#when all youre eating is the processed food and tons of sugar the whole foods will not taste as good right away
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winglssdemon · 2 years ago
Look for hidden veggies recipes. There's multiple vegan cheese recipes that are completely made out of vegetables and it still tastes like cheese. Branch out of US food recipes as well(if youre in the US), a lot of other countries do a lot better with making both fruits and esp vegetables taste better. Soups, dumplings, veggie burgers, pasta made out of veggies, and using dips and sauces are a good way as well. If you need veg to be easier to chop up, you can buy pre chopped, use a food processor, or get a manual vegetable chopper. Ninja blender is fantastic for making soups and pureeing vegetables.
i mean this in the gentlest way possible: you need to eat vegetables. you need to become comfortable with doing so. i do not care if you are a picky eater because of autism (hi, i used to be this person!), you need to find at least some vegetables you can eat. find a different way to prepare them. chances are you would like a vegetable you hate if you prepared it in a stew or roasted it with seasoning or included it as an ingredient in a recipe. just. please start eating better. potatoes and corn are not sufficient vegetables for a healthy diet.
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positivelybeastly · 4 months ago
Does hank have a favorite food? I read somewhere it's twinkies but I'm not sure if it's true or if that's all. If he doesn't have any, what's your headcanon?
So, the Twinkie thing actually comes from an issue of X-Men in the 90s!
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X-Men #73, by Joe Kelly, as it happens. As for whether or not it's his favourite food, well - he certainly seems to like them a whole lot, but I love a good Kit Kat every now and then, and I wouldn't necessarily call it my favourite food, you know?
It's a fun character tweak, though. Someone like Hank would definitely indulge in the odd sweet snack cake, especially given his penchant for skipping meals and eating at irregular hours. I like to think he has a general sweet tooth, and Twinkies are just the instant sugar hit he needs sometimes.
Though I don't know if I could have as many as Hank implies he eats. I tend to get sick after just one or two, they're pretty sickly sweet and very rich.
As for what I think his favourite food is? Honestly, that's tricky. I could actually see it changing over time, because his taste buds probably change with his biology, just like everything else.
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Probably something made by mom, good ol' Edna McCoy. I could see it being a massive stack of pancakes, with syrup and butter, something hearty and formidable, especially since his father has a love for the same breakfast, and I could see it being a really warm family memory for him, breakfast with mom and dad and the smell of pancakes filling the kitchen.
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I think it's gonna be a form of street food, maybe a really outrageously sticky and greasy and drippy meat sub sandwich - Hank mentions in A+X #12, when he's eating such a sandwich with Simon, that he's surprised the board of health hasn't shut the place that sells them down, but the fact that he's still getting them years later, and visibly enjoying them? He doesn't care about the cholesterol, he wants that protein. Probably tons of sauces and toasted bread, too, the full shebang.
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Privately, I think he craves something incredibly meaty and bloody. Nothing raw, I think that would disgust him, but rare, certainly - possibly a steak, some form of pork or beef, but messy. I think the idea of eating such a thing in public would fill him with shame, however, and instead he'd probably pivot to something sweet. Maybe a French creme caramel, or a burnt sugar cake, with a dollop of cold ice cream on top.
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There's a sequence in an Infinity Comic where he just goes to town on a whole ass tray of pastries, so I think something baked, sugary or savoury, would be the pick here. As something of a fiend for a cheese twist myself, I could see that hitting the spot for Hank. I also think he'd have a soft spot for particularly salty French fries.
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I think a sugar fiend. He probably likes a good meaty, sloppy burger (apparently he fucking hates pickles) with some red onion relish and some applewood cheddar, maybe a slab of bacon, but I feel like his heart lies with heavily processed sugar products, especially since I don't think that's something they really had in the Age of Apocalypse? Ice cream or sorbet would probably really hit the spot for him.
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So, he's an overeater, from stress and guilt and a degree of ennui and dissatisfaction with life - I don't feel like he's particularly picky? We obviously see him eat lobster and tomatoes, the latter with a degree of relish, but I don't see him having it in him to eat anything with any real joy. He eats because he has to, feels he should. I could see something made with a lot of heart, something with a complex but earthy flavour profile, like a homemade stew or soup, really satisfying him on some level, even if he doesn't know why.
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I feel like this man is a secret pizza fiend. Maybe that's just born out of him ordering, like, twenty pizzas in the comics during Infinity Crusade, but something with a lot of meat on it, maybe a stuffed crust, garlic sprinkles? It's just a feeling I get.
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Doesn't want to admit it, but probably the store brand cookies that Zeke favours. More because of what they symbolise than anything else - a human connection after so long, a degree of innocence, the trust that he's fostering again? This feels like the right answer.
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ovaruling · 1 year ago
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@thebloodiestmary its idea is that fat should make up the largest percentage of your dietary intake, with as few carbs as possible. carbs are demonized to an extreme that has made them synonymous with “weight gain” and they’re treated like toxins or contaminants. there is an obsession to have as close to zero carbs as possible in your daily intake, although the general starting point tends to be “under 100g” as the novice and then graduates to “under 50g” as the intermediate.
most of the diet is, of course, animal products. high fat, slightly less high protein (excess protein is converted to glucose and thus evil), and minimal carbohydrates.
fiber, however, cancels out “bad” carbohydrates in this theory. if a food has 10g carbs, but 4g of those are fiber, then in the keto world that food contains 6g of “net carbs.” it is a crazy-making algebraic way of calculating your intake. and even though fiber is a focus, it is de-prioritized completely in this diet which is so full of animal protein and animal fat that i am not surprised to see many keto fanatics come out with bowel cancers or leaky gut or heart disease or high liver enzymes/fatty liver disease or gallbladder disease/gallstones.
the idea is no sugar, no carbs. as little glucose activity as possible.
people tend to lose weight on it usually because they are actually eating fewer calories than they usually would, but not realizing it. keto usually counts by macros, not by calories. in fact, it often discourages calorie tracking. this sounds promising, but it also means most people who lose so much weight with it don’t tend to realize that it’s because they’re in a large caloric deficit. it’s a scam! if you tracked your calories you’d probably realize you were in a deficit all along, and that THAT’S why you’re losing weight, not bc of some magical keto spell.
