#we stand with refugees
georgeter88 · 3 months
Human rights are for everyone.
We protect the human rights of refugees.
We provide legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Greece.
Looking for an experienced lawyer in Migration Law to handle your cases..?
Get in touch with us on 00306977424779 to talk about your cases...
...or have a look at our site
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good-old-gossip · 3 months
Israeli Terrorism in Jenin!!!
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Israel launched a deadly raid in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Friday morning, which is still ongoing.
Here is what we know:
• At least five Palestinians have been killed in the attacks so far, according to the Palestinian health ministry
• Israeli special forces infiltrated the city and surrounded a house, calling on people inside to hand themselves over. Israeli forces later bombed the house with shoulder-fired missiles, causing a fire
• Clashes with Palestinian fighters erupted outside the house, and they are still ongoing
• Elsewhere, an Israeli drone strike bombed a house in the city
• According to local media, the director of a hospital in Jenin said Israeli forces were surrounding it
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
Today's breaking news:
Two injuries have been reported after an IOF sniper shot a man and his son on the roof of the Makhlouf building in the Al-Zahraa neighborhood in Jenin
Seven martyrs have ascended due to the ongoing IOF invasion of Jenin
A Palestinian's car was completely burned after being targeted by occupation gunfire in the city of Jenin.
Zionist forces attacked a medical crew in Jabal Sbeih in Nablus
The IOF targeted Yohmor Al-Shaqif and the outskirts of Kfar Tebnit in the southern Lebanese depth with heavy mortar shells and phosphorus shells.
3 martyrs ascended, and several others are wounded, as a result of IOF bombing on eastern Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.
Journalists Saadi Madoukh and Ahmed Sukkar ascended to martyrdom as a result of the IOF's bombing of the Madoukh family home in the Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City, northern Gaza Strip.
Two children were martyred in a bombing in Gaza City, northern Gaza Strip.
20-year-old Ashraf Hani Mohammed Abdullah, has ascended to martyrdom after succumbing to injuries sustained by IOF bullets during the IOF invasion of Nour Shams camp, Tulkarem, about a week ago.
A strike by an IOF warplane and drone bombed the outskirts of Bint Jbeil in southern Lebanon.
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goodhairbadmanners · 27 days
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(Posted by Nia Lewis on Pinterest.)
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soltalks · 5 months
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danlous · 1 year
Seems like Prigozhin is genuinely trying to stage a coup and a civil war is about break out between the Russian army and Wagner Group. I don't think this coup will succeed but it's going to take Russia's resources away from attacking Ukraine which is great, and i think this is probably the beginning of greater instability in Russia. I was just talking about this with my stepdad, he's an asshole but really understands the workings of military and politics, and he thinks this will eventually lead to the dissolution of the Russia Federation and probably sooner rather than later. It's what i've anticipated even before they invaded Ukraine and think it's probably the best outcome, but it's scary too especially with many different power hungry factions fighting and some of them having access to nuclear codes
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transgaysex · 1 year
laying down feels fucking sexual after moving heavy shit around for 5 hours in a row
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varyathevillain · 2 years
it's all "be gay do crimes" when you're discussing not contributing to the government's funds, finding ways to exist as a queer person in a neo-fascistic country, ripping off oligarchs, but the moment I speak up about an organised uprising against all these things, it's "but think about all the innocent people who might get hurt" and "people like you are the reason our community is thought of as violent and undeserving to exist" :|
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vydumaj · 2 years
I think I personally could get rid of ulf kristersson just by walking up to him in completely flat shoes and standing straight in front of him and staring down at him . he’d be crying in just a few short minutes if not less
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sayruq · 4 months
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Close to four months since the conflict between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas began on Oct. 7, 2023, participants in the demonstration in Hiroshima's Naka Ward called to "free Palestine." More than 50 people, including members of a citizens' group that stands daily in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome demanding an end to bloodshed and attacks, walked down Hondori street shouting "Stop the massacre" and "Ceasefire now" among other slogans. They then held a rally in front of the A-bomb Dome.
A farmer in his 30s from the Hiroshima Prefecture city of Shobara commented, "No matter how hard a day I have (here in Japan), it would probably seem like paradise to the people of Gaza. We must take action beyond calling for a cease-fire, to bring the occupation to an end." A woman from Algeria, which was under French colonial rule for 132 years from 1830, said she came to the event because she felt that Palestine was suffering the same fate as her country. Participants also voiced anger and questions about the Japanese government's decision to suspend funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the Hiroshima City Council's lack of resolutions regarding a cease-fire and other issues.
