#loki x reader angst
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loki-cees-all · 1 year ago
Hello and hi, my lovely!
I have this scenario for you that I sometimes think about.
How would Loki react if you (the mortal he might have feelings for but he’s not quite certain yet) were the only one to acknowledge his birthday? Maybe you put up a few balloons and even buy him a little cupcake with a candle on it? How would he react?
Happiest of birthdays to you! You’re a joy to know!! I love you!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Cupcake For a God {Avengers!Loki x Avengers!Reader}
Cee's Loki Fic Masterlist / AO3 Link
Pairing : Avengers!Loki x Avengers!Reader
Summary : Loki’s birthday is approaching, and it forces himself to reconcile who he wants to be versus who he actually is, and to reflect on his almost certainly unrequited feelings for you.
But what if the feelings weren’t unrequited?
W/c : 1.9k words
Content/Warnings : Angst, a bit of fluff
Author's Note : I swear I tried so hard to make this not so angsty! Please forgive me, Saz! 😭😭😭
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⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
There were a lot of things for Loki to dislike about living on Midgard. 
For starters, he was being forced to live there, inside Stark Tower with the other Avengers as penance for his crimes. It was only fitting, they’d told him, that he should assist in their efforts to keep the mortals safe because he was the reason they needed protecting in the first place.
Loki didn’t bother telling them what Thanos had done to him after he fell from the Bifrost; truthfully, he still didn’t quite understand it himself. That entire year was a blur to him - a painful concoction of lies and manipulations and tears and blood that left him unable to tell the difference between fact and fiction, even almost two years after the torture had began. 
He didn’t want anyone to know how weak he was, about how much he’d lost himself. If they knew how vulnerable he was, they might decide he wasn’t worth the trouble and send him to the dungeons of Asgard instead. 
Another thing he disliked was the forced pleasantries and unnecessary rituals humans had developed with each other, and by extension, him. The humans would smile as they past him by on the street, but it was a falsity every time; the sentiment never reached their eyes, and Loki could smell their fear from several blocks away. 
Loki knew they didn’t actually care how his day was going, that their concern only went as far as making sure he wasn’t on the verge of invading with another alien force under his command. He wasn’t, but honestly, if it meant everyone kept their distance, then he wasn’t going to argue with it. 
It wasn’t fair to say that Loki preferred being alone, but he was certainly used to it, and that was in direct contradiction of the forced socialization he had to endure on Midgard - press conferences, team building exercises (which Loki believed was just an excuse to consume copious amounts of food and drink), training sessions, something called “movie nights”, and missions across the world to dismantle S.H.I.E.L.D.’s various bunkers and bases. 
It was so much talking, and even more listening. So much lying and pretending that everything was fine, that Loki didn’t feel like a caged monster, and that everyone else wasn’t waiting for the littlest thing to completely set him off. 
But Loki was trying as hard as he could to ignore the dull ache that haunted his dreams and every waking moment. He knew he had hurt people, he knew he needed to make up for his grievous transgressions, but he didn’t know how else to make up for it all. So he pressed on, through the discomfort and awkwardness, in the hope that one day everything might become a little easier.
The one bright side to all of this, the one shimmering ray of light amidst the sea of gray, was you. Loki didn’t quite know what to make of his attraction to you - was it real, or was it just your absence of fear in his presence? Had it just been too long since he’d felt the touch of another, or were you actually everything he’d ever wanted?
Loki almost didn’t want to find out, in case it wasn’t real. Because your smile reached your eyes every time you looked at him, and your laughter was like sparks blowing across the embers of a dying fire…but he couldn’t shake the fear that it could just be another trick. 
Perhaps his mind still hadn’t fully recovered from Thanos’ torture. Maybe Thor had put you up to this, as a way of making assimilation easier for him. 
Because why else would you look at him like that? Why would you go out of your way to sit next to him during the team’s movie nights? Why else would you lean towards him on the couch and fall asleep against the shoulder of a villain, of a monster, of a fool? 
It was stupid, and pointless, and illogical, and just like him to irrationally want something he couldn’t ever have. He was a God, and you were a mortal, and it would ultimately end in heartache either way. So while he had the chance, Loki forced himself to remain content and to just linger in the question of what if you could want him too. 
The final thing about Midgard, and the one he despised the most, was the mortal obsession with birthdays. Loki was grateful the Asgardians never paid any attention to such silly and exhausting traditions - which was surprising, considering how much Asgardians loved frivolity. 
So he really shouldn’t have been shocked when Thor discovered, and subsequently fell in love with, the concept of birthdays. His brother immediately requested his mortal companion Jane to perform the necessary calculations to determine the Midgardian equivalent of Thor’s birthdate - and Loki’s as well, which his brother gleefully announced to the entire team and embarrassed him to the deepest pits of his soul. 
A massive celebration was planned for Thor, with enough food and drink to sustain a small country, and on the special night, flashing lights and loud music bathed the massive common room of Stark Tower in merriment and laughter. Everyone was invited, and it would have been rude for Loki to not make an appearance - but it wasn’t because he wanted to admire you in your party dress, although that was a very lovely bonus. 
But as gorgeous as you looked - the longer the party went on, the sadder Loki became. Everyone was talking, smiling, and dancing, congratulating Thor on his many accomplishments and swapping happy stories of all the good times they’d had together. It was painful to witness, to know for a fact that no such party would be happening for himself when his birthday rolled around. 
Loki tried telling himself that he didn’t want it, and that he’d be miserable during it. He tried convincing himself that it would be too loud, and too bawdy, and vain, and that he didn’t need other people’s reassurances that they were happy he was there with them. He told himself he didn’t need it at all, that he was completely fine without it. But it was a lie, so of course it didn’t work. 
As the days approached to Loki’s birthday, he became even more withdrawn than usual. With the exceptions of necessary missions or training, he stopped leaving his room. He was silent during travel on the Quinjet, and refused your invitations to further movie nights, even though the disappointment on your face ripped him apart in ways he’d never experienced before. 
He felt like he deserved to suffer, to collapse in on himself like a dying star because he knew he’d never be worthy of the love and attention his older brother seemed to collect so effortlessly. It wasn’t Thor’s fault; it was just Loki’s lot in life. And the further he receded, the more likely his heartache would be justified, and he couldn’t be surprised if he was already disappointed.
The evening of his birthday was the worst night he’d experienced in a long time, not since the day he let go of the Bifrost. Loki didn’t even come out of his room for dinner that night, choosing instead to feast on pain, and anguish, and regret, and all the feelings he hadn’t ever had the time to process over his thousand years of existence. 
Thor tried several times to lure him out of his room, to no avail. Loki wouldn’t leave - no, he couldn’t leave. He couldn’t bring himself to witness the fact that they’d done nothing special for him, even though he’d be furiously uncomfortable if they did. 
As the hours passed, he tried to distract himself with sleep, and then reading, but neither did the trick. Eventually, he curled up on the window seat of his private quarters, wrapped himself in furs and pressed his forehead against the glass, watching the tiny little mortals going about their nights in blissful ignorance of the god suffering fifty floors above them. 
And Loki was so lost that he could barely respond to the cautious knock on his door, the one that threatened to pull him away from his misery. But his heart leapt in his throat when he heard your voice calling his name, and he wanted so much to let you in, to feel you next to him. 
But the urge to say something cruel, to push you away and continue on alone, was just as strong. Loki didn’t know which to concede to, even as his feet slowly carried him to the door. He didn’t know what he was going to say, even while his fingers raked through his messy curls and rubbed the pain from his eyes. 
He felt ridiculous as he hesitated to open the door; he was a God, and once the most fearsome villain this entire planet had ever seen - but here he was, nervous and split open and too raw to simply open a door and look upon a beautiful woman while he was hiding away from his birthday. 
There was a soft rustling sound on the other side of the door, and Loki’s forehead rested against the wood as he heard your footsteps quietly retreating down the hallway. He’d waited too long, paralyzed by his self-indulgent indecision, and it had pushed you away. 
He thought about yanking the door open and calling after you. He considered begging for you to come back. He desperately wanted to wrap his arms around you and to pull you closer, but all he could manage was to gently pull the door open after he was sure you were gone. 
On the floor of the hallway, waiting patiently and comfortably for him, was a beautifully-decorated cupcake and a note resting on a small paper plate. A single candle rose out of the emerald and sapphire swirls of frosting, and the pink paper was folded in half, with his name written in the loveliest cursive on the outside. 
Loki fought back tears as he retrieved the gift from the floor, and he cautiously balanced the plate in one hand while holding the note in the other. 
Hey Loki,
I know birthdays are hard; they’re hard for me too. But hopefully this treat makes you smile, even just for a second. 
I’ll be awake for a little while longer - stop by my room if you need to talk. I promise I won’t find it weird :) 
P.S. I’m really glad you’re here, even if you’re not ready to accept that yet. 
He swallowed hard as he stared at the most generous gift he’d ever received. He didn’t know if you even fully understood what you’d just done for him. He fervently wanted to go after you, and he desperately wanted to continue hiding. 
But you’d extended an invitation, one he could feasibly take you up on. No one would argue it wasn’t in his right to do so. And Gods above, he wanted to, more than anything else he’d ever wanted. But would it be worth it, or would it just make everything worse? 
Loki tore his damp and heavy eyes away from the note and glanced up and down the hallway. He shut his door, just as quietly as he’d opened it, wondering if it would be a mistake to allow his heart guide him to where he’d rather be. 
⊱ ── ༓ ── ⋅•⋅⊰ ──  ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ∙ ⋅  ── ⊱⋅•⋅ ── ༓ ── ⊰
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years ago
Series Masterlist
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader) (Series)
Summary : The year is 2012, Loki picks up the tesseract in an attempt to escape from the clutches of Avengers and his brother Thor only to end up in a tiny studio appartment in Minesotta, the occupant being none other than you. You reluctantly agree to hide and help the crazy god of mischief and terrorism wondering why you were even thinking about helping a fugitive?
Warning: 18+ This series will contain smut in the later chapters, Soft loki alert, Read the warning in every chapter
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10, Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15
Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30
Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36
Chapter 37
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pinkcutiepiee · 5 months ago
One more Day. [loki x gn!reader angst]
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Synopsis: You find out that Loki used you and your relationship for his own gain.
Prompts: “you knew. you knew i loved you and took full advantage of the fact that i'd do anything for you. and i knew that. i just kept at it hoping that one day you'd value me just as much.” From this list
“Tell me how I’m supposed to un-love you, then. Tell me. Spare me.” From this list
I should’ve known, you thought, as you paced around the room, unsure what to say, unable to find the correct words.
“Love, please,” he pleaded. You wasn’t sure what he was pleading for, exactly. All of this was his doing. So why was he trying to reason with you? You were just a pawn piece in his little game, after all.
“No. You used me, Loki, I don’t know what you want from me,” you finally look at him. If you wasn’t so angry, you may have noticed the hint of guilt showing in his face.
“Please just listen to me, sweetheart. I- I didn’t want to fall in love with you. But I did, how could I possibly make it up to you, please,” his voice breaks slightly at the end, the sound making you want to forgive him there and then. You have to force yourself to remember what he did.
“No, Loki, you lost that right when you decided to use me for your little scheme. You were too selfish to realise that I loved you. That I would’ve given you everything,” you argue, refusing to believe that he somehow changed and somehow loves you now.
“No… I knew, dove. I didn’t believe it at first. But the moment I realised you did, that’s when I started falling to… when I realised that somebody could actually love me,” you scoff at his admission, his words making you even more angry, somehow.
“So, you knew. you knew i loved you and took full advantage of the fact that i'd do anything for you,” you start. He just sits in silence and allows you to speak, knowing there was nothing he could say would change the fact that every word you were saying was the truth.
“and i knew that. i just kept at it hoping that one day you'd value me just as much. I knew that I had made a mistake trusting the God of Mischief, of all people.”
Then it was silent for a couple of minutes. He knew you had made up your mind. He just wishes he could hug you and make all of your pain go away. All of the pain that he caused.
“Is there anything I could do to help?” He asks, knowing it’s pointless, but needed to somehow ease the guilt building inside of him. Again, you scoff at him.
“Tell me how I’m supposed to unlove you. Tell me. Spare me, please,” you beg. This would’ve been so much easier if you hated him. But that was the one thing you couldn’t bring yourself to do.
Your mind was telling you to hate him. But your heart just craved any physical affection from the man you fear you will always love. The man who is the root cause of your current pain.
He couldn’t answer. Because he couldn’t bare the thought of you not loving him anymore. So he just let you go. In hopes that you would find him again one day. Then he could make it all up to you.
That was 15 months ago. Loki still hadn’t seen you since. Still, he held onto hope that one day, he’d be able to see you.
That’s all he craved. One more chance. One more day.
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jiyascepter · 11 months ago
˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ Fanfiction Masterlist ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
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Welcome to my Masterlist! You can find all the stuff I have written under the cut. Warnings have been provided in the fics separately.
➳ The top fics are the recent ones and as you go down the list you'll find the early stuff :)
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➳ My AO3
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Fluff: 🧁 | Angst: ❄ | Smut: ✦ | (h): hint of
Caught You: ✦ [Loki x f!reader] When you make fun of Loki's magic, he "demonstrates" how his magic can be useful. In many, ehm..ways. What did you expect?
Training Blues: 🧁 (h): ❄️ [Loki x gn!reader] Y/n struggles with feelings of inadequacy in training until Loki comforts them. A sweet hurt/comfort fic.
Kitchen Confessions: 🧁 ✦ [Loki x f!reader] What will your roommate do when you give him some silent treatment?
Midgard Mischief: An Evening In New York: 🧁 [Loki x gn!reader] Loki's first trip to the Earth realm. You take him for an evening out in New York where his protective instincts surface.
Subtle Seduction: 🧁 (h): ✦ [Loki x f!reader] Loki's seducing words and caresses before a party.
The Birthday Surprise: ✦ [Loki x f!reader] When a birthday girl cancels her party with the Avengers, she finds herself unexpectedly visited by the God of Mischief, who uncovers her deception and offers her a different kind of celebration...
A Carnival Serenade: 🧁 [Loki x f!reader] A cheerful reader drags reluctant Loki into the chaos of a city carnival. A grumpy x sunshine fic.
Embracing Radiance: 🧁 (h): ❄ [Loki x gn! reader] Loki becomes a source of strength for the reader who faced body shaming at work.
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Bucky Barnes:
The Tattoo: ✦ [Rockstar!Bucky x F!TattooArtist!Reader] Bucky, the charismatic and wildly popular rock performer of America, asks for a tattoo from you in a rather..."unconventional" place...
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The Tunes & Tales Collection [1k Followers Celebration] Masterlist Soon!
Run Away: ❄️🧁 [Loki x f!reader] You and Loki decide to run away.
Whiskey's Pouring: ❄️ [Loki x gn!reader] You grapple the sorrow of lost love.
Found You: 🧁[Loki x gn!reader] Loki and you find solace and deep connection in your fleeting time together.
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Forbidden Fanfics
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ririsasaki · 3 months ago
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Loki x Reader Slight Angst + Fluff
Summary: Loki is imprisoned for life, and you, his childhood friend, decide to visit him.
Inspired by the song It’s Nice to Have a Friend by Taylor Swift.
Note: It’s written in third person, and the pronouns at the beginning are she/her. It switches to the pronoun you after a while.
Word Count: 1.6k
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Pacing around in his small cell, Loki was seething. His head still couldn’t get around what had happened to him. Imprisoned for life. How? How could Odin dare? Well, he thought miserably, staring into the opposite cell, I suppose he did always favor Thor. The thought stabbed him deep in the heart. He was always shoved aside. Always second. Always alone.
The thought of staying in this small, public yet private area for the rest of his four thousand years of living was painful. He didn’t want to stay here. Why didn’t his mother do anything? Bringing him books was nice, he supposed, but wouldn’t she try to save him, at the very least? Because she’s not… his thought trailed off. He couldn’t bring himself to think that. He loved her. He truly did.
It was the middle of the night, he could sense it, even if the dungeon was underground and had no windows. A distant patter of someone scurrying across the landing caught his attention. Man, it was hard, trying to fall asleep under these blazing lights. He swung his legs off the bed with little enthusiasm, sighed deeply, and walked towards the large window that exposed him to everyone who looked.
He wasn’t surprised when he saw the veiled shadow walk hurriedly, as if wanting to get something over with. What totally normal was, because no one liked to be here anyways, prisoner or not. What did surprise him was the flash of [h/c] hair that flew behind them, her steps marching toward his cell. His cell. A flash of memory flew past in his head, remembering. No, it can’t be. She wouldn’t… not after this…
Once she came to a halt in front of his giant window, he put on a tragic version of his signature smirk. But of course. He should’ve known. It was just another person about to rant how bad of a person he was. Just another being, about to tell him just now terrible and unworthy he’d been. But the person in front of his cell did neither. After a while of silent staring, she took her cloak off, revealing the one person he’d wished not to see: you.
You looked at him with tragedy glowing in your eyes. You’d never wanted to see him there, never. You knew of his familial troubles, but never knew he’d take it this far. It hurt, to see him like this. Imprisoned and lost. With no one’s support.
His heart also skipped a beat. How long had it been since he’d seen you? He couldn’t remember. He only knew that it was a lot longer than he wanted it to be. He doesn’t enjoy hurting people, especially not you. You were the only friend he had as a child, and never turned away from him, even after knowing he was a Frost Giant. You didn’t care about what being he was. You cared only about him. You were his sole glimmer of light in his realm of darkness. You led him out of sadness and misery. But he betrayed you. He left you, without thinking twice. Or maybe he didn’t think at all.
