#wen ning too ofc
llycaons · 2 years
I come home from my 12-hr shift to a jackhammer on my street doing repair work, a sink of dishes I didn’t do yesterday and laundry I haven’t put away (even though I could have)...well at least I had a good workday and I’m eating some tasty pizza for dinner in the two hours I have before I have to go to bed
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Alright, another idea for you! For the danmei club prompt ask thing:
NingXian, Burial Mounds settlement days, Wen Ning lovingly bullying WWX to take care of himself. Sad eyes/ puppy eyes are fair use, regardless of what wwx says.
Gimme bittersweet. Maybe alpha!Ning? Do sentient corpses still have scents?
Yes they do, cuz I say so. But I am limiting Wen Ning's alpha-ness to just scents, being able to mate/bond and using the bond to feel what his mate feels. No sex for poor dead guy oop. Zilia, this isnt just for Jaq, this is for you too because you're the first person in my orbit who started chanting "NingXian. NingXian. NingXian".
Instead of 500 words, have 4.1k (what a horrible number) words instead!
“Are you alright?” He couldn’t hide the concern in his tone. Wei Wuxian had just come out after his self-imposed heat confinement and he looked terrible. He was gorgeous as always of course, but the Burial Mounds were hard on the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation too. Although the way he looked now was way worse than he usually did which seemed impossible yet here they were.
“I am fine, all good, see?” He assured or tried to. The hoarseness of his voice gave away how long he had been screaming for an alpha who would never come. Wen Ning was seeing alright.
“Sit here, I’ll bring some broth. Heats are already hard on omegas and they get worse if you intentionally starve yourself.” He pushed him to sit on a fallen log and Wei Wuxian startled, a guilty expression contorting his face. Wen Ning had a good idea of the self-sacrificial bullshit going on in the omega’s head that made him so reckless with himself.
When he handed the bowl to him, Wei Wuxian immediately began employing his puppy eyes. Now, Wen Ning wasn’t a strong man, wasn’t one even in life and as an alpha, he really couldn’t remain unaffected by an omega he cared for but this was ridiculous. “Eat,” he said and the omega pouted harder.
“This is too much A-Ning! We could give half of it to A-Yuan, or Popo or-“
“Eat,” he simply said but then decided he much rather keep vigil unless Wei Wuxian tried sneaking away to give his food over. “Want me to feed you?” He asked and Wei Wuxian grinned and nodded.
The smile left his face when Wen Ning took the bowl from him and his cheeks darkened to a rare rosy hue that would have Wen Ning swooning if he wasn’t busy trying to coddle him. He’ll revisit that sight and fixate on it later. Right now, he was going to enjoy Wei Wuxian sputtering about not being an invalid. The omega wasn’t the only one who could turn the tables and fluster others. 
“This is ridiculous, I could’ve shared this much food with someone. It's being wasted on-”
“Xian-ge!” He turned and widened his eyes, pouting slightly and Wei Wuxian gulped and clamped his mouth shut. Wen Ning wasn’t above playing dirty and he knew exactly how susceptible Wei Wuxian was to his own puppy eyes. Hell even Jiejie wasn’t above falling for them so who was Wei Wuxian in the grand scheme of disguised manipulation?
“You don’t fight fair,” he whined and focused his attention back on the bowl, as if glaring would make it vanish into thin air A beat of silence passed as Wei Wuxian scowled and then downed the entire bowl in one go, sputtering about radishes and the lack of spice.
There's more ofc, but please go read it on AO3 :D
Please give a round of applause and listen to the song that inspired the vibes and how I went about this fic! aka REFRAIN by Miyano Mamoru!
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
me and my friends @yuzanrath and @mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess were casually brainrotting today and we came up with a pretty funny prompt (who knows if I may eventually write it but I do really enjoy it and I don't write enough funny things) For some context, this prompt started as a joke where JC single-handedly invents non-sexual dual cultivation cuz he's so chronically single, but this is a separated idea more focused on wwx haha (no warning cuz no real pregnancies are had, just shenanigans)
TLDR will be at the bottom.
Let's say this is like, 2 years post-canon or more. So the 'juniors' probably aren't all juniors at this point but i'm still gonna call them that.
-wwx gets cursed with some sort of bloating while on a night hunt with the juniors but it doesn't start showing until the next day. wwx teases/jokes with the juniors about various forms of innocent touches/staring and points out he and lwj were holding hands the day previous before he left on his trip and kissed him goodbye and so everyone starts to believe he really IS pregnant from such a little thing. (the juniors are ofc horrified at the prospect of such easily acquired pregnancy AND FOR A MALE, and lsz is secretly excited about the prospect of getting a sib)
-Wen Ning (as part of the night hunting party who is still around rn) is kinda doubtful, but he also ends up believing bc the juniors getting excited (mainly lsz) is infectious. And, wwx really does have abdominal swelling; so, as is the theme here, he ends up believing too despite his doubts.
-lxc is informed via a junior and wwx shows that he is in fact not stuffing his shirt and lxc is stumped, can't defute, so decides it's best to go along with it for now just in case, as to not stress out the potentially pregnant brother-in-law.
-lxc and the juniors are babying him a little bit but wwx finds it funny and enjoyable so keeps it up for now since the curse is something he can easily fix and doesn't really hurt.
-LWJ comes home and at first thinks "wei ying what have u done now" but then sees the swelling is actually attached to his body and falls for it too, cue the doting husband who becomes his shadow. No more spicy food while he's 'expecting', no sex cuz he's too rough, no liquor bc bad for the baby.
-wwx handles this for a couple days, the super healthy food, lack of everything he likes, and a subtle pain in his gut from the swelling getting worse too quickly (skin isn't meant to stretch that fast) before he can't do it anymore and confesses that it was him teasing the kids and kept the joke going too long. (He cures the curse in front of him perhaps and lwj is just devastated but in his lwj way. That or LWJ cures it with something simple like cleansing idk)
-They tell lxc & lqr and lxc looks disappointed bc he likes children but mainly bc lwj is sad too (and of course lqr is celebrating oh thank god it was fake)
-they tell lsz & Wen Ning and that's the final straw, the sad subtle puppy-eye looking disappointment makes wwx drag the three on a journey out of the cloud recesses; They find a little bebe orphan to take in, perhaps they have a goofy journey of offering parenthood to orphaned kids who don't trust/don't want it before they find a local single mother died giving birth or something and they end up having a real connection with the baby, including lsz who gets insta attached, and so its decided one way or another that this is their baby.
-They go back to cloud recesses and the juniors are all like "WHERE DID YOU GO WHILE YOU WERE PREGNANT AND THEN LXC SAID YOU WEREN'T AN- OH" baby reveal. and thus wwx grins and the baby joke continues, says that he just had the baby etc etc and lxc was mistaken they just wanted a private birth or smth blah blah blah
-lsz immediately goes along with it because he is extra happy he has a little brother/sister now and he's feeling mischievous too, and says they need to take the baby to the nursery etc etc and wwx needs to rest (he is a bit tired tho after running around and getting rid of that curse n stuff)
-JC comes storming bc of the rumors bc even in gusu they can't shut their traps and sees baby, deflates but still has grumpy face like wtf happened (probably Jin Ling's fault that he finds out)
-wwx would probably joke a bit then tell him the truth immediately instead of trying to make him believe it too to avoid confrontation but asks for him to keep it secret for the joke, and Jc is like "..." cuz its an opportunity for the two to joke around together again even if he's grumpy™️ about it and so he doesn't dote on wwx but he does play along with the joke in his own way for a bit until maybe jc says something crazy and/or outrageous that couldn't be true to jin ling and he goes to wwx in a panic and so the jig is up but he tells all the juniors with 100% honesty that they did just adopt a baby and that part wasn't a joke but he didn't give birth himself and he was OK and then its just cute baby and junior interactions
bonus that came up later:
-lwj gets drunk and ends up going out again with wwx tailing close behind. they come home with another child, and thus when lwj is sober again he's suddenly a father of two young children. Cue cute timid wide-eyed bunny mode lwj while wwx comforts him (but laughing and teasing him like haha you made me pregnant again what a scandal! one look and I instantly gave birth! lwj you're so insatiable) and lsz not-so-secretly celebrates their suddenly growing family.