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ahmed0khalil · 25 days
Hello, among the hundreds of tragic stories, I am sharing my painful story.
My name is Ahmed Khalil, I am 6 years old. I was at the beginning of my education, trying to learn, participate, and play with other children. My family consists of 8 members, including my mother and father. My father has diabetes, my brother Fathi is blind, my other brother Abdullah has autism, and my brother Mohammed was injured in his leg by shrapnel from rockets.
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On October 7, 2023, the war began and has not stopped since. The airstrikes and Israeli shelling caused fear for me and my family. We could not endure the massive explosions that felt like recurring earthquakes and the red flames sweeping through the area. We were forced to flee to southern Gaza based on orders from the Israeli forces, leaving our beautiful apartments behind. We went to a UN refugee school in Deir al-Balah to escape the terror and death.
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We stumbled into a different life full of suffering from every side, living through the most painful hell of war. I developed malnutrition due to contaminated water, poor hygiene, and the spread of infectious diseases with no suitable medicine available.
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The situation is catastrophic and unbearable. “There is only death left in Gaza. Even death has become a privilege because it provides a sense of relief.” My older brother Mohammed and I begged our father to leave Gaza, but it was extremely difficult due to the high costs. My father lost all his property during the war, including his electronics repair center and apartment, which were completely destroyed, so he has nothing to help us travel out of Gaza. There is no safe place in the Gaza Strip.
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I pray every moment for the end of this war and a ceasefire. The ceasefire is not just a call; it is a desperate cry to end the helplessness and despair spreading to every corner after more than 11 months of war. We flee from death every day, only to wake up the next morning to try to escape it again. My heart is heavy, unable to bear the recurring nightmares, and the overwhelming flood of news about blood, displacement, loss, and despair pouring from Gaza.
Every minute feels like a struggle. No one should have to endure this injustice, segregation, and discrimination. The ongoing shelling in southern Gaza and the intense bombardment of residential buildings in Deir al-Balah make everyone feel unsafe, believing they might be the next to face tragedy. Communications are cut off. We are exhausted and cannot bear more tragedies and losses. We are currently living in a classroom of the UN center, which is crowded with people, including my relatives and cousins. My poor father sees our pale faces and weak bodies and stands helpless due to the lack of money and resources.
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I am still six years old, and I never thought I would witness such a brutal attack with complete disregard for human values. I am deprived of my basic rights, including health and education. I need to rebuild my life with my family abroad and receive better healthcare. Traveling to Egypt would cost at least $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child, which is an enormous amount given the harsh living conditions and the blockade that has lasted for 17 years.
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Therefore, I ask you to donate so that we can evacuate Gaza to safety. Please continue supporting our campaign by donating if you can and sharing it with your friends and family. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us get closer to our next goal and brings us nearer to securing a safer future for my family.
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georgeter88 · 2 months
We provide legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Greece.
Are you in trouble by Migration Law cases..?
Call us on 00306977424779 or ✉️ us at [email protected]
We have great experience - expertise in Migration Law
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scottishcommune · 4 months
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Below the cut is a template email to send to Edinburgh Pride regarding sponsorship from Aegon, who have investments linked to the genocide in Palestine. Please feel free to use this text or edit it and make it your own and send it to [email protected]
Dear Edinburgh Pride,
As a queer person living in Edinburgh, I was deeply saddened to learn that the march partner for Edinburgh Pride 2024 is Aegon.
In December 2023 the ‘Don’t Buy Into Occupation Coalition’ published a report that showed Aegon have US$564million invested via shares and bonds in companies operating in illegal settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territories. Source: https://dontbuyintooccupation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023_DBIO-III-Report_11-December-2023.pdf
We are watching a live-streamed genocide every day - over 36,000 people in Palestine have been murdered by Israeli forces, including at least 15,000 children. The brutality of these atrocities are unthinkable, with evidence of torture and targeting of hospitals, ambulances and refugee camps.
We all have a responsibility to do what we can to end this genocide. As queer people, we are part of a rich history of resisting oppression and dehumanisation - of both ourselves and those we stand in solidarity with. Pride started as a protest against homophobia, transphobia and police violence. It is an important moment to come together as a community to celebrate queer joy and resilience.
But how can we celebrate using profits stained with the blood of our siblings in Palestine?
