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studygrmmr · 4 years ago
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I hope you guys are good Quick tip for the day 😃 When you don't feel like studying just get yourself a cup of water and calm yourself and promise yourself to study just 2 minutes. Set a timer and get started maybe your will just end up with a 50-10 pomodoro. If not then don't force yourself, exercise a bit then get a 15 min meditation session done now take 10 minutes then get seated to work My motivation @lavendaire @sapphire.study @studytipsgcse @amandhattarwal @waystostudy @studytee @marianastudycorner @ellenkelleystudies #study #tips #studytip #studytips studytime Studygram #aesthetic #studyaesthetic #studying #waystostudy #studytee #lavendaire #studyblrsquad #studyblr #Studygram #studygrammer #indianstudygram #indianstudygrammer #studyhacks #studymotivation #studyreels #productivity #studyadvice # #universitytips #universitylife #studying #studywithme #inspiration #studyhack #notes #studynotes #studyinspiration #you https://www.instagram.com/p/CPrcCN6BSRf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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andotherstudies · 4 years ago
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Prepping for the school year by getting my planner organized! Are you guys digital planners or pen and paper? I’ve always been pen and paper but now that I got an iPad I’m not sure if I should switch! Let me know what you use and if you like it better than the other option!
Follow my instagram: @andotherstudies
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bellaville · 5 years ago
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08.21.19 // My midterms are coming!!!!
I found a very cozy cafe to study with my friends. It’s a small and unexplored place and as an Iced Latte addict , I really love this place. I’m really scared actually but things will happen anyways. 🤷‍♀️ I started doing yoga again (yoga+pilates now). It really helps me dealing with the stress. I’ll keep sharing posts this week. I really wonder what will happen 🙈😆
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ganbarimastudy-blog · 7 years ago
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Hello, studyblr community! I’m a baby studyblr!
My name is Bambina, but you can call me Bam or Bambam! I’m 15 years old, and I’m currently entering tenth grade. I’m also from the Philippines!
i like: anime, kpop, jdrama, dark themed stories, and performing! (but I hate big crowds, and I suck at singing)
currently self studying: japanese (I lean more towards hiragana), korean, and psychology (via crash course)
I know how to: play the ukulele, play badminton, draw, and paint!
my goals:
graduate junior high school with flying colors, and graduate as valedictorian!
be more productive and motivated to be a better student
get in to med school in the future
get accepted for the University of the Philippines for college
have better note-taking habits, namely consistency, since I just scribble down quick bullet points by the end of the year, which is far from my cute notes when school starts
get rid of my habit of doing everything at the last minute
be more organized
ease into the minimalist lifestyle
get an apprenticeship at a tattoo shop (maybe for the summer)
be more aesthetic because I’m aesthetically struggling
studyblrs that inspire me (and i watch on yt instead of studying oops):
@studyquill​ @studyign @studywithinspo @burgundycafe @tbhstudying @waystostudy @emmastudies​ @studylustre​ @midlighters​ ((strivetofit and ruby granger are also two of my favorites! They don’t have tumblrs tho :c))
ganbarimastudy came from the words ganbarimasu and study.
ganbarimasu (がんばります) means ‘I’ll do my best’, and it is used as a reply to ganbatte (がんばって) which means ‘Do your best!’. I chose the username ganbarimastudy because to me, it sort of means (in a way) that I’ll do my best studying. And I’ve been a firm believer that luck won’t take me anywhere. Luck to me is false hope and dependency. If you want something to happen, you don’t rely on luck, you do your best.
When somebody tells me ‘good luck’, I don’t reply with ‘thank you’. I don’t need luck, I just need myself. The best version of myself. Instead, I reply with ‘I’ll do my best!’
Let’s all be friends! Thank you for taking me in!
