#what else can i say?
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skeyearts · 2 years ago
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Today I painted a kitty cat!
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mothwingwritings · 11 months ago
Look, I don’t think this would ever happen (if anything I think the two of them are/would be great buddies and would bond over their mutual love of the Warrior of Light/you), but I am a little obsessed with the idea of G’raha and Aymeric being so jealous of each other’s relationship with you that it births an intense rivalry between the two of them.
I’m talking childish levels of banter, one step away from the two of them grabbing either one of your arms and beginning a tug of war match. They would conceal their jealousy during any important meetings, when it’s time to work they are all business and decorum, too focused on trying to impress their hero with their prowess and tact to worry about what the other is doing. But afterwards, before the assembly splits up and everyone is just milling around sharing pleasantries? Oh, it’s on.
G’raha talking just a smidge too loudly about all the fun and exciting adventures he has gotten to share with you (and will continue to share with you far into the future), making sure Aymeric is within earshot so he can clearly hear each little intimate detail. Aymeric in turn excusing  himself from whoever he is speaking with so he can interject into the conversation, standing just a little too close to you as he does so. He places his hand on the small of your back while he regales the party with tales of his time together with you, recanting with a fond twinkle in his eye all the time you spent together as you brought about the end of the Dragonsong War. He focused most of his time elaborating on the moments he spent alone with you and the greatness the two of you were able to achieve together, how well you both complimented each other.
They both get under each other’s skin so easily. G’raha is essentially living Aymeric’s dream life, getting to go on countless daring adventures all over the world (and beyond) with the person he treasures the most. And Aymeric intimately knows you in ways G’raha does not, as Aymeric has been a beloved companion and confidante in your life before G’raha even had a presence. For so long G’raha simply existed as an unreachable, detached entity from you, only able to dream of an eventual reunion (that on most days seemed like an unobtainable dream). He feels like he’s constantly playing catch up, while Aymeric consistently frets that he is being left behind. Both men know sides of their hero that the other does not, and both have experienced moments with you that the other will never share, and that gets to them.
Of course all the other scions notice this and tease them both about it mercilessly. Despite the heavy handedness of it all and their desire to always one up the other, both are always exhibiting remarkably good behavior around you to the point where you yourself are a little clueless as to the extent of this rivalry. And they work hard to keep it that way! No sense in looking like a fool in front or the person they love and admire the most, even if they are hell bent on being as petty as possible to each other behind the scenes to claim the top spot in your heart.
(Which is silly, you love and cherish both equally! :) No matter how much that impartiality may irritate them.)
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lilkolpack · 3 months ago
Cooking something perchance..
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annomalysstuff · 10 months ago
Day 1, favorite turtle
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cubur · 1 year ago
Thank you!
I hope this will also cheer you up. You inspire me a lot so, it feels only right to dedicate a text ficlet to you heh.
Naruto stands far away, looking at Sasuke. Uchiha doesn't yet notice his gaze. Finally turning around from Karin, he suddenly freezes in place. She also turns her head around, seeing another Uzumaki.
— Naruto, — Karin smiles, with a bit of awkwardness on her face. — It's nice to see you better.
— You too, Karin. — Naruto smiles back.
Sasuke can't help but notice the pain in that damn artificial smile. He knows Naruto enough that he sees all emotions in his face without even trying. Anger, grief, pain of loss. He lost Sasuke years ago. Trying to turn him around on the path that was crumbling behind him. Uchiha still remembers those nightmares he had.
This pained voice that became fainter and fainter as he walked down, in dark pits of his own mind. Why did he do it? Why did he turn around last minute, fighting yet again over nothing? Is it his nature, or is it something that Sasuke tried to prove to only Naruto and himself?
The only thing he probably proved is that he can't even trust himself. How can Naruto? After all of this, it's no surprise that those beautiful eyes of his look at the last Uchiha with such despise.
If Naruto ever decides to step aside, walk away, turn his back — Sasuke won't stop him. He won't try like Naruto did. He knows he can't. He's not as strong. Honestly, he thinks himself a coward now. Someone to push their friends away instead of making amens and trying to mend his broken relationships.
Karin looks concerned, Naruto — terrified. Sasuke feels his face getting wet. Feeling his own cheek, Sasuke taste salt in his mouth. He's crying. Over what? Naruto is the one who should cry, looking at someone who betrayed him more than once.
