#and 4. the series just gives me this super upbeat and positive feeling
synergysilhouette · 8 months
Diversifying the Scooby-Doo Gang (inspired by "Velma")
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I'll just go ahead and say it: I'm not a huge fan of changing a character's identity when they've existed as the same thing for so long (Yeah, I'll be that guy), but for the sake of the argument, if the Scooby gang was to be more diverse in a series like "Velma"--but you know, with better writing--I thought I'd put my own thoughts on paper. I actually did brainstorm Scooby Doo series before, and I'll leave the post for them below. As for my version of a diverse Scooby Gang:
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Fred Jones--Puerto Rican ancestry. This isn't really a lore-related thing; it's just a callback to the fact that Freddie Prinze Jr (who played Fred in the live-action 2000s films) had a grandmother from Puerto Rico, and it'd be a cool tie-in to him while still pretty much keeping Fred more or less the same. To be fair, Hispanic isn't a race per se, but an ethnicity, and I still see Fred as predominantly white (his father would probably be be an Anglo American with the surname Jones and his mom would be Puerto Rican), but his background would be different. If the show really wanted to dive into deep topics, perhaps it'd be worth exploring themes of colorism since he "looks" white (and the discussion of race vs ethnicity), and the fact that he's automatically "othere'd" when it's revealed that he's Hispanic. Something I think that's been lost on several 21st century incarnations of Fred is that he's pretty intelligent and socially adept, so I would like to keep that concept.
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2. Daphne Blake--Scottish-American. I'm sure the gang's ancestry and families have been explored in depth in various incarnations, but none of them stood out to me like Daphne's Scottish ancestry in "Scooby Doo and the Loch Ness Monster." While in "Velma" Fred is the only white character, Daphne would be the only (completely) white character in my iteration. I'd also want them to get a hold on her angle as a character; depending on the show/film, she can be spunky, ditzy, bubbly, or feisty. I like the idea that she's a super sweet and upbeat girl interested in fashion and the arts, but dropping the shallow qualities that people often associate with girly-girl characters (ie commenting on someone's fashion sense, which she did a lot during the "What's New, Scooby Doo" era). I also like the "Mystery Inc" aspect of her coming from a successful family and feeling insecure about who she is as a person, thus taking an interest in--and excelling at--various fields in an attempt to find herself and make her family proud.
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3. Norville "Shaggy" Rogers--Middle Eastern. In loving memory to his debut voice actor, who was the son of Lebanese immigrants (and someone who would voice him for many decades afterwards), making Shaggy someone of Arab descent in this diversification scenario feels like the right thing to do, and it'd give some positive Muslim rep if they wanted to go in that direction. Being the cuisine expert that he is, Shaggy's heritage could also introduce the audience to a lot of meals cooked in his ancestors' part of the world. Where I'd place his heritage from is uncertain as of right now, but Lebanon does seem like the most obvious way to acknowledge Casey's inspiration. It would be interesting if they did make Shaggy Muslim and analyze his relationship with Scooby; to my understanding, dogs are seen as unclean in Islamic culture, so they're not common pets in the Arab world, which could be potential conflict for Shaggy and his family who immigrated.
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4. Velma Dinkley--African-American. If I was ever to imagine Velma as a woman of color, my first thought would be as East/Sotheast Asian or black. No particular reason for it, but I did find it kinda cliche if I made the nerdy character Asian, and I didn't really have any interesting/original angles to play with how she deals with stereotypes of that. I do think Valerie Smith (from Josie and the Pussycats) did play some inspiration with me seeing Velma as black in this situation. In contrast to 21st century portrayals of her, I wouldn't portray her as insecure or snarky, but witty and a loner, and by no means miserable or bitter. Her sexuality is the topic of discussion for a lot of people, and I'd probably make her bi/pan; I'd make her a lesbian, but she did have chemistry with male characters that I liked in some of the animated movies, as well as having her occasional guy crushes in "What's New Scooby Doo" and her own journey in romance in the live-action films. And when she is attracted to women, I'd prefer if Daphne wasn't one of them; I enjoy same-sex best friends having platonic bonds without the "I've secretly crushed on you" subplot.
What do you think? Would this be a good direction to take the gang on if we did Velma all over again?
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magic-can · 6 years
Doomguy is an icon. He just wants to beat the crap outta demons and he’s saving the world while doing it. He doesn’t care about that stuff though because he just wants to fight things. A legend.
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wuzzupketchup · 3 years
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This drama came out in 2019 but it’s only now that I got the time and energy to watch it. I’ve had a lot of recommendations from a bunch of people to check this one out. Finally, I did. This is gonna be a full-on review so brace yourselves. Warning: Spoilers possibly ahead.
Time and again, I’ve told people that I am a sucker for great storytelling. Toss me a line in your opening sequences and if I like it, I’m gonna grab on and sink into the story with you. What happened here was that I kept tugging at the line and wasn’t able to sink until about Episode 4.
Okay. The show actually has merits. I’ll list them down one by one.
1. Great concept. Right off the bat, it is nice to see a BL defy the norm. The soulmate/reincarnation theme was something that we normally get to watch on heteronormal media. Really refreshing to see it incorporated into a BL series to separate it from the “usual” themes we have in this genre.
2. Cooking/cuisine. I love the fact that we are introduced to Thai cuisine, specifically, desserts. My knowledge of Thai food is just basically limited to pad thai and tom yum. So it’s nice to get educated in this area especially international viewers like me.
3. Soundtrack. The series has pretty decent music. It’s not the most outstanding, but it was enough to put you into the mood to watch the scenes/episodes. The upbeat song they used for the more cheerful scenes was my favorite.
4. Dean/Pharm relationship. I’d have to say that this was in fact a very healthy relationship. I liked that boundaries are explicitly established and that even if they were together, consent was still a major factor.
5. Side couple supremacy. I’m sorry but I was really more interested in the Team-Win duo. Eventhough they had such limited screentime, they actually managed to steal my attention. Every single frame that Buon is onscreen, he effortlessly grabs the attention. Prem, on the other hand, was so natural that I had his character as my most favorite. The way he was overprotecting Pharm like he was a baby was just so endearing to me.
6. No girlfriend to ruin the story. I’m so done with stories that incorporate a girl just to stir things up. That being said, the female support in this series was so good to watch (well, maybe Manaow can be a bit irritating most of the time lol).
Now, where do I begin for the not so positive points? For the record, I was meaning to drop the entire show after Episode 3. It wasn’t doing anything for me. But thankfully, I chose to stick it out. Although, I don’t recall watching another BL show where I had to fast forward scenes more than this one. I’ll talk about it later. Here goes the list of minus points:
1. Opening sequences. Good Lord. I wasn’t prepared for it. Like, it literally shocked me I had to stop watching after just 5 minutes in. Once I got over the initial shock, I came back and just started shaking my head. The entire opening was devoid of logic and badly executed. But hey, I can forgive this bit because the whole story is hinged on it.
2. Korn and Intouch. Pivotal characters but sadly, falls short, by a long shot. I should say first and foremost, they were miscast. Not the actors’ fault though, more on the production’s side. There was literally no chemistry between Kao and Earth. Now here’s one major problem for me. I didn’t feel connected with the supposedly OG couple to even care about their reincarnated souls. I had to fast forward their scenes because I found them borderline disturbing and cringey. I was looking for clues as to why Korn fell madly in love with Intouch but I didn’t find any. Intouch, to me, was annoying and creepy. Emotional investment was really hard to come by with this series.
3. Pharm. Oh Pharm. You were cute with your shyboy demeanor at first, but I was mildly irritated once the series progressed. I felt like he had a rather boring personality. Had he not been the reincarnated Intouch, would Dean even bother? That’s a question I was waiting to be answered in the end but I think I’ll just draw out my own conclusion.
4. It’s awfully long, to the point it has already become dragging. Literally, it was a struggle to finish the whole thing. I mean, 17-45 minutes-ish episodes are nothing compared to your normal dramas but from a BL standard, it’s rather long. Some scenes could have been chopped off but still would push the narrative forward. Was this fan service? I don’t know really.
5. Dream sequences. Okay. These were important to the story but midseries, I was so done with them because it seemed like nothing was coming out of it. Fine, Kao and Earth story arc was the focus. And that it was to establish that Dean and Pharm were the reincarnations. But other than that, what was accomplished? Just have some random nightmare and then hyperventilate? At least Dean made a move by having Korn and In investigated but Pharm? What did you do about your nightmares? Me thinks it was just a ploy to have Dean by his side.
6. The final revelations were anti-climactic. Imagine building up the events of the tragic past, only to have a resolution that seemed too convenient. Why say so? Was it just me or did any of you feel like all the obstacles that were supposed to be in Dean and Pharm’s way were consciously removed? This was where I felt super underwhelmed with the writing. The OG lovers had hell to deal with but the reincarnated lovers seemed to have a walk in the park. I’m not saying that they should also go through hell but seriously, there was no real conflict to resolve by the end. Hence, it was a let down.
7. Switching families. Korn being reborn into In’s lineage and In being reborn into the other. I didn’t actually get the point here. I was predisposed to the notion that reincarnated souls tend to come out in the place where they felt they were most loved. Or did I not get the memo it has already changed? Lol. But yeah. It didn’t make sense for me for the OG couple to be reborn in the other side of their respective families. I mean, where’s the familiarity there? It wasn’t even shown that each one had a deep seated connection with members of the other’s families to merit such occurence.
Overall, I enjoyed the story for the most part. I’m sorry if the points I raised in here differ from yours. But the thing is, I watch not only to be entertained. I was constantly trying to find logic to what was happening onscreen especially towards the end when the revelations started coming out. The writers, I have to say, had a penchant with creating unnecessary moments.
Kudos to LineTV and Wabi Sabi for coming up with this very out of the box series. Although I had a lot of reservations, I was still able to appreciate the effort. There were moments of brilliance, but sadly, it was inconsistent.
Would I rewatch it? Hmm. Maybe Team-Win sequences only.
I’d give this a 6.5 out of 10 stars. ⭐️
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razeluxe · 4 years
Razeluxe’s Top Ten Female Characters
Yep. It’s here. A list of my all time favorite ladies in anime/video games. This list was way harder for me than the male version, after compiling my favorites I had like 20 characters so I had to cut it down... I will shout them out somewhere further down towards the end...warning you right now that this is long...I have a lot of thoughts about these characters and I did my utmost to avoid outright posting spoilers - enjoy!
10) Bianchi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
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Once again someone from Reborn makes the list. What can I say, they have great characters and omg Bianchi is incredible. She’s Gokudera’s sister that I was harping about on the male list...she develops from this hyper focused girl to a true mother figure who helps care for her group as well as being a mother figure to some of the younger girls. Later on in the series she’s very attentive and always knows the right things to say...she gave some advice to some of the girls about men, especially in one particular episode that I will not mention but if you know it you know it - I was floored with on the nose she is about things...she can read people and situations extremely well and she serves as like this backbone to her group...there’s stuff between her and her brother that are extremely interesting too - this girl despite being there for others has this considerable weight on her that she tells her brother about at the end of the series - Bianchi is a complicated character who really deserves more love - she doesn’t fight often in this anime but she has proven time and time again that you don’t always have to be out on the front lines in an shounen anime to be a great character and also...she’s hot.
9) Emma Millstein (Trails of Cold Steel)
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Emma in ways is similar to Bianchi here, being a mother figure as well as President of Class VII but what I find interesting about her character is what she’s hiding, as well as her insecurities. She spends a really long time hiding things because reasons I will not mention because you need to play the series - when she comes out with what she needs to say she really grapples with her feelings as well as her inferiority complex when she compares herself to her sister. She grows though..man does she grow...she starts to believe in who she is and stops doubting herself as hard and she really shines later on in the series. When you see what she can do... Like I said in the other list I have yet to play the fourth game in the series which is coming soon and I know she plays a major part. I also think she’s a great fit for Rean.
8) Velvet Crowe (Tales of Berseria)
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Velvet is a character that has an extremely strong drive, comparable to someone that is yet to come on this list. Velvet is betrayed by someone who has raised her and her heart turns cold and she is motivated by hatred and vengeance for the sake of those who were massacred by this person. Velvet is a raw character whose type is rarely explored in this way, the way her personality shifted from being more upbeat and chipper initially to, post hell breakout, using people to get forward in her goals without giving an fudge. There comes a time when her resolution to revenge falters once something happens, anger and sorrow come together and she makes some interesting decisions...Velvet is a morally gray person whom showcases real struggles and real feelings that I’m able to relate to on a personal level...Velvet knows grief and in a world of black and white, she makes mistakes as a result of her PTSD, some more fatal than others and eventually, she learns. It’s ugly to see, but she learns. Her development is unpleasant to watch compared to a lot of characters, however as a result in my opinion she’s one of the most raw/realistic characters in the Tales of Series currently. I said it. Also she’s hot.
7) Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)
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Here’s a girl I wasn’t expecting to put here. Rise is a girl who is also known as Risette and decides to take a break from showbiz by moving to a small town, going to school, working at her family’s business, you know, doing what she considered to be normal girl things. She is very upfront when it comes to her flirting which I like to think is because of her position as a famous idol. She’s really bubbly and animated, but what made me interested in Rise was her voice and her eyes when you first meet her. She looked and sounded empty...and you learn it’s because she sick and tired of portraying this ‘Risette’ character and not being herself. What I like about Rise is after running away from this persona for so long she eventually acknowledges Risette is also her and she makes the choice to only bring her true self to the public. She’s sassy and just has this ability to brighten an entire room. Originally I favored Yukiko in P4 and while I still do like her a lot, after going through Rise’s social link, well...the rest is history. 
