#2. the games look fun as frick and I get pumped up just looking at gameplay
magic-can · 6 years
Doomguy is an icon. He just wants to beat the crap outta demons and he’s saving the world while doing it. He doesn’t care about that stuff though because he just wants to fight things. A legend.
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EP 3: “Nancy Drew, Eat Your Heart Out” - Owen
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Damn fuck. 
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ari you're not allowed to watch my confessionals, so ignore this.
for everyone else: the video is upside down, and it's really symbolic of the dual game twist.
love, mj
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So a potential alliance might be happening eventually?  I played with  both Kait and MJ in a Big Brother game and they are the only two people left in the game that I've known before we started.  Anyway, I've been talking to the both of them a bit, Kait is super nice and I love her and then we have MJ that likes Darren Criss too! 
So then yesterday Kait randomly asked how I was feeling now that the other people from Arabia were gone, and I was pretty honest.  I told her that I was a little on the nervous side but that Nick should have been on and around and that Alex shouldn't have taken anything but that it was like I was now starting over with all these people that I didn't know that I enjoyed getting to know.  Anyway, we talked a bit more then she suggested that she, MJ and I start an alliance for later on maybe if there is a tribe swap or if there is a merge and I'm not in the place to turn down any alliance so I told her I was down!  
With the way that the votes are going these days I'm SUPER nervous.  The trend seems to be that the person that is on both tribes going to tribal council is usually the one to get voted off of both.  That just... scares me?  Like, I just don't want it to ever be me.  Carson seems to be like a comp beast anyway and I think both of my tribes are solid, I just don't want to be that unlucky person that goes to two tribal councils then gets out by the luck of the draw. :/ 
In a way I'm glad I sat out this round, I SUCK at this challenge, I don't really understand it at all and I don't think I would have done either tribe any good if I participated.  I just hate the idea of sitting anything out, I want my tribes to think I'm worth keeping around.  
I'm starting to feel like there might be a swap coming up before too long, like, maybe when we get to 20 people, or even before then to even the tribes out.  It must suck for the people that have just three people on their tribes!
My goal was to not be the 23rd person out once Nick and Alex were voted out....  Now that Emma is gone (Oh god, I hope it was Emma, I'm having a hard time with all these names) I need a new goal and I think that is going to be to make it to the first tribe swaps!
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The worst part about coming into All-Stars after being out of commission for so long is that EVERYONE has connections to EVERYONE. Then there's me over in the corner. I only know a few people coming into this season, and it's so intimidating because it seems like most of these recent players already know one another; I'm the odd one out. I'm not the most personable person either, so trying to create bonds is really tricky for me. I'm trying to piece together all of the preexisting connections and stuff, but this is so rough. Ahhhhhhhhhh 
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welp, i asked the first person for an alliance, that being jenn. i feel like im already late to the alliance scene, and im thinking if i dont make an alliance soon, im fucked.
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honest to god all the challenges in this game are ones im shit at. I really really hope Pat is really with me bc it looks like were going to lose again. also i dont have shit going on my game b tribe so if we go to tribal im gonna have to beg steffen for my life oh boy
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pat: has good scores that he says we can use if we cant beat them me: stops trying 
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this is technically for last episode but oh well
hooooooooly wooooooooow I'm so fucking mad about that score I got. It cost one of my tribes the win??? Which was super duper sad, but luckily Emma's other tribe lost too, so it should be and was an easy vote. I was a bit worried that Logan's relationship with her would get in the way (if it exists at all idk man), but I survived :') and now my frickin game b tribe can NOT lose again i will do WHATEVER IT FRICKING TAKES to WIN 
The cool thing though was that my OTHER tribe got first, and I was the first one to go on that reward cool fun trip to the adventure :~) I made it pretty far in... And I didn't get anything. But then I turned right around and told Jake what to do, and then Steffen, and then BOTH of Lydia's trips. I was on call with them through all of it and I'm SCREAMING kjfdshdsj because literally both ricardo and gage told me what they got too????? So like... I know Jake has the record which lets him flip the immunity scores around, and Lydia got the weird ass Whirlpool Idol, which means there has gotta be a lot of stuff in there. And Ricardo met Jordan Pines... Gage didn't get any further than I did. 