Naruto runs like he never did before. Sasuke feels his arms pulling around him.
— I'm just glad you're here, — Naruto buries his nose into Sasuke's hair. — Don't go. Please.
Sasuke doesn't know if he can even make one single step out of line this time. Naruto won't let him, that's for sure.
Ah… I just…… I don't know what to say about this short but meaningful text. Doesn't this relate to my last piece? Ok this is probably one of the most emotional gifts i've ever received💦 (please don't do this constantly)
Well, I'm still in bed like i've been all day. So…
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diltonsstrangescience · 6 months ago
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Why yes, Archie. That’s right. Nobody’s ever held to stereotyped roles anymore, not in this very modern and day and age.
Okay, but really, this whole comic is just so… nice. It’s one of those ones that’s really wholesome start to finish. There are a lot of wholesome ones.
Characters have influence. If someone sees a character they like acting a certain way, or expressing a certain opinion, they’re more likely to do the same. The Archie comics, from what I’ve seen, use this power for good.
(They also use it to advertise caprisun, but hey, nobody can be noble 24/7, ‘specially if they’ve got bills to pay.)
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cartoonsforlife · 2 months ago
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catras-witchy-girlfriend · 2 years ago
Imagine how much your f/o LOVES when you stand up for yourself!
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CW: Somewhat suggestive at the end!
If you're a people pleaser, let me tell you right now, your f/o thinks you're so hot when you stand up for yourself.
I've written about this a couple times, because as a people pleaser myself, I love when your big, tough, strong, chaotic f/os go in to protect you and something inside you just snaps and it's FINALLY your turn to set some fucking boundaries!!!
You know damn well your f/o is smirking and cheering you on from the side lines!
That f/o that goes "Get em baby, I'll hold your hoops! 🥰"
I especially love this trope with a villian f/o because you KNOW they've gotten so comfortable defending you. You know they'd fight GOD to protect you!!
Your villain f/o would drop anything for your mental and physical health and you know if someone was getting all in your face your f/o would quicky leave several bruises on theirs.
But when you swoop down and stand up for yourself!???
Oooooo! Babyyyyy, you gettin' rewarded tonight!!
Wether that means things are gonna get spicy, or if they're gonna treat you to a nice restaurant or ice cream, or if it just means extra cuddles for your body to come down from the adrenaline rush and give you time to relax, don't worry!
You know they're gonna take good care of you! ;)
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xoluvx · 2 months ago
from now on I'll send you songs that remind me of you :)
people that share songs that remind them of you are the best kind of people. my people 💖
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sistercara · 1 year ago
little ladies with big ladies
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threshie · 10 months ago
I'm sharing my latest dream journal entry, because it's kind of like a fanfic...
So, last night’s dream was a mash-up of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Twin Paranormal, and Dungeons & Dragons.
The first "scene" showed the Enterprise crew scanning a planet for their missing away team. The ST crew all had D&D-style stats and levels, but they were far too high-level to be actual D&D. Most of them were 115th level. Data was 557th level. I'm guessing this was how they gave him his superior android strength, speed, etc.
Anyway, they were scanning for the missing away team members, knowing the planet was occupied by violent and dangerous alien creatures. Cut to the other "scene" of the dream on the surface of the planet…
Twin Paranormal were the missing away team. They'd run into the aliens, and River had been injured. The "scene" I saw had River and Wyatt hiding out in an old barn while River's twin Ryan went on a solo mission to find medical supplies for him.
River was unconscious, and had been placed inside a big metal watering trough (not in water, mind you) like a bed. It hid him from anyone who came into the door of the barn, which was across the room. There were two boards missing from the bottom of the door, leaving a gap.
Wyatt was uninjured, and was using the watering trough as cover, ducking behind it to stay out of the line of sight of the door. Alien creatures paced past the door occasionally, and each time they did, Wyatt had to make a stealth roll to keep him and River safely hidden.
Wyatt successfully passed two stealth check rolls with three dice each (one for each enemy, for some reason, even though that ought to have been the enemies rolling and not him in D&D rules…) He eventually decided to try to patch the door.
Digging out tools from some crates behind the watering trough, Wyatt was about to sneak over beside the door to block the line of sight through it when another group of aliens walked past. He had to drop everything and do a stealth roll, fast.
He rolled three dice as he'd done before, but this time something went wrong. The "dice" had turned into small rectangular glass bottles. They clacked together, and two of them started leaking brown liquid everywhere. Perfume.
