#went to my first sleepover it was so fun and insane <3<3
nyxvrse · 2 years
me: i cant wait for summer, im gonna be so much more active on tumblr !!!
me during my summer: *continuously either binging shows or going out with friends*
my blog: do i look like a joke to you.
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spencerismmm · 3 months
I’m obsessed with the idea of a best friends to lovers type situation with mutual pining btwn the reader and early seasons Spence (I’m thinking like season 2 or 3). In terms of plot, I’m thinking a sleepover setting bc why not. If that’s not detailed enough I’m sorry lol
love this idea! thank you so so much!!
Summary: Spencer and reader are bestfriends and reader invites the team over for a sleepover, Spencer is nervous around reader but she tries to help calm his nerves (idk if this is good because it's my first time writing in a while, tips criticism is always welcome.)
Couple: Spencer/fem!reader
Category: fluff
Content warning: tiny mention of r@pe and kidnapping
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Things were a bit tense at the BAU because of a very sad k!dnapping and r@pe case, and to lighten the mood, you thought to invite the team over for a sleepover. You were cleaning your house up for the sleepover, getting food and sleeping situations ready as the doorbell rang. You were confused as to why somebody had already arrived, considering there was still a while before the sleepover was intended to start. You went to the door, and realized it was Spencer. It wasn't unusual for Spencer to come to your house, as he would sometimes come visit as an escape, or just to talk.
"Spencer! Why are you here so early? There's still like an hour until everyone is supposed to get here." you questioned, still opening the door for him to come in. You liked when he came over, he always knew how to comfort you. "Oh, I just wanted to come help you get everything ready, and I had nothing else to do." Spencer said as he walked in, putting his things on the counter. "Oh, okay! Could you just help me set some of the food out?" you asked, not minding a little help. Spencer didn't even reply, he just started helping. You didnt mind when he didn't talk, it was just comforting knowing he was there. You knew in the back of your mind that you had a little crush on Spencer, but figured that he wouldn't like you back, though the whole team wanted the two of you together.
After a while of setting things up, the team started to arrive. first Garcia, then Morgan, then JJ, then Prentiss. That was everybody who was coming, Hotch wanted to spend time with his family, and Gideon was, wherever Gideon goes in his free time. Everybody was gathered on the couch for a movie, Garcia in between JJ and Morgan, then Spencer in between you and Prentiss. It was a pretty tight squeeze on the couch, but everyone made it work. You turned on the movie, a scary movie. Spencer wasn't really paying attention to the movie, as he was too caught up in his brain, thinking about you. Everybody on the team knows he has a little crush on you, except you. He was far too shy to ever admit that he liked you, but it was there. Right now, all he could think about was the proximity between the two of you, the way your legs layed against his, and the way he wished that you knew how he felt. During the movie, you would grab onto Spencer's arm every now and then, or lie your head on his shoulder, which drove him insane.
The movie had ended and everybody was sleeping, you were laying your whole body on Spencer, fighting the sleepiness away. "You really need some sleep, Y/n" Spencer said, awkwardly sitting there. "I am having fun, I don't want to sleep." you protested, sitting up, you then realized that everybody was asleep, groaning, you laid back down on Spencer. "Fine." you said, crossing your arms. "Y/n.. where.. where do i sleep?" Spencer asked, nervously running his hands through his hair. "Stay here. Stay with me." you say, leaning more into him, grabbing his arm and wrapping it around you. Spencer was glad the lights were off so you couldn't see his blush ridden face. He let his body ease up, leaning into you, but not fully. "It's okay, Spencer, just calm down. It's just me." you said, closing your eyes. Just you? Just the girl he had been lovestruck over for months, he thought. "Y/n.. i really like you." he says, shocked at his own words. Your eyes widen and you plaster a smile across your face "I really like you too, Spencer." You say, planting a kiss on the side of his jaw. "Goodnight, Spencer." you say, leaning your head into the crook of his neck, allowing yourself to relax. Spencer was shocked, but still allowed himself to relax and hold you as he fell asleep. As he thought you were sleeping, he whispered, "please don't leave me, y/n." as he moved your hair out of your face to look at you, he saw a smile, he knew you heard him, but he didnt care. Spencer Reid was in love with you.
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I really hate this, it's so long. It was very rushed. Tips and criticism is much appreciated! I'm super sorry if this isn't what you wanted, but i tried😭💘.
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distant-screaming · 4 months
your top 5 nlmg moments <3
what the HELL archer............. worst sleepover ever I'm being made to choose? from nlmg????? >:( I had 22 scenes shortlisted, and I with great pain cut it down to 5 + 3 bonus ones. also this took me really long to answer because I can't shut up. anyway. I will try to keep this as short as possible and not go into full explanations because then we'd be here forever 🎀
so, my favorite nlmg scenes, in no particular order:
palm gets shot
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is this surprising? at all? no I didn't think so. palmnueng are so insane about each other and this entire scene is such a good demonstration of that - palm, actively bleeding out from a gunshot wound, tells nueng not to sign anything over, and nueng does so anyway. and then palm gets shot and just - the acting is so wonderful from everyone in that scene and it's such a good demonstration of their characters! I also especially ADORE the next bit, where nueng is outside the operation room and he's just so grief stricken it makes my stomach hurt. and I just love this whole section a lot okay!! (fun fact: my first time watching the show, I wasn't able to watch the scene fully - I had to skim it and go ahead to the part where palm was Alive. once I realized he was, I went back to watch it properly djfkfj)
waltz scene(s)
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I'm cheating a little but it's fine - all three of palmnueng's waltz scenes live in my head rent FREE. the first one (the dream sequence) is just so very 'I have a crush on this guy' core and it's so soft and sweet and yearn-y <3 I don't remember where I talked about this, but in the dream sequence nueng keeps track of the rhythm by tapping his finger on palm's shoulder - the same thing he did in real life. this means palm was so focused on him during the irl dance that he even noticed that. and that just. it makes me sick okay. second dance sequence is in the motel room after mam dies, and this one is so different from the first because it's much more centered in comfort and relief rather than romance. the whole scene is an absolute masterpiece - the way it's shot with the blurred backgrounds and close ups and the colors - and man I just. I love it so much. it's so intimate. and finally the waltz at the restaurant before nueng gets snatched by kit... literally no one does it like them they're so!! it's a very scary scene to watch because you can tell something's about to go really wrong really fast, but my GOD is it good. me and who literally........the tenderness, the trust, the way they look at each other with absolute stars in their eyes (and the way that the camera focuses on nueng more this time, and how in love he is because we've seen palm but nueng is just as insane). insane. deranged.
first kiss on the island
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rooftop hug
while watching this, I had to pause the episode and physically stand up to do laps around the room. it's sooo good and pondphuwin are amazing at intimacy and it's just like, they really do kiss like they're desperate for each other which is exactly what palmnueng are. also the significance of it being after david + wu's wedding is a whole different rant I will spare you from but ajfkskfkdjfkdjfkfjfjfjv!!!! absolutely amazing first kiss, especially contrasted with their first kiss on the rooftop. no notes.
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speaking of rooftops! man. the whole ben + coming out part really hurts me every time I watch it and this scene is no exception. nueng is so desperate and heartbroken and he keeps lashing out but palm just holds him close and doesn't say anything and eventually nueng hugs him back and just cries in his arms and he just. he just wanted a friend. he just wanted to be loved. that's all. GOD.
peng(2) you(3)
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world's most insane guys flirt, leave me dead. like. this is episode 2. nueng still has some like vague pretend animosity towards palm. and yet. 'oh yeah let me just - here touch my neck and I'll gaze into your eyes and say peng you (friend)' HELLO?? I mean. sure why not. palm's clearly enjoying it (read: having a gay induced mental breakdown). generally I love scenes that have flirting with pining oblivious guys and this is the perfect fit. also, the fact that palm is slightly higher than nueng here the CONNOTATIONS guys the THEMES. the [I am shot and dragged away]
nueng barging into palm's room
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sir...... just. all of this. no words. he's such a bratty teenager. I love him
palm opening shot
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this one is on here solely because this is the exact moment I feel utterly and deeply in love with pond. hello there gorgeous standing there all by yourself??? why is he so <3
every time palm is annoyed by ben existing
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I ADORE this dynamic. they're this 👌 close to killing each other in every frame they're together. the fingers are touching btw. hashtag gay on gay hostility. I love it.
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problematicraccoon · 1 month
details about my better teenhood dr bc im losing my mind over it
(TW: MENTIONS OF SA AND STALKING and also i get real emo, my apologies)
okay so first of all, im not really reliving my teen years in their entirety- im shifting back to being 17, only a few days after my birthday.
mainly because some crazy shit happened on my 17th birthday in my cr, and it ended with me being betrayed by two of my 'best' friends during a big fight, who sided with my assailant/stalker instead of me. the day i spawn in is the day that happened. and i know that sounds stupid, like why tf would anyone wanna relive a day like that. but im gonna slightly tweak it.
in this reality, i was raised by my badass aunt Isla (fc Daphne Zuniga). she's like a big sister/aunt/best friend/mom all rolled into one, and we're extremely close, and she's very protective of me.
in my cr, no one defended me. i've taken to referring to myself as the 'attack dog friend', because i have always been the one to fight for my friends, to send paragraphs to people that hurt them or get in somebody's face for groping them, ect. but no one ever did the same for me. same goes for when my two best friends blamed me for what happened, and my other friends didnt even mention the situation. everyone kinda stopped talking to me after that.
but in my dr, i have a group of super close friends that defend me from the two that betray me. they send paragraphs to them, block them, and support me. my aunt ends up on the phone with their mom and absolutely loses it on her lmfao T0T
my reasoning for shifting back to quite possibly the worst day of my life is because i wanna fix it. i want to know what it feels like to be loved and supported instead of abandoned. this is my way of healing i suppose.
