#we love a fast burn 😌
nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody loves you, you got a friend (part 4)
Part 1, part 2, part 3
Please don’t look too closely at things if it doesn’t make sense…ignore it hahaha. (I edited it and tried keeping to a timeline, but I think screwed up somewhere lol)
Telling Eddie is terrifying.
Steve’s little over a month along, his doctor said something about seven weeks? Maybe eight? He’s not entirely sure to be honest and he’s getting off track right now.
He’s pregnant with Eddie’s baby and he’s currently standing on the stairs of a trailer, specifically, Eddie’s home. He’s nervous and scared, because this is huge and they’ve only been dating for two months. The ultrasound picture in his back pocket is burning a hole and he has to remind himself of his mom’s words.
“You’ll be okay, even if Eddie doesn’t stay”
But god, he wants Eddie to stay.
The door is pulled open and the alpha is all smiles, “Stevie! What a surprise-“ the smile fades a little as Eddie sniffs, “what’s wrong?”
“Can- can I come in?”
Eddie wordlessly moved aside, letting him in before closing the door and he feels eyes on him as he paces. “Stevie, what’s going on?”
He stops and simply pulls out the picture, “um, so, I’ve felt like shit for the last few weeks and my mom had me take this- well- um,”
Steve will be the first to admit; his way with words is absolute shit.
Eddie’s mouth drops as he finally sees the picture. It’s still only a blob, even just looking at the picture he, Steve, can still hear the heartbeat.
The silence is suffocating and they’re still only standing in front of the door, Eddie’s holding the picture in his hands and Steve is biting his bottom lip and shoving his hands in his pockets, then without much thought just blurts out “I’m keeping it”
Eddie just nods and Steve can’t tell if it’s a good nod or a bad nod. But at least he wasn’t thrown out.
“I can- can I?” The alpha mumbles out and looks up at him, he has tears in his eyes, “are- are we okay?”
He doesn’t know what’s been asked, but with the phantom heartbeat beating in his ears and Eddie looking like he does- Steve just moves and wraps his arms around the alpha.
“We- we’re okay. As- as long as you don’t hate me for being a dumbass and not being on birth control”
Eddie’s arms are tight around him and he feels his lips against his temple as a laugh bubbles out of him.
“I think, it’s not just your fault here, Stevie”
~ ~ ~
Telling Eddie’s Uncle Wayne is a whole lot easier than telling his own dad.
Luckily his dad is too afraid of his mom to do anything to him and luckily Eddie’s uncle is a man of little words.
“You both made a mistake,” the older alpha told them, “everything will be okay, I’ll help you both”
And that’s that, from Wayne at least.
His dad, looks at the picture as if it personally offended him, then promptly decides to leave. He doesn’t even yell and doesn’t say all the things Steve isn’t supposed to know about his mom. He packs his stuff, saying “You’ll have everything you need, but I’m leaving”
And once he’s gone?
They technically celebrate. Even though his father just walked out on them all because his son is pregnant at sixteen. He doesn’t want to know how he would’ve reacted if he knew the baby’s father.
His mom is laughing and crying. She has a glass of wine, her hands are shaking. For once he can’t tell how she’s actually feeling. All he knows, her scent filling the room is an odd mix of happiness and sadness.
“Oh Steve, I didn’t-“ she looks sad, but somehow happy, “Baby, him leaving is a good thing. I’m just, overwhelmed. He was,” she shakes her head and grabs his hand to squeeze it, “he wasn’t nice, I should’ve known and should’ve left him a while ago, you’re the only good thing he’s even done to me. I’m sorry I allowed him to be so, so hurtful to you”
He’s going to blame the crying on that he’s pregnant. Even with how much he loves his mom, how much they get along- hearing her apology meant so much.
I hope everything seems in line, I’ve been going back and forth on my wording. Tbh it’s probably all over the place still. Anyway, yay Eddie didn’t freak out 🥳 well I mean, he did but he didn’t? Hahaha
Next time we’re going to school AND the CC boys make an appearance ❤️
Taglist: @spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @zerokrox-blog @callme-keys @maya-custodios-dionach @rajumat @yellowdevilkitten @munsonfamilyband @steddierthings @tartarusfairy @mx-jinxous @zombiethingy @lunaticmarunatic @izzy2210 @carlyv @thelittleclare @estrellami-1 @sierra-violet @grtwdsmwhr
(if you would like to be added to this OR my permanent tag list, let me know!!)
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thelov3lybookworm · 4 months
Hello. I was wondering. If u could write something where reader is mayed to the bat boys. She has a sickness that her father died from and she has and hasn't told her mates nor her younger siblings. They find out and are frantic. You can add flashbacks of how her father was loving, single dad, and his final moments with her. ( I was hoping it could be a small series). U can add whatever u think looks cute. Thank you!
Why Don't We Celebrate? (part 1)
Summary: New revelations leave Y/n shook.
A/n: I'm gonna make this hurt 😌
(also, make sure to check out @readychilledwine's losing forever as it is based on the same request!)
Anyways, enjoy bbs!❣️
Y/n almost nearly flew with her nonexistent wings as she walked up to the door of the town house. She and her new lover were supposed to go to a new restaurant that he had found, and she had told him she would meet him at the town house.
It hadn't been all that long since she saw him. Maybe a day or two.
They had only met barely over six months ago, while she was walking around Velaris picking up groceries.
The two of them were taking it slow. They had only slept together once, and that was the last time she saw him. It also didn't help that they'd met just before Rhysand became high lord, and then Cassian had mostly become busy with helping his brother handle the court.
Y/n didnt mind. In fact, she was proud of him for it. But she couldn't say she wasn't jealous or possessive of him sometimes. After all, she should be allowed to spend time with her love.
But the fact that she loved how important Cassian was also did not mean she liked Rhys much. She almost hated him, and would have given him an earful long ago if he hadn't meant so much to her lover. She always pushed it down, trying not to let her anger at not being able to have her lover all to herself cloud her judgement and kill Rhysand the first chance she got.
Y/n knocked on the front door of the town house, smiling at the thought of meeting her lover.
The door opened after a moment, and Azriel, Cassian's other friend, smiled at Y/n from the doorway. "Hey. It's been so long since I last saw you. How have you been?"
Y/n smiled at Azriel, trying not to let the impatience show. "I'm good Azriel. Uh, how are you?"
Azriel gave her a knowing smirk. "I'm good I'm good. Are you here to see Cassian? I think he's a little busy."
Disappointment crashed through Y/n, and she deflated. Now that she thought about it, she should have confirmed with Cassian. After all, they had made the plan to go out a week ago. He might've forgotten or something important might have come up.
Y/n shook her head, smiling at Az. "It's nothing much. We had plans to meet and go out, but I guess not. Just let him know I was here and tell him to come home as soon as he can."
Az looked dumbfounded. "I think Rhys can get someone else to do the work, I- I will talk to Rhys-"
Any other time, Y/n would have gladly taken up that offer, but right now she was pissed at Rhys and wanted to make him feel guilty.
"It's okay, nevermind. Just let him know I was here for Cass and that he ruined all the plans." Y/n winked at the spymaster, on whose face a smirk spread.
Y/n stared at her father who lay on the bed for a moment, coughs wracking his body before she went to his side, settling on the edge of the bed.
She had walked directly to his home after she found that Cassian was busy. She had nothing else to do, and it had been over ten days since she saw him, so she had to go meet him anyways.
But the moment she entered, she heard him coughing from his room, and she had run up as fast as she could.
"Father? Are you okay?" She questioned as she placed her palm on his forehead.
He was burning up.
He continued coughing as Y/n filled a glass of water for him, bringing it over from the table in the corner. She helped her father sit up, wondering what the hell was going on.
After drinking the water, he calmed down a little, leaning back against the headboard.
He lived alone, all his kids having moved out when they came of age. He'd been pretty happy to have his space all to himself too, always grumbling about his clingy kids and cursing their late mother for not being around to go through the torture alongside him.
"Paa? Are you alright?" Y/n asked after a moment when he remained silent.
He sighed at that, patting the space next to him. "How have you been, my darling child?"
Y/n leaned against him, holding his hand. "I'm very happy, father. But that's not the important thing right now. Have you seen a healer?"
She did not say anything else, waiting for him to tell her what the hell was up.
After a moment, he spoke. "Do you know how your mother passed?"
Y/n's blood chilled, and she sat up straight to look at her father.
"Why are you asking me that?"
He smiled ruefully, ignoring her question. He ran his shaking hand through his thinning dark hair through which his scalp was visible, now turning white at the edges.
"She had been so healthy." He mumbled, more to himself than her. "It was all going so well. But one day, she fell sick. We thought it was a normal fever, that it would go away soon."
He shook his head, laughing a little as he let his hand fall limp at his side, only increasing the bad feeling in Y/n's stomach. "What are you trying to say paa?"
Again, she was ignored. "Her condition only worsened. I should not have listened to her and got a healer. Alas, I was madly in love and did not want to upset your mother. Curse her for being so selfless."
Tears shone in the eyes Y/n had inherited, and her heart squeezed at the longing in that all knowing gaze. Her father had always been a strong male, never showing emotions considered negative in front of his kids, so watching him cry now was like a bolt directly to Y/n's heart.
He hadn't even shed a tear at his wife's death, and Y/n, being an angsty adolescent, had resented him a little for what she assumed was the lack of love for her mother. She had grown to understand that all he wanted was to be strong for his kids and he thought that shedding tears with them would make him weak.
"She did not want a healer to come see her, because back then, we were not as well off. It was either get a healer, or feed the four kids. For her, suffering was a better option than starving her kids."
Y/n's father coughed again, and Y/n rubbed back until he calmed. With a sigh, he continued.
"When her sickness worsened to the point where she started begging for the sweet release of death, I dragged a healer back home. I had fought her, yelling at her for being so- so uncaring." A sob ripped out of his chest, tears slipping down his sagging cheeks. Y/n did not move to wipe them, despite how much she wanted to for fear of breaking this moment.
"But it was too late by then. On my way back with the healer, I had planned to apologise for yelling at her. We were both so young, and you were an unplanned surprise. We did not know what to do. And then you grew up so fast, and your mother wanted more kids. We had no idea how to navigate life. It was hard. And sometimes these feelings would just... burst out. And I know it is no excuse for my harsh words, but I have nothing else to blame but myself."
Her father lifted a weathered hand to rest upon her head, and she leaned her head down, laying her head on his lap to hide her tears. "When I reached home, you told me your mother had stopped coughing. I thought it was some miracle and that she'd healed. But then I went to check on her and she... she'd passed." His voice broke on that, and Y/n's throat constricted at the pain in his voice.
"The healer found out that she'd acquired a rare disease, even for mortals, who acquire diseases left and right. It was highly contagious, so that meant I was at high risk-"
Y/n didn't let him complete, sitting up straight faster than she could think. "What? Don't tell me you-"
"Are sick with with the same disease? Yes. It had apparently been lying low in my body, and now it's acting up."
"Paa..." Y/n spoke on a broken breath, the tears finally spilling over her cheeks.
Her father smiled sadly. "I've sent letters to all the kids to come visit me. They don't know that I'm sick, just that I want to see them. I do not think I have much time, but-"
He coughed, and Y/n watched helplessly, knowing she could do nothing but watch and curse the mother.
"Papa, why did you not tell them that you're sick?! They would have raced home if they knew-"
"Yes, but I did no want to bother them. I am old as it is. I would have died no matter what. I'm just dying today instead of tomorrow. What's the big deal? They anyways have more important things to do and care about than this old skeleton covered with flesh."
His entire body shook at the next fit of coughs, and he doubled over.
Y/n, unable to sit and watch his misery any longer, stood. "Papa, I will go get a healer. I'm sure there's a solution."
Her father glanced at her with a small, knowing smile as he settled back, slithering down to lie on his back. "Alright my child. I will just rest for a minute here. Sleep a little." He grunted before he finally settled down, calm overtaking his features. His next words were soft, mumbled on an exhale. "I love you, my little princess."
Despite not wanting to believe the fact, Y/n knew his soul had left his body before that final sigh did.
Y/n knew that the sweet embrace of death had claimed him before sleep could.
The door creaked open, soft light from the lanterns outside spilling through the crack in the door as Cassian shouldered his way in, mumbling to himself.
"I fucking hope Rhys gets burning diarrhea. Bastard." He muttered under his breath as he shut the door softly behind him, trying to make as little noise as possible in the darkened house, the only light source the lamps outside.
In the dark, Y/n could not see what he was doing, but she did not have to wait long. The faelights came on, and she found Cassian standing in the middle of the foyer, his hands outstretched out towards the lights.
