#wes 001.
sidthorne · 1 year
who: @wcscvans
where: street fair, anywhere
The din of the crowd was starting to make his skin crawl. He'd follow Juliet around (and he knew she'd probably let him) but he would get in the way. At the very least be a distraction and he didn't want that. Just like anytime he's ever been uncomfortable, he sought someway to avoid it which at the moment meant a cigarette off to the side. He took one out and popped in his mouth then patted around for his lighter. "Fuck," he remembered giving it to someone to use and not getting it back. That's what he gets for being nice. "Hey cowboy, you got a light?" He asked the guy in closest proximity to him.
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luckylewis · 2 years
cont. from here.
with: @wesxevans
"Think I must have missed out on what there is to be in love with." Perhaps that was a little cynical of him, but it was difficult to be positive about his situation when there was still so many uncertainties up the air for him.
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"Probably not, but I'll tell you because I realised that makes me sound some sort of shady." He jokes, though his tone was more serious when he speaks again. "My ex lives there with her sister. I was trying to see my kid, or see if there was even a chance of seeing my kid at some point in the future. It was a dumb idea looking back now, but I seem to have no shortage of those these days. Worth a shot though, right?"
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rinzay · 8 months
*Stomps my foot* That's it! I'm makin my own Bracken lore!!
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hehe lil 'guy,
ooo look! He's gonna have company!
as long as the company ain't letha-
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gloriousmonsters · 3 months
ok listen. listen. hear me out. what if Angel was the one to propose the contract
like.... the intensification of heartbreak and guilt when Val tells him 'I own you, or have you forgotten that?' as Angel looks at his signature, the heart he drew next to it. the extra layer in 'what's the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself'. and above all it plays well with my observation that their contract had to have been composed with some level of input from Angel, because... why on earth/in hell would Val have given him control of his life outside of the studio; and while Val invokes the contract to put Angel back in 'his place', Angel invokes it to remind Valentino that he can defy him. It's actually similar in composition to a kink contract/agreement--if I'm in this specific place, you hold all the power and call the shots; but outside of it, I don't give you that level of control. Angel can straight up tell Val to fuck off in front of a crowd and all Val can do is say he'll make Angel regret it next time he's in the studio (and isn't that an extremely dark variation of the classic kinky romance beat of 'sub misbehaves when they're in public and can get away with it, dom promises they'll pay for it later'?)
so like. all of that about the contract also works if Val proposed it, but I love headcanoning that their relationship was on the rocks around the time it was signed, and one of the factors was Vox coming onto the scene... and so now i'm just thinking about Angel in his peak era of both-sides-ing their relationship problems, knowing his 'commitment issues' (partly real, partly consisting of val's 'you know other men??' issues) are a major cause, furious and disconcerted at someone else drawing so much of Val's attention, wanting to make a stupid desperate Hail Mary pass to save their relationship but devoid of the usual options of 'have kid' or 'impulsively propose marriage' or 'move to a new house that's inevitably haunted' i watch too much horror, going for the option of '...hey do you want to make the kind of binding contract that is accessible to us?'
and surely it's not that stupid! he's only really giving Val a formal version of the power he gives him already, right? Val's his dom and his director and manager, and maybe there's... problems but it's mostly been great for Angel so far, so if having it on (magic eternally binding) paper would make Val happy and make him understand that Angel really wants him, wants them, the risk is toooootally worth it. just, best not to tell Cherri about it she'd definitely think it was insane.
(and when, much later, she learns about the contract and berates him for being an idiot and not telling her when Val brought it up, maybe don't correct her assumption. just keep it to yourself and feel even worse.)
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ellie-the-plant · 2 months
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so i actually drew this ages ago when we got the henry leaks but i wasn’t sure if i liked it or not so i didn’t post it
but now i’ve looked at it long enough that i don’t really have an opinion anymore so here you go!
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flopbftheo · 6 months
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sunwoo ig update (240329)
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telleroftime · 8 months
You MLP Infection AU people are sleeping on a "When Day Breaks" AU. You're telling me that you're given the opportunity to play with Daybreaker, the Nightmare Moon version of Celestia, alongside a preexisting infection thing of a similar name and you're not taking it?? That specific SCP-001 is being served on a silver platter and if I have to be the one to take the bait then I shall.
