Much ado about nothing.
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Now how did the kids do this...? *clears throat* Right... I'm a 33y/o Puerto Rican with 3 Engineering Bach Degrees (Computer, Mechanical and Electrical). Obsessed with Anime, fanfics and Video Games. He/Him. Cis Male Aroace (with hetero inclination). Ya-hweh Yahuwshua is the name of the Father and the Son. It is the Word of Ya-hweh. The Saving Testimony. It's Ya-hweh, not "God". It is Yahuwshua, not "Jesus".
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falleri-salvatore · 10 hours ago
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losers in love theyre both pathetic wet cats
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falleri-salvatore · 10 hours ago
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its like 2:30 am but fuck it we ball . arkos's ur timeline in 2025 were so back
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falleri-salvatore · 10 hours ago
The Little Girl in the White Coat
Ruby: Ahh?!
Summer: What's wrong, Ruby?
Ruby: I burnt my marshmallow...
Tai: Give it here, Ruby. You can have mine, mine is nice, and brown!
Ruby: Yay! Thanks, Dad!
Qrow: How's yours coming along, Firecracker?
Yang: It's great! If Mom would stop stealing my marshmallows!
Raven: What?! I take offence to that! I did not steal my daughters marshmallows!
Tai: I can see the chocolate on your cheek from your last smore, Dear.
Raven: Ahh crap...
Qrow: Hahaha!
Tai: Alright girls, it's getting late, we best head to bed.
Ruby: What?!
Yang: No!
Tai: Come on girls it's late.
Ruby: Not until you tell us a story!
Yang: A scary ghost story!
Qrow: Well... we are around a campfire, and it is late at night. Its a perfect time for scary ghost stories!
Summer: Okay, but only one ghost story then off to bed with the both of you.
RY: Yay!
Tai: So, who has a scary ghost story. Ray, you got a scary ghost story to tell?
Raven: G-Ghost story?! N-N-N-No! I don't have anything to share!
Summer: Is, Raven...?
Qrow: Afraid of ghosts? Absolutely!
Summer: Oh? Oh that's good to know~!
Tai: What about you, Qrow?
Qrow: The clan didn't really tell scary stories. What about you?
Tai: Dad, never told me any stories around the campfire.
Summer: Well, looks like it's up to me then.
Ruby: You have a ghost story to tell, Mom?!
Yang: Is it scary?!
Summer: Mmm... It is a ghost story, but it's not a scary ghost story.
RY: Nawww...
Summer: But, it's also a story of a hero!
Ruby: A hero?!
Yang: A ghost story about a hero? That doesn't make sense.
Summer: Yes! This is a ghost story about the, Rusted Ghost!
Yang: The Rusted Ghost...?
Ruby: Can ghosts get rusty?
Summer: No, this is just the name of this particular ghost. Now then, you've all heard of the, Rusted Knight before?
Yang: Yeah! From that, Ever After book you read us!
Ruby: The Rusted Knight is the coolest!
Summer: Well, what if I told you a story about how the spirit, the ghost of the, Rusted Knight appears in this world too!
Ruby: What!
Yang: Is that true?!
Summer: Yes! Now then, this is a story about a young girl, no older than you, Yang. A young girl traveling through the woods, she was dressed in her favourite white coat, caring loafs of freshly baked bread to give to her loving grandfather!
Ruby: Bread? Why not smores?
Tai: You can't have another smore, Ruby.
Ruby: Nawww...
Yang: Keep going, Mom!
Summer: Well, as the little girl in the white coat was making her way through the woods, a pack of, Beowulf's jumped out of the bushes surrounding the little girl in the white coat!
Yang: Ahh?!
Ruby: Beowulf's?!
Summer: Yes! Beowulf's! They had come there to steal the little girl with the white coat basket! The evil, Beowulf's wanted all of her freshly baked bread for themselves! But, as the little girl in the white coat was cowering away from the, Beowulf's clutching her basket of bread in her hands. A rustling from the bushes was heard, and out from the bushes emerged, the Rusted Ghost!
Summer: The Rusted Ghost wore stunning pale white armour, he wore a helmet with slit groves in it. The ghost wore an off white cloak billowing in the wind. The ghosts armour was covered in gold that filled crevices in his shattered, and broken armour. The gold bled off across the armour, giving it the appearance of rust! He had a longsword, wrapped in a faded deep blue cloth along the hilt rested against his hip.
Summer: As he neared the monsters he pointed at the monsters, he spoke in a silent yet booming voice demanded that these monsters leave her alone! The Beowulf's all pointed, and laughed at him, they said they weren't going to do anything. That they were going to take the little girl in the white coat bread, and eat it all up!
Summer: But, the Rusted Ghost merely sighed as he drew his sword! And, as the Beowulf's saw this, and they charged him!
Ruby: No?!
Yang: They attacked him?!
Summer: Yes! They charged at the, Rusted Ghost! They bared their fangs at him, but the, Rusted Ghost stood it's ground! As the first, Beowulf lunged at him, his rusted blade flew through the air with a white, and golden blur as it sliced through one, Beowulf after another!
Summer: And, as the last, Beowulf fell, it's body fading into black smoke, disappearing, and blowing away before it even reached the ground! The Rusted Ghost looked around before sheathing it's blade, it walked along the ground with heavy, yet silent steps as it came closer to the girl in the white coat. The Rusted Ghost knelt before the girl, and ask if she was alright.
Summer: The Rusted Ghost asked the little girl in the white coat if she was alright, she said she was fine. The Rusted Ghost asked why she was alone in the woods, she said she was on her way to give this bread to her grandfather. The Rusted Ghost said it would protect the little girl in the white coat all the way to her grandfathers home.
Summer: So, the little girl in the white coat walked alongside the, Rusted Ghost. They walked towards her grandfather's home, as the little girl in the white coat saw her grandfathers house in the distance she ran towards it. She knocked on her grandfathers door, and her saw his dear grandfather. She leapt into his arms as she told him the story of her encounter with the, Rusted Ghost.
Summer: But, as the little girl in the white coat pointed towards the, Rusted Ghost, she pointed towards an empty path that lead out of the woods. The Rusted Ghost was gone! The little girl in the white coat cried out that it was just there, but the grandfather just laughed as he rubbed the little girl in the white coat hair, and brought her inside into enjoy some strawberry jam on a slice of freshly baked bread.
Summer: And, while the little girl in the white coat was sad that the, Rusted Ghost left, the Rusted Ghost was needed elsewhere. For there were other little girls, and boys out there in the world that needed the help from the, Rusted Ghost.
Summer: And, that my girls is the story of, 'The Little Girl in the White Coat, and the Rusted Ghost.' What do you think?
Ruby: That was an amazing story mom!
Yang: That was a great story mom!
Ruby: Another! Anoth... yawnnnnn... another story...
Tai: I don't think so, Ruby, looks like your body is saying it's time for bed. Come on, let's get to bed.
Ruby: But, I don't wanna... Zzzzz...
Qrow: Haha! And, she's out like a light!
Raven: Come on my little dragon, it's time for you to go to bed too.
Yang: Alright, Mom. Goodnight, Mommy.
Summer: Goodnight, Yang.
Tai: Okay, the girls have been put to bed.
Raven: And, since the kids are asleep, the drinks are out!
Qrow: Yes! Toss a can here!
Raven: Here ya go little brother. Tai, you want one?
Tai: Sure toss it here.
Raven: Here you go. Sunny?
Summer: Hmm?
Raven: You want a beer?
Summer: Oh? No, no thank you.
Raven: Suit yourself.
Qrow: Ahhh! Now this is how you finish a night: Sitting by all your friends around a campfire, drinking a beer under the stars!
Tai: It sure is.
Raven: Ahh~! That hits the spot... So, Summer?
Summer: Yes?
Raven: 'The Little Girl in the White Coat, and the, Rusted Ghost...' You know, I've heard plenty of stories about the, Rusted Ghost, but I've never heard that one before.
Tai: You've heard ghost stories about the, Rusted Ghost? I thought you bandits would tell horror ghost stories around the campfire, not stories about the, Rusted Ghost.
Qrow: No, we've heard quite a few stories about the, Rusted Ghost. but, I've never heard that one before either.
Raven: Did you just make that one on the spot?
Summer: On the spot? No... Well... I... I just tweaked it.
Raven: You 'tweaked it?'
Tai: What do you mean by that?
Summer: Well... The little girl in the white coat, doesn't sound so different than the little girl in the white cloak.
Qrow: The little girl in the white cloak?
Tai: The white cloak?
Raven: Wait, was this story about you?
Summer: Some of it, the real story is actually rather... dark.
