guitar.
he's always been gorgeous but the silhouette of his face looks so defined from your line of vision. the few loose strands of his hair provided some extra flair with his shadow that you'd love to sketch sometime.
but seriously, how the fuck is he this beautiful even with the lights are low?
"baby can you sing for me?" you ask him softly which brings his attention to you. the request made Jay pause in playing, his face now slightly confused which is so cute.
"sing? but i thought you were sleepy that's why i'm playing"
and this is why you fell in love with him. not because of his physical attributes but of his thoughtfulness and how sweet he is. your heart swells that he's trying to help you sleep this way. you’ve been more than grateful that he became a part in your life.
"i wanna hear your voice" you sluggishly reply, burying yourself further in the comforter while your legs nuzzle the huge pillow between your thighs.
since Jay loves you so much, he accepts your request. he chooses to sing an acoustic version of a song that you often play in the background when cuddling him sometimes.
he thought this was it, that you'll finally fall asleep but you’ve started humming along instead, adding harmonies to the song which he didn't really mind since he loves hearing you sing.
"baby" he paused his singing but not playing so it served as an instrumental to your melodies.
"hmmm?" you feigned ignorance with your eyes closed as your hand started to caress his thigh, syncing it with his strumming.
"what are you tryna do?" he queries though he knows what you're doing. if that small quirk in your lips should tell Jay otherwise. your eyes are back on his face when he nudges you, a wolfish smile forming on your lips as your hand creeps closer to his upper inner thigh.
it's out of nowhere but your man's too fucking fine and you're getting horny just by watching him playing his guitar. you can't be blamed for that though, anyone would be if they were in your place.
"can i actually suck you off?" you asked, looking at him sheepishly with those puppy eyes that he couldn't possibly say no to. even without those, he'd say yes, wanting to give you whatever you want.
"come 'ere" he beckons you with one hand after placing his precious guitar by his side. it's at a safe distance thanks to your boyfriend's spacious bed so you have nothing to worry about but still. it's one of his collections, an expensive one so you don't want your clumsiness to damage it. but even if that were to happen, he wouldn't mind really. he can always get it repaired or buy a new one instead.
carefully crawling closer to Jay's lap, you place an arm on the mattress to support your upper body. he's surprisingly hard when you start palming his clothed length, squeezing it briefly which earned a small groan from him.
"oh you are so cute" you giggle, doing it again to watch his reaction.
"don't tease" he huffs, a small pout on his lips.
you might not be able to see his face clearly this far but you know he's struggling to contain his moans. he's fisting the bedsheet so you pull down the hem of his sweats at once, happy to hear the sigh of relief escaping his lips.
his rigid cock slaps against his clothed tummy and you're salivating to have it in your mouth. pumping his dick for a bit, you eventually lowered your head to wrap your lips around its tip. you're thinking of teasing him like you always do but not tonight, it's you who wants his cock in every way possible.
you feel one of Jay's hands on your head once you take him all in, petting your hair and it prompts you to swallow him deeper until his tip hits the back of your throat.
"fuck i love your mouth" his deep groans are sending shivers through you, moaning around his dick which drives Jay insane. he gathers your hair while you continue to suck him off, bucking his hips up when you hollow your cheeks. he didn't mean to but he can't help it, you're just too good at this.
reaching the back of your nape, he pulls you closer as your hand pumps the rest of him that you couldn't fit in your mouth. the warmth of your mouth is pushing him closer to his orgasm but you release his dick all of a sudden, causing a small whimper that he didn't plan on making.
“shhh” you smile teasingly at Jay and he curses, moaning louder when your tongue starts licking the undersides of his cock down to the base.
although it was you who initially started this, he's the one desperate to fuck you right now. he’s been wanting to cum but he tries to hold it back, preferring to do so inside you.
“can you fuck me baby?” he rasps, his hand patting down your head as he closes his eyes. you look too hot sucking him off that he might burst his nut on your face, not like he didn't before but he's craving for your pussy this time.
“m’kay” another giggle escapes you after hearing Jay's request. you did plan on fucking him and you were excited as soon as he let you suck him but you didn’t think he’d beg first tonight.
lifting yourself up from the bed, you took the rest of your clothes off. nothing much since you were just wearing a loose shirt and matching thin sweats along with your underwear.
“these fucking tits” you hear Jay mumble quietly as he reaches for your bare breasts. one thing he loves secretly is how you’re always braless once you’re home. it's easier for him to play with them with his hands or mouth.
a needy moan escapes you when he pinches your nipples before you scramble to straddle him. he proceeds to rid his shirt as well, pulling off his sweats completely so now you’re both completely naked.
looking at each other fondly and you really couldn't stop your intrusive thoughts from coming out.
“you’re so fine what the hell how did i get so lucky”
you say softly as you start grinding against his slick cock, cupping his face with both your hands and you can feel his skin warming up at your words. he averts his eyes from yours once he sees that pretty smile on your face.
"i'm lucky to have you too baby" he responds before his hands hoist you up, grabbing his cock to align it in your soaking entrance.
“are you blushing? awe-ahh..”
yes, Jay is and he has no idea how you can even see it with this dim lighting and your uneven vision. he knew you were gonna tease him like you always and he usually doesn't mind. it's just that all he can think of right now is your pussy, fucking it a lot until you're all spent.
he hasn’t prepped you with his fingers but you love the stretch each time your pussy takes his cock. at first, he was hesitant since he’s always wanted to make sure you’re always ready before sex but you're determined and eventually, you managed to convince him.
“tight..fuck, i’ll never get used to this ugh” he hisses, spewing more praises at how good you feel around him and you’re leaving kisses around his handsome face in return.
“i think i can move now baby” you reassure him, circling your hips to test the waters.
his hands are on your waist, his grip tightening when you start bouncing on him.
"g-gorgeous.." he whispers. "you're so gorgeous my love" he adds quietly and you clenched around him as a result. watching your boyfriend struggle to hold himself because of you boosts your confidence.
the way he reacts to everything that you do encourages you to do it more, wanting to see how good you make him feel.
it's taking a toll on your legs but you can feel Jay so deep that it's overpowering it. he can feel it though, your waning energy so he sits up before laying you gently on your back without removing himself from you.
"fuck baby, i'm close" he speeds his thrusts once he feels your legs tighten around his waist.
"close, close, mhmm" you're slurring your words, dazedly looking at Jay that he falters in his pace. you're too pretty like this, sprawled under him while he's making you feel so good. there's nothing in this world that makes him happy aside from this.
it pushes him to reach his peak, filling you up like you always wanted.
"you good babe?" he prods, stroking your warm cheeks with the back of his fingers.
"yea..so good.." you're breathless when you respond but your boyfriend's looking at you lovingly. the subtle thrusts of his hips soothe your walls despite the sensitivity, always have been when you're both riding your high.
his deep chuckle reverberates in sync with your heavy breathing, whining when he pulls out of you. he urges you to stand up so you both can clean up at the bathroom, and comply reluctantly. being the caring person that he is, Jay solely cleans you up first even when you keep fighting him off.
you're clearly sleepy now so he helps you in putting on a fresh set of clothes. the entire time that he briefly left you, he was changing the sheets and put your clothes to the laundry so you'd be ready to sleep as soon as you're done.
lying down, you nuzzle the comforter while waiting for your boyfriend to join you in bed. you're dead tired though but he's still in the washroom so you're gonna close your eyes for a bit.
"i love you" you call out to him, the sleep waving over you but you're trying to stay conscious.
"i love you too baby" he responds as he finishes up, eager to join you since sleep's coming to him as well. however, when he came out of the door, he finds you already sleeping.
jay didn’t mean to fuck you to exhaustion but watching you sleep soundly tugs his heart a little. you finally look peaceful unlike the weariness in your face that you tried to hide earlier. all because of him and he's more than happy to do it again, anything for the person he loves the most.
e/n: it's been ages lmao and i realized i had this last min 💀. summer and september were so busy for me and i tried writing whenever i can. but now it's October and i'll be more busy? (i go out/party almost every day/week when i'm not working) so i'm gonna focus on my Halloween/scary fics since yk i can only post them this month.
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vitaminkyeom · 1 day
telephone || k.mg
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PAIRING || Mingyu x Female Reader
GENRES || Horror, 911 Operator!Mingyu, Romance
SUMMARY ||  Working the night shift as a 911 operator was hard as it is and the last thing Mingyu needed was those calls from his ex-girlfriend. Whom he had not seen in years. For obvious reasons of her being dead.
Or, in which, Mingyu kept getting calls from his ex girlfriend claiming that she had murdered him.
SERIES MASTERLIST || till death do us part
WARNINGS || inaccurate 911 stuff, description of murdered body, horror, mention of murder and ghost
A/N || If you recognise this story, no you don't. but anyways this was one of my most favourite works even though i'm not that great at writing horror so i'm really glad i'm starting off with this story for the series. i've tried my best to make it as scary as i could (sorry but im a pussy) so yeah any feedback would be really helpful!
TAGLIST || @monamipencil @nonuify @black-swan-blog27 @hipsdofangirl @wonuilu @kibs-and-bits @unlikelysublimekryptonite @gyuguys @hanicore @alyssng @hyneyedfiz @weebotakuboy @aaniag @thepoopdokyeomtouched @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @sea-moon-star @hrts4hanniehae @athanasiasakura @doubleshoticedshakenespresso @asasilentreader @isabellah29 @mrswonwooo @nonononranghaee @hoichi02 @cheolsboo @dinossaurz @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @tinkerbell460 @bluewbwerry @hoeforcheol @kawennote09 @iamawkwardandshy @winterbeartaehyungbestboy ​ @jjeongddol @k-drama-adict @mnstxmnbb @stervahaha @escoupseu @wonvsmile @mansaaay [if you want to be added to my taglist please fill in this form!]
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“911, please state your emergency.”
Static. He waited for a minute more but there still wasn’t any sound coming from the other side.
Mingyu sighed exasperatedly, sure that this was another prank call. Halloween night was looming close which also meant teenagers found it funny to call the operators up at night to scare them.
But he was used to this. Which was funny because Mingyu was the biggest scaredy cat in his group and could not even watch Scooby Doo without whimpering at least once. But he took his responsibilities very seriously and there was no way he was going to let his fear come in the middle of his work.
He was about to hang up the call when he heard a sound. Immediately he jerked back the phone to his ear and strained them to hear anything, but all he could hear was a buzzing sound.
“Hello? How can I help-”
He inhaled sharply, the woman’s raspy voice very clear in the empty office. Mingyu was the only one serving night shift in his floor currently, and the only thing accompanying him was the soft beeping on the seven screens in front of him and the buzzing of the fluorescent tube lights above him.
“Ma'am, are you in a position to tell me what is happening?”
His fingers flew across the keyboard, noting down the number first and then quickly texting the other department to find out the location of the call.
“Pl-please help. Make him stop.” The woman whispered,  her ragged breath harsh against his ears.
“Make whom stop? Can you tell me who is near to you, ma’am?”
Mingyu felt an unnatural calmness settle into his bones, one that always came whenever he forced himself to calm down in such situations.
A message dinged on one of his screens indicating that they had traced the nearest cell tower of the cell phone.
“Officer Lee.” He said, already on the other line, talking to the nearest official he could see. “We have a 911 emergency of abuse.”
“Roger that. Address?”
“It's…” Mingyu’s voice trailed off on seeing the address. 
No way- How was that possible? There had to be some mistake right?
Because the address was of his house.
He cleared his throat, sure that the address was wrong since they tracked the nearest cell tower, and that could be kilometres away from the destination.
“Uh, the address shows my house. I… I think you need to be on the lookout for areas near my house.”
There was a pause, as though Seokmin seemed to be trying to process this information. Seokmin had been good friends with him, so Mingyu knew that even he found it odd, especially when his neighbourhood was a safe and nice one.
“On my way.”
