#weiss schnee x pyrrha nikos
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superiorsturgeon · 2 months ago
Schnarkos: Gift Exchange
Pyrrha: *wearing her brand new hockey jersey* Thank you, Weiss! I love it! 🥰
Jaune: *holding a collector’s edition of X-ray and Vav issue #36 with two never-before-seen pages of content* Thank you so much…! 😭
Weiss: I’m so glad you like your gifts! I put extra effort into your gifts this year, because you’re the best boyfriend and girlfriend I could possibly- 😌
Jaune: *interrupting* We want to give you your gift too! 😃
Pyrrha: I’m going to gently crush your face with my biceps and pectorals…😊
Jaune: …while I rub my beard up your intimate parts! 😉
Weiss: It’s just what I’ve always wanted! How did you know?! 😭
Hint: It’s what she ALWAYS wants!
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falleri-salvatore · 2 years ago
Schnarkos Headcanons in the form of bad jokes and piss-poor humor
*Hypothethical dialogues in an alternate timeline where Jaune married both Pyrrha and Weiss* ------- Straw Feminist: You pig, women aren't collectibles for you to feed your own ego. They are their own person, stop imposing your will on them. Jaune: *blinks* *blinks again* I'm flattered that you think so highly of me, that you believe I can actually tell them what to do. ------
Straw Feminist: Disgusting. Two wives? You are an example of everything that is wrong with the Patriarchy. Jaune: ....You don't understand; they are not my wives, I'm their husband. Difference.
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tekkonair · 5 months ago
Pyrrha's Elysium Chapter Six - Do You Believe in Destiny?
Chapters: 6/?? Fandom: RWBY and Disco Elysium Rating: Teen Warnings: None Relationships: Weiss Schnee/Pyrrha Nikos Summary:
Navigating student life at Beacon Academy can be difficult, especially so for socially-isolated tournament star Pyrrha Nikos. Fortunately, she has twenty-four voices in her head to help her out!
Welcome to potentially the most absurd idea for a fic I've ever had. 'What if Pyrrha Nikos had the skills from Disco Elysium in her head?' A few of them have been altered to better fit Pyrrha, since she's a very different character to Harry Du Bois.
It's going to be a bit of a wild ride, I hope you enjoy. There will be plenty of references to things that happen in Disco Elysium, so keep an eye out for those.
And yes, Pyrrha will ask Weiss about the Homosexual Underground.
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superiorsturgeon · 1 year ago
TFW you accidentally reveal your inner freak in public.
Weiss walking with team rwby in the halls of Beacon Academy, when Pyrrha and Jaune walk by.
Jaune: morning team rwby
Pyrrha: morning
RBY: morning
Weiss: morning Mommy, Daddy
RWBY: ... what?
Weiss runs away down the hall, well the blond and the redhead smile seductively.
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arc-misadventures · 1 month ago
A Pokémon Trainers Adventures
Today a group of Pokémon trainers in training were all meeting together at a diner catching up on their adventures throughout the lands of, Sinnoh on the way to becoming, Pokémon Masters
Ruby: Whoo! It's great to see you guys again!
Blake: It's great to see you too, Ruby.
Nora: It feels like it's been years since we last met.
Ren: It's only been five months.
Nora: Years...
Pyrrha: It's been years in, Nora's time.
Ren: ...
Weiss: That makes sense.
Ren: An uncomfortable amount of sense.
Yang: So, what crazy adventures did you guys go on while becoming Pokémon masters?
Nora: Oh, me first!
Yang: Alright, go ahead, Nora.
Nora: Okay... I was deep in the industrial zone, searching for, Pokémon to add to my party... When suddenly from out of the shadows appear a derange vacuum cleaner coming straight at me, with murderous intent in it's eyes! I call out my, Bronzor, Blingy ,and we engaged in a grueling duel to the death with this killer vacuum! It was a fierce duel, but we managed to defeat the vile vacuum cleaner! But, after we destroyed the evil vacuum, a Pokémon flew out of the machine, but before it could escape, I threw a Great Ball at it, and I caught, Rotoma!
RWBYP: Rotoma?
Ren: The vacuum cleaner was possessed by a, Rotom. When, Nora caught him, so she named it, Rotoma
Yang: Nice name!
Ruby: Okay, my turn! So, I recently defeated the gym leader of, Veilstone City, Gym Leader, Maylene!