only eating meat and dairy and eggs will do that. meat and dairy and eggs are PRIMARY weight loss foods and always have been. keto fanatics feel smug because they’re eating bacon and steak and fried eggs and full-fat cheese, but they don’t realize how few calories they’re taking in by eliminating all other foods.
keto has a bad reputation for making its dieters paranoid about fruit, beans, whole grains, and even vegetables.
hardcore keto dieters barely get any of those in their diet. but they lose weight, so it must be healthy!
their boasting of “lower cholesterol” and “lower blood sugar” is almost certainly bc they are losing weight IN A CALORIC DEFICIT.
it is not possible to lose weight if you are not in a caloric deficit.
there is the famous “keto flu” onboarding stage where you feel sick and tired for about a week or sometimes more as you “wean” off of carbs. that is your body starving for nutrients lol. it’s starving. you feel sick and exhausted bc you have almost nothing going in.
and i can say this with confidence bc i fell for this diet hardcore when i was 20. i lost tons of weight eating “fatty” foods. what was actually happening was rabbit starvation—i was getting so much protein and so few other nutrients that i was actually starving myself.
it’s a poisonous diet, nothing more than a weight loss fad, wholly unsustainable, and wildly expensive btw.
any “benefit” that anyone claims comes from it is usually simply from the process of weight loss in a deficit if one’s original health problems (usually heart or diabetes related) were due to being overweight.
and yeah again i won’t even bother to get into what happens to one’s colon and bowels in general eating that many animal products and hormones and that much fat with little to no fiber. with all its parading of red meat and bacon and sausage and other cured meats, it’s a recipe for colon cancer, that’s all i’ll say.
it’s done so much damage to our understanding of food and balanced nutrition and it’s sneaky and dishonest in its ~famed results. it’s a fancy way of getting yourself into a caloric deficit, that’s all.
if all you ate in one day was a McDonald’s value meal at 1200 calories or whatever, you’d lose weight. you’d be in a deficit. keto makes you think it will be possible to consume 5000 calories of fatty fried foods and lose weight—but that literally is not what happens. you usually remain in a deficit because you’re starving trying to keep your carbs as low as possible. and you don’t notice it bc you’re not keeping track of calories, only grams of carbohydrates vs grams of fat.
so many topics exist on keto forums like “why am i not losing weight with keto?!” and answers will urge the user to eat less lmfao. or go on a “fat fast” to “get your body to prioritize burning fat as its primary source of energy” which is eating mostly like 90% fat as your intake majority with 0g of carbs. aka starvation.
you cannot train your body to “prioritize” fat as its primary source of energy. it will ALWAYS prefer carbohydrates as the most efficient and easily digestible source of fuel. the only way you can sustain “ketosis” (which is a dangerous medical condition btw) is by never feeding yourself enough carbs so that your body literally thinks it’s starving—BECAUSE IT IS!!!! you’re “burning fat” bc you are STARVING!!!!
and yeah. just. terrible for your gallbladder, your liver, your digestion, your heart, your inflammatory system, everything. horrific diet.
tl;dr—snake oil, low energy starvation recipe for bowel cancer!
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evermoortarot · 6 months ago
I really wish I wouldn’t get told that a decision I make is wrong due to common beliefs that have not been deeply researched.
I recently went on a mostly fruit diet with no animal products because I want to heal my rosacea, which I discovered is linked to many autoimmune diseases, one of the most prevalent in my family is type 2 diabetes.
Upon doing research about skin problems and why they manifest, I came across information about the kidneys and poor filtration through the liver which leads to waste being taken out on the skin if your organs are not working together to remove the waste normally.
I did my research to understand what could work to finally heal my rosacea since it is so deeply misunderstood and judged. All my life I’ve been criticized because of it until I got older and stopped caring so much. But more than just aesthetic purposes, I want to heal my body from the inside out and it causes so much anger for me at times when I open up about these choices I’m making to better myself and I get told I’m not consuming enough protein or that I need to eat meat or eggs or whatever it may be that common media shares.
Our biology closely resembles frugivores, not carnivores. The only way we “safely” consume meat and animal products is by cooking, pasteurizing, or doing some sort of process to make it edible. That, to me, doesn’t make any sense. We get told to eat fruits and vegetables when we’re sick because they heal so wouldn’t it make sense to consume food we know to be healing most of the time?
How can we use it as medicine and then turn around and say “oh you can’t eat too much fruit because of the sugar” as if simple fruit sugar is equivalent to processed refined sugar… also, all our cells need sugar. Our body runs on glucose… which is sugar. Literally everything we consume gets transformed into glucose. Insulin gets released into the bloodstream to help transport glucose to our organs so we have energy and can function. So even foods that are low in sugar get turned into glucose… which again, is sugar. Processed sugar, like any processed food, is bad for you. It is not the same as eating raw fruit - the food the Earth created for us to consume. (Is it really that surprising that the food we can naturally consume is the most healing food for us? It’s almost as if our biology, which resembles frugivores in nature, is made for the consumptions of fruits. Amazing.)
This whole idea that protein is everything was not emphasized until the last 1000 years or so. Protein was not emphasized as the most important source of sustenance for all time. Fruits and vegetables were. There are entire cultures that thrive off of fruits and vegetables and do not struggle with the same level of disease as we do.
It’s so annoying that veganism or any sort of diet with a strong focus on fruits and vegetables gets criticized so much. I’m not pushing my choices on anyone and I wish their choices didn’t get pushed on me, especially coming from people who are currently struggling with health issues and are trying multiple protocols that are not working. It doesn’t make sense to take advice from someone else who is trying to figure it out and is not succeeding yet I’m being criticized personally for taking advice from sources who have healed themselves and others.
No one will know my body better than me. I have tried to get assistance from doctors and dermatologists. None of them have helped. Some have even made things worse by giving me medications that suppressed my symptoms for a few weeks only for them to come back stronger and then I got prescribed a more intense medication with tons of side effects. If I cannot trust in myself and intuitively listen to my body, then I will never heal. My body is my own. My choices are my own. Feel free to judge them when I am not around but keep your negativity to yourself. I’ve only being doing this for two days and I feel so much better, my digestion is better, and my rosacea is not flaring up. That cannot be a coincidence. Please stop listening to mass media and do your own research to heal your body and mind.
