#welcome reception cocktail
savvytravelers · 4 months
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Gala Dinner Experience
Indulge in a Gala Dinner Experience with Savvy Travelers, savoring exquisite cuisine and entertainment!
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shaadiwish · 2 years
Check Out And Add These Lip-Smacking Cocktail Ideas For Winter Weddings. For More Such Trends And Ideas, Stay Tuned With ShaadiWish.
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Second Chances
Love Bites, Epilogue // Love Bites {Masterlist}
Ship: Astarion Ancunin x fem!vampire spawn!elf!Tav/reader
Summary: Home is a place and home is people. You have quite the large family now, and it's time to provide for them, however you may.
Word Count: 5,729 words
Warnings: 18+, slice of life, spawn ending, Astarion is reunited with his parents, wedding planning, Astarion experimenting with his boundaries, open-ended
18+ Warnings: consensual touching, consensual sex, utilizing Elvish anatomy, fingering, biting, handjob, taking it slow, check-ins, aftercare
Notes: Thank you to everyone who's read Love Bites! I will eventually be adding more to this universe in this future; if you have any requests (add-ons to this story or otherwise), DM me!
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
It was an unusually busy night for the tavern. Between the patrons sitting at your bartop and the servers bustling back and forth between their tables and the bar with drink orders, you’d hardly had a moment to slow down and breathe—so it was a good thing you no longer needed to breathe. 
One of your patrons—a regular from before your time with a tadpole in your head—paid his dues and wished you a good night. You sent him off with a smile and a wave and cleared away his empty glass. You hardly had the time to wash the glass before someone cleared their throat behind you.
“I’ll be with you in just a second,” you started, not even looking over your shoulder.
Your visitor giggled. “Oh, bartender, give me a glass of your best red,” he drawled. You turned around with a smile and found your fiancé leaning on your bartop, a dopey, pretty smile on his face. 
“Wait your turn like the rest of these lovely people,” you teased, gesturing to your full bar. Regardless, you leaned over the bar and kissed him quickly.
Astarion chuckled. “Oooo, whatever would the owner say, seeing the bartender kissing her customers?”
You rolled your eyes. “Good thing I’m the owner, then, hmm?” 
Astarion grinned. “Oh, yes.”
“Did you just get back from the Underdark?” you asked, making another cocktail as you talked.
He nodded. “Yes. They’re all doing fine down there, darling, I promise. I’ll tell you all about it when we get home.”
“You haven’t been home yet?”
He caught and kissed the back of your hand. “No, I came straight here, I thought you could use the help on a busy night.”
You smiled at him. “Aren’t you sweet? Let me get back to work, love, and I’ll get back to you when it slows down, alright?” You kissed his cheek one last time and went back to the server trying to catch your attention—another vampire spawn with a table-full of drinks to make.
It had taken almost a year after the business with the Netherbrain, but you’d gotten here, with Astarion by your side. You had expected it to take longer to get to this point: a tavern owned and operated by vampires, keeping some of the seven thousand spawn Astarion had freed when he killed his master occupied and a place that welcomed them. Those who didn’t live and work at the tavern had made a place for themselves in the Underdark and visited frequently. 
Public reception hadn’t been great at first. You had just filled a business in a respectable part of town with dangerous creatures, you hadn’t expected Baldur’s Gate to be enthusiastic. But, by some miracle, it had worked. The spawn kept their hands—and their teeth—to themselves, drinking from wild animals and from the blood spared by the butcher shop just down the road. With help from you and Astarion, a community had formed around your little tavern, one that stretched all the way into the Underdark. 
For having seven thousand new “children,” you and Astarion were doing fairly good for yourselves. You’d even had the time to do some adventuring here and there when your companions called for your help. It had been some months since you’d picked up a weapon, but you were hoping this dry spell would be over quickly—you had Gale searching for a pair of Sunwalker rings rumored to be in Waterdeep, and the sooner you got Astarion back into the sunlight, the better. Dalyria was attempting to find or make a cure for vampirism, but she hadn’t found anything yet, so the rings were your best bet for the time being. 
As always, the hours passed quickly. Before you knew it, you were sending the last of the servers home well before sunup. You and Astarion closed up together and locked the door when you left. He slipped his hand into yours as you started walking home.
“The long way or the short way?” he asked.
“The short way,” you said. “I can’t wait to climb into bed.”
Astarion kissed your cheek. “Oh, I wholeheartedly agree, darling. I still can’t get over the joy of sleeping on an actual bed—and with you beside me.”
You snorted. “And not your stupid plank and bedroll?”
He rolled his eyes. “I was making due with what I had!”
You giggled and leaned into him. “I know, I know. We did pretty good for ourselves back then, didn’t we?”
Astarion looked at you fondly. “We did,” he said, kissing your temple. “We did.”
Home was just around the corner—the place Astarion had grown up and where so many of your best memories were. Now that he had gone back to living in those walls, his memory had been coming back in bits and pieces, little snippets of his life before Cazador turned him. Sometimes it was a relief, when a nostalgic little smile would cross his face and he would recite whatever he’d remembered as if in a daze. Other times you found yourself cradling him as he mourned what had been stolen from him. Recently, the happier moments were becoming more frequent.
Astarion unlocked the door for you and shouted over your shoulder, “We’re home, Ma!”
You giggled as you and Selwynn made eye contact as she put down her knife. “She’s right here, Asty, no need to shout.”
Selwynn came over as you pulled your coat off and hung it up. She kissed Astarion’s cheek, cupping his cheek to hold him closer, as if he might escape. However, since his return home, Astarion had never once tried to get out of her grasp quicker than she was ready for. More often than not, he lingered in the hope she’d keep holding her. “How were the spawn today, dear?”
“Oh, they’re doing fine,” Astarion promised. “The tavern’s helping them get a fresh start and they’ve got a nice little village set up in the Underdark. Some of them are even starting families. As it happens, spawn can get pregnant.”
Selwynn raised one elegant brow. “Well, then. I suppose your plans for the future from all those years ago aren’t completely off the table now, are they?”
Astarion laughed. “Slow down, Ma, let us get through the wedding first, alright?”
You smiled at them. “We’ll get there one day,” you promised. “I’m just happy to have him back for now.”
Astarion beamed at you, all fangs, and leaned down to capture your lips in a sweet, searing kiss—the kind of kiss you never would have let his parents see two centuries ago, but no longer cared to hide. 
When he broke the kiss, you were left dizzy and clinging to his arm or you were going to fall over, but Astarion asked easily, if it hadn’t happened, “Where’s Dad?”
“He went to bed early,” Selwynn explained. “Headache. He’s been getting them more often now that he’s stopped trancing regularly.”
You frowned. “If keeping our odd hours doesn’t work, he doesn’t have to. Neither of you have to become nocturnal until we find the Sunwalker rings.”
She gave you a sympathetic smile. “We know we don’t have to, dear, but we want to. We have your wedding to plan, you know. Oh, that reminds me! I made some adjustments to your veil. It’s finished now, if you want to take a look at it.”
“After we eat, absolutely,” you said. “What do we have today?”
“Boar’s blood,” Selwynn said. “I think it should work with my recipe. And I’ve got a few jars left if it doesn’t.”
Selwynn was yet another way you, Astarion, and the other spawn were making normal lives for yourself. Over the past year, she’d been experimenting with cooking and magic to find ways for vampires to eat solid food. A few of her recipes had been successful.
“Looking forward to it, Mama,” Astarion said. He kissed her cheek. Something came over him, clouding his eyes. He shook it off subtly and smiled at his mother. 
“What is it?” she asked. None of his moods escaped her.
“Nothing,” he promised. He kissed the top of her head. “Nothing. I just…I love you.”
Selwynn folded him into a hug he gladly fell into. “I love you, too, Star.”
After dinner, the four of you retired to the sitting room. Your wedding dress waited for you on a mannequin, your veil draped over it, your shoes next to it. Astarion jokingly covered his eyes, claiming he didn’t want to see it until your wedding day, but put his hands down when you insisted on showing him the veil. As always, his eye caught on the two portraits of him on the mantle—one from all those years ago, his skin slightly pink and his eyes still honeyed, and another that his parents had commissioned when he returned with his features as they were now, with crimson eyes and features made sharper from blood loss. He was gorgeous in both and you never let on that you noticed him admiring himself; he deserved his likeness, after all this time.
Selwynn’s finished veil was the same one she had been working on two hundred years ago, carefully preserved for all that time. She had added some extra length to it since Astarion had returned with odes to your journey and your love. 
You held it gently in your hands, reverently looking over the delicate lace. “Selwynn, this is…this is beautiful! Thank you so much, I don’t…I don’t know what else to say. Gods, this is absolutely perfect…”
Astarion hooked his chin over your shoulder to look at the veil, resting his hands on your hips. “Oh, Ma, this is perfect! Wait, is that— Are those fangs?” He narrowed his eyes and leaned closer, then gasped. “Is that me biting her?”
You giggled. “Oh, gods, it is!”
“You told my mom about me biting you because I was struggling to hunt?” Astarion whispered in your ear. “Darling…”
“I couldn’t resist,” you teased. “You were just so cute when you begged me to share my prey with you, only to find I’d eaten already so you had to feed from me.”
He rolled his eyes at you. “Sometimes I think you live to embarrass me.”
“It’s a very special moment,” Selwynn reminded her son, lightly pinching his cheek. He made a sound of complaint but the smile on his face suggested he was more than happy to have his mother picking on him again. “It helped you bond together again.”
Thesan smiled into his goblet of wine. “They would have bonded even without the blood drinking, dear. I’m quite certain they always would.”
You leaned into Astarion’s arms, turning to kiss his cheek. “I have to agree with you there, Thesan. Two centuries and I still fell in love with him the second time as easily as I did the first.”
Astarion turned to you with a happy smile, almost purring as he pulled you into a deep kiss. “I love you, too,” he whispered to you, pressing his forehead to yours.
Thesan glanced at his wife. “Is it just me, or are they more touchy than they were before?” 
Selwynn’s smile was answer enough. She cleared her throat to get your attention. “Have you decided on the flowers you want yet?”
“White lilies,” you answered quickly. “There’ll be more, of course, but…the lilies are important.” You glanced at Astarion, remembering setting them on his grave, and he squeezed your hip. 
She pulled out a massive book of flowers. “Well, here—take a seat and we can find some other flowers to match.”
You and Astarion spent the last few minutes of night on the rooftop, his arm around your shoulders, your eyes trained on the stars. His thumb rubbed your skin gently, a soothing sensation that was easily lulling you to sleep. But as soon as the sky began to lighten, both of your heads turned toward the horizon. You could feel Astarion’s longing for the sun radiating off of him. 
“Has Gale sent word yet?” Astarion asked. You could hear the barely restrained hope in his voice.
“Not yet,” you sighed. His answering huff made you reach up and squeeze his hand. “It’s alright, honey. It won’t be long now, I can feel it. We just have to be…patient.”
Astarion rubbed his temple. “I know, I know, we need to give him time to— Gods, darling, I hate taking the moral high ground, I’m getting tired of being patient, and I hate relying on—other people.”
You laid your head on his shoulder. “By ‘other people,’ do you mean specifically Gale?”
He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. “Maybe.”
You bumped your knee against his. “Be nice,” you chided, through your own small giggle as you fondly thought of the boys’ little rivalry. “He’s trying to help us out of the goodness of his heart.”
Astarion sighed dramatically. “Alright, alright—I’ll be civil, even though he has a massive crush on you.”
“He does not! Well, he did, but I’m quite certain he’s moved on, considering we invited him to our wedding.” You kissed his cheek twice in quick succession. “You’re not jealous of his unrequited love for me, are you?”
“Me? Jealous?” he scoffed, the tips of his ears turning pink. “Of course not!”
“Mmhmm,” you teased, not quite believing him. 
The two of you lapsed into comfortable silence, watching the sky become a pale lavender color. The coolness of the night began to warm by a few degrees at a time. Astarion stood and offered you his hand.
“Shall we turn in for the night, my darling?” he asked, though you could see the longing to be in the daylight on his face. You nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
You stood and let him help you crawl back down the roof and wall. He dropped down onto the balcony and caught you in his arms. He held you close to his chest and kissed your forehead. 
“I think I’m quite enjoying this new strength of mine,” he purred.
You grinned at him. “Me too, remind me to keep you happy and fed so you can pick me up like I’m a feather.”
Astarion giggled and swooped you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style. He brought you over to the bed and gently laid you down on it, kissing you softly as he did.
“Practicing for our wedding day?” you joked, wriggling under the bedsheets and getting comfortable.
He chuckled. “Can’t I just enjoy being your knight in shining armor?” He pulled his shirt off and joined you under the blankets.
“Of course you can,” you said, pressing yourself into his side the moment he opened his arms to you for a cuddle. He hummed softly and wrapped the two of you in the blankets. “Comfortable?”
Astarion smiled against you. “Very. I’d quite forgotten what it felt like to sleep on an actual bed.”
You giggled and kissed him softly. You reached up to cup his cheek, brushing your thumb against his cheekbone. You appreciated the beauty of his relaxed, happy face before you whispered, “I love you, Asty. I know I say it all the time, but…I’m glad to have you back.”
When he smiled, one of Astarion’s fangs peeked out over his lip. “I’m glad to be home in your arms.”
You hummed happily, leaning your head against his chest and let yourself relax against him, your hand sliding into his. Astarion kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arm around you, keeping you laying on top of him.
After what felt like a few minutes, though it could have been an hour with how little you were keeping track of the time, Astarion shifted against you. He brushed your hair behind your ear and hesitantly asked, “Darling… Are you…up for some fun, maybe?”