Yang: Oh, nice job, Ruby!
Blake: Well done!
Ruby: Thanks! It was a tough to fight her, and her fighting type Pokémon gave my guys a run for their money. We barely managed to eke out a win. I've been doing some training to strengthen my, Pokémon so we're not stuck on the ropes again.
Pyrrha: Smart move, Ruby. That's what I did after I beat, the gym leader of, Calavane City, Byron. He may have mostly metal type, but my, Luxray was knocked out in the first round with ease!
Weiss: Yeah, gym leaders may specialize on one type of Pokémon, but that doesn't mean they're a pushover if you have a Pokémon that their pokemon is weak against. Like when I lost to, Gardenia with my, Glaceon.
Ruby: But, aren't water type, Pokemon, weak to grass types?
Weiss: Vaporeon is the water type eeveelution. Glaceon is the ice type eeveelution.
Ruby: Ohh! So she curb stomped your Pokémon then?
Weiss: She bullied poor, Mr. Snappy...
Yang: Mr. Snappy?
Blake: That's what, Weiss calls her, Sharpedo.
Yang: Oh that's cute!
Blake: So, what about you, Ren, anything interesting happen to you?
Ren: Oh, well... I found a Pokémon egg a while ago, and I was nursing it, and it recently hatched into a, Riolu.
Yang: Oh, a Riolu! That's a nice Pokémon to have!
Blake: Are you having a hard time training it?
Ren: No, she's a delight to have around, I'm enjoying training her with the rest of my other Pokémon. What about you, Yang, did you do anything interesting?
Yang: Oh, I've been entering some Pokémon beauty contest lately. I haven't won anything yet, but we've gotten pretty close to. So, we've been training for the next competition. What, about you, Blake?
Blake: Not much, bar getting my ass handed to me by the gym leader of, Hearthome City, Fantina. Her ghost type Pokémon do not play around...
Pyrrha: Yeah, I still haven't beaten her myself.
Weiss: Her Pokémon scare me...!
Nora: Me too!
Ruby: Well, I don't I think her Pokémon are really cool!
Yang: Of course you like ghosts.
Ruby: What, they're cool!
Pyrrha: Hahaha! So, what about you, Jaune?
Jaune: Hmm... what?
Pyrrha: You've been pretty quiet. Has something interesting happen lately?
Jaune: Well... kinda...
Yang: Ohh~! You got an interesting story to tell! Let's hear it!
Jaune: Well...
Unlike the rest of his friends, Jaune was just having an adventure, exploring the lands of, Sinnoh. Exploring the land, meeting new people, and Pokémon. Occasionally engaging in a battles with his fellow trainers, and when he decides he ready to, engage in a match with a gym leader.
He didn't have a lot of problems, or more accurately, challenges whenever he got into a Pokémon battle. He even had a fight against, Sinnoh's Pokémon champion, and honestly, he enjoyed the conversation the pair had afterwards more so than the battle itself. So, instead of worrying about Pokémon battles, gym badges, and what not, he just went on an adventure with his Pokémon, and meeting new Pokémon, and people.
And, one day while, Jaune was enjoying the beauty of a pound filled with lily pads, enjoying the elegant lotus blossoms upon the lily pads. A content sigh escaped his lips as he just enjoyed the moment. But as, Jaune was watchin the pound, he saw a dark shadow from the cave the pound fed into grow darker, and darker across the lily pads, as he eyes were drawn upward. His eyes widened in stunned awe, as he looked into the deep crimson eyes of the being on the other side of the void: Giratina.
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Jaune: ...
Giratina: ...
Jaune: ...
Giratina: ...
Jaune: Hi.
Giratina: ZEHHAAA!!!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Okay...
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: Jaune? Jaune you okay...?
Jaune: I have a date with the, Sinnoh Pokémon Champion, Cynthia!
Yang: You've got a date with who?!
Weiss: That's fucking bullshit!
Jaune: Oh gods...
: So because you thought your friends wouldn't believe the fact you saw the legendary banished Pokémon, Giratina. You instead said that you had a date with, Sinnoh's Pokémon champion?
Jaune: Honestly, I don't think they would believe me if I had a date in general, much less with who I said it was with.
: Honestly, I have a hard time believing it myself.
Jaune: Cynthia, we're on a date right now?
Cynthia: ...
Cynthia: Oh yeah...