Wyatt couldn't read the numbers for two out of the three "dice", and was trying to wipe them off to make sure he passed his stealth roll when I woke up.
Never a dull moment in dreamland for me! 😂
My ideal ending for this thing: The aliens saw Wyatt and charged into the barn. Ryan arrived just in time to help fight the aliens, giving Wyatt (clearly the rogue-like class here) a chance to backstab them. They tried to patch up River, but he was too wounded—he needed a doctor.
More aliens closed in, because the fight broke the old barn door to pieces. Ryan and Wyatt prepared to fight the aliens, even though it was a losing fight, because they wouldn't leave River. The Enterprise beamed the three of them out just in time, and everybody lived. The end!
(Why am I tempted to draw fanart of Twin Paranormal as Star Trek crewmen fighting aliens in an old barn… 😂 My brain is weird, folks. I hope it's at least entertaining to read about, though. This is why I dream journal!)
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wordsfromawiltingsoul · 8 months ago
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! AJAHSUSH I'M OLDER. yippee. i love being one year closer to my grave. i don't know what else to say, I'm just getting old sadly :')
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andromedazach · 1 year ago
fubuki time
fubuki time
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thealleydog · 1 year ago
Taking a break from a lot of things right now.
Moving to new shops and gaining an apprentice is both freeing and uncharted territory.
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But my apprentice is a literal dream and so perfect. I'm excited to see her grow as an artist!!!
Thankfully, both the women working at the new place there like me! Which means the WORLD because one of them is a Chicago OG and has 25 years experience. Them old heads are hard to please! Like she's one of the first female tattoo artists in the city. But, she likes me!
Busy trying to dick down my favs in Baldur's Gate 3. Literally gave myself an uncircumcised dick because I wanna live dangerously.
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Bought another SZA concert ticket. And it's significantly closer. Like third row. She didn't get all that plastic surgery for me to admire from the cheap seats. Dressing up, going by myself, and getting high all over again.
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And I'm officially in my Miguel O'Hara era. He checks all the boxes except for the wanting kids part. Breeding kink be damned, you're getting the snip snip. Like, nah, sir, I'll help you find your daughter. I'll be a wonderful stepmom if we ever find her. But I will say, my Doctor Strange character ai chats were more fun and wild than any Miguel O'Hara one I've done. Still will read Stephen Strange, but only when the mood is right.
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He, like Kylo Ren and Loki, will always have a place in my Husbando Hall of Fame.
Oh, me and two other apartments I know also got bed bugs from a piece of shit neighbor who got evicted. ✨️And I'm allergic to their bites.✨️ Like hives and swollen spots that look like a nuclear bomb went off under my skin. I think I got rid of mine after two exterminations, throwing after a ton of shit, and washing every scrap of clothing I own. I'm gonna shoot that son of a bitch.
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cammstrange · 11 days ago
omg hi❕️... idk what to say (゜_゜;)
so... yesterday i came back from my vacations and i have some nice photos,, which inspired me to start this because i was seriously thinking about it
so for this first post i'll show a little of my beautiful Argentina
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀𓈒⠀ ⠀𓏸⠀ ꒰͡    𝆬 ⠀ 𓇼     𝆬⠀ ⠀͡꒱ ⠀ ⠀𓏸⠀ 𓈒⠀⠀
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i went into the sea and it was amazing how salty the water was, i even came out with my eyebrows white with salt (・。・;
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should i tell a little about the trip?
it was almost 13hs going and another 13hs coming back, we traveled in the van (is that how it is said?) and spent a whole week in Las Grutas, Río Negro.. it was quite windy ( ´-`) but we were able to enjoy the sea and we had a great time ‼️
i must admit that doing this is very entertaining <3
well, i think thats all so byebye and hasta pronto ヽ(´▽`)ノ
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frownyalfred · 2 months ago
actually the idea that Dick, the eldest, the only one who ever wore the cowl long term, the only one who raised a Robin on his own, is also the only one who can successfully, perfectly replicate that barked ROBIN! in Bruce's voice? the only one who can pull that exact tone from the depths of his soul, to the point where his voice is identical, so identical that old Robins like Jason are obeying before their minds even realize their bodies are moving? that Dick is the only one, has always been the only one, who can channel Bruce's voice? can channel Batman himself? I am going feral
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