enhaven · 12 hours
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enhaven · 15 hours
you hoon girlies surprised me lmao ngl 🤧
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enhaven · 1 day
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it's the sunoo effect 🥰
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enhaven · 2 days
nawh if the hee fic is infidelity with hoon's girl i might cry 😭
oh i would just say that hoon and oc's relationship here wasn't clarified so you don't have to cry!! not sure if i've implied it enough but she's friends with all of them! hoon was the first one to approach her this way tho (we love a confident king) once they all got closer. it'll be more explained in hee's part since that would have more plot than this but yea 👀
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enhaven · 2 days
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681 notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
ok hi I’m obsessed with your writing and i’m binging everything as we speak (what’s work??? idk!!!) anyway thank you for writing and feeding my silly little brain mwah mwah mwah!
hello hello thank you omg i've barely posted anything but have fun ig? 😭 speaking of work i'm dreading to return tomorrow but it is what it is. i'm meant to post more but adulting just gets in the way smh. tysm for taking the time to read my work fr, it means a lot!! 💕
and since hoon's your fave, i think i can spoil something i finished in one go when i was high on inspo 🤧
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i'm just not sure when to post it since i'm working on summer fics rn but maybe near the Fall season? like late Summer, or early Fall 👀
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enhaven · 2 days
affairs of honour | mlist
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in the grand milieu of the bustling social calendar, each Season unfurls with the anticipation of a thousand whispered secrets. every debutante and dashing suitor eagerly awaits their moment beneath the glittering chandeliers, where gossip dances as freely as the waltz. yet amidst the whirl of opulent balls and refined soirees, lies the unyielding truth that maintaining one's standing comes at a price.
genre: regency!au, romance, drama, historical
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pairing: sunoo x reader
summary: this year's season might be the most anticipated and intriguing yet with the infamous son of Baron Kim — who is known for his radiant charm despite his quite contrasting reputation finally gracing the ton of his presence.
genre: strangers to lovers, angst, fluff
⚜️ unravel here
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pairing: heeseung x reader
summary: the previous season was not what the second son of Earl Lee had hoped, just like the one prior. truly how unfortunate it is — perhaps that is why he is determined to change the course of the game on this upcoming one...no matter what the cost is.
genre: acquaintances to ?, smut, angst, fluff?
⚜️ unravel here
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pairing: jongseong x reader
summary: securing a match proved challenging for both you and Duke Park's only son — given your shared penchant for breaking societal norms to spite your families. yet this season, one might ponder whether these similarities hint at a deeper connection all along.
genre: friends to lovers, smut, angst, fluff
⚜️ unravel here
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note: i finally finished watching the latest part of Bridgerton and i have mixed feelings on this whole season so i brainstormed rq for this. i really only planned this for Sunoo months ago but now it's a series instead cuz i couldn't help it lol. think of each part as a different season since they're interconnected and follows each of the boys' story.
disclaimer: the plot and characters are completely mine while i’ll be focusing more on the actual time period excluding the obvious differences (where some elements i’m borrowing from the show). i haven't read the books either nor any regency ones so bear with me for some creative liberties :D
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taglist is open but i will only tag y’all on the first part as that is what i'm comfortable with. simply comment "⚜️" below to be added in it.
— @hwanchaesong
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© 𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
113 notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
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too cold | psh (m.)
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pairing ⇢ sunghoon x reader
genre ⇢ fluff, smut, pwp? (idk maybe 👀)
wc & rating ⇢ 2.8k | 18+ (minors gtfo pls)
summary ⇢ you just wanted Sunghoon’s hoodie but he’s not letting you have it. you’ve always been determined to get what you want though.
warnings ⇢ foreplay, dirty talk, fellatio, rough sex, hair pulling, lil spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, doggy, head pusher hoon fawk but there's aftercare tho
a/n: this has been in my drafts for more than a month pfft but he always disrupts my plans so i’m disrupting his on this one 🤧
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“can i wear this hoon?”
this is the nth time you’ve asked Sunghoon and still, he won’t budge. the floral sundress you're wearing was perfect for today's hot and humid weather but now, you’re shivering from the cold inside his hotel room cause he blasted the air conditioner and won't turn it down.
the boys got some free time earlier so Sunghoon asked you to go on a little date with him. it's been a while since you did due to their hectic schedule and school busying you. eventually, you both got tired and ended up chilling inside; eating local snacks while watching minisodes on the TV.
the entire time you've been back here, you’ve noticed how Sunghoon hasn’t really paid attention to you. he only responds with hums and single words but that's it. his hands may be caressing whatever of you he can reach but his eyes are glued to his phone.
you tried again, asking Sunghoon cutely with another tug at his hoodie sleeve to no avail. he didn't even look at you, busy replying to the group chat.
"hoon" you huff.
"why?" he finally turns to you, curious to hear your argument this time.
"you have a shirt underneath anyways" you reason indignantly, lips jutting into a pout. he doesn’t need it since he loves the cold so much so you have no idea why he won't give it to you.
"and you can change clothes" he counters nonchalantly, shrugging your hand off his arm as he gets up. you look at him incredulously, wondering what on earth can you wear here except for his clothes.
"you can wear any of mine", he adds the obvious as if that will console you.
ignoring his suggestion, your eyes catch his phone on the small table beside you. normally you would never invade anyone's privacy but it’s unlocked so you take a peek. in it, you find out why Sunghoon’s suddenly rushing out; the other boys wanted to meet up and their convos centered around a known restaurant in the area that they wanna try out.
he wasn't actually planning on leaving you but Riki’s been bugging him to play basketball with him. he can't possibly refuse their youngest. plus, he needs pointers from Heeseung too since he clearly needs practice based on the last time they played.
and it’s the perfect time to practice now that that sun’s setting down.
he would've asked you to come but he wanted to surprise you by hopefully being better at ball the next time you watch them play. dinner might also be late depending on when they'll finish so he doesn't want you to wait around watching him possibly suck at every round.
fully sulking now, your eyes followed Sunghoon as he put those timberlands on. he didn’t even spare you a glance when he retrieved his phone from the table, quickly snapping some mirror shots, careful not to include you in any of them.
then you meet his eyes through the reflection. 
you look away, visibly upset because he hasn’t fucked you yet.
it’s a silly reason but you’ve missed having Sunghoon. you thought he’d be down too since he teased you a lot earlier but you were mistaken. if you knew that he was gonna leave midway, you would've pounced on him as soon as you got back here.
with a defeated sigh, you pick up the remote to resume watching whatever’s on the screen. you're planning to just wait until you get sleepy, not even bothering to ask Sunghoon what time he’ll be back.
he lingers a bit, waiting if you’re gonna say something but you don't. he admits that his attention earlier was divided between spending time with you and the rest of his members. 
sure, they’re all together most of the time but they barely have time to relax and hang out like normal young adults so he tries to balance his personal schedule to make sure he gets to do both.
a way to solve this would be you to hang out with them but it's just that Sunghoon tends to want you only to himself sometimes. after all, he's the first to initiate trying something with you when you've grown comfortable with one another.
now you’re giving him the cold shoulder so he can’t leave you this upset.
without even bothering to tie his shoelaces, Sunghoon returns to the couch and lifts your chin to kiss you. he’s surprised you eagerly responded, the frown washing away from your face as soon his lips touch yours.
before he can pull away though, your hand is quick to reach for the drawstring of his sweat shorts.
"baby i got no time for this", he starts, already knowing what you’re planning. he should've expected it honestly since your mood flipped so suddenly. you're even pretending to not hear what he said, propping your elbow on the couch’s arm as you continue playing with it.
you hear Sunghoon let out a deep sigh at your antics but he's not moving an inch like he should’ve been. "later okay?" he promises, trying to convince you but you're sure it's to himself.
when is exactly is later cause you're doubting if Sunghoon would actually come back and fuck you. knowing him and the rest, that wouldn’t be the case and you’ll remain needy for the rest of the night. you would’ve given up if he gave you his hoodie at least but even that he can’t do.
and he's entertaining this whole thing so you’re having some hope.
he should’ve left but if he really wanted to, he would’ve stepped away and bolted to the door long before you started acting up. instead, he’s letting you do whatever you want probably cause he doesn’t wanna upset you any longer.
he’s debating if he should just fuck you, the casual brushes of your fingers against his crotch mushing his mind, trying to contain himself even though you’re succeeding already.
"lemme suck you off, you're hard already anyways" you reply with a bored tone while your eyes are back on the TV. he chuckles at your remark. you sound like you’re doing him a favour when it's you who’s wanted this.
he shakes his head cause now he can't go out with a hard on. he was doing well at holding back, planning to fuck you later so you could make the most of the day doing whatever you want before they all get busy again.
even when you look so fucking delectable with the dress you’re wearing, the way it's hugging your curves perfectly that’s been driving Sunghoon insane since you arrived earlier. he knew you didn't wear it in purpose to seduce him but his eyes couldn’t help but gravitate to your body the more you played him with your fingers.
it’s odd, the way Sunghoon’s tone was weaker than before so you press on with a sly grin slowly forming on your lips.
"you look adorable in these shorts hoon, you should wear them more often" you keep ignoring what he says, admiring him now with your eyes scanning his sweat shorts down to his high socks and timbs.
your hand keeps its intention, fingers constantly brushing against Sunghoon's hardening dick and his patience is growing thin. he shouldn’t be but you’re ignoring his obvious bulge on purpose too.
