#what's he looking at oooOOoOo
I jumped in the river and what did I see?
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black-eyed angels swam with me
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waluigisgaybf · 10 months
ngl really tempted to decide my Durge had black hair until he get fucking murked and then resuro 👀
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confessedlyfannish · 5 months
Writing Prompt #13
"So?" Red Hood asks, arms crossed. "Was I right?"
"Yes," Phantom says, deepening his voice, "this is one of mine."
"One of your what?" Robin growls. Nightwing's hand on his shoulder is the only thing keeping him from invading Phantom's personal space, which, please, continue to do so Mr. Nightwing, Sir.
Phantom would take a deep calming breath if a) he wasn't trying to appear as otherworldly as possible which means no human breathing and b) if that wouldn't so obviously telegraph how uncomfortable he is in the Batcave surrounded by the entire Batfamily.
Next to him Red Hood shifts in slight discomfort. His ties to the spectral realm mean he's picking up on Danny's unease even if he can't fully translate the feeling. Which is good. Danny needs to maintain what little control he has over this situation.
"There's a gh-spirit in my...realm," Phantom says, letting himself drift gently to the other side of Batman's medical table which just coincidentally puts more distance between him and the the rest of the clan staring him down. Black Bat leans forward and he violently suppresses a flinch. "They're known as Nocturne. They wield power over dreams. Their signature is all over this."
And Danny means that literally. Their ecto-signature couldn't be more apparent if they'd written it in sharpie across Batman's suit. This is what Jason—Red Hood, because Danny couldn't have been dealing with a simple civilian case of ecto-contamination, nooo, he's got to have connections to the superheroes Danny has spent the better part of his afterlife avoiding—managed to pick up on, even being the low level entity that he is.
At which point he'd called Phantom in, even though Danny had spent the better part of two weeks trying to intimidate the guy into never contacting him, Ruler of the Spirit Realm (lightning crash!), again, but here is his calling card just in case (thunder and creaking noises!!), but again, you should never use it unless things are very serious, OoOoOoOo~~~
Damn it. It's been like 10 days.
"So how do we fix it, Your, uh, Ghostliness?" Nightwing says, ducking his head in a sort of half-assed supplication when Phantom turns to him. Nightwing glances at Jason for affirmation who shrugs out of the corner of Danny's eye.
"Phantom is fine," Danny says, waving his hand and letting his upper lip curl in an expression of distaste. "Remember, it's like you're Vlad when Dad offers him a glass of eight dollar wine!" Jazz's voice reminds him. Robin growls lowly, likely meaning he's nailing it. He looks away dismissively ("Honestly, it's like you're Vlad, anytime, ever." Sam notes dryly) and thanks god he doesn't have a heart in this form because it would be beating so loud right now.
Beside him, Jason scratches compulsively at the back of his neck. Huh, his anxiety is manifesting physically as an itch. Good to know.
"You can't fix it," Phantom says. "I can."
"At what cost?" Red Robin asks. "Red Hood mentioned you'd want something in return?"
Frick. His other contingency to keep Jason from ever contacting him again. Phantom had lightly hinted his taste du jour was, uh, souls.
Something Red Hood has apparently let slip, because now Robin shakes off Nightwing's hand, puffs out his chest and declares "I will trade myself for my father's safe awakening, Spirit!"
The other members burst into denials which almost covers up Danny floating sharply back and saying "What? No!!!"
Key word: almost.
Danny coughs as they stare at him.
"That is to say, I have no desire for a child," he puts a bit of snarl into it, showing fang. The mood in the room plummets drastically as Nightwing gently grabs Robin by the arm and pulls him back to his side.
"We see," he says. He steps forward more assertively, placing himself in front of the others, all of which are now eying him warily. "Then, is there a gender you prefer?"
It takes a second to click in Danny's head and then he swings his head wildly away from his audience to hide his reaction, nausea and embarrassment turning his face bright green. "Fika Kristo," he mutters in Esperanto as quietly as he possibly can, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He gives himself a moment to settle and game plan before turning back around. "I have no desire for any of you, and it matters not. In this instance, a deal need not be struck. Nocturne is my subject, and they have done this without my permission." Danny blinks, eyes widening. "Not—not! that I would give them permission to do such a thing. In the first place. Ahem."
"Okay...so you'll do this for free?" Jason asks. "Seems like a bad business practice since you also fixed me up for nothing—"
"What he means to say, Your Majesty, Phantom, is thank you!" Signal says in a rush as Nightwing starts, "Wait, Hood, what do you mean—"
"Enough!" Phantom says loudly (nearby bats take off and Jason's itch migrates to his forearms) "I have little time," read: he has a test tomorrow and he's only one-third of the way through the study guide "And I grow tired of this...dilly-dally." Frick! Is that an old-timey word?
"Of course. Thank you again, Phantom." Nightwing says stiffly, eyes still narrowed in Hood's direction.
"Wait, sorry, Phantom, Majesty, I'm Spoiler by the way," the purple-caped vigilante Danny already knew was Spoiler says. "How do we keep this from happening again? To any of us? Is there a way to defeat this Nocturne?"
"Moreover, why Batman?" Red Robin asks. "Why would a spirit from another dimension want him asleep?"
Phantom sighs. "Nocturne was trying to send a message. To me. Through you," he says, nodding at Red Hood. "They...how do I put this. They like attention. Being the spirit of uh, dreaming, they don't receive that attention. And you were in my realms for quite some time. And they wanted...attention."
The lackluster explanation sits for a moment before "They were jealous? Of me?" Red Hood asks skeptically.
"It's more complicated than that. Your...physiology," Danny puts it as delicately as possible, watching regretfully when Red Hood still stiffens at the mention, "Is particular. You gather attention in our realm. And having my attention is...special. But not!" He says to the group at large, a touch panicked, "Romantic!"
Jesus, he's never gonna hear the end of this from the others.
"Anyway, I will ensure it does not happen again."
"By paying them attention," Spoiler says under her breath, wiggling her eyebrows at Black Bat, Red Robin shooting them both a glare. Nightwing ignores them in favor of staring at Red Hood and Phantom. Danny is unsure what Red Hood has disclosed about how he knows Danny, but now he feels confident the answer is close to nothing.
Before Nightwing can ask whatever uncomfortable thing he's about to ask, Phantom disappears. Invisibly, he hovers over Batman's sleeping body and silently apologizes for the intrusion before intangibly slipping into Batman's REM realm and finding the man...oh...
Probably thirty minutes later he reappears to the group, who all perk up at the sight of him. Their eyes bounce from him to Batman; who does not move, to the monitor; which shows no change in his brain activity.
"I'm going to need your help," Danny says to Jason, getting to the point.
"Why? What can I do?"
"It's easier if you come with me," Danny says, grabbing his arm.
"Come with—"
Danny wastes no time in turning them both invisible and flying them into Batman's mind.
"What the—" Red Hood twists and turns, taking in the hallways of the manor. From afar, they can hear the tinkling of a piano. "You, I had your word—"
"This isn't where you think it is," Danny says hurriedly. "We're in your—Batman's dream." He walks quickly down the hallway, towards the music. Jason follows.
"The way to break a dream spell is to wake the dreamer. You can't do that externally so you do it internally. Usually you wake the dreamer by turning the dream into the nightmare, scaring them awake."
The hallway stretches on longer than realistic, the dream attempting to divert them. But it can't outrun Danny. His power seeps into the halls, ice creeping along the paneling and freezing the way behind them.
"Batman, however, is hard to scare."
"So you want me to do it."
"What? No." Phantom shoots him a confused look. "Why would I—Ahem, The other way is to convince the dreamer they are dreaming. They break the dream themselves."
"Alright..." Jason says slowly, now keeping pace with him. His breath forms a cloud as he speaks. "And you think I'm the person to do it? I'm not the one he listens to you know, that's more Nightwing's schtick, or hell, anyone other than me."
"This isn't just Batman's dream, Jason," he says. Hood's eyes narrow at his real name, but now the truth is necessary. "This is The Dream. The perfect life. Everything he could ever want."
They're approaching an opening on the right side of the corridor. A bright light emanates from it, alongside the noise of stumbling piano keys and laughter, deep and male and unrecognizable. The Dream.
"Thomas Wayne," Jason breathes. "You want me to convince Bruce it's worth walking away from the center of his universe? It'd be easier if I put a bullet in their chests."
Danny stops abruptly before the doorway, turning to face Jason.
"You know, I fixed you," he says, head cocked. "Those feelings you felt, you shouldn't be feeling them anymore."
"I...I don't."
