ang3lwithapen · 11 hours
Sista r u alive 😰😰
I AMMM !!!
Lots has been happening in this month, trying to finish writing my thesis in time so I can graduate + moved cities + looking for a job to afford groceries… 🥹
I’m sorry about my radio silence!💞 the story is still going to get updated, no worries.
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ang3lwithapen · 21 days
55k? in 2 chapters + prologue? i dont know what unrealistic standars you have but that is A LOT. trust
i trust 🙏🏼 you’re right. 💛 also what matters most in the end is that the content I put out is good quality and enjoyable. Have to keep reminding myself that.
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ang3lwithapen · 22 days
seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Chapter 2 pt 1 is currently counting 18k+ words 🤧 and will probably be surpassing 20k once I’m done.
Which wil bring the whole work (Ch1 + Ch2 pt 1) to a total of 55k+ words.
I know this may not seem like a lot to some people, but for me it’s a pretty big number 🫨
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ang3lwithapen · 26 days
It's fine at least they'll look good doing it
exactly 💅🏼
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ang3lwithapen · 26 days
"Who knows maybe that is actually going to happen at some point..!" Look at me! This isnt you :(. Look at me, you're better than this.
no im kidding. lowk so excited tf?
I’m just being a tease honestly :p but the *dark* part of dark romance definitely isn’t just for the vibes.
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ang3lwithapen · 26 days
i'd accept anything from interesting ROs. they could kill someone in front of me and i'd still find them hot
i'm ready for the drama
Who knows maybe that is actually going to happen at some point..!
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ang3lwithapen · 27 days
Main reason I want to update my work faster is so you guys can know the ROs better 😔 I keep forgetting what I know about them is so much more detailed and in depth than what’s out there for my readers to find. I’m very excited to come to the point where the history of the Blackwood Family will be revealed. It’s probably a lot more convulsed than you imagine.
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ang3lwithapen · 28 days
the wait is worth it bc your writing is toooo good !! 😋 take your time, we will be waiting when youre ready 🤍🤍
That’s very sweet thank you 🥹🥰
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ang3lwithapen · 28 days
Hand holding?! How scandalous, my pearls are clutched 😱
I was sweating the whole time while writing it… who knew I would be able to type something so inappropriate with my own fingers
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ang3lwithapen · 28 days
I am soo sad you teased us with getting the updste soon. I miss the weird brothers and my housemaid. Of course I understand that sometimes plans don't work out and you wanna add more things. I am all for that. Flavour text is awesome. I will patiently wait until your next update! Your story is one of my faves!!!!
I am sorry!! I didn’t do it to get your hopes up I was just very determined to finish it and then I didn’t 😔🙏🏼 but it is coming soon!
And you’ll be able to interact with all ROs 😌 there will even be the option to touch/hold someone’s hand one(1) time (gasps)
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ang3lwithapen · 29 days
New rule for myself: don’t talk about potential update dates until i’m 99% sure it’s happening. I keep going over the work over and over to add little things
(such as: MC having a slightly different reaction or tone depending on their personality, a RO talking to them in different ways depending on the compliance / warmth level etc.)
Hopefully the wait will be worth it tho!
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ang3lwithapen · 1 month
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ang3lwithapen · 1 month
Fountain Escapades
Author's Note: Amorette is accidentally my favorite child....
Tag: @ang3lwithapen
Amorette runs their hand longingly over the surface of the water, enjoying the cool liquid against their fingertips. They’d gotten an hour of free time before they’d have any other chores or duties and they’d decided to spend it in the gardens… at least that’s what they told Arlen they’d be doing. He asked where they’d be, in case he needed them, so they said in the garden. 
They didn’t tell him that they’d be draped over the fountain, caressing the water like a long lost lover. Truthfully, it’d only be a matter of time until they found themself here. It’d been almost 4 months since they were able to spend time swimming outside; they didn’t want to swim in London, not with the disgusting water. What if they got sick from it? Swimming in the city was out of the question. And in the Manor, they’d been so busy that they hadn’t spent much time outside for leisure. 
It didn’t take long for their feet to take them to this fountain. Now, they’re laid on the thin stone wall keeping the water from flowing freely. They have no idea how long they’ve been here, having quickly lost track of time.
“Lamb? What are you doing here?” The clear voice startles Amorette. They sit up quickly and turn to find Arlen a few paces away. “Admiring the water in the fountain, Lord Arlen,” They state honestly. His eyebrows twitch slightly, “Not the fountain itself?”
“No,” Amorette shakes their head. They stand up, “Am I late for dinner? Were you trying to find me?”
“Nearly,” Arlen responds, unable to get anything else out before Amorette’s speaking over him. “Apologies, Lord Arlen, I’ll get back to work,” They rush past him, eager to make up for it already. They miss the way his eyes follow after them, almost longingly. He shakes himself out of it then goes inside.
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ang3lwithapen · 1 month
Little fun poll :D
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ang3lwithapen · 1 month
Just finished the chapters you have out and this is so fun!! All of the siblings feel so distinct and interesting, I don’t know how I’m gonna pick (but it’s probably gonna be between S and R)
Ahh thank you so much!! I’m really glad you had fun, and glad you like the ROs!
You don’t really need to pick anyone specific until much later in the story though, so no rush with choosing ;)
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ang3lwithapen · 1 month
i had just posted my shiny new patreon page but they said they need to verify it even though they told me they already had -_-'
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ang3lwithapen · 1 month
Just so I can understand, what exactly do you mean by slowburn? Don't get me wrong ik not expecting then to marry me on the spot or anything but ehhh
Personally, I don't mind how long it takes as long as the antagonist part of meeting a character isn't drawn out too much, which is more me being sensitive but hey, if nothing else I can prep myself for it if I had insight to it.
Apologies if this seems a but demanding though, that isn't my intention at all and regardless, I'm just excited to read what you've been working on
Talking about H specifically:
The antagonistic part will not last too long or be too drawn out, at least that’s not in my plans. I see H’s route (platonic or romantic) going in a similar pattern to:
dislikes you, doesn’t want you here -> doesn’t trust you but tolerates your presence -> actually you’re not that bad -> they’re looking forward to your company -> wait why do they feel all warm inside when they’re with you…
etc :D. In the upcoming update, you’ll still be at the first stage. The one after that, though, I can already see things shifting a bit.
It also depends on you to an extent. if you play a warm and gentle character, it will be more likely for H to soften more quickly. Although at the very start they might think “they’re too nice. This is suspicious.” Lol.
If you antagonise them or don’t make an attempt at getting closer, however, it might take more time because that’s just how H works. The plan is to make them feel more like an actual (very troubled, very distrustful) person than a character.
Talking about the ROs as a whole:
By the end of this first book the relationships will have developed, but you won’t be anywhere near being an official couple with any of them.
A is very focused on getting the House of Blackwood back on its feet and getting the family to act as a family again, and they’re a very standoffish person. They hardly think about love as something that they want, need or even deserve.
R has severe commitment issues, they’re very passionate but hard to take a hold of. They want to “experience life to the fullest” and growing up they never witnessed a healthy couple they could look up to (quite the opposite in fact).
S might be the one more open to the idea of a relationship but they’re very awkward at social interactions, kind of a complicated person to deal with. It will take a bit for them to feel ready for a romance.
H has a lot of trauma. They all do, really, but H especially. I can’t spoil too much of it though.
To wrap it up:
While I love writing slow burns, I want to write slow burns that make sense, feel natural and aren’t dragged out just for the sake of the slowburn itself.
Hope this answer put you a bit at ease!
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