#we gone drink shots until we ball out
foxyatlas · 2 years
So anyways it's my mom's birthday today and after she left my dad wanted to surprise her by hanging up a poster of her favorite artist.
Except he didn't get a poster, he got a TAPESTRY, and her favorite artist is PITBULL. And I don't know if he purposefully got the most ironic tapestry he could find, but--
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Some of the sayings on the poster, in case you can't read them: "Pitbull's been there, done that <3", "no drama please", "cute but deadly", "keep calm and pitbull on", and my favorite, "live laugh pitbull".
I am struggling.
It gets better. After my dad put it up, my dog IMMEDIATELY started barking and was VERY upset, and so my dad very calmly scooped him up, brought him to tapestry, and said "look, it's alright. It's not a cat. It's Pitbull. It's not a squirrel. Its Pitbull." And it fucking WORKED.
Anyways. Sometimes I go to my writing workshops and people are like "Wow based on your stories I feel like you must have a really dramatic family life" and I don't think this is what they mean by that but oh boy do I ever.
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tickettride · 2 months
My girl || J.D.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
pairing is johnny davis x f!reader
in which you've felt johnny drifting away from you for weeks. for once, you accept playing pool with one of the newbies at the bar. a little fun has never hurt anyone. the thing is, johnny doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as you do.
word count: 2,8k
warnings: angst, strained relationship, drinking, slight violence, comfort and smut (happy ever after, y'know?)
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(my gif)
The familiar hum of chatter filled your ears as you leaned against a wall, nursing your drink. The bikeriders’ meeting place was packed that night, and you had lost count of how many men had brushed up against you to get your attention. At least those who knew you were Johnny’s girl wouldn’t try anything, so you were a bit safe.
You weren’t particularly close to that world, where men drank until they passed out and violence had its own rules. You’d have rather gone out to the movies with friends or stayed home watching TV. You didn’t belong here. 
At the start of your relationship with Johnny–when everything was easy and pretty–you had been worried about having different interests. But it wasn’t bad, was it? It made the conversations at home more lively. Johnny would tell you about his day at work while you cooked something, and he would listen to your blabbering as you sat on the couch. It had become the routine. At least, when he talked to you.
With your pop in hand, you tried to catch his gaze. It felt like you had taken a huge step backward in your relationship. Now, Johnny was too tired to ask about your day. He barely looked at you. And the main reason was the very sight in front of you. 
The club. 
Johnny was drifting further away from you every day, and there was nothing you could do besides trying to hold his hand a little longer when you could. There was this superpower force pushing him away from you, no matter how hard you pulled. Every day, the same questions made you uneasy. Had we moved in together too fast? Shouldn’t he have proposed by then? Is there someone else in his life? It wasn’t like you could tell him to leave the club aside for some time. This whole thing was his life.
Your second anniversary was in two days, and you weren’t even sure he’d remember. 
Without warning, warmth brushed your side. One of the new guys–blond buzzcut and cute smile–was towering above you. It would have been intimidating had he not been leaving a step or two between you both. Clever one, you thought. 
“Wanna try to beat me?” he asked you, and by the time you had registered his question, looking like an idiot, he had already repeated himself.
“Oh, um,” your gaze narrowed to the pool table, clearing your throat as it started to burn. “Why not. Yeah.”
You usually weren’t the kind to mingle with the men, but this time you really needed to be distracted from everything. Before the guilt pounding behind your breastbone became unbearable, you followed the guy to the pool table, where a few men were already gathered. 
Discomfort nipped at your edges as you stood there, tightening your grip over your drink. You greeted those you hadn’t seen quickly, not knowing what to do.
“Charlie,” the blond guy introduced himself, shouting in your ear. 
You gave him your name back, finally making a move to set your drink down on a table nearby.
“What do I get if I win?” Charlie asked, handing you a cue. 
You chuckled, and suddenly your chest started feeling a bit lighter. When was the last time you had fun? 
“What d’you want?” you replied with a quick shrug, breaking eye contact when you realized how flirty this sounded. 
“A kiss,” Charlie didn’t hesitate. “On the cheek, if you’d rather.”
“Right. I’m Johnny’s girl.”
With a raise of his eyebrows, Charlie invited you to start. You doubted he would give it a response or care, so you moved to the end of the table and inhaled sharply as you bent to take your first shot. 
“Ya won’t hit it from that angle,” he interrupted, pointing at the cue ball. “Ya need to move over there, see?"
“Is is obvious that I’ve only played once before?” you straightened, beaming at his burst of laughter. "I’m so bad at this."
“Nah. You’re okay,” Charlie rounded the table to stand beside you. Close. “Want me to start instead?”
Perhaps it was universe, or something linked to that superpower you often thought of. That thing beckoned you to glance over the tables against the wall. Johnny was watching you, his glass frozen against his lips. 
You imagined running your hands through his hair and feeling his muscles flexing under your touch. Asking him for things you had never had the guts to ask before. Bend you over the pool table. 
For a moment, you wondered if he could read your mind. You averted your gaze, reminding yourself of how distant he was. Even sex couldn’t fix things up. 
You heard a low whistle as the white ball hit the grouped balls with a sharp stroke. The men’s loud chatter brought you back to reality, in which Charlie was waiting for you to shoot. 
“Woah,” you forced a smile, although you hadn’t seen anything. “Bet I can do better.”
“Yeah?” Charlie grinned back, looking at you like he could eat you on the spot. "I can help if ya need.”
You imagined his hands on his waist, and suddenly you wanted to stop and go home. For real this time. Too uncomfortable to admit it, you willed yourself to get a grip on yourself and blamed your sheepishness. If you ended this quickly, you could go back to Johnny’s table.
“I should be fine.”
Bending again, you mustered all your concentration and tried hard to ignore Johnny’s hot gaze on you, as well as Charlie’s.
From his spot, your man probably had a very straight, public view of your bra. 
“C’mon,” you muttered to yourself, right before getting one ball into the far corner pocket with a smooth, hard stroke. 
“Look at that!" Charlie exclaimed, brushing a hand against your lower back as he slipped to the other side. “That was good.”
His enthusiasm almost made you smile.
“Uh-huh,” was all you said, locking eyes with Johnny again.
Nerves crawled through your veins as you felt Charlie’s hand again, this time poking your side playfully. 
“Hey, don’t go all sad on me. Ya can still beat me.”
No, but Johnny might.
Under the heat of his stare, you tried not to shrivel. You didn’t even know if you wanted to kiss him or make a run for it. That attitude–giggling with other men–was something you had never done before. Clearly, he hated that. And you, it made your heart pick up pace. Was it how it was between you now? Making each other jealous to get some attention?
Sitting uneasy at the table, Johnny didn’t think he owned you or anything. He just couldn’t stand the idea of someone treating you with less respect than you deserved. Getting physical wasn’t the solution–he was well aware, as you’d already warned him about it once–but he wanted to show you he had your back no matter what. Those young guys didn’t even give a fuck about getting to know you properly. How would they know you loved flowers more than anything else?
“What’s up?” Charlie asked, so close to your ear you smelled the booze on his tongue. 
You slightly shifted backward, pretended to be focused on the game. “Nothin’.”
Your hand sweated against the cue as you saw Johnny pushing his chair back and striding over to you from the corner of your eye. It was only when he stood at the other end of the table that you saw those dark, suspicious eyes. They glanced at you, and back at the man standing proudly.
“I suggest ya take your hand off her now,” Johnny feigned nonchalance, resting both hands on the table.
You didn’t miss the second glance at your lips. Beside you, Charlie replied, but you were barely listening. Your mind was still stuck on the idea of touching Johnny and hearing him say that he didn’t like when guys got too close to you. That you were the only one. Deep down, you knew it was closer to insecurity than lust.
Even your name had never sounded so sensual coming from his lips. It snapped you out of whatever dreaming haze you had been in, finally making you move away. 
“I guess we both lost,” you tried to lighten the mood, shooting Charlie a quick look. 
It was useless. His attention was tethered to Johnny as he moved to get closer. Their mouths moved, but you could no longer hear what they were saying over the roaring of your ears. Something about your right to be playing, and Johnny’s response about doing whatever the fuck you wanted to do. You didn’t dwell on the semantics. Charlie had clearly had a drink or two already, and the flush in his cheek only made you assume the worst. He would get physical, and it would be over for Johnny.
“If she can’t be left on her own, then maybe you’ve got somethin’ to worry ‘bout,” Charlie pointed out, glaring at Johnny like he wasn’t afraid of throwing a punch first. 
“What?” an offended gasp left your mouth, confused by his sudden aggressivity. 
You’d never understand men. The sight of him turning from a sweetheart with a bright smile to an evil jerk calling you a whore was jarring. 
“Not sure I get it,” Johnny replied, calm as ever. “What are ya callin’ her exactly?”
“Dunno,” Charlie didn’t lower his gaze as he retorted instantly. “The bitch’s been flirtin’ with me, and I’m in the wrong?”
You froze on the spot, knowing if you talked, an embarrassing sound would come out. Or maybe you would slap him.
The lights cast the area in dim light, and yet it was bright enough to see the flicker of red behind Johnny’s gaze. Time for you to step in.
“Listen to me,” Johnny was somehow nose-to-nose with the younger guy. “She’s under my protection. Right? She can do whatever she wanna do, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna let a shithead like ya touch her the way ya did.”
“Yeah? She didn’t seem to complain ‘bout my hands earlier.”
You cringed at the words they were exchanging, although none of them truly gave a damn about the men listening in.
Before you could even blink, Johnny had backed him up against the wall, pressing so hard the guy gasped in a breath.
A curse left your lips as you rushed forward, trying to pull him away. “No, no, no. Let him go.”
“Say one more word about her, ‘n I’ll cut your dick out ‘n feed it to the dogs,” Johnny said, pretending not to hear or feel you, something violent spreading through his veins. “Next time I see ya anywhere close to her, I’ll kill ya. Understood?”
You were glad Charlie kept silent, swallowing harshly as he gave Johnny a death glare. You hadn’t noticed Benny until now, waiting for a sign to step into the fight. He gave you a quick look, and you tried to reassure him with a quick smile. Like Yep! He’s going to kill him but life’s good. 
“Fuckin’ wanker,” Johnny inhaled sharply as he let go of him, stepping backward.
You only figured Charlie didn’t fire back right away because he was being pulled away by two bulky men. He probably wouldn’t even remember after some sleep. 
Putting a cigarette between his lips, Johnny yanked the door of the bar open before body slamming his way into the small crowd gathered before the bikes. You were trying to follow closely, getting frustrated at all the fucking people on your way, stomping over feet and puddles. 
“Johnny!” you yelled as he made it to his car, his arm stiff as board on his side, his fist and his jaw clenched. “Hey!”
You’d seen him made as hell once or twice, but never like that. He usually threatened guys calmly, like the boss he was. Losing his composure in front of the men–it had never happened. Dense fog swirled in the air, obscuring your view, so you nearly glued your body to his to have a good look at his expression. You were glad he hadn’t chosen his bike tonight. You hated it when he rode in a bad mood. 
The night was calm, the men having already dispersed or made their way back inside. Tire noises and sirens were steady in the background, but even louder than that was the way he said, “What?”. Like you were getting riled up out of nowhere.
The air settled around you, as though everyone had left to let you discuss. A pit of guilt burned in your stomach, but you couldn’t help but feel mad. 
“What the fuck just happened?”
Johnny huffed. “Ya wanted me to let him grope ya?”
You almost rolled your eyes. “Lighten up. He was… really respectful at first. If I’d wanted to, I’d have left.”
“Where to?”
“We were in a bar, Johnny. Not a stadium. I’d have figured my way out. And you knew this guy just wanted to fight anyways. That’s all he was lookin’ for.”
His lack of response pissed you off. Johnny blew the smoke away from your face, and you weren’t sure if he kept silent because he was still maddened or because he didn’t want to have this conversation with you.
“I’m not the dummy you think I am,” you added, spurred on by his eyes trained on you. “I appreciate you standin’ up for me, but–”
“But what?” he cut you off, a bit of smoke mixing with your air.
“But I don’t want to get your attention only when you’re jealous.”
Johnny glanced over at the bar’s entrance, where a couple was making out against a bike. “Bullshit.”
“Do you even love me anymore?”
Thick tension rolled off him, sucking all the air until you were left breathless, putting a shaking hand over your heart. It wouldn’t slow down. Not until he told you the truth. 
“Do I love ya?” Johnny kept his gaze on you, reading your face like you were high or something. “I could have killed a guy for ya in there, ‘n you’re askin’ me if I love ya?”
“Well, it’s not been very obvious lately,” you hissed as you remembered how he had barely greeted you the night before. “You haven’t kissed me in three days, Johnny. You… you could barely keep your hands off me at the beginnin’–”
“Jesus,” he mumbled, stamping out his cigarette to grab your face between his palms. “Look at me. I’m sorry about that, alright?”
Your face scrunched up, but you managed to suppress the tears.
“What’s goin’ on?” you asked. “I thought we were havin’ something beautiful, and now, shit, we barely talk. You barely touch me.”
Johnny swallowed, finally coming to the realization that the situation was worse than he’d imagined. 
“I’m sorry. Ya hear me? I’m sorry I’ve been leavin’ ya out. The club’s been draining me lately.”
Your eyes softened, a hand coming to rest upon his cradling on your cheek. “Talk to me, then. I was startin’ to think you were tired of me.”
Johnny frowned. “Fuck, no. I need ya.”
Your heart squeezed as the steady breeze made you shiver. “I miss you so much it breaks my heart.”
“I’m here,” he kissed a corner of your lips. “I promise I’m here.”
His hand slid from your cheek to the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair. 
“Say it again,” you breathed. “I can’t stand stayin’ away from you. Not talkin’ to you all the time.”
A thumb ran across your lips with the perfect roughness. “I promise I’m not goin’ anywhere. Ya want me to take a few days off?”
“No,” you sighed. “I’m not sure we can afford this.”
“We can. I’ll rent somethin’ cute and we’ll celebrate our anniversary. Just the two of us. What d’ya think?”
A small but sincere smile pulled at your lips. God, you loved him. 
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
The next second, he was kissing you until you couldn’t breathe anything but him. His palms skimmed up the backs of your thighs as you stood on your tiptoes. Without warning, he pulled back to look at you, that spark in his gaze mirroring yours. 
“C’mon. I’m not fuckin’ you here.”
Relief and a spike of heat ran through your veins during the ride home. His warm hand rested on your thigh, squeezing it gently until he parked in front of the garage door. The silence only fuelled you, playing with your patience. 
He quite literally glued himself to your back while you tried to unlock the front door, cursing at yourself for your trembling hands. 
And finally, finally, he apologized with slow strokes of his cock and kisses on your breasts. Your clothes had been thrown aside haphazardly, abandoned in the heat of the moment. You had thought he would make you come like this, but he instructed you to roll over and lay on your stomach, and who were you to refuse? Those weeks apart, even when you had been in the same house and bed, had left you both pent up, wanting and missing each other more than anything else in the world. You didn’t even know how you had managed to stay silent this whole time. 
“Shit. I love you,” you moaned, eyes screwed shut as he kissed up your spine, his hips flexing in time to make sure he was fucking you as deep as he could.
Exhaustion hit you like a train, and it felt so heavenly lying there as he whispered that you meant the world to him.
“So pretty,” Johnny mumbled, his words muffled as he nipped at the sensitive skin between your shoulder blades, “Got me so hard just from lookin’ at ya, sweets.”
You fisted the sheets and dug your nose in the pillow when you came, and Johnny quickly followed. He stilled on top of you, his chain sitting on your back and shining in the cold light pouring through the window. 
“Gimme one minute and I’ll fuck ya again, right?” he breathed in your ear, making you grin against the pillow. 
From that day on, he always did as he said. A small house was rented in the woods, and you spent your second anniversary making love, promising each other the truth.
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lilbitdepressed27 · 1 year
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: You’re accused of being ghostface
Warnings: angst lots and lots of angst
WC: 6.8k
Authors note: to the anon who requested I got a little carried away but I hope you like it :)
*This will be connected to another fic*
You're accused of being ghostface
You were in your dorm room with your girlfriend resting on your chest. The semester had been somewhat tough on the both of you. It was only October, and you still had a month and half till Christmas break. Which you really looking forward to. It was your favorite time of year. And you had already started your Christmas shopping. Tara's gift had been the first one you bought. It was already hidden on the top of your closet where she couldn't reach.
You looked down at the girl in your arms. Her face had been relieved of any stress. You smiled and brought her closer to you. She subconsciously buried her faces in between your neck and shoulder. One of her arms coming up and resting on your shoulder.
Deciding not to wake her up, you reached over to your night stand. Grabbing your ps5 controller and turning it on hoping you wouldn't wake her. Smiling victoriously you played some Call of Duty. Playing with your on line friends until it was time for your to wake up Tara. But since it was Friday a day you not Tara had classes you decided to let her sleep in.
You didn't have to wait long till Tara woke up. Her face buried further into your neck. The volume of the tv was all the way down, to not disturb her. Her hold on you getting just a tad bit tighter. You set the control down and wrapped your arms around her tighter.
"Good morning beautiful." You whispered, you felt her smile and lightly kissing your neck. Your fingers traced circles on her bare back, you felt her smile. It was nice and peaceful until you heard the monster of her stomach growl. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped your lips.
"Come on lets got tame that monster." You barely dodged the swing of her hand as you stood up. Chuckling at the blush on her checks.
"Shut up."
That morning was filled with laughter. Sam had even joined and ate the pancakes you made. Now you and Tara laid on the couch watching tv until she shot up.
"Oh I almost forgot we got invited to a party tonight!"
"Uh Tara Sam said to stay in."
"Come on babe please."
Knowing she had you wrapped around her finger. You agreed. That's how you found yourself in a party. You did not want to be in. You had lost sight of Tara. A little while ago. You had wanted to stay at home and watch movies like you had planned. Sam had agreed with that plan. Since Woodsboro she had become so paranoid and cautious. Which you did not blame her for. But Tara had begged you to come here. She had used that pleading face on you and you were a sucker for her so you agreed. When you saw her with getting drinks. You walked towards her.
“Hey there you are.” She beamed up at you pecking you on the chin.
“So when can we leave?” Mumbled into her ear. You had moved behind her wrapping your arms around her waist. She leaned back into your chest and looked up at you.
“In a little while. Have some fun. Dance with me.”
“I actually have to pee.”
You whispered to in her ear. She giggled and pushed away.
“Go then. I’ll be with Mindy and Anika.”
