#what the frick julia
randumbness23-blog · 1 year
Alright Hi so im new to this whole reading books thing but what the frick man. I thought everything was lining up to be fine and complete. And then somehow every single decision that was made from that point forward made life so much worse. Idk how people can just read so often and just become used to being thrown around this emotional roller coaster with absolutely no cares in the world. Is this why so many readers are depressed? Do you just develop the ability to not feel things!?
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hoardingpuffin · 2 years
I will forever be mad that there is not and likely never will be a TV series adaption of Children of the Red King, because IMAGINE THE FANDOM WE COULD HAVE!
- people who'd make fan theories and try to figure out what happened to Lyell
- people simping for Paton Yewbeam and shipping him and Julia so FRICKING much
- people hypothecizing what endowment they'd have and making UQuizzes
- video essays analyzing characters like Manfred and Asa and Dagbert and decyphering if they truly are "bad guys"
- people making edits of literally ALL the characters
- book readers trying not to spoil, but constantly looking for easter eggs in the show
- people who start reading the books after season 1 and are like "wow we're in for a wild ride!"
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demonsfate · 2 months
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shipping questions // accepting // @juanalmada1234 asked . . . shipping questions: 1, 18, 20, 22 and 28
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1. what’s the best thing about shipping for you?
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It's hard to say! There are so many great things about shipping! But I think it may just be delving deep into the characters' feelings. Often, people may behave differently toward those they are in love with. I feel that in ships, you can view a side of a character that isn't often seen. Like Jin may be more affectionate and more willing to make physical contact with a lover than he will with a friend. They may know stuff about each other than nobody else does. And we get to see just how far the characters will go for their lovers. I just think it's a great opportunity to flesh out two characters.
It's also interesting for Devil, because he used to be somebody who couldn't really love anyone. So, it's a new experience for him!
18. is there a ship you used to like, but not anymore?
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I'm trying to think but... I don't think there really is? Usually it's rare for me to start disliking a ship I've enjoyed. I guess the closest thing to this would be that I used to consider the idea of Jin & Julia (they have stuff in common!) But I pushed that aside in favor for Jun & Michelle. Dunno why! But I just prefer the moms together lol
20. is there a ship you wanted to play, but couldn’t yet?
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EEEEEYAHHHH!! As I said, I do have a soft spot for the Jin & Alisa ship, so I would not mind trying that one out!!! I also have a super secret soft spot for the Jin & Miguel ship! Y'know, it's not as toxic in MY portrayal 'cos Jin isn't actually responsible for the sister's death. But y'know, the guy who did get her killed still exists within him... so that would make things AWKWARD. Anyway, I like the Jin & Miguel ship just because it seems Jin has a thing for the hot-headed aggressive guys. And well... also just look at how TALL and HANDSOME he is! I thiiiiink those are the only ships I haven't really gotten to play yet? I'll probs get to play 'em eventually, tho! Frick, it took over a year for me to get a Xiao & Hwoarang to ship with!
22. is there any ship you will likely never play? (apart from the obvious in/cest, pe/dophilia etc, i want to believe you guys are Good)
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Hmm. I think I'm pretty lenient on who I ship Jin with - like I'm VERY easygoing when it comes to writing ships! Hell, somebody could be like "do you wanna ship?" and I'll be like "SURE!" But I do have some dealbreakers, or more so, Jin has some dealbreakers. Like for example, I don't mind the Nina & Jin ship (I don't ship it but it's not something I dislike) but... I just don't see Jin dating an assassin. I see him dating a former assassin who now wants to make amends. But he's not going to date somebody who's still actively hurting or killing people. So like, that means Anna is also off the plate! I also don't see Jin with Marduk or Ganryu either luls. And obviously, Jin would never date Ogre for obvious reasons lol. He wouldn't date Azazel either. But honestly, I don't think those two are capable of romance.
Devil, on the other hand - I feel like there would be a lot more ships I'd be willing to do with him, but it also depends on the timeline. I'd joke that pre-purified Devil would go after Ogre, and he may! But Jin's hatred for Ogre is too strong, and thus, it influences Devil to be furious with Ogre. Devil, would however, go after Marduk - purified and not purified unfortunately. Like Jin though, he wouldn't be interested in Ganryu.
28. would you play a “bitter exes” relationship?