‘Why are you here,’ he asked, his voice determined but with a slight hint of longing, ‘Have you come to gloat? To mock? You’re just like the others, aren’t you? Just here to see me break, to see me fall.’
You stared back into his blue eyes but doesn’t say anything. This certainly wasn’t what she expected him to say when she decided to visit him.
‘Well?’ he hissed, his voice laced with venom and a sliver of guilt, ‘Say something!’ His voice raised.
You merely looked back at him, looking away when he half yelled at her. Guilt filled his entire being. He couldn’t- Why was he-
When you glanced back, your eyes were shining with unshed tears. You opened your mouth, your voice about to break. ‘I came,’ you whispered hoarsely, ‘because I missed you.’
These words hit Loki with a pang. I missed you. They echoed in his head, awakening every nerve and bringing out all the guilt that he hid away. His breathing became ragged, shallow. Before he could properly react, however, you pressed on.
‘You were gone for a year, I thought… I thought… I thought I lost you,’ you said, tears falling freely from your eyes. Every bat of your eyelids poured more down, until they collected at your chin and dripped onto the dungeon floor. Shakily, she steps through the barrier and leaves very little space between them. She stared up at him with her [e/c] eyes.
‘I was so worried,’ she said, taking his hand in her own and pressing her forehead against his chest. ‘I missed you,’ she repeated, fully leaning into him, wrapping her arms around his waist. Oh, how you missed his scent, his clothes, everything. He had meant so much to you. How many nights you’d curl up in his old room and cry. How many times hearing his name brought you new tears.
Slowly, his head came around. Tears were welling up in his eyes, too. He loved you too… But would he ever be able to love you like he did before? Before… a feeling of regret washed over him. If only he didn’t let go. If only he didn’t fling himself off the Bifrost… then maybe everything would’ve been alright…
His arms crawled up your back, holding you close. The emotions flying around his head was making him dizzy, unsure of what to do. Only two words made it past his mouth: ‘Don’t go.’
It wasn’t just an order. It was a plea, only found in the most desperate people in the world. Now he understood what people meant when they said that the most hurt people smile the brightest. Because they know. They know that everything is over. That everything will finally be alright.
You hugged him tighter. ‘I won’t,’ you told him quietly, your words slightly muffled by his clothes, ‘I won’t leave you. Not ever. I’ll stay with you, even after you go to Valhalla.’
Loki’s tears fell down his cheeks, his heart swelling. How he’d missed this. How he’d missed your voice, your soft body pressed to his. The gratefulness he had in himself was barely describable through words. In that moment, he felt like the happiest man alive. He was so damn glad you were there. Always there.
‘I never meant to hurt you, or any of them,’ he said softly, one of his hands coming up to pat your head. You nodded, showing your agreement. ‘Why,’ he gulped as he pressed on, ‘why don’t you… hate me like the others?’ Your answer didn’t come late.
‘Because I know you better than they do. I know you didn’t mean it.’ Your voice was soothing, like the fireplace in winter. ‘I know you’d never do something like that. Never. I know that it was him that forced you.’
His heard clenched when you mentioned Thanos. ‘That madman…’ his voice quivered, ‘He tortured me to the brink of insanity. Took pleasure in watching me break.’ You pressed further into him. ‘I know,’ you repeated, ‘I know. And therefore I love you.’
His heart skipped a beat again. Looking down at you, he asked, his voice barely a whisper: ‘Do you know, or even have the slightest idea, what I’ve become?’
‘You’re the exact same as before, just… you know. Tortured and broken.’ You were uncertain when you said this. You knew he was sensitive on this topic. You knew him so well.
‘Do you know what I’ve done?’ he asked, his tone sinking drastically, as if he didn’t want to know the answer.
‘Well, yes.’ You replied again, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.
‘Do you know,’ he was fully shaking by now, ‘what monster lives inside me…?’
You lifted your head, staring into the depths of his eyes. The only things you found were sorrow, fear, and guilt. Choosing your words, you said:
‘Yes, and it’s a monster that was born out of darkness. And before that empty darkness, there was a heart, a source of light and warmth that lit up the whole place. You see, hearts need to be fed with love, otherwise they die away. That’s exactly what happened to yours.’ You traced your index finger over where his heart was, drawing a shaky breath out of him.
‘Without the heart, the place was submerged in darkness, and out of that darkness grew a monster. Something people despise. But all that it’s trying to do…’ you trailed off, bringing your hands off his waist to hold his, ‘is to not let anyone else grow a new heart in that blank, because it’s afraid that if it ever happens, it’ll be broken again.’ A second of silence reigned between you, your breathings heavy. Finally, he spoke.
‘Will you… grow me a new heart…?’ he asked, his eyes filled with plea, ‘Will you fill that unbearable blank?’
You answered without hesitation. ‘Yes, of course. And I’ll make sure it’ll never be broken ever again.’
Loki’s eyes glowed as you said this. It was as if someone had taken off the invisible weight weighing him down. He sighed in both relief and gratitude, bending down to kiss you. You returned his kiss, hungry for him.
‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered against your lips, his breath mixing with your own. ‘The pressure killed me. I couldn’t bear-‘ you shushed him, closing the distance between your lips once more. His heart lifted, rising up into his chest. It was just as you described. Your love and care made a new heart bloom in his chest.
‘I’m so damn glad I have you,’ he whispered again, his eyes closing, feeling you. ‘I must thank you. For everything. You made me feel… alive.’
You smiled. ‘But of course. It’s nice to have a friend, isn’t it?’
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Hope you enjoyed it!
Tags: @vbecker10 @simplyholl @mischiefmaker615 @lokisgoodgirl
Tell me if you want to be in my taglist!
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isaacarellanesismyhusband · 2 months ago
sorry doesn’t bring them back
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pair: Loki Laufeyson x reader
summary: y/n(she/her) is forced by the circumstances to collaborate with Loki, and that's the worst thing that happened to her since her family's death
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The Avengers’ jet was too quiet. Everyone sat in their seats, focused on the mission ahead. Loki was with them, dressed in black armor, his usual smirk missing. He wasn’t here by choice, but circumstances had forced the team to work with him. Everyone was tense, but no one more than you.
You couldn’t stand the sight of him. Every time he spoke, you clenched your fists until your nails dug into your palms. Every time he moved, your stomach twisted in knots.
“Y/N,” Steve said gently, breaking the silence. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you lied, not looking up from the map in your lap.
Loki’s eyes flicked to you, curious. He’d noticed the way you avoided him, how your jaw tightened every time he was near. He wasn’t sure why, but it amused him—until it didn’t.
“Is there something you’d like to share with the class, darling?” Loki drawled, his tone sharp.
You snapped your head up. “Don’t call me that.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Touchy, are we?”
“That’s enough,” Tony warned, but you didn’t back down.
“Why is he even here?” you spat, glaring at Loki. “What, did everyone forget who he is? What he’s done?”
“Y/N…” Natasha started, but you cut her off.
“No, Nat! He killed people. Thousands of people. My family…” Your voice broke, and the words spilled out before you could stop them. “My family was in New York when he decided to play god.”
The jet went dead silent.
Loki’s face hardened. He didn’t say a word, but his expression darkened as he watched the tears welling in your eyes.
“My mom, my dad, my little brother—they were all there,” you continued, your voice trembling with anger. “And they died. Because of you.”
You stood abruptly, your chair scraping loudly against the floor. “I’ll never forgive you. Never.”
With that, you stormed to the back of the jet, needing space to breathe.
The team sat in stunned silence, unsure of what to say. Loki stayed where he was, his usual arrogance gone. For once, he looked... affected.
“She’s not wrong,” Clint muttered after a while. “You did destroy a lot of lives.”
Loki didn’t respond. Instead, he stood and quietly followed you.
You were leaning against the wall of the jet, arms crossed tightly over your chest, staring at nothing.
“I didn’t know,” he said softly.
You didn’t turn to face him. “I don’t care.”
Loki sighed. “I can’t undo what I’ve done, Y/N. Believe me, if I could…”
You laughed bitterly. “You don’t care about what you did. You only care because it makes me hate you.”
“That’s not true,” he said firmly. “I care because I’m trying to be better, and I know I’ll never be forgiven for my past. But…” He hesitated. “I am sorry. For your family. For all of it.”
You finally turned to face him, your eyes filled with tears. “Sorry doesn’t bring them back.”
“I know,” Loki whispered.
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hunny-beann · 1 year ago
Desiderium I
Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
-> Part II
Note: This fic absolutely breaks cannon in multiple ways, but I felt the urge to write this and created it thus lol, so I hope you enjoy regardless (and for my own sanity, we'll just call this an avenger!Loki au).
Loki is plagued by a dream thrust upon him as punishment during his imprisonment, and finds that even once he regains his freedom, he still can't move past the vision of the life he could have had with you. And when those around him struggle to understand his sorrows, he decides to show them firsthand what he endured while asleep that night, and all that he lost both by waking up, and by making all of the wrong choices for far too long.
Oh, but it's never truly over, is it?
And your sudden reappearance proves that.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 5,057
"Does he ever stop sulking?"
Tony muttered under his breath after sparing a quick glance toward the aesir God of Mischief that sat in the corner of the room, staring into a cloud of green created by his own hand with a type of longing he had worn almost constantly for months now.
At first, many had thought his sullen nature to be a result of his capture and subsequent imprisonment, but even now that he was far more free to roam and do what he pleased (within reason), his somber attitude still had yet to let up.
In fact, some would even swear that it had gotten worse.
The God of Thunder included, and also in particular.
From the beginning, Thor had perhaps been the biggest defender of his younger brother, and of course he had, how could he not be?
But even still, when it came to the questioning of Loki's less than enthusiastic (and at times, borderline concerning) behavior, Thor somehow managed to become even more defensive of his confusing family member and all of the quirks that he seemed to have.
This occasion included.
He turned toward Anthony Edward Stark with a slight frown, a sigh that seemed reserved purely for situations concerning Loki passing his lips,
"All of this has been rather... difficult for him. There is much that he misses about our realm, and even more that he has lost."
Tony rose a brow at that, fighting back a groan at the seemingly constant dramatics of the "Odinson" siblings.
Who would have thought that two gods could be so annoyingly theatrical?
"A lot of people have lost a lot of things, Point Break. Some of them at his hand, in case you need a reminder."
Tony muttered, struggling to find sympathy for the green themed deity sitting across the room, a look of deep longing and sorrow in his gaze as he continued staring into the cloud of his own creation.
Thor sighed again.
"I do not, Stark, nor does my brother. He had a multitude of things revealed to him in dreams delivered by the gods whilst locked away. He is... Not the same."
Tony sighed, shrugging his shoulders as he tried to return his focus toward what he'd been doing before he'd made the mistake of mentioning Loki to his older brother.
"Whatever you say, big guy. Just do me a favor though and ask him if he can practice his daily sulking rituals somewhere else. His whole 'woe is me' vibe makes it a little hard to focus."
Thor sighed again at his comrade's obvious lack of compassion toward his clearly suffering sibling, but he nodded nonetheless.
"I will see what I can do, Stark."
And with that, he was taking familiarly heavy steps toward Loki, each growing more hesitant than the last as he took in the full sight of him.
It was no wonder that Tony found his presence to be so distracting, because in truth, you could all but feel his angst rolling off of him in waves, strong and undeniably present in a manner that almost made the god himself shiver.
It was not easy for the god of mischief, what he was going through, but perhaps even Thor himself had managed to underestimate it.
Perhaps he should have been even more concerned than he already was.
He said stiffly upon his approach, watching as the god in question briefly glanced in his direction in acknowledgement before returning his gaze back to his seidr.
"I sympathize greatly with your sorrows, and I wish truly that I could do away with them for you, but a request has been made for you to better contain your bereavements, if possible, and I think it would be best for you to try."
Thor said calmly, though he could see as plain as day that his words had done no good, a fact made evident by the way that his brother turned to look at him, as if both wounded and infuriated at the very same time.
What a familiar look that was for the mischief god to wear these days.
He stood, green cloud disappearing as he did so, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.
"Do you believe somehow that I have not already done all that I can to contain my grief, you blithering fool?"
He all but hissed, anger controlling his words but a deep and pervasive sadness evident in his eyes, allowing the god of thunder to see far beyond the ruse his sibling was attempting to put up.
Loki was hurting, perhaps beyond anything that he had endured before, and Thor was unsure if that could have been made any more clear.
The god of mischief took a step closer, slowly, threateningly, as if he might frighten the being standing before him, the only one present that had ever truly seen the good in him, the angel before the fall.
A trickster to be sure, but the villain that he so desperately tried to make himself out to be? Thor could not see such a thing, not in the eyes of one he had grown up alongside of.
Not in his brother, regardless of blood.
Regardless of what was said or done.
"You haven't the slightest clue what I have endured, and yet you have the gall to request that I reign in my pain, as if it is not all that has been left of me? All that has not been so crudely taken?"
He snarled, coming closer, ignoring the heavy gaze of Anthony Stark as it landed upon him, and choosing to pay no mind to the fact that he had undoubtedly called the others in, a fact made clear by the large number of footfalls that grew nearer and nearer by the second.
Maybe Tony was simply a fool made cautious by what he had seen the god do in the past, or maybe he just wished to not be the only audience for this particular spat.
Either way, it mattered not to Loki.
The god in question was far too tired, far too angry, and far too confused to let such a disrespect as this pass.
If they did not understand, then he would make them, and maybe then they could comprehend the realness, the immense depth and crushing weight of his pain.
The burden he bore.
The reaping of what he had sowed long ago, without even realizing it.
The universe had never been fair, not to him, and it was apparent now that such a truth had persevered from the very start.
Back before his title had meant more than a whisper to him, before he had felt the need to prove he was more.
When there had been so much more kindness in his heart and light in his life.
When there had been hope,
When there had been you.
Thor put his hands up defensively, though how secure he truly felt in spite of this almost entirely symbolic and pleading gesture was made clear by his tone, which was pitying in every sense of the word.
"Calm down, brother, I meant no disrespect. I simply feel a deep worry for you, I do not want to watch you suffer any longer. It is a heavy weight upon me to know that you are so burdened."
He said appealingly, eyes full of a type of plea and concern that, once upon a time, might have caused the god of mischief to think for a moment, and perhaps even halt his actions altogether.
But now was not then, and after all that he had seen, all that was now and could have been, he found that his brother's words only served to make him angrier.
"You feel a heavy weight, do you?"
He said darkly, stalking ever forward, even as Thor backed away slowly with each step, not wishing to see his family member trapped in a cage once again as a result of some petty fight.
There was rage in Loki's eyes now, though it did nothing to cancel out the sadness there.
It was clear what was driving him, but even more evident was how upset the god was about that fact.
He did not like being so controlled by his emotions, resented the way that everyone could tell how he was feeling in spite of how hard he tried to hide it.
He had done his best to conceal his sorrows and this was what he had gotten? A request for more, as if he would not have hidden them away entirely in favor of allowing those who were once his enemies to see his weaknesses? The way that truth had changed him?
It infuriated him to no end.
"Can you even begin to imagine then,"
He started, voice low, but just loud enough so that every avenger who had now entered the room could hear it from where they stood together in silence, watching as Loki stalked ever closer to his brother, hands still clenched at his sides, jaw unfathomably tense, and muscles twitching with a quiet kind of rage.
"What I am feeling?"
He finished viciously.
Thor frowned, voice still full of pity and something akin to longing as he replied, tone still entirely bereft of fear,
"I know only what you have told me, dear brother."
He said, watching as Loki all but scoffed at his words,
"So in that way, yes, I suppose I am capable of imagining what you must feel."
The god of mischief laughed in response to this, a humorless and cold sound that was choked by some long abided pain, some endless suffering that only a god could understand, and that no mere mortal could ever endure and survive.
"I think not."
He snapped angrily, watching as Thor's brow creased in response, not understanding what about his reply had been so terribly wrong that it had brought about such a strong reaction from his sibling.
Loki continued,
"I think that if you could even begin to comprehend what I have seen, what I have lost, you would never even think to make an attempt at consoling or correcting me, nor could you ever deign to imagine believing that the small amounts of my grief witnessed through my behavior could be decreased any further. If you could truly understand, you would know the weight that I carry, and you would see that it could never be lessened, because there is truly no greater grief than that which I am suffering from!"
Thor stood there for a moment, dumbfounded, before finally he spoke up once more, voice slightly smaller, though still not lacking in compassion or empathy.
"Brother, I beg you to help me understand better so I may communicate this suffering of yours to those around us who do not know you as well as I. We are guests here on Midgard, and I cannot allow for you to push this pain of yours onto our hosts so endlessly without solution or a shared understanding in mind. How can you expect anyone to have faith or sympathy for you if you will not tell us what has happened?"
Thor's pleas caused yet another round of laughter to burst forth from the god of mischief, though this one was less pained and a bit more angry, a twinge of eagerness to it that did not spell out anything good, not for Thor nor any of the unwelcome audience present within the room alongside them.
"You wish for me to let them see? For me to grant you understanding?"
Loki hissed out, a familiar and volatile energy filling the room as he began to use his seidr to do just that.
Thor warned, moving to take a step forward when suddenly, the entire room seemed to disappear beneath his feet, and without warning, he found himself in a place entirely unfamiliar to him, standing amongst his peers in a small crowd that occupied some unseen corner of whatever space this was.
He watched as Tony turned to look at him, frustration and confusion etched into his features and mouth opening to speak just as a familiar voice cut through the silence.
It was Loki, but not the one that those watching had come to know.
No, this was a Loki long forgotten by time and entirely unknown by the avengers present to witness this dream that the god of mischief had once so vaguely described to his brother while in the thralls of his pain.
This was the vision that the gods had shown to the adopted son of Odin during his imprisonment within the Avenger's tower months prior.
