#pretending to be a girl blogger
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cammstrange · 11 days ago
omg hi❕️... idk what to say (゜_゜;)
so... yesterday i came back from my vacations and i have some nice photos,, which inspired me to start this because i was seriously thinking about it
so for this first post i'll show a little of my beautiful Argentina
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀𓈒⠀ ⠀𓏸⠀ ꒰͡    𝆬 ⠀ 𓇼     𝆬⠀ ⠀͡꒱ ⠀ ⠀𓏸⠀ 𓈒⠀⠀
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i went into the sea and it was amazing how salty the water was, i even came out with my eyebrows white with salt (・。・;
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should i tell a little about the trip?
it was almost 13hs going and another 13hs coming back, we traveled in the van (is that how it is said?) and spent a whole week in Las Grutas, Río Negro.. it was quite windy ( ´-`) but we were able to enjoy the sea and we had a great time ‼️
i must admit that doing this is very entertaining <3
well, i think thats all so byebye and hasta pronto ヽ(��▽`)ノ
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pr3tty-when-1-cry · 8 days ago
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cherrry-bomb · 26 days ago
i pretend that i’m innocent and still pure so someone will think i’m worthy of having a good life but nothing i do is ever enough
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porcelanitaa · 5 months ago
I love seeing other people socializing cause it teaches me how to socialize and act like a human
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angels444yuri · 1 year ago
sorry for not posting as much. i've had less need to seek out attention these days
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focusnicole · 5 months ago
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oct. 4, 2024
today was v v v good ヽ(o^ ^o)ノ !!! i went to my internship and (tried to) learn adobe and then went back to my dorm and knocked out my sociology essay. i finished up some french work, did chores around the apartment, and around six my boyfriend picked me up for a (surprise) date and we went out to eat, bought legos, and watched the wild robot!! which i successfully did not cry over haha. he even told me what to wear so we’d match; it was very very cute ^^!!!
✦ got done ;
my sociology paper
finally getting to wash my laundry (laundry room struggles)
adobe lesson
✦ the best parts ;
finally watching the movie i’ve been dying to see
poke bowl + boba dinner (☆▽☆)
fresh washed clothes
hanging out with roommates 
seeing my boyfriend after a week apart
✦ trackers ;
sleep: 9 hrs
water: 51 / 68
protein: 22.2 / 75 g
study hours: 5 hrs 45 mins
screen time: 4 hrs
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basically-queenberyl · 2 years ago
I remember going to school with girls who were obviously trying so hard to be a character from a movie to make their lives more interesting.
And I’m here for it…
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theseerbetweenus · 7 months ago
Happy friendship day to everyone except that one girl who has been friends with me for 11 years but talked shit about me behind my back for 3 and more!
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beatheprincess · 11 months ago
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I'm obsessed w my pc camera I look so cute xD I pretend to record for fun <3
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glazed-with-frost · 1 year ago
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They do be like this
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angels444yuri · 11 months ago
March 24th (5:45 AM). i feel the intense urge to be hung out with. i want to go out and do things w my girlies 😞
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arabellasleopardcoat · 4 months ago
Threefold cord (Daemon Targaryen x Reader)
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Summary: Daemon’s wife is presumed dead. But is she?
A/N: Blue beard, to finish my Halloween celebration because I cannot write on schedule. Also @just-some-random-blogger look! The fic I told you about.
Warnings: Hightower!reader x Daemon. Smut. Alicent, Gwayne and reader as siblings. Death of Rhea Royce. Happy ending!
“ARE YOU TRULY about to wed him?” You set your teacup down on its saucer. When your father had summoned you to the capital, you had known it was important news. But Alicent becoming a Queen? It surpassed everything you had imagined.
Your father wanted to make sure you were there to witness her triumph. Alicent lacked allies in court, beyond the Princess. And that relationship would sour as soon as the other girl heard just who her father was to wed.
Alicent was too naive to see it. Or purposefully blind. She claimed to not know what she had been doing when visiting the King, too. You guessed the thought made it easier to bear for her.
You didn’t blame her. King Viserys was old and beginning to show signs of being sickly. The thought of offering yourself to such a man, twice your age, on your father’s orders, wasn’t pleasant. You would rather pretend you were just being kind.