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The funny thing is that out of all the years I've been RPing (11 years now...) I have never written a breakup with mine & my partner's muses, I've never written exes before. Isn't that weird? I always thought I'd get breakup threads 'cos I happen to frequently write problematic muses. (Like Devil - villains. Or if not villains, then morally gray / anti-heroes) Yet... nothing ever happens! The only time I wrote a breakup was in private discord RPs (back when I used to do those) and they got back together anyway lol.
But I wouldn't mind doing a bitter exes relationship! Though... I'm not sure how bitter Jin would be. I think Jin would only be very bitter if the relationship ended due to betrayal. But I'm not so sure 'cos I never had the opportunity!
Devil, on the other hand, would be a very bitter ex no matter how the relationship ended. Just because Devil, even after purification, is a jealous and possessive man. He may not be as aggressive about it as he once was, but he still feels those two emotions, and he still has to cope with them.
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junglemax · 5 months
okay firstly, i absolutely adore how determined Skye is to protect Julia, like from her mom and whoever else, that's absolutely fricking adorable
also secondly: can you elaborate a little on the part where julia can't take Willow and Kris to her own world, but only Skye? Is it because she's too shy around skye's friends or she literally physically can't? -or is it because it's special to her and Skye only and that's like their special hideout? Lol sorry to ask so many questions, I'm just genuinely so interested 😂🤣
no worries, i will gladly explain my thoughts!! im just glad this story struck a chord w someone skdndkdn feel free to ask as many questions u want!
so it’s kind of a mix between the last two- she physically can’t, and also because it’s special for only the two of them. it takes a lot of julia’s power to pull someone into the darkness to begin with, but the more you do it, the easier it gets (but still requires her personal energy no matter what). so pulling two new people in along with Skye would take a shit ton of power, but quite frankly, she likes having her own personal space for her and skye to enjoy with no one else to bother them. she’d rather stick to the slumber parties bc it’s easier for her to just show up and enjoy!
i hope this helped!!
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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@paulah3030 What a fantastic experience! I had the amazing pleasure of directing tonight’s 50th episode of Walker. To the amazing actor, producer, collaborator Jared Padalecki thank you for your trust and beautiful energy on set. Thank you Steve Robin, Anna Fricke for your constant trust and support. The ever so wonderful Geri Carillo for your great script. And to the ever fantastic Molly Hagan ,Mitch Pileggi, Keegan Allen, Violet Brison, Kale Culley, Coby Bell, Jeff Pierre, Ashley Reyes, Anna Enger Ritch, Jake Abel, David B. Meadows Wow you all make my job easy❤️And a big big thank you to the stellar hardworking Walker crew for welcoming me with open arms to the Walker family and giving 150% everyday. Episode 312! 8pm/7c CW! Go watch
Awe! What kind words from tonight's Walker director, Paula Hunziker! We love our Walker cast and crew!
(Based on the mentions, it looks like we get Kevin, Julia, and Cooper tonight!)
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noahtally-famous · 10 months
td 2023 s2 ep1 spoilers below the cut
(okay so I have not finished s1 but I know the general gist of what happens through mutuals posts and just the td tag lmaoo. maybe later I will actually sit down and watch the whole thing, but that time is not now.)
moving onto my thoughts of s2...
AHHHHHHHH idk how else to explain it but I absolutely LOVED the episode, and honestly I have a feeling I'll love this season, simply bc everyone is so great!!
heck even ripper and chase were tolerable, like, there weren't any fart jokes or anything, it was great!