“Ma’am,” Mingyu said, back to line one, “if you could tell me your name or your address, or even what is happening to you, I could help you out better.”
His eyes were trained to look at all the monitors at once, one monitoring the small dot that represented Seokmin heading towards the destination, another with a blank form about the caller and another one where he was rapidly typing what he was hearing, ready to call in other emergencies in case he heard something important.
“Help! Why don’t you help me? Please help!”
“Ma’am help is on the way, please calm down-”
He was interrupted by a loud pop as all the lights went out, the only source of light now being the soft glow of his computer screens. The room was now lit up eerily and he felt the hair on the nape of his neck rise up. Mingyu wasn’t very scared of the dark ever, but the growing sounds of gurgling and growling in the telephone line was causing shivers to travel down his spine.
“Mingyu…” The woman rasped, this time sounding like she had gargled razors, her screeching voice turning his blood to ice.
How did she know his name?
Goosebumps rose all over his skin as his breathing came out in sudden pants, feeling an icy invisible hand wrap around his neck. He sucked in a breath harshly and with a jolt, he realised how lonely he was, not a single soul on his floor whilst he was plunged in darkness.
Then the call cut off abruptly, and at the same time, the power surged back to life. 
Yet, the cold feeling hadn’t left Mingyu as though he could still hear the woman gargling in his ear.
He jerked as the second line suddenly came to life, Seokmin’s voice clear through the landline.
“H-Hey. Did you find anything?” He tried his level best not to sound shaken, but it was hard because the more he tried to ignore wherever had just happened, the more the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach grew.
“Nothing. We will be needing to get a more specific address. Your entire apartment seems safe to me. Is she still on the line?”
Mingyu exhaled harshly, rubbing his chest with his hand to calm down his heart that was beating too fast. He then realised how dry his throat had become, and quickly took a sip of water before continuing.
“No. She cut the call. I- uh, I don’t think she needs help anymore. She sounded alright at the end.” He said, wincing having to lie. He still couldn’t shake off the feeling of horror he had felt when he saw his own address flash on to the screen.
“Are you sure? Shouldn’t we follow the protocol still-”
“She told me so herself.” Mingyu snapped, and Seokmin shut up, not saying anything more.
He sighed, rubbing his template, trying to forget what he had just heard. But it was like the noise had been ingrained into his brain. He could hear it even now, even though there were many other small sounds beside him.
But being a 911 operator, there was bound to be such horrors, right? He had heard some similar stories of ghost calls from his superiors. Maybe this was one of them?
“Well then…I suppose that’s it huh?” Seokmin cut the silence, causing Mingyu to flinch as he jumped out of his thoughts. “Are you calling it a night?”
Mingyu felt his heart leap to his throat.
Calling it a night? On any other day, he would have loved to crash on to his bed but all of a sudden going back to his house, the place where this lady claimed to be at, seemed like a distant nightmare, something which was waiting for him to tear him apart.
“Uh, n-no. I’ll continue my shift I think. Besides, Seungcheol won’t wake up if I call him now.”
“Hey, are you okay?” Seokmin asked, concern lacing his voice. “You sound…scared.”
“I’m fine.” Mingyu swallowed thickly, feeling a patch of sweat that had formed on his forehead as he tried rubbing his temples.
“We’ve dealt with these before, right?” Seokmin asked again, trying to sound bolder for his sake.
“Y-yeah. Yeah. We have. I’ll… hang up now.”
As soon as the phone went down, Mingyu buried his face in his hands, trying to forget the horrible sounds he had heard on the phone.
But the more he tried to forget them, the more he was convinced that they were no more voices in his head, but were coming from the room. It was almost like he could hear the noise coming from behind the door.
I’m probably just hearing things.
He got up and decided to get some fresh air. He walked to the door and paused, the sound still ringing in his ears. Clutching the door knob, he took in a deep breath and with his eyes screwed shut he turned it open, bracing himself for whatever lay ahead of his.
Silence greeted him as he slowly peeled his eyes open, looking around tentatively for anything that might jump on him out of the dark. 
The sound of the elevator’s beep caused his heart to nearly stop, the sudden sound cutting through silent night that was almost engulfing him. He felt his entire body freeze as all he could do was watch the numbers on the screen of the lift increase until it reached his floor, limbs paralysed with fear. 
With another soft ding! the lift door began sliding open, and Mingyu found himself almost begging that he shouldn’t be greeted by someone, or something, once the lift door opened.
The dim blue light of the lift spilt out as Mingyu watched in terror, but to his relief only emptiness greeted him back. He looked at his own reflection in the mirror of the elevator. 
Mingyu looked deathly pale, his eyes tired and haggard like he had just seen a ghost. His cheeks were hollow and he felt his stomach lurch when his reflection wobbled, indicating that that the lift was about to close.
And then the lift shut close, leaving him alone with a pin drop silence that almost felt suffocating.
Weren’t there others who had night duty? Because there was no way he was all alone in the building, right?
The thought was enough to cause his stomach to lurch, and he swallowed thickly wondering if he should call someone to take his place.
But his house! Mingyu could feel goosebumps rising on his skin the second he thought of his house.
What if she- that thing was still lurking around his house? Or worse, was actually in his house.
The ringing of the telephone cut through the silence like a blade, causing him to jump a mile. His reflexes kicked in though, and clutching his painfully beating heart, Mingyu ran towards his computers to pick the emergency phone call.
“911. Please state your emergency-”
Mingyu froze, the familiar voice draining out all the blood from his cheeks again.
No way.
He wanted to cut the call, wanted to block out whatever this woman was about to beg for because her voice was like icy daggers to his skin, rekindling his fear like never before. Mingyu had never felt so terrified in his life before. 
“Please help… Mingyu.”
It was like her whispering his name had opened Pandora's box, and lots of emotions hit him at once. He couldn’t even question how she knew his name because that wasn’t what terrified him the most.
But it was the familiarity of the voice of the woman. A voice he used to hear almost every day before it was snuffed out of his life suddenly.
“Y/N.” He whispered, fear clutching his stomach as he felt his heart hammer in his chest.
In the empty office he could only hear his own ragged breathing and the slight buzzing sound coming from the phone.
But how was this possible?
Because you had died six months ago.
Or rather, you had been killed in his apartment. Murdered in cold blood even though it didn’t make sense because you were the sweetest and most caring person he had met in the world. 
At first, he had been charged with murder. Those two months of investigation had nearly driven him mad. It was hard as it is dealing with your death but constant poking of the police made it even worse.
Finally he was set free due to the lack of evidence. 
Even thinking about you made his head throb. 
“Help please.” You rasped again. “Help me-”
“Where are you?” He whispered urgently, not sure why he was even asking questions. Because this had to be some sort of sick joke, right? Or maybe- maybe he was hallucinating after all. Hallucinating that you had come back to life to get some sort of closure.
“In our apartment! Why aren’t you helping?” You sobbed on the other end of the line.
He felt his head spin. Whom was he even talking to? With each word your voice turned more and more raspy and he could feel the familiar fear returning.
“If you don’t help me he’ll-”
Mingyu heard you gasp, followed by a whimpering as he heard someone slap you.
“Y-Y/N?” He asked, though he truly didn’t want to know what had happened to you. Was the person you kept mentioning your real killer? Then… was this your ghost he was talking to?
“Stay away.” A male voice spoke into the telephone suddenly, causing him to nearly fall off his seat. The hair on his arms and necks stood up at the familiarity of the voice.
“Stay away." He repeated.
He could hear his own voice on the other side of the telephone line asking him to stay away and Mingyu felt his head spin at the thought.
The telephone nearly slipped from his sweaty hand as he tried taking in a deep breath to calm himself down.
"And- and who’s this-”
“Just stay away from us.” He heard his own voice command him, before the line disconnected finally.
“Who was that?”
Mingyu jumped from his seat, hands flying to his mouth to prevent himself from screaming, until his eyes landed on Seokmin.
“You- you scared me!” He hissed, rubbing his sweaty forehead while trying to calm his shaking body down. What had just happened?
No way he had been talking to himself, right? How was that even possible?
Seokmin raised an eyebrow, walking towards him and sitting down on a chair opposite to him?
“Did I scare you? Or that call did?”
Mingyu looked away.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to check on you.”
“I’m fine.” He snapped, wiping his sweaty face with a tissue. The last thing he needed was Seokmin asking too many questions before he started questioning his own sanity.
“You’re not. You asked the caller whether she was Y/N.”
Mingyu shivered involuntarily at the memory, giving away his fear.
“It sounded like her.” He lied, not wanting to remember what had just happened. Maybe if he was nonchalant about it Seokmin would leave him alone.
“Are you sure? That call before was unusual, coming from your house.” Seokmin said, still concerned. “It's okay to be shaken up by this, you know.”
He exhaled out, trying to calm down his nerves as much as he could.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry. Pretty sure it was a prank. I mean,” He forced out a laugh, which sounded odd against the silence surrounding the two of them, “How can it even be Y/N? That makes no sense. I probably miss her a lot. That’s why I can hear her everywhere.”
“You should go home.” Seokmin cut him, patting him on the shoulder. “I think you need to rest a bit if you’re that stressed out. Sometimes, stress causes us to see and hear things that are not real. ”
Mingyu opened his mouth to protest, feeling dread fill the pit of his stomach at the thought of going home, but with the way Seokmin was staring he knew he didn’t have an option. Or else he would need to explain how he heard his own voice speak to him and ask him to stay away.
Stay away.
Was that a warning, then? Was it a big mistake going back to his house?
But with the way Seokmin was staring at him, Mingyu had no other option but to get up slowly and pack up his things. His hands wobbled, causing him to nearly break his favourite mug, but he managed to force a smile and walk to the elevator, knees threatening to give out any second. 
Once inside the elevator, Mingyu chose to stare at his reflection’s nose, unable to meet its eyes. Something told him that seeing his reflection eye to eye would not be a good idea.
Please hurry up. Please open the door fast-
His heart jumped again as his phone rang suddenly, cutting the heavy cold silence which was accompanied by the occasional soft dings.
"Hello?” He whispered, wondering who was calling so late at night. It couldn’t have been Seokmin since he had his number saved, right?
“Why did you kill me?”
Mingyu froze, unable to breathe anymore. How did you-
“Y/N? How did you- Kill you- What are you talking about?” He panted, stumbling back to support his wobbly legs with the help of the wall of the lift.
All of a sudden the air felt cooler, and his clammy hands seemed to be unable to grip the hand bar of the lift. His eyes darted to the equally petrified reflection and a yelp escaped him, phone dropping to the ground.
Because standing right beside his reflection was you. You, looking just like how you had the day you were murdered. Except there was blood all over your dress and multiple stab marks on your chest and stomach.
You smiled at him sweetly. 
“Don’t you know? You killed me. Well, not exactly you. It was Mingyu. But he is you, you are him, right?”
His legs finally gave away as he pushed his back into the walls of the elevator, terror filling every single of his senses.
He heard the lift ding as it reached the ground floor. Crawling to the buttons of the lift, he frantically pressed the open button, eyes not leaving your face as you grinned at him, baring your bloody and broken teeth.
Finally the door opened and Mingyu darted to crawl out but froze almost immediately, feeling his heart stop for real this time.
“No.” He sobbed, as he watched the real you walk towards him. Edging back, he felt his heart hammer painfully hard in his chest, every bit of rational thoughts leaving him as you stepped into the elevator.
You leaned towards him much to his terror, and Mingyu screwed his eyes shut as he finally accepted his fate. His breathing eased a bit but he could still feel how tense his entire body was, adrenaline rushing coursing throughout his body.
I don’t want to go.
“Now it’s time for me to return the favour.”
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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linkhundr · 3 days
So NFTgate has now hit tumblr - I made a thread about it on my twitter, but I'll talk a bit more about it here as well in slightly more detail. It'll be a long one, sorry! Using my degree for something here. This is not intended to sway you in one way or the other - merely to inform so you can make your own decision and so that you aware of this because it will happen again, with many other artists you know.