“It is for the best. Father says that he…” Alicent begins justifying her actions, and you tune out. You know it will just be a repetition of your father’s lectures. Duty. Bearing children. Women knowing their place.
You pitied her, for believing in his bullshit. It wasn’t as if either of you could escape your fate, but you at least tried not to lower yourself into thinking you were a lesser, gentler being, made to be bred. Instead, you enjoyed thinking you were a person. Just as human as any man, just as smart, just as strong. Only one trapped by your status as a noblewoman.
You sip at your tea. You are cautious not to make a sound when doing so, and not take too big of a sip. Anyone who gazes at your courtly smile and comely manners would not guess your innermost thoughts.
Alicent continues her tirade, describing animatedly how much she wants to do her duty and birth children. How she knows her body will not fail her as it did for the late Queen. She has an unfortunate thirst for proving herself, your eldest sister.
“And King Viserys asked me about you, the other day. He would like for you to marry Prince Daemon…”
The tea you are drinking goes down the wrong way. You start coughing, and have to hurriedly set down your teacup as to not burn yourself.
“Excuse me?” You say, once the coughing fit subsides a bit, and you are able to wipe your mouth with a napkin. “I will… What? Does father know of this?”
She looks at you, concerned, but says nothing about it. She pours herself another cup of tea.
“Prince Daemon’s wife has been missing for a while. They think she might have…” Alicent leans in, voice lowering. You are in the Tower of the Hand, surrounded by men loyal to your father, and yet she feels she cannot say it freely. You wonder what has Lady Royce done to scandalize her such. “Ran away. With a lover.”
“You prude!” You laugh. You had thought it much worse. “She wouldn’t be the first woman to do so, don’t be nai…”
“A female one.” Alicent interrupts, setting down her own teacup. The movement is a bit harsh, making the porcelain screech.
You open and close your mouth. You had not known that was even a possibility.
“How does one..?”
“Be as it may…” She raises a hand, halting you. “Father says you shall marry him, if he finds you agreeable.”
There was not much you knew about politics, but you were pretty sure the Prince despised your father and your house by extension. You doubted he would find you agreeable. Your father would doubt it too, but he was too blinded by the hope of getting Runestone.
Lady Royce had no heir. Her castle had gone to Daemon, the King needing little convincing to award it to his beloved brother. Imagining all that bronze in your hands, in House Hightower’s hands, would have him salivating. At getting his enemy away from court? That was only an unexpected bonus. If the man liked you and decided he wanted to play Come-into-my-castle with you, you were sure your father would dance a gig.
You wouldn’t. If it did happen… You shuddered, thinking of the man with the lecherous grin, always whoring. Twice your age, and crass as they came. The only times you had crossed paths, he had been busy ogling Alicent or his niece.
“I am not marrying him.”
Alicent frowns at you. Her eyes turn sad. When she gets contradicted, she looks much like a kicked puppy.
“I have never met him.” You explain, feeling guilty over upsetting her. She is just so much like your father, sometimes. It angers you, even when you know it is not her fault. She doesn’t have the same anger in her veins as you do. All she ever wanted was to please your father.
“He is looking for a wife, and King Viserys thinks it would be marvelous if you married him. I have told him all about you.” Alicent sounds excited about the whole thing, and just… No. You do not want to marry a man twice your age. Gross. Her tone turns softer. “I think it would be nice. To belong to the same House even after marriage. To be never parted from my sister.”
The want in her expression makes you soften. It is not often that Alicent admits to desiring anything, and you do not wish to discourage her.
“I’ll meet him.” You decide. “Just that.”
“Oh, how wonderful!”
And the Seven bless her, she actually seems delighted to hear it.
THE WEDDING IS awfully dull. The Septon drones on and on about the Mother and the Father, and the duties of marriage. Alicent looks stunning in her silk gown, beautiful but modest. It is no use. People already speak of what she has done to trap the King into marriage.
Princess Rhaenyra keeps sending her glares during the feast. Sometimes in anger, sometimes in hurt. She is not quite sure what to feel. You can tell from the way she pauses when looking at Alicent. You pity her too.
Losing a mother is a terrible thing. You can only imagine how much it hurts to see her replaced by a girl your own age.