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i’m sorry not sorry i laughed at this gif more than i care to admit
[ lowercase intended ]
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stressed-april · 7 years ago
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revising inmunology! tomorrow I have my first exam and i'm so nervous 😣 | enter the image for mote quality! ¡repasando inmunología! mañana trngo mi primer examen y estoy tan nerviosa 😣 | ¡entrá a la imagen para mayor calidad! 19.04.2018
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aimforthemoonstudyblr · 6 years ago
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Hello STUDENTS OF TUMBLR, so here’s the post I talked about yesterday. This is  a recapitulation for all the study tips I followed whether it worked for me or not. Just try what you think works better for you. if you don’t have time to waste on trying new methods of studying and then failing with it and trying another one. Just sit with yourself, pick a paper and a pen (doesn’t matter the brand HHHHHHHH), then think of how you study the best, what’s your learning style : check here for more , and based on that choose what will work with you, your school system, your personality, how you manage your time .. and all.
 After figuring out your learning style, it’s time for the first step : MOTIVATION . I can hear some of you saying that motivation doesn’t matter, and what’s matter is discipline, and I totally agree with that, but I think that in order to build a discipline/ habit we need a push of motivation to start. ( I can recommend you the videos that motivates me the most).
****How to get motivation ? ****
1-    Audios / videos/ music ( there are plenty of them online and for free)
2-    Quotes. I definitely recommend putting motivational quotes in every sight-reachable  place.
3-    Pick a paper ( until finishing this post, you’ll need a lot of papers HHHHHH) and write all the reasons why you’re doing this, why your studying?
Personally : my school year starts on 15/9 and ends on mid June. It’s gonna be a long year since I’ll have exams on June based on what I studied from September to May. So I wrote on papers 260 quotes ( one for each day). If you want to try it, you can do that on sticky notes, or just simple papers(if you want it coloured, print some themed backgrounds and write on them)  
 Now you’re motivated and all, take a paper and divide it to  :
1-    Write all the subjects you take at school, class them from your weakest to the strongest subject.
2-    How many hours you can study daily? ( on week days / weekends / holidays.. ) , here it’s better to underestimate than saying I can study 6 hours a day then doing nothing.
3-    The largest part. Divide the hours estimated for each day in a way that you give your weakest subjects more time to work on ( having strong subject doesn’t mean ignoring them, give them time to).
4-    Now in a little column, write why things are not going well: is the problem YOU? Are you the only one stopping yourself from being excellent? ( i’m asking these questions, because I WAS) or is it something else? Parents? Friends ? relationships? Mental health issues? ( try to talk with someone about your issues or see a pro) [sorry, I’m not a professional advice giver and I don’t have the solutions for all of these problems, I had one problem and it was related to me and my way of thinking and I changed it myself, please talk with someone who’s struggling with the same things as you, and I hope you’re all going well and doing good] .
Let’s move to the practical tips :
·         You have probably read this at least 1584358442 times, but I’m re-saying it, because it’s so true. PLAN YOUR LIFE. PLANIFIER VOTRE VIE. خطط(ـي) لحياتك. Plane dein Leben. I don’t know another languages, but whatever language you speak, DO IT. how to plan? You’ll need the paper where you wrote the subjects and the time for each one. Get a planner, start a bullet journal, get some printables online, create those printables yourself with Microsoft, or just simple USE A PAPER. You can plan for a day, or for a week, for a month, or the whole year. I recommend doing weeklies at the beginning of each month , filling each day with your regular activities, important days or tasks ( that you already know) , and then every time that you have something new, add it on its day. when to plan? As I said plan monthly, then weekly, then daily, and every night before going to bed check what you need to do for tomorrow ( it will helps you get out of bed next morning)
·         Don’t overestimate what you can do. It’s okay to admit that you’re not a super human and you won’t be able to sleep for 8 hours go to school for 6hours , socialize , eat well , exercices and then study for 6 hours. If you can do that, congratulations , but you’re damaging your brain.
·         When planning and you have a history project don’t just write ° History instead write : - brainstorming : searching for ideas - organizing those ideas - plan your project : I.1.a / I.1.b … - finding an appropriate related video - organizing all information + adding animation ( if it’s on powepoint) - making sure you have copies of it ( it happened to me a lot that I finish a project than lose it because of a click) and you can apply this not only to projects but to all kind of activities like cleaning : wardrobe – kitchen – bath.. first you will feel satisfied ticking a lot of tasks, and second if you didn’t finish all the under-task , it will be a task in progress not an uncompleted task.
