#meme day.
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Does your muse prefer to be in the company of others, or alone?
“I like a healthy medium. Company is important, as is the company you keep. I won’t put myself in a crowd of people who aren’t similar to me, or share the same interests or morals, and the like, so that’s when I choose being alone. Or sometimes my head isn’t on right, and being alone is for the better.
I get visits from my old coworkers from Flora and Fauna. I see all my community garden members, and there are regulars that come by the gardens. Sola shoots me a message when she’s got her truck parked outside so I can visit for lunch, and little Miss Cricket carries a light with her that I sometimes very sorely miss when we go without seeing each other for some time.
There’s also Keo who adds some liveliness to my home. He can deplete all of my shampoo and conditioner as he needs, I keep the bathroom closet stocked for that, and I try to keep snacks in the fridge he likes if he ever feels hungry because his presence, even if it's brief, is very much so welcomed.
But when I need company, as in, really really need it, Will is a phone call away. We will go to All Nighter and chat about everything and nothing all at once, up until our coffees get cold.
I’m sorry, I ran away with that one, but while I like my solitude, I do appreciate the company of those folks.”
@solaadisa @keolalagaaia @cricketcampbell @willxmeyers
#meme day.#// about : samuel#// ft. keo laga'aia#// ft. will meyers#// ft. cricket campbell#// ft. sola adisa
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#oneeyedpsychic#ask.#meme day.#i feel like if someoe told him abt battery acid spaghetti he'd try to arrest her for attempted murder /j
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🌟 …someone my muse trusts.
"I've never done trust very well, but Ben and Delilah have gotten close to it. I still don't know how Ben managed to worm his way in after all the time I spent avoiding him, but I'm also trying to be less begrudging about my affection for the guy and not interrogate it too much. He's a good one. But It came easier with Delilah, I think. There aren't many people who I can just sit quietly with and still feel contented.
And Dallas. I trusted him even before I knew who he really was to me. Implicitly. Maybe that was my subconscious trying to tell me something."
@benj-hyun / @delilahcarreno / @nomadjones
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Pick a Pokémon team for your muse.
Silvally: Its trust in its partner is what awakens it. This Pokémon is capable of changing its type, a flexibility that is well displayed in battle.
Drampa: It appears in towns and plays with the children. Drampa will protect kids when they're in danger, so their moms don't have to worry. / If a child it has made friends with is bullied, Drampa will find the bully's house and burn it to the ground. / It has a compassionate personality, but if it is angered, it completely destroys its surroundings with its intense breath.
Mabosstiff: Mabosstiff loves playing with children. Though usually gentle, it takes on an intimidating look when protecting its family.
Kangaskhan: They are known to raise other species of Pokémon alongside their own children, and records exist which describe a childless Kangaskhan raising a lost human child. Regardless of how badly injured it becomes, the mother will not cease fighting until its young is safe.
Pangoro: From the slight twitches of its bamboo leaf, it deduces its opponent's movements. It's eager to tussle but kindhearted toward its companions.
Lycanroc (Dusk): This form of Lycanroc is normally calm and quiet. Once a battle begins, however, this Pokémon displays a ferocious fighting spirit.
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talk about cricket!
"That's my fucking girl, right there. She's so cool and so funny and so understanding. She never lets you talk bad about yourself. And she's so creative and has the best vibes. Always down for a giggle. Here's hoping two things: That my brother has the nerves to get her back and that he doesn't let her go again. Amen." @cricketcampbell @mackmontgomery
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"He hired me on the spot, I swear to ya and if I swear to ya I wouldn't lie to ya because I'd only do that if I'm lying to ya, truthfully. He said 'Atlas, you remind me of me when I was your age but you're more interesting looking and American and a real go-getter. I need you to work for me, the hotel just won't run without you, mate.'"
By then, Atlas was trying on a British accent for size and executing it badly as he spun a yarn on FaceTime on the phone to Marisol who worked at the Super 8 motel in Orlando. He had been intending to tell his mother his good news, but it was clear from the fourth attempt at calling and the vaguely familiar receptionist who had her phone that that it was anyone's guess when he would actually be able to speak to her.
"Jasper Morgan, you do know who I'm talking about. He was in Tyrant!"
There's a pause before Marisol catches up, able to put a face to the name he kept talking about. Once they're on the same page, he continues.
"Anyway, like I was saying. I almost didn't take it because I've been beating away job offers left and right. Everyone wants a bit of Atlas but there's only one Atlas to go around, that's the problem."
He glances around fast like his sister might appear and correct him on the fact his many offers were more like one-point-five, but he realises fast that was an unfounded worry.