6) Milla Maxwell & ‘Fractured’ Milla (Tales of Xillia)
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Yep. Both of them. I know they’re different characters however I acknowledge both of them equally and they’re both deserving of this spot on this list.
Starting with Milla Maxwell, what I love about her is her drive. She knows who she is and is willing push herself to fufill her duty. She’s not unlike Velvet who turns away from her emotions to do what she sets out to do, considering emotions to be a distraction from her mission. Made her instantly relatable to me. It makes her come off as uncaring towards other people but her mission is strictly to protect the people in the world. I’ve always imagined Milla as this literal pillar of strength, like when she loses mobility in her legs, she pushes herself even further, nearly killing herself in the process. Heck if you thought Velvet was crazy determined, I mean she is but Milla in my opinion is on a whole other level. What I love about Milla is that she isn’t portrayed as a character who has to second guess or experience things before resolving herself to a choice, she is born with this innately and she does not waver no matter what. She’s not a conventional Tales character who bonds super well with everyone. She has her mission and she’s out to do it. Milla isn’t perfect and her opinion on people is for lack of better word, immature, but she grows to understand people throughout her journey.
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Fractured Milla...this character is rife with pain and guilt. This Milla is basically an Alternate Universe version of the actual Milla...on the surface level she’s very aggressive but she carries a different weight compared to the original Milla...she bares a guilt about what happened to another character and her world...she also bears a guilt when it comes to her comparing herself to the original Milla and.. inhibiting the original Milla Maxwell from existing... What I love about Fractured Milla is that she’s a completely different take on a character that I already greatly enjoy, she has her development and her vulnerabilities which the OG Milla didn’t need as much because spoilers, Maxwell stuff. I love her relationship with Elle and Ludger and definitely approve of the LudgerxFractured Milla ship.
Holy Crap this list is getting long, if you need to take a break please do! I’ll wait...you good? Okie doke! Continuing on...
5) Estelle Bright (Trails in the Sky)
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I love Estelle so dang much. She’s such a glowing character and a breath of fresh air. She’s tomboyish, she collects sneakers, she’s incredibly headstrong and boy does this girl have a mouth on her lol. Like look at all my Estelle stuff on my tags lol. Oh, I should mention she’s Joshua’s ‘brother’ so you can imagine all sorts of interactions with her hotheadedness and his calm and collectedness. Estelle is such a caring character though, like out of everyone I know in the Trails series, I think Estelle ranks the highest in terms of kindess alone. She doesn’t hide crap for the most part, until...well...oh I’m just gonna say it: she develops and hides her feelings for Joshua. She knows it isn’t right but she can’t help herself...anyway Estelle has this naive outlook when it comes to the world, but when certain heavy things happen Estelle kind of...wakes to the realities of the world and she changes her line of thinking. She becomes more considering of her options during situations for starters and she really starts to become the Bracer she wants to be. I was kind of floored how she allowed her pain and her source of affection (Joshua) to empower her to become a stronger person without being simply lovestruck like how people tend to write ladies. She umm...has this scene with Joshua in SC...and I’m not saying anything more but it to me it’s probably one of her highest signs of development. I’m truly happy with what Falcom has done with this character and I think she’s probably the most developed character in the entire Trails series.
4) Rem (Re: Zero)
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I never in my thought I would put a character I only just met this high on my list but wow this character blows me away. Rem is a character who has a major inferiority complex to her sister alongside guilt, yet as a maid she performs her duties and speaks very...proper even though that’s typically not how she truly feels. She’s also a very wary person...one reason she’s so high on this list is because of episode 18 how Subaru gives her a reason to live and fought to save her from herself literally. She becomes this incredibly devoted character towards this goofball Subaru with such tenacity that I have seldom seen. She also falls in love with him and not just because he saved her. Eventually she confesses her feelings at one of Subaru’s lowest points but not due to selfishness. She encourages him through her confession because he failed to stop to realize how much he’s worth to her. She displays a lot of strength in her confession and I think this is one of the most well done confession scenes I’ve ever seen period, even with her insert song playing in the background. That said I’ve only seen up to episode 18 because I honestly don’t know how much better Re: Zero can get from this point. I mean I’ll watch it eventually but I’m in love with these first dozen episodes so much I need an emotional break with all the heartache and the darkness .-. (Also please listen to her insert song omg its so precious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV3Fu5csdcA  )
Before I list the top three, like my male list I want to at least some other ladies that also did not get into Smash but are still worth mentioning as characters I really like and enjoy, no order here except for the first character because she is hot. Literally. No pictures or additional text here sadly, I mean look how long this post is I don’t even know if all of this will fit ;__;
Lal Mirch (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Athena Cykes (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies)
Primrose (Octopath Traveler)
Midna (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood)
Makoto (Persona 5)
Sinon (Sword Art Online)
Akane Tsunemori (Psycho Pass)
Rikku (Final Fantasy X)
Ruiko Saten (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Alisa Reinford (Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel)
Senna (Bleach Memories of Nobody)
                                                 Alright, moving on...
  3) Sara Valestein (Trails of Cold Steel)
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Sara leads off the top three. She’s initially Rean’s instructor. She has a sense of humor, loves all things drinking, and is lax on her instructor duties...for the most part. There’s a lot of backstory involving this character that I won’t pile on here but I will say that despite her goofy nature Sara is ridiculously strong and it always amazes me how someone like Sara be so silly and not only be so stupid strong but also have her own moniker known around the world as ‘The Purple Lightning’. She was initially a top ranked Bracer before becoming a teacher. You eventually learn about her past through Rean and how it isn’t always all as happy go lucky as her personality...what I really like about Sara is how her strength is the culmination of all the things she went through. There’s one scene in CS1 where she tells some of her students that if they don’t like her assignments for a school trip, they’re free to team up and beat her to get her to change her mind. Needless to say they got their butts handed to them.
2) Garnet Til Alexandros (Final Fantasy IX)
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Zidane’s other half. Considering I write Zidane I’d like to call her Dagger from this point on if you don’t mind .-. (Dagger is her own decided alias based on Zidane’s weapon)  I really love how she can break the norms of your stereotypical princess. When Zidane firsts meets her she’s chasing her down in her castle and she’s trying to leave her castle, something she mentioned had actively trained to do. And she’s leaving because she’s trying to resolve an issue with her mother... Dagger is a very strong character who has no issue taking matters into her own hands when it comes to issues. Holy crap what she does to Zidane at one point...she’s a bold one. She feels really strongly and she goes through a lot of crap, but she comes out stronger for it. She wasn’t one with much experience for the outside world but she takes to it at levels that the well traveled Zidane did not expect...I don’t want say much because of spoilers but she really finds herself as she journeys and goes from strength to strength, really owning her responsibilities. She’s also the main person who helps Zidane in one of his lowest moments... In my opinion these are just some of the many reasons Zidane falls for her more than any other girl...she’s also a Summoner and I love me some Summoners. She and Zidane also go great together and their relationship builds properly in a way that makes sense. Definitely one of my favorite ladies period.
1) Aurica Nestmile (Ar Tonelico: Melodies of Elemia)
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Number one is this lovely lady. Aurica is a Reyvateil, Reyvateils are people who have the ability to convert sounds into energy...all Reyvateils are assigned a rank according to how powerful their ability is. Aurica had it rough, being out of her hometown when it was attacked and destroyed, and she took the blame herself, believing she could have made a difference, being a Reyvateil and all...because of all of this she became very withdrawn and her abilties suffered...she was ranked ‘D’ which is one of the lowest classes of Reyvateils. She was picked on and treated like garbage because of her rank...she did make a friend though, a friend that was also a Revytail, one that everyone liked and one Aurica looked up to, which only made her look like more of a shadow than anything else...which did not help her already lacking confidence and low esteem. She has a literal hole in her heart and is emotionally dependent.
I mention all of that because this character for me is extremely relatable to me, she’s had it pretty rough however in terms of development you see her grow like crazy...before she was so deathly scared of people she would instantly shut herself down and repress herself but with some help from her partner Lyner she gets better and starts to believe in herself more...it’s not easy for her though, as she gets stronger and Lyner trusts her with more responsibility she gets attacked through the hole in her heart and her newly built confidence gets shattered and she starts believing she’s defective, that only defective Revytail have these holes in their heart...what I love about Aurica’s story is how real her issues with building up confidence are, she starts from practically ground zero and over time, through a repeat of this vicious cycle I described, goes from being considered one of the weakest Revytail to the strongest 3rd generation Revytail all because someone believed in her. 
I think out of both my male and female lists, Aurica was the only one to make me burst into tears at random points. (not gonna lie Rem came close but she’s not number one here :P) This girl here is one of the firsts ladies I ever connected to in my earlier naive years and back then I didn’t even think it was possible for me to relate to a female this much...
If you got to the end, you deserve a cookie. -offers chocolate chip cookie- This took a lot of thought to write out, there’s so many great characters and I look forward to encountering even more down the road. I may eventually do a list for couples...here’s hoping I won’t have to edit this...
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ghost-in-the-stalls · 3 years
Neil Josten's Playlist Part 5 - Nicky, Aaron, and Kevin
Masterpost and link to the playlist in its entirety here
Not as much to say about these three here - they each kind of speak for themselves I think.
18. Relief - Chris Garneau
Of all the foxes, Nicky shows Neil more music than anyone else. Typically, though, it’s music Neil isn’t super into. Nicky knows Neil isn’t into most of the stuff he shows him, but Neil will still sit and listen to it with him if he is asked and isn’t busy, so Nicky keeps doing it anyway. I can imagine Chris Garneau being one of Nicky’s favorite artists, but one he keeps close to his heart. Several of his songs just hit me like they’re talking about the trauma and just general impact of growing up queer and topics like that, and I feel like it’s stuff that would really hit Nicky.
So Nicky listens to Chris Garneau (though he never was able to listen to Halloween the same again after what happened with Drake), but he doesn’t show Neil any of the songs intentionally. But one day Neil gets out of a class early and walks in on Nicky playing this one. He opens up to Neil about how much this music means to him, and Neil decides he likes the song. He keeps it.
33. Rocket Man - Elton John
Nicky loves Elton John. It's one of the artists he usually blasts on Sunday mornings in Columbia when they're all fighting hangovers. One morning he played this one and even got Aaron and Kevin singing along a bit (they were both still a bit drunk). Neil thinks back on that day and remembers it as a good one. Andrew looks back and remembers it as one of the more annoying ones.
60. Your Song - Elton John
Neil caught Nicky quietly singing this to Erik over video chat one morning in Columbia. For as boisterous and unapologetic as Nicky is (and for as much as he's always trying to get Neil and Andrew to act more like a "normal" couple with PDA and shit) it was a very vulnerable and private moment that Neil was a bit surprised by. He didn't walk in or make himself known, but he added the song to his playlist (and sometimes plays it on the car ride back from Columbia weekends for Nicky when he knows he's missing Erik).
43. Up the Wolves - The Mountain Goats
Aaron has a lot of anger for someone who is only 5 feet tall. Neil may find him obnoxious as hell, and may deeply resent the way he holds that anger against Andrew. But I personally feel that an intrinsic and necessary step in repairing Aaron and Andrew's relationship comes with some sort of acknowledgement from Andrew that - regardless of what Tilda deserved, and regardless of what series of events unfolded upon her death - he hurt Aaron with what he did. He made a decision that Aaron did not ask him to make, nor did he want him to do it. And Aaron has every right to hold it against him. He doesn't need to regret doing it, but he needs to understand that doing it hurt Aaron deeply. I think it takes a long time for Andrew to reach this point, and when he does I don't think Neil really gets it at first.
However, I think once Neil has accepted and understood it as much as he can (he still struggles with his own mommy issues, okay?) he begins to understand Aaron much more. This song is a bit of an enigma in a lot of ways; I've never met someone who really fully gets what it's about exactly. Even the artists themselves have vague and changeable understandings of where it came from. But the clear theme of the song is anger and resentment, and carrying forward with those feelings. Maybe you'll let them go, maybe you'll act on them. Maybe you'll just keep feeling them for a while. Who knows when the hurt will go away? You're justified in your anger, but it doesn't make it any nicer to feel. Neil doesn't fully understand Aaron, but he starts to understand how he feels, at least.
62. Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
Listen. Neil doesn't willingly think of Aaron when he hears this song. It's a very nice song and he won't let that bastard ruin it for him.
Did he have a phase where he listened to it a lot to try and get himself to not associate it with Aaron? Absolutely. Did it work? Absolutely not.
In all seriousness, there are only a few songs that make Neil think of Aaron and this is one of them SOLELY because Aaron drunkenly mentioned it was his and Katelyn's song when it came on the radio one time. Something about hearing that and then listening to the sound felt very real and human to Neil. It helps remind him that Aaron does have feelings, actually, and does have it in him to care about other people. These are good things to keep in mind when he's trying really hard not to punch Aaron in the face for Andrew's sake.
Also it has a really nice sound. So he has begrudgingly added it to his playlist and he listens to it spitefully.
64. Wake Me Up - Avicii
Neil wouldn't believe Aaron listened to music this carefree and positive if he didn't witness it himself. He learns a bit more about Aaron every day they interact (against his will of course) and this is another song that helps him understand Aaron a bit better.
He has dreams and goals and he really wants to be happy. He wants to enjoy life. And it's really fucking hard to do that for anyone in their group. Neil seeing Aaron actually hold some amount of passion or desire for something better gives him a better view of the guy. Neil guesses everyone must need some amount of optimism once in a while.
