#when he died in the first thor there was a body
the-mjolnir-owner · 4 months
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gunsandspaceships · 6 months
Tony Stark’s achievements
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“Brilliant and unique mind”
At age 4 built his first circuit board
At age 6 built his first engine
Cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare
Went to college at 14
Built cool smart robots (Dum-E and U) when he was a teen
At 17 graduated summa cum laude from MIT
Before Afghanistan:
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“Da Vinci of our time”
Became an owner and CEO of Stark Industries at 21
Successfully ran the company for decades
Advanced the world of technology, not only in weaponry and robotics but also:
created advanced AI J.A.R.V.I.S.
created holographic interface technology
created repulsor technology
Participated in charity
In and after Afghanistan:
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“I’m sorry, I’m not Tony Stark”
Survived an open-heart surgery in a cave, without general anesthesia
Lived with, in fact, a debilitating wound, shrapnel, and a huge and dangerous technological device in his body for years and was willing and capable of doing not only his usual work but also being a superhero and doing all these next things...
Did not give up under torture and fought with his captors
Invented and built a miniaturized Arc Reactor, in a cave, with a box of scraps
Invented and built Iron Man armor, in the same cave, with the same box of scraps
Escaped from captivity by himself (with help from Yinsen, but without any armed assistance)
Became an expert in piloting and driving
Saved people in Gulmira
Saved a USAF pilot
Probably the best hacker in the world, was able to easily hack networks of the Pentagon, US government, AIM, and SHIELD
Fought with Iron Monger after nearly died. Defeated him and saved many lives. Was ready to die for that
Built many more different Iron Man armors
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Fought terrorists between IM and IM2 (IM2 tie-in comics)
Saved a submarine crew (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home)
Saved a woman from a fire (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home)
“Stabilized East-West relations” (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home), so the world was “enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years”
Organized Stark Expo
Was able to keep Iron Man armor in his safe hands despite the government’s and HYDRA’s attempts to take it for themselves
Defeated Ivan Vanko in Monaco
(Re)Discovered a new element
 Synthesized it, by building a particle accelerator, at home
Revolutionized energy industry and science. Gave clean energy to the world
Defeated Vanko in New York with Rhodey, Natasha, and Pepper and saved many lives again
Saved Peter Parker (IM2)
Made it so that the Abomination would not leave prison and join the Avengers
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Built Stark/Avengers Tower powered by Arc Reactor technology
Saved Steve Rogers and many civilians in Germany from Loki
Was able to fight with Thor on equal terms
Biggest brain on Earth, arguably - in the Universe:
best scientist on the team, in SHIELD, on Earth, in the Universe
expert in nuclear, particle, and quantum physics
was able to learn very quickly – became an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics in one night
Successfully tracked Tesseract by its gamma radiation with Bruce
Saved Helicarrier with the Avengers and SHIELD agents on board, almost died
Saved Rogers from a merc right after that
Fought with Chitauri, killed many of them, saved a lot of people
Was able to blow up a Leviathan by himself
Saved New York City by redirecting a nuke to the wormhole
Saved the world by destroying Thanos’ Chitauri army, almost died again
Founded The United States Department of Damage Control to clean up after battles
Rebuilt Stark Tower into Avengers Tower and gave each team member their own quarters
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One of the best biologists and biomedical engineers on Earth, even if it’s not his main area of expertise:
helped Maya with Extremis back in 1999, because knew more in her own field, and even didn’t remember that
was head hunted by Aldrich Killian to work on Extremis with/instead of Maya, who was the leading expert in tissue regeneration
improved and stabilized Extremis, so it became safe regenerative technology, and with it…
cured Pepper
healed extensive injuries in his chest
invented and implanted devices for remote control of his suits (into his forearm in IM3, and most probably into his brain for Mark L armor in Infinity War)
invented build-in diagnostic system in his suits
Invented many devices for protection purposes (ex. bomb disposal)
A capable detective. Figured out the cause of explosions in IM3 on his own
Saved Pepper instead of himself by putting Mark 42 on her during the attack on his Malibu mansion
Survived the attack with a barely working prototype suit. Shot down a helicopter with a piano
Was able to fight with enhanced fire-breathing regenerating terrorists without armor and weapons in Rose Hill. In handcuffs
Knowledgeable and skilled in medicine:
saved a kid with his arc reactor in a deleted scene from IM3, selflessly pulling it out of his chest and performing defibrillation under electric shocks
knew how to recognize hyperglycemia when Harley was eating 3rd bawl of candies
closed his wound in Infinity War with nanoparticles
performed first-aid on Bruce after his snap
Built a lot of stuff from random things he bought in a store for the assault on the Mandarin's mansion. In a motel
Successfully stormed the Mandarin's mansion full of armed and huge security guys with dogs. Alone. Without his armor
Successfully escaped captivity in the Mandarin's mansion with just a few pieces of armor on
Saved all the people who fell from the Air Force One
Stormed Roxxon Norco ship with Rhodey, without a suit. With one handgun
Saved the US president
Defeated Killian and his Extremis-enhanced terrorists, saved many lives
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Built quinjets
Created Iron Legion
Became the benefactor of the Avengers, provided them with everything, was a combatant, and also the team’s pilot, hacker, engineer, medic, and scientist
As an Avenger saved many lives on missions, including destroying the rest of HYDRA in AoU
With Bruce’s help created Veronica and Hulkbuster suit
Defeated a rogue Iron Legionnaire with a fork
In contrast to other team members was able to function after Wanda played with his mind
Defeated mad Hulk. Saved a lot of lives in Johannesburg
Easily hacked nuclear codes in Nexus and found J.A.R.V.I.S. “in the world’s biggest haystack”
Created advanced AI F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Many advanced AIs
Created Vision
With the Avengers defeated Ultron and his army
Evacuated people who were left in Sokovia
Saved a falling evacuation shuttle with people on it
Together with Thor saved Earth by destroying the falling Sokovia
Rebuilt Stark Compound into Avengers Compound for the team in Upstate New York
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Invented several medical devices, including leg braces, blood toxicity detector
Sponsored the development of technology for psychotherapy (B.A.R.F.). Prevented it from being used for harm
Funded all the students’ projects at MIT
Did everything possible to legally, politically, and physically protect the team before, during, and after the Civil War
Was able to disarm Winter Soldier without a suit, with only one armored glove
Figured out Spider-Man’s identity
Created Spider-Man’s suits
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Mentored, sponsored, and looked after Peter Parker
Saved Peter Parker (SMH). Twice
Saved the ferry from sinking
Invented nanoparticles
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 “Earth’s best defender”
Went to space to save Peter, Strange and bring back Time Stone
Saved Peter Parker (IW)
Saved Strange on the Donut spaceship. Killed Ebony Maw
Cloak of Levitation chose him as his second favorite (deleted scene with Tony wearing Levi and Strange in Mark L)
Was respected by Thanos himself
Withstood when Thanos hit him with a moon
Fought Thanos, made him bleed, kept fighting even without armor
Survived a severe injury thanks to his own invention
Was able to function, tried to fix Benatar, and return home while injured and ill with an infected wound
Built a lab for Bruce and helped him to become one with Hulk (combine the best of both worlds)
Became an amazing dad
Became an expert in time travel physics
Discovered/invented (controlled) Time travel
Built a time machine
Went on Time Heist and stole Tesseract from a guarded military base
Created his own Infinity Gauntlet
Thus brought half of the universe back to existence (Bruce snapped and partially sacrificed his health, but nothing would be possible without Tony)
Saved Bruce’s arm by providing emergency medical care
Fought with Thanos again and…
Saved the whole Universe
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vbecker10 · 3 months
The Night Nurse (Part 5)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 6 (in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are the newly appointed night nurse for SHIELD and you couldn't be less excited about it. You have been given the side task of finding out who is stealing supplies from the infirmary. Soon after you start, you learn Loki is the one who has been slipping in at night to patch up his wounds and you confront him about why he can't heal as quickly as Thor. He reveals a dangerous secret he is keeping from the team and you worry increasingly for his safety as the two of you become closer over the next few weeks.
Warning: You asked for angst so I shall give you angst lol but also... some mentions of blood, minor injuries needing stitches, arguing between you and Loki, you being super awkward and Loki being oblivious, some swearing, a pretty major injury towards the end but no one dies... a romantic ending was requested so of course there will be fluff and cuteness and whatnot
A/N: For those of you who skipped Part 4 cause it was mostly just smutty, the first section in italics is end of Part 4 so you didn't miss any plot. If you read Part 4, you can start at the regular font section so you don't reread stuff you already read.
Also, I'm sorry this one is kind of short but when you see where I left it, you'll know why... it's cause I'm horrible lol. Hope you all like this! 💚💚
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Loki's lip pause and he pulls away in confusion, his eyes trying to connect with yours as your fingers trace the tape on his back absent-mindedly.
"Can you die even though you're a god?" you ask him, looking at the bandage on his cheek as he shifts to be directly above you.
"Yes," he answers quietly.
You nod and he tilts your chin so you are looking him in the eyes.
"What happened, love?" he asks. "Where did your beautiful mind just go?"
You are quiet for a moment and Loki lets you search for the words on your own instead of slipping into your thoughts. "I'm afraid," you tell him in a whisper.
"Of what?" he asks, concern spreading through him as your clothes and his reappear on your bodies in a green flicker.
"Of losing you," you admit as he sits up. "I can feel myself falling for you more each day and the more deeply I care for you, the more terrified I am that something will happen to you. We still don't know why your magic is failing or how to fix it."
"Y/N, I promise you will not lose me, I have only just found you and I do not intend for this to end. We will find a way to mend my magic and I will heal as I used to," he says as he pulls you into a hug. He presses a kiss to your lips in an effort to try and reassure you.
You put your arms around him tightly but don't feel any comfort in his words. "You can't promise me that," you say as you rest your cheek against his chest. "You're going to keep training with Thor and keep going on missions and... and you're going to keep getting hurt." You touch his bandaged cheek lightly as you lean away from him. "Your magic is healing you slower and less completely each time you are injured. The last stitches I gave you even left a small scar."
"Y/N..." he says with a worried expression.
"I've seen horrific injuries on this job, bullet wounds, stabbings, burns... I've lost people I've tried desperately to save for hours..." you shake your head. "I can only continue to work here because I've learned to distance myself from my patients. I'm not friends with any of the SHIELD agents or the Avengers on purpose, Loki," you tell him.
"I don't know if I can wait here terrified that you're going to come back to me hurt... or that you won't come back," you feel the same tightness in your chest that you did when you waited for him to arrive tonight.
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He kisses your forehead softly and you look up at him, tears threatening to fall. "I will speak to Thor tomorrow," he assures you. "I will tell him the truth about my magic failing and my healing abilities. I have no doubt he will allow me to take time away from the team so I can understand what is wrong with my magic."
"You promise?" you ask, desperate for him to finally be out of harms way while he searches for an answer.
"I promise," he nods and kisses your lips softly. "I cannot bear being the cause of your worries. I will do this for you because I know you need me to."
You hug him tighter and rest your head on his chest. "Thank you, Loki," you mumble against him, feeling your fears subside.
He runs his fingers through your hair and adds, "There is one thing you could do to show me how thankful you are."
You sit up, lifting your head to look at him and he chuckles, "Darling, you have such a vivid imagination." Your cheeks heat as you blush, knowing Loki read the thought that instantly appeared in your mind. You hide your face against his chest again.
"As much as I love your suggestion," he says and you look up at him slowly, waiting for him to continue. "I had a different idea in mind. Go on a date with me." His smirk fades into a soft smile and his fingers run down your cheek, "Please. I wish to see you outside of this horrid infirmary."
Loki doesn't give you a moment to answer before he says, "I know you have become accustomed to sleeping during the day and I am more than willing to stay awake all night to be with you. I have found several restaurants in the area that are open quite late and some of the museums have night hours as well. Unless you would prefer to see a movie or walk through one of the parks, the gardens are well lit this time of year."
You can't help but giggle at how much he knows about places to visit at night, "This doesn't seem like a spur of the moment ask. How long have you been planning this?"
"To ask you out on a date?" he asks to clarify.
"Yeah," you nod, knowing him talking to his brother was not originally part of his plan.
"About a week," he admits.
"A week? What took you so long?" you wonder.
He shrugs, "I could see in your thoughts that your feelings for me were growing as mine have been for you but... I wanted to wait until you were comfortable enough with how you felt to tell me yourself. I know you hate that I can read your mind without your knowledge so I assumed if I asked you out based solely on your hidden thoughts, you would have felt like your privacy was being invaded."