Drowsily, you shifted so you could look up at his face. “I could fool around for a little while. What are you thinking, Asty?”
“I…I think I want to go a little further tonight,” he said.
“How much further?”
“I want you to touch me again.”
You were waking up quickly now. “You feel ready for it?”
He nodded. “As long as we keep taking it slow, I’m ready for a little bit of touching,” he explained. “In…in baby steps.”
You smiled, kissing his jawline. “Of course, darling. What do you want to do?”
He bit his lip and met your eyes. “I think I want to…give you some attention, like we normally do—you can choose if you want to cum on my fingers or my face—and then…when I get aroused…instead of just letting it go down…” He looked away, looking a little like the embarrassed young man you’d first slept with. “We could take care of it instead?”
You grinned. “Oh, darling, of course! I’d love to take care of you, however you want.”
“Your hand,” Astarion said immediately. “I’d like to start simple.”
“And you can always stop me if you change your mind,” you reminded him, a statement that had been established between the two of you since the night Astarion asked to try being intimate with you again. 
For the past few months, you and Astarion had been treading carefully. After making love at his grave, he’d decided to slow down again, and you had respected that decision. A majority of your intimacy had been non-sexual, except for the times he sat you in his lap and reached between your legs. He’d been enjoying pleasuring you but hadn’t wanted to be touched himself, happy to take pleasure from your pleasure—until tonight.
Astarion brushed his lips over your knuckles. “Thank you, darling.” He put his hand on your hip, warm from feeding recently but burning hot from the need now coursing through your veins, even though the thin layer of your silk slip. He toyed with the hem. “May I?”
You nodded and he slipped his hand between your legs. He cupped your cunt through your panties, letting his finger slide along your slit as he pulled his hand back. He rubbed back and forth for a few minutes, pressing soft kisses to your lips as your breathing got heavier. 
Astarion hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and met your gaze. You nodded again and whispered, “Please…” He was quick to pull them down enough to get his hand against your pussy again. One finger slid between your folds, rubbing gently. 
“Already a little wet for me,” he murmured, kissing the tip of your ear. You shuddered. “Oh, did you like that, my love?” He did it again, this time lightly scraping his teeth over the shell of your ear and you whimpered softly.
Astarion brought his hand up from your slit, getting wetter by the second, and used one finger to start rubbing circles on your clit. Automatically, you bucked into his hand. Even though he’d been touching you like this for months now, it still felt new every time and sent shocks of electricity through your body. 
You let a small whine slip past your lips and Astarion beamed. “That’s it, sweet girl, let me hear you. Let me hear how good I make you feel.”
You brought a hand up to his shoulder, gripping him tightly, glad you were laying down and pressed against him or the subtle pressure he was adding to your clit was going to make your knees collapse beneath you. “Astarion,” you whimpered, kissing him rapidly. “Astarion, oh gods…”
He chuckled and soothed you with his free hand rubbing your back. He kissed you deeply and you moaned into his mouth.
“Are you ready for more?” he murmured, sliding his fingers down from your clit to your entrance before you could answer. He coated his fingers in the wetness he found there. He met your eyes as he rubbed your pussy. “Do you want my fingers inside you, darling?”
“Yes, please,” you whimpered, bucking your hips into his hand. He smiled at you, his eyes fond, and teased you a few times by sliding the tip of his finger in and then pulling it out without going any further. You whined pitifully, nipping gently at his jaw.
“Alright, alright,” he relented, laughing a little. “One or two?”
You nuzzled into his neck. “Start with one.”
Astarion pushed one finger into you with ease. He began pumping it in and out, curling up to graze your spongy walls, careful to hit your favorite spot every time. He had you moaning his name into his neck in no time, your entire body shaking against his. 
“You’re doing so good for me, love,” he murmured into your ear. “You’re so tight around my fingers… I love it when you moan like this, keep saying my name, darling. Can you take another finger, sweet girl?”
You nodded. “Yes, Asty! Please, oh gods…” You moaned deeply as he pulled his finger out, then pushed two back in. You clenched tightly around his fingers. “Gods, you feel so damn good!”
Astarion grinned. “Good girl, just feel good for me, alright? Tell me how it feels, tell me what you need.”
“A l-little faster,” you stammered out between your panting breaths. 
He pumped his fingers faster, so much faster that you knew his wrist would start hurting soon. But it did the trick—you threw your head back with a loud moan, fresh slick coating his fingers. You could already feel yourself getting close, but your orgasm seemed just a little out of your reach…
“T-touch my clit? Please?” you begged. “I’m almost there…”
Astarion kept his fingers moving inside you as he brought his thumb to your clit. He pressed down lightly and began rubbing in circles. He switched the direction he moved his thumb in every so often to catch you off guard, making your legs shake every time. 
“Can I suck on your tits?” he murmured, eyeing them where they were about to spill out of your slip anyway from the angle you lay in. 
“Yes, please!” you gasped, your walls fluttering and clenching. It wouldn’t be long now.
Astarion whispered his thanks in Elvish and yanked your neckline down. He covered both of your breasts in kisses, nicking your skin with his fangs every so often and licking up the beads of blood after. He made eye contact with you as he wrapped his lips around one of your nipples and began to happily suck. His eyes fluttered shut and you put your hand in his hair, keeping his head at your breast, keeping the pressure light so he could pull away whenever he wished. He hummed happily and slowly his hips began grinding against your thigh.
His hardness filled you with unbelievable glee. You stuck your leg out further so he could get better friction. The movement opened you up more and Astarion’s fingers sank deeper into you. You wailed his name.
Astarion shut you up with a searing kiss, his lips swallowing your cries and grounding you to the reality of your bed. You moaned softly into the kiss.
“Not so loud,” he whispered when he pulled away. He looked at you with lidded eyes. “Keep up like that and you might just finish me without ever touching me.” You whined in protest and he giggled. “I thought you wouldn’t like that.”
“Can I touch you now?” you asked.
He shook his head. “Let me finish you first, darling. You’re so close, I know it. Cum for me and then you can touch me, okay?” You nodded. “Good girl. I’m gonna go a little faster to get you there, love, alright?”
You spread your legs further for him and he kissed your neck, sucking harshly. He curled his fingers deep inside you and rubbed your clit faster. Your legs began to shake, your upper body writhing. You whined until it became a sob. You felt the first waves begin to wash over you, your walls clenching rhythmically. 
“Cum for me,” Astarion demanded in your ear, his voice nearly a growl, and your body obeyed him before the order even processed in your brain. You nearly clamped your legs shut over his hand as your orgasm swept through you, the feeling like glass shattering throughout your body. You bit down on his neck, your teeth sinking in. You tasted his blood, sweet as honey wine on your tongue.
“Astarion!” you whined as you came down from your high, cuddling into his side. He pumped his fingers a few more times, helping you ride it out. He pulled his fingers out of you at the perfect time and sucked them clean, moaning as he did. You whimpered. 
Astarion wrapped his arms around you. “You’re alright,” he soothed, kissing your forehead. “You did good for me, darling. You did so well.”
You rested briefly against his chest, catching your breath. After a few moments, you wriggled against him. “Your turn?” 
“Rest for a minute,” he murmured. He kissed the top of your head.
“Do you still want this?” you asked, scratching his scalp.
Astarion brought one of your hands down to his crotch and gently placed your hand over his length. He gasped, his brows pinching together. “Oh, gods, yes, I want this,” he breathed, hips bucking into your hand. “Darling, you— You feel…”
You smiled at him, kissing his neck softly. “Oh, honey, I’ve barely touched you!”
He blushed. “I know… I’m not gonna last long when you really start touching me.”
“Speaking of… What do you want me to do?” you asked. “What do you think you’re comfortable with?”
He bucked his hips experimentally again. “Start with rubbing me over my pants. You can try squeezing me a little. I…I want to try a regular handjob.”
You started moving your hand over his bulge, reveling in the way he reacted with a sharp intake of breath and his hips desperately following your hand. You watched his face for the key signs that he was disassociating. But his eyelashes were simply fluttering in pleasure. 
“How’s that feel?” you asked, giving him a gentle squeeze. He moaned happily.
“Good,” he panted. “Really good, keep doing that.”
“Rubbing then squeezing?” you clarified. He nodded quickly. You continued the pace, rubbing his bulge until you felt him kick up beneath your hand, then squeezing his length as best as you could through his pants.
Astarion began wiggling underneath you, a flush spreading from his face down to his neck. You cooed at him.
“Do you want more, pretty boy? Does this feel good?”
The flush spread to his chest. “Take my pants off,” he pleaded. “I need to feel more of you.”
You raised an eyebrow, taking your hand off of him. You gently unlaced his pants and began sliding them down his legs. You took your panties completely off your legs at the same time, kicking them to the floor, for your own comfort. “Do you want your boxers on or off?”
Astarion panted, thinking about it. Then he nodded. “Off, I want them off. I want to feel your skin on mine.”
You nodded and kissed him softly. “Thank you for telling me. Keep telling me what you want, okay? If it’s too much, stop me.”
“I will,” he promised. 
You hooked your fingers into the waistband of his boxers. He did the same, ready to help you. “Lift your hips,” you told him. When he did, the two of you pushed his boxers off his waist. You pulled them down his legs, trying not to stare at his erection, and crawled back up to lay down next to him. You tucked yourself into his side again and looked up at his face.
“I’m okay,” he assured you, answering your question before you could even get it out. “Please touch me.”
You reached down, coated your hand in your own juices, and laid your hand over his hard cock. He took a steadying breath and nodded for you to continue. You wrapped your hand around him and slowly began stroking him. 
Astarion let out a loud moan, his hips stuttering into your hand. 
“Look who’s being loud now,” you teased. The flush reaching his chest deepened.
Slowly, as he got used to your rhythm, Astarion began fucking into your hand, rolling his hips at a leisurely pace you were careful to match. 
“Feel good?” you asked him, nuzzling against him. He nodded. “Words, please, honey.”
Astarion nodded again and rasped out, “Feels great, darling… Don’t stop, please, don’t stop what you’re doing.”
“Good boy,” you whispered and his cock twitched in your hand. You raised a brow but left that for a later discussion. 
You watched Astarion carefully, appreciating the way he reacted to your touch. A thin sheen of sweat coated his skin, created both through his writhing and the attempt to hold back his orgasm. His hips pistoned into your fist, his face blissful and his lashes fluttering rapidly, his legs shaking, his hands unable to keep still.
You took his hand in your free one and squeezed gently. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed the back of your hand. You smiled warmly at him.
“Can—oh, gods, fuck!—can you go a little faster?” he asked, panting heavily. 
“Of course, honey,” you promised. You leaned down to kiss his neck, soothing your love bite with your tongue, as you pumped him faster, letting him whine against your lips. You glanced down, watching the pre-cum start to leak from his cock. “Gods, you’re a pretty sight when you feel good…”
Astarion whimpered and nestled into your neck. He bucked a little more ferociously into your hand, smiling into your skin. “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too, Astarion,” you murmured, kissing the top of his head. “Still feeling good?”
He nodded. “But…can you pay more attention to my head?”
You looked down at his pink, leaking tip. “Sure thing, honey.” You swiped your thumb over his tip, collecting his pre-cum and further slicking his cock with it. He whined, the muscles of his abdomen tightening. You brought your hand up to his head and focused on stimulating it. Astarion’s whines became incredibly high-pitched as he threw his head back.
“Darling, I’m— I’m close,” he gasped, hips losing their rhythm. 
You met his gaze and looked at him lovingly, using your free hand to brush his hair from his forehead. You kissed his forehead and his lips latched onto your neck. You felt his teeth sink in, giving you a love bite to match the one you’d sucked onto his neck. “Cum for me,” you whispered to him, echoing his earlier statement to you.
Just as it had been for you, the command was magic. Astarion moaned wantonly and fucked your hand desperately until his entire body curled inward as he came. Thick ropes of cum fell onto your hand. His orgasm racked his whole body and lasted far longer than you had expected. You stroked him gently, pumping him through it until he let out a little whimper of overstimulation.
You let him go and licked your hand clean just as he had. He stared at you with a little smile on his face. With your hand clean, you laid back down next to him.
“Are you okay?” you asked, gently rubbing your hand over his chest and stomach.
Astarion grinned at you. “That was… Gods. That was wonderful. I feel great!” He let out a little giggle, slightly astonished. “I feel like I’m floating.” He rolled onto his side and pulled you into his arms. “Thank you for doing that.”
You kissed him gently, licking into his mouth and letting him deepen it. He dominated the kiss quickly and you let him take control. He made a small sound of surprise and you realized he could taste himself on your tongue. 
A string of spit connected your lips when he pulled away. The two of you giggled, the sexual tension in the room thinning immediately. You pulled him back down to you and cuddled into his chest. 
“Any time you want to be touched, I will do whatever you ask,” you promised. “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“Thank you,” he whispered. 
“Let me clean you up, Asty,” you said. You pulled a washcloth from the nightstand—which had been prepared for this like it always had been two centuries ago—and gently wiped him clean. He took it from you and did the same to you, then pulled the covers back over you.
“Can we sleep naked?” he asked. “I want your skin tonight.”
You nodded. “I want yours, too,” you agreed. You snuggled into his side, resting your head against his chest. “This was amazing, Astarion.”
He hummed his agreement, kissing your nose. “Absolutely fantastic.”
“But this isn’t all you are to me, Asty,” you reminded him. “I know I say it every time we do anything sexual, but you could tell me right now you wanted it all to stop and I wouldn’t protest. I’d stay by your side. You are enough for me.”
