#mitch pileggi
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giuliadrawsstuff · 4 months ago
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Just another day in the FBI X-Files.
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ssaemilyhotchner · 3 months ago
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 5 months ago
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Leverage 4x5- "The Hot Potato Job"
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jtt-033-1613 · 8 months ago
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the way she rushes to him (and his little smile)
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california-112 · 4 months ago
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S08E14 / S08E15 / 'Work Song' - Hozier
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whump-collector · 2 months ago
The X-Files Whumplist
I watched the X-files for the first time and made a little whump list. Under the readmore you will also find Scully, Skinner, Doggett and Reyes. If I ever do a rewatch, I will add Krycek. If there is another character you're missing, let me know and I will add them as well.
Mulder: 1x02: punched, caught by military, tied to stretcher, unconscious 1x05: attacked, scratched/cut, bleeding through t-shirt 1x07: at gunpoint 1x08: attacked by dog, hit over the head, locked up, manhandled 1x10: knocked out, handcuffed, caged, thrown throug air, walking on crutches 1x11: at gunpoint (briefly) 1x12: nearly unconscious because of smoke from fire, helped to walk, oxygen mask, coughing 1x13: shot, oxygen mask, in hospital 1x14: knocked out 1x17: tripped, limping, at gunpoint 1x20: attacked by insects 1x21: attacked by "baddie of the week" 1x24: ambushed, tear gased (kind of), tied up, kidnapped 2x01: unconscious 2x03: attacked, bandaged arm, sprayed with pesticides 2x04: "shot" 2x05: at gunpoint, tied up, held hostage 2x07: attacked, beaten up 2x08: manhandeld, beaten up, at gunpoint, crying 2x09: attacked, at gunpoint 2x12: knocked down, knife to throat 2x14: attacked, tied up 2x15: at gunpoint, vodoo 2x16: hypothermia, oxygen mask, in hospital, hit by car 2x17: crying, knocked out, unconscious, beaten up, hypothermia, oxygen mask, in hospital, defibrillator 2x18: attacked by gorilla, unconscious 2x19: rapidly aging, in hospital 2x25: manhandled, sick, crying, shot
3x01: unconscious 3x02: shot at 3x04: in a fight, cut 3x07: thrown across room 3x08: crying 3x09: in fight 3x10: choked, beaten up, unconscious 3x12: at gunpoint, shot at 3x14: attacked, at gunpoint, cut 3x15: at gunpoint 3x16: in car crash, in hospital, at gunpoint 3x17: at gunpoint 3x23: at gunpoint 3x24: crying, in a fight, at gunpoint 4x01: manhandled, thrown against car, crying 4x02: attacked 4x03: shot with poisoned dart, collapsing, paralyzed 4x05: crying 4x08: unconscious, imprisoned, manhandled, restrained, infected 4x09: imprisoned, in car crash 4x10: handcuffed 4x15: knocked down 4x18: manhandled, at gunpoint 4x20: knocked out, locked up 4x23: in shock, headache, in pain, collapsing, arrested, handcuffed, slapped 4x24: crying 5x01: crying 5x02: crying 5x03: shot at, at gunpoint, drugged 5x04: attacked, injured, fell into hole 5x05: passing out 5x07: at gunpoint, crying 5x08: at gunpoint 5x09: tree fell on car while driving, sunk into ground 5x11: electroshocked, electrocuted, trapped in simulation, burned, in hospital, restrained, suffocated, arms amputated in simulation, unconscious 5x12: drugged, passing out 5x14: manhandled, at gunpoint 5x18: blindfolded, restrained, finger broken, at gunpoint, manhandled, kneeling 5x19: bandaged fingers, held hostage, at gunpoint, kneeling, manhandled, in hospital, tied to bed The Movie: shot, blood, in hospital, bandaged