"That's probably true, actually," you agree with him then smile. "In that case, thank you for waiting. That was really sweet."
"I have my moments," he laughs.
"So I guess since you've been in my mind a bunch, you know I really only like you a little bit right?" you joke nervously, unsure if Loki knows the depth of your feelings for him.
He shakes his head, "Oh, I think you like me more than a little bit."
"Nope, just a teeny tiny bit," you laugh but you can see in his eyes he knows the truth.
"You love me," he smiles, his arm holding you closer to his body. Your heart beats faster when you hear those words out loud. "Deny me all you want, princess, but I don't need read your mind to know what is in your heart."
You smile and shrug, trying to push down the little voice inside of you that agrees with Loki. You have fallen so hard for him so much quicker than you imagined possible. "I'm not sure what you are talking about," you force out your response but there is no fooling the prince.
His hand moves to the back of your neck and he pulls you closer. "Tell me you love me," his tone is much less playful than it had been as his lips inch closer to yours.
Before you can stop yourself you say, "I will tell you that tomorrow... after our first date."
He smirks, "I will accept those terms, beautiful."
"Good," you giggle. "But now you need to go," you pull yourself free from him and get up, afraid if he stays one minute longer you will tell him what he wants to hear. "I have a ton of work to do and you have to sleep, it's so late."
Loki gets up from the exam table and follows you to the door of the infirmary. He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you flush to his chest, hooking his finger under your chin so you are looking up at him. "I will see you tomorrow for our date," he leans down and kisses your lips much too quickly and when he pulls away he smirks. He lets you go and vanishes without another word.
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The sound of your phone ringing pulls you from your sleep and you reach for it, trying not to open your eyes. "Yea?" you answer the call annoyed and still mostly sleep.
"Y/N?" the voice asks, "It's Annmarie."
"Annmarie, sorry," you sit up, recognizing the voice of your coworker immediately. "I was sleeping," you check the clock on your nightstand.
"I know you've only been off shift for a few hours and your not scheduled tonight," your stomach knots knowing this is anything but a social call. "But there's an emergency at the Tower. Dr. Palmer needs everyone to come in," she explains and you throw off your sheets, getting out of bed quickly. You can hear the faint sound of alarms blaring in the background.
Holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder, you grab a clean pair of scrubs, fully awake now. "What happened?" you ask trying to understand what type of emergency would have them calling in all of the medical staff. It wasn't a drill, that much you were sure of.
"We are still getting reports in. All I know for sure is that there was a containment breach in one of the labs," she says. "I don't know what the chemical is yet, but the fail safes to lock down the lab weren't triggered in time. The gas spread too quickly."
You slip on your sneakers and grab your keys, "I'm leaving now."
"Okay, hopefully by the time you get here, Loki will have it fully contained," she says. "We're just starting to get the first wave of victims from the lab down here."
You open your front door and your stomach drops when she says his name. "Loki," you repeat his name as last night flashes through your mind.
"What?" Annemarie asks, the sound of people talking in the background becoming louder. "Did you ask something about Loki?"
You don't answer her, afraid of what she will tell you. You close the door and hear her yell to someone but you aren't listening as you run down the steps of your apartment building. "There's no word-," she says and you stop in the middle of the staircase, her sentence cut off when someone asks her a question.
"What?" you ask, your heart racing.
"There's no word yet on if he contained the toxin," she says. "They're evacuating all three lab floors now."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @mischief2sarawr @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-asgard @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv @glitterylokislut @biodegradable-glitter-fest @wolfsmom1 @simone818283 @hopefuldreamers-world @blackhawkfanatic @slut4tonystark @dracoswhorexx @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @anukulee @latriacy @trojanaurora @babygirl-panda19 @catsladen @stargazer-luna @rcailleachcola @lunarlopt @gruftiela @bolontiku @scrumptious-finicky-illusion @lokischambermaid @clemthecustestmonster @lovinglokilaufeyson
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ethereal-night-fairy · 9 months
Heavenly saviour
What if we had a reverse Knight Au where the reader is female knights similar to valkyries in the Thor movies. And Ghost gets to be the pretty prince who's been unfairly kept and tortured only to be saved by his darling. (Tbh I have no idea who's kidnapped ghost but I just want to see him be saved by a female knight)
I know I said female knight but I wrote this as gender neutral to include everyone who wants to play the saviour for ghost.
Prince!Ghost x GN Knight!reader
Words: 1k
Warnings: MDNI, gore, blood, torture, trauma, love at first sight, pining if you squint.
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The dungeon is cold, dark and decrepit. The smell of mold and iron was suffocating. But he had no other choice but to breath it in. Thankfully the darkness shrouded his mangeled body. Hiding it from his own view for the time being. But the mutilated images persisted in his mind. Simon heaved the air collapsing in his lungs. They had left him hung and from his ribs, red crimson liquid pooling at his feet. The hook so meanly embedded into his tender flesh. He was no better than a pig hung after slaughter. Though his captors weren't as kind to put him out of his misery. He wouldn't be surprised if it was his father who had sold him to these people for some cheap entertainment. The kingdom was on the brink of collapse anyway, the fucker was probably hoarding as much money as he could. Nor him or his brother could do anything to protect anyone from their fathers wrath. He vowed if he got out of here alive he'd do anything in his power to save his people and family from demise.
His muscles screamed from being pulled and stretched unnaturally. His vision blurry from the pain and stray tears. His pale body scarred beyond recognition. Red hot slashes decorating his supple flesh. His breathing becoming laboured as he whispers his mother's name thinking this was the end.
In his delirium he thinks he hears distant screams followed by shouting. Heavy footsteps by the dozen clambered down like thunder over his head. Their boasterous movement rung out through the manor vibrating down to the dungeon. Had someone come save him? Had God sent him a saviour? Had salvation finally come? If he could scream he would have screamed and shouted until his vocal chords tore but he was fatigued and barely able to keep his head up. If this truly was a hallucination he wishes to see his mother caressing his cheek before he passes. If he truly wasn't forsaken, God would grant him this small request before his last breath.
The screams died down, maybe it was all in his head after all. It was hard to tell if anything was real anymore. Maybe he was already dead and this was his purgatory. All he could see was the congealed blood at his feet. The same blood painted his skin an awful shade of red. He heard heavy footsteps descending the stairs. Ones he would often dread. So he waits patiently for whoever had decided to put him out of his misery.
When the crash comes he desperately opens his eyes to look at the broken entrance to the cellar. Trying his best to figure out if it was a friend or foe. There you stood in all your glory. The light coming from the lit staircase bounced off your armor creating a celestial glow around you. The tears in his eyes caused the light to distort making it look like the heavens had blessed his knight with golden wings.
He watched you walk towards him with confident steps. Your expression ghastly, a bloody sword clutched in your hand. He couldn't quite make out your features; he was too delirious at this point. But you look like an angel; here to enact divine justice. Everything felt fuzzy and shapeless the closer you got. Like he was floating away.
But that changed the second you touched his mutilated skin. You brought him crashing down to reality. Like Icarus plummeting to his demise, the only difference was you were here to catch him. Every nerve ending springs alive to throw him back in the cycle of his never ending pain. Your words are soft and soothing as you try to get him to settle. He wished he could make out your features properly. Wished he could burn your image into his mind. But fresh tears obstructed his view. Gasps and groans spill from his cut face when you pry away the hook that's lodged between his ribs, taking the brunt of his weight.
You lower his body to the ground as you tell you've got him now. That you'll take care of everything from here. He shows you a smile so kind and sweet you wondered how anyone had the heart to harm him. Though It didn't matter anymore they were all dead now. Laying in pools of their own blood when you had chopped them down like the animals they were. You watch the prince go in and out of consciousness as you tie rags to his most open wounds.
“Captain! King Price has sent word! The castle has been captured! All occupants were killed before the arrival of our army. Reports say the previous King went on a murder rampage before fleeing with a small entourage. Prince Simon wasn't found among the dead bodies!”, one of you soldiers comes down to report to you waiting at the entrance of the cellar. Your body obscuring his view of the person you were tending too. You take the handkerchief off on your arm as you go to tie it around the prince's face making sure not to obstruct his ragged breathing in any way.
“Go now tell the King all noble houses have been dealt with…Prince Simon wasn't found among any of the bodies”, the soldier leaves immediately at your words as you lift the Prince's body in your arms. Ready to carry him to safety. You'll report the truth to the King later. But there was no way you'd let this poor prince suffer any more humiliation than he had already experienced.
His brother and mother didn't deserve to die the way they did. And you'd do your utmost to make sure you'll protect the prince, like he had protected you when you were only but a mere peasant. His smile never changed, not even after all the torment he faced. Even though they had tried to carve it out of him; no bruise or scar could ever take away from his radiance.
This was a new era for him. One in which you plan to be his sword. To be his shield, to be his…just his. He could use you however he sees fit. You will stand by him regardless; come hell or high water.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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bones4thecats · 7 months
This is just another request but can I please ask for Loki Thor and Poseidon with kianna komori
But in this scenario she ends up dying but ends up being resurrected as an angel but she still remembers them
Kianna: what made you think I would forget you?
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Fun fact in an alternate scenario she ends up dying but father Demaryius( my other OC)
Ends up bringing her back to life as an angel
Their S/O Gets Reincarnated As An Angel
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Loki, Thor, and Poseidon Name: Their S/O Gets Reincarnated As An Angel Requester: @nunezs-stuff
A/N: I read about an angel’s wing color, so to sum up the Reader’s different ones; Pink - Chamuel (Angel of peaceful relationships), Purple - Zadkiel (Angel of mercy), and Green - Raphael (Angel of healing)
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🐍 Loki hailed himself as a God who did not enjoy humans being around at all. Whether it be male, female, even a child, if they were human, Loki did not like being around them, for what reason? I have no clue
🐍 Probably just Odin rubbing off on him
🐍 But, when Thor came home one day with a duo of supposed humans, Loki gained interest in the shorter one, that shorter one being you!
🐍 He had begun to hang around you all of the time. From annoying you as you worked on stuff to just laying out small pranks on you whenever he wanted. He basically was hanging off of you like you were the bamboo to his koala
🐍 Once you both started your relationship, Loki had gained quite a bit more of an interest in you. So like, what your hobbies were, what your previous life on Earth was, etc.
🐍 Because of how much time the God of Mischief began to spend with you, he started to become very clingy and attached to you
🐍 So, it broke his heart into smithereens when it was announced that the traitor of the Greek Pantheon and the third-born of the four Olympian Brothers, Adamas, had attempted to ally the Goddess you were visiting; Aphrodite, in his endeavor
🐍 And, due to her attempting to pry more information of his reasoning for this battle out of him, he had thrown a spear in a random direction, and unfortunately, you were in that direction. Once the blade had pierced through your body, you had died, causing Aphrodite to attack Adamas herself in a fit of rage
🐍 Loki had an old scarf that you gave him on your first date in the winter, and he never let go of the long fabric ever since that fateful day
🐍 As he walked around the old garden that the Norse Pantheon had in their domain, he had gotten the message from Huginn and Mininn that there was an angel coming in for a meeting with Odin and the main Gods of the Pantheon, meaning Loki had to be there
🐍 Despite his sour mood, Loki gripped the green and purple fabric closely as he bee-lined for his uncle’s estate. And, once he met the room and walked inside, he had seen his cousin, Thor, patting the head of the supposed angel as Odin smiled, he was genuinely smiling!