ON A LIGHTER NOTE here's some cute shit im excited for <3
-me and my best friends are gonna go to this big ball in a couple months, one that i went to with them in my cr, i just really wanna experience it again, it was so fun.
-the ball is where me and my dr crush end up confessing to each other JFAOIWEJRKANEIAJW
-MY CATS AND DUCKS AND COW :D we have three girl black cats, Arson, Murder and Mayhem. we have four ducks, Table Lamp, Carbohydrate (Carby), Heeby Jeeby, and Choi Soobin. and we have a brown cow named Annaliese that my little sister named :)
-my little siblings <3 Phoebe and Eric. they're fraternal twins, 9 years old, and born on May the 4th (the girls who get it, get it)
-Phoebe is like those creepy ass kids on horror movies. she's quiet, usually, and she always looks like she's plotting world domination. she's insanely smart and very sarcastic. she's obsessed with bugs. im a teeny bit scared of her lmfao. her face claim is Mara Wilson
-Eric is the sweetest little guy to have ever existed. he loves to sing and draw, and is very giggly and silly. he annoys the shit out of Phoebe T0T (she still loves him tho) he's very sensitive and very empathetic. he always cries when he sees a stray dog or cat and is always trying to convince us to take in strays. his face claim is Eric Lloyd.
-my aunt/mom Isla is very weird and very eccentric and very funny. she's very spiritual, like i am, and taught me how to astral project, manifest, reality shift, do tarot card readings, cartomancy, spells, stuff like that. she knows i'm a shifter, so i can tell her about my other drs and she tells me about hers. we always script each other into our drs <3 she's a giant feminist and she took me to my first protest when i was like 10. she's soft and kind but she'd 100% kill a man for me and my siblings. she's rollin with the lgbt like me, so i can be queer openly <3
-i scripted a tweaked version of the Leverage: Redemption plot into this dr. Breanna is a part of my friend group, and she and i are hopelessly pining after each other (until the night of the ball IFHAOIHEFH)
-dear god my clothes T0T i cannot wait to play dress up fr
-all the women in my family have psychic/empathic abilities that develop around the age of 10. we also have occasional prophetic dreams/visions.
-i never got to meet my maternal grandmother Joyce in my cr, as she died a long time before i was born, but i scripted she's still alive in my dr and we're very close. im finally gonna get to meet her T0T i cant wait to hug the shit out of her. she was so amazing yall i cant wait to get to know her.
-i have one of those pink american flags with Chaewon from Lesserafim on it lmfao. i love being a patriot <3
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spacey-llama · 5 months
How did u get into just dance 👀👀
haha why thank you for opening the can of worms
Proper punctuation for this one, it’s long. Seriously. I’m basically putting my whole history with the Just Dance franchise in one post.
So, I got into Just Dance in kindergarten when my music teacher put on Cotton Eye Joe from Just Dance 1 as a fun little exercise thing.
However, I didn’t get deep into it until I started having sleepovers basically every weekend with my best friend at the time, and she introduced me to Just Dance 4 on her Xbox 360 (she also introduced me to Minecraft, but that’s a different story). We weren’t allowed to play Crucified or Disturbia, but every other song was on the menu. It was cool!
The funny thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever been a good dancer. I was just enamored by the colorful characters and the delicious songs. Most of my music taste comes from Just Dance soundtracks!
I didn’t have a console of my own until YEARS later, so I would look up the choreos on YouTube and follow along w/ them. Throughout the years at school, teachers would also put on choreos as fun little things! I still associate Moskau from JD 2014 with 3rd grade gym class.
Small tangent, I was moving states when they started putting Just Dance 2014 ads on TV. So, I really associate that game with these two weeks I was staying in a hotel before my parents could find an apartment. Troublemaker is a choreo I specifically remember seeing on TV.
When I got a Wii U, I got Just Dance 3 and 4 with it. Later on, I would acquire all the games (except for 1, 2, and 2014) up until 2017. Dude, I played them all the time. The YEARS I spent fixated on those games was insane. Most of my friends didn’t like them, so I didn’t have many people to play with, but it was fine. Also, I would literally point out any song playing on the radio and be like “Thats on Just Dance (insert game here).” I still do that.
Oh, and the first song I got 5 stars on was Me And My Broken Heart on JD 2015! It’s still one of my favorite choreos ;)
AND THEN! My Wii U broke! And instead of trying to find a place to fix it, my brother elected to SMASH IT IN THE BACKYARD WITH A HAMMER!
So I didn’t play much Just Dance after that. I still have all my old game discs, though. And I’d play it with friends at their houses if given the opportunity. Unrelated, but I’m also very unfamiliar with any game that came out after JD 2017 (sans 2023 and 2024) because of The Hammer Incident.
“Oh, gee, Spacey, this is so crazy, how’d the fixation grab you again?” Glad you asked! See, I started seeing edits of the Just Dance 2023 storymode and I went “LORE???? CHARACTERS?????? THEY HAVE NAMES NOW?????? AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”
And I immediately watched the story stuff on YouTube and fell in LOVE! I like the silly little cast! The songs they use in the story modes aren’t my faves, but the CHARACTERS and LORE are what I am here for.
So. Yeah. Then I got 2024 for my Switch (not smashed by hammers) as well as Just Dance+ and I’ve been on that grind ever since. It’s one of those games that I find most people tend to like. It connects people. I’ve kept foreign exchange students at my house, and we wouldn’t be able to hold a long conversation, but we could play Just Dance together. There’s a comfort in that. I could wax poetic on the beauty of Just Dance and its ability to bring people together, but I won’t.
Also, while I do adore the main cast of 2023/2024, I’ve kind of started to take older characters and give them names, personalities, and stories myself! So if you’re going to follow this blog or anything, expect a lot of that.
TLDR: Kindergarten bestie introduced me to Just Dance, was crazy about it for years, it faded into the back of my mind, the 2023 lore got me back into it.
Thank you for the ask! I love yapping!
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sincerrelyserena · 1 month
but just a warning they aren’t dating YET this is all while they are friends and shit 
starter: (1 item)
•Ai totally has a bunch of cat clothes and cat themed items, in fact, you wouldn’t be surprised if you saw her and her cat lord bartholomew jojo simpson the 2nd wearing matching outfits!! when rui finds this out he first teases her but from time to time he gives her cute cat figurines or anything hello kitty!! and for one of her birthdays, rui made her a robo cat <33
main: (2 items)
•Ai absolutely loves slower, deeper chill songs, and rui is the only one that knows this, as i’ve mentioned before, so sometimes rui sends her song reccs that’s in her music taste with a little text like : “heard this n thought u might like it” and they quickly become one of Ais favourite songs, not just because they sound good, but because of the person who sent them to her 
•another thing rui does for ai is listen contently when Ai rambles about a theory she has about a song that she loves, she often interprets them and tells rui about her thoughts and sometimes she’s rlly sneaky with her intention (like she’d be yapping about a song about someone loving their friend bc it’s a cute hint) but rui never realises. He actually enjoys listening to her because she does the same thing when he rambles on about how his shows went and such
Drinks: (3 items)
•Another thing i’ve mentioned before is how rui n mizuki n ai all go out shopping together and skip school, sometimes mizuki would make excuses like “if i miss this certain lesson i have to take supplementary classes” so sometimes it would just be ai n rui going together and ai treats them like little dates (she totally calls them that aswell as an attempt to fluster rui, the first couple of times it worked but then rui became used to it)
•One of Ais hobbys is matchmaking- and she’s insanely good at it too, she’s gotten a bunch of people together before (cupid fr) however she is yet to be with someone herself
dessert: (6 items)
•the idea that rui takes Ai to cat cafes is something that dosent leave my mind omg.. he probably started when they became close friends in middle school and would pay for everything as Ai sits there cuddling a cat, he’d probably start developing a crush on her during the last year of middle school because he wasn’t used to the idea of love yet but when he figures it out he try’s his best to get closer with ai 
•they prolly have a shared playlist together and half of the songs are all those rlly chill romantic songs that Ai loves with all her heart, and then idk man Rui seems like a hardcore odetari fan (PROJECTING ONTO RUI RN BUT IT SEEMS SO REAL) and honestly who can blame him Ai also loves odetari and in the future wants to collab with him (SHE WILL TRUST ME!!) same with sabrina carpet (that was on purpose) she loves trendy songs but she resonates most with dark slow deep romantic songs grrr
•speaking of music, when Ai makes song drafts for COSM1C OPERA she sends them to both Rui and Kanade, Kanade usually helps her clean a couple things up and help make it sound better and Rui just gives his feedback on what it sounds like (Ais  deffo uses vocaloid to make her songs, same with the rest of her unit)
•AI TOTALLY YAPS TO CAT SEKAI MIKU AND LUKA ABOUT HOW DOWN BAD SHE IS FOR RUI AND SHE DOSENT KNOW HOW TO TELL HIM AND LUKA TEASES HER FOR IT AND MIKU IS LIKE “you’ll know when the time is right” and then we have cat sekai len who’s an absolute BITCH AND TELLS HER “just say it to his face you sad lonely bastard” (but he means well he’s great at comforting Ai when it comes to love)
•ai fell first, rui fell harder- honestly because Ai is such a hopeless romantic she deffo fell after a couple of weeks of knowing him, she had a bunch of crushes aswell during highschool but she was trying to hide her true feelings because my baby was in denial, still that dosent stop her from yapping to rui about hot guys and rui just patting her head and saying she’ll find the right person for her one day (he’s the right person trust)
rui fell harder because after a while of knowing Ai, he started to want to be closer to her and then when he realised he had a crush on her he was absolutely down bad for Ai (as he should be Ai is a goddess she’s the strongest most invincible idol obvi) and so the rest of COSM1C OPERA found it really cute that rui would usually go up to Ai and tell her about a cute cat he saw or one of his upcoming shows or to ramble about past shows (Ai can never make it to his shows because she’s a busy girl, but she always reads through the scripts and tells him her favourite parts of them ) 
•Ais twin Ren (FINALLY GOT A NAME FOR HIM)  is super over protective of Ai since he dosent get to see her much outside of school unless it’s to meet up with the rest of COSM1C OPERA and so if rui and Ai are talking for to long then he will put his arm around Ai and will be like ‘hey!! this is MY sister!! go find another girl to steal!!’ and Ai will be pissed asf and rui will just be like so chill and just tease him😌😌
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Okay so this is the first time I've ever asked for a request but I just now thought of this and I thought it was really cute but could make me look insane but just HEAR ME OUT- pjsk boys with a S/O who was really lonely growing up and drew faces on stuff like basketballs volleyballs ect to talk to and starts rambling and going into detail on each and everyone of them, I THOUGHT IT WAS A CUTE IDEA IM NOT CRAZY I SWEAR
Don't worry it is actually pretty cute! Also I had waaay too much fun writing it hah but I hope you enjoy <3
Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui with s/o who was lonely while growing up
Tag List: @alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
You didn't had anyone in your childhood, not a single friend to talk or adult to take care of you. So you drew your friends! And they were fun! As you growed up, you managed to find some friends and even a lover! But stuff from your past still were in your room and your partner was curious about it...