Astarion hugged you tight. “You don’t have to worry about that, darling. You’ll get all of me again one day, I promise. I… I trust you with my body, more than I’ve ever trusted anyone with anything before.” He kissed you gingerly. 
You blinked back the joyful tears that had filled your eyes. “I love you. I love you so much.”
Astarion laced your fingers together. “I love you, too.” He met your gaze. “How did I get so lucky to find you again? To be marrying you again?”
“I think your dad’s right,” you said. “I think we’d find each other again in any universe.”
Astarion buried his face into your neck and mumbled something that sounded like, “Love you.”
You wrapped him up in your arms and whispered, “Love you, too.”
One after the other, you dropped into trance, your hands still laced together. The love bites you’d left each other slowly deepened in color throughout the night. Your memories were peaceful and mostly of Astarion. You had a long road ahead of you, but it was a road you’d walk together. With Astarion at your side, your worries faded away; things would turn out fine.
☞ ❊ ☜
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Baldur's Gate 3 // Astarion Ancunin
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the Astarion taglist!} @wayward-hel @cheeslyy @ofmyth-andmagicart @neetheslayer @whispering-depths @freesidexjunkie @lightsinmycity @the0ldmann @gobbodoggo @oooof-ifellforyou @beeblisss @fangboner @aquaarietes @fiercest-eigengrau-skies @niqhtfell @call-me-nyxx @lueji-m @ceres-xiv @tricksy-trinity @graynstairs @rosa-rubus @ynisthatyou @thegoodwitchs-blog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @kiyastrf94 @vincemachina @silverfangmarks @ravenswritingroom @hinata7346 @hellethil @makepastanotwar13 @caramel-hufflepuff @beemiilk @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @starwatch77 @julianmarie @sadexistentialism @supernaturallover15 @writinghound @frankie-mercury @kindadolly @infernalrusalka
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redrose10 · 9 months
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Chapter 3 is here! Next chapter in a few days!
Yoongi X Female Reader. CEO/Arranged Marriage AU
Summary: You were selected to marry the wayward CEO/Billionaire/Heir, Min Yoongi. You went into it with an open mind and heart determined to try and make it work. Yoongi on the other hand had no intention of ever letting you in let alone allowing himself to fall in love with you. Slowly you start to associate the smell of cinnamon and vanilla with the feelings of hurt and sorrow.
Word Count: 3,609
Warnings: (May get updated as chapters progress): Arranged marriage, cheating/infidelity, hints of smut (Probably won’t get very explicit but we’ll see how it goes), Sexual Assault, Brief mentions of death, Reader grew up an orphan, General Angst, Swearing
In no way were you going to to cry in front of a couple hundred strangers. You decided to focus in on a bouquet of flowers that were just behind Yoongi’s head to try and distract yourself. A beautiful set of blue hydrangeas. You chose to ignore the words that were being spoken by the minister standing between the two of you. Instead your thoughts were brought back to being seven years old and laying in your Aunts back yard on her swing while she read the newspaper. The hydrangea bush next to you was in full bloom providing an intoxicating scent and a beautiful hue of purples and blues. Your aunt gently stroked your hair while she told you about some recipe that was listed in the paper, asking you if you thought she should try it for dinner one day. It was one of the last times you remember feeling genuinely happy and at peace and loved.
You’re brought out of your trance after you hear the officiant whisper your name. Yoongi is looking at you with one eyebrow raised. The officiant speaks again, “Y/N, do you take Yoongi as your husband now and forever?” Unable to speak you nod your head and the ring is placed on your finger. A few more words were spoken and then you were welcomed to share your first kiss as husband and wife.
You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about what it would be like to kiss Yoongi. You wondered how this would go. Should you take his hand? Will he caress your face? Does he even want to kiss you? Moments later he leaned in. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla stronger than ever. Briefly he looked into your eyes and you saw something different. Not the usual disgust or indifference. His eyes showed that he was nervous. Maybe even scared. Before you could think there was a quick touch of your lips and then he backed away leaving you wanting more. He grabbed your hand dragging you down the aisle behind him while the crowd cheered and congratulated you both. Maybe you were seeing things but you swear you saw the tiniest bit of pink brush across his cheeks.
Afterwards the guests were ushered into the reception area to enjoy cocktails and appetizers while Yoongi and yourself were whisked away to take photos. The sweet photographer tried her hardest to make it seem like there was a lot of love and admiration between the two of you. However no matter how hard she tried the atmosphere was anything but that. Thankfully the photo session was over quickly and it was time to begin the reception. Dinner was served and then after a couple of speeches guests were encouraged to hit the dance floor to celebrate. Mr. And Mrs. Min paraded you around introducing you to a bunch of people whom you assumed were very important to their empire based on how they talked you up. After what felt like an eternity they excused themselves and you were left alone for the first time since the morning. That’s when you realized that you hadn’t seen Yoongi in quite a while. Scanning the room you couldn’t catch any sight of him. Curious as to what he was up to you started wondering the halls which may have been your biggest mistake of the evening.
Making your way down a dimly lit hall, the carpeting muffling the sound of your heels, you were startled when a door a few feet in front of you swung open and a disheveled looking Yoongi came stumbling out. His hair was a mess and you watched as he finished zipping up his black dress pants and then adjusted his belt to the correct position. He was closely followed by the same blond from the earlier ceremony stumbling as she finished pulling up the top of her barely there dress.
You felt a burning sensation in your throat and tears forming in your eyes. It was suddenly hard to breathe as if you were being smothered. You knew he wasn’t going to be the picture perfect husband but you didn’t think he would cheat on you and at your wedding reception of all places.
Quickly you turned and made your way back to the party area not noticing the way Yoongi looked after you.
Realizing that you needed some air you found the nearest exit door and stepped out onto the terrace. The cool air feeling good on your flushed skin and in your lungs. You felt like the last little bit of hope you had at a happy marriage was just crushed. Trying to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself you were interrupted when you heard the latch of the door click open.
Turning around you faced Yoongi standing by the door. Hands in his pockets. Unreadable expression on his face. It looked like he had fixed his hair since it was no longer sticking up all over the place and was back to laying down styled like nothing had ever happened. Without saying a word you turned back around to stare out at the city below you. A strong breeze blew through the air putting you into a deep shiver. Seconds later you were wrapped in warmth. You were hit with a familiar smell. Cinnamon and vanilla. Noticing the black fabric draped around your shoulders you realized that Yoongi had placed his suit coat around you to try and bring you some warmth and protection from the chill in the air. Twenty minutes ago the gesture would’ve caused your heart to explode. But thinking back to Yoongi walking out of the room with that woman making it clear as to what they had done, probably while he was wearing this same suit jacket, you felt dirty having it touching you.
“Y/N, I know this isn’t ideal. That this isn’t how we had imagined our lives going so I don’t mind if you want to see other people behind closed doors. We just have to put on an act for the public but when no one’s watching you’re free to do whatever you want.”
You replayed his words in your head. Was he trying to clear his conscience because he knows he got caught? Maybe feels a little guilty and will feel less guilty if he knows you’re also out cheating on him? Does he think that he’s being kind towards you by doing this? You couldn’t stop the laugh that left your mouth. Shaking off his jacket and letting it land on the ground, not caring how expensive it was, you looked up at him and held up your left hand to show the wedding ring that hasn’t even been on your finger for a full eight hours yet.
“I can’t. I’m married and I’m not a disgusting, low down, uncaring, selfish, ignorant, cheating, loser, asshole like you Min Yoongi. You better not get caught either. It’s in your end of the contract.”
With that you turned and walked into the reception area taking a seat at the wedding table and downing your glass of champagne and also Yoongi’s that was sitting next to it. You have no idea where all that came from but it felt good. You snuck a peak out of the tall glass window to see Yoongi still standing there, hands in his pockets, mouthing something to himself before turning back to look out at the city below.
You groaned when your alarm went off the next morning. Why did you agree to a 6am flight again? Slowly you rolled yourself out of bed trying not to wake the loudly snoring figure next to you. You forgot just how cute Jimin looked while he was sleeping. All curled up in a ball with a deep pout on his lips.
Of course you didn’t spend your wedding night with your new husband. Especially not after the events at the reception. You and Yoongi were supposed to share a night in the biggest hotel suite in Seoul but you knew there was no way you could face him. After your little outburst on the terrace the rest of the reception was even more awkward especially having to share your first dance with him. You spent most of the dance staring down at the ground blaming it on having two left feet and not wanting to step on Yoongi’s expensive dress shoes but you and him both knew why you couldn’t look him in the eyes. The night ended with you spotting Yoongi standing in the corner talking to one of his business partners when your favorite blond woman walked over handing him a piece of paper with what was surely her phone number on it before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking off. There was no way you were going to be stuck in a room with him after all of that.
Thankfully Jimin had planned ahead booking himself a room at the same hotel figuring he’d be too drunk to get himself home at the end of the night. You jumped in the shower letting the hot water soothe your sore muscles. Once you were thoroughly cleaned you put on some light makeup and a comfy outfit. Today you and Yoongi were heading off to your honeymoon. A week spent on a tropical island. You didn’t mind the ocean but you really hated the hot humid weather. The sand that got everywhere. The guaranteed sunburn no matter how careful you were. Yoongi had asked where you wanted to honeymoon. You’d always wanted to stay in a cabin in the Swiss Alps during the winter. Something was always so comforting about the snow. The cold feeling invigorating and refreshing. You imagined sipping a mug of hot chocolate by the fire place while wrapped in a blanket. Maybe going for a walk and taking in the beautiful scenery. With Christmas just around the corner there’d probably be lots of decorations. Yoongi had nodded at your request like he was accepting of it so you were shocked when he told you that your honeymoon would be taking place in Fiji, somewhere that is the complete opposite of what you had asked for. But at this point what could you really expect from him.
All of your bags were packed before the wedding so you just threw in some last minute essentials before zipping up the last one. You didn’t have to take much. Just a duffel bag and a carry on for your makeup and important items. Growing up without having much you learned that you didn’t need much to be happy. Walking over to the bed you quickly realized that trying to wake Jimin up from his hangover induced coma was going to be useless so you placed a kiss to his forehead and grabbed your bags heading out the door.
You were startled when you opened the door finding Yoongi with his hand raised as he was just about to knock.
“Oh sorry. I didn’t expect to see you there.”, you said hand clutching at your chest.
He hands you over a warm to go cup. “I texted Jimin to ask him what your usual coffee order is but he never responded so I got you a vanilla latte. It seemed like a safe choice for you.”
You gave him a tight lip smile and took the cup from him. Truthfully you weren’t much of a coffee drinker but the fact that he actually put effort into something made your heart twist a little and some caffeine in your system wouldn’t hurt right now either. Gently you shut the door behind you and began to walk down the hall when you heard someone mumbling your name by the elevators. When you turned you were greeted by a young man. The poor thing looked like he was being crushed by the weight of all the luggage he was carrying as he desperately tried to keep everything together. Once you looked into his eyes you immediately recognized him as one of Yoongi’s interns, Jungkook. You’d met him a couple times and he was always very sweet and polite.
“Mrs. Min, let me take your bags for you.”, he said reaching out for the duffle bag in your hand.
You chuckled, “Oh no it’s okay. It looks like you’ve got your hands full already. Plus I’m definitely capable of carrying a couple bags down to the car.” Taking another sip of your coffee you waited for the elevator to arrive. Once the familiar ding of the bell sounded the doors opened and you stepped onto the platform making room for Yoongi and Jungkook. You couldn’t help but notice that Jungkook seemed a little less frazzled and Yoongi was carrying one of his own bags now. A small smile crept onto your face at the thought that maybe your words struck a nerve with him.
The car ride to the airport was mostly silent until Yoongi cleared his throat, “I waited for you to come to the room last night. I wanted to talk about things.” You continued to look out the window as the you passed by the buildings before responding, “I figured you’d be busy and didn’t want to be in the way of anything.”
Before Yoongi could speak the driver announced your arrival at the airport. You’d never been on a private plane before. The only plane you’d ever even been on was the one you took to South Korea and that definitely wasn’t private so it was nice. The plane ride and the following drive to the resort remained pretty much silent minus the occasional question or statement.
The suite at the resort was of course luxurious. You stepped out onto the balcony and were immediately hit with a wave of the heat and humidity that you hated so much. But you did have to admit that the view was stunning. Crystal clear water. White sand. Palm trees and tropical flowers wherever you looked.
Walking back into the cool air conditioning you took a look around the room and felt a sudden rise in your body temperature. The cause of this-The one king bed staring back at you. Normally a couple on their honeymoon wouldn’t think twice about sharing a bed but you and Yoongi had an odd situation. He must’ve noticed your new concern because you heard him chuckle from the other side of the room.
“We’re adults Y/N and we’re married. We can share a bed for a week.”
All you could muster was a nod and a tight lipped smile. Part of you wondered if this meant he’d keep his hands off of other women on this trip. Or maybe the two of you would finally-
“I’m heading out Y/N. Don’t wait up.”, he said and you looked over watching him grab his room key and head out the door not even looking back. Of course, you sighed.
Not wanting to leave the room you ordered yourself some room service and called it an early night. When you woke up the following morning you felt more refreshed than you had in a long time. It was definitely the comfiest hotel bed you’d ever slept in. You began to feel slight movement next to you and that’s when you remembered that you were on a honeymoon with your husband.
The movements stopped so you thought it was safe to take a peak. Yoongi had stayed as far on his side as he could. Looking over you once again admired how handsome he truly was. If you didn’t know what kind of person he was you’d definitely have a huge crush on him. Maybe you did anyways. He was still in his clothes from earlier. He smelled like a brewery with a hint of that familiar cinnamon and vanilla scent.