🐍 Loki stood there as the angel turned around, their large pink wings flowing behind them as their tiny white halo glowed in the sunlight, and once their eyes met his, Loki dropped the scarf and ran towards them, wrapping his arms around their form, encasing them in a tear-jerking hug
" Holy shit… " " Hello Loki. "
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🌩️ Thor was beyond depressed, he didn’t even train for weeks after hearing the news of your passing
🌩️ You and him were very close. He had met you as he took a small stroll around the human realm, since he just needed some space from his cousin, Loki’s, antics
🌩️ He had been sitting beside a small pond in the middle of the woods as he heard a voice ask him if he was alright, making him turn around and nearly pull out his hammer to attack
🌩️ Once his eyes met yours, his heart skipped a beat; you had the most beautiful eyes, eyes that could, in his perspective, compare to those of the Deities of Beauty or Purity
🌩️ Thor began to travel down to the same pond to meet you, and eventually during your second month of knowing one another, he asked if he could court you, which led to dating, then marriage, and then you and him starting your real lives together
🌩️ Nothing was going to stop him from having a happy life with you, but, unfortunately, life had another idea for him
🌩️ The God of Thunder had heard the news from a distraught Loki, who had been a witness to your demise. He claimed that a minor God from the Pantheon had gotten angry with the fact that you, a human, was married to Thor, so, in the fit of rage, they had wrapped you in vines and squashed you to death as their poison flowed through your system, much to Loki’s horror who found your body just minutes later
🌩️ Thor had ordered for the guilty to be brought before him, and once they were, he hadn’t given them a fast death, he let them suffer at the hands of multiple Gods, Odin, Loki, Poseidon, Hades (whom the previous two you had grown close to), and him of course
🌩️ While many tried to woo him in the same way that you had, nobody had come close in his eyes at your place. You were his one and only spouse, nobody could ever come close to you
🌩️ Now, it was the marking of the day of your anniversary of your first meeting, and every year, Thor would go down to the forest to the pond that he had his fellow Deities keep in tip-top shape, and this year was pretty much the same
🌩️ But, seeing someone sit there, nonetheless an angel sitting there with their purple wings holding out and their bright halo holding above their head, its glow getting brighter as the God of Thunder neared you
🌩️ And, despite the stoicness staying strong on his face, his eyes lit up in joy
" It is lovely seeing you here again, Y/N. " " You as well, my dearest. "
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🔱 Much like Loki, Poseidon prided himself on his superiority against both humans and Deities alike
🔱 Poseidon loved to watch others tremble in fear at his mere presence, it showed how perfect he was compared to those ‘disfigured’ beings that laid underneath his feet dipped in scum
🔱 But, when his oldest brother Hades had brought a human soul to a meeting with the claim that they had a soul purpose of helping them out with their duties, he gained interest in you, that poor soul
🔱 Unlike Adamas and Zeus, he did not attempt to either seduce you to do things with him against marriage or threaten you into doing things for you, Poseidon just asked you and you did it. Due to these actions, you gained a mutual ‘respect’ for one another
🔱 This fake respect eventually developed into true respect, then a shared romantic interest before becoming a real connection of two souls wrapping around one another
🔱 Once he asked you to become his for the rest of your shared lives, he began to really show himself to you, no strings attached. Well, he did make sure you didn’t tell anyone how soft he was with you, but you get the point
🔱 Poseidon was shocked to watch Proteus run inside, slamming the doors open of his office where he and Hades sat down discussing matters. The first thing the two brothers noticed was the major amount of bloods on his hands, causing his heart to stop momentarily
🔱 Hades looked at his brother and nodded, which sent the God of the Seas running after the God of Rivers who was leading the way towards the edge of the sea’s boundary, at the land where the Greek’s led their lands to another Pantheon
🔱 The two brothers stopped once the bloody sight of one of your oldest friends, Apollo, holding you as blood covered his hands, sending waves of thoughts through your lover’s mind, the main one being; what in the name of Valhalla happened to you?
🔱 That sight was one that Poseidon never forgot, every time he saw blood, he would think of your form in Apollo’s arms on the ground
🔱 Ever since that day, Poseidon never left his castle unless it was necessary, preferring to spend his time looking at papers he needed done or look at old photographs you had wrapped up in a book. These photos had you, him, friends, family members, and allies during meetings and whatnot
🔱 A few years later, Zeus had requested Poseidon to attend a meeting with him and some of the other Gods, and, due to it being mandatory in Hades’ words, he had headed towards his younger brother’s home
🔱 Gripping his trident, Poseidon opened the doors and looked inside to find an angel sitting on his seat’s arm, much to his annoyance, since angels were ranked below the Gods
" Holy being, step aside. " " I’m surprised you're being so cold to someone you once cared for, Poseidon. "
🔱 His ocean-colored eyes widened once he saw the angel unwrap their green wings from their body, allowing their water-looking halo to drip down into small droplets of rain as Poseidon lightly sank
" Y/N? " " Hello, my love. "
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folksaga-if · 1 year
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“It is a long story, and it does no credit to anyone: there is murder in it, and trickery, lies and foolishness, seduction and pursuit.                                                                                           Listen."
                               - Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology
You are a human. A totally normal one.
You’re a human. You’re a bartender, which is a very normal job for a human to have, and when you walk down the winding streets of Akureyri you can blend seamlessly into any crowd of people which is, without question, only something that a human could do.
The fact that you came here two years ago with nothing but the clothing on your back doesn’t mean anything; you’re hardly northern Iceland’s first wayfaring soul. That you had no money to your name, no friends or family to speak of — that’s a fairly average human thing, too. And that little craving you have, that quiet urge to dig your teeth into any passing stranger’s throat? It's completely, entirely mundane.
It’s manageable. You’re managing.
Or you were, until someone — someone who's decidedly not as good at this human thing as you are — begins leaving a trail of dead bodies at your doorstep, and a trio of god-like siblings take a seat at your bar.
(Ragnarök might have marked the end of the Norns, but that doesn't mean your fate died along with them.)
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No doubt the mightiest of his siblings, the eldest child of Thor is exactly the sort of person you would expect him to be: a giant (half-giant, in fact) asshole with a smoulder and a knife-sharp jawline to match. He’ll match your every word with a cocky grin and a joke that’s nowhere near as funny as he thinks, and he’ll look every inch the prince that he is all the while.
(Well, the prince that he was. Just don’t let him hear you say that.)
For the supposed embodiment of his father’s wrath, the God of Thunder’s second son is surprisingly…not that. He’s no picnic, mind you — he’s broody, he’s secretive, and he's fucking intense, but that hardly equates to fury incarnate. You’re sure there’s something hiding under that moody surface; whether or not you want to uncover it is a different story entirely.
(Looks like even gods aren’t immune to middle-child syndrome. Who knew?)
Valkyrie, seidhr, paragon of strength — with all of her mother’s best traits (and a few of her father’s worst), is it any wonder that Thor’s youngest child was also his favourite? Smarter than her half-brothers and more likeable by a longshot, you might find yourself forgetting how easily the fortune-telling goddess could break you in two. You might, but she’ll be happy to remind you if you do.
(Maybe a little too happy, in fact.)
KATLA B̶͍̏L̸̝͑O̵̟͠M̴̳̓Q̴̯̔V̵̺͆I̷̗͛S̵̠͒T̸̬̒ .
A fellow nomad and your coworker at Black Thunder, the first friend you made in Akureyri has remained your closest. Mischevious, magnetic, and often up to no small amount of trouble, there are times when you think you might know Katla better than you know yourself. You even know about her…well, you know that she…sorry, what were you talking about again?
(It's just that it’s nice, being close to someone who’s so very human.)
There’s a voice in your head and a shadow in your dreams, and they’re telling you to run. You probably shouldn’t trust them.
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Customize your monster character. New life, new you! Choose your gender identity, change your name, cut your hair, and remember: if you’re starting to grow tired of running from your past, try on a new outfit and start running faster.
Play as one of three runway creatures from Norse mythology — a cunning keeper of the forest, a charming warden of the lake, or a formidable guardian of the mountains. Each has its quirks (would you prefer a hollowed-out tree for a back, or webbed fingers and forearms covered in scales?), but they all have two key things in common: they’ll kill to protect their homes, and you’re definitely not one of them.
Choose your own fate, out of the countless that are presented to you. Had oatmeal instead of skyr with your breakfast this morning? You might have just brought about Ragnarök 2.0. Nice one, asshole.
Multiple romance options, with each available to pursue regardless of your gender or background. Ever wanted to kiss a god under a starry sky? Now's your chance! Or maybe you’re through with immortal beings and desperate to ask the pretty server on a date? Go for it! She’s definitely a human too. Totally. You’d be able to tell if she wasn’t. Wouldn’t you?
Save the world — or don’t. It's your choice, and isn't that what true freedom is all about?
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Folksaga is inspired by The Edda, Norse mythology, and Twin Peaks, with a bit of tweaking to the myths as needed for the sake of plot. MC backgrounds have been adjusted to fit for all players regardless of gender identity, and creative liberty has been taken with some smaller points for a smoother storytelling experience. All changes will be explained in an FAQ post (too be added in the links below ASAP!)
The current demo consists of the prologue (introductory lore + character creation), which is about 20k words. I plan to post it in the next few weeks, after some edits + the completion of chapter one!
I expect it to be somewhere in the range of 600,000 to 700,000 words, but this is subject to change (and likely will due to my propensity for rambling text. oops.).
I’ve written  short and long-form original fiction as well as a lot of fanfic (say hello @ pentaghastly on AO3, and @kendallroynsfw on tumblr!), but this is my first IF! Bugs and coding issues may appear in the demo; please let me know if any issues arise during your playthroughs.
Folksaga is a work in progress. I would love constructive feedback when the demo is posted, as well as any bugs or grammar issues to be brought to my attention if I've missed them :) I would also love patience, because I'm a full time health care worker who gets sleepy lots xoxo
A Swedish farmer named Sven Andersson was executed in 1691 for having intercourse with a mountain nymph, or bergsrå. I will neither confirm or deny if his Wikipedia article was the inspiration for this IF, except I will confirm it and it definitely was.
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MC ORIGINS | RO INTROS | demo coming soon!
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justcressida · 1 year
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"I was granted the death I desperately longed for, only to be caught up in a second life no different than the first. And yet, here I am, doing everything I can to stay alive."
Record Of Ragnarok X Rudbeckia De Borgia! Reader
PS: I'm a foreigner okay? Language problems. Part 2?
A beautiful smile, a radiant gaze, and a gentle aura. No matter what, just smile and pass. You've done just that all your life, and your end hasn't changed yet.
While your desire for death was never ending, when you finally died, you were somehow resurrected with all of humanity. for Ragnarok.
Okay, you were too weird even for someone like him. He was just bored and wanted to mess with mortals, but...
Why are you smiling? He wanted you to be scared or raging, but there you are, with a gentle smile on your face. Yet that master of lies saw your trembling hands no matter how well you played.
Maybe it was meant to be enjoyed, but... Did it really scare you that much?
Okay, he hadn't had the fun he wanted, and the rage of Humanity's first victory was still running through his veins, but somehow you got his attention.
I mean, come to think of it, what mortal would smile at someone who tormented him so much?
Out of sheer curiosity, he chased after you and started spying on you.
And he saw the scars on his back. Whip marks, stab marks.
How did you have so many wounds when even a warrior didn't have that many wounds?
Moreover, Ragnarok had resurrected humanity in its most wonderful period.
Was this your greatest period?
With your pretty face and those horrible scars on your body?
He was obviously extremely intrigued, and Loki's curiosity is obsession.
He will solve the mystery of this beautiful mortal.
Although too busy a man to care for a mortal, Thor was quick to discover Loki's new obsession.
Is it a mortal? Really Loki?
Still, he couldn't help being caught up in this beautiful mortal. The mortal's bright beautiful eyes, shapely face, bright lips, and beautiful hair.
Still, he doesn't understand why this mortal has such a bad reputation. No matter how beautiful mortal she was, everyone looked at this beautiful woman with disgust.
Thor doesn't like to go undercover like Loki, so he'll talk directly to your face.
"Who are you mortal?"
In fact, he said it without expression, too much even for a mortal.
Still, the hammer in his hand, his tall stature and intimidating gaze didn't help at all.
You tried to smile, unable to stop yourself from shaking like a kitten.
"Uh- d-did I do something wrong?"
Your kind words even though you tremble like a kitten, your attempt to smile despite the fear, and most of all your beautiful voice.
He had heard that this beautiful mortal was famous for his voice, but this velvety tone of voice softened his cold heart.
"What's your name, mortal?"
"Well m-my name is Y/N."
A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.
Maybe, Thor thought. Maybe this beautiful mortal isn't as bad as rumors.
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 35 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 36
Summary : Loki's torture ends as after years of separation he finds his way back to you.
Warning: 18+, HUGE Canon divergence (Just me making shit up), timey wimey stuff topics dealing with cheating and falling out of love, mention of pregnancy, infertility, gif is how he looked ;)
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When Loki had chosen to fix the timeline again he knew he'd be in his own personal hell that he himself had created for the next few years of his life. When Frigga died all he wanted to do was run back to you so you'd hold him in your arms and comfort him but he couldn't.