You had gone to the bathroom but when you saw how long the line was for the bathroom downstairs you headed up the stairs. You were only gone for a little while. When you had gone back down stairs a guy you've seen only a number of times was on the floor holding his junk. You saw Mindy and Anika hustling out the front door.
You looked around and hurriedly followed after them when you didn't see your little pirate around.
"Where the hell were you?" Mindy whispered to you as Sam and Tara argued.
"I was in the bathroom. The line downstairs was way too long so I went upstairs. What the hell happened?"
"Some guy tried to take a drunk Tara up stairs. Sam came in time and tazed his ass in the balls." Mindy laughed her eyes shinning with aw. Mindy had always looked up to Sam but now. She was her fucking idol.
"What?!" You stood up straighter looking back at the frat house. Anika grabbed your hand before you could go back to the house.
"Have you've even gone to go see the counselor once?"
You finally tuned in on what the sisters were arguing about. You had also gone to go see a counselor. Not the same one but one your parents had forced you to see.
"No and I'm not going to."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Babe come on." You moved toward her to take her hand but she continued.
"It means I'm not going to let what happened to us for three days defend the rest of my life."
"So you're just going to pretend it never happened?"
You wanted Tara to stop, cause you knew she was intoxicated. She was saying things that you knew she'd regret. You saw the way Sam shoulders fell the more Tara spoke. Th way Sam's eyes started to fill with unshed tears.
"I'm just trying to look out for you."
You took another step toward at hearing the softness and hurt in Sam's voice. Lightly taking Tara's hand in yours. You watched as tara took a deep breath and tried to relax.
"I know. I know you are but you can't do it for the rest of my life though. You have to let me go." You gently squeezed her hand. You felt her return the squeeze. The moment was ruined by another by stander.
Your eyes narrowed in anger as you watched a random girl throw her drink at Sam.
You moved quickly. Tara tried to hold you back but you were faster. Sam had pushed the girl who threw her the drink. The girl accused Sam of murder and called her names. You weren't one to let it slide. You had thrown a mean right hook sending the girl to the floor.
"Say that again bitch. I dare you. Say it again." You moved forward but was stopped by Chad and Sam. Tara moved in front of you trying to calm you down. You had always been protective of your family. Especially after woodsboro.
You sat on the couch rubbing the soreness of your knuckle. Everyone had made it safely to the apartment. Tara came back into the living room and took her spot on your lap. Taking your right hand and putting the ice pack on it.
"Thanks babe." You smiled up at her and she returned the smile leaning down giving you a small peck on the lips. The arm not being in Tara's hold, snacked it's way around her waist and held her close to your chest.
The smile on your face washed away as you looked at the tv. Everyone freezing at what they were seeing and hearing. Sam and Danny had just walked into the room.
You watched a the reporter spoke of the murders. One of victims being the same guy that had greeted you and Tara as you made your way to the party. You didn't really know the guys or the professor but no one deserves to go that way. Your eyes widen a bit when the reporter announced that there were ghost face costumes.
You knew you weren't the only one who felt the panic. Sam went into a panic as well as she moved with a purpose. To get away from New York as fast as she can. You could only watch as Tara jumped off your lap and tried to stop her sister from panicking. Trying not to let her sister jump to conclusions.
"You knew him Tara. This isn't a coincidence."
"Y/n, Chad Mindy back me up."
"I mean it's a little..."
"Close to home."
"I mean it's a little weird he had all that Stab stuff." You mumbled shrinking a bit back into your seat when Tara turned her glare to you. You personally never been a fan of the stab movies. No matter what Mindy said.
Tara then turned to Quinn. Asking for Quinn's dad to be called, she was angry. You could tell. She didn't like that no one was taking her side. But Mindy was right. It was a little too close to home.
When you made the decision to stand up, everyone stopped what they were doing at the sound of Sam's phone ringing. Everyone stared at the phone, fear crossing in mostly everyone's veins. When Sam reached for her phone and ignored up the call. You felt your shoulders drop. Hoping to release the stress you were starting to feel.
"Sam? My dad wants to talk to you."
You picked up the ice pack returning it to the kitchen and also to grab a glass of water. When you came back to living room you saw Sam going out the door. And Tara grabbing her jacket.
"Wow Tar where are you going?" You hurried after her.
"With Sam. Please stay here. Okay I'll be back before you know it." She leaned up and pecked your lips.
"I'll come with." You didn't want her or Sam to be alone in streets at night. Especially if Ghostface was back.
"Babe please. I'll be with Sam. Stay here. Okay. I'll be right back." You didn't want to but you knew Tara wouldn't let you come. Just like you were protective her, she was of you as well.
"Fine just be careful. Call me if you need me oaky?" You leaned down for quick kiss again and she nodded and hurried to catch up with Sam. With a sigh you watched her leave and catch up with Sam. You shut the door seeing Ethan and Chad planning to leave Quinn going to her room. Mindy and Anika gathering their stuff as well.
"Wouldn't it be better to stay together?" You asked, you really didn't want to be left alone. Mindy and Anika were too into each other to notice.
"Sorry Y/n but uh we have to uh finish some homework." They hurried out the apartment. For someone who was a geek for rules Mindy was quick to change her rules for Anika. You couldn't blame her, Anika is beautiful. You chuckled and shook your head.
"Wear protection." You laughed when Mindy flipped you off with smile on her face.
Chad and Ethan left soon after. Quinn left with her boy toy as well. Leaving you alone in the apartment. You stood in the living room for a bit not knowing what to do. You wished you went with the Tara. Quinn had told you that her dad wanted to talk to Sam and Tara had gone with her. You headed to yours and Tara's room. Sitting on the bed with a deep sigh. Looking at your phone, hoping that Tara would call you.
With nothing else to do you decided to play on your ps5. Not knowing of the dangers yours friends were in
What brought you out of your game was a bang on the front door. Making you jump from your chair. You quickly exited out of the game and lightly jogging to the front door. Not expecting two police officers to be standing there.
"Y/n Y/ln?"
"Yea that's me." You looked between the officers confused.
"We're going to have to take you down to the station."
Feeling your heart in your throat you looked between the two officers. "Can I put on my shoes and get my phone?" When they both nodded you hurried in your room the cops right behind you as you put on your shoes and grabbed your jacket. Your phone had laid on your desks. With no missed calls. What was happening. Why were these cops asking for you.
Was Tara and Sam okay?
You walked into the station with both officers behind you. You had asked them if Tara and Sam Carpenter were okay but you got no response. You followed them to what seemed to be an interrogation room. But on the way there you saw Tara and Sam.
"Tara! Sam!" You didn't even get to take step into their direction when you were pushed to the wall by one of the officers. You saw the way your own girlfriend didn't even look at you. The way Sam looked at you with betrayal in her eyes.
"What's going on?" You groaned in pain from the cuffs they had put them around your wrist. You were pushed into the room and the door closing shut behind you. They handcuffed you to the the table and you were left in room alone and confused.
"Hello Y/n. I'm detective Bailey."
In the past six months you've known Quinn. You never really actually met her dad. He sat in front of you sitting down a tan thick folder. He looked behind him towards the mirror that you knew was a two way mirror.
"Y/n where were you tonight?"
You looked at him confused, "I was at home but I was at party a little earlier."
"Really? You got any alibi?"
"I was with Tara. We we were at the party but left early after a fight."
"Oh yea that frat party where you assaulted a girl outside. Correct?" He took out a picture of a girl who had a black and a bruised cheek.
You leaned forward in your seat looking down at the picture. "Yup. She disrespected my friend. You can't just throw your drink at someone and call them names and think there wasn't going to be a clap back, detective." You really fucked that bitch up and you almost smiled at that. "But that doesn't really explain why I'm here? Why am I in here."
Why did Sam look at you like that? Why couldn't Tara look at you?
"After the party. Where were you?"
"At home."
"Really? Cause Tara and Sam were attacked tonight by ghostface."
Your head snapped up towards the detective. "What?! Are they okay? I have to see them." The thought of Tara being in danger had your hands shaking. That she had been in danger when you weren't there with her.
"Stop with the act Y/n. Your DNA was found in the bodega. Your license was also found in the apartment of the two student victims. We traced the phone number and it lead us back to you."
"...what? I would never hu-All the signs point to you Y/n."
You couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe why he was saying. He was accusing you of being Ghostface. He was accusing you of hurting your friends. And they believed him. The way Sam looked at you. The way Tara couldn't even look at you.
"I am not ghostface." You wanted to cry. You wanted to curl into a ball and cry. Your friends. Your family believed him.
"Then-" The detective was cut off by the door swinging open. You looked at the direction of the door to see someone you haven't seen in quite a while. Kirby Reed. She was your babysitter when you were younger.
"I got this from here Detective. Step out. Her lawyer will be here soon."
The detective stood up, his chair screeching as he pushed it back and walked out. Kirby came in and sat in seat the detective was in.
"Hey kiddo."
"I swear Kirby it wasn't me. I'd never hurt Tara. Sam. Their my friends. My family. I'd never-" You cried into to your hands. The hurt in your heart was growing. Tara. The woman you loved believed the detective.
"Hey I believe you. That bodega is one you visit a lot. Right? Of course there would be traces of your dna there. Don't worry okay. The evidence they have is botched, right now he's just trying to blame someone. And that someone unfortunately right now is you. Now tell me where exactly were you tonight. After the party. After everyone was gone."
"I-I in my room. I was playing on my PlayStation with some friends online. I can even show you that I was online. I'm sure I'm still online. I didn't have a chance to turn off my game."
After your lawyer came and demanded your release for not having enough evidence to hold you. And with threats of suing for falsely accusing you. They let you go. Who knew being online would help you on being released. When you had stepped out of the station. There were loads of reporters there. Flashing their cameras at you, asking questions. Demanding answers. It got so overwhelming it almost sent you into a panic. But a hand grabbed your wrist pulling you away from the crowd. You realized it was Chad. Once he had you in a cab he told the driver to drive. The ride was quiet. Until you broke the silence.
"Do you-Do you believe him." You whispered. Afraid of what he was going to say. Afraid that you would lose one of your best friends.
"I don't know Y/n. I mean. It's weird that your dna and license were found at the scene of both crimes. I don't want to believe it but. We're meeting at our spot."
You nodded and looked out the window. Quickly wiping away the tear that escaped your eye.
You walked behind Chad seeing the group coming into view. They all looked your way. You had hoped that your eyes weren't as red as they were before. Your eyes drifted to Tara once you made it to them. She only spared you a glance. But you could tell she had been crying. Chad taking the empty seat to her side. Ethan had sat on the other side.
"What am I doing here if you don't trust me." You finally found your voice. You knew how you sounded like. Hurt, broken. Your voice coming out a lot more shaky than you thought.
She could hear the hurt in your voice. But she couldn't she couldn't look at you. The way the Detective had explained and showed to her and Sam. It had been convincing. The way you disappeared in the party, showing up for a second only for you leave again. She knew you were in the bathroom but detective Bailey had shown them some convincing evidence Then the bodega. She had called you. Plenty of times. But you never answered.
You always answered.
It was the main reason why she suspected something. So did Sam. You were left alone in apartment and wouldn’t answer your phone when she needed you.
"We called you Y/n. When we were attacked. You didn't answer." Sam kept her gaze on you. Every ghostface had their reasons. Fame. Revenge. What would be your reason. You were a close friend. Tara's girlfriend. It was one of the reasons why you were attacked. Amber had been jealous. You loved Tara. That much Sam knew. You would never hurt Tara.
So why had you become a suspect.
"What? No. My phone never rang." You went to dig for you phone but Mindy shot from her seat.
"Well you can't necessarily prove that, can you? It's very easy to delete some calls Y/n. Now we all want to believe you would never do this. But. You know how this goes. Now sit down."
You sat in your in the seat. Further from the rest. You didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable. You didn't know what to do. Where you even able to go home. You shared the apartment with people that now didn't trust you. You would sell your to devil if you were lying. But your phone never rang. You swear it.
Kirby had told you to take it easy on them. That they were just scared. But what about you. They were your family. From the looks you got from all of them. You knew they didn't trust you. How were you supposed to feel?
Mindy turned back to you. "I mean Y/n. What would be your motive. You've been with us for way too long for it to be for something like revenge. Maybe you liked the fame-Mindy stop." You were surprised that it was Tara who stopped Mindy.
Mindy she did what she was told and continued her rant. You looked back at Mindy and she just named all her suspects. Quinn, Ethan, you and even Anika. Ethan tried to fight it but he was shut down.
"No he's right though, I mean face facts. If we're all suspects, you're all suspects." Anika argued.
After a moment of silence you stood up. Everyone looked your way.
"What? I'm hungry and I need to take my meds." You didn't wait for a response and left. Feeling their eyes on the back of your head.
Tara watched you leave. Her eyes filling with tears. She wanted to follow you. She wanted to chase after you. Make sure you were okay. Everyone had basically turned their backs on you all due to fear. Including herself.
After taking your anxiety medicine you laid on the bed facing away from the door and cried. Cried. Being hungry had just been an excuse to get away from everyone. You wanted to cry for what you lost.
Cause that what it felt like.
It wasn't long till you heard them enter the apartment. You closed your eyes pretending to be asleep when you heard the bed room door open. You had almost made the choice to rent out a motel room. But that would just make them more suspicious of you. And you didn't want that. You didn't hear anything after the door shut. For a moment you thought it was ghostface.
But then you heard light footsteps. Then a shift on the bed. You kept your eyes closed, your body leaning forward a bit from someone sitting in front of you. Then you felt a hand on your cheek.
"I love you. So much Y/n. I'm just scared. I'm so scared. The evidence just keeps pointing at you and I don't understand why. In my heart I know, I know you would never do this. But..." Tara's gentle voice faded out, you didn't know what she was thinking. Even though a part of you understood her hesitation, it still hurt. With a small kiss to your cheek. She stood up and left the room. The moment she left your eyes opened.
You stood up from your spot. Hearing the different voices coming from the living room and kitchen. You weren't sure if you could go to the living room. Feeling like you'd feel unwanted and uncomfortable if you did. A few minutes passed and you were still debating with yourself when the door of the room opened.
"Oh you're awake. Food is ready. Come on." Anika's voice rang through the room. "For what it's worth. I don't believe the detective."
You stood up from the bed facing the shorter girl. Offering a small smile. "Thanks Anika. It means a lot." You followed her towards the kitchen.
"Take a seat Y/n. We have to talk." Sam spoke to you for the first time. Your spot was always next to Tara. It had always been your spot. You decided to sit at the end of the table opposite of where Sam sat.
"We believe you Y/n." Sam spoke sincerely. You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your lips.
"Really? Cause it doesn't feel like it. I mean. You've been staring at me like I'm going to pull out a knife out of my ass at any second. Mindy suspects her own girlfriend, but then again she's not the only one. Tara can't even look at me in the eye. And from what I heard my license wasn't the only one found at Jason's apartment." Sam looked down at her phone that had been ringing but ignored it when she saw it was Danny. Figured she call him later. Sam looked back at you. She felt guilty for making you feel like this. The way you looked at her and everyone else was of so much hurt. The way your eyes filled with unshed tears.
"Who tol-Kirby did. I don't see you getting the third degree. I didn't automatically think that you were the killer. You wanna know why cause I trust you. You guys were so quick to-" The sound of your phones ringing everyone stoped. You pulled out your phone. Your eyes widening at seeing Quinn being attacked by Ghostface. The had been used tuning out Quinn and her flings. You listened how her moans had turned into groans and yelps of pain. You moved to go to her door when a hand shot out and gripped your shirt from behind.
The struggle from the other door became silent. You no longer could hear Quinn.
"Quinn?" You called out. Everyone stood looking at the door, jumping when a loud bang coming from the side of the door.
The door swung open and Quinn was thrown towards Anika. Causing her to fall and scream. Chad had taken Tara by the hand and rushed out the front door. She had tried to grab your hand as she looked back you desperately.
"Guys come on."
You tried to follow her but ghostface had moved in front of you closing the door behind them. He had moved freakishly fast knocking over a drawer in front of the door. And then he moved towards you pushing you into the wall as he swung his knife at Mindy. Cutting her arm. Your head had banged on the wall as you fell hard towards the floors. Feeling the warm liquid running down the side of your face.
You got back to your feet seeing him chocking Anika as he cut up her stomach. Trying to shake off the blury vision you ran fast towards him and tackled him to the floor. Throwing punches as hard you could while Sam and Mindy held Anika up and to Quinn's room.
"Y/n come on!" Sam yelled. You hurried to your feet and ran towards the room. Throwing your body wait on the door as you shook from the force of how hard ghostface was trying to open the door. Then it stopped. You used that time to lock the door and push the heavy drawer in front of the door.
"Mindy the door." Sam whispered, she was helping you move the heavy drawer. Mindy was too slow, you wanted to yell at her to move faster. She was moving too slow, her cut on the arm was a paper cut compared to Anika's wound. Sam moved after her helping her close the door as ghostface showed up. You hurried to help hold the door, with the three of you holding the door, Sam moved to move another drawer in front of the door.
With Sam and Mindy holding the drawer you rushed to Anika's side. Covering her wound with the cover of the bed. She cried in pain as she held your hands over her wound. "I'm sorry."
"Y/n the window."
You looked towards the window to see Danny trying to get your attention. You rushed to the window and opened it. He was quick to pull out a ladder.
"You got to be shitting me."
"You got a better idea?"
You took the ladder moving to pick up Anika. "Come on, you first."
"No I c-Anika right now is not the time for this shit. Come on you're going first." You helped her up, moved her towards the window. With every step she took she cried out. But you were not going to let her go last. She had to be first. With shaky hands she griped the ladder and crawled slowly toward Danny. You held the ladder to make sure she got to the other side safely. She cried in agony every second of the way.
"Come Anika. You got this." Once she made it safely to the other side you turned to Sam.
You hurried towards them and put down your weight on the drawer. "Okay one of you go."
Sam shook her head. But you pushed her forward. "Fucking go Sam. Then Mindy."
You were slowly losing your strength. When saw Sam had made it safely to other side you pushed Mindy towards the window.
"Hurry the fuck up Mindy." Your body started being pushed forward more. His kicks have become stronger. When Mindy made it to the other side. You heard them call out to you.
"Y/n come on!"
"Let's go!"
You hurried towards the window but you felt ghostface hot on your tail. You jumped on to the ladder. You quickly crawled over the ladder. Making it on the other side, Sam helping you up. You turned around and there stood ghostface looking straight at you and then he was gone.
You turned back around hearing Anika groan in pain.
"We-we need to control the bleeding. Bring me another towel." You hurried over to her your hands shaking as Danny gave you a clean towel.