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⊱ Akito saw that every ball in your room had face drawen on it, at first he was a little creeped out but the more he came to your house, the more curious he started to be...
⊱ one day tho his curiosity won, and when you went to kitchen to get some snacks, he inspected these balls with faces, but you came faster than he expected so you catched him
"Oh, did Frank catched your attention?"
"Frank...? You mean, the basketball?"
"Don't call him like that! He's a great friend of mine! I can tell you about them if you want."
⊱ he agreed out of curiosity hoping that he will know why you drew faces on them, and he does get to know it but at the same time he also got to know all of your "friends" personality traits, likes, dislikes... there's no way he'll remember that!
⊱ but what's more important to him is that you didn't had anyone in your childhood and he's angry. Not only angry at everyone else, also angry at himself that he couldn't befriend you earlier
⊱ Akito from that day tries to spend more time with you so you won't ever feel lonely, he tries to set up a date every day or if he can't then at least he wants to walk you home.
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⊱ you and Toya had one of your lazy dates at your place, you two were just classically cuddling when you decided to grab yourself a hoodie because it was cold
⊱ of course he didn't mind but when you opened your closet he saw a volleyball with face on them so he asked you if it's something from your childhood or if do you just like when they have a face, he wasn't creeped out or scared, just simply interested
"Oh, you're interested in Henry?"
"Henry? Did you named volleyball?"
"Yes! Would you like me to tell you about him a little?"
⊱ and so he agrees on that, one reason was his curiosity and another reason was how excited you were to tell him and he didn't wanted to ruin this for you
⊱ he does his best to remember all the personality traits, likes, dislikes and other stuff but if you have more than one "friend", he may have problems with that
⊱ he doesn't make fun of you for what you did, in fact he's worried about you so he makes sure to text you when he's not near you and tries to spend time with you more often
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⊱ Tsukasa wanted to have karaoke or drama date with you but his sister had friends at sleepover so the two of you decided to take it to your place
⊱ but when he came, he saw a bunch of balls with faces on them, he thought it looked cute so naturally he told you that
"I know! Ellie is so cute! And she's a great friend too!"
"Ellie? Well it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Ellie! Thank you for taking care of my co-star when I wasn't there!"
⊱ he sees it more as a play so when you ask if he would like to know more about Ellie and your other friends, he immediately says yes
⊱ he does his best to remember everything about your "friends" and he actually does! He remembers every name, likes, dislikes and other things of Saki's plushies to this day!
⊱ but when he gets to know why you're so dedicated to them, he sees it more than just a play, but after seeing how talking to Ellie made you happy, he talks with other "friends" too!
⊱ Tsukasa would like to spend even more time with you now, so he often invites you to his practices and shows, and invites you on dates more often
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⊱ Rui forgot something from school so you took and and decided to give it to him tomorrow or next time you meet, but he seemed to need it now so he came to your place for that thing and for a little date of yours
⊱ but when he entered your room he saw a bunch of balls with faces laying around, he wanted to ask about it but didn't wanted to be rude so he only took a little glances at them but you noticed that
"Are you interested in Crystal?"
"Crystal? Is this some kind of your invention perhaps?"
"No, she's my friend! And others too!"
⊱ you don't even have to ask if he wants to hear more because he asks you himself, and trust me on that he will do his very best to remember every single detail
⊱ in exchange for telling him about your friends he will tell you a little more about his inventions! Because believe or not, he also talks with his inventions pretty often
⊱ although when he gets to know your past, Rui is pretty worried so he makes sure to initiates some soft contact and tell you some sweet words today to reassure you, he won't let you be lonely anymore
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servin-up-surveys · 29 days
survey #235
Are you currently reading anything? Why did you choose to read it? Sigh, no, and I'm really struggling without a book. Without a car we haven't been able to go to the library as easily as I'd like, and Mom just hates asking for help with anything, so. I NEED a book, I'm kinda going insane lately without one.
Do you prefer water slides or roller coasters? Is there a reason? Water slides by default, because roller coasters scare me/I don't go on them.
The last person you talked to on the phone and the last person you held hands with are in a burning building and you can only save one; who? The last person I spoke to on the phone was just me giving permission for them to speak to my mother instead of me, I don't know this lady. The last person whose hand I held was my boyfriend's, so my answer is obvious.
Are there any keys on your keyboard that have letters fading away? No.
Do you remember the exact words that were said to end your last relationship? No.
What was the last song you had on repeat for more than 10 minutes? Probably "Joan of Arc" by Powerwolf.
What is a song you think is played on the radio way too often? I don't listen to the radio.
Who was the last person you slow danced with, and to what song? I don't talk about this.
As a child, did you ever go to camp? I went to vacation Bible school, and not because I actually wanted to.
Do you remember who the first person you ever had a sleepover with was? It was probably Brianna, my first best friend.
Who was the last person you had a sleepover with? Girt.
When was the last time you were in a hot tub? I don't think I've been in a hot tub since I lived in the apartment with Jason and our friends who were another couple, and I was a teenager at this time. I'm 28.
What was the last movie you watched, and with who? Lilo & Stitch, with Mom and the kids. I was the main person watching it, lol, the kids paid almost no attention.
What is something that scares a lot of people that doesn’t bother you? Snakes and usually spiders.
What is something that doesn’t bother a lot of people, but scares you? Social interaction lol. Dark skies can too, because I'm afraid of tornadoes happening.
Do you feel bad for people easily? Yes.
Do you openly admit to your faults, or make up excuses for them? If it's a fault that I'm aware of, oh yeah, I tend to admit to it easily.
How's your mental health today? I'm doing extremely poorly.
Do your feelings get hurt easily? It depends. I CAN get my feelings hurt very easily, but it depends on what's being said and what doubts I have about myself.
Will you attend a wedding in the next 3 months? No.
Are you good at following instructions? ONLY if you give me the instructions one at a time. If you even do two back-to-back, I'm fucked. I have to focus on one step at a time.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Not since my lilac hair was pretty new.
What programs/applications do you currently have open on the device you're using right now? Discord, Chrome, WordPad.
How many steps per day do you do, generally? I don't have one of these trackers. Not a lot, I can tell you that.
Have you ever had a chia pet? Growing up, yes.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? A lot.
Do you use light mode or dark mode on your phone? I usually use dark mode on apps, if that's what you mean...
Have you ever sat under a bridge? Yes, while fishing.
Do you ever go fishing or do you find it to be cruel? ... Oh lmao. I don't care if you fish to consume, like yeah it's objectively cruel but it's also life, meat is a natural part of the human diet and I'm not going to shame anyone for consuming it. I DO think fishing for fun isn't very moral, like you're just harming an animal and letting it go to possibly get an infection, but I would still do it with my dad and nephew for the bonding experience. I grew up fishing with my dad, and regardless of morality, I cherish those memories because my dad was actually doing something with me.
What is something you want? Hobbies I actually enjoy would be nice...
Have you ever been in a castle? No. Well, besides the Disney World castle, but I don't think that counts.
When was the last time you kicked a ball? I don't know.
What all have you done here recently that you found to be fun? Not... a lot. My anhedonia has been very bad and I've been mostly trapped inside my house since June (the car has been out of order), plus I was sick, PLUS Girt has been working night shift so we've hung out less...
Have you ever tried to make your own bread? No.
What’s your favorite kind of tree? Wisteria.
Do you like mozzarella sticks? Not particularly, and I can never eat a lot of them.
Have you ever stepped on glass barefoot? Uh possibly, idr.
What’s your opinion on The Beatles? I hated them as a kid. As an adult, the only song that I know of that I like is "Hey, Jude."
Do you ever pluck your eyebrows? No.
Last time you ran into someone you know in public? I have no idea.
Have you ever been scared of something you’ve seen on the internet? Oh certainly when I was younger.