Let's start at the basics: NFT stands for 'non fungible token', which you should read as 'passcode you can't replicate'. These codes are stored in blocks in what is essentially a huge ledger of records, all chained together - a blockchain. Blockchain is encoded in such a way that you can't edit one block without editing the whole chain, meaning that when the data is validated it comes back 'negative' if it has been tampered with. This makes it a really, really safe method of storing data, and managing access to said data. For example, verifying that a bank account belongs to the person that says that is their bank account.
For most people, the association with NFT's is bitcoin and Bored Ape, and that's honestly fair. The way that used to work - and why it was such a scam - is that you essentially purchased a receipt that said you owned digital space - not the digital space itself. That receipt was the NFT. So, in reality, you did not own any goods, that receipt had no legal grounds, and its value was completely made up and not based on anything. On top of that, these NFTs were purchased almost exclusively with cryptocurrency which at the time used a verifiation method called proof of work, which is terrible for the environment because it requires insane amounts of electricity and computing power to verify. The carbon footprint for NFTs and coins at this time was absolutely insane.
In short, Bored Apes were just a huge tech fad with the intention to make a huge profit regardless of the cost, which resulted in the large market crash late last year. NFTs in this form are without value.
However, NFTs are just tech by itself more than they are some company that uses them. NFTs do have real-life, useful applications, particularly in data storage and verification. Research is being done to see if we can use blockchain to safely store patient data, or use it for bank wire transfers of extremely large amounts. That's cool stuff!
So what exactly is Käärijä doing? Kä is not selling NFTs in the traditional way you might have become familiar with. In this use-case, the NFT is in essence a software key that gives you access to a digital space. For the raffle, the NFT was basically your ticket number. This is a very secure way of doing so, assuring individuality, but also that no one can replicate that code and win through a false method. You are paying for a legimate product - the NFT is your access to that product.
What about the environmental impact in this case? We've thankfully made leaps and bounds in advancing the tech to reduce the carbon footprint as well as general mitigations to avoid expanding it over time. One big thing is shifting from proof of work verification to proof of space or proof of stake verifications, both of which require much less power in order to work. It seems that Kollekt is partnered with Polygon, a company that offers blockchain technology with the intention to become climate positive as soon as possible. Numbers on their site are very promising, they appear to be using proof of stake verification, and all-around appear more interested in the tech than the profits it could offer.
But most importantly: Kollekt does not allow for purchases made with cryptocurrency, and that is the real pisser from an environmental perspective. Cryptocurrency purchases require the most active verification across systems in order to go through - this is what bitcoin mining is, essentially. The fact that this website does not use it means good things in terms of carbon footprint.
But why not use something like Patreon? I can't tell you. My guess is that Patreon is a monthly recurring service and they wanted something one-time. Kollekt is based in Helsinki, and word is that Mikke (who is running this) is friends with folks on the team. These are all contributing factors, I would assume, but that's entirely an assumption and you can't take for fact.
Is this a good thing/bad thing? That I also can't tell you - you have to decide that for yourself. It's not a scam, it's not crypto, just a service that sits on the blockchain. But it does have higher carbon output than a lot of other services do, and its exact nature is not publicly disclosed. This isn't intended to sway you to say one or the other, but merely to give you the proper understanding of what NFTs are as a whole and what they are in this particular case so you can make that decision for yourself.
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justmeinadaze · 1 day
Secret Underneath Part 9 (Steddie X Plus Size Y/N)
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A/N: This was inspired by hectic day at work I had on Wednesday and this is what I needed so I wrote it into existence.
Warnings: Older (Mid thirties) Sugar Daddies Steve and Eddie/ Young (Early to mid 20s) Baby Fem Plus Size Reader, SMUT, reader is punished for her spicy attitude, spanking, light slapping, light hair pulling, overstimulation, use of toys, cock warming, very very light degrading (brat, dumb little brain), aftercare of course, FLUFF, they all love each other
ANGST! Y/N comes home from a bad day with an attitude, boys put her in her place (in the best possible way), mentions of some of the down fall of the their ex saying things in the tabloids as well as some mentions of consequences of being with the guys. Y/N briefly talks about her weight and how people gossip about why she's with them (They remind her she's perfect as is no matter what she looks like <3)
More than anything Y/N has some big feelings and just want to throw a tantrum knowing her boys can handle that.
Word Count: 3819
Series here/ Donate to Me
You growl as you enter their (now your) apartment and toss you things on the table as you stomp like a child to the refrigerator to grab a beer. 
Usually when the little girl came out, she just wanted her Daddies to take care of her but sometimes there were evenings like this. Evenings where she wanted to throw a tantrum till she was heard (and put in her place). 
You three had been back home for the past couple of weeks and things had been hectic to say the least. Steve had been losing clients and investments left and right while Eddie’s band was dealing with cancellations in regard to the things their ex kept saying in the tabloids. 
For them you did your best to keep things together and be there for them when they needed you but after today you couldn’t hold it in anymore. 
Neither man had yet to need to do that with you so you weren’t sure how they would react but in this moment with the headspace you were in, you didn’t care. 
“Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?”
“It was really fucking awful, Eddie. How was yours?”
At your tone, his head tilts as his eyes watch you fume to the couch and throw your body down. 
“Did you want to talk about it?”
“No! I just want everyone to leave me the fuck alone!”, you holler his way as you take a sip from your bottle and slam it loudly on the glass table in front of you.
“What’s going on out here? I’m trying to work and all I hear is shouting.”, Steve asks as he comes up beside his friend. 
“Ask Y/N how her day was. I dare you.”, the rockstar smirks as he gestures your way. 
Taking in your sour demeanor, the mogul takes a seat beside you.
“Did you have a rough day, honey?”
“Wow. I wonder gave that away.”, you sass under your breath. 
It’s incredibly heavy; the change in the air signaling that they are stepping into that dominate headspace you desperately needed. You love it so much especially when it seeps out of the two men you love. 
“We’re going to try this again. How was your day, Y/N?”
Your annoyed eyes meet his angry ones as your face changes and you display a big, obnoxiously wide smile. 
“Oh my God, Steven. I had the BEST day! People were soooooo nice and my boss is just a delight. I can’t wait to go back on Monday and do it all over again!”
As you speak, his own features never falter as his lips form into a thin line and his chest huffs at every sarcastic filled word. Eddie on the other hand was having the time of his life as he continued to stand behind the couch watching in amusement with a small smile that told you things were about to get interesting.  
You and Steve stare each other down for what feels like an eternity before he blinks and rises to his feet. 
“Get up.”
He didn’t even hesitate as he bent down and grabbed your throat between his thick fingers. 
“I said…get…up.”
Swallowing down the moan that wanted to break free at his tone, you ran through every possibility in your mind of how this could go. You could say no again and see what they do. You were already going to be punished so what would it hurt to rile him up more. You could listen and follow him but where was the fun in that? You weren’t sure how far you wanted, no NEEDED, them to go so you could feel better but—
A light but firm slap to your cheek brought all your thoughts to a halt and for that you were grateful.
“If I have to say it again, you won’t like the outcome.”
“I’m sorry.”, you murmur as your eyes fall. 
“You’re sorry what?”
I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“This is the one and only time I’m reminding you of that. You don’t answer correctly there will be consequences. Am I being clear?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
His amber eyes scan you over before gesturing with his head towards the bedroom and this time you follow without complaint. 
“Take off your clothes and then sit.”, he commands as he points to the bed. 
As you do what you’re told, you watch Eddie disappear into the closet while Steve goes to his desk to close his laptop that he had been working on. 
“Told you I had handcuffs.”, the rockstar grinned. “Turn around.”
Was he in the right headspace? With him, you could never tell in the sense of he could still be is goofy self while being in dominate mode. It’s one of the many things you love about him. Maybe you could push back a little and see—
A hard tug of your hair had your wide eyes staring up at him as he continued to smirk down at you. 
“I may be nicer than he is but that doesn’t mean I’m a push over.” 
Your eyelids flutter slightly at the gruffness behind his words. God you need them both to toss you around this room and fuck you senseless—
“Jesus, you really are testing the brat limit aren’t you, little girl?”, he growled as he yanked on your hair again. “This is going to be a long evening if you don’t start listening. Now…turn around.”
You do as he says and as he clicks the metal around your wrists, Eddie leans over your shoulder to whisper in your ear. 
“How is that? Not too tight?”
“No, Daddy.”
“Good.”, he grins before delivering a hard slap to your ass. “Now kneel.”
Holding your bicep, he helped guide you on to your knees in front of Steve who was sitting in his desk chair leaning to the side on his fist with that annoyed look still plastered on his face. 
God, he looked incredibly sexy in his button up shirt he had rolled up to his elbows with the slacks and expensive shoes that catered to his long legs as they stretched—
Another hash spank to your behind brought you back as you realized Eddie had squat down beside you on his heels. Shifting your gaze, the rockstar had placed one of the many toys you three had in front of you. 
Glancing back to face him, you licked your lips at his strong clenched jaw and the way his tattoos looked against his bare chest—
“Nope. Come back, little girl.”, he scolded as fingers roughly pinched your cheeks. “You wanted to act like a brat so we’re going to treat you like one. Pay attention because I’m only explaining it once. The rules are actually pretty simple but with the way your dumb little brain is having trouble staying focused…”, he laughed mockingly making your jaw tighten in his grasp.
“Control the fucking attitude, Y/N. Do you hear me?”, he growled as the man pressed his forehead to yours. “I said do you hear me?”
“Yes. Daddy.”, you answer through clenched teeth. 
Another light smack to the face had you reeling as your brain became fuzzy in the best way possible. Licking his own lips, his hand turned you to face him again. 
“Do you hear me?”
“Yes, Daddy.” This time your response isn’t filled with aggravation but desperation as you try to tilt your lips towards his before he pulls away leaving you wanting. 
“Ride.”, Eddie orders as his eyes gesture towards the dildo in front of you. “Don’t stop until we tell you to.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
As he leans back against Steve’s desk beside his friend, you lower yourself on to the toy with a moan and begin to bounce on your knees. 
“Keep your eyes forward, Y/N.”, the mogul commands. “Why are you being punished?”
“This—mmm—doesn’t feel like a punishment.”
The rockstar chuckles as he glances up towards the mogul who tilts forward, placing his elbows on his knees. 
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Keep going, honey. Make yourself cum.”
After what felt like an eternity, sore knees, and a few orgasms later, you felt your resolve begin falter. 
“No one told you to stop, Y/N.”, Eddie scolded as you lazily bounced upward. 
“Should have thought about that before you started being disrespectful.”, Steve replied calmly. “Color?”
“Geez, Ed, look at her. Still so fucking defiant. We can do this all night if you want, baby. Since you’re having such a good time.”
Your body froze and you couldn’t help but softly cry as you tried to will it to keep going. 
“I-I’m…I can’t…”
Crawling to your side, ringed fingers lightly pushed you sideways and you groaned as you tipped over on to the floor. You hiss as Eddie removes the toy from between your legs and lifts you up to place you on the bed with your head hanging just so over the side. 
Pulling down his sweats, you couldn’t help but sigh as his hard, leaking cock was freed from its confinement. He was insanely turned on after watching you which had a sense of pride flowing through your body.
“Don’t get too confident, little girl. The punishment isn’t over.”, he chided as he leaned over you to slap your cunt with his palm. 
As he crawled to position himself between your legs, Steve slid over in his chair towards your head and lifted it up with his massive palm. 
You pushed back against him while mewling loudly as Eddie guided himself inside you. 
“Fuck me, she’s so fucking tight.”, he groaned as his fingers dug into your thighs. “Stop it.”, he scolded when you tried to roll your hips.