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novankenn · 4 months ago
Pyrrha: Shout out to the man that made me realize I was bi....
Ruby and Weiss each being held under the crook of her arms...
Pyrrha: AND into polyamory! 💕💕
Ruby: Eh?
Weiss: Huh?
Vanishes into JNPR's dorm room with them...
Pyrrha: 💕💕 Jaune honey! I found our WAIFUs!!! 💕💕
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iheartmothz · 5 months ago
fashion for gay people
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davidellisartworkstuff · 2 years ago
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"You okay back there, Weiss?"
Weiss: 😳
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willsonlmt · 6 days ago
Ruby: Wow, jaune you're really getting better.
Weiss: i begrudgedly admit that you have improved a great deal.
Blake: Weiss it's fine to admit jaune has done well.
Jaune: Thanks, girls. I really appreciate it, but honestly, pyrrha is to thank. I mean she really rubs me off.
Yang: Do you mean she rubbed off on you. Right?
Jaune blushing: um yeah absolutely. Um, okay, go to go. Bye.
Jaune walks away, hurried.
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Do Team RWBY and Pyrrha have dreams of having children with Jaune
An affirmative answer was all chorused by the five ladies. Each of them all smiling, but having varying degrees of blushes and embarrassment on their faces. 
Ruby smiled shyly and fidgeted with her hands in front of her, a blush clear on her cheeks. “Having some little blond, silver-eyed babies of my own running around the house would be really cute… A son and two daughters might be nice.”
Weiss cleared her throat, a blush just as evident on her face, shining through her snow white skin. “I… I would also very much like to have some children of my own… I know my mother would love to be a grandmother and have some grandchildren to spoil. I think Winter and Whitley would also enjoy some nieces or nephews as well. Some polite little boys would be… very wonderful. Maybe even my own little girl too…”
Blake smiled as she closed her book and tucked some of her long hair behind her human ear. “I think little blond twins would be adorable. A boy and a girl would be nice, but I’d love them no matter what. And either way, I know my mother and father would spoil them so rotten, I don’t know if I’d be able to get them separated from my kids at all honestly. It’d be a fight every time we left Menagerie.”
Yang smiled brightly and patted her slender stomach. “And I’m gonna have the most badass kids! The cutest girl with an amazing sense of humor, or a sweet, handsome little boy! And…” Yang’s boisterous tone faded out a bit and became more self assured. “I’ll be the best mother ever to them, and always be there for them… No matter what!”
Pyrrha was grinning like she’d never had a happier thought than the one she was imagining right now. She was squirming in place as she was too giddy to keep still really. “ I don’t know what Jaune would like to name our children, but I would like to have a strong little girl named Saber! And the biggest gentleman for a son named Leo as well! And I would love to have more! Many more! I-in fact… I wish to have even more children than Jaune’s mother had!”
Silence filled the space around the five women for a minute as Pyrrha spoke her declaration, then it was broken by some giggles breaking out amongst the other four girls. Yang spoke up, still mid chuckle. “So you’re shooting for mama arc’s record huh P-money? Guess we shouldn’t be surprised with what a champion you are after all haha. But still, pretty bold I have to say! Maybe I’ll shoot for it too, just to give you a challenge haha”
Pyrrha’s confidence in stating her dream quickly faded as she blushed crimson and buried her face in her hands. “I’m sorry!”
I know that Pyrrha’s kids’ names don’t follow the color naming rule, but it’s difficult trying to think of fitting names based on colors every time I mention a possible new character!!! Plus the name Saber seems really fitting for their kid!
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superiorsturgeon · 10 months ago
Schnarkos: Weiss’s Birthday Serenade
Weiss: 😴
Weiss: *yawns and stretches, feeling around on either side of herself in bed* 🥱
Weiss: *feels empty bed*
Weiss: *sits up in empty bed* …Pyrrha…? Jaune…?
Weiss: *slides out of bed and pulls on bathrobe* Where could they be…?
Weiss: *steps into hallway*
????: 🎶…blue jean baby…🎶
Weiss: What was that?