The Princess is a woman who has everything and yet, it's still a woman. No power to stop her father from bedding her best friend, no power to change anything at all. The realization of her powerlessness is clear in her features.
In contrast, you doubt you have ever seen your father this happy. Ever. He is alight with pride. As if throwing his daughter to an old man is some great accomplishment. He has spared no expense on this wedding, the ceremony and feast lavish in a way that feels almost tasteless.
The pomp and luxuries have you feeling morose. You sip at your hippocras, tucked into a corner of the high table, and try to pretend you are invisible. Gwayne has left you far too soon, off to dance with some ladies.
He has always been the courteous sort, just like you. You enjoy watching him charm the ladies, and enjoy more the fact that he hasn’t tried to drag you to the dance floor.
For that, you are grateful. Some ladies are lively and dance as if gliding through water. You do not. Dancing had not been on the list of abilities you had acquired during your etiquette lessons.
It had always felt like peacocking to you. Showing yourself to others, showing how pretty you smiled, how graceful you were. The attention it brought made you uncomfortable. You much preferred blending in.
“Strange choice of drink you have there.” Prince Daemon says, sitting across from you. “Even stranger that you are still sitting at your sister's wedding.”
“I could say the same.” You reply, colder than you planned to. The hippocras is hitting you already, making your temper shorter. You have little interest in Daemon Targaryen.
There is a secret plan in your head. When you reach thirty, you will claim a sudden awakening of Faith and retire to the comforts of life as a Septa. You have done enough charity to know that Septas don’t do as much as they like people to think. The only thing you will miss will be the alcohol.
“Ah, but I am just sitting now.” He idly reaches for the carafe of hippocras you are monopolizing, and serves himself a goblet. “Is this any good?”
“At least it’s not dornish swill.” Dornish wine has to be the worst thing you have ever tasted, not even fit for pigs. Bitter and watery, the mere thought annoys you.
Prince Daemon barks out a laughter.
“Good Gods, where was Otto hiding you?”
“Probably in the same place as your decency.”
“Thread carefully.” Daemon’s expression turns far colder. His hand tightens around the stem of his goblet. “I might like your cheek, but I am still a prince of the realm.”
“One soon to be displaced.” You toast. A bit of hippocras spills from your goblet. You are far too drunk to care about his thoughts. “Be it by my nephews or your niece.”
His face reddens.
“Bitch.” He spits the word from clenched teeth. You laugh loudly.
“You are an insolent little thing, aren’t you?” Daemon snarls, leaning over the table as if to throttle you. Drunk as you are, you don’t feel any fear. You have just enough rational thoughts left to believe you will be alright, since even the darkened corner you have chosen to sit in is too public for him to murder you without repercussions.
“I am small but fierce.”
“I can see that. Do all Hightower cunts have teeth?”
You smile at him, lazy and warm from the drinks you have had.
“I don’t know, care to find out?”
And Daemon laughs. He asks you to dance instead. As he twirls you and dips you, you come to find he is not bad company after all. And if you laugh a tad more than necessary, and accept his offer to walk the gardens the next afternoon, no one can blame you.
“IT IS BUT a couple of days.” Daemon says to you, softly. You lay on your stomach, head propped up on your arms. You twist your head just so to force him to see your sad little pout.
His hand comes to rub at your shoulders, as if you were a spooked horse he is trying to soothe. His touch is warm and calming against your bare skin.
“I’ll be back before you know it.”
He has soothed you into complacency, this husband of yours. He allows you to indulge in fine wines, and be as frivolous as you wish. The only thing he asks of you is that you are warm and willing when he is. It is no chore.
Long gone is your rage. Now, you exist in a perfect bubble, where no one constricts your freedom. There is no screeching father to tell you that you are a disaster, nor is there a horrified Alicent. Instead, Daemon encourages all your eccentricities, and teaches you some new ones.
“Will you?” You roll on your side, stretching. You have done nothing today, not even dress. Daemon and you have spent the whole morning tangled in each other, warm and naked.
He smiles. That same grin that had once seemed so lecherous to you, now looks inviting.
You bite your lower lip, already anticipating what is to come.