-JC is extremely pouty in his JC way about all these nephews he only gets to know about after they're already adopted.
-lxc is feeling quite a bit better getting to baby the babies and help his brother with raising children again, and thankfully with wwx also by lwj's side.
It was too wild a ride not to share 😌💖✨
TLDR; wwx tricks the juniors, the jades, lqr and even jc temporarily into believing he's pregnant as a way to beat the boredom while lwj is out of cloud recesses (and continues until he can't stand the doting/guilt because he succeeds in his joking too well.) wwx and lwj end up actually adopting bc wwx can't stand the disappointed faces.
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acernor · 10 months
Thoughts on Wen Ning x Zhuzhi Lang? Weirdo with social anxiety meets another weirdo with social anxiety.
Idk I just think it’s cute 🥰 (with a side of serious Monsterfucker potential ofc)
oh... compatible... same chara sensors activating BEEP BEEEEP i bet they'd be overly polite with each other due to anxiety and be too fixated on their lords they've sworn their loyalty to to follow up with falling in love. well maybe zzl if wn saved him in ugly form like sqq and tlj did for him. but they'd need a nice Plot Device to get them into each otehr heh... >:)
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chaoticjingyi · 2 years
Just finished twelve moons and a fortnight. It took almost a week and a lot of emotions. Beware of spoilers!! This is essentially a live blogging of it
I AM BACK ! and more prepared to read this than ever. I think I went long enough that I only remember 3 or 4 major bits from this (meishan yu, the amalgamation of all the dead from lotus pier before the sunshot campaign began and wei ying seeing them as acting sect leader, lxc healing a-Qing [which still hurts my soul,,,,its taking from. His life force :((] and if im not wrong, copious letters)
The rest though may be the same as if I was to Iread it for the first time and im looking forward to it.
I have my notes app on the side while I read this bc I am a serial binge reader and need sth to hold onto my thoughts before j forget them, it has happened way too many times ans I end an incoherent mess at every fix when this happens. BUT!! I want to really show how much I love this and I like being detailed. So if this end up crossing the character limit i am not sorry.
Buckle up for the torrent of enthusiasm bc
Here we go !
"crash of someone falling headlong into his room and stumbling over Suibian; he left his sword on the floor with the all the rest of his belongings, which proceed to trip up his mysterious guest three more times before he finally falls against Wei Wuxian’s bed" the mental image here is so funny twin jade of lan sect, stoic man tripping over a sword qjfjskfks aahh but wangxian are so adorable
"he and Wei Wuxian once spent a whole day trying to see which of them could best imitate the contemptuous flapping of Madam Yu’s skirts while Jiang Yanli laughed at them from her desk, only to be scolded and sent to bed early by Jiang Fengmian for skipping their meditation hour. " am I going to end up crying during work hours? Lets hope not, though I won't be surprised if so. Memories of the siblings Yunmeng days always make me emo
"Who’s going to teach him about romance if not Zizhen?”
“I always thought it would be Jin Guangyao.” 
>emotional damage meme starts playing in the background of my head<
" I could have perished at your hands, or Wen Ning’s at your command, and still kissed your fingers on Chenqing as I died. " thats a raw fucking line op holy fuck
Jiang cheng gave him Yanli's clarity bell i -🥺 and ofc he is allergic to emotional convos and tells him to shut up ajfjjwgj
"But—Zhenhong, that was Uncle Jiang’s throne, and Madam Yu’s, and—”
Zhenhong blinks—half out of astonishment and half in what looks like understanding, though Wei Wuxian can’t imagine what there is to understand"
*inhale * FUCK Its a trying effort here to keep my eyes dry I keep tearing up every 5 minutes
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"do you think Jiang-zongzhu and Yu-furen could have stood it?”
“And it was not the idea of a supervisory office that made her attack that Wang woman, either.”
“You were hers , da-shixiong. ”
This entire conversation has made me scream inside my head and brought a raging melancholy I stopped breathing for a second.
"What will a mother not say out of worry, when she fears for the lives of her children?” barks the deputy. “Mine has said worse, I assure you! She could have kept you with her to fight, she knew your brother would meet Jiang-zongzhu and Jiang-guniang within hours of his departure—there was no need for you to go with him! She sent you away for your sake just as much as for Sect Leader’s, and I wonder how with your wit you took so long to realize it!”
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The art at the end of  chapter 3 is adorable!!!
"Everything was peaceful and sedate and perfect, and then Lan Jingyi grew old enough to venture out of his parents’ quarters by himself. 
The Cloud Recesses never recovered. "
Every day I am reminded of my love for lan jingyi <3 (hence the username :3)
Reading Ouyang Zizhen's letter and he is so sweet. I love he
"I think Xian-gege knows,” Sizhui says at last. “He was thinking about it before Hanguang-jun and Zewu-jun took him to the discussion conference, I could tell. But when I found him at the Guanyin temple, he looked like—like everything made sense. Like he understood something he didn’t before.”
He knows but I don't know if the boys are ready for this knowledge,,,
JIN LING!!!! I am delighted at the junior quartets friendship. Also remembered both the clothes and what happens when a-qung wakes up and im looking forward to it.
"His stomach growls, and he claps his hands over it in embarrassment before Hanguang-jun produces a second bowl and sets them both down on the table along with two pairs of chopsticks. “You too, Jingyi. Eat.” 1. I KNOW its because of wei yings letter. 2. Dad wangji!!!! My heart is warm, my crops are watered and my skin is clear
"for upon receiving your last letter I thought of how ill he was when I found him hidden in the Demon-Slaughtering Cave, and how long it took him to reach a normal height for his age—his growth was stunted for years after that, and nearly prevented his forming a golden core. Rest assured that I will make sure he is fed and well-rested, Wei Ying, for your sake and mine as well as his—he will eat at least once a day with me in the jingshi from now on, unless he grows so tired of it that even his filial tenderness can no longer bear my company. "
This>🥺< is literally my face right now. I may look incredibly ugly but I 🥺😭😭 AHH *Clutches hand at chest* my heart
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" I was so happy that it felt as if my heart would break"
I am going to save this for days where I don't have the words. I have felt it before but never had such clear words for it and hhhhh your writing is incredible
"But for now all I can do is pray that Lotus Pier does not go the same way as everything else I have ever tried to protect" actually I think you just like making us sad
The way you capture every characters voice and essence through the letters (in general too but thus isn't abt that) is so good and I am filled with awe and an urge to re read everything though I only have the first volume at home
"kind as well as beautiful, so if someday you wish to marry—you might as well begin here as somewhere else, right? You’ll find someone to match you, sweetheart, someone as brave and good and wise as you are" I am going to go INSANE, xie lian grant me patience for this foolish man. And well. Lwj WILL indeed marry someone from Yunmeng. It IS you wei ying you fool
"“If his first set of standards was because he thought shijie was the best girl in the world, and he wanted a wife like her,” he says at last, “then—Zhenhong, doesn’t it make sense that this set of standards describes someone he already knows? And it’s not Yu-furen, because Yu-furen never—” Wait WAIT IS IT WEN QING
"She sits there for nearly an hour gazing at him in confusion and a little pity, because he wears the same lost look on his face as Daozhang did, right down to the melancholy turn of his mouth and the swollen eyelids that tell of recent tears (because her Daozhang used to cry, and cry often, even though he no longer had eyes to cry with). " EMOTIONAL DAMAGE part 2, electric boogaloo
Lan xichen makes my heart hurt in 7 different ways, 🌊🐴man
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(I can now add pics bc tumblr :D )
"Jin Ling worries his lip for a moment and then runs to join them, propriety be hanged. They’ve only got two weeks, and it’s not as if anyone here is going to tell tales to his Uncle Jiang. He flings his arms around Jingyi, and then Sizhui, and then around all three of them before one of the older Jin disciples clears her throat. " they own my heart, im telling u
Drunk jiang cheng made me sad again :( he does deserve to be happy !!! 😭😭😭
Oh boys,,,,, if it is who I think it is u can't help Jiang cheng. The person may be dead already
“He’ll have to visit me every month,” he mutters at last. “You—you have to share him, okay? He’s mine too.”