He must’ve gone out drinking all night and came back at some point while you were asleep. You weren’t sure if you were relieved he came back at all or upset that he spent the first night of your honeymoon downing whiskey at some bar. The forever comforting person in you didn’t want him to catch a cold from the air conditioning that you had set on full blast so you tried your best to shimmy the blanket up to his shoulders to cover him and that’s when you noticed it. Right on his neck just below his ear. A kiss of red lipstick stared back at you like a forbidden tattoo. Curiosity getting the best of you and knowing that he was still too out of it to notice you gently tugged down the collar of his tshirt revealing what you had feared. Several more kisses of the same color lipstick painted his chest along with a couple love bites. Feeling like you were going to be sick you quickly ran to the bathroom shutting the door behind you.
After a long hot shower and taking your time getting ready you finally felt like you could face the world. Yoongi was sitting on the edge of the bed his head in hands clearly feeling the effects of the night before. He heard the jingle of your purse and looked over noticing you standing there in your pink sundress with the sunglasses to match. He thought it was cute how you always tried to accessorize your outfit with something matching in color.
Your original plan was to ask him to come have breakfast with you and then see if he wanted to go to the beach. Even if you hated it you were still going to try and make the most of this trip. But after this morning you don’t want to be in the same room with him. Silently you walked out the door letting it shut behind you and made your way down to the resort cafe.
The next few days were spent the same. You and Yoongi spent most of the day doing your own thing until he’d stumble into bed at some point during the night. You didn’t even bother looking for any signs of what he did out there. At this point you didn’t want to know.
On the last night you decided to treat yourself to a nice dinner out. Yoongi had been gone all day and you knew he wasn’t going to spend the evening with you anyways. The food was incredibly delicious and you had a really nice time with the waiter, Hoseok. He was like a big ray of sunshine and for that one dinner you were able to forget everything that had been happening. The two of you exchanged numbers so you could get together for lunch next time he visited his parents in Korea. As you were walking back to your room you came across two people all over each other in the hallway. The man’s hands were slowly going farther up the shirt of the brunette he was with. Soft moans could be heard between the two of them. Normally you’d be pretty off put that two people would be so open in public but you were happy that someone was getting intimacy. You were craving any sort of touch and these two just made you want it more.
That was until the woman accidentally dropped her purse and bent down to retrieve it revealing the man that she was with. Yoongi looked at you with his classic unreadable expression. The woman standing back up realized you were now present. She was understandably confused as to why you were waiting right there.
“Oh I’m sorry. Is this your room?”, she asked looking back at Yoongi for an explanation.
Deep down you had thought he’d tell the truth. Let her know that you were his wife and he was caught. That she needed to leave. That this was your honeymoon. That he wouldn’t bring another women into your hotel room while you were there with them. Instead he just sighed,
“Yeah this is my sister Y/N. She’s sharing a room with me unfortunately.”
You felt your heart crack. The woman looked a little shocked pulling away, “Oh I’m so sorry. Maybe we should continue this elsewhere.”
You watched the smirk spread across Yoongi’s face, “Nah she won’t mind. Right Y/N?” In your head you screamed, “Yeah of course I mind. You’re my husband and you expect me to just sit there while you fuck some other woman.” But instead you gently shook your head and watched as Yoongi pulled the woman back into the room with him kissing her as he went.
You stood there and watched the door slam shut. The faint scent of cinnamon and vanilla the only thing remaining in the hall with you. You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t sit in that room with them. So instead you made your way down to the lobby. At this time of night all the restaurants were closing up and you weren’t much for the bar scene so you grabbed a water bottle from a vending machine and walked out to the beach to wait it out. Once you felt you had a safe spot chosen you took a seat down in the sand. As you stared up at the sky you felt the exhaustion taking over your body. Slowly you laid back allowing the warm sand and the sound of the ocean waves to lull you off to sleep. The smell of the salty air a welcoming change to the cinnamon and vanilla that was slowly driving you crazy.
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shoshiwrites · 2 months
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Prompt requested by @kmk1701d, "a kiss while in close proximity." Thank you so much, Katt! A big bouquet to @junojelli for all things backyard garden, and to @basilone for talking me through at least seven different ?!?! moments ♡ Bucky Egan/War correspondent OC, also on Ao3! Warning here for emetophobia [brief, non-graphic].
september song
A package finds her in Norwich, under the September sun. It’s covered in stamps and ink, pressed haphazard over Evie’s careful hand. Jo carries it out to the back garden, a glass in one hand and the stuffed envelope in the crook of her arm, holding a notebook and novel and pencil besides. It’s optimistic, the amount of things she’s carrying, like she won’t just want to sit and laze under the trees, feel the sun on her face, sip her weak tea.
It’s become a place she goes when she needs something like rest, the oasis that’s hardly one if she thinks about it — the Anderson shelter and the squash blossoms and the cabbages. But there’s the sun on the red brick of the house, the little potting shed, the trees bearing russet apples and the ivy and the last lingering clematis, the scent of it like almonds.
In the summer, the June and July evenings, she’d sit out here with whichever correspondent was staying in the room next to hers, or play cards with the land girls down from Manchester and Hull. Kay had brought drinks out from the kitchen, little cocktails in haphazard glassware sweet-talked out of the housekeeper’s care, Kay’s spectator pumps clacking on the flagstone path.
She slides a fingernail under the lip of the envelope, wincing as the paper snags. Nothing inside seems to be damaged, though. There’s a letter, a packet of photos embossed with the name of a Philadelphia studio, a few more tied with a white ribbon. The ones Angelo took, Evie’s letter explains. Evie’s fiancé — husband, Jo mentally corrects now — is a hobbyist photographer, as much as finances and the war allow. There’s a smaller envelope too, with a few flower petals dried and pressed between. White roses, from Evie’s bouquet.
Guilt washes over her — Evie doesn’t know about William, about the whole awful mess. Nobody at home does. Kay knows, she’d had the front seat to the aftermath, the whiskey thrown up in the bathroom and the thumbnails Jo had bit down to the quick. Kay had brought her ginger ale and brushed back her hair and told her the war needed Jo Brandt, not Mrs. William Merrick. Jo had smiled and told her that was hogwash, but nice hogwash, and then promptly thrown up again.
She hadn’t been able to sour a letter home with it, what seemed like such petty personal news.
The photos, of course, are beautiful. The studio shots of Evie and Angelo, Evie in the suit Jo knows is dove-gray gabardine, light enough for summer, and Angelo with the tie pin Evie gave him the last Christmas Jo shared with them stateside. The family posed in front of the altar, and outside the church. Angelo’s shots are of the reception after, and Evie outside on the sidewalk. The sunlight catching her earrings, the beading on her Juliet cap, filtered through her birdcage veil. There are the hydrangeas in vases, and the table set with a small cake and hors d’oeuvres, the homemade wine, the cousins sat on Evie’s lap. Angela and John asked about you of course, Auntie Jo.
Evie steals the camera for a few, Angelo with his jacket off and shirtsleeves rolled up, looking every inch the man in love. Like he hasn’t always looked at her like that, every day of their lives. Jo feels still, all of the sudden, just now hearing the birdsong over the walls, too caught up in the photos and the love that pours from each word of Evie’s letter. I don’t know if it will still be in fashion, she writes, but you’re welcome to the cap and the earrings. They would look so nice with your hair, Jo. You’d be welcome to the suit too, but I know you have something white planned for the family. William’s family, she means.
She swallows.
They hadn’t gotten to the planning, actually. Nothing beyond what was expected — the church, the white dress, the flowers, the reception back at the house with a dinner. There wasn’t a dress hanging in the closet, only the ring that now lived in the back of a drawer in her desk inside the house. The only official stamp was the engagement announcement in a Philadelphia newspaper. The one that ran months ago. She wonders why no one had pressed them to marry before they had both left for England.
She gathers the photos back into the cardboard sleeve, back into the package. Lifts the envelope of rose petals to smell the faintest scent, and then replaces those too. Leans her head back, thinks of fishing her sunglasses from her trouser pocket. She’s got a haphazard outfit on, the loose trousers and sandals and a button-down with the sleeves pushed up, her watch, her hair hastily pulled back. An outfit for a rare day with no appointments, only the scurrying of a reporter trying to finish something to send off. She’d made her edits in the morning, and gone over some of Kay’s contact sheets after her second cup of coffee. Maybe she hadn’t earned the rest, but it’s too nice of a day to not at least sit out around the lunch hour. She’ll be back in London under rainclouds soon enough.
She’s too uneasy to keep her eyes closed for long, thinking of wedding gowns and absent rings, wondering how she became the type of girl who needed a diamond.
Her mother had a silver band that she wore every day that Jo had known her. Jo guesses there were some things even her father wouldn’t have pawned for drinking money.
After she’d gotten up off the bathroom floor, Kay had told her of a cousin who was married for the fourth time last spring. This time to a count, Kay had said. Something in her eyes told Jo she didn’t think it would last. A few of the correspondents they know in London are divorced, or functionally so. Several unmarried, to various degrees.
She wonders how you become the type of person who marries four times. Did it mean you’d given up on a certain kind of love? Maybe they know something we don’t, Jo thinks.
She doesn’t have too much time to ponder the question. At once she hears the noise of the door behind her, the one from the kitchen out to the garden, and footsteps, and poor Muriel the housekeeper’s voice leading someone back out to Jo in her chair.
“- should be right out here-”
“There she is.” It’s half-crowing, affectionate. “Thank you, Muriel.”
How does he even know- She turns, replaces her tea carefully on a stepping stone. “Major Egan.”
Affectionately annoyed, at the title. “How many times do I have to tell you to call me John?”
She’s not surprised he found her through the front of the house, not surprised Muriel’s smiling affectionately at his back as she closes the door, as he walks over to her.
“Force of habit,” she says. A useful one, one to ought to keep if she knows what’s good for her. For any of them. Like they’re not a hundred miles past that by now. “What brings you up here?” She scans around for another chair, wonders if he’s already refused a cup of tea.
“Oh, I need a reason?”
She stills, suddenly feels her cheeks pink with sun.
“Buck’ll let you write about him,” he says, almost like a non-sequiteur. “Finally agreed.” She’s amused, faintly, by what that agreement might have looked like. He can read it on her face, nods a little along with her. “Just tipped his chin up like this,” he says, on the verge of smiling. “You know.”
“Wonderful,” she says, and there’s not a hint of shadow in it.
He looks at her lap, and her letter, and her book, and her pencil. “I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?”
That almost makes her laugh. Like he’s ever cared about interruption.
“No, I won’t get to a proper reply sitting in this chair,” she says. “Can’t write too well on my legs.”
“Any good news?”
Oh. She can’t lie about it, can she? The photo sleeve still in her hands. “Two dear friends were just married, actually.”
“Fantastic,” he says, the shine out of his voice, but no less sincere. He sounds almost quiet.
Before she knows it, she’s profferring the photo of everyone out on the front steps of the church, Evie squinting beautifully into the sun, Angelo looking at her, his arm around her waist.
“They look happy,” he says.
“Mmm.” She could keep talking, she knows. Maybe she’s afraid of what she’ll say.
He hands the photo back to her, his thumb careful against the edge. “This is a nice place you’ve got here.”
There’s a physical relief she feels, turning to something like the vines and the trees to talk about. Other than the photos. Other than the fact that’s he’s quieter than usual, has been for weeks. When he’s sober, at least. “I just enjoy it,” she says. “Not much help in the garden besides wheeling dirt around.” She can barely keep a window box alive. Her roommates only leave her in the company of plants with their very precise instructions.
“Can the major get a tour?”
She looks up at him, quirks something of a smile, squints over his shoulder in the sun. Like she didn’t just tell him she’s useless in a garden apart from sitting in it. “If I can’t offer you a chair, I probably should.”
He holds out a hand, lets her press heavily down on it as she stands. More than she thought she’d have to. Her things go in the chair where she’s just been sitting, the curve of sun-faded, striped fabric. It’d make a nice picture, Jo thinks. Kay would move a couple of things, maybe take a stray flower and place it to the side for a shot. Her hand feels warm.
She waves a hand over the shelter in self-explanation, watches him nod in seriousness. There’s the little stone path that leads to the back wall, more ivy, the late-season potatoes and heads of cabbage. There’s a rickety little folding chair against the side of the potting shed, and she assesses that maybe she’s the one who belongs in that, and him in the other. He’d have more trouble getting off the ground than she did, though.
There’s a nice slant of shade, too, between the shed and the wall.
“Anything good in there?” He’s nodding towards the shed.
She’s trying not to narrow her eyes. Trying not to think of a hundred things. She’s only ever poked her head in.
Before she can say something — dirt, gardening tools, who the hell knows — he’s taken her hand and ducked under the doorway.
She’s careful not to trip over the step, close to him now inside the tiny shed. There’s a counter bare of seedlings, now that it’s sunny mid-September, a few implements to the side, the back shelf lined with dusty pots and some old glassware, the rich smell of soil.
“Not much to see,” she says, which is a lie too, if you know how to look.
His voice is almost imperceptibly hoarse, and serious. “‘M not really interested in the tour, Josephine. Not anymore, at least.”
Her voice is faint, as his hands find her hips. “Might’ve guessed.” She can’t think about it, the letter or the photos or his voice, the edge of despair, of anger, her own empty hands.
There’s a moment as those own hands find him, the wool of his uniform, as they look at each other in the dim, filtered light. The dirty window. The silent asking, the way she stills, and lets him press his mouth to hers.
