#uwma win
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booksandwords · 2 years ago
It occurs to Team that they have never made out in their element like this; it’s a heady feeling, unmoored, floating, nothing more important than holding on to the person in their arms.
All Of This Time I’ve Been Loving A Liar by geckoholic/ @lostemotion
I do love a play on the pool scene and this goes hard. It’s brilliant. This is a lot going on it this fic but it all works so well together suiting WinTeam’s chemistry.
Have some of op’s Ao3 tags... #This Is Immensely Fluffy For My Standards #But Probably Not Even Fluffy Enough Otherwise To Warrant The Tag #Pet Names #Dorks in Love
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pothame · 1 year ago
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you're so funny
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bookwormwithadhd · 10 months ago
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boys are pretty when they cry
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rythyme · 1 year ago
if you give a man a dangly gay ass little earring... hmmm... 🤔 yes i find that rather interesting... 🧐🧐 but if you give a man THREE dangly gay ass little earrings.......................... well. 👁️👁️ i'd say i'm quite riveted. 👁️👁️
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coffeebookslovegt · 11 months ago
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Tienes calor, tu cara esta roja y respiras con mucha prisa. Hazlo tú mismo, pero si no puedes soportarlo, ven conmigo.
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chibipandaao3 · 2 years ago
Makes Win Feel Wanted
So this is something that has bothered me since Between Us debuted. People online screaming “well, when is Team going to do something?” “The synopsis says that Team makes Win feel wanted, but we’ve never seen him do anything,” blah blah blah.
It’s Team. Team is what makes Win fell wanted. Not what Team “does” — Team existing as himself. There’s no magical moment or action, it’s Team being himself and allowing Win to care for him.
That’s it.
Win lack of feeling wanted prior to the beginning of the show is directed linked to his placement in his family. He’s not the eldest, meaning the expectations are less — sure — but he is also FIRST at nothing. Waan’s done all the good and all the bad before Win. He’s also not the youngest, he isn’t the perfect younger child who gets away from with stuff and who has limited expectations suffocating his every decision.
Win is in perpetual limbo. He’s going to help with the family business mostly because that’s what Waan is doing and so that Wiew doesn’t have to. Not because he’s wanted or needed.
Dean is Win’s best friend, no one can deny that. But Dean isn’t searching for Win — and Win is well aware that once Dean finds the person he’s endlessly waiting for Win becomes, at best, a third wheel. And at worst, forgotten.
So, no it isn’t an action that Team was supposed to do or a thing he was supposed yo say — it’s not him begging of crying — it is his existing and letting Win exist with and care for him.
So many people seem to have missed that entirely. Not everything has to be written or shown explicitly to be true.
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emmy-everafter · 6 months ago
Tagged by @sparrowmoth to share about my WIPs. Idk if anyone is actually all that interested in these, but on the off chance that you are, feel free to swing by my ask box with questions!
Rules: Post the names of your WIPs and open your ask box for questions about them.
Published WIPs
Right now, there's just one: Don't Come Any Closer (But Don't Move Away), Win/Team (Between Us/UWMA), rated M, 3 chapters out of ????
(I actually have written several chapters ahead but updates will likely slow down over time as i catch up to the place where I'm currently drafting. But we're getting to the good stuff now and ugh I'm so excited, I love this fic and these boys so much!!)
Unpublished WIPs
Greenhouse fic (better title forthcoming), a short and fluffy sequel to We're Gonna Need a Bigger Pentagram. Jesper/Wylan (Shadow & Bone/Six of Crows), rated T, one-shot. I have about 2k words written and because it's a Jesper POV, I'm planning to publish it later this month as part of "Jesptember," a celebration of our favorite Sharpshooter from the @i-can-read-to-him Wesper discord server.
A Week in the Life (tentative title), followup to the greenhouse fic and continuation of the Coven of Crows universe. Told through flashbacks to a time before WGNABP. Mostly gen crows-as-found-family with hints of Wesper, Helnik, Kanej, and Kuwei/Jesper (I forget if people use Kuwesper for just them or for them + Wylan oops). Probably rated T, probably 6 or 7 chapters. I've only written out a bit, the rest is all outline right now.
Other general ideas for Coven of Crows stuff that I'm happy to talk about!