“Of course he’s yours too,” Sizhui soothes him, sounding suspiciously near tears himself. “You’re his nephew, he’s never going to leave you. Don’t cry, A-Ling. Don’t cry.”
Each word brings me closer to crying aaaaaaahhhh
Lan wangji's letters to wei ying are going to make me swoon oh my goodness. They're in LOVE ND THEY ARE SOULMATES
Wait wei ying is chronically ill and didn't tell anyone? And he ???? Has been since he was summoned????????? and he didn't ask for help??? What is Going On
...And a little bun has been adopted, my heart really cannot take this
"So she smothered,” says Wei Wuxian, stricken. Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangyao—why does it always come back to you in the end? Is there anyone you did not hurt? Nie Mingjue, my shijie, Jin Zixuan, Jin Ling, Lan Xichen, Lan Zhan—even this poor woman, A-Xin, who died and left her son motherless just as your mother left you." hhhhhhhhh
I love that they'll build a women's shelter, and the soul calming ceremonies written a little while back
"Miles away, in the Cloud Recesses, the third disciple class (including a certain young romantic from Ouyang, who is still a year behind his three best friends in the second group) gets a once-in-a-lifetime glimpse of Hanguang-jun blushing over his morning letters and kissing the pages they were written on until his lips go numb.
(Lan Qiren doesn’t break his jade token. He doesn’t. ) " ah wht a blessed sight, i wish I was there
Junior break!!!! !They're adorable. No I will not stop saying that. Them having a picnic and letter meeting at the rabbit field os the cutest thing aaa♡♡♡♡♡♡
"As it happens, however, his lunch isn’t the only thing waiting in his rooms. 
A second plate has been laid out across from his, and two cups of tea are already steaming beside the incense burner—and someone is sitting in Lan Wangji’s place at the table, dressed in mourning white without a single ornament in his hair or even a sword at his waist. The man almost looks like a ghost of Lan Wangji’s younger self, in the days after Wei Ying’s death at the Nightless City and his own forced confinement away from the rest of the clan—but then he turns his face towards the door, and Lan Wangji nearly bites his tongue at the realization that it isn’t a ghost at all.
“Xiongzhang,” he chokes, nearly weeping in relief as his brother’s thin hands rise to clasp his own. “It’s good to see you.”
Screaming and nearly crying again </3
"at last my brother lost his patience and silenced him so forcefully that even the two disciples standing near him found themselves unable to talk for the next twenty minutes. Jingyi was in the room at the time, and he has still not recovered from the shock; Sizhui, on the other hand, is steadfastly refusing to believe that it ever happened at all. "Holy shit I love this. Lxc hath become a parent
I really like Healer Pan
Wei yings more serious letters always leave me feeling stricken with sorrow and yet I keep on hoping hr will realize. He does have a home. With lwj as well as lotus pier
Chapter 11 and holy shit you were not kidding Hanguang-jun is SMOOTH!!!!!
"Don’t let him shirk his duties, or I’ll tell Li Shuai about the time you tried to propose to her with Farmer Tang’s ghoul when we were eighteen.
    In distress, as usual, 
        Sect Leader Jiang Wanyin. "
I cannot stop laughing ajfjskfjsjgj
"That settles it, my Lan Zhan. I’ll make you all the soup and seed-cake you want, but stop asking for the porridge.”
“Mn, all right.” 
His face is pink again, and this time he’s not sure it’s only because of the congee. " they are SO domestic and this is too cute
“You gave up your life for our son,” Lan Wangji tells him, pressing his chin to the top of Wei Ying’s head. “I could do no less.”
Oh my god. .. oh my god
Story time with wen ning! :D
And the aforementioned trunk of clothes appears!
"The elders used that one on my younger brother sixteen years ago,” Lan Xichen says grimly. “He was judged for injuring thirty-three clan members after Wei Wuxian was killed, and this was the punishment. But they knew I would speak out against such a harsh sentence, even if it meant I had to take Wangji and A-Yuan and secede from the clan—so they drugged me the night before the trial to ensure that I would sleep straight through it, and then they decided Wangji’s fate in my absence and held me down on the floor in the hanshi with all their spiritual power so that I could not interfere until the beating was over.” my reaction is the same as the kids,,, DAMN
Also no wonder they danced around that fire they were getting rid of some stuff
“I’ve also defaced the wall of sect rules,” Lan Xichen says cheerfully. “And now there are only about two thousand laws left, so perhaps you and the council would like to spend a few hours contemplating the alterations in the morning.” this may  be one of my favorite chapters i can't stop re reading it and am v much invested here
"It occurs to him then that despite the presence of the disciples—all of whom, if he remembers correctly, are still younger than eighteen—the most helpless cultivator among them might as well be himself." HHH HOLY SHIT
"don’t you dare write me directly unless it’s an emergency, you hear? I might have a dying brother on my hands, to say nothing of a twice-orphaned baby, because if Wei Wuxian decides to leave us all because of a night-hunt I doubt Hanguang-jun will wait even a day before following him. Damn them both, to hell and back—I’ll drag them both back to life and murder them again if they even think about it, but I suppose the healers and I ought to try saving them first. " Iam going to go feral actually. I'll go outside and scream towards a lake,  theres one like a bus ride away, I will go insane. I am having si many emotions i can't name em
I may not have much to say at the hunt this time bc im very drawn in and it must me speechless. But the feeling translated and carried over si well. The pacing incredible
"He pauses, wondering what else might be left to ask, and then—
Was it Yu Ziyuan?
The beast responds to that question by reaching forward and striking him across the face. It doesn’t seem angry, exactly, but the unspoken reply was very clearly a negative one; the cloud of resentful energy looks offended on Madam Yu’s behalf" it has been months, but this scene and what followed throughout the chapter have  remained clear in my head ever since the first time reading this. Legitimately unforgettable
"The ghosts come to a halt, then, standing right in front of Lan Wangji’s ward with pensive looks on their faces. Some have clear death-wounds in their chests, and one of the boys wears a gown covered with dull black blood from the cruel gash in his throat—but all of them are looking straight at Li Shuai, and their lips shape her name with open wistfulness; some of the older ones call her A-Shuai, and the children call her Li-shijie, and then they nod once in Lan Wangji’s direction before stepping closer to the ward and disappearing into it. 
He feels their spiritual energy pouring into the seals before he sees it in the ward, reeling back at the sudden shock of ninety-one ghostly golden cores taking up arms beside his—ready to defend their sect in death as they could not do in life, and then he finally understands why the land-eater went unnoticed for so long. The ghosts must have been suppressing it until its power surpassed theirs, and then they sought out Wang Hai for help when they could do nothing more—but for them to have taken shape like this, in something resembling their living selves even though their bodies must long since have rotted away—it should have been beyond them to do such a thing, unless…"
I am both in awe and full of wonder and feel as though I'm there. Words do not begin to describe the intense experience it is to read this
Now to the note on ch 18": If you're reading this as a completed work, stop here and take a break if you need one! The night-hunt arc is officially complete, and the recovery arc picks up in chapter 19. :)" ill take your advice this once bc I have to sleep at a reasonable hour
Started chapter 19 and I am shaking. Oh dear
"He took wei ying from him" NOOOO MY HEART 
"“Oh, he’ll like it well enough,” the other man grumbles, shoving the finished dinner tray towards him and then pushing him out the door. “Make sure you eat some of it, too, or I’ll have two sick people on my hands instead of one.” as always showing care with food <3
Lan Xichen’s letter to mingjue is utterly heartbreaking, and so is the whipping, no matter how many times I've read it
LXC joins the shipping !!!!
'"Wei Wuxian finds his gaze fixed on his brother’s left hand, and on the faint sparks rising from the serpent-shaped ring glinting there. 