"The ambulance and cops are on their way."
"You'll be okay Anika."
The paramedics took Anika and you were hot on their tail. Ignoring Sam and the rest. Anika had been the only one to believe you. You had to make sure that she was okay. Only stopping when detective Bailey had came out of the apartment and stormed straight towards you. Grabbing you by the collar of your shirt.
"You did this." He slammed you into the ambulance.
"Hey! Let her go!" Tara pushed her way in between the two of you. The moment the door had been slammed. Chad and herself had tried their best to open the door. But they couldn't. They could only hear the screams of their friends and siblings. Making them both cry.
The moment she had seen your bloody face she hurried towards you. But Bailey had beat her to you. The fear in your eyes was enough for her to know that wouldn’t do this.
"She was there Detective, it wasn't her. Let her go." She got in between you and Bailey standing right in front of you.
"Mindy said that the killer had a chance to get her but didn't. Why do think that is Tara?"
You're eyes narrowed at the older man. "You're seriously going to keep accusing me."
"Yes. Which is why you will not leave my side." He stepped back, his eyes red from crying so much. He had just lost his daughter.
Tara stayed in front of you. Her back still pressed to your back. Once the detective stepped back enough she turned around looking up at you. She didn't care anymore. She pulled you into a tight hug. She had been so afraid. You were a suspect, she knew that but the part of her that had denied your involvement had been growing.
She knew you.
She knew who you were.
You wouldn't do this.
Gale had lead everyone to ghostfaces a lair. When you stepped into the theater you didn't expect see items from past victims. Your feet stopping at the pictures and clothing of Tara. There had been blood everywhere. You were supposed to be with her but you weren't. You had been away at soccer game. It had been an away game. It had been running late. By the time you returned to woodsboro. Tara had already been in the hospital.
"It wasn't your fault."
"Well at least you didn't think it was me. Right?"
You let out a deep sigh hearing the hurt in her voice and looked toward the woman you love. You would trust her with your life. With your soul if you could. But you were starting to doubt that she felt the same.
"Hey we have a plane. Come on."
Kirby called out to two. Not giving Tara time to talk to you. She didn't like that you were shutting her out. She couldn't say she understood how you felt. She watched as you walked away with Kirby. She wanted to be in your arms. She wanted nothing more than for you look her in the eyes and be yourself.
But you wouldn't. Not when she reacted so poorly.
Gale had been attacked. You had stayed behind with Bailey. As Tara and Sam took his car. You were sat at a bench pretty far from them. But had stayed in Bailey had wanted you in his eye sight. By the time you registered what had happened Sam and Tara had already left.
"You can't fool me Y/n. You'll slip they all do."
"What's your deal Bailey? I am not ghostface." You looked at the older man. He had this look in his eye and it honestly scared you. He narrowed his eyes at you and tilting his head. He scoffed at you and walked away as he pulled out his phone.
His words rang in his head. As you and the friend group made their way into the train station. You were with Ethan and Mindy. You had been separated from the rest of the group.
"Of course I'd get stuck with the two main suspects."
"You know what fuck you Mindy. Last I remember you barely even tried to save Anika. I saved her. Me. Not you. She’s alive because of me. Last I checked ghostface doesn’t save people.” You purposely bumped into her shoulder as you went to take a seat. You were getting sick and tired of being accused. You were scared to.
You sat by yourself. The lights on the train going off and on. Making you feel even more paranoid. Maybe you shouldn’t have snapped at Mindy like that. When the lights came back on you stood up and looked toward Mindy’s direction. Only to see her on the floor. You sprang up and rushed to her. Ethan right behind you.
“Someone call 911!”
Putting pressure on her wound as you and Ethan helped her out of the train.
“I’m sorry Y/n. I can’t believe I got it wrong again.”
“Just relax. We’ll get you some help.”
You knew you should have gone with Mindy. But Ethan had insisted that we go to the theater. You didn’t understand why. He had been so against the plan. He didn’t want to be apart of it but he also didn’t want to be alone. If he really didn’t want to be in danger like he claimed. The safest place to be would be with Mindy.
You did want to go to the theater. To make sure Tara and your friends(if they even were at this point) were safe. Cause they might not believe you or trust you. But you still cared for them. But you also knew that Mindy shouldn’t be left alone.
But Ethan had insisted.
When he had hit you upside the head. As soon as you turned your back to him, stepping into the theater. Your vision had turned dark so fast.
You groaned in pain. You got up slowly. The back of your head was killing you. Laying not far in front of you of was one of ghostfaces knifes. You picked it up, to have something to defend your self with. Looking around seeing an empty room. You were in an empty storage room. Walking quietly towards the door opening it. From a distance you could hear people arguing.
You moved towards the sound.
“What are you doing?”
“Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?”
“Jesus Christ, what ever he’s been saying to you, don’t listen to him. He’s probably the killer. It would explain so much. Why he tried so hard to fra-”
The sound of gun shots rang out making you jump. Your eyes widen when you saw Kirby on the floor. In the middle stood Sam and Tara. Bailey stood at the entry way with one other ghost face.
“You can come on out Y/n. We got them.”
You were pushed by someone behind you. Tara and Sam looking your way with eyes wide and unshed tears. A ghostface stood behind you. This one seemed a little taller than the one standing behind Bailey.
“What no he’s lying.”
“Oh stop Y/n with act. It’s okay now. We got them.”
“No he’s lying!” You cried pointing the knife at him. You looked at Sam and Tara taking a step towards them. Only for them to take a step back.
“Please. Believe me.” You went as far dropping the knife and kicking it towards them. Your eyes locking with Tara. “Please, Tara you have to believe-” The words getting caught in your throat from the force of arm that had been wrapped around your neck.
“Oh y/n they didn’t believe you then. They sure won’t believe you now. I mean, you always called them your family but that wasn’t the case with you was it? They all turned your backs on you. You should of seen them when you became a suspect. When the detective said your dna was found at bodega. How easy it was to hack your phone. Make them believe that you didn’t answer their calls.”
The ghostface holding you laughed as you cried. He wasn’t wrong. In a way they had turned their backs on you.
“Let’s ask Tara. Do you believe that Y/n here wasn’t part of this. Yes or no.”
You looked back at Tara and Sam. They looked you, their eyes now filled with guilt.
“No. No she wasn’t.”
“Oh Tara, it’s a little too late for you to believe her now.”
You didn’t have time to react before you felt the blade repeatedly come down on your chest and stomach. The muffle screams rang out through out the theater. You felt your blood soaking you shirt. The blood that came up your throat as you choked on it. The hard wood floor as you were thrown to it. You could feel your life slipping away.
“Baby. Baby hey stay with me. Okay. Stay with me. Please.”
You could no longer feel your toes. You weren’t sure how much time had past. But the theater was now quiet. You Vision had become blurry. You tried to blink it away but… You were cold. You felt so cold.
“I’m sorry. I’m I’m so sorry. I should have believed you. I should have believed you.” Tara cried. The moment you cried when ghostface held you. The realization had dawned on her. She tried to get you you when Ethan stabbed you the first time but he had been too fast. When you were thrown to the floor, she moved to you. The way you had choked on your blood, it was hardest thing she ever had to see.
“Baby. Come on. Look at me. I’m sorry.” She held you close to her your chest. The way you looked up at her made cry even more. Your eyes still held so much love. Even after everything she did.
“I’m—I’m so c—cold.”
“It’s okay. We’ll get you blanket soon okay. I-I we need to wait for the ambulance and the cops. Okay.”
“I—I would n—never h—hurt y-y—you.” Tara felt you go limp, light in your eyes going out. The she felt your grip on her hand loosening. The way your chest failed to rise again. Her bloody hand moved to your cheek, she looked up at Sam eyes streaming with tears.
Sam looked back down at her sister, the guilt ten folding at the sight of you. The memories flashing right before her. She should have seen this coming.
“Y/n?” Tara cried looking back down at you. “Baby wake up please. Please. Wake up! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Come on hey, hey I I got your Christmas present already. You have to open it. Come on. Sam help me. Sam please help me.”
But there was nothing anyone could do.
You were gone.
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Just the Tip
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Pairing: Rooster x Reader
Warnings: Language, Drinking, Smut. Rooster has quite the mouth on him... that is all. Minors DNI 18+
You weren't totally sure when you noticed it, but once you had, you couldn't stop noticing it.
It's was all you could seem to focus on, the unconscious habit your boyfriend had everytime he was extremely focused. Whether he was flying, playing pool, serenading the Hard Deck, or looking at you like you were a fine meal, Rooster always sticking his tongue out.
He didn't stick it out in an in your face kind of way... no it was subtle...just the tip of it. You were certain he didn't realize it, then again, maybe he did, and maybe the others in your friend group didn't seem to pick up on it either...but it drove you insane.
Not because it annoyed you, but because you wanted to know what else his tongue could do.
Sure, Rooster had used his tongue to trace the space between your collar bone and your ear, and he had plunged it into your mouth to explore it like Magellan, but he had never gone down on you.
That was mostly your fault. You were honestly hesitant to let him do it. Everytime you fell into the sheets he offered, nay, begged for you to let him. You had given him head many times, but something about letting him return the favor made you apprehensive.
"What if I tastes weird?" You told him once. "Honey I've tasted you on my fingers before and believe me, you are delicious." He quickly replied back. "What if I crush you or suffocate you with my thighs?" You had argued. "What a hell of a way that would be to go, drowning in my girls sweet pussy." He quipped back before you smacked him in the shoulder.
Even with his reassurance you still couldn't bring yourself to let him... until tonight.
You weren't quite sure what had changed in you, but the air at the Hard Deck was charged with sexual tension. Maybe it was your 3rd cranberry mule of the night that changed your mind. Maybe it was the way his aviators hung low on his nose as he played the piano. Maybe it was the way he looked in his new Hawiian shirt you had gotten him. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the way that damn tongue of his peaked out of his lips as he lined up his final shot in his game of 8-ball against Hangman.
Whatever it was, you found yourself sliding off you your bar stool and waltzing over to him to congratulate him on his victory.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. His smile was bright as he hugged you. Your lips ghosted against his ear, and in the quietest whisper you could manage you breathed out: "Take me home, I want to find our what else that tongue can do Daddy."
His grip on your waist tightened as he inhaled sharply and stood up. He cocked his head to the side as if he was checking to make sure he heard you correctly. You nodded your head and gave him a wink. His eyes darkened, as if on cue, the pink tip of his tongue peeked out from his lips.
Rooster didn't need to be told twice. He quickly said his goodbyes, paid your tab and dragged walked you by the hand out of the bar.
Once you had made your way into the parking lot to the Bronco, Rooster pushed you up against it and slanted his mouth over yours. He tongue plunged deep in your mouth. You moan against him as you battled him for dominance in the kiss.
"You know baby, if you had wanted to make out, we could have went out back, we didn't have to leave." He states pulling away and leaving you breathless.
"Making out with you is great and all baby, but I had something else in mind... if you're up for it." You tell him with a mischievous glint in your eye. "And what might that be Princess?" He asked you silently hoping it's what he is thinking.
"Everyday I watch you stick that pretty little tongue of yours out when you are concentrating on something. I watch you wag it around during flight training, pool, piano playing, it taunts me, and today... well today I've finally decided I'm done letting it tease me. You explain to him with your new found confidence.
"So what exactly do you want me to do with it then?" Rooster asks you. He needs go hear you say it.
"I wanna know what it feels like between my legs when I cum all over it." You tell him as you bite your lower lip and look up at him with big, innocent doe eyes.
"Oh Baby Girl..." he groans. "You don't know how long I have waited to hear you say that. Fuck you look so pretty with those filthy words coming out of your mouth." He tells you while gripping your chin to make you look at him. "Well Roosie, are you just going to stand there and tell me how pretty I look, or are you going to take me home and show me?" You challenge him rocking back on your heels.
"Get in the Bronco." He orders while opening the door. You climb up, but before you can get all the way in, Rooster delivers a playful smack to your round ass.
He had a white knucked grip on the steering wheel as you drove back to your shared bungalow. His left knee bounced against the floorboard. You weren't sure who wanted this more, you or him.
At a stoplight you shifted in your seat, pressing your thighs together in a feeble attempt to relieve some of the growing pressure. He hadn't even really touched you yet, but you were already soaked at the thought of his face buried in your heat.
You glanced over and watched him adjust himself through his jeans, his desire growing more prominent by the minute. His brows furrowed, you could tell he was getting antsy waiting for the damn light to change.
"Thank fuck" He cursed under his breath when it finally did turn green. He did 10 over the speed limit after that. You swear the Bronco was peeling in the driveway on two wheels when you finally got home.
Rooster literally jumped out of the driver's seat and ran to your side. You had just enough time to unbuckle yourself before your door flew open.
He leaned in and pressed a heated kiss to your lips. "God I love you." He said looking deep into your eyes before grabbing you out of the car and tossing you over his shoulder. "But I cannot wait to wreck you" He said as he made his way up the few steps to the front porch.
"Bradley!" You gasped. "Put me down!" You're hands smacked his back as you fought to no avail. Rooster smacked your ass and chuckled. He had no intention of giving into your demands until he had you where he wanted you.
He finally set, well rather tossed you down in the middle of the king sizee bed. Rooster wasted no time yanking your sundress over your head and tossing it along with your shoes across the room, leaving you in nothing but a pair of lace panties. His shirt and pants joined your clothes lost somewhere in the room. "Someone's eager." You quipped looking at him as he stood bedside the bed.
The mattress dipped under his weight as he leaned over to kiss you.
"What can I say, I've been waiting almost a year to do this... it's like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one." He told you. His eyes were dark with lust as they raked over you.
You looked up at him through hooded lids. His pupils were blown so wide his normally honey golden orbs were almost black. He leaned back on his calves deciding his next move. He look good sitting there... almost too good.
His chest rose rapidly with shallow breaths. His hair was slightly askew from your fingers running through it. His black boxers hung low on his hips, leaving his sleek cut V on display for you. His cock was straining through the material of them...begging to be let out for you.
You laid there watching him, drinking him in, engraving this image of him into your brain.
"Baby" his voice came out softly breaking you from your trance. You met his eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this? You know I would never do anything you didn't want to. And I don't want you to feel like we have to do this." He asked you.
If there was one thing Rooster was sure about it was that he always wanted your consent before trying something new in the bedroom. He wanted to make sure you were okay with everything and you know if you told him right now to stop, he would, no questions asked.
"I'm sure Bradley. I want this, I want you." You assured him once again.
He silently nodded his head and slipped to the bottom of the bed. You laid back and looked up at the ceiling letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. You knew this was going to be good. You had never had a bad sexual experience with Rooster.
You had mentally prepared yourself for this on the ride home, but what you hadn't prepared yourself for was for Rooster to grab your ankle and pull you to the edge of the bed. You let out a surprised gasp when he pulled you.
Your ass was now on the edge of the mattress while he knelt on the floor infront of you.
He pushed your thighs apart and settled between them. His broad hands landed on your hips as he played with the waistband of your navy blue lace panties.
You could feel his breath hot and heavy against your center.
He was taking his time and you were getting impatient and losing your nerve. You were just about to tell him to forget the whole thing when you felt his lips connect with your clit over your still clothed core.
You sucked in a deep breath of surprise and arched towards his mouth. You heard him laugh from the end of the bed. "So sensitive already" He mumbled against your center as he sucked it over your underwear.
Your eyes were already rolling back in your head and he hadn't even made full contact yet.
He continued to lick and suck over your panties giving you the chance to get used to the feeling and relax. Once he was sure you were nice and warmed up and ready, he slid them down your already trembling legs.
They were soaked.
"So wet for me baby." He murmured against your skin as he nipped the flesh inside your thighs.
Everything already felt so good, you weren't sure how it could get better until you felt the first broad swipe of his tongue over you.
You almost flew up off the bed because fuck it felt good. A scream left your lips as he flattened his tongue out again against you. His arms locked under your thighs and pulled you closer to his mouth.
His tongue assaulted your core, licking and sucking and fucking into you.
You bit down on you lower lip, afraid of the sounds that might spill out of you.
However the last ounce of self control you had quickly disappeared when you felt his plush lips seal over your clit and suck it hard into his mouth.
"FUUUUUCK Bradley!" You scream at the sensation.
He chucked from between your folds as he buried his face further into you.
He truly was buried in your pussy, eating you like you were a buffet that had been prepared just for him. One of your hands found purchase in his curls and tugged hard on them. The pull only seemed to futher spur him on along with the mewls and moans from your mouth that were driving him crazy.
"Feels so good, oh my God, yes daddy please" you moaned out as he alternated between sucking on your clit and circling it with his tongue. The same tongue that had put you in this very position. He was just as good with it as you had imagined he would be... better even.
"So.... so.... close... please... Roos... please" you panted out trying to communicate what you needed to him.
"That's it princess, come on baby cum all over my tongue. I know you want to... I need you too." He moaned from beneath you.
You ground yourself down hard against his face. His mustache providing a deliciously scruffy friction that you never knew you needed in your life.
Any coherent capabilities you had left your body the moment two of his thick fingers plunged into your folds and curled up into you.
He used them to fuck you in tandem with the movements of his mouth against your center.
You were so close and so wet. It should have been embarrassing out turned on you were and the sounds that you were making.
It was loud, sloppy, pornographic, and the hottest fucking thing you or Bradley had ever heard.
You gripped his head tighter pulling hard on the roots of his sandy locks trying to not let go, wanting to extend this feeling forever.
Rooster growled and gave a harsh suck to your sensitive bud which caused the flood gates to quite literally open. You came harder than you ever had in your life, sure you had left a huge mess behind but you were so deep in your throws of pleasure you didn't care. You screamed his name as he continued to lick and suck and finger you through your high.
You barely had a moment to breath before his lips and fingers had coaxed a second orgasm out of you hot on the tail of your first.
As you came down from your second high, his mouth and hands became to much, you were too sensitive. You pulled him away from you, abet with some protest from him.
"S'too much" you weakly protested. As you laid down on the bed throughly spent.
Rooster came and gently tugged you up the mattress. "C'mere baby, you made a mess" He mummbled to you. You sat up and noticed the large wet spot on the duvet. You covered your face and blushed.
"It's okay baby. That was amazing. Hot as fuck. Can't wait to do it again." He told you.
You kissed him hard. "Let me take care of you now" you whispered against his lips. You moved to slip your hand into is boxers only to be met with a sticky warmth. Your eyes went wide as you broke the kiss and looked at him.
"Did you cum from eating my pussy?!" You asked him both shocked and amazed.
"Like I said baby... Hot. As. Fuck" Rooster stated back.