Qrow: What do you mean by that?
Summer: ...
Summer: This story takes place when I was fourteen. I was in a small town with my grandfather, I was training to become a, Huntress, and my grandfather took me to this small town dealing with, Grimm attacks.
Summer: While my grandfather was talking to the mayor, two men came to me panicking, they told me they saw some, Grimm. Not thinking about it I followed them, but as we got deeper into the woods, three more men came out of the trees, and jumped me.
Qrow: They what?!
Tai: They jumped you...?!
Summer: Yeah... Two of them forced me to the ground holding my arms as I struggled in vain to get them off. Another kept there hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream for help as another man loomed over me...
Summer: He said I was stupid little girl... A wanna be, Huntress falling for such a simple little trap. Wanting to be the hero, not thinking about running straight into danger.
Summer: His companion... one of the men who tricked me into coming into the woods told the man to shut up, and get on with it already...
Summer: The man standing over me laughed as he told him to shut up, that he was just, 'savouring the moment.' After that, he ripped up my corset, then he tore off my skirt, next was my undershirt... Then lastly... he ripped of my bra...
Summer: Three men were holding me down, another was standing by watching, and the last one was kneeling over me, stripping me naked... In that moment... even after years of facing down hordes of, Grimm, I've never been more scared in all my life. Even now, just talking about it sends chills down my spine...
Tai: Summer... Y-You don't need to continue if...
Summer: No... No, you three are my family... You deserve to know this story. Besides... as scary as this all was, it ends on a somewhat pleasant note...
Raven: How the fuck does a story about almost being rapped end pleasantly?!
Summer: Because I wasn't rapped.
Tai: Oh thank gods...
Qrow: Gods... You scared the shit out of us, Summer! Gods, Raven hand me another beer, I'm going to need it.
Raven: Okay, but I get the other one. Hell, I think I better break out another six pack.
Tai: Good idea...
Qrow: I hate to saying this, but... can you please continue, Summer?
Summer: Okay... Well as I was struggling in vain to break away, there wasn't much a fourteen year old could do to get four fully grown men off of her. A voice, a voice as silent as the nights sky, but boomed with the echoing roar of a thunderstorm spoke up.
Summer: It asked what was going on, the man standing by the side told the man to go fuck off. The voice spoke again, asking what they was doing with that girl, to me. The man laughed as he said that they were going to have some fun with me. In a quiet yet commanding voice I heard the words, 'I see.' I then heard the sound of shuffling of metal as heavy, yet light footsteps neared me.
Summer: The voice said one thing, 'Let the girl go, or die.' The man laughed, and told the man to fuck off. Then, I heard the sound of the drawing of steel, then I heard a small thud, followed by an even heavier thud. The man who tore up my clothes then got up, he pulled a dagger from his waist, and told the man he had fucked up. He then screamed, and fell to the ground clutching the severed stump where his hand once was. Then I heard another sound, the sound of a mans throat being cut.
Summer: As I saw that man's body fall, dead upon the ground, I finally saw my saviour... It was just as I described him to the girls...
Summer: Dressd in full plate armour as white as bleached bones... Antique gold running around the trim of the armour, and filling in the cracks of their broken armour, fading off the white giving it's rusted hue. A long sword with a white blade, and golden antique pommel, and handguard, with a faded deep blue leather around the hilt. He wore a matching bone white cape with gold bleeding off of it that flapped in a calm breeze.
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Summer: What stood out to me the most was it's helmet. It was a faceless, emotionless, and yet... I could feel an intense gaze, a silent rage, that held an absolute authority, and control over this situation.
Summer: I had heard stories, even heard rumors, but in that moment all of them were true. That the, Rusted Ghost, no... that the spirit of the, Rusted Knight was real.
Summer: One of the men that was holding me down let go, and charged at the, Rusted Knight. He fell after the brush of one swing of it's sword. The other two men let go of me, pulling out their knives, and charged him. The first one fell when a sword was thrusted through his chest, his body fell onto the ground the, Rusted Knights sword still buried in his chest.
Summer: The last man was grabbed by the throat, and hoisted into the air, turning his body around before slamming his body on the ground. He cried out in pain, and then in fear as the, Rusted knights armoured boot slammed down, crushing the mans skull into a pile paste...
Tai: He crushed his head with his foot?!
Qrow: Damn... talk about a brutal takedown...
Summer: The Rusted Knight's back was facing towards me when it did this, but I distinctly remember the sound, and the way the mans blood splashed about...
Summer: After this mans... execution. The Rusted Knight pulled out it's sword from the dead man's body, flicking the blood off it's blade before sheathing it. It walked over to me, and knelt down in front of me. I covered myself the best I could with my cloak to give myself a modicum of dignity.
Summer: His voice was so calming, even though it felt so cold... But, it said to me... 'Little girl in the white cloak... are you alright?'
Summer: I said I was fine. Well, mostly fine. I was almost rapped just then... But, the Rusted Knight asked if I could stand, and I did after I steadied my nerves. The Rusted Knight then said it would guide me back to the town. The Rusted Knight never spoke another word after that, and yet, despite this intimidating, and commanding aura that the, Rusted Knight had. I've never felt more safe with the, Rusted Knight than in all of my life.
Tai: What? I thought you felt safest in my arms?
Summer: Oh, don't be so jealous, Dear~! There is a difference in filling safe within your lovers arms, and a knight in shinning armour. Much less one of myth, and legend.
Tai: Still bet you feel safer with me... You feel safest in my arms don't you, Raven!
Raven: Are your arms my wife's arms?
Tai: N-No...?
Raven: There's your answer.
Tai: Ohh...
Qrow: Pff! Hahaha! Suck it, Tai! You're not your wife's knight in shinning armour!
Tai: Shut up...
Summer: Hahaha. Well, after we reached the edge of the forest to the village, the Rusted Knight stopped, and gestured towards the town. That this was as far as it would go. I saw my grandfather, and I ran towards. My grandfather saw me, and came running towards me, grabbing me, and then screaming at the residents of the town as he saw the condition of my clothing. I told my grandfather that despite my appearance I was fine, I told him that I was saved, saved by the spirit of the, Rusted Knight.
Summer: My grandfather said that was ridiculous, but as I pointed to the woods where I came from, the Rusted Knight was no longer there. And, while my grandfather didn't believe me about the whole, Rusted Knight bit, he was forced to believe that someone did save me when he found my would be rapists mangled corpses. After that we went home, and that's the end of my story.
Tai: Whoa... That's... That's a hell of a story...
Summer: You believe me?
Tai: Of course I do, we all do, right guys?
Raven: You're my wife, Summer. I know how good of a liar you are.
Qrow: Or, more correctly, how bad of a liar you are.
Summer: I'm not that bad! R-Right...?
TQR: Ahh-hahaha!
Raven: No, you're worse than that.
Summer: Hey!
Qrow: So, did anything happen after you were nearly... Uhh...?! A-After you met the spirit of the, Rusted Knight?
Summer: Well, I never strayed far from my grandfather, or my teammates after that. But, one day when I was on another mission with my grandfather. I saw this old lady at a shire, it was a shire dedicated to the, Rusted Knight. I told my story to the old lady about my encounter with the, Rusted Knight. She was one of the few people who believed my story about my encounter with the, Rusted Knight.
Tai: Did this old shrine lady believe in your story?
Summer: Yes. She was one of the few people to believe my story wholeheartedly. After that she gave me this charm.
Raven: Oh, so that's what that pendant you hang around your neck is.
Summer: Yep, it may be nothing more simple than a simple copy of the, Rusted knights helmet, which bares a striking resemblance to the real, Rusted Knight's helmet.
Qrow: Does it now?
Tai: It is a nice design...
Raven: So, it's a good luck charm of sorts?
Summer: It certainly is to me. I was wearing it when I was made team leader. I was wearing it when the three of us became a couple, I was wearing it when we got married, and when I gave birth to my adorable little rosebud! To me, this charm, meeting the, Rusted Knight has been the greatest possession I've ever been given. Well, second only to my wedding ring~!
Tai: Pff... Now you're just saying that to butter me up.
Summer: Is it working~?
Tai: ...
Tai: Yes...
Summer: Hehehe~!
Qrow: Well, looks like we got our scary ghost story after all...
Raven: I would have preferred a scary monster story than that. But, it's still a hell of a scary story...
Tai: I'll say...
Summer: Well, even after all that had happened, I still wish I could see the, Rusted Knight one more time. I never got to say thank you to him for saving me. I was so in shocked over everything that had happened that it never crossed my mind.
Tai: Wait, did you say, 'Him?'
Summer: Oh, yeah I did.