She winds back her foot, tries to kick the door shut. The action falls short, just barely, and he huffs a soft laugh against her cheek. Kicks the door back, for real, with his boot. He’s warm, from the sun. She imagines she is, too.
“Did Major Cleven really say we could do a feature-” she starts, and the face he makes is something she’d bottle if she could.
“Start by calling it something else, Josephine,” he says. “You’ll scare him off-”
Now that’s a joke, and she’d smile if she weren’t busy kissing him again, tracing her thumb along his cheek, his jaw, his ear.
Little surface scar-dings against his neck, raised tissue tinged red, and she can’t think about what flak does, how a person can’t be so easily repaired.
He’s pulling her closer, uniform pressed against the thin rayon of her blouse, keeping, she notices belatedly, her hair from a spider’s web behind them.
She tastes the faintest hint of ale in his mouth, against his lip and his mustache, and something else — something sudden and deep and sweet. He’s smiling, and she can see a tiny dark scrap between his teeth. He looks almost sheepish, like a kid caught with chocolate on his face before dinner. “I saw some blackberries on my way over here,” he says. “By the roadside.”
“Bring me any?” She’s smiling.
“Thought you might like to go uh, gather some,” he says, like it’s something he’s trying on for size. Gather. Like this is a novel set in deep summer, and not a war. “Had to see if they were any good.”
Maybe she’s being ridiculous — it’s all for the war, anyway. The squash and the cabbages and the apples and the potting shed revived after a decade and change gathering dust in the back of an old house.
She and her roommates will help Muriel put up the apples soon. Hattie and Nancy, the land girls, had mentioned making pies. Blackberry and apple — it sounds like something her mother would have made.
“Kiss me again,” she says. His mouth is tarter now, the tip of his tongue pressed against her teeth. She half-swallows a yelp as he lifts her to the counter, lets his hands settle back on her hips, trailing his mouth across her jaw. “New calculations, Major?”
“Tactical reassessment.”
A laugh bubbles in her chest, surprisingly heavy. “What’s your objective?”
“Top secret.”
Her fingertips play at the epaulet of one shoulder. “Not too hard to guess.”
“I don’t hear you guessing.”
She pulls him, gently, back to her mouth.
“You needed this,” he says, firm and a question at once. Something in her ribcage sings. “Couldn’t risk you not getting it.”
“Getting what?”
“A good kiss.” She drags her thumbnail gently across the back of his neck, the short hairs there, watches his eyelashes flutter ever so slightly. “Someone else might have, couldn’t risk that, either.”
She leans back a little, still tight in his hold. “Wouldn’t let them,” she says. Breathes, like it’s a secret, like she didn’t just say it out into the quiet.
She wants to stain her fingers picking blackberries with him, his mouth, hers. Hear about the moments he stole as a kid. Share her own. Maybe they can have that here, on a September afternoon.
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ddagent · 2 months
@bluetrekker12: From your prompts I would love Margo dating and jealous Sergei please
The welcome reception was never Margo's favourite part of the IAC conference. After a day of introductory events and lengthy panels, the last thing she wanted to do was spend three hours in a short black dress networking with her colleagues over watered down cocktails and savoury hors d'oeuvres. Thankfully, unlike the early days of her attendance during the mid-70s, Margo had earned a place at the VIP reception with the other heads of major space agencies. This meant that the majority of people here Margo already knew – and already disliked.
The exception to that, tonight, was Jack Poulter, heading up the UK's space program. He was charming, with thick dark hair and a firm grasp of what was going on at NASA. They had been talking for the past twenty minutes and it had been, surprisingly, not unbearable. As another tray of hors d'oeuvres passed by, Jack realised that Margo was missing something. "Why don't I get us some drinks?"
Margo nodded. "I'd like that."
Jack offered her a broad smile before heading over to the bar. It took all of twenty seconds before a cocktail glass, with a wedge of orange resting on the rim, hovered by her elbow. Margo looked down at the glass, and then up at the man offering it. "Hello, Sergei."
"Margo." He beamed at her as she took the offered glass. "It is good to see you."
"And–and you." Often they missed the welcome reception; her flight was delayed, or his. They always caught up with each other the next morning before attending a few panels together and making arrangements to go off site for dinner, as was their tradition. So Margo had never seen Sergei Nikulov in black tie before. He had undone his bowtie already, leaving it loose around his neck. His cufflinks were little rockets, which Margo found charming. And Sergei stared at her in such a way that left her wanting.
Wanting, as always, for what she could not have.
Thankfully, her saviour arrived in the form of Jack Poulter. He had two martini glasses in front of him; Sergei scoffed, almost inaudibly, beside her. Jack stared at his drinks, before looking at the drink already in Margo's hand. "I see someone has already beaten me to it."
"The IAC conference is for discussing scientific ideas," Sergei said, taking a sip of his cocktail. "It is important that we are properly hydrated."
Margo stared at Sergei, his gaze fixed on Jack. She made introductions. "Jack Poulter, Sergei Nikulov. Jack is head of the UK Space Program; Sergei is head of Roscosmos."
They did not shake hands. Considering her and Sergei's entire friendship was based on the act of shaking hands, Margo found his attitude ridiculous. "It is a pleasure to meet you," Jack eventually said. "I won't have to separate you both, will I? Russia and the United States, fighting over the last mini quiche."
"Not at all. Margo and I have the highest respect for each other's work. The IAC is a place of coming together for all nations and space agencies." Sergei took another drink. "Even those who have yet to put a man in space."
Margo had not seen this version of Sergei Nikulov since the early days of Apollo-Soyuz. This was the version of the man she had wanted to murder, who had made her life hell. He'd disappeared over a soft admission, shared secrets, and cocktails at 11:59. Even tipsy Sergei had been jovial and friendly. Margo had no idea what had got into him. But as Jack, who she had fully intended to be her distraction from Sergei for the '88 conference, took the opportunity to talk to the head of ESA, she caught Sergei grin. Satisfied.
Was Sergei Nikulov, the head of Roscosmos, jealous?
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angellayercake · 3 months
I'm seeing your Bioshock posting. Any project your working on that's related?
(I'm excited I love Bioshock)
Thank you very much for noticing!! I have been pretty obsessed with Bioshock and Rapture since I played it last year and then I had a brainwave about how similar the descriptions of Meliora is to the concept (not the reality iykyk) of Rapture.
So below the read more are some of my rambling thoughts. This may turn into a fic one day or it may just stay an idea but who knows? I have included no spoilers for either Bioshock or Bioshock 2 storylines as most of this takes place pre Raptures construction.
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So Jen, you might ask, how would Terzo even be invited to Rapture in the first place? Doesn't Ryan hate religion? Why would Terzo even want to be there?
And I have a very extensive answer for you! (after you chose with me to ignore all dates in canon because for this we need Terzo in his late 20s/30s in the 1920s)
To begin I must explain my headcanon for how the Ministry and the Clergy works. The Ministry was founded in opposition to the rise of the Catholic church in Italy. They opposed the strict and cruel ways the Christian church and wanted to offer an alternative and a sanctuary to those mistreated and maligned. Their numbers grew until they were noticed and forced to flee Italy.
They found a home in rural Sweden, taking advantage of the overwhelming rise of Protestantism and there they stayed, biding their time and increasing their ranks. Their congregation grew so large that they were starting to struggle to sustain themselves so the Clergy came up with a plan. The Projects were different businesses, outreach and recruitment efforts to build revenue and attract the rich and successful to their cause and it worked! They were truly self sustaining and starting to have influence in important places but the Clergy understood that they were playing the long game.
Which brings us nicely to New York in 1922. Terzo Emeritus, third son of the reigning Papa has been assigned to set up a speakeasy to make the most of the Prohibition movement. His goal is to make a load of money and convert as many sinners as he can find. He sets up his 'dance hall' which he calls his House of Sin. There are cocktails and dancers and escorts and cross dressers and all the outcasts and freaks that aren't welcome anywhere else. It gains a cult reputation as a wonderland where anything goes, seemingly built from nothing into the most inclusive yet exclusive club in New York.
Andrew Ryan begins frequenting the place, not because he has tastes for anything other than a pretty girl but because he respects their ethos. He has respect for anyone who disregards laws and social norms and makes their own rules. He is made to feel welcome as are any of the rich and powerful that frequent the club, not because Terzo necessarily likes them but because part of his work there is to recruit powerful people to the Church. He welcomes them personally, brings them the best men or women that they might desire, keeps the drinks and smokes flowing freely until he can bring the conversation around to politics, morals and values so he can see how receptive they might be to the Ministry's teachings.
With Ryan though he barely has to push, almost as if he had come to investigate Terzo's views and opinions for himself. He finds a like mind in Ryan, someone who sees the flaws in society and how they could be improved. He finds himself talking about Meliora openly much to his surprise, the gleaming metropolis of his imagination where people are unrestrained by the petty and the inconsequential, where the seven deadly sins are celebrated and encouraged.
He fears he slips up bringing his religion into his ramblings but Ryan is unaffected by the revelations. He asks directly if Terzo worships the Devil and when he says yes the response he receives is surprisingly respectful. Ryan doesn't believe in God so equally he doesn't believe in the Devil but if he had to pick between the two the one who would earn his regard is the one who chose His own path and didn't just blindly obey. They spend many a night discussing the possibilities of such a place well into the early hours neither of them sure that such a place would ever exist.
Time went on and the world changed. Prohibition ends and the club goes legitimate. Slowly but surely wider society begins to take notice of their live and let live policy and don't like it at all. What was once the place to be seen becomes the place an upstanding member of society would never be seen. Business dwindles as the depression takes hold and by the time the rumblings of the Second World War reach the US they close their doors for good. Terzo returns to the Ministry and to Europe, serving the Clergy in a much more traditional capacity, that is until in 1946 when he receives an invitation from an old friend.
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It takes a hell of a lot to convince the Clergy to let him go, most of them writing off this supposed underwater metropolis as impossible. Eventually though the curiosity and ambition win out and they allow him to go but only if he takes a company of ghouls to keep him out of trouble and who have the abilities to get him out if the worst were to happen, most leaning towards the roof caving in under the pressure of the ocean.
Rapture is almost everything he imagined Meliora to be. The grandiose architecture, neon lights and atmosphere of excitement. The only difference was the underwater setting. It was fascinating, the low blue glow coming from all of the countless windows. Wherever he went he would find himself captivated by the swaying plants on the seabed, the schools of fish or the dark shadow of a whale passing by. The longer he stays the more he starts to forget, until he looks out the window and is reminded all over again of the fascinating place he lives.
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source & source
He slips back into his old life so easily, finding many familiar faces from the social circles of New York making up the elite of Rapture. He secures a place in Fort Frolic and goes about recruiting the most beautiful and hedonistic people he can find to work at his club. Anything goes there as is the case with a lot of things in Rapture and it becomes so popular that Ryan even sends his mistress to work with him when she isn't otherwise occupied with him. Everything is perfect for a time but if you have played the games then you know what is coming next.
For now I think I will leave it there. I have a lot of ideas about how he tackles some of the issues that grow within Rapture but if this becomes a fully fledged fic I will save those for that. I hope you have enjoyed my ramblings and I would love to hear others thoughts and ideas if you have any!! I will leave you with the below quotes which were where I started with this so give them a read, would you kindly?
The world since he was last seen has changed. Called Moloch by some, the great industrial machine has been grinding away, grinding everything and everyone down in the process. Spies are everywhere. Their eyes are behind the screens of your televisions and devices, their ears attentive to every frequency in the air. Everything is mediated, pre-packaged, and pressure sealed, your lives preordained. From the cradle to the grave, the world moves along as if there is free will, but this is the grandest illusion. There is no power beyond that which the all-seeing eye controls. The gods are all dead. Even art is pure commodity. But some still fight, quietly at first, but soon they will rise and make the glorious noise of the ancients, donning their masks, these nameless ghouls led by Papa Emeritus III. - Source
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To build a city at the bottom of the sea! Insanity. But where else could we be free from the clutching hand of the Parasites? Where else could we build an economy that they would not try to control, a society that they would not try to destroy? It was not impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the sea. It was impossible to build it anywhere else. Source
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"We would sit down to studying exciting Futurist manifestos, sketched the blueprints of utopian metropoles, spiked with shiny skyscrapers stabbing at the heavens belly… Wantonly swollen zeppelins would to carry our gospel of indulgence to the farthest corners of the globe to summon and enslave. (…) Forged in nostalgia of steam and fire, this brave new world of ambition, vice, lust and greed - all so inherent to the enlightened modernity, was always with him through all these years. And it is now - when our church continues to grow stronger and wealthier under wise reign of Papa Emeritus III -  that these visions may finally be witnessed and embraced in the preaching's of  'Meliora’ - his most contemporary and humane Encyclical.” - Source
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I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well. Source
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anns-works · 2 months
tell me about Defended By An Assassin im curious
Defended By An Assassin is a voltron canon-divergent-but-still-compliant-enough au i wrote in ye olden days. My hyperfixation has ended and am also out of motivation to finish it fully but a i still have a rough outline of the au notes. (I think it also helped me discover my gender so its kinda special to me despite it all)
The au mainly sees that an Altean ship w/ both a Galra and Altean inside it crash landed on earth in (an unspecified timeframe i never got around to calculating it) and the humans find their remains along w/ the cargo of raw Quintessence they were carrying w/ them. The ship lands on Russia and they hire a shady doctor i have titled as The Doctor to study the remains.
The Doctor then proceeds to (in predictably shady fashion) run human experimentation w/ his findings to form a being w/ both Nix (Galra) and Kaos (Altaean) genes inside a human combined w/ the Quintessence. Eventually the test subjects shift to children once it becomes apparent that they are the most receptive to it. Test subjects are kidnapped from all over the globe. Usually orphans that people won't miss. And young enough to still have all their baby teeth. Enter: Keith Kogane from texas yeehaw.