????: 🎶…Atlas lady…🎶
Weiss: Pyrrha…? *turns around, looking for the source of the music*
???/???: 🎶 …seamstress for the band~! 🎶
Weiss: …Jaune…? *walks through her house, following music*
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 …pretty eyed…pirate smile…you’ll marry a music maaaan~! 🎶
Weiss: Where are you? *walks faster*
Pyrrha: 🎶 Ballerina…you must’ve seen her…dancing in the sand…! 🎶
Jaune: 🎶 Now she’s in me…always with me…tiny dancer in my hand~!🎶
Weiss: …are those instruments? What’s going on? *starts walking faster towards the front door*
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 But oh how it feels so real, lying here, with no one near…only you…and you can hear me…🎶
Weiss: *puts on slippers*
Jaune: 🎶…when I say softly…🎶
Weiss: *grabs doorknob*
Pyrrha: 🎶…slowly…🎶
Weiss: *opens door*
Jaune/Pyrrha: *standing on a makeshift stage on Armored Angel back patio, singing into a microphone, surrounded by RBYNROE backing them up with various instruments*
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 Hold me closer, tiny dancer…Count the headlights on the hiiiiighwaaaaayy…! 🎶
Weiss: *mouth hanging open in shock/embarrassment* 😳
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶…lay me down in sheets of linen… 🎶
Jaune/Pyrrha: 🎶 …you had a busy day todaaaaaayyyy…! 🎶
Oscar: *pulls a cord, unfurling a big banner reading “HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEISS!!!” behind the stage*
Neighbors: *looking out their windows and doors at the spectacle of Weiss in her bathroom being serenaded by impromptu orchestra* 🤨
Weiss: *covers her mouth with her hands, torn between embarrassment and tears of joy* …Pyrrha…Jaune…! I’ve never seen something so sweet and embarrassing…! 🥹 😭
Whitley: *breaks into piano solo* 😎
Pyrrha: *hops down and kisses Weiss’s forehead as she buries her beet-red face in her hands* Happy birthday, beloved! 😘
Jaune: *kisses Weiss’s hair* You’re our tiny dancer, Weiss! We love you! 😁
Weiss: *still hiding* I can’t believe you did all this for my birthday! It’s so ridiculous! Everyone is staring…! How did you arrange all this?!
Jaune: …well, we’ve been sneaking in a little extra time after training sessions! 😅
Pyrrha: We’ve been rehearsing for weeks! 😁
Weiss: …this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me…! What did I do to deserve you both…? 😭
Pyrrha: …well…your brother is about to finish his solo…
Jaune: …since everyone is already staring…? *gestures towards the microphone*
Weiss: 🫣
Weiss: …you’re all so ridiculous! I love you so much…! 😭
Jaune/Pyrrha: *lift their Tiny Dancer girlfriend up on the stage*
Jaune/Pyrrha: *climb up on either side and kiss Weiss’s cheeks simultaneously* 😙
Weiss: 🥰
Oscar: *conducting as RBYNRE build up for the chorus*
Weiss/Jaune/Pyrrha: *holding hands* 🎶 HOLD ME CLOSER, TINY DANCER~! 🎶
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falleri-salvatore · 2 years ago
JSPR Polycule PSA
Just wish to correct a misconception and let it be known that the Polycule involving Ruby, Weiss, Jaune and Pyrrha is NOT Jaune’s Harem; it’s Weiss’ Wet Dream. That is all.
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tekkonair · 1 year ago
Schneekos Week 2024! Chapter Six
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: RWBY Rating: Teen Warnings: None Relationships: Weiss Schnee/Pyrrha Nikos Summary:
Herein lies my contribution to Schneekos Week 2024! Expect fluff, romance, lesbianism, useless lesbianism, and a whole bunch of different AUs. Some will be long, some will be short. I hope you enjoy!
Day One (15th): Fantasy (Pyrrha is a centaur knight coming to rescue her fiancé, the fay-adjacent Weiss, from her cruel father!)
Day Three (17th): High School/College (Pyrrha is a star quarterback, Weiss is a fencer. Both find themselves equally distracted by the other)
Day Four (18th): Faunus (Weiss is a centaur faunus, and trains with Pyrrha's instructor to better use her traits in battle)
Day Five (19th): Rivals to Lovers (Weiss and Pyrrha are top-class drivers, going head to head for charity with a forefeit for the loser)
Day Six (20th): Scars (Weiss and Pyrrha won the war against Salem, but not without suffering some scars along the way)
Day Seven (21th): Free Day (Weiss' brain works a little differently to most peoples'. And that's okay, she just needs someone to explain a few things to her sometimes)
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moistmailman · 9 months ago
Yang: So you and Jaune are finally dating, huh?