Do you share any of the same favorite bands as your parents/guardian? Last I knew Ozzy is Mom's second-favorite artist. I love her favorite too, Metallica, and my dad's favorite is Van Halen, who I also enjoy.
Would you want to know if you were adopted? Are you adopted? I would definitely want to know, but I'm not.
Is there a TV family that reminds you of yours? No.
Do you know how long your screen time is? I wouldn't want to know.
How much did your senior prom dress cost you? Hell if I remember. I know it couldn't have been too terribly expensive, we weren't wealthy.
Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane? No, thank god 'cuz I would've thrown up too.
What is the most boring church you have ever attended? I always found them boring, it didn't matter where I went, but the Catholic church I grew up with was definitely the dullest. Especially once they started implementing MORE Latin that made zero sense to probably most people attending.
What is the most lively church you have ever attended? God, I remember going to one that involved that weird shit where people basically lose their minds crying on the floor, it was so uncomfortable. I can't even remember why we were there.
Do you find church fun or boring? I've always found church boring. I would literally cry as a child on Sundays Mom decided we were doing more than Sunday school because I hated it so much.
What do you hate the most about summer? The humidity and heat combined.
Which part of your body is the most muscular? Oh I couldn't possibly tell you, nowhere as far as I'm concerned.
Have you ever ran a cash register? Yes, sadly.
Did you collect Bratz dolls when you were younger? No, dolls weren't my thing.
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any) I would.
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? I want to say it was The Cheesecake Factory for a birthday.
Do you like salami? I do.
Do you know how to say I love you in at least 4 languages? I think I know four, but I might only know three. English, German, and Spanish for sure. I feel like I know Italian, or at least how it's spelled, I can't promise the pronunciation.
Do you know your mum’s first pet’s name? No.
Would you ever get a heart tattoo on your back? No.
What fruit can’t you stand? I hate cherries.
Do you know anyone autistic? My niece and me.
How about someone bipolar? A half-sister.
What do you consider private to you? My imagination. I don't know how to share my creativity with people in my "real" face-to-face life for some reason. Online, I don't care, but as soon as you're in my face-to-face life, I CANNOT share my imagination, I'm mortified.
Name something in your life that was a blessing in disguise: The breakup with Jason.
Name something that you’ve done that would be considered rebellious: Literally the only thing I can think of is sexual things in places I shouldn't have as a teenager. My mom was quite reasonable, so I wasn't super rebellious.
Name something you wish you had enough money to do: Travel.
Do you like McDonald’s Sprite? I don't really like Sprite (funny, because I was obsessed growing up), but even *I* know something's special about McD's Sprite, lol. I still don't pick it, though.
What age did you start becoming more independent? I don't even know if I'm there yet, brother.
How do you like your oatmeal? I only really like cinnamon apple, made with milk, and adding a bit of sugar is preferable.
Have you ever been to a metal concert? No, I wish.
Do you like the taste of cilantro? I actually don't know, I'd need to try it on something again.
Have you ever busted a window accidentally? No.
Do you enjoy apples? I love apples.
Have you ever made apple butter? Do you like it? No, I don't think I've ever tried that.
Do you own any pocket knives? No.
On a scale of 1-10… How happy are you and why? Like, a 3. I haven't been well.
Do you have a favorite planet? Yes, Saturn, with Jupiter right behind it.
Have you ever broken up with somebody? Yes.
Do you believe in demons? No.
Have you ever seen a spider consume another spider? Uh, I feel like I have. I certainly have on video, I watch a lot of tarantula content on YouTube and the female eating the male in breeding attempts is not rare.
Do you ever go clubbing? No.
Have you ever seen a boy band live? No.
Have you ever been dehydrated? This used to be very common for me, before I really drank water with any amount of regularity.
What’s the longest you have walked at once? Idk, but for hours. As a teenager, I would walk outside with my iPod for literally ever. I would LITERALLY go in circles in my yard. Neighbors had to think I was insane.
Do you ever take those Buzzfeed quizzes? No.
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Ahhh sleepover!! 😆 need to know all your pennymav headcanons and also how was your day?
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^us rn <3
as for my day, it was really good!!!! i visited my parents today, we went out to dinner at this really nice backwoods restaurant! they had really delicious seafood and it was run on a farm, so they had a whole garden out back with a bunch of farm animals to go look at, plus i got to meet two of the restaurant cats and they were soooo sweet 🥺 one of them jumped up on the railing whenever i walked by because it wanted me to pet it and i just ughrsdghsrgfh kitties 💗
so without further ado, the goods:
penny was the first person mav serenaded in a bar when they were younger
penny liked to think she had high standards but mav had her as soon as he opened his mouth
he still sings to her in private but don’t make the mistake of asking him to sing in public. that right belongs to penny and penny alone
penny was actually the one who convinced mav to steal the f-18
she was literally insane back then
mav tells this story to everybody but they never believe him because penny is literally god’s perfect angel
penny thinks this is hilarious and gaslights him about it because she thinks it’s cute when he gets mad
mav is so easy though. all it takes to earn his forgiveness is a kiss on the cheek. #simp
brunch dates are their thing
they do go out for fancy dinners every once in a while, but casual settings are actually preferred because they don’t want to force their relationship, keeping things chill and low-key is fine with them
also, penny is OBSESSED with breakfast food
her go-to order is a stack of buttermilk pancakes with powdered sugar and fruit on it because she loves sweets and fruit
mav just orders something healthy and boring like avocado toast lol. he’s a health nut with terrible taste in food (seriously he would eat a brick if you served it to him on a plate, he tastes no
penny highlights her hair now because it used to be more naturally auburn when she was younger and she misses the color
her hair was actually the first thing mav noticed about her when they first met, he thought it was so prettyyyy
penny cannot stand roaches and spiders so mav has to play brian pest control in her house once every few months
for real if penny sees a roach it’s game over. she will scream and wail like a banshee until mav finally ambles over to get rid of them for her, she’s so pathetic about them
on the other hand penny LOVES lizards because being a reptile enjoyer is her weird girl trait. there are lots to be found at the hard deck too which is great
more often than not if amelia isn’t sitting at the bar doing homework she’s out back chasing lizards. if mav isn’t inside either then he’s out there with her
aside from de-roaching her house, mav is also penny’s personal handyman
need your lights strung up? he’s your man
need your appliances fixed? he’s your man
need repairs done on your car? he’s your man
need kisses on your forehead? he’s your man
mav gets sleepy when he’s drunk and his favorite place to nap is on penny’s chest
“she’s soft and she smells nice” - mav 2k19 (he’s no thoughts head empty for her when he gets like this)
penny loves it when he naps on her. it’s like having a heated AND weighted blanket rolled into one
however sometimes said blanket will awkwardly grope her on accident (or was it…) in the middle of the night and that’s always fun
the 86 squad jokingly buy mav wife guy t-shirts as gag gifts but he loves them and wears them unironically all the time
examples include:
mav being an old guy gets really sore sometimes and penny gives the most incredible massages
if she hadn’t opened the hard deck she could’ve been a masseuse fr
she has such soft hands!!! and her nails feel so good when they scratch his back just ufhrsgfhrsghgr
mav is in heaven rn
also… ahaha… nsfw headcanons beneath the cut if you want… 😳👉👈
young penny and mav were both shameless harlots and had a pretty sexually open relationship
naturally this means they got into lots of threesomes because hell yeah
they’re pretty private about their sex life now though because they like to keep that part of each other all to themselves… hehehe
BUT if cyclone ever decides to take penny up on her offer he knows where to find them ;)
penny is such a lingerie girl she could be a victoria’s secret model
she likes to surprise mav with new sexy lil pieces she finds online, it keeps things spicy in the bedroom
his face is always a national treasure every time she brings out something new
if you think seeing them on her is good though? imagine how good she looks when he takes them off for her
the only thing better is how good it feels when he takes them off for her
mav is a master of the art of cunnilingus
he’s sucked so much dick between relationships you can’t tell me he doesn’t know how to use his tongue
he gets hard instantly when penny sits on his face (and he’s real for it honestly have you SEEN young jencon!!! she has the sexiest thighs i’ve ever seen in my life i want them to choke me)
if mav is a master of cunnilingus then naturally penny is the mistress of the strap
she definitely pulls mav’s hair when she fucks him
the moans he makes are OBSCENE
they have crossed off every item on their sex bucket list
fuck on a boat
fuck on a beach
fuck on the dock
fuck in a bathroom
fuck in a car
fuck in a plane
fuck in her dad’s bed
fuck in her dad’s office
fuck by a window
i cannot believe i just typed all of this jesus please forgive me
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i'd LOVE to hear your thoughts about the song twins.
anon ur everything thank u for fueling my song twins obsession mwah <3 here u go
sidenote: these are mostly about hair, friendship, and piercings....something that says a lot about me right now
okay first OFF idc tams shorter than linh!! they're both like decently tall but everyone thinks tam is short because linh is just like that type of tall where youre all limbs..like zendaya so everyone looks incredibly short compared to her
idk if he's the younger twin which drives him mad or if he's older AND still shorter but either way he gets made fun of <3
re my last post (that was supposed to go here but sleeby eesha cannot press buttons properly and apparently queue and draft are too close)
linh does NOT have her ears pierced but has an insane amount of piercings like she has a septum, both nostrils, AND a nose bridge piercing, she does NOT have snakebites (lip piercings) bc there's a LINE but she is considering eyebrow piercings to match her bridge one
tam has double lobe piercings on both sides, a helix on his right, a tragus on both sides, a daith on his left ear and he's planning to get an industrial whenever linh gets her eyebrow ones. he does NOT have guages bc like linh said, there's a LINE that shouldn't be crossed
like tam and linh have the same amount of piercings except linh has it everywhere but her ears and tam has it only on his ears
tam: how do u BREATHE linh: how do u HEAR (they're sooo 🤝)
both of them have dimples-linh's are incredibly easy to spot because she smiles all the time but tam only has one on his left side and he purposefully makes it so that when he's not scowling or anything his smirks go to the right so no one can tell (sophie is the first to discover it but no one believes that tam has a dimple so she purposefully tries to make him smile properly in front of everyone so they believe her!! she is only believed when at a sleepover keefe trips and falls flat on his face after boasting abt his balance and tam can't help but grin incredibly wide)
enough bangs tam let's talk about bangs linh, both song twins are diy hairdressers to each other, look me in the eye and tell me the two ppl who melted their registry pendants and decided to dye their hair with it are not...u cant!