After the events of Svartalfheim he pretended to be deceased and moved to midgard for a while until Thor had found him again.. he had promised the ancient one that he wouldn't interfere in your life and he didn't, first few weeks were the hardest for him, worst, at times he thought that he'd rather go through Thanos's torture again then go through this.
He wasn't able to sleep or do anything but he stayed strong, for you, for both of you. He missed you with every inch of his life, the only thing keeping him going forward was the assurance that each and every day was only bringing him closer to you.
Seven years was a long time, every morning as he awakened he thought of you and his heart broke in pieces as he realized that you must have been sad and lonely at times as well, feeling as if you're life was meaningless, fearing that you'd never fall in love with a man, would never feel the heat you so badly craved and he knew you'd feel that way for a long time to come. And he wouldn't be able to stop you from hurting this way, he really wished he could have loved you better than this but he felt helpless, time was never really on his side.
For a god seven years weren't really much but you were just a mortal.. and he knew with every passing year you were only losing more hope, losing more life as he just moved on with his own and did nothing..
Two years passed somehow and he knew you'd go on to marry Strange during this time period, he knew all about what was going to happen and he couldn't stop the precious love of his life as she got tied to another man.
As she became a wife but certainly not his.
"Happy birthday sweetheart" you heard your mom's voice on the phone , she was the only one to call you after Mrs Geller, at least they remembered your birthday because your own husband didn't.
"Thanks mom, what are you doing?" you asked her so she sighed,
"Y/n you know you are 35 now, you don't have much time left, are you both planning to have kids or not?" you groaned internally as she said that. You haven't really told her the truth yet. Sure your sex life was as bland as a weak tea but that didn't mean you didn't want kids of your own, you really did but nothing worked.
Even though your body was healthy and hospitable as your doctors had told you, you couldn't just get pregnant, you thought maybe Stephen was infertile but he was perfectly fine in that department as well, it was a medical mystery why you weren't able to get pregnant.
"Is that the only thing you think of all the time mom?" You asked her, bit annoyed by her inquiry. Well you were very annoyed.
"Of Course I do"
She answered so you rolled your eyes, once she hung up you got out of the bed and got ready for work, as you stepped out in the living room Stephen was there on the kitchen table reading a newspaper. As your eyes met with each other he gave you a smile that never really reached his eyes whenever he was around you. You didn't blame him either.
"Good morning" you mumbled as you made your way to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for yourself.
"Morning, I'm off to Philadelphia today and won't return for a week" he told you nonchalantly so you nodded.
"Well..Drive safely" he chuckled as you said that.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore " he smirked so you resisted the urge to roll your eyes again.
Two years ago he had gotten into a bad accident that had almost ended his life. Doctors had told him that he'd never be able to operate again but then he went to Nepal and apparently found a mystic healer or something, you couldn't believe your eyes when he had returned perfectly fine as if nothing had happened to him, however you did notice a slight change in his demeanor, he was less arrogant and more sympathetic towards you.
For a few weeks your relationship with him had gotten better but then it fizzled again, your heart was never in the right place when you married him, you knew you shouldn't have married him. You shouldn't have married him because you sure as hell weren't in love with him, as much as you had all these fantasies about a magical love life since you were eight, it never really happened to you. You never found a man who made your heart skip a beat with his presence, gave you butterflies that would leave you gushing for days or made you feel heated just by his mere touch.
When you turned turned thirty two you had just accepted that not everyone was destined to find that sort of love so you settled for Stephen and he settled for you, though you didn't understand his reasons, because he sure as hell wasn't in love with you either.
A year later you finally built the courage to ask for a divorce and much to your surprise he agreed almost immediately, that's when he confessed to you that he had been having an affair with his colleague Christine, not that it gave you a whiplash or made you feel betrayed, you had a feeling he wasn't faithful to you.
You had been cheated on before and were still carrying the scars it had left behind but with Stephen it didn't even hurt, you were equally responsible for this, sure you never cheated on him but you were never really there either, he never really felt like a lover to you, there was no romantic love between you two and it was proven as you two had met at your parents' anniversary a few months later after the divorce, that's when you knew that a platonic friendship is what you needed from him.
You were enjoying a life where you weren't trapped in a forced loveless marriage but that wasn't to say that you liked being alone, you despised it, all you wanted to do was find a man who'd love you as crazily as you'd love him but you knew you weren't blessed enough to find him.
Even when you met guys who you felt a miniscule amount of attraction for -they were either too young or too old, and both didn't seem interested in you in that way, you would turn forty in a few years, your time had ended but accepting it was way harder than one could imagine.
The hopeless romantic in you just wanted to find love, it didn't want to give up but with every passing year you were losing your will to go on, you have always felt so hollow from deep within, but it only got worse as you entered this decade of your life. You still remembered crying all night on your 30th birthday, now you wanted to go back to being thirty again, that felt much better than this..
Ever since you had turned thirty you always felt as if you were missing a piece of your heart, as if someone owned it but you didn't remember who. You always felt as if there was a man out there for you but you weren't able to find him anywhere, as if he wasn't even from this planet.
Few more months later Stephen invited you to his birthday bash in NYC. You had moved back to Minnesota post the divorce so he flew you in and even arranged for your stay. A free lavish trip wasn't the offer you were going to say no to so the night of his birthday you put on a fancy green dress, the thin straps had cute hearts shapes attached to it and after a long time you actually felt good about yourself. You had been working out, taking care of yourself, doing everything you could to still feel a little hopeful in life and it worked until your head finally hit the bed at night and made you aware of how miserable your life has become.
As you reached the venue you met Christine and things were unsurprisingly good between you two, she was a good woman, she understood Stephen and loved him the way you never did. He deserved that. Also apparently he was a superhero now but you still didn't understand what he actually did or what his purpose was. Sometimes you really sucked at being a nice person and taking interest in other people's lives.
After dancing for a bit you felt very tired so you told Christine you were going to grab a drink.
You sat down next to a gentleman in a black suit, he was attractive. He probably was the most attractive man you had seen in your life, his raven hair went past his shoulders and when he looked at you, those green eyes bored right into your soul. You also felt as if you had seen him before, you felt as if you had known him for years.
Usually men such as him made you feel extremely nervous around themselves and insecure in a weird way but for some unknown reason you felt calm with him..
"Sorry i didn't mean to stare, i felt as if i had seen you somewhere" he chuckled as you said that, that mere smile gave you butterflies. What was happening to you? This wasn't like you at all. You had never felt such an intense attraction towards a man before, not this way.
As soon as Loki saw you from across the dance floor, all the feelings that he had been suffocating for seven years were threatening to explode but he kept his cool, you didn't remember him and he had to do it in a way that wouldn't make you feel scared of him. He had waited years to find you again, he could wait more.
"Perhaps you have seen me on the news, I invaded your planet with an army a few years ago" your eyes widened in realization as he said that.
"Oh my god you're Loki '' you said to him and he turned his head to look at you, his lips sipped on the neat whiskey he had ordered for himself. Gorgeous gorgeous guy you thought, of course he was, he was a literal god. You and your standards you thought.
"For a moment I was afraid my popularity had plummeted around here" you let out a nervous laughter as he said that. He had clearly caught you checking him out.
"Noo i.. I read about you at the time, saw you in the news ..my ex husband actually made me see why we were supposed to hate you" you mumbled as you airquoted your sentence, a bit ashamed by the reveal, you still remembered your first date with Stephen where he just ranted against Loki, so why was he there at his birthday party now?
"Well I hope your feelings are not the same anymore" you gulped as the intense eye contact made you feel flushed. Your cheeks felt warm so warm and all you wanted to do was lean into him like a pervert.
"So what are you doing here?" You asked him to avoid feeling those butterflies that were swarming in your belly.
"I was summoned here for a crucial discussion," he answered you.
"Ohhh" you mumbled.
"I watched you dancing over there" your ears perked up as he said that. There were so many gorgeous, young and gorgeous women at the party, why was he watching you? Men that looked like him never went for women like you.
"You did?" You cleared your throat as you spoke,
"You have a way with your hips don't you?" Was he flirting with you? Oh god it's been years since a man this attractive had flirted with you. A man you actually wanted to flirt with you.
"Ummm well i wanted to be a dancer once" you mumbled and suddenly felt like a fool.
"I can tell, makes me think of other situations where you could show me how those hips could work" you bit on your lips as he said that. Loki's entire self grimaced as he was clearly being obscene with you, but he was pretending to be the confident asshole he was known as, however as he noticed the way you had blushed he found himself craving your touch. It's been seven years for norns sake.
He placed his fingers on your chin to make you look at him and brought his lips to your ears, if he was some other guy you would have pushed him away by now but for some reason you felt hypnotized by his mere presence, everything about him enchanted you, you felt as if you were under his influence, his cologne attacked your senses and all you wanted to do was kiss him.
You had never felt such scorching heat with someone in your life, you never thought you'd ever get to feel it either, you didn't think it existed for you.
"Care for a dance?" He whispered in your ears and you could only whine in response which he took as a yes. His fingers laced with yours as he dragged you to a secluded corner of the hall.
Baby, you can
Ride it, ooh, yeah
Bring it over to my place
"Nice song isn't it?" He whispered in your ear so you hummed in response, it existed because of you and you didn't even know that, you were the one to send the lyrics of the song to Mark Johnson in the hope that it'll get sent to the artist. Apparently it did.
You moved slowly with him to the rhythm of the music, he placed his hands on your lower back and the action made you gasp, dipping you down slowly before he pulled you up, smushing you so close to him in a moment, your chest were pressed to him, you were too close to man you barely knew.
And you be like
"Baby, who cares?"
But I know you care
Bring it over to my place
Your hips rolled in circles and hands curled around his neck, what was this feeling? Your lips were so close to him but he wasn't kissing you, even though you wanted him to just kiss you desperately.
You don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight speaks to me
I don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight speaks to me
"Goddd" You whispered and a small smile curved the corner of his mouth.
"There you are i have been looking for you"
You heard Stephen's voice so you pulled away from the man you had met a few minutes ago. Even after the divorce was finalized you still felt weird about being close with another man around him.
"What happened?" You looked at him and he snickered in response.
"I was talking to him, I called him here to discuss something important"
You directed your attention towards Loki and he smiled at you before he looked you up and down from head to toe then he leaned into you to press a goodbye kiss on your cheek,
"See me again sometime later?"
You nodded as he said that, he walked towards your ex husband and went along with him, his smell lingered around you still and you had to sit down in order to calm down your nerves.
You had never felt this way before, you had lost all hope of finding a man you'd feel this level of attraction for and now you were almost thirty seven and a literal god was showing interest in you. A god. You wanted to scream because you knew he was unattainable, maybe he was just looking for a one night stand, of course he did. Guys weren't really looking to marry you at your age. At Least not men like him.
Strange had invited you here but he was missing from his own party so after a while you made your way upstairs to tell him that you were going back to the hotel as you felt tired, or maybe that was just another excuse to see Loki. Not it wasn't, you weren't that desperate for a man you had just met. You had never been that person. Right?
As soon as you reached the room you knocked on the door and took a deep breath, much to your delight Loki opened the door instead.
"If I didn't know you any better i'd have made an assumption that you came here for me" Your face flushed again as he said that, the smirk on his beautiful face was apparent.
"Well You don't know me Mister. Is Stephen here?"
He smiled and stepped away so you could get in the room but as you got in you noticed that Strange wasn't there
"He went away for a moment" Loki said to you so you sighed and turned around to look at him
"Umm okay..will you please tell him that I am tired and going back to the hotel? I'm staying at the Ritz"
"Sure would my lady, I'm sure he knew that already or perhaps the invitation is for me?" He asked you and you felt your face heating up again but instead of getting nervous you got bold instead, you didn't know where it came from..
"Maybe it is"
"What room?"
Lord, was he going to visit you?
He nodded his head as you said that and you walked past him to leave the room.
"Do you even know my name?" you suddenly turned around to ask him and he gave you a soft smile in response,
"It's y/n..isn't it?"
"He told you, didn't he?"
He didn't know why his eyes teared up at the question, he had been holding himself back from just wanting to grab you and kiss you at the moment.
"He did"
As soon as you were out of the room you took a deep breath, how come you had bumped into the sexiest man you had ever laid your eyes on? Not just that but he actually seemed interested in you. Things like that just didn't happen to you so it felt a little weird. What did he want from you? Perhaps a night of debauchery? That was your best guess, only half an hour later you heard a knock on the door so you opened it and found him on the other side,
You invited him in so he looked around before he diverted the attention back at you.