The time travel crows fic (it has a title but I don't want to share it yet). All the crows ships, probably rated M, gonna be a longfic. I have some chapters written but I need to revise them because I changed my mind about some worldbuilding stuff. Time travel is hard to write, y'all!
Servant & Lever(age): a six of crows Leverage AU, rating TBA, length TBA, mostly just outlines at the moment.
I Won't Give Up Your Ghost, Julie & The Phantoms longfic, rated T or M. I have maybe 8 chapters of this written? But I don't know if there's enough people reading JatP anymore for me to maintain motivation when doing a longfic and I also got distracted, but I had a solid outline for the rest and may come back to it eventually
Untitled sexytimes fic, Palm/Neungdiao (Never Let Me Go the series), definitely rated E, one-shot. Will I ever finish this? Who knows.
A few other half-written or half-baked Thai BL fics, mostly M or E one- and two-shots, for shows like Moonlight Chicken, Tale of a Thousand Stars, etc.
I have some other Six of Crows ideas but I'm much less certain that I'll get around to writing them so I haven't listed them here
No pressure tags for anyone who feels like sharing (apologies if you've already done this and I missed it!): @oneofthewednesdays @hotpinkmurex @magicandpizza @ace-kaz-brekker @starwritebrekker
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gemistar-888 · 2 years ago
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Boun Noppanut Prem Warut
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jgyapologism · 10 months ago
Win has never been one for tradition. He likes that he and Team have what some might call a nebulous beginning. Their relationship has never followed linear rules, which is just another facet of their relationship that Win tends to cherish. The fact that all their firsts tend to fall out of order is part of what makes their story that much more interesting.
Hey hey! I’ve never posted for WinTeam before but I found this in my drafts from ages ago and it was so close to done I just had to finish.
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dandydemidoesfandoms · 2 years ago
Between Us Continues to have no Chill.
End of Episode 7
After sweet little declarations of support and coming outs, we see most of the group together chatting at this very clearly NOT a Gay club?
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Where are Dean and Pharm (UWMA)? Probably traumatizing some poor person in another library by staring longingly at each other.
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And Pruek continues to defend his title as the #1 Support Boyfriend. (Between Us & UWMA)
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The A & C are teasing B about his situationship with Prince.
Bee, who is ready to join the ranks with Pruek as a supporting boyfriend, perpetually understanding and deflecting because he is, in fact, dating/with/will be? a private person who is already in the industry.
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And then the advice about not beating around the bush begins.
Hit dogs holler, huh boys?
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Of course, Team, who runs away from his feelings, and Win, who silently broods and represses his, are not appreciating it.
Which leads us to ✨The Bathroom Scene™ ✨
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They still aren't ready to talk about it, and even though the concern and feelings are filling the air so much its as thick as chowder. As usual, the boys decide to fuck about it instead of talk about it.
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But, for real, even though this bathroom looks cleaner than any I have seen in a bar, club, or even a cafe, you have to be that horny, that in love, and that desperate for a connection to do this.
It's wild, a little gross, but painfully telling.
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coffeebookslovegt · 11 months ago
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-¿Necesitas el baño?
-Vine a verte
-¿A verme?
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chibipandaao3 · 1 year ago
Did I buy Red Thread volume 1 just to skim through and see Team’s interaction with Pharm — Win’s with Dean, to help support LazySheep, and to help ensure that Hemp Rope will get an English release?
Do I intend to read it? Meh 😅 I really don’t like UWMA’s story 😅 so….probably not…. But I’m going to own ALL THE VOLUMES!
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binary5tar1117 · 2 years ago
I dunno what the general consensus is but imo
Between Us >>> Until We Meet Again
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auseyre · 1 year ago
Mad love for the way these two series treat Pharm's anxiety disorder.
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If you have something’s going on, you need to tell me, got it?
(Between Us, ep. 1)
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ragsweas · 24 days ago
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You can pry them from my dead cold hands
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dandydemidoesfandoms · 2 years ago
Breadcrumbs and Red Strings
Now before the dunk tank we are gifted with some Dean/Pharm progress and another failed attempt of the Win/Team "Get the other to say their feelings first".
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Win being jealous of Pharm and Team's friendship is super precious. (Between Us)
Meanwhile, Dean and Pharm (UWMA):
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Because bruh....ain't nobody getting between our star-crossed lovers...not even air.
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Crumbs at the bottom of Team's chip bag. Win cannot catch a break.
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