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resfrio · 2 days ago
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prinzrupprecht · 6 months ago
When someone else gives you gifts
Featuring: Tesla, Apollo, Qin, and Thor ( part 1 )
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You can also read Part 2 and part 3 for more characters
CW: mostly fluff and jealousy. Yandere tendencies with some of them
He came home from a long day of work expecting you to be asleep but he noticed you on the couch reading a book. “Why are you awake? You didn’t have to wait for me.” He was right, it was nearly midnight while you waited for him.
He was very into his research and his passion for science sometimes made you question your insanity as to why you fell for this man if science was more important than you— his partner.
“Oh, I did? I guess I was too into this book. Also, thanks for the flowers hun.” You walked over to him and raised your toes to kiss him on his nose. He looked at you with confusion. Flowers? He didn’t get you flowers.
“Flowers? I didn’t get you any,” he felt bad when he saw the large bouquet on the table. Did someone give these to you? An unknown feeling formed in his chest.
Quickly he walked over to it and grabbed them tossing them in the trash. “Hey! Why did you do that?!” You shouted angrily but he stopped you from taking them out of the trash.
“We’ll plant a whole garden of roses, besides…” he grabbed your waist.
“I prefer if other men didn’t give you such things when I am the only one that has that privilege,” he kept you close while your heart was racing in your chest. A whole garden? You liked the sound of that instead.
He noticed it right away. The new necklace that you were wearing. “This is new.” He lifted the chain up with one finger, but he knew it was a stupid question. You most likely found it in the pile of jewelry he has given you over the years.
You were dumbfounded at first and looked down at the necklace. “One of your followers… he— he gave it to me as a gift,” you stuttered. There was a long pause between you two before he clipped the necklace off.
Apollo didn’t like the idea of another giving you luxury things. He was trying to keep calm but he laughed while holding the necklace in between a few of his fingers while holding it up over his head.
“A cheap thing like this? I could give you anything you want," Apollo pulled you closer to him with his arms tugging around your small body. You knew you were trapped with him and he wouldn’t let go. Was he afraid that someone would steal you away from him? Nobody could steal you away from him. More so you used to be jealous of his herd of women and used to ignore him. He took more interest in you than the other way around in the beginning.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I— I won’t accept any more gifts from your followers.” Apollo liked hearing that as a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
With you being his only beloved, he would be the only one to give you things. Was he jealous? He wouldn’t admit if he was. He believed that jealousy was a disgusting trait and nothing beautiful about it.
With you in his arms, he deeply sighed dramatically. “Now my dear, go put on something nice that was from me this time.” his lips were near your ears as his breath tickled down your spine. Without any hesitation, you nodded happily to your beloved before retreating to go back to your shared room.
Qin Shi Huang
You knew Qin as a child because of your affiliation with Chun Yan who introduced you two. You were treated like a daughter to her but she wasn’t your biological mother. You treated Ying as everyone else and not some creepy kid that everyone thought he was. Over time this made him fall for you and ask you to stay with him even after Chun Yan died.
Fast forward to the present as Qin Shi Huang— also known as Ying Zheng became king as he promised to Chun Yan. You still were by his side even when other nobles offered their daughters to him as concubines or an arranged marriage, he dismissed them all. Normally jealousy filled you and you thought there was no chance for a commoner like you could be his empress.
As you wandered the halls of his palace, you ran into one of the young maids who told you she had something for you. It was a very fine patterned robe that only nobles were granted to wear. “I can’t wear this, it’s forbidden for someone like me to—” she cut you off by telling you that it was fine and Qin said so. Qin?! Were you going to believe her? Did she have some ulterior motive? You reluctantly tried it on. It was dark red with flowers on it. The maid wasn’t around which was odd. Your former clothes were gone as well. Huh?!
You found the main hall looking for your room to possibly change, but Qin noticed you even with his blindfold on. Thank god he can’t see you with the noble robe on, right? “There you are, you had me worried for a minute.” He grabbed your arm but that was a mistake. He felt the expensive silk of the robe. The sleeves were long so of course he knew what kind of material you were wearing.