MKULIA SWEEP???? HELL FREAKING YEAH idc if it's a friendship/alliance, I'm living in my world where they're toxic yuri
Caleb getting some much-needed character development??? I'm SO here for it, and the stuff mentioned during the episode def fits the kinda vibe I have going for him, so that's even better!! (potential caleb & emma friendship??? they can bond over kittens and of caleb being emotionally mature)
also his reactions to the team choosing was gold, I can't wait to see what A-Game he's gonna bring. I'm hoping he doesn't become a version of justin--I just want him to want to be a useful teammate and person for his team/friends/competitors and want to win as well. no overly crazy 'tda justin' villanry pls?? (I mean, I won't be averse to it if it does end up happening, but it'd be cool if things changed up this time around)
CHEMMA BROKE UP THANK FRICKING GOD, our prayers have been answered!! please please PLEASE have them stay broken up
raj & wayne on the same team again!! I was not expecting that tbh, but I'm curious to see where this goes
rajbow is so adorable, like bowie not even letting chris finish before he immediately picks raj first for his team is so 🥹
ngl chase is still a dumbass but now that chemma is out of the way, I mean it affectionately, I can't bring myself to hate any of the characters and that trend isn't going to stop here. that moment when he ran at granny hatchet and bowie was like "I don't believe it, I think he's gonna make it" like that scene was insane
damien is amazing as always, no words need to be said. manifesting a final two involving him
NICHELLE. FUCKING NICHELLE. GOD I CANNOT ARTICULATE HOW MUCH I ADORE HER HERE!! saving the best for last goddammit, I love her so so so so much, omfg the way she slayed the challenge, pls I'm so hyped for her character development this season, I can't wait for the other contestants to eat their words abt her
axel trying to 'be nice' ("i'm a work in progress" yes you are but you're doing amazing) but acting like an ass to ripper is something I live for. "I'm not following you, we're running in the same direction!" LMAOOOO
the fact that priya doesn't hold any resentment toward her parents still irks me, but I still love her character and I'm excited to see what's in store for her
I'm still hoping for some axelle content, but I'm more than happy with the mkulia servings we got
I'm lowkey interested in scary girl's change of character. I feel like this wont be the last we see of her--will she be like an amy and swim back to the island to enact revenge? or will she be like ezekiel and live on the island in secret? or will she be a secret third thing? I sure as heck don't know but I can't wait to find out!! her parting words def seem ominous enough to imply something
speaking of, scary girl's change of character and when she talked abt how she became "normal" everyone's reactions were sending me lmaooo
bowie going "you're never right" to chase but is the one to choose chase on his team, like yes dude frrr that frenemy whiplash was wack lmaoo I love it
same with bowie choosing julia, like yes we love to see two manipulative competitive strategists banding together
on a different note, I wonder what will come of bowie and emma's friendship from s1 and how that broke apart. maybe they could rekindle it in s2? hmmm
zee and their suitcase of sodas 😭
"she's an animal" OKAY MK TONE IT DOWN (pls don't, actually pls continue doing it) YOU'RE NOT HELPING MY MKULIA CASE HERE
millie being priya's first pick >>>
"what strategy? you just stop and run, it's not rocket surgery" 😭 I used to dislike ripper, but if he continues on like this, that opinion will def change. it's only been the first episode and I already don't dislike him anymore so-
chris is still 'tdi chris' aka the b e s t chris imo, and I'm here for it!! also chef and chris's dynamic is still spot-on
in conclusion, im so very excited for what this season will bring!! in case you didn't realize, I LOVED the first episode!
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mywingsareonwheels · 2 years
I absolutely loved Smiley. I have a few reservations, but generally: yay.
(More on this; spoilers ensue.
I desperately want a sequel now in which Ramon and Ibra get together because they’re both very lovely, esp. Ibra who is an angel, and they both deserved much better. They can have Pokemon dates. :D
I so so so wanted Vero and Patri to work it out and aaaaaaah my heart hurts.
I adored Alex and I’m delighted for his happy ending but I still have a few reservations about Bruno. Alex treated Ibra poorly but at least he genuinely fond of him; it was an error of self-knowledge. Bruno clearly never actually *liked* Ramon that much and just OUCH. Worried he’s still holding on to that snobbery. Bruno you had better treat so much Alex better omg.
I loved that while it was overall focused on romance, there were so many other kinds of love around, and that both Alex and Bruno showed up best when in non-romantic situations (and that for each of them, that became part of the attraction of the other). Alex is a wonderful friend and (especially) son, deeply kind and warm. Bruno is a dedicated friend and uncle and dog-dad. The complicated friendship between Rosa and Ramiro was so moving and made my heart hurt, and Rosa being just the best (if occasionally most over-enthusiastic) mum to Alex was so lovely. The father-daughter-ish relationship between Javier and Vero was the fricking *best*. Patri’s parents made me so happy.
Julia’s letter to the Three Wise Men was just... so damn on point. The overall “why can’t adults say what they mean” thing applied throughout all of the adult characters. Wise and excellent kid; I’m glad she got her skateboard. :D
I’m glad that Albert grew so much and that he and Nuria worked it out, but ooof I wish that he had apologised more thoroughly for his microaggressions towards Nabat. If there’s a sequel there needs to be more of her, and more of her having her own story, rather than just doing childcare and putting up with nonsense.
Javier is an angel and I adore him. <3 <3 <3
I’m not a huge city fan generally but Barcelona is *gorgeous*.