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THEORY: Sigmund Authen, Anya Forger, Yor Briar and Yuri Briar are all connected to Project Apple.
How is Sigmund connected? He was one of the scientists that worked on Project Apple way before or when it just started
First of all, his appearance is giving Albert Einstein to me, a famous scientist and as well his expression of Eureka-an expression popularized by a mathematician/scientist. He also used to teach in universities.
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There are a lot of other abilities being developed in project Apple. We have seen someone who has an unusual sense of smell in the cruise arc (I really think he was a product of some experiment). But I think Sigmund is a scientist that focuses on the mind's abilities. Why?
His name was probably derived from the famous neurologist Sigmund Freud. What does a neurologist do?  A neurologist is a medical doctor who's an expert in diagnosing and treating diseases and conditions of your brain, spinal cord and nerves. Sigmund is also the founder of psychoanalysis-which also studies the mind. Always connected to the brain. So he must be also the one who first conducted experiments in mind manipulation and mind reading.
Does this mean that Sigmund knows that Anya is a subject of that experiment? No, because he had probably already quit project Apple before Anya was brought in as subject 007 or before she even existed. It won’t fit the timeline if he was one of the scientists that experimented on Anya. (I also think that Anya’s number does not indicate the number of people that have been experimented on but the number of subjects that became successful, still just a speculation)
However, it seems like he doesn’t remember much about the experiment, (he doesn’t even remember the right way home). When he quit, maybe he cut all ties he had with the project, realizing how mean and cruel it was. He forgot about it like he was never part of it in the first place.
And then right after this chapter, Endo gave us that jaw dropping and mind-boggling four page short chapter that started to plague our minds since, indicating we were about to tackle Anya’s past. So I may have to agree that Sigmund could be Anya’s trigger to remember the past.
But how did Yor and Yuri got involved in Project Apple?
Yor and Yuri were once subjects of project Apple, the first successful ones. Where do we think Yor’s incredible strength came from? How about Yuri’s intelligence and resilience even though hit by a car or lost a lot of blood? I know, as the major genre is comedy, some of the scenes are exaggerated. But when it comes to Yor and Yuri, the difference they possess regarding their abilities was always highlighted.
Like also, let’s think about it. The name of the experiment is Project Apple. What is Yor’s favorite flavor or food? Apple. What was the name of the assassin team she belongs to? Garden (Which is tied to Eden and of the forbidden Apple fruit but Eden’s connection with Garden and Project Apple will be dealt in another time)
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How about Yuri? Well, the SS is the one monitoring him. He was the youngest among the SS. The reason they hired him, Oh he was cute right? Said the man who recruited him. Yeah cute alright. They just knew how invincible he was physically because of the experiment.
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Ostania, through Garden and SS  is making sure that the Briar siblings remain at their fingertips, doing their purpose, using the skills the project had given them for Ostania’s advantage.
Maybe that’s the reason why their parents got killed. They died in an attempt to protect and hide them. I noticed that their house seems to be far from modern civilization, more like a small province not like a city that is crowded, compared to Loid’s town in Luwen.
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In addition, maybe that is why Endo made Yor and Anya to be the one who met Sigmund in Chapter 90. Because the three of them are bound by the same thing-Project Apple.
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lenavaz · 4 months
WHO: Elena & @irisxanthe
WHERE: Party, Pride Weekend
WHEN: June 8, 2024
"How many of these people are going to be walking like zombies in the parade tomorrow?" Elena asked, hopping up on the stool next to Iris, grin spreading across her face. "Granted, they're going to be very bright, shiny, glittery, rainbow zombies, but my point still stands." She sipped from her sparkling water, shaking her head with amusement, pointing towards a group of people dancing erratically near the front. "At least they're having fun, yeah?"