“Oh? It’s not like you to be wearing such a thing.” He chuckled before a smile appeared on his lips. He wasn’t mad?!
“Your maid told me to wear it and said that you were fine with it, but she left and took my clothes…” you frowned but Qin was more upset that someone was trying to get you in trouble. He could never get mad at you. You were too pure and kind. You had accepted him for who he is and stood by his side.
“Now tell me who it was, I’ll make sure she’ll get punished later.” You wanted to object but you can’t because he was your king. You nodded and felt bad that the maid would most likely lose her job. He still held onto you even though you were shaking a bit. He told you to wear more of those robes since they look good on you. Even just hearing him say that brought a bubbly feeling in your heart.
You were again stuck inside the Asgard palace bored again… The entire city was nearly destroyed by titans and many civilians were rebuilding their homes and businesses. You looked out of the window and spotted Forseti talking to a few of the officials. You loathed the man, he didn’t do anything during the invasion and only worried about Thor.
A knock was heard from your room, you had expected that Thor had returned but then you remembered he doesn’t knock. You grumbled a lowly come in and of course, Loki was at the door looking smug than ever. “The hell do you want?” You frowned, why would you ever be so hopeful that Thor would free his time up for you? You two weren’t even married either but acted like it. Odin had tried to forbid any relationship between you two, but Thor didn’t obey that order.
“Why so snarky? I just wanted to come to check up on my future sis-in-law,” he mocks that last part since the marriage thing was off the table. You didn’t say anything. Was he here to try to make you angry?
He quickly changed the subject and pulled out a small doll he made. “I made this, it does look like you, right? Here take it,” he put it next to you. It sort of creeped you out but you kept quiet. Were you terrified? Maybe.
“Why are you making voodoo dolls?” You detested the plushie and hoped Thor would come back sooner.
“Who said it was for that kind of sorcery? It’s just a gift! I swear!” Loki was faking his emotions while you quietly mumbled ‘whatever’ and reluctantly accepted it while holding the doll as he took his leave. What a weird guy…
Hours had passed by as you fell asleep on the couch but you had awoken to someone moving you. “You’re back?” You looked up to see Thor holding you with both of his arms. His expression wasn’t calm like usual. He seemed irritated. Did something happen?
“Mhm…” he was quiet but you saw how different his expressions were than usual.
“He came here when I was gone,” he grabbed the doll that was next to you squeezing it so hard that the head of the doll popped off. How his cousin was gifting you such things. Creepy things. Thor wanted to beat sense to him but held back his anger.
“Sorry, I didn’t know what he would do if I rejected it.” You frowned but Thor's left hand touched your cheek as you stared up at him. He genuinely smiled.
“He won’t hurt you… I’ll make sure of it.” The reassurance you wanted the most as you buried your face in his chest. You just wanted his comfort and nothing else.
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Note: no eta when part 2 will come but if I do another it’ll probably be Susano’o, Buddha, Loki and Anubis. Edit: I forgot about Poseidon. So probably 5 characters for part 2.
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kanroji-san · 5 months ago
Timeline of when they help with Apollo and Shinobu's wedding
Kanae: You do know that Apollo will be your brother in law soon, right?
Thor: Please... Let me live in a reality where it didn't happen yet...
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etoilesbonbon · 4 months ago
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What if : After Thor left from Brunhilde and Göll
Im to lazy to draw his hammer 😭😞
( this is just my HC. I think maybe Loki older than Thor? )
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sparklesandpudding · 8 months ago
Heyy how are you? I want to make a request of Anubis with a mortal child-Reader (platonically) that accidentally got lost around Valhalla. I just need something sweet for my day, Thank you👋
Hello! This is so cute 💕 writing this at night and I'm so close to passing out. I'm so sorry if it's too short.
°•Platonic Anubis and lost!child!reader•°
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- Anubis had been walking to the meeting room of the gods, before stumbling across a mini creature. What was a small little thing doing, wandering around such a dangerous place like this? Any normal person would try to alert the nymphs or servants, but not Anubis!