"got a thing with my legs baby?"
his sudden question snapped your attention back to him. you didn't think he'd bite at your remark so your grin widens as you stare down at the little exposure of his bare legs. it’s a rarity when you see it since Sunghoon always wears pants so you can’t be blamed for ogling at it.
"your long, pretty legs yes"
your voice was sweet, further luring Sunghoon into your trap. it amuses him how you’re acting like you’re not affecting him in any way.
knowing how he gets when you give him this attitude.
your eyes twinkle cause you’re close to getting Sunghoon right where you wanted him. neither of you even cares about anything else. the sounds from the TV long forgotten, along with the fact that he has those big ass shoes on the carpet despite being strict with leaving any footwear by the door even in hotels.
it startled you when Sunghoon grabs your wrist, stopping you from playing with his drawstrings. he closes his eyes as he brings your hand to his crotch, pressing it on the thick outline of his cock. he smirks down at you when he hears your little gasp, the obvious want evident in his eyes.
“yeah? only them?”
you knew you had Sunghoon already when he pushed his hips against your hand, bringing out a satisfied smile from you. without a word, you pulled down both the waistband of his shorts and boxers, his long cock springing up from its confines, tip swollen already and your mouth watered at the sight.
you bit your lip as you started stroking Sunghoon's dick, spreading his precum around while you were in a trance at it. moans slip from his lips, hips unconsciously moving slowly but you’re taking too long to take him in your mouth.
a cry erupts from you when Sunghoon’s hand reaches out to grab your hair, pulling your head closer to make a point. your lips closed around his tip then, immediately hollowing your cheeks to accommodate his length. 
then your dazed eyes look up at Sunghoon, the sly smirk returning to your pretty face as you swirl that sinful tongue around the head of his cock, not taking him deeper like you usually do.
with a frustrated groan, Sunghoon starts thrusting shallowly in your mouth, relishing how wet and warm it is. he knows you’re getting back at him right now, something that he’s starting to regret, a bit.
“fucckkkk, come on babe”
he urges with an unexpected need as he pushes your head further, annoyed at your teasing when he still has somewhere to go after. you obey, taking him deeper until the head of his cock nudges at the back of your throat. 
your eyes are tearing up as you moan in reply, the vibration from your voice causes Sunghoon’s head to tip back, his hood coming off as a result. leaning back for balance, he holds your head for support, grasping your hair tightly and you’re moaning again from the slight sting.
“tits. out.” he seethes through his clenched teeth with each thrust, fighting the urge to cum but he couldn’t stop himself from rolling his hips faster. how could he when you’re drooling on his cock, pushing him even closer to his orgasm.
you’re struggling to pull down the neckline of your summer dress, too engrossed in choking on Sunghoon’s cock that it actually made him laugh. you’re already folding, the brattiness seeping away from you but he’s gonna do more.
his eyes couldn’t stop staring at your breasts on display and he finds it cute that you’re shivering now that half of your body’s exposed to the cold. 
why not really fuck you to warm you up? that way Sunghoon can punish you for delaying his plans too. he got why you reacted that way but he didn’t even mean to tease you earlier. even if he did, you started acting up so technically it’s your fault.
to your surprise, Sunghoon pulls out from your mouth. he gives you a stern look while he fists his cock and you immediately understood what he wants. turning around, you’re on all fours as Sunghoon roughly pushes your body further to the couch, your face squishing on the small pillow as a result.
he bunches up your dress and pulls your thong undies to the side, lining up his length before suddenly staying still. you must’ve been too drunk on his cock that you forgot how petty Sunghoon could be when you tease him.
his hurried touches and the clicking of his tongue should’ve reminded you enough.
enough to realize that he won’t excuse your behaviour earlier. you hear the piece of fabric ripping before you can stop him, watching it land on the carpet below you.
“hoon! i didn’t bring an extra pair!” you cry in protest, looking back at him with surprise.
“should’ve thought about that before riling me up hmm? now be a good girl and take my cock” he scoffs before his hands grip your waist, pulling your body to him as he rams into your pussy.
“you’re the one who kept teas–oh fuck”
you shut your eyes once Sunghoon bottomed out, the both of you moaning at the tight fit. he didn’t prep you with his fingers, your walls clenching around his cock that he almost came right then and there. he dips his head with a deep groan to recover before pistoning his hips at once.
chasing the orgasm he denied to himself earlier.
“shit, all this for my fucking hoodie?”
his condescending tone elicits a needy whine from you which made him smile in mischief. he doesn’t give a fuck anymore if he’s late. he’s got your warm pussy wrapped around him so they can wait.
“wan’ you with me all the time” you mewl, hands struggling to find purchase on the couch’s arm when Sunghoon ups the speed of his hips. you knew he was still pissed or else he would've been more gentle.
but you like this better.
“awee, but i always am babe” he coos, finding your reason for wanting his hoodie adorable while fucking you roughly like this. you look breathtaking with messy hair, your mouth slacking and won’t stop moaning his name.
“'gonna cum..hoonie, i’m close”
“me too fuck ”
he angles your hips and finds that soft spot, hitting it relentlessly so you’d cum before him. he wants to see it first, watch your body beautifully arch from the pleasure of his dick and he couldn’t be more elated when it does.
screaming out his name as soon as you reach your peak, your ears are ringing that you barely hear Sunghoon grunting loudly as he follows your suit. you only realize when you feel his warm cum painting your walls.
you smile with content as you wiggle your hips, loving the feeling of his cum inside you. it prompts Sunghoon to give your ass a little spank but the sting from his palm spurs you on, fucking yourself back to him despite the overstimulation.
you love hearing the squelching of your mixed essence with each thrust but Sunghoon stops your hips with a harsh grip cause he feels himself hardening again.
“don’t make me fuck you again” he hisses before pulling out, earning a dismayed whine from you. he grabs the wet tissues by the table to clean himself up then you after, wiping your soaked folds and fixing your dress up so he won’t be seduced by your sexy body again.
“would that be so bad?” you groan as you scramble to make yourself comfortable on the couch, hugging the pillow that fell from it. your eyes are closing, feeling the energy leaving your body now that you just wanna sleep.
“no but i really have to go baby” he insists, putting his sweat shorts back on. he’s in the middle of tying the laces of his timbs when he feels your stare from his peripheral view.
“hoon..” you’re breathless when you turn your body around to face Sunghoon. he sighs with a chuckle as he realizes what you’re asking, removing his hoodie before tossing it on your slump form.
yes, you still want Sunghoon’s hoodie. you got his dick but this is what you’ve been after. snuggling it, you inhale its distinct smell; Sunghoon’s own musk with a mix of perfumes he’s shown you before that brings comfort to you. 
he watches you with a fond smile, pulling his white shirt up to wipe the slight sweat off his face. while doing so, your eyes are drinking in the chiseled abs that he’s been hiding.
you’re tired as fuck but now that it’s in front of you, you’re getting horny again which Sunghoon noticed. he bends down to leave a small kiss on your forehead once he sees you rubbing your thighs together, hoping you won’t act out again so he can finally leave.
“go wash up first” he instructs, caressing your cheek.
“after” you pout, bringing his hoodie closer to your face.
“fine. dinner might be late now but if you’re not awake by then, i’ll bring some here okay?”
you nod and Sunghoon pecks your lips before standing up on his feet. your eyes are back to getting heavy as soon as he dims the lights and hurries to the door.
but that’s before your eyes landed on someone behind the door, his gaze piercing through the slight opening and locking into yours. the small smirk emerging from his pretty face instantly reawakening you.
that same one he throws on your way when he thinks no one else is watching. the one that you’ve been wanting to wipe off from his face each time you see him.
that damn thing belonging to the only person older than Sunghoon in his friend group, Lee Heeseung.
e/n: it’s been months since my last post oml but hellowrr, heeseung’s next if you’re wondering but i’m debating now since the new pics dropped and i’m seeing more shits. i can’t help it, they take turns in ruining me like pls yo 👋🏼
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enhaven · 2 days
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romance : untold (arcanum) - ni-ki
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130 notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
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too cold | psh (m.)
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pairing ⇢ sunghoon x reader
genre ⇢ fluff, smut, pwp? (idk maybe 👀)
wc & rating ⇢ 2.8k | 18+ (minors gtfo pls)
summary ⇢ you just wanted Sunghoon’s hoodie but he’s not letting you have it. you’ve always been determined to get what you want though.
warnings ⇢ foreplay, dirty talk, fellatio, rough sex, hair pulling, lil spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, doggy, head pusher hoon fawk but there's aftercare tho
a/n: this has been in my drafts for more than a month pfft but he always disrupts my plans so i’m disrupting his on this one 🤧
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“can i wear this hoon?”
this is the nth time you’ve asked Sunghoon and still, he won’t budge. the floral sundress you're wearing was perfect for today's hot and humid weather but now, you’re shivering from the cold inside his hotel room cause he blasted the air conditioner and won't turn it down.
the boys got some free time earlier so Sunghoon asked you to go on a little date with him. it's been a while since you did due to their hectic schedule and school busying you. eventually, you both got tired and ended up chilling inside; eating local snacks while watching minisodes on the TV.
the entire time you've been back here, you’ve noticed how Sunghoon hasn’t really paid attention to you. he only responds with hums and single words but that's it. his hands may be caressing whatever of you he can reach but his eyes are glued to his phone.
you tried again, asking Sunghoon cutely with another tug at his hoodie sleeve to no avail. he didn't even look at you, busy replying to the group chat.