This was where his sadness, his grief, and his longing had stemmed from.
And it was clear, as they all watched on, why that may have been.
It was beautiful here, wherever here was.
The sun shone through every window, and this place, clearly a home, was adorned with stunning textiles and masonry, each detail obviously considered and brought to life with such care and intention that it could bring one to tears if they focused on it long enough.
Thankfully for the onlookers though, this would not be necessary, because the Loki in question who stood before them made for quite a distracting sight.
He looked younger here somehow, features untouched by some pervasive strain or anger that had long since gotten to the man that was so well known to them now.
His expression was peaceful, happy, so devoid of the angst or maliciousness that many were used to seeing.
This version of Loki, whoever he was, and whenever he had existed, was one that did not yet know the things that he did now, one that had found something that his truest self had not.
And it was clear, as this version of the god of mischief spoke, where that came from.
"Dearest Starlight, have you the faintest idea of how much I've missed you?"
He muttered into the hair of the woman standing before him, one arm wrapped around her while the other cupped the back of her head gently, lovingly, and with such fondness that it almost hurt to watch
This was a man overcome with, and undoubtedly changed by love.
They could see it in his eyes and the way that they lit up when the woman, whoever she was, moved away slightly to look up at him, and in the way that he pressed his forehead to hers with such love and clearly intentional gentleness.
He adored this person standing before him, and judging by the tears brimming in Thor's blue eyes, she was far more than a simple dream, or someone made up by the mind to have and to hold.
No, this was someone that they had known, perhaps long ago, perhaps yesterday, for the timing itself mattered ever so little.
What mattered instead, was that this individual, whoever she was, meant the world and more to the very person that the onlooking crowd had once believed to be devoid of the organ capable of love and affection.
She was important, and she was special, and above all else, she was seemingly a vast source of grief for the two son's of Odin, though one in particular far more than the other, the latter of which stood amongst them with a sadness that was almost assuredly not for himself evident within his gaze.
Thor may have known this girl, whoever she may be or have been, but his tears were not for his own loss of her, no, they were instead for Loki's. He watched the two of them with such rapt and sad fondness that it was all but impossible to deny that fact.
He adored what the two of them shared, and mourned its absence.
And in truth, the unwelcome onlookers could not help but feel similarly.
This woman was beautiful to be sure, with shining hair and twinkling eyes, and a gentle touch that she laid upon the deity standing before her with such care and devotion.
She smiled up at him lovingly, mouth still curved upward even as she spoke, her reply teasing, but far from mockery, mischievous in a way that was befitting of any love of Loki Laufeyson.
"Just me?"
She asked amusedly, carting her fingers through the god's soft black locks and watching with gentle laughter as he simply rolled his eyes in response before he leaned down to kiss her sweetly without a single word, the arm that was still wrapped around her waist tugging her closer before he finally pulled away a few seconds later, joy obvious within his expression, in spite of her ardent teasing.
"Do not ask me such foolish questions, my dear, or I may just be required to seal your lips against mine for all eternity to keep you quiet."
He murmured with his forehead pressed against hers, his nose brushing against her cheek for a few moments until he pulled back with a sigh,
"I suppose I should change before I make myself at home again, hmm?"
He asked with mock exasperation, tucking a few strands of the woman's hair behind her ear as she laughed in reply, nodding almost immediately.
"That would most certainly make me a happy wife, indeed."
She said, pulling further away from him before walking over to the kitchen area and removing something from the oven,
"Now hurry up and change before dinner gets too cold, foolish prince, or you may just find Thor helping himself to your portion again."
Loki gave an amused glare in response to this, but said nothing more, wandering swiftly down a long and dark hallway until he faded from view entirely.
After this, there was silence for a minute or two, a peaceful and joyous one that was occasionally interrupted by the sound of the woman's gentle humming, or one of a few a small noises from further down the hall, none of which seemed important enough to capture the woman in question's attention.
That being said, as Loki returned, something else did, though it notably grabbed hold of that of the audience as well, who stared on together in shock, though Thor was clearly the most baffled of them all.
For there was Loki Laufeyson, adopted son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, and god of mischief, with a child on his hip, one with hair the very color of his, and eyes that were an exact copy of his own.
The woman standing in the kitchen crossed her arms upon her husband's entrance into the room, raising a brow at him as she sighed and approached the two beings who had just graced her with their presence.
"And what business do you believe our daughter has with being up so late, Mr. Laufeyson?"
She questioned teasingly as she pressed a gentle kiss to the head of the little girl who was being held so affectionately within her father's arms, a sweet burble of laughter escaping her as the woman's lips tickled her skin.
The audience watched on in utter shock as Loki smiled softly at the sight, his shoulders shrugging slightly as he bounced the child, who appeared to be around a year old, upon his hip, arms keeping her steady with a well practiced and easy grace found only within a parent that had been present and involved enough to know their child like the back of their hand.
"I believe she has business with welcoming her dear father home regardless of the hour. Would you disagree, Mrs. Laufeyson?"
He murmured gently as he leaned forward to press a lingering kiss against his wife's lips, smirking at the sight of her reddened cheeks as he pulled away.
The wife in question sputtered for a brief moment before finally responding, glaring slightly up at the god of mischief for his antics, though they were no doubt familiar to her by now, judging by the ring wrapped around her finger and the child she had so plainly bore that sat now upon her husband's hip.
"I suppose not."
She replied gently, watching as Loki placed the child into her high chair, offering a toy of his very own creation to distract her with as he approached his spouse with a rather eager grin.
He asked softly as he moved to stand behind her, his hands finding her shoulders and massaging the tense muscles there gently, his smile only growing as she sighed at the feeling and leaned into him with a practiced ease borne clearly of a long nurtured trust.
"How kind of you to see things my way for once, dear wife."
He murmured against the shell of the woman's ear, sending a shiver down her spine even as she rolled her eyes in response to his overly teasing tone and his seemingly ceaseless need to make an attempt at pushing her buttons.
"I wouldn't go as far as to say that, my prince."
She sighed out, still clearly pleased with the feeling of his hands rubbing practiced and efficient circles into her skin,
"I am simply allowing you this one small victory while you may still have it."
The god of mischief smirked upon hearing this, his brow raised and his voice low as he replied,
"Allowing me, hmm? What a benevolent ruler you are, starlight."
He all but purred out, and the woman nodded absently, still clearly wrapped up in the feeling of his hands on her body.
"Aren't I?"
She asked, a smile growing upon her face as she spoke,
"Allowing you to wake up our one year old daughter upon your return before you're forced to cease such childish behaviors once your son arrives in a few months time. How generous of me."
Loki hummed and replaced one of his hands that had been resting upon her shoulder with his chin, allowing his now free hand to travel down to her stomach, pressing against it and providing the opportunity for the onlookers to note for the very first time the way that it was rounded out slightly with child, yet another piece of evidence of the love that they shared.
A love that the Loki Laufeyson that they knew, the one that had been captured, imprisoned, and seemingly rehabilitated, had never known.
A love that he perhaps could have had, if only things had been different.
Slowly, faintly, at the sounds of softening laughter and contented discussions, the scene before everyone faded, and the harsh light of the tower persisted once more, blinding them all sharply in a way that the softness of the vision had not managed.
And there, before all of them, stood Loki, looking more than a little haggard with his hair out of place and his eyes brimming with tears.
It was Thor who spoke first.
"It was that which you saw, brother?"
He asked sympathetically, only for Loki to shake his head in response, tone far less angry and much more despondent as he spoke.
The sight of that vision, that memory of a dream delivered unto him one harsh evening to teach him some horrible lesson, had clearly hurt him far more than he wished to let on, and perhaps even more than he had thought it would.
He said,
"What I saw was far worse, I'm afraid."
Thor's eyebrows creased with both concern and confusion,
"Worse? Brother, I do not-"
"I had entire life with her, Thor."
Loki murmured gently, staring down at his own two shaking hands as if in disbelief that they belonged to him at all,
"I-I had thought truly that everything, all of this suffering and self-hatred had been the real dream all along, and that my time with her, beginning from back when we were all just children again, was reality."
He looked into his brother's eyes then, and allowed him to see the pain there, the sadness and longing for a life he had once believed himself to have lived, a life where he had chosen differently, and found better.
"I did everything the very same as in this lifetime, except instead of choosing power, or some poorly perceived form of acceptance at the hands of our father, I chose her every single time. I married her, brother, stood at the altar and watched her come to me, watched her be granted her rightful immortality at my side, built a house with her, for her, gave her a daughter, and a son, and many other children who I cannot bear to think about because I am in ruin over the fact that they were never real."
He paused, chest heaving, eyes never leaving those of his brother before finally, he continued,
"I know their names, Thor."
He choked out,
"The names of my children, every son and daughter born with some combination of my eyes and her smile, or her hair and my nose. I know their favorite foods, the toy they prefer over all of the rest, and the song that their mother would sing to put them to sleep the fastest."
His tears were beginning to run now, though if Loki noticed, he did not move to wipe them away or to hide them.
"I know everything about them, and yet they are not here, never were, and never will be, and it feels like I have lost all that I ever deigned to love. My wife, my children, a version of myself that I did not loathe, they are all lost to me, and I have died a thousand deaths for every waking moment spent without them by my side."
Thor's own eyes had grown teary now, and he stepped forward slowly, his arm outstretched, as if hoping to reach into his brother and take this pain away with his bare hands alone.
"Dear brother, forgive me."
He said softly, voice shaky in a way that was so very uncharacteristic of him,
"I did not know, I swear it."
Loki shook his head, some shadow of a smile, pained and without any semblance of joy finding his face,
"I know, Thor."
He said quietly,
"But do not waste your apologies on me. It is not your fault for not truly knowing, but mine for believing I could have her back again. She is gone, and I should have known that I could only ever have her in dreams."
Thor opened his mouth to speak, his expression flooded with sorrow, only to find that there was nothing that he could say.
The bridge to you was one that his brother had burned a long time ago, which had been lying in embers since.
Was he not right that you were largely gone from him? A memory of perhaps undeserved yet so very innocent love that he had shut out in order to keep moving forward until the gods had thrust what the two of you could have been upon him so cruelly?
It had been ages now, since Loki had seen or heard of you, and Thor was ashamed to admit that he too had locked you away in memory in favor of moving forward.
A childhood playmate, a most loyal friend far past adulthood, the once almost-lover of his mischievous younger brother, you were a great many things to him, and yet he could scarcely bear to think of you now.
Betrayal was what he had once thought of whenever you came to mind, but now, so many years later, he could see that you had never been the one to betray.
It had been him all along, him and Loki, albeit for two differing reasons.
Either way, the little witch they had once both known so fondly had been long dead to them for many moons now, until the very sight of you so happy, so alive, in spite of the fact that such a vision was a dream brought on by some vengeful deity, sent you careening back into their minds once more.
Where were you now? How had you fared without them, and possibly without your family as well? Were you even alive at all, after all of this time with only a witchling's feeble immortality to keep you alive rather than the godly kind that Loki had helped to bestow upon you within his dream?
Thor shook off these thoughts almost as quickly as they came, and watched on helplessly as Loki began to make his way toward the exit, eyes glued to the ground to avoid making eye contact with the small group of Avengers who had continued to watch on in surprise.
And perhaps, one of them may have piped up to say something, anything to provide comfort to the once so pesky god, had it not been for the sudden shift in the air, followed shortly thereafter by the very shredding of reality itself, as a tear opened up on the far wall, revealing a dark shimmering swirl of colors and lights that soon spat out a figure adorned in clothing that may have appeared foreign to any Midgardian, but was so very familiar to the one aesir god who stared on in utter shock.
Loki, on the other hand, seemed either entirely unaware of the strange circumstance occurring behind him, or uncaring of it, as he continued on his quest to leave the room entirely.
That is, until a voice so familiar that it all but snapped his heart in two called out to him.
It asked weakly, strained and soft, but just barely loud enough to reach him where he stood.
The average man may have froze up entirely, disbelieving their own ears and blaming their minds for playing such cruel tricks on them, but Loki was no average man, and he did not believe his mind capable of making such a mistake.
He knew what he had heard.
He turned around instantly, already wide eyes growing wider when he found you on the floor there, an old cloak of his wrapped tightly around your shoulders.
He breathed out in utter disbelief, making his way over in just a few long and intentional strides before he all but collapsed to his knees in front of you.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years ago
The Prince is Dead [Asgard!Loki x Reader]
A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: Shaken by Loki's death on Svartálfheim, you confront the one you blame the most. Odin. (w/c 1.9k) Warnings: Angst. Set between TDW and Ragnarok. Mentions of death. Heartbreak. Violent imagery. Melt to fluff (implied)
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The sun still rose in the North and set in the South, the way it always did. Clattering swords rang from the training ground, each echo of distant laughter another stake through your chest. But Asgard's golden turrets would still shine garishly in the morning light. As ever it was, so it shall be.
You wrapped a thin shawl tighter around your arms. The Prince is dead, you thought, biting back a sigh. The majestic façade was dulled behind the drape of your mourning veil, grey and lifeless. Or perhaps, you just finally saw things as they truly were.
Five moons had since risen and ebbed while you had lain half-alive in your chambers. Sleep descended in snatches, an unwelcome friend. And of course, you had dreamt of him.
His shadowed smile glancing back as he led you through winding palace paths. His face turned to the ceiling in the bed you shared, frozen in anguish. Bloodless with deep blue veins wound in spider patterns across lifeless cheeks. Or his kiss fastening to your own, a loving whisper of your name on warm lips as he melted into you. When you would wake, that dream was the worst of all.
The Prince is dead, a guard had told you with no emotion. With no sympathy. You had waited until he had retreated to sink to your knees, body racking with silent, violent sobs. No one had seen you cry, though. Loki would have approved.
You assumed that your place within the palace was forfeit. By tradition, you should have been removed immediately. Perhaps Thor had intervened to allow a period of mourning. If he had, it would be the one decent thing he's ever done. You pondered that thought bitterly for a moment, wishing he'd used that sliver of kindness to bring Loki's body home instead.
But either way, it didn't matter now.
You inhaled shakily while nervous fingers wound through the thick fabric of your skirts. To anyone else, they would look black. But in truth they were the deepest, darkest green. A waft of fragrant spice rolled on the wind across the balustrade from the markets, heating the cool air. Gods, how you missed him.
The anger, you would admit, had taken you by surprise. When your face wasn't buried in Loki's pillow, inhaling his waning scent between shuddering tears - it was anger. Only that.
It was anger that had brought the fine Asgardian sculptures in your rooms to their undignified end. Anger that fuelled the plot which burned and blossomed in your mind while shadows danced the walls. Anger that urged to you don silken armour this morning, to parade yourself as bait.
It was anger that kept your head high while you rode the whispers following you like smoke. Anger, you had found, was more of a comfort than remembering. A locket bearing Loki's initial hid beneath your bodice, blossoms from the tree beneath which he had first kissed you preserved inside. A gift. One of his prize daggers was strapped to your thigh, and with every step to your final destination, the cool blade kissed your skin.
Your fingertips steadied on the balustrade wall as a ceremonial clatter of guards approached. Eyes fixed on the old town, you composed yourself. The breeze made the dark veil flutter. There was a single heavy clang as twenty spears hit the marble floor in unison. A growl of stand back broke the heavy silence. The guards complied.
"Why do you mourn him so?" a voice rasped. "You are finally free."
The King's words were thick as he rustled beside your shoulder. Beneath the veil, your frown deepened. "Even from you Allfather, I would expect more sensitivity." you muttered. Odin drew up to his full height, observing the spread of his kingdom with a sanctimonious smirk. Patience, you thought. The absence of your bow was treasonous, and it would have been noted. He let out a forced laugh, meaty hands clasping behind his back. "I expect you may have thought that you loved him. But you did not know him as I did."
"You're right, I didn't."
It was surprising how easily the words came. Strong and clear and crisp. "I knew his heart."
Odin chuckled. "His heart," he mocked. "That you think he had one betrays your naivety. Go, now. Be free."
Bravery welled in your belly like a swollen river, pushing a prick of tears to your eyes. You felt like you might burst. You were suddenly glad the old fuck couldn't see your face.
With a god, time was something that could be counted on. Or, it should be. Time to grow and love and to be free. That was the plan for you and Loki. But now, time stretched before you like an endless, lonley void. A sentence. Odin and his arrogance had seen to that.
"You forget yourself Odin, son of Bor," you said; and for a moment, he looked genuinely shocked. Or is he impressed, you thought fleetingly.
"You lost a son-"
You raised a hand as his cracked lips began to move in predictable denial. "A son." you repeated firmly.
The word hung thick between you. "Asgard lost not just a Prince, it lost a protector. The one that shielded them from this palace and its ruler's whims."
Odin was silent.
"And I lost-"
A lump rose in your throat. Everything.
"I know what you lost, " the King spat. "The chance to be queen by the unsurper's side once he had slain the true heir. The chance to wallow in finery and filth encrusted sheets while that disgraced Jotun defiled you at any time of the day or night. Plotting."
You shook your head. And you couldn't help it. You laughed.
"For all your years, you know nothing. Nothing about truth, or destiny, or love. I see that now-"
"Love," Odin scoffed, cutting in." If you loved him, you were the only one who ever did. "
"I love him still," you murmured, turning towards the rolling mountains. Your fingers played at the hilt of the dagger through the slit in your gown. "Forget him." Odin sniffed, waving a hand. "You will be the better for it, we all will."
His loaded dismissal blew away any lingering doubt.