4. Amsterdam - Guster
So obviously Neil has never been through a breakup (well I actually hc that he and Andrew almost broke up after Andrew graduated, but they pulled their asses together and that’s a post for another time). But the thing is that Kevin absolutely has! And we all know how Kevin wallows when he’s upset. And Kevin Day is a Guster fan. You cannot take that away from me. So Kevin goes through a breakup and is blasting Guster in the dorm like no one else lives there.
Now Neil is pretty observant and analytical. I mean he had to be for years, so it’s kind of just in his nature now. Most breakup songs he hears are louder and angrier and predictable to him. Not in a bad way, but he expects that they’ll pretty much usually be either angry or sad in style, neither of which he tends to be very fond of. So he heard this one and it’s more upbeat tune without being overly loud or aggressive and I think that really intrigued him. It gets stuck in your head, but it’s the kind of breakup song that - even if you are going through a breakup - leaves you just feeling pretty good! Even if it is in a bitter way. So Neil’s brain just sort of latched onto this one and kept it close. It helps that it reminds him of Kevin in a way that is so intrinsically HUMAN. He can try to be an exy player before a person all he wants, but even Kevin experiences heartbreak and frustration. He's a whole person, too - just like Neil.
40. Still - Ben Folds
Yes, Nicky and Matt made him watch Over the Hedge. Yes, that is where he found this song. Yes, it still kind of makes him think about the sad turtle. Don't tell anyone.
Seriously, though, Neil latched onto this song initially for the smooth, sad sound. Then he listened to the lyrics. It really hits him once he's captain and he suddenly has all these added responsibilities piled onto him. He now has to appear respectable and put-together, and he doesn't have room for mistakes. It doesn't help that Kevin is reminding him of their deal with the Moriyamas at literally every turn, as if Neil doesn't KNOW the stakes and the pressure on him at any given moment.
But, oh, Kevin. Neil can roll with his punches with ease because, really now. Kevin is more terrified than he ever lets on anymore. "No room for weakness", but he hits himself with that reminder before taking it to Neil. He's stubborn and frustrating, and he can be downright cruel and unreasonable. But he's hurting himself with his scathing remarks long before they leave his lips to attack anyone else. Neil thinks about this, and he doesn't have it in him to be quite as angry anymore. He sees Kevin, and he know Kevin sees him too. He just doesn't know how else to provide support, and he isn't really in a good spot to be supporting anyone else at the moment anyway. Neil can only hope that, with time, Kevin can let himself feel safe the way Neil is learning to.
56. Dance Monkey - Tones and I
Neil heard this song and applied it immediately to Kevin. He's seen first hand now how much work it is for Kevin to maintain his image and career the way he does while balancing all the baggage that comes with it. The people in the audience who root for him the strongest are the same ones who rooted for Riko and the Ravens a while back. They're the same ones who thought he lost a brother the day his abuser died, who thought joining the foxes would be a huge gut punch to his career.
There's a lot that's expected of Kevin, and there's a lot of trauma he carries that people seem to think are memories he looks back on fondly. And that's a facade he has to keep up.
Neil sees this and he knows how hard it is for Kevin. He knows.
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revangerang · 4 years
Oh boy I really got in my feelings and wrote way too much lmao
Tagged by: @edithpattou86
Tags your friends to do their own lists: @chierafied @mother-ishvara @doughygraduatestudent @kazoomajor @pagan-assassin
Top 5 animated movies:
1. Whisper of the Heart - Such a cute and whimsical slice-of-life coming of age story, and so inspiring for creative types! I love how Shizuku sees her fantasies come to life in the world around her, and how she just follows her whims to wander the city and treats each day like an adventure. I see a lot of myself in her. The grandpa and his shop are so cool! I want to find a place like that in my city! I love how she and Seiji inspire and encourage each other to improve themselves. Even though they’re so young and I usually hate that kind of thing, I think it’s a very realistic portrayal of what true love and a healthy relationship should be. The way her writing is treated as a creative process and something she can polish with hard work is just such a wonderful message and so inspiring to me.
2. Spirited Away - I love the Japanese culture and mythology, and the serene, still tone of the film. Truly beautiful. The way it doesn’t paint the spirits and gods in a bad light is good and correct: they were the careless humans who went into their world and took what they shouldn’t have. But it still focuses on the supernatural and eerie elements, often without even explaining anything, which I love. And the bathhouse feels like a real functioning place with workplace culture and all. And of course it’s great that Chihiro steps up and learns to be strong. I just love it.
3. Howl’s Moving Castle - I love all the characters so much, and all the magic and whimsy. The fantasy European setting is so charming, and they did a good job depicting Western magic. Ghibli movies really have such mundane magic, and they make me feel like my life is magic too. Sophie is so good and strong and I love seeing her come into her own. And Howl is hot. lmao
4. My Neighbor Totoro - I had the original Fox dub of this on a bootleg VHS my grandma made us when I was literally like an infant. My parents threw it away when I was still young- like no older than 5- because it “has Eastern religion in it” 🙄 Too bad for them the damage was already done lmfao. It was definitely one of the biggest influences of my formative years, I loved it so much and I’m so grateful to it. That mundane magic I talked about before, and just introducing me to a totally different worldview from my sheltered white American Christian bubble. I was fascinated by every single aspect from the traditional Japanese-style home to the bentos to the shrines... I really admired Satsuki and how grown up she was, taking care of her little sister like she did, making the lunches, all that. It’s really such a charming movie with great music and such a realistic depiction of childhood. Plus who doesn’t love Totoro himself?? And catbus! Iconicccc. I still look for little portholes in bushes and trees to this day lmao
5. Mulan - My little 8-year-old enby ass crying in the living room and repeatedly playing the Reflections scene over and over makes so much more sense now 😂 But really it’s just such a great film with a unique art style, fun characters, and great music. I love how Mulan fights for what she believes is right, and wants to protect her father. And I think it’s great how she also fights to find her own place in the world. I like how they don’t make it a “not like other girls” thing, but just that she personally somehow doesn’t feel comfortable in her own skin with the makeup and all that. Between her living as a man and the clear romantic relationship between “Ping” and Shang, it’s pretty good queer representation for a 2000s Disney movie lol. Also Mulan and Shang can both get it I mean what.
Honorable Mention: Prince of Egypt - That animation tho! So fucking cinematic!! And the music and everything just ugh so good! The characters are really compelling too and you can totally feel the brotherly love and familial issues.
Top 5 live action movies:
1. Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day - This is a movie where you can’t look away for a moment or you’ll miss something important. It really is just one entire heck of a day for the main character like howwww does so much happen. It’s really just written so well honestly that they manage to pack so much into a single movie and a single day. I aspire to that level. The 30s setting is so great with the costumes and set and music ahh I get so much inspiration from it. Every single character (and actor for that matter) is just fantastic. It’s super funny- that situational comedy is my jam. And there are touching moments that give me inspiration for my own life. I relate to Miss Pettigrew with her clear social anxiety, and perhaps neurodivergency? But I love how the events of the film bring out the best in her. And Delysia is just so charming! I want her confidence
2. La La Land - Such a fun and whimsical musical about life for creatives in Los Angeles~ It makes me feel nostalgic and proud to live here. I love all the different homages to classic Hollywood, and the music is so good!! The love story feels realistic and I actually really like that they don’t end up together in the end. They just encourage each other to be better, and if that means being apart, they’re willing to do it. It is another one that gives me inspiration for my life and creative endeavors, especially The Fools Who Dream 😭 Gets me every time.
3. Mamma Mia - This is my shameless feel-good movie. I love just putting it on in the background as I clean or whatever. It’s just so upbeat and fun!! I love Amanda Seyfried and Meryl Streep especially. And I like that the main character learns what she wants (and doesn’t want) out of life right now. And I love that they depict older characters and women!! having full and rich lives including romance and sex. The message that it’s never too late for love is so great! And also just like please communicate and you will probably save yourself so much heartache lmao.
4. Across the Universe - I have an affinity for the 60s and 70s, and I love how this movie kind of takes you through that era with the various characters. It’s such a fun movie with great costumes, cinematography, and music! I just love all the covers of the Beatles songs!! I honestly like them just as much as I like the originals. This is one of the first things I ever saw with positive/neutral queer representation?? Like Sadie is presented just as she is, without it being like WHAT SHE LIKES WOMEN?????? I”MPOSSIBLE !! Or making it all about sex or whatever. It’s literally just like “I want to hold your hand.” Also the whole bit with Eddie Izzard is just incredible lmfao
5. LOTR - My first fandom~ I love these movies so much ughhh. The music! The costumes! The characters! The world! The high fantasy!! I think PJ was so true to the books, or at least as much as he was able in just 10-ish hours. I love that they just went for it and filmed all three in one go, and made them over 3 hours long, which was basically unheard of at the time for blockbuster films. They did so good fully representing the different races through costume, language, culture, and the music too. I literally used to just lay on my bed for hours at a time in junior high, listening to the soundtracks and being immersed in the world. My friends and I would often play pretend that we were in Middle Earth (so lame for middle schoolers lmaooo). I love every single (not-evil) character and I will fight for them. I will especially fight Denethor I don’t even cARE !
Honorable mention: A Little Princess - Sooo whimsical and lovely, even when the girls are going through hardship! I love Sarah and how she literally does magic and even puts a curse on what’s her face omgg. She’s so charming and a genuinely good person too, even though she could have been a spoiled brat. The big climactic scene is so !! Omg I still get the adrenaline when she’s crossing the board and then hiding from the police even though I’ve seen this countless times since I was a small child. And it’s so wonderful that she’s reunited with her father, and they adopt the other girl. It taught me at a young age that the world isn’t fair and people will be nasty and abusive for no reason, but that you can still believe in magic and “fancy yourself a princess.” And the neighbor guy taught me that strangers will step in to help out of the goodness of their heart.
Top 5 TV shows:
1. ATLA - One of the best series of all time. The worldbuilding, lore, storyline, character development, animation, music, etc, are all incredible. If they had gone with the original intention of making Zutara canon it would have been literally perfect and so subversive and innovative! As it is it is still nearly perfect and they still did an amazing job with Zuko’s redemption arc. I just ignore that very last scene tbh. In my mind, it didn’t happen. The series addresses so many issues like imperialism, sexism, abuse, family, disability, war, etc, in a very realistic way. Uncle Iroh is literally a treasure.
2. Steven Universe - So charming and wonderful!! I just love it so much!! It is so goddamn queer, it makes me so happy. Stevonnie is the nonbinary representation we don’t even deserve!! I love every single character. I love the animation and the music too! The bgm is so bubbly and glitchy and cool, super on point for trends these days. And the original songs are so charming~ It also deals with a ton of important issues like imperialism, interpersonal relationships, oppression, self-identity, abuse, leadership, mental health, boundaries, consent, brain-washing, unlearning unhealthy behavior, etc. I love that every single character, even minor ones, get character development and a chance to be strong and improve themselves. And it shows that even the ones we initially think are super strong and have it all together, actually have their own issues that they struggle with too.
3. Yuuri!!! On Ice - This show!!!! Oh my goddddddd. Literally perfect. I love that it just subverts every single trope???? Especially with the events at the beginning and the big spoiler in episode 10. Simply incredible. I love every single character so much??? Even ones I was expecting to hate, like how Yurio is a little shit at the beginning, and then when Lilia is introduced as this super severe tyrant, but she ends up just being a good, yet strict coach because she really wants Yurio to succeed. It’s honestly just so wholesome! The music is so amazing and the ice skating is really realistic too! It really shows that they had an actual skating choreographer and worked off video of him performing. I love how realistic the whole show is like with lots of social media, youtube, instagram, etc. And it does a queer romance without it being a gimmick. It’s just a sports anime with a side plot of a romance but it just happens to be gay. And Kubo-sensei has stated that homophobia doesn’t exist at all in their world which makes me so happy. It’s honestly so queer and I adore how all three main characters are genderfucks a bit. I also love how realistically Yuuri’s anxiety and depression are portrayed. I relate so much to him, especially because mine exhibit in the exact same ways as his. It’s another one that inspires me to fight to be better and live the life I want to live.
4. OTGW - So charming. A perfect addition to the canon of New England fairy tales. The music is great, the animation is wonderful and nostalgic, the characters are fun and interesting and spooky. I love how liminal it is and you aren’t really sure where they are or what’s going on for the majority of the episodes. Greg is the most realistic depiction of a small child and the brothers’ relationship is the most realistic I think I’ve ever seen in my life lmao. He’s just so random and weird and has such Little Kid Logic I love it so much lmao. The story is perfectly contained in its 10 short episodes, and it gives a very satisfying ending. I still can’t get over how many huge stars were in it too?? Like fucking Tim Curry as Auntie Whispers???? I can not believe.
5. Inuyasha - I’m weeb trash and this show is also trash but I love it so much okay. As a big fan I hold so much against the anime for changing things from the manga, but even so I love it. Overall I think the animation, music, and voice acting is perfect. It’s so cool with all the mythos of youkai and the shikon jewel, plus I love traditional Japanese culture stuff. And isekai type stuff is my jam. If I found a portal to another world or to the past you bet your ass I’d go through it. I totally don’t still look for portals as a 30 year old adult, I don’t know what you’re talking about 😂 Kagome is such a great mc tbh like she’s so smart and strong and talented and kind I just love her so much??? I want to be more like her. And I love all the characters honestly. I have to overlook some questionable 90s anime tropes for certain ones, but I still love them. As much as we rag on the constant upgrades thing, the battles and stuff are pretty thrilling, and overall the series is good fun. And yes Sesshoumaru is my husbando, next question.