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gothe · 6 months ago
since u said ur going back on a diet when ur home, how do u tend to diet? like do u stick to a calorie limit per day, or limit urself to certain foods, etc... i need to get on one too and i trust ur nutritional knowledge best lol
this is going to be a long answer because i don’t want to deprive you of any knowledge
yes i stick to a (minimum) calorie limit which was upped to 2100 right before i traveled, might increase it to 2350 when i’m home because the more calories i eat the better for muscle gain. there’s many things i don’t eat: processed carbs like white bread (get whole grain/whole wheat bread instead), includes processed pasta (you can just get whole grain, tastes the same), processed meats like turkey lunchmeat, bacon, etc (bacon isn’t sold in my muslim country anyways.) no sugar in my day because that is inflammation central & is horrendous for my blood sugar, natural sugar from fruits and such is fine though of course. for a bit i had one sugary snack a day because i was sick of restricting and it gave me pimples lmao like i’m done with having sugar on a consistent basis forever. now i have one cheat day a week where i eat all the sugar i want and that works just fine for me, sometimes i cheat twice because i happen to have plans. i also don’t eat dairy not because it’s bad for your health but because it gives me bad breakouts, i’ve been having to eat some cheese though because of my gut issues having a problem with my usual breakfast, now my breakfast has a ton of cheese. there might be more i don’t eat but i don’t remember for now.
now i’m gonna give you some advice, i don’t want to overwhelm you but i’m gonna give you a sense of what your diet should look like. this is also how my own diet looks. you should have a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, proteins, whole grains, healthy fats & healthy carbohydrates in your day. you can incorporate fruits into your breakfast or into snacks throughout your day or even add fruit to a low carb meal on the side, but that’s just my dedicated ass. you could have a versatile salad in the day to get your vegetables in, have green smoothies, or simply eat your vegetables straight up in one sitting, like i usually do. get protein from chicken, beef, pork, tofu, dairy, plant proteins even. whole grains are easy to figure out, healthy fats can be from avocadoes, eggs, nuts, nut butters, olive oil, fish (fish gives you omega 3 fatty acids which are amazing for you). healthy carbs have already been mentioned, they’re fruits & whole grains, you can even have white rice & such. white rice isn’t actively nutritionally beneficial but it’s not bad for you either.
you said you need to go on a diet, i wonder what you mean? like do you need to lose weight or gain muscle/weight? cause i can’t tell you the amount of calories you should be getting in, i don’t know that. either way i gave you an idea of what a good diet should look like, i hope this helped. 💗
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nickgerlich · 1 year ago
Read The Label
It is no secret that Americans face an obesity problem. While the stats vary from year to year, the essence is this: 39.6% of US Adults are obese, 31.6% are overweight, and 7.7% are severely obese. That means only 21.1% of us are not obese or—gasp—underweight. That’s hardly a symbol of American prosperity.
Obesity leads to myriad health problems, from diabetes to heart disease, joint problems, and more. It’s a train wreck waiting to happen. As a nation, many of our health problems are things we can control.
And yet we’re not exactly doing anything about it, at least not in consumer land. It’s easy to blame our busy lives not allowing enough time for exercise, but that’s a pretty lame excuse. We can always exercise, even if it is just chair yoga. The problem runs deeper, from consumption of fatty, sugar-laden processed foods, to diets centered on too much of meats, dairy, and eggs and not enough fruits and vegetables, and a sedentary lifestyle that finds us indoors interacting with some kind of screen.
It’s not like the government didn’t recognize this. In 1990, the NLEA (Nutrition Labeling and Education Act) was passed, and in 1994, the first Nutrition Facts label appeared on consumer packaged foods. It has evolved through the years such that it is packed with relevant information. Even the portion size is standardized, thanks to governmental oversight, and is based on the RACC—Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed.
Come on, isn’t a standard serving size of Oreos the whole package? Some people customarily do just that.
In 2018, restaurant chains with 20 or more units had to start posting calorie contents of menu items. Smaller chains and one-of-a-kinds were exempt, because restaurateurs had to go to great expense to have each and every entree analyzed in a lab. That bloomin’ onion at Outback Steakhouse clocks in at 1660 calories. That’s insane for an appetizer.
But evidence suggests that people still don’t consume the information. A study by the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota showed that people check the information infrequently, if at all. All that ink, going to waste.
Marketers, though, in spite of blind eyes and deaf ears among consumers, still love to run and play with marketing words that complement the government mandatories. They must assume that shoppers are more prone to reading the front of the package, and not the back.
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Words and phrases like “organic,” “non-GMO,” “all natural,” “plant-based,” and the like are now commonplace, and they supposedly help guide consumer purchase. The USDA regulates some of these, but not all. Of those regulated, there are exacting requirements to make the claim of being organic or other such traits. Basically, the USDA has created benchmarks. But not all words and phrases are regulated.
In many regards, it is like the wild, wild west when it comes to food claims, and the notion of caveat emptor has never been more true. You’re on your own, buddy. Become an educated consumer. You eat at your own peril.
All of this coming at a time when a major class action lawsuit against Wendy’s and McDonald’s has been dismissed. The judged ruled that photographic puffery of menu items is just part of the marketing hyperbole. It’s on you, not them.
I am one of the few who does read labels carefully. The ongoing evolution of the Nutrition Facts label makes it easier than ever to identify the source(s) of a food’s bad traits, as well as bold-faced ingredients (14 different ones!) that are red flags based on a person’s allergies or food choices. And if you’re wondering whether a shopper could use the same level of scrutiny online as in the store, the answer is yes. I checked my most recent Walmart+ purchases, and found each item in my history has both the Nutrition Facts and Ingredients shown.
So what do we make of this? It’s a mess, there’s a ton of information, and from the looks of things, most people are ignoring it. In a nutshell, they’re just not having any of this health and wellness the federal government would like to foster, even if it is a public good. Let’s face it, a sick population costs money to keep on life support, but it seems that few care.