Loki's face flashed behind your eyelids, a vision of the day he had finally let you in to his solitary world. Golden specks of dust had swirled within a single beam of amber light cutting through the healing room. He had sat perched on a single bed, elbows resting on his knees. Despite the lengthy battle, his skin glowed luminous in the dying song of day. Deep wounds streaked across his stomach and ribs and back, purple bruises marring his skin like the darkest storm-clouds. His leather armour lay in a ragged pile by his feet. Blood crept from its crevices, seeping into the cracks of the stone floor.
You had cried then, too. Only once.
"It will heal," he had said, cupping your cheek with a strained smile. "Do not waste your worry."
"I can't help it," you'd replied, tracing your fingertips over a gash in his side. Loki had winced. As you watched, the skin began to stretch and meld millimetre by millimetre. "You shall have to become more stoic if you are to be my wife one day," Loki smiled. There was a pause, before he frowned. "Does it make you feel better? The worry?"
"Yes," you had answered truthfully. You curled a lock of damp hair behind his ear. Someone has to worry for you, you'd thought. Loki smiled again. "Then I'll allow it," he murmured softly, before pressing a kiss to your forehead. And he did.
A silent tear rolled down your cheek as your fingers crept around the daggers hilt. The peace of the realm would soon be broken. Wails of anguish would rinse the clouds, public displays of grief filling the air with heavy sighs and glowing orbs. It should have been allowed for your love, but it wasn't. Asgard should be in mourning, and soon it would be- you would make sure of that. You only wished you would be there to see it.
"He loved you all, and I'll never know why," you said solemnly, heat flushing your cheeks. "It was never deserved, never appreciated. Especially not by you." The final word darted like venom between your teeth.
Odin laughed. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
"I never did understand him," he crooned, not deigning to look at you. The dagger slid from it's hold against your thigh. "You never tried." you whispered.
In the briefest of moments, you whipped the dagger with trained precision. The thin blade rested beneath the god's chin, digging into soft, fat flesh. From behind, the guards would see nothing.
"Ah," the Allfather hummed, tilting his head back ever so slightly. His stance never changed. "I commend your audacity my dear. Truly. But you see, I am not the monster that you think I am."
Something in his tone made you pause. You had been fully prepared to sink Loki's dagger into his throat without mercy. Ready to hear the wet gurgle of breath fighting blood. Escaping retribution from this was not an option, but you didn't want it. You wanted to see the look on Odin's face as the lights went out. You wanted to see his one staring eye glaze to the heavens as life left him. For him to know with his dying rattle that someone cared enough for Loki of Asgard to avenge him, no matter the cost.
"You are a monster," you panted through gritted teeth. An unnerving smile began to crawl across Odin's lips. "True," he said coyly. "But not the one you think I am."
Your eye twitched, taking in the opaque blue of his stare that suddenly sparkled with more life than you had seen in years. Your stomach churned, the hand holding the blade beginning to tremble.
"With my dagger too, how poetic," Odin whispered with a smirk.
You gasped, jumping back as the blade tumbled towards the ground. It disappeared in a flash of seidr before hitting the marble.
It can't be-
"Guards!" the Allfather thundered, straightening as they resumed their posts. "Show the Lady to my private chambers. There are matters regarding Prince Loki's memorial we must urgently discuss."
You saw the guards throw confused glances to one another as you stood slack-jawed beneath the veil. Odin raised your hand, placing a chaste kiss to your knuckles.
"It will heal," he murmured against your skin, before letting the hand fall limply to your side. The King leant closer, the ghost of his breath sending shivers down your spine. "Do not waste your worry."
The familiar words ricochet between your ears, heart thumping as you followed the jostling procession across the balustrade. It was all you could do not to faint. The implications, if your mind did not play tricks, were too vast.
So you decided to focus on the gait of the King as you placed one foot in front of the other. On the swagger that had not been there when you last spoke weeks before. As if the weight of another’s passion still hung between his thighs. He would not part with that. You smiled, feeling it grow as you watched the unmistakable way his shoulders swayed back and forth with each long stride. The undeniable spring in his step. Singularly focused, like another you had known. It held a promise. A hope.
It was a ten minute walk to the King's chambers.
So you focused on the sway of his shoulders. On the mischievous spring in his step. Only that.
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A/N - I wrote this on the back of a bus in Morocco and haven't messed with it much - i do like the concept though, hope you do too! Thanks to @lokischambermaid for her enthusiasm when I first mentioned it a while back :) Love you! x If you want to see what 'after' might look like - check out Praise Him (smut) which is also based on this concept :) It's one of my earlier fics though and it shows 😂
Tags @meowmeow-motherfucker @muddyorbsblr @imalovernotahater @avengersalways @littledark11 @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @coldnique @holdmytesseract @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @vbecker10 @imalovernotahater @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @marygoddessofmischief @sebstanwhore @xorpsbane @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @infinitystoner @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @skymoonandstardust @justjoanne242 @sidepartskinnyjeans @ladyofthestayingpower @wolfmoonmusic @brittbax @smolvenger @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kaleenjackson @fictional-hooman @psychospore @littlespaceyelf
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reginaphalangelobster125 · 29 days ago
Dog Days
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You stood at the side, watching as they celebrated. You felt his presence behind you and sighed a breath of relief.
"You did well, my love"
You felt him places his hands on your shoulders and you leaned into the touch, into him.
"Go, enjoy"
"I don't want to leave you"
"You have to"
"I can't"
"You must, I will always be with you, in your heart. But you must let me go so you can live"
"What if I don't want to? What if I'm afraid to live without you because I can't?"
"I know you can, you are the strongest being I've ever met. Now go, enjoy the time you have with them, enjoy your new life"
A tear rolled down your cheek, you knew he was right. You lifted your hands off of his and you felt him disappear. You sniffled and held back your tears as you walked down to join them. Groot saw you and broke out into a huge smile.
"I am Groot!"
"I'm glad I came back too"
He grabbed your hands and pulled you into the dancing crowd. He spun you around, making you giggle as you danced with everyone. Maybe Knowhere is exactly where you need to be. Maybe the dog days are over.
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@impetusofadream @goldfishthegr8 @avengers-official-recruit-agent @goreygirl03 @xenasolos @sparklyturtlefox @rios-sythe @nekoannie-chan @ilovemarvel12 @hayneyney @n3ponen @8812-342. @everyonesfriend @pinkthick @craftytacopiecash @meryuniverse @aliljaybird @yelldontwhisper
Notes: In case it wasn't clear this is after the reader has lost someone (I wrote it with Loki in mind)
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mcufan72 · 1 year ago
Hello everyone!
After writer's block and some changes in my life (mostly good ones), I'm finally able to write again. I can't believe that the last lines I wrote for my Loki fics were in July/August 2023. Unbelievable.
Here is my new multi-part fic!
It's a modern AU, I will use MCU characters and facts incorrectly and Loki will be as I want him to be. The Multiverse is open and I do what I want. Those who have read my other stuff know what I mean. So if you don't like it, don't read it. This story will contain morally grey stuff (or not, I don't know. What exactly is morally grey? But nothing too bad happens here or without consent. It's still a love story), fluff, angst and eventually smut…so 18+ only, please!
I also use random names/characters, they have nothing to do with the MCU, they're a product of my fantasy. They are inspired by real-life people and also the plot might be inspired by real-life experiences (not every part of the plot, please keep that in mind). So please don't steal my stuff, use your own experiences and let them inspire you. I also did some research but without a guarantee of completeness and accuracy.
Here is the first chapter of my new fic. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. 💚
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader / 18+
Chapter 1
Preview here
Warnings: none so far, contains fluff, angst, and smut (eventually), it's a slow-burn love story.
“I leave."
"Yeah, good. Go home and get some rest. I don't know when I'll be back. Might be late. “
“That's not what I meant.”
“Then explain.”
“I leave the company…and you!”
“It's just a phase, darling. Take a few days off and then everything will be fine again.”
“You really don't get it, do you? It's not a phase.”
“No one screws things up with me! Not even you! ...you have six months.”
3 months later
Damn! Just damn! You were late, like always. You were permanently struggling with keeping places in time and today it wasn't any different. It was pouring rain since you had left your apartment and you were nearly completely drenched from head to toe and of course, you had forgotten your umbrella. The only protection from the rain was the high collar and the hood of your coat. You hurried through the streets of Manhattan, melding into the people who crowded the sidewalks. The city's smells and noises were engulfing you, uncountable different languages and accents were hitting your ears. On every street corner was music, played by street entertainers who tried to grab some money from the people passing by. Car horns were honking, and brakes were squeaking, the sirens of ambulances or police cars drowning out any other sounds. The whole city was buzzing and glowing, a permanent noise filling ears and streets, echoing between amazing skyscrapers. But you loved it, this was your hometown and you have been living here for five years now. You wouldn't stay here forever, surely not, but for now you would stay.
On your way to your appointment this afternoon you accidentally bumped into someone because you held your head down to keep the rain away from your face. “Hey, watch it, girl!” a manly voice scolded you. You apologized with a hasty: “Sorry”, and continued your way unimpressed. Somehow you managed to cruise fluently through the masses of people and cars and reached the building you wanted to go to right in time. You passed the doorman, who gave you a friendly smile, and the security men in their black suits in the reception area, who greeted you with a short nod. They looked much too good for your liking but you couldn't deny your attraction to tall men with broad shoulders in black suits. You had a soft spot for this kind of man. The rainwater that was dripping from your coat was wetting the floor of the entrance hall and with an apologetic shoulder shrug and a heartwarming smile on your face towards the security men, you headed for the lift.
How much Loki hated the weather today. Fortunately, he had his umbrella with him so he was protected from heaven's water. The pouring rain, the crowded sidewalks and streets, the deafening noise. He was living here in New York for over twelve years now but it seemed to some things he would never get used to. He surely wouldn't stay here forever but for now, he still had to. Normally he wouldn't go out on the streets when it was raining like this. No one would go out voluntarily in such weather. But he got a call from a negotiating partner, who asked him to meet him at a café in the early afternoon to inform him about a few details. And some conversations were better made personally than by phone. The meeting wasn't a long one and his conversation partner Mr.Miller had already left but Loki was still sitting in the café, sipping on his espresso. “Damn it!”, he murmured under his breath, annoyed about what Mr. Miller had asked of him.
Mr. Miller was an extremely old-fashioned, elderly man and he told Loki for his next event, a business dinner, he would like to see him with a female companion. Every other guest would bring their significant others too, there wouldn't be just the dinner, there would also be some dancing afterwards and how sad it would be if he were there alone.
“Please, bring your significant other, too. I don't accept a no!” Mr. Miller insisted.
Loki knew exactly when it was better to not discuss a negotiation partner's wishes and so he agreed. Sometimes you have to make concessions if you want something to be successful. Now a solution had to be found. Loki didn't have any female friend he could take with him on such a date. It must be someone trustworthy, someone who could be silent as a grave, someone who could keep secrets. In the best case, someone who did it professionally. He would never ask any of his former affairs, not to talk about that his last affair was some time ago. He pulled out his mobile phone and did some research. Over the years he'd learned to appreciate his phone as a daily companion. Using apps on your mobile phone made your life easier and finding a solution for nearly every problem was easier with it as well.
Shortly after starting scrolling through several websites, he found it. The solution to his problem ‘how to attend a date with a female companion’: an escort agency. Professionally escorted by a well-educated woman, intelligent, sophisticated and with perfect manners, professionally obliged to keep silent. That was it, the ultimate solution to his problem. Of course, he had to meet the woman he wanted to book for that upcoming event, first. He had to ensure that she was the right one and if she was suitable for such an event. He had no other choice so he gave it a try. He called the agency he had chosen and described what he wanted and what was required in every detail to the polite and friendly lady he was talking to. It sounded like she was smiling on the other end of the phone and it gave him the good feeling of having made the right decision.
“Okay, Sir. I'm pretty sure I already have the right lady for you. Have you heard of the ‘Vivian's Velvet’ nightclub?”
“Yes, I did."
“Fine. Then you'll meet her there at the bar at 8 pm sharp. She'll be waiting there for you.”
“How will I recognise her? I mean…”
“She'll know who you are. Please send me a photo of you and then I can forward the image to her. Please don't get me wrong, Sir but we handle it this way because we want to guarantee our ladies a way out in case they want to refuse a meeting for whatever reason and at any time. Even if they are already at the nightclub. It's for the safety of our ladies. I hope you understand.”
“I do. It's what your ladies deserve and I respect that.”
“I'm glad to hear that, Sir. Thank you for understanding. Would you please give me your name so our lady can address you correctly?”
Loki hesitated for a second. In his business sometimes it was advantageous to use an alias and he would hold on to this tradition here.
“My name is Luke Larsson.”
“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Larsson. If you have any questions or if the lady I've chosen for you is not for your liking, please don't hesitate and let me know. I'll look for a new lady for you then. We aim to satisfy you completely at any time. And please don't forget to send me your photo, Mr. Larsson.”
“I'll send it immediately.”
“Of course, Mr. Larsson and I wish you an enjoyable evening. Thank you for choosing and calling us. Goodbye, Sir.”
“Goodbye, Ma'am and thank you for your excellent service.”
“You're welcome” and with that, the call ended.
He did what was required of him and he sent the agency a photo of himself. To book a lady at an escort agency was an expensive matter but money was no object. He had called the best escort agency in the city and only the best was what he needed.
He paid his bill and left the café. The streets were still crowded, rain was still flooding the streets and slightly ruining his leather shoes and his slacks. On his way back home a hood-wearing person with a lowered head, drenching wet from the rain, bumped into him. Why couldn't people watch their way, he thought angrily.
“Hey, watch it, girl!“ he scolded. He wasn't sure if it was a woman, he just assumed it. He barely heard the apology of the person and he immediately regretted his harsh words. He turned around to apologize as well. But the person who ran into him had almost completely disappeared in the crowd. He could just catch a short glimpse of the shoes the person was wearing. ‘Nice colour’, he thought and disappeared into the crowd himself. In a few hours, he would meet the escort lady who probably would accompany him to his next business dinner.
With a ping, the lift's door opened on the 25th floor where the agency had its office. The word REA was written in large, finely curved golden letters on the big white, opaque glass door, right above the golden door knob. REA was the acronym for Rhea's Escort Agency and you had to ring a doorbell to get in. The interior was simple but very elegant, bright and inviting at the same time. Smooth jazz music played in the background and created a comfortable atmosphere. A large white leather couch was invitingly positioned close to the floor-to-ceiling windows, framed by exotic green plants and a coffee table. Behind the front desk sat Rhea, the owner of the agency, on the phone, talking to one of the other escorts. She beckoned you with her hand getting over to her. After you approached her desk, she opened her mouth with a soundless dismay when she saw you in your dripping wet state. You could just smile at her with a shoulder shrug. You took off your drenched coat and hung it on the coat rack. Shortly after, she ended the call and rounded her desk to hug you.
“Jeez, girl…look at you. What happened , dear? Did you take a swim and forgot your towel?”
“Kind of.” you answered and laughed.
“Sit down, lovely. You must be freezing. I'll get you a towel and a hot drink. Some Tea?”
“Yes, I'd fancy a cuppa“, you said with a sigh of relief and you were glad to drink something warm now and to dry the front part of your hair with a towel.
“Here, darling “, Rhea said when she came back from the restroom and kitchenette which were both located at the back of the office, invisible to clients.
“That's much needed now, thanks, Rhea. You're my saviour.“ you answered with a thankful smile and took a sip of your tea before you began to dry your hair. You immediately felt much better. Rhea sat down again in her chair opposite you and opened the appointment calendar on her laptop.
“I'm glad that you made it to the office, y/n. The weather is really horrible today but I needed to see you personally.”
“Did something happen? Did a client complain? “ you asked concernedly. You hoped not, you needed this job and you always gave your best.
“No no, don't worry, darling. Everything is fine and that's what I wanted to tell you. Every client you have escorted so far has been happy and satisfied. You're booked up for this week except for the weekend, as you wished. So based on your successful dating and our clients’ satisfaction, I can offer you a higher hourly rate.”
“Oh, really? Oh thank you so much, Rhea, that really means a lot to me. I need every dollar I can earn.” You meant it, it was the undeniable truth.
“I know, dear and you know you could increase your income further by being booked for the weekends as well.” Rhea reminded you.
“Yeah, I know but I need the weekends for personal matters. Those are important too, I'm sorry.”
“Don't be sorry. Your personal matters are surely important and I know it's none of my business. But please let me know whenever I can do something for you, okay?” she said softly.
“No one can help me, I'm afraid. But thank you for your kind offer, I appreciate it,” you replied, well aware regardless of how much you'd work, even if you worked 24/7 you still wouldn't earn enough money to solve your problems. But you had to try and that was what kept you going.
“Okay…so…are you spontaneous, dear?” Rhea asked you while looking for her work mobile phone on her desk.
“Ahmm…yes”, you answered hesitantly.
“Good, because I got a request 30 minutes ago and already made an appointment …and based on the requirements of our potential new client I think you perfectly fit him.”
“Okay, where will I meet him and when?”
“At 8 pm sharp at ‘Vivian's Velvet’. Walker will drive you like always. It is more a casual meeting with our client to get to know each other so please dress appropriately but not too chic. Classy will do…a black cocktail dress would be fine.”
“Yeah, no problem. How does he look like and what's his name?”
“Waaaiiit…ah now…sent you a photo “, Rhea explained and a second later your phone vibrated with an incoming message.
“He's eye candy, a jackpot, a real cherry on top, the icing on the cake…and his voice…he could read the phone book to me. But the most important thing, he sounded nice. Maybe a bit arrogant but nice.” Rhea gushed.
“A jackpot you say? Let me see…” and with these words on your lips, you opened the file. You nearly dropped your phone. Black mid-length curly hair, a beautiful blade of a nose, a chiselled jaw, prominent cheekbones and a mouth you just wanted to kiss. But the most impressive were his piercing blue eyes which seemed to look deep into your soul.