"hoon" you huff.
"why?" he finally turns to you, curious to hear your argument this time.
"you have a shirt underneath anyways" you reason indignantly, lips jutting into a pout. he doesn’t need it since he loves the cold so much so you have no idea why he won't give it to you.
"and you can change clothes" he counters nonchalantly, shrugging your hand off his arm as he gets up. you look at him incredulously, wondering what on earth can you wear here except for his clothes.
"you can wear any of mine", he adds the obvious as if that will console you.
ignoring his suggestion, your eyes catch his phone on the small table beside you. normally you would never invade anyone's privacy but it’s unlocked so you take a peek. in it, you find out why Sunghoon’s suddenly rushing out; the other boys wanted to meet up and their convos centered around a known restaurant in the area that they wanna try out.
he wasn't actually planning on leaving you but Riki’s been bugging him to play basketball with him. he can't possibly refuse their youngest. plus, he needs pointers from Heeseung too since he clearly needs practice based on the last time they played.
and it’s the perfect time to practice now that that sun’s setting down.
he would've asked you to come but he wanted to surprise you by hopefully being better at ball the next time you watch them play. dinner might also be late depending on when they'll finish so he doesn't want you to wait around watching him possibly suck at every round.
fully sulking now, your eyes followed Sunghoon as he put those timberlands on. he didn’t even spare you a glance when he retrieved his phone from the table, quickly snapping some mirror shots, careful not to include you in any of them.
then you meet his eyes through the reflection. 
you look away, visibly upset because he hasn’t fucked you yet.
it’s a silly reason but you’ve missed having Sunghoon. you thought he’d be down too since he teased you a lot earlier but you were mistaken. if you knew that he was gonna leave midway, you would've pounced on him as soon as you got back here.
with a defeated sigh, you pick up the remote to resume watching whatever’s on the screen. you're planning to just wait until you get sleepy, not even bothering to ask Sunghoon what time he’ll be back.
he lingers a bit, waiting if you’re gonna say something but you don't. he admits that his attention earlier was divided between spending time with you and the rest of his members. 
sure, they’re all together most of the time but they barely have time to relax and hang out like normal young adults so he tries to balance his personal schedule to make sure he gets to do both.
a way to solve this would be you to hang out with them but it's just that Sunghoon tends to want you only to himself sometimes. after all, he's the first to initiate trying something with you when you've grown comfortable with one another.
now you’re giving him the cold shoulder so he can’t leave you this upset.
without even bothering to tie his shoelaces, Sunghoon returns to the couch and lifts your chin to kiss you. he’s surprised you eagerly responded, the frown washing away from your face as soon his lips touch yours.
before he can pull away though, your hand is quick to reach for the drawstring of his sweat shorts.
"baby i got no time for this", he starts, already knowing what you’re planning. he should've expected it honestly since your mood flipped so suddenly. you're even pretending to not hear what he said, propping your elbow on the couch’s arm as you continue playing with it.
you hear Sunghoon let out a deep sigh at your antics but he's not moving an inch like he should’ve been. "later okay?" he promises, trying to convince you but you're sure it's to himself.
when is exactly is later cause you're doubting if Sunghoon would actually come back and fuck you. knowing him and the rest, that wouldn’t be the case and you’ll remain needy for the rest of the night. you would’ve given up if he gave you his hoodie at least but even that he can’t do.
and he's entertaining this whole thing so you’re having some hope.
he should’ve left but if he really wanted to, he would’ve stepped away and bolted to the door long before you started acting up. instead, he’s letting you do whatever you want probably cause he doesn’t wanna upset you any longer.
he’s debating if he should just fuck you, the casual brushes of your fingers against his crotch mushing his mind, trying to contain himself even though you’re succeeding already.
"lemme suck you off, you're hard already anyways" you reply with a bored tone while your eyes are back on the TV. he chuckles at your remark. you sound like you’re doing him a favour when it's you who’s wanted this.
he shakes his head cause now he can't go out with a hard on. he was doing well at holding back, planning to fuck you later so you could make the most of the day doing whatever you want before they all get busy again.
even when you look so fucking delectable with the dress you’re wearing, the way it's hugging your curves perfectly that’s been driving Sunghoon insane since you arrived earlier. he knew you didn't wear it in purpose to seduce him but his eyes couldn’t help but gravitate to your body the more you played him with your fingers.
it’s odd, the way Sunghoon’s tone was weaker than before so you press on with a sly grin slowly forming on your lips.
"you look adorable in these shorts hoon, you should wear them more often" you keep ignoring what he says, admiring him now with your eyes scanning his sweat shorts down to his high socks and timbs.
your hand keeps its intention, fingers constantly brushing against Sunghoon's hardening dick and his patience is growing thin. he shouldn’t be but you’re ignoring his obvious bulge on purpose too.
"got a thing with my legs baby?"
his sudden question snapped your attention back to him. you didn't think he'd bite at your remark so your grin widens as you stare down at the little exposure of his bare legs. it’s a rarity when you see it since Sunghoon always wears pants so you can’t be blamed for ogling at it.
"your long, pretty legs yes"
your voice was sweet, further luring Sunghoon into your trap. it amuses him how you’re acting like you’re not affecting him in any way.
knowing how he gets when you give him this attitude.
your eyes twinkle cause you’re close to getting Sunghoon right where you wanted him. neither of you even cares about anything else. the sounds from the TV long forgotten, along with the fact that he has those big ass shoes on the carpet despite being strict with leaving any footwear by the door even in hotels.
it startled you when Sunghoon grabs your wrist, stopping you from playing with his drawstrings. he closes his eyes as he brings your hand to his crotch, pressing it on the thick outline of his cock. he smirks down at you when he hears your little gasp, the obvious want evident in his eyes.
“yeah? only them?”
you knew you had Sunghoon already when he pushed his hips against your hand, bringing out a satisfied smile from you. without a word, you pulled down both the waistband of his shorts and boxers, his long cock springing up from its confines, tip swollen already and your mouth watered at the sight.
you bit your lip as you started stroking Sunghoon's dick, spreading his precum around while you were in a trance at it. moans slip from his lips, hips unconsciously moving slowly but you’re taking too long to take him in your mouth.
a cry erupts from you when Sunghoon’s hand reaches out to grab your hair, pulling your head closer to make a point. your lips closed around his tip then, immediately hollowing your cheeks to accommodate his length. 
then your dazed eyes look up at Sunghoon, the sly smirk returning to your pretty face as you swirl that sinful tongue around the head of his cock, not taking him deeper like you usually do.
with a frustrated groan, Sunghoon starts thrusting shallowly in your mouth, relishing how wet and warm it is. he knows you’re getting back at him right now, something that he’s starting to regret, a bit.
“fucckkkk, come on babe”
he urges with an unexpected need as he pushes your head further, annoyed at your teasing when he still has somewhere to go after. you obey, taking him deeper until the head of his cock nudges at the back of your throat. 
your eyes are tearing up as you moan in reply, the vibration from your voice causes Sunghoon’s head to tip back, his hood coming off as a result. leaning back for balance, he holds your head for support, grasping your hair tightly and you’re moaning again from the slight sting.
“tits. out.” he seethes through his clenched teeth with each thrust, fighting the urge to cum but he couldn’t stop himself from rolling his hips faster. how could he when you’re drooling on his cock, pushing him even closer to his orgasm.
you’re struggling to pull down the neckline of your summer dress, too engrossed in choking on Sunghoon’s cock that it actually made him laugh. you’re already folding, the brattiness seeping away from you but he’s gonna do more.
his eyes couldn’t stop staring at your breasts on display and he finds it cute that you’re shivering now that half of your body’s exposed to the cold. 
why not really fuck you to warm you up? that way Sunghoon can punish you for delaying his plans too. he got why you reacted that way but he didn’t even mean to tease you earlier. even if he did, you started acting up so technically it’s your fault.
to your surprise, Sunghoon pulls out from your mouth. he gives you a stern look while he fists his cock and you immediately understood what he wants. turning around, you’re on all fours as Sunghoon roughly pushes your body further to the couch, your face squishing on the small pillow as a result.
he bunches up your dress and pulls your thong undies to the side, lining up his length before suddenly staying still. you must’ve been too drunk on his cock that you forgot how petty Sunghoon could be when you tease him.
his hurried touches and the clicking of his tongue should’ve reminded you enough.
enough to realize that he won’t excuse your behaviour earlier. you hear the piece of fabric ripping before you can stop him, watching it land on the carpet below you.
“hoon! i didn’t bring an extra pair!” you cry in protest, looking back at him with surprise.
“should’ve thought about that before riling me up hmm? now be a good girl and take my cock” he scoffs before his hands grip your waist, pulling your body to him as he rams into your pussy.
“you’re the one who kept teas–oh fuck”
you shut your eyes once Sunghoon bottomed out, the both of you moaning at the tight fit. he didn’t prep you with his fingers, your walls clenching around his cock that he almost came right then and there. he dips his head with a deep groan to recover before pistoning his hips at once.
chasing the orgasm he denied to himself earlier.