Tai: What makes you think that the, Rusted Knight was a guy?
Summer: W-Well... The body's shape, and the voice were certainly a mans voice. But, what mostly stood out to me was the, Rusted Knight's eyes...
Qrow: Eyes? The Rusted Knight has eyes?
Raven: And, you saw them?
Summer: I did. When the, Rusted Knight knelt before me, he was at eye level with me. I saw the most beautiful blue eyes~! They were a deep cerulean blue that glowed with an ethereal beauty that was captivating to behold... I fell in love with men having blue eyes that day onward~!
Tai: Oh, so that's why you fell in love with me, because I have blue eyes?!
Qrow: Damn talk about being jealous.
Raven: Even I'm a little jealous... Oh well, maybe there is still a chance you'll see the, Rusted Knight in the future, Summer. In one way, or another.
Summer: One way, or another? What do you mean by that?
Raven: One of the stories we were told is that the, Rusted Knight exists on a whole different plane of reality.
Summer: Wha...?
Raven: They say that, Rusted Knight existence is on a whole different plane then ours. Sometimes they appear as a child, an old man, or the knight we all know. They say as a child the spirit of the, Rusted Knight brings joy, and happiness. The old man brings wisdom, and knowledge to those in need. And, the Rusted Knight is the warrior that protects all those that are in need. They say that there are even more forms than that.
Qrow: Yeah, I've heard a story that, Rusted Knight is a spirit that reincarnates into a new body every generation. So who knows, you may meet your, Rusted Knight in another way in the future.
Summer: Oh well, considering the circumstance under how I first met the, Rusted Knight, I would prefer that's how I meet them again.
Qrow: I'll say...
Tai: Well, if by some miracle you do meet again, do let us know how it went.
Summer: Will do. Now then, let's all head to bed, It's getting late, and the girls have school in the morning.
Qrow: Damn... I'd like to stay up more, and chat. But, Sunny's right, we best get to bed. Dealing with the girls antics is already hard enough with a hangover. I don't want to imagine dealing with them when I'm also sleep deprived...
Raven: Now that sounds like a nightmare, and a half.
Tai: Well, you heard the little lady: Off to bed everyone!
Qrow: Sweet dreams guys. And, Summer, don't dream too much about knights in rusty armour saving you. You don't want your husband, and wife getting jealous now do you?
Summer: I don't have that many dreams about the, Rusted Knight saving me!
TR: Say what now...?
Summer: Uh oh...
Years Later
Summer: Now then... Where are our girls?
Raven: This place hasn't changed much since we attended, Beacon.
Summer: Considering, Ozpin is as stagnated as a mountain, it's not a surprise it hasn't changed.
Raven: There's certainly a lot of people here. I didn't know that many people came for parent visiting day.
Summer: That's only because you, and Qrow hid in our dorm room because you don't have any parents to visit you
Raven: Oh shush you! Now then, let's go find our ki...?!
: Mommmm!
Summer: Hmm? Ooph?!
: Mom! It's so good to see you!
Summer: Ow... Oh, Ruby? Oh it's good to see you too my little girl~! You've gotten stronger, you nearly knocked me down with your semblance.
Ruby: I've been training really hard! Me, and my teammates are doing really good!
Summer: Oh, and where are your fellow teammates?
Ruby: Oh, well, my partner's older sister came today so she's spending time with her big sis. Yang's partners mother came by so she's speaking with her.
Raven: Speaking of, where is my little brat?
Ruby: Oh, she's talking with her partners mom, getting gossip so she can tease her with later. They're in the cafeteria.
Raven: Ahh, that's my girl. Now then, I'll go see what my little brat is up to. I'll see you girls later.
Summer: So, besides your teammates have you made any other friends?
Ruby: Oh, yeah I have! I've made friends with a fellow team, Team JNPR! I'm especially close with their team leader! His name is, Jaune Arc!
Summer: Oh, how close are you two? Can I expect him to visit us all at home any time soon?
Ruby: Mom?! I'm not... We're not like that! Besides... his partner already has dibs on him...
Summer: Oh~? Well, maybe you can share him, just like your mom, and Raven.
Ruby: Mom?!
Summer: Ah-hahahaha!
Ruby: Ohhh!
Ruby: Hmmm? Oh there's dad! DADDDDD!
Summer: Whoo?! My, she’s gotten faster! Well, I'm glad to see she's enjoying herself here.
: Hmmm? You look like an older, Ruby. Are you perhaps, Ruby's mother, Summer?
Summer: Hmm? Why yes, I am. My name is Summer Rose who are... you...?
: Hello! I'm a friend of, Ruby's. My name is, Jaune Arc! It's a pleasure to meet you!
Summer: L-Like wise...? White armour... A longsword with a golden guard, and pommel wrapped in blue leather... And, glowing deep cerulean blue eyes...
Jaune: Is something wrong, Mrs. Rose?
Summer: N-N-No! Nothing's wrong, it's just... your armour, and weapon... It looked similar to someone I knew...
Jaune: Oh really? Anyone I'd know?
Summer: Not likely. The person I knew existed long before my daughter, or you were born.
Jaune: Oh, that's a shame. Ahh well, if there's nothing to be done about it, then that's that.
Summer: Did... Did anyone ever tell you that your eyes... That your eyes seem to glow?
Jaune: A few people have actually. I just think I have bright blue eyes that just makes them look shiny.
Summer: Ohh... that makes sense... Hmm? Oh, your bracer, was it broken?
Jaune: Hmm? Oh yeah, it was broken. Well, cracked would be a more appropriate description. My fellow classmate, a brute with a large war hammer crashed down on my bracer during a training bout, cracking it. But, as you can see, I repaired it.
Summer: But, how did you repair it? Normally when you repair armour that's been cracked you reforge it, right?
Jaune: Normally yes. But, my ancestor learned about this technique in, Mantle called, Kintsugi. It's usually used to repair broken pottery, and the like. But, my ancestor figured out a way to use it to repair armour, and weapons. Despite how it looks, it actually makes my gear stronger than it originally was.
Summer: Oh my, that's an interesting technique, I would love to learn it.
Jaune: Sorry, I'm afraid I can't tell you, Mrs. Rose. It is a family secret after all.
Summer: Then perhaps you could marry one of my daughters, and have one of them tell me?
Jaune: I doubt that would work. Ruby is more likely to ask me to marry her for my families chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Summer: Ah-haha~! Now that sounds like my little girl.
Jaune: Yeah, a lot of our bets are, Ruby demanding cookies from me. I'm getting a little tired of baking cookies, but it's not as bad as my teammates pancake obsession, so I'll take what I can get.
Summer: Well, there's always that one teammates with food obsession. My husband has this strange obsession with pickles.
Jaune: Pickles? Never really cared for them myself, but to each their own.
Summer: Yes, that how things...?!
Tai: Qrow?! No picking fights with the, Schnee girl!
Raven: Fuck her up little bro!
Summer: Haa... I best get going, the last thing I want is my teammates being called to the principles office, especially since we've all graduated.
Jaune: That'd certainly be funny as hell though.
Summer: Yeah it would be... Well, I best get going, it was a pleasure talking to you, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: It was my pleasure...
Summer: Okay what are they up...?!
Jaune: Little girl in the white cloak.
Summer: Wait, WHAT?!
Summer: How do you know that... Name...?
Summer: ...
Summer: What...? Where did he...?
Ruby: Mom! Come quick! Uncle Qrow is tearing up the courtyard fighting my teammates big sister! You got to stop him!
Summer: What, but... Where did, Jaune go?!
Ruby: Oh you were talking to, Jaune?
Summer: Yeah, he was just here. But, I turned my back to him, and he was just disappeared...
Ruby: Oh yeah, Jaune does that sometime. Honestly I think it's his semblance, or something.
Summer: D-Do you think I could talk to him again?
Ruby: Yeah, sure! But, why do you want to do that?
Summer: I just... I just wanted to say thank you...
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falleri-salvatore · 10 hours ago
The Stepson Protag
Blake: Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: What's up, Blake?
Blake: Can I ask you something?
Jaune: Sure, what is it?
Blake: You're a stepson, with a stepmom, and an older stepsister, and a younger stepsister?
Jaune: I just call them my mom, and my sisters, but yeah.
Blake: Okay... So... That's your stepmom?
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Jaune: Uhh, Yeah, Summer Rose is my stepmom.
Blake: And, that's your... Older stepsister?
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Jaune: By about a month... But, yeah, Yang's my older sister.
Blake: Okay... And, she's your younger stepsister?
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Jaune: Yes, Ruby is my younger sister…?
Blake: Wow...
Jaune: Uhhh...? Am I... Am I missing something here, Blake?