Pyrrha, smiling: Yep! I’m so happy.
Yang: Man, I’m sure there are so many people jealous of vomit boy right now. He’s practically living a life of those fan fictions made about you.
Pyrrha: I know, ri-….what?
Yang: You know, those fan fiction your fans make about you and post online. The self insert ones.
Pyrrha:…….people make self insert fan fictions about me?
Yang: Oh god, you didn’t know?! Is this is how you find out?
Pyrrha: What kinda fan fictions would people even write about me?! Where I’m fighting Grimm or something?
Yang: No not really, just ones where you’re dating them is all….and some weird ones too.
Pyrrha: Like what?
Yang: Well uh……there’s a few stories called ‘My mom sold me to Pyrrha Nikos’
Pyrrha: WHAT?! WHY?!
Yang, shrugging: I don’t know. Let me ask Weiss.
Yang: Oh shit, that was supposed to be a secret.
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arc-misadventures · 9 days ago
Step Brother, Sister, Whatever?
Ruby: Hey, cousin!
Jaune: Hey, cuz what's up?
Weiss: Cousin? You two are related?
Jaune: Uhh...
Ruby: Nope!
Jaune: No, no we are not.
Weiss: Then why are you calling each other cousin?
Jaune: Well... we have a very weird family dynamic.
Weiss: Weird how.
Ruby: I told you how, Yang is my older sister?
Weiss: Yeah?
Ruby: She's actually my half sister.
Weiss: Half sister? But, if, Yang is your half sister, shouldn't you be calling, Jaune your half brother then too?
Jaune: No. The reason why Yang, and Ruby are half sisters is because they both had the same father, but they had different mothers.
Weiss: Oh, so the two of you grew up together?
Ruby: For a while. When dad died, Yang's mom, a woman named, Raven Branwen didn't take it well, and she left, and went back to her bandit tribe with, Yang.
Weiss: Yang's a bandit? That explains so much...
Ruby: She's not a...?!
Jaune: No no, it does make sense when you think about it.
Ruby: It does...?
Ruby: ...
Ruby: Oh gods, it does...
Weiss: So how do you play into all of this, Jaune?
Jaune: Well, after my mom died, and my dad was wandering about on missions, he came across, Raven, and they fought each other in a duel, and well my dad one, and... Raven took my dad as her husband...
Weiss: I-Isn't it usually the victor that decides what happens to the loser, not the other way around?
Jaune: Raven has a, 'survival of the fittest' mindset. Since my dad defeated her, she saw him as the strongest, and would have strong children with him... So...
Weiss: Oh... That... That's a thing...
Ruby: It's a thing...
Jaune: And, well... after that, Raven, Yang, Vernal, Dad, and I moved to island of, Patch...
Ruby: That's where me, and my mom live!
Weiss: Vernal? Why did, Vernal come with you?
Ruby: While, Raven was with her bandit camp, she took, Vernal as her little protégée so she, and Yang can be rivals as they trained together.
Weiss: Oh, so that's why they hate each other.
Jaune: They don't hate each other, they're incredibly competitive, yes. But, they do like each other.
Weiss: Do they now?
Jaune: They do, just trust me on that. So, when we went to, Patch, my dad adopted, Vernal as his daughter, and my little sister.
Weiss: Vernal is your little sister?
Jaune: Yes, she hates when I call her like that, and will deny it.
Ruby: But, I've seen her in her sleep hugging, Jaune mumbling, 'Big brother~!' She totally loves having a big brother!
Weiss: Really now?
Jaune: Yeah, don't point it out to her, she'll shank you.
Weiss: Yeah, I'd buy that...
Jaune: So yeah, after we came to, Patch, Yang became my... older stepsister...
Weiss: She holds that over, Jaune doesn't she?
Ruby: Constantly...
Jaune: So, Vernal became my younger sister by adoption. And, Raven became my stepmom. And, while you could say, Ruby, and I are half siblings because of, Yang. But, we're not related, by blood in anyway so we're technically not halfsiblings... So, while we're close, and not siblings, but technically related by marriage, we just call each other cousins because it just makes sense.
Ruby: At least it does to us.
Jaune: If we don't think about it too much...
Weiss: Okay... so... You two are 'cousins...'
JR: Yes.
Weiss: Which makes, Yang your half sister?
JR: Yes.
Weiss: And, Yang your older stepsister?