“Wow” was the only thing you were able to say.
“I told you” Rhea laughed, fully getting your reaction towards the beauty of this man. “His name is Luke Larsson. I'm sure you won't miss him.”
“Absolutely not. How could someone miss this handsome man? Luke Larsson…is he Norwegian? “
“I don't know…his accent sounded more British. So you're willing to meet him? “
“Oh yes, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be at ‘Vivian's' at 7.30 pm so I can wait for him there.” you confirmed.
“Fine, dear. He booked you for two hours. When I get the drinks bill from the bar, your hourly rate and your share of the drinks will be transferred to your bank account…as usual. Enjoy the evening, dear. And tell me how it went, okay?” Rhea asked you.
“Of course, I'll let you know.”
After this enjoyable talk, you headed back home quickly. You had less than two hours left to get prepared for the meeting with Mr. Luke Larsson.
In less than 20 minutes Walker would arrive at your apartment to drive you to ‘Vivian's Velvet ‘. Walker was your chauffeur and was responsible for driving you safely to a dating location and back home again afterwards. In case you would spend intimate hours with a client, he would wait in front of the hotel. For your safety and to drive you home after the intimate encounter. Walker was 56 years old, a rock of a man with a buzz cut and a beard. He was an imposing figure, always dressed in a formal suit. But he had a heart of gold and you always felt safe when he was around. Knowing he was always close by when you had an appointment with a man, made you feel even safer. You knew he had a soft spot for you and he would always be there for you, no matter what. Somehow you were like a daughter to him but if you were his daughter he would never allow you to work as an escort.
You were almost ready. You were wearing a simple but elegant black, midi cocktail dress with sleeves in black lace and black high heels. With your hair parted in the middle and pulled back into a sleek tight bun, which sat deep in your neck, you created an illusion of long straight hair. You grabbed your purse from the wardrobe and after a final inspection of your appearance in your large mirror, you left your apartment.
“Good evening, y/n. You look wonderful tonight “. Walker was waiting for you in front of your house and opened the door of the black limousine with tinted windows for you and you let yourself slide into the backseat of the car.
“Thank you, Walker and good evening.“ you replied with a smile on your lips.
Walker closed the door, entered the driver's seat and drove you to ‘Vivian's Velvet’. It was one of the most exclusive and most expensive nightclubs in Manhattan with a luxurious interior in black and purple.
It was close to 8 pm and you were waiting for your date. You were excited about how he would be if he really looked that good and if you would fit his expectations. You ordered a glass of champagne to calm down your nerves a little bit but it would be your only drink tonight. As always, because you must remain in control of your senses. It was a golden rule. The men you dated were supposed to drink alcohol, lots of it, not you. It brought additional money to the hourly rate of an escort. The more they drank the more you got. The only thing that brought the most additional money was having sex with them. But it wasn't a must and you weren't interested, not in the slightest. But the day might come when you had no other choice and maybe one day you would feel a carnal desire again that needed to be satisfied. But you wouldn't do it with everyone. It had to be a special man with a special aura and he must give you kind of a feeling that you were safe with him.
A few minutes later, at 8 pm sharp, you felt someone standing behind and then next to you. A hint of a delicious scent hit your nostrils and a sizzling energy filled the air, making your skin tingle.
When Loki entered the nightclub, there were already four women sitting at the bar, their backs turned towards him. Two of them were in the company of a man, two were sitting there alone so one of them was supposed to be his date, he assumed. Because he didn't know what the woman he had booked looked like, he went over to the bar and ordered a drink, the most expensive Scottish whisky the club had to offer. Next to him to his right side sat a woman on a stool, dressed in an elegant black cocktail dress and black high heels, her hair in a tight hair bun. For now, she ignored him and he wasn't sure if she was his date or not. She looked stunning as far as he could see it. He didn't want to stare at her. But he hoped she was the woman he had an appointment with. She was very lovely to look at. In the corner of his eyes, he saw her sipping at her glass of champagne.
“Good evening, Mr.Larsson. Nice to meet you,” you addressed him with a calm, velvety voice and smiled at him.
“Good evening, Miss… I'm sorry but I don't know your name yet,” he answered softly but dryly.
“How would you like to call me, Mr. Larsson?” You asked him mischievously, a smile curving your lips.
“I don't think I am in the position to give you a name.”
“You're very polite and well-mannered, aren't you?”
You had difficulties maintaining your facade. He looked extremely good in that photo but in reality, this man was beyond beautiful. Inky black hair you wanted to rake your fingers through, broad shoulders, lean muscles, slender waist and endless long legs. All of this gorgeousness was wrapped in an exquisite black suit and a crisp white shirt, the top three buttons undone. You could see a hint of his chest hair which peaked out of the V of his shirt. You felt your mouth watering. He was devastatingly sexy. Now that he was reassured that you were his date he moved a little closer to you. His smell was enchanting. An indescribable mixture of fresh cotton, sandalwood, orange blossom and something spicy you weren't able to specify.
The way he leaned against the bar, his big veiny hand with long, perfectly manicured fingers holding the whisky tumbler, his other hand in his trouser pocket, had something indecent about it. You wanted to rip his shirt open and watch the buttons scatter down to the floor. You should better stop salivating over him and begin entertaining him. That was your job and he was the client you had to convince of you because you wanted him to book your service. You had to focus on your job.
“What kind of escort service do you need from me? How can I be of help?”, you asked him kindly.
He took a sip of his whisky and you of your champagne before he gave you an answer, making eye contact with you and holding your gaze. It made you inwardly shiver.
“I need a companion who escorts me regularly to functions. I'm not interested in flirting with you. I need someone I can have an actual conversation with. Nothing annoys me more than some people and their boring talk. It also should be someone who is discreet and can keep secrets. Someone who doesn't want more afterwards,” he explained, his voice dark and raspy.
“Even if you would want more afterwards I won't give it to you. I'm an escort, not a luxury call girl. I just offer you simple accompaniment, nothing more and nothing less,” you stated kindly but firmly. Good-looking or not, you would never give him the chance to get between your legs.
“I'm well aware of that, Miss”, he replied dryly. “You're an escort lady and this is what I want and what I need. And don't worry, I don't believe in love or anything related to it!”
Loki took a sip of his whisky, his gaze still fixed on you. How pretty you were. Your big bright eyes, your cute nose and your rosy lips were just perfect. Your body was perfectly hugged by your black cocktail dress and your legs with those beautiful high heels at your feet were tempting and he suddenly thought about how good it must feel if they were wrapped around his waist. Loki quickly pushed that thought aside. He wasn't here to live out his lust with you. Also, his past was dark and blood-drenched. And you definitely deserved a better man than him. Regardless of his indecent thoughts, he liked your attitude and your behaviour. A little bit of sassiness, a lot of passion and somewhere hidden deep inside of you, vulnerability and a kind of sadness. Now that he has gotten to know you he wondered how and why you had ended up in the escort agency. You didn't seem to belong there.
“Me neither, Mr. Larsson! I'm glad we see it the same way. I've sworn off men entirely. I'm not interested in a love affair with you.”
“Well, I guess we got a deal, then.”
“Absolutely, Mr. Larsson, we got a deal”.
You smiled at him and you took another sip of your champagne. He gave you clearly and precisely all the information you needed to know so you could get an idea of the business dinner he wanted you to escort him to and you agreed with the conditions. Time flew by so quickly and before you even knew it your appointment with him was over.
“So we'll meet next week? “ Loki asked you.
“Of course, Mr Larsson. Call the agency and make the appointment. It was a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad that I could satisfy you and I'm pleased that I meet your expectations “. You smiled brightly at him. You were still captivated by his incredible aura.
“The pleasure is all mine. But there's one last thing…” You looked quizzically at him.
“I still don't know your name. What should I call you? “
“Sugar. You can call me Sugar.”
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year ago
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Summary: In which you find out loki’s secret and he fears your reaction.
Pairing: loki x reader
Genre: fluff ,maybe a hintt of angst
W/c: 928
A/N: saw someone talking abt jotun loki and my brain went brrrrr.Wrote this at 5/6 in the morning on 0 sleep so apologies in advance!If yall liked it id love to hear your thoughts
Marvel MasterList
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A frost giant.unbelievable.
Loki stood in odin’s vault,hands firmly gripping the handles of the casket. He watched as his skin changed to an icy blue,an equally icy chill running down his spine. The all father had conveniently fallen into the odin-sleep.
“Leaving me when i need him…typical” he said to himself. It wasn’t like he had an audience and with him being the acting ruler,and his mother being in his ‘father’s’ chambers, he needn’t fear intrusion.
The only person aware of his little secret,who was awake anyway, was his mother and he intended to keep it that way.for as long as he could.
Eliminating thor would guarantee him the throne and by destroying jotunheim,he’d garner enough of the public’s love to hopefully keep his throne,should his secret come to light.
‘Does heimdall know?’ He wondered to himself.
‘No matter,He can be dealt with if necessary”
Loki was so lost in thought that he missed the,
“There you are!” You huffed out.
You marched on upto him and noticed he wasnt…himself.
At this sudden revalation, you started taking quieter,more measured steps towards the boyfriend-shaped figure in front of you.
You let out a tentative “loki?” To which he jolted, his hands immediately letting go of the casket and his now-red eyes staring at you with both surprise and slight fear. Not fear of you,but the fear of being discovered.
“Y/n, dont…dont do that.” He said letting out a breath he didn't know he’d been holding in. And when you didn’t reply, instead merely staring at him in bewilderment, he suddenly remembered how he looked. He stumbled backwards, his hands flying to brace himself against the stand of the artefact behind him.
His finger gently brushed against the casket and the fading blue returned once again.
Noticing this, he pulled his hands to his front.clasping them and lookin on at you,awaiting your reaction.
What would you do? Yell at him? Leave him? Threaten to tell the rest of asgard?
All the worst possibilities ran around his head and he began to tear up.
He was broken out of his turbulant thoughts by your hand brushing against his cheek.
He was shocked, to say the least.
Of all the reactions he’d thought up,this wasnt one.
He leaned into your touch,fearing this would be the last time he would feel it,your soft cold hand against his wretched skin.
“What is this loki?” You ask in a whisper,staring at him with not fear,not anger,but wonder and curiosity.
You were now stood quite close to eachother not impossibly so, but quite.
“Were you cursed?”
“In a manner of speaking…y-”
“Does it hurt?”
You knew what he was,you’d seen frost giants before so it wasn’t illiteracy that made you disregard his current state.
You really were asking him if he was okay as he stood before you, a blue monster,kin to those you’d fantasised about killing in your youth…
Was this real?
He needed to know it was,so he spelled it out for you,
“Y/N,im a Frost giant.”
He let out in a voice laden with melancholy,regret and was that fear you heard?
“I know” you merely replied as you traced the patterns on his skin.
At this he pulled your hand away and held it.
“What do you mean you know?! Y/N im a monster! Dont you understand!”
Your expression shifted to one of annoyance,another unforseen reaction.
“I understand quite clearly loki.”
“Then why haven’t you-”
“Why haven’t i run out screaming? Cursing you? Why havent i tried to kill you?”
His silence told you that was exactly what he was about to ask, more or less.
You sighed before stepping towards him and placing his hand on your shoulder,he flinched but didn't move otherwise.
You took this as your go-ahead and wrapped him in a hug.
You stayed there for a good three minutes in silence before saying,
“Loki,i dont give a single ratatosk whisker if you’re a jotun.i love you.”
You pulled away at that to look him in the eyes and saw the tears forming there.
As they fell from his eyes,you caught them with your thumb and placed in on tongue.
Now it was his turn to look at you in confusion.
You waited a beat before saying, “for a jotun you cry asgardian tears.”
He smiled at that,scoffing at your antics.
“You’re ridiculous”
“Yeah well im also yours so get used to it” you said as you went in for another hug and this time he hugged back holding you like you were the most precious thing in all the nine realms,and to him,you were.
“Are you sure?” He whispered out,almost like he hoped you wouldnt hear.
“Always.And never forget it” you said,pressing a soft kiss to his lips which had him chasing yours as you pulled away.
“Why did you come down here anyway?” He asked finally realising it was rather odd for you to have come to the artefacts vault;unless there was a purpose for your visit that is.
“Ah yes, Frigga was calling you.” You said pulling away and pulling him by the arm towards the exit.
“Alright then” he said as he let you drag him out of the chamber that held his secrets. You really were something else,and he’d never been more grateful for anyone in his entire life.
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Tag list(open):- @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years ago
First I just want to say that I absolutely love how you write Loki! If you are taking requests, I would love to request something with sweet subby soft Loki feeling anxious or overwhelmed by something the Avengers are doing in the tower, and needs a safe quiet place to get away from it all. Que best friend of Loki who happens to be a domme stepping in and helping him relax (in more ways than one *wink*). Bonus request for mommy k!nk, sensory play, and lots of good old fashioned cuddles. Thanks!
Thank you for requesting dear, it's been a while that something else other than my own series inspired me. I gave it my own take as usual but I hope you'll enjoy nonetheless. Thank you for enjoying my writing ❤️
Sub Loki x Best friend Female reader (Friends with benefits with a happy ending)
Warning: 18+, Smut, unprotected sex, sub Loki, mommy kink, praise kink, blindfold, other kinks, feelings of anxiety and panic state, a mild angst between characters
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Being an Avenger wasn't easy, no, Loki wanted to retract that thought, being an Avenger sucked at times
While as a prince when he was on the battlefield at the least he knew that the war would come to an end someday but this job? This journey to redemption that he had put himself on was never ending road and sometimes it got him. It also didn't help that ever since Thanos had taken him he had developed this huge Anxiety that prodded him over any trivial things.
"Once I get the view I'll signal Loki to teleport at the sight" Captain said at the meeting and Loki just nodded at the response.
"Loki you'll walk to the safe and we don't have access to the passcode just yet so you'll have to take the safe and hide it" Natasha said and he nodded again.
"Once we are in the facility, Perhaps Loki can do his mind tinkering thing, I mean I don't see why we have to go through all that trouble if we have him? Are you listening to us?" Tony asked him and he nodded again even though he was close to hurling his guts out. The voices were starting to fade in the background. As soon as the meeting was over he scurried out of the conference room and braced himself against the nearest wall he could find, he felt as if his heart would explode and he would cease to exist any moment.
And then he thought of you, the girl he had been in love with hopelessly since he saw her, but also the girl who always reduced him to being just her best friend. Sure they had their thing on the side, a little arrangement that pleased them both from time to time when the tension between them got too much but as soon as the act was done he always found himself craving for more, he needed you, he wanted everything with you. He wanted you.
You were almost done with your day when you received a message from Loki so you picked up your phone "Can we meet?"
A smile crept on your face as you got the text, you saw him almost everyday but these were the type of texts that you knew will push you two in the little arrangement you both had on the side. It wasn't easy though, being friends with benefits with God of mischief himself wasn't something you desired, if you weren't so terrified of having your heart broken and lose a dear person again you would have taken this further and deeper with him, you would have put your heart on your sleeve again for him but you were terrified.
If someone like Loki was to break your heart, you knew you wouldn't survive and come out sane on the other side.
"Pepper, can I go?" You asked your boss so she smiled and allowed you to leave for the day. Instead of going into your room you went to Loki's instead and knocked twice. As he opened you were hoping for him to grab you and kiss you like he normally did whenever he had all that pent up sexual energy that he needed to let out but instead you were met with his sullen little face,
"Something wrong?" You asked him as you entered and closed the door behind you, your arms wrapped around his waist and he immediately placed his head down on your shoulder. You then brought your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to comfort him, he seemed stressed, you had seen him like this whenever he used to get a nightmare and would come to your door so you'd talk to him but this was different.
"I can't do this, I am not fit to be an Avenger darling" he said softly as he pulled his head up to look at you, his eyes were teary and lips so close to yours, he cupped your cheeks but he didn't kiss you, he never made the effort until he knew you had the same thing on mind, he never wanted to cross a line with you in the moment even though you both had no silver of decency left between you.
So you kissed him indeed, it was soft and romantic, a lover's kiss even though you both were anything but that, you were not lovers.
"Why would you say that, my sweet boy? You're doing so good" you whispered softly and the nickname immediately made him want to curl up against you, the voice you used on him melted every inch of him, in every possible way. Your fingers curled around his neck as you kissed him again, your tongue swiped over his lower lip and he lunged to take you in his mouth but you denied him the pleasure,
"You're thinking too much aren't you?" You whispered softly but your tone was authoritative and he knew where this was going. That's exactly what he needed at the moment.
"I can't stop ..it's too much, i uhh–" the words caught up in his throat as your hands caressed the bulge in his pants, he was hard the moment you had him in your arms.
"Shhhh calm down for me alright? I'm here baby I'll take care of you okay?" You walked with him until he had hit the edge of the bed and made him sit down,
"Blindfold?" You looked him in the eye and the look of worry was now replaced with desire, he always made you feel as if you were the only woman in the universe who could ever bring out that look in his eyes. Only if you weren't so broken yourself you might have taken the leap of faith. He conjured a piece of cloth that was made of the finest silk so you tied it around his eyes, as soon as his vision was gone he held onto your waist as if to find something familiar to hold on to in the darkness. You still had your work suit on and that always made you look bossy, which was perfect for moments like this.
Grabbing the hem of his t-shirt you pulled it over his head, the sight of his gorgeous ripped physique made you bite on your lip involuntarily.
"You're so pretty, have I ever told you that?" You asked him softly as you laid him down on the bed. You had indeed told him that, a millions of times, that was one of the first things that made him want to be submissive with you, the way you praised him always made him feel so weak for you.