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it just as much as I did, anytime you want to do it again, I will be more than glad to let you. And to think I was afraid to let you om the first place... man was I stuipd." You laughed as you settled against his chest you eyes suddenly heavy with sleep from the two intense orgasms he had given you, while his face lit up with a shit eating grin and a look of "I told you so in his eyes"
"Baby Girl, can't fall asleep just yet, let's get cleaned up and a new blanket." Rooster gently told you. He got up and stripped the duvet off the bed and tossed it in the corner. He grabbed a clean one off the top shelf of the hall closet and went to the bathroom and grabbed a warm wash cloth and cleaned both of you up.
He slipped on a pair of fresh boxers before grabbing one of his old Top Gun shirts and a pair of sleep shots for you. He helped you dress, as your body was still weak.
Once he had taken care of you he climbed into bed and tucked you against his side. His hands gently played with your hair as you laid next to him.
"Baby" He called to you. "Hm?" You asked meeting his eyes.
"Next time, you're riding my face" Rooster stated leaving no room for argument before he turned out the light.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @meggiemoomitchell @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger
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brokenpieces-72 · 8 months
Taskforce 141!ganster au x reader
Old Bed
This is part 5. Leave a comment if you want to be tagged in future posts. Navigation
The air is tense and well no shit. You weren’t expecting the hideout Kyle would take you to, would be the same one Simon and Johnny would be at. Before anyone could say anything else, Simon told you to follow him and take your shoes off first. You took off your shoes and set them aside before following him into a small hallway. Johnny kept an eye on you while you followed his boss. Gaz pat him on the back as he made his way to the couch.
“Set your stuff in the room there. Come back out, I’ll get you a drink.” He says walking away before you could reply. You step into the room, and find a small simple bedroom. Everything is neat, and you notice a photo on the nightstand next to the twin bed. You recognize it. It’s a photo of you and your father when you were younger. Was this your dad’s room at one point? There were a couple of times when your father didn’t come home until the early hours of the morning. You guessed maybe he stayed here for a bit. Something about the room, even with it being so plain made you feel safe. Like he was sitting with you on the bed, watching you going through your stuff. You pulled out a different hoodie, taking off your current one leaving it inside the jacket. You laid it on the bed, and looked at the mirror hanging on the wall by the small closet. Your arms were cover in bruises, that were easily visible with you in your tank top. The swelling in your eyes had gone down. Moving your arms, there was some pain but it was mainly just soreness. Nothing broken thankfully.
You come back out with your other hoodie and your beanie pulled down closer to your eye. You didn’t want to make a fuss. You find Kyle in a t-shirt and jeans, his jacket on the couch armrest. Simon notices you and jerks his head toward the group, gesturing you to join them. You notice Simon’s mask is over his nose and mouth, wearing lounge pants and long sleeved shirt. Soap takes another shot at the table, cursing under his breath, and leaning against his cue. Ripped jeans, and hoodie, making him less intimidating than he usually is. Not by much though. You step closer to the table but keep your hands in your pockets.
Ghost takes a shot himself, letting the silence remain and the tension grow. Gaz just stays on the couch watching you and Soap. Price told him shit was tense, but damn.
“You play?” Kyle asks, finally breaking the silence.
“Some. I’m okay at it.” You mumble just loud enough for him to understand.
“Liar.” Soap comments under his breath, taking a shot. Another sunk, only two other’s remaining and the 8. You go very quiet, letting the label sting. Kyle gives Soap a look of annoyance.
“He’s right. They’re better than okay.” Ghost says, leaning over and just missing the pocket making his ball bounce off into a worse position. “Better than Soap.”
“No less a liar.” You comment to yourself.
“You’re not a liar.” Soap says almost begrudgingly, walking around the table for a better angle. You look at him as he takes the shot and misses his ball.
“You sai-“
“I know what I said. You never lied though.” He says stepping back and standing next to you. “Secrets and lies… you never said you weren’ a cop. We knew your da and we guessed… just didna wanna be right.”
“I’m sorry.” Is all you can say in response. He was right, but the guilt remained. You felt he was owed at least that much.
“Oi love birds, quit the sap. Y/n mind making this shit for me.” Ghost says offering the cue. You take it, trying to think of it as how it was when you first got close to Soap. When you lean down ready to take the shot though, you wince. You try to hide it by shifting your position but that makes it worse. When you take the shot, you get it in the pocket but something in your shoulder audibly pops making you flinch.
“What’s wrong?” Johnny asks.
“Nothing, just sore.” You say brushing it off.
“Some cops jumped em.” Kyle mentions, while Ghost sinks the 8 ball. Johnny says something in Scottish, you can’t quite make out.
“I’m fine.” You say. Johnny takes off your beanie without warning.
“Sit on the couch, I’ll get you some painkillers.” Johnny says leaning the cue against the table. He sounds like a disappointed older brother. You sit on the couch next to Gaz. It’s surprisingly comfortable, and you feel some cracking from your bones. Good cracking. You can’t explain it but once again, you feel safe and relaxed. More safe than you’ve felt in your own apartment by yourself. Johnny gives you the painkiller.
“Why they turn?” Johnny asks leaning back against the pool table standing in front of you.
“Told them I wanted to be left alone. Hadn’t shown up for sometime, hadn’t done much for a week. They decided that maybe kicking my ass would bring you guys running to help me. Prove my worth to you guys. Just kept telling them to fuck off. That wasn’t enough.” You explain, taking the painkiller.
“Give us names, we’ll slash their tires.” Kyle offers.
“Pfft, not as much fun.” Johnny adds. “I say we just do what they did to Y/N.”
“And puts Y/N at risk. Right now, the police think they’re on the side of the law. Gaz you mentioned Graves coming out of their apartment?” Ghost asks, folding his arms and looking at Gaz. Gaz nods. You didn’t love Graves but the last thing you wanted was for him to get caught with the wrong people. The 141 guys were the right people for you, but not for Graves.
“He’s my dad’s friend.” You say quickly. “Checks up on me. I report to him.”
“You tell him anything about us?” Johnny asks. He gives you a hard serious look.
“No. Nothing incriminating.” You say.
“What did he say when you came in with all the bruises?” Gaz asks.
“Asked me what happened… sounded like he was worried but I don’t know.” You explain. They’re silent now, trying to figure out if Graves had something to do with it. They all knew Graves, the kind of man he was. Graves wasn’t a shit cop, but he wasn’t exactly clean either. Your father and Graves were partners, and in the force that meant something. But that night…
“Just told me to text him when I got somewhere safe. Told him I would stay the night somewhere else.” You say breaking the hard silence. “I texted him earlier when we parked, location is turned off.”
“Good. You best rest up, it’ll help you recover.” Ghost says. You don’t argue and get up going to your room.
The remaining three are quiet for a moment, not making eye contact, not talking, and hardly even moving. The night your father died, Graves was there. For a while they thought Graves might have done his partner in, but if so, why was he so hard on you. Why put you in the same place your father had been, and so close to himself? Graves was a hard ass but not cruel. They could all attest to that. Even Soap who’d been shot by him. For now only time would tell, but with the cops being more persistent, and more sketchy shit going on behind closed doors, something was up.
Laswell called Price that same night. He had just gotten home from the bar, and sat down to relax with some football.
“Turn on the news.” She ordered him.
“Why?” He asked, getting the remote anyways. When he turned on the tv his question was answered.
“No fucking way…” he muttered into the phone.
“We’ve got a big problem John.” Laswell comments watching the same news broadcast.
“Yeah, well… no shit.” Price replies.
The tv announced the return of the successful businessman and new chief police commissioner:
Vladimir Makarov.
@yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz
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bloodyjuls-blog · 1 year
(I will fight to not lose you) - Alexia Putellas
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There was a moment in my life where I wanted to give up, where everything was beyond me and what can you expect from a girl who grew up in Sutton running around with a soccer ball and who is now a super star? Life has never been easy, when you reach your teenage years and your social life overlaps with training, match day, recovery days? The only thing left was to do everything from home, from parties to drinking. Everything was easier without my parents at home, to be honest I grew up having everything, a big house, money, freedom and what I loved most after alcohol.... Football. When you become a professional nobody tells you the responsibilities and the exposure you bring with that and even if they say that women's soccer lacks attraction then they should have it checked because the pressure I felt playing for arsenal or city was very high and brought with it the expectation of the Barcelona soccer club to bring a star, to speak on and off the pitch. My younger days I remember with the talks with my parents for not being good enough to be in a professional league, which then when I achieved it would break me little by little because alcohol never left me, the faithful companion of my adventures.... Everything became a problem, I drank until the wee hours and made sure I got enough rest to perform the minimum in my club. Then my sister brings us the news of her pregnancy and I don't deny it, I always wanted to be a mother but there was a moment when my world came crashing down and I rejected the idea.
It was the decisive league match for arsenal. We were facing Chelsea for the FA cup and the pressure from above forced us to win. But things always go wrong, that day I think I had one of the worst games of my life. I missed a lot of chances, I was always out of position and the worst thing is that my family was watching me from the stands.
At the dinner with my family, my father very disappointed tells me: "daughter I do not understand you, they tell us to come to see you and you play a shitty game" to which I a little upset I tell him: "if you are not interested then do not come, this is soccer" at the end of dinner the mood is lowered but my father there is something that does not fit, since I tried the first shot of vodka has made me bad faces. While I approach to take Ruppert, already 5 years old, my father takes him away from me and tells me: "I don't understand how they can want you in a club if you are an alcoholic, and much less I am going to allow you to take care of your nephews being in the conditions you are, do you think I didn't notice your flash of whiskey you had in your backpack or that you are going back home drunk, if something happens to you don't even bother to call me because I am not going to come and save your ass, you understand? " My tears were falling from my eyes, he had hurt me in a way I never thought he could. After all he was my father and I was his not so favorite daughter.
End of the Flashback
Alexia pov
"Hello, Ana. Do you know where y/n is?" I ask through the line in a worried voice. "No Ale, the only thing I know is that she had been drinking and left driving the car, I guess I'm guessing she's already in her apartment" Ana replied calmly. "Fuck this can't be" exclaimed Ale as she tried to call you back. "Ah I know who to call, maybe she has information" she thought calmer.
"Hi Leah how are you? It's Alexia" said Alexia calmly "Hi Alexia, well to what do I owe your call?" Answered Leah quizzically "I was wondering if you know anything about y/n, she called me a while ago and left me a little worried" you could tell from Alexia's voice that something wasn't right. "Ale the truth I don't know where y/n/n could have gone, what I do tell you is to please take care of her, and help with the alcohol issue she is not having a good time, and I am worried that something might happen to her" said a little more concerted Leah. "Of course, come on I'll leave you, I have another call coming in."
She answers the other call....
"Hello, is this Ms. Alexia Putellas?" A calm voice asks on the other line. "Who is calling?" answers a curious Alexia. "Ma'am this is the receptionist at Egarsat hospital speaking, I was speaking to inform you that Miss y/n y/l has been involved in an accident and you are listed as the emergency contact" Alexia at that moment felt tears fall from her eyes "yes this is her, tell me how is she? Tell me how is she?" says Alexia desperately "Ma'am the only thing I can tell you is that if you can, please go to the hospital as soon as possible, the emergency reception will tell you where to go" "thank you" says Alexia with an agitated voice.
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Note: sorry I know had passed a couple of month but I'm near to graduate and that makes me full time persone and busy schedule. Love you all loads
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the-broken-truth · 9 months
A Mad Lion's Love - Yandere Leona Kingscholar [Oneshot]
Broken: This Oneshot is inspired by a Yandere Leona Kingsholar Audio I heard. I literally cannot get it out of my head and I have decided to make this one-shot in hopes of getting it out of my head.
Here is the Video, give it a listen; you just might like it:
'How long have I been here?' That was the thought that crossed Yuu's mind as they lifted their head from their knees as they looked around the dark room from their lonely corner in the unknown cabin they found themselves in; the only light allowed to them was coming from the moon as it shone through the cracks of the board up window which allowed a few slivers of light into the dark cabin. Yuu hated the dark, or rather, they hated being alone in the dark; however, they were going to remain that way until he arrived.
Yuu flinched at the thought of him - both in fear at what he is capable of and in anger for what he has done to them when all they wanted to do was survive in this world until there was a way for them to return to the world they came from. Everything was manageable, Yuu was even enjoying their time in this world but their heart was always set on finding a way to return to which they came; everyone they knew understood their desire to return home and they accepted that choice... Everyone but him.
Yuu flinched when the sound of footsteps echoed outside the cabin door, the sound of a key being inserted and the lock twisted caused them to watch as the door opened and a towering figure walked into the dark cabin before closing the door behind them, making sure to lock it once again. The figure walked over to a stack of firewood neatly placed in the corner of the room, collected a few logs before walking over to the fireplace and threw them in before lighting a match and throwing it over the wood; the fire grew, as did the light and warmth in the cabin. Yuu closed their eyes at the feeling of the warmth filling the once cold cabin, also because they didn't want to see him; however, he seemed to have other plans.
"You didn't eat the food I left you." His voice called out as his green eyes looked over his shoulder at the bowl of meat and bread untouched on the stand beside the bed where Yuu was sitting on.
"I know that food is laced with something and I'm not taking a chance with you again. Not after what happened." Yuu hissed at him before looking up at the man who placed them in this situation; The Prince of the Afterglow Savana - Leona Kingscholar. Leona was always the Brooding Prince type, always unhappy with what he had and always wanting more; however, if there was something he wanted or something he deemed to be his, he was going to get it, regardless of what measures he had to take to get it within his claws. Unfortunately, one of the things Leona wanted to possess was Yuu.
"You need to eat something. This is the 3rd Day you have gone without eating and you'll start to waste away if you don't get something in your body." Leona said as he looked at Yuu, who looked away without saying anything to him. Leona scoffed at him before he turned to look at the fire flickering in the fireplace.
" You have done nothing but refuse to eat, barely drink water, won't talk to me, and just pout in that corner even since I brought you here..." Leona's gloved hands balled themselves into fists before he spoke again - his voice laced with an unknown emotion that Yuu never heard before, "What can I do to make you understand?"
"What?" Yuu asked.
"I'm desperate. I've tried everything I could so that I wouldn't have to result in this. I even tried the potion on you but to no avail; you somehow managed to resist its effects even though it was supposed to be the stronger version of that potion. It should have worked. If only it did, you would have given yourself to me without issue and we wouldn't be in this situation." Leona said as he continued to look in the fire.
Leona talked about a potion called the Everlasting Love Potion that he had stolen from Professor Crewel's Display Case of Prized Potions. Crewel was known to have the hardest-to-find and most powerful potions in existence, and he loved to show off his collection. That's how Leona found out about the Everlasting Love Potion. The potion was believed to have permanent effects, and there was no cure for it. Leona needed it to make Yuu fall in love with him. In the dead of night, he broke into Crewel's classroom and used his skills to open the display case without triggering any alarms. He then swapped the Everlasting Love Potion with a common Love Potion that looked identical and left the room without leaving any evidence that he was ever there.
The next morning, Leona got Yuu's Favorite Drink from the cafe and poured the entire bottle into the drink, making sure to mix it so there was no visible trace of it being there. The Prince located the Herbivore in the hall and gave them the drink, telling them it was an apology for yelling at them a few days ago. Yuu thanked Leona for the drink and finished it right in front of him; the prince waited for the effects of the potion to kick in but they never did. Yuu thanked Leona once again before heading off to class, leaving a stunned, angered, and even more determined prince behind them.
"You really crossed the line with that potion, Leona. Trying to enchant me into loving you was going too far." Yuu growled but this only caused Leona to laugh and run his hand through his hair.
"You're making me cross the line. I'm going crazy without you around and you constantly resist me. Constantly running away from me when you are mine." Leona looked over his shoulder at Yuu before speaking again, "Should I break your legs so you don't run away again? It will be painful...but effective."
Yuu glared at Leona with hatred in their eyes but the prince just smiled at them.
"Don't make that face... You're cute when you smile. Come on, smile for me. Just once." Leona coddled but Yuu just closed their eyes, allowing the tears they had been holding back to flow freely.
"Do you think tears will help you in getting me to change my mind and let you go? You're wrong, Herbivore. You're not going anywhere that I don't want you to go: Not leaving this cabin, not returning to Ramshackle, not returning to NRC, especially not returning to the world you originally came from. You aren't going anywhere until you love me." Leona growled out but Yuu started to sob, angering the Prince more.
"Too noisy. You're being infuriating. Stop it, now." Leona growled out but Yuu couldn't stop, they had been holding it in for so long. Leona scoffed once again and turned to look at the fire.
"It's your own fault you're in this situation right now; if you had just given yourself to me when I told you to none of this would have had to happen. I can't live and breathe without you and you kept leaving me, you kept avoiding me to spend time with other males. I was sick of it, so I took what belonged to me." Leona said, trying to justify his actions.
"You're mad, Leona. You've gone mad!" Yuu yelled through their tears.
"Oh, I'm really mad and this madness is proof of my love for you" Leona finally pulled his gaze away from the flame and turned around, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge before placing a tender gloved hand on Yuu's cheek, making them look at him.
"You understand me, don't you?" He started caressing Yuu's cheek in a circular motion, "I'm not intimidating you. I'm warning you: A Lion mad with love will always get love from its prey. This is our law..." He started leaning into Yuu's face, "And YOU are a part of it."
He moved his head to where his mouth was right by Yuu's ear before growlingly whispering his next words, "Accept it."
"You're a monster, Leona Kingscholar. You've destroyed my life...all for your own selfish desires." Yuu whimpered.
"I'm not a monster - I'm a Lion in Love. There is nothing I won't do, no lengths I won't travel, no line I won't cross to make sure my love stays with me and only me. You were made for me, Yuu. Accept your fate and be happy with me." He placed a tender kiss on Yuu's forehead before leaning back and yawning. "I'm tired of having a long conversation. Come and pet me. I'll sleep here with you tonight." Leona pulled Yuu's legs out before resting his head on their thighs, waiting for them to pet him.
The Lion's Captive hesitated for a while before their hand started caressing Leona's hair and scratching his scalp between his ears; just like he loved it.
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dlavend3r · 7 months
Hi! Would you be interested in doing an Angel Dust X bestie fem reader where she gets super weepy when she’s drunk?
Ahhhh I love this! And tysm for being my first request! I hope you enjoy this. My requests are still open!
Angel Dust x Bestie Weepy Drunk fem!reader
To say you cry when you’re drunk is an understatement. When you’re drunk, you’re…let’s say…very sensitive to things. A lot of things…..everything. When you’re drunk you get sensitive to everything. But that’s what you’ve been told. A lot. But you didn’t care, you enjoy having fun and getting drunk with your friends. Especially Angel.