- This mini human was his buddy bestie now. No room for objection. He's always wanted a mini baby human sibling! Okay, maybe he only realized he wanted one after seeing you. I bet he'd pick you up curiously, tilting his head and smelling you like he was an actual dog. Before he quickly lit up and started jumping around with you in his grasp.
"whoa!! A mini human!! Hey there little buddy!!! I'm Anubis! What's your name??"
- He brought you with him to the meeting room, just to boast about you. Receiving comments from the other gods to put you away or maybe even kill you. But he growled at them angrily, making them back off.
*growling noises*....no! This mini human is my baby sibling!! We are related from this point on!!"
- Odin just sighed in defeat, while Loki joined in the fun and poked you tiny cheeks. Even manipulating the liquid in his cup to float around for you to watch and giggle about.
- So now, you have two big brother figures, who have no idea where the hell you came from, but still decided to take care of you anyway
- I can just imagine them having no clue on how to tend to your needs, especially as a kid. While thor just chas you sit on his arm and buys you icecream 😭.
Anubis randomly goes on all fours and asks you to play catch with him, making you throw a stick for him to catch. Like, wow, okay. He'd bring you to saunas or hot bath's, yapping about all the cool things he can do with the bubbles and how he can make a huge bubble with his mouth.
You just gotta sit there and listen. Mf is just really happy right now you need to accept it. This is your life now. Just try to savour the good moments where you can sleep well at night without some grown man barking and acting up at night. Like an actual dog.
The gods have tried to tell him multiple times to return you to your caretaker or whoever was in charge of you, but he would not budge, and refused to give you back.
He really liked having a baby sibling to play catch with. And look after. Cause he is a very cool and amazing big brother. So don't expect to go home any time soon. --
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bunji-enthusiast · 9 months ago
Hello, can I request Yandere Thor, Odin Poseidon, and Hades from the record of Ragnarok, please? Those four are my favorite characters in the show.
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• Yanderes || Thor (couldn’t think of anything else for the other characters my apologies).
• CW || nothing major, general non-specific headcanons.
• note || absolutely!! It’s been a while since I wrote for this character so I’m a little rough. Thank you for sending in this request ♡︎
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- 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫
♥︎ Thor is unusually quiet, uncharacteristically quiet. It wasn’t his usual demeanor, yet, if not for Shiva’s watchful eyes. He never would’ve figured out the trepidation that lied between you and the thunder god. He wondered how this came to be, this unhealthy chains of a bond had borne.
♥︎ Thor casts off worry to the god of destruction, underlying despair as if he was waiting at any moment for something to be ripped away from the very foundation of his being. Shiva wonders what is happening between the both of you, those watchful eyes of yours alluring to each and every shadow, as if you were afraid and waiting for someone to come out of them. Shiva is wonderful when it came to relationships, he would like to think so, he was considered a very good husband by his wives after all. So he considers how he could be of help to the two of you. Shiva simply wonders what is wrong, you are a friend of his after all. He worries.
♥︎ This side to the thunder god had somewhat given Shiva surprise, he sneaks in, and around to check on you. He checks every corridor of Thor’s place of residence, he usually sees you here every time he comes by. ‘How odd’ He thinks to himself. It takes perhaps a considerable amount of time before he finally finds you, shouting your name across the hallways. Hearing audible shouts for help.
A cough, another one follows.
He was wide-eyed in surpise, even given pause in his steps before he continued forward to find the source of your voice. "Hey [Name]!" The destruction god shouts, stopping in his tracks once again to strain for your voice.
"Here! Please help me." He followed your plead without a second thought, finally finding where you found yourself in trouble. Shiva's second pair of arms open the door while his first pair had him scrambling for you, seeing your deflated form on the floor. He finds his heart tightened in pain, seeing one of his dear friends like this was no fun way to meet.
His first pair of arms lift under your own, lifting you up and sitting you on the ground now. Shiva's lips pursed in quiet concern, his expressed tone coming off in tendrils of worry, "What happened to ya?" He finally asks, his second pair of arms crossing together as he steadied himself to find calm.