"Mommmy please..I need you" he whined desperately and you felt the instant twitch in your cunt as the heat started to build up. As said before, the lines of decency were crossed a while ago.
Perhaps it was the need he had to be coddled by a feminine woman, perhaps it was his own mother who never ever showed him such motherly love, or maybe it was just purely sexual, the forbidden nature of the kink that made him want to address you like that or it was all of it, you didn't care really, you enjoyed it when he got so whiny and desperate for you, when he got so sensitive that only you could take care of that itch he had. You knew enough about the god of mischief to know that he wasn't the type of man to do this with just anyone.
He trusted you. He relied on you take care of him in his most vulnerable state.
"I'm here sweet baby boy, I'm right here..okay?" And you trusted him to show this side of yours too. Before you met him you never had this urge to dominate a pretty little boy like him but as soon as you had your eyes laid upon him, something had awakened in you, this incessant need to ruin him drove you crazy.
You took his shoes off and then the pants followed, the sight of him all naked with just a blindfold on was almost too much to bear, you wanted to go crazy on him but that's not what he needed tonight, he needed love making, even though you weren't sure if you were supposed to use that word with him. He wasn't your lover.
You took your skirt off, the sound of your zipper being pulled down perked up his ears, he was imagining it all in his head, he had sensitive senses due to his heritage even in his normal state so when one of the senses was deliberately deprived, the other ones heightened even more so. He heard the sound of your skirt dropping on the floor and as soon as you took your underwear off he smelt your arousal in the air and he wanted to bask in your sweet scent.
You crawled on the bed and on top of him before you sat down on his thighs, your wet lips drenched his muscles instantly. As soon as your fist wrapped around his cock he couldn't help but thrust his hips forward, he must have looked obscene but he didn't care, he never cared how vulnerable he was being when he was with you.
"Mommy can I touch please..please i need you" he mumbled and then he bit on his lower lip in anticipation so you grabbed his hands and placed it on your bare thighs so he ran them up and down slowly, the moan that escaped his throat as soon as you allowed him to touch you was sinful, he treated you like a goddess that he was blessed to merely put his hands on.
You gave him a slow stroke and every time you did he thrusted his hips into your fist, fucking himself slowly and intimately, his abs flexed and relaxed with every thrust, that v line defined with every move, his mouth remained open as the sensations began to build in the pit of his stomach. He was a beautiful beautiful man, truly a god in his true form.
You loved him so much it was unreal. And that's exactly why you couldn't have him, he was unreal, he was too good for you. Or that's what you thought.
You let go of his cock and pulled him up by his hands so he was in a sitting position, lifting your hips up you sunk down on him slowly, his head lulled back as he found himself surrounded by your warmth, you were always so tight, so constrictive and he loved being suffocated this way.
"Tell me how does this feel my pretty boy?" You asked him while unbuttoning your shirt, his hands sneaked inside the shirt and unclasped your bra, once you were all naked he placed his head down on your breasts and breathed in deeply. A small growl emitted from deep with in his chest.
"Feels so good mommy, so good, I have missed you, don't ever leave me untouched for this long again" he mumbled incoherently and your eyes teared up at the intensity of his words. .
"You deserve to feel good baby, you're an Avenger and you're the strongest of them all–" you mumbled to comfort him, you hadn't forgotten about his anxiety and the reason why he was so tensed.
"Someday I'm going to ruin it I know, like I ruin everything..I'll ruin it"
"No you won't..you won't, you never ruin anything my precious little boy, you're perfect, absolutely perfect" you pressed your finger on his lips as you rode him back and forth, the sweet whimpers that escaped his mouth was delight to your ears. You took the blindfold off and as soon as his eyes met with yours he kissed you. His lips trailed down and sucked on your neck, making sure his lips would leave an imprint for days to come.
"You won't fail Loki, you're doing so good baby, i know it feels too much at times but you just have to stop thinking about everything at once and focus on what's important and what's the first thing that you have to tackle the next day, you hear me?" He nodded as you said that before his lips latched onto your nipples and he sucked on it.
"You like that?" You asked him as you picked your pace but his mouth never unlatched from your nipple, he focused his attention from left to right and then vice versa but he didn't want to stop.
"Yes mommy, I love… you"
He whispered almost inaudibly and your heartbeat raised, well even more than it should have while you were having this mind numbing sex.
"I love you pretty baby…cum for me now, fill me up, mommy needs your cum inside her" he exploded as soon as those filthy words infiltrated his ears, the way you clenched so tightly around him as you rode your own high was milking every little drop of release out of him. If he could choose to never leave this room, if he could choose to stay buried in you forever he would but you never wanted it, you never wanted to change the arrangement. He placed his head back down on your bosom again and you leaned your head on his own to calm down your own breaths.
"We need a shower" he chuckled as you said that and in a moment he was off the bed, with his cock still in you as he took you to the bathroom. As he pulled out of you under the running water, you both watched his cum seep out of your cunt and run down your thighs.
These are the things best friends shouldn't do, not at all.
"Are you feeling better?" You asked him softly so he leaned into you to kiss you but you pulled away and he sighed.
"Yes thank you darling" you smiled and walked past him to grab a towel then you wrapped it around your body before you moved back to the room, you wanted to get dressed and leave, once the night had ended you both will go back to being friends like you always did, it was never awkward with him because none of you made it that way.
He followed soon after and you already had borrowed a tshirt from his closet to put it on, it reached your thighs and your room was just a few steps away from his so you didn't want to put on your work clothes again just to walk into your room where you'll have to change it again.
"I'll give it back tomorrow" you said to him as he pulled a brief over his long legs and he hummed in response.
"Hey champ, you'll do good tomorrow okay, you'll be just fine and I'll be seeing everyone going crazy after you once you're back from this mission" you walked towards him and hugged him to wish him luck for tomorrow but he didn't say anything, he was just staring at you "Good night" you tried to leave but he grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to his chest.
"Did you hear what I said to you? Did you hear me telling you that I love you?" He said to you, his eyes bored deeply into you and you couldn't escape this time even if you wanted to, he had never been this assertive before.
"Did you hear me responding that I love you? You're my best friend, we both love each other and care for each other, that's what it is Loki"
"Is that all I'll ever be to you? Are you telling me you just see me as your friend?" He asked you softly, his voice sounded so sad so you sighed.
"It's not going to work lo"
"How do you know?"
"Because I don't expect a man like you to stay loyal to me, too many temptations around you and I don't want to ruin our friendship, do you want to do that? Do you want to lose me as a friend?" You asked him and tried to walk away but he grabbed you by the shoulders to pull you closer again, he might be a submissive baby in bed but you knew how he was outside of the bedroom and you loved that side of him too.
"Our friendship was ruined the moment you decided to bed me sweetheart, I'm tired of running away from this, from our feelings for each other"
"I haven't touched another woman since you came into my life, even though you weren't to claim as mine i did give myself to you completely the first night i buried my cock inside you" you looked at him a bit shocked and a bit pleased as he said that but your fears remained.
"What if someday you're bored of me and done with me?" You asked him , the nervousness evident in your voice, he had never seen you so vulnerable before, atleast not when it comes to your feelings towards him. He held your cheeks and kissed you softly, his thumb brushed over your lips and then he kissed you again, it was tender and romantic, it was the most romantic kiss you have ever had with anyone really.
"What if I was to ask you the same?"
He mumbled against your mouth and you shook your head..
"The fear of what will happen in the future shouldn't stop us or ruin our present my darling, perhaps we will talk about this in the morning? Stay the night with me please" he spoke softly, he just wanted you to stay for once, he didn't want you to leave after blessing him with such pleasures, he wanted to hold you and be held by you all night long.
"Sleep with me" he mumbled again as you didn't respond so you got on your tiptoes and kissed him deeply, he picked you up in his arms and laid you down on the bed before he snuggled you like a baby.
"What if this is a mistake loki? I don't want to lose you too, you're the only person in my life I can be myself with, you're my only friend lo" he held onto you tightly as you voiced your fears to him. He wished there was a magic word he could have said that would have eased your nerves somehow but he didn't have anything, he just had thousands of years ahead of him to prove to you that he'd never hurt you like that.
"And you're my one and only girl, my only woman that I feel safe with, you think I'd ever want to lose you? Perhaps you should think again" a smile formed on your lips as he said that. You allowed your fears to backtrack for the night, maybe you just needed to take a final leap of faith.
And deep down in your heart you knew that this time around you won't fall on your face, this time your man will be on the other side to catch you.
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smolvenger · 8 months ago
A Court of Mischief and Purpose Chapter 21 (Loki x Fem Reader Crossover Series, Court of Thorns and Roses AU)
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Series Summary: Sarah J Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses series reimagined with Tom Hiddleston's various characters- Especially the events in the second book, A Court of Mist and Fury and onwards. England. 1885. You are dying of tuberculosis right before your upcoming wedding to the Lusty Vicar of Aldwinter, Will Ransome. As you lay on what could be your deathbed, the god of mischief Loki appears before you with a deal. He will heal you in time for the wedding...if you spend a week of every month with him.
Chapter Summary: You are reunited with your husband. And a new key to defeating Grendel is revealed. Prompting the beginning of several journeys across time in Midgard. Starting in Buffalo, NY, 1901.
Word Count: 6K (make some tea)
Series Masterlist
Warnings: 18+ SMUT! SMUT at the beginning!(Masturbation, penis in vagina sex). Curse Words. Bullying. Mentions of violence. Grammar and spelling mistakes that slipped my radar. A plot hole that I will figure out how to fill later. Proceed with caution, but I take full responsibility for how I portray dark subject matter and if it is not done tastefully or well. If I miss anything that could be triggering, it is your responsibility to tell me as soon as possible so I can tag it here. Otherwise, enjoy!
DICK-tionary: Smut starts at "Loki....Loki, please, I need you," and ends at “Hold me, just hold me now- please,” you pleaded."
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley@jennyggggrrr@five-miles-over@fictive-sl0th@ladycamillewrites@villainousshakespeare@holdmytesseract@eleniblue@twhxhck@lokisgoodgirl@lovelysizzlingbluebird@raqnarokr@holymultiplefandomsbatman@michelleleewise@wolfsmom1@cheekyscamp@mochie85@fandxmslxt69@skittslackoffilter@mischief2sarawr @asgards-princess-of-mischief
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Loki carried you to his bed.
 No, it wasn’t just his bed anymore, you reminded yourself. It was your bed. 
Laying you down on top of it, not caring for the stains of dirt and blood on your nightgown, he hovered gently over you. He pressed his lips to yours. His body pressing on top of you. You cupped his face and kept him close. Already your hips touching. You pulled in for another kiss. You wrapped your arms around him. 
No more fire. No more blood. You needed tenderness. Intimacy. Wanting to forget your name, forget everything except him. To not feel the hilt of a blade. Instead, you felt his hand bunching up your skirt, exploring your leg again as if it was the first time he saw your care skin.
Reaching out your hand onto his, you led it up your body. Your skirt was left as you led him to touch you. You stopped the path on one of your breasts. You could hear the breath in him tighten as he felt it, bunching it up to see how the bodice of your gown was lowering. Wanting to show him more.
“Loki…please…please, I need you…” you begged.
He paused and released his hand. 
“Shhh,” he hushed you.
One of his long fingers traced your cheek, going down from your neck to the collar of your nightgown. A tiny gasp came out of you as he dragged it down.
“No need to remind me, my dear. The way you react when I touch you- I know you need me…”
. You shivered as that one long finger went between your breastbone. His eyes greedily searching for your nipples, perked beneath the whiteness.
“My poor little wife, all alone out there without me…”
He lowered his finger’s trail to your stomach. He then went to beneath your skirt, feeling your leg again. 
“How badly did she miss me, I wonder?”
Going up, just barely before your entrance. You felt your hips buck to him. A smile of deviousness graced your husband’s lips. You were getting wet between your legs, you felt your breath hitch and part of you tremble. Then he removed it.
“What a pitiful little gown you have on. Now that you’ll be in here every night, I’ll have you wearing ones of silk that cover even less. And only for me. Yet this…”
He undid the bodice of your nightgown and pulled it down over your shoulders, revealing your breasts.
“You may as well be naked in this! I may as well…”
He tugged it down and you helped him.  Flicking it off to the floor. With a simple flick, your nightgown vanished and you were naked.
“Well, well- what do we have here?” he teased.
This time his hand caught your bare breast and squeezed it, a thumb over the nipple. You let out a moan.
“Tell me, my pet- did you miss me?” he asked.
“Yes,” you breathed out.
“Did you get wet at the thought of me? Of our little trysts?”
“I…I did…”
He went to your ear, barely kissing it as he whispered.
“Did you touch yourself then?” he whispered.
He went to your hand, entwining his fingers with yours.
“I would do it…alone…in my room…it would be night…I’d be lonely, I couldn’t sleep…and I would think of you….I’d think of the cabin. When you deflowered me. Then when you took me on the table. Or our wedding night..and I…I…I needed you and…and I remembered where you would touch me, so I…”
He took your wrist gently and moved it to your sex.
“Show me how…how would you touch yourself at night, alone in your bed…” he whispered.
With a breath, you slid one finger in, rubbing it against your swollen clit. You began to strum it at a steady rhythm, your hips moving to it. A moan escaped you. He watched greedily, smiling wide.
Your breath hitched. You felt something rise. You made the strumming faster, opening your legs wider.
“L-Loki- I’d-I’d think of you…think of you and…”
He grabbed your wrist and pinned it above you.
“Wait- wait,” he ordered.
The lungs in your air nearly halted. You were frustrated- so close to release. And here he was, as clothed as you were naked.
“There’s a certain sight you’ve been missing, my dear…and your poor little fingers could never quite recreate what we have here…let me fix both…”
With a tilt of his head, his clothes vanished as well. You took in his strong abdominals, the little dark hairs on his chest, his wide pectorals for his slim frame. His cock- large and so hard it touched his stomach.
Loki leaned closer. He pinned you down onto the bed. You felt his erection near you, grazing your skin, your body. He grabbed your legs and hoisted them up.
“I want you loud…your parents will know who gives their good little girl pleasure every night…I want you loud…I want every person in this castle to hear, and when you cum it’s my name you’ll be crying out- they’ll know who you married to…and no man in that muddy town and no man in that castle can lay hands on what is mine, hm? Because none can make her cum like I can…”
He stopped your hand, raising it back up. He teased your entrance and you felt yourself shiver.
“Loki…Loki please…just…just take me, fuck me- fuck me into this bed…”
He lowered himself. You eagerly pulled yourself and kissed his neck. That was where he was weak. He let out a groan as you did. Your hips met his. Your entrance grazed him.
“Please….just love me…fuck me…” you begged in whispers between kisses.
He hovered right where he would be inside you. 
“Wait…” he rasped. You were shaking, desperate for him.
“Tell me you’re mine…and I’ll give you what you want…”
Part of you froze beneath him.
“Say it!” he ordered sharply.
“I-I-I’m yours!” you whispered.
He smiled.
“Good….good little wife…”
With one thrust he was inside you. Deep, a right angle, hitting past your clit. You moaned out.
“Yes-yes like that- Norns-I’ve missed this-I’ve missed you-Filling you-Feeling you around me, trying to have all of me- and doing it-” he groaned out.
He held up your legs and then slammed his hips in. You let out a cry. His pace increased.
“You-you wanted-wanted to be fucked?! Here-” he said.
With a gasp, he got fast.  He was harsher than when he took your maidenhead in the cabin on a winter’s night. He began to pound into you. Your breasts bouncing. 
“Oh! Oh god-god-fuck-fuck yes-” You cried out.
“Yes, I’m your god- and-and you want to cum, don’t you?” he panted as he pounded into you. “God, you beneath, begging for me-I’m-I’m not gonig to last either-I-”
One hand lowered to your clit, edging you on. The spinning rose. The bed was already hitting the wall.
“Yes-I’m yours- Loki-Loki I’m-I’m going to-to-”
The pleasure burst. A moany, desperate “F-fuck!” flew out of you.
 A sound came from Loki as he too reached his climax and groaned in gradual spurts. As if it grew out of him. His hot seed shooting inside you.
He was panting, his mouth open. His blue eyes opened to look down at you and a smile was on him, despite himself.
“Hold me, just hold me now- please,” you pleaded.
Loki released how he held himself and gently lowered on top of you. Not for lust, but for tenderness.  He held onto you and nuzzled into your skin. Hugging him back, you rubbed your fingers in circles against his back. The silence was filled with your souls returning to your body. 
Catching your breath, you released a little of the embrace to look into his eyes. 
“I love you,” you whispered. 
He smiled. No ironic smirk, but a genuine, sweet smile. He leaned into your touch.
“I love you so much I cannot even say a thing right now…” he replied.
“Then don’t,” you said.
Moving your arms back around his body, you pulled him close. Embracing each other in silence, feeling each other’s pulse, and the movement of breath in the other. And not saying one word but basking in the warmth of each other. If there was a Heaven or Valhalla, you knew you had tasted it now.
Minutes passed blissfully. Until you felt your stomach’s emptiness like a knife inside of you. Then you whispered a request into his ear. Loki nodded and conjured soft robes of silk for both of you. 
He opened the door, gesturing for a servant in the hallway to approach him.
“Please bring my wife something to eat,” he asked.
The servant nodded and left. Soon they returned with a meal on a golden platter..
As Loki accepted it, you heard the Servant begin to speak boldly.
“Your parents say there is a crucial meeting in an hour. It’s concerning Grendel. They hope you and the Princess shall be present. It is in the usual room,” he reported.
“Very well. Tell them we shall be ready, then,” he said.
The Servant nodded. Then Loki closed the door and walked over to the bed as you sat on it. He set the platter on top of the covers. With the roasting chicken smelling fresh, as well as noticing butter on the vegetables and bread, you found yourself salivating.