So even though I didn't get any items, I know who did, I know what they do, and I know what does and doesn't work in the adventure. I don't have a power, but I have knowledge, and in this game, knowledge is power. I'm gonna make a spreadsheet with everything that's happened so far..
The one thing I don't get is the clue Alex gave. Maybe it's fake. And Kait somehow got a clue too, but she hasn't given it to me? Sooooo SUSPICIOUS. We'll see :) if i can get it from her :)
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me: i did so good!!! jakey: i got 290 me: the... fuck
like.... what kinda FREAKS OF NATURE r these people??? with these high ass scores??? like WHAT
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BUT on the other hand, i also made an alliance with ruthie. yes i made an alliance with the 2 girls on my tribe. what can i say? im a feminist. like... idek i feel so outmatched here everyoens so much better than me, and im just waiting to leave, but i know i should just work harder, and ill be able to do somethin. i cant just sit back and be a little bitch
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Simon quit? 
Just sped up the inevitable probably. In other news I had the worst score in that challenge so I'm glad to be morphing into the goat at an earlier stage than usual. Still alliance-less and can't wait for the first swap to murder me. Honestly I was too exhausted today to pm anyone so I just like to send ugly snaps instead x
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Bless Owen for allowing me to use his score and for Jimmy being safe (Jessy DID THAT) and for Simon quitting to keep MJ and Kait safe and taking us to Final 21. Bless going on an adventure and Bering staying the course. But damn, can Caspian lose one already? 
Well back to things looking grim because Adventureland wasn't all it's cracked up to be. How did Jake find something on his first go? 
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Both my tribes won first I'm gonna fucking SCREECH
once again, i'm the biggest baddest adventurest bitch there is like ??? adventure??? my house. the place i was born. i crawled my ragged ass out the whirlpool and all the way up the side of the volcano and ryan tossed me in like vanuatu and now here i am, a rock monster with lobster claws and craggly skin 
anyways, I tried the riddles and failed because I was getting too caught up in capitalized letters??? im glad my english major really helped out !!! capitalization ! fun ! FUCK CASEY YATES 
anyways I told steffen how to do it, and he got this golden apple like?? I WANTED. THAT. ARE YOU. KIDDING ME. I'M SO. MAD. First of all it's like the oasis which would be good by itself but then a double vote??? that's on CRACK I WANT IT SAKJDFSH but it was worth it to tell him because at least I know where it's at which is good.
Ricardo and Jake didn't get anything, and then Jenn messaged me and SHE didn't get anything, but Lydia still has a trip thank god whew
I literally know what everyone did???? Shook. Nancy Drew, eat your heart out.
Also... Of course Simon quits. Honestly, that's really shitty of him but I didn't expect anything less with his attitude??? That's that on that. Kind of sad tribal is cancelled because I wanted chaos but oh well! Final 21, nice!
I'm expecting some kind of swap to happen at 20 like in Ol*mpics, but we'll see. For now, I have to win this next challenge... I need to go back on this damn adventure and get something for myself. I'm sick of being a charity!
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Quitters are Shitters Deserters are Perverters Drop Outs are Slop Scouts
(courtesy of Thesaurus.com and RhymeZone.com)
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So, Simon quit and that's kind of annoying, like WHY QUIT AN ALL STARS SEASON?  That's like a slap in the face to the hosts, they could have casted anyone and they casted you and you walked, UGH.  
I wish Alex was still around, at least he would have been more of an asset to his teams than Simon was, jeez.  
Also, in happier news, I think Carson and I are going to make a final 2 alliance and I'm SO pumped, she's one of my favorite people here and I really trust her. If we win reward or if she wins reward on her other tribe I'll even think about giving her the clue Alex left me with!  Maybe that would solidify us a little bit more!