Honorable Mention: Doctor Who - I love how this show manages to be like every single genre?? SciFi, historical, comedy, thriller, mystery, slice of life, etc. I love all of the Doctors, and all of their companions. I just love how much the Doctor loves humans, and how much faith they have in humanity. And again it’s that whole isekai, time travel, normal modern human goes on magical adventures thing. I would go with the Doctor in a heartbeat. I still cry over Donna 😭
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thebeautyoffandoms · 5 years
10 of The Best Vocaloid/Utaite/J-Pop/Anime Themes/etc Songs That I’ve Stumbled Across! (AKA 10 Best Weeb Songs That I’ve Stumbled Across):
Sorry for my repetitive vocabulary...
1) (trigger warning) Ruru’s Suicide Livestream (Shinsei Kamattechan)- 
One thing I always find amazing about songs is when they have a story behind them. Ruru’s Suicide Livestream (also translated into other similar titles. I.e. Ruru’s Suicide Show on a Livestream, Ruru’s Livestream Suicide Show. You can search and find it by any title such as those.) tells the story of a 14 year old Japanese girl. According to what I’ve read, she would livestream things ranging from singing and playing the piano (rather impressively), to running across busy streets. Up until the day she livestreamed herself jumping, with some people encouraging it. The singer/songwriter for this song, who has BPD and has attempted suicide in the past, felt deeply enough for the poor girl to write a song about it. As sad as the story is, I have to compliment how well the song’s put together. Along with the fact that I have a huge soft spot for songs that have sad lyrics/meanings but a happy tune, the singing in this song sounds so… strained? Sad, almost in pain. Which is how Roro-chan must have felt. The art and animation in the video are also incredibly impressive. I really respect how they tried, and succeeded I believe, to tell the story in Roro-chan’s perspective. With everything put together how impressively it was, the song is enough to bring me to tears, even if it does have such a positive-sounding tune.  (NOTEWORTHY COVER: MDATripleStar’s Cover! I really, really, like this cover! The singer manages to keep the sadness that the original singer had, and does a really great job at keeping the same overall sound in her voice. I also think that the lyrics used here fit really nicely!)
2) (trigger warning, adult themes) Wozwald (Niru Kajitsu)- 
I have to start this by saying, I’m honestly not a big fan of how they tuned vflower. But, even with that, this is still my favorite song. Wozwald has such an eerie tune, that’s also pretty sad-sounding, with (in my opinion) equally as eerie/sad lyrics. I enjoy the fact that they leave most of the theorizing up to the viewers. Though, at my first glances, Wozwald seemed to be about a man questioning religion, the more I listened to it and watched the video closer, the more I began to see it a bit differently. Is is about religion? Morals? Happiness? Lost family members? Oswald the Lucky Rabbit? All of the above? Or maybe none of that.  (I really like this theory!) I also really like that they throw in another character from another song (Kalmia.) The visuals also stole my heart from the beginning. It being mainly black-and-white suits the song, and I adore the art style. Especially the lighting. It’s really nice to look at! (NOTEWORTHY COVER: any fan of this song probably saw this coming- miy_yuu’s cover!  He always does such an awesome job on his covers, and this one is no different! From the whispery parts, to the high notes, I think just about everything here is beautiful. The subtitles on the video are also super neat!)
3) Yellow (Yoh Kamiyama)- 
This song, right from the beginning, is awesome to listen to. The way it starts off with a simple beat, and Kamiyama’s amazing voice, and then quickly switches to more instruments. Though the switch isn’t anything crazy, it’s still there, and it’s a rather beautiful change. I think the meaning of this song is clearer than Wozwald, but I still like that it’s left for people to decide. The most “obvious” (in my opinion) theory being that Yellow is about a past relationship, most likely a toxic one, and the boy trying to get over it. While some may say the art isn’t “anything impressive”, I think it’s still a key factor in what makes this song one of my favorites. It’s done sort of like a sketch, and has simple colors. Which reflects how the song itself sounds… pretty simple. Yet, it’s still incredible, just like the art. The animation is also very neat! While it looks almost like normal animation, it manages to be… a bit off putting? Most everything about this song and video is almost… hypnotizing? (NOTEWORTHY COVER: JubyPhonic’s Cover! I really like her vocal range in this cover! It suits her voice amazingly. And, once again, I love her translyrics. I also admire the fact that she got this cover out, and beautifully done, when she wasn’t feeling her best.)
4) Nandemo Nadari (KANA-BOON)- 
Such a cute song! It may not seem very impressive to some, but I absolutely adore this! It’s such a genuinely happy sounding song, and the lyrics, though maybe not what was expected, are just as precious! Or… pretty much just as precious. The dances in this song are simple, but the way everyone seems to be goofing off slightly makes me smile! I also love how much fun everyone looks to be having! It’s also really cute how some of the people’s timings are a little off in the dances. It makes it seem… more fun! Cuter! Happier! Less… pressured! The people, not just the band members, are also so, so precious. 
5) (adult themes) Liar Dance (DECO*27 and NAOKI ITAI)- 
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure why I love this song so much, but I’m going to try and describe it. While I admire the tuning, and I really like the video (the one used in Rachie’s cover anyway-), I think it’s simply the tune and lyrics that got my attention. It’s quite upbeat, and I love the way it begins. Slowly fading in, then changing the beat a bit. Though some of the lyrics, and the overall theme of this song, is… not the most appropriate, I just… really love the way it sounds. (NOTEWORTHY COVER: Rachie’s Cover!  This cover is actually what made me fall in love with Liar Dance, and is the primary way I listen to it. Though she said she wasn’t a big fan of the song, she still did incredibly for not loving it! I also agree with her other comment, she does sound really, really awesome here! But… I can’t think of a time Rachie doesn’t sound beautiful- this is still one of my favorites of her covers~.)
6) Zettai Zetsumei (Cö shu Nie ((The Promised Never ED 1)))- 
Aah… The Promised Neverland… an, honestly, amazing anime. And Zettai Zetsumei, a song that truly fits this show! Of course, the fact that this song fits this show that I love so well is a big reason I love the song, but the other big reason is: the vocals. More importantly, the way she hits the high notes. I’m not sure how to describe how it sounds, other than absolutely incredible! The singer’s voice through it all is insanely beautiful, of course, I was just really impressed with the higher notes. She overall has a… somewhat soft voice, and to have such a gentle-seeming voice sing lyrics like those, it also reflects the anime. Just a bunch of kids going through an awful situation.
7) Outer Science (Jin ((Kagerou Project))- 
Kagerou Project. A series that captured my attention from the moment I heard Kagerou Daze. While Outer Science sounds really awesome not knowing the story, it just seems all that more powerful when you know the context. Kuroha strikes again. Wreaking havoc just as he’s done previously! And plans to do it again and again! Well- enough about that evil boy- I don’t tend to enjoy a lot of songs with IA, Jin does an amazing job using her for this series. Especially Outer Science. Bragging on the visuals a bit, I adore the animations! And basically all of it! The drawings, the way the lyrics are placed, and the animations! The way it’s all colored also stole my heart. Especially the lighting. Shadows being cast to give it the right amount of spook, and Kuroha and Mary being in the center of some of the light.  As for the music part… summed up, it’s incredible. Like I said, IA sounds really good, but the instruments are also wonderful! The guitar being one of the best parts of the song, in my opinion. The song manages to sound chaotic while still sounding like a somewhat normal rock song. From the “softer”, “calmer” parts, to the loud, evil parts! I love this song so much! (NOTEWORTHY COVER(s! And Remix!): Kuraiinu’s Cover! While Kura usually impresses me, I really fell in love with this cover! I think his voice suits it nicely, and he pulls of the insane-sounding parts beautifully. His laugh too… amazing… RafScrap and Others (A-L1)! I truly think everyone did crazy great in this cover… from the independent screams, to the parts where they all sing together. Adding all that with the art, and video in general, this really is one of the best group covers I think I’ve ever heard! Teddyloid Remix! I think the dialogue at the beginning sounds pretty realistic, especially for a Vocaloid! The remix itself is also amazing. The video is a huge plus~.)
8) (adult themes?)  Goodbye Ms. Floral Thief (Mel)- 
I’d like to start this off with saying: Miku sounds so soft! It’s adorable, and very beautiful! Along with a lot of songs I fall in love with, I found Goodbye Ms. Floral Thief through a cover, which I’ll be putting in the noteworthy covers section. This song has a sort of… nostalgic feeling to it. I really adore songs with a nostalgic feeling such as this. Though this song may talk a little bit about “adult themes”, it’s still a beautiful song. It’s sad, and, to be honest, I’m not entirely sure on what the meaning of the song is. Though I think it’s about a lover dying, I’m not entirely sure. That seems like the most likely to me and, if that’s the case, it makes this song just that much sadder. (NOTEWORTHY COVER: Rachie’s Cover! Aaah, Rachie’s voice… it really is so lovely, especially in this cover! I believe she does an amazing job at sounding soft, and somewhat emotional. And Anthong did an amazing job with the lyrics!)
9) (trigger warning?)  Tokyo Teddy Bear (Neru)- 
I think the main thing that made me fall in love with this song was the guitar. It’s my favorite instrument, and it was played amazingly in this song! I think it’s incredible when it’s being plucked at to mimic Rin texting, though that may be a strange thing to be so impressed with. Though the texting isn’t the only impressive part with the guitar, don’t get me wrong! I think every part, especially with the guitar, in this song is super impressive. The song sounds so… loud, and gives off “I’ve given up” sorts of vibes. Plus, Rin sounds… amazingly realistic. Heck, she even breathes! Onto the art! Though it’s just a picture, in this video anyway, it’s still really neat! A kid, covered in cuts, dirt, and bandaids, in a box with a stuffed bear. As the lyrics show, the kid is almost… lost-seeming. They just want to be replaced with anything that will even be somewhat fitting. They want to be loved, and they want to feel like they belong, but they don’t think they’re fit to have any of that. So, they make themselves, basically, a living doll. A fraud, and nothing like the self they really are. Or that’s what I’ve gotten from it at least~. (NOTEWORTHY COVER: Princessemagic’s Cover! I think her voice suits this song rather nicely! It has the perfect amount of emotion put into it, and manages to be soft, yet powerful! I especially love around 1:30 when she says the lines with such… hatred.)
10) Hurricane (i’m not sure who i would credit... ((Death Note the Musical English))) - 
Gosh, where do I start…? I know the Death Note musical gets a lot of hate, but I enjoyed it! Especially this song. I think the man singing for Light is the perfect english voice, and his voice is beautiful! He sounds soft at the beginning, but, throughout the song, his voice grows stronger, which suits what happens perfectly! It’s showing Light realizing how much power he has, and it’s ever so slowly beginning to get to his head. Yet, he still has somewhat innocent intentions. But, by the end, Light is starting to see himself as the “god of a brand new world.” That’s when his voice really starts to get powerful. And his growls! They’re perfect!! Amazing, beautiful, absolutely breathtaking! The lyrics progress nicely, slowly shifting from innocent Light wanting to rid the world of evil, up until the end where he wants to become a god.  As for the instrumental itself, I also think that it’s rather perfect! I really enjoy the somewhat-gloomy piano at the beginning. It almost reminds me of a sort of “calm before the storm.” The instruments slowly pick up pace, adding more in, the further into his power Light finds himself.
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rosereview · 5 years
Top 8 EPs of 2019
I love music. That’s just a fact about me and in 2019 so many artists came out with so many new and beautiful pieces, including singles, EPs, and albums that I fell in love with. I also found so many new artists this year that I can’t get enough of, so to make myself feel fulfilled, I thought I would create a series of lists of all my favourites of 2019. This first list contains all the EPs that I loved by both new-to-me and old favourite artists.
8. Maybe I’ll Find You Again by Ruth B.
I didn’t discover Ruth B this year, but this is the first ‘album’ that I’ve really liked of hers. Her voice is just really beautiful and calming, and her songwriting skills are quite good. The EP mostly consists of sadder songs or songs that speak about being alone or being in a bad relationship. I like this EP more than her other works mostly because of the way it’s produced, which sounds much better than her previous album. The instruments and music now compliment her voice and lyrics, which I like. I think my favourite song on this EP is Sycamore Tree because it’s the only one that is really about a happier relationship that’s just starting out. It talks about communication and sharing dreams together which I really liked, since it’s different from the rest of the four songs on the EP. In conclusion, it’s a beautiful collection, but I didn’t have the songs on repeat. 
7. Trust Issues by Astrid S
I really fell in love with Astrid S this year and this EP was really good with all the songs more upbeat. It follows the transition of a relationship, starting off really positive and in love, until it slowly becomes pain and unhealthy where the relationship ends. The whole EP finishes on a good note though, and shows self-reflection and an apology which I thought was very well done. My favourite song out of the EP has to be the last track, The First One, which is the track that talks about the apology. It shows the significance of your first relationship and how you can rebound from that and leave a trail of broken hearts that isn’t fair to the ones you rebounded on. I thought that was a really cool spin to put on a song, especially after the songs that came before it were mostly filled with annoyance and anger. It was a nice way to end it off. 
6. Self Portrait by Sasha Sloan
Sasha Sloan is the first new artist I found this year that I now love. She has two previous EPs that I immediately started listening to once I found out about her, and couldn’t stop. This new EP is definitely my favourite from the three. It’s a whole reflection of one’s self and shows all the ups and downs that life can have and your mind can go through. It’s honestly really relatable. Sasha talks about all the bad downers while still throwing in a couple happy songs that essentially just say keep your head up and this pain won’t last forever. My favourite song is, again, the last song on the EP called Smiling When I Die which is all about wanting to get better and look at the world in a positive light and do the things you want to do to make you happy. That’s the message I want to live by: living my happiest and greatest life so I’m smiling when I die. It’s not my only favourite song on this EP, but it’s the best. 