“shit, all this for my fucking hoodie?”
his condescending tone elicits a needy whine from you which made him smile in mischief. he doesn’t give a fuck anymore if he’s late. he’s got your warm pussy wrapped around him so they can wait.
“wan’ you with me all the time” you mewl, hands struggling to find purchase on the couch’s arm when Sunghoon ups the speed of his hips. you knew he was still pissed or else he would've been more gentle.
but you like this better.
“awee, but i always am babe” he coos, finding your reason for wanting his hoodie adorable while fucking you roughly like this. you look breathtaking with messy hair, your mouth slacking and won’t stop moaning his name.
“'gonna cum..hoonie, i’m close”
“me too fuck ”
he angles your hips and finds that soft spot, hitting it relentlessly so you’d cum before him. he wants to see it first, watch your body beautifully arch from the pleasure of his dick and he couldn’t be more elated when it does.
screaming out his name as soon as you reach your peak, your ears are ringing that you barely hear Sunghoon grunting loudly as he follows your suit. you only realize when you feel his warm cum painting your walls.
you smile with content as you wiggle your hips, loving the feeling of his cum inside you. it prompts Sunghoon to give your ass a little spank but the sting from his palm spurs you on, fucking yourself back to him despite the overstimulation.
you love hearing the squelching of your mixed essence with each thrust but Sunghoon stops your hips with a harsh grip cause he feels himself hardening again.
“don’t make me fuck you again” he hisses before pulling out, earning a dismayed whine from you. he grabs the wet tissues by the table to clean himself up then you after, wiping your soaked folds and fixing your dress up so he won’t be seduced by your sexy body again.
“would that be so bad?” you groan as you scramble to make yourself comfortable on the couch, hugging the pillow that fell from it. your eyes are closing, feeling the energy leaving your body now that you just wanna sleep.
“no but i really have to go baby” he insists, putting his sweat shorts back on. he’s in the middle of tying the laces of his timbs when he feels your stare from his peripheral view.
“hoon..” you’re breathless when you turn your body around to face Sunghoon. he sighs with a chuckle as he realizes what you’re asking, removing his hoodie before tossing it on your slump form.
yes, you still want Sunghoon’s hoodie. you got his dick but this is what you’ve been after. snuggling it, you inhale its distinct smell; Sunghoon’s own musk with a mix of perfumes he’s shown you before that brings comfort to you. 
he watches you with a fond smile, pulling his white shirt up to wipe the slight sweat off his face. while doing so, your eyes are drinking in the chiseled abs that he’s been hiding.
you’re tired as fuck but now that it’s in front of you, you’re getting horny again which Sunghoon noticed. he bends down to leave a small kiss on your forehead once he sees you rubbing your thighs together, hoping you won’t act out again so he can finally leave.
“go wash up first” he instructs, caressing your cheek.
“after” you pout, bringing his hoodie closer to your face.
“fine. dinner might be late now but if you’re not awake by then, i’ll bring some here okay?”
you nod and Sunghoon pecks your lips before standing up on his feet. your eyes are back to getting heavy as soon as he dims the lights and hurries to the door.
but that’s before your eyes landed on someone behind the door, his gaze piercing through the slight opening and locking into yours. the small smirk emerging from his pretty face instantly reawakening you.
that same one he throws on your way when he thinks no one else is watching. the one that you’ve been wanting to wipe off from his face each time you see him.
that damn thing belonging to the only person older than Sunghoon in his friend group, Lee Heeseung.
e/n: it’s been months since my last post oml but hellowrr, heeseung’s next if you’re wondering but i’m debating now since the new pics dropped and i’m seeing more shits. i can’t help it, they take turns in ruining me like pls yo 👋🏼
1K notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
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JAY UNTOLD Concept Cinema
404 notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
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too cold | psh (m.)
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pairing ⇢ sunghoon x reader
genre ⇢ fluff, smut, pwp? (idk maybe 👀)
wc & rating ⇢ 2.8k | 18+ (minors gtfo pls)
summary ⇢ you just wanted Sunghoon’s hoodie but he’s not letting you have it. you’ve always been determined to get what you want though.
warnings ⇢ foreplay, dirty talk, fellatio, rough sex, hair pulling, lil spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, doggy, head pusher hoon fawk but there's aftercare tho
a/n: this has been in my drafts for more than a month pfft but he always disrupts my plans so i’m disrupting his on this one 🤧
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“can i wear this hoon?”
this is the nth time you’ve asked Sunghoon and still, he won’t budge. the floral sundress you're wearing was perfect for today's hot and humid weather but now, you’re shivering from the cold inside his hotel room cause he blasted the air conditioner and won't turn it down.
the boys got some free time earlier so Sunghoon asked you to go on a little date with him. it's been a while since you did due to their hectic schedule and school busying you. eventually, you both got tired and ended up chilling inside; eating local snacks while watching minisodes on the TV.
the entire time you've been back here, you’ve noticed how Sunghoon hasn’t really paid attention to you. he only responds with hums and single words but that's it. his hands may be caressing whatever of you he can reach but his eyes are glued to his phone.
you tried again, asking Sunghoon cutely with another tug at his hoodie sleeve to no avail. he didn't even look at you, busy replying to the group chat.
"hoon" you huff.
"why?" he finally turns to you, curious to hear your argument this time.
"you have a shirt underneath anyways" you reason indignantly, lips jutting into a pout. he doesn’t need it since he loves the cold so much so you have no idea why he won't give it to you.
"and you can change clothes" he counters nonchalantly, shrugging your hand off his arm as he gets up. you look at him incredulously, wondering what on earth can you wear here except for his clothes.
"you can wear any of mine", he adds the obvious as if that will console you.
ignoring his suggestion, your eyes catch his phone on the small table beside you. normally you would never invade anyone's privacy but it’s unlocked so you take a peek. in it, you find out why Sunghoon’s suddenly rushing out; the other boys wanted to meet up and their convos centered around a known restaurant in the area that they wanna try out.
he wasn't actually planning on leaving you but Riki’s been bugging him to play basketball with him. he can't possibly refuse their youngest. plus, he needs pointers from Heeseung too since he clearly needs practice based on the last time they played.
and it’s the perfect time to practice now that that sun’s setting down.
he would've asked you to come but he wanted to surprise you by hopefully being better at ball the next time you watch them play. dinner might also be late depending on when they'll finish so he doesn't want you to wait around watching him possibly suck at every round.
fully sulking now, your eyes followed Sunghoon as he put those timberlands on. he didn’t even spare you a glance when he retrieved his phone from the table, quickly snapping some mirror shots, careful not to include you in any of them.
then you meet his eyes through the reflection. 
you look away, visibly upset because he hasn’t fucked you yet.
it’s a silly reason but you’ve missed having Sunghoon. you thought he’d be down too since he teased you a lot earlier but you were mistaken. if you knew that he was gonna leave midway, you would've pounced on him as soon as you got back here.
with a defeated sigh, you pick up the remote to resume watching whatever’s on the screen. you're planning to just wait until you get sleepy, not even bothering to ask Sunghoon what time he’ll be back.
he lingers a bit, waiting if you’re gonna say something but you don't. he admits that his attention earlier was divided between spending time with you and the rest of his members. 
sure, they’re all together most of the time but they barely have time to relax and hang out like normal young adults so he tries to balance his personal schedule to make sure he gets to do both.
a way to solve this would be you to hang out with them but it's just that Sunghoon tends to want you only to himself sometimes. after all, he's the first to initiate trying something with you when you've grown comfortable with one another.
now you’re giving him the cold shoulder so he can’t leave you this upset.
without even bothering to tie his shoelaces, Sunghoon returns to the couch and lifts your chin to kiss you. he’s surprised you eagerly responded, the frown washing away from your face as soon his lips touch yours.
before he can pull away though, your hand is quick to reach for the drawstring of his sweat shorts.
"baby i got no time for this", he starts, already knowing what you’re planning. he should've expected it honestly since your mood flipped so suddenly. you're even pretending to not hear what he said, propping your elbow on the couch’s arm as you continue playing with it.
you hear Sunghoon let out a deep sigh at your antics but he's not moving an inch like he should’ve been. "later okay?" he promises, trying to convince you but you're sure it's to himself.
when is exactly is later cause you're doubting if Sunghoon would actually come back and fuck you. knowing him and the rest, that wouldn’t be the case and you’ll remain needy for the rest of the night. you would’ve given up if he gave you his hoodie at least but even that he can’t do.
and he's entertaining this whole thing so you’re having some hope.
he should’ve left but if he really wanted to, he would’ve stepped away and bolted to the door long before you started acting up. instead, he’s letting you do whatever you want probably cause he doesn’t wanna upset you any longer.
he’s debating if he should just fuck you, the casual brushes of your fingers against his crotch mushing his mind, trying to contain himself even though you’re succeeding already.
"lemme suck you off, you're hard already anyways" you reply with a bored tone while your eyes are back on the TV. he chuckles at your remark. you sound like you’re doing him a favour when it's you who’s wanted this.
he shakes his head cause now he can't go out with a hard on. he was doing well at holding back, planning to fuck you later so you could make the most of the day doing whatever you want before they all get busy again.
even when you look so fucking delectable with the dress you’re wearing, the way it's hugging your curves perfectly that’s been driving Sunghoon insane since you arrived earlier. he knew you didn't wear it in purpose to seduce him but his eyes couldn’t help but gravitate to your body the more you played him with your fingers.
it’s odd, the way Sunghoon’s tone was weaker than before so you press on with a sly grin slowly forming on your lips.