head, at gunpoint 6x01: at gunpoint 6x02: at gunpoint 6x03: drowning, manhandled, beaten, at knifepoint, at gunpoint, kneeling, in hospital 6x04: at gunpoint, slapped, manhandled, handcuffed 6x05: handcuffed, manhandled, locked up 6x06: at gunpoint, shot, bleeding 6x08: cut 6x09: shot at 6x12: decontaminated 6x13: at gunpoint, attacked, trouble with breathing, weak 6x14: shot 6x21: buried, unconscious, on stretcher 6x22: in pain, collapsing, in hospital 7x01: in hospital, manhandled, tied to bed 7x02: in hospital, handcuffed, restrained, unconscious 7x04: attacked, injured, blood 7x06: fell through floor, at gunpoint, shot 7x09: bit by snake, in hospital 7x10: crying 7x12: at gunpoint 7x13: attacked, beaten up, knocked out 7x16: attacked, drowned 7x18: coughing up blood, unconscious, in hospital, coughing, choking 7x20: beaten up 8x01: restrained, operated on, screaming 8x02: restrained 8x14: restrained, unconscious, dead 8x15: in hospital 8x16: in hospital, flashbacks to torture, scars 8x17: manhandled 8x20: thrown through wall, unconscious, cut 8x21: at gunpoint 9x19/20: choked, thrown across room, at gunpoint, in prison, beaten up, manhandled Second movie: in car crash, blood, drugged, passing out, punched 10x01: blindfolded 10x02: in pain, thrown across room 10x03: attacked 10x05: drugged, whipped, in hospital 10x06: beaten up, choked, sick 11x01: manhandled 11x02: at gunpoint, shot at, handcuffed, manhandled 11x03: in fight 11x06: trapped 11x07: shot at 11x09: attacked 11x10: at gunpoint, crying
Scully: 1x01: briefly knocked out 1x03: attacked by "baddie of the week" 1x07: blown through air vent, nearly chopped into pieces by fan 1x08: locked up, manhandled 1x11: knocked out, at gunpoint (briefly) 1x14: knocked down, knocked out 1x15: handcuffed, at gunpoint, held hostage 1x16: shot in vest 1x20: attacked by insects, unconcious 2x05: kidnapped 2x06: gagged, tied up, in car trunk, unconscious, operated on 2x08: in hospital 2x09: handcuffed 2x13: in car crash, kidnapped, tied up, gagged, fight with kidnapper, crying 2x14: attacked, tied up 2x15: at gunpoint, vodoo 2x17: beaten up, kidnapped, at gunpoint 2x19: rapidly aging, in hospital 2x21: thrown across room 2x24: knocked down, kidnapped, gagged, tied up, almost beheaded 3x01: at gunpoint, crying 3x02: at gunpoint, shot at 3x06: attacked by "baddie" of the week 3x10: at gunpoint 3x16: shot at, at gunpoint 3x17: at gunpoint 3x18: attacked by cat 3x21: knocked out 4x01: choked 4x02: attacked 4x04: drugged, kidnapped, tied up 4x12: attacked by "baddie of the week" 4x13: in a fight, knocked out 4x14: crying 4x15: knocked down 4x22: in a fight, cut, crying 4x23: at gunpoint 4x24: knocked down a flight of stairs 5x01: collapsing 5x02: in hospital, crying 5x04: fell into hole 5x05: passing out 5x06: crying 5x07: crying 5x08: at gunpoint, shot 5x11: electroshocked, at gunpoint, handcuffed 5x12: drugged, passing out 5x14: burned, unconscious, in hospital 5x17: crying The Movie: stung by bee, collapsing, in ambulance, unconscious, kidnapped 6x03: at gunpoint, kneeling 6x04: at gunpoint 6x06: passing out, at gunpoint, shot at, shot, bleeding 6x10: shot, in hospital 6x12: decontaminated 6x13: at gunpoint 6x18: attacked, blood 6x20: attacked, drugged 6x21: buried, unconscious, on stretcher 7x01: attacked by insects 7x04: attacked 7x07: attacked, choked, tied up, gagged 7x09: manhandled 7x12: at gunpoint 7x14: blinded 7x15: shot at 7x17: crying 7x20: beaten up 7x22: crying, collapsing, in hospital 8x02: at gunpoint, crying, thrown through room, in hospital 8x04: manhandled, infected, restrained, gagged, unconscious 8x07: in hospital 8x10: crying 8x13: manhandled, sedated, passing out, in hospital 8x14: crying 8x15: crying 8x17: in hospital, unconscious 9x03: attacked 9x09: in a fight, blood 9x19/20: crying Second movie: crying 10x02: thrown across room, unconscious 10x03: attacked 10x04: crying 11x01: unconscious, in hospital, in pain, in car crash, attacked, choked 11x02: at gunpoint, shot at, handcuffed, manhandled 11x05: crying 11x07: shot at 11x09: attacked 11x10: crying