so they decided to get bangs together, except tam went HARD and thankfully linh can make it so that it doesn't look so out of place. i can't describe his hair but know it looks good <3
linh in support of tam, decided to want lowkey with simply face framing "bangs" but unfortunately..instead of to the bottom of your nose/your chin which is where they're supposed to be cut, tam cuts them near the TOP of her nose, so linh has the world's tiniest face frame ever with parts of her hair that are just incredibly short. sometimes she can take them and spread them across her forehead into wispy bangs which are cute on some people! unfortunately for her, only tam can rock bangs so she has to wait MONTHS for them to grow out into true face frame bangs (source: me except i went to a hairdresser and when she asked me nose or chin, i said nose and she cut them like that...i loved them though <3 always missing them)
linh always has the urge to bleach her hair to dye it blonde but is talked down by tam every time, because in his words "there are too many blondes in our friend group do not leave me in black-haired superiority to be like every other bitch we know. including our significant others" (tam is dating keefe bc it's me and linh is dating whichever blonde makes you feel better) (sophie or marella bc i fully believe marella is naturally blonde but it's like a DARKK reddish strawberry blonde which counts !)
isn't it canon that it's hard for them to sleep without each other? if not WELL too bad it is now literally when they were little one of them could not sleep without the other next to them like literally impossible which was EVEN more amplified after they were away from home and it's gotten better now but they do find comfort in each other's presence and touch
little geniuses the both of them got their abilities YEARS before they're supposed to (im pretty sure i wrote in one of my fics that they got it when they were like 5?6? around there) ik it doesn't make sense bc oh but its weird that sophie got hers when she was five that's bc she's a telepath. telepaths are weird <3
tam's a NERDDDD i fully believe he's so interested in how everything works just like in general the nitty-gritty details of like lightleaping! and history of the animals and history of elves and astronomy all the things considered like boring or mundane and he bonds with sophie over wanting to know how everything works and they have hangouts with dex and fitz who explain to them what they want to know and sophie in turn tells them about how she learned it's supposed to happen with her human schooling (its me! you thought you wouldn't escape me making everyone friends? you're wrong!)
but like most nerds, he keeps his curiosity under lock and key hidden underneath his prickly attitude (something he and marella bond over because while marella loves to call him a nerd marella is literally THEE inner softie in the friend group like her and dex have a secret handshake tam is sworn to secrecy by the both of them not to say)
yes tam and linh are the first to know of each other's secrets but while tam can hide stuff from linh for YEARSS (his shove his feelings into a bottle mentality is showing) linh cannot keep anything a secret from tam and has ruined many surprise bday parties/gifts by this. the funny part is that it is ONLY with tam like u tell linh a secret involving pranking keefe and the only way you find out she knew is years after the prank happens
this is getting super long so i'll end it with this: they don't actually have a twin thing but they will say they have twin telepathy and have pre-rehearsed bits in their back pockets to freak people out
okay that's it im done i have more but ill save that for another day hope yall enjoyed this montrosity !!
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Week in Review
08/11/2024 – 08/17/2024
Week 27 of missing Cipher Academy
Man, not even an Undead Unluck chapter this week…man…
Currently doing a week-long sleepover with my friends, so we watched Muppet Treasure Island. I didn’t watch The Muppets growing up, so I don’t really have a frame of reference for what they’re like outside of what I’ve learned through general cultural osmosis, but I thought the movie was pretty cute. I loved the dynamic between Tim Curry playing it totally straight against these silly-looking Muppets, and the story was fun and dynamic when it needed to be. 6/10.
Made my friends watch Marry My Dead Body and it was just as fun as when I watched it for the first time. I talked about it at length in my Fav Things 2023 post, but just know that it’s really become one of my favourite movies of all time.
We also rewatched Bocchi the Rock together, and of course it’s still insanely good.
More Bocchi. We got up to the Ano Band performance before I had to leave, but it’s my favourite Bocchi song so it was a good place to end off on.
Went home and caught up on some BL. Started reading Koi no Ghost, and even though I want to stay away from generic fluffy high school BL for the sake of using my time on this earth efficiently, the ghost premise managed to intrigue me enough to keep reading. The ghost bits are funny, but the main guy’s unfulfilled yearning for the other guy is moving at times in a way that compels me.
Oni to Tengoku continues to be excellent, with Aoki realizing that he has to make a conscious effort to maintain his relationships rather than going with the flow all the time. As always, I love how Oni to Tengoku injects genuine pathos into its characters.
Started reading Senpai, Naka Misete because the art is really cute… I don’t care for VTubers at all myself, but the limits of the career make for a fun romcom set-up. I appreciate how fast the main two get together, and how the most recent chapters have been about them navigating their relationship in the face of internet scandal and their careers.
Read through Biting a Vampire because the art was decent, but…I think some of the page layouts could’ve used some more work. Sometimes it felt like things were happening too fast, or the scene would suddenly cut to something else without satisfying resolving the last one… The premise was mildly interesting, I suppose, though I would’ve liked to see some more natural romantic chemistry between the main leads instead of just the delinquent annoying the vampire into having sex the whole time until the vampire’s brother comes in and forces the vampire’s hand. 3/10.
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rainytomorrows · 3 years
Security breach | head canons pt 2 (crush edition)
What I head canon the characters would do if they had a crush on you. Lets get into it, enjoy! ♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡
Freddy -So sweet oh my god -He probably takes notes tbh. Like your favorite pizza and all that -If Gregory isn't in his chest cavity there's a first aid kit or a gift in there. Literally always prepared to help -Idk I just see him as like- COMMITTED. Some may say its a bit much but he just wants you to be in absolute bliss and safety around him -Once he gave you a band aid with his face on it and you were silent, he never did it again. (I'm assuming it was a "oh that's cute" silence but its up to interpretation) -Gave you a little top hat to match him once it was adorable -When he finds lost coins he puts them together and gives them to you so you guys can play arcade games together
Monty -He doesn't know whether to be sweet or bully you -"He's a tsundere" I can't see it he seems so blunt -If he doesn't admit his crush quickly he just openly teases you all the time -Once he literally went through the trouble to pretend to be missing so he could (gently) tackle you from behind (The others knew it was fake but he asked them to go with his plan) -You know when a dog jumps on you because they're excited? He told you that's what you look like when you run up to hug him. Makes fun of you but makes sure you know its all with loving intent -Made you wear cat ears once (my oc is a catgirl so if that's your case too just- you already had em) and you had to wear them on stage to introduce them, Monty would NOT stop patting your head and all that. Don't let him know if you enjoy it he'll never let it go. Ever. -Definitely flexes his strength around you. Will randomly pick you up just for shits and giggles
Roxy -Also bullies you with love and flexes her strength -I just feel like her and Monty are really similar -She won't admit she likes you half as easy though, if you mention it she'll get all flustered and deny it and make a bunch of half assed misdirects -"NO! YOU DO!" half of me is pained to head canon that she isn't just super tough super strong always confident woman but, come on look at her. -Gives you gifts when you aren't looking but also puts her name on it and makes sure you know SHE gave it to you and no one else -Sleepovers. She tries to be nonchalant about it but she really wants to "not cuddle" with you.
Chica -Takes time to make healthy recipes that taste like your favorite foods so you can eat them all the time no worries at all (like less stomach aches and cavities) -Makes you pizza so often you could live on it -SO SWEET OH MY GOD hypes you up so so often -Will literally spend hours complimenting you if need be -Will run little fashion shows with you after hours. Like she'll give you outfits to try on (ones that you like) -Like each outfit you go on the lifting stage and walk down, doesn't matter who of the gang attends she will clap and compliment you each and every time -Applies makeup on you if you want it and you'll look so nice with it
Sun/Moon -So many arts and crafts -Sun makes sure he gets your favorite color of everything. whether it be glitter glue or construction paper so on -Draws pictures for you all the time. Like all the time he'll come up to you and show you a picture of him and you hanging out together. (both of them) -Makes the best napping spots. If you're someone that struggles with sleep they make like "nests" and really good beds so you can sleep well, or at least rest.
Vanny -Literally insane I'm sorry -I don't have much to say she's just bat shit crazy -Watches you on the cameras probably -Will give you secret gifts as well but way creepier -I'm sorry if you like Vanny she's just- REALLY crazy
(BONUS) Map bots -Draws cute pictures on your maps -Might cut your maps into cute heart shapes or stars etc -Makes you hats and stuff out of maps
Hope you enjoyed! Head canons beloved <3
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entities-of-posts · 3 years
When did this blog become a rp blog?? What’s happening?? /nm I just wanna know so I can keep up with whatever plot is happening rn
Well about two weeks ago now I (more or less) accidentally kicked off a Vast ritual - or, rather, helped it gain traction. The point was to reblog a very very long post as many times in a row possible to torture your followers, and I kept a scoreboard updated about the developments. Long story short, after that, people started interacting a lot more with me and before I knew it this was a Proper Roleplay Blog™. Since then a couple of things have happened, briefly listed:
- people started sending me statements for appraisal and questions about the Entities/avatarhood
- I started taking in students - rookie avatars who I helped choose their path and educate. Some of them are terrible troublemakers.