"you look adorable in these shorts hoon, you should wear them more often" you keep ignoring what he says, admiring him now with your eyes scanning his sweat shorts down to his high socks and timbs.
your hand keeps its intention, fingers constantly brushing against Sunghoon's hardening dick and his patience is growing thin. he shouldn’t be but you’re ignoring his obvious bulge on purpose too.
"got a thing with my legs baby?"
his sudden question snapped your attention back to him. you didn't think he'd bite at your remark so your grin widens as you stare down at the little exposure of his bare legs. it’s a rarity when you see it since Sunghoon always wears pants so you can’t be blamed for ogling at it.
"your long, pretty legs yes"
your voice was sweet, further luring Sunghoon into your trap. it amuses him how you’re acting like you’re not affecting him in any way.
knowing how he gets when you give him this attitude.
your eyes twinkle cause you’re close to getting Sunghoon right where you wanted him. neither of you even cares about anything else. the sounds from the TV long forgotten, along with the fact that he has those big ass shoes on the carpet despite being strict with leaving any footwear by the door even in hotels.
it startled you when Sunghoon grabs your wrist, stopping you from playing with his drawstrings. he closes his eyes as he brings your hand to his crotch, pressing it on the thick outline of his cock. he smirks down at you when he hears your little gasp, the obvious want evident in his eyes.
“yeah? only them?”
you knew you had Sunghoon already when he pushed his hips against your hand, bringing out a satisfied smile from you. without a word, you pulled down both the waistband of his shorts and boxers, his long cock springing up from its confines, tip swollen already and your mouth watered at the sight.
you bit your lip as you started stroking Sunghoon's dick, spreading his precum around while you were in a trance at it. moans slip from his lips, hips unconsciously moving slowly but you’re taking too long to take him in your mouth.
a cry erupts from you when Sunghoon’s hand reaches out to grab your hair, pulling your head closer to make a point. your lips closed around his tip then, immediately hollowing your cheeks to accommodate his length. 
then your dazed eyes look up at Sunghoon, the sly smirk returning to your pretty face as you swirl that sinful tongue around the head of his cock, not taking him deeper like you usually do.
with a frustrated groan, Sunghoon starts thrusting shallowly in your mouth, relishing how wet and warm it is. he knows you’re getting back at him right now, something that he’s starting to regret, a bit.
“fucckkkk, come on babe”
he urges with an unexpected need as he pushes your head further, annoyed at your teasing when he still has somewhere to go after. you obey, taking him deeper until the head of his cock nudges at the back of your throat. 
your eyes are tearing up as you moan in reply, the vibration from your voice causes Sunghoon’s head to tip back, his hood coming off as a result. leaning back for balance, he holds your head for support, grasping your hair tightly and you’re moaning again from the slight sting.
“tits. out.” he seethes through his clenched teeth with each thrust, fighting the urge to cum but he couldn’t stop himself from rolling his hips faster. how could he when you’re drooling on his cock, pushing him even closer to his orgasm.
you’re struggling to pull down the neckline of your summer dress, too engrossed in choking on Sunghoon’s cock that it actually made him laugh. you’re already folding, the brattiness seeping away from you but he’s gonna do more.
his eyes couldn’t stop staring at your breasts on display and he finds it cute that you’re shivering now that half of your body’s exposed to the cold. 
why not really fuck you to warm you up? that way Sunghoon can punish you for delaying his plans too. he got why you reacted that way but he didn’t even mean to tease you earlier. even if he did, you started acting up so technically it’s your fault.
to your surprise, Sunghoon pulls out from your mouth. he gives you a stern look while he fists his cock and you immediately understood what he wants. turning around, you’re on all fours as Sunghoon roughly pushes your body further to the couch, your face squishing on the small pillow as a result.
he bunches up your dress and pulls your thong undies to the side, lining up his length before suddenly staying still. you must’ve been too drunk on his cock that you forgot how petty Sunghoon could be when you tease him.
his hurried touches and the clicking of his tongue should’ve reminded you enough.
enough to realize that he won’t excuse your behaviour earlier. you hear the piece of fabric ripping before you can stop him, watching it land on the carpet below you.
“hoon! i didn’t bring an extra pair!” you cry in protest, looking back at him with surprise.
“should’ve thought about that before riling me up hmm? now be a good girl and take my cock” he scoffs before his hands grip your waist, pulling your body to him as he rams into your pussy.
“you’re the one who kept teas–oh fuck”
you shut your eyes once Sunghoon bottomed out, the both of you moaning at the tight fit. he didn’t prep you with his fingers, your walls clenching around his cock that he almost came right then and there. he dips his head with a deep groan to recover before pistoning his hips at once.
chasing the orgasm he denied to himself earlier.
“shit, all this for my fucking hoodie?”
his condescending tone elicits a needy whine from you which made him smile in mischief. he doesn’t give a fuck anymore if he’s late. he’s got your warm pussy wrapped around him so they can wait.
“wan’ you with me all the time” you mewl, hands struggling to find purchase on the couch’s arm when Sunghoon ups the speed of his hips. you knew he was still pissed or else he would've been more gentle.
but you like this better.
“awee, but i always am babe” he coos, finding your reason for wanting his hoodie adorable while fucking you roughly like this. you look breathtaking with messy hair, your mouth slacking and won’t stop moaning his name.
“'gonna cum..hoonie, i’m close”
“me too fuck ”
he angles your hips and finds that soft spot, hitting it relentlessly so you’d cum before him. he wants to see it first, watch your body beautifully arch from the pleasure of his dick and he couldn’t be more elated when it does.
screaming out his name as soon as you reach your peak, your ears are ringing that you barely hear Sunghoon grunting loudly as he follows your suit. you only realize when you feel his warm cum painting your walls.
you smile with content as you wiggle your hips, loving the feeling of his cum inside you. it prompts Sunghoon to give your ass a little spank but the sting from his palm spurs you on, fucking yourself back to him despite the overstimulation.
you love hearing the squelching of your mixed essence with each thrust but Sunghoon stops your hips with a harsh grip cause he feels himself hardening again.
“don’t make me fuck you again” he hisses before pulling out, earning a dismayed whine from you. he grabs the wet tissues by the table to clean himself up then you after, wiping your soaked folds and fixing your dress up so he won’t be seduced by your sexy body again.
“would that be so bad?” you groan as you scramble to make yourself comfortable on the couch, hugging the pillow that fell from it. your eyes are closing, feeling the energy leaving your body now that you just wanna sleep.
“no but i really have to go baby” he insists, putting his sweat shorts back on. he’s in the middle of tying the laces of his timbs when he feels your stare from his peripheral view.
“hoon..” you’re breathless when you turn your body around to face Sunghoon. he sighs with a chuckle as he realizes what you’re asking, removing his hoodie before tossing it on your slump form.
yes, you still want Sunghoon’s hoodie. you got his dick but this is what you’ve been after. snuggling it, you inhale its distinct smell; Sunghoon’s own musk with a mix of perfumes he’s shown you before that brings comfort to you. 
he watches you with a fond smile, pulling his white shirt up to wipe the slight sweat off his face. while doing so, your eyes are drinking in the chiseled abs that he’s been hiding.
you’re tired as fuck but now that it’s in front of you, you’re getting horny again which Sunghoon noticed. he bends down to leave a small kiss on your forehead once he sees you rubbing your thighs together, hoping you won’t act out again so he can finally leave.
“go wash up first” he instructs, caressing your cheek.
“after” you pout, bringing his hoodie closer to your face.
“fine. dinner might be late now but if you’re not awake by then, i’ll bring some here okay?”
you nod and Sunghoon pecks your lips before standing up on his feet. your eyes are back to getting heavy as soon as he dims the lights and hurries to the door.
but that’s before your eyes landed on someone behind the door, his gaze piercing through the slight opening and locking into yours. the small smirk emerging from his pretty face instantly reawakening you.
that same one he throws on your way when he thinks no one else is watching. the one that you’ve been wanting to wipe off from his face each time you see him.
that damn thing belonging to the only person older than Sunghoon in his friend group, Lee Heeseung.
e/n: it’s been months since my last post oml but hellowrr, heeseung’s next if you’re wondering but i’m debating now since the new pics dropped and i’m seeing more shits. i can’t help it, they take turns in ruining me like pls yo 👋🏼
1K notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
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231 notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
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too cold | psh (m.)