“I thought you couldn’t move anymore?”, Steve mused in a sarcastic tone. “I mean that’s absolutely fine, honey. We got you.”
The sound of vibration filled the room and you squealed when the man inside you pressed the wand to your clit. 
“You had the best fucking day ever, right? That’s what you said? What a way to end it huh?!”
Your eyes fluttered and your fingers dug into the comforter underneath you as you came hard around Eddie’s cock making his face twitch as his mouth fell open slightly. 
“P-Please, Daddy…move…”
“I think I’m—fuck—alright where I am. Just warming my dick in this quivering pussy.”
You whine like a child, even kicking your feet for added measure before you’re spanked a few times in quick succession and your legs fall against the bed.
The rockstar is ruthless with the wand in his hand as he presses it roughly against your nub and shakes it forcing a couple more orgasms out of you without once thrusting his hips.
That’s all you could think about as you began to sob; how badly you wanted them to fuck, hold, and praise you. How much you needed to hear their comforting tones again.
How much you loved them and appreciated everything they did for you. 
The vibration stopped and you sigh pleasantly as both of Steve’s hands clung to either side of your head as his breath warmed your ear. 
“Why are you being punished?”
“B-B-Because I was being a brat and—and disrespecting you both.”, you cried.
“Do you think Daddy deserved that?”
“No…no, sir. I’m so sorry.”
“And what are we going to do the next time we have big girl feelings like you did today?”, Eddie asked as he placed his own palms against the mattress, hovering above you.
“T-Talk to you, Daddy. I’m sorry. I-I-I got so overwhelmed and—”
“Shhhhh, sweetheart. Don’t think about that right now. All I want you to do is focus on my cock and how good it feels. That’s all I’m focusing on so I don’t cum yet.”, he whispers as his forehead rests on yours. “Your pussy is so wet, Daddy can slide deeper into you. Can you feel me, baby? Can you feel Daddy?”
At his words, he slowly pumps his hips eliciting a moan from your lips that has him smiling down at your beautiful face. 
“Yeah, you do, baby girl.”
His mouth descends on yours for a quick kiss before pushing up onto his knees and lifting your leg over one of his shoulders. Gripping your thighs tightly, he pounds into you at a blistering speed as the obscene echo of your slick fills the room. 
Eddie’s grunts drive you crazy and you would give anything to be able to touch him. 
“Come on, Y/N. Cum again for me.”, he pants knowing he won’t last much longer. 
As your back arches, he fucks you through you bliss and as your legs tremble, Eddie slams his release hard into your cunt as you whine at the force.
“Fuck.”, the rockstar grumbled as he allowed your pussy to milk him before rolling out of the way as his friend grabs your arms and manhandles you till your straddling his waist. 
His amber irises remain locked on yours as he unbuckles his belt and you lift yourself so he can push his pants with his boxers down his thighs. Taking ahold of his shaft, you gradually guided yourself down on to him with the two of you mewling at the stretch. 
“You got this, honey. Just grind your waist—shit—just like that. Go at your own pace.”
“My…pussy is so…tight, Daddy.”
Pushing up on to his palms, he tenderly kisses your cheek.
“Color, baby?”
“G-Green. I don’t…know how much…more I can take.”
“You’re doing so good, baby girl. Daddy is so proud of you. Can you give me one more? Just one more, pretty girl.”
Nodding your head, you bounced your hips as hard as you could relishing in the sounds of his heavy breathes as they fanned your face. Cupping your cheeks in his hands, he fell back on the bed bringing you with him as he kissed your lips. 
“I’m gonna fuck you, Y/N. Can your little pussy handle it?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy, f-fuck, please.”
Behind you, you feel his legs move and you can’t help but giggle when his pants get caught on his ankle. Softly grinning, he wraps one arm around your back to keep you balanced as he reaches down to kick them off the rest of the way. 
Planting his feet into the mattress, Steve thrusts up into you aggressively, hitting that overstimulated spongey spot inside of you as he clung to your body and held you against his chest. 
You didn’t hold back as the coil in your belly snapped and a loud scream erupted from your chest. At the sensation, the mogul’s hips sputter as he coats your walls with his spend. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Good…good girl, baby.”, he cooed as he pet your head but when he realized your tears weren’t stopping, he and Eddie locked eyes, silently having a conversation as they kicked into the other side of their dominate mode. “It’s ok, honey. You’re ok and your safe. I’m going to uncuff you, alright?”
As soon as you nod, Steve blindly reaches behind you till he hears a low click but when he tries to bring your arms forward you don’t move. 
“Baby girl, I need to look you over to make sure you’re ok. Can you sit up for me?” His heart breaks when you shake your head as you continue to quietly cry. “It’s ok. We’re right here, Y/N.”
“Sweetheart, can you drink this for me please?”
Again, you shake your head.
“I’ll make you a deal. You drink some of this water and let us do some aftercare and when we’re done we’ll order pizza from that place you like, have a beer, and listen to music.”, Eddie soothes, tenderly smiling when you finally lean back to meet his gaze. “There she is…so beautiful…”
Taking the bottle from his hands, you sip some of the liquid and he praises you as he takes it back to place it on the bedside table. Noticing you wince at your sore muscles, the rockstar promptly lifts you into his arms and carries you into the bathroom where he places you into the bath he had already made. 
After gesturing towards your wrists, you show them to him and he makes note of the slight indents in your skin as he rubs them gently with his thumb. 
“Do you think you’ll need some ice?” His eyes scan you over cautiously when your head shakes once more. “Baby, I know sometimes when you get into this headspace it takes you some time to come back but can you tell me one thing? This isn’t our fault is it? We didn’t push you too hard or too rough?”
Hearing the pain in his voice, you reach for his hand and thread your fingers between his. 
“No, Daddy. I needed this.”
“Ok.”, he murmurs. “Be prepared though, Harrington is going to do that panicky thing where he talks in run on sentences without taking a breath because he wants to see you smile.”
As if on cue, Steve rounds the corner in his boxers, still wearing the button up he had before with his phone in his hand. 
“Ok, I ordered the pizza so it should be here in about twenty minutes and I also added some more of that beer you like to it just in case. If you don’t want that, baby, we have wine that Eddie brought home the other day. I got the living room ready with some blankets and pillows but there’s no rush…”
The mogul’s voice trails off when he hears your laugh as his friend flashes him a big, toothy smile. 
“No, nothing, man. You’re just doing that thing again.”
“I don’t think I’m going overboard here. She had a bad day!”
“Mhmm.”, Eddie teased as he helped you to your feet and guided you to the bed. “There you go, sweetheart, lift your foot for me.”
Once you were in some comfy clothes, they brought you to living room where Steve had indeed set up pillows and cushions from the couch into a little area with blankets in front of the glass to the back patio so you could see the snow that had begun to fall. 
“I’m sorry.”
“For what, honey?”
“I…I just need to…I don’t know…throw a tantrum…I guess.”
Grinning your way, Eddie reached out to push some lose hair behind your ear. 
“We understand, princess. We really do.”
“We didn’t go too far, right?”
“No, Steve, you didn’t go to far. It was everything I needed in the moment. Thank you.” As your voice cracked, both men scooted closer to you to comfort you. “I didn’t…go too far…right?”
“No, baby. You were perfect as always.”
“It didn’t occur to me till…till I came down from my high…that…that...” Tears began to fall again as you stuttered over your words. 
“Hey, take your time, Y/N. You can tell us anything.”, Steve cooed in his Daddy tone that made you feel safe. 
“When I was being a brat…We’ve never really talked about…Did I remind you of her?”
“Of who, sweetheart?”, Eddie asked genuinely confused. 
“Oh, baby—”
“I know she was always bratty and a bitch, screaming at you and being rude…hurting you. You both have been going through so much lately because of her and it kills me. The last thing I want to do it trigger something or—”
A ringed finger over your lips silenced you while you were rambling. 
“You’re doing that thing Steve does.”, the rockstar smiles as his friend narrows his eyes his way. “No, Y/N. You didn’t remind us of her. What you did when you came home isn’t even close to how she was. Like you said, you threw a tantrum. She used to be vindictive. I don’t even know how to explain it.”
“You don’t have to.”, you whimper as you reach up to caress his cheek.
“Is that why you were upset? Because of what we’ve been going through?”, Steve asked.
“It’s part of it…”
“What’s the other part?”
“I haven’t told you this but…people whisper about me at work. They don’t understand why I’m still a teacher if I’m with men who have money.”, you roll your eyes. “Those whispers bother me the most because it just shows how people would use you.”
“What about the other whispers, honey?” When you jaw clenches and you turn away, the mogul lightly grabs your chin and brings you back around to face him. “Are they about Gina?”
“No…not exactly…they are similar to things she’s said. That there has to be some motive for you being with a girl like me because…”
“Because you’re full figured?”
“Because I’m fat and poor, Eddie.”, you snap. “Let’s not fucking sugarcoat it.”
“Look at me, Y/N.”, he growls in deep voice you had never heard from him before. “Don’t ever let me hear you talk about yourself like that again. You say that like those are flaws. Yeah you don’t make a ton of money but you’re doing something you love and are really fucking good at. Are you a bigger girl? Yeah but that doesn’t change how goddamn beautiful you are and how kind your sarcastic fucking heart is.”
As you laugh through your tears, they smile as Steve reaches out with to catch them with his thumb. 
“My final straw was when my boss called me into his office ‘to talk’. I was so terrified that I was going to be fired even though he said my relationship was fine but then he asked if Steve would be willing to invest money into the school so we can get new shit we don’t need and it just…” When you growl in frustration both men can’t help but chuckle as the rockstar leans forward to kiss your temple. 
“It still amazes me sometimes that a woman like you exists, Y/N.”, the mogul tenderly smiles as he tilts down to kiss your lips. “You are a rarity, baby. We’ve gotten used to people like your boss but you’ve never been like that. You have no idea how much that means to us. Add in your beauty and that kind, sarcastic fucking heart.”
The three of you giggle as Eddie sticks out his tongue and winks. 
“I’m so sorry you’re going through that, honey. Do you want us to talk to your boss?”
“No, Steve. I can handle it. Today was just…”
“A lot. Yeah, we get that. Things are, um, probably about to get heavier, sweetheart, since we have mediation soon with our lawyers and the Siren.”
That makes you cackle so hard that you fall into the rockstar’s chest as he presses your beaming face into him and kisses your forehead. 
“You two can throw tantrums to…if you need to…”
As the doorbell rings, they smile at you as Steve gets up to answer the door.
@aol19 @paradisepoisons  @paleidiot @dashingdeb16
@lilaclazer @joannamuns9n @thwippyparker @emotionaldreamer
@aactuaaltraash @alastorssimp @mygirlchaos @starksbabie @imagine-all-the-imagines @hardladyheart @myherometalhead @chelebelletx @supraveng
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2-dsimp · 9 hours
So, I discovered your blog courtesy of Nokka, and as someone who is one hundred percent a nerdy homebody that doesn’t like going out unless it’s for very very specific reasons- (Aka. Once every six or so months to hit up the mall for the stuff I can’t get online or when my bestie is in town and I wanna catch up with them. Or work.) I am ok with being a house wifie!
That said, I was wondering about boundary setting with Nokka. Could him and his Darling sit down and have a conversation if something was bothering each other? Or better yet, if Darling was just not in the mood for a roll in the hay one night and just wanted cuddles, would Nokka be ok with that?
Sorry if this is a silly question or has already been answered somewhere! I hope you have a good day!
Cw: wifey reader! Suggestive, Sexism, controlling behavior
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Boundary setting with your yandere husband! Can be very easy and difficult at the same time. It really depends on the conversation being had. He’s a very direct and straightforward man who doesn’t beat around the bush. As he made it clear that you’re not to be anything other than his stay at home wife.