He jumped when he realised that Y/n was sitting against the wall nearby, staring at him. He grinned wide before faltering, taking in the state of his lover. He quickly made his way over to where Y/n sat, her knees pulled up to her chest.
"My love, are you aright?"
Y/n could do nothing but stare, her eyes vacant and body numb. She had no more tears to give, so she simply stared at her lover as he tried to fuss over her. "He's gone."
Cassian gave her a cautious look, and Y/n could see the wheels churning in his head as he tried to think of a way to get more information out of her.
She spared him the effort.
"My father. He passed."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @berryzxx
Cassian Taglist: @moonlwghts @samslittlespoon
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
ok so we all heard what V thinks about adam’s kinks but what ab you, his official girlfriend? 😌😌
oh my gosh i am so glad you asked nonnie!!!! heheh
i agree w literally everything that v said in that post and she literally ate with each one but i will expand on some of them
nsfw under the cut! read at your own discretion:)
i can literally imagine adam being such a FUCKING TEASE like 😭😭 he’s the type to like tease u all day and then when y’all are alone and you’re all hot & bothered, he’s like “what do u mean u need me baby?” like he wasn’t just borderline fingering u at dinner 🤨
he’s literally a munch, man will have you breakfast lunch and DINNER, he will never complain
he will eat u out anywhere 😭😭 on the counter, in the bathroom BRO DOES NOR CARE HE IS EATING IT ANYWHERE HE CAN GET IT
i feel like especially after a game or just a hard practice, he def likes when u ride him 🤗 like nice and slowwwww he wants to feel ALL OF YOU
but that’s usually how he is, i feel like very slow and sensual he just wants to be close to you and LOVE you, you know??
but other times, UR THIGHS WILL BE BURNING ALL DAMN WEEK 😭😭 but that’s very rare and only if he needs to like blow off some steam
but slow/sensual is his pace but sometimes he does go a little fast when he’s a little needy or like he just needs you ASAPPP
adam will have you literally anywhere also, bro doesn’t care who sees/hears, when the man is horny he’s horny and impatient what can i say?
he likes restraints but i feel like he wouldn’t go out of his way to GET handcuffs, he’ll just use his hands 😁
also very much a size kink cus he’s 6”2 he pretty much towers over almost everyone so like… he would def use that to his advantage 😁😁😁😁😁😇😇😇
GOD SIZE KINK ADAM IM ACTUALLY DUCKING DYING brb writing a whole fic ab this 🙃
the wheels are turning…
OKAY HEAR ME OUT if he’s on top he likes js holding you by the neck (he won’t like squeeze or anything) it’s literally just because it’s comfortable
but it’s so hot like 🤗🤗🤗
he can last VERY VERY LONG and he won’t cum until the absolute very end which means he most likely unintentionally overstimulates you but like sometimes he will do it on purpose he just likes hearing u whine under him ☺️
he likes praising most of the time but he’ll throw in a “good slut” every once in a while 😭
okay hear me our (again) he whimpers SOMETIMES OKAY like especially if he hasn’t seen you in a while bro will be whimpering in your ear but like
not the WHINEY whimpers just like a little “ah” you know?? 😭😭
hes a boob guy i’m sorry v HE LIKES BOOBS SO MUCH he likes looking at them, touching them JUST ANYTHING W BOOBS, he’s down 😭
okay that’s all for now 🌝 pls come in my inbox to expand on any of these things hehe (i’m such a slut for him)
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velvetstreets · 2 years
I Wanna See Some Ass/Cyber Sex
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A/N: PART 3 omg I had no motivation for so long but I’m finally back in the swing of things! THANK YOU SEAL @jackharlowsbabe for helping conceptualize a certain rapper’s appearance 👀 🙇🏽‍♀️🫶. Anyways, pls enjoy 🤍
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
None of the people in my writings portray the actual people I write about! It’s all a work of fiction, I have no idea how they are/act irl.
Warnings: smut, penetrative sex (f!receiving), swearing, overstimulation.
Jack’s POV
It was 10am when Jack woke up the next morning; the sun peeked through the shades as Jack felt the warmth on his skin. Slowly opening his eyes, he grinned at the thought of last night - particularly, you.
The grin that was plastered on his face quickly dropped as he turned his head and saw the empty bed. He knew you wouldn’t stay -you didn’t seem like the type - but deep down a part of him hoped to see your face next to his when he woke up. Before he got the chance to sulk, he noticed the white paper with a scribbled note on the bedside table.
Text me. - Cin. Read the note with your number scribbled on it. Jack couldn’t help but grin widely, knowing that some part of you wanted to see him again, and soon. He grabbed his phone and put your number in, halting as he tried to figure out what to text you.
Jack: so I guess the piano playing comment didn’t work well enough to keep you next to me through the night :(
Cin: if you think one lil’ comment like that was enough for me to stay, you’re gonna burn out quick with me. Anyways, it got you my number didn’t it? 🤔
Jack: And I couldn’t be more grateful, gives me more opportunities to show you how well you deserve to be treated. We can start by dinner, tonight? If you’re free that is 😌
Jack subconsciously chewed on his lip as he saw you typing, nervous about your response.
Cin: Can’t tonight lover boy, I’m working.
Jack sighed, he knew he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up, he couldn’t expect someone like you to just drop everything instantly - you had a job and a life.
Cin: but how about Sunday? I’m free then
He couldn’t help but let the giant grin spread on his face as he felt excitement run though his body. He was worried about scaring you off, but it seems as if you liked him more than he anticipated - which was a relief in Jack’s eyes.
Jack: Sunday’s perfect. I’ll pick you up at 8. See you then beautiful 💜.
Jack smiled to himself as you hearted his message, and started to plan for your date.
Cin’s POV
It was now Friday; a little over 2 months after you had your date with Jack, and things were going well. He had taken you to a lowkey Italian spot - not too fancy as he knew you felt uncomfortable, but not as plain of a date as fast food. You went on a few more dates (and hookups 👀) and you started to feel more comfortable around him. You could laugh and relax around him - something you hadn’t let yourself do for anyone for a while. Jack was a total gentleman - he was smooth and filled with confidence; but not too much to the point he came off arrogant. He spoke to you so loving and tenderly, it shouldn’t have surprised you since you continuously called him ‘lover boy’, but it did. You and Jack had been texting frequently; some texts more explicit than others, but you liked how smooth and quick-on-his feet he was. However, you did like to catch him off guard every so often - like right now.
You snapped a picture in one of the mirrors of the club changing room and sent it to him captioning it with:
“How do I look? Bout to head to the stage 🥺”.
You wore a fish-netted one-piece that left nothing to onlookers imagination; the fabric laid perfectly against your skin, contouring your shape seamlessly, your ass and back on full display except for the thin string that held your tits up.
You giggled to yourself as you saw the three dots pop up, signifying Jack had now seen the picture; patiently waiting for his response.
Jack: Fuck ma… don’t tease me like this
Imma rip into that stupid fit when I see you later.. y’pretty much asking to be punished - letting everyone see what’s mine.
Cin: Not yours, remember? 🤔
Jack: Hmmm, you say that, but I’m the one who gets to take you home every night 😤. But you look amazing, go kill it mamas. I’ll see you in a few hours yeah? 💜
Cin: see you soon lover boy 😘.
You grinned as you locked your phone and put it in your locker. You shut the small door and held back a yelp, startled as Ivy stood leaning against the rest of the lockers with a knowing look on her face.
“What?” You sighed.
“You’re getting attached. You like him!”
“I do NOT, he’s just a good time, nothing serious.”
“Mmhmm, sure Cin, look all I’m saying is either give into him completely and let yourself be vulnerable; OR, cut him off soon, before it’s too late and it gets messy.” She said in an honest tone. You knew she was right, but that didn’t mean you wanted to hear it.
“It’s cool V, I got this on lock I promise. Stop worrying.” You groaned, adding a few final touches to your makeup in the mirror.
“You know I worry because I care about you babes.” Ivy said, coming over to you with a soft smile and hugging you from behind.
“I know, and I appreciate it, really. But I’m a big girl, I know what I’m doing.” You said with a convincing smile. You were a little weary about your situation with Jack, you didn’t completely know what you were doing, but you weren’t gonna let that stress you out. You could handle your own shit, this was nothing new.
Ivy gave you a light squeeze and a kiss to your cheek before you headed out to the stage. Stepping behind the curtain, you waited for Scarlet to announce you and for the music to start. Stepping out onto the stage, all eyes were on you. Your soft tan skin gleamed in the light as you began to bend down and dance; money immediately being thrown your way.
You continued to dance your routine for a while, loving the attention on you, before you caught a familiar eye.
It was none other than champagnepapi himself, King of the 6 - Drake. He shot you a smirk and a wink as you shook your head with a smile.
You and Drake had slight history, he had taken a liking to you a couple years ago, and the two of you had a small fling but ended it unanimously - and now he was a good friend who came to see you every once in a while.
Once your set ended, you walked off stage and into the floor, with none other than the 6 God walking over to greet you himself.
“Sinful Cin, it’s good to see you again, beautiful.” Drake said in his velvety tone, bringing you in for a sweet hug.
“If it ain’t The Boy himself; what’re you doing here? You’re way too famous now to be hangin’ round here anymore. Don’t you have more important things to do?” You joked, still in his embrace as you both pulled away from the hug.
“Nothing’s ever too important for me not to come and see your sweet face, Cin.” Drake flashed a smile, his diamond implant shining and showcasing his wealth in a minimalistic way.
“Shut up, your ass is so annoying.” You laughed, lightly slapping his chest, as he laughed with you and brought you closer into his chest.
“What, I can’t come around and show my love anymore?”
“Of course you can, Certified Lover Boy.” Drake rolled his eyes playfully at you as you smirked at your pun.
“That’s what they call me. What’re you doing after your shift? You free?” He asked, his hand now on your lower back; respectful as always with a slight hint of sexual familiarity as you felt the heat radiate from his hand.
“Maybe, we’ll see.” You said, dancing around his question. Jack was supposed to pick you up after your shift if he could get out of the studio in time, but you didn’t know when that would be. You knew Jack would be annoyed if he found out you wanted to go hang with Drake, especially since they were friends, but you didn’t owe him any explanation. You were your own woman, Jack hadn’t claimed you, and you didn’t want to be claimed right now. Or that’s what you told yourself.
“Okay sweetheart, let me know if you change your mind.” Drake said, kissing your forehead and going back to sit with his entourage, letting you get back to work. As the hours passed, you did a few private dances for some regulars and a few newbies, before Jack entered the club. You sat down drinks that people at Drake’s table had ordered as Jack made his way over to you.
“Hey baby-“ Jack started to say before he was cut off by Drake’s presence.
“Jackie Boy!! How are you mi brudda?” Drake said, pulling Jack into a bro hug.
“Aye man.. things are great, what are you doing here?” Jack questioned, his demeanor calm and friendly, but the way he looked between you and Drake told you he was suspicious.
“I’m in town recording some new stuff… and to visit my favorite girl Cin.” Drake chuckled, throwing an arm over your shoulder.
“Oh y’all know eachother?” Jack’s eyes flashed to yours.
“We go way back, don’t we Cin?” Drake smiled, unaware of the tension present.
“Yeah, we do.” You quipped. The way Jack’s jaw tightened and his tongue poked against his cheek made you laugh inwardly. You weren’t exactly lying, you and Drake did go way back, and although you weren’t a thing anymore, you decided to let Jack fill in the blanks himself to determine what the nature of your relationship with Drake was.
“Come sit with us-“ Drake insisted. Jack politely declined, but Drake wasn’t one to let up easily. He finally convinced Jack to sit with them, but not before he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“Private room Cin? Wanna get some alone time with you before someone else steals you away.”
You nodded at him and took his hand. As you led the way, you caught Jack’s eye as he kept his stare on you; his hand gripping the glass in his hand tightly, you thought it might break.
You disappeared behind the curtains, and walked Drake into a room, sitting him down as you started to dance. You did your routine, with Drake making slight sexual comments, and a few jokes - lightening the atmosphere between the two of you. When you were done, the two of you walked out and Drake handed you a stack of cash, pulling you in for another side hug and kissed your forehead. You felt Jack’s stare burning through the side of your head as you temporarily said bye to Drake, walking to the back to get ready for your second set of the night. You walked onto the stage, showcasing a new routine you had been working on. The way you danced and moved up and down the pole had the audience mesmerized; stacks of cash being thrown in the air your way. There were always big spenders at the club, but Drake was something different. He blew stacks on stacks on stacks when he came to see you. The entire stage was flooded with his cash, and you couldn’t help but revel in the glorious feeling of money and attention.