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pairing ⇢ sunghoon x reader
genre ⇢ fluff, smut, pwp? (idk maybe 👀)
wc & rating ⇢ 2.8k | 18+ (minors gtfo pls)
summary ⇢ you just wanted Sunghoon’s hoodie but he’s not letting you have it. you’ve always been determined to get what you want though.
warnings ⇢ foreplay, dirty talk, fellatio, rough sex, hair pulling, lil spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, doggy, head pusher hoon fawk but there's aftercare tho
a/n: this has been in my drafts for more than a month pfft but he always disrupts my plans so i’m disrupting his on this one 🤧
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“can i wear this hoon?”
this is the nth time you’ve asked Sunghoon and still, he won’t budge. the floral sundress you're wearing was perfect for today's hot and humid weather but now, you’re shivering from the cold inside his hotel room cause he blasted the air conditioner and won't turn it down.
the boys got some free time earlier so Sunghoon asked you to go on a little date with him. it's been a while since you did due to their hectic schedule and school busying you. eventually, you both got tired and ended up chilling inside; eating local snacks while watching minisodes on the TV.
the entire time you've been back here, you’ve noticed how Sunghoon hasn’t really paid attention to you. he only responds with hums and single words but that's it. his hands may be caressing whatever of you he can reach but his eyes are glued to his phone.
you tried again, asking Sunghoon cutely with another tug at his hoodie sleeve to no avail. he didn't even look at you, busy replying to the group chat.
"hoon" you huff.
"why?" he finally turns to you, curious to hear your argument this time.
"you have a shirt underneath anyways" you reason indignantly, lips jutting into a pout. he doesn’t need it since he loves the cold so much so you have no idea why he won't give it to you.
"and you can change clothes" he counters nonchalantly, shrugging your hand off his arm as he gets up. you look at him incredulously, wondering what on earth can you wear here except for his clothes.
"you can wear any of mine", he adds the obvious as if that will console you.
ignoring his suggestion, your eyes catch his phone on the small table beside you. normally you would never invade anyone's privacy but it’s unlocked so you take a peek. in it, you find out why Sunghoon’s suddenly rushing out; the other boys wanted to meet up and their convos centered around a known restaurant in the area that they wanna try out.
he wasn't actually planning on leaving you but Riki’s been bugging him to play basketball with him. he can't possibly refuse their youngest. plus, he needs pointers from Heeseung too since he clearly needs practice based on the last time they played.
and it’s the perfect time to practice now that that sun’s setting down.
he would've asked you to come but he wanted to surprise you by hopefully being better at ball the next time you watch them play. dinner might also be late depending on when they'll finish so he doesn't want you to wait around watching him possibly suck at every round.
fully sulking now, your eyes followed Sunghoon as he put those timberlands on. he didn’t even spare you a glance when he retrieved his phone from the table, quickly snapping some mirror shots, careful not to include you in any of them.
then you meet his eyes through the reflection. 
you look away, visibly upset because he hasn’t fucked you yet.
it’s a silly reason but you’ve missed having Sunghoon. you thought he’d be down too since he teased you a lot earlier but you were mistaken. if you knew that he was gonna leave midway, you would've pounced on him as soon as you got back here.
with a defeated sigh, you pick up the remote to resume watching whatever’s on the screen. you're planning to just wait until you get sleepy, not even bothering to ask Sunghoon what time he’ll be back.
he lingers a bit, waiting if you’re gonna say something but you don't. he admits that his attention earlier was divided between spending time with you and the rest of his members. 
sure, they’re all together most of the time but they barely have time to relax and hang out like normal young adults so he tries to balance his personal schedule to make sure he gets to do both.
a way to solve this would be you to hang out with them but it's just that Sunghoon tends to want you only to himself sometimes. after all, he's the first to initiate trying something with you when you've grown comfortable with one another.
now you’re giving him the cold shoulder so he can’t leave you this upset.
without even bothering to tie his shoelaces, Sunghoon returns to the couch and lifts your chin to kiss you. he’s surprised you eagerly responded, the frown washing away from your face as soon his lips touch yours.
before he can pull away though, your hand is quick to reach for the drawstring of his sweat shorts.
"baby i got no time for this", he starts, already knowing what you’re planning. he should've expected it honestly since your mood flipped so suddenly. you're even pretending to not hear what he said, propping your elbow on the couch’s arm as you continue playing with it.
you hear Sunghoon let out a deep sigh at your antics but he's not moving an inch like he should’ve been. "later okay?" he promises, trying to convince you but you're sure it's to himself.
when is exactly is later cause you're doubting if Sunghoon would actually come back and fuck you. knowing him and the rest, that wouldn’t be the case and you’ll remain needy for the rest of the night. you would’ve given up if he gave you his hoodie at least but even that he can’t do.
and he's entertaining this whole thing so you’re having some hope.
he should’ve left but if he really wanted to, he would’ve stepped away and bolted to the door long before you started acting up. instead, he’s letting you do whatever you want probably cause he doesn’t wanna upset you any longer.
he’s debating if he should just fuck you, the casual brushes of your fingers against his crotch mushing his mind, trying to contain himself even though you’re succeeding already.
"lemme suck you off, you're hard already anyways" you reply with a bored tone while your eyes are back on the TV. he chuckles at your remark. you sound like you’re doing him a favour when it's you who’s wanted this.
he shakes his head cause now he can't go out with a hard on. he was doing well at holding back, planning to fuck you later so you could make the most of the day doing whatever you want before they all get busy again.
even when you look so fucking delectable with the dress you’re wearing, the way it's hugging your curves perfectly that’s been driving Sunghoon insane since you arrived earlier. he knew you didn't wear it in purpose to seduce him but his eyes couldn’t help but gravitate to your body the more you played him with your fingers.
it’s odd, the way Sunghoon’s tone was weaker than before so you press on with a sly grin slowly forming on your lips.
"you look adorable in these shorts hoon, you should wear them more often" you keep ignoring what he says, admiring him now with your eyes scanning his sweat shorts down to his high socks and timbs.
your hand keeps its intention, fingers constantly brushing against Sunghoon's hardening dick and his patience is growing thin. he shouldn’t be but you’re ignoring his obvious bulge on purpose too.
"got a thing with my legs baby?"
his sudden question snapped your attention back to him. you didn't think he'd bite at your remark so your grin widens as you stare down at the little exposure of his bare legs. it’s a rarity when you see it since Sunghoon always wears pants so you can’t be blamed for ogling at it.
"your long, pretty legs yes"
your voice was sweet, further luring Sunghoon into your trap. it amuses him how you’re acting like you’re not affecting him in any way.
knowing how he gets when you give him this attitude.
your eyes twinkle cause you’re close to getting Sunghoon right where you wanted him. neither of you even cares about anything else. the sounds from the TV long forgotten, along with the fact that he has those big ass shoes on the carpet despite being strict with leaving any footwear by the door even in hotels.
it startled you when Sunghoon grabs your wrist, stopping you from playing with his drawstrings. he closes his eyes as he brings your hand to his crotch, pressing it on the thick outline of his cock. he smirks down at you when he hears your little gasp, the obvious want evident in his eyes.
“yeah? only them?”
you knew you had Sunghoon already when he pushed his hips against your hand, bringing out a satisfied smile from you. without a word, you pulled down both the waistband of his shorts and boxers, his long cock springing up from its confines, tip swollen already and your mouth watered at the sight.
you bit your lip as you started stroking Sunghoon's dick, spreading his precum around while you were in a trance at it. moans slip from his lips, hips unconsciously moving slowly but you’re taking too long to take him in your mouth.
a cry erupts from you when Sunghoon’s hand reaches out to grab your hair, pulling your head closer to make a point. your lips closed around his tip then, immediately hollowing your cheeks to accommodate his length. 
then your dazed eyes look up at Sunghoon, the sly smirk returning to your pretty face as you swirl that sinful tongue around the head of his cock, not taking him deeper like you usually do.
with a frustrated groan, Sunghoon starts thrusting shallowly in your mouth, relishing how wet and warm it is. he knows you’re getting back at him right now, something that he’s starting to regret, a bit.
“fucckkkk, come on babe”
he urges with an unexpected need as he pushes your head further, annoyed at your teasing when he still has somewhere to go after. you obey, taking him deeper until the head of his cock nudges at the back of your throat. 
your eyes are tearing up as you moan in reply, the vibration from your voice causes Sunghoon’s head to tip back, his hood coming off as a result. leaning back for balance, he holds your head for support, grasping your hair tightly and you’re moaning again from the slight sting.
“tits. out.” he seethes through his clenched teeth with each thrust, fighting the urge to cum but he couldn’t stop himself from rolling his hips faster. how could he when you’re drooling on his cock, pushing him even closer to his orgasm.
you’re struggling to pull down the neckline of your summer dress, too engrossed in choking on Sunghoon’s cock that it actually made him laugh. you’re already folding, the brattiness seeping away from you but he’s gonna do more.
his eyes couldn’t stop staring at your breasts on display and he finds it cute that you’re shivering now that half of your body’s exposed to the cold. 
why not really fuck you to warm you up? that way Sunghoon can punish you for delaying his plans too. he got why you reacted that way but he didn’t even mean to tease you earlier. even if he did, you started acting up so technically it’s your fault.
to your surprise, Sunghoon pulls out from your mouth. he gives you a stern look while he fists his cock and you immediately understood what he wants. turning around, you’re on all fours as Sunghoon roughly pushes your body further to the couch, your face squishing on the small pillow as a result.
he bunches up your dress and pulls your thong undies to the side, lining up his length before suddenly staying still. you must’ve been too drunk on his cock that you forgot how petty Sunghoon could be when you tease him.
his hurried touches and the clicking of his tongue should’ve reminded you enough.
enough to realize that he won’t excuse your behaviour earlier. you hear the piece of fabric ripping before you can stop him, watching it land on the carpet below you.