1. You can’t have a job.
2. You can’t take any form of birth control. Unless he allows it.
3. You can’t have a normal social life/stay out late with friends(who of course have to be female only)
4. You can’t go outside alone without him beside you, (unless your doing menial tasks like grocery shopping/stocking up on house supplies).
Though Nokka would still be defensive about letting you leave the house. Since he’d argue that he could just order grocery delivery on his app. So you’d literally have to butter him up enough to let you go outside.
Overall you’re not allowed to do most things an independent women would be able to do under his jurisdiction. He expects you to clean, cook, and take care of his sexual needs. As a woman should for her husband.
If his wife anit feeling well enough for him to breed then he’d gladly opt for cuddles. At the end of the day his wife is his priority. However, if you ever turn him on even if it’s by accident. He’d think you’re messing with him, blaming it all on you. As he proceeds to fuck you outta commission for being a so called tease.
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rxmxa · 4 hours
𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐮𝐩 ❤️‍🔥
my ideas + observations on what lilith aspects might look in daily life <3
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Lilith-Sun Aspects: Getting noticed right away by people especially when a group setting, being liked by people on the surface level but secretly they disapprove or frown at your actions when you turn around, men judging you, standing your ground at all costs, not knowing when to back down, being a natural leader, challenging societal norms with who you are and forms of self expression, walking into a meeting or class wearing a bold outfit and peoples heads turning but not a word is uttered, getting dress-coded at work or school, your boss or teachers feeling uncomfortable to say something to you, people feeling like you are being "messy" when you question the norms, not addressing rumors. knowing you're gonn stir things up when you are walking into rooms and not caring, being told to change, being told you're too much, men wanting to date you but then wishing you would be "easy to work with" or wanting to date you and then get mad when they can't dominate you, you thinking "what don't they fucking understand? I just don't want to be like them" being afraid of your individuality not being recognized that you go to extremes at some moments
Lilith-Moon aspects: the type of people to actually answer with the truth when you ask them how they're doing and then you're kind of shook because you thought they were gonna sugarcoat and be like "I'm fine" being painfully honest or blunt, talking about feelings considered taboo (like no one really likes to talk about how they are jealous or bitter or other shit like that, they just hide it or project it) but lilith-moon will say they're feeling that shit. this reminds of the song wildflower by billie eilish. this aspect is women talking shit about you, having trauma with you, women in your life judging you or pointing fingers at you for not falling into the "good girl" category. being told you're wrong for how you feel, feeling intense or moody and other people being able to pick up on it, other people seeing you as magnetic but also unpredictable and they can admire you for being real with them but it also might scare them, mom saying you are a wild child or just too much to deal with when you get "emotional", you wanting to yell "no im not fucking okay and im not gonna sit here and pretend I am"
Lilith-Venus aspects: men want you and see being with you as a challenge, they want to be with you to show off but then get mad when they cant change you, being called a "tease" or saying that you lead people on, men lying about you, spreading rumors about you, men saying they "talked to you" or dated you after texting you LMAOOO.. just fucking lying! being villanized for your beauty, your beauty feeling like its making you a target, women seeing you as competition, women spreading rumors about your beauty (oh she probably got this and this done or oh she shes only pretty because xyz), men in relationships looking at you and thinking you are manipulating them when you're not doing anything, feeling like anything venus related (beauty, art, relationships) in your life gets distorted, your relationships always feeling like a battlefield, being sensual + in tune with your femininity and then people expect you to tone it down, you might do something like wear red lipstick or heels or a nice dress and be told its too much but someone without this energy in their chart probs wouldnt get that reaction, you wondering "what's the difference between me and her? Why do they treat her like that and me like this?"
Lilith-Mercury aspects: being blunt, hurting someones feelings without meaning to, getting criticized for whatever you say, trying to be more "polite" but then it feels so exhausting, cursing a lot, cursing from a very young age and/or in professional settings, saying what other people refuse to say for the sake of being polite or because its a "superior" this is the person that in the meeting will the supervisor "In my opinion, this isnt a good idea and it isnt helpful to us", people talking shit behind your back, the person who dissects other peoples words down to the stutter, punctuation and fucking COMMA! How did they say it? What word did they say first? lilith-mercury will read between the lines and force you to say what you are refusing to say or putting in a passive aggressive manner, might refuse to engage with passive agressive people until they say it with their chest, "could you repeat that?" energy, "what did you mean by that?" energy knowing damn well what they meant, talking about politics at the dinner table during the family reunion, talking about sex in the break room at work, playing the devils advocate, reading smut, writing smut, loving dirty talk. trying to use their words for something good but people always making them feel like everything they say is just always wrong, pausing before they strike with their tongue, hating small talk, feeling uncomfy with small talk, people trauma dumping or ovesharing or vice versa, feeling suspcious of people that use pretty words with them, they wonder "What do they want from me? They're trying to get something from me...."
Lilith-Mars aspects: the first to get to moving and get shit down, getting easily annoyed at people that dont have the same drive, being angry at weak people or people that cant keep their word, "Are you gonna help or just fucking stand there?", being seen as abrassive, people avoiding you or shrinking back because of it, men wanting to compete with you, people feeling threatened by your ambition, the type to get nice things in life and people spread rumors that you had to xyz to get it, people thinking you're being confrontational or too angry when you address something face to face and up front, feeling out of control with your anger as a kid, people trying to push your buttons to try to get a reaction of you and then acting shocked when they do, fiercely independent in their routines, working out intensely, craving intensity in relationships, lines blurring between love and war "If I'm going to be the bad guy might as well get something out of it"
Lilith-Saturn aspects: a major dislike of authoritative figures, feeling resentful at being told what to do, wanting to do the opposite of what you do, "im not following this rule just because its always been followed", setting your own standards and expectations, "I prefer to find out for myself", questioning the system or cultural and societal norms and traditions that you find antiquated or unfair, people respecting you for your disciple but wishing you were easier to boss around, other people saying you're too cold or detached but you just dont wanna give them the chance to fuck you over, finding peace in the space between order and chaos and you perfecting that mix, wondering if life would be easier if you were "softer", choosing to form your own opinions on people, "thanks but I can decide for myself", feeling like you're held to expectations other people aren't
Lilith-Pluto aspects: not afraid to talk about the ugly shit in life, the taboo, trauma, control, power struggles, fear, jealousy because youve been familiar with it before, people being a little afraid of you, people saying youre too intense or even dangerous, people projecting onto you and getting mad or "disgusted" with you when you see right through them, being able to pick up on changes in peoples mannerisms, digging deeper in conversations, people suddenly confessing things to you, people not understanding why they feel drawn to your presence, people either approach it or go in the other direction, you come across as someone who has been through a lot but its only made you stronger, "im not afraid of the dark parts of life", going through something traumatic and years later thinking about it and coming to realization that you wouldn't change a thing, that it made you who you are, being okay with being seen as the villian in someones story
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canihaveacalmtime · 2 days
Usually, those otome isekai troupe would put you either in the position of the villain, villainess, antagonist or just a side character in general. So what if you happened to isekai into an otome game but as the villain's younger sibling who the villain despise so much to the point that you think he hates you even more than he hates the protagonist.
So knowing that in the next 2 years, you going to be kill by your brother, you quickly form a plan to make him stay on calm terms with you by help his plans go smoothly, be more friendly and caring towards him, be useful with informations and more. Within a year, you successfully have him on norm terms with you, no more glaring, no more cursing, lashing, no more this and that.
You felt relieved, really, now that you know you can at least be safe for the time being so the next step in your plan to survive is simply to book it out of there. Yeah, move to another country with the help of your uncle, you wouldn't want to stay and witness what kind of mess your brother would cause to the protagonist and her harem anyway.
You're very sure that he'd be super busy worrying about how to get the protagonist for himself and how to crush the harem down to the lowliest stage of life, he wouldn't even notice your disappearance because you're simply a speck of dust to him.
So when you got a call from your uncle telling you about how he got all the way here and is now finding you got your soul almost left your body in a panic moment. Finding you? What was the villain thinking? You're half glad that your uncle didn't tell your brother where you live but you also worried because he's here in this city and when he's 'finding', until you leave this place, you'd not escape his 'radar'.
Tonight, you have to study over night while having a fever, such a combination already felt so horrible and it's even worse if you start to hear noises of your apartment's front door being open.
"Damn it." You said while half conscious, walking from your bedroom to the living room, you see him standing there with all his glory but you, you don't even react anything. Maybe it's because you feel sleepy or the fever is just a little bit overdose, the last thing to know is yourself being hold back from falling down before fainted.
"My poor (y/n), you can never take care of yourself good, huh. Brother promise to care for you from now on, let's bring you 'back' first."
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twst-drabbles · 2 days
Azul 27
Summary: Azul finally decided to let you see his sea form. You've been wanting to touch him in this form like this for a while.
(This turned out longer than I thought. Was going to keep this short but oh well, I like spoiling him occasionally.)
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"What if, one day in the very very far off future, I decided to show you my other form? Of course, it's not as if I'm ever going to show you… but, if I do, what will you do?"
Usually questions like that are accompanied by that usual, irritating smug look on Azul's face, like he had the clairvoyance needed to see all the little things that go on in your head, but it wasn't there that day. Well, it was there, it was just a different variety of smug. A fake smug. Like his attempt to toy with you ended up exposing a part of himself, to himself, that even he wasn't aware of.
Azul is horribly easy to read once one gets to truly know him.
So, on that day, you responded with, "Hmm, probably cherish every part of you."
He choked and you laughed as you set his hat straight, and then Azul never brought up that question, or that day up again.
Until now, that is.
You have seen Azul in his sea form, but it was under circumstances too dangerous for you get a good look at. Or properly enjoy. That and when someone is under overblot, all their colors just get more ashy, like they were dunked in a pool of ink and not properly washed out.
Azul is still gray, but there's this purple, almost indigo undertone to it that gives him more life compared to back then. His tentacles writhed uncomfortably on the floor, and Azul looked ready to curl up somewhere and hide from the world.
"Well?" Azul pouted, "Are you going to just stand there with the door wide open?"
It's weird to think that all people under the sea are usually naked, and that they're comfortable with it. You can't help but wonder how long it took to adjust to full clothing. It couldn't have been a comfortable adjustment. And yet here Azul is, trying to cover himself like a human would, in a form that works best naked.
You closed the door and brushed your fingers against the tentacle that was ready to lock the room for you.
"Wait--" Azul shivered, hand slapping over his face to hide the blood rushing to his cheeks. "Don't just touch me out of nowhere!"
You put your hands up, smiling. "Sorry, sorry."
It felt… just about what you expected to be honest. Fleshy, but there's a firmness to it that felt nice.
Azul retreated his tentacles back to himself, but he didn't turn away from you. His arms were stiff at his sides as his eyes look at anywhere but you.
So, as per usual, you took the first step. "Mind if I touch your face?"
Best to start off with something easy, something familiar.
"…You… you may."
Besides, you can never waste an opportunity to make his face go soft like this.
Azul's head practically brushed against the ceiling. He had to both sit and bend down just to have your hands reach his face.
"It really is weird how magic can hide so much of your mass," you said after a quick peck on his lips.
Azul didn't give a verbal reply. He just made a noise under his throat.
You gave another kiss, on his left cheek. "Mind if I can feel your extra limbs?"
Azul made the same noise, louder, behind a clenched jaw.
"Is that a no?" You soothed a palm over the back of his neck, playing with the little hairs on them. You're fine with just seeing. At least now you know how his colors actually looked.
"You… may." He sighed into your neck, clutching at your shirt. His tentacles rose from the ground and lazily brushed against your legs.
You caressed a thumb over the glittery freckles of his hips. "You can stop me at any time, alright?"
Azul hummed.
You tapped against one of his lilac suction cups, liking their almost swollen appearance. Almost reminded you of bubbles. Your every touch made Azul twitch, but he didn't say or do anything about it as you continued to touch.
Azul's breath transformed into a shivering sigh when you trailed from the thin end of his tentacle, to the plump base, and to the gills flaring below his torso.