"Ummm you want something to drink? I have like ummm let me check" you walked towards the mini refrigerator to rummage through it "There's coke, some alcoholic beverages, I don't know if you consume that" He chuckled as you said that.
"Don't they charge heftly for that?" He asked you curiously.
"Well my ex is paying for the room so you know" he chuckled as you said that. Norns he had missed you and all your little quirks.
"I will have whatever this Coke is supposed to be" you smiled nervously as he said that. You grabbed a can from the mini freezer and passed it to him, you were shocked a little when he opened the can without even using his fingers,
"It's a charm" he said as he found you looking a bit starstruck.
"I see.. I mean I know..you're also magical and all" He smiled as you said that, he walked closer to you and your breath quickened as he continued to reach closer and closer to you with every step.
"Have a sip lady y/n" he pressed the can right over your lips and it made you gulp.
"It's okay…I ummm" you stuttered on your words and he couldn't help but enjoy the sight of you squirming like that. It boded well for his ego that he had such an affect on you even though you didn't even remember him just yet.
"I insist, it would be rude of me to not offer" you pressed your lips on the opening of the can and he raised it up a little so you could take a sip. After you were done with the sip, he brought the can back up to his own lips and drank from it, all while his eyes stayed glued to yours. He noticed the residue of the drink on the corner of your mouth and all he wanted to do was lick it off. His thoughts were filthy. It's been seven years, that was two thousand five hundred fifty five nights of him just touching himself to your memories .
"Uhhh so how was the meeting with Stephen?" You asked him to cut through the tension..
"Atrocious, he so badly needed my assistance but the arrogant arse took a while before he admitted it" you chuckled as he said that.
"Well you should have seen him years ago before ahhh the accident..he was way worse"
"Mmmhmmm?" He walked closer to you and placed the can down on the dresser behind you "Makes me wonder why a sweet woman like you would ever hitch herself to a man such as him" He whispered, his voice remained low and husky.
"Well I thought it was the right thing to do at the time" you looked down and he figured you couldn't even look in his eyes for longer than a few seconds.
"Is that so? Did it feel right?" He put his fingers on your chin and made you look up at him, every inch of your skin began to tingle with his touch. What was he doing to you and why?
"Not really..if the divorce wasn't enough of an indication for you then let me tell you that I do regret that decision everyday of my life"
He smiled as you said that. The forest green slip dress you had on made you look delectable, there were two heart shaped ribbons attached to the top of the straps that kept the dress hanging on your body, he found it really adorable. You let out a moan as his thumb brushed over your lower lip.
"Lokiiii" the sound of his whispered name made his cock harden in a jiff but he used the charm to keep himself from showing it, he didn't want you to think as if he was there for just a night of fun.
"Apologies little one, I got carried away" He took a step back and he noticed your heavy breathing. You weren't making this any easier, he remembered the dream he had about you two before where he lived the same scenario, he knew what you were going to say to him, it always started this way between you two, with friendship, a relationship that was built in such a way could have only lasted forever, there was no other way around it.
"It's okay I just… I am still dealing with the divorce and I just.. I don't know what you thought would happen tonight and I know I invited you here basically but I ..I'm just not ready for ..you know" your eyes teared up as you mumbled, that wasn't the reason why you didn't want to sleep with him, you didn't care about the divorce, you just didn't want him to think of you as someone he could have fun with for a night and leave, his own eyes softened as he noticed the anxious look on your face.
"Whatever it is that you desire from me tonight, I will give you that darling" he said firmly so you smiled before you chuckled slightly in disbelief.
"Really? So if I tell you that I barely have any friends and I want you to be my friend first, would you be my friend?" You asked him, he could sense the mockery in your tone, he didn't blame you, he knew his reputation wasn't the best especially because of how promiscuous his brother was on midgard he figured you must have put him through the same judgment, you didn't remember him after all.
"I would love to be your friend, I do not have any either"
Your eyes widened as he said that.
"Okay so ummm okay we can be friends i guess" he smiled as he grabbed your hand and placed a formal kiss on the back.
"My lady, I won't disappoint you i promise"
He kissed your forehead and as you looked up at him all of a sudden he just felt so familiar, as if you knew him in some other life, he felt like home and you couldn't really describe why.
That night as you both stayed up and talked you found yourself getting more and more attracted to him.
Days passed and turned into weeks but he never stepped out of line or asked you for things you never wanted to do, all your life you had felt a certain emptiness in your soul, even when you felt happy at times you found yourself thinking about the missing piece of your heart, you had always felt as if you were born with half a soul and for once in your life you were starting to believe that he was it. That he was the one you had been looking for, that he was the answer to all those questions. But he felt too good to be true.
How could someone be so precious as he was?
You had no idea how complicated your relationship was with him but you were going to find out the truth on your coming birthday..he was going to change your life forever, it would never be the same again.
And that is exactly what you had wished for all your life.
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@cosniffee @lotsoflokilove23 @oreo-cream @aesonmae @salvinaa
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lokilaufeysonslove · 3 months
𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
// Summary // you are Tony Stark’s niece, which automatically makes you sassy and you meet Loki for the first time.
// Warnings // orphanage, mentions of death, body and outfit description, slightest mentions of pedophilia (jokingly).
// Author’s Note // I’m sorry if this outfit is not what you wear or this music is not what you listen to, but let’s pretend for the sake of the story. This is not the first time I write something like this, but I’m still sorry if it’s shitty / divider by the amazing @saradika-graphics / gif by @sakura-haruka
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You entered the Stark Tower, headphones in your ears, dancing and lip syncing to ‘Sweet But Psycho’ by Ava Max, tiny amount of blood faintly visible on your knuckles. Why was blood there? Well, you punched someone. Again.
When you woke up, you were very bored, so you decided to take a walk, but apparently your walk never goes without a fight.
It was a hot summer day and you decided to wear short black jean shorts, a black crop top and black and white air forces. To be honest, most of your clothes were black and white, but you had some red and blue here and there, sometimes you would even wear colorful graffiti shirts. It depended on your mood.
You got into the elevator and went to the top floor. You still didn’t understand why Tony built this whole ass tower, I mean who needs it? You preferred living in a house rather than a tower. You finally got to the top floor and exited the elevator.
What were you doing in the Stark Tower in the first place? It’s because of the tragic accident. Your parents died a year ago. Your father, a famous rich inventor, was the older brother of billionaire Tony Stark. Your mother was a Chanel model. You were exact copy of your mother, tall girl with beautiful e/c eyes and shiny h/c hair. Everything was fine, but your father, like every rich inventor, had enemies. One night, while they were driving home, someone shot them with a gun and killed them both. That person was later arrested. He said he didn't mean to kill your mother, it just happened by accident, but it didn’t matter anymore.
Of course you were devastated and had to go to psychologists for a whole year.
Fortunately, you were given the opportunity to choose who would become your guardian. You were close to your mother, but not to your mother's family. Instead, you were very close to your father's relatives. Tony and Pepper were your second family, so you chose to live with them.
This accident caused your personality to change. You were completely different person before this incident, quiet, calm, shy, but now you were bold, sarcastic, sassy, a total trouble maker, and some would even say crazy.
You barged in the living room, still singing and swaying lazily.
“Oh, she’s sweet but a psycho, a little bit psycho, at night she’s screaming I’m-ma-ma-ma out my mind. Oh, she’s hot but a psycho, so left but she’s right though-“ you stopped singing and started humming to the song.
Tony was standing at the bar, drinking a whiskey, Nat was sat on the couch near the TV, Steve was sitting next to Nat, chatting with her about something, Peter was sitting at the table, doing his homework, honestly, how was that kid doing his homework all day? Clint was sitting at the other side of the table, checking his arrow for any damage, Wanda was sitting on an empty armchair, levitating a pencil with her powers, Thor was standing near the large window, staring daggers into- wait, into who?
There stood a tall man with long, black hair, dressed in a green and silver suit. He was looking out of the big windows, his hands were folded behind his back. He should be from Asgard too, you thought to yourself.
“Sweet but psycho? Are you singing about yourself, kid?” Nat asked with amused expression on her face.
“You could say that.” You said with a small smile. The man turned around and now you were able to see his face. You would be a liar if you said he wasn’t handsome, hell he looked like a god. He had beautiful blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. You pulled out your headphones from your ears and slung them around one shoulder, walking towards the fridge to pour yourself some cold water, “Who’s this?” You asked, nodding your head towards him.
“I am Loki of Asgard, the god of mischief.” The man said with a smug look on his face, “And who might you be?”
“I am Y/n of Midgard, a mere mortal, your Highness.” You said with your best British accent and bowed dramatically, clearly mocking him. You have heard how Thor calls Earth Midgard, so you decided that now was a good time to use that word. Some of the Avengers chuckled at that.
You looked at him. You could swear that you have heard of that Loki somewhere. Oh! He is the guy who carried out the attack on New York few years ago!
“Oh, so you are that brother that causes havoc! Cool.” You said and grabbed a bottle of cold water, but instead of pouring some into the glass, you downed it in a one go. Damn, you didn’t realize you were this thirsty.
All of the Avengers looked at you with expression that said ‘seriously?’, rather tired than surprised. However, Loki was surprised by hearing this. He thought you would scream out loud, saying ‘you are a monster’ or ‘you deserve to rot in hell’ or something along those lines.
Suddenly Wanda gasped, “Y/n, is that blood on your hand?”
Shit. You completely forgot about that. “Oh, that…yeah, don’t worry, it’s not mine.” You said, trying to remove the remaining blood from your hand.
Clint looked at you with wide eyes, “Is that supposed to reassure us?”
“Explain.” Steve said sternly. That grandpa seriously got on your nerves, quite often, really. Tony was looking amused by all of this even if he is your uncle, not Steve. But Steve was acting as if he were your father.
You leaned against the counter and started telling the story, “I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when this guy- no, a fifty year old grandpa commented on my outfit, saying that I was asking for ‘it’, so I punched him in the face, ‘cause he was asking for it. To be honest, I’m kinda disappointed that his nose is the only thing I broke.”
“That is cool! But for your information, fifty year old is not a grandpa.” Tony said with a small smirk.
“Seriously Tony?” Steve said, disappointment visible in his voice, but he couldn’t deny that he was proud of you.
“Was he a pedophile, or whatever it is that you, Midgardians call them.” Thor chimed in with his arms crossed, seeming protective.
You looked at him with one eyebrow raised, “Thor. Are you seriously the one to bring up pedophilia? Dude you are one thousand and something and Jane is only 27, come on!”
Tony bursted out laughing, not even bothering to cover it, Thor gave you a death glare. Everyone else tried to cover their laughter, though they were not doing good job. Loki wore a small smirk on his face.
“I like her.” He said with his head tilted to the side.
“Everyone does.” You told him with a wink and left the leaving room, heading towards your room to get changed.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Can I request a story, where the reader and (Ror god love) are lovers, but many are against at their relationship because the reader is Brunhilde's twin. So (Love) decided to make their relationship a secret. However, one of the god who really love the reader's lover, decided to secretly curse her. (Love) mourns when he thought the reader is dead, when they saw 'reader's dead body'. Apparently, years later, brunhilde started the ragnarok not just to protect the humanity, but if the humanity wins, their is a chance that the reader's curse sleep will be broken. (Love) learned it after he suddenly eavesdropped Brunhilde and Goll, and he learned who was the god who cursed his lover. (Love) decided to fight again not for gods but for humanity. However, his round was over. So he decided to learn the volundr, since gods can use volundr. He want to take revenge. The human fighter is a female, since the god who cursed reader is a goddess of obsession. Please happy ending. So long omg! I hope it will never bother you🥲🥲🥲
The gods are Thor, Odin, Loki, Poseidon, Hades, Beelzebub, Hercules, Buddha and Apollo.
-He could only stare at your ‘body’ after it was discovered, thinking you were lost, eyes wide and fury building inside of him.
-You had gone to see your sister, your twin, Brunnhilde, as you were a valkyrie as well, but you had never made it to her when Brunnhilde came to him, asking if he had seen you.
-The relationship between you and (Love) was a secret one, as neither one of you wanted to deal with other suitors who had eyes for either one of you, and you agreed to keep it from your sisters, not wanting to deal with them threatening him, as you were loved deeply by all of them.
-An investigation was launched, but nothing came of him, and he was left to mourn in his grief alone, as he kept the secret of your relationship quiet.