"Then why do you act like it?" He lets himself drift up, reaching beyond their planes of existence and extending a metaphysical hand to Jason's spirit. It shivers away. "You don't have to hide behind what was."
"I'm not hiding! And I don't have to explain myself to you!" He tries to move forward but Danny puts a hand out and he cannot move past it. He growls in frustration.
"I'm grateful to you, but with or without the Pits I'm fucked up. This is just who I am. This is just what he made me."
"You've never asked why I look like this. But did you know my form is malleable?" Phantom says, letting his legs shift into a tail, letting two eyes become three. "What I believe is what I am."
And then he takes several steps back, putting the doorway between them. "From here on out, the Pits can't tell you how to think or feel. Your decisions are wholly your own. Starting with this one."
Jason stares at the doorway, then Danny.
"I won't make you," Danny says simply. "And if you desire, I will retrieve Nightwing instead."
Jason scratches at his arms, grits his teeth, and stomps through. The light resolves into the sitting room, massive windows letting in sunlight so bright it streaks yellow-white across the room. Bruce sits on the maroon versailles couch next to Cassandra, who sits cross legged, excitedly watching Alfred pour her a cup of tea. To their right, in the open space, Damian barks instructions at Tim on handling a katana. Stephanie and Duke sit on the ground besides the coffee table, homework sheets sprawled across the surface, suffering their way through a calculus problem.
Bruce, smiling softly, looks across the room to where the atrocious playing is coming from. Red Hood follows his gaze.
Sitting at the piano, trying to play while Dick distracts him with a pair of chopsticks, is Jason. He puts a hand on Dick's face and shoves, both of them hitting the wrong keys.
"No, see, it's a duet! Jay!"
"That's not why it's named—" and Jason Todd-Wayne tips his white-tipped head back and laughs.
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emmyrosee · 5 months
How about a little something of Samu doing a shirtless car wash 👀
For the nth time that hour, you peek out the window of your house to watch Osamu be, once again, the most handsome creature to walk the face of the earth.
It’s hot outside, so hot you can’t help but fan yourself with your hands or random pieces of paper around the house. The ac broke, leaving you shrouded in heat and Osamu to entertain himself with the hose as he polishes and washes your cars, your new clean car glimmering in the sun and the dirt rinsing off of his and onto the ground below.
His hat is turned backwards, and you know it’ll give him a ridiculous tan line but you’ll somehow find it beyond attractive regardless, and his shorts sit low on his hips, revealing the dips of his hips and abs that rest happily amongst a small bit of tummy pudge you love to bite.
Water glimmers on his chest, and you sink your teeth in your lip as he turns to face you, a smirk curling on his cheeks and a wink from his grey eyes. You’re snapped out of your daze however when he sprays the hose at the window, and you squeal and duck away out of instinct.
“You wanna help me?” He calls to you, and you giggle and shake your head.
“Just enjoying the show!” You call back. He laughs and shakes his own head, going back to washing his car, muscles shifting and bulging as he moves. You grab a can of soda from the fridge and make your way outside, and he groans gratefully.
“You’re literally the love of my life,” he pants, grabbing the can and rolling it along his neck, beads of sweat trickling down his forehead as he sighs in relief. A finger then flicks the tab of the soda open, and he takes more than a few grateful sips- your eyes fixate on the bobbing of his adams apple.
In your staring, you can’t help but shriek as a splash of cold water covers your body, soaking your clothes and sending straight shivers down your spine. It would feel awful had you not been overheating just moments ago. “Osamu!” You squeal, and he chuckles.
“What’re you starin’ at?” He teases.
“You. Always,” you assure. He smiles and tosses an arm around you, his body warm from the sun and you burrow into his side. “You know… maybe we should do a shirtless carwash for onigiri miya- bring in some business.”
He snickers, “you want that many people seeing me shirtless?”
You pause. He looks down at you and you look up at him.
“Never mind.”
“That’s what I thought.”
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midnightwriter21 · 7 months
Left A Mark (megumi x reader fluff)
characters: megumi fushiguro x reader, gojo, itadori, nobara
warnings: FLUFFFFFFF
AN: this is short but cute asf. kinda ooc megumi? but i think he’s soft for his partner and i own jjk so it’s actually canon (i wish)
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A voice calls from the front door, “Hey, i’m heading out. I gotta meet up with the others for a mission…”
Swiping the applicator across her lips to finish her makeup, Y/N calls back, “Okay, one second! Don’t leave yet!”
Quickly gathering her purse and other necessary belongings she walks from the bedroom to the front door to meet her dark haired boyfriend.
“I’m leaving too. I gotta go to the store and buy some groceries.”
He looks down at her with a small smile, “You look beautiful today.”
“You say that everyday, Meg.” Y/N giggles
He huffs a laugh, opening the front door and letting her walk out first, “Because it’s true. You look beautiful everyday.”
He closes and locks the door behind him, “This job won’t take long. I’ll be home in about an hour or two.”
“Okay, i’ll be home around then too,” Y/N reaches up and plants a kiss on his cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” And he’s off to meet his classmates.
As he walks to the meeting spot at Jujutsu High Megumi notices the stares he’s getting from others. Some laughing slightly, some smiling, and a few glancing at him and saying, ‘awww’.
“The hell are they looking at..?” He grumbles under his breath.
Finally walking up to his class mates, Yuji is the first to notice him and wave him over, “Hey man, cmon! What took you so lo-… Oh?”
A shit eating grin crawls it’s way up Yuji’s face. Used to Yuji’s antics, Megumi ignores it. Until Yuji involves Nobara.
A sharp elbow to her side followed with a, “Look! Look!”, from Yuji catches her attention. Quickly, Nobara and Yuji are sporting matching smiles.
Nobara laughs, “You must’ve been busy, huh? That’s why you’re late.”
Cocking an eyebrow, Megumi responds, “Busy? I wasn’t busy. I was at home.”
“Yeahhhh, I bet you were at home,” Yuji cackles, “in bed!”
“So what? Didn’t have anything better to do before this. Why does that matter?” Megumi mutters.
As Megumi quickly becomes the source of Yuji and Nobara’s teasing, a loud voice interrupts, “WOAH! Megumi! You’re a little show off aren’t ya!”
Satoru Gojo, first year sensei at Jujutsu High and the bane of Megumi’s existence.
Turning to look at his sensei, Megumi finally asks, exasperated, “What the hell is everyone talking about and staring at me for?”
Giggling manically, Gojo hands him his cellphone, “Hehe, why don’t you take a look.”
Taking the phone and casting a quick glance at his reflection in the front facing camera Megumi’s jaw drops, “Wha-… what the hell?”
Sitting there, smack in the middle of his cheek, is a lipstick mark in the shape of his girlfriend’s lips.
Face turning bright red, Megumi hands the phone back to his sensei and grumbles, “Just shut the hell up and stop staring at me.”
Que Nobara, Yuji, and Gojo singing in unison, “Oooooooo Megumi is in looooovvveeeeee~”
“Be quiet you three idiots!”
Having returned from the grocery store not long ago, Y/N busied herself by putting the groceries away. Just as she’s reaching for the last grocery bag, the front door clicks open.
“Meg? Is that you?” She asks.
“Yeah, I’m home!” Megumi answers.
“I’m in the kitchen! How was the mission?”
Shrugging out of his uniform jacket, Megumi makes his way to the kitchen, “It was okay. Gojo and the others are annoying as ever.”
Giggling, Y/N turns to face him, “Well you know how those three can b- oh?”
At her noise of surprise, Megumi looks up at her, “What?”
“Megs… uh.. your cheek?” Y/N gestures to her own.
“Oh yeah… Thanks for that by the way,” he sighs, “Gojo, Nobara, and Yuji gave me hell with all the teasing.”
Y/N laughs lightly, walking up to him and putting a hand over the kiss mark, “Why didn’t you just wipe it off?”
Megumi looks at her confused, “Why would I do that?”
“So nobody teases you for it?”
Megumi scoffs, placing his hands on Y/N’s hips and pulling her close, “I don’t care about their teasing that much. Besides they’re just jealous.”
Y/N smiles, questioning, “Jealous of what exactly?”
“Jealous that I have someone like you to come home to.”
Y/N blushes at his answer, before he speaks again, “And… it was kinda like you were with me all day today. But now that I’m here with you…,” he picks her up ignoring her squeak of surprise, and walks toward the bathroom, “… now I can wash it off.”