Skinner: 2x17: in a fight 2x25: punched 3x01: at gunpoint 3x02: at gunpoint, beaten up 3x09: at gunpoint 3x15: shot 3x16: in hospital 3x17: beaten up 4x21: at gunpoint 6x09: sick, in hospital, flatlining, beaten, shot at, at gunpoint, collapsing, passing out 7x01: attacked, choked 7x22: crying 8x02: at gunpoint, unconscious 8x15: collapsing, sick, manhandled 8x21: attacked, unconscious, in hospital 11x01: at gunpoint, manhandled 11x06: trapped, impaled
Doggett: 8x03: attacked, drowned 8x07: nightmare 8x11: shot, buried 8x12: attacked, knocked out, unconscious 8x15: in a fight 8x16: at gunpoint, held hostage, shot 8x17: at gunpoint 8x18: knocked out, cut, at knifepoint, choked 8x19: blinded, fallen, unconscious, blood 8x21: choked 9x01: drowned 9x02: beaten up 9x04: shot, in hospital 9x07: in prison, at gunpoint, attacked, beaten up, crying 9x09: run over, blood, unconscious 9x10: in hospital, unconscious 9x11: crying 9x12: stabbed 9x14: at gunpoint, attacked, falling 9x16: knocked down, beaten up 9x18: knocked out, unconscious
Reyes: 8x17: knocked out 8x21: thrown against wall 9x04: cut, blood, knife to throat 9x07: manhandled, at gunpoint 9x08: knife to throat 9x11: in car crash, in hospital, crying 9x12: attacked 9x13: choked 9x14: attacked 11x01: at gunpoint 11x10: shot
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swiftzeldas · 1 year ago
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The X-Files 6.12: One Son
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starlightseraph · 1 year ago
x-files bloopers that are perfectly normal and display normal regular human behaviour.
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 4 months ago
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katherinehoughtoncastle47 · 9 months ago
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horrorkaleidoscope1 · 7 months ago
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giuliadrawsstuff · 3 months ago
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Just another day in the FBI X-Files part 2.
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nefertitisfjordd · 1 year ago
he is beauty, he is grace
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vintagetvstars · 7 months ago
Miguel Ferrer Vs. Mitch Pileggi
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Miguel Ferrer - (Twin Peaks, On the Air) - He served infinite cunt as Albert, the curmudgeonly FBI agent with a heart of gold beneath his crusty exterior, on Twin Peaks. He also starred in David Lynch and Mark Frost's tragically quickly-cancelled and criminally underseen follow-up, 1992's On the Air, which has all the surreal humor of Twin Peaks but a much more lighthearted tone. HIGHLY recommended if you can track it down and Miguel is so hot and funny in it.
Mitch Pileggi - (The X-Files) - don't underestimate this bald king's sexual swagger
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Miguel Ferrer:
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Mitch Pileggi:
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the1013file · 1 year ago
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salchat · 1 year ago
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Mitch Pileggi as Skinner from the X Files. With space for him to sign it at the Basingstoke Comic Con later this year. This is pastel pencil and soft pastels on Pastelmat card.
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