Blake: Dude! You're living the dream!
Jaune: What dream?
Blake: You're a young teenage boy living with a smoking hot stepmom, and a hot babe of an older sister, and a cute little sister! You living the dream of any hentai protagonist!
Jaune: What the hell are you talking about?!
Blake: I'm talking about...?!
Jaune: I fucking know what you're talking about! I'm just shocked you're saying that!
Blake: But, your mom is...
Jaune: My mother is...!
Summer: Oh gods yes~!
Jaune: Ahh, Mom!
Summer: I told you... Ohh~! I told you, Jaune, call me, Summer~! MmmmHH~!
Jaune: But, Summer, I'm your son, we shouldn't be doing this! So warm!
Summer: Oh, Jaune~! You're the man of the house~! You're doing your duties to the... Ahhh fuck~! The lady of the house~! Mmmm~!
Jaune: Okay... but, at the rate we're going at it... You'll end up...
Summer: That's the idea~! Come on, Jaune~! Ensure... Ohhhh~! Ensure that the Arc-Rose bloodline endures~!
Jaune: O-Okay, Summer... Here I...?! ERGH?!
Summer: OHHHHH~! So warm~!
Jaune: Is a kind, and good woman, who cares deeply for her children! Me, and my stepsisters!
Blake: Oh... But, what about, Ruby?
Jaune: My little sister, Ruby is...!
Ruby: Mmmm~! B-Big bro~!
Jaune: What is it?
Ruby: It's... It's so... so big~!
Jaune: Does it hurt?
Ruby: No... It just feels so good~! Mmmm~!
Jaune: Alright then, I'm going to start moving now.
Ruby: Oh? Oh! Ohhh~! Oh gods~! It's so deep~!
Jaune: Gods, you're so tight, Ruby!
Ruby: OH~! This is just how I always imagined it would happen~!
Jaune: Ahh! Imagine what?
Ruby: How big bro would pop my cherry~!
Jaune: I took your what?
Jaune: Is a kind, sweet caring individual! She may be a crazy little gun nut! But, she's the best little sister I could ask for!
Blake: And, what about, Yang?
Jaune: And, Yang is...!
Jaune: Hey, Yang is the washing machine free, I need to...?
Yang: GRRRR! Ahh?! Come on?!
Jaune: Uhh, Yang?
Yang: Oh, Jaune! Thank gods you're here!
Jaune: Yang, are you.... Are you stuck... In the washing machine...?
Yang: ...
Yang: Yes...
Jaune: How?
Yang: I wasn't sure if I got all of the laundry out, so I leant in to see... and my tits got me wedged in here...
Jaune: Your stupid tits got you stuck in there?
Yang: Hey! My big phat titties are a work of art! There isn't anything stupid about my bouncing melons~!
Jaune: Oh... okay... What did you have to lean inside to look, couldn't you have just spun the ring by hand, and see if anything fell down?
Yang: That would have been the smart thing to do!
Jaune: Oh gods...
Yang: Come on, get me out of here, Jaune!
Jaune: Okay... Give me a...?!
Yang: Wait!
Jaune: What is it?
Yang: I have to say it!
Jaune: Say what?
Yang: Help me stepbro! I'm stuck~!
Jaune: ...
Yang: Sorry, I had to.
Jaune: Haa... I'm going to regret this... I'm going to regret not doing this more, but nonetheless, I'm going to regret this...
Yang: Regret wha…?!
Yang: Ohhhhh~!
Jaune: Did you just…?
Yang: J-J-Jaune...?
Jaune: Y-Yeah...?
Yang: Harder~!
Jaune: Is a horrible jokester who often get's on my nerves. Seriously, I'm sick to death with all the stepbro jokes...
Jaune: However, they are my family! And, while they may not be my family by blood, but they are my family nonetheless, and I love them! And, just because they're my stepsisters, and my stepmom does not mean I am living out every horn hentai protags wet dream!
Blake: Uh hu...
Jaune: ...
Blake: ...
Jaune: Yang told you about the washing...
Blake: Yang told me about the washing machine insistent, yes.
Jaune: Gods dammit, Yang...
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falleri-salvatore · 2 days ago
Demon Sisters
Ren: Dammit!
Jaune: That noble bastard whore!
Ren: He told us to clear up a small cult! Two, three people tops! I've lost count of how many people I've killed!
Jaune: At least fifty three in total!
Ren: You're keeping count?!
Jaune: Yes. Fifty four!
Ren: Why?!
Jaune: Cause I'm going to make that fat noble prick pay a gold coin for every cultist we've killed! And, if he refuses, it'll be one punch per dead cultist!
Ren: We split the punches fifty fifty?
Jaune: Hell yeah we will!
Ren: Awesome! Let's do this!
Ren: Haa haa haa... What... Haa... What's the count?
Jaune: One... Ohh boy... One hundred, and seventy two...
Ren: One hundred, and seventy two gold coins, or one hundred, and seventy two punches... I'm not sure which one I want more!
Jaune: A hundred, and seventy gold coins, two punches if he refuses. Or, two for the hell of it!
Ren: Hell yeah!
Jaune: But, money aside... The hell is with this cult...? When they came running at us most of them were unarmed, little knives at the best, then they grabbed whatever weapons they found along the way.
Ren: I know cultist tend to be... fanatical... But, when they came running at us, I didn't get that fanatical zeal when they were charging towards us. It was more frantic if anything.
Jaune: Their screams... They didn't sound crazy, but... they sounded scared.
Ren: Yeah... They weren't running towards us, more like they were running away from something, and we just happened to be in their way.
Jaune: Hmm... We haven't seen any of the upper echelon, much less the cult leader, just the peons...
Ren: Yeah... Something feels wrong... Very wrong.
Jaune: Agreed. Stay on your guard, we're walking in blind.
Ren: Always.
Ren: Okay, seems to be leading to end of the little cult hideoooooooooout...
Ren: Oh...
Ren: Hey, Jaune, I figured out what the cultists were running from!
Jaune: Let me guess: They preformed a ritual to summon a being of unimaginable power to obtain unimaginable power in turn. However, the being they summoned didn't give them squat, and instead killed them all, and is just standing there gloating over a pile of bloody corpses waiting for a tag of foolish heroes to come by, and fight them?
Ren: Yes. But, the being they summoned was a demon.
Jaune: Typical summoned creature during a cult ritual. Shame though, I was hoping for an eldritch monster personally, I'm tired of dealing with demons.
Ren: Yeah, but uhh... There's... There's two demons instead of one.
Jaune: Peachy.
Ren: But, uhhh...?
Jaune: What's uhhh?
Ren: Well...
Jaune: What's, 'Uhhh?'
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Jaune: Oh... They're, 'Uhhh.'
Ren: Uhhh... Shit...
Jaune: That's one way to say it.
: Oh? What's this? Look sister! A group of adventures are here to kill us~!
: Adventurers? Maybe we'll be able to have some fun dealing with these two than those pathetic little cultist.
Jaune: Uhh... W-We're just here to deal with the cultists.
Ren: And, we're told they're just be two cultists not... What's the final count?
Jaune: Two hundred, and thirteen.
Ren: Two hundred and thirteen cultist, and two demons wasn't in out contract!
Jaune: And, we don't get hazard pay for this either!
Ren: Since when have we ever gotten hazard pay?
Jaune: Exactly! So, we're just going to go.
Ren: See you later!
: Uh uh uh!
Ren: They've blocked the exit...
Jaune: Cue the boss music...
: The cultists didn't sacrificed enough to myself, and my sister for us to remain in the material world for a few more hours. So while we're here we would like some... Entertainment~!
Jaune: Boss music intensifies...
Ren: Alright then! Bring it!
: Ahahah~! Sheath your weapons, we're not interested in any fight. Well, I can't speak for my sister, I'm more interested in something else~!
Ren: She's looking at you.
Jaune: I can tell, Ren.
: Tell me, Sir Knight, what is your name?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc! Paladin of the order of the Summer Maiden!
: A paladin?!
: Of the Summer Maiden~?
Jaune: Now, I've told you my name, what are yours?
: Oh how rude of me, my name is Bleiss, Demon of the Ashen Snow. And this is my sister...
: My name is, Weiss, Demon of the Frozen Snow!
Bleiss: And, I think dear sister, we have found our... Entertainment~!
Weiss: Indeed we did sister~!
Jaune: ...
Ren: ...
Jaune: They're talking about...
Ren: They're talking about you, yes.
Jaune: Alright...
Ren: Okay, ladies! I'm going to leave, I'll leave my friend here with you. Try not to break them, Jaune.
Jaune: Should you be saying that to them about me?