"Was that too much?" You asked, amused as you continued to touch his waist.
Azul slid his palms over your waist, turned his head, and kissed your neck.
"No," you lightly chuckled, carding through Azul's hair, "I guess not."
You guided his head and laid your lips on his.
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jazeswhbhaven · 24 hours
The Encounter of Two Flames | React | Spoilers
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HOW WE DOIN' LOVELIES? We've got ourselves a Gehenna eventtttt<3 Why not have one during the anniversary of WHB launching? Satan was our first and he's here to tell us his story.
I for one feel like it's nice getting know "young" Satan and seeing this new sprite of his.
I waited for compile the first four days together because making a post for each damn day was becoming tedious lol. Sure it's good for spreading out screenshots but my adhd is k i l l i n g me.
Let's get started tho yeah?
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"As they always do"....
Like good fucking lord Gehenna is always being attacked. I've said this once and I'll say it again like the angels really have fucking beef with Satan it seems. They barely touch the other parts of Hell.
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Cameo from the bae, thank you for letting us know your thoughts boo. ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘) ♡´
So anyways Gehenna is under fire for a different reason today, it is none other than Sitri that's burning up the entire place and even his sprite is just nothing but blue fire.
In science class ya'll, we remember that blue flames are actually hotter than the orange ones. So I can imagine it's a good thing that Solomon or MC weren't here cause yeah they would of been instantly vaporized.
But all the devils are trying to put the fire out, can't cause water ofc won't help here.
I imagine Sitri's fire is more of a energy/essence sourced fire though so ofc it can't be extinguished by "normal" methods.
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Young Satan is peak I swear. He's spunky, full of life, catty, I feel he's easily annoyed more, and just got that "it" factor. Not to say the older him is drained and used up, but definitely more mature.
So he goes to his demonic monster form, which as far as we've seen he's the only one that has a form like that. I'd like to assume the others do too but don't have to use it as often or at all.
cough we should have a h-scene with monster demon satan cough
So....why did Sitri burn up Gehenna??
Well it turns out that Sitri wasn't necessarily doing this on purpose.
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Normally, our blue haired mr perfect shoes has everything together. Here he doesn't. Phew....Sitri I know something ain't right when your room is as messy as Paimon's (canon stuff that Paimon doesn't keep his room clean lmao)
Like? even Sitri's appearance is all kinds of fucked. Dry cracked lips, fucked up hair, like our baby is not doing well ya'll.
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Andddd Belialllllll the bae <3 comes to visit. Jjyu and his loud mouthed self..
What kills me is that Sitri literally was like "I didn't hear you."
And then we find out through Belial writing it down because he didn't want Jjyu making shit worse (good call) that it wasn't Sitri's fault that the recent battle went all wrong and a lot of devils were killed in the process.
Sitri feels responsible for their deaths and is spiraling right now overthinking the past and thinking how it could have been better.
I feel sorry for him, because there was a time in my life where I would do the same and basically be so deep in my regret and guilt I neglected my health, my surroundings, my friendships...pretty much everything. It wasn't a good time so I know what Sitri is going through.
We even hear him mention that Zagan was badly injured (Astaroth too)
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Jjyu shut the hell up omg lmaooooo
(him in response to Sitri explaining that Zagan could barely speak he was hurt so badly) Belial glares at him for that btw lmao
Satan also got injured it seems so it sounds like this battle went really bad.
Sitri even asks to be alone, and well Belial gets it and leaves promptly. I really like seeing Belial be more interactive this go around because we barely get that from the Gehenna devils in the main story and the last event in Gehenna was mostly just Minhyeok and Ppyong.
This gives me an insight as to how Belial is in personality, and really aside from Jjyu, he's really just chill and seems very pleasant to be around in general. I wish we could see what his eyes look like. It would change me forever.
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So we're at the meeting that happens a few days later and well Sitri is still in a sullen mood. Since Zagan and Astaroth are out of commission, Amy was invited to come.
Oh so it seems Amy is going to be popping up since we got introduced. That's pretty nifty.
And Leraye is definitely worried about Sitri, wondering if he's sleeping, eating, and his condition has gotten worse. I imagine Sitri hasn't sleep in days since the event.
Paimon tries to lighten the mood but bless his heart it doesn't work when...
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Amy starts going off about Sitri ordering him and his men to go east, and well that was the wrong call this time. I see it as a simple miscalculation but in the heat of war...perhaps things like this can't just be mistakes. lives are at stake, and devils aren't being re-produced anymore. Their extinction is literally inevitable during these battles.
Even if it weren't, lives were still lost and Amy takes this personally because it was HIS men who were affected the most.
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I guess this seemed like the "best" time to bring up why Amy hates Sitri so much but it's like???? "because he looks like a girl?"
I'm just going to take this as Amy just not liking how elegant Sitri is with everything and how it compares to his rough and rash behavior. I don't think he truly would care if anyone looks more feminine.
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And well because Amy started some shit, Sitri took a piece of paper, spat in it and threw it at Amy. So naturally...here we are.
Now a couple things about this scene...Zagan is present...and then there's a random devil there which this a private meeting for the nobles so why????
idk....let's just keep going lol
So Amy goes on to further berate Sitri and saying that he's aware that him and his subordinates have to follow orders once they get them from the center, so if the orders were better thought out his men wouldn't of died.
Sitri tells him why doesn't he kill him then since it was as if he did it himself and Amy is all like ????
And here we see more of their banter dynamic and it's almost as if Amy literally just holds back and only fights with words. Sitri physically maims and does things to him just as we saw in the previous event.
He even broke his wrist here like damn. And came in like-
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Like good lord Sitri chill
And then Sitri starts to smack the shit out of him and cuss him out some more and Paimon stops the fight because Amy is literally about to give him a concussion at this point. Paimon invited Amy because he felt it would be good to go over the battle with him there but he realizes all it did was make things worse.
Leraye goes to even try and talk with Sitri to see if he's taking care of himself and well, obviously he's not. He's still focused on the battle and his mistakes.
A few days later happens and Sitri is front and center because Amy pretty much said he isn't listening to him anymore and doing what he thinks is best.
And Sitri isn't doing so hot in battle either. He's shooting without a plan or strategy, other devils are just standing around. Yes angel's are dying but he's just...doing whatever and hasn't had proper sleep or anything.
He's such a mess Satan had to come in and kick his ass in the middle of battle and set him straight.
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So it's safe to say that Satan doesn't like tasteless and useless anger. There has to be a purpose for your anger and for him to thrive on it and he just ain't diggin' it from Sitri at the moment.
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Oh boy...I don't have a good feeling about that.
So we go back to the time when Gehenna was up in flames. We have Leraye snippin' and doin' his thing and Ppyong helping with bringing over bullets. They then notice Sitri on the battlefield and he seems to be killing every single angel accurately but....our boy Leraye knows best.
He tells Ppyong to STOP Sitri because this isn't a planned attack, he is literally killing everyone that gets in his range. Doesn't matter if it's angel or devil.
Sitri is literally so damn tired he can't even notice or care anymore and is just going at it.
And that's when everyone notices the flames at the same time. They are erupting from Sitri's body.
Belial even uses his hoarse voice to call out to Sitri and we know that's serious.
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And sorry like I know that Sitri is in a bad place and bad spot rn but he looks so pretty here. The blue and pink contrasts are definitely a Sitri signature look.
But yeah that fire is way too hot for anyone to do anything. Even Leraye is told that he can't help. So Ppyong runs off to find Amy to help.
Leraye does attempt though, but it's no use, and Paimon had to come and save him. (they're so cute I love them)
And ya'll it was THREE damn days that fires were going and THREE days that Sitri was like that just in the middle of the square. Also...damn why did it take three days for Ppyong to go find Amy? (he explains later that the teleportation talisman just couldn't keep up with Amy)
But the Gehenna bois are all going over how they don't blame Sitri, they blame themselves for letting him hold that weight of being responsible for everything that happens. It's that weight that led to his current state and now things were worse off for everyone but they feared most for Sitri's life and well-being.
But Amy finally shows up and well his attempts to help the situation were hopeful at first...but sadly...
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Amy gets stabbed in the stomach with one of the iron maiden spikes...which at this point are surrounding Sitri like vines to protect him. This raw power is actually quite impressive if it weren't ya know killing everyone around him in a blind haze.
I wonder if he was able to tap into that while training in Hades?
But...yeah I was rooting for Amy to bring him back here because you know frenemies and stuff like that (or for those who ship them only Amy can bring him back)
BUT Satan comes to the rescue!
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Poor Amy, I swear he's always gettin' tossed around and shit lol
Also as many times Amy has been slashed and punctured in the stomach you would assume he'd never recover from that.
But we have something important here that I'd like to talk about for a minute that Satan reveals...
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He mentions that Sitri is dealing with depression and that he must have gotten it from him. If we remember from his info card he is the embodiment of depression in Hell. He is depression. So his right hand devil that's always around him? Yeah eventually he's gonna get bit by the bug.
And I like that Satan isn't the typical representation of depression either. He always seems upbeat, active, and doing everything and anything. But as we have seen in the main story he has emotional wounds that haven't healed and he wonders if they will. He was speaking of the loss of Solomon, but I'm sure there's more to it than that which existed way before he even met him.
Now we see that Sitri is literally not taking care of himself, wallowing, self destructing, that's what most folks usually see and demonize when folks are going through IRL depression. They never seem to pay attention to the person who has it all together because why would they have depression? they're doing fine right?
n o p e.
So here we are...knowing the source. And why Satan has decided to be the one to save Sitri. And well since he can't do that as himself he has to transform to his monster form to do it.
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I'd just like to bring up that he's so damn cute here. The jokester.
But it seems that Satan doesn't take his monster form often. We've seen it first when he met Solomon to test him, we see it when he fights Mammon that one time in one of the comics iirc, and we see it now.
I wonder when was the first time he ever had to use his monster form?
But either way, he carries Sitri out of the flames, and even though Sitri is still on fucking fire burning on his back Satan can handle it. Even Astaroth is concerned and comes to see if Satan is okay.
Satan starts traveling somewhere..."where memories flicker" to go put out the fire though, and everyone is following him.
Satan keeps mentioning that Sitri kept a promise to him that he wouldn't die. And I think we will get to the root of that soon.
And that's when we go to a F L A S H B A C K
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So...with this bit of info this is what I've gathered-
-Satan, Belphie, Mammon, and Leviathan all were already here before Lucifer was
-Gehenna was not in existence yet, but Tartaros and Hades were
-This possibly happened around the same time that Mammon was trapped (or after)
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S T O P fueling my damn SHIP (and by stop I mean keep doing it.)
So apparently in a land assuming early Gehenna there were rumors of a beautiful beast, and Satan was like "oh levi??? :D" but clearly not him lol
I just think it's funny that his first thought was Leviathan. (he'd be like yeah think of me first you idiot)
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the babiessssssssssss
They must have been before Ppyong because I don't see him here. So hopefully we get to see when Ppyong arrived!!
So what Satan is doing right now is traveling with these three going to find what this beast is and if he can find his right hand devil in order to help him build his kingdom.
Coming of age story it seems...lol
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Now this background made me be like oh....it's a pond literally full of rank ass blood.
Now i'm gonna gross ya'll out, but every time I see things like this I think of how period blood smells when it's been sitting on a pad for too long or in the trashcan with other bloody pads and it just smells really bad like tissue and blood because that's what it is....
But yeah I scrunched my nose because I'm like Hell is not the place for me and my nose I'd literally wish for sense of smell to vanish.
one of the red lumps throws up and well I don't blame him...lol
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nice to know that he says that to basically everyone and everything even in his past lol
BUT it seems tomorrow we're going to see who it is he's calling out to, my guess is it's probably Sitri because well...the story IS about them meeting after all.