Aegon has $564million invested in companies that have been listed by the UN as “raising human rights concerns” for their operations in illegal settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territories, In 1948, 750,000 Palestinian people were displaced from their homes and lands and since then, Israeli settlements have been used to spread this process of colonisation.
In addition to this figure, Aegon also has major investments in Eaton Corp Plc., who supply parts for helicopters and fighter jets to the Israeli military and have recently been the target of major protests at their factory in Dorset. They also invest in Amazon, who support the Israeli military with surveillance technology used against Palestians.
Israel has long used ‘pinkwashing’ as a tactic to justify the brutal repression of Palestinians, using queer people to legitimise this horrific violence. We refuse to allow this to be done in our name.
The tide is turning on companies like Aegon that profit from investments in the companies complicit in genocide. Recently, both Hay and Edinburgh Book Festival have dropped Baillie Gifford as a sponsor after over 800 authors called on them to divest from companies involved in Israel and the fossil fuel industry.
I ask that Edinburgh Pride:
Calls on Aegon to commit to divest from companies involved in supplying technology to Israel and operating in illegal settlements.
Drop Aegon as a sponsor until they are able to show evidence of divestment.
Publicly call for a ceasefire and a free Palestine.
There is no pride in genocide.
I look forward to hearing your response.
Investments in companies operating in illegal settlements https://dontbuyintooccupation.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023_DBIO-III-Report_11-December-2023.pdf
Investments in Eaton https://extranet.secure.aegon.co.uk/static/sxhub/pdf/client-pen-distribution.pdf
Investments in Amazon https://www.aegon.co.uk/content/dam/auk/assets/publication/fund-factsheet/standard_bkj9zs0.pdf
Israel’s pinkwashing: https://bdsmovement.net/pinkwashing
War on Gaza statistics: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker
Edinburgh book festival ends Baillie Gifford sponsorship: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cm553zrr3e4o
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crispycreambacon · 7 months
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Cut Through The Noise
Even as the strike ends, the Palestinian genocide has not.
Now more than ever, there are so many conflicting voices. People with their own self-serving, hateful motivations speak over us, and sometimes our own voices can turn against us. We may feel like our voice isn't enough or we aren't doing enough.
This is why it's so important to learn to shut down that noise. No matter how much people scream that what we're doing is useless or a waste of time, keep talking. Keep talking about Palestine. Keep talking about Palestine for as long as this goes on, both online and in real life. If Israel won't end their genocide, we won't end our protest.
Below is a list of what you can do and the poem transcript.
Check and spread this post which contains a comprehensive list on how to help Palestine.
Learn about the history of Palestine and how the displacement and eventual genocide of Palestinians started in 1948.
Learn more about Palestine, the myths surrounding it and the arguments debunking it.
Boycott companies who are either directly or indirectly supporting and finding Palestine's genocide.
Click a button to raise funds for UNRWA – an organisation aiding Palestinian refugees.
Attend a protest.
Help Gazans stay connected by purchasing eSims for them.
Donate to the following organizations – any amount, no matter how small, goes a long way:
Care for Gaza
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Islamic Relief
Here's another post detailing more charities you can donate to
And most importantly of all: Don't Stop Talking About Palestine! However you interpret it as – creating art, talking to the people in your life, emailing and calling your representatives, even reblogging and making posts – make your voice loud and clear!
— Poem Transcript —
There's a lot of noise right now
Screams dehumanizing poor souls
Groans from those in willful ignorance
People digging deeper and deeper holes
And it's overwhelming, it really is
I do not blame you
Sometimes you feel that your voice is too small
I feel that way too
But despite that, I urge you to keep going
And demand for what's right
Even it sounds like a whimper
You're still joining in the fight
And soon the rest of us will join
We can stand together here
We can cut through the white noise
And make our message clear
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opencommunion · 1 month
“The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; and I am beginning to suspect that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality.”
― James Baldwin
the way colonizers unchild Palestinian kids is so heartless and disturbing. colonialism crushes children's dreams ON PURPOSE to try to destroy indigenous people's futures.
Wafaa's nephew Ahmed is 17. Because of this genocide, he went from playing soccer on his high school team, to playing with the other kids in his refugee camp in the rare moments between his odd jobs to support his family during famine, and volunteering as an aid worker to help other families. Ahmed lost many of his teammates, including his best friend Mahmoud, who he saw martyred.