Jack on the other hand, was furious. He hated seeing you this excited and happy dancing around in someone else’s money; especially when it was a close friend like Drake; you were taunting him. He knew it, but it didn’t make him any less jealous. Despite his feelings of jealousy, Jack couldn’t help feel conflicted, as he couldn’t ignore the growing arousal in his pants as his eyes never left your enticing figure. He was gonna have to put you in your place.
When you finished your routine and were picking up the last few bills on the stage, Drake came up and handed you 2 more stacks. As you took them from him, he held your hand and brought it up to his lips, giving a gentle kiss.
“I gotta dip angel, but I promise I won’t go that long again without seeing you. Be safe, see you soon.” Drake said before kissing your cheek and nodding to his crew that they would now leave.
You watched as Jack stood up to say goodbye to everyone, his eyes drifting back to yours every other second. He made his way through the club floor, meeting you at the door once you walked off the stage and had gathered your things.
“Hi, Jack.”
“You done with your shift?” He asked in what appeared to be a calm tone, but you knew he was holding himself back since he was in a public setting. You nodded and bit your lip looking at him.
“Good. Car, now.” He said sternly, taking your hand in his and dragging you out the club.
“-fuckfuckfuckfuck, nngh- Jack!” You moaned loudly as Jack fucked you into the cash covered mattress.
Jack was upset with you, more than upset- for relishing in Drake’s attention and the money he spent on you. In fact, he was so bothered, he took out duffel bags full of cash while you were in the private room with Drake, planning your punishment.
When he dragged you into his apartment and into his room, he threw the bags on the bed and emptied them fully, claiming that if you wanted or needed money, that you come to HIM, and no one else.
“Oh now you wanna pay attention to me baby? Looked like you were having too much fun with him to even remember me. Tell me princess, can he fuck you like this?” Jack said, taunting you.
His hips slammed against your ass, one hand gripping your hip so tight that there would for sure be bruises in the morning, the other pressing against your spine. Sweat slid down your spine tattoo, which drove Jack crazy. His dick thrusted into you at a delicious pace, you could barely form words to answer him.
“Awww, this dick making you speechless huh ma? I asked you a fuckin’ question.” Jack ordered.
“N-no, h-he couldn’t, only you Jack, only you.” You whined into the sheets.
“Who got you this wet? Who’s the one who’s got you screaming every night? Who’s making you feel this fuckin’ good?
“You baby,- oh god, just like that-“ you babbled, fisting the sheets as tears of pleasure started to slip from your eyes.
“Yeah? Then why give him all your attention? Don’t I take care of this pussy well enough?” Jack questioned, pulling you by your hair so your back was flush against his chest; his lips coming right next to your ear as he fucked up into you at piston speed. All you could do was let out cries and moans of pleasure, not trusting your voice to have the capacity to respond.
“I’m the only man who’s allowed to spend that much money on you. Only me. Y’got that, baby?” Jack said sternly, turning your head toward his to bring you into a sloppy, needy kiss before encouragingly pushing you back down to the mattress.
“Yes Jack, fuck yes, so good, so so good-“ you moaned. The sound of your pussy squelching echoed against the walls, causing Jack to smirk. He reached a hand around you, and pressed against your lower abdomen.
“Y’feel me princess? Taking this dick so well, such a good girl f’me.” Jack praised. The juxtaposition of his jealous stern attitude now switching to praise made your head spin, you could feel your orgasm approaching.
“J-Jack, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, it’s too much-“ you cried out.
Jack then started to rub your clit, the overstimulation sending you into overdrive. Tears spilled from your eyes as you came hard, a pornographic moan escaping you as your walls squeezed around Jack’s cock.
“There you go, my good girl.”
You attempted to push his hand away from you clit, but Jack’s fingers stayed rubbing you, causing your eyes to roll back into your head.
“You can take it angel, doin so well for me, fuck you feel so good Cin, so fuckin’ good.” Jack continued, his high approaching.
“Cum for me baby.” You moaned out, clenching your walls, you wanted him to feel as high as you did right now.
Those four words were more than enough for Jack as he pulled out and came on your lower back and ass, and falling into the sheets next to you. He slung his arm over your waist, pulling you closer to him as he tried to calm his breathing. You smiled at him, and he let out a laugh.
“Fuck, that was hot.” You told him.
“Fuck yeah it was.” He breathed out.
“Didn’t know you were one to be possessive, Harlow.” You smirked at him.
He turned on his back and pulled you onto his chest.
“Oh I’m very serious about what’s mine and important to me.” He grinned at you.
“And I wasn’t kidding. If anyone’s gonna spend bags on you, it’s me. Not Drake, not no one. Me.” He said in a gentle yet firm tone.
“Okay?” He asked.
“Okay.” You grinned and nodded.
“Stay the night?”
“Jack-“ you started.
“I know, I know. I don’t care though, I’ll never stop asking.” He smiled and winked at you.
“Stay until I fall asleep at least?” He countered.
“Mhmmm.” You nodded and cuddled into him.
Soon enough you felt his body relax into you and soft snores escaped his lips.
You laid and stared at his face, admiring his features.
“…. I like you.” You whispered, finally admitting it to yourself. You lightly kissed his nose before slipping out of his hold and putting your clothes back on. Closing his front door, you smiled to yourself before slipping out into the night.
To be continued…
Taglist: @hoodharlow @moody4world @watercolorskyy @lcandothisallday @harlowthot @triplexdoublex @thinkingaboutjharlow @bbyharlow @jackharlows-world @primadxna-girl @curlyhairclub @dessmxsworld @inluvwithladybug @babyharleezy @thysagclub @harlowcomehome @rebelxsun
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oddinary4bts · 21 days
Hiiii, guess whose new toxic trait is starting stories but never finishing them bc ✨feelings✨ side eyes my copy of a court of wings and ruin that I haven’t touched since I reached a climactic point like a month ago and the fics on here I binged knowing full well they weren’t finished 🙋🏽‍♀️
All that to say…that same person mayhaps just binged chasing cars even tho I told myself I would finish sinful lust first 😭 It’s literally so good, I wanted to tell you I’m obsessed before I hit whatever trigger it is that will make me hold off on finishing it for the foreseeable future 😬😂
I’m as down bad for these jk POV’s you’re doing as he is for oc. I LOVE a good pov shift and his are the best!! They’re so…wholesome??? He talks about tae being a romantic but I think his heart is trying to make him one too. Perhaps love at first sight 👀 but deny deny deny. That’s my kind of angst/slow burn 👌🏽 there’s a lot of talent on this site but there are just some writers who stand out to me and you’re definitely one of them. You have an amazing talent and we’re so lucky you want to share it with us 🖤 got my heart beating as fast as Jk’s when reader does something cute 🤭 I would love to make wild theories but I think what I like most about your writing is I just feel so content to be along for the ride?? Maybe it’s because you seem to have so much written before you start releasing but I just fully trust the process every single time
Anyway… guess I should be off to talk to my therapist about my commitment issues 😂👋🏽😘
Oh one last thing, the universe is sick of my toxic shit bc legit one of the series I binged knowing full well it hasn’t been updated in over a year…within a week of me reading the author updated. Like a 30k chapter at that!!!!! 😳
ACOWAR!!!!! YOU HAVE TO FINISH MY DUDE!!! Silver flames is so so so so good😭 like don’t get me started on Azriel bc we’ll be here until she releases the next book fr
I’m happy you’re obsessed!! I hope you won’t hit a trigger that makes you stop reading🥺🥺
Oh yes his heart is definitely trying to make him a romantic rn🤭 it definitely was love at first sight for him but he doesn’t realize it all! I’m glad you like his povs✨
Oh thank you so much for saying I stand out🥺🥺 I really try to write the entire stories before I start posting bc if I don’t I feel like I’d never finish them. So that way it really is just a ride for you guys - if you wanna tag along, that is😌
And don’t worry about the commitment issues, I totally get it hahaha
A 30k chapter😭 that’s sick tho we thank you for your service🫡
Oh and also I hope you finish sinful lust one day even tho it’s really angsty🥹
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Breaking The Code - Joshua Whitmore/Reader
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, angst, hurt/comfort, brief canon-related mentions of self-harm and suicide, happy ending.
Wordcount: 9152
Summary: You see him as he's being admitted to the hospital a few streets away from your home, and it would be so easy to just keep walking, but something about his sad eyes and mysterious identity draws you in until you need to see him again.
Notes: So the other night I was talking with Salem about Joshua as they watched Cass for the first time, and we decided that our truth was that he needs a happy ending ;w; so I wrote this instead of sleeping~ Turns out you can hit a pretty bad burnout after writing nearly every day for a month straight, so I wrote this one for myself and Salem to try and get some of my inspo back 😌 It was pretty cathartic, writing him was a lot of fun and helped me get some of my own personal feelings out, so even though the love for him might be smaller than his other roles, I hope those who read this like it 💗
When you first see him, you’re walking home for the day. Your familiar path always takes you past the hospital, it’s the fastest way and you’re in no mood to dawdle after the stress of work making you call it early. Just as you’re about to pass, an ambulance pulls up, siren blaring and making you jump out of your headphones the closer it gets. You turn to watch in morbid curiosity, a little dose of schadenfreude to lift your spirits before the guilt takes you, but everything changes when you see him.
He’s awake on his stretcher as they take him out, his eyes on the sky and looking empty as the EMTs call in for emergency surgery on his ear and a decent amount of blood loss, as well as malnutrition. Your glimpse is brief, they want him inside as fast as possible, but you still notice the way he holds onto an old hardcover book resting against his stomach before he’s out of sight. You follow before you can stop yourself, listening for a name and catching only ‘Whitmore,’ and to keep out cameras if the news comes for him.
A high profile person you’d never heard of, perhaps? You can’t recall any Whitmores in your small celebrity roster, especially not a local one who looked like that. You can’t think about it too long as you get noticed and shooed away, and you do as they say as he’s rolled towards the nearest elevator so he can be prepped for his surgery.
You don’t hear about him until a few days later as you eat your lunch in the breakroom, catching just a glimpse of his face and last name before the channel is changed to something more interesting moments after you notice him. It wasn’t long enough to get any new information, but it is enough to spark your interest again with the confirmation that he was indeed some secret celebrity you hadn’t heard about. You don’t ask for the channel to be changed back, but you do make a mental note to take your shortcut again after work is over.
You figure he mustn’t be too high priority as you reach the hospital, looking as inconspicuous as possible as you sneak past the couple news outlets trying to get inside to interview him, no one major for now, but maybe that was just because no one knew where to actually find him yet. It was only a matter of time, people were nosy like that, yourself included as you strolled inside and pretended like you were there to visit someone you actually knew.
You take a walk, glancing at the names as you pretend to change your song, your head down and pointing at your iPod as you don’t ask for any help or directions, constantly pretending like you were there for a legitimate reason. As you reach the top floor, you start to wonder if maybe he was there under a different name or if he was still there at all when you catch a glimpse of a familiar face as a nurse walks through a door coming up on your left. You see his bandages first, the white so stark against his dark hair, and then you see his eyes, still so empty as he just looks at the food that was presented to him, completely uninterested in eating.
You quickly duck into the bathroom nearby as the nurse heads your way, turning on the light and the sink to make some noise as you listen for her footsteps to fade, and when they do you surround yourself in silence again as you figure out what your plan is here. You found him, room 415, and the name under the number is indeed a fake to throw anyone off, your eyes just barely able to pick out ‘James Robins’ from your distance away, so what now?
Do you really wanna talk to him, or are you there to join in on the spectacle? Did something about him interest you that day, or do you want to be able to say you met a celebrity for the first time in your life, aside from that one time you swore you saw Brad Pitt stopping for gas at the station by your duplex? Are you really going to go over there and hound him for an autograph or something before the bigger news outlets find him and he has to be moved somewhere else?
You peek around your corner and see the closed door, something drawing you to it but not the desire to see fame in its most vulnerable state, not that at all. You let go of the wall and slowly approach, constantly looking back and forth to make sure no one was about to catch you before you’re there, your hand raised to knock. It takes you a minute but you do, your knuckles lightly rapping on the wood as you wait for an answer. Nothing, so you try again, a sigh your reply before you get the okay to enter.
He’s facing the window when you come in, food cooling and that old book waiting over his legs as he just stares at the sky due to you being so high up. He waits for you to do whatever you need to before the silence stretches on for too long, and when he turns his head back to face you he looks surprised, it showing in his eyes as he looks you over. ‘You here for an interview or something?’ he asks in a raspy voice, like he isn’t used to talking, and when you don’t reply right away he gestures to your hand.
‘IPod,’ you tell him as you show him what he thought was a tape recorder, and he gets even more confused.
‘What do you want, then? Are you also a photographer? Here to take a picture of me to sell to those vultures waiting for me outside?’ He says it all so bluntly, despondently, and you can only shake your head again as you slide your headphones down to your neck, the tech such a contrast to your passable business casual outfit. ‘So it’s art you want, then; sorry to break it to you, it was stolen yesterday, you’ll have to get in line if you want something new while I’m stuck in this cage like sharkbait.’