And here we are, four out of five overweight to some extent. Eating a WFPB (Whole Food, Plant-Based) -diet is tough, but it works if care is taken to get the right amounts of nutrients. It is the extreme, though. But man is it inconvenient, not to mention difficult to do in public. You have to take the time to know your foods, not to mention mustering up the resolve to forsake the comfort foods our culture promotes so heavily.
It’s a tangled mess. The government thinks it is important, but in the end, it all boils down to personal responsibility. You can bring a person to organic tofu, but you can’t make them eat it. And the marketers always love an opportunity to spin doctor anything. I once found a frozen grocery item that had the familiar (and one may now say over-used) phrase “plant-based” on the label. Turned out it was only one of the ingredients making that claim; the item in totality was hardly vegan, if that was your goal.
I’m OK with the personal responsibility. Eat what you like, whatever it is. But please also figure out a way to squeeze in a fitness regime. At the end of the day, and aside from any genetic predispositions, it boils down to what we put in, and what we put out. And please start reading those labels. You don’t have to be a food nutritionist to understand them, although I’m sure it helps.
In an organic kind of way, of course.
Dr “Who Can Eat Just One?” Gerlich
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chiropractorinmacomb · 3 months ago
Effective Strategies for Starving Fat Cells Without Starving Yourself
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You may want to lose weight for different reasons. Sometimes we’ve enjoyed a few too many sweets over the winter holidays. It could be that you want to get healthy, and you realize carrying around extra weight affects everything you do. In this article, we’ll show you how to target those fat cells while not feeling like you’re starving for nutrients at the same time. Let’s get started with some simple strategies that you can implement today!
Forget the Fads
We’ve seen all kinds of weight loss fads, from juice cleanses to cabbage soup diets. The problem with these fads is that they can leave you feeling hungry, fatigued, and nutrient-deprived. (1)
When you want to lose weight, taking a healthy approach is best. It is far more sustainable and won’t leave you searching the pantry late at night from hunger. Also, it’s much simpler to do things the right way and reap all the benefits, which will leave you looking and feeling your best. We’ll show you some of the proper strategies below to start starving those fat cells.
1. Intermittent Fasting
Some people decide to fast and aren’t successful because they go too fast. Intermittent fasting has tons of benefits for your health, and one of them can be weight loss. The easy way to use intermittent fasting is to stop eating earlier in the evening and extend your eating window the next day. As you progress, you can get to a 24-hour fast. A 24-hour fast will help you target fat cells, but maintain lean muscle. (2)
Fasting can be an incredible weight loss tool because it lowers your blood sugar. Since you’re not consuming foods as a direct fuel source, your body will burn fat for energy because glucose isn’t available. (3)
2. Eat More
If this seems counterintuitive, it may be because you eat the wrong things. Many people look at others and think they eat so much more but continue to lose weight or at least maintain their weight. When you look closer, these individuals may be eating more nutritious foods. If you want to lose fat, you should eat whole foods, emphasizing healthy proteins, fats, vegetables, and fruit. Feeding your body the nutrients it needs will not only make you feel better, but it can help you shed unwanted fat.
If you have a lifestyle of eating fried foods, drinking lots of sodas, and consuming processed carbohydrates, you will not look your best, and you will likely feel terrible most of the time. (4) These foods feed your fat, not your body. If you’re short on time but want healthy options for you and your family, the Heal Yourself Cookbook has meals you can make in 30 minutes that are delicious.
Keep in mind that you want to understand how much your body needs to stay healthy. Cutting too many calories could have the opposite effect and cause your body to store fat, not lose it. On the flip side, if you are overeating, you’ll also be storing fat. So you’ll want to find a calorie deficit according to your body’s needs. You can use a calorie calculator like this one and aim for a 500 calorie deficit in order to lose weight safely.
3. Burn Sugar
Our bodies like to store sugar. That sugar can block your weight loss attempts. So, we want to burn through that stored sugar to use fat for energy and starve those fat cells. One of the best ways to do this is to exercise.
There are numerous ways to get more exercise into your daily life. If gym memberships aren’t for you, try to incorporate more walking each day. Park farther away from work or the grocery store. Take a walk at lunch and get some fresh air. Work up to a 30-minute brisk walk daily and see how your body changes and how you feel. (5)
If you need a little extra help lowering blood sugar, a natural supplement like Berberine, can be very effective. You don’t need to fall for the pharmaceutical marketing schemes that don’t work and only create other health issues.
4. Don’t Overeat
If you feel like you’re doomed to overeating because you’re always hungry, it could be what you’re consuming. As we mentioned, if your diet is filled with all the wrong foods, you won’t feel your best. Additionally, you won’t get satiated as quickly, so you’ll need to eat more and more, causing you to overeat.
When you give your body the whole foods it needs, you can eat more of them than fast foods and processed carbs. These healthy foods can eliminate cravings. Unhealthy options are filled with empty calories that keep you coming back for more.
If you need to count calories for a while, that can help you know how much food you should be eating. We don’t recommend counting calories for the long haul because it can be a bit overwhelming. A short period of tracking can help you understand your body better and know how much food you need for proper energy.
Also, make sure that you are well hydrated. Many people confuse hunger with thirst. If you are always hungry, make sure your blood sugar levels are stable and that you are getting adequate hydration.
You Can Do It
If weight loss seems like something that is out of reach, we want you to know that you can do this. We work with many patients who have various health issues, and the main takeaway we want everyone to have is that real health comes naturally. You won’t obtain wellness with prescriptions and shortcuts. We also know many health gurus online and on social media make fat loss seem complicated when it’s not.
These tips are sustainable, and they will work today and in the future. You won’t only starve those fat cells, but you will also feel better and have more energy to do the things you enjoy.If you’d like to discuss more about how we help patients like you with weight loss and other health issues, contact us today. With the right strategies, your chiropractor in Macomb, MI believes that you can become a wellness warrior and feel better than ever.