There we have it ya'll, day one through four! I think for the rest of the days I'm just going to do two days at a time for each post I make instead of waiting four days because phew this was lot of catching up and writing lol
I'm realllyyyy feelin' Satan's look here btw. I've mentioned that already but Imma do it again lol
But overall so far I think I'm learning a lot about Sitri in a way I'd like to know more about Bael or Foras tbh since they are the right hand devils. I know we had a Niflheim event that showed Beleth, but I want to know what it is he did to fall to Hell and what that scar around his neck is about. And for those who didn't get Beel's bathcard we do get some of Bael's lore in there but only a crumb.
But alas...possibly may or may not get this but we'll see...
ANYWAYS thanks for reading and see ya'll on the next react ^^
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
hey I was wondering, do you have any thoughts or headcannons about Crescent? (Killer and Nightmare most popular fanchild) I always thought that his existence would be very interesting for the interaction between the two but the fandom kind of completely ignores them when it comes to Crescent, which is really annoying because this has so much potential to traumatize both of them (especially Killer)
Oh man, it’s been awhile since i thought about anything related to shipkids or Crescent. Now I did talk about how I think Stage 2 Killer, the Killer Crescent is most likely to be familiar with, would think of, react to, feel about, and behave around children in general right here.
All is to say, i don’t think Killer would ever want children of his own. Any kids he may potentially have would be on accident or something he was not willingly doing or had a hand in.
I do still think Stage 2’s ways of thinking about people in general—not full “people,” unreal, objects of fascination and study, NPCs running on scripts and predicable, tools or resources, targets, threats, etc—would extend to his own kids.
If it was something he didn’t willingly partake in, he’d avoid confronting his lack of agency or desire for such a thing—and he wouldn’t think of any kids as his. He’d think, “they’re not mine. Just another way this body was used.” Or “the results of someone else’s choices” or in some cases, “a means to an end.”
At most, if the child was an accident and unplanned, he may begin to see the kid(s) as “his.” But not in the way a parent typically thinks about their child; just as a fact. They’re “biologically” or magically, I guess, his. They may even be his in the same way that, say, the phone I’m typing on to respond to this ask is mine.
I wouldn’t want anyone touching it without permission or going through it or breaking it or stealing it from me. I have a password to keep it safe. I have a case on it so its screen doesn’t break when I drop it. It’s a cute case. I make sure to charge it when it needs to be charged, manage its storage, try to avoid giving it any bugs or viruses and try to fix it if it does get any. I make sure not to overcharge and overheat it.
Sometimes I play around in its settings and try to figure out how it works, what it can and can’t do, what I can and can’t change about it. There’s ideas and worries and thoughts floating around that my phone could be used against me, leak my personal information, explode and hurt me, etc.
When it doesn’t work as intended or in a timely manner or does anything that happens to regular phones and are just natural or inconvenient, I get annoyed with it and think about throwing it at wall. I don’t do it—but killer would have a much harder time with a kid in this analogy then I would.
I am not conditioned to respond with violence to certain triggers—it just mildly annoyed me. And he may just have to forcibly remove himself from the situation/kid, if only because he doesn’t want this kid “controlling” him.
If I lost or broke my phone id be annoyed and frustrated, upset about all my data and photos and videos and memories being lost—but would ultimately move on with my life. I would more so be upset that I wasted the money of the person who bought and gifted the phone.
Of course things with Killer and any kids of his in this phone analogy don’t fit perfectly. For one thing he wouldn’t even bother getting a “phone” in this case, and if he ever accidentally ended up with one and he wasn’t able to “share” it with someone (raise the kid alongside the parent as support or have any form of support), he’d find someone else to take it.
If he couldn’t find anyone else to take it, and the phone was capable of being taught to care and look after itself, he might do that if he’s in the environment to do so (aka not with Nightmare), then leave once he’s sure it can. Probably wouldn’t think much of the phone again.
Now back to Crescent specifically. I forgot what his story was so I had to look up a wiki, which may not be reliable, but something in particular stood out to me and kinda made me laugh.
“Killer doesn't care about Crescent. When Nightmare said that they now have a child together, Killer commented on this news with an emotionless "Wow".”
Very silly of him to do. But makes sense, since it’s to my understanding that this kid was not made out of any love between Killer and Nightmare—Crescent was made purely for Nightmare’s plans.
It’s mentioned that Nightmare is the mother, and maybe possibly given birth (?) to him, so at least Killer didn’t have to experience the body horror of unwanted pregnancy. But the way it’s said makes me think he still definitely wasn’t given any choice in this matter.
I remember hearing around that Nightmare actually raised Crescent in his early years due to wanting to raise him “right.” I personally don’t see Nightmare doing any of the child rearing honestly, i think it’d actually be left to Killer.
And I already talked about how I think Killer would fare with having been ordered to care for a child in the linked post, but there’s the added bonus of Crescent being Killer and Nightmare’s kid, Killer’s unwanted kid, the fact that he was likely ordered by the Boss to train and basically indoctrinate Crescent into whatever plans Nightmare has for the kid.
It was mentioned that Crescent is resentful and resistant towards Nightmare and his plans, hiding the full extent of his powers simply to spite Nightmare. And while I do think Killer may be all for spiting Nightmare, there’s the fact that Crescent himself isn’t likely to face the consequences for his disobedience; Killer is.
Hell, in the darkest timeline, Killer may even be the one ordered to dish out any punishment on Crescent himself; encouraged to give in to his conditioning while also having to restrain himself from killing the kid.
But it’s more likely that Killer would face punishment from Nightmare for any disobedience Crescent displays. Which in turn builds Killer’s both resentment and feelings of being powerless, but also leads to deep repression which increases his apathy and indifference.
All in all, i think Killer would both fear and hate that kid deep down. Very deep. But enough that whenever he’s in Stage 1, he’ll stay far away from Crescent; and warn the kid to do the same. He may even arm Crescent with a way to protect himself from Killer, similar to the way he tells Color he has to kill him if he ever goes Stage 3.
Crescent would likely be raised with the knowledge that his father—the one whose been taking care of and raising him all these years, but may have also been the one to have greatly wounded and betrayed him (regardless of choice or not)— is a danger to him, and one day, he may have to kill him—or he’d die instead.
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creature-wizard · 1 day
Okay, so this ex-New Age-now Christian lady is bringing up something that aligns with something I've observed. Read this:
I was experiencing like these constant highs from new information and knowledge and finding the "truth" and fulfilling my reason for coming to Earth, but objectively, my life was actually getting worse. Fighting with my husband more than ever and I was just getting disenchanted with my life, I couldn't be present, I was finding it really hard to be present. But the weirdest thing was that I was feeling extreme - like when the high of the knowledge would die down, I was feeling like extremely anxious and that feeling of dread and doom that I started to get, was just anytime I would get down off that high of learning something new.
New Age spirituality isn't designed to be a form of spirituality that can sustain and nourish you for a lifetime, much less sustain and nourish generations of people. It's designed to provide bursts of short-term excitement in the form of conspiracy theories, occult lore, new trinkets to collect, celestial events, spiritual awakenings, and the always-imminent-but-never-arriving ascension into 5D. It's got dragons and fairies and angels and mermaids and aliens. And ultimately, it's all a bunch of empty fluff that alienates you from the real world, and from a truly meaningful existence.
When you think about it, it's really the perfect spirituality for a late-stage capitalist society, where you are expected to find fulfillment in short-term bursts of pleasure from a never-ending stream of consumer goods.
Meanwhile, when you look at spiritual traditions that have been practiced for a long time, you don't really see things like a huge focus on an imminent new era, or on some big necessity to discover the secret hidden truth. Sustainable spiritualities are more focused on continuing the cycle of life in the here and now. Trying to figure out what planet your soul is from so you know what your very special purpose in bringing along the new age? Obsessing over the next cosmic portal? Trying to learn the secret hidden truth they don't want you to know about? That's weird.
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sugar-crash · 23 hours
🍬King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph) x (gn) Reader👑
(First Kiss Edition!)
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(That stupid yet cute meme where it’s like “Wait they don’t love you like I love you” has been ROTTING🔑 MY BRAIN. My fyp is nothing but this song, brain cells are nuking themselves as we speak.)
- Significantly more different from how he’d be in general as Turbo.
- This is far more pleasant inherently than whatever the fuck was going on with him during the Turbo Time era.
- I don’t see much of a specific scenario between the two of you as clearly as I did with Turbo, however, there’s an aura he wants for this and he’s adamant about getting that.
- Again, not hopeless when it comes to kissing like you aren’t going to see him gaping like a fish when you lean in to kiss him or anything (the mental image makes me laugh).
- It could go wrong but I don’t think he wouldn’t be able to salvage the situation and make it something pleasant to think back on later…. Or the opposite when facing the aftermath of the Cy-Bug disaster.
- I think it takes him a month into the relationship to do something like that, more than likely during the end of a pleasant date to further sweeten the “deal” between you two.
- Incredibly clever about how he goes about it, waiting for the right moment and goes for it. When it comes to him I don’t think it’ll ever be seen as rushed, or sloppy, he thinks about every little thing that could happen.
- If only he thought deeply like that when it came to other things, but, then again you’re one of the more important aspects of his life, something he openly says to you when he sees a glimpse of hesitation from you when following out one of his plans to keep his hold on Sugar Rush.
- His romance with you reflects through the kisses, being sweet and quick, usually being a nice peck on the cheek.
- Which I believe he does before the first kiss as a way to play with the shallow waters before going in and kissing you on the lips.
- That and maybe kissing you on the hand, though that feels a bit more intimate, the habit probably forming when you guys have been together long enough, like another display of weakness he’s only willing to show you at first before it becomes a mindless habit he indulges in, in public or not.
- Makes a point to respect boundaries for once, probably learning from other love affairs from the past that that’s actually really important… Who knew?/j
- In general kissing to him, even with its emotional ties, is something he uses as a way to convince you he is someone to stay with— Having a weird and twisted idea of what kissing and love as a whole are all about, go figure.
- He loves you undeniably, with every lingering touch and soft kiss adding emphasis to that fact, but he’s not as good as he leads on and it shows in those cracks that are in his hard shell.
- He’s like a jawbreaker in a sense, that sense being he needs time to wear his defenses and trust you with certain things, including kissing. I certainly believe he takes his time with every little thing that could be considered a “next step” in a relationship in order to truly convince himself you loved him unconditionally.
- I think he had to learn to love unconditionally, though I don’t think he does a very good job. Like kisses are nice and all but they are only a small part of a relationship.
- Takes the phrase “a relationship is a two-way streak” lightly— Thinking you couldn’t possibly handle what he had to say about himself, what he had to say about Turbo, which he has a valid about considering his impact as Turbo has implemented itself into the very culture of the Arcade.
- As far as anyone else knew, Turbo was nothing more than a cautionary tale now, and he is determined to keep it that way as he lives life in a game that was never his own, in a form that was never his original, and with someone who doesn’t even know who he truly is.
- ANYWAYS, the first kiss is inherently sweet, both literally and metaphorically, just his way of making sure you know just how important you are to him.
(Ik yku sbcje ksbnp lnklfn pnqlrwjcja srenq rq muctefy rq cs ici gkp Gcx-cs Gnfcx?)