·         Start your day with checking your planner and  doing a to-do list to get a general look on your day. Write next to each task how much time it will take, so that you know what to prioritize
·         Try waking up early , it’ll boost your energy and if you’re best concentrating on morning wake up earlier and benefit of morning , I do this personally but make sure in this case to get to bed earlier too.
·         For your homework, write any homework you get down. I used to say I’ll remember it, then come next session and figure out that I had 12 math exercices. If you have blank hours between classes, use it to get your homework done , so that when you get home you’ll only focus on revising, summarizing.. getting ahead in class. start with doing the homework for your least favourite class or your weakest ones or the ones that take too much time. Do it as soon as it’s given to you, so that you get it out of the way.
·         Think of installing blocker for distracting sites, whether it’s on phone or computer.
·         Related to the previous one, limit your social media time, it won’t matter if you missed out news like your cousin bought a new car or that your friend from primary school is in Amsterdam, you can go back after studying and know all those unnecessary news.
·         Get rid of electronics if you don’t need them.
·         If you’re working on a project, collect all what you need from internet them disconnect. Otherwise, you’ll probably gonna see a pic of a cute cat and you’ll click on the link and you’ll find yourself after 3 hours watching videos of a turtle carrying a cat on his back ( I do this.).
·         Set a clean and minimalist study space, and bring all what you need for that study session from the beginning to avoid distraction.
·         I’ll also recommend changing studying space often ( if that works for you), because scientifically every time we move around we force the brain to form new associations with the same material so it becomes a stronger memory.
·         If you can do it now then DO IT. There’s an Arabic proverb that goes: لا تؤجل عمل اليوم إلى الغد، فإن للغد عملا آخر. (Do not postpone today's work to tomorrow, for tomorrow has its own work) [see the first pic]
·         In class sit at the front : - I do this because I get distracted easily by my friends , plus i’m short-sighted. - you’ll hear the teacher better, also the teachers always answer for front-students questions because they look more serious than questions of someone sitting at the back.
·         ASK. Don’t be shy. There’s nothing wrong with asking, even if you sounded stupid, better sounding stupid in class, then being stupid in the exam. Profit from every chance to ask. Ask your teachers, classmates, google, parents, teachers that aren’t really your teachers (I don’t think they’ll ignore you). If you’re toooo shy to ask in front of classmate, wait for the end of the session, and go to the teacher.
·         While revising, put a mark, or highlight what you need to ask for, and actually ASK FOR IT. I used to just highlight questions that I didn’t understood and never asking, and guess what, one time on a Physics exam, while redoing old exams of my teacher I found so many hard questions, I said he gave them before, he’ll never give them another time. He actually did. J
·         After school routine: i take train to go back home, my way back home lasts 40mn. 1st I do when coming back is studying, because my brain is still in the mood to study ( when I’m extremely tired physically or emotionally , I take a nap. Health and Mental wellness have more priority then Studying for me).
·         when I go back to home, I don’t change clothes to stay in the sensation of being in school. Plus home’s cloths are comfortable but make you feel lazy. ( at least for me) . if you feel comfortable with home’s clothes and still be productive, change.
·         EAT WELL. I can recommend some good food for your brain : Omega 3 & fattyacids (eggs/ fishes : salmon- sardines .. ) – caffeine ( coffe-/ tea) in moderate consumption- Curcumin ( improves memory and boosts serotonin and dopamine which improves mood, it also helps new brain cells grown) – vitamin K( broccoli) – pumpkin seeds- oranges- dark chocolate .. also STAY HYDRATED : it improves concentration and cognition, helps balancing mood and emotions, reduce stress, increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain and maintains memory function. Just TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. ( if exercising works for you, do it. I didn’t personally try that, I’ll just start exercising this year because one of my final exam on June is Physical Education, and it’s all practical)  
·         Revisit older work on a regular basis to keep it familiar so that it will be stored in long term memory. And revise often.