‘I don’t want anything from you,’ you finally manage to say, shocked by his negativity; how did someone like him ever manage to become a celebrity? 
‘You don’t? Find that hard to believe, everyone wants something, don’t they? People, all they want to do is take take take, no one wants to give, let alone create, do they? So when they find someone who gives or creates they just want to take it, make it their own, just paint over it so no one can ever know who it belonged to and what it meant to them and everyone else who just wanted to enjoy it, isn’t that right?’
You don’t know what to say, you’re genuinely stumped for words as he goes on his tangent, and when he sees your face he knows he’s talking to a wall. He turns away from you again, looking at the sky as a bird returns home on the ledge just outside the window, her nest tucked into the corner where her eggs are waiting for her return. She settles back down over them, her body all fluffed out to keep them warm, and you can see him also staring as his fingers curl out towards his book. It’s then you understand, he mentioned art, he’s an artist so this must be his sketchbook, no wonder you hadn’t heard of him. He doesn’t open it however, he wants to draw but he has no pencil, just the book.
‘I… I just-’ you start to say, but he doesn’t respond, probably because his bad ear is the one closest to you at the moment, ‘I just wanted to see if you were okay.’ You say it a little louder so he’ll hear, and again you confuse him as he glances your way. ‘Do you- would you like a pen or something? I might have one in my bag somewhere…’ You start digging around in the messenger bag you carry around with you, it holding whatever you bring home for the day, your old laptop, and an assortment of random things you’ve tossed in there since the last time you cleaned it. You hunt through unorganized papers and folders and a mountain of loose change before you manage to find both a mechanical pencil with its eraser almost completely worn and a company pen you’d stolen, one of many since you never seem to find the last one when you need it.
You hold out both to him and he looks at them as well as you, trying to find any selfish reason why you’d offer these tools to him but there were none, and he seems to get that as he takes both. Instantly his food is handed to you so it’s out of the way as he grabs his sketchbook and opens it to a new page, the bird staring at you as he starts drawing freely. He forgets you’re there in a matter of moments, so focused on capturing the simple beauty outside and distracting himself from his current situation, but you don’t mind. You set the food down on the small cabinet to his left, careful to make sure he could reach it while still avoiding the machines hooked up to him, one of them an IV that dripped endlessly to the clear tube leading to his bandaged hand. 
You end up sitting when he continues to ignore you and his dinner, just watching him as he draws shapes until they start to take form, his movements wide and hard to track. He doesn’t work on just one part of what he sees, he does a bit of everything at once until it slowly comes together as one image, the bird watching in interest until sleep takes her and she gets comfy for an early night’s rest. He doesn’t stop even with her pose changed, still seeing her in his mind as he starts to detail her face a little, stopping to add in errant feathers and abstract shapes behind her for the city.
When he finally stops you can’t help but stare, and you stand to get a closer look, your presence making him jump when you get too close, clearly he thought you’d left. It’s beautiful even in its incomplete state, or maybe this is what he wanted, you don’t know, you can’t find the words to ask as you look at the bird in the dimming light outside; when had it become so dark? ‘Is this it? Did you give me these so you could get an original Joshua Whitmore?’ he asks bitterly, your eyes on the page again.
‘Who?’ you say before you can stop yourself, and you blink in embarrassment as you stutter out an apology before the look on his face silences you.
‘You really have no idea who I am, do you?’ he asks softly, and again you shake your head. ‘You just wanted to see if I was okay?’ You nod, your cheeks flushing slightly in a little more than embarrassment. ‘And wha- what do you see when you look at this?’
He holds up his sketchbook for you to look at again, and you reach for it but he pulls away, you can look but not touch, got it. Your eyes scan the paper just like you’d been doing for who knows how long, and you smile as you turn back to him and his almost nervous expression. ‘I see a bird in her nest, I'm sorry, should I be looking for something else? I’m not one for art, I don’t really know what to tell you,’ you admit, but this answer actually pleases him, calms him as his shoulders relax just a little.
‘You just see a bird, yeah, that’s what I drew,’ he repeats to himself as he smiles weakly, and he looks almost relieved in this before the door opens and you’re interrupted. It’s the nurse from before, and she stops in her tracks when she notices that he’s no longer alone.
‘Oh no, do you want me to call security, Mr. Whitmore?’ she asks nervously, and he looks at you before telling her no, he knew you. ‘Oh, okay, but visiting hours are over so you do have to go, I’m afraid,’ she tells you next, and you glance at your watch to see that you’d somehow been there for almost two hours, so lost in him drawing that you didn’t even notice the passing of time. As if on cue, your stomach gives a rumble for its delayed dinner, it spreading to him as the nurse then notices that he hasn’t eaten anything, and you walk out as she places his tray back on the moveable table attached to his bed. ‘We’ll have to put you on another IV if you don’t eat, how many times do I have to tell you?’ she chides him, and he opens his bottle of water to take an experimental sip before the door is shut and you’re left alone in the hallway.
You head home now that your curiosity has been sated, but you can’t help but repeat his words in your head all the way there, him saying that he knew you making your chest feel warm even as you heat up some leftovers and watch a movie by yourself.
You don’t go back right away, unsure if he’d appreciate you coming back now that he could draw again, but you still feel that pull follow you over the next few days. You have Sunday off, the one holiday in your busy week, and when you step out to grab a few things for dinner you find your feet carrying you in the opposite direction as you head back to the hospital. The news vans are still outside, cops now stopping them from getting in and disrupting everyone else inside, not just him, and you have to show your work ID in order to prove you’re not with them. It’s almost enough to make you turn around, but you’re moving on autopilot all the way back to the fourth floor, his name still under the number, he hasn’t been moved yet. 
You knock on the door and he allows you in, and you could swear his face brightens just a bit when he sees that it’s you. He doesn’t look as terrible as he did the last time you saw him, like being able to draw helped brighten his situation just enough to bring back his appetite based on the empty tray waiting to get taken away. He’s drawing again as you walk in, and the TV is on to a random station, probably the History Channel based on what was currently on screen, sketches of the animals filling the page to create a lively scene.
‘You came back,’ he states more than questions, and you just shrug and hold up your bag of groceries.
‘I needed to grab a few things, it’s my day off so I wanted to actually cook something tonight,’ you tell him like he’d care, and he surprises you this time by nodding towards the bag.
‘Anything good?’ he pries, and you hold the bag open for him to see, showing off the random contents inside that you hoped would turn themselves into something delicious so you could enjoy the spoils. ‘What d’you plan to make with just that?’
‘I had some stuff already at home, this is just what I’m missing,’ you say, and he eyes the bag again before opening his mouth to speak.
‘You think… nevermind,’ he quickly backs out, and you urge him to continue. ‘Y’think I could steal one of those apples? Or do you need them all?’ You don’t, you can still make a damn good apple crumble with the bag minus one, and you tear open the plastic so he can choose his favourite. ‘Thanks, kinda hard to keep fruit fresh when you’re on the road,’ he says as he shines it on his blanket, and when he bites into it he looks like he hasn’t been able to taste anything like it in much too long.
‘You travel a lot?’ you ask as the juice runs down his chin, already grabbing a tissue from the box nearby so he doesn’t make a mess on his sketchbook.
‘You could say that,’ he mutters between bites, and when there’s nothing left but the core you hold the bag open for him to grab a second. ‘No, I couldn’t,’ he refuses, but you just shrug and grab one for yourself, you can always buy more on the way home. He watches you take your bite before indulging, grabbing two and placing one on his moveable table for later, and the feeling that fills you at the sight is sweeter than the fruit. ‘What were you gunna make with these?’
‘Apple crumble, I used to make it all the time with my mom when I was growing up, she’d always put in a ton of cinnamon so it always tasted better than something store bought,’ you say as you can already taste it, and he looks down at his half-eaten apple as something takes over his expression.
‘Haven’t had a chance to cook something in a long time,’ he says, mostly to himself, like this is something he’s been thinking but hasn’t actually said aloud yet. ‘Hard to keep fruit, hard to pack a portable stove, hard to carry around a kitchen on your back when there’s so many better things to bring; need a bed, need paper, so many needs in the face of those wants. It’s easier to pack light in the pockets, find a place with water and refill, harder to keep the smell of cooking food from escaping an empty house.’
You just listen as you eat, he’s on another tangent and you don’t dare interrupt, but this one is sadder than the last, and you notice how tired he looks as he sinks into the bed. It’s then you notice that he has nothing around him in this room, no get well soon cards, no balloons, no sign of anyone visiting him even with the circus outside waiting for a glimpse of him. It’s just him, his sketchbook, and now his single apple waiting for him to eat it tomorrow. You toss your own core into the trash and grab a tissue to wipe up the juices, you made sure to grab your most favourite brand to make your dessert as delicious as it could be, and the bag feels heavy in your hand as the store branded plastic shifts when you do.
‘I just remembered I forgot something, so I need to head back to the store before it closes,’ you suddenly say, and he looks at you with those tired eyes when you speak. ‘So, if you want, you could maybe ask for something for me to get? Since I have to pass by this way again anyways.’ It’s a lie, it’s so out of the way it’ll take you over a half hour to get back home on travel alone, but he doesn’t need to know that.
He thinks about it a while before declining, the apples were enough, but that’s not a good enough answer for you; you reach into the bag and pull out a few more apples, loading up his table with them, and he looks ready to object but they’re already out and it would certainly be a pain to put them all back, wouldn’t it? He looks at the bunch, and there’s way more than he probably wants, but he looks thankful all the same. 
‘You won’t have to worry about storing them when you’re here,’ you just say, and he brushes his bangs away from his eye as he tucks his pencil behind his good ear.
‘Not unless I leave here tomorrow,’ he figures, and something pulls at you again.
‘Will you still be here tomorrow?’ Your voice comes out small, hopeful yet worried, and he touches his bandage and flinches.
‘Don’t think they’ll let me outta here until I can pay for all this,’ he wonders, his hands going for his book as his eyes lose a little light, ‘everything has a price, even the reason I’m in here.’
You want to ask but you can’t, it’s too soon even though it feels like he wants you to, but he doesn’t bring it up again even as you turn to go. ‘I’d better run or else I’ll be eating this dinner for breakfast, if you’re still here tomorrow I can bring you some, if you’d like?’ That also feels too soon, but the light he lost returns at the offer.
‘You don’t have to,’ is what he actually says, but his small smile gives him away. You nod and turn on your heel towards the door, his voice making you stop before you enter the hallway. ‘And if you have to come back this way, could you… would you mind if I asked for something else? Some charcoals, paints, anything small I can hide from them while I’m here, all my stuff was seized back at the house.’
He doesn’t explain why, you don’t ask what happened.
‘That might require a different trip, but I’ll see what I can do if that’s okay,’ you say instead, and he returns the smile you give him.
Work keeps you away for the next few days, and you’re sure to take the car to work on Wednesday so you can do some proper shopping. It’s cheaper to walk, but the gas expense is worth it as you find the only art shop in town before you hit the grocery store. It’s small, and doesn’t have much, so you have to settle for the cheap stuff for kids as you peruse the aisles in search of what he wants. You end up grabbing a few extra things as well, like different coloured pens, a couple erasers and more graphite to go with the pencil, and another sketchbook with thicker paper for his new supplies; you really don’t know a lot about art, and you don’t correct the employee when he asks if you’re buying for your kid, although you do at least say it’s for a friend’s kid as you hold the supplies a little closer to your chest.
You cash out and make for the grocery store, buying mostly for yourself and wishing you knew what he liked other than apples so you could give him some treats to have between mandated hospital food. You wonder if it’d be too forward to ask again as you check everything off your list, your thoughts only on him as everything is packed tightly into several more plastic bags that you then pile into the cart so you can load them into your car. His art supplies occupy the front seat as everything else is stuffed into the trunk, and when you’re done unloading it at home you add a tupperware case filled with leftover apple crumble to the bag as well, it sealed extra tight to make sure everything stayed safe.
You carry the bag the few blocks to the hospital, noting that the number of vans has increased as more important looking people try to get in. You don’t need to flash your ID this time, the cops from before recognize you and let you by as you’re bribed into finding their media target, but you just ignore them as you cross the threshold. You head straight for his room, knocking again as a courtesy and finding that he already has company; there’s a doctor and a couple nurses already inside and checking him out, his ear exposed as his stitches were examined to see how he was healing.
The bandages cover his table, his sketchbook placed on the cabinet along with his remaining apple, medical supplies decorating a nearby cart as the wound is cleaned. They’re so busy they don’t notice you until after the door’s been opened, and you finally get to see what’s under the bandage as cleaning swabs and lights are shined over the area; the topmost part of his ear is gone, a space the width of your thumb where the curve should be, the doctor asking him if he can hear anything as his other ear is covered.