Ren: Jaune, what happened to that, Greater Demon we met?
Jaune: She gave me her card?
Ren: She went away with a lim… She gave you her card?!
Jaune: Yeah, it's a summing card incase I want to...
Ren: Smash?
Jaune: Yeah...
Ren: ...
Ren: Okay, I'm going, I’ll see you later at the bar after I beat up that noble.
Jaune: Okay, see you later, Ren!
Jaune: Okay so... How do you want to do this ladies~?
Weiss: Hold on, you slept with a greater demon?
Bleiss: And she gave you a 'booty call card~?'
Jaune: Uhh... yeah...
Bleiss: Oh my, that's certainly an achievement~!
Weiss: Tell us, what was this greater demons name~?
Jaune: W-Willow the Greater Demon of the Ember Snow.
Bleiss: W-Willow the Greater Demon...?
Weiss: Of the Ember Snow...?
Jaune: Uhh... Yeah, that's the one.
Bleiss: That's our mom...
Jaune: She's you're what...?
Weiss: You fuck our mom...
Jaune: I did what?!
Bleiss: And, you got her card...?
Jaune: Seriously, Willow is your mother?
WB: ...
Jaune: Whoa hey?!
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falleri-salvatore · 3 days ago
"If I take a shit on your skull, you can finally have something close to resembling a functioning brain"
This is litterally how he talks
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falleri-salvatore · 3 days ago
As always, Namine is absolutely gorgeous.
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i love pathtraced lighting
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falleri-salvatore · 4 days ago
Gaze upon the Sky, as Day turns to Night
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falleri-salvatore · 5 days ago
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Dragonslayer commission for Valentine (Happy anniversary <3)
[Commission info][Patreon][Ko-Fi][Twitter]
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falleri-salvatore · 7 days ago
Aura Amp gets more and more absurd the more I rewatch RWBY.
Specifically, this part:
From the Wiki.....
"As revealed during the unique case of Penny Polendina, an android possessing her own soul, Jaune's Semblance also allows him to directly boost the strength of a person's soul. This is seen where he was able to use his Semblance to boost Penny's Aura to strengthen her soul to suppress the virus implanted into her by Arthur Watts."
Aura Amp is a misnomer; Jaune's Semblance doesn't simply boost Aura, it outright amplifies the [Soul].....
......this means it can also, in theory, amplify Silver Eyes, Black Blood (theoretical) and Magic.
Broken....so so broken.
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falleri-salvatore · 11 days ago
Jaune: ... If I licked Yang ... Would she be Spicy?
Ruby: I'm sorry, What?
Jaune: If I, Jaune Arc, Licked you Half-Sister, Yang Xiao Long, would she taste Spicy?
Ruby: ...
Yang: I mean ... *Dropping her shorts* If you wanna find out?
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falleri-salvatore · 11 days ago
Jaune: *smacks lips* Huh, Blake tastes like slightly sour Grapes and Weiss tastes like.....well the taste is actually pretty mellow but also very sweet so I'll go with....Peaches? Yeah, I think Peaches is the right one.
Ruby: *slams her head in a wall out of frustration, hard enough to leave a crack* ..........ow.
Jaune: ... If I licked Yang ... Would she be Spicy?
Ruby: I'm sorry, What?
Jaune: If I, Jaune Arc, Licked you Half-Sister, Yang Xiao Long, would she taste Spicy?
Ruby: ...
Yang: I mean ... *Dropping her shorts* If you wanna find out?
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falleri-salvatore · 11 days ago
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in absolute tears about the pride module at my work
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falleri-salvatore · 11 days ago
tumblr staff finding out their site has crowdsourced a viral song, only to discover it is 100% unusable in any corporate marketing scenario
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falleri-salvatore · 11 days ago
Clusterfuck from start to finish XD
Would You Care To Join Us? 2
Jaune: Nora, I need your… advice.
Nora: Oh?! Fearless Leder needs my help?! This is a glorious day!
Jaune: I’m already starting to regret this…
Nora: So tell me gloriously leader! What can I help you with?
Jaune: How does one… get a girl…? How does one make a girl your girlfriend?
Nora: Why are you asking me that; Couldn’t you ask, Rin, or Pyrrha?
Jaune: Pyrrha’s only been on publicity dates, meant to show off something, or someone. No romance in those at all. And has, Rin ever been on anything close to a date?
Nora: Ahh, good points. But, I’ve never dated before, why are you asking me?
Jaune: Cause it’s you, Nora.
Nora: Ahh! That’s why you’re the leader! Always coming up with the smart plans there!
Jaune: So… any ideas?
Nora: Who’s the girl you’re trying to win over?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ms. Goodwitch…
Nora: Triple G?!
Jaune: Don’t call her that!
Nora: Sorry…
Jaune: Haa… Okay, so can you help me?
Nora: I can!
Jaune: Awesome!
Jaune: How…?
Nora: Hmmm… Oh I know! You should have sex with, Blake in her classroom!
Jaune: …
Jaune: The fuck?!
Nora: I know it’s crazy, but hear me out. So, you sleep with, Blake in, Ms. Goodwitch’s classroom, then she stumbles upon you, and then you ask her to join in! Simple as that!
Jaune: …
Jaune: That’s the craziest plan I ever heard…
Nora: But, it could work~?
Jaune: Even if I agree to this plan, answer me one thing: Why, Blake?
Nora: She’s kinky, she’d totally do it.
Jaune: …
Jaune: She probably would.
Jaune: Haaa… Fine I’ll do it… But, if this back fires, and I wind up in detention, you’re banned from having pancakes for a week.
Nora: You wouldn’t dare!
Jaune: Pray that you don’t find out.
Blake: Oh fuck~?!
Jaune: Honestly, I thought you slap me in the face for even suggesting we do this. But, you’re really getting into this, Blake.
Blake: Oh~! Can you blame me? You have no idea how many boxes this ticks off, and me on~!
Jaune: Really? Care to tell me? Maybe I can check off another item on that list for you~?
Blake: Doing it in a classroom. Ooph~! The possibility of being caught. Doing a human. Actually getting off~!
Jaune: Ouch, how many bad lovers have you had?
Blake: Too many! Oh! We should film this, and send it to them!
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Blake: Those losers would absolutely… Ohhh~! Would absolutely lose it if they saw me actually getting off, to a human no less! Oh gods~! We should have done this sooner~!
Jaune: I-I’m not really sure about…?!
Ruby: Blake, are you here? I want the next volume of… Ninjas in… love…?
Jaune: Uhh… hi, Ruby…?
Ruby: H-Hi…
Jaune: Uhh… Blake, and I are kinda busy right now… you can ask her for that book later.
Ruby: O-Okay… whoa that’s massive…
Jaune: But, in the meantime… w-would you care to join us?
Ruby: Yes!
Blake: A threesome?! Fuck yeah, another item off my checklist!
Nora: Ruby?
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: How did it go?
Jaune: Blake got… kinky so I didn’t really do it a lot with her.
Nora: Makes sense.
Jaune: So, Ruby asked me to join her in the classroom again.
Nora: Oh cool! Treat her nicely!
Jaune: Don’t worry, I will!
Ruby: H-How are you… Ohh~! How are you so good with knots? Mmmm~!
Jaune: Boy scout, easiest badge I ever got
Ruby: I knew it! You’re a total boy scout!
Jaune: And, you’re loving it~!
Ruby: Hell yeah~! Ohhh~!
Jaune: Tell me; You like being tied up, how about being gagged?
Ruby: Oh fuck yeah!
Jaune: Alright then, let’s…?!
Weiss: Ruby, did you take my binder… A-Again…?
Ruby: N-No…
Jaune: Hmmm… That didn’t sound so sincere. Did it, Weiss?
Weiss: N-No it didn’t…
Jaune: Would you care to join us, Weiss? Maybe then we can get her to talk.
Weiss: …?!
Nora: Did, Weiss join in?
Jaune: Yeah… yeah she did…
Nora: Was it bad?
Jaune: Oddly specifically kinky…
Nora: Eh?
Weiss: Grrk! Grrk! Grrk!
Jaune: Oh, are you enjoying yourself, bitch?
Weiss: Mmmph~?!
Jaune: D-Did you just…? Who said you could do that?
Weiss: Mmm-mmrrry!
Jaune: Looks like I’m going to to have to puni…
Yang: Did someone say, ‘Pun?!’
Jaune: Uhhh…?
Weiss: …?!
Jaune: No… no they did not…
Yang: Oh… Uhh…? What’s going on here…?
Jaune: Exploring, Weiss’s kink…
Yang: Kink?