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llamagoddessofficial · 5 months
hello llama
i have been thinking and headcanoning about vampire bad sanses lately, so i was curious if you have any thoughts about or interest in vampires of the nightmare and crew variety? (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
"do i have interest in vampires", he asks
ok, i will share my extensive vampire brainrot. but in return..... you have to write that vampire fic.... oooOOooO look into my eyes you know you want to write it ooOoOooo 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
I very much like the idea of Nightmare's castle being Castlevania-style. Lots of spooky architecture, lots of ancient magical passages that haven't been seen in centuries.
Horror can be summed up in one word. Bloodlust. There's a constant hunger inside him he can't ever seem to fill, driving him almost to the point of madness. He is more beast than man. When he smells or tastes blood, he loses control of himself, becoming little more than a starving wild animal - his capability for slaughter is limited only by his appetite. So unless Nightmare requires it, he generally abstains from blood. He doesn't like losing himself so entirely.
Something about you makes him forget his hunger. Is it your voice? Your scent? He has no idea, but oh, it feels good to feel whole. When you're around it's as if he'll never be hungry again... he follows you like a dog, grinning intensely every time you look at him. This is one hound that can't be shaken.
Despite his 'condition', he finds a lot of solace in cooking. Nothing will give him the same drug-like rush as blood but human food is nonetheless warm and filling and distracts him momentarily from the emptiness. He enjoys the process of making it, too, doing something with his hands. Let him cook for you, please? Watching you eat brings him vicarious joy.
Dust's backstory is one of legend. Something resembling a story can be spun from the loose whispers. A vampire invaded his peaceful isolated village hundreds of years ago, intending to turn the helpless populace into enslaved vampires. Dust, the first to be bitten, turned and slaughtered them all himself - and despite being a vampire for barely a week, the equivalent of a stumbling newborn, he killed the centuries-old invading vampire in single combat.
No one's quite sure why he's joined Nightmare. Perhaps Nightmare was keen to take this uniquely violent creature under his wing, and Dust just didn't really care where the wind took him. Or perhaps he has some other motive, hidden beneath that silent face. Who knows.
... Dust might be quiet, but it's obvious he's fixated on you. Which is a big deal. This is a creature who hasn't mustered a second thought for anything but blood for decades; but somehow, you've excited him. He's very clearly interested in you, silently watching your every move, listening intently to every word you say. Too bad he's not much for conversation.
Killer's backstory, on the other hand, is shrouded entirely in mystery. No one knows where he came from, who he is, or what he's done. He simply appeared one day - right within the coveted inner circle of Nightmare himself. He's the Night King's most trusted weapon, and the closest thing he has to a friend.
Killer seems very clear about what he wants. He thinks you're adorable, and he says you'd make such a pretty vampire. He talks (at length) about how much he wants to bite you, and how if it were up to him you'd already be one of them. A lot of his flirting involves calling you things like sweet treat and honeyblood. However... despite all the taunting, all the talk of seeing you as food, Killer is the one in the castle who treats you with the most respect. The others seem to see you as an object, a cute toy, something to squish and own. Killer talks to you like you're a real person. You can't help but like him for it.
Nightmare's inferiority complex has driven him to declare himself the king of the vampires. No one contests - Nightmare is royalty by blood, and vampires place a lot of emphasis on blood. But even if he wasn't, Nightmare frequently murders those who won't bend the knee. Plenty of powerful vampires have fallen embarrassingly fast at his hand.
... Nightmare's goal is to make you agree to be his spouse. A pretty little human partner would be excellent for his image. It would not only demonstrate his incredible self control as such an ancient vampire (not to mention his control over his warriors), but it would also show that his power is so great he doesn't need to strike a political marriage with another powerful vampire. It might also convince some of the pesky rebellious human groups to settle down.
His pride means that he won't force you. Not yet, at least. He likes to think he can seduce you. He's a royal vampire, after all, and you're just a simple human - isn't it only a matter of time?
... But it seems like, as time goes on... he's the one falling.
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alastxrs · 3 months
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Your Brother is Mine, Sorry Not Sorry.
𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐃. 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐨𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐨'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨���𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐘/𝐍. 𝐇𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥….
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lawbelongstoy/n POSTED...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘, 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟐.𝟓𝐤 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
lawbelongstoy/n- yeah, I stole a bitch's brother. I'm not giving him back.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband
theoldestdonquixote- WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!!
➩lawbelongstoy/n- having a date 🖕
theoldestdonquixote- I TOLD Y/N TO BREAK UP WITH YOU.
➩ hisfuturehusband- I'm an adult Doffy, I am not going to listen to you just because you don't like my boyfriend.
CORAROSINANTE- awwwww, you two are cute :))
➩hisfuturehusband- this is why you are my favorite brother ♥︎♥︎
➩lawbelongstoy/n- thank you Cora.
KINGUSOPP- This is why Y/N didn't come to lunch....
namiishere- I'm still wondering when Y/N is going to take me out on a date :/
➩hisfuturehusband- when Law learns to share, and when I tell him no (jk I just like being with him)
EUSTASSKID- and this is why I want to block you both.
[liked by theoldestdonquixote and 1k others.]
hisfuturehusband POSTED...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐲/𝐧, 𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟒𝐊 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
hisfuturehusband- Sorry I have to show off my man (thanks to Bepo for taking a picture)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- lawbelongstoy/n, BEPOBEPO
penpenpenguin- why was Bepo invited only???
➩lawbelongstoy/n- Because he offered to take pictures.
➩hisfuturehusband- and because I owed him lunch :))
shachishachi- you have to bring penguin and I next time.
theoldestdonquixote- I TOLD YOU TO STOP POSTING PICTURES!!
➩hisfuturehusband- For the million time, no I will not listen to you and you cannot ground me when I am an adult.
theoldestdonquixote- Y/N!! MESSAGE ME NOW!!
CORAROSINANTE- at least my favorite brother is happy :))
[liked by hisfuturehusband and 1.5k others.]
HUNGRYLUFFY- I could've gotten free food? :(
➩hisfuturehusband- I'm sorry Luf, next time
chefsanji- thanks for coming to my restaurant.
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝟓 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟐.𝟓𝐤 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
CORAROSINANTE- my baby brother and his man reading his books, they invited me to read with them :)))
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband, lawbelongstoy/n
BEPOBEPO- Can I come over?
➩hisfuturehusband- Yes my son, I'll message you the address :)
penpenpenguin- Law looks so interested in his books!
shachishachi- Dude will do anything for Y/N, his brother's gotta suffer with two simps
theoldestdonquixote- NOT YOU TOO, CORA.
theoldestdonquixote- I DONT WANT TO SEE THESE TWO ON MY PAGE
theoldestdonquixote- BREAK UP ALREADY
➩namiishere- it's funny how you are their biggest hater
theoldestdonquixote- CORA, SEPERATE THEM.
KINGUSOPP- Everyone looks to the comment section to see Doflamingo's reaction to Y/N and Traffy
chefsanji- crazy how the guy is reacting to his adult brother dating.
lawbelongstoy/n POSTED...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐏𝐎, 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟐.𝟓𝐤 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
lawbelongstoy/n- y/n said I need to know the pleasure of being a 'passenger princess' so he's spoiling me. (Luffy in the backseat eating)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband
penpenpenguin- oooooooo, our two boys!!
BEPOBEPO- Law getting spoiled~!
HUNGRYLUFFY- We are having a hang out :)) Getting the food I was promised
➩hisfuturehusband- anything for my son ♡
➩HUNGRYLUFFY- thank you Y/N :)))
theoldestdonquixote- Y/N LET GO OF HIS HAND RIGHT NOW!!
theoldestdonquixote- WHAT THE FUCK
theoldestdonquixote- IS HE WHY YOU CALLED OUT OF WORK???
➩EUSTASSKID- and this is why your brothers want to leave you.
[liked by hisfuturehusband, lawbelongstoy/n and 100k others.]
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Y/N groaned when he kept getting messages from Doflamingo, he turned off his phone and he moved the phone into his cupholder.
"Your brother still being annoying about us dating?" Law squeezed the taller/shorter man's free hand and he looked at his boyfriend with a small frown on his lips. "He needs to get over it."
The (H/C) haired man nodded while keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah! We've been dating for a year."
Luffy piped in from the back. "Imagine if you guys got married, he'd be pissed."
Y/N glanced at Law with a grin on his face.
"Luffy, I'll buy you all the meet in the world."
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lawbelongstoy/n posted...
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♡ 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘, 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟒𝟎𝐊 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬.
lawbelongstoy/n- relationship status: engaged. (Luffy took the picture)
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝- hisfuturehusband, HUNGRYLUFFY
hisfuturehusband- can't wait for our wedding :))
CORAROSINANTE- I'm so happy for you both!! congrats!!
➩lawbelongstoy/n- thank you Cora.
➩hisfuturehusband- thanks big bro!