It was one of those days where Angel had a rough going out with Val so he needed to let off steam. So he decided to go out and get drunk and do drugs. You know better as his best friend than to let him to any of that alone. Especially when he’s pissed. When Angel get pissed he gets reckless. So you decided to go with Angel to watch him and also let off a little steam and have fun.
You and Angel arrived at a bar and took a seat at the counter, Angel already ordering you both some drinks. That’s how it went, drink after drink, and shot after shot. It was hours since ya have arrived. You’re obviously wasted, far gone the tipsy stage. You still had a shot in hand ready to down it until Angel stopped you. “Come on sweet cakes, no more shots” Angel said as he grabbed the shot from your hand and downing it himself. He didn’t seem sober but he didn’t seem drunk like you were. “Come on Angel, lemme have anotherrrrrr” you groaned as you reached out to Angel. “That was gonna be my last one” You said trying to plead with Angel. That was a lie. If Angel hadn’t stopped you, you wouldn’t have stopped drinking.
Angel let out a laugh, a big laugh, “come on babes, we both know that’s a lie, you drink and drink until you can’t hold your shit anymore, and when I mean shit I mean you’re feelings. You get emotional, then we’re left to deal with a cry baby” Angel said as he slapped how ever bills on the counter to pay for both of your tabs and stood up from the stool. “Come on we’re going bac- are you crying?” You stared at Angel with teary eyes, “you think I’m a cry baby?” You asked with a trembly lip before you let out a cry. Angel was freaking out, he forgot the one rule when dealing with you drunk. Don’t mention that you get emotional. “Ah shit. Fuck- no babes you’re not emotional, you’re….empathic?” He said trying his best to comfort you which wasn’t working much.
“Oh my god, my best friend thinks I’m a fucking emotional wreck” You cried as you slammed your head down face first onto the counter. “I did not say that” Angel said as he placed his hand on you’re shoulder, “I just said you’re a cry baby, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
You turned to him, “really?” You asked with a tested stained face. Angel nodded, “of course sweet cakes.” He responded while he placed his hand on your head. “Come on let’s go.” You nodded as you stood up and fixed your hair and outfit.As both of you left the bar making your way down the sidewalk you noticed an animal, but it was missing an eye. Angel felt him gat grabbed by the arm and turned to your direction noticing you getting teary again, “ that animal don’t have an eye” you started to cry, “how the fuck can it seeeeeee” you cried, “it looks like Vaggie…. Was it abandoned too aweeeeeee fuck” you started to tear up as you leaned on Angel.
Angel sighed as he looked at you, “come on, maybe he likes it better with one eye” you turned to look at him, “how do you know it’s a dude, it doesn’t have balls” you said with a sniffle. Angel looked at the animal and back at you. “It doesn’t have balls but it has a dick.” Then you started to cry again.“They took his ballsssss” you cried, “he can’t fuck no moreeeee” you said as you passed by the animal. “He’s ball less!” You said while clinging into Angel. Angel was laughing his fucking ass off right now. “Okay yeah he’s ball less but that’s little thing still got a dick. We don’t have to worry.” He said trying to sooth you finding it funny that you care about an animals ability to fuck.
Both of you made ya way to the hotel and entered. As you both made it in the lobby Angel spoke, “let’s get you to bed before you start crying about more ball less animals.”
“Fuck there’s even more ball less animals?! NOOOOOO!”
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luvbuggggg · 1 year
knockout. — remus lupin
summary: a quidditch game gone wrong leads to you in the hospital wing with a very worried remus by your side.
genre: fluff ; remus x quidditch captain!reader
warnings: injuries, violence, slight food issues(??), profanity
blinding lights filled your vision as you fought to open your eyes. a hand shot up to protect them from the harsh luminance, but you were greeted with a searing pain in your arm instead. a hand took yours. it was warm, almost too warm. you unscrewed your eyes to take a look at who the hand belonged to.
remus lupin. just about the only person you’d be okay with holding your hand right then. he looked like a wreck. bags under his eyes more prevalent than normal, disheveled hair, chapped lips. yet, he still looked phenomenal. it was unfair, really, how he could be a mess and still be one of the most attractive boys in hogwarts. personally, you felt no one else could hold a candle to your friend, but some of your dorm mates felt very strongly otherwise.
he rubbed circles on your hand with his thumb as he spoke to someone on the other side of the room. madam pomfrey soon hovered over you, immediately forcing a vial to your lips to drink. you obliged, gulping down a horrific tasting potion. she returned to her cabinets, rummaging for something specific. what for? you had no clue.
your eyes turned back to remus, who was still intently watching pomfrey. you cleared your throat, trying to gather strength to speak. even opening your mouth sent a pain through your chest. “what happened?” you mumbled.
looking back to you, remus frowned. “you don’t remember?” you shook your head gently, instantly regretting it. any sudden movements sent pain and/or dizziness through your being. he continued playing with your hand, looking around the room for something to focus on. you wished he’d just look at you. you squeezed his hand, trying to regain his attention. he looked back at you, looking almost as bad as you felt.
“there was a game, and one of the beaters kept targeting you with a bludger. it caught up to you, love, and took you out.”
moments of the game filled your memory. the exhaustion from the very beginning. you had been so focused on making sure your team was well fed that you had forgotten to eat as well. it was only until your team was walking onto the pitch that you realized your fatal mistake. as quidditch captain of your team, it was vital that you never forgot to take care of yourself. this game was so important to you, though, everything slipped away.
up in the air, all you could think about was making your goals and the nausea rushing through you at the same time. everything was going smoothly until a bludger met your temple. one minute you were upright, and the next, you were plummeting hundreds of feet. the impact of the ground still evades your memory.
you looked up at the boy, tears building in your eyes. “i tried so hard,” you croaked. he slumped in his seat, feeling worse than when you were asleep. his free hand stroked your hair, his other still entwined in yours. you pathetically tried to wipe your tears, but the pulsing aches prevented your arms from moving.
“i know you did, love.” he whispered. “nothing could’ve stopped them from hitting you. they put a spell on the ball to follow you until you were off your broom.”
the sadness melted away in an instant and was immediately replaced with anger. pure, red-hot anger. you sat up, to the best of your ability, and looked remus right in the eye. “what?”
he was startled with the change in your demeanor. he pushed a pillow behind your back to help you stay up straight as he talked. “i think it was their captain that did it, but we weren’t sure. the whole team knew, though. the boys and i thought it was odd that no one was really touching the bludger.”
“does dumbledore know? does anyone in authority know? i could’ve fucking died, remus. i fell hundreds of feet, all because some dickwad was too afraid to lose a game of quidditch to my team.” your vulgar language was met with a shush from madam pomfrey, along with an advisement to calm down. you were still healing, after all.
“they’re figuring everything out now. i think the boys are handling it, then handing it over to dumbledore and mcgonagall.” he traced fingers on your arm, careful to avoid any bruises you gained from the altercation. his touch had a way of calming you slightly, but in no way were you okay. you could’ve been killed for godrick’s sake. it felt good knowing that james, sirius, and peter were taking care of whoever did this.
remus took your silence as anger. in an attempt to calm you, he began telling you about how good your team played before the incident occurred. plays you had planned with james went phenomenally. he snickered at the fumbles made by the other team. you wondered how bad they had to have been to need a hexxed bludger. that’s truly embarrassing. as he rambled on and on, you felt your heart rate slowly decline.
the peacefulness was interrupted by three boys slamming through the door. remus’ friends. your friends. all looking bruised and disheveled, but they stood with large grins on their faces as they stared the two of you down. remus dropped your hand, not caring to bother with any teasing while you sat in a hospital wing bed.
“we beat the son of a bitch up!” james exclaimed, earning a hiss from madam pomfrey. taking a seat next to remus, he lowered his voice. “we found out it was that sick slytherin bastard, the captain!” he nudged remus harshly. “old moony here knew it all along, didn’t you?” he wiped at his nose, dried blood flaking away.
sirius sat on the end of your bed, not bothering to watch for your (still very sore) legs and feet. his knuckles were red, faint bruising prevalent under the skin. “he put up a fight, didn’t he? but wormy kept him from getting away!” he clapped peter on the back, who stood at the foot of your bed.
“he should probably be here, considering we got him pretty good, but he’s in dumbledore’s office now!” peter grinned at their accomplishments. you grinned back. violence was never the answer, in your opinion, but the asshole tracked you down with a bludger. a violent retaliation had to have been fair.
as they continued telling the consequences your assailer would face, peter pulled up another chair in between james and sirius, who remained perched on your bed. remus scooted closer to you to give the rest more space. the closer he got, the more you missed the feel of his hand in yours. you glanced at him, moving your palm closer to his, hoping he would get the memo.
without a second glance, he took your hand in his, continuing the conversation. unbeknownst to you, as you laughed along at the jokes being thrown about how pathetic the opposing team was, remus snuck glances at you. in awe of how pretty you managed to be even after breaking and mending basically all of your bones within twenty four hours. amazed at how you managed to laugh and make jokes even though you were the target of a violent act. so happy that you comforted him, even though he had remained by your side to ensure your comfort.
after hours of quips on how remus hadn’t moved since you’d gotten there and snickers about their plans for the rest of the slytherin team, madam pomfrey ushered the four of them out of the hospital wing. you were glad to know that the next person to look at you funny would receive the same treatment that poor slytherin captain got.
wc: 1.3k words
xoxo — leigh
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pixiesfz · 10 months
Kyra Cooney-Cross x reader
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plot: kyra, a midfielder decides to date a defender on her team, what happens when she takes a big fall on her debut.
warnings: swearing, injuries
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It was your girlfriends second week at Arsenal and you had never been any prouder, she was working her ass off in training and everyone could tell her debut was coming soon.
Nobody was as excited as you when Jonas started hinting at her debut game, not even Kyra herself could reach your excitement.
"I wonder what your chant will be?" you asked yourself as you ate dinner the night before the game "babe, we don't even know if I will play" Kyra told her "it would be stupid not to" you shot back and reached out for her hand
"I just want to finally play a game where we are on the same team," you said as Kyra squeezed your hand "We will, I just don't want to get my hopes up" You nodded your head as you agreed with the girl.
"My hopes are already up"
"Oh I know" Kyra smiled before a waitress came up and asked for your drinks, both just getting a soft drink
"You're starting tomorrow" Kyra pointed out "I hope Jonas takes me off at least once, my head started to spin last time"
"I think that was because you skulled a full bottle of Powerade before hand" Kyra pointed her eyebrows at you.
"Katie threatened to drink it while I was gone it was only fair" Kyra watched you complain about your fellow Irish teammate with a smile
She loved your passion no matter whether it was about a pop artist, your love for dogs or in this matter football.
You loved the way you felt when you kicked the ball underneath an attacker's feet and saved a goal that could've been kicked.
Kyra loved that about you,
She loved you.
Squeezing your hand one more time, you both thanked the waitress when she came back with your drinks.
After dinner you both went back to your apartments and crashed into your beds to sleep before the game.
When you woke up in the cold English air, you checked your messages to see a message from Leah
Lee Lee: I think you'll be a happy girl today
You stared at your message, what could it mean
Y/N/N: Leah it is 7 in the morning I cant deal with mind games
Lee Lee: You'll find out (;
You rolled your eyes before grabbing your kit and tying your hair up into a slicked-back ponytail, grabbing your keys, and driving to your girlfriend's house to pick her and Caitlin who lived in the same building.
"You ready?" you asked the two as Caitlin nodded her head and yawned and Kyra held a smile which looked close to a smirk, you brushed it off before grabbing Katie.
"Where's your big smile?" Katie asked as she sat in the front seat which you furrowed your eyes at before Kyra sent a kick at her seat and Caitlin pulled a face at the Irish girl "what?" you asked
"It's just that usually your more cheery" she shrugged her shoulders "Haven't had me Powerade yet" you pointed out "don't skull it this time babe" Kyra laughed from the back.
The group of four made it to the ground before heading to the rooms, you laid on the floor trying to crack your back until you heard your girlfriend chuckle.
"What?" you turned to her as she had her hand over her mouth "you really haven't looked?" she said behind her hand "Y/N your a bit daft" Katie said, standing next to Kyra before pointing to the sheet of the starting line up that had some scribbles on it.
It was in the midfield so you knew you hadn't been put off but you still looked at the pair before walking towards it.
That's when you saw it.
Midfield: KCC
Opening your mouth you made a small squeal before running to the girl "You're debuting!?" you yelled which she nodded at and you brought her into the biggest hug "I'm so proud of you" you whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek.
"Surprise" Kyra smiled before turning to Katie "you are a terrible secret keeper "I forgot it was a secret" she defended herself before walking over to Beth who was laughing at her.
"This is going to be a good game" you promised your girlfriend before you all walked out.
You took in the cheers when you all walked out, leaving Kyra at the end so you could hear the cheers louden at the sight of her as news had gone out about her debut.
Playing Leicester City had been fine, you had stopped a couple of goals and hadn't played any dangerous tackles which was better than you could say about Katie "You McCard take it down a notch" you teased your bestfriend who glared at you.
You were Happy, your girlfriend was debuting and she was playing really good, making you and your teammates proud, It wasn't until the near end of the first 45 minutes that something had happened.
A player from Leister City came behind Kyra as she got the ball, kicking in front of her ankles making the girl lose her footing and fly in the air before her arm landed on the pitch.
A loud "Fowl" came out of your lips before you ran towards the player, pushing them forward "Are you dumb, literally dumb" you didn't give a chance to let the player replied before you verbally assaulted them again
"Of course you are dumb because obviously you don't know how to play football if you're throwing in tackles like that, stupid-"
You finally turned your head to Kyra who was still on the floor as she lifted her head to the ref who held a yellow to both you and the Leicester Player.
Your breath hitched as Katie patted you on the back "Nobody's blaming you" she whispered before you went off and met the eye of Jonas "I'm sorry" you whispered before you looked back to the ground of your girlfriend who was now walking off with her arm being held by one of the medics with tears in her eyes.
"I just wanted it to be perfect for her" you admitted to Jonas who just shook his head "She'll be fine, and how she's played she'll be on the ground again"
Kyra made her way to the side line and to the tunnel before mouthing "nerve" to you and you rolled your eyes before turning to Jonas "she popped her nerve!" you said and he shook his head again "don't make me regret putting you out there again"
You were let on again half way through the second 45 minutes before you were put on in defense, but it was different now.
The girl who tackled Kyra was now playing in forward and you were on her, she got the ball and you acted quick, getting the ball from her and kicking it away, before 'accidentally' misplacing your foot infront of hers, causing her to fall just like Kyra did, except she was lucky.
The refs blew the whistle before running up to you again, you plead your 'case' but they didn't care and pulled out another yellow. Your teammates and Fans called out in distaste and disagreement to the ref but you smiled when you realized you could go see Kyra.
You ran off past Jonas and into the tunnel to go see your girlfriend who quickly realized what had happed "you didn't" she started but you pecked her on the lips before sitting next to her
"worth it"
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imaginefan · 2 years
The Hybrid’s Treasure
Klaus Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 945
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you write a one shot about Klaus looking after reader as a favor to his sister and he ends up falling in love with her? Klaus doesn't realize it until he gets overly protective of a guy who hits on her. AND How about a jealous story reader gets mad at Klaus for flirting with a girl in front of her.
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Rebekah dragged you into the large mansion while you protested about her plan the whole time "Look you are going to need somewhere safe to stay after what you pulled." She informed you as you stopped in the lobby.
"I really don't." You mumbled. "They aren't those types of people." "Well Elena, Caroline and Bonnie aren't but the boys will want to kill you the moment that they realise that I'm gone and that you're the one that helped me," Rebekah answered. "So what did you bring her here for little sister?" You both looked over at Klaus standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah what did you bring me here for?" You asked. "Because brother you are going to protect her," Rebekah answered. "Why would I do that?" He asked, "she could be a spy." "He's right, you know." You nodded and Rebekah rolled her eyes. "You're not a spy," Rebekah muttered as you looked at her. "We owe her nothing, Rebekah." Klaus glared at you. "Well if it wasn't for her I'll still be passed out on the floor of the Salvatore house, she was the one who helped me get out," Rebekah answered. "Look you don't have to keep me here, I'll just go." You waved them both off attempting to turn away from them and leave but Klaus was standing right in front of you. !No you can stay if not for protection then as a hostage, we'll see which one you end up as." Klaus smirked, Rebekah rolled her eyes as she pulled you away from her brother and showed you to one of the many spare rooms, she told you that she'd go and get all of your stuff later. Klaus then assigned you two hybrid guards and said that you weren't allowed to go anywhere without them going with you; that was the start of your relationship with Klaus Mikaelson.
The first time that your attitude changed towards the Hybrid was during a ball, one that he had set up and invited everyone to, this was the first time that you were seeing your friends again after deciding that they were picking a fight they could not cope with. Honestly what they had done to Rebekah wasn't fair she gave them no reason to believe that she was going to betray them, she just wanted to go to prom. You were standing to the side hoping to stay out of view of everyone "Looks like you've settled in well." Damon glared at you. "Hello, Damon." You mumbled as you took another sip of your drink looking for somewhere else to spend your time. "Can I help you with something?" "Don't know if there is anything that you can tell us about the hybrid?" He asked and you looked at him and shrugged. "Nothing useful." You answered as you attempted to walk away from him. "Hey!" He gripped your wrist tight and you grit your teeth as you turned to him. "Let go of me." You ordered. "I don't think so," Damon smirked but before you could do anything else his hand was detached from your wrist. "You heard her." Klaus' familiar voice said as he flung Damon's hand back at him, Klaus wrapped an arm around you and led you away from the vampire. "You're okay?" "I'm fine. Thanks." You answered, "I'll leave tonight." "Why would you do that?" Klaus asked, he would never admit it but he had gotten used to having you around the house, you made Rebekah happy and you stayed out of his way and despite everything his secrets were safe with you. "You just saved me, everything is equal." You answered and he looked at you. "You don't have to leave." He finally said. "I think Rebekah would kill me if I let you leave now, especially after I've seen the danger your in."