“Di-di,” he gasps, trying to fight against the fire in his knees as Jiang Cheng pushes Lan Zhan away and attempts to lift him up. “Don’t whip me anymore, I didn’t mean to—I won’t make trouble for our family again, not as long as I live, please— ”
An utterly stricken look crosses Jiang Cheng’s face, and he stuffs his hand into the pocket of his robes"
Nie huaisang having a tiger is one of the best things in my life now. Good for him good for him
"Wouldn’t you have learned about it anyway, Nie-xiong? Wei Wuxian thinks wryly, as they walk over the high stone gate that separates the training field from the living quarters. You managed to find out the truth about Jin Guangyao and Qin Su, when the only person alive who knew aside from Lianfang-zun was Qin-furen’s maid Bicao. Is there a secret under the sun that you couldn’t bring to the light if you waited for it long enough?"
Okay tbh you'd find me hard pressed to say a mdzs character im not fond of, and ofc the Nies are also some of my favorites. And thi makes me think so much. Because after all is said nd done, after nhs exposed jgy and his schemes and wit came to light, we do know he is clever but he is then also under constant suspicion and scrutiny. And yes he may scheme but didn't he only do tht to avenge his brother? I do believe he is done with it. And yet I also believe he is also very up to date with news and gossip and going-ons. It brings me to mind, how much does he know, and how much of that weighs on him? He doesn't have much family left, most of his friends from his youth have grown apart or may have died at the war. Anyways im very emotional about nie huaisang
''realizes exactly why Nie Huaisang called out in fear on that night in the Guanyin temple, and why he had refused to let Jin Guangyao leave the place alive. 
The very last mystery, a voice in the back of his mind seems to say, solved by the simple fact that Nie Huaisang’s loyalty ran deeper than any of us ever knew. "
Many scenes here just make me go "Holy fucking shit man"
"the knowledge that Jin Guangyao’s death was an act of love as well as an act of hate,"
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"As for the kisses you owe to me, my heart, you must tell our little son that he is lucky to be receiving them in my place. Such tender gifts are rarer than gold and dearer than the stars, and I will count myself blessed if you deign to give me another. "💘💘💙💙💙💙
"I was used to kissing you whenever the mood struck me while we were still together in Yunmeng, after all, and breaking the habit has been most difficult. I even kissed A-Hong once without thinking about it, and this morning I almost kissed the top of Nie-xiong’s head after breakfast. He took it as a slight to his small stature, though, so he chased me all the way back to my rooms and told me he would feed me to A-Yong if I dared to do it again. " screaming again. They're so married already. And nhs forehead kiss abjdsr that's adorably funny
"Shufu always suspected them, Lan Wangji repeats to himself. The next several years—
“Xiongzhang,” he ventures at last. “The trial they tampered with, was it—”
[lxc, on the podium: and in conclusion, i will make a-qing a wonderful father and will protect her all my life
lwj, supportive but confused: i agree, brother, but where are the elders?
lxc: in a better place now. sit down immediately]
Some of ur notes are really making me laugh a lot akxksfkskf
Nie Shiyong!!!!! I totally forgot abt her!!! One line and I already lover her
"Nie Huaisang closes his eyes and puts his head in his hands. 
“When he brought you back, he brought you back wrong. ”
I, too, am putting my head on my hands. Jesus
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“to know the beast is to know the girl, and to know the girl is to know the beast. As a maiden, she is bloodthirstier than most men, and as a tigress, she is gentler than even a house cat." Tbh that's a mood
Ah yes, the qinghe robes
“I was promised a hundred, in your letter,” he whispers, lifting his beloved’s arm again and kissing the heart of his palm. “Will you deny me, my heart?”  this was so sweet !!!!!!
The family having a meal together 😭😭😭💙💙💙 and the yearning keeps strong ah Lan zhan hang in there
"Xiao-Yu refuses to take the bee back as they walk to the the city gates to summon their carriage, content merely to watch Sizhui pretend to play with it until the black-painted conveyance comes rolling up the road—which is when the baby falls fast asleep, right before A-Yuan tucks the doll safely under his arm and sits on the bench opposite him to stare in utter adoration" my heart is full and soft. This is absolutely precious
:And Lan Wangji obeys and lowers his head, nearly sobbing aloud as Wei Ying fastens the necklace just below the fall of his hair—because it feels like a moment of marriage, somehow, as if this oath to return to his heart was the first of their bows before heaven." I should really stop (mentally) screaming everytime something gay or cute or emotional happens, I already get daily headaches. But alas I carry much emotion with me
Yes it was extremely gay and extremely tender and I love them. Jiang cheng pls stop being an angry grape and jealous brother wwx won't abandon you after getting married
Holy shit was madam yu betrothed to zhao zhuliu?
Oh S H I T this is heartbreaking
Damn the amount of harrowing family secrets for each clan ,,,, p a i n
"But the Unclean Realm was only once a second home, because it ceased to be so, after Mingjue was dead. Lan Xichen has not held the place of the sect master's sworn brother for many years, firstly because his sworn brother was gone, and then because he failed him and Huaisang so completely that he did not notice Mingjue’s murder taking place right before his eyes. 
I promised you I would take care of Xiao-Sang, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH😭😭😭😭
"My heart was broken the day the council refused to use Inquiry as testament for your mother’s trial, and there was nothing I could do "
IT WAS THE TAMPERED TRIAL WASNT IT???? Also, hhhhhhhhhhhhh big oof for lqr. My heart goes out to him too
"To this day, Wangji insists that there is no need for thanks or contrition between sweethearts. 
But in Lan Xichen’s opinion, the old saying holds even truer for brothers, and it always will." This while part,,, i keep saying it but its because it's true. The way emotion is captured through the words is breathtaking and leaves me bereft of words and full of feeling
"Was that at the discussion conference when you woke up with a giant boil on your forehead and screamed so loudly that you woke me up?” Jiang Cheng snorts, swallowing his mouthful of pastry. “Let that morning be forever enshrined in the memory of my disciples, who jumped out of bed and got into emergency formation for a hunt before they figured out what all the wailing was.”
“You’re heartless, Jiang-xiong.”
“But not pimply, though.”
This is amazing ajckskkckskfkej discussing skin care has never been more entertaining
"“Don’t be mean!” Lan Xichen cries, pulling him into his arms. Wei Wuxian feels his mouth drop open, completely forgetting to struggle even when the older man tucks him close to his chest like a mother holding a child that matched her in height, and then he looks toward Jiang Cheng in sheer confusion when Lan Xichen points an accusing finger at him. “Wangji’s head is empty of everything but Wei-gongzi, too. You mustn’t say such things!”
“I know that, Zewu-jun.”
“We all knew that,”
This is delightful and I cannot stop laughing
The lightheartedness of this just,  it makes me very happy. Them re doing the list too !!! Amazing,  *insert lady gaga meme here*
Ofc , all in agreement Lan Xichen is incredibly beautiful. No arguments to be made
Ans lmao the rankings andjmakdka
"ensuring that the walking talismans are fully replenished (so that it can follow Wei Wuxian on its own, rather than either of them having to carry it) and that it is stuffed with plenty of soft pillows and blankets, not to mention their son’s beloved bee. " I keep trying to picture this but I cant. Does it Just float around him? Slide through the floor? I have no clue and will remain figuring this out
HHHH the WEDDING ROBES!!! lovely mental image,  we have been blessed on this fine day
"Lan Wangji found himself wondering where she procured it before noting that the dress was made in the light, layered style of Yunmeng and Baling Ouyang.
Ouyang Zizhen, then, he thinks, hiding a smile at the thought of it. Perhaps he even chose this one for her to wear tonight."
Once again: they're the cutest
"At least—at least it wasn’t the fire.”
Be right back, im gonna go stare at a wall until I get myself together
Also Jin guangshan,,, he can meet me in the fucking pit
"Lan Zhan!” he hears Wei Ying shriek, just as he takes a sip to ensure that the drink will suit his zhiji’s tastes. “That’s honey mead from Baling, not fruit tea! Spit it out, now, or you’ll–”
And then the world goes dark around him, like the feeling of falling into a pleasant dream, right before he wakes up in Wei Ying’s bed the next morning with no memory of how he got there. " im so ready for shenanigans
OH I WAS JOT WRONG! I was thinking about it, and wwxs pains,  and nearing the end of this chapter I was like,  wait isn't he regaining his scars also? And isn't it the wen brand this time? And it’s was and I was essential surprised pikachu
... but WHY are they appearing? If it due to the ritual? To zidian? A mixture of both or sth else,???