5. Inner Monologue Part 1 by Julia Michaels
I’ve really liked Julia Michaels since she first released Issues which I loved before it even became a radio hit. But after she released her first EP and some other singles, she became more of a hit or miss for me liking her songs. When IMP1 came out, I was pleasantly surprised. She’s such an amazing songwriter, and her voice is just so unique that I can’t get enough of her now. This whole EP is so special showcasing all the different things and feelings one’s self and mind can go through. I love most of the songs on this EP including Anxiety, Happy, and Into You, but I have to say my favourite is What a Time featuring Niall Horan. The whole production is beautiful, but the lyrics always get to me with the emotion coming from Julia and Niall’s voices. I love the way it makes you kind of miss the better days full of love and laughter and being young. 
4. Waves by Anna Clendening
I found out about Anna Clendening at the end of last year, right in time for her debut EP to come out at the beginning of 2019. I really love her voice and songwriting skills and this EP showcases both of those strengths quite well. My favourite song is definitely Dead End which is such a beautiful and heartbreaking song that had an amazing music video as well. It’s all about seeing someone who’s still in love with someone else which happens a lot. The music really compliments her voice in this one and the emotion in her voice is so noticeable it gives me goosebumps. The rest of the songs are also just as amazing and vulnerable which is what I love most in music and explains why this EP is so far up my list.
3. I’m Sorry, I’m Not Sorry by Sody
Finally we’re in the top three. Yay! This EP is super short, only four songs, but each of them is beautiful and I love them so much. This EP is all about heartbreak, and Sody’s voice shows so much emotion and vulnerability that even if you’ve never been in her position, you can still feel her pain and her love that’s been taken advantage of. It’s really hard to pick a favourite from this EP but I think I have to go with Love’s a Waste, the last song. It’s the only one on the EP that suggests happier feelings than the others. It’s about getting this person she loves, back. You can hear the pain in her voice and the desperation of wanting to fix all the wrongs she’s made. It’s beautiful. 
2. Down Low by Astrid S
These next two artists have both already been mentioned on this list, which just shows how amazing they are. They both released EPs near the beginning of the year, and then another one near the end and each time I’ve fallen in love with the second ones, which shows the artists growth in the span of a year. Astrid S’s first EP was upbeat and full of love and frustration, while this EP is stripped down and raw. My favourite song is Favorite Part of Me which I’ve listened on repeat countless times and love it even more each time I listen to it. It’s so vulnerable and talks about acting differently with different people and how you know your with the right person when you feel most yourself and your best self when your with them. It doesn’t even need to apply to a romantic relationship, it’s about anyone. 
1. Inner Monologue Part 2 by Julia Michaels
Now this is my favourite EP of the year 2019, and probably one of my favourite collections of music overall. Like I said before, Julia Michaels is an amazing songwriter and singer and showcases that through this whole EP. That’s impressive since it has a total of eight songs which is more than any of the other EPs on this list. My favourite song here is by far Body which is crazy since I love all of them so much, but this song just hits so many personal feelings that I almost bawled my eyes out when I first heard it. I think that it needs more attention because there are so many people out there that have experienced these same thoughts and feelings. It’s a beautiful song and hits home on so many levels it’s crazy. I love you Julia Michaels. Never stop creating. 
So that’s the end of my favourite EPs of 2019. I hope you enjoyed and recognized a few, or found some new favourites from this list too.
Until next time!
~Rose Reviews
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jeffmac813 · 5 years
Too Many Cooks Stories
On October 28, 2014, a short comedy piece named Too Many Cooks aired in the "Infomercials" slot on Adult Swim -- 4am. Within one week, though, the short had garnered over 5 million views on YouTube and become a viral smash. I asked my editor Sarah Ottney at Toledo Free Press if I could cover the phenomenon, and thanks to Adult Swim, garnered interviews with the short's creator, Casper Kelly, and actor William Tolarsky, who played the silent killer named Bill. These stories are some of my favorite pieces I've ever written, because of how quickly they came together and how kind and excited their subjects were at Too Many Cooks' surprising success.
(written 11/12/14)
"Too Many Cooks": Creating a New Cult Classic
The writer behind the net's most bizarre viral sensation
Written by Jeff McGinnis
It starts out looking like most any cliche, cheesy sitcom opening sequence from the 80s. Upbeat, bland theme tune. Actors turning with a smile to the camera. All very familiar. 
But then things start to happen that feel ... wrong. The theme music never stops. Just keeps on playing. More and more cast members appear, past the point of being ludicrous. The show's genre seems to change -- from sitcom to cop drama to prime time soap and more. And then there's the creepy guy who suddenly starts killing the rest of the cast.
This is "Too Many Cooks," the comedy short that is taking the internet by storm. Produced for Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim" late-night lineup, the dark satire first aired during the network's "Infomercial" slot -- meaning 4 a.m. -- earlier this month. But something happened when the clip found its way online, and soon the bizarre short had exploded virally. In about a week, the myriad postings of the short -- both official and otherwise -- have garnered over 5 million hits.
And at the epicenter of it all is a young writer and director named Casper Kelly, who is both ecstatic and a little dumbfounded.
"It is super, super -- THREE supers -- exciting and thrilling, almost veering into the other side, of flop sweat and panic," Kelly said in an interview with Toledo Free Press. "I'm holding it together, having fun."
Kelly is not a new voice among Adult Swim's class of comedic subversives. He has worked for years at production headquarters in Atlanta, composing funny promos for Cartoon Network shows, writing for shows like "Squidbillies" and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force," co-creating the series "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell." Not typical fare, even for late-night basic cable, but Kelly revels in the creative freedom working at Adult Swim provides.
"It's wonderful, and our boss, Mike Lazzo -- he's a tough audience," Kelly said. "He's a very sophisticated viewer, and gets bored easily. But when he likes what you're doing, he gives you a lot of rope. A lot of freedom to try it. And does not micromanage. He gives you kind of big ideas at the beginning, and might give you ideas at the end, but in the middle, he lets you do your thing -- which is great."
Still, Kelly was hesitant to pitch the idea that would become "Too Many Cooks." Though there was plenty of precedent for the network doing experimental ideas like it in their late infomercial slots, he wasn't totally confident that the concept could sustain a full short.
"I had the idea, and I didn't even tell Mike Lazzo, because I didn't know if it would work. So I was afraid to pitch it. But I told some co-workers, who at a work party told him. And the idea made him laugh, so I had to do it at that point."
Filming came together remarkably quickly given how complicated the finished product would prove to be, Kelly said. "Interestingly -- and this was probably a good thing -- we did not have a lot of time, because we had a narrow window open up where our production company could do it. So once I had the outline, I think we only had a couple of weeks. So I just had to think about it constantly and just kind of throw down every idea I could.
"We had a lot of time in post, but leading up to it was a mad dash. And so much work was getting headshots, and finding people that had the right look, to give you the feeling for that character."
Another crucial element would be the short's music -- that initially chipper tune that mutates into forms that are dramatic, haunting and more. Kelly was hands-on with its creation, as well.
"That took a lot of time. I wrote the lyrics -- most of the lyrics -- and then we used one audio guy, who was great, and then it got to be too much. Because we had no money -- he was doing it for us as a favor. He did as much as he could, and then we had to hand it off to someone else to finish it, who did a great job. I think I really got the best out of both of them.
"People were saying that song gets stuck in their head. It sure did get stuck in our head when we were editing it."
Kelly has no plans to rest on his laurels, even now that "Too Many Cooks" has garnered such remarkable fame and acclaim in such a brief amount of time. He's hard at work on the second season "Your Pretty Face," for one thing. And as to whatever opportunities may arise from here, Kelly said he's primed and ready.
"I'm excited, because I have opportunities now to make more stuff. And I have a notebook full of ideas, short films, and feature scripts and more. And I feel like a kid in a candy store right now."
"Too Many Cooks": Killer Bill
Atlanta actor makes mark as short's silent assassin
Written by Jeff McGinnis
The voice on the other end of the phone is kind. Bright. A little higher than you'd expect, given its owner. A definite southern twang, understandable since he's lived in Georgia so long -- though he's Pennsylvanian by birth. He's gracious, good-natured, a sweetheart. You wouldn't guess how natural he looks chopping people's heads off with a machete.
William Tokarsky is his name, and for the past week or so his face has become the central image of one of the internet's most wildly successful viral videos. He plays the killer -- "Bill," if the credit on IMDB is to be believed, though he's never named in the short -- at the center of the bizarre satire "Too Many Cooks," produced by Cartoon Network.
"I was working as an extra for [director] Casper Kelly on another show he does on Adult Swim," Tokarsky said in an interview with Toledo Free Press. "And we became friends, and he liked my look. And there were two or three other people he had in mind for that role, and we all submitted this little tape and audition, and he picked me. And I think I did a decent job."
Tokarsky is putting it mildly. His gleefully crazed facial expressions and malevolent presence are key to much of the short's dark comedy. It's a look that has served Tokarsky well since he first began dipping his toe into acting.
"I retired from General Motors. And they were making a movie where I live. And suburban Atlanta has become a hotbed of movie and TV production. And I was talking to some people that used to be on the line working, and there's people that were extras. And I thought, 'Well, I could do that!' And I just started doing that.
"I have a unique look, that garnered me a position up front sometimes, to the point where someone tapped me on the shoulder on 'Hunger Games: Catching Fire' and said, 'You have a speaking line next week if you want it.'"
No speaking lines were needed on the set of "Too Many Cooks," though. Tokarsky's silent maniac appears subtly at first, stalking in the background of many shots, to the point where many viewers may not notice him until he begins his mad slasher act in earnest. Even Tokarsky is surprised at how often he appears in the finished product.
"I never had a script when we did it. So basically, what occurred was, they would place me, or give an action, and I would do it. And you don't necessarily shoot in order. So it was a surprise to me that we were playing 'Where's Waldo,'" he said.
"I watched it the first time, and never saw myself in locations -- like the 24-second mark in, where I'm standing behind the little girl -- I didn't see myself there. But I was there when we filmed the damn thing! It's like I didn't see the big picture in Casper's mind when we filmed it. He gave me an action, and I did it."
The success of "Cooks" -- both on an artistic and popularity scale -- has come as a surprise for most. But even though Tokarsky admits he's not exactly part of the demographic the short is aimed at, he said he had a feeling it would either be a colossal success or an equally memorable failure."
"I was speaking with my wife, and I said, 'Well, there's one of two things that's going to happen. This thing is going to stink so bad, no one's ever going to see it. Or, it's going to go viral.'"
Now that his latter prediction has come true, Tokarsky's excited about the opportunities his sudden exposure may bring. "I would think I would get a few things out of it -- you know, the creepy janitor on a TV show," he joked.
"I've found my genre; I've found what I can do. So, I'm retired, and I have a decent pension, so, as a friend of mine, another actor, said -- 'It's all gravy.' And I'm having fun with it, I got an agent last April, I've pretty much stopped doing extra work except for Casper -- I'm going to work for him, because I like him, and he likes me, and maybe I can get a contract out of him on his other show!"
Is he worried about being typecast, thanks to "Too Many Cooks"' popularity? Not at all. In fact, he relishes the idea.
"I know who I am, so it doesn't bother me," Tokarsky said. "If you want to act, you got to get an agent, you get an agent where they don't have ten other guys looking for your role. Because how many guys want to be the creepy guy?"
View "Too Many Cooks" on Adult Swim's YouTube page: http://youtu.be/QrGrOK8oZG8
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bizarre-dollhouse · 7 years
My Top 10 Favourite Anime (And Why You Should Watch Them)
This is normally something I would put on my main blog, but I wanted to celebrate a follower milestone and also I know this will reach a significantly wider audience on this blog.
Consider this both a list of recommendations and a *get to know me* thing, I guess.
Honourable Mentions:
Bakemonogatari: A really stylized show about a semi vampire helping people with their supernatural afflictions born from emotional issues. The subsequent seasons get a little questionable, but this is definitely a standalone story with great dialogue and visuals. (15 eps)
Shiki: Creepy story about a small town infested with vampires. Really brutal and sick, but it has fascinating themes. The pacing is a bit slow and it has a kind of bad scene towards the end, but the show is 100% worth it. (24 eps)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Because this is mostly aimed at younger viewers, I would only really recommend this show for either magical girl fans, or people who watched the extremely altered dub as a kid. That being said, its a cute, fun show about magic with a likeable cast and surprisingly creative and original ideas, especially towards the latter half. (70 eps)
Jojos Bizarre Adventure 4: Diamond is Unbreakable: Full disclosure, I have not seen the first 3 jojo series, but its not necessary to enjoy this show. This is a super creative and really fun series about superpowered badasses in a strange city fighting each other and trying to solve a murder mystery in the background. Weird, but in the best way. (39 eps)
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus: This should be higher on the list, but in truth I would recommend the manga way over the show. But, if you want to watch a supernatural horror/comedy without reading a 138+ chapter manga, OR you were a fan of the original Black Butler seasons and want to see something way better, give this a watch. (10 eps)
10. Trigun
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So Trigun takes place is this old west, yet mysterious science fiction-y world where, through a bunch of complicated scenarios, a pacifist is the most wanted criminal known to man. Due to his status as a “natural disaster,” two insurance workers are tasked with reining him in to save their business. It’s an incredibly charming series, and the protagonist is really likeable. It’s extremely creative, funny, and emotional near the end. I do have some problems with the ending because it almost seems like the final conflict just...solves itself, but that’s a nitpick. The first episode is basically a short film, so give that a watch and see how you feel. (26 eps)
9. Paranoia Agent
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This was directed by the late and great Satoshi Kon and has his usual themes about the blurring between fiction, dreams, and reality. It’s about a string of mysterious assaults committed by a kid with a baseball bat, and how these assaults seem to solve the problems of the victims. It’s very arthouse and has a twist that makes me ball my eyes out even though it’s not sad it’s just...odd and overwhelming. It drags a bit near the middle, but if you like kind of surreal stuff that’s also just really good, you have to watch this show. (13 eps)
8. Baby Steps
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The amazing thing about this show is that its premise is specifically designed to make me hate it. It’s about a nerdy teenager who starts to play a sport for the sole sake of getting fit and having a more well rounded life style, and also he has a crush on this really popular girl. That sounds fucking awful, but the main character is actually really likeable (he reminds me a lot of Deku from BNHA) and I swear to fucking god every time I thought this show was going to do something awful and cliched with its romantic comedy plot, it doesn’t. The beauty and the geek trope is still there, but all of the bullshit that comes with it is omitted in a way I feel was kind of self-aware. The sports aspect is really good too: it’s well paced and there’s lots of tension even though the show as a whole is really upbeat and pleasant. I had a blast watching it, and if you can make it past the fact that is has god awful animation, give it a watch.