- I tried very very hard not to talk about Homestuck but people kept goading me into it and I eventually cracked and went Insane for One Night Only
- in retribution for Homestuck Crimes, a Slaughter avatar challenged me to a duel. I won with the power of intellect and incredible violence :) now her right eye sits in a bottle on my desk as a paperweight
- one of my students got kidnapped and thrown into the Lonely by my spider friends who used to help me around the Archives. Note the now-past tense.
- I got a cat :D his name is The Detective and he’s of the Flesh and he’s adorable
- tape recorders started showing up. Uh oh.
- another of my students was kidnapped by the spiders. Same day, the first one stopped sending updates from the Lonely. Now I was getting worked up.
- a friend got possessed & taken by the Web and started sending coded messages. At this point my relationship with the Web was officially updated to “complicated”. I spent a few frantic days trying to exchange what messages I could with the missing people and breaking cipher after cipher with the help of a few people, mainly my remaining student, until they got taken as well, and things were looking Kinda Bleak!
- finally fed up and desperate enough to take Pretty Rash actions, I gathered together some useful things from artifact storage, including a few gifts from Spiral avatars: a map of the Hallways given to me by my second pupil, plus glasses to read it and a key to unlock any door I needed to given to me by Michael. With these and the help of a Buried avatar + rocky grunts, I made my way to where I’d figured out the four missing people were: a web spun by a very very big Spider just at the edge between the domains of the Lonely and the Vast, right above the fog. There was an epic battle and I used a Desolation lighter to blow myself and the Spider up. We both survived but got hurt enough that my crew - rescue team and rescued - could escape back through the Hallways (a few of us kind of had to be dragged along at this point and I might have been in the number…)
- everyone having made it back safe, we had a big sleepover party and everyone was invited and it was very nice :) even if a lot of us were Just A Little Bit hurt.
- the next day I took it slow and answered statements and focused on healing the severe burns on 1/3 of my body :) it was a calm day overall! Though during the evening an incredibly untrustworthy looking Web avatar showed up and offered me to gamble “small favors” over a game of blackjack. They looked so suspicious and I had just barely gotten out of a scrap with the Web the day before and it was clearly a trap, so of course I said yes
- there followed a tense game; five rounds, which ended with a score of two for me and three for the Spider, meaning I now owe the Web one (1) “small favor” which isn’t worrying at all :) but I think it was worth it for the info I got out of it and because it was fun and they were kinda hot
- then I went looking through the Archives for a Stranger avatar that had gotten in there somehow (it’s off limits) and learned an unfortunate story
And that’s where we are now :) no I don’t know how this happened either. I’m having fun though
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Spectre 02 to followers.
There are over 50 of you! That is absolutely insane—thank you so much for following me, all of you! I decided to celebrate by giving a list of prompts for anybody who would like me to write them a fanfiction!
•First times/situations•
1. Holding hands
2. Using nicknames
3. Discussing having kids
4. Vacation
5. Cooking for the other person
6. Seeing the other person in casual clothes
7. Feeling like they’re already married
8. Hugging
9. Officially becoming a couple
10. Getting punched by the other one
11. Experiencing feelings for the other person
12. Kiss
13. Feeling like they’re parents
14. Giving the other person a present *insert Hera in Jedi Night saying “a present??” aka probably the Rebels line I quote the most
15. One or both of them feels his/her heart speed up around the other person
16. Sleeping on the other’s shoulder
17. Seeing the other person cry
18. Really appreciating the other person’s smile
19. Setting boundaries
20. Seeing the other person dressed up/wearing makeup
21. Establishing a real connection with the other
22. Celebrating the other’s birthday
23. Singing a duet together
24. Forehead touch
25. Dancing together
26. Teasing/bantering
27. One or both annoying the other person
28. One of them wearing the other person’s shirt/sweatshirt
•miscellaneous situations•
1. Sick
2. Wounded/Injured
3. Almost losing the other one
4. Being separated for a long time
5. Reunion
6. Coping with change
7. Talking about problems
8. Complaining about kids
9. Chatting amiably about kids
10. Waking up/morning
11. Missing each other
•not necessarily romantic! (but it can be!)•
1. Family game night
2. Sleepover
3. Amusement/theme park (*rubs hands together* this one could be FUN)
4. Seeing a movie in a theater
5. Seeing a play or musical
6. Date night
7. Picnic
8. Going skydiving
9. Going whitewater rafting
10. Bowling/laser tag
11. Shopping
12. Getting ready for a big event
13. Bonding time
14. Cleaning together
15. Doing laundry together
16. Dancing
17. Picking out each other’s outfits
18. Going out for ice cream/another sweet treat
19. Movie night
20. Birthday!!
21. Beach!
•MCU Quotes•
“Let’s face it, this is not the worst thing you’ve caught me doing.”
“What are you trying to get rid of me for? You got plans?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“I don't like it when you have plans.”
“I'm allowed to have plans on my birthday.”
“It's your birthday?”
“I knew that. Already?”
“Yeah, isn't that strange? It's the same day as last year.”
“Well, get yourself something nice for me.”
“I already did.”
“Yeah? And?”
“Oh, it's very nice... very tasteful. Thank you, Mr. [last name].”
“You're welcome, Ms. [last name].”
“You remember, that night?”
“You mean.. the night we danced and then we went out on the roof, and you left to get me a drink and didn't come back, and left me there - alone? Is that the night you mean?”
“I’m gonna need a rain check on that dance.”
“You okay?” “Yeah, I just…I had a date.”
“This is just like [place name] all over again.”
“You and I remember [place name] very differently.”
“I’m with you til the end of the line.”
“And how’s little Natasha?”
“Traitor.” (Name and gender can be changed with this one!)
“[name] doesn't like that kind of talk.”
“You know what, [insert other character’s last name]...”
“I have a plan.”
“you've got a plan? Okay, first of all, you're copying me from when I said I had a plan.”
“I'm not copying you, I have a plan, that's not that unique of a thing to say.”
“And secondly, I don't think you even have a plan.”
“I have part of a plan.”
“What percentage of a plan do you have?”
“…I dunno... Twelve percent?”
“Touch me, and the only thing you're gonna feel is a broken jaw.”
“I love you, more than anything.”
“I love you, too.”
“So here we are: a thief, two thugs, an assassin and a maniac. But we're not going to stand by as evil wipes out the galaxy. I guess we're stuck together, partners.”
“I am going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.”
“All any of you do is yell at each other. You're not friends.”
“You're right... We're family.”
“You need to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”
“Just don't do anything I would do. And definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do.
There's a little gray area in there, and that's where you operate.”
“Does she speak English?”
“When she wants to.”
T’Challa: [freezes] “Nakia... hi.”
[Okoye appears and saves T’Challa]
Okoye: “You froze.”
“It is my duty to fight for who I... for the things I love.”
“Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards.”
“I can't help everybody.”
“It sort of seems like you can.”
“Not if I stop. I can put a pin in it right now... and stop.”
“Tony, trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life.”
“Please know, when I drift off and be like everything lately, I'm fine. I'm totally fine. I dream about you. Because it's always you.”
“Everywhere I go, I see his face. I just really miss him.”
“Yeah, I miss him too. I don't think [name] would've done what he did, if he didn't know you were gonna be here after he was gone.”
“We're doing it.”
“We are not doing 'Get Help'.”
“Get help! Please! My brother is dying! Get help! Help him!”
“What is grief if not love persevering?”
“You good?”
“..I'm clearly injured.”
“It's funny. My whole life, I didn't think I had any family. Turns out I got two.”
“[other character’s name], if this is the last time that we...”
[reaching left arm to empty space]
“Ah, *curses*”
“So we’re a team now?”
“Oh, [stars], no!”
“Well, if you think it’s a bad idea, I’d prefer you to speak your mind.”
“No. Nothing to say.”
“That’ll be a first.”
Feel free to combine as many as you want and let me know which characters it’s for! You can also just come up with any that you want! You all know who my favorite couple to write is, so prompts for them are especially welcome 😄 I’ve had some experience with Luxsoka and Anidala—and I’d love to write some Ghost Crew content, as well as other platonic things, like Anakin and Ahsoka! Send in as many different prompts as you want—I am SO excited for this!
Spectre Two out.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
I Should Sleep With You More Often (Sam x Reader)
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Sequel to Works Like a Charm  where Sam and Reader finally get together. It’s a very fluffy piece, with a little bit of late night breakfast making and a surprise kiss. 
special thanks to @literaryhedgehog​ cause this wouldn’t have happened without her. 
“Hey, I can’t sleep.” Sam’s voice comes over the phone, getting straight to the point with frustration.
“And you’re calling me about it? At 3 am. I could have been asleep you know.” You huff into the phone, pinning it between your chin and your shoulder. 
“Were you?” She asks, and you can almost see her eyebrow quirking up. 
You look down at the frying pan where you were about to pour your egg-cheese scramble. “No. But still.”
“Don’t worry, I appreciate the irony of the situation,” she says, with an attempt at humor. “can I come over?”
“Sure. You can split my omelet.” You hum, your tongue poking out as you make sure the entire omelet landed on the plate instead of the floor. 
“Omelette?” Sam asked, sounding amused. “I thought you weren’t supposed to --” 
“Eat anything after 9 pm I know, I know. But I woke up and was hungry, and couldn’t just ignore it to fall back asleep for two hours. I had to eat something or I was going to get nauseous.” You interrupted her, waving your hand dismissively. 