EUSTASSKID- I've got the popcorn ready and your comment section on my TV.
penpenpenguin- WOOOO! I call being best man
➩lawbelongstoy/n- sorry that belongs to Bepo
➩hisfuturehusband- I promised my favorite brother that spot
BEPOBEPO- congrats guys! :D I can't wait for the wedding.
rorozoro- How did you get Luffy to take the picture instead of eating?
➩hisfuturehusband- he had food in his mouth while taking the photo
➩HUNGRYLUFFY- I do it for all my photos :D
theoldestdonquixote- NO
theoldestdonquixote- NO
➩hisfuturehusband- Rosa gave permission to Law
theoldestdonquixote- YOU CAN'T DO THIS
theoldestdonquixote- HOW DARE YOU
➩hisfuturehusband- For everyone reading the comments for more of my brother's reactions, he is blocked from Law's account :)) Yes, finally.
[liked by lawbelongstoy/n, EUSTASSKID, BEPOBEPO and 150k others.]
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hisfuturehusband posted a STORY...
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jennifer-jeong · 5 months
please kaeya smut fanfic female reader 🙏
U and him 7minutes in heaven 👹
I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ANON FJDKAL;FJDSA; THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST AND I HOPE YOU LIKE WHAT I DID WITH IT >:) I really wanted to make it detailed because I love Kaeya and I haven’t written this concept before but I’ve read so many fics like it and I adore it. It turned out much longer than I anticipated but I enjoyed writing it and I hope you all enjoy!
Smut | Kaeya Alberich x AFAB!Reader 7 Minutes in Heaven
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CONTENT NSFW, 18+, smut, assigned female at birth (AFAB) reader, feminine reader implied, drinking/alcohol consumption, mutual pining, kissing, hickeys, biting, nipple play, blowjob, fingering, vaginal penetration, clit play, creampie, fluffy confession!, spending the night and cuddling hehe, college AU, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
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Exam season is coming up but you and your friends thought it’d be good to unwind a bit and take a break from studying by going to a house party. You’re all mutual with the hosts, Kaeya and Diluc. You’re good friends with the two brothers and of course you’re always invited to their “little” house parties. It always turns out to be something like 100 people but their house is big enough that it holds you all comfortably really.
You and your friends pregame a bit and get dolled up to enjoy the party. When you get there, you text Kaeya but as you start typing, a familiar presence appears in front of you along with the warm smell of cologne filling your head.
“Hey! You made it,” the blue haired man chirps at you with a smile.
“Yeah, figured it’d be a good break from studying. I think we all deserve it,” you chuckle while giving Kaeya a comforting look. Letting him know that he also deserves a break from working so hard.
“I’ll drink to that. Let's get you something.” Mr. Eyepatch says as he turns to let you walk in front of him, his hand hovering over the small of your back, something you pretend to not notice. Similarly, he pretends to not see the slight flush on the tip of your ears.
You’re enjoying the bustle, music, and dancing with your friends when you catch Diluc rolling his eyes at Kaeya. You go to check out what the brothers are yapping about this time when Kaeya perks up upon seeing you.
“Hey! Perfect. Come with me,” Kaeya yells over the music as he grabs you by the wrist past Diluc who you share a concerned smile with.
“We needed one more but that dickhead didn’t wanna join,” he says while smiling and obviously meaning it in an affectionate way towards his beloved brother.
You raise an eyebrow at him until you see the small congregation of roughly a dozen people sitting in a circle spinning a bottle.
You’re tipsy but sitting next to Kaeya, unsure of what the bottle means, sobers you up a bit. Before you even get to question what the reward or punishment is for the bottle landing on you, the open top of the bottle points to you. Kaeya makes a silly shocked face at you while your face burns, he motions to tell you to spin the bottle and before you know it, it feels like the room is silent despite the blaring music and the bottle stops just left of you. Kaeya was to the left of you. You stare at it for a few seconds before a wave of emotion washes over you. Was it fear? Excitement? Dread? Lust?
You didn’t really have time to think. The group gives a collective “oooooooo” before a few of them shove you and Kaeya into a closet down the hall and lock you inside.
“7 minutes, lovebirds!” You hear before the door closes, unable to even make out who it was.
If you hadn’t sobered up enough already, you were basically stone cold sober now.
You could just barely make out Kaeya’s face in the low light peeking in through the bottom of the door. The closet just barely fit you two, it was maybe 1 m by 1 m at most. Your senses come back to you and you realize you’re smelling Kaeya’s scent again. He always smells so good, it’s a musky but sweet scent that mixes with the smell of his skin so sinfully. You hear your mixed breaths, you’re both breathing harder than usual and you swear you can hear each other's heartbeats. The closet is stuffy, the house is already hot from being jam packed with bodies and the closet having barely any airflow isn’t helping. It feels like an eternity as you take in your surroundings but it’s only been a few seconds since the door shut.
Kaeya is pressed against the wall opposite to you, trying to give you as much space as he can in the minimal space.
You blink a few times as you part your lips to speak but nothing comes out.
Kaeya breaks the silence first.
“Uhh… Heyyy…?” He says, meaning for it to be ironically flirty, but it comes out sheepishly.
You both pause for half a second before bursting out in giggles.
“I’m sorry, we really don’t have to do anything, I was just teasing,” he says confidently but you can tell he’s a bit nervous by the way he swallows hard.
“Don’t apologize,” you giggle at his mild embarrassment. “I’m at least glad it’s you in here with me,” you say as your face burns.
“Oh?” He says as his shock slowly turns into a smirk. The air suddenly felt impossibly hotter, the closet was infinitely smaller, and your senses went into overdrive.“You’re glad?”
Your eyes dart around, looking away and then back at him. “Y-you heard me,” you stutter, trying to salvage your confidence.
He takes a step forward to close the already non existent space between you two.
You hold your breath as you look slightly upwards at the taller man, caging you against the wall with his frame.
You don’t notice but his hands are shaky at his sides. He takes a leap of faith though and reaches his hand up to hook a finger under your chin, keeping you looking at him.
You hear his breathing speed up as your heart pounds in your ears. You’ve known Kaeya for a few years now and of course you’ve always had a small crush on him but you never wanted to risk losing your friendship by taking things further. Little did you know, he felt the same.
Your palms press into the narrow wall behind you as you flatten yourself against it. Kaeya leans in, his thumb sliding across your jaw, as he moves towards your right ear. Goosebumps already popping up all over your body.
“So… Do I have your permission to make you… even more glad? He speaks in a husky voice you’ve never heard before and it makes your body burn.
He finds amusement in the slight panic you have in your eyes but his mind is racing. He’s anxious, turned on, bashful, terrified, burning, and he knows that you’re both the poison and the antidote.
You lightly nod your head quickly in response, he sees it, but knows you’ve been drinking tonight.
“Needa hear you say it darling.”
“Please… Kaeya… I want this, I want you”
“Fuck,” he says under his breath.
He’s teetering on the edge of losing his self control. He grabs your face with both hands, and moves in to kiss you but the last bit of his sanity needs to ask you for consent even if you already just gave it to him.
“Is this okay?” he whispers, his vodka and cranberry juice scented breath hitting your face from how close he is.
You barely hesitate to bring your hands up to cup his face as well and slam your lips onto his. His lips are soft as they move against yours. Your mind is in overdrive, sparks flying as you realize you’re kissing Kaeya. You’d be lying if you said you never thought about doing this. But actually doing it feels absolutely amazing.
He pushes you against the wall after his initial shock of you making your move wears off. His eyes were wide open until he realized you were kissing him. Now his eyes are squeezed shut, enjoying the taste of your sweet saliva as it sends blood straight to his dick. At this point you’re already soaked. A damp patch is most definitely visible on your panties and heat is pooled at your core.
You make another bold move to lick your tongue across Kaeya’s bottom lip, asking him for access to his tongue. He happily obliges as your tongues greet each other, the sliding and contact making you both moan into each other's mouths. Your tongues dance as they circle around each other. Fuck. He was a good kisser.
Kaeya presses closer to you to deepen the kiss and he realizes he feels your breasts now pressed up to him and it feels heavenly. He loves it. It makes him reach his hands down to cup one in each hand. It makes you whimper into the kiss.
Hands find their way up your shirt, under your bra. He pulls away to help you take off your shirt as he admires your lacy bra.
“Fuck, I’ve needed y’so bad… You don’t even know.” He says, words dripping with lust.
You slip the straps of your bra off your shoulders as he kneads your tits.
“Maybe…” You start, as you reach behind to unclip your bra. He lets go for a second, allowing it to fall to the floor. He freezes momentarily as he takes in the sight of your bare chest. You slide your hands down from the top of his chest, nails lightly scratching over his shirt.
