#wasting my blood nutrients and white cells
fluffykittyscientist · 7 months
Me: *has an infection*
Uterus: *starts this month's period*
Me: Oh you selfish little bit–
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sevenrs · 11 months
this is just kinda random and speculative
but couldn't iterators be thought of as like. giant circulatory systems?
neurons being the 'red blood cells' (though most likely transmitting data instead of oxygen). combination actual neurons and data storage and transmitter all at the same time. also I like to think of neurons as big unicellular organisms.
inspectors being 'white blood cells' and murdering anything that moves weirdly
youve probably thought of all of this before I'm just rambling a bit dont mind me
the whole is a giant brain (built to think) but i like this comparison a lot
i haven't explored the ingame iterators in a hot second but imagining neurons + inspectors everywhere in a sort of open circulatory system. stuff comes and goes wherever and isn't confined to vessels
the implied water circulatory is interesting too. downpour devs interpreted moon's death as iterator equivalent of a heart attack but the water system also makes me think of lymph. flushing out waste, delivering vital cooling (in our body its nutrients [lipids] and water recycling) properties at a slower pace (cycles are ~ a day in my theories because cycles end at night in dp)
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panb1mbo · 1 year
I had no idea about blood and anti-venoms! Feel free to info dump always ❣️
YES YES so some places will inject a small amount of venom into a horse. not enough to cause long-lasting damage, but enough to stimulate their immune system. the immunological response produces antibodies in their blood that are then extracted and used to make the antivenom serum. also also our blood is mainly water!! so when i centrifuge a blood sample in the proper tube (stick the sample in a machine that spins it ridiculously fast while applying centrifugal force) it separates the components into three distinct parts! this clear yellowish liquid that sits on top (mostly water with a couple of chemicals; gases, ions, proteins, nutrients, wastes) then a thin little barrier (the buffy coat, my beloved!!) of platelets and white blood cells. when your platelet count is within a "normal range" it helps you clot wounds nicely. it's a handy little tool that's supposed to help prevent you from bleeding out in most cases. sometimes you end up clotting too much or too little and that's when issues arise. the white blood cells are the little guys in your blood that fight off infections and diseases!! there's multiple kinds of WBC, but ion got time for that rn. then you have red blood cells! i don't care about them!!! just kidding. i just don't love them as much as the buffy coat, and that's not fair to RBCs. your red blood cells are made in the bone marrow. they contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries blood that's been circulated from your heart to your lungs so the blood can carry oxygen to the rest of your body. but that doesn't always go as planned! biological diversity whoooo! in my case, i have an arterial septum defect, which is the fancy medical language for a hole in my heart. some deoxygenated RBCs sneak into the oxygenated side like little bastard cells and my heart ends up working overtime to pump the proper amount of oxygen to every part of my body to keep up with my level of activity. shoutout to my heart, i put it through SO much in high school. i owe it to her to never try cocaine tbh. i already did sports my entire childhood, i don't think i could handle much else lmao.
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My Food Blog
We all know that Bread are very nutritious and very budget friendly especially to us students. For my food blog i have choose Banana bread and Bread only. I am going to compare who has more benefits in them two and who is more nutritious. You can buy it for 50 pesos in stores
The Banana Bread
The nutritional content of banana bread can vary depending on the recipe and ingredients used. However, in general, banana bread is not considered to be a particularly nutritious food.
Most banana bread recipes are made with refined flour, sugar, and oil, which can contribute to a high calorie and carbohydrate content. However, bananas themselves are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. If the recipe includes whole wheat flour or other nutrient-dense ingredients, the bread may provide some additional nutritional value.
It is worth noting that banana bread should be enjoyed in moderation as a treat rather than as a regular part of a healthy diet. If you are looking for a healthier option, you could consider making a banana bread recipe that uses whole grain flour, less sugar, and healthier fats such as olive oil or coconut oil, and add some nuts or seeds to increase the fiber and protein content.
The Classic Bread
The nutritional content of bread can vary depending on the type of bread, the ingredients used, and the serving size. Generally speaking, bread can be a good source of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and some important vitamins and minerals.
Whole grain bread, for example, is generally more nutritious than white bread because it contains the bran, germ, and endosperm of the grain, which provides more fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Whole grain bread can be a good source of dietary fiber, which can help improve digestion and lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
In addition, bread can be a good source of B vitamins, especially thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin, which are important for energy metabolism and healthy brain function. Some types of bread, such as enriched bread, may also contain iron and folic acid, which are important for red blood cell production and healthy fetal development.
However, it is important to note that some types of bread can also be high in calories, sodium, and added sugars. For example, some commercial bread products may contain added sugars, preservatives, and artificial flavors, which can reduce their nutritional value and contribute to health problems if consumed in excess. It is important to choose breads that are made with whole grains and natural ingredients, and to consume them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
The pros & cons of consuming both of them
Banana bread and classic bread both have their pros and cons when it comes to consumption. Here are some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of each:
Banana Bread:
Contains bananas, which are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.
Can be a tasty way to use up ripe bananas that might otherwise go to waste.
Some banana bread recipes can be made with healthier ingredients such as whole grain flour and natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup.
Can provide a satisfying sweet treat that may help curb cravings for less healthy desserts.
Many banana bread recipes contain added sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems if consumed in excess.
Banana bread can be high in calories and carbohydrates, which may not be suitable for individuals who are watching their intake of these nutrients.
Some banana bread recipes may contain unhealthy fats such as vegetable oil or shortening, which can contribute to heart disease and other health problems.