Your face appeared to be oh so, tired, tired of about everything at this very moment. Even if you wished, you couldn't escape it. You didn't want this at all, that thunder god's twisted love. That heart of his was so soft and sweet in the beginning, now it had bone-crushed, into something worse. Your hands find purchase in his legs, trying to upright yourself without feeling your body dragged down by mental weight and back-handed words. Too much had happened, far too much.
Shiva winces as you suddenly almost fell, his two upfront hands coming to fence you from it actually happening in the process. He sighs, "Take it easy."
The words were hard to find, your voice coming off weary and cautious. "He, didn't let me off easy." A brow raises, his emotions swirling tremendously in the pit of his stomach. Worry makes room for fear, and soft anger at the subject you mentioned. "Thor kept me here for far too long."
The god of destruction inhales a sharp breath, seeing your worn and weary state, as if it were exploded by the thousand shards of shrapnel.
Now it suddenly made sense.
The thunder god's behavior, the snappy remarks at the mention of you. Why you had been left at the word of a disppearance for quite some time now.
"Hey, you don't gotta worry about him anymore." He says after the moments of silence, settling you between his arms as he carries you in the manner of a bride. Shiva shoots you a tiny smile, "You hear?"
The god of destruction was gonna have a serious talk with Thor, no matter how powerful he may be.
- 𝐎𝐝𝐢𝐧
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dragologist · 8 months ago
What type of cake would I give them? 🍰✨️
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evansuvamp · 2 years ago
I have a god crush in every pantheon...
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dreamcatcheresss · 1 year ago
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junobutterflyden · 1 month ago
warning: none :)
Note: I couldn't think of a title ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ and that's just me needing strong arms loving me
As two gods of mischief, everyone thought that you and Loki would get along and the world of the gods would be a disaster, but no, no, no, you hated Loki with every fiber of your being and he hated you back, you were sworn rivals. You hated everything about him, his hair, his voice, his methods, his family, in fact you used to hate his entire family.
Your body filled with goosebumps as he trailed kisses down your spine, strong arms grabbed you by the waist, pulling you into his lap.
"Thor, you know I have to go," you said to the man.
He didn't answer, he just hugged you tighter. You thought that maybe you could stay a little longer, that bastard Loki could see you together and have a good brain damage while you could win the love of this giant, yes, you only win.
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resfrio · 3 months ago
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Honestly, dunno if anyone can tell but I actually suck at drawing guys * I just feel more comfy drawing girls, 'tis the bane of the artist that grew up only drawing women.
• Lu Bu and Thor's actors are gym bros. They arm wrestle in the set. It's a Thing, I don't make the rules *
• I couldn't decide whether to give actor! Apollo short or long hair so I did both, I'll upload the short hair version under this.
• Apollo's actor is the typical super extrovert but he's actually got a lot of EQ and social skillz so he comes across as charming instead of a jackass— which is the only reason why he somehow became friends with Leonidas' despite being like a decade his junior and wholly different life experiences
• Simo and Anubis somehow became friends and no one knows how or when. Just accept it.
• Aphrodite's actress' probably got like the demon back muscles or something *
• Brunhilde doll may or may not be haunted... We won't know until Loki is killed in a mysterious way or not.
That's it for now.
I know I have whole lotta people missing (R6 fighter, Sasaki, Qin, R4, for example) but there's honestly too many characters I'm realizing * I'll do them when I can, I honestly just draw whatever I feel inspired to.
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prinzrupprecht · 5 months ago
When they hurt your feelings
Featuring: Tesla, Qin, Anubis, and Thor ( part 3 )
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Idk if I’ll do part 4 unless people request characters I have not done. Also sorry for the Okita spam lately.
Part 1 and Part 2
Warnings: A bit suggestive with Anubis, name calling / swearing
You had been married to Tesla for years but one thing he gets pissy about is when anyone touches his experiments. It’s not you but he gets irritated and has to start over from scratch.