“hoon! i didn’t bring an extra pair!” you cry in protest, looking back at him with surprise.
“should’ve thought about that before riling me up hmm? now be a good girl and take my cock” he scoffs before his hands grip your waist, pulling your body to him as he rams into your pussy.
“you’re the one who kept teas–oh fuck”
you shut your eyes once Sunghoon bottomed out, the both of you moaning at the tight fit. he didn’t prep you with his fingers, your walls clenching around his cock that he almost came right then and there. he dips his head with a deep groan to recover before pistoning his hips at once.
chasing the orgasm he denied to himself earlier.
“shit, all this for my fucking hoodie?”
his condescending tone elicits a needy whine from you which made him smile in mischief. he doesn’t give a fuck anymore if he’s late. he’s got your warm pussy wrapped around him so they can wait.
“wan’ you with me all the time” you mewl, hands struggling to find purchase on the couch’s arm when Sunghoon ups the speed of his hips. you knew he was still pissed or else he would've been more gentle.
but you like this better.
“awee, but i always am babe” he coos, finding your reason for wanting his hoodie adorable while fucking you roughly like this. you look breathtaking with messy hair, your mouth slacking and won’t stop moaning his name.
“'gonna cum..hoonie, i’m close”
“me too fuck ”
he angles your hips and finds that soft spot, hitting it relentlessly so you’d cum before him. he wants to see it first, watch your body beautifully arch from the pleasure of his dick and he couldn’t be more elated when it does.
screaming out his name as soon as you reach your peak, your ears are ringing that you barely hear Sunghoon grunting loudly as he follows your suit. you only realize when you feel his warm cum painting your walls.
you smile with content as you wiggle your hips, loving the feeling of his cum inside you. it prompts Sunghoon to give your ass a little spank but the sting from his palm spurs you on, fucking yourself back to him despite the overstimulation.
you love hearing the squelching of your mixed essence with each thrust but Sunghoon stops your hips with a harsh grip cause he feels himself hardening again.
“don’t make me fuck you again” he hisses before pulling out, earning a dismayed whine from you. he grabs the wet tissues by the table to clean himself up then you after, wiping your soaked folds and fixing your dress up so he won’t be seduced by your sexy body again.
“would that be so bad?” you groan as you scramble to make yourself comfortable on the couch, hugging the pillow that fell from it. your eyes are closing, feeling the energy leaving your body now that you just wanna sleep.
“no but i really have to go baby” he insists, putting his sweat shorts back on. he’s in the middle of tying the laces of his timbs when he feels your stare from his peripheral view.
“hoon..” you’re breathless when you turn your body around to face Sunghoon. he sighs with a chuckle as he realizes what you’re asking, removing his hoodie before tossing it on your slump form.
yes, you still want Sunghoon’s hoodie. you got his dick but this is what you’ve been after. snuggling it, you inhale its distinct smell; Sunghoon’s own musk with a mix of perfumes he’s shown you before that brings comfort to you. 
he watches you with a fond smile, pulling his white shirt up to wipe the slight sweat off his face. while doing so, your eyes are drinking in the chiseled abs that he’s been hiding.
you’re tired as fuck but now that it’s in front of you, you’re getting horny again which Sunghoon noticed. he bends down to leave a small kiss on your forehead once he sees you rubbing your thighs together, hoping you won’t act out again so he can finally leave.
“go wash up first” he instructs, caressing your cheek.
“after” you pout, bringing his hoodie closer to your face.
“fine. dinner might be late now but if you’re not awake by then, i’ll bring some here okay?”
you nod and Sunghoon pecks your lips before standing up on his feet. your eyes are back to getting heavy as soon as he dims the lights and hurries to the door.
but that’s before your eyes landed on someone behind the door, his gaze piercing through the slight opening and locking into yours. the small smirk emerging from his pretty face instantly reawakening you.
that same one he throws on your way when he thinks no one else is watching. the one that you’ve been wanting to wipe off from his face each time you see him.
that damn thing belonging to the only person older than Sunghoon in his friend group, Lee Heeseung.
e/n: it’s been months since my last post oml but hellowrr, heeseung’s next if you’re wondering but i’m debating now since the new pics dropped and i’m seeing more shits. i can’t help it, they take turns in ruining me like pls yo 👋🏼
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enhaven · 2 days
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90 notes · View notes
enhaven · 2 days
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too cold | psh (m.)
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pairing ⇢ sunghoon x reader
genre ⇢ fluff, smut, pwp? (idk maybe 👀)
wc & rating ⇢ 2.8k | 18+ (minors gtfo pls)
summary ⇢ you just wanted Sunghoon’s hoodie but he’s not letting you have it. you’ve always been determined to get what you want though.
warnings ⇢ foreplay, dirty talk, fellatio, rough sex, hair pulling, lil spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, doggy, head pusher hoon fawk but there's aftercare tho
a/n: this has been in my drafts for more than a month pfft but he always disrupts my plans so i’m disrupting his on this one 🤧
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“can i wear this hoon?”
this is the nth time you’ve asked Sunghoon and still, he won’t budge. the floral sundress you're wearing was perfect for today's hot and humid weather but now, you’re shivering from the cold inside his hotel room cause he blasted the air conditioner and won't turn it down.
the boys got some free time earlier so Sunghoon asked you to go on a little date with him. it's been a while since you did due to their hectic schedule and school busying you. eventually, you both got tired and ended up chilling inside; eating local snacks while watching minisodes on the TV.
the entire time you've been back here, you’ve noticed how Sunghoon hasn’t really paid attention to you. he only responds with hums and single words but that's it. his hands may be caressing whatever of you he can reach but his eyes are glued to his phone.
you tried again, asking Sunghoon cutely with another tug at his hoodie sleeve to no avail. he didn't even look at you, busy replying to the group chat.
"hoon" you huff.
"why?" he finally turns to you, curious to hear your argument this time.
"you have a shirt underneath anyways" you reason indignantly, lips jutting into a pout. he doesn’t need it since he loves the cold so much so you have no idea why he won't give it to you.
"and you can change clothes" he counters nonchalantly, shrugging your hand off his arm as he gets up. you look at him incredulously, wondering what on earth can you wear here except for his clothes.
"you can wear any of mine", he adds the obvious as if that will console you.
ignoring his suggestion, your eyes catch his phone on the small table beside you. normally you would never invade anyone's privacy but it’s unlocked so you take a peek. in it, you find out why Sunghoon’s suddenly rushing out; the other boys wanted to meet up and their convos centered around a known restaurant in the area that they wanna try out.
he wasn't actually planning on leaving you but Riki’s been bugging him to play basketball with him. he can't possibly refuse their youngest. plus, he needs pointers from Heeseung too since he clearly needs practice based on the last time they played.
and it’s the perfect time to practice now that that sun’s setting down.
he would've asked you to come but he wanted to surprise you by hopefully being better at ball the next time you watch them play. dinner might also be late depending on when they'll finish so he doesn't want you to wait around watching him possibly suck at every round.
fully sulking now, your eyes followed Sunghoon as he put those timberlands on. he didn’t even spare you a glance when he retrieved his phone from the table, quickly snapping some mirror shots, careful not to include you in any of them.
then you meet his eyes through the reflection. 
you look away, visibly upset because he hasn’t fucked you yet.
it’s a silly reason but you’ve missed having Sunghoon. you thought he’d be down too since he teased you a lot earlier but you were mistaken. if you knew that he was gonna leave midway, you would've pounced on him as soon as you got back here.
with a defeated sigh, you pick up the remote to resume watching whatever’s on the screen. you're planning to just wait until you get sleepy, not even bothering to ask Sunghoon what time he’ll be back.
he lingers a bit, waiting if you’re gonna say something but you don't. he admits that his attention earlier was divided between spending time with you and the rest of his members. 
sure, they’re all together most of the time but they barely have time to relax and hang out like normal young adults so he tries to balance his personal schedule to make sure he gets to do both.
a way to solve this would be you to hang out with them but it's just that Sunghoon tends to want you only to himself sometimes. after all, he's the first to initiate trying something with you when you've grown comfortable with one another.
now you’re giving him the cold shoulder so he can’t leave you this upset.
without even bothering to tie his shoelaces, Sunghoon returns to the couch and lifts your chin to kiss you. he’s surprised you eagerly responded, the frown washing away from your face as soon his lips touch yours.
before he can pull away though, your hand is quick to reach for the drawstring of his sweat shorts.
"baby i got no time for this", he starts, already knowing what you’re planning. he should've expected it honestly since your mood flipped so suddenly. you're even pretending to not hear what he said, propping your elbow on the couch’s arm as you continue playing with it.
you hear Sunghoon let out a deep sigh at your antics but he's not moving an inch like he should’ve been. "later okay?" he promises, trying to convince you but you're sure it's to himself.
when is exactly is later cause you're doubting if Sunghoon would actually come back and fuck you. knowing him and the rest, that wouldn’t be the case and you’ll remain needy for the rest of the night. you would’ve given up if he gave you his hoodie at least but even that he can’t do.
and he's entertaining this whole thing so you’re having some hope.
he should’ve left but if he really wanted to, he would’ve stepped away and bolted to the door long before you started acting up. instead, he’s letting you do whatever you want probably cause he doesn’t wanna upset you any longer.
he’s debating if he should just fuck you, the casual brushes of your fingers against his crotch mushing his mind, trying to contain himself even though you’re succeeding already.