-Years later at Ragnarok, there wasn’t a day that went by that (Love) didn’t think about you, think about your smile, he would give anything to see it again.
-He paused around the corner, hearing Brunnhilde and Goll speaking, the youngest speaking to the oldest, “So if she dies will big sister Y/N really wake up?”
-He froze, listening to this, he thought you were dead! Brunnhilde confirmed it, learning that Eris had cursed you to sleep forever, in an enchanted sleep that made you look dead, and as her fight was approaching, there was a chance.
-Eris had cursed you because she was in love with (Love), wanting him all to herself, and with you out of the way, she had the chance to do so, but she hadn’t expected him to love you so much that he refused all others, including her.
-(Love) immediately made himself known, making Goll squeal in fear, hiding behind her sister and Brunnhilde was surprised to see him and after he demanded an answer, she confirmed it, that you were in a cursed sleep, cursed by Eris.
-(Love) inhaled deeply before telling Brunnhilde, “I’m fighting for humanity, for Y/N! I’ll be Eris’ opponent!”
-Brunnhilde couldn’t help but smile, as she knew, you couldn’t keep anything from your twin after all, “About time you admitted it. But you’ve already fought, and Eris’ opponent is a female warrior, Joan of Arc.”
-(Love) wasn’t bothered at all, his hard full of determination, “Then I will perform Volundr with her and become her weapon!” Brunnhilde hesitated only for a moment before her eyes pierced up into his, “Swear to me- swear that you will bring my sister back.”
-He nodded, giving her an unwavering look as he swore it to her, before turning to prepare for battle. He couldn’t help but smile as he heard Goll scream out in shock, “EEEHHHH??!?!?! Y/N and (Love) are dating?!”
-Joan was surprised to see a god was going to be her partner, and was hesitant at first, until he told her, “I’m fighting alongside you to rescue the woman I love from a curse Eris placed on her.” Joan was surprised to hear this, but hearing his resolve, she agreed.
-He never thought he would be combining souls with a human of all things, but her determination and sense of justice was surprising, he had to commend Joan for her bravery.
-Being with her, fighting alongside her, gave him a new appreciation for humans, experiencing their tenacity, their drive to protect others, it was a feeling he hadn’t felt before, except with you.
-Combining Joan’s desire to protect and save humanity, and his desire to bring you back to his arms, made for a powerful combination, one that Eris hadn’t been expecting, and she learned quickly not to underestimate Joan, as the warrior quickly won her match.
-Many were stunned, jaws to the floor when (Love) unfused from her, outrage almost instantly rising in the stadium before he glared up at them, “There’s too much at stake to lose humanity. We as gods should protect humanity, not destroy it.”
-Brunnhilde was surprised by his words, as he had been for the destruction of humanity, but after fusing with Joan, he learned that humans were way stronger than the gods believed, and that they should protect them.
-Backstage, Goll was there to meet him, her eyes huge and sparkling, “Y/N is waking up!” he followed her, running as fast as he could after her to the long-term infirmary, where you were sitting up, hugging Brunnhilde who was sobbing into your chest, so happy that you were awake.
-His eyes went wide as your eyes met his own, his own tears welling as you smiled warmly, like you never left.
-Goll was next to get hugs, sobbing loudly while (Love) was left pouting comically by the door, which made you giggle softly before he approached.
-He melted into your embrace, you were so warm, you were still alive! He couldn’t believe that you were actually alive! Brunnhilde covered Goll’s eyes as he kissed you, it was soft but deep, years of missed kisses coming out all at once, leaving you breathless.
-After being asleep for so many years, your body was rather weak, you had to learn how to walk again, stumbling around like a newborn deer, but with (Love) at your side, you were quick to bounce back, growing stronger by the day.
-He held you tightly each night, as if you were going to disappear again, not willing to be apart from you again. Your relationship was made public and while some were angry at the thought of losing him or you, many others were happy for the two of you, seeing you both so happy. He was laying on top of you, his head on your chest, arms wrapped around your waist, melting into your embrace, enjoying the feeling of your fingers in his hair, scratching at his scalp. You shifted slightly which made him tilt his head up as you spoke, “My love, what did you do while I was asleep?” he nuzzled back down into your embrace, “Pouted for the longest time, you weren’t here with me, to warm my bed, to warm my body and my heart, I was cold and alone, I spent a while moping until I returned to my work, but I never stopped thinking about you.” You smiled, pressing a kiss to his temple, teasing him that he was a pouty baby which made him snuggle you harder, “I’m your pouty baby- so never leave again.” You hugged him gently, a small smile on your face, you never wanted to be apart from him again either.
            -Loki, Buddha, Hercules, and Apollo
-He still couldn’t believe that you were back in his arms, back in his life. He had spent so many years thinking you were dead; he was still angry at Brunnhilde for not telling him you were in an enchanted sleep, but then again, your relationship was a secret, something he blamed on himself. As soon as you were able to walk around easily, he kissed you publicly, announcing your relationship to everyone, so that way if anything like this happened again, not that he would allow it, there would be no secrets. He became clingy, making up for lost time, the two of you were never seen without the other for what felt like months, as he didn’t want you to leave his sight, he didn’t want to take the chance to lose you again. He was never going to lose you again, and he told you this as he broke down behind closed doors, weeping into your lap, hugging you tightly, pouring his heart out to you. He never stopped thinking about you, thinking about what he had almost lost, he loved you so much and he never wanted to feel like that ever again.
-Thor, Odin, Poseidon, Hades, and Beelzebub
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mikuni14 · 5 months
Wandee Goodday - Ep 1
The long awaited first episode of Wandee Goodday is finally here, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had been chanting "save me Wandee Goodday, Wandee Goodday save me" for the past few months lol
What I liked:
lots of humor, especially in the 4/4 part I laughed non-stop, although I must admit that a lot of the laughter was from second-hand embarrassment 🙈
Great and Inn are just beautiful (it's good that Great has loose clothes now, I was always worried about the buttons on his super tight uniform in MoD, fighting for their lives)
Thor and Fluke are also lovely, I really like the fact that their characters are already a couple and are completely in love with each other (and horny for each other 🔥) and so open about it
side characters add a lot to scenes, even if they appear for a moment, like a salesman offering technical advice on sex, or a doctor who sprays water on naughty subordinates, also nurses!
I really like Dee as a doctor, as an employee who doesn't let himself be treated like shit by clients and as a friend. He is nice, strong, confident, reliable and capable. Which is in stark contrast to how hopeless and lame he is in his love and sex life 🙈
I like how Yak and Dee felt an immediate physical attraction to each other, which is fighting against an equally immediate strong dislike lol The natural flow they have in their relationship: from physical attraction, through fights caused by negative circumstances, to the night spent together shows that this kind of relationship can be done, without humiliation bordering on bullying, as it's between Phum and Peem in We Are
I really like Yak who can just… stop when he has any suspicion that his partner is not fully in the moment, not fully sure. It was so cool, no forcing Dee to continue by putting pressure on him, making him feel "guilty", no awkwardness, complete chill. I like it when sex is treated so casually that even if nothing happens, the partners just sit and talk and there is no sense of pressure, everything is just so... normal and chill. I loved it.
Kao as a friend, a sidekick, a "token lgbt friend of the main character" 😄, who has his own life and although he is very funny, he is not a serial clown and comic relief, as is often the case. And he is asexual with credible dating problems. So interesting! Also: Drake 💖
I feel kind of vindictive happy that my most hated trope, wiping food from the mouth of the "love interest", is shown here as messing with Dee and giving him false hope for a relationship (?) The day this trope dies will be the day I win. I plan to get drunk when this happen hehe (vain hopes, of course, this disgusting trope will never die)
What I have a few, teeny-tiny reservations about:
at this point I don't really understand Ter's motivation: was he deliberately seducing Dee, or was he just too chummy with him, which he misinterpreted? Not that it matters tho...
8 years of all this? oh Dee… 🙈 (I love how Kao described this pathetic situation in just a few words)
I also don't really like making Dee a silly kid and a 🤡 when it comes to love and sex, especially since he's shown in other scenes where he's a full adult. He's a grown man with a serious profession, so it felt weird watching him as if he were a 15-year-old kid in a slapstick comedy. I get that there's a comedic element to it and it was funny and I was laughing, but the amount of cringe and second-hand embarrassment was downright overwhelming at some point. What is fine as convention in MSP or Only Boo no longer looks so good in series about adults
the comedy of the sex scene completely stripped away the hotness of these scenes, ngl
the above comments are not complaints, they are just loose observations. It was only the first episode after all 😉
Overall, the series started well, I had a great time watching it, I laughed a lot, the characters are cool and very attractive, Great has the body of a young god 🔥 I can't wait for their first kiss and a truly hot night - with fun, but no comedy. What a wasted opportunity for them not to watch MANNER OF DEATH and the uniform buttons! hanging for dear life! Like seriously, it was right there 😤
The series is very pretty, just look at those aesthetic shots in a public toilet:
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Omg, this guy:
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Me 🤝 Dee about coffee:
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(I shouldn't pick on Dee, if someone brought me coffee just the way I like it, I'd be as stupid as him 😑)
One of my 457,869 screen shots of this man, gosh, he's so fine:
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kandisheek · 2 months
Cap-Ironman Rec Week 2024
Cap-IM Sunday: July 28th
Prompt: Rec all your favorite works created for one of the Cap-IronMan challenges!
Finishing this week with a bang, here are some of my favorite fics that came about due to the tireless work that the mods over at Cap-IM do for us every year. Please take the time to browse their collections as well, because the talent in this fandom is out of this world:
-- Never Too Late for Love by Sineala
Steve has always believed that a soulbond is a blessing -- a rare and beautiful miracle, joining the thoughts and feelings of two people forever, from the first time they touch. Steve knows he's not going to be one of the lucky ones. He knows Gail isn't his soulmate. But he loves her, even if they're not soulmates, and he's going to do right by her. After the war's over, he's going to marry her, and they're going to settle down. They'll buy a house. They'll have children. He'll see his family again. Maybe Bucky will live next door. It's going to be a good life. He doesn't need a soulbond. He'll be fine without one. Then Steve wakes up sixty years in the future to find that his wonderful life has moved on without him. His family is long dead. His fiancée married his best friend. And the only purpose he has left is leading the Ultimates, a misbegotten team of superheroes with flaws too numerous to count. Steve hates everything about the future -- but most of all he detests Tony, flashy and flirtatious, who embodies everything Steve hates about a world he never wanted to live in. And, oh, yeah, Steve has a soulmate after all: Tony fucking Stark.
-- The Heart of the Temple by CSHfic, VSfic
After an expedition to find an ancient relic goes awry, Tony finds himself magically bound to a Roman soldier who has spent the last two thousand years guarding the temple, and who is now bound to protect him from harm. Stranger things have certainly happened, but Tony is having a hard time coming up with them now.
-- Therapeutic Guidelines by kellifer_fic
"Are you suggesting I get a bunch of bunk beds in here and squeeze us all into one room?" Tony scoffs and the woman just looks at him. "No, wait-"
-- A Long, Lonely Time by asktheravens
Steve returned from the war injured in body and mind- and able to see the dead. At loose ends and desperate to get out of New York City, he accepts a fellowship through the Stark Foundation and retreats to a quiet lake house on the grounds of the Stark Mansion. He's supposed to be there to paint, but he quickly realizes that the house is more than he bargained for. Anthony Stark died here a decade ago, but was it an accident? A suicide? Or a murder? Obadiah Stane still lives in the main house just up the hill, and the past casts a long shadow. When Tony's ghost begins appearing to him, Steve becomes more entwined in the dangerous mystery surrounding his death. Even worse, he finds himself falling for a man who died a decade ago... Features lots of ghosts, murder, secrets, and supernatural revenge. Also Thor and Rhodey.
-- Personal Use by dirigibleplumbing
“It’s for. Personal use,” Steve says. Tony deserves a fucking medal for not commenting on that. Fuck, how is he supposed to get anything done after this? Or ever, for that matter. Every time he suits up he’ll know—he’ll know—that Steve Rogers fucks himself with a toy made out of Tony’s armor.
-- On Camera by FestiveFerret
Steve's heart skipped a beat. It was beyond ridiculous to get attached to one of his regular clients but somehow, over the last six months, he had. StarkNakedGenius wasn't logged on for every show, far from it, but he was on for a lot of them, and whenever he was, he tipped like mad.