Though, what you had done wasn’t on purpose. It was an accident when you walked into his ‘Hyper God House’ because that is what Tesla called it or whatnot. It made no sense to you it doesn’t bother you what he called things. He was testing wireless transmissions. He was so heavily induced in his work that you haven’t talked to him in a few days.
You didn’t see him in his workshop and you decided to walk over to see the blueprints that were laid out on his desk. He was dedicating his time more to this research than being at home. You were a bit saddened but he told you before marrying you that his research would always take priority and you were fine with it. Were you fine? He still showed his care and never missed any important days or holidays.
“Seriously? What is this…” you touched one of his wireless experiments but barely and that’s when you heard the door open.
“Why are you in here? I told you to not come in here if I’m not here,” he swatted your hands away from his work area. You were offended and stepped away from him. He was never mean to you and was always enthusiastic about his work.
“I’m starting to believe you don’t even care for me, I haven’t seen you in days! Maybe I should move out,” you were about to leave but he blocked the entrance. You weren’t wanting to deal with him any longer.
Tesla had realized his words were a bit too harsh despite his social awareness he changed the topic. “You know this is important to me, the evolution is nearly here. I’m this close with my wireless lighting invention. Using these would generate high AC voltages, it’ll take some time but I’ll get there.” Tesla changed the mood and all you could do was sigh.
“Here, take a break. You look like you haven’t slept at all,” you grabbed his arm and he nearly tumbled forward but you caught him.
“This is why I need you here with me,” he whispered in your ear. You didn’t want to leave him but you wanted his affection. You had assisted him in many of his experiments and inventions.
Finally, you had helped him through the house and into your shared room to sleep. “I’ll get you something to drink and eat,” but he grabbed your wrist before you could leave.
“I need you to stay here for a bit longer. Having you here with me would clear my head a bit.” He was tired and groggy but you obliged to his request. You put a hand on his forehead and chest and laid down next to him snuggled into his side.
You were glad he was still himself even when he was a science die-hard nerd.
Qin Shi Huang
He was a king and you were just someone that he acknowledged in his kingdom and nation. He was emperor of China and you were someone of lowly status not worth his time. That all changed when he saw how strong you were protecting the people in a small village from some weak demon like the previous Chiyou who ruled China.
He admired your fighting skills and spirit and offered you to fight alongside him against his enemies in China. You scoffed and refused at first. He may be the handsome king of China, but you weren’t easily swayed by his presence.
After some time, he watched you practice with the spear and archery. You were skilled and much better than some of the warriors that serve him. Before you could catch him spying on you, he was already gone.
Not so much later, you met him again unexpectedly fighting in a war to protect his country. Your country as well from someone who hated him and those who killed his adopted mother. You stepped in to help him beat them but almost at the cost of your life to protect the emperor when someone almost struck him from behind.
The blow you took was almost fatal. Qin cursed himself and started yelling in frustration. He called you reckless and foolish. He was quick and had to carry you back with some of his allies aiding your injury that had struck you in the side. The blood loss was major. Qin was hopeful you’d make a full recovery and this time, you weren’t going to do something so dramatic for him again.
He could’ve easily dodged the man who tried to sneak attack him, yet you took the hit for him? “You’re still here?” your voice was hoarse and filled with pain. Qin was hiding behind the doors to the room he told his guards to put you in.
“You didn’t even need to do that, why? Why throw your life away like that?” Qin was angry but you didn’t look at him.
“I’ve always been a bit jealous of how you had everything and my home and village was gone. Nothing left for them— my family and friends. You hurt me the most with the failures of your orders that led to this war. I didn’t want to be like you, I’d rather someone like you live with the consequences and pain.” Your words struck Qin with horror. He was mad how you could say that to him— your king!
“You don’t know me then. I grew up as a cursed child abandoned by my parents and hated by my own people. Let me make it up to you… and to those you had lost.” Qin walked over to your bedside and you noticed markings covering the side of his body painfully.