In the next couple of months, you and Klaus became closer than anyone would have expected and before long you were invited to every party that he went to and were never allowed to be too far from him, however, one night after you realised that you might be feeling more than a platonic love for Klaus he decided the only way to have fun was to have a girl on each arm, you rolled your eyes and walked over to the bar "you seem annoyed is that your boyfriend?" A guy asked as he came to sit down next to you. "No, just a friend." You answered as you looked back at Klaus who caught your eye and then looked at the guy sitting next to you. "Maybe I can get your full attention then?" He asked. "Mmm no, what you're going to do is walk away and never talk to this girl again," Klaus said, putting his hand on the guy's shoulder and making sure the compulsion worked. "Do you have a problem?" You asked. "I think you're the one with the problem love." He answered. "You're allowed to have fun with all your girls but I'm not allowed to talk to anyone else while you're busy?" You asked. "I guess we haven't spoken about this love but you're mine now." He smirked, "you were mine the moment that Rebekah walked you through the door." "And you're allowed to have whoever you want?" You asked, he leaned down until there was no space between you. "I don't want anyone else." He said softly "realised that the moment that you started talking to that guy." "Really?" You asked. "Mmhm." He hummed smiling softly before pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "Shall we have some fun love?"
Requests and general question!
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Hello!! For the black widow sister series. Natasha seems a little distant and still with the not being sisters thing. Maybe one time something very serious happens to r and they have to save her or to Nat and yelena and reader nearly sacrifices to save them. I don’t know something. I have many ideas for this series because it’s amazing and you write sooo incredibly good ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for requesting this! Hope you enjoy it! Please keep requesting more ideas!
You have yourself a Deal
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Warnings: sensory torture, mention of past assualt, PTSD episode
Word Count: 4.3K
Carol was a little worried. She knew in this line of work everything was uncertain. So when you were late for the date she wasn’t upset or angry, thinking you stood her up. The mission must have gone longer. You were freeing a Widow in Mexico, making a pit stop in New York, and then back to Russia. Carol knew your sisters were trying to convince you to move to the compound. She had to admit she wasn’t against the idea of you living there but she was going to respect your choice. But the problem was you would have texted her if you were going to be late. Carol walked into the common area. It was a Friday night so a small party was being thrown. The music was playing and the drinks were flowing. She moved past Wanda with a smile and found Natasha and Yelena in an intense game of beer pong. Maria was sitting on a bar stool watching the two Widows go head to head. Yelena had the ball and aimed at Natasha’s cup. The eldest of the two was winning by one cup. Yelena threw it and she sunk the shot. “Yes!” Yelena said. “Oh hi, Carol.” Carol smiled. “I thought you were going out with Y/n.”
“That was the plan and why I’m here.” She put her hands in the pocket of her jeans. “She didn’t show up and I haven’t heard from her. I was hoping you have.” Natasha put her cup down and pulled out her phone. 
“I haven’t,” Yelena said. That wasn’t good. “But that is usually normal.” Yelena looked at her sister. The color was drained from her face. “Nat, what’s wrong?” She looked away from her phone. 
“We have a problem.”
Drip. Drip. Drip. It was the sound that woke you up. You blinked slowly, your eyes adjusting to the low light. You were in a room; with no windows, and no doors, but there was a drain and a camera in the corner. A red dot was blinking at you so you knew it was on. You stood up on shaky legs and sipped the water off your face. There was a leaky pipe. It was the only sound in the quiet room. You don’t know what happened. You follow the Widow into a building and you lose her. Your memory got fuzzy after that. You had to get out of here. 
The room was 6 by 8. The walls were smooth with no indication of an opening but whoever took you had to get you in this room somehow. Static filled the quiet room as if someone was switching through radio stations. “Hello?” You questioned. “Hey, what’s going on?” The static got louder. Soon it changed to heavy rock music. You covered your ears but the music was turned up. You closed your eyes and took a steady breath. They were torturing you. You’ve learned about these techniques in the Red Room. You just had to wait it out until they told you what they wanted or your sisters found you. Oh, you hoped they were looking for you. 
Yelena watched the screen in horror as you sat on the ground with your eyes covered and the music blared. The party ended quickly as Natasha turned off the music and ordered everyone to the conference room. Everyone sat around the table looking at a live feed that was sent to Natasha and Melina. Melina zoomed in so a plan could be made. “Do we have any idea who sent this?” Steve asked. 
“Her next Widow was Asya Petrova,” Melina explained. “She was assigned to the Crimson Eyes.” 
“But they are a lower-level drug organization,” Natasha added. “They have no reason to kidnap her.” 
“So do you think it was a trap to get her alone?” Sam asked. It was a possibility. Widows had a ledger filled with red and enemies came with that amount of bloodshed. Yelena started to bite her nails. Wanda took her hand into hers and squeezed it. 
“Do we have a location?” Carol asked. She was standing in the corner far away from everyone. She had a hard look on her face, it was void of all emotion. Yelena never saw her look like this before. 
“She’s still in Mexico,” Tony said. “FRIDAY and I are working on an exact location.” 
“We should head there,” Natasha moved to leave the room but Carol grabbed her arm, stopping her. “Let go, Danvers.” She shook her head. 
“We need to come up with a plan before jumping the gun,” Natasha pulled her arm away. 
“What we need to do is go save her.” 
“I know but what are you going to do, Nat? Search all of Mexico to find her,” Yelena watched Natasha’s jaw clench. “You need to think clearly.” 
“I am thinking clearly. I’m thinking about saving my sister,” she said. “Which I’m questioning if you even care about because you are stopping me.” Natasha touched a nerve. Yelena watched anger flash through Carol’s eyes. Maria stood up and got between them. She pushed her girlfriend away from Carol, creating much-needed space between the two. 
“This isn’t helping,” Maria said. “So cut the shit.” Natasha glared at her girlfriend before sitting back down. 
“What is going through your head, Danvers?” Rhodey asked. Carol sighed. 
“They took her alive for a reason,” she put her hand on her chin. “So that means they’ll contact us or.” She stopped. 
“Or what?” Yelena questioned. Carol looked at Natasha and Yelena. 
“Or they know you and Natasha would come and try to save her and they want you as well.” Your gasp pulled everyone back to the screen. A sprinkler system turned on and water began to rain down on you. 
“Widows are trained to withstand torture,” Melina said. “But the longer she’s with them the more damage they’ll cause to her.” 
Natasha found Carol at the bar. She was making herself a drink with some bottles of Asgardian ale. “Hey,” the Black Widow said. Carol looked up and passed her a drink. “Thank you.” She nodded, taking a sip of her drink. “I’m sorry about earlier.” The shock on Carol’s face was evident. Apologizing wasn't Natasha’s thing. “I know you care about her.” The captain stared at her drink.
“She asked me to go with her to Mexico,” she took a sip. “I told her I couldn’t go. If I-”
“Don’t,” Natasha said, cutting her off and taking the drink from her. “Don’t go down that path because it will eat you alive.” Natasha knew from firsthand experience the dangers of spiraling down the ‘What ifs.’ Guilt was a heavy and dangerous emotion that Natasha was still dealing with. 
“She’s not upset with you,” Carol said. “She knows it was the right choice.” Natasha smiled at her. 
“It doesn't make it easier. I failed to save her once I won’t fail again.” The sound of footsteps walked over to them. Natasha knew it was Maria. The agent put her arm around Natasha’s waist. 
“Melina and Alexei are here,” she told them. “And whoever took Y/n is calling.” Carol thanked her and walked back to the conference room. “How are you?” She asked once Carol was out of earshot. 
“I don’t know,” Natasha answered honestly. The Black Widow’s emotions were all over the place. She’s watched you get tortured before, it was common practice in the Red Room to watch or even partake in the torture of other Widows. But in the Red Room, Natasha programmed herself to not care about you. In her mind, you weren’t her sister. But now, it hurts too much to think about her life without you. 
“I know you are going through a lot,” Maria said, kissing her forehead. “But I think you need to talk to Yelena. She hasn’t spoken to anyone, not even Melina.” Natasha nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll do that.” They walked back to the conference room, she said hello to Melina and Alexei, and sat next to Yelena. The blonde was playing with the rings on her fingers. Natasha grabbed her and squeezed it. It took a minute but Yelena squeezed her hand back. 
“Are we ready people?” Tony asked. 
“Let’s do this,” Natasha said. The billionaire nodded and connected the call. The screen was divided down the center; on the left was the video of you and on the other, there was a masked individual. Natasha could see his eyes and smile. 
“Hello, Avengers,” his voice was robotic. “Welcome to my funhouse. I do hope you are enjoying the show.” 
“Tell us what you want,” Steve said. 
“Who says I want anything?” He questioned. “Maybe this is what I want.” The water and music stopped. You looked around the room but didn’t stand. Your body was shaking. The moment of peace didn’t last long as the wind started to blow in your room. You curled into a ball to protect yourself from the assault. “Dreykov’s little spider bowing before me. It’s such a powerful feeling.” Natasha felt a wave of intense anger run through her. She saw red. 
“So this is your plan,” Carol said. “Breaking Dreykov’s strongest soldier so she would submit to you and your followers.” She crossed her arms. “It seems pathetic.” Natasha knew it was part of the plan to poke the bear so his real plan or identity would be relieved. But she was nervous, her sister’s life was in the hands of this sociopath. The man’s smile faltered. 
“Captain Marvel, I’m hurt that you think so less of me,” the wind stopped and you sat up, looking up at the ceiling. “You’ve only seen the bare minimum of this room. Her life is in my hands.” She wasn’t sure what happened but she watched you start to fidget and play with the collar of your shirt. The temperature must have increased. “I’ll spar her but I want something in return.” 
“What do you want?” Tony asked. He looked at the table and his eyes landed on Yelena and Natasha. 
“I got to play with his malen'kiy pauk (little spider) and she’s a treat but I want the ones that got away,” Yelena squeezed Natasha’s hand. “I wonder if your screams will be like your sisters. Oh, how beautiful they were.”
“You aren’t getting them,” Melina said. “Pick something else.” The man laughed, throwing his head back. 
“Oh that was funny,” he said, once he calmed down. “That was the funniest thing you’ve said. That was good and the fact that you have any say in this.” The room began to argue with the masked man. Natasha looked at Yelena, she was staring at you. You were looking directly into the camera. Natasha wondered how many rooms like this you’ve been in and how many times did Dreykov send you away. All because you wanted to keep them safe. How many orders did you have to follow without hesitation? How many men did you have to kill? How many times were you beaten?
“You have yourself a deal,” Natasha said. Her voice silenced the room. “But you only get me not Yelena and I’ve been told I’m excellent at the type of services you are looking for.”
“Nat,” Yelena said but Natasha raised her hand to silence the blonde. It was an intense stare-off until the masked man smiled. 
“You have yourself a deal, Miss. Romanoff,” he said. “It’s poetic, isn't it? A deal your sister made saved you and now a deal you made is going to save her. I love a full-circle moment. I’ll send Mr.Stark the coordinates.” The screen turned black and the camera feed of your imprisonment was enlarged. The man turned the music back on and the water began to fall. Yelena ripped her hand out of her sister’s grasp. 
“Are you fucking insane?” She asked. Natasha rubbed her head. She knew the deal she made was ridiculous. The man was unhinged but she had no intention of giving herself up that easily. 
“Yelena,” she said, standing up. But Yelena moved away from her. 
“I’m sick and tired of both of you protecting me. I’m tired of feeling weak.” She said. 
“You aren’t weak,” Natasha whispered. “I just need you to be safe.” Yelena shook her head. 
“And what happens if that sociopath breaks his end of the deal?” She had a valid concern. “Then he’ll have both of you. What am I going to do then?” She yelled. Her outburst startled her. “I need air.” Yelena left the room. 
“I’ll go talk with her,” Alexei said, following the blonde. Natasha sighed, leaning against the table. 
“She has a point,” Sam said. “The man is insane.”
“I don’t plan to give myself up to him that easily. We need to come up with a plan to save me and her.” Natasha said. A ding filled the room and Tony typed on his tablet. 
“We got the coordinates,” he said, pulling up a map. “It looks like we are meeting at an abandoned factory.”
“Miss. Romanoff’s plan could work,” Vision said. At least someone was on her side. “He also relieved some information about himself.”
“Vision’s right. He knew Dreykov personally if he got to meet Y/n in that way,” Carol said. Natasha remembered you telling her that Dreykov was protective of you to an extent. 
“If we find out his identity it could give us an advantage,” Maria added. Melina sighed. 
“That man knew a lot of people,” Natasha wasn’t sure if the word ‘man’ was a way to describe him. 
“It’s a start,” Steve said. “Maria, Wanda, and Tony will help Melina find any connection that man could have had with Dreykov. The rest of us will come up with a plan to save Natasha and Y/n.” Natasha nodded, looking back at the screen. Hold on, sestra, we are coming for you. 
It was late. Most of the team was asleep as they were leaving early in the morning. But Natasha couldn’t sleep. She was sitting in the conference room watching the live stream of your cell. The music was still playing but instead of water, the man turned up the heat. You were slumped against the wall. The only indication Natasha had that you were alive was your head moving from side to side. “You should be sleeping,” Yelena said. Natasha didn’t bother to look behind her. “You have a busy day.” 
“I could say the same thing to you,” she said as Yelena sat down next to you. “I couldn’t sleep.” 
“Neither could I.” The two sisters sat in silence as they watched you. “She’s going to be okay, right?” Yelena asked. “Once we get her home.” That was a tough question. With everything being thrown at you, Natasha was surprised you hadn’t broken yet. 
“Yeah,” she finally said. “She’s going to be okay.” Yelena looked away from the screen to her sister. 
“And you're going to be okay too,” she whispered. “I can’t lose you. You were all I had for some years.” Natasha pulled Yelena into a hug. She felt tears on her shirt. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” she forced Yelena to look up and whipped away her tears. “We will be together again. You, me, and Y/n. We are sisters.” Yelena nodded. The music stopped. The silence pulled their attention back to the screen. You sat up straighter and whipped the sweat off your forehead. 
“I don’t know what you want,” you said, looking at the camera. “But you can’t break me. Dreykov couldn’t do it.” You licked your lips and laughed, shaking your head. “So have your fun you sick fuck because I’m gonna kill you or my sisters will.” Natasha was beginning to worry. She knew the serum could heal your physical wounds but the mental scars were her concern. You flipped off the camera. 
“I think she’s losing it,” Yelena said. “Just a little bit.” Natasha nodded. 
“We should sleep. She needs us at our best.” The water began to fall and the temperature dropped, you let out a shaky breath and it came out as fog. 
“I’m Russian, you stupid bitch. The cold doesn't bother me.” Natasha sighed. 
“Keep your mouth shut,” she said. “We are coming.”
You didn’t know how long you’d been in this room but you were hungry, tired, and thirsty. Sleep was impossible because the room was changing every second. The red light of the camera turned off and the wall opposite of you lowered. Oh, that’s how you got in. Five men walked in with black masks covering their faces. You smiled. “So you are the ones I have to thank for this vacation.” You were pulled to your feet. The room began to spin. You’ve never felt this weak. A bag was put over your head and they forced you to walk. “You guys don’t talk much.” It was hard to walk and they dragged you along. You were at their mercy, unable to walk on your own. A door opened and you were outside. You felt the sun on your skin. Another door opened and you were pushed forward. You were in a car, your head bounced against a window. You were going to be sick. It was as if your body was on a roller coaster. You let out a shaky breath. You needed to get your bearings straight but your head was pounding too much. The car began to move. “Can we stop and get milkshakes?” You asked. Someone punched your stomach. You groaned, leaning forward. “If I throw up it’s going to be your fault.” 
The drive wasn’t long, well you didn’t think it was. It could have been 2 days or 10 minutes. You rested your head against the window. The cold glass offered some relief. The car stopped. 
“Behave,” a voice warned. The voice sounded familiar. It sent a shiver down your spine. Why did you know that voice? The door opened and you were dragged out of the car. “You were supposed to come alone.” The voice said. 
“That wasn’t part of the deal,” Natasha said. Natasha. What was going on? “I want to see her.” The bag was ripped off your head and the sun hurt your eyes. You blinked slowly and stared in front of you. Natasha was there with Steve next to her. “Are you okay?” She asked. You didn’t know how to answer that. 
“I want a milkshake,” you told her. She fought a smile that crept onto her face. 
“She’s alive and somewhat well. Let’s make a deal.” 
“What deal?” You asked. Someone shoved you on your back and that was your answer. “Understood.” You walked forward and Natasha met you halfway. “What’s going on?” You asked her. 
“Don’t worry about it, okay? Trust me.” She continued to walk over to your captures. 
“Natasha,” you turned to follow her but strong arms grabbed onto your waist. “Steve, let me go!” You struggled against the super soldier. “Natasha!” You yelled. You watched helplessly as they put a bag over her head and handcuffed her. “Steve! Please let me go! Stop her! Stop her!” You cried. 
“Stop struggling,” he said. “You are in no condition to fight.” You could fight. You could fight. The world around you began to shift. Instead of standing in a parking lot, you watched as Red Room guards opened the shipping containers and your sisters were pulled out of your arms. They put her into the car. 
“It was a pleasure doing business with you, Captain.” The man said and got into the car. You escaped Steve’s hold on you. 
“How could you?!?” You yelled at him. “Are you fucking kidding me you just let them take her?” You punched at him but he grabbed your hand. 
“We have a plan, okay? Trust me.” How could you trust him? A black van pulled up. No. Not again. You fell backward and hit the ground. The world was spinning. You had no idea where you were. Your name. You heard someone say it. But you squeezed your eyes shut and opened them. You were back on the airstrip. Red Room guards were standing around you. Drekyov was there. He was going to bring you back. 
“Sestra, breath.” That was Yelena’s voice. “Focus on my voice. You are safe.” You weren’t safe. 
“Just breathe.” That was Natasha’s voice but that was impossible. You watched her get taken away. You shook your head and you were sitting on the ground with Natasha and Yelena in front of you. 
“What -?” You were cut off by leaning to the side and throwing up. 
“Ew,” Yelena said. 
“We need to get her to safety,” Melina said, moving to your side. 
“Mama,” you mumbled. It was hard to keep your eyes open. Natasha went to your other side and helped Melina stand you up. They got you into the van and the world went dark. 
You woke up slowly. You were laying in a hospital bed with IVs attached to your arms. You were in the med bay back at the Avenger’s compound. Natasha and Yelena were asleep next to you. The door opened to your room and Carol was there holding bags of food. She seemed stunned but soon she smiled. “Hey stranger,” she whispered. You smiled at her. Yelena shifted on the cot she was laying on.
“I smell food.” She mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. 
“I see you have your priorities in order,” you said. Your voice was rough from disuse. Yelena’s eyes went wide and stood up from her cot. 