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linagram · 4 months
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so that raincoat collab..
notes about the meanings of everyone's poses are under the cut!
akio: akio doesn't have an umbrella, he just has his hood on and he has this angry look on his face. back in season 1, akio just wanted to be voted innocent and truly believed he deserved to be forgiven and even though being voted guilty made him change as a person, he still doesn't care about the "moral side" of his verdicts, since now he just wants to be forgiven because being punished again can literally cost him his life. he still doesn't want to do anything with the guards or the verdict system, so he doesn't have an umbrella, but he still doesn't want to die, so at least he has his head covered.
shun: shun was very happy when the guards voted him innocent, since he believed his crime wasn't a crime at all and his thoughts were affirmed. however, he got "betrayed" by the guards since they decided to vote him guilty in season 2. this is why he has his umbrella lying on the ground: he really believed that the guards will still be on his side, but he was wrong.
kei: kei is holding his umbrella. he is accepting his verdicts. even though he was voted guilty by his own brother and brutally punished by him as well, he loves him too much to get mad at him. it also looks like he's offering his umbrella to shun which might look cute OR look like a reminder of how unhealthy their relationship is (kei was more than happy to flirt with shun back in season 1 and shun just acted shy and claimed to be taken, but in season 2, shun gladly joined eiko when she started to basically bully kei and shun got a new outfit to look more like kei) but also.. kei is winking here. the eye that he has closed here is the same eye that shun lost because of kei. think about the implications <3
asahi: he has his umbrella closed, but he's still holding it. asahi doesn't like eiji and he sure will not like hinode, but he likes miki. she's the only guard that he cares about, but he cares about her A LOT. so you can interpret his pose as him still being suspicious of the other guards, but wanting to be as close with miki as possible.
riku: my boy doesn't have an umbrella AND he doesn't have his hood on. sure, riku wants to be forgiven, but also.. he understands that even an innocent verdict won't make his pain go away. in fact, he will most likely just hurt himself even more to keep making the guards feel sorry for him and continue forgiving him. a little spoiler for his trial 3 vd, but there's a moment when he says that there is no verdict that will help him or make his situation better. so his head is not covered, he doesn't have an umbrella with him and he's also holding his hand out to feel the raindrops. riku kuroki why are you like this
aimi: her pose is similar to asahi's and the meaning is similar as well: she only cares about miki. however, i tried to make her pose look a bit more desperate, like she's even more dependent on her than miki's own brother. aimi doesn't care about her verdict. she only cares about finally having a friend.
naomi: naomi has claimed multiple times that she doesn't care about her verdict and she doesn't care about the other prisoners' verdicts as well (not counting asahi. the fuck them kids mindset is still there) so she doesn't have an umbrella with her and it also looks like she's taking her hood off. however, i like to think as this naomi in particular as t2 naomi: getting an innocent verdict and starting to become more confident. confident enough to feel like you don't have to protect yourself anymore. she still got a guilty verdict though so maybe an umbrella wouldn't hurt.
eiko: oh this girl is so happy about her umbrella! look at the way she's holding it! this totally doesn't have anything to do with her obsession with eiji at all! eiko really doesn't care about the verdicts, but she loves her poor little meow meow too much, so she still cares about milgram in some way. there's also her brother being the fourth guard that never got an opportunity to actually do his job and the possibility of her parents having something to do with it.. her pose is also kinda similar to kei's pose which is a nice bonus since they're a pair.
yurika: THE GIRL IS NOT HAPPY ABOUT HER TWO GUILTY VERDICTS. she's the only prisoner that's sitting on the ground. she doesn't have an umbrella with her, showing that she HATES the guards and she HATES her verdicts (and how verdicts work in general), but she still has her hood on. the girl doesn't want to die. she REALLY doesn't want to die. (and her t3 vd will show it well </3)
reina: reina doesn't have an umbrella with her, which was to be expected from miss "i'm actually a serial killer hehe >:D please vote me guilty please please guys i'm begging i would rather die than live with the knowledge of what i've done". she doesn't care about the guards' opinions anymore. she does have her hood on, but in her case it's not related to her life, i simply thought it would fit her vibe well, since she's a person who finds it hard to be honest with others and is very secretive.
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anjels001 · 4 months
Secrets of Devildom: Pride Demons (Part 1)
Those who have read the theory of the 7 Og and the cycle of life (thank you @sparkbeast20 for the cooperation) know that there are many gaps in the annon, and many of the events that occurred in the annon are not explained, and/or left implicit without any context.
For those following these moments of theory, you may notice that I have been talking a lot about the demonic classes, their "history," and culture before, during, and after the fall of the brothers, focusing most of these moments on philosophical/mythological debates, pointing out plot points that few would see and understand.
Well, we have already talked about 6 of the seven sin classes, namely Greed, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, and Envy.