“What? You got injured too?” You were terrified and didn’t know what you were seeing. His blindfold was off and he had opened his mouth to explain to you that he has mirror touch synthesis. Every time he sees someone else get injured, he would also feel that person's pain.
“S— Stop that! You shouldn’t hurt yourself for my sake.” You were trying so hard to turn away and hope he would leave.
“No. I don’t want you to be alone. At least not under my empire. I’ll make sure everyone lives prosperously.” Qin proudly says and you can see how happy he was despite the pain he felt because of you.
“That sounds… lovely. I want to live in that place that you say is prosperous.”
He wasn’t someone you had expected to grow fond of over the years when his father became the king of Duat. You were happy with the new changes in Egypt before the ball dropped on you that he was supposed to be engaged to an Iranian goddess Anahita who was a cunning woman. Anubis on the other hand wasn’t mad or pissed. He looked more happy with her and even followed her around the palace.
Your jealousy shot through the roof when she started to compliment his body. She was immensely annoying and you wanted to find a way out of the place. You disliked her. With immense passion.
“Hey wait up! Wait up! You left so quickly, wow you’re fast.” Anubis ran after you but you couldn’t help but want to ask him why. Why did he agree to that agreement to marry such a useless goddess? Yes, useless since she was only of love and fertility and cared for making love and seducing men.
As you were going to say something, Anahita appeared behind him and gave you a very unauthentic smile as she grabbed onto his arm and leaned her head into him. Too close… you wanted to call her something but held your tongue back. “oh, it’s you young lady of Sumerian. Anubis here was just dining with me and trying out the new fine foods Egypt has to offer. You know I wonder, why haven’t you returned back to Uruk?” Anahita grinned and made a popping sound from her lips.
“Hm, I think you’re right. Maybe I will, I hope you two the best.” You courtly lowered your head before walking away. What hurt you the most was the fact Anubis didn’t say anything or run after you.
You saw Isis near the main hall with her daughter Bastet. “You look… mad?” Bastet observed you but Isis already knows why you look upset and tilted.
“I’m leaving, don’t bother your energy with me. I don’t have time for it.” You snapped but Isis scoffed.
“Set got into your head again didn’t he?” Isis leaned back on her chair at the end of the table.
“What do you mean? He told me lord Anubis is engaged to that… that woman and she is here!” You didn’t even know it, but your hands were clenching tightly turning your hands white. The anger was surging through you and everything you had with him was gone.
“She is just here visiting my dear. My dear son Anubis has already declined her proposals.” You gave Isis a blank expression. Bastet snorted a laugh but held herself back before wanting to get into the conversation.
“It doesn’t matter he— he won’t even stick up for me. Why should I even stay here?” Your feelings should matter but did they even matter to him?
Before Isis was going to refute your claims, you had already stormed back to your room. You were tired and fed up with them. Your father Marduk wouldn’t be pleased with this. You had thought for the longest time the deal would be you marry Anubis and the trade negotiations between your two countries would continue.
“Finally I caught up to you! You keep running off,” Anubis was alone and gave you sad eyes. Finally… that weirdo goddess wasn’t with him. You couldn’t help but wonder if they… did it. Your body shudders at the thought.
“Leave me alone, I don’t want to see you.” You stubbornly turned away and entered your room. Anubis stood outside with a hurt and confused expression. You never said such words to him.
“Did I— Did I do something? I’m sorry, I’m sorry if do something wrong!“ Anubis saw you grabbing your things and panic took over him. He grabbed your arms and pulled you into him as he held onto you. His warms were tightly wrapped around your waist as your back was pressed up against his chest.
“Did you like her? That goddess…” you were frozen in his arms.
“Who? Oh! Her? Miss Ana— something? I am only loyal to you! I swear it! Let me prove it to you. Pretty, pretty please?” he gripped your sides and you could feel how desperate he was to keep you with him.
Let’s say it was a long night.
