obvious child
228 posts
omorinsola "SOLA" adisa. twenty-eight. ocean crest. weirdo. chef.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
solaadisa · 13 hours ago
Sola: you gotta consult the Council before you post sometimes you know Sola: gotta throw out a wide net Sola: outsource a lot of opinions you feel me Sola: idk what ur talking about Sola: i call cats pussies all the time Sola: totally innocent word @sullivanxshaw
Sully: I don’t know. I just didn’t know before you would ask me about shirts? Sully: You had to pull out the government name on me, so I believe you. Sully: but it says the word? Sully: that can’t be right 😂 Sully: I feel like you’re trying to pull on me what I say to sera when she sees something on tv her sister was watching and she wasn’t supposed to see it @solaadisa
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solaadisa · 13 hours ago
Sola: yo can i hire you as like Sola: my designated hype woman Sola: this is me rn Sola:
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vi: if you don't post it, I will vi: that should be your profile picture for everything vi: like linkedin, hinge, farmersonly IDGAF vi: I want an oil painting of this in my apartment
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solaadisa · 3 days ago
Sola: oh shit my b Sola: but wait this could be fun Sola: tell me stranger Sola: would you give me ur pure and unfiltered thoughts about my insta feed @sebitorres
Sebi: I think this is a wrong number Sebi: But ~ Sebi: To answer your question, yes this would absolutely do numbers.
— @solaadisa
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solaadisa · 6 days ago
✖ - a repressed memory
Sola wasn't sure how long she'd been laying there, watching the blades of the ceiling fan in her room swing around and around lazily through the dark. It felt a lot like the carousel of thoughts that were moving in a revolving door through her brain. One blade, what the fuck just happened? Two blade, should that have happened? Three blade, fuck, my head hurts. Four, oh my god, I think I—
She pressed her fists into her eyes quickly — too quickly, and her eyes whipped sideways to see if the movement had stirred Ravi, who was currently hogging most of the duvet.
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Sola let her eyes stay there, on him, indulging only when she confirmed that he seemed to be dead to the world, and she was met with the absurd desire to run a finger from the nape of his neck and down his spine. It would've helped, she thought. She felt like everything right in front of her was very far away, and it would've helped to touch him; it would snap her back into her body, the way it always did.
But she kept her hands to herself and stared at the ceiling again. One blade, two blade, three blade, four.
The feeling that scared her most, that had settled deep into her bones before she could force it away, was the feeling of inevitability. She'd spent years wondering if the way her brain seemed to quiet down when she was around him, the way, after they met, she was left with a phantom feeling of familiarity — 'Oh, hello again. I've known you my whole life' — meant anything.
But more than relief at the confirmation that it wasn't all up in her head — that familiarity, the way he looked at her sometimes, the same way she looked at him — there was feeling that this was always going to happen.
But it couldn't any longer, not now, maybe not ever. Right at that moment, there was a truck in a body shop down the road, getting refitted and painted, and that truck was the key to every single one of Sola's hopes and dreams. She couldn't, wouldn't, let anything jeopardize that.
Just a few miles away was Robin. Robin. Sola thought her brain might split in two if she lingered too long on the fact that she should be with Robin right now instead of her ex, up early and making her breakfast in bed to comfort one of her best friends after her relationship had just fallen apart.
Robin, who Sola loved. Who Ravi loved.
She felt herself moving before she registered that she was moving. Slipping silently out of bed, grabbing a sweatshirt and shorts that definitely needed to be washed off the chair in the corner, opening her bedroom door and praying that it wouldn't let out that god-awful squeak that it always did, just this once.
She spared one more glance at Ravi — from the nape of his neck and down his spine — before she sucked in her gut and shimmied through the crack in the door.
She needed to get out of there — this was fine — she needed to call Cricket — this was fine. She would come back later, and Ravi would be gone, and they would see each other tomorrow. They'd go down the street to see their new and improved truck, and they'd forget this ever happened.
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solaadisa · 7 days ago
Sola followed Mav's eye line to find his sister, who didn't look back at them but did, from what Sola could tell by just glancing at their periphery, look pretty miserable as they sat across from someone gesticulating wildly, who clearly wasn't picking up on their distaste.
She stifled a laugh as she redirected her attention to Mav, and she gave herself a few seconds to sit in the relief that, at least for five minutes, she didn't have to go through the beat-for-beat, 'Hi, I'm Sola. Nice to meet you. Yeah, uh, I live over in Ocean Crest. It's nice, yeah, I've been there a while now. Oh, um, I own a food truck. What do you do?' and she felt the tension in her shoulders release.