( She was off working her actual job. )
"Wicked cool guy though, probably should have been James Bond at some point. His favorite song is my song, did you know that? I suppose you wouldn't know that, would you. But now you do. It's At Last by Etta James, the one that sounds like she's saying Atlaaaasssss. That's a stroke of luck, isn't it? He definitely could have got me tasered by hotel security but he didn't. That was real nice of him."
When the receptionist insists that she has to go, Atlas almost knocks his phone off coffee table it was propped up on against his half-drank beer so he could talk hands free.
"Okay, I won't keep you but when you see my mom will you tell her what I told you exactly like I told you? Jasper Morgan. Atlas. Job. And that I'm really great and she should call me."
He knows none of those things singularly or combined were bait enough for the wiley woman who had birthed him, so he threw in what he knew would cinch the deal.
"And tell her that when I get paid I'll send her some money. If she calls me. Alright, thanks, thanks. Look after yourself, Mar. Bye, bye, byebyebye."
send me “eavesdrop” and my muse will describe your muse like they’re talking to a third party. // @jaspermorgan
#answered meme.#ft. jasper morgan.#ft. marisol cosio.#ft. nina nolan.#meme day.#long post cw#also he made 98% of this up if that wasnt clear SJHGFGSHJK
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📸 driftwood
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O : ODE. does your muse have a way with words?
"Landed my man with a song that I wrote, so I'd sure fucking say so." @xaviermattthews
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Z : ZZZ. how many people has your muse slept with?
"You should never ask a lady that. What prompted this? Is it my high body count hair?"
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which subtle way of saying "i love you" are you?
"you're the exception"
your emotional walls have walls. seriously, you've guarded yourself so well, you sometimes forget how to look over your own walls and see the beauty of the world outside the safety of the protection you've set up. you forget how to escape the confines you built for yourself, that is, but some people (some incredibly rare people) somehow know their way through that intricate maze of walls and thorns around you. they're the exception, and terrifying as it might be at first, you'll let them know eventually. you smile at them where you'd scowl at another. you crack a joke where you'd usually stay quiet. you find yourself opening up more than you'd ever imagined. don't tear your fortress down if you don't want to, but maybe try to build your loved ones a little home inside it instead. you don't have to be alone. you deserve better than being alone in there.
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👀 + are you mad at Buddy for keeping the secret about your dad being sick?
"I think at the initial impact I was mad at him in the moment. But then I realized I would have done the same thing if my dad had asked me to. It was hard to be angry after that." @buddywellls
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💋 (kiss) - Is your oc a good kisser? Have they kissed anyone before? Do they even enjoy kissing? What was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent?
"I'm a world-class kisser, in my humble opinion. Don't bother trying to ask me to prove it because I might be single but I'm singularly focused on doing a lot of smooching with one person rather than a lot of smooching with many persons. People. Whatever."
"My first kiss was like most first kisses which mostly just a little awkward. Even if it was the best first kiss in the history of first kisses, it could never compare to the latest one. Nothing could. Dope." @cricketcampbell
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👪 …someone in my muse’s family.
"Cousin Ed, Edd and also Eddy. Who's name isn't even Edward by the way so that seems like some sort of fraud. He's a year older than me and I learned that the hard way when I tried to use his passport as ID out in Cardiff at 17 and told a bouncer my full name was Edward Ferguson. They spun my arse out of there so fast so thanks a lot for that one, Edmund. It felt like when you realise your mam has an actual name and she's not just mam. In a way, he owes me a night out in Zeus' over that. I think it's a Pryzm now though.
Give me a hundred dollars Eddie and we're all square." @eddieferguson
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👻 …someone my muse considers a best friend.
“I got two of them. Reggie, who is in many ways, one of the few good things from my life in Pennsylvania. I made my friends out there, but I don’t think I truly felt what living was until we crossed paths in the city. He’s so full of life and experience, and stories from his travels around the world never get old. He’s like a big kid, but also someone I know I can lean on.
Though, I sometimes think I might have to stick an air tag in his belongings just so if I haven’t seen him for an extended period, I can at least see him moving about and know he’s alive.
Leo is my other one. He’s my anchor that kept me out here. I almost threw in the towel to go back to my Aunt in Philadelphia. Or even the farm, because I felt so helpless. But Leo became such a huge support through it, and he helped pull me out of my funks when I felt overwhelmed. And he did it with a smile, like it was no sweat, or in any way, a burden. Every day, I’m thankful for him, even if it might seem like that’s questionable with the hikes I trick him into.”
@reggiellewellyn @leomlarson
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describe your character using shitty negative ebay reviews.
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