JR: Yes.
Weiss: And, Vernal your younger sister by adoption?
JR: Yes.
Weiss: And, by marriage, Raven is your stepmom?
JR: Yes.
Weiss: ...
Weiss: Your family is weird... I mean... That is your mom!
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Jaune: I would ask you explain what you mean by that. But, that answers more than you think it does...
Ruby: It really does...
Weiss: And, that means she is your older stepsister.
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Jaune: Great, now other people are going to use that to make fun of me...
Ruby: It was bound to happen eventually.
Weiss: And, that bitch is your younger sister?!
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Jaune: Since when did, Weiss have such bad blood with, Vernal?
Ruby: She called, Weiss a washboard when they first met, and has been making fun of her for being flat ever since then...
Jaune: Ahh...
Jaune: But, yeah, Weiss that's basically it.
Weiss: Gods... Your father must have a hell of a hard time dealing with such a family.
Jaune: Oh no, my dad died a couple of years after we moved to patch.
Weiss: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Jaune: It's fine. I've gotten over it years ago. Although being the new man of the house has been... eventful...
Weiss: Eventful how?
Jaune: Well, I told you how, Raven believes in the whole, 'survival of the fittest?'
Weiss: Yeah you did?
Jaune: Well, since my dad died I had to prove myself in battle over, Raven, or else we would have to move back with her tribe.
Weiss: And, did you win?
Jaune: Well...
Raven: Oh you fucking bastard~?!
Jaune: What did you just say, you bitch!
Raven: W-Where...?! Ohhh fuuuck~! Where do you get off fucking your own mother~?!
Jaune: You said if I won our little battle, I became the lord of the house! Fuck you're so warm!
Raven: Y-You're so big~!
Jaune: It's the...?! Ohh! The duty of the lord of the house, to appease the lady of the house! And, I know you wanted to sire a strong heir with my dad, but never got the chance to!
Raven: Wait, does that mean?!
Jaune: That's right, Raven, get ready to sire that strong heir to the, Branwen-Arc legacy!
Raven: Oh you bastard! You think I would allow you to do that?! Ah-ha-ha-haa fuck~?!
Jaune: If you don't want me to do that, then why are you legs locked around me~?
Raven: Ahh?! When did I do that?! Fuuuuck~!
Jaune: Five minutes after I put it in~!
Raven: You got... Ohh gods~! To be... It's so big~!
Jaune: So tell me, Raven, do you want me to pull out?
Raven: G-G-Get o-o-oooo...?! Get me p-pregnant! Get me pregnant! Get me pregnaaaaaaant~!
Jaune: Oh fuck?!!
Raven: Haa... Haa... T-There's so much~!
Jaune: So, I take it you accepted my offer?
Raven: ...
Raven: Y-You know... I-Its not guaranteed to work on the first... first load...
Jaune: Oh?
Jaune: It was a tough fight, I barely managed to win. But, as I proved my strength so I managed to convince her to stay in, Patch!
Weiss: Why was that important?
Jaune: Raven's tribe live in the wilderness.
Weiss: So?
Jaune: Indoor plumbing.
Weiss: Ohhhh...
Weiss: So, what's like having, Yang as a half sister?
Jaune: Uhh...
Yang: J-Jaune?! S-Stop!
Jaune: No, this is your punishment.
Yang: W-W-What for...?! Mmmm~!
Jaune: You went got in trouble again for picking a fight with, Pyrrha again.
Yang: B-But, she is...?! Eep! Jaunnnnne~!
Jaune: I've had to deal with another one of, Ms. Goodwitch's lectures, because of you! This is the third time you've dragged me into one of her lectures. Three strikes, Yang, time to face your punishment~!
Yang: Ohhh~! J-Jaune...?! Y-You know how s-sensitive my breasts are~! S-Stop g-groping... ohhh~! Groping them~!
Jaune: Then stop groping me, Neechan~!
Yang: Mmmmm~?! F-F-Fucccccck~!
Jaune: Oh? Did you just...? Oh you're so easy~!
Yang: S-Shut...?! Ohh~! J-Jaune...?! C-Can you please... J-Just fuck me already~?
Jaune: Nope~!
Yang: What?! Ahhh~!
Jaune: I'm going to tease you to hell, and back, but I'm not going to do anything else to you. That's your punishment~!
Yang: Y-You bastard~! Y-You know you can't do that to your, Nee-c-c-chan~!