Overall? Flawed but superb. Controversial opinion but I found this everything that “Love Actually” tried to be but actually wasn’t. And so beautifully, blessedly queer. <3
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its-toasted · 1 year
grown [groan]
Today I woke up, had cleared all my work the night before. Took care of the dog, checked digital usuals, so went to the movies. Dude tried to refuse my moviepass, but I am not one to be clowned upon. Like why are you mad I don't use AMC stubs, guy, what's it to ya lmao. I watched You Hurt My Feelings with Julia Louis Dreyfus. She was primo, it was prickly, powerful. I picked it because it was 90 mins, but didn't know it was A24 til it started. They don't miss, like HBO and FX. Recently pirated The Whale. Saw Beef too of course. That's like the first time I've felt seen, deeply, in the contemporary media. But my old pastor Danny told me the fable of Beef long before, his road rage incident just outside of Rio, where the theater is. So I've known what it is for some time. (Before I left the boardwalk I bought a coral-ocean resin slate, it was nostalgic). Before he showed me it was shameful, ma and dad have static too. I forgot that curse for a good year and a half. But leading up to the broken foot I was hitting this ceiling with Wella, and I was getting hard. So I think a lot about how well-situated the injury ended up being. We went from like five miles a day to less than one so it's been tough, but she's adjusted so beautifully. She's such a fucking friend. A month before moving, we are resuming regular routines, and we both are just a touch more in control, in ways nobody else would notice. If I ever say I'm blessed what I mean is I'm the luckiest, because I didn't deserve this home, this job, this dog. Every day I wake up with this fool and we get shit done, eat good, sleep good. I feel better in the head than just about ever, barring two years. I've learned to love what I do even when it's small. I know things are gonna frick again soon. We already packed
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gowoelfinneniguess · 2 years
"Ach du Schei*e!" | Tabu-Challenge mit Alex Popp & Svenja Huth
Round 1:
Poppi: Went to Mexico recently, whaat?
Svenja: Good luck!
WOB: Ready, set, go!
Svenja: Do you know her?
Poppi: Just missed a penalty recently
Svenja: Becks
Poppi: Plays next to you on the pitch
Svenja: Obi, Jill
Poppi: Yes
Poppi: Uhhh is dating Plate
Svenja: Do
Poppi: Her brother is a comedian
Svenja: Markus, uh, Kathy Hendrich
Poppi: Among our fastest, maybe even the fastest
Svenja: Sveindis?
Poppi: Did extremely well in school
Svenja: Lena Lattwein
Poppi: Just stopped the penalty
Svenja: Lisa Weiß
Poppi: Good job!
Poppi: What the frick! Skip
Svenja: Alex Popp?
Poppi: Broke her finger
Svenja: Kasia?
Poppi: Uhmm…
Svenja: Skip?
Poppi: Yeah, okay
Poppi: Wears gloves
Svenja: Julia Kassen? Lisa Weiß, Kasia, Almuth Schult? Ah, no, she’s not even here anymore! Merle Frohms!
Poppi: YEAH!
Poppi: Bodyguard
Svenja: What?
Poppi: She’s a bodyguard on the pitch
Svenja: Lena Oberdorf
Round 2:
WOB: And 90 seconds start now!
Svenja: Plays up front
Poppi: Ewa?
Svenja: Yes
Svenja: New signing from the South
Poppi: Tini
Svenja: Came from Potsdam with me
Poppi: Feli
Svenja: Our Küken (youngest, literally “chick”)
Poppi: Jule
Svenja: Potentially might be in this room right now
Poppi: Sveni
Svenja: At the U20 world cup right now
Poppi: Julia
Svenja: Might also be in this room
Poppi: That’s me!
Svenja: Also very fast
Poppi: Tabs
Svenja: Another new signing
Poppi: Marina
Svenja: She sits, uh, she’s also very young, always hanging out with Obi–I mean Jill
Poppi: Lynn
Svenja: Just went to Mexico
Poppi: *surprised pikachu face*
Svenja: Oh, alright. Uhm, she was…
Poppi: Pauli!
Svenja: Has been at this club forever
Poppi: Jo
WOB: Go on, you have 30 seconds, it’s about your points!
Poppi: OH NO, I SAW IT!
Svenja: Just missed the penalty! Gets along with Lynn
Poppi: Jill
Svenja: Is dating Plate! Her brother is a comedian–loves pasta!