7. Higurashi: When They Cry
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Yet another great show with absolute garbage animation. Anyways, this show is about a group of teenagers in a small town who are unknowingly trapped in a time loop. In each loop there’s a bunch of new mysteries, as well as some extremely brutal murders and tortures experienced my the main cast. I’ve seen a number of Western shows (Orphan Black, BBC Sherlock, Lost, Supernatural, etc.) fall apart because the writers want a really clever and intricate mystery to play out, but they don’t want to actually put the time into crafting one, so it’s just a bunch of cliffhangers with no answers or pay off. THIS SHOW SUCCEEDS AT WHAT ALL OF THOSE OTHER SHOWS FAIL AT. While not all of the answers are great (the second season isn’t as good) the original author somehow made the world’s most ludicrously complicated mystery story work, with a lot of it relying on the audience to put all of the pieces together even when the characters can’t. Its very clever in doing that: it makes its audience feel smart. It also has themes that don’t really show up in other horror stories, even though they’re incredibly relevant to fear and violence. Great show, go watch it. (50 eps)
6. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
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Everyone knows about this show, everyone says it’s great, and everyone’s right. If you’ve been living under a rock for ten years: the show is about two brothers who break an alchemy taboo, which destroys their bodies, They’re on the hunt for something to restore them to normal and along the way they meet like 8990354578579 characters with interesting stories. It’s tightly written and really gripping. It’s fun, but also really dramatic and emotional when it needs to be. My only problems with it are that the ending is reaaaallllly convoluted, and there’s a minor plot point earlier on that gets weirdly dropped, but everyone kinda forgets about those things because the show’s so good. Also the brotherly bond makes me cry. (64 eps)
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I honestly don’t even know where to start with this show because it has the unique property of being the only show I have ever seen that I have literally no problems with. Not even nitpicks. There is nothing wrong with this show; it’s perfect. The only reason it’s not number 1 is because some other shows have more ideas or more fleshed out characters. So this arthouse spastic comedy is about a boy who is disappointed with all of the adults in his life, then some chick hits him in the face with a guitar and giant robots from a secret facility start coming out of his head. It’s fucking wild and has like 30 different aesthetics and I love all of them. It’s the best looking show I’ve ever seen and one of the best directed. It feels like someone read a really weird poem and turned it into a 6 episode show. It’s funny, it’s emotional, it’s cartoony, it’s beautiful, it’s raunchy, it’s poetic, it’s silly, it’s creative, and it’s got strong themes. The wtf visuals, the nonsensical plot, and the amazing soundtrack make an aesthetic experience more than anything. (6 eps)
4. Princess Tutu
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I already made a post about this show and why it’s good, which you can check out here, but the gist is it’s a meta fairytale about a duck that turns into a girl to help a storybook prince find his emotions. I used to love stories that were “twists on fairytales” or whatever, but after watching this show I realized that the genre is pretty derivative. This show is so amazing it honestly made me reevaluate an entire genre and come to the conclusion that this is the only member of that genre worth watching. It’s truly creative and well crafted with fantastic characters. (26 eps)
3. Hunter x Hunter (2011)
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This show is basically a bunch of creative ideas, unique set pieces, and interesting characters stacked on top of each other in a trench coat disguised as a narrative. It’s about a perky shonen protagonist and a child assassin becoming friends while also trying to become hunters (a position involving vast wealth and adventure). It’s in a modern fantasy setting so literally anything can happen. In one arc they have to play life-or-death dodgeball against robots, and another is an insanely epic tale about the intense evil that people are capable of (feat. a 25 episode climax). I can’t even talk about all of the themes or ideas because there are just too many. Because of it’s wild, sprawling story, it has a lot of ass pulls and retcons, but in the grand scheme of things they don’t really matter. It’s long, but super easy to watch in huge chunks. (148 eps)
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion and The End of Evangelion
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The most efficient way to describe this show is to say that it’s the most interesting show ever made. It’s about an apocalyptic future in which emotionally disturbed teenagers must pilot giant bio-machines to fight monsters which are referred to as angels. It’s got deep characters, a creative story, and is probably the most well directed show I’ve ever seen. The ending infamously fell apart due to production problems, so there’s a movie called The End of Evangelion to conclude the story. It’s a very disturbing arthouse movie, so watch out for that, but the show as a whole is moooosssstly more straightforward and fascinating, This is an absolute must watch. (26 eps and 1 movie)
1. Baccano!
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Baccano! takes place in 1930s New York, and is about thieves, gangsters, criminals, terrorists, alchemists, and immortals interacting in this nonlinear comedy/action thrill ride. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster while watching this show. It’s the perfect blend of action, comedy, romance, drama, horror, and creative storytelling. It’s fantastic to rewatch since the first episodes barely make any sense without context (but are still an absolute joy to watch). It’s got great characters and it’s a great story. Go watch it. And then watch it again. (13 eps and 3 OVAs)
That’s it for this list! Check out my MAL page for more recommendations if you’re interested and have a great night! 
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stringsofstarlight · 4 years
The market gives and it shall taketh away...
      Okay, so it was 2012 and I had been buying jewelry for about a year or so, as a hobby for the first 5 years or so(started in 2011).    The ladies and I had just opened up the store, on my promise to cover the rent if no one came to buy our goods after 6 months of being open. (an angel came and spent many thousands of dollars in the 3rd week, then I cut her off because of mania--she tried to buy more and more)   At the time, my schedule of festivals was still full through the whole of the summer, then I was concentrating on buying jewelry during the months of the winter and early spring until the summer outdoor festivals had started back up.    By this time most of the “general assumptions” from my 1st, and then revised business plan, had failed--literally 7 of the `10 assumptions in a few years time.     Personally, this led to some soul searching, so I decided to use the proceeds from the jewelry “hobby”(it was more like supplemental income) to buy stocks.   
      Originally, the whole jewelry buying came from a need to spend money in my local community once the profits from stock buying had come in.  It was part of a formula that had been worked on to balance the a social equity and labor of making goods with the profits that I saw as basically “unearned” in the sense that trading dollars did not take any “sweat equity”.     The formula was 1/3 for profit, 1/3 for put aside for taxes, and 1/3 to fund anonymous local artists or whoever needed the funds for that matter.    This was only from stock trading earnings because I felt that the whole “zero sum game” of a winner and loser would cause me to get big eyes if I didn’t “tax” myself to a great extent.   To this day I do this with diamonds--firstly I used to smash them by accident, then I learned that I could gather all the little ones together, then I realized I had tens of carats of them(high quality as I learned later), and I could send them off to the auction house like a miner from South Africa would do.     All diamond profits have always gone to taxes, to be made in art before sold, or to contribute to a cause that is greater than myself.    I knew that I would get the “fever”, especially since my friend Ram was working on his GIA diamond course at the time, so I knew a little “too much” for my own good.    On to the stocks now. 
  HaHaHa--”Words with Friends” is owned and made by Zynga.  
        So my idea was that Marc Pincus and Zynga would be great place to do some day trading for a quick profit, then I would sell it and get back into the market into something else.    It turns out that he is/was disliked by the market because in previous company he had sold his shares early and left investors with little to have in value.   He also set up a clause in this IPO to be able to sell his shares earlier than normal.    The IPO price was like 11 or 12 then it went up in the first week to 15 or 16, I was on the sidelines because after setting up a an old time brokerage account with a stock broker, not an online one, I just didn’t feel it all the way.    A little voice reminded me that the work I was doing was super profitable and why not expand what I doing with jewelry.(it took 4 more years before I made it my job, after I found about the abuse, everything changed in my life)    The thing about Zynga is that many short sellers appeared to work the stock, after the founder sold a bunch of his shares at a little above the IPO price, the stock got pummeled by the market all the way down to 2 or 3 dollars within a few months.   To be fair, Facebook had changed their system which greatly touched the revenue model of the company, of which Farmville was one of its biggest games and Words with Friends, the other.     The stock has returned to almost 15% under the IPO price--9 years later. 
Long story short, the articles I read about what happened, because I stayed on the sidelines during all of this.  The story was not positive or upbeat, I was glad to have stayed away.   Granted, gold was pummeled for 4 or 5 years during this time form 1900 all the way down to 1050.    So I got my fair share of hits during all of this.    The company, Zynga,  was only marginally profitable, but was PROFITABLE, unlike another company that has come.     There also weren’t may other competitors for the brands that Zynga had developed, yet gaming companies are always producing.   The health sector has another IPO of a similar size company coming to the market for an IPO at about 13-15 on the opening price range set by the underwriters.   edit:  17-19 after checking
   What I am saying is that Wall Street doesn’t forget certain things and the short sellers will pounce, I mean  pounce like pack of hungry hyenas and vultures upon a weakened stock like nobodies business.    This is the fate I saw last night of a certain company, I just see the amount of losses, a lack of road show, the built up frustration with one of the founders, and all of the rest being taken out upon this certain company. 
    I know this wasn’t where I planned to go with all of this, but I saw the price had fallen greatly from yesterday, let alone the IPO price.    Honestly, someone  could short the heck out of this until it reaches parity with where the market thinks it will go in terms of value.
I am not a licensed series 7, so do your own due diligence on all stocks, this is not meant as advice, it is just a personal anecdote.
Blessings and love to your heart.
eternal love,
james      11:11
0 notes
meepface · 7 years
i’ve had a weird day so far and doing this is purely for distraction purposes just ignore me
1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
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home screen
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and my lock screen is my gf
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
oooohhh yeah. one of my first super gay crushes was on my 7th grade english & composition teacher Ms. Lawrence. i just recently unadded her on facebook bc i thought it was weird that i had her added but i’m a lil sad i did it bc that was a big ol phase of my life and i liked her soooo much ya know. i also had a big crush on this dorky geography/tennis/psychology teacher Mr. Whittlesey. he was so cute and goofy i love that man
3) What was your last text message?
i was offering to drive over to visit a friend and bring her comfort food bc her and her fiance just broke up :(
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
uhh i don’t really think that far ahead but hopefully i am happy and have a stable job and hopefully i’m with the person who i’m planning on spending forever with and i have a nice lil place. maybe i’ve even finally moved out of texas by then
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
honestly the mountains would be really nice. i really miss em and they make me feel really happy n peaceful and idk if my family and i are going to get to go or not this summer
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?
idk one year i wrote “life” on a shirt and went around handing people lemons all night which was Extra as hell but it was also sort of iconic
7) What was your favorite 90s show?
8) Who was your last kiss?
my gf
9) Have you ever been stood up?
no i don’t believe so
10) Favorite ice cream flavor?
mint chocolate chip
11) Have you been to Las Vegas?
no but my parents have been WITHOUT my brother and i!! i would love to go at least one time though
12) Your favorite pair of shoes?
i like my vans they’re comfy
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
no, that is one thing i would never do. esp since it was done to me and even though our relationship hadn’t been that serious, it still sucked 
14) What is your favorite fruit?
watermelon and peaches and apricots
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?
honestly? i maybe could’ve seen myself dating a few people here but only if they were here in person with me lol i'm not interested in online relationships at all so
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?
long term relationships i ain’t tryna mess around rn
17) Do you smoke? If so, what?
i don’t but i would like to smoke weed at least once in my life just to experience it ya know
18) What do you do to get over your anger?
sing really loudly to music in my car until i am Tired or just vent on my private sideblog
19) Do you believe in God?
i’m sure there’s something out there but who knows what
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?
21) Favorite position?
laying the fuck down
22) What’s your horoscope sign?
23) Your fears?
settling for less than i deserve or want just bc being happy requires work that seems scary or difficult or would hurt someone, scorpions, the ocean, walking sticks, horses, never being enough for anyone, not finding stability in my life
24) How many pets do you have? What kind?
i have four dogs named Sophie, Millie, Rusty Bob and Joey
25) What never fails to turn you on?
gettin soft kisses on my stomach n hips
26) Your idea of a perfect first date?
we do some sort of fun activity together, we have a nice dinner and maybe chill in our cars after and talk n maybe kiss a bunch depending on how the date went
27) What is something most people don’t know about you?
i can sing kinda well ?? maybe not anymore it’s been a while since i have but i used to be in musical theatre and they wanted me to be a lead role in the musical but i was too much of a pussy and i didn’t
28) What makes you feel the happiest?
having fun bein surrounded by people i love, also when dogs are so happy to see you that their tails wag their whole butt
29) What store do you shop at most often?
probably forever 21 or h&m bc i’m all about affordable clothing that’s semi-cute
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?
i’m down for both 
31) Do you believe in karma?
32) Are you single?
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
“i’m sorry, i understand that this hurt you and i understand why and i will work on not doing this again in the future” followed by actually working on not doing that again in the future is the better way to apologize, actually
34) Are you a good swimmer?
eh i’m okay
35) Coffee or Tea?