I do know…” You finish as you palm over his obvious hard on through his pants.
He looks down as he moans. His lips are immediately on yours again as he starts playing with your perky nipples. You continue to feel his length through the fabric, your cunt clenching around nothing as you feel how fucking big he is.
He starts kissing down your neck, lightly sucking as he makes his way to your chest. He slurs as he speaks. “Needed ya since I first laid eyes on you.” He takes a nipple in his mouth and swirls his tongue around, making you throw your head back with a moan. He looks up at you with his uncovered eye so he can see the pretty and lewd expression you’re making. You hold eye contact with him and you swear he’s going to be the death of you.
Soon after, you plop down onto your knees, undoing his pants as you look up at him. He groans as you finally free his cock from the confines of his pants. You pump his length a few times with your hand then you flatten your tongue on the base of the underside of his dick, dragging your tongue up the entire length. Kaeya’s hands slam against the walls to the side of him to find some sort of purchase. He groans loud as you continue to lick stripes on his already leaky cock.
You decide to tease him a bit by taking your sweet time, avoiding putting your lips around the tip on purpose. He wants to protest but it already feels so fucking good and he’s honestly already close. He knows that if he felt your throat around him right now, he’d cum. So he lets you continue your shenanigans.
“F-fuck, feels s’good princess,” he groans out. You give him a small “yeah?” while your lips are dragging along his length and the vibration shoots up his spine. He tries to calm himself down and distracts himself with holding back your hair, collecting it into a ponytail behind you.
After a minute or so of teasing the poor man, he’s gotten impatient. He pulls your hair tighter and it makes you moan and you know it’s about time.
“You look so pretty on your knees baby. Open up f’me, please…”
You grab the base with your hand and swirl your tongue around his tip, enjoying his slightly bitter but sweet precum. Kaeya exhales, taking in the change in sensation. He was holding back bucking his hips into your mouth because it felt so good. He was so fucking sensitive because of you and how much you turned him on..
You started to slowly ease him into your mouth. Pushing down, pulling up, and pushing down even further. As you finally sink down fully, deepthroating him, you keep eye contact with him. He’s a nervous but brave mess. His face is flushed and his bangs are messy and stuck to his forehead. You hold yourself there until you pull all the way back so you can breathe. Kaeya lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding but you don’t give him time to relax. You start bobbing your head on his length, your hand covering any parts of the base too difficult for you to reach with your mouth.
“A-ah! Sh-shit!” He moans as you continue your pace. It was so warm and intense for him and as much as you might’ve suspected Kaeya to be a player with dozens of bodies, you were pretty sure he wasn’t super into that, which would explain how sensitive he was with you right now. Honestly, you found it cute and hot, it turned you on knowing how good you were making him feel. Only you, no one else.
You fully deepthroat him again, and he holds you there by your hair, throwing his head back from the pleasure. When you pull off, he pulls you back even further so he can scoop you up and stand you up again. He properly takes his pants off to push your bodies towards the wall. You moan from the way he’s almost manhandling you. He grabs your right leg to hook it up, giving his hand access to your pussy. He rubs around your clit and dips down to circle your entrance before repeating the motion, earning moans from you.
“Such a good girl, making me feel s’good,” he says while kissing your neck. “Gonna make you feel good now m’kay? You deserve it… Wanna feel you cum on me baby.” After his sentence his mouth latches onto the sweet spot on your neck and he bites down as he sucks a hickey onto you. Your eyes roll back into your head as he slowly sinks two fingers into your aching cunt as he sucks on your neck.
“Mmph! K-Kaeya-... ah~!” You whimper out as he starts pumping his digits in and out of you, making a “come here” motion with his fingers.
“Mm? This is the spot right? This little spongey part?” He says as he stops pulling his fingers out to just massage the spot as you clench on him, only able to moan in response. “Ahh, I thought so” he says with a low chuckle, his eyes lidded.
Your hands tangle in Kaeya hair as you pull him to your lips, kissing him sloppily as he fingers you. His thumb now playing with your clit while two fingers toy with your insides.
Your core starts to tighten and you realize you’re close. Fuck, he knew exactly how to make you cum and somehow that was turning you on more. You pull back from the kiss to look him in the eyes.
“Kaeya… p-please… Please fuck me,” you say between breaths.
Your flustered face, your scent, his hickey on your neck, your doe eyes looking up at him, and your words send any of the blood in his brain straight to his twitching cock as his breath hitched. He pulls his fingers out of you and grabs the back of your legs to hold you up.
“As you wish princess,” he says with a smirk, clearly drunk off your body.
Your legs wrap around his torso while your arms hold his shoulders, allowing him to line himself up with your entrance. He pops his tip in before returning to holding you so he can slowly ease in.
You simultaneously groan at the feeling as he slowly pushes in. You pull yourself flush against his chest, hugging him and dragging your nails along his chiseled back. His hands are gripping your ass, holding you up but also enjoying holding the plush and spreading you apart however he likes.
When he’s about halfway in, he pulls out to allow your slick to cover his length. WIthout warning he bottoms out in you from all the lubrication you were making for him. You nearly scream and his knees buckle at the sensation and idea that he’s fully sheathed inside you right now. Your nails dig into his skin, leaving indents from how hard you were gripping his back.
“F-fuck, y-you fill me up s’good,” you mewl to him.
“Ngh it’s like we were fucking made for each other, you’re a perfect fit baby.”
He starts to rock back and forth, holding you in place with his hands while he thrusts his hips back and forth. Going slow at first to give you time to adjust. But, already his veiny cock was dragging along all your sensitive spots so devilishly. You felt every inch of him stretch you out and it was so fucking filthy but in the best way possible. You bite onto his shoulder to muffle your moans and to also mark him in return.
He starts to speed up as he feels you twitch around him. “You’re taking me so well darling, you’re doing so good f’me,” he moans out to you.
“Nghh… f-uck, feels s’good,” you slur out to him, mind turning to mush.
“Hold tight pretty girl,” he says as he continues his fast pace.
You throw your head back and it thumps on the wall behind you as you let out a loud moan you barely recognized. It was genuinely reflexive from how good he was making you feel, it was natural that you were going to moan like that if he was going to stimulate you in the best ways.
Your eyes start to roll into the back of your head as he still pounds into you, the sound of skin slapping together now filling the closet from how close and deep he was fucking you.
“Atta girl… let me make you feel good” he says into the crook of your neck.
“K-Kaeya…” you stutter out, borderline delirious from the pleasure. “M’getting c-close.”
“Yeah baby? Gonna make you cum all over me?” He continues his pace as he pulls back to admire you and press a thumb to your clit. Your pretty tits are bouncing with every thrust as you arch your back. You’re looking at him but your eyes are glazed over, tongue lolled out slightly, cock drunk on the man. As he plays with your clit, your walls clench down on him hard as you approach your high. It’s driving him crazy.
“Fuckkk. Mmph- gonna make me cum ngh,” he moans out to you.
Your body is so sensitive at this point and you can’t think about anything other than how good Kaeya is fucking you right now. Your “hah’s” turn into “mmm’s” that rise in pitch as you get closer and closer. You squeeze your eyes shut and let your head fall to the side.
He can feel your twitching and the way your grip on his back almost breaks skin. He knows you’re teetering on the edge with him and so he tells you to go first. “F-fuck, cum for me princess, please.”
You clamp down fully on him as his thumb’s movements become sloppy and his thrusts become irregular. “K-Kaeya!” you nearly yell out as you cum. White hot pleasure runs through your body as he stimulates both your clit and g-spot, even your a-spot as his tip kisses your cervix over and over. The drag of his cock on your gummy walls is driving you crazy as waves rack through your body, perceiving nothing but the intense bliss.
The extra pressure of your walls on his dick, your uncontrolled moans, and just the simple fact that he’s making you cum sends him over the edge with you and he lets you know with a strained “c-cumming!”
You feel hot cum fill you as he gives a last few pumps into you, helping you both ride out your orgasms, he eventually slows as he twitches inside. He holds you close and wraps his arms around your waist as you hug his neck. Both of you finally coming down from your high, breathing hard. Your sweaty bodies skin to skin, enjoying the afterglow and each other’s company.
“Holy… shit” he says between panting as you giggle. He puts you down on your feet, still holding your waist since you were wobbly, your legs shaky. You help him lean his back against the wall, knowing he’s also probably weak in the knees after all that.
You push up against him as you reach a hand up to cup his cheek. “That was pretty amazing,” you giggle before looking away. “Is this… a one time thing though?”