“What?” Sam asked entirely confused. 
“You know that feeling, where you’re like, so hungry that you get kind of nauseous?” You tried to explain again. 
“No…” She trailed off. 
“Oh, well it’s the worst. I like to try to eat something before it gets too bad because otherwise, the food won’t do anything. Anyway, I made enough you can have half of it, just let me know when you get here so I can send down the elevator for you.” You said, whipping your hands off and walking towards the door. 
“I’m actually just parking,” Sam’s voice came sheepishly over the phone. In the background, you heard the unmistakable sound of her car being locked. She always insisted on clicking the lock button twice so it would beep, like she didn’t trust it to lock the first time. 
You shook your head and left your apartment to buzz her into the building. “You’re telling me that at 3 am, before even checking to see if I was awake, you just decided to come to my apartment because you couldn’t sleep?”
“You’re insane,” you said, hanging up the phone as the elevator door opened to reveal her tall frame. 
She ruffled the hair at the back of her neck, grinning. “I knew you would be awake?”
“Bullshit.” You led the way back to your apartment and grabbed two plates from the cabinet. “You want soy milk?”
“Soy milk. I’ve got vanilla or dark chocolate.” For some reason, soy milk helped reduce the insomnia nausea more than anything else most days. Still, the omelet smelled amazing. 
“Um sure, vanilla please.” She shrugged, and you rolled your eyes. Vanilla was for the weak. 
You pulled out both cartons and two glasses, before cutting the omelet in half and handing her a fork. 
“Don’t I get my own plate?” Sam whined, cutting off a piece of the Omelet and popping it into her mouth. 
“People who come barging into my apartment at 3 AM have to share with the host. Unless you wanna do dishes?” You raised your eyebrow at her, pointing your fork in her direction, smirking when she emphatically shook her head no. 
She quickly changed the subject, avoiding your eyes as she ate. “So how are you liking your apartment, it’s new right?”
“Yeah, I moved in four months ago, you know when I suddenly got traded to North Carolina,” you said, a very bitter edge in your voice. How Mark could let you leave the thorns you would never know, but at least Hinkle was retiring. 
You took another bite “So why couldn’t you sleep? At camp, you’re usually snoring like a freight train by now.” 
Sam paused mid-bite, fork in the air. She looked like she was debating how to answer then, stuffed her last piece of omelet in her mouth. “I donb snowe.”
“You totally do. Rose even sent me the video evidence if you wanna see it,” you smirked, standing to go get your phone. 
“No!” Sam jumped up and you sprinted across the kitchen to get out of her reach, grinning. “You really don’t have to do that, it’s not a big deal.”
“Oh, but I really don’t mind,” you taunted, starting for your phone before Sam tackled you. Well, it wasn’t a tackle so much as a grab, but she had a good foot and a half on you, so same difference really. 
“Put me down. This is highly unnecessary,” you sputtered, laughing from Sam’s shoulder. “I’m not supposed to exercise within an hour of bed. My therapist would be unhappy with so much activity.”
“Yeah cause eating an Omelette at 3 am is totally something she would approve,” Sam rolled her eyes, as she tossed you onto your couch.
“Lies and slander. I won’t get the alleged snoring video, but seriously. Why are you here?”
Sam sighs, and slouches onto the couch next to you, dropping her head into your lap. You smile down at her, liking this new angle. While you certainly didn’t mind being the baby of the team, it was kind of nice to do the petting for once.
“I don’t know,” Sam said, furrowing her eyebrows.
“You were never a good liar. It’s why everyone catches you when you try to pull pranks. I hear it helps if you talk about it,” You murmured, using your thumb to smooth out the crease that formed between her eyes. 
“Fine, I couldn’t sleep because I kept having nightmares. It felt like, I was tossing and turning for hours, and then every time I dozed off, my brain came up with these fucked up images. Like, silence of the lambs shit. I could sell some horror film director the plotlines and make bank, I’m telling you. And since Rose and Wilma moved out, my place has felt so empty. It felt like, the panic attacks I used to have before games. When I had to always bring a bag with me to hyperventilate into before I could get my mind on the game.”
You frowned. “I don’t remember that.”
“Once you became my bus buddy I didn’t have that problem. You got me out of my own head with fun word games and stupid jokes. Remember that time you gave me the sentence ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog?’ You kept grinning telling me to stop stressing out, it would be alright, to just guess a letter.” 
“Because whatever you guessed would be right.” You hum smiling down at her. 
 “You couldn’t take that shit-eating grin off your face, you jerk, but like, it helped me stop second-guessing myself. Sitting on the bus with you, I’ve never felt more calm going into a season. And so I just thought. It’s dumb but I hoped coming here would help.” She shrugged. 
“It’s not dumb Sammy. You help me sleep too. Why do you think all the vets insist I sit with you?” You said softly, leaning down to kiss her forehead. 
“Because you used to fall asleep literally everywhere and they hoped I could get across the aisle and catch you before you hit your head?” She giggled and you snapped her shoulder lightly. 
“Wow. Thanks.” You said in a monotone, “Or maybe it’s ‘cause you’re my favorite teddy bear.”
“If anyone is the teddy it’s you. You’re like half my size,” She giggled. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you muttered, playfully pushing her head off your lap. “Come on you giant.”
“Where are you going?” She asked, allowing you to pull her to her feet. 
“To go grab you a toothbrush and a fresh pillowcase for the bed.” You said, your tugging getting a little more insistent. You really wanted to get to sleep tonight. You had been so good lately (ignoring the random omelet you cooked tonight).
“Oh, um. I was hoping we could just watch television on your couch and I would fall asleep,” Sam rambled, eyes wide. “I mean, not that I mind, but I didn’t want to like, invade on your--”
“Just come up to my room. It’s no big deal, it’s large enough for both of us, and I honestly don’t think that couch is even big enough to fit you. Besides, maybe it will help you sleep to be on a mattress actually purchased in this century.”
“Hey, I like my mattress!” She grumbled indignantly, crossing her arms. 
“You flip it twice a month because it keeps forming an indention where you’ve slept!” You said exasperated. That sleepover had been a terrible idea and you stood by that. At least your bed didn’t spit out feathers when you turned over too fast. 
“Well, I. um. No comment.” you hear her say as you go to take your turn in the bathroom. 
When Sam gets back from brushing her teeth you’ve done everything except turn out the lights. You look up from your side of the bed as she pauses in the doorway. 
“Is this… Welcome to Night Vale?”
“It helps me ignore my thoughts. Can you get the lights please?” 
You had to replay the podcast the next day after Sam left. You couldn’t remember anything after “Wednesday has been canceled due to a scheduling error” because within moments you were asleep.
You thought that sleeping with Sam was only supposed to be a one-night thing, but it wasn’t. One night turned into two, which turned into the two of you usually crashing at each other's places. 
If you were being honest, it was the best sleep you had ever gotten. It was nice to have someone there to hold onto, to protect you from the bad dreams. The problem was that your feelings were edging past the line of friendship, and you had no idea what to do about it. 
It started with a team party you both went to, where Sam offered to be the designated driver. After she dropped everyone else off, you told her she might as well stay the night at your place since it was already so late and she did. And you both slept great. And then you had your usual Saturday spa night the next night, and you were several shots in and it wouldn’t have been responsible to drive home. And you both slept a solid seven hours. 
Not that Sam was a magical cure to your insomnia. You still had nights where your brain was like a train running off the rails, unstoppable no matter how hard you tried. Yet, having her there helped. She made sure blue lights went off when they were supposed to, and your late-night breakfast-making was kept to a minimum. AND after the first few nights, you realized that she was amusingly clingy in her sleep. Which meant that occasionally if you woke up and tried to get out of bed, she would sleepily grab you and hold you in place murmuring about whatever was happening in her dream. Since you couldn’t get up you had to just lay there, which normally might have been boring, but with her was amusing as you listened to her rambling state of consciousness. 
You sighed, staring up at the ceiling. You really needed to get your shit together and just ask her out. But what if she said no, and you lost your cuddle buddy? That would suck royally, and if you lost your bus seat it might completely curse the USWNT. 
“Alright, I can practically feel the steam coming out of your ears, spill,” Sam groaned, rolling over and throwing an arm around your waist. 
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Time. Like someone decided that seconds were a thing and a certain number of seconds equaled a minute and there were a certain number of minutes in a day. Like someone just decided it was a thing, and everyone went along with it and now we all have to plan our lives around this arbitrary system. I wonder if that asshole realized that people would use it to put kids in detention and force them to cram so they could regurgitate facts in a specified amount of his made-up system. And like the Romans made a Calendar and the Mayans did one too…” Your rambling was cut off by Sams’s soft lips touching your own in a quick peck before she collapsed back into the pillow. “Just blame capitalism babe.”
You stared at her for a minute, shocked, before she bolted upright. “SHIT. Sorry, I just. I forgot to ask for consent. I just forgot--”
“I consent, yes, more of this please,” you said, leaning over to kiss her again. Your hands cupped her cheeks and her fingers tangled into the baby hairs at the back of your neck. 
After a few minutes, Sam broke off the kiss, both of you breathing heavily. “Um, wow. You know, I’m not sure this is helping you get to sleep, love.”
You smirk, biting your lip and straddling her hips before you lean in to kiss her again, slowly. “You’re the one who said you needed to sleep with me more often.”
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alyasgf · 3 years
Teenage Rebellion -Adrinette April Day 2-5
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Summary- Marinette convinces Adrien to sneak out! Featuring a daring escape, Jagged Stone concert, André’s ice cream, game night, and cuddling!