Poppi: Kathy!
Svenja: Amazing throw ins
Poppi: Sveindis
Svenja: Maths prodigy
Poppi: Lena, Lattwein
Svenja: Just saved the penalty. It was pretty rad!
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paigemathews · 1 year
Okay, so I finished episode eight (Bug a Boo) and thoughts (actually tracked through the episode this time):
my sister said that Jada gives off Bianca energy and I vibe with it. she also is questioning my sexuality bc I said Jada was hot, which. mostly bc I wanna look like her tbh, one of my ideal style categories is "witch" sooo. But also Jada really is just cool as hell, I like her.
this whole dating app plot would be great for a Cupid girl, tbh. Like there are a couple of plot points or episodes that'd been great for a next gen kid, but I think that one of the Cupid-witches getting a plot with a dating app would be really cute.
Maggie and Parker have been dating for like. five minutes. why the fuck are they talking about spending the summer together?? y'all don't even know if you'll still be together, what the fuck
Hunter sticking up for Parker thoooo. I'll be honest, demon bros relationship is actually really adorable and funny. It's definitely a highlight of the episode.
Why are they two different kinds of demon though?? Hunter is a shapeshifter and Parker is a shadow demon, like. Their dad doesn't seem to be either kind either, how do demonic genetics work
👀 okay but Julia and Macy's relationships possibly paralleling Elise and Phoebe's relationship in the original? Older female boss takes on a slightly more maternal role to the witch who never had her mom?
Their powers are already really fricking strong, idk how they're supposed to advance when it seems so easy for them already
The argument between Charity and Mel about helping in mortal affairs seems very similar to the discussion Paige and Henry had in s8 of the original, but uhhh Mel is dumb (shocker) and fundamentally misunderstands what the Elders and the S'Arcana told her. No one told her to just stand by and do nothing when bad things are happening right in front of her, even using her magic to do it. (I mean, the original sisters never just let bad things happen in front of them bc they didn't want to use their powers.) The difference is that the S'Arcana want to go out of their way to aid in mortal affairs that aren't directly happening in front of them, aka a proactive and direct role, while the Elders want to stick to magical affairs. Mel manages to fundamentally misunderstand both groups, bc she is dumb.
Oh, God, I hate that bug demon, it's fucking horrifying.
Why are all of the Elders dressed in white? (I get the no faces thing, but uhhh, that definitely hits nightmare fuel for me.) It's kinda. on the nose, man, bc at least the og Elders were all wearing the same type of robes so it was more of a uniform. This just feels cultish.
Why does Macy like Galvin? Babe, you can do so much better, this man is boring af.
lmao, Mel got smacked with a board bc she just. wandered in like a dumbass
lmao, Galvin just got fucking hit by a car, I hate this miscommunication trope but it's kinda funny bc of how random it is. (Also shoutout to my original note being that he got hit by a cat.)
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MAG010, Vampire Killer
Case #0100710, Trevor Herbert Release date: April 14, 2016 First listen: 14th October. I remember being on the back track for this.
Hadn’t realised it until now but we get introduced to two of the biggest players in The Hunt domain back to back; Julia Montauk and Trevor Herbert. Seems fitting as in later stages they very much come as a pair. There’s even a symmetry, she appears first and we lose her first. It may have been down to writing choices influenced by 2020’s own apocalypse, but thematically it works. Also, introducing Trevor after the episode Julia talks about her father does potentially usher Trevor into a surrogate paternal role.
- I remember seeing the title and thinking, ‘oh god, the archivist is going to have a field day with this one’, especially after hearing the derision on the words ‘Self proclaimed.’
- Trevor may have been homeless and marginalised but so far has the most agency in any of the statements we’ve heard. He becomes a player in his own story, not an innocent by stander who become collateral. He learns and he changes. Admittedly, this statement does encompass his entire adult life, rather than an isolated event. He may also be the first Avatar we hear directly from, if he is well within the influence of The Hunt by now, though there’s a possibility Julia was already under it’s sway in her statement. But I think this statement stands out because it exhibits a level of awareness and agency from a statement giver we’ve not seen yet. The fact that that statement giver is a marginalised member of society who has a history of drug use and has been homeless most of his colours his statements and makes them more likely to be dismissed out of hand due to circumstance, all to The Entities advantage.
- He’s brought vampire teeth in with him, love a bit of show and tell. Sharks teeth is probably a good comparison for the vampires mentioned given their feeding methods described.