“Minx.” Daemon laughs, before leaning in to press an open-mouthed kiss to your shoulder. The contact of his lips against your skin makes you shiver, a delicate sigh leaving you. “You won’t even notice I am gone.”
“Of course I will.” You whine, as he kisses a path down your spine. “Who will bring me such pleasure?”
A sudden, sharp pain on your arse makes you yelp and sit up. Daemon smirks, and feigns taking another bite out of you.
“You are so spoiled.” He laughs. “Cannot take even a little pain. I’ll leave you some coin, and you can invite your sister to keep you company. How does it sound?”
“Think the King can spare his Queen?” You have not seen your sister since your wedding. The ravens fly fast enough that you know the news already, but you doubt King Viserys will allow her to be out of his sight for long. Not when pregnant.
Daemon nips at your thigh. You jerk, but he coaxes you back into laying on your stomach.
“Before she gets too round to travel, yes. In a few moons, it will have to be us making the trip.”
“Gods, I hate babes.”
“So do I.” He rubs at your inner thigh, slowly prying your legs open. “So? Is my spoiled wife happy?”
“Very.” You rub your face in the pillow, all kittenish. You like being called his. “Do I get the keys of the castle, too?”
Daemon kisses the place where your thigh meets your arse. You can feel his smile against your skin, promising sin.
“Of course. Just don’t go into the room with the red door, alright? I forbid it.”
“You do?” You challenge, thinking it part of the game. So far, you have yet to explore all of Runestone, always too entertained by him to do so. There are a few rooms he is cagey about, but you have always blamed it on Daemon being very private and needing his space. He has never allowed you into his personal library, either. Says you would ruin the books.
You have never minded it. You understand your place here, the dumb young wife. Men never like thinking the woman they are with can be more interesting than them. To think you can also have an interest in books, apart from being frivolous, would be too much for him to handle.
The warning about the red door only registers to you as part of the games you usually play in the bedroom. Something he can punish you about later on, something that might excuse a round of rough lovemaking.
But his expression turns into a frightening mask of utter rage. He pinches you in the thigh, and this time, it really hurts.
“Fuck!” You cry out, fighting his hold. His grip has turned from the sweetest chains into unforgiving iron around your hips. You cannot move. Not even as he slaps your thigh, hard enough to make your eyes water. “Daemon, what the..?”
“I mean it.” He is cruel about it, slapping again the stinging flesh. “I do not want you in there. If you disobey, I’ll know.”
You stare at him, open-mouthed, You cannot comprehend how fast he has flipped, from kind lover to whatever this is. The rogue Prince is mercurial, you think, echoing the letter your father had once written complaining about him, his moods dangerous.
“Fine!” You cry out, desperate to evict this creature that has taken sudden hold of your husband’s body. “Fine! No opening the red door.”
Daemon softens then. His shoulders slump, and his face goes back into a mask of devotion.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” He presses a kiss to your thigh, to the place he slapped. You tense. “It is dangerous for you. Like the Moondoor in The Eyrie.”
Yet, as his touch turns back into loving, you do not forget. There is something about what lies beyond that red door that turns him into a monster. A creature capable of hurting even you.
You intend to find out what it is.
THE FORTNIGHT SPENT with Alicent is by far, the best of your life. Runestone is grand, with intricate tapestries and artwork decorating the walls. Your sister has always loved art, and the time spent surrounded by beautiful things seems to rejuvenate her.
Her pregnancy appears to be easy and without fuzz. There is no nausea preventing her from having as many lemon cakes as you two wish, or from exploring the Vale’s markets, trying on dresses and tasting expensive food.
The money Daemon has left you is enough to fund your shopping sprees. You have so much fun, running in the halls and trying on dresses, it feels as if you are little girls again. The only thing missing from your childhood is Gwayne.
So you send for him.
Despite how much joy your time spent with your sister brings you, you cannot shake the thought about the red door.
It is situated in one of the towers, near the place where Daemon keeps his books. You pass by it daily, for Alicent’s rooms have been placed in the same tower. Housing a Queen is no easy task, much less when she carries the heir to the Iron Throne inside her. She had come with servants and guards, who had to be housed too. There was no space but that tower.
That tower. Each time you pass it, you have to clench your fists hard to stop yourself from reaching towards it. Every time you open a door, your hands linger on the only key you will never use.