In the shadowy corridors of Devildom, where envy boils and desire twists, there exists a sin that transcends all others—a sin that has spawned legends and shattered them equally. Sit back in your chairs and fasten your seatbelts because today...
….(insert supernatural intro)…
...we will talk about Pride
But before starting this moment of theory, I ask you, dear reader, to keep an open mind for this moment, and if you want to point out any flaws, or if I am forgetting something, remember that this is just a theoretical post. I won't be upset if you want to add something to this conversation; I just ask that you reblog and tag me so that we can exchange theories on the subject. As with all theories about demonic classes, I will start with the famous question: what do we know about Pride? Pride is a concept widely explored by philosophers throughout history and analyzed from different perspectives.
One of these perspectives describes pride as an excessive love for oneself, characterized by an individual who considers themselves self-sufficient and admires their works, wishing for others to share this same elevated view. Descartes, in his book “The Passions of the Soul,” considered pride a vice, arguing that those with an unjustified high opinion of themselves do not possess true generosity.
The views of famous philosophers on pride offer valuable insights. Socrates, for example, focused on human relationships and reflection on one's thinking. Cicero, on the other hand, warned about the dangers of excessive pride leading to arrogance, considering it one of the most unpleasant forms of human behavior.
Nietzsche, a 19th-century German philosopher, saw arrogance as a manifestation of resentment and weakness, questioning traditional morality and exploring human nature profoundly and provocatively. Therefore, these different philosophical perspectives enrich our understanding of pride and its impact on human life. In philosophy, the concept of arrogance is often addressed in the context of ethics and morality. Arrogance is associated with a morally reprehensible attitude of excessive pride, arrogance, and disrespect for others. This idea is frequently explored in philosophical and religious traditions.
Moral philosophy also examines how this attitude can influence human behavior, interpersonal relationships, and the pursuit of virtue. In many philosophical traditions, overcoming arrogance is seen as a path to moral and spiritual development. In the Christian tradition, arrogance is considered a cardinal sin and is associated with excessive presumption and elevated self-esteem that goes beyond the limits of humility. Psychology identifies two definitions of the types of pride: positive, known as self-esteem and self-confidence, and negative, called arrogance.
Proud people often face internal conflicts resulting from traumatic experiences or parental neglect. These experiences can lead to a desperate search for compensation for failures or negative behaviors, revealing the significant influence of the family environment on the formation of pride and its psychological repercussions. They exhibit signs of control and resistance to external help, demonstrating a reluctance to acknowledge their weaknesses or seek support from others, which evidences a tendency towards excessive control and self-imposed independence.
In the annals of demonology, Lucifer remains the quintessential embodiment of arrogance. His wings, once resplendent, now bear the weight of his disobedience. His eyes, once aflame with celestial fire, now burn with the remnants of rebellion. His fall from grace was not just a descent—it was a seismic rupture that shook the very foundations of existence. Pride is a valuable currency in Devildom. We observe that this emotion is a powerful engine for narrative and character development. Lucifer, as the Avatar of Pride, embodies the constant struggle between self-confidence and arrogance, between self-acceptance and self-alienation. This duality is visible not only in his actions but also in his interactions with other demons and with the humans who cross his path.
Lucifer’s psychology is marked by profound internal conflict. His celestial fall, resulting from his pride, created not only a physical separation from the divine but also an emotional and spiritual fracture. This traumatic event shaped his view of himself and the world around him, creating a cycle of self-affirmation and self-destruction. Pride, in this context, is not just a characteristic but an armor he uses to protect himself from his vulnerability.
Lucifer’s relationship with wrath is particularly intriguing. Pride, as the father of wrath, manifests whenever he feels his authority questioned or his dignity threatened. This exacerbated emotion reveals his deepest insecurities and his struggle to maintain control. Lucifer’s wrath is not just a reaction to frustration but a defense against the fear of being seen as weak or fallible. This dynamic between pride and wrath is a constant dance that defines his complex personality.
The concept of the "virus of pride," as mentioned by Pope Francis, is an apt metaphor to describe how this emotion can spread and infect all aspects of a person’s life. The mind and heart of someone "infected" end up being consumed by this emotion, distorting their perception of reality and leading them to make decisions with catastrophic consequences. Pride, in this sense, is both a destructive force and a reflection of the human desire to transcend one’s limits.