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anonzentimes · 10 hours
zen am i just projecting or am i cooking when i say komahina are both soooo incredibly anxiety disorder coded
like i’ll start with nagito bc to me that one’s more obvious. this guy has ocd. holy SHIT nagito has ocd. and it’s completely reasonable for him to have developed it! his luck means that things go wrong for very little reason all the time, he knows the luck has Rules to it, of course he’d develop little “rituals” (read: compulsions) to try to minimize bad luck. plus, frontotemporal dementia often causes symptoms of ocd as well (though i’d argue he very well could have developed the disorder before his diagnosis). nagito is always so convinced that Something Bad is going to happen Because Of Him even if he has nothing to do with the situation. “xyz thing happened earlier so something awful will happen now” that is obsessive-compulsive thinking!!! i just know he counts every step and Has to close doors 8 Times “just in case.” he probably has some form of moral ocd as well considering how convinced he is that he’s a terrible person who isn’t worth anything. oh and of course he doomspirals like no fucking other
as for hajime. i might really be projecting with this one but also i’m Right. generalized anxiety disorder. his primary fear response is fight. hajime is so stressed out about everything all the time and this is why he’s kind of bitchy. he’s Anxious. you see this a lot in the prologue where even before monokuma shows up hajime Is Not Trusting Of This Situation bc what the fuck!!! where is he!! what do you MEAN just enjoy it how did he get here!!! he’s surrounded by strange people on a strange island with a fucking stuffed rabbit and you expect him to NOT freak out??? hello??? he passed out for sure bc his adrenaline response got so intense that his blood pressure got weird and oh down he goes. but it also shows in subtler ways. his thought patterns and constant questioning of things— he overthinks a LOT, from monokuma’s plans to why his classmates are Like That to I Must Be So Normal to his mystery talent to What Is Nagito’s Deal Actually. in the prologue and chapter one, nagito gets hajime to calm down by distracting him— specifically, he teases hajime and riles him up. this gives him a healthy outlet to put that fight response energy into, and thus the anxiety recedes. hajime calls himself a “coward” in nagito’s 5th (? maybe 4th) fte— before i got my gad diagnosis, i thought of myself as being overly sensitive and nervous— hajime, who isn’t very good at deciphering emotions in general (likely due to not being able to talk about them at home but that’s a different story), would probably see his anxiety and identify it as cowardice. he also just… worries. constantly. about everything. whenever a classmate goes missing, whenever nagito goes missing (he proceeds to question WHY he’s worrying with nagito a lot which ties back to the overthinking), whenever anything new happens on the island, etc. mainly though i think hajime’s gad shows in his insecurities. he is deeply afraid of mediocrity, of his best not being enough. i think a lot of his fears stem from the idea of being forgettable or unremarkable— he wants to make an impact on the world, and the thought of dying before he can, whether it be in the killing game or just the rat race of life, horrifies him. but he doesn’t know who he is, he doesn’t know how to make that impact. he’s terrified that he, hajime hinata, is not enough. that he’s boring, unremarkable, destined to be just another salaryman, part of the mob. that’s why he worries about his talent so much, that’s why it hurts so much when nagito starts treating him worse in chapter 4 (someone who was once his biggest source of comfort is now affirming his worst fears), and that’s why he was such a good target for the kamukura project. hpa saw his insecurity and fear and preyed on it. most people wouldn’t sacrifice themselves for some experimental project. but when you’ve fought to get to a place that you pray will be able to make you special, and they tell you “we can make you special, but it will change who you are,” and you Don’t Like who you are because you feel deep down that who you are will never be enough, well. why wouldn’t you take the offer? you get to Be Something. you get to make an impact. who cares if you lose yourself? that guy was boring.
ANYWAYS that got away from me a little bit. i could keep going (like abt hajime’s fight response and nagito’s fawn response) but this ask is long enough lmao. point it they both have undiagnosed anxiety disorders i know it i Know It please tell me you see what i see
Hii!!! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get around to answering this! I was waiting for a good moment to type up a response since I think such a long ask, especially from an oomf, deserves a thought out reply. To be straightforward and simple: yes, absolutely yes! I think the interpretations that Hajime has anxiety disorder and Nagito has ocd is very fitting. I don’t know as much about ocd as I do about anxiety, so I don’t really talk about it in fear that I may be rude or inaccurate, but I definitely so heavily agree every time I see it. As for the anxiety disorder I’m not sure if I really have it but my anxiety is a pain and I am taking supplements and have started taking meds for it recently (fingers crossed those actually do anything helpful), but this is to say that I relate to Hajime a lot in those sort of moments and when you phrase it like that I realize it is probably because of the anxiety he experiences alongside his character beats. For Nagito I can say, “Yeah! Everybody makes such great points about him having Ocd! I really like that interpretation even if I don’t know about it as much,” and then with Hajime it’s like “Yes! This is canon to me I know about this and I say so and relate to him and it fits incredibly well!” :D
also lowkey I’ve been having that weird feeling where I miss them,,, and reading this has made me miss them less so thank you very much hehe I love Hajime and Nagito very much and agree with your points heavily, appreciate you sending this!
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argisthebulwark · 21 hours
*runs in knocking everything over on my way* Regency Miraak??? (If you would like to share anything about im sat)
yeah, it's been a bit of a slow burn project for me lol. i love writing the version of miraak i made up for it, i kept the mask and made him a reclusive mr darcy type of man. predictably, i've written a lot of fluffy or smutty scenes but not a lot of connective in between stuff, hopefully someday i can form it into something coherent!! i'll put a lil snippet below a cut here - i really like this scene but don't want to eat up anyone's dash :)
“May I remove your mask?” The very question that had burned within her for ages. Her fingers danced carefully over the jeweled shoulders of his coat while anxiously awaiting his answer. Gloved hands tightened at his sides and for one moment she worried that she’d overstepped, that this moment of vulnerability would come to an end. 
“You may.” He breathed the words, supple leather cool on her skin as he guided her hands to his mask. “Only you may.” 
Cold metal poked at her palms as she clutched its edges, his hold leaving hers to reach for its clasp. Excitement left her heart racing as she recalled all the terrible rumors that had circulated about him - that he’d been horrifically scarred in the war, birthmarks he shamefully hid away, false eyes or a broken smile. She prepared for anything. Grasping the mask she carefully lifted it away from Miraak’s face. 
Deep green eyes framed with gloriously thick lashes met hers, gauging every flicker of emotion on her face. She knew he weighed every minute reaction, fearing rejection so deeply it almost seemed that he sought it out. She schooled her features knowing that one wrong move would slam shut the cracks into his life she'd so painstakingly opened. 
One dark brow was split, an old gash cutting through it. The scar ran over the crooked bridge of his nose and spiderwebbed across his cheek, one corner of his mouth twisted upward with scar tissue. Her heart rammed in her chest as she took him in, utterly amazed by the face he’d hidden from the world. With quivering hands she carefully cupped his face, shocked when he did not rebuke her. Miraak’s eyes fluttered closed as she cradled his cool skin, voicing the only words she could fathom at the sight of him. 
“You are beautiful.” She whispered, eyes misty. Miraak’s mouth quirked up in a sarcastic grin and she felt the blood rushing into his cheeks, face warming in her grasp.
“You are the only one mad enough to say such a thing.” It was the voice she knew so well but there was something magical about witnessing his mouth form the words. “The gods know I am anything but beautiful.”
“You are to me.” He glanced up at her and she saw the desperation in his eyes, how deeply he wanted to believe her. She wished to make him see it all - his stunning eyes, the breathtaking smile, the sheer sense of him.
“You are beautiful to me.”
“Are you lying to spare my feelings?” The humor in his tone was false, a faulty cover for the vulnerability of his position. She could not bring herself to participate in his banter - this moment was far too important. 
“You know I could never lie to you.”
“Lying is among your many talents.” 
“Never to you, Miraak.” He allowed her to inch closer, eyes flicking down to her lips. Her body was aflame at the ever decreasing space between them, yearning to fall into his touch. 
“We could be caught like this.” Miraak murmured and she marveled once more at the sight of his lips moving. “We would be compromised, we could lose all standing in proper society.”
“Best keep quiet then, my lord.” 
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entamesubs · 3 days
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 127 Sub Release
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There are LONG translation notes below, so spoilers ahead!!
ではこれがし? 貴公?おぬし? おんどれ? Then, this one? You over there? Young man? This guy?
There are a lot of different ways to address someone else not you in Japanese, just as many as there are personal pronouns to refer to yourself. For example, お前 (omae) is one you'll hear a lot of anime characters use, however this is rarely used in real life due to how rude and casual it is between anyone that's not your close friends.
In any Japanese class, you may learn あなた (anata) instead, which is slightly more formal and neutral. You may also hear other characters use キミ (kimi), which is slightly softer and cute-sounding.
All of these, in essence, mean "you". However, their tones and connotations are extremely different. Due to how rarely Japanese as a language even needs to use pronouns (the first rule of "you" in Japanese is not using "you" at all!), busting out any form of "you" is meant to be something you do only when you need to address someone directly, to get their attention. Similar to saying their name.
In fact, "you" and forms of it in Japanese can also count as swearing (especially for a language that really doesn't have swearing the way other languages may*).
You may have heard some anime characters ground out a テメエ (temee), 己 (onore), or 貴様 (kisama) when they're pissed off or angry. This also means "you", but in such a way that it shows extreme displeasure and informality/rudeness. You would never use this with anyone in real life in daily conversation. It occupies the same space and feeling as saying "you piece of shit".
In fact, くそ (kuso), which many people may recognize as "shit!", used to be an old way to say "you"!
Anyway, small language lesson aside, Yuudias is basically using a whole bunch of different variants of "you" in order to figure out how exactly The Creator addressed Kuaidul. I tried my best with picking out a few modifiers, but the Japanese "you" is never going to be perfectly translatable, unfortunately.
これがし (koregashi) - also Kuaidul's personal pronoun, literally means "this one" 貴公 (kikou) - stuff you might hear in a period drama, usually used by a nobleman to refer to a male servant おぬし (onushi) - also archaic and something you'd hear in a period drama, usually used by samurai to address other samurai おんどれ (ondore) - kind of rural country-sounding, very casual
(* In modern times, though, "swear words" have actually been created in Japanese slang. This wouldn't be a language lesson if I didn't teach you how to curse!
"Fuck!" as a modifier/adjective ("that fucking thing" / "I hate this so fucking much") can be クソデカ (kusodeka) in Japanese. As with all things, it depends on context.
For how to conjugate it, it's kind of a na adjective. So, くそデカ大声 ("that fucking loud voice") would be fine.
The more you know!)
エペルバシー / エペルベーノ (eperubashii / eperubeino) Transcendence / Exceed
If you're wondering why this episode took so long to get subbed, you can blame these two words. There's actually a funny story involved!
When I first stumbled on it, I had zero clue what Yuuhi was trying to say. Me and Tessa (batsugeemu) scoured like crazy on different websites and weird Google searches trying to get a hit, but no dice. So we kind of just put the script aside for a couple days.
Then, the Chinese fansub team reached out to me. They also had zero clue what the hell "eperubashii" or "eperubeino" meant, and were wondering if we knew. Unfortunately, we didn't.
However, they did mention to us that they thought "eperu" may refer to iper (meaning hyper-) in Italian. They just couldn't decipher the rest of it.
We then asked an Italian person for their opinion and they said that the words don't sound like anything they know. However, they redirected us to look at Greek instead, since yper is also the same thing in Greek.
And finally, after a long couple days, we got a hit! The two words Yuuhi's saying are υπερβασία (ypérbasi) and υπερβαίνω (ypervaíno̱) in Greek. Since I don't know Greek, I just took the first meaning in the dictionary that came up and used it.
It was a team effort but we got to the bottom of it!
I guess becoming Otes teaches you Greek. After all, karutamata is a combination of "karuta" meaning card and "mata" from automata (automation, etc), both Greek words. Zwijo also has a lot of Greek stuff in his deck, as does Yuudias. Well then!
ナウい / naui "Hella happening"
This is just 80s Japanese slang for something that's "current" and "trendy". It comes from English! From "now-y".
Anyway, another great arc done and very excited to see what happens next! Thanks as always for sticking with us.
Also, happy Go Rush world launch in Duel Links!! 🎉
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postleft · 8 months
i bite/chew on my fingers, i am much better about it than i used to be, but i usually have at least two finger wounds/injuries at any given time. and it was just now that i was like, oh that’s actually weird. that’s like not normal. lol.
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