What lies behind the red door? What can possibly upset your husband such and change him from a careless hedonist into a violent man?
When no one is near, you kneel by the door and try to look through the keyhole. The lock on the door is old and smells faintly of iron. The only thing you can see looking through the keyhole is rust.
Trying to look under the door gives you the same results. Rust and iron, and a nagging curiosity that will not leave you alone.
You try to forget about it. You owe obedience to your husband, and you remember all too well the tale of the woman who owned a jar that should never be opened. It had been a favorite of your father during your youth.
A wife must never pry. For she might find something she doesn’t like.
Yet, when you think of Daemon grabbing you hard enough to bruise, you realize you already have found something you do not like. It is that thought what helps you make up your mind. One afternoon, when Alicent claims to be too tired to keep you company, you decide to open the door.
Your hands are slick with sweat, and shaking so much it takes you two tries to fit the key into the keyhole. Your heart feels like it will leap out of your chest. Suddenly, you are paralyzed.
You cannot turn the key. Your hands have gone rigid. Your fear overwhelms you. What could possibly be in here, if not a terrible secret?
You turn it. The lock clicks, and the door gives with an ominous creak. You step inside, as careful as you can. The floor is slick and sticky. When you look down, your shoes and the hem of your gown are tinted red.
You scream. You turn towards the walls, only to find more blood. Bloodied rags, stains, a bloodied dagger. You begin to feel lightheaded. When you stumble towards a corner, you see her.
A corpse of a woman, hugging her knees to her chest. Her body is rotting, half of her face gone, but enough of it remaining so you can see that it has frozen in an expression of utter horror, much like your own. She wears a rune covered armor, and has several cuts all over.
This time, you fall down. The keys slip from your grip, and you scream so loud, you are sure you wake the whole castle.
The missing Rhea Royce.
“Good gods!” Alicent cries out, behind you. You stumble to your feet, terrified. She cannot see it. Daemon… Daemon was going to kill you both. “What is this? By the Seven, is that..?”
“He is going to kill me.” You say, wiping the blood clinging to your hands on your dress. You try to clean the keys as well, but the stain won’t come out. No matter how hard you try. “He’ll know.”
“He is not going to, we can go to the King, and I am sure there is…” Alicent sounds horrified. She lingers on the doorstep, already on her nightshirt. Her belly is barely beginning to show.
“Alicent!” You say, sharply. “He’ll know. You have to run, Alicent. He will kill us both.”
“And leave you to die?” Your sister sounds indignant. “I cannot. You cannot…”
You cannot run, you wish to say. You cannot because if you do, Daemon will know even quicker, and chase you both. If you stay, maybe you can fool him. Or at least, give your sister a fighting chance.
“Please!” You cry. “Do it for the babe.”
Alicent’s lips turn white from the force she uses to keep them closed. She looks into your eyes, and hesitates. You fear she might not go through it.
“Go!” You cry, slipping on all the blood.
And Alicent, big brown eyes wide, hikes up her skirts and runs.
DAEMON NOTICES AS soon as he asks for the keys. You have never been a good liar, and the blood still stains them. When handing them over, you shake.
His smile drops. He no longer is the happy husband, but the creature that had frightened you the other night. The creature that had killed Rhea Royce, and took her lands.
“You couldn’t leave it alone, could you?” He grabs you by the neck, snarling.“I told you to leave it alone.”
Your pulse begins to race. You cannot speak, and you can only take shallow breaths. Your panic must show on your face because Daemon smiles at you, coldly. He squeezes a tad harder, enough to cut off your breath.
You gasp. It comes out more like a choked hiccup.
“Look at what you are making me do.” When you are starting to feel lightheaded, breath coming out in desperate wheezes, Daemon gives you a shove. “I never wanted to do this. This is all your fault.”
“You don’t have to kill me.” You plead, voice shaking. “I’ll keep your secret.”
Daemon looks at you, and laughs.
“I assure you, I have not gotten away with it this long because I believe every pretty thing telling me they will keep their mouths shut.”
Your eyes widen. The phrasing is strange. Every pretty thing…
“There had been others?” Daemon scoffs at your question, but doesn’t answer. You look into his eyes, and try pleading once more. At this point, tears are streaming down your cheeks. You are sure you make a very pathetic sight. “Just… Don’t kill me.”