·         This is how I do for revising sessions : I keep track of the review dates of each chapter : - 1st R : 2 days after taking it in class - 2nd R : 3 days after 1st R -3rd R : 7 days after 2nd R -4th R : 21 days after 3rd R - 5th R : 30 days after 4th R - 6th R : 45 days after 5th R - 7 th R : 60 days after 6th R with this system I’ll be able on June to remember what I learned on October.
·         Also, everytime you review, test yourself.
·         Divise the revision sessions in bloc of 20 to 50 mn, then take a rest, to give time to your brain to analyse to the new information. And every time increase the time.
·         Learn the same information in different ways : - rewrite it in your way - mind maps - explain it to someone else - youtube videos - class notes - others resources : your friends notes, if you have this in your country Para-scholar books (books made by other teachers –not by the government- where you can find notes, summaries, exercises with correction )
·         When revising, make a list of possible questions. Make quizzes. If it’s literary subject ( languages) , do a list of possible writings topics). For math, re-do the exercises given by teacher (the exam will probably look alike, since it’s the same person making the exam). If it’s a national exam ( my case), do the exercises given in the end of every chapter ( since it’s the same government giving the exam).
·         Make mnemonic* to facilitate learning new information. Link the information with a crazy story. (- Mnemonic = cutiing something down into an acronym, rhythm, word or phrase, to help remembering it).
·         Read information out loud: you’re mentally storing it in two ways : seeing and hearing it.
·         Talk to yourself , imagine you’re explaining it to someone else. Move while reading your notes. I don’t know why but It works for me.
·         In one sitting just focus on one topic. But don’t stick to the same topic for the whole day, or the whole after-school, your brain will feel that he’s not learning something new, and he’ll stop accepting new information.
·         Don’t memorize in one sitting rather break up the info into small chunks and review them consistently over a long period of time.
·         Before every exam make a checklist of things you need to know. It will help you get an overview of the material.
·         Start studying for an exam earlier, you’ll have more time in case you stuck on some points. Also you don’t know what can happen, you could get sick or an emergency ruins your plans.
·         Work on your psychic state. If you have toxic relations, get them out of your life. You need all your brain capacity, you can’t just waste it on toxic things. If you feel like needing help, ask for it.
·         HELP YOUR FRIENDS. (if you’re not religious, ignore the rest of this point, and just do this because you’re a great human <3 , if you’re religious: I had a teacher that used to always say this to us : “Help each other because who only loves himself (selfish), God doesn’t love him”).
·         DON’T BE SOO HARD ON YOURSELF. TAKE A DAY OFF IF YOU’VE DONE WELL ALL THE WEEK. I saw this on a youtube video: you can make a system of scoring for yourself , everytime you reach a score you’ll do something fun : go to the cinema, go on a train trip, go to the down town, or just lie in bed and watch your favourite movie. REWARD YOURSELF.
  I can help with other tips, I’m just busy these days, maybe all go back later and add some more.
I hope this is useful for you.
If anyone have any remark or questions, please don’t be shy.
   (excuse my English) .
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hummygostudyblog · 7 years ago
How Do You Learn?
I just typed the whole post up yesterday and it didn't save anything...
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Anyways, back to the original purpose of this post...
When it comes to studying, you can't rely on movies and TV shows to portray it accurately. It's like expecting the movie to be better than the book... If you are in the Percy Jackson fandom, you get my frustration.
It's not like your boyfriend/crush will crawl into your bedroom window and try to "help" you study by simply reading through your chem flash cards one or two times before doing OTHER stuff. (*cough* Nancy Wheeler *cough*)
If my crush ever did that, he/she would be a human pancake two stories down from my room after trying to climb out once my parents could be heard going up the stairs.