(Both regarding wwx being ill and the corpses in the water) The mystery solving here Is so interesting and *chefs kiss* amazing. I love me a good case solving
Im so confused about the dagger
[Post data- I finished the fic and am no longer confused]
"In which Wei Wuxian finally discovers the truth behind his illness, and the reader learns that stiltonbasket has been lying about the title all along." WHAT
"I heard Shijie calling me,” he whispers, swinging Xiao-Yu up into his arms. “She’s outside all by herself, so we have to go and get her.” oh no just what is happening???
Xiao yu had been saying his a-niang had the knife, and they just said the lining of the robr may have been removed with it. Was Wei ying possessed? And why was he drawn away???
I wonder of the ghost was mo xuanyu. "“I think it jumped with me,” he says slowly. “The ghost, I mean. It kept saying it was sorry, and that it wouldn’t have doomed me to death if it knew any better.” you know? Thats my current theory
"but if death occurred, it always came exactly twelve moons and a fortnight after the patient was first healed, though I was never able to determine the reason why before I stopped performing the procedure, even for those whose cores I was certain would be sufficient. "
"And then the book falls open to the very last page, displaying a half-finished, familiar array with a tiny caption written underneath it in red ink. 
Yanghua advised me to make a replicable array for the core sacrifice, in case it should be needed again. Despite her urging, however, I only consented to create one for healing with the sacrifice of one’s own golden core, instead of the core of a willing participant. 
Wei Wuxian picks the book up and closes it. 
I didn’t have a choice, a mournful voice echoes in the back of his mind. I was dying, Young Master Wei. "
I know he wrote a will, but there are 10 chapters left so this mf better not die
This is so intense I can barely pause to write. Holy shit. Empathy
"The array he constructed was half of Wei Ying’s and partly his own invention, and the rest was taken from his memory of the physician’s journal he read in Qinghe" /oh/
"but Mo Xuanyu was certain that his jindan would be more than sufficient to heal him; as long as the core was not wholly used up," then tge passage makes more sense now. If the core is weaker, they will die after twelve moons and a fortnight. His core wouldn't be enough, especially considering that even though Wei ying nonlinear had one, before that he was a genius and remarkably powerful
A mistake. There was an accident which may have been the cause of it all. Oh my goodness
"Not a mistake, Mo Xuanyu tries to say. It was written in the belief that two golden cores would be enough to heal you, and your jindan was not there!"
I am losing my goddamn mind
“Wei Wuxian doesn’t need your core, Lan Wangji,” Jiang Wanyin rasps. “He needs his jindan. He needs mine.”
I mean,  I was thinking the same but im still very anxious about it...
“Please,” he sobs, knocking his head against the ground until Lan Wangji can hear the sound of it striking the floor. “I have lived in anguish without a jindan, and I have lived for sixteen years without my brother. I know which between the two is worse, and death would be better than knowing that he suffered and died in such a way, because of me. Please, Lang-furen—I know it will be breaking your healing vows, but this is the only way forth, I pray you—”
Yeah alright now im legit crying,,thank goodness I cried yesterday too or id be sobbing rn
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"Brothers, sharing a single core, Lan Wangji thinks dizzily, slumping to the floor. One flesh and two masters of a single jindan, which loves and obeys them both. "
Im speechless once more.
It was a success. I'm so glad. This was a Rollercoaster of emotions
"Rather, he needs what you and Wei-xiong have: a faithful, steady deputy who can handle matters in his stead if necessary, and stand beside him in all things no matter what he must face. Luo Qingyang was once that for Jin Zixuan" MIANMIAN!!!!!!!
Nothing warms my heart more than seeing Jiang cheng and wei wuxian be brothers and being happy
"he is as well and grumpy as ever, which delights Wei Wuxian so much that he pushes him into the lake as a welcome-back present. 
Jiang Cheng yanks Wei Wuxian in after him, and it reminds Wei Wuxian so much of the happy winters of his youth that he bursts into tears" now im emotional again, this is making me wanna see my sister 🥺😭💙
"Lan Zhan would probably rather kiss Jiang Cheng than blame Wei Wuxian for any of his troubles."LMAO
"squeezing poor Xiao-Yu like a laundress wringing out a tablecloth." Poor xiao yu skfwkgkskkgkw
"Not yet,” the baby protests, when Wei Wuxian makes note of his observations to Jiang Cheng. “Xiao-Yu is little! Only Papa can say my big name.” PRECIOUS !!! Did u kidnap my donkey andjsj lmao
The junior's shenanigans will never stop being funny. Lan Qing being exasperated and fond of her boys is super relatable too and brought a smile to my face
I am jittery with excitement as Lan zhan goes to wei ying
[Brief trivia note: the Ouyang cultivator who brought Xiao-Yu gifts is his paternal grandfather; Xiao-Yu's birth father is the young master from Baling who challenged LWJ's choice to adopt Xiao-Yu during the discussion conference.] holy FUCK HOW THE TURN TABLES?!!!! AH?!!!! DUDEE
Wen ning 🥺😭😭😭😭pls come back 😭😭
WA IT WHAT???? "Wen Ning drags in a deep, loud breath, crying Jie, Jie, Jie, and takes another staggering step into his sister’s arms. " im going to have to re read the second half of this chapter aren't i
Did Lan xiyan summon wen qing to her body to cure the plague and her baby? Or is it something else? “It was, I think, only out of desperation that Lang Xiyan managed to find a remedy that would cure the blinding distemper.” my mind is running in circles
/oh/ it *is* wen qing. Im-
You really did that holy shit.  I deeply appreciate tge explanation on the author notes and am happy to see i did understand and realize. I'm gonna have to re re read this a third time to see the foreshadowing again bc its immaculate holy shit.  This is so good
"Upon further reflection, perhaps he ought to think about why A-Hong’s words cheer him as they do. 
But Jiang Cheng is nothing if not a master of dismissing such matters entirely, so he finishes the rest of his dinner in silence and hurries off to bed. " must all Jiang men be fools when it comes to love?
“Whatever you may wish from me, it is yours already,” Lan Zhan says solemnly. “Our marriage bows have nothing to do with it. Have we not lived as zhangfu and xiang-gong these last thirteen months, my heart?" Im going to get cavities.
The wen siblings arrived to gusu!!!!!! 💙💙💙
"Wei Wuxian slumps back onto the floor like a miserable red pancake as he stares up at the rafters. " I too am crying over wen qing.  Also 'miserable red pancake 'ajfjskfkskkf
"Wei Wuxian obeys with his heart in his throat, and blushes so fiercely at the thought of the day to come that Wen Qing giggles herself into a coughing fit. " 🥺🤣🤣🤣
lmao MIANMIAN! Telljng the "are you in love with maiden Luo? " story ajfjamfkskgkskgi prime material always to poke fun at wangxian
"Mm, I know. It’s the same with A-Hua, even though I didn’t give birth to her. She’s mine, the best of me, and she’s going to have everything she could ever want.”
[a look into the future at Ouyang Zizhen and A-Qing's wedding day! Much baby fluff, feels, and hijinks to follow. <^-^>] !!!!!! IM EXCITED FOR THIS!!