“Good Gods. Are all Hightowers this dumb or is it you and Aliwhore?” Daemon grasps your face, roughly. You cannot believe your ears. Where is all this hatred coming from? It seems like the man you loved, the one that had courted you for endless summer days, is gone. All that is left is his profound hatred for you and your family. Had he only pretended not to hate you, and was showing his true colors now? “At least die with some dignity, you pathetic cunt.”
Dignity. Dignity could buy you time. You need it, to think of a way to survive.
“Allow me to pray, then. To make my peace with my death.”
Prayer wasn’t your strong forte. But you guessed you could possibly buy an hour with it. You had never been as devout as your siblings, but you could pretend well enough to fill the time as you tried to make your own miracle happen.
Daemon studies your expression closely. He tilts your head up and down, and then gives you a patronizing little pat on the cheek.
“Fine.” He spits out. “Pray. Only a few minutes, not a second more.”
You walk past him, intent on going back to the tower where a statue of the Mother stands. You watch his face carefully when you pass by him, worried he is only toying with you and has no true intention of allowing you to pray in solitude. But he doesn’t stop you.
You make your way to the highest tower, kneel by the feet of the statue and weep. Your weakness only lasts you a moment because when you lift your gaze, you catch sight of a green standard approaching the gates.
Could that be..?
“Are you done?” Daemon asks, from behind the closed door. You can hear the drag of steel against steel, and picture him in your mind’s eye. Taking Dark Sister out of her sheath, face full of bloodlust.
“Just a minute more.” You beg, watching the rider stop at the gates and being allowed in by the guards. “Don’t kill me, please! Not yet!” You cry out, as loud as you can, hoping your voice carries.
Daemon bursts in, Dark Sister held by his side. His smile is cold, his face the image of calm. One would never guess he is about to kill someone by watching his expression. You notice the dagger he carries at his hip, but do not dare to try to take it. Not when Dark Sister’s reach is much longer.
“Oh, spare me the hysterics. More prayer will not spare you.” He lunges at you, and you evade him, but there are only so many places one can run to in a small room. Daemon catches you by wrapping your braid in his hand, giving you a harsh tug that makes you tumble down. You scream.
“Shut up. Seven Hells, quiet.” Daemon places the sword at your throat. “You will…”
The door is thrown open by a kick, the loud bang startling him and making his grip falter.
“She will do nothing.” Gwayne says, firmly. You can see Alicent standing behind him, wrenching her hands together. You have never been more grateful to see them. “Or I’ll gut you like a fish.”
“Oh?” Daemon shoves you. You do not fight his push, laying limply on the floor. He turns towards Gwayne, sword no longer focused on you. “You think you can beat me, boy?”
Gwayne cannot. He had lost to him in a tourney not even six months before. You do not hesitate. You grab the dagger at Daemon’s hip and stab him in the stomach, hard. And you do it again, and again, until your hands and face are covered in blood, and Daemon does no longer move.
You look up at your siblings, then. Alicent’s face is horrified, but when she senses your eyes on her, she smooths down her expression. Gwayne watches with vague interest. At some point, he seems to have taken Dark Sister from Daemon’s hand because he now holds it.
The three of you stare at each other. The blood on your hands is rapidly cooling and turning sticky. You wipe your hands on your dress.
You had thought you would feel something if you killed another person. Instead, you only feel numb. Empty. Daemon is gone, and so are his things. His kisses, his threats, the monster that lurked beneath.
It’s Alcent who first speaks, face pale. “The red room. We need to get to work.”
By the end of it, it is as if he never came home at all. The three of you hug, on the brink of tears. Another string tied you now, beyond the sibling bond. The man you had murdered, and the duty to forget him.
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youwillbeusedd · 1 month ago
Telegram: @TheUserName2000
I have so many more ideas, but this is where I want you to film:
- Play with your dog naked everyday until he licks you, fucks you, and fills your holes with cum
- Gag on your pissed on panties and rub your pussy until you cum.
- Cum until you cry. Until you literally can’t take it anymore. Count your orgasms out loud.