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I'm? actually kinda bummed that Simon quit. Sure, our tribal on Osh Kosh B'gosh was going to be messy I'm sure, because I'm pretty sure Matt would've wanted to keep Simon instead of Gage whereas I'd rather keep Gage over either of them. I mean like it just kinda sucks because that's not really the spirit of an All Stars season - you want people to play hard and put it all out on the line, not quit because you don't wanna lose your never voted out record. I love Simon, but it just kinda sucks I guess. I mean I could've voted Matt out 2-1-1 or something hehe wouldn't that have been fun :') 
Anyways I've been thinking a lot about my place in this game and where I see myself in social standings. There are a few people that literally have not spoken to me at all - which like I get. It's a huge cast and it's one world, it's hard to keep up with everyone. However like, nnnnnnnn hello binch I exist! Other than that, I think I have enough good connections throughout this game to at least get me to the merge provided I don't see too many tribals. I'm really feeling the pressure in my A game with my tribe only having 3 people left with myself, Matt, and Gage. I don't know how close the two of them are, but I have alliances with both of them so as long as neither of them catch on I'm the swing vote. Matt would be soooo mad at me if I voted him out, but I think it'd be better for me in the long run to have him leave because of our history together - I just don't see us really moving past it. We can work together for now, but I think that the second we meet shaky waters it's going to be game on and things are going to get ugly once more. However, Gage I trust a lot more and I feel like would potentially get me further in the game because he's a number that I think I have a lot more control over instead of Matt. Idk. Watch this be completely the opposite or somehting or watch me get fucked over if we go to tribal again or some shit. NNNNNNN. Mess. 
My plan for tomorrow is to hit up the following people - Jessy, Steven, and Abbey. Abbey.......maybe not we'll see how festive I'm feeling. I'll prob talk more to Wes also, because apparently Wes went asking Jakey for an alliance and little ol' me is feeling a little left out! Wes hasn't fucking done a single thing on the Kabru tribe, who the fuck he think he is tryna make alliances n shit! Sit down and be a productive tribe member, tHANKS. 
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magic-can · 6 years
Okay I tried to pick just some questions but they are all so good so like,, can you answer all of them?? (Unless you don't want to answer some jsjdksldk)
(I’m not gonna answer ones I don’t have an answer to if that’s okay dndjdjjd)1. If you got the chance to hang out with any famous person for a day, who would it be?Tbh? Probably Sean McCloughin (or jacksepticeye for anyone that doesn’t know also I hope I spelled his last name right hhhh) because he just seems so,,,down to earth??? Like I’m not saying other ppl I’m a fan of are egotistical or anything it’s just that?? He’s always interacting with fans, he knows he’s not a perfect person, and he’s super non-judgmental and optimistic and accepting and he just seems so approachable. (I’m gonna make a post about why I have a lotta respect and appreciation for this dude actually, bc I’ve been binge watching his videos and I’m being reminded of why he’s my favorite YouTuber, such an awesome dude.) Not only that but he has a lotta the same interests as me and stuff and he actually has a really thoughtful mind when it comes to a lot of things and I’d feel a lot less nervous around him than any other famous person.2. If there were 4 things you could get rid of, what would they be?* Mistranslated religious scriptures bc hooh boy they’ve created a lot of misunderstanding and controversy * pedophiles* TERFS* nazis 3. If you could uncancel any cancelled video game, what would it be?Silent Hills,,,so much potential, Thrown out the window by a greedy company. It’s such a shame the game got cancelled, I was super pumped for it.4. Is there any celebrity you used to be a fan of but now aren’t?Pewdiepie, he gives me a really bad feeling now.6. Time travel: cool or a horrible idea?HORRIBLE IDEA 7. Are you a creationist or evolutionist?Definitely creationist, but I do believe there are quite a few animals that have common ancestors and stuff like that.8. Worst song(s) you’ve ever heard?Can’t think of the absolute worst one I’ve ever heard in my life, but recently? Despacito and Shape Of You hhhh.9. Have you ever astral projected?Nope. I can’t even imagine what that would be like.10. Have you ever had any experiences with the paranormal?I think maybe...I’m not sure though. Even though I 100% believe in the paranormal I don’t assume something odd is automatically of the nature, evidence is important.11. What’s the last song you listened to?Papua New Guinea- The Future Sound Of London 12. Would you rather take 3 pills that would each make you forget an embarrassing memory, or take 3 pills that would each get rid of a bad habit?3 pills that get rid of a bad habit, yeah I’ve done a lot of cringey stuff but I think those would help me more in the long run.13. What is the worst fandom in your opinion?I used to think it was the Skeleton Clique, but nah, the KPop fandom looks like hell on earth (and I’m going nowhere near it, especially after hearing about the abuse and torment the KPop stars face. I will NEVER support KPop even if there was a gun to my head. Those people don’t deserve this hell.) 14. Do you still have stuffed animals?Buddy I’ll still have stuffed animals when I’m 50.15. Do you have any fears that other people might find weird? Is fear of time weird? 