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drvitaltips · 11 months ago
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jsms01 · 2 years ago
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m3hgumi · 4 years ago
— baking with their s/o
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a/n: i apologize for being rly inactive on here my exams start today and I’ve been trying to study for them these past few days
pairings: itadori yuuji x f!reader, fushiguro megumi x f!reader, gojo satoru x f!reader
word count: 390
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itadori yuuji
he's probably had to bake with his grandfather before so he definitely has experience
he's actually quite careful with following the instructions and making sure everything is done right
just don't do this at night or he will summon nobara as a reincarnation of the devil
you mostly read off the instructions while he puts the ingredients in the bowl
he really enjoys baking cookies and mini cupcakes !!
you can see the light tint of pink appearing on his cheeks when you lick the batter or frosting off his face
he tries to impress you with his "expert" baking skills but his clumsiness was his downfall
fushiguro megumi
he's not as experienced as itadori, but he does know the basics from watching and helping tsumiki
complains about the whole process being useless and a waste of food but deep down he's very grateful you asked to do this, hoping to spend some quality time
he's more of a pastry/brownie person
he likes making muffins too !!
his face becomes a tomato when you wipe the excess frosting off his face
does everything exactly how it is written in the instructions
he’s quite the blushing mess when you have to physically demonstrate
gojo satoru
unlike the other two, he is the COMPLETE opposite
mans said "fuck the packaging"
heck yall aren't even using premade dessert mixtures
gojo + kitchen = disaster
make sure to keep the fire extinguisher at all times
his students are secretly praying the dorms don't blow up because of this
your whole purpose in this is to keep him in check
he added double the amount of sugar than what the recipe had prescribed and even added colored sugar on top of the dessert at the end
purposely gets frosting on his face so you could lick it off (will point it out if you don't notice)
eats raw cookie dough (even if the flour isn't heat treated) and cake batter
is the "official" taste tester (even though all he did was put a shit ton of sugar in the mixture)
takes so many pictures of the finished product and brags about it to nanami whenever he sees him after
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© m3hgumi 2021. all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or repost my works anywhere
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gelato444 · 2 years ago
I think a big issue is that almost all western nutrition post WWII (when it really became studied) hasn't gone on long enough to see final effects yet. Especially the grain+dairy push with the food pyramid. We're all basically guinea pigs for this and we have no way of knowing if it'll work like they say, or if there are a lot of flaws they didn't account for.
Conversely, however, we do have lots of evidence for regionally historical diets. Look at the central Italians in say Tuscany who have pretty long lifespans with tons of basil and wine basically replacing all other liquids, or the coastal Japanese who survive on lean fish and vegetables.
We're heading into uncharted waters generationally and just blindly believing what we're told without having anywhere near a large enough sample size of evidence RE gmo grains and hgh milk to back it up is very dangerous.
yeah basically this. we are huge lab rats for massive food industries that Lobby the gov. and I’d argue we are already seeing the effects - look at how unhealthy the population, both aging and new, is. we are seeing levels of diseases never before. MAN MADE diseases - asthma, heart disease, diabetes, etc, these things existed at all time lows before our food began to be to hideously altered by production and processing
follow an ancestral diet if you want to unlock your healthiest potential. i follow the Mediterranean diet, but most ancestral diets are as such:
1) eat fish as your primary meat, get your other protein from legumes and eggs and whole fat yogurt (dicey because of how milk is produced and made, but still has many nutritional benefits that outweighed the negative cost to your body)
2) eats lots of vegetables
3) eat lots of fruits
4) eat lots of seeds and nuts
5) eat whole grains only - oats, bulgur, barley, etc.
6) keep to an absolute minimum red meat such as pork and cow, if you must choose other meat go for poultry (but stick to fish and legumes)
7) NEVER eat processed sugars (or other foods for that matter), bleached flours; never DRINK milk
and I know this one may cause strife but,
8) replace all your cooking fats with olive oil ONLY 
and my last tip:
if it comes in a pre made and packaged, don’t even bother
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kiranatrix · 4 years ago
This is entirely self indulgent but can I ask how you think whammy’s house celebrates pi day, every year I make a ton of pies and I bet the whammy’s kids would be just as dorky. I know in my bones that Mello gets at least 2 chocolate pies a year and god help anyone who dares to steal a slice.
Oh thank you! I needed a cute ask after some heavy ones <3 (not that I mind those kind). That’s so fun that you celebrate Pi Day and I’d love to see your pies! As for how it might go down at Wammy’s House:
- The Pi Day tradition started out academically where their math professor held a contest to see who can remember the most digits of pi. Wammy’s House does love their tests and rankings, and the winner can request a pie of their choice no matter how decadent. Of course, the current record-holder is L himself who, when presented with such supreme motivation, typed out 120,00 digits with his left hand while working on solving cases with his right. It’s become a legend around Wammy’s and not all the kids believe it (mostly Beyond because he couldn’t beat him). 
-  The tradition soon shifted from the digit contest (which took too long) to a bake-off! At first Wammy and Roger figured it would give them a break in the kitchen but they didn’t anticipate the messes and kitchen disasters and fires. But it remained so popular with the kids they didn’t have the heart to stop it. There’s a ‘mystery judge’ (it’s L lol) who taste-tests each one and gives it a rating. The winner doesn’t get much more than bragging rights but everyone gets to eat a lot of pie.
- You’re absolutely right that Mello MUST have chocolate pies (Chocolate Cream!), and I think the reason he needs a minimum of two is that one is for eating and one is for throwing at Near lol. It becomes an annual cat-and-mouse game where Near tries to avoid Mello for the whole day while Mello frantically searches for him, pie in hand and ready to hurl it at any moment. That’s probably the only way he’d ‘give’ some of his pie away. “WHERE IS HE?!” is often heard ringing through the halls of Wammy’s House on that day. I headcanon him as a really good baker-- he’s trying hard to beat whatever pie Near makes. “If I can make a bomb, I can bake a pie.” *clenches fist*
- Matt never gets very far in the baking process because he eats all the ingredients, either from munchies or distraction when he gets a notification on his game. He assembles whatever’s left (apples cores and raw crust) with a shrug and calls it ‘avant garde.’ He could definitely do it but he knows Mello and Linda will make awesome ones anyway and he just doesn’t care that much. He eventually remembers Mello never shares, oops. 