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And here's the thing about studying: it can get stressful really, REALLY fast. Especially when you don't know even half of the things that you're doing. Let me come up with a scenario:
It's two am and you're trying to cram everything for your least favorite subject since there's a test that's worth more that 50% of your grade and you've been putting it off for the past two weeks. It's practically a few hours away, and you try to study by reading a textbook that you absolutely have not even touched since the first day day you checked it out from the library. Then, you sleep studying and wake up late, end up arriving late to the test, and because you are stressed out because you're late... You forget everything you tried to cram in the night before. So there you are, absolutely clueless and only left with the choice of staring at the clock all the way across the room. That was me in seventh and eighth grade, all in a nutshell.
Been there. Done that. NEVER AGAIN.
But it doesn't have to be that way. It all depends on the time you dedicate to try and get better. But the most important step of all is to get to know yourself as a unique individual and how you learn most effectively. If you don't learn how you flow, the less you know. The point of studying is not to memorize, it's to understand. There's a difference.
So here I am: Hummy, at your service. This is just an introduction post to series of posts I'll publish later on throughout the next two-three months. The main question is...
How do you learn?
According to a book I once read a few months ago. Leonardo Da Vinci may have been born intelligent, but he was not born a genius. To be a considered a genius, you have to be skilled in more than one type of intelligence. What point am I trying to prove here?
There is more than one type of intelligence.
This is why your IQ in the end does not really matter -- it only measures one type of intelligence when there is more than one. While it may be important, it is often over emphasized to the point where schools determine your worth based on this test when really, they're missing out on a student's true potential and capabilities. Look at Mozart and Stephen Hawking; neither of the two is more intelligent that the other: they are intelligent in different ways. And it would be pointless to compare them, since they both domineered and mastered different fields of study.
Knowing what type of intelligence is the one you apply to is important to get to know how you should study and learn -- the more intelligent you are in a certain area, the easier it will be for you to pick up and understand information at a faster rate, and it helps you question what you can do to develop the other areas of intelligence as well. Intelligence applies to the way we grow to understand and think about things around us. So if you know this about yourself, you are already one step ahead of the game called life. It doesn't just apply to adolescence, it applies to adulthood as well.
Intro To Learning Styles
There are three main categories that are most well known:
But there are more specific categories that are either under or added aside to these categories:
Visual (Spatial)
Aural (Auditory-musical)
Physical (Kinesthetic)
Verbal (Linguistic)
Logical (Mathematical)
Social (Interpersonal)
Solitary (Intrapersonal)
Within the next few posts, I will write each of the categories separately so I can get more into detail. And keep in mind:
- It's totally okay if you apply to more than one type of learning style; it's more of a reference than anything else
-You can be general or specific about getting an idea of your learning style. My recommendation though, the more specific, the better chance for you being able to pinpoint what you are looking for
-The information provided in the next posts about each learning style does not belong to me in any way, shape or form. I will give credit when it is due and I will provide a link to the sources used if you guys want more information :)
- When a post about one of the specific learning styles has been published, I will hyperlink it's name above. (Ex: If I post something about visual/spatial learning, I will hyperlink the words Visual (Spatial) listed)
That's it for now, my fellow pupils. I'll try to update as soon as possible. See y'all next time :)
- Hummy
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historyfanstudyblr · 7 years ago
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Chapter 1 of health! Hoping this class will be kind to me haha
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studyisociety · 7 years ago
New Studyblr :))
Hey guys, my names G and I’ve been apart of the studyblr community for a year now. I’ve watched many videos, followed many studyblrs on Instagram and tumblr. I’ve used the advice many of you guys have provided me with and honestly, it helped me out so much. Today I wanted to start my own studyblr, I want to be able to share my work to others and hopefully help you all out. A few of my favorite studyblrs are @focusign @studyign @studyquill and @emmastudies
They have helped me out so much when I first started out :)
Now a few facts about me :)
1. I am born and raised in Canada
2. Stationary junkie obviously!’ Sadly stationary in Canada is overpriced.
3. I am a grade 12 student going into a business school
4. I am a coffee lover
5. I write books and have completed one.
6. I hope to have one of my books published.
7. I love chocolate
8. I love Shakespeare
9.Canadian weather got me used to freezing temperatures
10. I love to bujo and I started calligraphy
11. I love violin and classical music
12. I love Charlie Puth
13. I also like listening to fall out boy
14. I want to travel the world.
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theselflearner · 7 years ago
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6th Nov 2017 
Soon, breezy mornings and cozy nights. Mugs of coffee, cacao, tea, anything to keep you warm. Studying in bed because you’re freezing. 