 As you tucked in, you didn’t want to think of how now realms were in danger. How Odin knew Loki’s secret and how he would only have shared glory as a hero. That you had to recover to have your powers returned.
You wanted to enjoy what pleasures you had in your life while you still had them before they could be taken away from you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The servants delivered a change of clothes. You put on a golden dress. Its silky material is soft as skin, making you run your hands on it to feel how it slides cleanly. Loki donned his traditional dark green and black leather. Looking in the mirror, you hardly recognized a face without petticoats. 
“Do I look like an Asgardian?” you asked.
“You’re missing an eye patch like Father,” he teased.
An exhale of laughter shot from you and you smiled at him.  
“Don’t fret- you are royalty now. They should be concerned about looking like you instead,” he assured you.
Loki offered his elbow and you placed an arm around his as you left the room to head to the meeting. Your footsteps echoed down columned hallways.
When you arrived, your husband knocked. Voices hushed from inside and a servant opened. 
How different that little meeting looked with so many more faces inside.
 There was the usual circle of the variants. Thomas talked to Jonathan as they looked over a book between them. Hal and Robert already seated. But now The royal family was added- Odin, Frigga, and Thor. Even Stella sat on a table with her sewing on her lap as Sif stood behind her, one hand on the hilt of the sheathed sword on her hip.
Odin cleared his throat.
“Now, then- let us commence,” The AllFather intoned.
He gestured and everyone standing sat into a chair. They creaked against the floor as people moved theirs. For a second, eyes looked uneasily on him. Beneath the table, your hand reached for Loki’s and he held it.
“It is no longer wise for your little club to face Grendel alone. Especially if he is a threat to our people and our realm, you will need our army, our warriors,” Odin began.
You hated that you agreed with every word he said.
“But the true reason I have called this is because it appears that one of you has made a crucial discovery…” Odin continued. A glimmer in his eye.
He swept an arm to Thomas, then curled his fingers to signal him to stand.
The Baronet smiled. He brought the book out from his lap and placed it on the table.
“My good friends, I have been doing a great deal of research for some time. I wish to assure you, that although my skills in a battle are not quite as refined as others, I wish to be useful in other matters.”
Thomas opened the book and turned the yellowed pages as he continued to speak.
“It took hours of sourcing every book in the archives for information on Grendel. His history, especially any possible weaknesses. Most of them needed to be translated from the ancient tongue word by word. But just this morning, I discovered this.”
He pointed at one specific page.
Everyone craned their neck to look. There was ancient Asgardian text in faded black ink, the lines curving and leaning to the left. You noticed small, detailed illustrations around it of a sword, a crown, a ring, and a mask. 
Thomas looked at Jonathan. The Night Manager pulled out a scrap of paper from his pocket and handed it to Thomas, who read the translation aloud.
“Lo, to great praise of the gods,
Did Wise Grendel, go forth,
Long days did he spend,
WENT he forth across many,
Until the cauldron was found.
His death he shreds into it,
And forth did it birth its trove four.
The black ring, a bloodied sword,
An unkinged crown, and a mask of death.
For dreaded death did he ween away,
And death shadow dark did he peel off,
Placing them forth and upon,
Like weeds upon a ship,
The troves, which he then scatter.
Woe for the man, 
Who in hell and hatred keeps his soul?
For the trove for that great foe.
THUS was Grendel reared immortal,
Reborn, that is, made freshly new.”
Silence followed. Then Thomas continued.
“In layman’s terms, there are four items called Troves that emerged out of the cauldron when Grendel was granted his immortality from it. A ring, a sword, a mask, and a crown. I confess I had to visit Jotunheim for our Prophet friend again and make him an offering. And it is rather convenient he is fond of a good roast chicken!”
The Prophet- how had it been so long since you had seen him? Since he told you Loki was your True Love? You glanced at your husband and smiled at him and he back. Then you turned to Thomas again.
“He confirmed what I suspected. He said the troves were scattered throughout time and in two countries in Midgard, mostly England. Oddest of all…They are located in our timelines.”
Thomas gestured to himself and then to each variant.
 America in mine, A small village in Jonathans, Eastcheap in Hal’s, and, Robert….well, you can guess where the one in yours had been placed.”
Robert turned pale.
Loki placed an elbow on the table and cocked an eyebrow.
“How incredibly thoughtful of him to make it easy on us! It’s so coincidental, we may as well have our names written in that book!”
Jonathan folded his arms.
“If he had access to a prophet of his own, it could be another trap for us,” he said.
“But what options do we have?” Robert asked.
“If it’s a trap, I’ll take Grendel and slaughter him myself!” Thor boasted, pumping his fist in the air.
“It’s easier said than done,” Frigga advised him, placing a hand on his arm to get him to stop.
“So, we must go to each of these places in those times. We must retrieve and destroy these items. And then, we have a key to defeating Grendel,” you recalled.
Thomas nodded his head.
“Is there a city where the ring was found in? You didn’t list one,” Jonathan asked.
“Oh, forgive me, I’m not familiar with the city the ring is in,” Thomas explained.
“What is its name?” Frigga asked.
“It’s a city called Buffalo in the year of 1901. The Prophet said it could be found among the upper class of the city. So I believe that is where we must go- and we all must behave. We all know royalty is one thing, high society is another.” Thomas advised.
Frigga nodded her head.
“If it is the least familiar, then finding the troves in the others shall be easier. You must go there first. And we must find a way to alert the army should there be trouble,” she advised.
“Why, good fellows, let us use that little bracelet! Should it not work when the army of our King can be brought forth? Especially through the gifts of our gracious queen?” Hal asked.
Frigga smiled.
“Yes, if those watches can send the signal, I can summon a portal for the army to go through. We can’t just send all of them over there. Grendel would get suspicious,” she added.
Stella leaned forward, her needlework placed on her lap. She then spoke for the first time since the meeting began.
“I think I’d like to go,” she replied shyly.
“It could be dangerous,” Sif warned.
“Ah, but American Society is dangerous in itself. And not all of you know how to behave among them. Miss Harris, I agree- you would be a natural among them,” Thomas said.
Stella gave Thomas a small smile. Jonathan turned stiff seeing the exchange, a quiet ferocity in his eyes toward the Baronet.
 “Stella knows her way around people. How to talk to them and befriend them. She couldn’t be impolite if you begged her to be. And Aldwinter loved her for that,” you recalled.
“I could help in some ways. Search for it, talk to others to distract them, have them trust us,” Stella suggested.
All of you looked at each other. Thor was drumming his fingernails on the table.’’
“But if there should be a battle!” the god cried.
“Not all battles are with swords, brother,” Loki replied.
“Of course that would help. Sif can guard her. We could use Stella. Any bit of help we can get.” Robert advised. His hands reached to his shirt pocket for a cigarette and finding none, rested on the table. 
“And…I would like another thing, please…” Stella continued.
The eyes were on her. Your friend then relaxed, though eyes were on her. Her voice was brighter with her growing confidence.
“I….I’m tired of always being taken, being hurt. I don’t want it to happen anymore. Could I…could I learn to fight just a little, please? Just enough to protect myself. I don’t wish for any glory on the battlefield, I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just…I want to feel safe. Please,” she requested.
Loki smiled.
“Well then, you are quite welcome,” Loki began.
Sif turned to her.
“I’ll show you. I know how a woman can fight off a man. You’ll have lessons before you go- where to strike where it hurts. And you better pay attention,” she offered.
“She is worth every sore muscle!” you assured your friend.
Stella’s pink lips curved into a smile.
“Thank you, all of you,” she said.
Odin crossed his arms.
“Well, one sorceress in Asgard and another-” his eye went to you. “Sent off to Midgard. With the Princess’s gifts and your proper training, I have a little hope in me.”
You raised your hand to speak.
“Your highness-AllFather-I, I was tricked into eating Kunniger. The poison drained me of my gifts. I’ll need the tea from the Brunhilde flowers in Jotunheim. And enough to drink for at least two days,” you insisted.
Thor perked up.
“Oh! Brunhilde flowers then? Why, sister, then we must fetch them for you! And you shall be back to your magical glory in no time! Why, I should get them myself!” he replied eagerly, beating his fist on the table. It seemed that the table and everyone jumped in response.
Odin nodded his head.
“Then, it is settled. We will have two days- during which I expect everyone who is able to train vigorously. Then, you set forth in Midgard starting with the kingdom known as Buffalo. You all know what you must do- find the troves. Destroy them. Consider this a command from your king.” 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
While unleashing Thor among the upper crust of New York was like unleashing a bull into a china shop, he was useful in other ways.
Thor ran to Jotunheim like a dog released in a field. He grabbed as many Brunhilde flowers as he could and ran back, the tiny purple blooms bunched in his large fist. He brought you forth his prize at your feet. 
For two days, you drank the tea as you watched Sif train Stella. And how odd that this time you were the one watching and Stella was the one training! And Stella in a light brown exercise dress of your time.Different than her typical blue.  dodging Sif’s punches was a sight to see.
Sif led Stella to one dummy and handed her a dagger. She pointed at its neck.
“Strike there and he’ll be weakened.”
She moved her finger to the heart.
“Strike there and he’ll be dead.”
Stella gripped the handle of the dagger with both hands.”
“I don’t want to kill anyone,” she responded.
“Lady Harris, there are men worth killing. Men who will kill you first. Men who’ll do worse if alive- stab it!” she ordered.
Stella hurried forth and shakily plunged the dagger through the neck. Like pricking a needle into a sewing cushion.
“No! With force, girl!” Sif barked.
On the second afternoon, you could summon bits of flame. By that evening, you could hear the gossip of the kitchen maids (which Loki adored hearing you recount for entertainment). On the third day, you could move the items on your vanity around easily. You went to the training grounds and fetched a sword a mile away without moving a muscle. Targets of your own were set aflame easily.
Now it was time, and you could no longer delay. One minute wasted was one more advance Grendel would make behind your backs.
Everyone gathered in the meeting hall. Loki conjured clothes for everyone, for the ring was in Buffalo in the year 1901. The men had their waistcoats and cravats.  Loki in his typical look. A black waistcoat with a green tie, with a black overcoat, a golden watch with its chain around his stomach, and a bowler hat. Thomas donned himself in black. He brought his top hat and placed it on his head. The men all had waistcoats in colors they favored. grey for Robert, a dark blue for Jonathan, and red for Hal. 
The ladies had to have small gloves and dresses as well. Stella’s was sky blue and Sif was in black (though she complained the skirts were tight beneath her breath). Your dress was deep green along with your husband’s waistcoat. 
But what amazed you were the puffed sleeves on the dresses. So within two decades, every lady would have them?! How astounding! You kept eyeing them on your shoulders with curiosity- you may as well attach hydrangea bushes to your person!
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, are we all ready? Not quaking in our little boots?” Loki asked.
There was no time to reply. Not that there was time for hesitation.
 Loki conjured a golden portal and everyone stepped through. Bright colors swirled around you, hurting your eyes so much you had to close them.
Then, as you opened, you saw you were in Buffalo. 
You were amidst the markets of the area, as carts moved about. You craned your neck to see tall white buildings. But the day was sunny with the crisp coolness of morning in the air. You could hear a distant train whistle and the chatter of people, happy for a new day and a fresh start. The city was twenty times larger than your village. The crowds were so thick, that you reached for your husband’s hand to not get lost. He held your own back. And indeed, everyone was dressed similarly to your group, right down to women with puffy sleeves.
All of you walked forward. Sticking close together as people hurried about. You stopped around one building, your feet staying on dry dirt roads far from any possible mud. 
“Well, now, I have one little question. The one plaguing all of our minds right now. I may as well be the one to say it-  how are we going to find one measly little ring in all of this?” asked Loki, gesturing his arms out to the city.
Jonathan put a hand out to him.
“Be patient,” he assured. “We’ll find a way.”
You crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.
“Are all of you forgetting that I can sense things?” you replied. “Let me do a quick scan,” you offered.
The group held their breath. You closed your eyes and had your gifts reach out.
At first, it was overwhelming. Every smell, sound, and sight attacked you at once. Your shoulders tensed and you winced, but you had that word in your head like a mantra.
“Ring, ring- the cauldron’s ring…where is the cauldron’s ring?”
Taking a deep breath, you let each sensation pass you by. You let the words be your anchor.
Something nudged at you. As soft as a child asking for a glass of water at night.
The ring…there was someone…someone connected to the ring…it was…was…in a building, a few blocks away. 
You opened your eyes, a smile growing on your face.
“Someone has it. They’re in an office building a few streets down,” you reported.
Loki took your hand, leaning to you with a look of triumph.
“My wife, a sorceress and ingenious,” he praised.
All of you hurried forth. You held your skirts over possible mud puddles, glad they’d cover your shoes. Your senses still out like a compass. Finally, a tall, bland-looking building loomed over your party and your senses quivered intensely within you. 
“There! It’s there!” you confirmed with a point of your gloved hand. 
Hurrying Inside, all of you paused. There were numerous rooms and a grand, wooden staircase. People walked to and fro in and out of doors. Ladies adjusted their hats in mirrors and you could smell cigar smoke.
“I can tell there is a hint here. There’s someone… but it’s…it’s hard to say….” you recalled. You were fresh from the poison, and maybe your senses were slightly dulled. You tried to reach out and could sense a presence, but you couldn’t tell what.
“Then rest your gifts, my dear,” Loki advised.
With a deep exhale, you released it, coming back to your neutral self.
“It will do. We have to start somewhere- we can search the building. Ask people, if desperate. Check for a ring.” Jonathan agreed.
Everyone had a scrap of paper in their pockets. An Asgardian artists made sketches from the illustration of this ring. A silver band with a black jewel in the center. You noticed Robert get it out to see it one more time before folding it back in.
“May as well start somewhere, sally forth, my friends,” Hal began, nodding his head.
“I’ll be back to you in an hour,” Loki said. He took your hand and kissed it as a promise. 
The men began to scatter like children playing hide and seek. You saw Robert crudely looking at everyone’s hands and comparing the paper. They went across and vanished into doors all over the ground floor of the building.
You, Stella, and Sif looked at each other.
“Well, there they go,” Sif quipped.
“But who are we to sit about as they do the work? We can check the next floor up,” you asked.
The three of you lifted your skirts and walked upstairs. 
As you climbed the steps, voices were chatting on the second floor. Emerging onto it, you all saw the source right in your path.
There was a small group of women with high chins and flowers in their hats. Society ladies. Their smiles were small and their eyes cold as they looked at one woman standing in front of them. As if not included. Not enough. Not one enough.  
Their victim in question had blonde hair and a little tan coat and dress and hat. You noticed she had a manuscript in her hand that she hugged with both arms close to her chest like a shield. 
One woman in front, who appeared to be the oldest among them, tilted her head and spoke with syrupy venom.
“Oh, we’re having a ball soon, by the way. Not that it should concern you, Edith. With those ink-stained hands, I doubt any gentleman would wish to dance with you. But isn’t that what you wanted, our own Jane Austen?” she said with a smile.
The ladies next to her snickered among themselves.
The young woman- Edith- turned pale and you found her posture tight.
Perhaps it was your unbridled emotions. Perhaps it was the confidence you gained from being turned from lady to warrior and princess and surviving Grendel. Perhaps it was the rage leftover from that marshy town where you made fire burst.
But you could not let them torment this lady- who seemed so small, so timid, so alone.
She wouldn’t be alone now.
Your feet approached them, crashing into their circle.
“And what makes you think you have the right to speak to her like that?” you asked.
Stella hurried forth and went to Edith.
“Why, is it true? Are you a writer?” she asked.
Edith blinked in surprise. 
“Why, uh, yes, I am,” she replied meekly.
Stella made sure she was close. Diverting her attention, not causing any harm. The defense to your offense.
“Oh, how exciting! I must wonder at that- how hard you must work for your craft! How fascinating! I am Miss Stella Harris-forgive the intrusion- and you are-”
“Edith Cushing,” she confirmed.
You took a step closer to them.
“What are their names?” you asked Edith.
“Mrs. McMichael, her daughter Eunice, and their friends,” Edith introduced.
You looked down into the oldest woman’s eyes and she rose to yours without a hint of fear.
“Mrs. McMichael, I do not know what Miss Cushing has done to you- to any of you to deserve this. She is harming no one. She has an ambition and is set forth on it- that is a noble thing. And it is none of your business if she becomes a spinster! Haven’t you considered how hurt she must be when you say things to her?” you spat back.
Mrs. McMichael cocked her eyebrow.
“I must be blunt. Edith is unnatural, as one might say. She must know her place. She always has been. With a mind like hers, of course, no one will want her. We knew it from the beginning. We are simply educating her. She must know her place- how else can a pig know she is a pig?”
You had had enough.
“And going about bullying other people to make your own miserable life feel any better is a place you’re satisfied to be in?” you asked.
You got close, holding yourself restrained. Your hands itching to slap her, which you kept folded. But you looked directly into her eyes and spoke before you could be interrupted.
“Then I must be blunt, too- You wish to find a pig, Mrs. McMichael? Look in the mirror,” you replied.
There were gasps among the ladies. Even a “mother!” whispered from Eunice.
Before any of them could interject, you turned to join Stella and Edith and began to walk away. Sif only took a step closer. 
“Don’t push it. And stay away from the girl- and us,” She warned gravely.
There were gasps. You turned around, hurrying your steps. Your momentum of triumph and anger pushing your little party of four forward. Edith only looked around with as much astonishment as the abandoned snobs. Three new faces looking at her. A lightness on her features for her surprise defense.
“Where are you going?” Sif asked.
“I am headed to the library- it’s up here. I’m meeting Mr. Ogilvie in an hour,” she pointed.