‘The ringing stopped yesterday,’ he answers, a nurse snapping her fingers directly beside him, and he flinches away from the sound, the test positive.
‘You’re lucky the gun didn’t rupture your eardrum with how close it was,’ she says as she goes back to cleaning, the other nurse already getting out a new bandage, ‘if you hadn’t been found, you might’ve bled out.’
‘Wasn’t aiming for my ear,’ he says like it was the most normal and unconcerning statement in the world, and you nearly drop your bag at that. The sound gets everyone’s attention, including his, as they all turn to see you, his eyes meeting yours before the door is shut in your face. You almost leave but you decide to wait it out, finding a spot against the wall and getting comfortable. The next time the door opens you get an apology for the slam, but it’s fine, you were intruding, after all. You’re about to go in when the doctor sees your bag and stops you, his hand on your arm and holding you there with just enough force that you know to listen very carefully to what he’s about to say.
‘He’s reassured us that he knows you, but please try to refrain from mentioning he’s here to anyone else,’ he says, already looking tired even though it was far from sunset. ‘It’s just a rumour for now, but people have been bribed recently to find out if he really is here; the people outside aren’t what he needs right now, not after what he’s been through, and I fear what going back out there will do to him before he’s ready.’
What happened to him?
You want to ask it so badly but you can’t, it’s not for this doctor to say, and you both know it. He releases your arm after a quick look in your bag, so much for hiding his supplies, but it seems to be approved as he heads down the hall to meet his next patient. You straighten yourself up and knock, and it takes him a while but eventually he answers, already knowing it’s you. He looks tired again, not even seeing you approach him as he plays with the edge of the new bandage.
‘How much did you hear?’ he just asks, not even looking your way.
‘More than you,’ you reply bluntly, and it catches him so off guard that he can’t help but look at you. You both stare at each other as you flounder out an apology, but the lights return as he chokes back a laugh, the first you’ve heard since you’ve met.
‘I guess you did, yeah,’ he says, and then the air is lighter as you approach and show him what you’ve brought; you worry it might not be good enough but he seems pleased with your finds, especially with the second book. ‘Did you go to the place down by the lights? I stopped by when I first got here, there isn’t much, thank you for this,’ he says as he spreads everything out, looking ready to tear it all open and get started.
‘I also brought you this,’ you tell him as you then pull out the tupperware and a fork, and he looks at it before taking off the lid and breathing in the scent of apples and cinnamon. ‘Sorry I couldn’t bring it sooner, it’s been a nightmare at work, I haven’t been able to have a minute to myself lately.’
‘And yet you choose to come here when you do have a minute, your life must be very unexciting if this is the preferable option,’ he figures as he takes a bite, not even bothered by his words to the point where you couldn’t take any offense to it. Something like euphoria flashes across his face as he eats, and your cheeks heat up as he tries to control himself from eating too fast but fails, all of it gone before you know it. ‘Wow, uh… I see you kept up the tradition of loading on the cinnamon,’ he thinks aloud with a lick of his lips, the floor suddenly very interesting as you feel a need to look away.
‘Yeah, it really brings out the apples,’ is all you can say to that, and then you’re taking the dishes back and placing them in the bag. ‘I can make more, if you want? Or I can find something else to make, if you have any requests?’
‘Are you some kinda pâtissière?’
‘What? Oh, no, I just think… people are at their happiest when they’re sharing the fruits of their labour, and in my family, that labour was always food, so I find comfort in that now, as an adult. Does that make sense?’ You’ve made things for others before, family dinners, potlucks, celebrations at work, but never have you felt more scrutinized until now as he licks his lips again, already ready for seconds even though you have nothing left to give.
‘It makes perfect sense, what good is there to make something without having someone to share it with? What use is a feast without it spread over a table set for family and friends, or music without an audience to get lost in the sound, or-’
‘Or a painting without anyone to appreciate the vision and share their own, right?’ He looks up at you, something in his eyes that screams yes, that you got it, but also something sad, like he didn’t believe it was true at the same time. ‘Did you share your art, before you came here?’
You know you shouldn’t ask, but you can’t stop yourself.
He slowly stacks everything up and places it out of the way, his old book back on his lap and his fingers playing with the rough edges of the cover as he goes over your question in his head. ‘I did, for a few years,’ he starts carefully, eyes on you as he watches for your reactions. ‘Outta college, I got spotted by a few potential dealers, got a contract with one, started selling my work while I got a job to pay the bills. One painting sold, then another, then five, then I didn’t need to work anymore. Suddenly what I loved to do was my job, and it wasn’t what I loved to do anymore.’ He slides his fingers under the cover strap, holds on tight as the lights leave him again, he doesn’t like to talk about it but he doesn’t stop. ‘All those eyes on my work, on myself, everything torn apart by people who didn’t get it and distributed via cameras for free to those who didn’t appreciate it. 
‘Deadlines were forced on me, I was pushed to sell whatever I made, it was no longer about me or how I felt anymore, it was all about the money, who could bid the highest on a piece of me that I’d so painstakingly torn off and decorated for the world to see, all sealed up in a shiny new frame. So-called experts who defined their own meaning over mine, collectors who just wanted to fill a space in their third home, people who didn’t even look at what was inside the frame only because my name was on it and they’d heard I was the talk of the town.
‘And then it happened, someone claimed to see a miracle hidden amongst the brushstrokes but I hadn’t painted any miracle, something so beautiful and abstract can’t be confined to canvas and paint, not by me. Suddenly, everyone was seeing them, everyone wanted to bring the angels home with them and were desperate to do so, and I lost my name under the title of Prophet or Saint or, god forbid, an Angel myself. I am none of those things, and they stole- they stole myself from me, my passion, everything I was so they could keep seeing what they wanted to see, all everyone does is take take take.’
You don’t know when you’d sat down but you blink and find yourself in the chair nearby him, his eyes no longer on you as he lets it all out, his hands waving and lip quivering; he’s crying, this is his barest self, and you wonder if any of what he’s saying has to do with the bandage that washes out all the other colour in the room as you hear him say in your head that he wasn’t aiming for his ear.
‘Did you stop, after all that?’ you ask, and at first he doesn’t hear you, the bandage really muffles your small voice from this side, so you get up and move to the right side of his bed instead. You sit down and he tries to hide his tears from you, but there’s no pity here, you didn’t come for an interview to market and sell to the masses, you came to talk to your friend. You repeat yourself and this time he hears you, his eyes glancing up to meet yours before he’s looking at his book again.
‘I tried, but the demand was too much, they wouldn’t let me get myself back.’
‘What did you do then?’
He smiles bitterly, his right hand moving from his book to rub at his left wrist, and from this angle you can see the scars peeking out from behind his thumb. ‘I made a miracle,’ he murmurs softly, ‘I made Joshua Whitmore disappear.’ You reach out and take his hand, holding it tightly over his book and surprising him yet again, although he doesn’t pull away from you. ‘I didn’t do it to kill myself, I had a friend help me get out of there safely after I trashed my studio, but it was still enough to make everyone think I was dead, and in that I was reborn, free to take myself back again. I couldn’t touch the money I’d made from my work anymore, couldn’t go back home, so I packed up whatever I needed and hit the road after my scars had healed.’
‘And you’ve been traveling ever since,’ you finish for him, now understanding what he’d meant before about wants versus needs. ‘So everyone thought you were dead, and that’s why they’re trying so hard to get in downstairs, they wanna see the miracle,’ you put together, and he nods, his hand limp in your own. ‘If you can escape them, will you run again?’
He chuckles but there’s no joy in it, he looks more tired than you’ve ever seen him. ‘Does it matter? They’ll know I’m out there, they’ll know it’s me the moment this happens again, I couldn’t break the code and now they’ll take me away again.’
‘And if you found somewhere to hide?’ You hold him a little tighter, his eyes shutting at the thought of already trying that and failing, it evident as another tear creeps down his cheek. ‘Somewhere permanent, where they’d never find you, I mean.’
‘Where could I find someplace like that? I was careful, I was sososo careful this time, and I still-’ His hand grips yours for just a moment as he tenses, angry at himself and how it all turned out. 
‘You could-’ You stop yourself from telling him he could stay with you, it’s too much, you’re still strangers even though you knew this much about him now, how could he ever find solace with you after three days spread out over less than two weeks? He couldn’t, and you know it. ‘There has to be somewhere, I could help you.’
‘Help me?’ He looks at you again, doubt and unparalleled cynicism on his face, but you don’t back down.
‘I won’t take from you, Joshua,’ you tell him firmly, and he holds your hand for real this time, weakly, but still on purpose. ‘I’ll find you somewhere you can sketch and paint and take yourself back from them again, and you can hide there for so long you won’t have to run again, do you trust me to do that for you?’
Something different flashes across his face then, something in between his cynicism for his life and hope for what you’re promising. ‘If you can find it, then I’ll go,’ he agrees, his body deflating as he sinks into the pillows, ‘I’m so tired of running, it’s almost as bad as the lying.’
‘About what?’
‘Everything, I couldn’t do it anymore.’
You feel too far from him as he closes his eyes, your body moving on its own as you climb up further onto the bed and get in close, his eyes opening as he tries to see what you’re doing. You wait for his okay, your hand still holding his as he shifts to his left, freeing up enough space for you to lay yourself next to him, your shoulder pressed tight against his. He’s stiff beside you, clearly it’s been a long time since he’s been this close to another person, but you need him to know you’ll come through on your promise, that you truly aren’t there to take from him as you share your warmth and your company.
You don’t know when it happens, but you end up falling asleep like that, only waking up when the nurse comes in to check on him and sees you in bed with him. She comes over to your side and gently shakes you awake, whispering that visiting hours were over as quietly as she can with you still being able to hear her. You blink yourself awake, your arm completely numb as you roll onto your back and attempt to sit, and you see why she was being so quiet; he’s asleep beside you, his book open to a new sketch you couldn’t decipher quite yet, his pencil still in his left hand and telling you he must be ambidextrous considering his right one was still clasped in your own.
You let go, the nurse helping you get up without disturbing him, and he looks so peaceful as he stretches out and tries to find your warmth in his sleep. You wish you could stay, and you wish he could go with you, but those are things you can’t say to him, not yet. You gather up your bag with the dishes inside as quietly as you can before sneaking out, the nurse checking him over as you leave, and when you get home you make another big batch of apple crumble for him to enjoy the next time you visit.
Now that he’s shared so much with you, you make up your mind to share as much as you can with him until he’s ready to leave, making him treats and dinner foods since it was the only time you could visit, each one bringing the light back to his eyes even as the vultures gathered outside to peck him apart again until there was nothing left. You start bringing work to the hospital so you don’t fall behind, the two of you peacefully existing around each other as he draws and you do your job in a chair nearby. When he stops to eat you pull out a bagged dinner, and the two of you sit there and talk while the History Channel silently shows off beautiful scenery and animals in the background. You share your life the way he did his own, the two of you getting closer as his ear heals, his hearing returns, and he gets his strength back.
You bringing him so much food helps his malnutrition, and sometimes you climb onto the bed with him and pull up classic art on your laptop so you can hear what he has to say about it, and he has so much to say. He’s fascinating to listen to, he really knows his stuff, and when you joke about taking lessons from him he just brushes it aside and says that he could never be a teacher even as he tells you all about the random painting you think looks cool as you scroll together. You enjoy your time with him as the world continues on outside those four walls and the windows, the only reminder of the passage of time being the sun as it sets once again.
‘Tomorrow’s Sunday, want me to make you breakfast this time?’ you ask as you stretch, his bed much comfier than the chair but you can’t keep stealing the space, not without an excuse.
‘Sunday breakfast, been a long time,’ he muses as he also stretches, sick of being in bed after so many years of doing nothing but moving. ‘Maybe if we sneak out the back tonight you can take me to your place, that way you don’t have to keep bringing me food here like some kinda delivery person,’ he jokes, and you pray that he can’t see how red your cheeks are becoming at the thought. ‘And… have you found a place for me to hide yet?’
You freeze, wanting to say yes more than anything, and when you look into his eyes you swear that he wants to hear it just as much. ‘Actually, I-’
The door swings open as the doctor walks in with a policeman, the two of you staring in apprehension as the door is closed again behind them; it’s late now, much too late for this to be a simple chat, and you start to move towards him protectively even as the cop stares you down. ‘Mr. Whitmore, after these past two weeks going back between statements from Ms. Skinner and Mr. Morris, as well as the children present, mainly Mr. Walker, we’ve come to the conclusion that it wasn’t a suicide attempt, although the breaking and entering needs to be addressed,’ the cop says calmly, and Joshua shuts his eyes tight in what doesn’t look like relief. ‘We’ve already contacted your bank back in New York where your funds have been frozen, and we’ve worked out a way for your remaining money to pay for your stay here, but the matter of the fine still needs to be taken care of.’