“You're up!” She said, hugging you. The commotion woke Natasha up. She stretched and looked around the room. You smiled at her as she joined the hug without hesitation. Carol put the food on the table, ‘I’ll be back.’ She mouthed to you. You nodded, hugging your sister tighter. You ended the hug and stared at Natasha, you punched her in the arm. 
“Ouch!” She said, rubbing her arm. “What was that for?”
“Don’t ever give yourself to save me,” you said. “Both of you. Do you understand me?” Natasha shook her head. 
“Not gonna happen, sestra. We are a family. You did it for us and we would do it for you,” Natasha took your hand into hers. “I love you,” she said. You felt your eyes burn with tears. “We were separated for too long. Never again.”
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Never again.” 
Once Helen checked you out and you ate food, they told you the truth about what happened. Oriel Sergeev was the man behind your kidnapping. He was angry that you and your sisters brought down the Red Room. It wasn’t Natasha that they took but Wanda and they brought her back to where they kept you. She escaped with her powers and the rest of the team was there. You weren’t the only one that Oriel had captured. The Avengers saved those in his fucked up playhouse; including the Widow you were after. Physically you were okay, a little dehydrated but you were struggling mentally. 
You were sitting outside, underneath the night stars. Your room was too small, too much like the cell you just escaped. A blanket was wrapped around you. You so desperately wanted to go to sleep. “Hi,” you heard Carol say behind you. You haven’t seen her since she dropped off food for Natasha and Yelena. 
“Hi,” you said. She seemed unsure of herself as she stood next to you. You held out your hand and she took it. “Can I have a hug?” You asked. 
“You can have anything you want,” she sat down next to you and you pulled her into a hug. You loved the hugs from Carol. She was naturally warm. It was a stark contrast from the cold you felt in that cell. She let out a shaky breath and you felt it on your neck. “I was so worried,” she admitted. “I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t come back safe.” Her arms squeezed you tight as if she was afraid you would disappear. 
“I’m right here,” you whispered. You ended the hug and stared at her. “You would have found me. I know you would have.” She took your hand in yours and she looked down at your connected hands. You could see that she was spiraling, lost in her thoughts. “Hey,” you said, breaking the silence. You placed your free hand on her cheek and forced her to look at you. “Don’t blame yourself.” She smiled. 
“I’m guessing Natasha told you what happened.” You nodded. 
“What happened to me wasn’t yours or anyone's fault, okay?” She leaned into your touch and nodded. You had the sudden urge to kiss her. You wondered if the same thought crossed her mind as she looked into your eyes and down to your lips. 
“You should get some rest,” Carol said. “Preferably sleep that’s not medically induced.” 
“I’m scared to fall asleep,” you admitted. 
“Do you trust me?” She asked. 
“Of course,” you answered without hesitation. She sat back on the couch and maneuvered you so your back was resting against her front. She wrapped the blanket around you and her and she rested her head on your shoulder. 
“Is this okay?” She asked. You nodded. Her warmth made you feel safe. “Sleep, sweetheart. I’ll keep you safe.” She kissed the side of your head as you got comfortable. 
“Thank you.” You whispered. 
“No need to thank me. I got you.” You closed your eyes and trusted her. 
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the famous Robert Louis Stevenson novel, Treasure Island. change & alter as needed.
"If you keep on drinking rum, the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel!"
"We'll sit down, if you please, and talk square, like old shipmates."
"I have just, very much against my own will, dragged you head foremost out of the grave."
"[Name], you're the only one here that's worth anything. And you know I've always been good to you."
"Do you call that a head on your shoulders, or a blessed deadeye?!"
"You're a lad, you are, but you're as smart as paint."
"Better speak plain, I believe, even at the risk of offense."
"The secret has been told to the parrot."
"Sir, with no intention to take offense, I deny your right to put words into my mouth."
"I will do as you desire, but I think the worse of you."
"You'll find I do my duty."
"I'll have no favorites on my ship."
"All I say is, we're not home again, and I don't like this cruise."
"A trifle more of that man, and I shall explode!"
"You're never happy until you're drunk."
"I've a sick heart to sail with the likes of you!"
"You'll have your mouthful of rum tomorrow, and go hang!"
"Dead men don't bite."
"Every man on board has done his duty, alow and aloft, as I never ask to see it done better."
"He'd look remarkably well from a yardarm."
"We must go on, because we can't turn back."
"The best that I can say is not much. We must lay to, if you please, and keep a bright lookout."
"Rest his soul for a true seaman!"
"Long you've been a mate of mine, but you're a mate of mine no more."
"If I die like a dog, I'll die in my duty."
"Wherever a man is, says I, a man can do for himself."
"Well, I don't understand one word that you've been saying, but that's neither here nor there."
"If it's the only course we can lie, sir, we must even lie it."
"[Name], my man, you're going home."
"You're a good boy, or I'm mistook. But you're only a boy, all told."
"That man [name] is a better man than I am. And when I say that, it means a deal."
"Ten to one, this is a trick."
"If there's any treachery, it'll be on your side, and the Lord help you!"
"What is spoke to one is spoke to all."
"You've seen the last of me but musket-balls."
"In the name of heaven, I'll put a bullet in your back when next I meet you."
"I've come aboard to take possession of this ship, [name], and you'll please regard me as your captain until further notice."
"Do you take it as a dead man is dead for good, or do he come alive again?"
"You can kill the body, [name], but not the spirit. You must know that already."
"For thirty years, I've sailed the seas and seen good and bad, better and worse, fair weather and foul, provisions running out, knives going, and whatnot. Well, now, I tell you, I've never seen good come of goodness yet."
"One more step, [name], and I'll blow your brains out! Dead men don't bite, you know!"
"I've seen too many die since I fell in with you."
"I've had the top of this business from the start. I no more fear you than I fear a fly."
"Cross me, and you'll go where many a good man's gone before you."
"There's never a man who looked me between the eyes and seen a good day afterwards, [full name], you may lay to that."
"I'm captain here because I'm the best man by a long sea-mile."
"You won't fight as gentlemen of fortune should? Then, by thunder, you'll obey, and you may lay to it!"
"What I can do, that I'll do."
"Let 'em come, lad. Let 'em come. I've still a shot in my locker."
"We'll all swing and sundry for your bungling."
"Isn't he a hostage? Are we going to waste a hostage?"
"Lucky for you as I'm not a revengeful man."
"As you have brewed, so shall you drink, my boy."
"Every step, it's you that saves our lives. And do you suppose by any chance that we are going to let you lose yours? That would be a poor return, my boy."
"I'll give you a piece of advice: don't you be in any great hurry after that treasure."
"[Name], if I saved your life, you saved mine. And I'll not forget it."
"You and me must stick close, back to back, like, and we'll save our necks in spite of fate and fortune."
"I'm here to get the stuff, and I'll not be beat by man or devil."
"I never was feared of [name] in his life and, by the powers, I'll face him dead!"
"So you've changed sides again."
"[Name], I reckon I settled you."
"I did what I thought best for those who had stood by their duty. And if you were not one of those, whose fault was it?"
"You're a good boy in your line, [name], but I don't think you and me will go to sea again."
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kairithemang0 · 4 months
I meant explai the plot lol
Alright so we start in the year 1957, where a man is being tortured. Because that's what happened in 1957, apparently.
This is secret Agent Curt Mega, we love him. He's arrogant, kinda an ass, but he's good at his job.
So the person torturing him is trying to figure out where the blueprints he stole had gone. Curt doesn't give him much information, and the man gives up. He goes "personal history does have it's benefits, Mega" all silly and shit, and then he shoots his assistant in the legs and helps Curt free. This is Agent Owen Carvour of MI6, the most british bitch you've ever fucking met. He is amazing, we love him (probably even more than Curt).
So the two men hatch a plan to escape the compound while and absolutely amazing opening number plays in the background. They start their escape, Curt's drinking because he doesn't really care too much. He also eats a banana, super harmless, and sets the bomb to go off for 3 minutes instead of the agreed upon 4, less smart.
So Curt and Owen get caught, they're running up the stairs and suddenly-
so yeah, super harmless banana.
We flash forward to 1961, a now bearded Curt is getting a mission briefing. We learn from his informant he hasn't been in the field in 4 years since Owen fell. Curt sings a song about getting off his ass after becoming a shell of himself. Spy again it's who I am doesn't even matter if I killed my best friend, and all that shit.
The next scene we meet a few new characters. Sergio, who's selling a bomb that Curt needs to stop, and the Deadliest Man Alive, who we'll be seeing a lot of. We also meet someone we'll later learn to be Tatiana, a russian, who's doing the same thing as Curt.
They sing a great song about bombs and date nights and shit until Curt comes in to stop the arms deal. When Curt comes down, The DMA turns to him and tries to shoot him before going "this ain't over between you and me" before running off. Sergio gives them the bomb now that the DMA is gone. Tatiana comes over to Curt and tries to take the bomb away, kicking him in the balls before running off with the bomb. Luckily for Curt, he got where she was staying
He goes back to the agency where we meet Cynthia Houston, his boss, who talks about the deadliest man alive and his mission. We also meet Barb, who gives Curt cool spy gadgets before he leaves. She has a very obvious crush on him during this entire show btw.
So Curt goes off to Tati's hotel and basically just tries to get with her for the mission and fails because of Mr Dick Big, what a name. They finally get their time alone and Tati tells him she's not working for the Russians, which surprises Curt. They go up to her room, but they get stopped by the deadliest man alive. It was all a trap to get Curt to fall into their plan.
We meet one of the villains! BARON VON NAZI. He's a silly guy who keeps glitter up his sleeves but he's also... yknow a nazi. He sings a silly song about how people villainize the nazi's and it's all kinda uncomfortable but the song is painfully catchy. They explain their plan to kill a new prince from a republic being formed. Then on that land they're going to build a "nazi super castle" and take over the world.
Curt thinks this is all crazy, and then he's left alone with the DMA. Ahhh Torture Tango, I don't think I can really describe this scene
I'm just gonna link it
So Tatiana comes in and saves Curt, but the DMA gets one shot on Curt.
Act 2! We're at the gala in whatever the countries called idk how to spell it and we get MY BOY VANDER SINGING AN AMAZING SONG WE LOVE THE PRINCE MY BELOVED <3
It's revealed that the prince is just the worst, everyone kinda hates him. he's a big dumbass, pretty much. and so Curt comes out, Cynthia's pissed because he was told to abandon the mission and disobeyed, and then not only did she fire him on the spot, he then went up and tried to tell everyone the prince was about to die, and so of course the DMA and Baron shoot the prince.
Tatiana grabs Curt to get him out of there, and then brings him to his mothers safe house. Mrs Mega is great, top tier mom. Overly obsessed with her sons love life, but she's great. So Curt and Tatiana have a conversation about their lives, Tatiana reveals her family history and how she's on the run from the Russians, while Curt talks about the night he lost Owen and how afraid he's been since then.
Tati and Curt kiss. They hate it. Curt's gay! Tati is chill about it, THEY'RE BESTIES AND LOVELY!
Anyways now Curt, Tatiana, Barb, and the Informant all go and drink before their big mission to stop the Nazi's. So they go back to the country I forget the name of, and the informant disguises himself as one of the diplomates and infiltrates their meeting. They all sign this document that gives the land to the Nazi's, and then Curt and Tati come in. The DMA stabs the Baron in the back (literally) and the we get the reveal.
The Deadliest Man Alive goes behind the curtain, takes off his mask, and is revealed to be Owen Carvour, Curt's partner from 4 years ago.
Owen begins to explain his evil plan, his group, Chimera, needs to mine for silicon to make their archival system which will reveal all the words secrets. Owen shoots the informant and runs off, expecting Curt to follow me. Tatiana goes to destroy the base and Curt goes after Owen
Another scene I can't explain and that you just need to watch for yourself
Curt comes back and works to take down Chimera, and that's where the show ends
PLEASEEEEE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH SPIES ARE FOREVER!!! I went in detail here because I just love this show so much and of course it's been spoiled now but please go and watch it, it's so worth it
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Can you please write more Hondo?
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Finish what you start
Hondo Ohnaka x Fem! Reader
Summary: Hondo Ohnaka catches you pleasuring yourself in his absence.
Word count: 3k+
Warnings: Masturbation, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, pining, blowjobs.
Notes: I wrote a fanfic like this for Shriv Suurgav and decided I wanted to try the same scenario for Hondo. Cad Bane may be next! Let's make it a series! ;D Shoutout to @allsystemsblue and @downrightembarassing for cheering me on and letting me bounce ideas off them - we all agree Hondo smells fabulous and practices good hygiene.
*This will probably be the last time I can post a fic before moving, but I have another Hondo one shot in the works - stay tuned! ;D
P.S.: I POSTED THIS FROM BATUU (Yes, I waited. I’m literally in line for Smuggler’s Run this very minute and they are talking about Hondo on the comm. 😭😭)
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For once, you were bored. Florrum was all fun and games until the ringmaster of this circus abandoned his big top - Hondo Ohnaka had left you stranded by your lonesome in his lair with some dozen Weequay whose names you could not recall. You wandered its dingy corridors, dined on its sumptuous and delicious foods, drank of its rare and expensive beverages, and even sampled the more local fare – the green ooze known as “pirate’s brew” was an acquired taste and your palate preferred lush, full-bodied wine. Luckily for you, there was plenty to go around and then some, yet Ohnaka’s men did not seem all too pleased that you were there.
However, this did not bother you, going so far as to stick your tongue out in disrespect to one burly pirate who would not stop giving you the stink-eye. You were immune, as Hondo had long ago instructed them to give you anything your heart desired, one additional rule being that no harm should come to you as long as you resided within these halls.
Still, that did not mean it was their job to entertain you – that was Hondo’s area of expertise – and currently your jester king had decided it was best to leave you in the dark on his present whereabouts.
No doubt his exploits were dangerous and full of thrills. You were a mite jealous, wondering if one day he might take you along, or, if  on another day he might simply tire of you. He was a fickle lord, and you were his lady  - at least for now, and you were well aware your good fortune might come to a hasty end.
But, in that moment, you found yourself to be missing him. Hondo had been gone two days already and no other being on this dust ball of a planet wanted to give you the time of day.
After imbibing more than your fair share of drink for the evening, you retreated to your quarters – Hondo’s quarters – desiring nothing more than to be held tightly in his arms. You sighed deeply, knowing that you were not to get your way.
As your inebriation caught up to you, you sashayed forward, though the scourge of the galaxy was not here to watch you sway your hips. You fell face first onto the bed for the sake of playing into your own imaginary holodrama; you guessed you must appear to his crew like a forsaken hound waiting for its master to return.
Oh, but that is when you caught his scent, the Weequay’s sweet-smelling pheromones mingling with his cologne. The man was a fop for lack of a better word, his personal hygiene at the top of his priorities list. You were thankful for it; he smelled like dreams made of candy, dark undertones of something more sultry and seductive comingling together with sugar and spice, though you could never put your finger on what exactly it was he liked to wear.
You took a deep inhalation, burying your nose in the blankets and sheets beneath you as you let a dejected noise escape, wishing so badly that it was his crimson coat beneath your groping hands and not his ornate coverlet. Still, even in his absence, his heavenly aroma had roused within you a sleeping giant, one that demanded to be attended to – a sudden, all-encompassing lust that you were afraid would not be quieted lest you do something to ward it off.
But you could not pry yourself free of your plush prison, doomed by the provocative fragrance that had already flooded your nostrils. You flipped your body over to stare at the ceiling, all thoughts replaced by your truant pirate king. His toothy golden smile, the butter smooth intonations of his voice – it was the auditory equivalent of velvet, those sweet nothings he whispered in your ear enough to set your loins on fire.
Just thinking about it had already prompted your body to react as if preparing itself for the man’s admittance. You groaned at your desperation for him, somewhere between annoyed at yourself and in dire need of his patented affections. Instead, you took to hiking up your skirt, your own fingers sliding beneath the hem of your panties -  you were honestly surprised with how wet you already were.
You cursed his name as your writhed gently atop his luxurious bed, not bothering to even lock the door, though you were sure no one would dare disturb you - not that they cared to, anyway; you were positive the rest of Hondo’s men preferred it when you kept to yourself.
You gently massaged your clit, taking your time with yourself, mind focused on the idea of Hondo mounting you, his cock so unbelievably flawless you wished he was there to ram it inside you. He would do anything you asked; he would give it to you any way you might be keen to try, for Ohnaka was not one to skimp on lovemaking as he liked to call it.
You giggled to yourself before it turned into a moan; you were so entranced with your daydreaming that you did not hear the door slide open or the act of your beloved sitting himself down in a chair that was located just adjacent to the bed. Had you noticed, you would have seen the grin etched onto his striated face, Hondo settling in by way of a leg tossed casually over one of the chair’s two arms.
With eyes closed, you bit into your lip, turning your head in your self-sought pleasure to make yourself more comfortable. As you opened them once more you gasped, though you made no other sudden movements, having been caught red-handed by the scoundrel as he carefully scrutinized you with slanted, stormy greys.
“Please, continue,” he stated nonchalantly, though his mood was difficult to determine by his tone.
With your mouth open in shock, you simply stared at him; that was his cue to lean ever so slightly forward, Hondo’s eyes gleaming from beneath rectangular cuts of transparisteel as the grin he wore coiled into something a tad more lascivious.
“What are you tinking about?” he questioned, quickly followed by another query. “Es et me?” Then, he answered himself on the next beat, even as you continued to gaze straight through his goggles into slatey irises. “Of course et es.”
You moved to rise, barely lifting your neck before Hondo interjected a command: “Ap-ap-ap! Stay right dere, my dear. You must finish what you started.”
You gave him your best pout, but he was not convinced to interfere, motioning with a dismissive wave of one hand for you to proceed with touching yourself as he stayed seated before you. Observing that you chose to remain immobile, he had an idea.
“Let me add some reality tu dis fantasy of yours,” he quipped, rising to turn on some music that he favored.
The man began to dance, removing his signature coat one sleeve at a time for it to be tossed haphazardly onto the back of his chair. It was obvious he was making a show of it, putting no real effort into the act of being seductive, though his hands traveled the expanse of his own torso, waist, and hips before he sillily flipped his braids over the edges of his shoulders.
You couldn’t help but to laugh as you kept laying there, Hondo halting his performance abruptly to press a hand to the center of his chest. He scoffed, asking you something in a tone indicative of offense, yet you were sure he was only kidding: “You dare laugh at me? Am I not sexy tu you?”
Your giggling paused, Hondo walking away from you and back toward the seat he had vacated earlier. “Den you entertain me,” he said with finality.
Your lips trembled; he was always so hard to read, the pirate’s true nature still a mystery to you. Presently, you kept your gaze trained on the man as you cried a pathetic sound of longing. He was not impressed, that one leg kicking itself back up as he idly stroked the frills along his jowls.