"for the Cloud Recesses loves its troublemakers dearly, and nobody weeps more bitterly than its master when one is finally married away from the sect. " you keep coming out with Bangers for lines these are so good
Aaahhhh my heart!!!!! A single tear of joy dropped from my face as I finished reading sjskciaufis. This was so good !!!!!!! I mm going to go on and read everything in this series of course.  I hope I wasn't too bothersome with my long ass coment, quotes and all
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yusukenui · 3 years
really, i cant blame wwx for thinking that lwj hated him all up until his death with the way that he is
#when wwx was confused as to how to comfort him and he tells wwx to shut up and that hes awful THAT scene#mdzs#man my stomach fell to my ass#ofc hes upset but yalls life depends on each other rn cant you be a bit more... bearable holy shit#on the other hand i never realized that wwx had a fever i always thought the black sword had poisoned him#and then jiang cheng being bitter as usual he really is just like his mother#the moment madam yu showed up i closed the pdf lmfao#im bitter but madam yu makes me look like a forgiving saint#horrible just like my mommy <3 and every second of toxic of her too ahaaa#im only stopping now cause i dont have the heart to read how they die... also wen ning didnt show up at all???#the bow contest usually shows up at the beginning too i guess theyre gonna introduce his arc when he starts helping wwx and jc#all jokes but if i rly had a kin list... personality wise i am jc and his mother lol... but im most like wwx thats a horrible combination#nah but anyone that kins lxc can hit me up. if its lwj ill consider but yall are way too cold and i dont play that#it rly is no wonder wwx thought lwj hated him LOL i cant stop saying this but he was so cold#i wouldve cried and ghosted him#the nerd talks#i hope my tags dont scramble again i actually come back and read these when i finish my books sigh#even though i completely forgot about tagging these in my reading tag... ah#madam yu is so horrible i really cant stop thinking abt her my heart hurts every time she talks to jc#like bro thats ur kid ure feeding him so much hatred#healing from that is so hard man... i hate her shes so well written
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lanliingwang · 4 years
if someone were to ask me to list my favorite cql/mdzs characters, I’d uh. probably be like “uhhh idk anyone that’s not jgs, wc, wlj, su she, or sl yao I guess. so like largely wwx’s generation and slightly up and the juniors”
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thinking of mdzs animal crossing
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vertanimeni · 5 years
ah yes. tis i. losing sleep over an mdzs oc. dunno who they are yet. but one day i will
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razberryyum · 2 years
Favorite moments from MDZS manhua chapter 255:
(covers novel chap 111, adapted in audio drama S3Ep17, donghua ep 35 & The Untamed ep 50)
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These are some of my favorite lines from the book
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This gremlin 💖💖💖
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Yes WangXian are kissing 😭 💖💖💖🔥🔥🔥 This chapter overall is just soooo beautiful and perfect and EMOTIONAL. I'm showing just the highlights ofc but just seeing the panels again made my eyes tear up all over again. I don't think I've ever failed to cry a little during Wei Ying's reunion with A-Yuan followed by the hug between son and dads, regardless of the adaptation. I love them so much!!! And Wen Ning too! I'm so glad he got to spend bonding time with A-Yuan afterwards...altho I'm still gonna pretend The Living Dead movie does not exist.
Next week, Phoenix Mountain kiss revelation and possibly WangXian ppp. I'm gonna keep my expectations way low in terms of what we'll see since things aren't going too well over there right now in terms of BL, but hopefully the manhua artist will find a creative way to feed us. Don't forget to give them a follow on Twitter: @maotuanxjj.
Official raws of the manhua (behind paywall): Kuaikanmanhua
Order English release of the og MDZS novels (mother of all adaptations) at Sevenseasdanmei
MDZS carrd for all adaptations of MDZS: here
Thank you to Exiled Rebels for first fan-translating the novel!
Panel translations by this humble one, pardons for any shortcomings.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
In honor of kaya's stray dog adopter Jiang Cheng post last night here's my mdzs dog owner hcs (also kind of functions as a fursona list but sh)
Lan Wangji - wouldn't have a dog because of wwx but in the event he did he would have a flock of little fluffy white immaculately groomed Bichon (hehe) Frisé
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Nie Huaisang - has a pekingese. Very low energy companion lap dogs that are very good house pets. Bred as favored pets for Chinese royalty too so you know they've got spoiled in their blood just like nhs
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Nie Mingjue - has a rottweiler. This mother fucker means BUSINESS. Nmj hits the gym with his dog every day and it somehow also lifts weights with him. Rotties were traditionally bred as butcher's dogs because their main job was to herd livestock and pull carts of meat, so they fit in perfectly with the Nie's butcher history
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Jiang Yanli - proud cavalier king charles spaniel owner. These guys are sweet, independent, affectionate, and calm, and often are trained as therapy dogs! 10/10 would help you through a breakdown
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Lan Xichen - samoyed! Exceptionally elegant, good-tempered, and very good at their jobs, but in general not exactly the brightest bulbs in the working dog world
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Wen Ning - Irish wolfhound lover. These guys are larger than some humans but don't let that fool you because they're totally gentle giants. They look terrifying to the outside observer but they're actually really good with kids and love to cuddle. Wen Ning trains his to play with a-yuan ofc
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
Dumb takes, dumb takes everywere
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The story: indiscriminate hate and revenge against an entire group of people is wrong and abhorrent
jc stans: you dumb bitch >:0 killing grannies and toddlers and anyone even slightly associated with the Wens can actually be such a justified power move 🤡
As always the irony of people fixating on a story they missed the whole point of never ceases to amaze. Also side note: "They tortured Jiang Cheng himself for ~ 3 days"
Holding one in his hand, he ate as he ran, hoping that he’d stop Jiang Cheng midway.
However, even until he arrived at Lotus Pier, when the moon and the stars shone in the night sky, he still hadn’t caught sight of Jiang Cheng along his journey.
So until nightfall when WWX gets there and saves him w Wen Ning apparently = "~3 days" k.
And since I’ve seen this person everywhere trying to appear "moderate" and drag everyone into discussions about poor jc, I'd say there are more intellectually stimulating things out there than discussing things w jc stans (who insist they're not jc stans 🤪). Like staring at a wall. But ofc to each their own. Still apparently this needs to be clarified again:
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When we know :
"With the determination of somebody on the verge of death, the two of them paddled as though their lives depended on it. Two hours later, using nothing but their hands, they finally returned to Lotus Pier.
It was already late into the night.
The gates of Lotus Pier were tightly shut. Outside, lights glowed brightly. Fragments of moonlight flowed along the crystalline water. Dozens of large lanterns in the shape of nine-petaled lotuses floated by the dock in silence.
Everything was the same as before. Yet, it was because of how everything was the same as before that it tormented the heart." (58)
Then after the War when WWX is still with the Jiangs:
When he ran into Lan WangJi in the streets, he recalled many things from when he was studying at the Cloud Recesses.
On a whim, he stopped Lan WangJi, wanting to direct their conversation toward those days as well. But, Lan WangJi reminded him that everything was different from how they were back then.
Yet, when he returned to Lotus Pier, to the Jiang siblings, he’d be under the illusion that nothing had changed at all. (71)
and in WWX's second life:
“Before he stepped inside Lotus Pier’s gates, Wei WuXian took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself. But after he went in, he didn’t feel as excited as he thought he would. It was perhaps because too many places had been renewed. The training field was two times larger. Each new building seemed to be taller than the previous, adorned with curving roof decor. It seemed grander than before and had more splendor. But, compared to the Lotus Pier of his memories, it had changed too much. Wei WuXian felt a sense of loss from deep within.” (Chapter 85)
The whole point is the buildings were not destroyed by the Wens. Unlike the Lan Clan who rebuilt after they were forced to burn everything down by the Wens, and maintained the history and tradition of the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian notes his living quarters (and other buildings) have been torn down and rebuilt by jc after his (WWX's) death into a grander more ostentatious place not really in line with the YunmengJiang sensibilities/tradition. That's already discussed at length here. Since following the war WWX lived at Lotus Pier again if jc had been forced to rebuild them then he would have obviously known already. I know it seems ridiculous to write all of that out, but logic and basic reasoning are such tricky things for jc stans...
It's important to note the Lans also ultimately acquiesced to the Wens to burn everything down instead of getting everyone killed like YZY did when she heard she'd be answering to WLJ in the supervisory office bc her own pride couldn't stand it.
Oh and another thing I find deeply ironic is how according to jc stans, jc is such a self sacrificing diplomat when it comes to speaking up for WWX- he can't risk his people 🥺, but then he's literally attacking LWJ - which he's already ascertained is a politically poor move- when it comes to wanting to kill WWX. jc cares about his position, his power, his privilege and his rage. He doesn't mind torching bridges to vent his hate and kill WWX, but he won't even stand up to peer pressure to have WWX's back or even attempt to repay his debt to the Wens bc it doesn't serve him:
"The decline of the Qinghe Nie Clan had left only Three Great Clans remaining, and among them, the Lanling Jin Clan and the Gusu Lan Clan were the closest due to the deep personal bond between their two chiefs. On the other hand, Jiang Cheng controlled the Yunmeng Jiang Clan alone, and his clan was relatively isolated. Hanguang Jun Lan Wangji was a highly distinguished figure in the cultivation world, and his elder brother, Zewu Jun Lan Xichen, was the Chief of the Gusu Lan Clan. The two brothers had a strong, harmonious relationship—if Jiang Cheng didn’t need to destroy his standing with them, it was best not to."