(In this au his dad died WAY earlier and he was plucked freshly from the chared remains of his house)
Keith has a fascinating dna which shows that it's half Nix dna. This is a new discovery and The Doctor really really wants to talk to the guy who banged the alien but hes fucking dead. But the results are already there w/ a human-Nix child, so why not add in the Kaos genes in there as well?
The vat of unidentified pure liquid energy they found in the crash (aptly named Ichor) proved to be very useful in this regard and The Doctor created more children with these human-Nix-Kaos cocktail and named them all Titans to aptly keep up w/ the theme.
These Titans then in ususal test subjects loosing their identity way were fashioned new names based on the theme. Also the whole shady experimentations were also very unethical (to say the fucking least) so a lot of people who funded the research but were kept unaware of the reselts are Very Not Happy abt the children thing. And oh! Would u look at that? The exposure to Ichor has led the Titans to develop strange abilities that can be harnessed in specific situations. Sure would be a shame if someone were to say, use this to silence the opposition.
So The Doctor basically made magic alien-energy-human 10 y/os who he manipulated into doing his dirty work and continuing his research on them.
The kids manage to get rescued and the facility destroyed cuz the fight involved Eris blowing up the afformentioned vat of ichor. Then the kids proceed to fuck off and disappear into various corners of the world to never talk to eachother again and bury all their problems and try to reintegrate themeselves into society.
Enter again: Keith Kogane, after having spent a brief stint as #02789nXs, before being Eris, spending half her time as Raven to assassinate people then back to being Keith again. He is Not adjusting well to society and then gets adopted by Shiro. He's now in the Garrison and James (Hermes. He was a fast little shit and it kept w/ the theme) is there and it was truly a devil's sacrament moment.
Then Shiro goes missing in a space mission and he gets himself kicked out if the Garrision. There is also a giant blue lion in the middle of the desert did they mention that? Wait what- SHIRO?!?!!! Who the fuck are you people. Dont come into my house and just- fine make yourself at home. Welcome to my cave w/ drawings and this big ass- how the fuck did you do that what the fuck. Are we in space. Is that earth. Is that a wormhole. What the fuck.
And now hes working as a fucking Defender of the Universe in a mecha lion w/ a 10000 y/o princess and Coran who call themselves Alteans but they are. Just. They're fucking Kaos people. And the main people are they're up against are called Galra, except she knows for a FACT that those bitches are Nix and there us also the uncomfortable fact of being half of the species (along w/ other things) that are taking over the unuverse. Shes not telling that to Allura.
And the whole thing about Ichor Quintessence comes up and hes just really trying to not deal w/ the mortifying ideal if being known and neither half Altean-half Galra prince Lotor or the Blade of Marmora are helping with it.
Some other notes is have written down abt this au:
Keith is 100% trans but no one knows in which direction. The Kaos shapeshifting powers are not helping w/ the problem even in the slightest.
During the Titan days there was some kind of love triangle thing going in w/ Eris, Hermes and Apollo and no one could tell who was into who either so it was just a source of angst and pining for the three of them and embarrassment for everyone involved.
On the plus side, Apollo and Hermes made Keith realize he has a thing for boys w/ blue eyes but on the downside: Lance fucking Mcclain
Lotor and Keith have a very complicated relationship cuz they are just dealing w/ similar things and Keith wants to help him w/ his place as a Galra/Altean but at the same time hes not ready to deal w/ his own issues either.
The whole returning to earth to find it under invasion moment has most of the Titans out of hiding and helping w/ their powers to beat the galra. Apollo is there but his name is Solace and the James-Keith-Solace pining trainwreck is back baby.
Keith also has very complicated feelings abt his mom.
The fallout of when Keith explains his human-galra-altean heritage to everyone involved one broken nose, several instances of the phrase "What the quiznak", 3 broken tables, 5 messed up lab equipment and many moments of awkward standing around by team voltron + Kolivan as Allura screams at Keith.
At one point Acxa just gets adopted into the Titans group. She's not even an honorary member they've 100 percent accepted her as one of them. Yes there was an initiation ceremony that involved a lot of stomping and chanting that called a lot of noise complaints. Yes Lotor was also in the corner as the actual honorary member wearing a hat that said "INTERN".
Thomas (Zeus) was literally the only one with the braincell in the Titan days and did not get paid enough to deal w/ all the bullshit. He has also been called many variations of mom/dad several times and has mainly accepted his fate.
The Titans also have these cool tattoo like patterns on their bodies that glow whenever they're using their powers.
Also Kosmo is the Titan's mascot and everyone (Keith) is willing to kill/die for it.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
All in the Past
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AU Mini-Series Part 1 of 3
This started as a request from @angelasscribbles for ONE scene. Three parts later... I decided to make this a follow-up and alternate ending to one of my favorite short, angsty AUs, Unblemished, because we needed more angst. All three parts will be posted today.
Series Summary: Tobias & Casey were friends turned lovers whose different dreams led them to become friends once again. Two years after their painful breakup, Casey has moved on. Tobias is in town to attend his friend and one-time love's wedding, with his new girlfriend on his arm. It's just the wedding of an old friend, or, is it?
Part 1 Summary: Tobias and Meghan leave Boston to attend Casey's wedding in Raleigh, North Carolina. It's a little getaway, a happy trip to see his two friends get hitched. But prewedding events lead to unexpected and uninvited emotions coming to the surface. Tobias gets a cold shoulder from Sienna, and their frank conversation leaves more questions than answers.
Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Characters/Pairings: Casey MacTavish (F!MC) x M!OC, Tobias Carrick x F!OC, Sienna Trinh
Rating: Teen
Words: 2,700
Series Masterlist
Tobias x Casey Masterlist | OH Masterlist | Full Masterlist
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Ladies and gentlemen, we have touched down at Raleigh-Durham International Airport, where it is 80 degrees, and conditions are bright and sunny. We thank you for flying Transit Airlines and wish you the best with whatever brings you to the area. 
"Sir?" A woman gently nudged Tobias's arm when he didn't reply. "Sir... I'm sorry, but I need to get...."
"Oh, of course," Tobias apologized, jumping from his seat to allow the woman through.
He was usually the first to get off a flight, but today, he found himself lost in his thoughts, and he still hadn't found his way back as he reached into the overhead compartment to grab his bag. All it took was an arm looping around his waist to snap him back into the present. The petite, red-haired beauty's smile lit up the cabin as she held him tight; she was as happy as he was pensive.
"I missed you," she beamed. "You were such a gentleman agreeing to give that mom your seat so she could sit with her child, but I have a warning for you."
"Oh yeah," he grinned. "What’s that?”
“If we’re ever on a flight longer than two hours, you’re prohibited from doing that. I need you near me... deal?”
“I’ll tell you what. If we’re ever on a flight longer than two hours, I’ll spring for first class, so it’s not an issue.”
“Hmmm, I could handle that,” Meghan smiled.
“Good,” he smiled, taking her hand. “Now, let’s get off this plane.”
He couldn’t describe his mood if he tried. Melancholy was too sad;  wistful may be more fitting, though neither truly worked. He was happy, he reminded himself. More importantly, Casey was happy, too. It had been over two years since that cold Boston night when they tearfully said goodbye. Fast friends from the start, they eventually turned into much more. When different goals ended their dreams of “forever,” they were heartbroken and said goodbye, foolishly believing it was where their story ended. People don’t always see the invisible string that binds souls that are meant to be connected, and when Casey’s phone rang three months later, not answering was never a consideration. They started as friends, and perhaps that’s where they were meant to be. That’s what they were now. Friends. Good friends.
“Welcome to the Umstead Hotel,” an overexuberant young woman smiled. “What name is your reservation under?”
“Uh... Carrick. Dr. Tobias Carrick.”
“I have you right here! You’re in town for the MacTavish-Duncan wedding?”
“That’s right,” he nodded.
“Wonderful! The couple is hosting a cocktail reception for their out-of-town guests in the lounge at six.”
“That’s so sweet!” Meghan gushed, taking hold of Tobias’s arm. “We’re going, right?”   
“Of course,” he smiled with some apprehension. “As long as I get in a nap... that early flight wiped me out more than I thought it would.”
“Fine, old man,” Meghan laughed as they entered the elevator, her head firmly on his shoulder.
He was just tired. He told himself. Besides, it was normal to feel emotional when a good friend was married. And Casey was among his best. It all made sense. Perfect sense.  
The evening found him at the bar alone, anxiously twirling his old-fashioned in his hand. They had only been in their room fifteen minutes when Meghan realized she left her shoes in Boston. She was in an Uber on her way to the North Hills Mall in minutes, leaving Tobias to his nap. She promised she’d be back by six, but Tobias knew her well enough to know if shoe shopping was involved... he’d be lucky if she returned by ten.  
He noticed a small group of wedding guests mingling toward the back of the lounge but didn’t recognize any faces. The normally social doctor wasn’t in the mood for small talk, so he stayed put. He didn’t want to come at all, but hurting Casey’s feelings wasn’t something he was willing to do. Now, it looked like she was a no-show for her own party, so he made a decision. He had already waited the requisite twenty minutes; he was finishing this drink and then making a beeline back to his room. But as he raised the glass to his lips, he heard her voice. It didn’t matter how much time had passed, he’d know it anywhere.
“Hello, stranger!”
They were just friends now, nothing more. So why did he feel his heart flutter? His signature smirk was firmly in place before turning to greet her. A natural defense mechanism to keep the butterflies at bay. But when his eyes fell upon her, all pretense disappeared. 
How did she only become more beautiful? Etheral is how he’d describe her. Blonde hair pulled into a whispy updo, with delicate off-white flowers pinned to hold it in place. Her matching silk dress gracefully skimmed over every curve that he knew so well, and her smile. That smile had melted his heart and pulled him out of more bad days than he dared to count. And after all the years he’d known her, after all they had been through, it still rendered him speechless. Noticing his silence was lasting too long, he jumped from his bar stool to embrace her. A brilliant grin hid the war of emotions battling inside him.
“Stranger indeed! I haven’t heard from you in a while, kid. I was beginning to think you rescinded my invitation.”
“As if!” Casey laughed. “It hasn’t been that long. You try managing a busy career, a publishing deadline, and planning a wedding for two hundred of your nearest and dearest. See how much time you’d have to chat.”  
“Casey... do you ever see me in that position?” He asked wryly.
He swore he saw her smile falter, and a bit of her effervescence was gone. But why would it be? She was happy. It must have been one old-fashioned too many.   
“No,” she spoke softly. “I guess I don’t.”
“You look stunning,” he smiled. “How do you plan to outdo this on your big day?”
“Stop,” she said with a playful slap on his arm. “I’m immune to your flattery by now, don’t you know?”
They both laughed nervously as his eyes roamed the room. Still, no sight of Meghan, and someone else was missing, too.
“Where’s Craig? I haven’t heard from him either. I was going to see if we could shoot some hoops before the wedding.”
“He got called into an emergency surgery,” she shrugged. “The glamourous life of doctors. And where is Mandy? You said you were bringing a plus one. I assumed she’d be joining you.”
“Mandy? It’s Meghan,” he chuckled. “Mandy and I broke up some time ago.”  
“Oh, sorry. It’s hard to keep up with you. So, where is your latest and greatest?”
“She had to run to the mall for a few things. But she’ll be back soon.”
“Good,” Casey smiled politely. “I can’t wait to meet her. How long have you two...” She raised her hands, visibly checking herself. Her cheeks red with embarrassment. “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business...”
“It’s OK,” Tobias laughed, reassuringly touching her elbow, then dropping it when the gesture took both by surprise. “It’s not a state secret. Only a few months... don’t worry... we’re not headed down the alter anytime soon.”
Casey let out a wry laugh, and her words came out more curtly than intended. “I didn’t expect you would be.”
“Yeah,” Tobias muttered, gulping down the remains of his drink. “Walking down aisles isn’t exactly my thing. Is it?”
“Well, it was your excuse for ending things with me,” she replied with her arms crossed. “But you never know. Sometimes people change.”
Casey felt her stomach drop. What if he had changed? Accepting that Tobias was generally opposed to marriage was one thing, but if he ever took that step, she’d have to admit that marriage wasn’t the issue... she was, and that was too painful to imagine. She began to perspire, and was filled with worry. This wasn’t the reaction she should be having when her wedding was just over a day away. Her eyes darted around the room, desperate for a reason to escape.
“Well, I should mingle with the other guest,” she settled on. “Without Craig here, it’s double duty for me. But you and Meghan will be at brunch tomorrow morning, right?”
He hadn’t been aware there was a brunch. And since laying eyes on Casey, attending more wedding events was the last thing he wanted to do, but he detected the hint of pleading in her voice.
“Do you want me there?” he asked softly.
Casey nodded effusively. “I do.”
“Then I’ll be there,” he assured. “We both will.”
Brunch was... awkward. Tobias was sure Casey thought seating them together was a good idea, but she probably didn’t know how long Sienna Trinh could hold a grudge. And with Sienna’s plus one coming down with the flu, Tobias, Meghan, and Sienna made for an awkward trio.
Casey viewed their breakup as mutual, but Siennna saw things differently. Tobias was a stupid man who let his commitment issues ruin a wonderful thing, leaving her friend heartbroken. He hoped more than two years passing and Casey marrying someone else would have changed Sienna’s opinion of him, but all indications said otherwise. Sienna picked at her stack of blueberry pancakes as they all struggled to make small talk. Perhaps they could talk shop?