He reacts quickly despite his fatigue and looks you in the eyes, concern evident. “Oh my god no… well, at least I was hoping it wouldn’t be,” he responds honestly, not sure if you were hoping for the same thing.
You close your eyes and exhale, “oh thank god,” you laugh. “I really do like you, so…”
His eyes widen slightly “I like you too,” he says with a chuckle, almost not believing that he’s getting to say this to you right now.
You look into his eye(s) and smile before laying your head onto his chest.
He stays like that with you for a second in disbelief and bliss. Then he reaches for his pants to grab his phone, calling one of the mansion’s attendants to this specific closet, asking for robes.
“Would you like to…” he starts, unsure of himself, “stay the night?... My bed should fit us comfortably.”
“I’d love to, Kaeya. Thank you for asking.” You reply, feeling a tug in your chest at how sweet and bashful he was. Similarly, he feels the same tug in his chest at your saccharine words and pretty smile.
After the attendant hands the robes into the closet and you two cover up, you run to his room hand in hand, giggling as you both try to avoid any party goers, realizing that they completely forgot to get you after 7 minutes, not that either of you are complaining. He requested for your clothes to be brought up after so for now he offered you his pj’s and his bathroom in case you wanted to shower or just to clean up.
Soon after, he invited you into his bed for some cuddles. You’d probably both talk about the serious relationship stuff later but for now, you were both quiet, looking into each other's eyes, holding each other close. The fatigue from drinking and your closet escapade quickly caught up with you two as you relaxed into the plush mattress. You two drifted off into sleep, content in each other's arms and also excited for what the future would hold for you, after you help with party cleanup in the morning of course.
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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umemiyan · 4 months
Okay so let’s do 54. “Lay back and touch yourself. I want to watch.” from the smut asks with Choso!! You get to choose who’s watching 😈
𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗦𝗢 𝗫 𝗔𝗙𝗔𝗕!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥. ⌇ 18+ only, mdni / masturbation / implied virgin!choso / based on prompt #54 from this list
HEHEHEHE okay it took me a while to decide on this actually but here we go <3 i haven't written for choso in forever so thank you for giving me the inspo to do it. ily!
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“what do you want, choso?”
pulling away from his lips, your question hangs in the air alongside anticipation, frustrations and desires higher than both your heart rates. his lips hover below your jaw, breath a warm breeze against your neck. there’s a lump in his throat, and he audibly swallows it.
“well?” you ask, probing the man as his hands establish dominion over your waist, clutching for an inkling of stability.
you’d riled each other up before, kissed until your lips became numb, even gotten rather raunchy over a series of text messages, but that had been the extent of it. you aim to change that, right here, right now, with arousal pulsing like a drug through your veins.
after a few more moments of silence and heavy breathing, he finally answers, “lay back and touch yourself. i want to watch.” choso immediately regrets that it comes out sounding like a demand, so he quickly softens it with an amicable ‘please.’
he had dreamed of seeing your pussy spread out before him, wet with excitement like the girls he'd researched on the internet. he could only imagine how much prettier you would look in the flesh demonstrating to him how you liked to please yourself, and he only hoped you'd be willing to entertain his fantasy.
with an enthusiastic smile, you crawl down to the end of the couch and situate yourself against the pillows, wasting no time in slipping your clothes off from the waist down and exposing yourself to him. choso watches intently, hair plastered to his forehead with the glue of sweat and his jaw going slack when you spread your legs wide in a grand reveal. it's even better than he could've imagined.
you present a slick cunt that clenches when you slip a finger over your clit, the look on choso's face causing you to wonder why you hadn't done such a thing much sooner. saliva pools in his mouth, eyes fixated on how you glisten, and he wraps a hand around your ankle to steady himself as his mind becomes a spinning whirlwind of lust. your scent reaches his nostrils and it takes every ounce of strength for him not to dive forward and instinctively latch his mouth to your heat.
choso is the one who moans when you push two fingers into your hole, the squelch competing with the low sound deep in his throat. you grin in response, amused with his reaction, but he doesn't see it—he's too busy imagining how hot your pussy must feel, gaze never once straying from it.
you nearly giggle at his sheer intensity, but choso's other hand reaches up to squeeze your knee without apology, taking this moment as seriously as anything else in his life.
"do that again," he requests, no longer ridden with uncertainty but instead hungry for the visual of you sliding two fingers into yourself. he yearns for his cock to take their place, but he first needs to appreciate your body as its own entity before he inevitably becomes a part of it.
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kairismess · 11 months
HIHIII! ik i’ve requested like 300000 times but your works are just so amazing 😣😣 but i’ve always just associated Suna with the song Love Language by ariana grande (it’s quite apparent i love her) for some reason. the song is abt trying to learn your partner’s love language so we can love better and i just love picturing that with him😫 Maybe reader can have that mentality along with the end part of the song with “i’m not what you had before, your ex girlfriend don’t want no smoke… i’m just gon make you my home”. bye i just think it’s so cute lolol 😣😣😣
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rintaro's love language . . .
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🏐 genre: fluff ~ !
✒️ word count: 645
💭 summary: rintaro's been noticing how strange you've been acting lately around him... almost as if you were trying to get something out of him. he doesn't mind, though—he'd love to give you what you're looking for so badly.
🍥 author's note: OOOOOOOO THAT'S SUCH A CUTE IDEA !!! I LOVE IT !! i hope this is any good :'DD
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being seated on this boy's lap was the last thing you expected.
his mint green eyes stared into your own, balancing your weight on his string thigh, bouncing you up and down on it here and there to tease you a little. this is what you wanted though, right? to know what it really was that rintaro was into? to know what he loves to give you and take from you? well, you got it now—now you aren't leaving his lap no matter how much and how cutely you squirm and act all shy under his gaze.
for the past few weeks, rintaro noticed the sudden changes and the subtle glances and gestures you've been giving him; it wasn't so uncharacteristic of you, just a little... a little different. he didn't mind, he loved everything you did, even if it wasn't that obvious. he was a little curious every now and then why you were acting that way, but he figured instead of asking you, he'd beat you at your own game by observing you as you observed him.
you were always offering him some sweets in between breaks, and you always offered to walk home with him and hold his hand all sneakily—you were like a cunning little fox, and he oddly loved seeing you act like you weren't up to anything. he pretended not to notice and went with the flow as you kept showering him with affection, not realizing he had caught on long ago when he noticed your smile was laced with a few undertones of something mysterious. it didn't help your case when he had paid attention and remembered the details of the passing comments you made back then when talking to him, asking him if he had an ideal kind of affection he wanted you to give him.
he never understood what that meant, "a specific kind of affection"... until he caught a glance at your phone and realized what you meant. going on those love expert sites helped you get an idea of how to woo him over even more, but it also gave rintaro the idea that what you really wanted was to see what would make him melt... and fortunately, you hadn't figured it out yet. luckily for him, he was curious as to what your love language was, too—so in a bold gesture... he sat you down on his lap when no one was looking, and wrapped his lean but strong arm around your waist, bringing his face so close to you, that your noses were brushing against each other's.
he seemed so nonchalant about it, too... it was too much for you. your face burned and your lips quivered; you stuttered out questions, your mind ran a million miles an hour—but all rintaro did was peck a kiss on your cheekbone, placing his other arm around you, embracing you. "can i help that this is what i wanna do with you all along?" he murmurs as he gently caresses your waist, humming in lazy satisfaction, leaning his head down on your shoulder, closing his sharp eyes as he takes in the scent and feeling of being this close to you.
"y'know..." he murmurs as he runs his thumb over your tinier palm, pressing down on it gently. "...no one else has ever made me feel this way. i'm not really clingy, per se, but... i'd do anything to have you this close to me for a long, long while." he finished, planting a sweet kiss on your neck, not caring if the others came back to see this public display of his affection for you. he couldn't care less, all he cares about now is giving you what you want—and letting you know that he's more than willing to give you more of this than just this one occasion.
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Catwoman is BACK BABEY
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Damn there’s literally something in their water that’s making them crazy
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OoOooOOO Ho’s mad
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Is roy okay?
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Manwhore Pervert
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I just fucking LOVE how much this guy loves his wife and daughter
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Awww he CAN be nice
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Poor baby, he looks sick.
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Fuck kid. Who let you be so wise
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Ok so in conclusion, I AM SOBBING ON THE FLOOR NOW
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tizeline · 8 months
Are Donnie and Leo aware that they are twins? Did Draxum know their twins? Do they Decide later?