Jiang Cheng’s earlier intention to categorically avoid rash confrontation and crossing the Lan Clan seemed to have been devoured by wild dogs. The midnight sky above the mountain forest flashed with violet light, then lit up like the morning sky, then shook with the boom of thunder, then rung with the guqin’s rich tones.
So please miss me with the bs about how much jc cares about "his ppl" lol.
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pharahsgf · 3 years
YES to your post about lan wangji being such an intentional caretaker for his loved ones and taking such happiness from it. it makes it so fun to think about how he raised sizhui. they attend a fancy cultivation event and little a-yuan is like [stomach grumbles audibly] agh I'm hungry and lan wangji pulls a bun out of his sleeve to sneak it to him (that's the real reason he started wearing wide sleeves....ostensibly for formality/position but really it's for a-yuan). or a-yuan goes through a drawing/painting phase and lan wangji still has every single one, kept carefully in a box. one day he shows them to wei wuxian and wen ning like they are precious artworks in a museum. "here one can observe unusually strong lines. this is because a-yuan chose to finger-paint this piece, instead of use his brush. it was an innovative approach to art." or a-yuan gets a cold and lan wangji is like [sirens blaring] WHERE IS THE DOCTOR and gives him soup and bundles him up like a burrito and he stays up all night to make sure a-yuan can sleep well....many good scenarios 10/10 love lan wangji
this is such a lovely ask, i love the idea of little a'yuan's art stored away in the jingshi bc lan wangji is so fond of it... i imagine a'yuan mostly doodled up lopsided flowers and bunnies that were essentially just circles with ears, which lan wangji hung up in the jingshi and showcased like they were famous works. i like the concept of lan wangji making sure a'yuan gets to experience a lot of different activities and find his hobbies since lan wangji was kind of denied that as a child - like, lan wangji sets aside a patch of land so a'yuan can try his hand at gardening (though a'yuan is terrible at it & lwj's usually the ones keeping his plants alive rip) and gets him easy fiction books to help him learn to read and remembers folk songs from the regions he visits so he can sing or play music beyond gusu lan's collection. ofc a'yuan loves the guqin most of all and it was probably lan wangji who taught him about that too... like imagine lil baby a'yuan on lan wangji's lap as they sit in front of the guqin table and lan wangji teaches a'yuan his first chords... i'm sure as much as lan wangji was grieving a'yuan was a consistent bright spot for him & someone who made him feel so happy and needed
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lecinea · 3 years
Hello! Just want to say I think your recent jc+wwx post was very well written and there is a lot there I agree with even as someone whose opinion on jc fluctuates (sometimes I love him and sometimes I am... very frustrated haha).
I guess my one question is on something I've seen from a lot of people not just yourself, and it's that jc doesn't know why wwx saved the wens. Now maybe I'm taking it too literally, but even without knowing about the golden core transfer, jc does know that wq and wn risked their lives to save him and wwx and got his parents remains back. He also sees firsthand that the people wwx rescued are "the old, weak, women and children" in his own words, and when they discuss it in the cave wwx straight up brings up what they owe wq and wn. Obviously jc disagrees with going so far to help them, but I don't see how he could be confused about why wwx did it? Esp when he's known wwx almost all his life, it can't have been that much of a surprise. (I'm asking you bc I think you would be able to articulate an explanation v well and it's something that has genuinely confused me when I've seen ppl say it so often, but ofc you are in no way obligated to answer! Hope you have a lovely day 😘)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my post even if your opinion is slightly different from mine 😀.
As for your question. I do think rationally, Jiang Cheng knows why Wei Wuxian chose to help the Wen. I mean when the other sect leaders question him on why Wei Wuxian freed the prisoners of war, he tells them that they owe Wen Ning and Wen Qing, that they helped them out during the Sunshot campaign. Of course the other sects do not accept this answer and basically tell him to call WWX to order. But it shows that even before he visits the Burial Mounds, JC clearly knows what up, at least partly. There is of course a whole other layer to WWX's debt to WN and WQ that JC is not aware of.
I think the problem is more emotional than logical. At this time JC is working himself to the bone trying to rebuilt Yunmeng Jiang. In that same chapter it says that JC is exhausted from working late every day. Add intersectional politics to that, and he's barely holding his head above water. He could really use the help of his right hand man. But that man is not there, so he has to do it alone. Then, when he goes to visit WWX at the Burial Mounds, it becomes clear that WWX is planning to live with the Wens long term. Except JC knows that the rest of to cultivation world won't just let them be. Choosing the side of the Wen remnants is basically choosing a death sentence.
"Wei Wuxian! Don't you understand? When you're standing on their side, you're the bizarre genius, the miraculous hero, the force of the rebellion, the flower that blooms alone. But the second your differs from theirs, you've lost your mind, you've ignored morality, you've walked the crooked path. You think you can be immune to all these condemnations as you stay outside of the world and do whatever you want? No such precedent has happened before!"
JC basically predicts exactly what will happen here. And WWX decides to stay anyway. The question that I think haunts JC is not 'why is WWX helping the Wens?' I think it's 'why is WWX not helping me?' or maybe even more precise 'what is wrong with me that WWX picks certain doom above staying with me?'
Now I don't think these feelings would've festered as much if Jiang Yanli never died. Because at the second visit, when Yanli shows off her wedding dress, JC seems a lot more relaxed and accepting. He and WWX banter and tease, there is a feeling of optimism. If their little plan of showing how harmless WWX was at Jin Ling's one month celebration had worked, maybe everything would've been alright.
But that didn't happen. Everything went to shit. And JC was left with the broken pieces of his life, agonizing over what went wrong.
I hope I've answered your question!
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wangxiansbunny · 3 years
for months, i have been searching for this one mdzs fanfic and for the love of god i can not find it anywhere 😭😭 i have scoured my reading history over and over and have asked some ficrec blogs for help in finding it to no avail.
Lemme recount to y’all some of the details i remember.
Wwx, Wen Qing and Wen Ning were raised together in Yiling Burial Mounds where Wwx’s dad Wei Changze is alive and running their sect.
The story starts of them going to cloud recesses lectures BUT the iconic thing is they arrive via huge eagles that left everyone in awe.
The students (basically just the notable characters, JC, JYL, JZX, Mianmin and so on…) undergo different challenges to test their cultivation level and ofc Wwx and Lwj are top of their class
The iconic thing abt this fic is that literally everyone’s swords (or spiritual instrument) have a corporeal form and this is consistent throughout the story. Basically their swords are their sidekicks and it’s the coolest thing ever!!!
I thankfully managed to save some of the pics that the author shared of what their sword spirits looked like and here are Suibian, Bichen and the others:
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I remember Suibian having a crush on Bichen on this fic to the point that they kinda are in a relationship but their loyalty to their masters are their first priority
CHENQING IS THERE TOO AND ALSO HAS A CORPOREAL FORM but he resides in Wwx’s “Dark” core???
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The story had something to do with Yin and Yang. Yang, a spirit of pure energy also has a corporeal form and together the students try too look for Yin’s spirit so that there is balance in their world…??
Cangse Sanren was believed to be dead in the beginning of the fic but eventually they found out she’s alive but is captured and it has something to do w the Yin iron.
I swear I didn’t hallucinate all of this guys I am desperate to know what happened next in the story so if any of you knows abt this fic then plss let me know i will love you forever 😭😭
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inessencedevided · 4 years
There's been a lot of cql/mdzs atla-au posts going around lately and I need to add my take.
Because I think a lot could be done with Wei Ying as the avatar.
Imagine the story goes similarly as in canon. He is the son of traveling benders. Maybe Cangse-Sanren is a firebender and Wei Changse a waterbender. They get killed on some mission and he gets taken in by his father's old friend and leader of the Yunmeng water tribe. (This reminds me a lot of kyoshi's backstory, too.) He raises him a long his own children, his daughter who takes to healing more than fighting, and his son who likes nothing more than fighting.