"It totally is incel content, but hold up — someone called you an incel?" she asked incredulously. "Well, I'm glad I already know they're wrong, because otherwise that would make, like, my tiny baby crush on you—" she gestured vaguely, "—super unfortunate."
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Sola felt heat rush to her cheeks at the admission, but she forged ahead before she could let herself get caught up in whether or not she actually should've said that. Instead, she turned again, scanning as subtly as possible for cheetah print pants.
"Oof," she huffed as she turned back toward Mav. "That one definitely has the crazy eyes, so I'm not even surprised that she microaggressed you, unfortunately."
At the mention of a bell ringing, Sola felt herself dreading the moment when it went off again, and Mav would have to move on to the next table, and the little bubble that had formed around them would be popped. She took a beat before saying, "How would you feel about running, but like, out of here, and like, together. I don't know about you, but I really don't wanna be here any longer."
“My sister, of all people. Betrayed! By family, no less!” 
Mav seeks Astrid out to check out the progress of their current date, and whether they catch him or not, Mav does send them a glare to their profile. Their retaliatory efforts did at least land him here. His glare immediately shifts into a look that's more enthused when he redirects it back to Sola.
And there she goes, immediately drawing out a bout of laughter from him. The thought of fighting Kenau Reeves isn’t funny in itself, but the memories that come along with it bring with them a sense of giddiness. Another quick glance to Astrid to see if maybe now they’d seen he has found a lifeline.
“Nope, never heard about Primitive Technology but it sounds something like what I was called earlier - incel content.” He snorts to fight the giggles that want to come out at that idea, and how blunt and to the point Goobie was with him. “Story to that later, but I'm picking up what you mean about the onion.” Mav waves a hand up to fan the air around him. “I think it’s lingering.”
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It isn’t, which is fortunate for him, and he follows Sola’s glance to try and seek him out. “Oh, mine? At first. I would say the person who called me Captain Incel, but that was all cleared up. So I think it’s miss cheetah print leggings over there behind you. Be sneaky if you look, you won’t miss her.” It’s hard to with that specific pattern.
“She was, uh, nice, but she’s very passionate about Tiger King. Really super passionate, and she insisted on asking me where I was from. Apparently California was the wrong answer.” Definitely a dull bulb. “Anyway, I just kept being polite, because I’m not a dick, but I almost ran the moment the bell rang.”
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solaadisa · 9 days ago
❧ What is your favorite comfort food?
"Cheesecake. Deadass. Like, actually an entire New York cheesecake with strawberries on top. If I'm ever having a bad day, that'll get me right back on track. But it's gotta be the good stuff, right, like, Philadelphia cream cheese, not fuckin' Tillamook, graham cracker crust's gotta be just crunchy enough and be like, at least 15% of a bite."
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solaadisa · 14 days ago
Sola: sorry my guy, i saw that on a random street somewhere in SD and very unfortch did not buy it 😭 Sola: also apple pay? kinda boomer of u idk... @jaceberg
Jace: yo, if i apple pay you $30 can you pick up that shirt for me Jace: but also Jace: it's very insta worthy
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solaadisa · 16 days ago
Sola: i mean, i think it's more the period that's making it ominous Sola: an exclamation mark or something like that might help too like Sola: hi!! Sola: it's more approachable you know? Sola: ughhh you're a lifesaver Sola: i'll meet you in the lobby in five? @samucl-kane
Sam: Hi Sam: Does that sound bad? Cricket told me a 'hello.' is ominous. Sam: No break in required. I have keys. 🙂 Sam: I can meet you on the way down, or in the lobby. Let me know. @solaadisa
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solaadisa · 17 days ago
Sola: wait which part Sola: are you not on insta?? @carlos-pereria
carlos: i kind of have no idea what that means carlos: but im gonna go with yes?
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solaadisa · 24 days ago
"Oh my god," Sola said, dropping her voice to match Mav's conspiratorial volume. "Me too. Who did it to you? Cricket's due for a whooping as soon as I'm out of here."
Her fingers were already itching to pull out her phone again and text Cricket something along the lines of 'crisis averted mav's here lol :)' and then not text her back with follow up details for the rest of the day. Served her right.
She copied his body language too and leaned back in her seat, unable to keep the relieved delight from her expression. But it wasn't just that she was happy to see a familiar face; she was happy to see him. And his cute dimples.