Jaune: Domination…
Yang: Oh… that’s unexpected…
Jaune: Yeah…
Yang: …
Jaune: Are you just going to stand there, or would you care to join us, Yang?
Yang: Oh~?
Nora: Yang? You got the wrong blonde, Fearless Leader.
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: So… Are you going to try again with, Yang?
Jaune: Yeah, she asked me to help her explore her kink.
Nora: What’s her kink?
Jaune: Beats me.
Yang: Ohh~! Big bro! We can’t do this here~!
Jaune: I am so conflicted right now! I have seven sisters, and you look like all of them! And, you want to do this?!
Yang: Because, its so god damn hot~!
Jaune: That’s what makes it worse!
Yang: Forget about it, just focus on me, and the moment, big bro~!
Jaune: Gods… Why is my little sister such a…?!
Emerald: Shit, where did I place that…?! That…?
Jaune: Uhhh… Hi… Emerald…
Emerald: Hi…
Yang: Yo~!
Emerald: Hi… Uhhh… A-Are you two related…?
Jaune: N-No…
Emerald: B-But… L-Lil sis…?
Jaune: It’s… its her kink… So…
Emerald: Oh…
Jaune: So… so are you going to do whatever it is you were going to do, or would you like to join us instead?
Emerald: J-Join…?
Nora: A brother complex?
Jaune: Yeah, I thought only girls with brothers would develop a brother complex like my sisters. But, apparently not.
Nora: Yeah…
Nora: So, Emerald… How was that?
Jaune: Also into the brother complex thing too.
Nora: Okay…
Jaune: She asked for a second run.
Nora: She did?
Jaune: She said she wanted to play something out.
Nora: Oh really? What does she want to play out?
Emerald: I’m sorry!
Jaune: For what?!
Emerald: I’m sorry for stealing!
Jaune: No you’re not! You’re sorry you got caught!
Emerald: OHH~!
Jaune: Oh? You like that? You wanted to get caught didn’t you! So you could be punished you naughty butch!
Emerald: N-N-NooooOoh~?!
Jaune: You do~! Well, guess I’ll have to try harder to punish you, you slu…?!
Cinder: Emerald?! Are you here, we need to… to…?!
Jaune: Uhh…?!
Emerald: C-Cinder?! W-What are you doing here?!
Cinder: I was… I was looking… L-Looking for you…
Emerald: F-For what…?
Cinder: I… I don’t remember… oh gods… its so big…
Jaune: Oh… well would you like to join us maybe we can jog your memory?
Cinder: J-Join…?
Nora: So, Cinder joined in, eh?
Jaune: Yeah, Emerald really enjoyed it when, Cinder joined in on the action.
Nora: Must have a crush on her.
Jaune: I’d bet money on that.
Nora: So, did, Cinder ask you for a spin too~?
Cinder: AhhHhh~!
Jaune: I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?
Cinder: No. It’s just to so~!
Jaune: I’ll go slow… be nice, and gentle, just like you asked.
Cinder: Oh dear~! Hold me!
Jaune: I’m here honey, I’m here… eh?!
Cinder: Huw?
Neo: 🙂
Jaune: H-Hi…?
Neo: 😁👋
Cinder: N-Neo?! What are you doing here?!
Neo: 😍🍆💦
Cinder: You want to join us?
Neo: 🤩
Jaune: Whoa hey?! I didn’t say the line!
Nora: So, Cinder is into softcore?
Jaune: I think she’s more into the feeling of being loved, because she hasn’t ever experienced genuine live in all her life. In the afterglow she delved into to some… heavy stuff… she’s been through a lot…
Nora: Oh… I’m sorry to hear that… so… What does, Neo want?
Jaune: She’s mute, so she didn’t tell me.
Nora: So she’ll show you then?
Jaune: Probably.
Ruby: 🥴
Jaune: Okay… This is unexpected…
Ruby: 🚫❤️❔
Jaune: I didn’t say that. I will say, you certainly are tighter than her!
Ruby: 😏
Jaune: What’s that smile about?
Weiss: 😍
Jaune: Okay, now this is a semblance I would like to play with!
Nora: 🥰
Jaune: Okay, I haven’t done it with her, so this is kinda…??
Nora: Jaune! We ran out of…?!
Jaune: Uhh…?!
Nora: N-Neo…?
Nora: 😘
Nora: You’re fucking me… but, not me…?
Jaune: Uhh… yeah…? I-It was her idea!
Nora: 😇
Nora: I’m a little offended really… I mean, you’re fucking me, but not the real me? Why?
Jaune: Oh… Well, we can fix that… So, would you care to join us?
Nora: …
Nora: Fuck me… Literally~!
Nora: That was awesome!
Jaune: Glad you like it. I thought you would be unnerved with doing yourself… like that…
Nora: Naww it was fucking hot! You should do it again, but this time with, Blake! She’d really get into it!
Jaune: It worries me that she would…
Nora: So, up for another round fearless leader~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Sure.
Nora: Ahhh~Haa~! H-Harder~!
Jaune: Oh? Of course you like it hard, and rough.
Nora: Hell yeah I do! Ohh~! What do you take me for, some pillow… Ahhh~! Pillow princess?!
Jaune: Like hell I would, I just expected you’d like things little… HARDER!
Jaune: That’s more like it~! Scream for me bitch!
Velvet: Yeah, scream for him you slut!
Jaune: AHHH?! What the?! Velvet, what the hell are you doing here?
Velvet: Waiting for my turn.
Jaune: Your turn?!
Velvet: Yeah, you fucked, Blake, then, Ruby showed up, and then you had a threesome with her. Now, I’m here, and I’m waiting for you two to finish so I can have my turn.
Jaune: Well,I’s happily ask if you would care to join is, but how the hell did you know we were doing this?
Velvet: Blake told me.
Jaune: Son’a bitch!
Nora: Blake blabbed?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: Of course she did… I’ll go teach her a lesson. You go tame the rabbit. She’s going to lose it if she doesn’t get her fix.
Jaune: Should I bring a spare change of clothes with me?
Nora: Wouldn’t hurt.
Velvet: Ghack?! J-Jaune?!! Y-You’re… Oh fuck~?! C-Chocking me! Oh~?!
Jaune: That’s because I need to hold you in place you in heat bunny slut!
Velvet: Oh gods~?!
Jaune: Besides, you can deny it all you want, you got tighter the moment I squeezed~!
Velvet: OH-OHHHH~!
Jaune: He… squirter… that’s a first…
Coco: Holy fuck…
Jaune: Coco?!
Velvet: Co-co~? Heyyyy~! Would you care to join us, Coco~? I need help taming the big fella~!
Coco: Join you?
Jaune: Evidently, Velvet was in heat…
Nora: That’s a thing?! I thought that was some racist stereotype?
Jaune: According to, Velvet it only happens to females, and certain types of faunas.
Nora: Bunnies being one of them?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: So did, Coco join you?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: Really? I thought she was gay.
Jaune: Me too. But, she asked for another go so…
Nora: Maybe she’s curious?
Jaune: Maybe. I’ll do it, I just hope what happened with my sister-in-law doesn’t happen again…
Nora: Sister-in-what now?
Coco: Fuck!Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK~!
Jaune: Enjoying yourself?
Coco: Oh gods?! Why the fuck did I use those worthless dildos?! Ahhh~fuck~?!
Jaune: Ahh, crap. Looks like I did it again.
Coco: Did… Ahh! Did what aga-ahhhh~!
Jaune: Make a lesbian question her sexuality.
Coco: You’ve turned a lesbian straight?!
Jaune: Bisexual, but does that really matter?
Coco: You gotta… Oh fuck~?! You gotta tell me how that went down! Cause that sounds so hoOOOOOOT~!
Jaune: Maybe next time, for now lets just enjoy the…?!
Reese: Hey, guys do you know where the cafeteria… is…?
Jaune: Oh, hi Reese… The cafeteria is down here hall to your right.
Reese: Oh cool, thanks… But, uhh… I’m not that hungry anymore… Maybe you can help me gain a appetite~?
Jaune: Oh? In that case, would you care to join us?
Reese: Mmmm~! Please take care of me~!
Coco: Oh he will~! He will~!
Nora: Reese? That punk, scatter girl?
Jaune: Yep, that’s her.
Nora: So, did you help her get an appetite?
Jaune: She’s still hungry, so…?
Nora: So~?
Reese: I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m…?! Ohh~?! I’m sorry sir!
Jaune: Sorry for what?! That you were cheating, or that you were caught?!
Reese: Ohhh~?!
Jaune: There… I believe you have learned your lesson, Ms. Chloris.
Reese: W-What was the lesson, Professor Arc~?