Wei Ying already showed signes of being a waterbender, so they train him, even though he is the son of a former servant. He is, of course, more talented than any other of their students, even Jiang Cheng. Madam Yu still hates him for it.
At some point, they let all the children of the sect take the Avatar test. He passes. Occurs, they don't tell him until he is 16, so he doesn't know. Madam Yu dies though and her hatred for him for upstanding her son only grows. But Wei Ying is happy and loves them, much like in canon and, much like in canon, he is also convinced that he is deeply indebted to him and always brings more trouble than he is worth.
When they tell him he is the avatar on his 16th birthday, he is shocked and scared of his responsibility, but doesn't show it. He laughs it off and tells everyone he is glad because that means he can see the world and doesn't have to annoy madam yu anymore. He only shows cracks to his cheerful facade when they tell him that he has to leave the very next day. That means he will miss Jiang Cheng's birthday. When he tells Jiang Cheng's this, he gets angry and tells Wei Ying that clearly he is very important now and why not run off to the other sects, see if they will put up with him. He refuses to say goodbye after that, so it's just jiang yanli and Jiang fengmian seeing him off.
He goes to king Nie first who is the most renowned earth bending master of their time. He is unyielding and harsh, but unbelievably fond of his younger brother, who mostly uses his bending to sculp intricate and detailed statues. Wei Ying likes him instantly.
Next is fire. He doesn't like the fire lord who greets him and treats him like he is royalty himself, but in a way that makes Wei Ying's skin crawl. He does like the shy boy in his group lessons and his older sister. Wei Ying is good at firebending, even though it should be his natural enemy. Maybe it's his mother's side showing itself though.
Then of course, to complete his training, he needs to learn air-bending. He gets to Gusu and immediately dislikes it there. They are monks and they live like it, too. There are rules regulating every waking moment and the sleeping ones too and he vows to break at least half of them. By now he us 20 and he'll be damned if he lets himself be bossed around like he's 12 again.
He is greeted by their unusually young leader and his uncle and brother. He expects the uncle to be his teacher, but no. Lan Xichen explains that the honor of training the Avatar will go to the youngest air bender to ever become a master, his brother, Lan Zhan.
Okay, Wei Ying thinks, he can live with that. At least a teacher close to his own age should be fun, right?
Lan Zhan is strict, reticent, unyielding and punishes him for every single infringement of the 3000+ rules. He scolds Wei Ying for not taking the enormous responsibility of being the avatar more seriously. He never smiles and never praises him with more than a "passable".
But he is a challenge. One he is good! The best opponent in a fight Wei Ying has had since he was 14. And there is something so fun at making him react in even the slightest way! Also, his ears blush when he is angry and it's cute!
The first time, Wei Ying uses something other than air bending in their training fights, Lan Zhan is furious (Undisciplined!). But tge second time he grots his teeth and fights, really fights Wei Ying. He holds his own again a 3/4s-trained avatar for more than 30 minutes until Wei Ying let's him get swallowed by a whole in the ground that he than seals with a thick layer of ice that will take him way to long to slice open with air bending.
After that, their relationship evolves. It's more of a mutual rivalry, rather than just Wei Ying needling his air bending teacher until he snaps. After a few months, once Wei Ying has progressed beyond the basics (he can fly now! He loves flying! How can the Lans be so serious all the time? They can fly!!!), Lan Zhan introduces him to musical air-bending. Through bending, they can use the sounds to heal and to hurt, amplify them at will or direct them to a specific direction. Lan Zhan demonstrates some techniques on his guqin and then plays a song, though he refuses to tell Wei Ying its meaning.
Wei Ying picks a dixi. He takes to music like a fish to water and soon he is declared a fully trained air bender. His last night in Gusu is when it happens. News reaches them that Yunmeng is under attack from the Wen sect, who have been annexing more minor territoires for years. By the time Wei Ying gets there Lan Zhan at his side, Lotus Peer is burned to the ground. They barely get Jiang Cheng and Jiamg Yanli out, helped by Wei Ying's old friend, Wen Ning. They make it Wen Qing, who takes one look at Lan Zhan and tells him to go because Gusu is next.
(The wens knew where the avatar was abd where he wasn't abd chose their attacks accordingly)
Lan Zhan rushes back (alone. Wei Ying has brother to get back from the brink of death) but he us too late, too. Cloud Recesses is burned, his father dead, his brother missing and he is taken prisoner.
The war happens almost like in canon. The other heirs are taken hostage and given lessons as to how to behave towards their occupiers. They escape through the stupidity of Wen Chao.
I don't think that there'd be a burial mounts though, nor an equivalent to the list golden core. you can take someone's bending but i want Wei Ying to remain the avatar because:
In his desperation to beat the seemingly almighty Wen and his grieve for the Jiangs who took him in, he devices a plan. A) he goes to Lan Zhan and asks him if musical cultivation might help him to learn how to control the avatar state. He says they can try. They do try and after a while, Wei Ying reaches that state. And B) he rensacks the world for scrolls on blood cultivation.
When they advance on nightless City, he is ready. No one kniws his plan. Even Lan Zhan only knows of his having learned to control the avatar state. He needs the element of surprise and he needs it when he stavds in front of Wen Ruohan.
So he waits. By the time he stands face to face with Wen Ruohan and his army, the floor us littered with corpses.
Wei Ying, in front of his brother, Lan Zhan, everyone goes into the avatar state and with the power of all his former incarnations, bebds the blood of every single corpse, as well as every single Wen soldier to turn on Wen Ruohan and then each other. It's a massacre.
When he comes to it again, there is silence. And then cheers. Everyone cheers for him, even though blood bending has veen outlawed for ages. He won them their war though.
Everyone cheers, everyone but Lan Zhan.
They fight after that, a lot.
(I helped you enter the avatar state. You could have died! - my problem, not yours! - You desecrated the dead! What about their spirits? - what about their spirits? I'm the avatar, i can deal with them! - the avatar state is the sacret link to your past lifes ... - My past lifes, yeah Lan Wangji! Let me decide what to do with them. - Wei Wuxian! - Lan Wangji.)
They part on bad terms more often than not.
So when knews reaches that the Jins, a notoriously rich noble family in some corner of the earth kingdom, has taken Wen citizens, civilians mostly, for slave labour, he goes alone. He is furious, more so when he realises that his friends are among them. He enters the avatar stare involuntarily and has the blood of all present Jin soldiers boil in their veins. Wen Ning is almost dead, but he uses his bending to circulate his blood in his body until he can get him to his sister. She is in Lanling after all, having married their heir.
Now because I love Jiang Yanli, in this au, she plays a bigger role. She saves Wen Ning and shows them out of Lanling.
They flee to a part of Qishan that was all but destroyed during the war and then used as a mass grave for the Wens wei ying himself killed, the ones whose spirits Lan Zhan had warned him about.
And the workd turns on it's Avatar.
The avatar is supposed to bring Peace, stand for balance and justice. Not choose a handful of people to protect at all costs.
But Wei Ying thinks, this is just! The world is full of greedy rich people trying to outdo each other for power, so isn't protecting those who suffer from it through no fault of their own justice?
Now, this could go two ways. Either, in a plot more similar to mdzs, the spirits Wei Ying disturbed abd that he is now living on top of, betray him when the rest of the world finally comes to ambush him (cue Lan Zhan trying g to protect him abd falling from grace himself. And the eternally yearning because he list his chance. the avatar is reborn ofc and Lan Zhan vows to protect them because Wei Ying is still a part of them, but they aren't Wei Ying. They are a completely different person and Lan Zhan never loves again.) DEPRESSING
So, let's go the atla route. Wei Ying goes through a spiritual journey, similar to Korra, gets the Wen remnants rehabilitated, makes the right people see sense and basically does the whole Avatar shitck of first finding peace within himself in order to bring peace to the world. *waves hand*
He confesses to Lan Zhan. They adopt A Yuan. Cue kiss in front of a glowing sunset and "The End" displayed to soaring music.
Admittedly, the second ending needs more flashing out, but it's late,so if anyone wants to have a go, feel free :D
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