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She picked up on his reference to their first meeting easily — what was it about them and Valentine's Day? — and nodded sagely. "Keanu's a good choice. The John Wick stuff is a total misdirect. That guy's a pacifist and you could take him easily."
Sola let her forehead fall into her hands for a second, groaning. "The guy that just got up was pretty bad, to be honest. You know that Youtube channel Primitive Technology? It was basically that dude's entire personality. He called it 'the purest from of living' or something like that. I think he just wants to fuck Mr. Technology. He also smelled like raw onions, which didn't help."
Her eyes darted to the side for a split second to make sure that the guy had actually wandered far enough away that he hadn't overheard that. "And yours?"
Maverick slowly sits across from Sola, not announcing his presence while her eyes are focused on her phone. He doesn’t interrupt. It’s more fun waiting, and just as satisfying when he can see the way her expression changes when she clocks that it’s him at her table.
“Sola,” he replies with a calm, coolness that contradicts the way he suddenly leans forward, both hands held up to shield the side of his face from where Astrid is at their own table. “I’m here against my will,” he whispers harshly, eyes wide as saucers. What he fails to mention is that it was a retaliatory effort on Astrid’s part, and Mav technically is the cause of his own current problem. The problem is considerably lessened with the company across from him.
The feigned panic shifts back into a smile when Mav leans back and puts on a show of sitting straight up with his hands folded on the table all prim and proper.
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“Hi, I’m Maverick, and no, I don’t think I’d like to be Taylor Swift. But I think Keanu Reeves is the correct choice.” It’s a reference to last year he hopes she catches. “Now you gotta tell me, who’s been the worst two minutes of your evening so far?”
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solaadisa · 24 days ago
Sola: wdym it wasn't meant for u! Sola: i value ur opinion sullivan!! Sola: get ur mind out of the gutter young man Sola: that shirt clearly just means pussy as in cat @sullivanxshaw
Sully: I feel like this wasn’t meant for me Sola
Sully: I don’t think I’m your go to guy for photos with the word pussy on them
Sully: but I think it’s Instagram worthy. And you look nice in the photo @solaadisa
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solaadisa · 25 days ago
"Couldn't it also be a lawsuit if they do, though?" Sola asked. She reached for the giant carafe at the middle of the table and fought the urge to clutch it to her chest at the thought of it being taken.
"Something about the misrepresentation of goods, or whatever? I would never put that past some of the Karens in this town."
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starter for: @solaadisa location: serenity tea room, galentine's brunch
"So how bottomless do you think these mimosa's really are?" Louie questions thoughtfully as she looks at the glass.
"For liability reasons they'd have to stop serving you at some point, no?"
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solaadisa · 25 days ago
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AYO EDEBIRI SNL50: The Anniversary Special (Feb 16, 2025)
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solaadisa · 28 days ago
Sola: omgggggg fr?? Sola: i'm blushin fr 😳 Sola: need ur help brainstormin captions tho @jaredx
Jared: u want fr Jared: yes Jared: a hundred times yes put that on a billboard
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solaadisa · 28 days ago
Sola: and posted Sola: i best see that on ur story 🔜 😤 Sola: "lebron is a douche" lmfao Sola: and u know what Sola: he is @mackmontgomery
Mack: Instantly yes yes Mack: This is incredible content Mack: I'm already mentally resharing it Mack: What that Lebron shirt say!!!! @solaadisa
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solaadisa · 28 days ago
Sola: okay but story or main? Sola: bc my father follows me and he doesn't know how stories work but you best believe he'd be in my comments on main @abcwithmsz
zana: LMAOOO zana: absolutely post it immediately
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solaadisa · 28 days ago
closed: @maverick-liu
location: driftwood speed dating
A timer rang out through the cafe, signaling that everyone move onto a different partner, and Sola fought the bone-deep urge to cheer.
"Damn, I guess that's time," she said to the guy across from her, with fake disappointment laced into her tone and a wide, plastic grin on her face. "It was nice to meet you."
He didn't look back as he wandered off, and Sola's eyes quickly fell down to her phone, thumbs flying as she shot a update to Cricket: "latest boring guy smelled like onion and not in a good way. will never forgive u for this fuck u love u bye."
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In her periphery, she saw someone else sit down across from her and prepared herself to paste on another false smile before looking up.
The sight that actually greeted her removed all of the artifice. "Mav?" she asked, feeling relief rush through her entire body. "Dude, what are you doing here?"
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