16. Which of your parents are you closer to?Probably my dad.18. Thoughts on roleplaying?There’s nothing wrong with it if it ain’t hurting anyone!19. Does the world scare you?Yeah, but it doesn’t discourage me, we CAN make it less scary.20. Any good advice you have?A priest that used to work at my church (he moved tho and I miss him bc he was the sweetest guy) once told me that people tend to view the world in black and white, when in reality it’s multiple shades of gray (not 50 shades of gray this is a church goodness.) That’s something that’s always stuck with me. I think that’s a mindset more people should have.21. Thoughts on this site? What’s good about it? What’s bad about it? What can be fixed?The good things about this site is that it can give people opportunities to share their art, interests, views, and build communities. It’s a shame that instead people use it for hate speech, hypocrisy, this gross hive mind, extremism, etc. Oh, and a staff that ignores all the crap.22. Ever gotten anon hate?Not directly.23. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?All of my dreams are freakin bizarre, I can’t choose the weirdest of them all. Like last night I had a dream that a rat turned into a worm and that’s one of the more “tame” dreams.24. What do you think heaven and hell look like/would look like?I don’t believe in the fiery hell a lot of people believe in. I believe in Sheol tho, you know, the depths, a v v cold lonely sucky place. Heaven...idk exactly what heaven would look like, but I know it’s beautiful and otherworldly in the bed way possible.25. If you had to have an encounter with any famous horror movie character (examples: Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Mike Myers, a Xenomorph, etc.) who would it be?Okay I haven’t seen any of these kinds of movies, but wasn’t there a movie where this girl ended up kinda-befriending Xenomorphs?? Bc in that case I’d go with a Xenomorph.26. Do you think science is flawed?To an extent. I’m gonna make an entire post about this subject, because I my views are different based on different situations.27. The age old question: what came first, the chicken or the egg?I mean,,,chickens are the closest relatives to dinosaurs, and dinosaurs laid eggs, so obviously the egg.28. Any book recommendations?The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams (the same man that wrote Watership Down!) It’s my favorite book, I will warn that it has gore, both human and animal death, animal abuse, and even mental illness?? (There’s a character that experiences delusions and hallucinations and stuff like that but he’s not demonized at all. There are outdated terms to describe him at times though, the book was written in the 1970s so there’s another warning.)29. Ever go through an “embarrassing” fandom phase? (You know the ones.)Anime and Vocaloid (even though I will always low-key love Vocaloid with my entire being.)30. Favorite superhero?Used to be Batman, but now it’s Black Panther. One movie was more powerful than years of attachment and nostalgia regarding another character. I really hope I get buy a lot of the comics soon, I need money.31. If there was any outdated meme you could bring back, what would it be?Any memes from the past that were focused on just having good fun. Stuff like the “Just Do It” and John Cena prank call, you know those kinda memes. Less “cringe compilations” and more of those please. 32. If there was one holiday you could get rid of, what would it be?Columbus Day, I don’t even have to think twice about that. Replace it with Indigenous People’s Day. Genocide should never be celebrated, I can’t believe we live in a world where that’s a controversial statement.33. Thoughts on the education system where you live?It’s a flaming heap of garbage.34. What would you do for a Klondike bar?Buy one at the store or something if I want one, duh.35. What’s a question you hate being asked?“How can you be ____ if you’re Christian?” Ugh.36. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had?I don’t feel comfortable talking about it openly, because a lot of them are REALLY bad ones and I only feel comfortable talking about a few with friends though personal messaging.37. Worst villain you can think of? They can be from anything.Scourge from Warrior Cats HOLY FRICK HHH38. A reverse of the last question, the worst hero you can think of?There’s definitely a worse hero that’s not coming to mind but the worst one I can think of is Beck from Mighty No. 9.39. Look left to you. The first thing you see is what you use to fight the devil. What is it?A gigantic blanket. Welp.40. Does rainy weather make you happy or sad?Happy, probably bc rain is fairly common where I live and I associate it with home.Whew! That took a while but it was fun. Thank you so much love 💜💙💜💙💜💙 I hope you’re doing well!
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