- Beyond....sigh, Beyond. Is an entire pie tin filled with jam really a pie? He’s ready and willing to debate this point until detractors give up and go away. If he suspects L is really the secret taste-tester he might stuff the pie with all kinds of horrendous stuff, spiders, toenail clippings, boogers, and sneeze on it for good measure. He probably spends as much time looking over the other kids shoulders and making ‘helpful suggestions’ (spoiler: not so helpful) as he does making his own cursed pies. “This? Oh it’s a mud pie.” Except with real mud. 
- Near spends most of Pi Day hiding from Mello but arranges to use the kitchen in Roger’s cottage to bake in peace and quiet. I see him having less of a sweet tooth and putting more focus on (overly) intricate presentation. Maybe he tries to make his pie crust look like dozens of puzzle pieces, only to despair when the baking process smooshed them all back together. I think he’d end up making a Banoffee Pie (given Wammy’s is in England).
- Linda’s pies are a work of art and she pretty much always wins, having a good balance between flavors and creative presentation. Because she’s familiar with how most of the other student’s pies are going to go--hoarded/splatted/gross-- she makes a bunch and all different kinds. Her crust is the flakiest, fillings homemade and completely protected from Beyond’s ‘help.’ L is completely enthralled with her pies, to the point Wammy has to pull her aside and ask her for the recipes (he’s not thrilled about that).
- Food fight? Food fight! All those kids getting hopped up on sugar and its bound to happen! Mello gets Banoffee Pie to the face and no one has any peace
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fx1600 · 1 year ago
Also some very important things to remember about food is THERE'S HARDLY ANY CLEAR CUT GOOD VS BAD FOOD Literally everything in moderation is the healthiest and your moderation will be different than others so if you can listen to your body take note of what it likes and what it doesn't like. The biggest advice is rethink health vs non healthy foods some "junk foods" are actually not as bad as you think. Some of them are even more nutrient dense than "super foods". Potatoes with the skin on are very nutrient dense along with tomato's, avocado, and BUTTER.
A bowl of kale has nothing against a baked potato. Salsa a guacamole are actually very healthy snacks with nothing wrong with them! Same with if you make a homemade pizza with whole wheat dough!
If you struggle with eating the best thing to do is see what you can improve in your diet already -choose whole wheat when you can -try more dark chocolate over milk (little less processed sugar, richer taste offers quicker solution to cravings, fiber, antioxidants) -go for baked instead of fried (the level of oil and types of oils used by big companies to fry have bad cholesterol and overly processed trans fats). Even pan fried in a little butter is better than deep fried! If you really like pastas but can't do leafy greens (sources of high fiber and iron), chop them up, cook down whatever you can and slip it into something creamy and cheesy Have a hard time getting enough fruits (fiber and a variety of different vitamins)? Slip what you can into ice cream, baked goods, smoothies! Sugar is not the enemy get unbleached sugar and make home made smoothies!
Hard time with textures? Try different cooking methods! Don't like steamed? Try pan searing or baking your veggies! Cut them into tiny pieces and cook them in a pan with some things you like! Mix them into a nice creamy sauce! Try finely shredded or ground meats, smoosh and break down fish and mix it into a rice ball!
If you have a hard time deciding what to eat look into those meal planning sites like Hello Fresh, even if you can't afford the boxes you can still find a ton of well balanced recipes and you can just use it like a shopping list when you go grocery shopping.
If you have a hard time cooking look into premade meals or low effort foods like premade sandwiches, hard boiled eggs (low fat source of protein) already deshelled, throw everything you like to eat in a pan with some oil or butter and cook it all up! Look into stews! Soups! Crock pot meals that you can throw everything in and leave to cook!
Also keep a note of what you eat! Monitor your diet and when you feel bad see if there's something you haven't eaten lately!
AND LOW CALORIE DOESN'T MEAN GOOD LOOK INTO HOW MANY NUTRIENTS ARE IN LOW CALORIE FOODS! Some of them are only nutritious in theory and modern myth like oatmeal which gained popularity in low fat diets. But nutrition wise? You might as well eat 1 egg, 1 apple, and a piece of toast which all have more nutrients in them than a whole (rather large) bowl of oatmeal.
Searching for nutritious food tips online is a nightmare I don't care about losing weight I care about feeding my body what it needs to feel good!! RAHHH!!!!
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Halloween Headcanons
HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM MOD ROSE AND MOD SOVIET! Thank you guys for continuing to read the blog! We hope to be releasing some of the character matchups soon, but for today please enjoy this quick post covering the crew's holiday activities! Assuming modern for this post, kids probably aren’t trick or treating at Drac’s castle. 
Costume for this year: Zombie, easy to make and fun to overdo when you've got the time. 
Favorite candy of all time: Snickers, he actively buys the fun sized ones for himself instead of full size because he knows his lack of self control. 
Favorite autumn treat: Baked apples, with a pint of whatever fancy autumn ale the local brew pub is trying out this year. 
Trick-or-treat etiquette: Leaves the candy in a big bowl on the front porch, which he guards by blending in with his ridiculous amount of decorations and scaring the daylights out of anybody who tries to take more than needed. 
Costume for this year: Mad Scientist,  complete with fake green blood spattered  robe and pipe cleaners shaped into *electricity* coming out of her floofed out hair. 
Favorite candy of all time: She loves all the tart and fruity things, but if you forced her to pick one she'd say Nerds.
Favorite autumn treat: Pumpkin bread, homemade and covered in a maple brown sugar icing. She tried incorporating the seeds into some sort of crumble on top but nearly burned the kitchen down trying to toast them.
Trick-or-treat etiquette: Answers the door, gushing over the kids who dress up and closing the door on teens who show up without costumes. She also keeps a small stash of allergy sensitive alternatives in case a parent asks for it. 
Costume for this year: Werewolf who just changed back to a human again, or at least that’s what he calls it when he realizes he forgot to get his costume together and wears a torn up shirt and pants with a little makeup to make him look haggard. (Offer to add on a dog collar and cuffs to sell the costume and watch him be really fucking prepared for next year)
Favorite candy of all time: Redhots, or any other cinnamon candy. They were always super easy to trade for, in that most kids didn’t want them so he just got to take them all home for free.
Favorite autumn treat: Hot and fresh apple cider, with a splash of brandy if he’s feeling particularly chilly that night.