- The possibility of this being a death bed confessional, both for the murders committed on humans and regarding the existence of vampires, does throw some doubt on the validity of Trevor’s claims. Could this be one last piece of sensationalism for a life that has been in ‘public view for so long …[he’d] become kind of an institution’? Could this be a murder confession packaged in imaginings influenced by drug use, trauma and rough living? Or could this be a dying man trying to warn others?
- Jonny’s take on the vampire fascinates me. Similarly how in MAG001 I though it was going to be good old fashioned ghosties, Jonny takes my expectations and Gothic tradition and just fricking punts them out the window. I love this idea of a vampire being ‘more an animal than a man.’ It’s scarier yes in that it’s difficult to understand and the morphology is alien and terrifying, but it is no where near as clever as the traditional vampire. Your Gothic vampire is dangerous because they are clever, they’re brimming with knowledge and charisma from ages past, they are so much smarter than humans, who are little better than farm animals. There’s also the decades of media making them hot, I see you, you go you crazy monsterfuckers, have fun kids, stay safe, but that just gives them another level of danger because humans be horny for sex and/or danger sometimes. But these vampires being more animal like, is a complete departure from the Gothic tradition. Yes, being more animalistic is scary and an unknown, but it’s easier to predict as it operates on a more primal level. Cornered, it’s going to come up with much few courses of action than a fully intelligent being may.
- Telepathic communication or hypnosis or what ever it is does seem to be something it retains in common with the Gothic tradition, or more accurately is something the Gothic tradition had and modern retelling have run with because you can make that horny… if we ignore, y’know, consent. Thankfully, we don’t get that here with Sylvia McDonald, camouflaged as an old widow, but there may have been a bit of that with Robert Arden, leading an intoxicated woman away from a club and back to a residence. But telepathic communication or hypnosis would indeed make sense if the throat was as occupied with feeding mechanisms as described.
- ‘Evil has less power in the daylight hours,’ ...oh boy howdy, I really wish that was the case. Possibly is with the Big Name evils, but the common everyday little evils? They’ll smile and shake your hand in the street, before committing atrocities and call it ‘implementing new legislation’.
- ‘I was hit by a stale, coppery smell’. Again, Jonny is using the evocative smells to flesh out a scene. And again, it’s in a statement pertaining to The Hunt.
- The vampire’s paths in the dust. Not long ago, I did a course on vermin control for work and I was introduced to the phenomenon of rat pathways. Rats generally move along the same path way when moving around their territory, forming noticeable runs, typically moving along routes previously used and remembered using muscle memory and touch. I kinda feel the vampire has behavioural pattern.
- The offer of rotting fruit. Another instance of the creature mimicking human behaviours while not understanding them, and also, y’know, appears to be squatting in an un-lived in building, but I thought also this could be a little bit of The Corruption showing its’ hand. Between the food the two boys need and the books that Trevor said he’d read in the years since. Maybe something there about the two young men looking for love and shelter after years of terrible family life and rough living, and being offered a mockery of it.
- Separating the brother in different rooms put me in mind of it creating a living larder. Although why it didn’t lock the door I don’t know. Maybe it expected its’ hypnosis to hold for longer. But it puts me in mind of spiders binding flies for consumption later, or the shrike impaling prey on the spikes of plants to create a grizzly pantry.
- The actual murder and feeding scene. Just some good old fashioned body horror and predator/prey dynamics.
- The vampire’s primary sense being smell in this form makes sense and seems to be another tick in the box for this being a manifestation of The Hunt and more animal then thinking being. Doesn’t communicate vocally, hearing probably down. Doesn’t recognise visual cues enough to emulate, vision might not pick them up. Sensory scientists who know their shit, hit me up, I am pulling this ought of my arse at gone 10pm.
- Seeing the vampire get slow after eating put me in mind of a line Bryn Monroe’s character says in the Rusty Quill Gaming Deadlands Halloween special Jonny ran. About an ‘animal getting slow after it’s eaten’. You see it in humans, taking a nap after a big meal, but also in animals. I can be a combination of things, from recovering energy spent in the act of hunting or in actually swallowing their food, to the energy required for the process of digestion itself, as the blood, or whatever the vampire has as an alternative, heads to the digestive system.