I'm super excited for Cassandra's appearance, the trio having a human ally could really help them understand Donnie's relationship with April (also, big sisters are fabulous)
Okay so for this I first wanna explain my headcanons for the whole twin situation in the show before I explain how it works in the AU
So the way I always imagined it, Splinter was able to figure out that Raph's the oldest, Mikey's the youngest and Leo + Donnie are the middle kids based on in which order they hit certain developmental milestones growing up. But becuase Leo and Donnie are much closer in age it compared to their brothers, it made it basically impossible to tell which one of the two was older. It's Leo btw, but Splinter would have no way of knowing that, and because of that he just decided to treat them like twins.
But you know who would know their actual ages? Draxum. Which means that in the Seperated AU everyone would already know that Leo's slightly older than Donnie cuz Draxum could just... y'know, tell them. And considering that, as well as how I tend to imagine the twin-thing would happen in the show's setting, there doesn't seem to be a very likely possibility that Leo and Donnie would even start viewing each other twins in the AU...?
Wait, wtf, I don't like that at all! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻
I dunno, it might happen! Like, uh, I've already established Leo is the Draxum Brother who Donnie befriends first, so they'd have a pretty unique bond. And in the show's setting they would know, logically, that they aren't actually twins, but are rather perfoming the whole twin-relationship because they want. And they both look and act pretty similar. And I'd fully imagine Donnie insisting that Draxum somehow got the ages wrong cuz there's NO WAY someone as childish and stupid as 'Nardo could possibly be older than someone are mature and wise as Donatello!
Point is, they MIGHT still end up "becoming" twins in the AU!? Maybe!?
Omg I haven't even thought about the posibilites with Casey before you brought them up oooooooo my brain is braining!!
Listen, one of my biggest problems with Rise is that we never got the chance to get that classic Raph + Casey Bromance, and I just KNOW their dynamic in Rise would've been absolute peak! BUT NOW!! If the Draxum family starts to work with The Foot, and Raph meets Casey! I've been so focused on Donnie and April being the catalyst for the Drax Trio's redemption arc, but what if one of the major factors for Raph changing his view on humanity is him meeting and befriending Casey????? 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Man, I'm almost done with the Leo Brooding In A Pizzeria-arc, and THEN it's time for Raph aaghhhghg I've got IDEAS now thank youuuu!!!!!
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taylormarieee · 8 months
Unspoken Feelings...
part 5.
social media au: Charlie Bushnell x Fem!Actress!Reader
Previously on Unspoken Feelings...
Your sitting there contemplating on whether or not you should really answer Charlie or not. You finally turn back on your phone and see a whole bunch of worried and missed calls from Walker, Dior, Leah, and Charlie... Oh god what have you done... Just as you were about to call them back you hear a knock on the door... Who could that be?
You get up and open the door seeing a worried Dior standing at the door.
"Oh thank god your ok!" she yells ut hugging you. You stumble back from the force of her hug a little bit and hug her back.
"I'm sorry. I just, I don't know how to tell Charlie." You say breaking down into tears again.
"Shhh... It's ok girl. He's on his way here. You have to just push through for now. You've got an interview coming up in a few hours so get some sleep and we'll figure it out later ok?" She says trying to reassure you in the best way possible. "I'll stay with you tonight, I love you!" She says lastly before guiding you to your bed.
"Ugh I love you too. What would I do without you?" You say smiling weakly. Your eyes flutter shut and you let sleep overtake you.
The next morning has arrived and you wake up. You don't see Dior next to you anymore so you assumed she went back home to tell her dad that she's ok.
You get up and brush your teeth and do your whole face routine before going back to your nightstand to pick up your phone.
You still see all the texts from Walker and Leah, and Charlie... You decide to call Charlie first. You press his name and listen to the phone ring.
When you feel like he's not going to answer you decide to hang up the phone but your thumb is stopped by the sound of his voice on the phone.
"Y/N!? Are you ok??? P-Please tell me your ok." The phone breaks up a bit but you hear his worried tone.
"Morning Charlie. I'm ok, I turned off my phone. I'm sorry for making you all worried especially you." You say feeling the tears come up in your eyes again.
You sniffle and try to get the words out but Charlie is quick to say something first.
"Pretty girl? Why are you crying?" He asks his heart feeling hurt as he hears your sniffles on the other line.
"I-I just, I don't know how to deal with all these feelings I have. The feelings I have f-for you..." You mutter out.
"You have feelings for me too? Cuz I also have feelings for you. I was scared to tell you because idk, you were giving me mixed feelings i guess. One minute were flirting and he next I feel like I'm in the friend zone again. You know what I mean?" He says as he paces around his hotel room.
"Yea, I know what you mean. The only reason I did that was because I always overthink things. I never knew if some days you were just flirting with me or just being nice. I never knew which one was happening so some days I would flirt and other days I'd shut myself out. I'm sorry Charlie."
"It's ok pretty girl. I love you yn. With all m heart. Your my future and probably the love of my life." He says chuckling into the phone.
That causes you to giggle and you feel all flustered. "I guess I'll see you at the Interview?"
"Yea, I'll see you there."
"Bye Charlie."
"Bye baby."
Your mood suddenly lifts at his voice. At the way he called you baby, pretty girl and the way he comforted you. God what did you do to deserve a man like Charlie.
You decide to text the groups chat and let everyone know your ok. Finally you check the time and start to get ready. You ordered some breakfast and indulged while you watched some TikTok.
| Y/N |
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♡💬 Liked by aryansimhadri, leahsavajeffries, dior.n.goodjohn and others.
y/n- Me and Charlie on our way to an interview!!!
roseyposey- eeeeeee can't wait to watch it!
loveydoveydove- Oooooooo so excited! Glad everything's ok!
leahsavajeffries- You look gorgeous!
↪y/n- Thank you pooks.
walker.scobell- Hey gremlin:)
↪y/n- Hey waterboy;)
iamcharliebushnell- Stream the 7th episode of Percy Jackson and the Olympians now!!!
| Y/N |
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♡💬 Liked by walker.scobell, leahsavajeffries, aryansimhadri, and others.
y/n- No, I didn't forget Walker! This post goes out to my favourite little boy! WALKER SCOBELL! I love this little kid sooo much! He's so funny, incredibly kind and very mischievous! I loved being on set with him it was honestly just an amazing time with everyone! I love you so much Walker! Your so talented and the closet boy I call a brother. Love you Walker💕 My little son of poseidon🪸
walker.scobell- I LOVE THIS! THANK YOU! I love you too! And for you information I AM NOT MISCHIEVOUS! You little gremlin!
↪y/n- Ok waterboy! Keep telling yourself that!
dior.n.goodjohn- Little bro! This is so cute! Love you @ walker.scobell
↪walker.scobell- Love you too Dior!
leahsavajeffries- LUV YOU @ walker.scobell
↪walker.scobell- LUV YOU TOO WISE GIRL!
iamcharliebushnell- I WITERALLY WUV YOU @ walker.scobell
↪walker.scobell- WUV YOU!
| iamcharliebushnell |
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♡💬 Liked by y/n, walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn, roseyposey, and others.
iamcharliebushnell- It's official! Me and @ y/n are together. I love her so much and these are some of my favourite memories with her this week. I love you so much my love, and don't worry, we can do this.💕
y/n- I love you so much Charlie. I'm going to miss you so much when you leave. I'll be calling you everyday and thinking about you non-stop. I love how kind and caring you are bubba. I love you my little hermes boy! My mischievous thief:) Mwah!💋
↪walker.scobell- There literally so cute OMGGGGG!
↪dior.n.goodjohn- LITERALLY MY ROMAN EMPIRE!
↪roseyposey- THERE SO CUTE RIGHTTTTT???!!!!!
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Taglist: @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @angelinajolie0213 @maryann2013 @kneehe-nehar7 @rhydianissuperior @urmomsbananabread @reader-bookling123 @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @csifandom @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @glorywielder101 @aanoia @madelainelupin16 @ahh-chickens @callsignwidow
A/N: Heyyyyy! I'm extremely sick but I thought I'd pop out with this! Idk when I'll be able to get around to the fic because I'm almost finished writing it but I just lost motivation to finish it. I believe it's because I'm so sick but idk! Hope you all enjoy!