Trick-or-treat etiquette: He’s not a big fan of answering the door every 5 min, but he manages a smile and a few pieces per visitor. Lights go off as soon as the sun goes down though.
Costume for this year: He just fucking hauls some old ass armor from his closet and goes as a warlord and has won every costume contest every year. Cheater.
Favorite candy of all time: Dark Chocolate pieces, not too sweet and also no kid is going to complain if he fishes all of them from the candy bowl.
Favorite autumn treat: Homemade toasted pumpkin seeds, they’re infinitely better than the basic store bought ones you find year round, and he adds a little bit of extra spice to them in the form of ghost pepper powder. He can handle it, and it keeps people from filching them.
Trick-or-treat etiquette: His is known as the house that only the bravest kids go to, for no particular reason. The decor is pretty standard, the handfuls of candy are GIGANTIC, but Vlad is more than aware of the tall tales kids spin for each other about the giant who lives there.
Costume for this year: She tosses a doctor’s coat over a long body hugging black dress, dawns a black big and dark makeup, and goes at “Morticia-n” Adams. It doesn’t matter if no one gets it, she knows and is smug as hell about it.
Favorite candy of all time: Caramels, just by themselves but she won’t turn down a caramel apple if one happened across her path.
Favorite autumn treat: All the fun autumn coffee drinks, she needs that caffeine hit for long hours at the doctor’s office and hey, gotta spice it up now and then.
Trick-or-treat etiquette: Loves answering the door, hypes up the kids over their costumes and kneels down to their level to hand them their candy. She doesn’t give them a ton though, doctor’s guilt and all.
Costume for this year: Elf, very much inspired by Lord of the Rings styling. It fits in well at the vet clinic with all of the animals and keeps him looking normal enough to not spook them.
Favorite candy of all time: M&M’s, they’re simply and easy to just fill a bowl with and munch on throughout the week of Halloween. Plus no extra individual wrappers that he was to worry about Cezar trying to munch on.
Favorite autumn treat: Caramel corn, again a simple and sweet finger food. But this one he much prefers to get at a festival booth when it’s still hot and you have the smell of it cooking lingering in your nostrils.
Trick-or-treat etiquette: He’s not a huge fan of answering the door, but he’ll put on a brave face since he knows for many kids this is a big deal. If he notices any kid getting bullied or jeered at he unceremoniously dumps the entire bowl in their bag and tells them to head home early to avoid any more issues.
Costume for this year: Grim Reaper. It’s literally a robe and a scythe, super easy and minimal effort, but just enough effort to avoid being called out for not trying harder.
Favorite candy of all time: Not really a candy person, it’s all high processed garbage to him. But he does have a soft spot for butterscotch and strawberry hard candies like his grandparents used to have around all the time.
Favorite autumn treat: Pecan pie, he’s not a huuuuuuge sweets person but a slice of pie with a dark roast coffee to offset the sugar and he is instantly in a good mood.
Trick-or-treat etiquette: Always conveniently ends up away from home that night, mostly so he doesn’t have to hear the doorbell constantly. He’ll leave some candy out to avoid getting his house egged but that’s about it.
Costume for this year: Pirate, then he can make all the booty jokes and drink all the alcohol he wants.
Favorite candy of all time: He likes the chewy things, like taffy or Twizzlers but will honestly eat anything. More specifically, he will eat EVERYTHING if you don’t hide the candy meant for the trick-or-treaters.
Favorite autumn treat: Cinnamon rolls, cake for breakfast? Fuck yeah. (Nobody tell him you can have them year round)
Trick-or-treat etiquette: Is of the mind a kid has to go through a fuckin gauntlet of spooky yard decor to earn their sugar rush. Yes he is going to jump out and scare them in the yard, yes he is going to get nearly punched by a few spooked fathers, but he always rewards the kids with a decent candy haul.
Costume for this year: Banshee, it’s dramatic, dark, and scares the sweet jesus out of men.
Favorite candy of all time: Godiva chocolates, she buys a whole fancy box for herself at the beginning of each month. And then pretends she doesn’t eat them all in the first two days.
Favorite autumn treat: Cranberry things, like bars or jams. People have tried to argue with her that it's more of a winter thing but fighting with her over other things has never worked either so...her opinion stands unchallenged now.
Trick-or-treat etiquette: She’s hosting a very lavish party at her house, to be honest she probably rarely hears the doorbell. When she does answer it she lets the kids grab a handful from the ONE bowl she keeps by the door and when that’s gone she just turns off the outside light and stops answering.
-Mod Soviet
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juliensolomemeta · 4 years ago
julien  solomita  meme  001:   making  cursed  foods  for  halloween .       feel  free  to  change  them  up  as  you  see  fit !