36) Online shopping or shopping in person?
in person 
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
i kinda like being 20 i think it’s nice to be right in the middle
38) Cats or Dogs?
39) Are you a competitive person?
in mario kart maybe but generally no
40) Do you believe in aliens?
41) Do you like dancing?
yes but i’m no good at it
42) What kind of music to you listen to?
i like upbeat alternative music generally
43) What is your favorite cartoon character?
44) Where are you from?
texas unfortunately
45) Eat at home or eat out?
idk my dad’s home cooked meals have gotten pretttttty good but if i can’t have whatever he’s making then i wanna eat out
46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk?
i’m definitely more talkative and i laugh out loud a lot more
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
i bought myself a meal last night but today i’m gonna go out and buy myself some shorts and a bikini so i’m hyped for that
48) Why do you think your followers follow you?
probably from when i blogged about youtubers back in the day, also i hosted these selfie party things and shared everyone’s selfies to boost their confidence and so many people followed me bc of those
49) How many hours do you sleep at night?
not enough
50) What worries you most about the future?
not finding stability in what i want to do and not doing what i want and what would make me happy just bc it would be challenging
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?
i’m learnin a whoooole lot of self love so maybe we’d be friends a lil longer than i would’ve been if you’d asked me this in like, february 
52) Are you happy with yourself?
i mean? i’m happy with where i’ve come. definitely could improve but ya know. baby steps
53) What do you wish you didn’t know?
there’s too many things i wish i didn’t know to be honest
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?
puttin other people first too much only makes you know and love yourself less
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
the loft from New Girl
56) What’s your favorite Website?
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?
getting rid of this fb account i had and then also this private twitter account i had that i sorta used to vent and also overshare too much lmao
58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?
i went to NYC before christmas last year!! my family and i are hoping we’ll be able to go to Washington this year 
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
probably my mug that says “i’m too sexy to be 60″ that i bought for like $2
60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
i reaaaaally like kung pao chicken but sometimes i like to get sweet and sour or sesame chicken and then i’ll get wonton soup and eggrolls and white rice and sometimes edamame ooooo my god
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
idaho just so i could call myself a ho all the time
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?
psychology or cinematography
63) Favorite kind of chips?
lays limón chips
64) Favorite kind of sandwich?
i really like the new york italian sandwich from Thundercloud 
65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
dictionary probably??
66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
nope but one time i was carrying a balloon and a bee came up and stung my balloon and died and i was like oh
67) What’s your favorite form of exercise?
just goin for a walk is nice
68) Are you afraid of heights?
not heights but falling lmao
69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
probably my film class junior year of high school. i was part of the school’s daily announcement team and we made intros for it based off of popular TV shows and we did this whole project about drinking and driving and my teacher was so great and i had a crush on every single boy in that class
70) What’s your favorite breakfast?
i love breakfast tacos
71) Do you like guacamole?
72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
i punched a girl in kindergarten but she didn’t hit me back and i pushed a kid over in spy camp in like fourth grade but he didn’t fight me back and i shoved a really stoned guy in a pit at a concert two years ago bc he was being a dick but he was too stoned to fight me back so what i’m saying is i sort of have tried to start a fight but nobody has taken one for the team and kicked my ass yet
73) What/who are you thinking about right now?
i’m thinking about how today sorta sucks but i feel like, too sad to go out and hang out with someone and do something about it so i am just going to stay here. maybe i will eat soon if i can get myself out of bed lol
74) Do you like cuddling?
it’s my faaaaavorite
75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?
yeah lol 
77) Favorite city you’ve been to?
hmm i really really liked Hood River, Oregon but probably mostly bc of the people i knew there and everything making it special. i loved Columbus, Ohio for that same reason too. i thought Ohio was gorgeous. i also loved Flagstaff, Arizona just because it was beautiful and quaint and i would love to go back
78) Would you break the law to save a family member?
depends on the family member
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?
just a few weeks ago i was in my summer class and we had about 10 minutes until we got out and it’s like 1 so i was starving and ready for lunch so i was looking at my food options in the area and next thing i knew Siri screams into my quiet classroom “starting route to Raising Cane’s”, and everybody laughed and my teacher was Annoyed. and then when we finally got out i thought everybody had moved on and then the guy who sat next to me, WHO HAD NEVER SPOKEN TO ME ONCE, goes “have fun at Raising Cane’s!”
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
anything to do with women/POC/LGBTQIA+ rights 
81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
one time i was showin off on my razor scooter while zoomin down a steep hill and i fell off and got scars all over my body and a young girl witnessed it but didn’t say anything or do anything she just left me layin there and crying on the pavement 
82) Favorite day of the week?
thursday is nice
83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?
uhh i mean yeah i guess
84) How do you feel about porn?
i feel like it gives you really false expectations about what sex is going to be like when people watch too much of it
85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?
i’d like to be good ol pals with Mamrie Hart still
86) Who was your hottest ex?
my exes were all ugly
87) Do you want/have kids?
i think i would like kids at some point. at least one
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?
89) Do you get easily distracted?
yes sometimes
90) Ass or titties?
91) What is your favorite word?
92) How do you feel about tattoos?
i have three and i love em. go for it pal
93) Do you have any pets?
i have four dogs
94) How tall are you?
95) How old are you?
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
my hair, my eyes, my stomach
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about?
yes i am v passionate about supporting other women!!!! and also about trying to be kind to everyone the most you can be bc i hear so many people spout rude things about people they don’t even know (esp when driving) and it’s like stop and listen to yourself lmao
98) Do you have trust issues?
a little bit but i’m trying to be more open and it hasn’t hurt me yet so
99) Do you believe in love at first sight?
absolutely not. that’s called infatuation
100) What are some words that you live by? Why?
two quotes: “anything that costs your peace is too expensive” and “let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier”.
i think the first one is important because i have a tendency of putting myself through a lot of shit to make other people happy and then i’m really unhappy and it’s just not a good way to live. i am really trying to learn this one. and the second one i think is important because being good to other people is a very important thing and i think you never know when somebody else needs that 
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heavyelectricity · 6 years
Love Live! Sunshine Best Girl Official Ranking
Following on from my character ranking from the original series, I’ve decided to rank the Aqours girls. The first time around I based it solely on the anime so I’ve done that again here, and I’ve tried to judge the characters on their own merits rather than comparing them to the original nine (though in one case, I found it impossible to avoid). Like last time, it’s worth noting that it’s not like my Danganronpa scale of “The best individual” to “This being must perish immediately and quietly” - I like all of the girls to some extent and have positive things to say about them. However, some of them are definitely jerks.
As before, I put this under a cut to keep it from clogging your dash.
#1: Hanamaru
I love Zuramaru. She's an absolute sass machine, she loves food and her reactions to technology are adorable. She's much cuter than she thinks she is, her verbal tic is endearing and she loves books. She's also good for a bit of comedy, like her giganto-coat in the cold. I can only hope that one day she has the self-confidence she so richly deserves. Her interactions with Yoshiko were my favourite part of the whole series, because they are like an old married couple. I don’t really have any strong feelings about shipping or anything, but if any feels natural to me it’s those two.
#2: Mari
I didn't expect to love Mari like I ended up doing, but it's hard not to. Her gratuitous English is often hilarious and I love her particular manner of giving absolutely zero fucks. She swans in, abuses her family's position to cause chaos, and then listens to metal. Fantastic. Despite that she really is doing her best and shoulders a huge responsibility. I only wish that we got to see more of Mari Does What Mari Wants™ - she's not in focus for the earlier part of the second series.
#3: Yoshiko
So Yohane is my favourite overall and I stand by that, but her characterisation in the anime is slightly too one-note. I love that she's a big ol' chuunibyou doofus, and her poses and image are super cool. I also like that the show explores some of the depth behind the bluster. But she's too often the Nico-style butt of the joke, and sometimes another speech about little demons just gets a bit grating. However, without that, Hanamaru wouldn't have so much snark ammo. Interesting thought: she seems to be quite a popular streamer - I'm kinda surprised that this didn't help Aqours grow, or at least that it wasn't touched on. Curse of having lots of characters.
#4: Riko
I like that Riko evolved beyond "the Otonikizaka connection" pretty quickly. Her struggle with the piano early on is a good plot arc and her friendships with the other girls are lovely (particularly Yoshiko, who she's very sweet to during their character development episode). I also love that she's seemingly a bit of a fujoshi, and I don't deal too well with dogs either.
#5: You
You's character design and upbeat attitude are really appealing - she totally fits the Aqours seaside concept. I think her big conflict in the first series, worrying about the depth and strength of her friendship with Chika, is one of the most interesting plots in the entire series. I also like that she's the one who starts the pillow fight. I wish she got a bit more independent character development, which might have pushed her higher up my list.
#6: Kanan
The anime brings out more of Kanan's cute side than I had expected, and her character design is cool. I think the big reason that Kanan ranks on the lower end of my list is that her character development stuff seems to focus on her as a negative force - not singing in order to stop Mari from staying at Uranohoshi, and being pretty harsh when Chika seeks to revive the formation that injured Mari. She does escape this towards the end of the second series though.
#7: Ruby
I like Ruby, and Ganbaruby reminds me of Ganbarei-chan, but she's almost too timid. I also wish she had more of a character outside of being an idol fan and having a sister complex. It's interesting that her first big character development asserts her independence from Dia (in standing up to her and joining Aqours), and her second is about Ruby telling Dia she'll be okay once she graduates, but both developments essentially revolve around that sibling relationship.
#8: Chika
I'm really trying to judge the characters on their own merits, but Chika is such a Honoka expy that it's hard to not mention it. Chuck bread for oranges and a the sweet shop for a ryokan and you're there. And that's a problem, because where Honoka is an endearing ditz, Chika veers into full-on dumbass at times (when she was all like "yay, the school is closing!" my facepalm could have shattered rocks). She never has the same level of internal conflict, which made Honoka more interesting, nor does she have Honoka's flaws. She's just a bit bland. I don't dislike her, but it's a shame I don't have more reasons to actively like her because I like the character design and her voice is great.
#9: Dia
When there's fun to be had, you can guarantee that Dia will be there to put a stop to it! Okay, that's not entirely true but man, ease up on the girls there buddy. She clearly cares a lot about Ruby, but definitely mistreats her a bit in forbidding any school idol stuff in the home early on, even if she’s trying to protect her. She's also condescending as hell - if anyone did that buzzer thing to me I would actually be pretty pissed off. This then plays into her big development episode - maybe the girls would call her Dia-chan more readily if she didn't act like a parent or teacher 102% of the time.
A note on Saint Snow
I like those girls, and I like that after teasing the "this time the rivals really are jerks" angle, they didn't end up coming into direct conflict on the way to the finals. I also like that Leah is such a tsundere because tsunderes are great. (I used to live with a great tsundere.)
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thatonegirrl16 · 7 years
Tagged by @nerdqueeniplier
Rules: Answer the questions the tagger left for you, tag 11 people and leave 11 questions for them to answer
I’m tagging: @thean0nym0usmusician @allthewaytovictorytown @youtubeswarriors @somerandomflamingo @lightandshadowphotography @leotheawesometurtle @suggienova @millietumblingthrough @starlightcrystalgem @septicworld @notsosepticeye
1. What name do you prefer to be called? If you could change your name, what would it be? Just Ashley honestly. And although I LOVE my name, if I could change it I’d change it to like Alexis or something :3
2. If you could choose the one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be? Easy (besides my faith). Spreading positivity to others. That’s a main goal for me in life. I want to be a “light in the darkness” for others (not to sound cliche)
3. 100 kittens, or 100 puppies? Kittens!! AHHH I love cats so much <3
4. All time favorite comfort food? Comfort food? Probably grilled cheese with soup :)
5. Describe the color of your aura/ soul Probably yellow. I’m a very upbeat and joyful person, for the most part. I’m also very bright and happy :)
6. Do you like it when people call you pet names or give you certain nicknames? YES! That means that people care enough about me to take the time to come up with a nickname/petname for me. 
7. Where would you say you feel the most at Peace? In my bed :) Especially with the windows open and some sort of show/series playing with some food around me. Very relaxing and not stressful
8. You meet the person face to face that you last spoke to on here, how excited (or worried) are you? That person would be @lightandshadowphotography, and I’d be super excited! We both helped each other when life was kinda rough and so I would be incredibly grateful to get the chance to meet her.
9. Do you have a condiment that you put on everything? ( ketchup, hot sauce, etc.) Not everything haha, but I love ranch on a lot of foods! Fries, chicken, etc.
10. Last song you listened to? “Gravity” by John Mayer :)
11. Be able to time travel to the past and back or be handed a million dollars? A million dollars. While traveling into the past would be cool, what good would it do? I would be able to help so many people if I had a million dollars! I would try to not use it for my pleasure, at least most of it.
Questions for the people I tagged!
1. What is a song that has meaning to you and why?
2. What’s the most used app on your phone?
3. What’s the most common color in your wardrobe?
4. What’s your favorite beverage?
5. Do you have an ideal temperature that you consider to be perfect?
6. Are you a fan of spontaneous adventures, or are you more of a careful planner when it comes to taking trips?
7. If you could play any sport in the world, what would it be?
8. You have to give up one item that you use everyday for the rest of your life. What do you choose?
9. What is one big change you want to make in your life?
10. Thoughts on college?
11. What would you do if you found $1000 dollars on the ground?
Phew! That was long haha sorry friends!
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Wednesdays with Writers  with Jennifer Steil, Joanne Rocklin and Mother’s Day Hosanna.