-- Weighing of the Heart by scifigrl47
Steve Rogers hasn't really had a particularly easy life. He's struggled along, he's proud of himself, he's self-sufficient and capable and he works damn hard. He has friends and a purpose and he's only a few semesters from graduating college. He's managed, but his life has been far from easy. That's mostly because of a slight filing error. The last thing that Steve needed was someone to watch over him. The only thing that his Guardian Angel needs is a second chance to make a first impression.
-- Can't start a fire without a spark by gottalovev
The Avengers might be reunited, but they are holding together with a Band-Aid and a severe case of Tony pretending nothing happened. The superficial truce is shattered the day Steve takes control of Tony's suit and forces him to go to medical in a tense situation. When Tony is ordered to take a vacation, Steve volunteers to go with him.
And two of my own fics:
-- Gift of Consequence
Steve remembers the old wives' tale of the dragon in the mountain, sleeping on a pile of gold. He has never paid it any mind, but when his mother gets sick and time and money is of the essence... he might reconsider believing in fairytales.
-- We Are Briefly Gorgeous
Tony finds himself in a gay bar right after signing his divorce papers, drowning his sorrows. Turns out the handsome stranger that chats him up is just the distraction he needs.
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fem!plus size reader, wc: 576.
a/n: im super happy to be able to give my fellow plus size friends a fic for comfort! <3
cw! poor self worth issues :(
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Even though Loki came from Asgard, he was an Earth man, through and through, why wouldn’t he be? That was the planet where he had found you. It was a complete accident, at least in your end, bumping into him on the street where he stood with his brother.
If you were anyone else, he would’ve snapped on you, but it was as if his words died in his throat, and for the first time in what felt like centuries, the god of mischief, the man that always seemed to have something to say, was rendered speechless.
He couldn’t help but let his gaze follow you, even after you apologized to him. All he could recall from that day was Thor saying, “That’s a good one, brother.”
And a good one you were. At least in his mind. Loki considered you his goddess, a queen that everyone should bow down to and worship for the rest of their days. Sadly, you didn’t see yourself that way. At first, he was angry, angry that these pathetic humans ever dared to talk down to you, to make you feel any less important than you truly were. To him, you were the sun, the moon, the stars, the creator of the universe, the person that made his life make sense, but your insecurities only got worse when you’d visit Asgard.
“Loki…” You said unsurely as you stared at the dress laid out on the bed before you. Even though Loki despised his “family,” it would be the first time that they had met you, and he demanded that you’d have respect. “I don’t think this is going to fit.” Which was a half lie. The gorgeous cloth was intimidating; with beautiful intricate golden details to the corset which was even prettier. To you, you felt as though you had no business wearing something like this.
“Darling,” You heard him state as he walked over to you. “I’ve had that dress made just for you. It is one of a kind.” You shook your head, trying to conjure up any other excuse, but coming up empty handed. “I don’t deserve to wear this.” You said as your shoulders slumped. It was embarrassing really, how harshly you looked down on yourself to the point where you couldn’t allow yourself to enjoy the fact that you were on a whole other planet, let alone dating a god.
He placed his hands on your waist lovingly, turning you around so that you faced him.
“That’s nonsense and you know it.” He said sternly. “You are more deserving than anyone in the cosmos. You have hung the stars, my love.” His hands innocently traced your body, no lust in his intentions as he looked at you earnestly. “You are gorgeous. Perhaps the most enchanting woman I have ever met. It kills me, my sun, to hear you speak of yourself this way.” Your heart beat fast in your chest as his hands cupped your full, rounded cheeks that he adored so much.
“Loki I…” You went to say, but he was quick to cut you off. “No, I refuse to listen to such ridiculous words.” He then in turn, grabbed the dress and handed it to you. “You are my queen, and a queen deserves everything pleasant the universe has to offer, but,” He said with an airy laugh, “A dress is a great way to start.”
And for a moment, you believed him.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy
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vbecker10 · 3 months
The Night Nurse (Part 4)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 5 / Part 6 (in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You are the newly appointed night nurse for SHIELD and you couldn't be less excited about it. You have been given the side task of finding out who is stealing supplies from the infirmary. Soon after you start, you learn Loki is the one who has been slipping in at night to patch up his wounds and you confront him about why he can't heal as quickly as Thor. He reveals a dangerous secret he is keeping from the team and you worry increasingly for his safety as the two of you become closer over the next few weeks.
Warning: You asked for angst so I shall give you angst lol but also... some mentions of blood, minor injuries needing stitches, arguing between you and Loki, you being super awkward and Loki being oblivious, some swearing, some smut, a pretty major injury towards the end but no one dies... a romantic ending was requested so of course there will be fluff and cuteness and whatnot
Smut!: Loki uses his telepathy for good finally, pants stay on but shirts are off (sorry but just a little lol... I also don't know what I'm doing lol I'm better at angst than smut I think but let me know)
A/N: ummm... this one is like 80% smut-ish and then 20% angst lol as my thanks for putting up with me 💚 also I have no idea how it got to be this long...
I'm so sorry @glitterylokislut , I hope this is turning out okay 🫣
@jiyascepter thanks for taking a first look at some of this! 💚
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You stand in front of Loki, his legs still on either side of yours, his hand slides ever so slightly up and down your back. Your chest is close to his bare chest and you allow your thoughts to wander for a brief moment.
Loki's other hand moves to the side of your neck, touching you lightly in the same place it rested in the image that was in your mind only seconds ago. He pulls you gently closer, your fingers graze his back and he smirks at you. "That was a very interesting little thought you had, darling," he says as his lips inch slowly closer to yours.
"I was hoping you would like it," you smile nervously. Loki doesn't move any closer to you and you desperately think, kiss me.
He shakes his head no lightly, his lips so close you can feel his breath against your lips, "I want you to say it out loud."
You feel your skin flush up your neck to your cheeks as his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips and back. "Kiss me," you say just above a whisper.
As soon as you say the words, his lips touch yours gently and you close your eyes. You try to deepen the kiss but he pulls away suddenly causing you to pout at the loss of contact.
"You simply requested a kiss my love," he grins, feigning innocence. "Do you want more?"
You nod and blush again when he strokes your cheek slowly, his eyes contact unwavering. You struggled with speaking your mind when you were intimate with your last partner. You knew exactly what you wanted but you kept your desires to yourself. Asking to be kissed or touched ofter made you feel embarrassed or needy since your ex rarely granted even your simplest request.
You can tell by the look on Loki's face that he is aware of how you are feeling. His fingers trace their way down your cheek to your chin then his thumb grazes your lower lip. "If you would like, I can continue to read your thoughts," he suggests an alternative.
Read my thoughts, you think quickly in response.
He smirks, his lips coming closer to yours again, "Tell me how to please you."
Thoughts flash through your mind and Loki responds instantly, his lips crashing into yours fiercely. One of his hands moves to the back of your neck while his other hand grips your hip. He pulls your body flush to his then slides his hand down. You giggle in surprise when Loki squeezes your ass but his lips never leave yours. His hand stays on your ass for a moment then slides up to your lower back, under the fabric of your shirt. His fingers graze your skin lightly, goosebumps spread across your back from the contact.
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Loki breaks the kiss and chuckles in response to your frustrated whine. "I'm sorry, Y/N, but I have just realized how unfair this is," he says and you tilt your head, unsure what he is talking about. "Here I am, without my shirt and you are still fully clothed," his fingers skim the neckline of your scrub top.
You giggle and shake your head, "I'm not letting you put your shirt back on." You run your fingers down his perfectly sculpted chest, feeling his muscles move when he laughs again.
"Well then you will need to remove yours," he tugs lightly at the bottom of your shirt.
You bite your lip at the idea. The last thing you imagined when you were getting ready for work this afternoon was that Loki would be seeing what you picked out while you were half asleep. You think, trying to remember which bra you had grabbed from your mostly empty drawer. Tomorrow is laundry day so you were also down to your last few pairs of panties.
He kisses your forehead, pulling you from your thoughts. "Do you think at this exact moment I am concerned about whether or not your undergarments match each other?" He chuckles and you instantly feel silly for letting your mind wander. "That black lace set you are thinking of would look just as sexy on the floor as a mis-matched one, I assure you. Although I think you should buy a green set for next time," he smirks.
"I have one," you giggle and picture the emerald green lace bra and panty set you bought recently.
He hums softly in approval and kisses your neck as his fingers slide under the hem of your scrub top.
"Loki," you sigh his name in response to his hands sliding up your back inside your shirt.
His hands slide back down and then he grips the bottom of the soft fabric. Slowly he raises it, lifting your top up over your stomach and your chest. You close your eyes briefly when he pulls it off over your head and you open them when you hear it hit the floor somewhere behind you.
Loki's eyes roam up and down your body, a lusty grin spreads across his lips. "You are beautiful, princess," he says in a low voice as his eyes focus on yours again.
You blush and look down at your body. Ahh, I did wear my oldest freaking bra today, you think suddenly becoming annoyed. I have so many pretty ones.
He smiles and hooks one finger under the strap then moves it up and down, his finger brushing your skin. "If you do not like it, I will glady make it disappear," he offers with a mischievous smile.
You nod quickly and your bra vanishes in a puff of green mist. Another thought pops into your mind without warning.
Loki laughs, "It is not gone forever, love. I will bring it back when we are done, I promise." He kisses your nose, "Your mind wanders to the strangest places at the most fascinating moments."
You laugh, "I told you it was weird in there."
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Loki smiles and shakes his head then stands from the table. You take a small step back but his hands settle on your waist. He picks you up easily, turns and lays you on the exam table on your back. A quick image of the exam table collapsing under your combined weight pops into your mind.
"Focus," he chuckles. "I do not think you need to concern yourself with the table, these were built to support super soldiers." He puts his knee on the edge of the table and as he climbs on top of you, it creaks loudly. "On second thought, perhaps I should do this," he waves his hand towards the metal base and the braces become thicker. "Just in case."
You giggle, "Good thinking."
Your eyes lock on his as he lowers himself onto you, your fingers dig gently into his lower back as his lips find yours again. You open your mouth slightly and he pushes his tongue in, moving it against yours. One of his hands grips the side of your hip as you shift to wrap your legs around him. He bites your lower lip as soon as the thought enters your mind.
"Loki," you sigh his name and he kisses your lips softly before kissing your cheek then just below your ear. His lips travel to your neck, biting your skin lightly as he moves down towards your collarbone.
He lifts his body away from your chest and looks down at you for a moment before smiling at your thoughts. You bite your lip to stifle a moan when one of Loki's hands cups your bare breast and his palm rubs against your nipple. He shakes his head at your silence. He removes his hand from your breast and runs his thumb across your bottom lip, freeing it from your teeth. "I want to hear you," he says, his lips close to yours.
He keeps his eyes on yours as he lowers his lips to your breast, taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking lightly, causing you to moan and arch your back towards him. He releases you with a smirk and says, "Just like that, beautiful."
You nod quickly, agreeing to his request.
His fingers slowly massage one of your breasts and your hands move down his body as his hips press down into yours. You moan breathlessly when you feel how hard Loki is and he whispers your name as he kisses your chest. His lips move to your other breast, kissing you softly then taking your nipple back into his mouth. He looks up, his lips still on you and he smiles against your skin as you think of where you want Loki's lips next.
He kisses between your breasts and slowly begins to move down your stomach. You slide your hands up his back as he moves down your body. Your fingers brush against the large gauze bandage on his back and suddenly your thoughts turn.
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Loki's lip pause and he pulls away in confusion, his eyes trying to connect with yours as your fingers trace the tape on his back absent-mindedly.
"Can you die even though you're a god?" you ask him, looking at the bandage on his cheek as he shifts to be directly above you.
"Yes," he answers quietly.
You nod and he tilts your chin so you are looking him in the eyes.
"What happened, love?" he asks. "Where did your beautiful mind just go?"
You are quiet for a moment and Loki lets you search for the words on your own instead of slipping into your thoughts. "I'm afraid," you tell him in a whisper.
"Of what?" he asks, concern spreading through him as your clothes and his reappear on your bodies in a green flicker.
"Of losing you," you admit as he sits up. "I can feel myself falling for you more each day and the more deeply I care for you, the more terrified I am that something will happen to you. We still don't know why your magic is failing or how to fix it."
"Y/N, I promise you will not lose me, I have only just found you and I do not intend for this to end. We will find a way to mend my magic and I will heal as I used to," he says as he pulls you into a hug. He presses a kiss to your lips in an effort to try and reassure you.