He was affectionate to you in private, but at the same time apathetic around you in public. He cares for you in mysterious ways, but he was bloodthirsty for battles and rarely was home. He puts you down as someone weaker than most gods and shouldn’t get in the way of others in battle. You wanted to prove yourself useful somehow as a goddess of sorcery and magic. You even sought the valkyries to help you.
Forseti was the most annoying man to even be around with and you could swear he was the one married to Thor and not you sometimes. Being a part of the Norse pantheon made you wonder if there was more out there than what was in the palace. Valhalla was a strange place and if Thor was having fun on his own, maybe you should too.
You must’ve been hours away from Asgard and one thought made you want to explore more of Valhalla but you didn’t want to go back just yet. Many wonders had you curious. The scenery was beautiful seeing the open mountains, blue skies and rivers.
“What might you be doing?” A slithering voice jumped down from one of the trees. Ew… you crossed your arms unimpressed. You were a sorceress, no way you would let some creature man or whatever he was intimidate you whatsoever.
“Leave me alone, I have no interest.” You flicked part of your hair back and was going to walk passed him. Something must’ve struck a nerve because the creepy guy with a long tongue tried to grab you.
“Is that so?” You tried to move back a bit and use one of your fire defence spells to burn his hands from touching you.
“You stupid cunt,” the man’s hand grew several times larger as claws were aimed at you. Oh, dear… fuck. You wish you had told Thor where you had gone to.
“Fuck you!” You pointed one of your fingers at him and tried to form a bit of lightning in the palm of your hands that Thor taught you a long time ago. You tried to deflect the creature’s attack but it was to amplify the damage but he managed to hit you pretty well.
You almost didn’t notice your side was hit but the man had a devious look on his face. “I would like to keep you alive for my own pleasures~” he licked his lips as you nearly gagged. You would kill yourself before he would touch you!
Just as you were preparing for an immediate attack, someone crashed down onto the serpent. Your eyes widened in shock. You noticed Thor’s hammer appeared right in front of you. It had completely pancaked the serpent or whatever creature he was. Huh? He was that weak?! You pouted as if you wanted to be the one to kill him.
“You followed me?” You turned to face him.
“Well, no. I was told you had left so I went to find you.” He noticed your side was damaged and his face contorted from the damage the serpent did to his wife.
“I’m taking you back and making sure you get healed. Next time don’t leave without telling me,” he went to pick you up and put you over his shoulders making you shriek.
“Hey wait! I can still walk!” he was carrying you and his hammer. He even teleported back to the palace in an instant. This man was full of surprises with you.
“I like taking care of what’s mine.” Meaning you and the hammer. Your cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Thank god he couldn’t see your face since you were still hanging over his shoulder.
He dropped you off at the infirmary to get cleaned up and healed. Thor had stuck by your bedside apologizing for not being around as often. You weren’t hurt anymore but you wanted to be with him more.
“I’ll take you next time to some other places. Rest here for now.” He inhaled a sharp breath and still sat next to your bed. He would sleep in the chair if it meant you were comfortable and better.
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Note: finally it’s done! Dunno what to do for the next series. Anyway, I may get back on Susano’o and Anubis one shots. Kind of miss doing them…
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kanroji-san · 10 months ago
Kanae!Y/n/Reader AU
Kanae!Y/n: *Taking Thor’s pulse* Your pulse is pretty fast, are you alright?
Thor: Yeah, sorry, let me just relax a bit.
Kanae!Y/n: It’s alright, just take a deep breath for me honey, you’ll be fine.
Thor: *flustered* …
Kanae!Y/n: Eh? Why is your heart rate increasing?
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I can't-She is so pretty
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etoilesbonbon · 2 months ago
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HNY 2025 — 💭
⚡️ I will celebrate alone 💢
🎭 Well, Not this year 🥳
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sparklesandpudding · 9 months ago
heyy, how are you doing❔i hope everything is going well for you and that you are having a good day/evening 🤍
may i request romantic ror x reader in this comical yet cute scenario where bf is lying his head on his partner’s tummy to relax but the stomach just won’t shut up?? i once watched a video of a couple doing this and the bf complained with a “why is your stomach talking so much shit today?” which made me cackle 😭 i think it was adorable honestly. you can make it either a story or headcanons, whatever you would like❕
characters would be thor, hades and poseidon🤍
Hello anon!! Thank you for the request!! This is actually so cute and funny to think about🤭
ROR Men with darling's talkative belly
Thor, hades, Poseidon
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- he had just finished doing some stuff and running errands for himself around the place. That being- striking fear into those who walked passed him.
