kaceynoelchumley · 2 years
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kaceynoelchumley · 2 years
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look at this beautiful boy who was in our garage today !
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kaceynoelchumley · 2 years
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Peace 🍂
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kaceynoelchumley · 2 years
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@ DeAndrePage
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kaceynoelchumley · 2 years
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
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for heavensake hes pretty
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
Obviously there are many things to dislike about adulthood but as someone who grew up in an abusive household for whom adulthood offered the only chance at an escape, it's incredibly important to me that i romanticize adulthood whenever possible because i know there are kids and teenagers like me out there who are seeing nothing but complaints about rent and taxes and the loneliness of living on your own and i know they're going to internalize all of that and assume it means that adulthood won't offer them the freedom and safety they've been dreaming of. So while i never want to minimize the difficulties of being an adult, i also want to highlight how incredibly nice it can be to finally have ownership of your life and your body and your time and money and food and everything else in a way that you never had before. You can choose when you wake up! You can choose what you have for breakfast! You can choose when to go to sleep or if you want to (inadvisably) stay up all night watching tv in the living room! In the living room! You can choose what to watch! These are little things, but they are worth taking pleasure in, and they are worth looking forward to.
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:
as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
remember this is your safe place. your content. your rules.
do not take shit from anyone who tries to change your safe place into a hate space. kick them out. block them. this is your blog. not theirs.
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
Smiling Kakashi for everyone
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Keep smiling. Keep shining.
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
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3/7 →  anime version by admn. chloe
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
I think it’s important to bear in mind that “complex” doesn’t necessarily mean “nuanced”. A thing can be complicated and also stupid as hell.
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kaceynoelchumley · 3 years
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Needle Felted and Embroidered Art Hoops
Yuliya Krishchik on Etsy
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