- Wear a super short skirt without panties in public and piss on the ground as you walk around
- Wear the same pair of panties until they’re crusty and nasty. Be a smelly girl just for me. Then gag on, sniff, and lick them.
- Crawl on the floor like a dog and show me every single inch of your naked body.
- Stuff your pussy and asshole full of food, push it out and eat it off the ground. Then tell me what you think about it. Pretend you’re a nasty little food blogger.
- If you live with your parents, rub your pussy on every inch of your house until everything smells like your pussy.
- If you have a sister, masturbate with all her things and never clean off anything. Do that everyday until her room smells just like you.
- Stretch your holes daily until they are completely and totally ruined. Like loose and sloppy. Do it until you’re completely embarrassed by your holes.
- Piss in a bowl, pretend to be a cat, and lap it up like milk
- Spread your ass and push out as hard as you can for me. Fart for me. If you make a mess that’s okay ;)
- Try to piss on your own face
- If you’re a pregnant mom, milk yourself for me and use your milk as lube
- Convince your best friend or sister to be nasty and obedient with you. Show her my blog. Tell her exactly what I want.
- If you’re a mom, convince your older daughter to be nasty and filthy with you ;)
- Crawl on the ground outside and piss like a dog
- See how many panties in you can fit in your pussy and mouth.
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imahgined · 2 months ago
the rosy blog project - episode 2:
꒰ঌ pt. 2 on how we made 2024 actually feel like 2014 ໒꒱
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hey there, honeybear! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
i loved doing this series so much, i literally couldn't end the year without writing even more ways our beloved rosy blog era got its way into 2024. you can check out part one here!
༊࿐ ⊹ ˚. my take on how we made 2024 really feel like 2014, part 2
| section 2: movies, trends, and nostalgia
ig dumps feeling like the og instagram posting style: omg, literally all i see on ig nowadays are people's photo dumps in so many different ways. this feels so much like the carefree vibe we had for posting when we first opened our ig accounts. i love the way it is slowly turning into a more relaxed and casual app.
reading and bookstagram came BACK: even though this has always been around, 2024 really brought back reading as an it girl hobby, like it was back in 2014. i feel like booktok blew up—there's a creator for every type of genre and style! i have been watching recommendations nonstop and started buying so many books, secondhand or new, to fill my shelves.
book-to-movie/tv show adaptations: also, there were so many book adaptations coming to the cinema, from it ends with us to uglies and the idea of you. i love that we're going to the movies again, dressing up, and being excited to see our favorite stories on screen. last year, we had the ballad of songbirds and snakes in theaters, that was the IT comeback from 2013 in 2023. we also had a teen wolf movie??? that is actually my fav show ever.
the sofia coppola obsession: there is literally nothing better than watching a sofia coppola movie. in 2024, i saw people all over pinterest and tiktok acclaiming her (which is absolutely necessary). and can we talk about the bling ring? it's THE most 2013-2014 movie i've seen. the story is crazy—i was so invested in it, i kept reading about it weeks after i saw the movie! also, not related to coppola, but i would recommend watching spring breakers if you like the 2010s look and feel in movies. it's not much of a good story, but i promise the visuals are insaneee.
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actual romcoms slowly becoming a thing again: we had movies this year like we live in time, one day, and turtles all the way down (a john green novel adaptation, so 2014!). i think the industry is trying to bring back those romantic movies we girlies love so much. last year, we even had anyone but you, which became really popular!
substack being the go-to platform for bloggers: this is actually SO cool. everyone these days is writing articles, reflections and overall just sharing their thoughts on substack. this is such a cool way to bring back the blogger era from the 2010s in a modern way. let me know what you like to read on the app! i personally love twirl magazine by @i-miss-2013, go check her out!
girly content trending everywhere: this year, it felt like everyone was posting aesthetic cute vlogs, pink hauls, girly fashion, and beauty tips! i'm SO here for that. i feel like girls are becoming more confident and comfortable embracing their femininity on social media, and i love that for us. so much like the rosy blog days!
quizzes on tiktok: i don't know about you guys, but i LOVED taking quizzes on books, magazines or even buzzfeed back in the day. this year, i saw so many tiktoks with these type of relaxing and cutesy tests, but in a more much visual way, with themes such as "plan your dream wedding" or "plan your dream vacation". this is so 2014 girly magazine coded—i loved it when these popped on my feed!