-ofc he needed a place to rest. And like any strong soldier/fighter, he chose eto rest at the best place. Your stomach.
- you didn't mind, as long as he was comfortable, things like these always came as a surprise for those who witness it, not really like they can say anything about it tho.
-all of a sudden, you hear him speak. "It's so talkative.."
- you laugh at his complaint, telling him "it's just In a good mood."
- he let out a hum, continuing to listen to whatever was going on inside of there, giving it a small kiss before closing his eyes and resting.
- he liked hearing you breathe, anything that had something to do with you was always his medicine. It healed him in a way, both spiritually and physically.
- like he could be bleeding out, but as long as you give him a kiss, he's all fine.
- going back to him resting on you, his arms tighten around you even more, but not in a way to hurt your fragile figure.
- you were probably gonna be stuck in that position for a while ..
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- hades had finished doing some work, regarding stuff from the underworld and letters from his dear brother zues about meetings that he needed to attend in Valhalla.
- he wanted to soothe his nerves, and what better way to do that when he can go visit you?
- you were the only thing he could look forward to in the boring and lonely place of the underworld. You were the light he seemed whenever he was consumed by darkness.
- He walked over to you, in the big bedroom, immediately cuddling into you after a long day of work. Just what he needed.
- he planted a kiss on your face before sinking into the soft mound of flesh. Staying quiet until...
"you have quite the talkative belly, dearest."
- he let out a chuckle when you responded with, "it's just very excited that you're here."
- "shall it be then."
- he loved listening to it, no complaints made unlike the other two if yk what I mean.
- maybe one day, you'll have an actual mini human inside your belly for him to listen to--
- okay let's not go that far. You guys still have so much time before that happens. But it WILL happen, once everything is prepared. And once you both are ready.
- he'd listen to your belly, and then go like-
"it has a point."
- as long as it's you, he won't mind. He loves you very much, and he will make sure eto keep it that way forever.
- he likes to put kisses on your belly, or rub circles on it, just for fun. The bond between you two— and the belly ig — was strong.
- he sighs softly, closing his eyes and sleeping. He knew he'd have such a good rest after this.
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- "why is your stomach talking so much shit today?"
- yeah straight to the point here we are. Bro has beef with your belly.
- it was so noisy and wouldn't stop yapping at all. Reminds him of two brothers of his...(Adamas and zues. if yk, you know.)
- and this man was not patient. He was not gonna take this level of disrespect from a mound of flesh. How dare it do such.
- call him dramatic, but he ain't taking it.
- I bet he'd randomly rant to it about his day, while your fingers softly caress his hair. Like didn't he just complain about it being noisy?
- I know dam well there would be moments where he'd randomly take pauses, letting the belly speak, before continuing to rant.
- he didn't like how it talked so much shit, for a belly, it really knew how to speak it's words, didn't it?
- you were his angel, but that thing was a demon. How dare it.
- you'd just giggle and listen to him. Him and that stomach of yours really had a telepathic connection, huh?
- he slowly dosed off to sleep, after his nightly session of ranting. Sleeping soundly, still laying on your stomach.
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snowmantita · 2 months ago
What are your opinions of the Norse gods (Thor, Loki, Odin)
To Persephone :>
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Of the Norse, the only one Persephone likes is Thor, although he seems cold and indifferent, they have exchanged a word or two, showing that they get along relatively well.
But when it comes to Odin, Persephone shows a greater dislike for him, and even more so after what happened in Tartarus. And of Loki, because he doesn't give her good vibes and less than when he approached Heracles before the fourth round.
It may have some errors, as I could only see translations in other languages.
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