- Trevor’s description of killing the vampire puts me in mind of the time I was bitten by a tsetse fly while in Malawi. Like a horse fly on steroids these things, bit me right between the shoulder blades. My friend sitting behind me on the bus watched as it flew out of the collar of my shirt and smushed it against the window, leaving a smear of blood that seemed far too big for an insect of that size to have extracted.
- The vampire being described as dry, implying it has no circulatory system of its’ own. Indeed when describing fighting Robert Arden, there seems to be hardly any description of blood spilt as the vampire is being dispatched.
- Fire, something Jonny’s kept from the traditional manual of how to hunt vampires. Granted, fire is one of those things that traditionally will mess up pretty much anything.
- Trevor himself does disclose that he thought the who experience was a bad reaction to witnessing his brother’s murder. Although the doubt appears to leave him over time, he does acknowledge that there was a time when he doubted, and I think in doing so acknowledges that there may be doubt about his word.
- ‘While I was pretty sure of what I was seeing, I was still hesitant to attack with no provocation and no plan’. What he is describing is mad as all hell, but also he is the most sensible person we’ve possibly come across. He’s aware of the threat and his own limitations and he makes preparations in  fashioning a stake.
- He describes ‘the flesh (of the vampire) was cold and spongy’, perfect for drawing up warm blood after a feed.
- The vampire’s reaction to presumably the heroine in Trevor’s blood is intriguing. Somewhere I have a tweet saved, somewhere about vampire’s supposedly getting picky with potential meal sources being of different medications when in reality they’re been sucking on asbestos workers in years past. I’ll link it when I find it. But the idea of this being the vampire’s first encounter with hard drugs seems doubtful, and it’s first encounter with substances seems near impossible. It’s taken an intoxicated woman from a club. I would not have been surprised if past victims were likewise inebriated or under the effect of some party drug or another if its’ hunting grounds was the club scene.
- Kudos to the unnamed woman though, for having the wherewithal and bravery to stick around, find a knife and start hacking. Especially considering she needed to get outside, possibly throw the window.
- ‘I was always more careful after that.’ See, he’s learning, he’s growing.
- The inflection on ‘statement ends’, like the Archivist has a new brand of irritated on him. The statement may be worthless in his eyes, but it is incomplete and that can not stand.
- ‘Regardless, there is substantial evidence to support the version of events told by Mr. Herbert in all aspects’… Wait, what?! ‘...except the vampirism.’ Oh, c’mon!
- The idea that specialists were contacted regard the vampire teeth amuses me greatly because, what?, they just rocked up on someone’s desk? What explanation did they give? And how hard did they lose their shit when they realised it was an unrecognised species?
- For all the Archivist doesn’t put much stock in Trevor’s story, the fact that the ‘file number is listed among multiple information requests from the Institute’s government and law enforcement contracts’ implies that there are some people who are interested in what he has to say, one way or another.
- One thing still stands out to me here though. The fact that the statement identifies Trevor as a vampire ‘killer’ and not a ‘hunter’. He’s not hunting at this stage of his life that he’s recounting, these are ‘right place right time’, opportunistic kills. Not hunts. Not yet.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 3 months
Opo: Language! Julia: Fuck you! Max: Sorry Opo I didn’t mean to offend you. Frick you. Opo: That’s okay, hey what’s a MILF?
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figurelifeflirt · 1 year
2021 Santa Claus Cup Entry #10
Side Note: In the K&C the Azerbaijan flag and the Georgia flag are missing?! Unless I’m wrong. I thought the flags were supposed to be a representative of all the countries that have skaters competing.
Junior Women free program
Anna Schmidt(GEO)
Thoughts: I’ve only seen her twice. It’s still very early in evaluation.
Manca Krmlej(SLO)
Thoughts: the finishing pose felt too jarring. But I liked what the back of the dress did for her shoulders.
Julia Lovrencic
Thoughts: she’s so small. I forgot how small she is.
Maria Seniuk(ISR)
Thoughts:  this is only the second time I’ve seen her. But when they are done right, yellow dresses are so fricking amazing.
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fernderm · 2 years
I really wanna see what Julia looks like in the Eleventh Hour graphic novel or if she even appears but frick I need to wait for another box set.
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sarahsandersons · 4 years
Can’t believe I managed to get Ghoul’s Alive Toralei for only 16 bucks flkslkdld
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magic-can · 6 years
Doomguy is an icon. He just wants to beat the crap outta demons and he’s saving the world while doing it. He doesn’t care about that stuff though because he just wants to fight things. A legend.
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