#what is house md even about
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meowmeowsaul · 8 months ago
im starting to think house md fans are just lying about stuff that happens in that show because no way that doctor is just that horrible. but also the least believable thing to me is that house and wilson don't become a couple.
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starjunkyard · 8 months ago
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Hilson should have had ONE. (1) honest to god fistfight. Not talking about no pansy ass scuffle either i need a FIGHT. Im talking bloodied noses nd bruised cheeks. I need them to exchange words that will alter the course of their relationship forever. MOST OF ALL. They need to make out nastystyle afterwards
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taub-truther · 6 months ago
We know that the new cast members in S4 were basically auditioning for their jobs as much as their characters were, and i can't help but notice how exceptionally cunty Taub is in these early episodes
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he werked his little ass off for that job!
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urfavgirlfail · 4 days ago
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Came up with this at 7am
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starlightseraph · 1 year ago
i 100% believe that, on the night they met, house tried to get wilson into bed. he was probably subtle, and wilson just didn’t pick up on it, but it really is obvious from an outside perspective.
house saw wilson at a conference, noticed him, deduced that he was getting divorced, tracked him to a bar, watched him have a breakdown and get arrested, followed him to the police station, and bailed him out of jail.
no way that man wasn’t trying to fuck.
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clementine221b · 1 year ago
oh i LOVE the montage of house entering princeton plainsboro with his flame cane and wilson.
they really do just save lives and serve cvnt
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s3 e21
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scintillatingshortgirl19 · 1 year ago
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no no wait keep talking i think you might be onto something
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remy--hadley · 13 hours ago
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Ohhhhh Greg🥺
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inadequate-nefelibata · 5 months ago
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#it's her. it's ms. diagnosis
Hugh Laurie as Luella de la Tweeb A BIT OF FRY & LAURIE (1987)
+ knowyourhoustory:
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houseswife · 1 year ago
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transgender detector going haywire rn…
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thankstothe · 1 year ago
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Cmon man
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wilsonsmcgillsweatshirt · 1 year ago
I will never recover from the knowledge that thymoma generally has a very high survival rate, and in most cases that it becomes fatal, the patient has unknowingly lived with the cancer for years. There's a chance that Wilson was sick for half the series and didn't even know it.
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starjunkyard · 9 months ago
Obsessed with the degrees to which james wilson is a messy bitch. Primps and preens himself whenever he realises his boy best friend is stalking / sabotaging / psychological-warfare-ing him. Slept with his terminal patient. Immedicable people pleaser. Chronic adulterer. Three ex wives. PROPOSED TO HIS GIRLFRIEND AT SOMEONE ELSE'S WEDDING? Fuck you doin in the oncology wing my boy. Psychiatric ward is on the left corner
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holdmymetaphor · 4 months ago
okay heres some things about houses childhood i think about
theres clearly a few dynamics here
-he hates his father, resents the abuse, recognizes that bad things were done to him
-probably when he was very young, he didnt understand why bad things happened to him, was not intentionally A Bad Kid
-because he surmised his dad was not his dad at 12 i assume the abuse started from a young age.
-house mentions ice baths and sleeping outside, but he also mentions his father not speaking to him for months at a time, which is interesting to me. when house tries to qualify the severity of abuse to eve he says "not as bad as your [trauma] if how your acting about it shows how bad it is." which to me is pretty noncommittal. was he doing that bc he was still kind of lying, trying to get info out of her? if not, it seems like house is actually unsure of how to qualify his own abuse, which would lead me to believe it was largely emotional and verbal. although i suspect that his father did physically abuse him at times, to me this exchange implies that house thinks the ice baths and sleeping outside were the worse of it (interestingly both acting on his whole body and ability to regulate temperature)
-at some point he acts out intentionally, instead of unintentionally, bc his father is Wrong and shouldnt be abusing house in these ways(the fact that the thing he wanted to hear from his father was "you were right, you did the right thing" 😭😭)
-this leads to worse and more cruel punishments, which house both detests and wants to avoid repeating. furthering his resentment, but reinforcing his fathers authority
- despite his knowledge that his father is wrong, his dad claims to do these acts out of love, to teach dicipline, to toughen him up. (in this way his struggle with god is really an allegory of his father: is it better he hates me (i deserve pain) or loves me (i dont deserve pain) when he does awful things to me? or is it better for him to not exist at all (things just happen, there is no deserving)?
-in my perspective, especially as house got older, into his teens, he was actually probably really "well behaved" finally smart enough to fake social cues and swallow his pride so that his father wouldnt hit him or what have you (which is why he regresses to a child often as an adult, because he was not allowed those things)
its interesting to me, to see how all of houses character is shaped around the shadow of his father. the parts where he is similar: rigid, principled, yell-y, and where he is intentionally different: encourages independent thinking, respects challenges to his authority (only when he has authority lmao that all falls apart when people take his power(read:agency) away, his biggest trigger)
and none of this even gets into his mother, blythe (a word which means both happiness and bland disintrest) which is a whole nother can of worms. the fact that at the funeral she said that "the war was over" (which implied that no matter how much house actually listened to his father, there was still a part of him that couldnt help but to point out the logical issues, and therefore continued abuse)
lastlly, she had said that john loved him. which i think house believes to be true. especially when he tries to talk to his dead father in season 6, he says "i think i focus on the wrong things," implying that he did want to find some peace with that relationship, and that he wanted his fathers love, despite it being illogical, painful and confusing.
that he was willing to look past the abuse was shocking to me, because house is right his father shouldnt of abused him. but it was coming from a place of love, however ill concieved.
this is as close as we get to house praying to god. to admit that the suffering of life cannot be defied or denied, and grasp for the love nestled in between all the pain, however flawed, wrong, or illogical.
in a lot of ways, his story is so much about houses struggle with the body, its agency, its disability, its doom. he literally becomes a doctor to grasp with this ideologically (at times paradoxically) instead of physics because his question isnt really about existance in general
its about why he exists in the broken, painful way he does. and at the end of it, he sets down his need for an answer, righteousness, and admits that despite it all, his body cant help but love. and that love is the death of him. the end of his suffering.
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sh4rki3-fr0gz · 2 months ago
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dude-wheres-thepie · 2 years ago
it is so funny to me that wilson and house (and the rest of the team ofc) have bets all the time, because they’re both heads of departments and they make hella money, but like they’d do insane shit for $20
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