“So, Meghan, you’re at Edenbrook, too? What department do you work in?”
“I’m a paralegal. I work with the CEO.”
“Oh,” Sienna smiled politely, that didn’t work. After more uncomfortable silence, Meghan made the next attempt.
“I’m really looking forward to the wedding. The venue they selected is just beautiful! I’ve seen it on some wedding shows but never thought I’d get to attend a wedding there.”
Sienna held back a laugh. “I can understand that. I mean... because we live in Boston, and you know... you’re with Tobias.”
Losing patience, Tobias tossed his linen napkin on the table. “And what’s that supposed to mean, Si?”
“Just that you avoid weddings like the plague. I was shocked to hear you were coming.”
“It’s Casey’s wedding,” he smiled tersely. “Do you think I’d miss it?”
“I guess the answer’s no,” Sienna smiled smugly.
“You know, I’m going to run to the ladies' room,” Meghan announced. 
Sienna wiped her lip, “I’ll join you.”
“No,” Meghan insisted. “I need a moment away from this cold war, and if you both care about Casey as much as you profess to, maybe you should work out whatever... this... is before her wedding day. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
Tobias and Sienna sat slack-jawed momentarily, then a slight smile formed on his lips. 
“I guess I deserved that,” Sienna stated. “Meghan seems lovely, and no matter my feelings toward you, I shouldn’t have made her uncomfortable. I owe her an apology.”
“Maybe what we owe her is doing what she asked us to do,” he replied. “Sienna... what exactly is your problem with me? I know people can be bitter about their best friend’s exes, but Casey and I are good friends. If we put the past in the past, why can’t you?”
Sienna shut her eyes, warring over how much she should or should not say.
“It’s different,” she started cautiously. “I got to see the extent of the damage after the two of you fell apart. Whose apartment do you think she ended up at that last night in Boston? Who do you think she sat on the phone listening to her cry all night after she moved? I know you were hurting after things ended, but I experienced her pain. You were spared that.”
“Sienna, breakups are painful. You know that! And no, I didn’t see her immediate aftermath because we felt not contacting each other for a while would be for the best. But I was living through my own personal hell. It was hard on both of us.”
“Then why’d you do it? Tobias? All she wanted was a future with you... You’re the one who said it wasn’t possible!”
“We wanted different futures. Hers included a wedding... just like this one... a house in the suburbs, two kids, and a dog. I never wanted that and didn’t want to promise her something I couldn’t guarantee. Don’t you think I had wished I could? I could put you on the phone with my best friend. Kerry would tell you how wrong it was for Casey to want that life more than she wanted me... but you’re both wrong. We made a choice together, and it was painful as fuck. But, Si, it wasn’t my fault.”
“I guess,” Sienna sighed. “It’s just hard to see you both throw something so special, so rare away. It’s two years later and still hard to see.”
“I understand, but... Casey was dating Craig six months later, and she’s marrying him tomorrow. She and I are friends, hell, Craig and I are friends... so why are we even discussing this?”
“Because I’m her best friend... and I know how someone should be acting before they get married... and I still don’t see that in Casey.”
“What... what are you talking about....”
“She’s happy, sure... to a degree... but I’ve seen her when she was truly happy, and this seems like a facsimile.”
“Sienna,” he stalled, “She’s busy planning this weekend and under a lot of stress, but I’ve been around them. She loves Craig.”
“I know she does,” Sienna replied. “But she was in love with you.”
Tobias sat in stunned silence when he noticed Craig mingling with guests across the way. Looking for any excuse to evade the topic, he spat, “There’s Craig, uh... I’ve been looking for him... wanted to see him before the wedding, but he seems a little evasive...”
“Of course he has. Don’t you realize? Tobias, you’re the one who got away. You’re her best friend... other than me... that is. Do you think he needs a reminder before he says his I dos?”  
“I... I thought coming here was the right thing to do... I just wanted to... to be here for them... and to see...”
“To see what?”
“To see she really moved on. To really... let her go.”
“Right,” Sienna smiled. “But you’re over her. I’m glad we talked, T. I think my bitterness toward you is just my overprotectiveness of Casey. I love her. But I can be a bit of a momma bear.”
“No shit!” he said with a half-smile as Sienna narrowed her eyes at him.
“I’m trying to make amends. Shut up before I change my mind. Truce?”
“Of course. How could I be mad at you for being protective of Casey.”
“I know,” Sienna smiled, pushing away from the table. “Do me a favor. Just lay low until the wedding. Be there to support her, then go live your life and let Casey move on with hers. We have to trust that she made this decision knowing what’s right for her, and... we should both respect that.”
“I never intended to do anything but.”
“Good.” Sienna looked up and saw Meghan approaching the table. “I owe you an apology and want to thank you. This talk was overdue, and I promise. We’ll be grown-ups from now on.”
“Hey, I was being a grown-up,” Tobias protested.
“Tobias, is this the hill you want to die on?” Sienna snapped back.
“Continue...” he grinned.  
Sienna extended her hand. “It was very nice meeting you.”
“It’s lovely meeting you, too,” Meghan agreed. “Maybe we can get coffee back in Boston?”
“Sure, I’d like that. Tobias, I like her... be good to her.”
Tobias slipped his hand into Meghans and smiled. “That’s my intention. Thanks, Sienna.”
After Sienna walked away, Tobias turned to Meghan and thanked her for forcing them to talk. “You’re pretty special, you know. that?”
“I do,” she smiled sweetly. “But let's go back to our room because now it’s our turn to talk.”
"About why we're at this wedding..."
"Meg," Tobias sighed. "We're here to see my friend... my friends... get married. Nothing more."
"Good, then it won't be an issue to have a quick talk about it...right?"
He let out a soft sigh. It was the last thing he wanted, but he knew better than to think Meghan would let it go.
"Right," he stood up, extending his hand to her. "Lead the way."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @choicesjuly2023challenge - Fairytale
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d-criss-news · 1 year
Darren Criss to Headline A.C.T.'s 2nd Annual ALL HALLOWS GALA
American Conservatory Theater (A.C.T.) and gala co-chairs Heather Stallings Little & John Little and David Jones & Joe D'Alessandro have announced Zombie Ball, the second annual All Hallows' Gala being held on Friday, October 27 at San Francisco's August Hall (420 Mason St.). Hailed as San Francisco's best costume party fundraiser, the All Hallows' Gala Zombie Ball will present guests with a frightfully elegant and theatrical night full of fun and friendship. The evening is the sole annual fundraising event for A.C.T., providing essential funds for the theater's artistic, actor training, and education and community programs. Guests at this year's Zombie Ball are encouraged to dress in costume or cocktail attire.
“A.C.T.'s All Hallows' Gala is the theater's sole fundraising event, providing essential funds for our artistic, actor training, and education and community programs,” said Heather Stallings Little, Gala Co-Chair and A.C.T. Trustee. “John and I hope you will come out—either in zombie or zombie-fighting costume, or whatever you're comfortable in—and join us, our co-chairs, and special guest artist Darren Criss for what is going to be a fabulously fun evening.”
The wonderfully frightening evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a cocktail reception where guests will enjoy live music and conversation on the mezzanine, or escape to the “scream-easy” for a luxe respite. Welcome bites and thirst-quenching brews will be offered. At 7:30 p.m., guests will be ushered to the historic music hall and treated to a lavish autumnal-inspired menu created by Gold Leaf Catering. At 8:30 p.m., A.C.T. Young Conservatory alum and award-winning stage, screen, and music recording artist Darren Criss (American Buffalo, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace, Glee) will regale with some thrilling, Halloween-themed programming! Cap off the festive evening with the After-Life Party, featuring ultimate dance band Vinyl Project and the opportunity to play retro-games in the cool underground haunt, which includes bowling, hoops, skee-ball, and late-night bites, tricks, and treats! Be sure to capture your picture in one of the photoBOOths—humans only, no zombies allowed.
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savvytravelers · 4 months
Luxurious Nile Cruise
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Egypt Odyssey: Unraveling Mysteries Along The Nile
Embark on an unparalleled journey through the ancient wonders of Egypt with our exquisite 11-night Nile River cruise and land experience. This meticulously curated adventure includes a 3-night Cairo pre-cruise, a 7-night roundtrip cruise from Luxor, and a 1-night Cairo post-cruise, offering an all-encompassing exploration of Egypt's most iconic sights.
Day-by-Day Itinerary
Day 1: Cairo Begin your journey in Cairo, where you'll be greeted by our representative who will assist with your luggage and customs. Relax and settle into your luxury hotel, enjoying the first glimpses of the Nile from your partial view room.
Day 2: Cairo Dive into Egypt's rich history at the Egyptian Museum, home to King Tut's treasures and a vast collection of artifacts. After a local lunch, visit the Alabaster Mosque at the Citadel of Saladin, offering panoramic views of Cairo. Conclude your day with a Welcome Reception featuring tapas and drinks.
Day 3: Cairo Explore the ancient capital of Memphis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at the Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, and the necropolis of Sakkara. Enjoy a delightful lunch at the historic Mena House Hotel, followed by a leisurely evening.
Day 4: Cairo to Luxor Fly to Luxor, the ancient city of Thebes, and embark on your luxurious river cruise ship. Enjoy a Captain’s Welcome Cocktail as you prepare for the adventures ahead.
Day 5: Luxor Visit the Valley of the Kings and Queens, including a private tour of Queen Nefertari’s Tomb. Continue to the Temple of Hatshepsut and the Colossi of Memnon. In the evening, relax on the Upper Deck or join an informal cooking class.
Day 6: Edfu Discover the Temple of Horus in Edfu, one of Egypt’s best-preserved temples. Enjoy the timeless landscapes of the Nile as the ship cruises towards Aswan.
Day 7: Aswan Opt for a free morning or an excursion to Abu Simbel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Later, take a felucca ride around Elephantine Island and consider an afternoon tea at the historic Old Cataract Hotel. End the day with a belly dance show on board.
Day 8: Aswan to Esna Visit the Philae Temple complex and a Nubian village on Hisa Island. Continue to the Great Temple of Kom Ombo, dedicated to Sobek and Haroeris. Celebrate local customs with a Galabeya Party on board.
Day 9: Esna to Luxor Cruise to Luxor, visiting the Temple of Karnak and a papyrus shop. Explore the Temple of Luxor and the vibrant Luxor Market.
Day 10: Luxor to Qena to Luxor Sail to Qena and visit the Temple of Hathor in Dendara, the best-preserved temple in Egypt. Return to Luxor for the night.
Day 11: Luxor to Cairo Disembark in Luxor and fly back to Cairo. Enjoy an exclusive tour of the Abdeen Presidential Palace, followed by a special lunch. Explore Coptic Cairo, including the Hanging Church and Ben Ezra Synagogue.
Day 12: Cairo Bid farewell to Cairo as you prepare for your flight home, completing an unforgettable journey through Egypt's ancient wonders.
Luxurious Accommodations and Amenities
Cairo (Pre-Cruise)
Arrival airport transfer
3 nights in a luxury hotel with a partial Nile view room, daily breakfast, and complimentary Wi-Fi
Full-day Cairo tour with visits to the Egyptian Museum, Citadel of Salah Ed-Din, and Alabaster Mosque
Visit to the Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, and Saqqara Museum
Lunch at the historic Mena House Hotel
Nile River Cruise
7-night river cruise in elegantly appointed accommodations
Fine dining options, including The Al Fresco Restaurant
Wine, beer, and soft drinks included during lunch and dinner
Sip & Sail cocktail hour, Welcome Cocktail, Welcome Dinner, and Gala Dinner
Dedicated English-speaking Egyptologist guide
Nightly entertainment, including belly dance shows and a Galabeya Party
Guided shore excursions and exclusive visits to historical sites
Onboard amenities: fitness room, sun-deck pool, hair and nail salon, massage room, and complimentary Wi-Fi
Cairo (Post-Cruise)
1 night in a luxury hotel with a partial Nile view room, breakfast, and complimentary Wi-Fi
Visits to the Hanging Church and Ben Ezra Synagogue
Exclusive private tour and lunch at the Abdeen Presidential Palace
Departure airport transfer
Optional Extensions
Enhance your adventure with a 3-night pre-cruise extension in Dubai, exploring the vibrant city known for its luxury shopping, modern architecture, and lively nightlife.
Experience the timeless allure of Egypt on our luxurious river cruise. From the bustling streets of Cairo to the serene landscapes along the Nile, this journey offers a unique blend of history, culture, and luxury. Explore iconic sites like the Pyramids of Giza, the Valley of the Kings, and the Temple of Luxor, guided by expert Egyptologists. Indulge in fine dining, exclusive experiences, and world-class service throughout your adventure. Join us for an unforgettable exploration of Egypt's ancient secrets and modern marvels with Savvy Travelers. Unlock the mysteries of this captivating land with our Egypt Odyssey!
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The ribbon has officially been cut, so welcome to the grand opening of the Hotel for the Newly Resurrected! Hosted by the owner of the Hotel, Madame Aynısefa.
The opening will last from 5pm to 11pm.
At the front is a free cocktail reception, and in the main hall you will find live music and performances, dinner will be served in the restaurant dining hall at 6pm. Childcare services are in the childrens area down the hall.
Feel free to explore the grounds of the Hotel premises throughout the night.
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luciusmalfoyx · 2 months
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Narcissa Black & Lucius Malfoy Wedding - August 3, 1979 - Ceremony
It was a beautiful sight for all their guests to behold walking into the Kew Garden, into a grand building, rows of white chairs lined on either side, flowers marking the aisle the bride would soon be ushered down, her arm looped through her father’s. The sunshine fluttered through the windows, filling the space with natural light. At the front of the aisle stood a tree altar, weeping willow tree branches hanging to add ambience to the atmosphere the couple wished to capture. 