Notes- knocking out 5 prompts in 1 because I’m late! Featuring prompts 2-5 rebellion, game night, best friends, and jagged stone! I decided to skip the commission prompt, at least for right now, which is why this was made :)
Side note! they know each others secret identities identity but Chat never officially said he had a crush on Ladybug. Therefore Marinette is fully aware of Adrien’s crush on her and is a huge flirt about it.
She had been trying to convince Adrien all day and if she kept using those faces he just knew he’d cave soon.
“I told you I can’t! I have a photoshoot and fencing practice Mari.” He said, avoiding her eyes.
“I barely got Jagged to give us these tickets last minute! And they’re backstage passes. Backstage Adrien. Picture it with me.” She pulled him in my his shoulders, looping her arm around him.
Adrien tried to suppress a chill and conserve his nerves. Her arm was around him. No big deal.
“Just you, me, the biggest rockstar in the world, and his huge pet alligator! Tell me its not worth your fathers wrath. You could even hide out at my place and spend the night! You wouldn’t have to deal with him until the next day.” She then turned to him, holding his shoulders and staring into his eyes.
“You have got to live a little Adrien. What’s the worst that could happen?”
And with that he caved.
“Fine what time is the concert.” He said, signing defeatedly.
“Yes!” Marinette pumped her first in the air and excitedly told him her plan.
At exactly 3:01 pm the next day he heard tapping at his window.
“You’re late.” He said to the girl two stories down outside his window.
“By a minute, I think you’ll live. Now throw down your bag.”
“Nathalie will be coming to get me in 30 minutes. I need to be long gone.” He explained, throwing his tied lined of curtains down for her to hold still as he climbed.
“Be careful, we don’t have time to stop at a hospital due to a broken leg and I don’t need you getting rope burn or messing up that pretty face.” She teased.
“Oh shut up I’m trying to focus over here.” He struggled to get down without accidentally sliding.
“You’re taking too long! You’re more than halfway just jump I’ll catch you I promise.” She said, and when Adrien looked down she was tapping her watch.
“Are you insane? I don’t have a death wish Mari, just wait a second.”
It was at this moment she chose to start silently chanting jump.
“This is peer pressure you know!”
“Shut up and jump already.”
He jumped.
As he braced himself for the short fall he felt himself feel in soft, unsteady arms.
They both toppled to the ground laughing with the rush of adrenaline.
“You’d catch me huh.” He said once they calmed down.
They laid shoulder to shoulder in the grass heads turned to one another.
Before Marinette could come up with a witty reply they heard something that made them freeze.
“Adrien I heard noise whats going on in her-“
They turned up to see Nathalie’s head sticking out the window, a look of surprise in her eyes.
Adrien knew he was doomed. Still stood up and gave her pleading eyes with his hands formed in a prayer form.
“I didn’t see this. As far as I know you said you weren’t feeling good and I had to cancel your appointments. Understood?”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Adrien said, beaming brighter than the sun.
“Does this mean we can go through the front gate?” Marinette asked sheepishly.
“What was your plan if you couldn’t?” Nathalie asked with a disappointed look.
“Sneak through unnoticed?” Marinette offered.
“Mari! You said you had a plan.” Adrien said turning to her with his arms crossed.
“I never said it was a good one.” She said shrugging.
Nathalie nodded and they went on their way.
Outside of the gate was Marinette’s bike and two helmets.
“Where am I supposed to get on?” Adrien asked, confused.
Then he saw Marinette eye the handlebars.
“No no no! Absolutely not!” He protested.
“Do you wanna see Jagged or not?”
Adrien rode on the handlebars.
“Marinette would you slow down! I don’t wanna fall off!”
“Watch your sharp turns!”
“Sidewalk! Sidewalk! Sidewalk!”
“Adrien, lean left I can’t see!”
“If I lean we’re gonna fall Mari!”
“Have a little faith in me!”
“Dear god help us.”
“Would you calm down drama queen!”
They rode with his small suitcase on wheels dragging behind them, tied with a single rope Marinette had brought.
By the time they got to Marinette’s house Adrien had lost count of the near death experiences he had on that bike.
“Never again Marinette.” He huffed as he got off the bike with shaking legs.
“Bonding experience!” She said with a smirk.
She pulled him into the bakery. He said a quick hi to her parents before he was yanked over to the trapdoor.
“Hurry and put your stuff in my room. If we start running late we won’t have time to walk which would mean another fun bike ride Sunshine.”
“Marinette I would really like to see Jagged Stone in one piece if thats not to much to ask.” He huffed, climbing the trapdoor, throwing his suitcase in, and coming back down.
“Are we going or what?”
“Get ready for the time of your life Agreste.” She said in a way that lit Adrien’s heart on fire.
Adrien could get used to that tone.
By the time they left the concert Adrien wasn’t sure anything ever could top that day.
He and Marinette had spent the last 5 hours singing at the tops of their lungs front row at a Jagged Stone concert. They danced together and Adrien had never felt more alive.
Adrien bought them matching t-shirts (as a thank you to Marinette for getting the tickets, not because he thought they looked like a couple when they matched or anything.) When they went backstage to meet Jagged, he signed their shirts and gave them signed CDs and posters.
Needless to say they were on top of the world.
Marinette suggested they take the long way home because it was such a beautiful night, and who was Adrien to disagree?
Their luck led them to André and his magical ice cream.
“Oh I don’t know Adrien I don’t think i can finish an ice cream right now.” Marinette said, trying to pull them along.
“Then maybe we can share?” Adrien suggested nervously.
Marinette shrugged and Adrien took it as a yes. She decided to sit on a bench as Adrien went to get the ice cream.
“Hey André.” He greeted.
“Ah yes Adrien! I see you brought a girl! Would you like one to share with the lucky lady?” He asked while preparing his scoops.
“Yes please.” Adrien was curious what flavors he would get. He hoped it’d be something Marinette would like.
“Hmm... blackberry and peppermint. An explosive mix and thats a fact! But oftentimes it’s the opposites that attract." He said adding the flavors onto a cone. “What do you think?” He handed Adrien the ice cream.
“Perfect.” Adrien said, almost breathless. “Thank you so much André have a good night.” After paying him Adrien turned to Marinette.
She was sitting on a bench looking at some birds fight over bread. The sun was setting right behind her and it lit her up in the most beautiful way.
Adrien took out his phone to take a picture and just as he clicked it Marinette turned toward him. She had a soft look in her eyes that made the picture come out perfectly.
“Bring the ice cream over stalker.” She said with a giggle.
“Oh I thought you didn’t want it.” Adrien said teasingly as he took a large bite while the ice cream was still out of her grasps.
“Adriennnn.” She whined, and again Adrien caved.
“Oh fine.”
And they shared the ice cream walking home. And although both got sticky fingers and mouths from the melting mess, they wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“So what’s the plan now?” Adrien asked as they entered Marinette’s room. “I’ve never been to any sleepovers before so you’ll have to guide me.” He walked over to the chaise and sat down.
“Hold on I’m gonna grab some things.” She said rifling through the trunk at the foot of the lounge.
She ended up grabbing out a deck of Uno cards and Monopoly.
“The biggest tests of friendship known to mankind.” She brandished the boxes with a smirk. “So which one first?”
Marinette spent almost an hour trying to get a smooth game of Uno going but Adrien was pitiful. She almost felt bad for how hard he was getting beat. Almost.
After about 5 minutes of explaining Monopoly she gave up.
“You know what? Maybe this is for another time when we aren’t so tired from a day of excitement.” She said packing up the games. “Ultimate Mega Strike?”
“Oh I thought you’d never ask.” Adrien replied, bouncing up and down with anticipation.
“Wow I’ve never seen someone so excited to meet their doom.” Marinette smirked while turning on the TV and game.
“I could play circles around you any day, bug.”
“Then lets test it.” She challenged. “First to 10 wins picks the movie or show we watch after.”
“You’re so on.”
Adrien lost. Adrien lost bad.
Turns out what Marinette wants, Marinette gets. And what she really wanted was to rub that smug smile off of Adrien’s face.
Now there he sat with his jaw dropped.
“No way I only won one.” He stared in shock at the losing screen.
“Aww its okay Adrien.” She said condescendingly. “Since its your first sleepover you can still pick. Its only right.”
“I’m going to choose because I want to not only because you said I can you know.” Adrien said with scowl on his face and his arms crossed.
“Right.” Marinette let out a small fond laugh. “Im going to grab some blankets and change into my pjs downstairs. You change in here and I’ll knock before I come back. Cool?”
“Mari can we build a fort?” Adrien asked with childlike innocence just radiating off of him.
“Of course we can kitty.”
They stayed up until the early morning hours that night, building forts, watching anime, and talking.
Adrien took dozens of pictures to remember the moments because he swears its the most magical think he has ever experienced.
The next morning, Adrien awoke with a sleeping Marinette across from him. Her hair was sticking out in odd places. He could see her rise and fall with each breathe. He could hear her soft snores.
As he admired her, she opened her eyes and looked into his. He blushed, embarrassed for being caught staring.
Then in a whisper she said, “Are you a cuddler?”
Adrien nodded with wide eyes and a red face.
She then proceeded to move closer and lay her head on her chest. Adrien instinctively put his arms around her.
“Can we stay here a while longer?” She asked in the same whispered voice.
“Please.” Adrien whispered back.
If teenage rebellion always felt this good, he never wanted to stop.
End notes- Thinking of making a second part where Adrien tells Mari how he feels or where I actually write out the fort scene. Let me know which one you’d prefer and what you thought of the fic in the replies!
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