‘How much is it?’ you ask without hesitation, your hand already going for your messenger bag, and the cop looks you over before turning back to him.
‘And who’s this?’ he asks, Joshua looking at you before calling you his friend. ‘Well, since he technically did stay under supervision here while he healed, and the money is being transferred to the hospital for his stay, his fine still comes to $1000; abandoned or not, it’s still private property.’
‘I’ll pay it,’ you announce, Joshua already trying to talk you out of it but it’s useless, your checkbook held out as you write down the amount using one of his pens since you once again couldn’t find your own. The cop allows you to, the matter now settled as you hand over the thin strip of paper, Joshua not meeting your eye as he stares at his book with an unreadable expression. The cop tucks the paper into his pocket and tips his hat to the two of you, wishing you both a good night now that he was free to go again, the doctor staying behind to finish the conversation.
‘You can continue seeing us if anything changes, but you can be discharged as soon as tonight,’ he explains, Joshua still not looking up. ‘If you have somewhere to go, I suggest you do so, save yourself another day of billing; just be sure to keep from sleeping on your left, let it finish healing.’
‘All my things were seized, might as well sleep in a warm bed one last time before I pick them up and find a new bridge to sleep under tomorrow,’ he mutters to himself, the doctor shooting you a concerned glance as you try to force the words to come out. The doctor sees you struggling and gives you a moment to speak even though visiting hours were once again over, the sun set outside and the lights inside making the windows turn to mirrors. ‘You can go now, I won’t have you trying to buy more of me,’ he suddenly says like he believes it, and it shocks you so much that you can no longer stay silent.
‘What are you talking about?’
‘I see it now, the supplies, the food, now the fine, all handouts for the poor, struggling artist, can’t even keep an apple fresh on the road, that’s right, isn’t it?’ He’s gathering up his stuff, no longer interested in spending the night and looking ready to run again.
‘Wha- none of that was a handout, I was sharing with you, I thought you got that?’ you try to tell him but he’s inconsolable, his legs swinging over the side of the bed as he gathers everything up in his arms.
‘Yeah, everyone takes, what were you going to take from me when all this was over, huh? Did you want to be the one to nurse me back to health and carry me out the doors for everyone to gawk at? The hero who saved Joshua Whitmore, brought him back from the dead? I bet that would lead to a few good interviews, maybe some TV time, can’t forget about the flash of the cameras even now; I wonder if they’re waiting for us, can’t keep them waiting, can we?’
He was on another one of his tangents, saying everything that came to mind without pause as he overloaded with too much all at once, and you race around to his side as he stands and heads for the door, ready to step in front of the vultures to be willingly devoured. You hold out your arms to stop him before looking up, he’s much taller than you thought after seeing him only sit or lay for two weeks, briefly distracted by it before he’s trying to push past you to get to the hallway. ‘No! I’m not letting them have you,’ you insist, not wanting to grab him and force him to stay, but when he shoves you a little too hard and you stumble you can’t help but cling to his arm in an attempt to steady yourself. He stumbles with you, everything falling to the floor and scattering, and you both forget your fight as his sketchbook opens to the page you’d seen before, the one you couldn’t decipher.
You stoop down to pick it up as he runs his hand through his hair and tries to take it away, your eyes on the page as you see yourself, presumably from his perspective as you slept on his shoulder. You flip through the pages after that, seeing yourself again and again before he grabs his book and holds it to his chest, his eyes on his remaining things on the floor, all gifts from you. ‘I thought you were different,’ he mumbles, and you feel your lip quiver before you’re closing the gap and hugging him, trapping him in place.
He tries to shift free but you won’t let him, mindful of his ear as you tuck yourself into his right side, your hands clasping behind his back instead of holding him, something in you telling you that you wouldn’t be able to let go if you grabbed onto him instead. ‘They weren’t handouts,’ you tell him again, his hands and book pressed tightly between you, ‘I wanted to help you…’
‘What person drops $1000 on someone they barely know?’ he says into your hair, and you pray he doesn’t feel you shaking.
‘A friend does, I thought we were friends…’
‘You don’t wanna be my friend, no matter how many times you visit, you still barely know me.’
‘I do, I wanna know so much more, I want…’ You swallow, your hands letting go of yourself so you can grab onto his shirt instead. ‘I want so much more…’
You’ve surprised him again and you know it as his breath hitches, and he tries one last time to be cynical, to run. ‘What’ll you take from me if I let you?’
‘I won’t take anything, I told you already; I just wanna be able to share more with you, I don’t need a miracle, I don’t want you to disappear again.’
‘...Don’t lie to me.’ He tries to sound confident in his despair, but there’s hope in there as well.
‘I don’t think I can lie to you, not after this,’ you admit, and he laughs in a way that isn’t entirely bitter.
‘Good, I don’t think I can handle you lying to me.’ He backs away but not to run, and you allow him to look down at you; he’s crying, but so are you, and you hope that he can tell that you’re telling the truth when he looks from your pink cheeks to your eyes until finally settling on your lips. You think for a moment he might kiss you but he doesn’t, just sniffs and kneels down to pick up everything he dropped. You help him, and he’s about to climb back into bed for that final night’s sleep when you grab onto the back of his shirt and stop him.
‘What happened to sneaking out the back?’ you ask softly, and the lights return to his eyes as he follows you out into the hall. 
The front desk is in perfect view of the doors where you still see people waiting on the other side, so you flag down a nurse to get him checked out from afar as you casually walk by them and hurry home. You return less than 15 minutes later with your car, parking it just out of sight in the back where he can’t be seen no matter how hard any paparazzi try, and when he comes out dressed in scrubs you eagerly unlock the door and bolt before anyone can look too hard.
You park your car in the garage and lead him into your home, and at first you feel self-conscious about it because he used to be the high profile celebrity you originally thought he was, but as he looks around he doesn’t look bothered, and when he sees the painting on your wall he stops and stares. ‘Who did this?’ he asks as he examines it, and you smile faintly as you remember the day you got it.
‘My grandfather, back before he passed,’ you tell him, and he looks at you instead. ‘I was too young to understand what he felt when he painted it, but I think being around you might’ve helped me understand a little bit better now.’
‘What did he feel, then?’
‘Love.’ You look up at him, your shoulders touching as he turns back to it and nods.
‘I think so, too.’
You sleep in the next morning, your arm numb again as you navigate the tangle of blankets you’ve trapped yourself in in the night. It took some convincing but you managed to get him to take your bed, needing to insist it wasn’t a handout after so many years of sleeping on cold floors, and when you peek in on him you can see how much he needed it as he covers as much of the queen mattress as he can. You grin and start on breakfast, wanting to let him get some proper rest for as long as he can until the smell of food awakens him and pulls him to you. You’re still no chef, but you can also make some damn good scrambled eggs, and he looks way too hungry to criticize you.
‘Need any help?’ he offers, but you’re pretty much done so you direct him to the cupboards to set the table instead. You both move in a comfortable silence until you’re sat together, and you smile into your coffee when you see how he finally looks like himself again.
‘Sleep well?’ you ask as you hand him the jam without him needing to ask just based on how he watched you cover your toast, and your fingers brush as he takes the jar from you. He stares a moment before spreading it liberally over his own toast, and his eyes don’t leave you as he takes a big bite.
‘I think I finally broke the code,’ he suddenly says as you wait for his answer, your head cocking to the side in confusion at the second mention of this code. ‘I think I know why so many people saw miracles in my paintings, no matter what I drew.’
‘Why’s that?’ you ask around a mouthful of eggs and potatoes, and he draws something in the air that you can’t see, although you know that he can.
‘People see what they wanna see, they’d rather put meaning into their own truths than face the reality staring right at them,’ he muses, still drawing.
‘And what does your reality say?’
His hand lowers back to his fork but he doesn’t look away from you, and you eventually have to look away under his warm but steady gaze. ‘It says I don’t have to lie anymore, that this might be…’ He just looks at your painting without finishing his sentence, but you already know what he wanted to say, your own confession of this being where you wanted him to stay going unsaid but accepted all the same the moment he crawled into your bed. Outside the window behind him, a bird similar to the one outside his hospital room lands on your sil, and she stares at you before chirping out a quick song and flying away; the light coming in from the window covers him in a faint halo but it holds nothing miraculous in it as he looks at you, the man before you just that, a man.
‘I think so, too,’ you reply, his smile matching your own as you share your life with him, Joshua ready now to do the same with you.
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metalheadmickey · 8 months
weekly tag wednesday! ✨
ohhhh this is a fun one! thanks for tagging me, @deedala !! 🧡
🚑💨 Get in bitch, we're going on a mystical adventure through space, time, and reality. (in ian and mickey's ambulance of course) ✨
Name: jessie! 💥
Zodiac Sign: sag 🏹
Personality type in enneagram, myers-briggs, or both: infj, don't know the other one
Before we hit the road, what snack are you gonna bring for our trip? i don't know why, but whenever my mom and i are in the car for long trips, we always bring twizzlers. and it's not like i love twizzlers or anything. but now they are road trip food to me. so that! or maybe some other candy. 🍬
Navigator gets to pick the music so what song are you turning on? don't stop me now by queen
What is a universe from a fantasy tv show you would like to visit? you know, it was NOT a good tv show, but maybe the magicians.
And what about a fantasy movie? dude, i want to live in the shire. just drop me there and leave me.
Okay, how about a scifi tv show? star trek. take me to the star trek future pls. tng/ds9 era.
And a scifi movie universe? ...also star trek. i am cheating, yes.
Any other tv show or movie universes you'd like to swing by before we move on? supernatural. i don't know if i want to go there so i can punch them in the face or to save them from themselves or both, but i feel like i need to intervene somehow. and also have freaky sex with rowena. 🔮
Okay hold on to your butts we're switching gears to fanfic universes. Tell me which fanfic universe we're visiting first? ooooh! tender hearts and other maladies by leah @whatwouldmickeydo 🌱
Cool, do you have one more you'd like to stop at before we head home? how about meet the neighbors by @arrowflier so i can be one of the neighbors who gets to observe and marvel at these weirdos
Alright, on our way out of fanfic land you get to snag some tropes to bring home and apply to your own life, think fast! soulmates or enemies to lovers // coffee shop or flower shop // fake relationship or slow burn // amnesia or time loop // body swap or miscommunication // love triangle or arranged marriage // sharing a bed or drunken confession
Wow okay, hope those tropes work out for you!! Our adventure has finally come to an end, where in the world am I dropping you off? just my house thanks 😌🍂
tagging @howlinchickhowl @heymrspatel @whatwouldmickeydo @whatthebodygraspsnot @gardenerian @gallawitchxx @rereadanon @arrowflier @too-schoolforcool @darlingian @sam-loves-seb @palepinkgoat @tanktopgallavich @ardent-fox @transmickey @creepkinginc @crossmydna @energievie @7x10mickey @stocious if you guys feel like playing! 💫
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rinadragomir · 2 years
1 episode reaction
They try SO HARD to make it look like Bridgerton is it even legal?😑 1) they stole queen's personality 2) unnecessary sex scene in the beginning with characters we don't even know yet. Actually the whole introduction scene was much worse than the actual episode. Idk why they fucked up the first impression this much ;-;
I actually enjoy looking at guardians, they're the best part of the episode🌝
Mikhail and Sonya, my babies, my cottagecore parents, most beautiful people in this show, god bless your acting 🙏🏻
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The main problems: 1) songs that don't fit any scene they're used in. Where they even found those cheap 2009 "cool party" tracks? 2) poorly written dialogues as characters introduction. They try TOO HARD to make us understand who is who in that 2007 fanfiction style. That girl is a kind princess so she compliments everyone, that girl is a cool tomboy so she wears boots under the dress, that guy is a bad boy✨ so he FUCKS 😱etc
Good thing they focused on Lissa/Rose friendship! Love these two
Dimitri is fine😌 I approve, the acting in 100% my Дима ✨yes I'm still not over him not being Russian but ugh we got what we got(
I really like the first Lissa/Christian dialogue, but don't you think they went too early with all of that "sTaY wItH mE"? Let them just tease each other from afar idk?😐
Dimitri/Rose interactions 🌝 yummy yummy ima eat
Okay thank God they didn't pretend Lissa's mental problems don't exist. It's a huge part of the books, so I'm glad it's here
Wait how does this "sun kills vampires" even work here? One scene - Lissa is burning alive, next scene - she's perfectly fine riding a bike in the middle of the day, hiding under a translucent umbrella?.....