Jaune: And, you're not allowed to pick fights with, Pyrrha for the hell of it! If you do it again, I won't touch you again like this for a month! Do you understand, Neechan~?
Yang: Y-Yes~!
Jaune: Well, she's a great older sister. Not when she's picking fights with, Pyrrha, and constantly teasing everyone in my team... Vernal's desire to kill, Yang is getting bigger all the time...
Ruby: Yeah, I can understand that...
Weiss: Ahh yes, and how is it to be related to that bitch...
Jaune: Vernal she's... Uhhh...?
Vernal: This! Time! I'll! Beat! You!
Jaune: Yeah right little sis! You always say that, but you are such a bottom!
Vernal: F-Fuck you!
Jaune: You're already doing that~!
Vernal: Y-You shitty big brother~!
Jaune: Vern, do you have to put up the act every time we sleep together?
Vernal: Y-Y-Yes...?
Jaune: Gods you are so cute!
Vernal: What?! I'm not... Mmph?! Mmmm~!
Jaune: Absolutely adorable~!
Vernal: S-S-Stupid big bro~!
Jaune: Ahh~! You're so tight!
Vernal: T-That's because you're so big!
Jaune: Glad you're enjoying it~!
Vernal: Ahhh~! I'm loving it~! Loving you big bro~!
Jaune: I love you too, Vern~!
Vernal: I love you too, Jaune~! Mmmmw-wha~!
Jaune: She's a brat, but she's my little sister. Sure we had a rocky start, but we've improved our relationship as time went one.
Jaune: Course beating her in several training spars certainly helped...
Weiss: I see...
Ruby: Did sleeping with your siblings also help with that?
Weiss: Yeah, did it?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: W-What are you talking about...?
Ruby: Vernal was gloating how she was getting some action with her big brother while, Yang wasn't getting in a fight because she picked a fight with, Pyrrha again.
Jaune: Uhh...
Weiss: Then, Yang was gloat that you enjoyed sleeping with her more, because she has stupid fat boobs, and a longer hair that you could pull when you sleep together...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Oh gods... kill me now kill me swiftly...
Weiss: Oh gods...
Ruby: Since you're already sleeping with your sisters, what about sleeping with your cousin too~?
Jaune: What?
Weiss: WHAT?!
It's hard to find any sexy art of, Raven, it's easy to find a lot for, Yang. And, there's practically nothing on, Vernal. Had to look for good tomboy art instead.
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novankenn · 3 months ago
The Sequel!
(A/N - Let's see what we can do with this!)
It had been 14 years since his one and only son had been born. The auspicious day heralded in a new era for the Arc clan. The baby making had ceased. The combined might of the mothers of his children deciding it was time to focus on raising and educating their brood over just expanding it.
But the hints were still there, Everyone was still hale and hearty... and once his oldest started moving out on their own... they may start the process over again. But however that was beside the point. His 9 oldest had decided with some urging from their mothers and aunts and grandmothers to bring home their boyfriends or girlfriends... to meet the family.
While Jaune knew that his children would never let ANYONE hurt or disrespect any member of the family, as the father... he had an age old duty to fulfill, but due to the sheer size of the undertaking he called in assistance. So there seated on three couches in the massive living room, sat the 9 would be paramours.
Across from them the father of their love interests. Before Jaune his 14 year old son, with his shoulder length dark brown hair put up in twin-tails, while wearing baby blue tights, a pink sundress and black flats. stood. Jaune knew after this... meeting... he was going to have to talk to his brood again about playing dress up with their brother.
Flanking Jaune was his reinforcements for this task. The grandfathers and grand uncle of the family. To his left stood Qrow and Taiyang. To his right Ozpin and Jaune's father. Behind him using his imposing size stood Ghira.
But there was one other, that even the assembled group of men was a little shocked at seeing. Standing behind the collected young men and women seeking approval to continue their relationships, was one Jacques Schnee, flanked by a squad of SDC security drones. One for each of his granddaughters and half-granddaughters.
Jaune's mind remembered something about Willow enlisting Salem's help in putting Jacques straight, and for several years the man had been banned from family outings. But then sunlight broke through those dark clouds, and the Schnee Patriarch proved his "worth" b y not only restructuring the SDC, but also himself.
Jaune: So... *Jaune's support as smirked... sinisterly* ...you want to date my daughters...
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