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Tom's reaction to Alex and Kyra DID ME IN because like. Man spent the whole season lowkey trying to get them to address their feelings, he knows 100% that they're both in love with each other. He doesn't skirt around it, and he doesn't for a second pretend that he doesn't know what's up. But all it takes for him to completely lose it is a subtle handhold and Kyra gently touching Alex's face and he's all "OOOOOOOO this is wild I can't believe this, who could have possibly foreseen this outcome? certainly not me. DID YOU SEE THAT?? WhEn DiD tHiS HaPpEn? DiD yOu KnOw AbOuT tHiS?? THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS SHE TOUCHED HIS FACE" as if Alex hasn't been publicly looking at her with the most indecently embarrassingly down bad I'm in love with you eyes for MONTHS and as if he didn't know that Alex is Kyra's whole world. As if he hasn't walked in on them with Kyra's shirt off (he actually seemed less surprised and more scandalized even before he figured out what was actually going on) He's acting like Jack is a traitor for not telling him when he's made it perfectly clear he's well aware of their feelings for each other the entire time. He's out here acting like he's not the captain of this ship.
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kamen20ghost · 2 months
Arcfall fail
Jaune sister had come to visit and he was hanging out with his best friend ren and girlfriend cinder who she meeting for the first time.
jaune: Hey guys this is saphron. This is cinder and you both know ren. I’m get something to drink do you guys want anythin.
Saphron: waters good.
Jaune: Ok. *Walk out of the room into the kitchen.*
Saphron: Hi! *Looks over to cinder.* your really pretty
Cinder: *Intimidated* duh sarha was it?
Saphron: Saphron
Ren:*Look between the Girls with a smile on his face.* This going to be so good.
Cinder: so… how long have you know jaune?
Saphron: practically my whole life.
Cinder: huh that weird.
Ren: Wait for it.
Cinder: He’s never mentioned you before.
Ren: *Pretending to hold a mic like a commentator.* Cinder comes in with a right hook will saphron retaliate.
Saphron: Funny I could say the same about you.
Ren: Saphron holds her ground and the crowd, waited for the next move.
Cinder: Slightly annoyed. Haha funny girl, huh. So how’d you meet?
Saphron: my mom introduced us. How long have you know jaune?
Cinder: for like 3 years now
Saphron: Huh doesn’t ring a bell actually, I don’t think he’s ever mentioned you. At least not by name.
Ren: Saphron wipes, the floor with cinder. Will she recover?
Cinder: I doubt he would talk to you. I’m the only girl in his life you bitch.
Ren: oOoOoOoo the crowds settles as the stand off continues.
Cinder: This is my boyfriend’s apartment.
Saphron: *Understands what happening.* Ooooooooo…
Ren: Ladies and gentlemen saphron has connected the dots will cinder catch on?
Cinder: *Still oblivious.* That right, I’m his girlfriend you tramp. I don’t know what you think you’re doing here but you need to leave.
Ren: *Grinning at how cinder messed up big time.* The stakes raise, does cinder realize what she doing?
Saphron: *Having fun before the revel.* You know what I think I have heard of you.
Ren: *Really excited.* The crowd waits for the final shoe to drop
Cinder: *Is angry.* Of course you have. Because I’m the only woman in his life, now leave.
Saphron: *With a smirk on her face.* Hey jaune can you text mom and let her know that i’m here.
Jaune: *Comes back from the kitchen with her water and heard what saphron said.* Already did and here you go also I’m glad you’re getting along with my sister. I was a little worried not gonna lie.
Ren: The crowd goes crazy as cinder stands there with her dick in her hand.
Cinder: *Surprise mix with worry.* Sister?!
Saphron: *Grabs her drink.* Thank you jaune and yup
Cinder: *Trying to do damage control.* Wow you’re so pretty.
Saphron: Tired of Cinder’s BS. Nope too late. *Turns to her brother best friend.* Ren which one is she?
Ren: *Looks over to Cinder smirking.* Saphron makes her final move.
Cinder: *Very confused.* Which one what do you mean which one?
Saphron: I’m trying to figure out which one you were on the roster. Is she the rebound or the one who sharts in her sleep?
Ren: *Is bowing repeatedly.* All hail saphron she is the god of retaliation.
Cinder: look I’m so sorry! Please don’t tell jaune!
Ren: ladies and gentlemen in an unseen sight. Cinder grovels for forgiveness will saphron accept?
Saphron: *Smirking evilly.* This is gonna be fun.
Ren: oh my god that terrifying you should really be worried.
Cinder: *Hopefull.* So am I forgiven?
Saphron: For a price.
Cinder: Oaky fine I’ll pay anything. What’s the price?
jaune: *Was texting with his mom so didn’t notice what was happen.* hey mom wants us home for dinner. You ready? *Makes his way to the front door.*
Saphron: yup ta-ta Cinder I’ll see you later. * Follows after jaune.*
Ren: *Chuckling.* You’re so screwed.
Cinder: *Waves them off and glares at Ren.* Ren what the fuck?
Ren: ok let not pretend you did not have that coming.
Cinder: why didn’t you warn me that she was his sister.
Ren: let’s also not pretend like where friends okay
Cinder: ugh whatever
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thelovelylolly · 4 months
Ok-ok, open requests, so hear me out:
Hobie Brown x nb russian reader
And reader is, like, a chill bassist, and they go to play some rock and cause dispute to the rich, and then they go to draw some graffiti and makeout 👉👈
(yes that's extremely specific, so pretty please 🙏)
Noise Complaint
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Summary: Your band gets a noise complaint for playing too loud, but you and Hobie sneak away before the police show up. Warnings: police mentions, make out (oooooooo), non-binary reader, not proof read (let me know if i miss any!) Word count: 748 Notes: i know you requested the reader to be russian, but im going to leave it pretty open i hope you enjoy it still (and ofc thank you for the request!) <3
Nights like these were your favorite. Playing on a stage in a crowded and loud bar with Hobie and the rest of your band. You and Hobie were towards the front since you played bass and he played guitar, and you two always made the crowd come alive. You loved the energy of the crowd, their cheers always made you and the rest of the band play louder and louder.
It wasn't until you, Hobie, and the rest of the band wandered backstage for a break that you found out just how loud you were. One of the bar's owners hurried back stage where you were leaning against Hobie and wiping sweat of your forehead with a rag.
"I hate to tell you guys this, but the police showed up with a noise complaint. They're trying to clear out the bar and got some people riled up," the owner said, her arms crossed in front of her as she looked between your little group.
"A complaint from who? We're not bothering anyone," Hobie quickly replied.
"I don't know, some rich asshole who said we were interrupting their quiet night."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, tossing the rag you were using to the side. "They can't do anything, we weren't doing anything illegal," you said.
"You guys were getting the crowd riled up, so they could blame you."
"Whatever," Hobie sighed as he grabbed your hand and started to lead you out the back door, "c'mon, babe, let's get out of here."
The two of you slipped into the back alley, the blue and red lights from the cop cars bouncing off the brick walls around you. You looked around the alley out of curiosity and spotted an abandoned bag filled with spray paints on the ground. You smirked and nudged Hobie.
"How 'bout we cause a bit more trouble, huh? Really push their buttons," you asked, pointing at the bag.
Hobie looked at the bag then back at you, matching your smirk. "I already know what to write."
You two went over to the bag, grabbing the colors you wanted before finding a large enough space to use. You quickly got to work, doing a rough outline of your design in white before adding bright and bold colors. You wanted anyone who passed by to see what you had to say. Once the words were done, you started to add little details like stars and such.
"Hey! I think I heard something over here!"
You glanced at the end of the alley as you heard footsteps approaching. "Oh, shit," you muttered.
Hobie also heard them coming and dropped the spray paints in his hands. He reached for you and quickly took the spray paints from your hands, dropping them next to his.
"Hobs, what are-"
He pinned you against the concrete wall and smashed his lips to yours, cutting you off. The metal of his lip piercing was a sharp contrast to his warm lips. You melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer. His hands were on either side of your head, hiding your faces from the officers that were appraoching.
"What's going on- oh. Uh..." A police officer said, stopping when he saw the two of you. "C-carry on."
He turned and left the alleyway, mumbling curses as he did.
Hobie pulled away to catch his breath, a smirk on his lips. "I think that worked, huh, babe?"
You laughed. "Definitely worked."
He stepped back, but reached for your hand. He intertwined his ringed fingers with yours, turning to see your works. You smiled as you looked at yours.
Wear earplugs!
Maybe if you had more time, you would've thought of something better, but you wished you could yell that at whatever rich assholes called in a noise complaint. If they had a problem with your music, they could just plug their ears. You weren't gonna stop.
"Cute," Hobie teased before directing your attention to his.
More straightforward than yours, but he censored himself with big, bright characters. You laughed then kissed his cheek. "Cute," you replied, doing a bad impression of his voice.
He smiled at you and pulled you towards the back of the alley where the shadows were darker and the police wouldn't see you two as well. You quickly caught on to what he was doing and spun him around, pinning him to the wall.
"Now," you said quietly, "where were we?"
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