The exploration of pride in the canon of the game “Obey Me!” offers a unique view of how this emotion can be both a source of greatness and a trap. Lucifer, in his quest for redemption, represents the eternal struggle to balance self-confidence with humility. His journey is a reflection of what it means to be human, with all its weaknesses and strengths. Pride, ultimately, is a lens through which we can better understand the motivations and dilemmas that define our existence.
The relationship between pride and other sins, such as envy and lust, also deserves attention. In Devildom, these sins do not exist in isolation but interact in complex ways to create an intricate fabric of emotions and actions. Pride can fuel envy, leading to competition and conflict. Similarly, lust can be an expression of excessive pride, a search for validation through conquest. Understanding these interactions is essential to decipher the characters’ motivations and the power dynamics in Devildom.
It is no surprise that the circle of pride is considered the penultimate level, the first and last line of the tomb of kings, which I will explain in the next post. Comparing it with the other circles of hell, we will see that although it has less "territory," the circle of pride is considered the most luxurious and densely packed with magic than the others. The circle of pride is one of the main pillars, if not the main one, that keeps the structure of the whole kingdom intact. This realm has multiple space-time pockets that contain small kingdoms and fiefs that constantly conflict with each other due to their pride and instinct of superiority. It is there that much of the Devildom nobility lives and where the original Castle of the Demon King was founded before the prince decided to place an imitation on the surface to 'play with the lower castes.'
From the perspective of demonic history and tradition, including the brothers is quite controversial. These brothers lacked any ancestral lineage or demonic pedigree. To the noble demons, the brothers were seen as mere mongrels that their prince had picked up on a whim and would soon tire of and discard. Despite being named the Avatar of Pride and possessing the keys to the castle of the Lord of Pride, Lucifer's predecessor had not removed all the traps or imbued the castle with Lucifer's essence as the new lord. On paper, Lucifer was recognized as the Lord of Pride, but in practical terms, he lacked access to the deepest secrets held by the former lord. It took him thousands of years of struggle and hard work to achieve what he did, and even then, he did not possess all the necessary information. This also explains why the brothers lived in a haunted mansion on what was known as the "ground floor" of the demonic realm instead of a castle at its pinnacle.
Lucifer’s story is a warning about the dangers of excessive pride, like the myth of Icarus where Daedalus warns his son not to fly too close to the sun or too close to the waves of the sea, but also a celebration of resilience and the capacity to seek redemption. His fall is not just a punishment but an opportunity for reflection and growth. In “Obey Me!” we see how Lucifer navigates these turbulent waters, facing his demons while trying to guide and protect his brothers. His leadership, despite his flaws, is a testament to his strength and determination.
In the end, Lucifer’s journey leads us to question our attitudes towards pride. To what extent are we driven by healthy self-confidence, and when do we cross the line into arrogance? How can we balance our desire for personal achievement with the need to maintain humility and respect for others? These are questions we all face, and Lucifer’s story offers a powerful lens through which to examine them.
For those who want to know more about this specific series in this theoretical series, just search my page #Secrets of Devildom or go to Obey-me masterlist
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amiwritesthings · 1 year
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for @lovetransaction's flash creation challenge
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realpontchartrain · 2 months
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iamumbra195 · 10 months
!Teenage Mercenary Chapter 167 Spoilers!
Literally less than a day ago, I said in this post that one of, if not all, of the five numbers we haven't met yet are likely traitors and killed the number Ijin incapacitated while working with Forest under Iron's orders.
And what do you know? In comes one of the five, who also happens to be 003-- the third strongest of the numbers-- and she's working with Forest. She tried to lure the other numbers in for an easier kill or maybe even sentimentality but when that failed, she shot at them and called in reinforcements
Bless 002 and his big brain for realizing she was shady af when all the others seemed somewhat ready to trust and accept her again, even 004 which lowkey surprised me. He even defended her when 002 called her a traitor like damn. I wonder if they were really close? They seemed to be
The kiss scene was so weird and stiff but the other numbers reactions had me cackling XD They went pale so fast
Also, why are there so many numbers with grey/silver/white hair lol? Ijin, 005, 006, 016, 032, and now 003
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thedailydragon · 9 months
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#001 hes sleepy from staying up until midnight
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flopbftheo · 7 months
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sunwoo first ig update (240314)
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