I actually find it interesting Lissa and Rose only finding out they're connected in the show. Not a bad change, not at all
Dimitri you little bitch don't look at us like that, it was your job to make sure we're safe, shoo shoo, go and do that hot shit u usually do on the roof 😤
" I think unicorn in moroi is Lissa" I—
Wtf no really what the fuck?.. rip funny book Christian, you won't be forgotten😔🪦🙏🏻
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Hey they added Janine's mad note! I'm glad)😌
Rose/Mason out of nowhere romance... Hm listen I'm not some mad Romitri shipper that can't accept other options (I mean I AM but hush!), but where it came from? They gave us such nice "school friends" dynamic and then ruined it in 5 seconds.
Same for Lissa/Christian. I'm ready for all the ships, just give me some time to start asking for it myself. They don't tease us with interesting dialogues or interactions, they just say "these two are in love👍". Great but where? It would be better if we got Rose/Mason kiss in maybe episode 4. But this is just way too fast for me, not awful, just fast
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"Lissa keeps my heart in a right place" 🥹🥺
So since Lissa can be a queen without any family members.... No Jill?🥺 Like she's not important for the plot anymore, so... No Jill🥺 they left Eddie without his Jill🥺
For the first episode: 6/10
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justanotherfanaccount · 4 months
A play-by-play of the live action Avatar
Episode 1
SPOILERS (obviously)
Daaannngg CGI is good
Who is this guy?
Ohhhh it's a flashback...totally knew that (he in fact did not know that)
I kinda love that we get to see all the air nomads 🥺
...aang can fly? ...that's a huge thing that he can't do for a reason hold up...maybe he's just gliding a lot?
Aang is so cute 🥺 just a little baby
I love that we get to see aang learning he's the avatar and seeing him with gyatso
"Keep pretending I'm your friend" "I am your friend" don't mind me crying 😭😭
"Monks don't even trust me to feed the baby bison" that's so aang love that for him
This kid is such a good actor for saying this monologue to Appa who is probably some giant blue thing in reality
So far the worst CGI is Appa (which I think is kinda funny)
Is it gonna show the genocide!? AHHHH NO THAT'S TOO PAINFUL
"brothers, sisters were under attack!" If that doesn't show you how peaceful they are 😭
Omg I hope gyatso doesn't believe aang abandoned them in their time of need
...this is brutal... Netflix definitely changed the "no deaths on screen" policy. I'm just watching people get burned to a crisp
I know what happened and I'm crying seeing Gyatso protect all the kids 😢
(This is really good so far... I'm enjoying it)
100 years later
*said in SpongeBob voice*
"Sulk later paddle now" there's the sokka sass
(Also I like how they haven't stated that it's been 100 years cuz I feel like they're gonna make it a big reveal)
RIP sexist sokka causing katara to release aang 😔😔 we'll miss your character arc
Zuko looks so tiny next to the other fire benders hehehe
I love how dramatic aang looked just for him to slide down the hill
"Mysterious little bald person" hahhahah yeesss
Irohhhh I love yoouuuu (all he did was show up)
APPA thank goodness
Sokka stepping behind katara was perfect
Not gran gran saying the theme 🤭 I can't even take it seriously
I feel like gran gran isn't dramatic enough. Give me that SHOCK factor.
Don't make fun of zuko BITCH 😡
"Are you okay?" ...no katara...he's not okay
"Guess he had to grow up fast" yes 🥺 he did...my baby
Yes zukoooo get that fire
"A nice cup of jasmine tea" 😌
"You're wrong" ...he's not wrong baby but I understand...it'll take a while
"I'm a warrior I should be able to do more for our people" I love her 🥺
Das not good (referring to the fire nation)
Dang gran gran knows everything
I kinda like angry sokka 👀 I feel like he's gonna have a good character arc
"I am sokka" > "hi there, zuko here" pipeline
Aang baby whatchu doing watching sokka get beat up
...spoke too soon lol
THE ROCKS LETS GOOOO CHILD WARRIORS sokka looks like a proud dad 🥺
"I think you're the bravest person I've ever met" 😭 sokkas face when he said that
"Let's go save that weird kid" heck yeah sokka!!!
"Myself included" love the honesty iroh hahhah
"Is that what you believe?" No answer is an answer iroh 👀
I love how none of them have ever dealt with an airbender before so they have no idea how to deal with him
"There's no way you're getting me on that- AHHHHH" is the most sokka thing yet I laughed out loud
HIS GLIDER LET'S GOOOO (I know that's in the og but i never know what they're gonna change so I'm gonna continue getting excited over little things)
Zuko is so concerned 😟 his face literally says 'that's my only hope getting away'
Aang not going into the avatar state is kinda cool cuz you got to see katara be a badass
"So where do we go?" My brain immediately went "do you want to go penguin sledding with me!?"
...well this is way sadder than penguin sledding
On another note aangs tattoo is so cool...i.love the patterns in it
Gyatso 😭😭😭 NOOOOO
This must be so hard for him cuz in aangs mind he just saw everyone YESTERDAY
Don't mind me I'm just crying
That was very emotional...I was not prepared even though I should've been
I'm glad sokka still had some comic relief in him...I was really worried
Aang keeping gyatsos necklace (??) 😭
Showing zuko during aangs speech was good 👀
I love how dramatic it is but i hope they still put in some of the silliness from the original show
Overall I enjoyed it though!! I was really nervous so it went a lot better than I anticipated I'm not gonna lie
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ahundredtimesover · 4 months
Hi love, I hope you're doing well. Silent reader here and I've just got to say that chapter 7 truly hit my heart and soul in every single way. It gave me goosebumps with an electrifying feeling with only your narration and words. I love the slow burn and the progression, the bond is building, the trust is building, the secret tension is building - slowly but steadily. Lovely to see how the uncertainty turned to trust and support, how the strict approach turned to care and humour alongside a tad bit of flirting. It's rare to see a very interesting slow burn story building so beautifully. Can't wait to see what the next chapter offers and how the bond and tension builds up. Take care and I love your writing style <33
Hi 🏁 anon! This was so lovely to read 🥹
I feel like with the nature of their relationship and how they started, it rly couldn’t be abrupt (even if I feel like the 3 month period feels sooo fast (but then again, they’re together everyday). And so these moments are needed and we can see how things are slowly changing. There’s their bond, the trust… the openness and care.
Later on we’ll see both of them be more vulnerable. And it’s a theme of the story. They’re both going through things. They both turn away from things they actually want. They have pasts they want to overcome. And what happens when two people who do all that meet? It’s a lot of tension and even more drama (soon!)
But thank you for your kind words. I always enjoy hearing how the story translates to you guys 😌😌 I hope you’re well and hydrated and warm 💕
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evansbby · 5 months
This is gonna be so long i am so sorry but i’ve been reading WG3 all throughout the day, at work, on the street and as i ate my lunch so its been all on my mind for HOURS now and i have to SCREAM about it somewhere 🤷‍♀️
First things first… Wanda, bestie, is currently in, what i’ve coincidently learned recently is called, the ✨dick sand✨ its where you lose touch of reality and friends and everything that actually matters and just fall for a guy like a fucking idiot falling into quick sand, so yeah we definitely hate this version of Wanda but i shan’t judge until Curtis like cheats on her or something, which he will, and she’s left a sobbing mess being dragged out of the ✨dick sand✨
Also… we still have yet to see her handle reader in this fragile state and if she keeps ditching her for Curtis while she’s this distraught… you must kill her off please and thank you 😌
I understand that its more convenient for the plot for reader to forget about what happened in the ride back home with Steve but like she remembered being fucked in front of everyone by Ari while being most high and drunk! I’ve never been drunk before so i dont know if the haze intensifies as the liquor runs through ones’ veins but like i just hated that for her because it could have saved her but like i said it is essential for the plot i guess so i’ll just shut up about it 🥲
I LOVE how it all started with Ari forcing himself on reader and ended it with Steve doing the same thing and how the difference in her reactions was stark, depending on the dickhead, her feelings towards each one and just like the actual way they did the forcing! And i cannot believe that i am team Ari now! Like you’re really about to convert so many of us to Ari stans after this because Steve is a fucking monster and also you should definitely kill him off as well please and thank you 😌
Thank you for giving us a fragile and submissive reader who got to actually speak up and say no for once before all hell broke loose.. well.. looser 😅 with poyt, Omega was seriously pushed to her most extreme edge before falling over and just saying enough and even the way she said it was more to herself than to Steve tbh so this was a lovely change and i am grateful for it so thank you bestie 💜
Fucking Sharon! I can’t believe you made her nice and sweet! That is so genius of you but like also diabolical 😈 it’s like you had an angst bingo card and you’re just FEROCIOUSLY going for the win 😂
The ball hitting reader was just *chef’s kiss* and its just perfect for me cause this was such a classic romcom moment and then having Ari scoop her up and take care of her is also another classic romcom move and i love you so much for it! God you’re so talented im gonna cry 😭
Speaking of the scoop, Ari felt fast for reader, huh? Did not think he would fold so damn fast! I mean i understand your assholes tend to have a heart hidden deep deep DEEP within them that ends up beating hard for your readers but i thought this one would take longer so i am definitely pleasantly surprised i must say 🤭
Now for The Beef… i think Kira has to do with it. That kind of hostility between boys almost always circles back to a girl they fought over or like a sister that got burned lol but like also let me congratulate you on your stunning talent to make me hate Steve Rogers’ guts and to make him the WORST human being ever when his image is that of a golden retriever. Kudos bestie you have done what no one has ever been able to do which is break us essentially but we love it 💋
I can’t wait to hear Steve’s backstory about when he was hospitalized for his anger issues btw i’m holding my breath for that one cause neglectful parents 🤝 angry and confused child is very relatable to me and representation matters 👍
“I broke up with her.” is like singlehandedly the most powerful phrase i’ve read in a fanfic in a long time because the timing, Ari saying it and the way he chose to say it are all just so incredibly and perfectly woven together to create the best plot twist EVER! Again with the genius and the talent and the you’re the goat shenanigans 🙂
I love the questions at the end cause its such a clever way to engage with your readers and honestly you are one of the best fanfic writers in this fandom at that! Your blog is honestly just the best place to hang out and just have the best of fun like we’re all just this insane group of besties who keep fighting over Ari’s 13 inch dick (when soft) and spewing hatred in the ugly and icky face of Andy Barfer lol
I’m so sorry this is long but i’ve made a promise to myself that i would read every review for this chapter since i never did it for any of the previous ones or ever for poyt cause i have the attentions span of a snail so i just took liberty and just talked my ass off to kinda compensate for all the reading imma be doing lol
Anyway, in case it aint obvious yet, loved the chapter to death. Love you to death. Forever grateful for all that you give us. You feed us so well, mother, we are so chubby and cute just like little Rosie 😘😘😘😘
Yep, Wanda is definitely in dick sand right now! I love that hahaha, it fits perfectly.
And it’s not uncommon for people to remember only bits and pieces when they were drunk. When the Ari stuff happened, she had just drank. When the Steve stuff happened later, she was fully gone lmao. Like when I’ve gone on nights out, there have been times where I remember the beginning of the night but then have no recollection of anything else until the very end. And other times I remember everything! So it all just depends.
Also I didn’t really think you guys would think Steve was a monster 🤔😂 Like, as you said, they BOTH forced themselves on her. But the one who stopped and apologised is the monster and not the one who clearly didn’t stop? That’s soooo interesting to me mwahahah, but I didn’t see this reaction coming from yall but it seems to be the popular one! Tbh they’re both fucking monsters bahahaha but it’s called wicked games for a reason! 🤭🤭 also I think reader’s reaction to Steve in his bedroom was BECAUSE of her past experiences with Ari!! It made her wiser to the fuckboyness of boys hehehe and wary too!
Also hahaha I am so happy you appreciate the questions at the end tbh i do the questions at the end bc i remember a lot of writers doing it on 1dff (the 1d fanfic site) back in like 2014 lol and even I did it when I wrote a fic there! It’s bc whenever I finish a fic im so frazzled bc I’ve taken in so much info so all I can do as a review is a keyboard smash so the questions are a good way for me to gather my thoughts so I thought it would be the same for you guys!
Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a wonderful review bestie! I love you sm 🩷🥹 Now let’s see if Ari truly lives up things bc he has a lot more people in his corner this time around hehehe
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jinwoosungs · 2 years
@bunny-kio said:
[My friend made me notice that since p is probably made by the most part of metal it means his hands are cold for most of the time right?🤔 what if when he wants to hold his darling he always has to think about it early so he has time to warm his hands up?😭
with the flamberge arm it would be much easier and fast, but in that case he would get worried its too much heat for your skin 😭
poor mechanical boi learns how to give affection like human but eventually messes up cutely]
this is honestly so cute, like to be honest, i don’t think p would ever use his flamberge arm to warm up his hands, since it would get extremely hot and it could potentially burn his beloved. 
i can see his darling becoming a bit saddened by his distance, and when they finally asks him why he hasn’t been so affectionate lately, he would finally relent and admit to them that he’s afraid of making them flinch with his cold body. catch his darling giving him a wide smile before bringing p into their arms while telling him, “don’t worry, pinocchio. let’s keep each other warm, your coldness doesn’t bother me at all.” 