Invest in a cute and comfy sweater. I promise it will make those nights more tolerable and productive.
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queenrosely · 7 years ago
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studygrmmr · 4 years ago
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We all wanna study hard but some myths don't let us be productive as much as we want to be. 📚 You can perform better when you have pressure of deadline being tomorrow:- This is a total myth guys. Since if your deadline is tomorrow, you will feel way much more pressured that the creative side of your mind won't help you much and you will end up being less efficient with your assignments and exam preparation. 📚 Spending more time is equal to getting better grades:- Working hard is the key but to be succesful you need to work smart as well, if you wanna achieve what you aimed for try active study method and try to retain memory. 📚working for 5 hours straight would help me be done with my work:- This is a total lie guys, if you take long study sessions your brain will end up being stressed and you will feel tired in the the second session itself and you might end up sleeping so try taking short session with regular breaks to avoid a stressful mind, this will increase the efficiency of your work 📚 I don't believe in note taking, I'll just read the text book:- Reading your textbook again and again is a passive study method which will end you up being lazy and won't help you retain much of the info, so try taking note it will help you be better with understanding and get better results. #study #tips #studytips #Studygram #studyaesthetic #studying #waystostudy #lavendaire #studyblrsquad #studyblr #Studygram #studygrammer #studyhacks #studymotivation #productivity #studyadvice #universitytips #universitylife #studying #studywithme #inspiration #studyhack #notes #studynotes #studyinspiration #schoollife #collegelife #schoolhacks #collegehacks https://www.instagram.com/p/CQP2p4bhC9e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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andotherstudies · 5 years ago
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sept 26 - spent the day studying in my bed, i usually don’t work at home but something called me home
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fromeo007 · 5 years ago
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To watch full video on all the Albert Einsten quotes, click the link on the bio. Follow @insidestudents Subscribe to our youtube channel for more. Link in the bio. #students #insidestudentsmind #studystudystudy #studygram #studystudystudy #studytips #studynotes #studymotivation #studyblr #instagram #instagood #happy #me #picoftheday #instadaily #fun #insidestudents #aliabdaal #activerecall #spacedrepetition #waystostudy #richardfeynman #feynmantechnique #tombilyeu #gonein180seconds #goaldigger #garyvee (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B075ZCXHg4B/?igshid=18bymog41h1vl
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kingofinfinitejest · 8 years ago
introduction !!
hi!! my name is christina but you can call me chrissy!!! as of this post, i'm an incoming freshman at the university of california, santa barbara. i was accepted as an english major but i plan to major in art history as well!! some facts about me:
i’m 18 years old & a pisces
i don’t know what i want to do after college yet but i’ll figure it out eventually (i hope)
i’m 5′0″
i’m half filipino and half italian 
i started this studyblr to not only document my journey through undergrad, but to keep myself motivated and disciplined!! 
i want to learn brush lettering eventually & start my stationery collection
some blogs that have inspired me:
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melaniestudiesastronomy · 8 years ago
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Hey everybody! I’ve had my studyblr for about a month now and figure that I should probably do a proper introduction.
[About Me]
I’m Melanie and I’m starting my third year of college. Currently, I’m a science major working towards my degree in astrophysics and aerospace engineering. I love the cosmos and am extremely curious about the unknowns that are yet to be found. In my free time I like to do artwork, collect watches and make jewelry.
[Fave Subjects]
[Reason for a Studyblr]
Stay motivated
Give help to others
Find inspiration
Inspires others
Join study groups
[Studyblrs that Inspired Me to Start My Own]
@emmastudies , @waystostudy , @stvdybuddies
Your participation on my blog is welcomed. 
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