Jaune: …
Reese: OHhhh~!
Jaune: Kids these days… they never learn…?!
Arslan: Reese! Where are you? We got some… training… to do…
Jaune: Oh… Hello, Ms. Altan. Ms. Chloris is currently in the midst of some supplementary lessons. Perhaps you could come by later. Unless, you would care to join us for some extra credit?
Reese: Extra credit~! Hehehehe…
Arslan: Your name is, Jaune Arc right? You’re Pyrrha Nioks team leader, and partner.
Jaune: That’s right I am.
Arslan: Interesting~!
Nora: What was interesting?
Jaune: I don’t know, and I’m scared to find out…
Nora: You sure, cause your friend says otherwise?
Jaune: I said I was scared, not that I don’t find this hot!
Arslan: Fuck you, Nikos!
Jaune: Oh, so is sleeping with me your way of one upping, Pyrrha?
Arslan: At first… Ohh~! But, this cock is something a girl can’t deny she wants~!
Jaune: Really? Then how would you feel if I said I haven’t slept with, Pyrrha?
Arslan: Seriously?!
Jaune: OH FUCK?! You just got so much tighter?!
Arslan: Ha! Take that bitch! I got your man first! And, I’m going to make him mine~!
Pyrrha: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Jaune: Huw?! P-Pyrrha?!
Arslan: Hey bitch~! Guess who just stole your man from you!
Pyrrha: Bitch please… Let me show you how a real woman pleases a man~!
Jaune: P-Please be gentle…?
Jaune: Oh gods… My body hurts all over…
Nora: Didn’t your aura protect you? It did when we went at it.
Jaune: They broke my aura! I’m just one man, do you expect me to handle a pair of Amazonian’s all on my own?!
Nora: Oh shit really? Why did they go so hard on you?
Jaune: Evidently the pair have some history back in, Mistrial. The number one, and two always competing for top place. I just so happened to be the ‘top place’ at the moment…
Nora: The top place being your dick right~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I wasn’t going to say it, but yeah… it was the, ‘top place’ this time…
Nora: So, who won?
Jaune: Actually they both asked for a rematch…
Nora: They, what?
Pyrrha: Oh fuuuuuck~!
Jaune: Oh gods!
Pyrrha: How does it feel, Jaune~! I’m better than that cheap slut~!
Arslan: Oh you whore! Come here you bitch!
Pyrrha: Hey?! Hands of my man you cunt!
Arslan: Bring it whore!
Pyrrha: Oh~! You bitch~!
Arslan: Mmmmph~! Make be whore~!
Pyrrha: Mmmm~! You slut~!
Arslan: Ahhh~!
Jaune: Uhh…?
Arslan: Ohh fucck~! Right there~! Use your tongue right there you slut~!
Pyrrha: Mmmmmm~!
Arslan: I’m cumming~! AHHHHHooooh fuuuuuck~!
Pyrrha: Ha, beat that bitch~!
Arslan: With pleasure~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Should I just go? Because it seems that, I’ve become the third wheel here so…?
PA: Come here you!
Jaune: Whaaa?!
Nora: So, do you think they worked out their relationship?
Jaune: I think so? The pair may not be competing on who the better fighter is anymore, but they’re still competing with one another.
Nora: The sexual tension between the pair is rather intense. I guess you just pushed the pair over the edge.
Jaune: Define edge?
Nora: Ehhh~! Nice!
Jaune: Thank you, I’m here all week~!
Neon: Oh, there you are, Jaune~!
Jaune: Ahh?! Neon, what are you doing here?
Neon: I was told that you are considered, ‘safe.’ I’m curious how, ‘safe’ you really are, if you catch my drift.
Jaune: Drift? No, no I don’t.
Neon: I’ll see you again at your… usual hunting ground. Till later~!
Jaune: Uhh… Okay?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Did you find it weird that someone wanted to do it with me without first catching me, and another person in the act?
Nora: Yeah, that was pretty weird.
Jaune: Yeah, weird. So, any idea who snitched on us?
Nora: Blake, or Velvet, possibly both of them.
Jaune: Damn their loose lips… Nora!
Nora: Yes, Fearless Leader!
Jaune: Teach those two a lesson! I will deal with the stray cat!
Nora: At once, Fearless Leader!
Neon: Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never miss a beeeeeeAaat!
Jaune: How was that, Neo? Dis a miss a beat?
Neon: You his every beat right know yhe mark handsome~!
Jaune: Good, now then, let’s try things at a different… eh? May?
May: Uhh… H-Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Oh hey, May. Need something, or would you care to join us?
Neon: Yeah! Join us~! You won’t regret it~!
May: Uhhh… M-Maybe… But, I have a word with you later, Jaune? I want to have a word with you.
Jaune: Uhh… sure. But, what did you want to talk about?
Nora: So, how was, Neon?
Jaune: I like it when a girl does her hair in pigtails.
Nora: Why?
Jaune: Handle bars.
Nora: Nice~! So, what does, May want to talk to you about?
Jaune: Beats me, probably wants to thank me for protecting her from that grenade you almost hit her with.
Nora: Yeah… she wants to, ‘thank you~!’
Jaune: Oh gods… They’re so soft~!
May: (Slurrr-Pop~!) And, you’re so hard, and big~!
Jaune: You’re one to talk? I thought you were a B-Cup, what are those, H-Cup? How the hell did you manage to hide those?
May: Lots of binding… (Slurp~!) Otherwise they get in the way… But, now they’re right where I want them~!
Jaune: I’ll admit, I’ve always wanted to a girl with a big chest to do this to me. Done side if be a hormonal teenager with seven sisters as big as you.
May: Mmmm~! Day ar?
Jaune: Mmmm~! Much bigger… I’ll show you a place later where you can get some proper restraining bras. Those binding’s will hurt your chest in the long wrong.
May: (Pop~!) Really?! Oh, thanks, Jaune! That means a lot!
Jaune: My pleasure.
May: But, in the meantime, your ‘little’ friend here owes me a make over~!
Jaune: Then get back to work, There’s a lot more I want to do with you than just give you a makeover~!
May: I’m looking forward to it the…?!
Penny: Amazing! Are most male reproduction organs so big?!
Jaune: Penny?! W-What are you doing here?
Penny: Friend Ruby recounted the tale of your sexual escapades, I was interested the validity of her words , so I described to authentic her tale for myself.
Jaune: So…? Would you care to join us then?
Penny: Sensational!
Nora: Ruby blabbed?
Jaune: Yep…
Nora: Shall I take care of her.
Jaune: You may.
Nora: So how was, Penny?
Jaune: She just watched us, she wanted to know what to expect before she did anything.
Nora: So you’re gonna pop her cherry then~?
Jaune: Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.
Nora: With that bitchbreaker? Yeah right!
Penny: S-S-Sen… Sensa-sa-sation-a-aalllll~!
Jaune: Penny?! P-Penny are you okay…?
Ciel: I think you short circuited her… And, it only took you: Twelve minutes, and thirty seven seconds.
Jaune: Uhh… Is she okay? I saw literal sparks fly off of her.
Ciel: She is in the midst of a reboot. She will be fine in ten to fifteen minutes.
Jaune: Are you sure?
Ciel: I am. Now, you have not ejaculated yet despite, Penny’s best efforts. So I shall offer you a fellatio to bring you to ejaculation. This should take no more than five minutes.
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Jaune: It did in fact take no longer than five minutes…
Nora: You sound disappointed by that.
Jaune: I couldn’t really enjoy it. Sure she went after me like a vacuum, but I couldn’t enjoy it. Besides, it feels weird to time how long you can bring someone to come.
Nora: That makes sense. It’s not a contest to see who can eat the most pancakes the fastest.
Jaune: According to, Penny, Ciel is very punctual. Basically everything she does is done to a schedule, and I mean everything, down to the last second is marked on one of her schedules.
Nora: Yikes, major control freak right there. Hmm… You two having another scheduled interaction together?
Jaune: Yeah, why?
Nora: It would be a shame if things didn’t go to schedule, if you catch my drift~!
Jaune: Oh really~?
Ciel: OH FUCK~?!!
Jaune: What was that~? Barely even a few minutes? Doesn’t it take you five minutes to have a orgasm?
Ciel: Y-Y-You…?! Oh fuck?! You disrupting mu p-p-pla-Ahhhh~!
Jaune: And, you’re absolutely loving it~!
Ciel: N-No! I’m not! I-I… Ohhh~! I hate…?! Oh gods~!
Jaune: You love it~!
Ciel: Oh~!
Jaune: Admit it, Ciel. You love it when I disrupt your precious little timetable~!