[Sorry if im just leaving ideas here but ive rewatched the gameplay and brain went brainrot modeBUT BUT i couldn't help but notice how p is kinda... always like this 😐 AND ITS A LIL FUNNY-  (idk if they still have to give him expressions) So, What he is concious about this limit of his and tries to express his love to his darling in other ways?🥺 he doesnt want to come off cold with them, we can say that from here he grew an habit to be clingy and much affectionate with people he cares about 💗 ]
this is a very valid and canon observation. he doesn’t seem capable of showing or displaying emotions just yet. whether its because he simply doesn’t know how to, or his automaton body just isn’t suited to help him display emotions. 
of course, he’s aware of how...different his darling makes him feel and has a hunch that what he’s feeling is close to love, or at least a whisper of it. he knows that his darling is special to him. 
i can see him showing them his affections by acts of service, and simply by protecting them from the dangers seen around krat. he is both a sword and shield for them, and i know for sure that he’d lay down his life for his darling. 
as for acts of service, i can see him gifting them with any tiny trinkets he may find during his journey throughout krat 😌
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floralseokjin · 2 years
MAN THAT ENDING 😰😰😮‍💨😮‍💨 I have faith that nothing really happened on the date (maybe Seokjin was just really tired and passed out when he got home 😭)
I think OC and Seokjin probably need to have a talk about feelings bc it’s all fun seein them kiss and have hot make out sessions 🥵and be domesticated (it’s so cute and when he came round to hers with food and he called her angel over the phone 😭😌😌) I want them to be happy and in luuuurveeeee as Yuna put it. I don’t want either of them to get hurt even if it is over something so little as a goodnight text😥. I love that Jin doesn’t care about the gas and even teases OC about it he really is the dream guy we all want 😭😭😭 I hope things aren’t too bad at the beginning of the next chapter and I hope the next two weeks pass by quickly 😇😇 Thank you for another great chapter 💖
Yes we all know he is head over heels for her so there is zero possibility that something happened on that date like AT ALL I’m sure he has a reasonable explanation for not texting her goodnight!
They definitely do need to have a talk about their feelings because at the moment they’re both feeling cautious, which I really don’t blame them considering the circumstances and everything at stake. This is a slow burn though, so it won’t happen overnight muhahaha but I can promise that by the end of season 2, they both will be very happy and settled 🥰
Seokjin adores everything about her, her gas problem being one of them 😅 we all want someone we can fart in front of lol
Thank you so much for reading! I hope these 2 weeks go fast, but not too fast because I still have to write it lmao
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
Softdom househusband!joshua carefully coordinating dinner with when you get home from work so he has enough time to eat you out before he needs to take the roast out of the oven 😌
Tumblr media
your hands are in his hair, and he groans approvingly every time you tug at it. he doesn’t mind you being rough with him, and he’s always happy to let you take what you need— unless you’ve been a brat. desperately holding his head against your pussy as he eats you out wasn’t anything new new, but it made your head spin every time… and it made your husband impossibly hard.
he was already obsessed with the taste of you. letting you use him like a fucktoy until he decided to put you back in your place was simply another luxury that came with being married to you. it was hard not to give into the temptation to touch himself, but he was on a schedule and he needed to make you cum so that you could have dinner and then he could fuck you into the mattress before bedtime.
the attention joshua was giving your clit was divine, no question about that, but you needed more— or rather, you wanted more. you could cum like this, but it felt so much better when something was inside of you, and you just wanted your husband to whip it out already and bend you over the kitchen counter you were currently perched upon.
you pull at his hair roughly enough to get his attention, causing joshua to grunt against your pussy in surprise before looking up at you.
he looks like gorgeous like this, on his knees, chin dripping with your arousal, hair a mess from all of your tugging… his lips are swollen and pink, and his smug grin makes him look almost drunk as he eyes you from his spot on the floor. you take a second to catch your breath, and in that time your husband beats you to the punch.
“what’s wrong, love?” he asks, eyes flitting to the timer above the stove.
“need m-more, please,” you manage to choke out.
“more? what do you mean more? do you want me to go faster?”
“no, i want your cock…” you’re shy about asking, you always have been, probably always will be— no matter how many years of marriage you secure under your belt.
joshua frowns. he can’t help it. he is incredibly hard right now, so much so that it borders on painful, but he hadn’t accounted for you asking him to fuck you. he should have seen it coming, you’re always so desperate to have him inside of you. there were only a few minutes left before dinner would be ready though, and he didn’t want it to burn. even contemplating his options like he was now was wasting time he should’ve been using to make you cum.
“that wasn’t the agreement, baby,” is what he decides to answer with, already prepared for the pout that comes as a result. “we don’t have time.”
“i can be fast!” you’re quick to remind him.
joshua chuckles. “i know you can be, but you know i like to take my time with you. i haven’t even stretched you out yet.”
you open your mouth to say something snarky, but your husband cuts you off. the clock is ticking and he doesn’t have the fucking time to tame your brattiness and get you off.
“let me make you cum on my tongue, angel. then you can have whatever you want once we’re finished eating, okay?”
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bookuya · 2 years
HELLOOOO I recently discovered you were a fellow Xiao simp (or if I observed correctly 👁️) AND I JUST HAD TO COME IN HERE AFTER YOUR RECENT XIAO FIC
ZOOWEEMAMA YOU DID SO WELL ON MAINTAINING HIS ALOOF PERSONALITY GOOD JOB!!! And the fact that it's not some kind of "oh no suddenly I develop feelings I must ditch old crush" sort of thing just got me,, LIKE HELP YOU PLANNED IT SO NICELY </3
A little brainrot got me,, like,
I personally would think he'd come to a realization that he might not know just how this works. From what I know of Xiao, he's certainly gentle despite the glares and off-putting tone, and usually he's not flushy boy and all that, but it still catches him off guard every now and then when reader decides to occupy his arm with their own pair. I wonder if you've ever wrote him being a little bit flustered? I'd love to see how you'd potray him that way.
All in all, just very proud of you and your writing man! Keep it up!
HELLO HELLO fellow xiao simp!! yes you have observed correctly, and we are now reinited to brainrot 😌 HAHSHSH
but anywho, h-hello?? thank you so much, im so honored you feel that way! (and omg zoo wee mama from diary of the wimpy kid HAHA) i mostly followed the main plot of the fake dating and etc. from the original "seasons of blossom", but i tried to make it as accurately as i could to xiao for the romantic chemistry! a lot of dialogue was added, for example: when the reader was going on a rant about xiao's attractive looks! in the original the main lead didn't do that but i thought it would be a bit cute to write in :) and the event where xiao gives his pen to the reader was actually not going to happen! in the original series, the second male lead (in this case, childe) was the one who was supposed to give the pen but after thinking it about it, i thought it would be so much more unexpected and better if xiao was the one instead, you know?
also for part 2, i plan on going a bit away from the original plot events and writing something that'll suit xiao, his friends, and reader! im also glad that you noticed, i specifically wrote it to show that xiao sparked interest in the reader, but not exactly a crush right away! yes, he makes reader flustered cause he's so goddamn attractive, but i gotta show a little slow burn at least LOL
honestly, i also gotta hand it to @stellumi! this was one of my favorite projects to do and i might even continue and make more drabbles and hcs of the "seasons of blossom" au with xiao and reader. at this point that work is my favorite child HAHAH i loved writing it so much! would yall still be interested if i finished the part 2 and ended it there (MAYBE a part three), but made little additional fics and drabbles from it? i want to know your opinions!
+ i agree,, omg! xiao slowly realizing that he really doesn't know how to exactly fake date, or date someone at all nonetheless, but you're an exception from his swears and glares and other things, like the straightforward things he says to lumine LOL. ALSO ALSO speaking of lumine, completely unrelated sorry but i love her so much in this work. it doesn't seem like how she canonically is, especially with the sudden insults and excessive swearing, but i tried to make it obvious that she's close to the reader and cares about them. like both lumine and reader denying that they like childe for the sake of the other person, although we all know who reader will end up with at the end LOL
did i write xiao before getting flustered? oh my god, if only you saw the deep caverns of my drafts JSKFJFJJD,, im sure in a couple of my works i write xiao getting flustered, but i never write too deep about it since it's usually like headcanons or something BUTTTT i've actually thought about writing something close to that before! just the thought of hugging xiao and teasing him while you're at it—you don't tell that he's flustered from a blush, but you can tell instead from how fast his heart beat races. too bad it would be a whole essay if i went in depth though HAHA 😭
can you tell how passionate i am about my genshintoon part of the collab by what i just wrote?!?? i didnt even realize i went on a rant, sorry about that! but i really love it so much and cannot stop thanking vera for giving me the opportunity to write it 🙏 hopefully i will meet your expectations for the part two of it! oh and also make sure to check out the other works of the genshintoon event, so many amazing writers are also writing things inspired off of beautiful webtoon series, i cant wait to binge read them all at once LOL (and accidentally torture everyone's dash by the spam reblogging)
thank you so much for your feedback and message, i was smiling like an idiot the whole time reading and writing this! make sure to stay hydrated and get enough rest and take care of yourself! <3
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binniesoob · 2 years
My first thoughts on Shape of Love
I had a pretty lot to say :) so I ended up putting a read more
it feels like the combination of their (most recent) korean title tracks and english releases and I adore it sm... it sounds so fresh and perfectly their style at the same time, i'm so happy and proud they are exploring with their self producing and yet still manage to serve us only bops after bops...joohoney producer slaying once again 💅
hyungwon in the beginning like?? hello?? sir?? that was so attractive??
the sound of...like...how do i even define it 😭 it sounds like a bed creaking? i'm so done 😭 but anyway i don't hate it at all, it actually makes sense ofc it does it's mx kings of horny
minhyuk and honey together rapping??? deceased. as always joohoney rap god (the power he has and radiates) and jookyun n.1 rap line confirmed
the piano and saxophone that add the jazz vibe are ✨ immaculate ✨
kihyun's heavenly vocals and ad libs sent me in outerspace 🤸‍♀️✨
the lil sound details are literally countless, the more i listen to it the more i find i'm 🤯
changkyun, sir, it's getting worse each comeback, i'm tired 😭... his freaking voice and attitude and charisma, his "if you want me than dance with me" made me go feral
Burning Up
From the preview I could already feel this was going to be one of my top favs...
make changkyun start a song and it's over for me i need more please thank u
second verse changkyun i'm melting in a pond on the floor
we love a pop dance 80's vibe track <3
mx legitimately remembering me to breathe before I die ☝😮💨
yet they have someone literally breathing in the background and that's nof helping sirs 😐
you know the meme of the white cat vibing with his head? yeah that's exactly me listening to this disco bop
it feels pretty summery, chill but not too much, it's such a vibe ✨
yall this one...where do i even begin... another top fav FOR SURE...
the sound of the fire crackling ✨
make changkyun start a song and it's over for me prt 2
"Give me your love, I can give you my all" "You can make me down on your knees, doesn't matter" 😞
HYUNGWON'S PRE-CHORUS?&*#!@&@! I've been replaying it an insane amount of times since the preview i- i'm OBSESSED and so proud of him... 1) it's just so gorgeous 2) THE BUILDUP he goes so fast you barely have time to the a breathe (like him) and then "Inside this room, I found my doom" there's something about his pronunciation that i 💓💓💓
antidrop let's gooooooooooo
honey rap god, il ritorno
the bridge <\\\\\\\3
the ohohoh's ✨
사랑한다 (Love You)
the guitar in the beginning <3
from the preview i thought this was just going to be a cute love song but boy WAS I WRONG
it's so heartbreakingly bittersweet i adore it
"You made me feel alive, you're the one that make me shine" and "feel alright yeah we still alive" i cry rivers
this feels like a new comfort song so I'm actually happy i was wrong :)
make more mx please thank u
kihyun's never not delivering top quality vacals that just makes me go 😌👌👌👌👌👌
time to cry for real besties 😗 it's almost-ballad time
so gorgeous and heartbreaking
the instrumental with the guitar is simply perfect
i need an eng translation asap
I'm conflicted so i'm not gonna do a ranking rn but maybe try doing it after some time like i did with one of a kind.
Hope you enjoyed lol and if you read everything here's your price 💞🍪
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