You put your arms around him tightly but don't feel any comfort in his words. "You can't promise me that," you say as you rest your cheek against his chest. "You're going to keep training with Thor and keep going on missions and... and you're going to keep getting hurt." You touch his bandaged cheek lightly as you lean away from him. "Your magic is healing you slower and less completely each time you are injured. The last stitches I gave you even left a small scar."
"Y/N..." he says with a worried expression.
"I've seen horrific injuries on this job, bullet wounds, stabbings, burns... I've lost people I've tried desperately to save for hours..." you shake your head. "I can only continue to work here because I've learned to distance myself from my patients. I'm not friends with any of the SHIELD agents or the Avengers on purpose, Loki," you tell him.
"I don't know if I can wait here terrified that you're going to come back to me hurt... or that you won't come back," you feel the same tightness in your chest that you did when you waited for him to arrive tonight.
He kisses your forehead softly and you look up at him, tears threatening to fall.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-asgard @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv @glitterylokislut @biodegradable-glitter-fest @wolfsmom1 @simone818283 @hopefuldreamers-world @talesofadragon @meg81589 @rcailleachcola
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spencer-sweets · 2 months
Marvel Fic Recs | Loki&Thor (GEN)
let me prefice by saying this is all gen (non slash) fanfiction. if you are looking for thorki you are looking on the wrong blog sorry.
so i as the youngest of four brothers and the one hated the most by my parents, i have always had a soft spot for brotherly fic. Thor and Loki's dynamic really resonated with me as i went through my teen angst phase while my older brothers were all getting ready to settle down and were all already married. so if you are looking for a fic rec that centers the brotherly relationship between thor & loki you have found the right place.
one last warning is that most of these are loki-centric in case thats not your thing.
life's great lie by Laeveteinn Teen+ 7,787 Loki stares at his hands, slowly realizing that magic still works in the TVA. Perhaps not every kind, but Asgard’s sorcery can take hold here- in particular, Asgard’s illusion magic. Loki’s proven it with every step he’s taken. If magic didn’t work at all, he’d be entirely blue. (Or: even beyond the edges of space and time, he is Loki of Asgard.)
Cute post loki season 1 fic
i couldn't change (though i wanted to); by unintentionallyangsty General Audiences 20,640 Given the team's circumstances--travelling through the cosmos and headed for Midgard on a previously unplanned voyage--Loki taking up a newfound fondness for shapeshifting on a whim is hardly the weirdest thing that has happened to any single member of the Revengers in the past several months.  In fact, it doesn't even make the top three.  (Or; Three times Loki shapeshifts following Ragnarok, and one (1) time he does not. (Alternatively, how Loki unintentionally ends up bonding with the Revengers on the Statesman as a number of different creatures)).
so cute - this fic has influenced many of my loki headcanons and is just adorable
run down the vows of me by siv_siv_siv Mature 44,609 Thor is banished to Midgard. Only, this time, Loki is banished with him. An alternate Thor (2011) fic, where Loki tells the truth about letting the Jotnar into the vault, just after discovering the truth of his heritage on Jotunheim.
thor rewrite that focuses on thor and loki growing together during the movie plot.
~ Comeback ~ by anastacianott General Audiences (I would rate Teen+) 63,867 AU: Coming back for Loki's abandoned body led to the most incredible results Thor could ever imagine. Post Thor TDW.
shameless h/c fic set post t:tdw
Let Me Know if It Gets Above a Six by Sundial_at_Night Teen+ 65,188 “Mr. Loki?” asked the Spider cautiously. “Aren’t you—like—a bad guy?” he asked, voice full of only curiosity, as far as Loki could tell. His first thought was, yes. His second thought was no. His third thought was, sometimes? “It varies from moment to moment,” Loki answered honestly, prying his eyes open after they threatened to fall close. “But on a scale of one to ten, where are you at right now?” “Maybe a three?” The Spider-child nodded. “Cool,” he replied. “Let me know if it gets above a six. Or: Five times Peter Parker was there for Loki when it 'got above a six', and one time he wasn’t.
Im gonna be real with you the thor&loki takes a backseat to the loki&peter parker in this one but it is absolutely amazing and so much fun.
On Yonder Hill by bedlamsbard Not Rated (Id say Teen+) 80,394 “This is a terrible plan,” Loki said. “Absolutely dreadful.” “But you’ll do it, right?” Bruce said. “Of course.”   Five years ago, Thor died on the Statesman and Thanos wiped out half of all life in the universe. Now the Avengers have a plan to undo the Snap, but they're going to need the help of the last King of Asgard. That's not a problem; that's where things get interesting. That tends to happen around the God of Mischief.
avengers endgame rewrite that focuses on loki after losing thor and his efforts to bring him back along with those snapped
Memento Mori by GwendolynStacy Teen+ 81,637 Of the many people capable of carrying the fate of the universe on their shoulders by travelling back in time, Loki would have been the first choice of exactly nobody. With no allies, no plan and nobody on his side, Loki will just have to wing it. Or: That awkward moment when you've completed your redemption arc, but nobody else got the memo.
another time travel fix-it that i honeslty don't remember the specifics of but i must have loved it since it was in my bookmarks.
Grievance by PeaceHeather (Restricted) Not Rated 92,518 For a fill in Round 17 of Norsekink: "Someone starts to notice that Odin treats Loki in ways that are neglectfull and borderline abusive and starts to feel very uncomfortable about it. It becomes worse when people at court start to take after Odin's treatment of Loki. But they still don't feel comfortable voicing they're doubts out loud. And then the lip-sewing incident happens and they can no longer sit idly by while this happens. So this person just stand up and calls the rest of Asgard out on this bulshit, seriously the boy just cut of some hair, it's not like it wont ever grow back on it's own again.
loki-centric but has great loki & thor content within. is not the most friendly to odin or the warriors three though... but it has some great references to mythology thrown in!
also you have to have an ao3 account to read.
Fate's Guardian by PeaceHeather  (Restricted) Teen+ 98,531 Set roughly a year post-Thor:TDW, reference to events in Guardians of the Galaxy. Pretty much a shameless fixit fic. No pairings. A being shows up on Earth looking for Loki, the Avengers get pulled in to see what's going on, and they all learn what Loki has *really* been up to all this time. I dunno, I was in a mood to write something like this, so I did. First posted to FFnet, if you prefer to read it there.
by the same author as grievance. also need and ao3 account to access this one. shameless fix-it fic that is loki-centric. loki is the anti-hero/hero in this one but it is heavy with thor&loki content.
Skýli by PeaceHeather  (Restricted) Not Rated (Mature) 111,988 See also "Skeletons, Scenes, and Snippets" Chapter 9 - the one where Asgard's magic users go on strike and quietly evacuate Asgard, after Odin passes sentence on Loki post-Avengers. Some of them turn up on Earth, and SHIELD has to assess whether or not this is another invasion. or: SHIELD is called to Iceland to investigate a village that appeared out of nowhere, and discovers that Asgard's magic users have quietly gone on strike and left their realm completely. The reasons are unsettling, and the potential consequences could shake the Nine Realms before all is said and done.
So far, no one has wound up on as many fic recs of mine as PeaceHeather. they are probably my favorite fanfiction author of all time - having written 3 fics that are on my favorite fanfiction of all time rec. this one did slip through the cracks when i initially made this list because i had gone through my bookmarks for the loki&thor tag but this one has no relationships tagged.
it is another brainwashed loki fic that deals with asgardian politics, the avengers, and expands upon the magic system within the thor movies.
You Screamed For So Long We Forgot To Care Anymore by GalaxyThreads Teen+ 126,180 Five months after Thor drags his half-dead brother to Earth to plead asylum, things take a turn for the worse. With the older Asgardian out of commission and a sizeable threat overshadowing them, Clint becomes aware of two facts: One: Loki was tortured, mind-controlled, and manipulated into attacking Earth. Two: Loki knows none of this. (gen, no smut)
mind controlled and tortured loki with heavy hurt/comfort and a focus on thor & loki. the other avengers are also in this one
Awake Within a Dream by Thursdays_Angel Teen+ 126,582 What if Loki had believed the invasion and subsequent battle on Midgard to have been nothing more than an illusion?
tortured!loki and a lot of hurt/comfort. odin is good in this one.
Castles in the Air by cosmic_medusa Teen+ 182,326 Loki's first act as King is to collect his banished brother to aid his regency, however brief. Thor discovers that the political landscape is far from what it seemed, and that the lies of Odin have resulted in the threat of both his sons' safety and sanity. Drama, angst, double-crosses, butchering of folklore and history, and the epic bromance of Asgard's Princes ensues.
up there as one of the best pieces of fanfiction ive ever read. god i love when these fics explore asgardian politics and norse mythology. This focuses on loki as king and thor's relationship with him during it.
Ásgarðrian Galdr by Valerie_Vancollie Teen+ 479,713 What if Loki was able to warn his past self, so he did not lose control during his regency and was able to act as he normally would? What if he had been able to remain calm and in control of himself, and the situation? "How?" Loki demanded. "Betrayal," his future self stated simply, rage clear in every syllable. "But you must control your reaction and come to see me, or you will repeat my mistakes and we will miss an opportunity to take control and alter things in our favor." It would have changed everything.
this is literature disguised as a marvel time travel fanfiction. god this is amazing and has everything i love in this side of the fandom - politics, sci-fi, mythology... it's supposed to have 3 sequels but im not exactly counting on it. its still beyond amazing standing on its own. the things i would do to have a physical copy of this....
i'm not currently hyperfixated on these two but going through my bookmarks has brought me great joy. I might add more to this one day or maybe not. i'd love to hear your thoughts if you read any of these!
originally posted: 8/13/2024
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yn-barnes · 10 months
Exploring Explosions ~
Bucky x reader
: ⚠️ warnings mentions of Sharon, coma, memory loss, and brain stuff ⚠️ :
Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky while on the journey to recover, he fines something he wants more than life itself.
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(I know I used this before, but look at him)
(And ik these and short and kinda move fast but other wise imma dragggg this out and ain't noone wants that! 😭)
Part 1
Your heals clicked and clacked as you make your way to the living room, as you entered the room Steve stood up and gave you a look of concern look then sat down when he didn't see any distress on your face. You sat in the armchair, looking at your papers, biting your lip, making sure there was nothing else you could do at this moment.
"Good news first.. bucky should make a full recovery and there's no long term damage, the rush surrounding his face will die done duo to the super serum and cream we can provide him-" you were about to get to the not so good news when a irritated voice pipes up from the back. Sharon. "Can you get on with it, like we get it you 'saved him' just tell me what's wrong with him" She states as everyone just stares at her in disbelief, you blink a few times before ignoring her statement completely.
"As I was saying, the issue is the substance sprayed in Mr Barnes' face - well, uhh - to put it simply, it would affect how and what the brain releases chemically. So far, his brain has produced more dopamine, and we have a fair guess that it could also produce more oxytocin at an alarming rate."
You got some nods of understanding, some blank faces, and some straight out confused about what's going on, you were about to explain more but you got a notification that you were needing back at medical. Excusing yourself you quickly left the room and made your way down the hall to the medical ward and started praying on the way that no one died, you cursed under your breath for being stylish and wearing your heels and not your crocs or boots.
You slip through the Automatic sliding doors and went to Barnes door scanning your card and finger, the door opened and you quickly went inside locking it behind you, confused as to why you were notified that his vitals changed drastically becuase they looked normal. Then it hit you, They shouldn't be this normal. You unhooked, then sleeping soldier and grabbed the front of his bed, pulling him to the door, unlocking it and dragging it out, yelling for help, and to get the MRI machine ready. Once he's in the machine and getting scanned, you whip out your phone to inform cap that his best friend might be a lot worse than thought to be.
Cap entered just when James was being moved from the room and was being put back. He looked for you and saw you at the desk looking puzzled by his results. Before you could even speak, he knew you would have some big words and to give it to him so simply that even thor would understand.
"The stuff he was sprayed with was so old that it took time kicking in, and now it has the body got so almost stressed it thought its best way to survive was to just go black." You said with a straight face, and Steve understood but also knew you left parts out you couldnt dumb down. "Steve.. if worse comes to worse, he could be in a coma for years.. and the best outcome is memory loss, " which hung in the air for quite some time before he just started nodding and walking around, pacing back and forth. He sat on the ground and just looked shocked and in denial.
@unaxv @sapphirebarnes
(Idk if it worked)
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