“Come, my love,” he encouraged you with a sudden change in his disposition, his somewhat confusing demeanor melting away as it was replaced with something softer and more genteel. “Touch yourself for Hondo.”
That was all it took, at once your body’s arousal rekindling as you began to fondle the little nub between your legs.
“Yes, yes, just like dat, little one,” he complimented, his words urging you to refocus your attention.
He watched you for a time, Hondo’s own carnality easily being activated by the study of just how you chose to caress your little cluster of nerve-endings; they were housed between flower petals of flesh and blood, the pirate beginning to feel a twitch down below his beltline.
“Now, imagine my fingers gently exploring de curve of your waist, de … soft tissue of your breasts, hm? Maybe my tongue would like tu explore as well, ah?” he crooned, his voice low and licentious.
The pirate was deliberately working you, even as his own hand came to rest against the outside of his trousers. His cock jumped at the first sign of acknowledgement, as if just as greedy as the minx upon his bed to be stroked and coddled, which was not out of the realm of possibility.
You quivered on his lavish sheets, the fodder with which he was feeding your depravity effortlessly invading your mind’s eye. How you wished he would just shut up and actually touch you, yet you stopped yourself from voicing your sentiments out loud.
“Maybe et would like tu work at suckling dose exquisite tits,” he mused. “Or perhaps et would like tu very, very slowly invade your mouth for a most warm and wet kiss.” He punctuated the last word of his sentence just so, his statement having a questioning lilt, as if he were also curious what he might do should he allow himself access to your pleasing form.
“Hm, yes-” he started, his tone turning a shade darker, “-et might swirl and flitter with yours, plunging far, far down your throat, so deep dat you will never forget de feeling.”
His teasing sent shivers up your arms and down your legs, radiating outward from your core as you wriggled like a pinned insect among folds of deluxe bedding, your body aching for release.
You were so lost in his dirty talk that you failed to notice Hondo unbuckling his belt; it was emblazed with the symbol of his gang, though for now it lay slack to either side as he carefully unbuttoned his trousers to remove his cock from its cloth imprisonment.
“Ah, but remember, I will not be satisfied with just. one. taste,” Hondo reminded you, his long, ring-bedecked fingers beginning to caress the length of his prick as he settled more snugly in his seat.
“I would trade en lips above for lips below,” he whispered throatily, his words a deep rumbling in his chest. The pirate began seeking his own high, eyelids drifting to half-mast as he leisurely thumbed the head of his hardened cock.
Your teeth returned to tug at plump flesh as you ever so slightly quickened your pace, the increasing friction of your fingertips gliding vertically over your throbbing bud causing you to expel a pitiful mewl. You looked over to your king, at once whining your disapproval – you wanted to be the one handling his cock.
Still, the sight only aroused you further, but not as much as the next few utterances that passed beyond the witty thief’s gilded teeth.
“My tongue tracing de folds of your cunt - and ah - you are already so wet, aren’t you?” he asked, though he had not expected any sort of answer from you.
You gave him one anyway, breathing out an airy “yes” which he ignored, but a discerning eye could see the hint of a smirk smugly twitching at the corner of his thin-lipped mouth.
“Et sweeps across your slit, delving inside you. Maybe et tickles, but ah, et feels so good.” He placed his hand more succinctly around his girth, beginning to pump himself by way of an enclosed fist, Hondo deciding to take part in this daydream to the fullest extent.
“Mm, but I pay de most attention tu de little button dat resides at de tippy-tip-top. Dat es your favorite part,” he mused, the visual aid of him eating you out causing you to whine in yearning as you fretted all by your lonesome on his bed.
“I would flick-flick-flick your clit with de utmost precision and care,” he assured you, “lapping up every. bit. of pleasure you so graciously proffer me.” He hummed to himself for a moment, relishing the perfect speed at which he had taken to addressing his own needs.
“Den I would suck et between my lips, continuing tu dine on you as if you were a delicious meal I must consume. And my dear, you are,” he confirmed, as if there had ever been any doubt.
You moaned again as you were close to the brink, your constant rubbing in addition to Hondo’s narration of your masturbation session nearly having worked its magic. You kept your gaze trained on the man and his decidedly pretty dick, pining for it to be snug within your walls. It was as if the scoundrel read your mind, picking up his tale where your imagination had left off.
“Now dat you are so very ready for me, darling, I would take de plunge. Oh, and you take et, so, so well. Every inch es so satisfying, hm?” He subsequently snickered, peering at you from across the way with drowsy eyes.
“Your desire for me es practically palpable, little bird,” he announced despite it being obvious, yet your thoughts did not wander far from the imagery he had placed inside your head even as he playfully derided you.
Hondo picked up his tempo, palming the full breadth of his cock as he envisioned himself steeping his stout prick in and out of you, your depths warm and slippery with your excess.
You had sulkily frowned in agreement, your breath quickening as you approached the edge of your orgasm. Nearly there, your hips gently bucked beneath the soft fabric of your dress, your heart anxious for the pirate to stop narrating and start fucking you until you couldn’t walk straight.
Instead, you were left to your own devices, Hondo apparently close as well as his storytelling capabilities were dwindling, though he still had sense and wits enough about him to weave the next bit of his risqué yarn.
“So slow at first, just a steady en and out, like de ebb and flow of an ocean on some distant, watery planet.” 
“Mmn, mhmm,” was all you had the capacity to say in return.
“I hit all de right angles, for I always do. And you know dis,” he confirmed. “Back and forth, deeper and longer strokes, all de while my deft fingers massage your pretty pearl.”
He beamed at you, his smile brighter than the highly charged particles dispelled at lightspeed off the backs of ion engines, though you were only half cognizant by now of your surroundings.
“And den,” he added simply, “you will cum for me.”
The low notes spoken in that deep baritone, the glint in his glacial grey eyes behind his ever present goggles – you unraveled at the seams as Hondo praised your obedience to his surprisingly well-timed command.
“What a good girl you are,” he concluded.
Delectable mewls escaped your lips in intervals, the air stored inside your lungs expelled in spurts along with them; your hips gyrated gingerly in place of their own volition as you rode the wave of pleasure to its end.
Hondo all the while studied you as he unabashedly continued to guide himself toward the finish line, using the beautiful visual before him to assist him in this process. Then, the Weequay hummed once more; it was a little melody you did not recognize and meant for no one but himself.
You relaxed for all but ten seconds, feeling your own body lose its tension as the breathing of your lover increased its rapidity and fervor; he was about to climax — you refused to let him, not without your aid — you would be damned if you didn’t have your way.
He had his, after all.
You sat up straight, gathering the edges of your skirt so as not to trip as you launched yourself theatrically forward. You tumbled purposefully onto your knees, though making an effort not to bruise yourself, the pirate’s askant eyes expanding before instantaneously contracting. Gold teeth were exposed as he eagerly watched you collect his cock, his upper lip curling outward to add a smidge of something villainous to his expression.
Oh, but it quickly faded from his handsome face as you imbibed his member to the base of its shaft, your tongue running semicircles around raised ribs before you puckered your cheeks to suck greedily to your heart’s content. You sighed languorously at the feeling of it brushing against the back of your throat, murmuring a happy sound as you knew he would not last long.
Hondo’s breath hitched in his lungs before he lifted one hand to fiddle with your hair, mind clouded with buzzing thoughts as he tried to get a handle on his speech.
“So eager,” he muttered, tenderly tracing the curve of your cheek with the back of his index finger. Thick quadriceps tightened, overall the Weequay’s muscles clenching before your mouth finally received the prize it sought.
Hondo’s body slowly unwound itself, decompressing with every pump of semen that shot to the back of your throat, lithe digits remaining to lovingly pet your locks as he gazed down into your eyes — you were staring up at him as you guzzled every last drop he had to give, your muscles working overtime to usher his ejaculate down into your belly for safekeeping.
“And so very thirsty,” he purred, dick still sporadically lurching as you drained him dry. He was not one to tap out, but you were capable of detecting when the man was spent. You skimmed the head of his cock with your tongue for good measure, licking up any that had managed to dribble down.
“You. are. magnificent,” Hondo extolled, failing at first to regain his equilibrium. However, he was not exactly in a hurry, more than willing to sit here a while longer than anticipated.
“You left me,” you puled, kissing the mushroom tip of his alien phallus before you laid it to rest against his spreadeagled thighs. You kissed those, too, fingers traveling over what felt like solid rock, pouting as the pirate gently lifted up both your hands to cradle between his own.
“And for good reason!” Hondo declared with renewed vigor, planting his lips against the center of your palm. Then, he released you, moving to adjust his genitals and to refasten his pants.
“Come, let me tell you a story over a proper drink-” he chuckled, “-see if we can curtail dat insatiable thirst of yours, my dear.”
You accepted his invitation, more than thrilled to keep him company, and, if you played your cards right, you were sure you could convince him for another round – drinks or otherwise.
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Comfort in a Bar
Summary - Part 37 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
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You collect your and Dean’s refills from the bar and make your way over to where he’s attempting to hustle a group of young boys at pool. You watch as he deliberately fumbles the shot. As he puts his cue down you hand him his glass.
“It’s alright, babe. You never were the best at this game,” you say helping his act. Turning your attention back to the game in front of you, you watch as the other guy lands a few shots and then misses. Dean goes to hand you his drink. “How about I handle this? You’re not-”
The other guy cuts you off, “No, he started this, I’m only playing against him otherwise he forfeits.”
You nod and take Dean’s drink with a knowing look. He picks the cue back up and lines up his shot. You take a sip of your drink as you watch him land one shot after another until all of the solids balls are potted. He then lines up the 8-ball and shoots you a wink before striking the ball.
The other guy looks at you both in shock as the 8-ball lands in the pocket. “How? What?”
Dean strolls over to you and kisses you on the top of the head. “I just needed my good luck charm here.”
The man shakes his head and pulls out his wallet handing Dean his winnings and walks off. You hand Dean his drink and he leads you to a table and holds out the money to you. “For you.”
Knowing it’ll probably just go towards the next round of drinks you take it and slip it into your pocket. As you’re enjoying the comfortable quiet between the two of you and the ambience of the bar you swear you overhear the men at the table next to yours say the word ‘werewolf’.
“Dean,” you say quietly getting his attention, you subtly nod your head towards the table beside you. He gives you a confused look before glancing over at the men. He looks back at you and shakes his head still confused.
Having brought attention to yourselves the men look over and sigh. “Great,” the tall, slender man with piercing blue eyes and a neatly trimmed beard says, “Winchesters are here…”
Hearing his name Dean’s immediately out of his seat and leaning over their table blocking their view of you. “How’d you know my name? Who are you? What are you?” he asks roughly, his right hand reaching under his flannel for his knife.
They quickly put their hands up in surrender. The same man slowly says, “I’m Mark and this is Jason. We’re hunters. All good hunters know about the Winchesters, and how if you’re here it means we’re not. People who work with you have a habit of winding up dead. So, good luck with the case, we’ll just be going now.” They slowly start to stand up.
Dean releases his grip on his knife, stands up straighter and briefly glances over his shoulder at you before looking back at them. “How about you tell me what you’ve got on this case so far? Maybe we can help each other.”
The slightly shorter, more muscular man, who was introduced as Jason, pipes up, “Didn’t you just hear my friend? We might be hunters, but we value our lives, so no thanks. I’m sure you and your moose of a brother have it handled, wherever he is.”
“My brother’s not here, just me. And if you’ve heard about me then you know the experience I have. Let me help.”
“Dean,” you say offended. With one look he can tell exactly what you’re thinking, so he shakes his head sternly.
Jason speaks again, getting Dean’s attention, “Look man, your girl there looks like she needs some attention. You worked hard to get in her pants so enjoy your quick screw and by the time you’re done we’ll be long gone and you can take care of the case yourself.”
You see Dean instantly tense at the man’s words. Before he can react you’re out of your seat and at his side gripping his wrist. He slams his left hand on the table in front of them. “She’s no quick screw. This is my wife, and for your information, she’s a damn good hunter. But,” he looks down at you before continuing, “If she thinks for one second I’m letting her go on a hunt on our honeymoon…”
You meet Dean’s gaze and shake your head. “Then what, Dean?” And then frustrated at your overprotective husband, you look back over at the other hunters and say, “I understand you don’t wanna work with a Winchester but I’ve only officially been one for a couple of days, and fangs and claws are kinda my specialty.” They give you sceptical looks so you continue, “I’m gonna level with you here. He ain’t lying, this is our honeymoon, and I’ll be damned if some monster is gonna ruin it. So, the quicker we figure out this case, the quicker I can get back to lounging on the beach. So, I’m begging you, let us help you.”
Jason nods, “Look I’m really sorry for what I said about you. Dean just has-”
“A bit of a reputation,” you finish for him, “I’m aware. But things change. Do we have a deal?”
The hunters give each other a look and then nod. Then Mark says, “One case and one case only. And we take the lead.”
“Sounds good,” you say as you drag your chair over to their table and sit down. “I heard you say werewolf. What else do you know?”
Jason and Mark sit back down as Dean drags his chair over to join you. His hand lands on your thigh giving what you can only imagine is a warning squeeze. You mentally prepare yourself for the argument and hopefully makeup sex that you’ll share after you finish this case and get back to the hotel. The hunters tell you both everything they know about the case so far. Initially, it started out as a string of cattle mutilations at farms outside the city but recently a couple of strange deaths caught their eye; women left by the dumpsters outside night clubs with their hearts ripped out. They explained they already tried to talk to the nightclub owners for security footage, but unsurprisingly they don’t have cameras out the back.
“So, women outside nightclubs? Sounds like you need bait?” you say.
Dean squeezes your thigh harder. “I know what you’re thinking. No way.”
You put your hand over his on your thigh. “You’ll always protect me, right?”
“Of course, but-”
“Good, then this is our best lead. I know I agreed you guys could take the lead but…”
Jason nods, “No, you’re right. We hit a dead end, if you’re willing to be bait then you’re our best bet at catching this thing.” He writes down the address of the nightclub on a napkin and slides it across the table to you.
You skim over the address and then hand it to Dean. “Alright. If I’m gonna do this right, I’m gonna need a costume change. Meet you guys there in 20.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Back in the hotel, you slip out of your jeans, flannel and T-shirt. You pull an older-looking pair of jeans out of your bag and slice off most of the leg so they’re really short and slip them on, then you slip your (Dean’s) flannel back on and tie the ends in a knot that sits just under the bottom of your bra. You glance over at your high heels but then pull your boots back on, opting for at least one piece of comfort. Dean looks you up and down and pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. Unable to stop himself he walks over to you and places his hands on your bare waist pulling you close and looking into your eyes.
“We can find another way. Please, Sweetheart. I can’t risk losing you like this. Not now…Not ever…”
“You won’t lose me. It��s a werewolf. It’ll be a walk in the park for us. We’ve done this like a thousand times. I trust you, Dean. I know you’ll be there to protect me, even if those other guys fumble, I know you have my back.”
“But..But what if-”
“No what ifs. You’ve never let me down in a hunt before and I know you won’t start now. So, let’s go gank this thing so we can get back here and well…”
“I meant it when I say you’re a damn good hunter. You are. But you’re going in there unarmed. Just please…please be careful.”
You reach up and put your hands on his cheeks and bring his face to yours so your lips are almost touching and whisper, “Always,” then you close the gap. You slowly pull away and say, “And I’m not going in completely unarmed. This ring,” you say as you tap your wedding ring against his cheek, “Pure silver. So, I’ll know when the werewolf touches me.”
With Dean, reluctantly in agreeance, you meet the other hunters at the nightclub. Dean drops you off at the front with a kiss before driving around the back. Inside you notice Mark sitting on a stool near the bar, you give him a subtle nod as you sit at the opposite end and order a fancy cocktail. When no one approaches you, you decide to move onto the dance floor, keeping Mark in your sights. You start dancing with the nearest guy but when he notices the ring on your finger he pulls away. You quickly slip it onto your other hand before zeroing in on another guy. You run your right hand with the ring along his forearm as you dance with him, nothing. You continue dancing with him for a bit so you don’t look suspicious but keep scanning the room. Once you’ve had more than your fill of dancing on the crowded dancefloor with random people brushing against your ass and getting a little too handsy, you stalk back to the bar for another drink. While you wait for the bartender to serve you someone comes up behind you standing very close.
“How about I get your next round, Sweetheart? I saw your moves out there, maybe I could get the next dance too?” a deep voice says close to your ear. You hold back a wince at the sound of anyone other than your husband calling you ‘Sweetheart’ that was his thing, but you push down your physical response and attempt to act normal. You try your best to look at him seductively as you accept his offer and let him pay the bartender after you get your second cocktail. He slips one hand along your back starting at your covered shoulders but setting on your bare waist, effectively distracting you. Goosebumps rise over your skin at the feeling of the wrong hands on you. As soon as the bartender hands you your drink you take a long sip to calm yourself and then place your drink back down on the bar, keeping your left hand firmly on the glass you place your right hand flat on the bar. You look past him at Mark as the man slides his free hand down your right arm until his hand sits on top of yours. The second his skin collides with your ring he winces and pulls back slightly, trying to play it off he slides his hand back up your arm. At that you give Mark a look, and he straightens himself a little in his seat. You turn around in the guy’s arms and wrap yours around his neck, careful not to let your ring touch him again and give yourself away.
“So, how about that dance, Stud?” you say, almost cringing at your own words as you attempt to lead him back towards the dancefloor.
He leans down grazing his nose down your neck and then comes back up to meet your eyes. Then he brings your drink around from behind your back and offers it to you. “But you haven’t finished your drink?”
You look at it suspiciously. “Nah, I’d really rather just dance.”
“Come on, it was a gift. You should finish it.”
Knowing he’ll get suspicious and leave if you push too hard, you give in and finish the drink. You know immediately that you made a mistake when you realise you weren’t watching when it was made and then his insistence. But initially, you feel alright, so you place the glass back on the bar and lead the man to the dance floor. After a few songs, you start to formulate your plan to get him out into the alley where you know Dean’s waiting. But as you try to lead the dance towards the door your head starts to feel fuzzy and the room starts to spin. Struggling to stay on your feet you resort to leaning on him for support. As you sway with him you feel him leading you somewhere, but with your eyelids getting heavy and your muscles relaxing you’re unable to distinguish where or fight back. You have no choice but to go with him. After a few more steps you lose the fight with the sudden, overwhelming drowsiness and your eyes fall closed.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A/N: Just like that the fluffy, sexy honeymoon is over!
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