"lemme suck you off, you're hard already anyways" you reply with a bored tone while your eyes are back on the TV. he chuckles at your remark. you sound like you’re doing him a favour when it's you who’s wanted this.
he shakes his head cause now he can't go out with a hard on. he was doing well at holding back, planning to fuck you later so you could make the most of the day doing whatever you want before they all get busy again.
even when you look so fucking delectable with the dress you’re wearing, the way it's hugging your curves perfectly that’s been driving Sunghoon insane since you arrived earlier. he knew you didn't wear it in purpose to seduce him but his eyes couldn’t help but gravitate to your body the more you played him with your fingers.
it’s odd, the way Sunghoon’s tone was weaker than before so you press on with a sly grin slowly forming on your lips.
"you look adorable in these shorts hoon, you should wear them more often" you keep ignoring what he says, admiring him now with your eyes scanning his sweat shorts down to his high socks and timbs.
your hand keeps its intention, fingers constantly brushing against Sunghoon's hardening dick and his patience is growing thin. he shouldn’t be but you’re ignoring his obvious bulge on purpose too.
"got a thing with my legs baby?"
his sudden question snapped your attention back to him. you didn't think he'd bite at your remark so your grin widens as you stare down at the little exposure of his bare legs. it’s a rarity when you see it since Sunghoon always wears pants so you can’t be blamed for ogling at it.
"your long, pretty legs yes"
your voice was sweet, further luring Sunghoon into your trap. it amuses him how you’re acting like you’re not affecting him in any way.
knowing how he gets when you give him this attitude.
your eyes twinkle cause you’re close to getting Sunghoon right where you wanted him. neither of you even cares about anything else. the sounds from the TV long forgotten, along with the fact that he has those big ass shoes on the carpet despite being strict with leaving any footwear by the door even in hotels.
it startled you when Sunghoon grabs your wrist, stopping you from playing with his drawstrings. he closes his eyes as he brings your hand to his crotch, pressing it on the thick outline of his cock. he smirks down at you when he hears your little gasp, the obvious want evident in his eyes.
“yeah? only them?”
you knew you had Sunghoon already when he pushed his hips against your hand, bringing out a satisfied smile from you. without a word, you pulled down both the waistband of his shorts and boxers, his long cock springing up from its confines, tip swollen already and your mouth watered at the sight.
you bit your lip as you started stroking Sunghoon's dick, spreading his precum around while you were in a trance at it. moans slip from his lips, hips unconsciously moving slowly but you’re taking too long to take him in your mouth.
a cry erupts from you when Sunghoon’s hand reaches out to grab your hair, pulling your head closer to make a point. your lips closed around his tip then, immediately hollowing your cheeks to accommodate his length. 
then your dazed eyes look up at Sunghoon, the sly smirk returning to your pretty face as you swirl that sinful tongue around the head of his cock, not taking him deeper like you usually do.
with a frustrated groan, Sunghoon starts thrusting shallowly in your mouth, relishing how wet and warm it is. he knows you’re getting back at him right now, something that he’s starting to regret, a bit.
“fucckkkk, come on babe”
he urges with an unexpected need as he pushes your head further, annoyed at your teasing when he still has somewhere to go after. you obey, taking him deeper until the head of his cock nudges at the back of your throat. 
your eyes are tearing up as you moan in reply, the vibration from your voice causes Sunghoon’s head to tip back, his hood coming off as a result. leaning back for balance, he holds your head for support, grasping your hair tightly and you’re moaning again from the slight sting.
“tits. out.” he seethes through his clenched teeth with each thrust, fighting the urge to cum but he couldn’t stop himself from rolling his hips faster. how could he when you’re drooling on his cock, pushing him even closer to his orgasm.
you’re struggling to pull down the neckline of your summer dress, too engrossed in choking on Sunghoon’s cock that it actually made him laugh. you’re already folding, the brattiness seeping away from you but he’s gonna do more.
his eyes couldn’t stop staring at your breasts on display and he finds it cute that you’re shivering now that half of your body’s exposed to the cold. 
why not really fuck you to warm you up? that way Sunghoon can punish you for delaying his plans too. he got why you reacted that way but he didn’t even mean to tease you earlier. even if he did, you started acting up so technically it’s your fault.
to your surprise, Sunghoon pulls out from your mouth. he gives you a stern look while he fists his cock and you immediately understood what he wants. turning around, you’re on all fours as Sunghoon roughly pushes your body further to the couch, your face squishing on the small pillow as a result.
he bunches up your dress and pulls your thong undies to the side, lining up his length before suddenly staying still. you must’ve been too drunk on his cock that you forgot how petty Sunghoon could be when you tease him.
his hurried touches and the clicking of his tongue should’ve reminded you enough.
enough to realize that he won’t excuse your behaviour earlier. you hear the piece of fabric ripping before you can stop him, watching it land on the carpet below you.
“hoon! i didn’t bring an extra pair!” you cry in protest, looking back at him with surprise.
“should’ve thought about that before riling me up hmm? now be a good girl and take my cock” he scoffs before his hands grip your waist, pulling your body to him as he rams into your pussy.
“you’re the one who kept teas–oh fuck”
you shut your eyes once Sunghoon bottomed out, the both of you moaning at the tight fit. he didn’t prep you with his fingers, your walls clenching around his cock that he almost came right then and there. he dips his head with a deep groan to recover before pistoning his hips at once.
chasing the orgasm he denied to himself earlier.
“shit, all this for my fucking hoodie?”
his condescending tone elicits a needy whine from you which made him smile in mischief. he doesn’t give a fuck anymore if he’s late. he’s got your warm pussy wrapped around him so they can wait.
“wan’ you with me all the time” you mewl, hands struggling to find purchase on the couch’s arm when Sunghoon ups the speed of his hips. you knew he was still pissed or else he would've been more gentle.
but you like this better.
“awee, but i always am babe” he coos, finding your reason for wanting his hoodie adorable while fucking you roughly like this. you look breathtaking with messy hair, your mouth slacking and won’t stop moaning his name.
“'gonna cum..hoonie, i’m close”
“me too fuck ”
he angles your hips and finds that soft spot, hitting it relentlessly so you’d cum before him. he wants to see it first, watch your body beautifully arch from the pleasure of his dick and he couldn’t be more elated when it does.
screaming out his name as soon as you reach your peak, your ears are ringing that you barely hear Sunghoon grunting loudly as he follows your suit. you only realize when you feel his warm cum painting your walls.
you smile with content as you wiggle your hips, loving the feeling of his cum inside you. it prompts Sunghoon to give your ass a little spank but the sting from his palm spurs you on, fucking yourself back to him despite the overstimulation.
you love hearing the squelching of your mixed essence with each thrust but Sunghoon stops your hips with a harsh grip cause he feels himself hardening again.
“don’t make me fuck you again” he hisses before pulling out, earning a dismayed whine from you. he grabs the wet tissues by the table to clean himself up then you after, wiping your soaked folds and fixing your dress up so he won’t be seduced by your sexy body again.
“would that be so bad?” you groan as you scramble to make yourself comfortable on the couch, hugging the pillow that fell from it. your eyes are closing, feeling the energy leaving your body now that you just wanna sleep.
“no but i really have to go baby” he insists, putting his sweat shorts back on. he’s in the middle of tying the laces of his timbs when he feels your stare from his peripheral view.
“hoon..” you’re breathless when you turn your body around to face Sunghoon. he sighs with a chuckle as he realizes what you’re asking, removing his hoodie before tossing it on your slump form.
yes, you still want Sunghoon’s hoodie. you got his dick but this is what you’ve been after. snuggling it, you inhale its distinct smell; Sunghoon’s own musk with a mix of perfumes he’s shown you before that brings comfort to you. 
he watches you with a fond smile, pulling his white shirt up to wipe the slight sweat off his face. while doing so, your eyes are drinking in the chiseled abs that he’s been hiding.
you’re tired as fuck but now that it’s in front of you, you’re getting horny again which Sunghoon noticed. he bends down to leave a small kiss on your forehead once he sees you rubbing your thighs together, hoping you won’t act out again so he can finally leave.
“go wash up first” he instructs, caressing your cheek.
“after” you pout, bringing his hoodie closer to your face.
“fine. dinner might be late now but if you’re not awake by then, i’ll bring some here okay?”
you nod and Sunghoon pecks your lips before standing up on his feet. your eyes are back to getting heavy as soon as he dims the lights and hurries to the door.
but that’s before your eyes landed on someone behind the door, his gaze piercing through the slight opening and locking into yours. the small smirk emerging from his pretty face instantly reawakening you.
that same one he throws on your way when he thinks no one else is watching. the one that you’ve been wanting to wipe off from his face each time you see him.
that damn thing belonging to the only person older than Sunghoon in his friend group, Lee Heeseung.
e/n: it’s been months since my last post oml but hellowrr, heeseung’s next if you’re wondering but i’m debating now since the new pics dropped and i’m seeing more shits. i can’t help it, they take turns in ruining me like pls yo 👋🏼
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enhaven · 2 days
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❝ I want my existence to be the most special thing to you ⤷ ENHYPEN [ROMANCE: UNTOLD] POSTERS (INCEPTIO Ver.)
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