All guests would be asked to find their seats, the mother’s taking pride in what they feel is the wedding of the year, their need to control hours away from being over. Music fills the room, the groom walking down the aisle with his groomsmen following, taking their position at the front, the priest coming out from the side to stand in his position. There is a shift in music, the string quartet’s continuing their song in time for the bridesmaids to follow down, the maid of honour the last to make an appearance, reaching the front with the others. 
The traditional wedding march song sounds around them, played by the string quartet, a cue for the guests to stand, turning their attention to the other side. Narcissa appears, her father at her side, and the spotlight rests on her, all eyes taking in each step ushered down, especially that of Lucuis, taken in by her beauty and the smile that forms on his lips, knowing that soon she would be his. 
Lucius stepped forward once they reached the end, the music stopping and everyone taking a seat. Mr. Black takes his daughter’s hand, placing it in his, before going to take his seat beside his wife. A whisper muttered, complimenting on how beautiful she looked, the both of them turning to the priest, their vows taking precedence, promising themselves to each other, knowing the words they uttered would bind them together till death do them part. A kiss seals the ceremony, cheers heard around them. 
The wedding party makes their exit, bride and groom, followed by maid of honour and best man, and the rest, walking in pairs down the aisle, making their way out into the outside garden to take wedding pictures. The guests are led to a small area for cocktails before being escorted into the reception hall, able to find where they will be sitting for the evening. No sooner is everyone asked to stand. An entrance is made of the party, lastly, welcoming the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, walking hand in hand, a smile on their faces, turning to give the crowd a kiss, relishing in the cheers. All going to find their spot at the front table, ready to take in the night of festivities. 
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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BALSIMORE, Windenburg (SNN) - Queen Katherine is back at one of the biggest social events of the year; Royal Ascot!
The monarch, 31, arrived at Royal Ascot on Saturday after missing the horse racing event last year due to maternity leave. It is the first engagement to go into her diary at the start of the year.
We were all waiting to see what color the Queen would wear and, for this year's outing, the monarch wore a yellow Bea dress by @theroyalsims, with a matching Princess of...IX hat by @rustys-cc — and arrived to cheers from the crowd of racegoers.
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Easton Racecourse is rich in history and heritage, hosting one of the world's most prestigious race meetings, Royal Ascot, as well as 13 of Windenburg's annual Flat Group 1 horse races, and numerous Grade 1 Jumps races. Designed by @albanyroyals, it is a popular Windenburg venue!
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The Queen, who adores racing and loves Ascot, is scheduled to bring guests, and members of her family with her on each of the three days of the event. We will be excited to see if yellow will remain Her Majesty's color theme.
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Missing from Her Majesty's attire is a brooch! The new Queen has already become quite synonymous for adorning many of the pieces within the Jewels of the Crown.
Rainier, Prince consort looked dashing in a @melonsloth morning suit and top hat. As Chair of the Queens Coronation Committee, His Royal Highness has been quite busy. Invites were released last week confirming May 18th as the day of the Queens Coronation.
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Riding in the first Carriage with Her Majesty and the Prince consort are the Grand Duke and Duchess of Glimmerbrook.
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The Grand Duke and Duchess were elated to accompany Her Majesty on Day 1 of the Ascot. Considered a prestigious honor, it symbolizes a strong bond between the two nations.
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Glimmerbrook, less than two years ago ceded from Oasis Springs and regained sovereignty, in a deal many believe His late Majesty George I was a strong supporter of.
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The Duke and Duchess of Kent, and the Earl and Countess of Boykins followed in the second carriage.
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The Duchess of Kent looked chic in a vintage 1960s Audrey Hepburn dress and white cocktail hat.
Avid equestrians, the Duke and Duchess have attended Day 1 of Royal Ascot for the past 24 years.
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The Earl and Countess of Boykins were equally chic, while the earl enjoyed his first Ascot as a member of the royal family. The Princess looked classic in purple wearing a Cordelia dress by @sentate, and another gorgeous cocktail hat by @melonsloth.
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Everyone is waiting to catch a blimps of the Queen. Despite the fact that we've had some showers, it hasn't dampened Sims spirits. They are all in, keen to see her!
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You'll notice the carriages are open and, unless it is pouring down, the monarch will keep the carriage top open to be seen. For many, this is the closest opportunity they will get to the monarch.
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Having become close with the foreign royals since becoming Queen, it's speculated that the Duke of Glimmerbrook is on Her Majesty's short list to be invested as a Knight of the Order of the Garter in June.
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The Queen will take a right, the same way the winners of the race this afternoon will take, under that tunnel to end the royal procession; but not before passing the Wayne Roof where a reception for Her Majesty will be held.
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The Queen arrived, welcomed by Gary Baumgartner, Her Majesty's representative here at Ascot, Alvin Duvalton, the Chairman, Richard Paxton, Co-Chairman, and four trustees of the business.
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Her love of this sport just glows ever strong! Journalists, Anderson Crooper said this week, "Racing is so lucky to have Her Majesty the Queen continuing the legacy of Ascot started by her great-grandparents in this sport." Sentiments we here at SNN echo!
This concludes SNNs coverage of Royal Ascot: The Royal Procession Day 1.
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chokememaximoff · 1 year
Regrets & Resilience IV
Abstract:After six months of training with Matt, the avenger returns home to a warm reception. Wanda's distant assistance hints at her feelings, yet her jealousy flares when the avenger spends time with Matthew. Despite Wanda's efforts, the avenger remains convinced that Wanda's underlying resentment persists.
TW:angst,fluff..all in all none
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Stepping into the compound was a whirlwind of emotions. Nervousness coiled within me, mingling with a sense of longing and apprehension. Yet, the moment I crossed the threshold, I was enveloped in a warm embrace of love and support. My dad Tony Stark and my mom Pepper welcomed me with open arms, their smiles reassuring me that I was home.
Amidst laughter and stories exchanged, the air was charged with a sense of familiarity. Spending time with my parents felt like a soothing balm, a reminder that despite the turmoil that had kept me away, these bonds remained unbroken.
But as the evening progressed, my thoughts were inevitably drawn to her—Wanda. Her absence was conspicuous, a void that was difficult to ignore. I caught fleeting glimpses of her, watching from a distance, her gaze filled with a mix of emotions. It was as if she yearned to bridge the gap, yet the fear and guilt that haunted her held her back.
In the midst of our interactions, I began to notice subtle touches that eased my path. Objects that might have obstructed my way were mysteriously moved aside, creating a clear route through the space. It happened when I was coming, a chair gently nudged out of my path, a rug smoothed down. I recognized the pattern, the delicate orchestration of her gestures.
A small smile played on my lips as I grasped what was happening. Her efforts were like whispers in the wind, a silent reassurance that she was there, looking out for me, even from afar. With every step I took, I could feel her presence, her desire to help woven into each action.
It was during one such moment that I rounded a corner, only to find a vase of flowers conveniently shifted to the side, a vase that I knew had been in my way before. As I continued to navigate the space, her touch became more evident, more deliberate. It was in the way a curtain was drawn back, allowing sunlight to filter through, or a cushion arranged just so on a chair.
She believed her actions went unnoticed, that her quiet assistance remained unseen. But with my heightened senses, every shift and movement was revealed to me. Her touch, her presence, her unspoken gestures were like brushstrokes on a canvas, painting a picture of her hidden struggle and the connection that remained beneath the surface.
As the days passed, Wanda's distant presence continued to be a constant companion. Her efforts spoke volumes, an unspoken understanding of the complexities that defined our relationship
The next day, as the evening approached, a nervous energy consumed Wanda. With determined steps, she made her way to Y/n's room, a mixture of hope and anxiety churning within her. The door swung open, and her heart sank at the sight of an empty room—reminiscent of the day Y/n had embarked on her six-month journey.
A pang of disappointment swept through Wanda, a reminder of how things had changed. The room, once filled with memories, now felt hollow. Closing the door, she couldn't shake the sense of déjà vu that clung to the moment.
Seeking answers, Wanda found herself once again tracking down Peter Parker, her confidant in times of uncertainty. "Peter, do you know where Y/n is?"
His gaze held a hint of understanding as he met her eyes. "Yeah, she's gone to meet with Matthew."
The words struck Wanda like a blow, stirring a torrent of emotions within her. Jealousy ignited, unbidden, fueled by the thought of Y/n spending time with Matthew. After months of intense training, a connection had likely formed, and the mere idea of their camaraderie set Wanda's heart racing.
Jealousy merged with a deep sadness within Wanda, a complex cocktail of emotions that left her reeling. She couldn't help but envision them together, sharing moments, growing closer. It was a reminder of what she had lost—the person who had become more than just an ally, who had saved her, who she had started to care about.
As Wanda grappled with the weight of her feelings, a sense of resignation settled over her. Y/n had moved on, finding companionship and support in the arms of someone else. It was a stark realization, a reflection of the choices she had made, the distance she had let grow between them.
Amidst the tangle of emotions, Wanda couldn't escape the truth that she was grappling with her own regrets and insecurities. The possibility of Y/n finding solace elsewhere was a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions, the bridges she had burned, and the connections she had pushed away.
I find myself in the presence of Matthew. With a playful grin, I mention Wanda's recent actions, trying to lighten the mood. Matthew, who's well aware of my feelings towards Wanda, chuckles knowingly, his eyes betraying an understanding of the turmoil within me.
We exchange a few jokes, sharing a camaraderie that's built on trust and shared experiences. The weight of the emotions surrounding Wanda is temporarily lifted, replaced by a sense of ease that comes from being with someone who knows me so well. I'm grateful for Matthew's presence, for the moments of laughter that he brings into my life.
But as the evening deepens and I'm left alone with my thoughts, I can't help but reflect on everything that's transpired. The kindness Wanda extended, her attempts to help me even from a distance, they all stem from a place of basic human goodness. It's a reminder that beneath the layers of resentment and pain, there's still a glimmer of compassion within her.
Despite her actions, despite her efforts to assist me in her own way, the truth remains that there's a divide that's grown between us. No matter the gestures, no matter the attempts at reconciliation, the core of our relationship is marred by a history that can't be erased. It's a difficult realization to grapple with – that kindness can coexist with hatred, that the human heart is capable of holding conflicting emotions.
As I lay in my thoughts, I can't shake the feeling that Wanda's kindness, her distance, they all stem from a place of unresolved pain. And no matter how much she helps or tries to be present, the shadow of past mistakes looms large, casting a veil over any attempts to mend what's broken. In the end, the harsh truth remains – Wanda may be helping, but she still hates me, and that reality is something I can't escape, no matter how much I wish for a different outcome.
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hotelmaidenresidency · 2 months
Banquet Halls in Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad
Welcome to Hotel Maiden Residency, where we transform your special moments into extraordinary memories. Located in the heart of Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad, our hotel stands out for its exceptional banquet facilities that cater to all your event needs. Whether you're planning a grand wedding, a corporate conference, or a charming family gathering, our versatile banquet halls offer the perfect setting for any occasion.
Why Choose Hotel Maiden Residency for Your Event?
1. Elegance Meets Comfort
At Hotel Maiden Residency, we believe that every event deserves a touch of elegance. Our banquet halls are designed with sophistication and comfort in mind. Featuring modern decor, plush seating, and ambient lighting, our spaces create a warm and inviting atmosphere for your guests. From intimate gatherings to lavish celebrations, our halls can be customized to match your vision.
2. Versatile Event Spaces
Our banquet halls are adaptable to various event sizes and styles. Whether you're hosting a small, private dinner or a large wedding reception, we have the perfect space to accommodate your needs. Our flexible layouts and configurations ensure that every detail aligns with your event’s requirements.
3. State-of-the-Art Facilities
We pride ourselves on providing top-notch facilities to ensure your event runs smoothly. Our banquet halls are equipped with the latest audio-visual technology, high-speed internet, and comfortable seating arrangements. Our professional staff is always on hand to assist with technical support and ensure everything is in place for a flawless event.
4. Culinary Excellence
A memorable event is often defined by its cuisine. At Hotel Maiden Residency, our experienced culinary team prepares a wide range of delectable dishes that cater to various tastes and dietary preferences. From gourmet meals to lavish buffets, our menus are crafted to impress and delight your guests.
5. Personalized Service
Our dedicated event coordinators work closely with you to bring your vision to life. From the initial planning stages to the final execution, we ensure every aspect of your event is handled with care and precision. Our goal is to provide a seamless experience so you can focus on enjoying the moment.
Our Banquet Halls: A Closer Look
The Grand Hall
Perfect for large gatherings and celebrations, The Grand Hall offers expansive space and luxurious decor. With its high ceilings, elegant chandeliers, and customizable floor plans, it’s ideal for weddings, conferences, and grand receptions.
The Sapphire Room
For more intimate occasions, The Sapphire Room provides a sophisticated setting. Its stylish furnishings and intimate ambiance make it perfect for private dinners, small corporate meetings, and family celebrations.
The Crystal Lounge
If you’re looking for a chic and contemporary space, The Crystal Lounge is the perfect choice. This versatile area is ideal for cocktail parties, product launches, and social events, offering a blend of modern design and functionality.
Host Your Next Event with Us
At Hotel Maiden Residency, we are committed to making your event truly exceptional. Our banquet halls in Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad, provide the ideal backdrop for unforgettable experiences. With our attention to detail, exceptional service, and top-notch facilities, you can trust us to deliver an event that exceeds your expectations.
For More Information :-
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