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source: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMkSuhfyN/
"challenges" on social media: this is what i mean when i say that social media is getting back on track with actually being fun and giving us a good laugh! we had such funny "challenges" like the hear me out cake trend, the we listen but we don't judge videos, and even the pretending our DOG got into harvard for no reason trend. ugh, i loved these so much—they were giving the same feel as the challenges we did back in the day in 2014 on social media.
i hope you liked the second post from the series! part 3 will be up tomorrow as my closing for 2024  ೀ hope you're having the lovelist day/night, sending you warm wishes! xx
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moonshynecybin · 3 months ago
Re: rosquez baby name submissions: I did this because I keep inventing rosquez babies for the mpreg multiverse and it was getting out of hand, but pls benefit from my suffering (triangulating 2 Reddit pages and a Catalonian news site to find the overlapping top baby names of 2022 for Italy, Spain, and Catalonia). Caveat I have no idea what Valentino’s irl daughters are called and I don’t need to know, but if I unwittingly choose one of those we ignore it forever and ever amen.
For girl names: best overall (on all 3 lists) was Emma, runner-up Sofia/Sofía, honorable mention to Julia/Júlia/Giulia: technically high on all 3 lists but a) spelling b) you can’t even pretend that’s pronounced the same. Marc saying Júlia and Vale saying Giulia would be funny tho.
And for boys: Leo/Leonardo is a top pick across all three, tho the Italian version is longer (amusingly Marc was allegedly the top Catalan baby name from 1997-2021, dethroned by Leo), Matteo/Mateo, and Diego.
Do with this what you will, including ignore entirely 💜
i love ALL of these picks so bad um... the one i had sort of tentatively picked out for baby girl was emilia, which is p close to emma!!! emilia is corny because it means RIVAL and ties into a. vale's italian ass and b. the emilia romagna grand prix which marc marquez has won seven beautiful times. maybe they call her emmy/emi though i know we have some motogp bloggers with those names lol
i also like leo and matteo so much thats SO cute... emma and matteo the rosquez babiessssssss
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AITA for ghosting my girlfriend?
So, this happened years ago, and is extremely niche and online, but it still kind of weighs on me. I'm AFAB, and when I was younger (10-14yo) I would "pretend" to be a boy on the internet. Most of my time was spent playing Animal Jam and Minecraft, as well as being involved in the Animal Jam-related Google Plus/Blogger circles, all the time presenting as male.
I should also mention that I was raised in a very conservative and anti-gay religion. My parents knew that I was pretending to be a boy, they figured it would help "protect" my identity online. I didn't know what "transgender" meant until this whole incident was over.
Around the time this all happened I was heavily involved with a blog dedicated to posting Animal Jam users who would scam others out of their items, in hopes that our readers would avoid them. I and the four other people who ran the blog (between 13-16 y/o) had all become very close friends, but our interest in Animal Jam and in running this blog was waning. It was around this time I (14Complicated) began dating my fellow moderator V (13F). We had grown close over the course of many months invoved with the blog, and she had confessed her feelings to me over email. I responded that I felt the same way. Truthfully, I did. I felt things for her that I'd never felt before. Things that scared me.
V and I continued dating for many months. Over that time, our friendgroup had made the decision to shut the blog down for good. Us moderators stayed friends, and opened up a Minecraft server so we could still play together. V and I accomplished the all-important milestone of putting our beds together in Minecraft. The seriousness of our relationship weighed heavy on me, for two reasons: One, I was a girl dating a girl, and that was a sin. Two, I had been "pretending" to be a boy while I was dating V, and I had no idea how to tell her the truth. Looking back now, that second point was kind of stupid. V was openly bisexual and actually knew what transgender meant.
Because of these conflicting feelings, I just up and ghosted V one day. Logged out of every account associated with that friend group and went full no contact. I thought it would stop the feelings of guilt. It didn't help, and in fact, hurt a lot. I'm 20 now, openly nonbinary, and I still feel guilty about leaving V in the dark like that.
TL;DR I ghosted my online girlfriend because I was having gay thoughts and felt guilty for "lying" about my gender. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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