Ciel: I don’t! I-I-Ahhh~! i ha… Ha… I LOVE IT~! I fucking love it! I love not know when I’ll cum, when you’ll come! Oh gods~! This feels amazing~!
Jaune: Good girl~! You deserve a reward… I know, how about another one of these!
Ciel: Oh gods~?! It’s so warm! S-S-So warm~!
Jaune: Good girl~! Let’s spend… two minutes for you to catch your breath before we… Rin?!
Rin: H-Hey, Jaune… You looking… big…
Jaune: Oh uhh… Thanks. So… Ciel seems a bit out of it… Would you care to join us? Give, Ciel a chance to get her legs back?
Rin: J-Join you…?
Rin: …
Rin: Later.
Jaune: Later?
Rin: Yeah, later… I meed to prepare myself… mentally… and physically…
Jaune: Oh, okay. Let me know when you’re ready to do it.
Rin: Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait too long. Till then, Jaune~!
Jaune: Till then…?
Jaune: I’m… worried…
Nora: About, Rin?
Jaune: Yeah… the way she stared at me… there was something in her eyes that seemed… wanting, lusting, and… and, unhinged…
Nora: Hmmm… Yeah, I asked her about the two of you going at it. The way she rubbed her thighs, and bit her lip… There was something… there was something in her eyes that unnerves me…
Jaune: We won’t know until we do it… But, until then keep an eye on, Rin. Something’s fishy, and I want to know what’s going on.
Nora: Will do, Fearless Leader!
Jaune: Let’s hope nothing bad happens…
Rin: That’s it you magnificent stud!
Jaune: Whoa, Rin?! What’s gotten into you?!
Rin: Come on! Come on! Comeonecomeonconeobcomeone!
Jaune: Ahh, Rin?! What the hells gotten into you?!
Rin: Come inside! Come inside, and knock me up!
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Rin: Get me pregnant! Give me your babies! Make me a mommmMMMMMY~!!!
Jaune: Ahh fuck… Are you try to…?! What the fuck, Rin?!
Rin: Ahh~! I’m gonna be a mother~! Ahhhhhhh…
Jaune: Rin? Oi, Rin, what the hell was that?!
Glynda: A violation of several school codes, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Ahhh?! M-M-Ms. Goodwitch… H-Hi…?
Glynda: I see you are having… fun…
Jaune: Yeah… fun…
Glynda: Fun…
Jaune: Uhhh…
Glynda: Clean up your teammate, Mr. Arc, then clean the spot where you… Where you had your fun…
Jaune: I’ll get right on that, Ms. Goodwitch!
Glynda: Good… I will see you tomorrow at detention, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Detention? That seems… appropriate…
Jaune: So… Rin wants me to impregnate her…
Nora: Yeah… that’s… yeah…
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: I made her take some, ‘morning after’ pills.
Jaune: Oh? Oh that’s good! That’s good…
Nora: Something wrong?
Jaune: I’m just confused on all of… that!
Nora: Are you against having a kid… a kid with, Rin…?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I’m not against it… It’s just… I never expected that, Rin wants such a thing… from me no less… But… I don’t know… We’ll need to talk with, Rin about this later… I just… I need more time to process all of this…
Nora: Okay… I’ll let, Pyrrha know what happened so we can all talk about this.
Jaune: Good idea. It’s best if she also keeps an eye on, Rin as well. Haa… Okay, I have to get going… detention, Ms. Goodwitch…
Nora: Good luck, Jaune.
Jaune: I’ll need it…
Glynda: So… Let me get this straight… In an attempt to whoo me, you had sexual intercourse in my classroom, hoping that I would catch you in the midst of the act where you would ask me: “Would you care to join us?” Is that correct, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Y-Yes…
Glynda: Good. Let’s continue; You started this little plot with, Ms. Belladonna, where instead of me catching you in the act, you were caught by, Ms. Rose, then you tried it again with, Ms. Rose. Then you tried it again with, Ms. Schnee. And, again with, Ms. Xiao Long. And then with, Ms. Sustari. And, then with, Ms. Fall. And, then with her teammate, Ms. Politan. And, then with your teammate, Ms. Valkyrie. And, then with, Ms. Scarlatina. And, then with her partner, Ms. Adel. And, then with, Ms. Chloris. And, then it was, Ms. Arslan, which involved, Ms. Nikos in a competition of some sorts. Then, Ms. Katt asked you to join your… harem. And, then Miss Zedong ask to join you. And, then it was, Ms. Polendina, who was with, Ms. Soleil, and lastly it was your teammate, Lie Rin before I, Glynda Goodwitch finally caught you in the act…
Jaune: Y-Y-Yeah… That’s p-pretty much it…
Glynda: And, tell me, Mr. Arc… Why… Why didn’t you just ask me out on a date, instead of this convoluted plan where you started a harem after sleeping with seventeen different woman? If you just asked me out back then, I would be enjoying your massive cock between my breasts long ago!
Jaune: I-I’m sorry! I thought you would say no!
Glynda: Mr… No… Jaune… You promised to marry me when you were six… I waited twelve years for you to make your move, and instead of making your move on me, you slept with secenteen other woman! What the hell, Jaune!
Jaune: Uhh… E-Eighteen woman actually…
Glynda: Eighteen?! You’ve slept with eighteen woman before me?! That it! You may have slept with sixteen woman before me, but I’ll be the first to have your child!
Jaune: Y-Yeah… about that…
Glynda: What!! You’re already a father?! Who the hell did you…?! Adrian… You’re, Adrian’s father, aren’t you?!
Jaune: Surprise…?
Glynda: You slept with your sister’s wife to conceive a child?!
Jaune: It was consensual! They wanted an, Arc, so I gave them an, Arc baby!
Glynda: And, Saphron just sat there, and watched as you knocked up her wife, Terra?!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Nineteen…
Glynda: Motherfucker?!
Jaune: Technically true…
Glynda: That’s it! I don’t care about your harem, or the fact I’m number twenty! But, I’ll be damned if someone else has your child before me! I’m number two! Rin can become number three after me! So get ready, Jaune, you’re going to become a father again~!
Jaune: H-Help…?
Ozlyn: Ara-Ara~! Do you really think that I will allow that to happen, Glynda?
Jaune: Headmistress Ozlyn?!
Glynda: Ozlyn?! What are you doing here?
Ozlyn: Me? Why I was planning to get the number two spot, but I don’t mind being number three~!
Glynda: The number two spot is mine bitch!
Ozlyn: We’ll see honey~! But, before we begin, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Yes…?
Ozlyn: Please say, ‘The Lline.’
Jaune: The line…?
Ozlyn: Yes, ‘The Line~!’
Jaune: Uhhh… H-Hello, Headmistress Ozlyn… would you care to join us…?
Ozlyn: Fufufu~! With extreme pleasure~!
Nora: Glynda Goodwitch, and Headmistress Ozlyn?!
Jaune: Yeah… both of them…
Nora: Whoa… How was it?
Jaune: Starved, to say the least…
Nora: Oh gods… So… Now what…? You started a harem with twentyone different woman, and all of us are ready, and waiting for a second run! So, what are you going to do, Fearless Leader?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Pancakes…
Nora: Pancakes?
Jaune: Yeah, pancakes. I’m hungry.
Nora: Whoo! Pancakes! Can we have sex afterwards?
Jaune: Sure.
Nora: Fuck yeah!
Jaune: No syrup in the bedroom though.
Nora: Dammit!
Haaa… Days of work… And it’s finally over!
Doing the bloody colour coding took forever…
Do enjoy~!
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falleri-salvatore · 12 days ago
I wish they had the balls to just come out and say it.... "We hate Lancaster because it's a Het ship" Like, dude, I'm all for inclusivity; but discrimination against heterosexual relationships is still bigotry. You don't right a wrong (homophobia) with another wrong (heterophobia). You don't have to like them; everyone is entitled to their preference. The problem is the overzealous hostility the FNDM often has against anyone shipping Het ships; calling them "homophobic". Disagreement does not equal a personal attack. I'm going to keep repeating this mantra until it finally fucking sinks in. "Shipping is a hobby. Not a religion"
FNDM: Lancaster is bad because Jaune is older than Ruby!
FNDM: So we're going to ship her with Weiss, who is EXACTLY as old as Jaune, but they're girls and also best friends so it's different.
FNDM: OR we're going to ship her with Oscar because he's actually younger than her, even though there's a soul and consciousness inside him that's older than the ENTIRE MAIN CAST COMBINED, but it's different because it's magic and we choose to ignore it.
FNDM: But Lancaster is still bad because Jaune is older than Ruby.
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falleri-salvatore · 12 days ago
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Napping together ❤️
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