“if you’re wondering why i look different,  i got new glasses.” “sit back,  relax,  and let me make the mistakes.” “i am aware that it might be a bit drastic.” “darkness and evil have partnered up with me.” “i guess just enjoy the rest of the mistake you made.” “she texted me...  we’re just friends.” “i don’t know why i said that.” “what i learned recently:  a candy thermometer is a thermometer that’s made out of candy,  so when you’re done measuring the heat of whatever you’re cooking you just eat the thermometer.” “this is disgusting,  i don’t know why i’m doing this.” “we’re gonna start with alcohol,  because it’s 35pm somewhere. time to have a drink.” “it’s actually plastic,  so it doesn’t actually pose an immediate threat to me or my kitchen.” “let’s start the process of making alcohol because i’ve had a long day...  it’s noon.” “you’re gonna shut the hell up,  bitch.” “how much orange juice did i put in there?  i kinda blacked out.” “what’s great about this is,  in addition to scaring the shit out of whoever is gonna drink this or watch you drink it,  it’s really good for digestion.” “this is filthy.” “shut up.  shut up.  thank you.” “i hope you (guys) are ready for the real nastiness that’s to come today.” “it’s truly disturbing.” “hold on let me try that again.” “here’s a good prank to do for your job:  just don’t show up.  and then when they email you and they’re like ‘why didn’t you come to work?’ be like ‘boo! i scared ya!  you thought i quit,’  and then you’re like  ‘it was funny,  right?’ and then you come back and hopefully your stuff’s not gone.” “this is inspired by death and darkness.” “yeah,  this baby’s workin’ nice.” “cheers by the way.” “we’re going to violently stab them in the heart.” “another violent stab.” “curse at it too while you do it,  it helps.” “butter...  i hardly know her!” “a whole shit ton of sugar,  like so much sugar.  but it’s halloween so the calories don’t count.” “you just gotta tell that pot,  ‘hey,  listen,  when life knocks you down you get back on that burner.’  then you spank it.” “pour it from as high as you can.” “oh my god,  oh my fuck.” “it’s all one nice goopy texture.” “and we wait,  we literally just wait.” “have a sip of my death juice.” “this might turn out to be weirdly yummy,  but it’s gonna look absolutely disgusting.  i promise you that.” “that sounds like a really disgusting thing to do with my time.  sure,  sign me up.” “it’s not quite black.  it’s got this like,  lightness to it.  this air of happiness and joy...  love.” “where’s my bag?  i need to find my bag...  i found my bag.” “oh god,  oh god,  oh fuck...  it spilled.” “every day i stray further from god.” “this literally looks like it should be being cooked in a cauldron.  this is evil.” “in the name of halloween!” “oh my god,  dude.” “disclaimer,  none of this is really poisoned.” “it’s just dyed with black food coloring.” “it’s very neat-looking.” “there’s a chance things will get dyed black and you won’t be able to fix it.” “this is a whole production here.” “this is delicate,  be very careful.” “this is what i have...  this is terrible,  this is the worst thing i’ve ever made.” “don’t worry,  as bad as they look,  i promise you they probably taste a lot worse.” “it was miserable to make them.” “it actually looks like burnt garbage.  melted garbage.  melted plastic garbage.” “actually this looks like a freezeframe out of a horror film.” “it ended up looking like nuclear waste.” “sounds like bones.” “i never thought i could make a worse situation happen.” “what do you think?  did you like this?  was this fun?  was this cute?” “why do you think that looks good?  it looks disgusting,  how do you even want that?” “definitely do this is someone else’s kitchen so you don’t have to clean up the mess.”
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tragedy-for-sale · 5 years ago
So my friend @23-bears and I were thinking over your Jello post... What if the battalions have specific foods they obsess over? The 501st has jello, maybe Obi Wan’s 212th fall in love with pastries, maybe Plo Koon makes candy for the Wolffepack, etc. Your thoughts?
My thoughts? I love this! Okay, like absolutely!
We already went over the whole 501st with Jello so uh, everyone else! God these are all so kriffing long -
The 212th loves to bake. They love all those French pastries and are very good at making your mouth water. Obi-Wan gets them the ingredients and they spend all day in the mess baking and eating strawberries. There's fancy syrups, the finest of ingredients and fresh fruit. Obi-Wan isn't gonna feed his boys that frozen or processed crap. Crys and Wooly always put some tea in the fridge to brew the night before then make some fresh tea too while everyone else cooks. Crys is afraid of burning himself so Wooly keeps him company. They even all have aprons with their names in them. During the process they always seem to get in a flour fight. Obi-Wan will be covered in flour and there's some floating in the air, and then he laughs, the light hits him just right and he really looks happy as he's just laughing away. Poor Cody always looses his breath
Plo Koon makes candy because Boost was upset that Sinker ate his lollipop. Papa Plo can't have his boys be crying over food. So one day he shows up with a bunch of molds, sugars and whatever. He then takes the boys to the mess and they have the time of their life. They make sweets and chocolate for all the boys and any leftovers are taken to the temple and the Wolfpack spends the day handing out little goody bags of candy to the younglings, civies working and brothers. The older Jedi get candy from Plo. They always save a big goody bag for Ahsoka. When cooking, Wolffe always burns himself when heating up the sugar or chocolate, so Plo carries extra band-aids but eventually got Wolffe to help in the making of the candies and this is the only time that Wolffe is smiling consistently.
Fox lives off caf, every morning he's in the mess makin a 'fancy' cup of caf. But his boys decided it wasn't fancy enough for their Commander. So they scraped together whatever credits they had and bought whipping cream, extract, cocoa powder, whatever and then called Fox down to the mess saying something short circuited. But when he got there he found the boys presenting him all this fancy caf stuff and Thorn holding an apron with Fox's name on it. And this boy cried. So now they have the best mornings with them all down in the mess, the boys love it especially because they've never seen their Commander so happy.
Bly and his boys are soup-perts (soup experts) Aayla once mentioned her favorite meal was soup. So Bly got his boys together and they research a shit ton traditional Twi-lek soups and then spend all day in the mess making soup. There are the vegetable choppers, the stove watchers, the tasters and preppers. The first time they made soup they invited their General down and they had a bunch of meals set up for everyone and they blew their General away. It was the best meal she has had in a long time, she then joined her boys teaching the new tricks and takes Bly on a shopping trip so he knows exactly what to buy.
Kit's battalion love sushi. The boys take a very special interest in Kit's habits and way of life. The man eats fish okay. So one day they find him singing in the mess while making sushi and of course, all the brothers gather and watch in awe as he works so fast and creates beautiful food. Kit then offers them some and they are hooked. They then pull out some beer and all make sushi with their General. Eventually, they become just as good as Kit and are constantly presenting recipes for Kix to help them cook. When they are on a planet, he let's the boys go fish and Kit's in the water catching the fish his style. Eventually the boys grab their scuba gear and join him. Rex got some sushi from Anakin from Kit, he was snacking away and Dogma was disgusted, he didn't understand how someone would want to eat raw fish.
Ponds loves to stuff his face with bread. Mace thought it was pathetic that this man was just eating plain bread. So he takes Ponds to buy flour and stuff then when they get to the mess, the boys have already been commed and then they spend the day making bread. Eventually Ponds gets creative, they start making banana, lemon, blueberry breads, literally anything they can get their hands on. Everyone loves their bread day. At the end of the day, the mess smells delightful and they're all stuffing their faces with bread. Mace is never as chill as he is during those days. When Ponds dies, they can't bring themselves to bake bread anymore and Mace never smiles again.
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