“Let us escort you,” you offered.
Edith grinned and you noticed how warm it was, how beautiful. With her blonde hair and sweet features, she was a pretty lady. Her shoulders dipped and her eyes glanced down at the manuscript in her hands as if it was her infant. She looked back up, beaming.
“I cannot thank all of you enough! Please- what is your name?” 
Matching her grin, you reached out a hand in an introduction. 
“I am Mrs. Laufeyson,” you introduced. It was the last name you and Loki agreed to have when traveling in Midgard.
“Miss Edith Cushing, and?” she turned to look at the dark-haired woman in dark clothes.
“Lady Sif-”
“Er, Miss Sif,” you corrected.
“What brings you here?” Edith asked.
“Buisness with my husband. Miss Harris and Miss Sif are my companions.  Why do you need to meet this gentleman in the library?” you asked.
As you walked closer, you passed a window where sunlight draped down. Warming all of you for a brief minute. Glancing back, you saw the clique of society ladies titled their heads to watch and then went down the stairs with a huff.
‘He’s going to look at my manuscript and consider publishing it!” Edith boasted.
“Oh, how exciting!” Stella replied. 
“! You must have us read it too!” you agreed. Even Sif raised an eyebrow.
Edith guided you all to the door with the library.
“Oh- after the meeting, we’ll enjoy some coffee- my treat! Really! It’s the least I can do- and there’s a cafe next door!” she offered.
Coffee, not tea. Now you knew you truly were in America. 
“Splendid- we will wait outside right for you,” Stella promised.
“My husband wishes to meet me in an hour. Do you not mind him?”
“Oh, not at all. I’d like to get in early- there are a few revisions I need to make before he reads it,” Edith said, looking down at the manuscript again.
“There’s no need for shame. Do whatever you need to do!” Stella replied with a smile. 
Sif did not smile. Though she was quiet, observant of everything gonig on, but her eyes were soft.
“We’ll wait right here!” you assured. 
Edith gave you another smile.
Something in the back of your mind was itching. A bell was ringing loud. You had rested your senses but here they suddenly grabbed you by full force. You stood still, your heart picking up against your ribs as you felt them overwhelm you.
But they didn’t go to the chatter or footsteps or the sunlight shining through.
You felt Edith….her hair feeling pinned to her face, her sweat of excitement beneath her nice dress, her determination to not appear like a frump yet also present of an intellect worthy of respect, equal to a man even…
She didn’t wear gloves. Her fingers were bare, but there was the mark of a tight ring she wore yesterday around her second finger on her right.
She was trying on jewelry that morning. And considered one ring she had. She had put it on. Then decided against it and discarded it away.
A silver ring. A silver ring with a black jewel.
Before you said a word, she slipped through the door and closed it shut. All of you sat on some chairs outside the hall. Your stomach had dropped and you were shaking.
Sif crossed her arms in a huff.
“I don’t see how any of this will get us any closer to the trove!” she complained.
You turned to her, feeling your blood turn cold.
“No, Sif…” you began.
“Why, YN! What’s the matter? There’s a look on your face- something is troubling you, what is it?” Stella asked. 
You gestured for them to lean closer, your voice soft.
‘We haven’t actually dallied…we might as well have found the ring…” you replied.
“What do you mean?” asked Sif.
“Edith has it.”
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wheredafandomat · 2 years ago
Selfish kind of love
Avenger! Loki x female reader
18+ | Angsty smutty thing that you don’t plan you just continue writing and end up surprised at the end too 😂
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“Sorry, if you’ll just excuse me for a moment.” You spoke politely to your date whose name you felt rude to ask for again as you stood up from your chair.
“Of course.” He answered as you smiled curtly before making your way to the restroom before making a beeline to the exit when you were sure he was no longer looking at you. Angrily, you stormed into the alley next to the restaurant.
“Loki! Loki! I know you’re here, just show yourself.” You shouted out, furious that Loki had interrupted your date. Moments later, you felt him behind you as you quickly spun to face him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You accused, poking his chest with your finger.
“Ensuring you weren't on a date with an oddball” he answered, seemingly amused by your outrage “who I now know isn’t an oddball by the way, just very very dull.”
“Loki.” You gasped.
“He’s very boring y/n, and here I was thinking you liked your men a little more stimulating, callous.” He smirked, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Why do you even care? What does it matter to you who I date?”
“I don’t and it doesn’t.” He lied, stepping closer towards you until your bodies were pretty much touching. “I just—” he began, closing his mouth as he looked down at you, eyes traveling across the exposed skin of your neck, your chest, the beating of your heart before settling on your eyes “you look very nice tonight is all.”
“That’s it? You stalk me and my date to compliment me” you huffed “Loki just go, please.”
“Okay.” He uttered in response, both of you standing still as you looked at one another.
“Go.” You repeated, just above a whisper this time as you both continued falling into the pools of one another’s eyes.
“No.” He answered, pressing his lips to yours. You reciprocated the kiss, your lips parting as his tongue slipped past them. His hands claimed your body as he pinned you to the wall, his hand on your back softening the impact. You kissed each other messily, feverishly, barely breaking for breath as Loki pressed his hips against yours. His lips left yours, choosing to explore your neck instead as you rested your head back against the wall. You could feel him hardening as he pressed his bulge against you, lips finding yours again. His hands moved down the back of your body, squeezing your ass before they reached the back of your thighs. He pulled you up, positioning himself between your legs as he continued kissing you. His hand ventured between your thighs before you moaned, feeling his fingers slide beneath your panties before circling your clit. You were thankful you were in a dress as he continued his movements against your clit whilst sucking your tongue reminding you of all the times he had performed that same action only lower. Moments later, he was freeing his erection before guiding himself to your slick entrance and thrusting inside. You felt every ridge and every vein as he entered you deeper, filling you completely. He barely gave you time to adjust to his size before he was moving in and out of you, his cock already coated in your arousal. The back of your dress rode up a little as you moved against the wall, Loki fucking into you. He sped his movements, trying to bite down his own guttural moans as you fucked in the alley like foxes.
“I should have said before but—” he spoke, gritting his teeth as he thrusted deeper before pausing “I love you.” He finished, looking at you.
“You’re not in love with me Loki Laufeyson” you began, moving his hair out of his face “you’re in love with the version of me you get to fuck. It’s not love, it’s lust. We’ll never be more than this, back alley hookups and sneaking around.” You finished.
“You’re wrong.” He insisted, pulling out of you before thrusting deeply again making you hiss in pleasure. “I just told you I love you.” He argued, pulling out and thrusting in again.
“Fuckk.” You moaned.
“The least you could do is indulge me for a moment.”
“H-how?” You stuttered, swimming in bliss.
“Say it back, even if you don’t mean it, even if this is all we are.” He answered, circling his hips, grinding into you.
“Fine—I—ughh” you moaned, the new sensation leaving you speechless.
“Go on.” Loki smirked, still grinding into you.
“Gosh, that feels really good.” You near whimpered, Loki nodding. “I love you.” You ‘indulged him’.
“Good girl.” He grinned, fucking you with haste again.
“Fuckk—I loveee you.” You almost screamed as he kept hitting that perfect spot.
Your eyes rounded as you heard his voice, remembering you were on a date. You turned towards him apologetically.
“Fuck.” You spoke as he gasped before turning to leave. “Wait, wait.” You called after him, Loki silencing you with a kiss. “Why would you do that?” You questioned, breaking it.
“Because you don’t need him, you love me.” He smirked.
“Fuck sake” you sighed “get out of me.” You ordered, pushing Loki away as he lowered you.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to save my date.” You answered, pulling your dress down.
“Why won’t you just let this be?” Loki demanded, fixing his appearance.
“Because I can’t, we can’t.” You answered.
“Why? Why not?” He delved, holding your face in his hands. “Why won’t you just allow yourself this? Why are you so scared?” He continued to interrogate as you remained silent. “What are you so afraid of!”
“Loving you to lose you.” You exclaimed, a tear rolling down your cheek as Loki let go of you.
“You will always try to protect me, and Thor, and anyone on your team and I can’t love you if you’re going to do the sacrifice play at any given chance. I don’t want to admit that if I love you, I need you to be selfish. I need you to be alive, here, with me but that can’t happen because we’re avengers, sacrifice is what we do, survival isn’t guaranteed” you sniffled, reaching up to cup his cheek “so we can continue being this, back alleys and sneaking around but that is all. I need you to understand that. I need you to—”
“I understand” he interrupted, “but I still love you y/n” he smiled mirthlessly, wiping your tears “selfishly, wholeheartedly, forever whether or not you allow yourself to love me back.” He finished, kissing your cheek.
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The song coming from Lokis AirPods on the way home
@lokiprompts @mischief2sarawr @lulubelle814 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @eyesbluelikethetitanic @vickie5446 @mcufan72 @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @lokilvrr @evelyn-kingsley @strangelockd @xorpsbane @lovingchoices14 @donaweasley @sailorholly @lokidokieokie
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lokisswiftie · 1 year ago
Bittersweet Revenge
Loki x Reader
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A/N: alright, Ik this is a lot more intense from what I’ve written before on here, but I just had this idea and had to get it down. This is mostly in unedited so I also apologise for any mistakes. This is going to get a little gruesome but I tried to hold back from getting too descriptive. Also I do know this isn’t what would happen in real life I just wanted to write this scenario. Please give me any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism that you have. Sending love to all of you!!💗 (also requests are open.)
Warnings: Mentions of past torture, Trauma, Angst, detailed Descriptions of violence, eventual fluff
Summary: many years after your past as a former Hydra agent, the same agents who tortured you are brought in by S.H.I.E.L.D. You take the only chance you have to rectify what they did to you, but how will Loki react once he finds out what you’ve done?
It was supposed to be a celebration. The team had finally managed to bring in the hydra agents that had escaped so many times. Everyone was supposed to be happy. But not you.
The moment the group of hydra workers were escorted through the doors it was like all the air was sucked out of you. Your eyes bore into the back of their heads as they were walked away from you. You hadn’t realised you were still standing there frozen until Nat came up behind you to check on you.
“Are you alright Y/N?”
She inquired, and you reluctantly broke your gaze. You fought to maintain a casual facade, but the rage filled you and the distress of seeing them again was sinking into your veins. You exhale slowly, before meeting her eyes. If you’re going to go through with your revenge you can’t have her figuring it out.
“Everything’s fine, Nat. I’m just tired.”
She doesn’t believe you, but leaves it be. From then until the time when everyone else is leaving the office, you’re on your own. Doing paperwork, and thinking deeply. Loki wasn’t here with you, but if he knew… he would be horrified of your plans to get revenge. You were usually so level headed, even on missions. if he saw you like that… the thoughts kept plaguing you.
If it weren’t for the nightmares, the terror and everything you’d done to collect yourself after all they put you through you might’ve let it go. They destroyed everything, and now was the only chance you’d get.
So, when most people had left to go home, you snuck down to the holding cells. There was a dagger gripped tightly in your hand, but you most likely wouldn’t use it. Despite your being trained to not be messy.. to make every kill efficient and clean.. you might just take your time with this one.
As you approached the door you paused. You could turn back now. It might be for the best. You could just go back upstairs and finish the paperwork you’d been assigned. Maybe grab a coffee. Let them go.
No, you decided. After everything they’d taken from you? Everything and everyone you’d lost after they captured you? No. It was time for a wrong to be righted, even if you did have to get blood on your hands. You open the door.
“Do you remember me?”
One of the four men look up. There’s nothing in his eyes. He looks away as soon as he looked up and you curse him in your mind. You turn to the next, then the next until you meet the eyes of the final man.
“You remember me.”
He smiles, an empty heartless smile that doesn’t meet his dead eyes.
“I remember. You’re the one that escaped. Gave us a few scars on your way out.”
He laughs hollowly, and you grit your teeth. Your eyes bore into his. You grip the handle of the knife tight.
“Don’t worry. You wont be alive to see the scars I’ll leave this time.”
With that you grip the side of his skull and bring his head hard against the glass wall.
It’s got to be at least thirty minutes later. You’re sweating, and your casual get up is covered in blood. Their blood. You stand in the middle of the room, eyes scanning the crumpled forms around you. Part of you was satisfied. The other part.. was considering the aftermath of all this.
Thank god for soundproof walls. You were sure their excessive screaming would have drawn attention. Maybe that would have been good. Maybe you needed someone to stop you.
You wipe clean the blade of your dagger, before turning around to face the large glass window of the room. And then you freeze in place.
Standing there on the other side of the glass, face white as paper, is Loki. Your beloved. The person who saw past the facade. Who backed you up when people judged you for your past. Is now staring with an un readable expression on his face. He knew who they were. Of course he knew. You could feel him, poking and prodding at your mind.
You hadn’t realised tears were pricking your eyes until this very moment, when they all overflowed.
You grab onto the handle of the door, and then you’re standing outside. Face to face with him. The slow drip of blood on the floor making everything feel real.
“Loki.. Loki I’m- I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry.”
You garble, and before you can stop it tears are overflowing. Everything seems so real now, as you stand under the buzzing lights.
“What… did you do?”
His voice is weak as he scans your frame. You shiver under his gaze, and see it soften drastically. Your breathing is uneven and erratic as you attempt to say something. Anything. To defend what you’ve done.
You expect him to run. To turn away and leave you here with your sins. But before you can say another word, his arms are around you. He pulls you against him firmly, rubbing your back and arms.
“Breathe. It’s okay. Don’t think about it. Just focus on my voice.”
And you do your best to listen. Despite the bodies. Despite the blood that pools on your clothes and now his. Despite the fear coursing through you. You listen. You let him use his fingers to gently untangle your hair. You let yourself believe it’ll all be okay.
“… did it help? With.. With the hurt they left behind?”
He finally speaks, and you inhale shakily as you think before responding.
“Yes… I think it did.”
You finally look up and meet his eyes. His beautiful green eyes that have no fear. And as if he can read your mind, he replies.
“Oh darling.. I could never fear you. No matter what, I’m here. I love you.”
You breathe deeply, and press your face back into his chest. Your mind still thrums with thoughts.
“What will happen now?”
Your voice shakes as you say it, and he pauses. You can almost hear the cogs in his head turning. When he finally replies after a minute of silence, his voice is calm and steady.
“I don’t know. But I’ll be here with you. Through anything… let’s get you home.”
He sees the shake in your legs and your weak knees, and without hesitating scoops you up into his arms. You rest your head against his shoulder as he walks, and listen to the sound of his steady heart beat. As long as he’s with you.
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strangesthirdeye · 1 year ago
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Under the root of Yggdrasil (Loki x fem! Reader)
Summary: Sometimes being able to see your loved ones from afar is good enough.
Warning: It's Loki who doesn't like him. Medium angst, Loki s2 ep 6 spoilers? Norse Mythology, acceptance, Loki needs a hug,
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Staring at the one spot makes all the views in the corners of your eyes blur as you only focus on one spot. Your mind is somewhere else while your fingers unconsciously fidget on Loki's broken tempad. It's been a few weeks since the temporal loom event.
Since Loki sacrificed himself to save the entire timeline even universe. He's not dead but his absence is enough to make one. The way he smiled in sadness and willingly to be a pillar of the tree of life and also the way he said 'I love you' for the last time to you made you enough to shed tears.
All the events are back to normal and like nothing happened, yet you feel empty without Loki's presence. Mobius? He is retired. B-15? she's also thinking of retiring. O. B? busy with everything. And you don't want to bother Casey as he seems quite busy too.
While Sylvie, she has returned to her universe and that was the last time you saw her. She is still in the phase of accepting the truth after witnessing Loki's action.
How about you? It is very difficult to accept the fact that Loki is no longer with you. But still, you have to keep moving and living as normal. Which is quite difficult because you are both attached hip to hip to each other. Never lost from each other. Always found one another.
But ever since the Temporal Loom problem everything changed as Loki suddenly or willingly saved the Timelines by 'sacrifice' himself. you? You just let out an anguished loud shout to tell Loki to stop. But, Loki ignores it hoping you all are safe.
It was very difficult at first after a few days after the whole TVA problem. After Loki became the main pillar of the tree. Everything reminds you of him.
Not once, but many times. You yourself can't ignore that feeling but the next thing you know you're staring at nothingness with your cheeks wet with tears. You miss him and worry about him at the same time. Which makes you wonder in your mind. What is he doing now? Is he lonely? is he okay? All those questions running around your head which make you more sad and worried.
You always think about his well-being. You wonder if he can see you now from the Yggdrasil tree. Seeing yourself who cannot accept the fact that he is 'gone'. After all those things you both went through. Is this the ending you both got? Away from each other. Lost a loved one? is that the ending you both get? Funny.
Sometimes, if you are too worried about him or miss him, you will go to TVA and to the place where the Yggdrasil tree is shown behind the glass of the room where you, Loki, Sylvie, Mobius, Victor, O. B and Cassie were before.
Staring at the tree for a long time as you make sure that he is not alone although you can't see him. The green glowing tree really reminds you of him. And you hope he is fine there. Sometimes, O. B will come to check up on some technology in the room and notice you in front of the glass mirror standing stiffly with your eyes looking at the tree. He gives you a sympathetic look even if you don't look at him but he knows you just want to make sure Loki is okay.
'You look sad, when you think he can't see you'. Ever heard? yup, that's what you've been going through all along. Thanks Molly Hooper.
But what you don't know is that Loki actually has the same feelings as you. Missing, worried and sad. He missed you, He worried about you and He was sad that he couldn't be with you.
But, he can't do anything. His duty is what he has to do to make sure all Timelines are under control.
He missed your touch, he missed your voice and he missed your smiles. And he can only see you from afar. And that was enough for him.
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