Ahmed's cousin Yazid is 18. He planned to marry his high school sweetheart after their first year of college, but the genocide stopped their education. Yazid's fiancee's father was martyred and Yazid is now working to support both his family and hers. He also volunteers alongside Ahmed, risking their lives as the genocidal IOF targets aid workers -- Ahmed has even been injured by drones targeting him.
I'm not saying all this to make them look like superheros (although they are both wonderful people). I just want you all to see how totally the genocide has shattered their childhoods, and how much they have to struggle to resist that violence and hold the pieces together, and how the free world has failed to care for them.
fortunately there is a way we can help them.
Wafaa @wafans-blog is currently raising money to evacuate Ahmed and Yazid. This is time sensitive -- she needs to pay the registration fees to Hala Company within the next 2 days, by August 11th.
The full amount needed to evacuate Wafaa's entire family is $80,000; to cover the upcoming fees we need to get to $40,000 by the 11th. We're nearly there but donations are slowing.
Please reblog, and most importantly, donate any amount you can spare. Those $5s add up if enough people help. So much of the world is so hostile to Palestinian boys, please stand up for Yazid and Ahmed and help them escape. Don't let them get separated from their family, don't leave them behind.
August 9th: $35,914 / $40,000
plain text and tags under the cut
“The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; and I am beginning to suspect that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality.”
― James Baldwin
the way colonizers unchild Palestinian kids is so heartless and disturbing. colonialism crushes children's dreams on purpose to try to destroy indigenous people's futures.
Wafaa's nephew Ahmed is 17. Because of this genocide, he went from playing soccer on his high school team, to playing with the other kids in his refugee camp in the rare moments between his odd jobs to support his family during famine, and volunteering as an aid worker to help other families. Ahmed lost many of his teammates, including his best friend Mahmoud, who he saw martyred.
Ahmed's cousin Yazid is 18. He planned to marry his high school sweetheart after their first year of college, but the genocide stopped their education. Yazid's fiancee's father was martyred and Yazid is now working to support both his family and hers. He also volunteers alongside Ahmed, risking their lives as the genocidal IOF targets aid workers -- Ahmed has even been injured by drones targeting him.
I'm not saying all this to make them look like superheroes (although they are both wonderful people). I just want you all to see how totally the genocide has shattered their childhoods, and how much they have to struggle to resist that violence and hold the pieces together, and how the free world has failed to care for them.
fortunately there is a way we can help them.
Wafaa @/wafans-blog is currently raising money to evacuate Ahmed and Yazid. This is time sensitive -- she needs to pay the registration fees to Hala Company within the next 2 days, by August 11th.
The full amount needed to evacuate Wafaa's entire family is $80,000; to cover the upcoming fees we need to get to $40,000 by the 11th. We're nearly there but donations are slowing.
Please reblog, and most importantly, donate any amount you can spare. Those $5s add up if enough people help. So much of the world is so hostile to Palestinian boys, please stand up for Yazid and Ahmed and help them escape. Don't let them get separated from their family, don't leave them behind.
August 9th: $35,914 / $40,000
/ end PT
lmk if you don't want to be tagged next time! ty!
@feluka @tortiefrancis @timetravellingkitty @flouryhedgehog @jinnazah
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@lacecap @littlestpersimmon @socalgal @ghelgheli @northgazaupdates2 @vakarians-babe
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I hate seeing Chinese immigrants be bigots against other immigrants.
They talk about Arabic, South Asian, African etc people as if they re not our siblings. As if we have not had the same struggles, as if they do not already have it hard enough from White racists. They talk this way because they see themselves as Chinese first, and migrant second, and that means they see themselves the way they were raised - a privileged group who was taught that differences in ethnicity and nationality precludes any similarities whatsoever. They have no empathy for these Other people because they are not One Of Them.
And don't get me wrong, that in and of itself is terrible. But it's also personal. I never quite had the luxury of being a Chinese person raised in China. I left very early on, and the Western world saw me as an outsider. Whenever I went back to China, the people there made it abundantly clear that I am not one of them either. So I identify as immigrant first, Chinese second, because I have much more in common with some hypothetical Algerian girl living in France than I do with the rest of my own people.
So whenever I see my people talking about "those immigrants" I feel that they are talking about me. And it hurts to see that one community you want to belong hates the rest of the community that they themselves belong to. When will they learn that we are not somehow "better" than all the other immigrants to whom we are nothing alike and have everything in common with? When will we learn that we can only be strong and fight the systems of oppression if we stand together?
When will Chinese migrants learn that we don't get to act like the majority anymore?
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