Social distancing in this COVID19 era has been detrimental to authors. As part of our Be the Star You Are! Disaster Relief Outreach program, Be the Star You Are!® has collaborated with the Authors Guild to showcase the new books launched by many authors from around the country in a variety of genres. For the next few months, make sure you are tuned in to both StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® on Wednesdays at 4pm PT for “Wednesdays with Writers “as well as  Express Yourself!™ airing on Sundays at 3pm PT for “Super Smart Sundays”, both broadcasting right here on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel to learn about these fantastic authors and books. It’s a giant read-a-thon. 
Cynthia Brian interviews Jennifer Steil about her new book, Exile Music which explores an overlooked slice of World War II history, telling the story of a family of Jewish Viennese musicians who find sanctuary in Bolivia in 1939. Steil offers a beautiful meditation on the things we all hold dear - family, friendship, home.
In segment two, author Joanne Rocklin showcases her newest picture book, Good Guy, Bad Guys, about playing pretend—and the joy of trying out being “bad” or “good.” This charming picture book is a timeless celebration of imagination and make-believe, showing readers that kids can safely try out good and bad personas as they play.
What’s a hosanna? It’s whatever makes you feel special. Cynthia Brian reads a passage about her Mother from Be the Star You Are!® 99 Gifts for Living Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference as a homage to the sacrifices and dedications of Moms everywhere!
Join our party! 
Bio: Jennifer Steil is an award-winning author and journalist. Her new novel, Exile Music, forthcoming from Viking on May 5, 2020, follows the lives of a family of Austrian Jewish musicians who seek refuge from the Nazis in Bolivia in 1938. 
Her most recent novel, The Ambassador’s Wife (Doubleday 2015), won the 2013 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition Best Novel award. The novel has received much acclaim, notably in the Seattle Times, Publishers Weekly, Booklist, and The New York Times Book Review. Jennifer’s first book, The Woman Who Fell From the Sky (Broadway Books, 2010), a memoir about her time as editor of the Yemen Observer newspaper in Sana’a, was hailed by The New York Times, Newsweek, and the Sydney Morning Herald. https://www.jennifersteil.net/work/the-author-jennifer-f-steil
Bio: Joanne Rocklin is the author of many books for children, including The Five Lives of Our Cat Zook, which won the Golden Kite Award, and Love, Penelope, which was an NCIBA Golden Poppy Book Award winner. https://joannerocklin.com/
LISTEN LIVE: https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123109/wednesdays-with-writers-jennifer-steil-joanne-rocklin-and-mothers-day-hosannas
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BTSYA Honored by California Legislature: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1320/Be-the-Star-You-Are-charity-honored-by-California-legislature.html
It's appropriate that Be the Star You Are! is being honored in the press for 20 years of global service. BTSYA was one of the first charities to offer relief to the survivors of the attacks. The THREE books in the Be the Star You Are! series were all published in September. Congrats to all who have served and supported this literacy and positive message cause. WooHoo!  http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/4441606
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$50 provides 12 new books.
$100 provides 28 new books.
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JUST PUBLISHED: Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World and Growing with the Goddess Gardener. Available at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store or  www.StarStyleStore.net
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When you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind-stretching information, you have come to the right place. Host Cynthia Brian takes you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life-enhancing results. It's party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country. Catch up with all broadcasts on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/starstyle-be-the-star-you-are!/id669630180?mt=2
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Keywords:Keywords:,#Exilemsuic,#jenniferStiel,#joannerocklin,#GOODGUYSBADGUYS,, #writers, #mother, #hosannas, #mothersday#cynthiabrian,#be the star you are millennials to boomers, #be the star you are, #voice America network, #empowerment, #starstyle, #goddess gardener, #empowerment architect
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bryanclaesch · 7 years
The Top 10 Reasons Why Yang Should Be Your Favorite Character
Hey, everyone.
So to finish up my Top 10 Reasons Why This-Character Should Be Your Favorite series, we have the last member of Team RWBY, our sunny, little dragon, Yang Xiao Long. Once again, I'd like to thank my friend Michaela Roan and RWBY Wonderland admin Blake Belladonna for their help in making this list. If you want to join RWBY Wonderland, click this link: https://www.facebook.com/rwbywonderland/. And, if you guys want to make sure you don't miss the next series of RWBY posts, subscribe to my RWBY mailing list: http://eepurl.com/cWX8Fj. But if you really want to show me the love, support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.con/bryanclaesch.
Alright, then. Let's finish this bitch.

"Yang? Is that you?"
 1. "Oh! I'm so proud of my baby sister!"
Yang and Ruby make for interesting siblings. Their proportions are different, their weapons are different, their hair is different, hell, they don't even have the same last name. But despite these differences, Yang still looks out for Ruby with great enthusiasm and she's been doing so for a long time. While we aren't told exactly when, I would estimate that it has been somewhere between 10 to 12 years ago (since Volume 1) when Summer was killed. This effectively cemented Ruby and Yang together as they no longer had a mother to rely on. With Yang being the older and likely feeling guilty for nearly getting the both of them killed, it's apt to say that Yang has practically become a surrogate mother to Ruby.
Something that struck me the other day was that it's never mentioned why Yang thinks it's the best day ever that Ruby gets to go with her to Beacon. Most older siblings would be annoyed if their little brother or sister got moved so far ahead that they ended up going to school together. But not Yang--she's super excited about it. We could assume it's because Yang just has that upbeat of a personality, but it's more likely Yang is relieved that she won't have to leave Ruby behind to fend for herself. I mean, do you remember in Players and Pieces where the Nevermore filled the battlefield with its quills? Do you remember how Yang rushed to help Ruby, and then the tight hug she gave Ruby after Weiss saved her from the Deathstalker? Yang hugs Ruby a lot in Volume 1. Then there's the part in The Shining Beacon where Ruby mentions that Yang used to read to Ruby every night before bed, an activity that is usually performed by a parent.
Another strange thought I had was that because Ruby is so much like Summer and Summer was the only mother Yang ever knew, and so by cherishing Ruby the way she does, Yang is holding onto and cherishing the memory of Summer. No longer able to love her mother, Yang turns to her baby sister and makes sure to love Ruby the way Summer deserved. Hence, Yang becomes the over-doting big sister.
"Please, stop..."
 2. "I'm not asking you to stop. Just please, get some rest. Not just for you, but for the people you care about and who care about you."
Monty had an interesting idea behind introducing the characters of RWBY. It was his intention to make them all look like stock, one-dimensional characters, and then as the show went on, to fill them out. Not many writers have the balls to do that since most readers, editors, and publishers won't even give a writer the time to set something up like that. Once they look stock, no one thinks to read on or care about what happens to them in the story.
When we're introduced to Yang, she's supposed to come off as the super extraverted, quintessential party girl. Always looking for fun and always on the move. But Yang is more than that. She deeply cares about her friends and family, and their relationships are very important to her. Remember when she started crying in Destiny when she thought Blake didn't believe her for being attacked by Mercury? Yeah, a skin-deep, party girl wouldn't do that. A party girl also wouldn't have a never-ending search for the mother she never knew. While Yang could have lived her life as she saw fit and think of Raven as dead to her, she doesn't. Yang genuinely cares about her friends and family, and she feels the sting of rejection or disbelief quite deeply. All of which will make Yang and Blake's reunion very interesting to see.
3. "Wait! Yang! Is she alright?"
"Uh... She's uh... She's gonna be alright. I think she's just... I think it's just going to take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her."
Yang is a strong girl. Physically, but also mentally. She has such a strong will that you could call her stubborn, such as in her fight against Neo. And while Yang did take some time getting used to only having one arm, she didn't let it interfere with her day-to-day to life, and she hated how her incident with Adam left her with PTSD. Not wanting to be pitied or looked after by Tai, she took a chance on the prosthetic arm from Atlas in an attempt to re-forge her life and achieve a degree of normality that was more normal than being without it. Something I've mentioned elsewhere is that a good indication of Yang's inner state is her hair since it's so important to her and her vision of self. When it was tied up, so was she. But when her hair flows freely, that's when she's ready to burn brighter than everyone else.
4. "Yes, Junior. I have several. But instead of 'sweetheart,' you can just call me 'sir!'"
You ever seen Persona 4: The Animation? Do you remember the scene where Yu and Yosuke are sharing a tent with Kanji and he gets irritated with them for thinking he's gay, so he declares he's going to go sleep with the girls since they had more balls than them? Yeah, Yang is one of those girls that Yu referred to when he said, "For some girls, that is true."
Whether you call it balls, confidence, daredeviltry, or brash, Yang isn't afraid of doing what needs to be done in order to achieve her objective. She'll grab a guy by the balls, she'll destroy his club, she openly declares that she'll be turning heads, and she'll put herself at risk to help her friends. Of course, though, if Yang can have fun while doing it, she's going to. Let's not forget how she giggled after being launched off the cliff in The First Step.
Yang's favorite ballet is the Nutcracker.
(Is it true that Barbara actually grabbed Jack's balls once?)
5. "You're Yang Xiao Long. My sunny, little dragon."
Whenever we see Yang, we usually see her smiling and having fun. She's very positive and upbeat, and very few things get to her. In fact, it's unusual to see her bothered by something or even hurting. When she was bested by Neo, lost to Adam, and Blake didn't believe her or worse, ran away, those were all difficult moments for her. She's not one to sweat the small stuff. She can even take a jab thrown her way about her arm and her hair. Yang is emotionally resilient, and she can almost always find a reason to smile.
I need a better system than Print Screen.
 6. Bumblebee
Did you honestly think I was talking about the ship? Well, if you read the Top 10 Reasons Why Blake Should Be Your Favorite Character you wouldn't have. (Maybe I'll do a blog post on why I hate the ship so much and why it's actually a terrible idea.)
But, anyway, Yang's got a bike. And bikes are pretty cool. While I may not like bikers for their impetuous attitudes, I find it difficult to squash my desire for a motorcycle. I have fond memories of being a kid and zipping around my neighbor on my bike. What could be better than strapping 1000 CC's of power to that experience. And so, just like with Ruby and scythes, the cool factor of Bumblebee helps make Yang cool(er). And as far as we've seen, she's a safe and responsible driver, but very capable and skilled when the time comes. Which is more than we can say for the Fake AH Crew and their talents on bikes. (To be fair though, most of those blunders are Gavin.)
7. This Porridge Is Too Cold
Just like how Ruby is a great interpretation of Little Red Riding Hood, Yang is a great interpretation of Goldilocks. In fact, I'd say Yang is a huge improvement on the original. For one, she isn't a stupid kid who committed a B&E, raided someone else's food, messed up the ass grooves on their favorite chairs, and then invited herself over for a slumber party. And the only notable thing about Goldilocks was that she was a dumb blonde and a criminal. Yang's neither of those things, and her hair has more meaning to who she is than just a color. Still though, I'd love a direct reference or joke back to Goldilocks in RWBY. The scene where she killed a couple of Ursas isn't enough.
8. "Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night."
Well, I told you all it was coming, and here it is: Yang is the sexiest member of Team RWBY and possibly the whole show. Which is a bold statement considering Yang has some pretty stiff competition from the likes of Neo and Emerald. Hell, even Glynda has a number of very committed fans. But for me, the victor is Yang, and it's not just because of two very large and obvious reasons. She's got a great ass, too! No, I kid. Although it did look good in the Yellow Trailer. But the reason why I saw Yang is the sexiest character is because she has both a banging body and a fun personality. Everyone wants to have fun and we all prefer to be around pretty things rather than ugly, so that instantly makes Yang a winner across the board. True, my RWBY waifu is probably Weiss and Ruby is the most adorable, but who wouldn't want to at the very least date Yang? It'd be a good time.
Did you know that Monty based Yang's dress off one
Marilyn Monroe wore?
9. Dumbass: I'm a master of Karate! Hi-ya!
Smartass: I'm a master of Ka-chuk.
Dumbass: What's Ka-chuck?
Smartass: *Pulls out a shotgun and pumps it*
The Ember Celica. Who in their right mind would strap a shotgun to a gauntlet? I criticize, but just like combining a rifle with a scythe, it's actually a great idea. It combines a long range weapon with a short range one, and who wouldn't want to attach a shotgun to a gauntlet. I'm pretty sure a lot of people think the hidden blade from Assassin's Creed is one of the coolest things ever, so why not attach a shotgun to a gauntlet? Never mind the fact you're strapping a shotgun's recoil straight to your arm. But, hey, if we're going to get that picky, we're going to have to dismantle every weapon in RWBY. So let's just enjoy the Ember Celica as it is and imagine ourselves punching someone we really don't like with them.
10. "With each hit, she gets stronger. And she uses that energy to fight back. That's what makes her special."
Yang's semblance. The ability to take damage and then dish it back twice as hard. It's a pretty good one. Admittedly, it has some flaws and Yang isn't always strong enough to take the hit, but come on, she's a friggin' Super Saiyan! And what's more, she's a female Super Saiyan. There aren't any of those in DBZ, and if Yang could fire a Kamehameha (my autocorrect recognizes Kamehameha but not saiyan), it'd be the hypest shit. In fact, I'm kind of surprised no one has done any art of Yang using the Kamehameha. (Fan artists! Don't let me down!)
But anyway, we've all had those moments when we get so pissed, we give people that "You're so dead" face and we want the vehemence of our anger to be reflected in how hard we hit them. There'd probably be a lot fewer trolls if that was true. Too bad we aren't all Super Saiyans, but at least Yang is.
"Oh! Looks like Yang is angry. And you wouldn't like her when she's... upset."
 And there you have it. The Top 10 Reasons why Blake should be your favorite character. It you guys think I missed any, go ahead and add them in the comments below.
Keep writing, my friends.
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