Classic Bread:
Can be a good source of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and some important vitamins and minerals.
Many types of bread can be made with whole grain flour, which provides more fiber and nutrients than refined flour.
Bread can be a versatile food that can be used in a variety of dishes, from sandwiches to croutons to bread pudding.
Some types of bread can be high in sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure and other health problems if consumed in excess.
Certain types of bread, such as white bread, may not provide as many nutrients as whole grain bread.
Some commercial bread products may contain added sugars, preservatives, and other additives, which can reduce their nutritional value and contribute to health problems if consumed in excess.
Overall, both banana bread and classic bread can be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation and made with healthy ingredients. It's important to consider the nutritional content of each and choose options that provide the most nutrients and the least amount of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and other additives.
Who has more Benefits?
In terms of overall nutrition, classic bread made with whole grains is generally considered to be a healthier option than banana bread. Whole grain bread contains the bran, germ, and endosperm of the grain, which provides more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than refined bread made with white flour.
While bananas can be a nutritious ingredient in banana bread, many recipes also contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and refined flour, which can reduce their nutritional value. However, there are ways to make healthier versions of banana bread by using whole grain flour, natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, and healthy fats like coconut oil.
In summary, if you're choosing between banana bread and classic bread, it's best to choose a whole grain bread for its nutritional value. However, if you're making banana bread at home, you can make healthier versions by using healthier ingredients and consuming it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.
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The Circulatory System
Note : I am not a teacher, if there are any small mistakes in my wording please let me know so I can correct it!
Contents :
Blood Vessels
The Heart
How they Interact
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The circulatory system makes blood transport substances around our body. It also transports waste product from our cells.
Each cell in our body needs food and oxygen, some also need hormones to function. They also need to dispose of their waste.
The circulatory system gets the required nutrients from the digestive system and oxygen from the respiratory system, and takes it in the blood to give to each and every cell.
The circulatory system picks up waste from the cells and brings it to the lungs or kidneys to be properly disposed of.
Functions :
Transport oxygen to cells
Transport food to cells
Transport waste away from cells
Help fight infection
Keep body at correct temperature
Blood is a tissue as it is made of similar cells that work together.
A tissue is a group of cells with similar structure and function
Blood is made up of straw-coloured liquid called plasma. Plasma is mainly made up of water and proteins. Blood cells and foods are carried within it. Heat from hard working organs, such as the liver and muscles, are transferred all throughout the body by the plasma. There are three types of blood cells in the plasma :
Red Blood Cells
Carries oxygen to cells.
Has red pigment called haemoglobin.
When oxygen enters the blood, it attaches itself to the haemoglobin of red blood cells.
It travels attached to this pigment.
When it arrives at cells, the oxygen is then released.
They have no nucleus and have a thickened rim.
White Blood Cells
Fights infection.
Surrounds bacteria and other foreign organisms in the body.
It then takes in said organism in itself (engulfs) and digests it.
They may produce antibodies - these hold the organisms so that the engulfing cells may capture them.
Has a nucleus.
Clot blood when blood vessels are damaged.
Prevents blood from escaping and prevents micro-organisms from entering the body.
Most types of blood are made from bone marrow - the soft substance found within the centre of bones. In adults long bones, as well as ribs and vertebrae, make blood. In children all bones produce blood.
Blood cells, like many other cells, get worn and die. This makes the process of making blood ongoing.
Blood Vessels
Blood vessels carry blood around the body, hence their name. There are three types of them :
Arteries have thick walls that are strong, usually deeper in the body than veins.
Arteries carry blood away from the heart (think A for Artery, A for Away).
Blood will not flow backwards due to how high the pressure is inside the artery from heart pumping.
Veins have thinner walls and are much easier to damage compared to arteries.
Veins carry blood towards the heart.
Not under any pressure from the heart so there is a risk of blood flowing backwards - to prevent this veins have valves is them (think V for Veins, V for Valves).
Walls are only one cell thick.
Extremely narrow because they need to weave between cells to deliver substances to them and collect the waste from said cells.
The Heart
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The heart is an organ with a unique type of muscle, the cardiac muscle. It does not tire like skeletal muscles.
Cardiac means ‘something to do with the heart’.
It is approximately the size of a person’s clenched fist. It is responsible for pumping all of the oxygenated blood around the body. It also send deoxygenated blood to the lungs to remove the carbon dioxide and collect oxygen.
Blood enters both the right atrium, through the vena cava and the left atrium, through the pulmonary vein, all at the same time.
The right and left atrium contract at the same time to push blood into the right and left ventricles.
The right ventricle contracts to force blood into the pulmonary artery to the lungs, while the left ventricle contracts and pushes blood into the aorta.
Both blood vessels have valves to prevent the back-flow of blood into the heart.
When the aorta first leaves the heart, the first organ to receive blood from it is actually the heart. These arteries that bring nutrients and oxygen to the heart are called coronary veins.
How They Interact
Heart and Arteries
Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart and carries it towards the organs of the body.
Heart and Veins
Veins are blood vessels that carries blood away from the organs and bring it back to the heart.
Arteries and Capillaries
Arteries are larger vessels, too large to get close to individual cells in the body. The arteries break up into smaller blood vessels called capillaries which can get very near each cell.
Veins and Capillaries
When capillaries come away from an organ join back together again, the join as a vein.
Other Systems
Food and oxygen are delivered to all the organs of every system by the circulatory system.
Waste is removed from all the organs of every system by the circulatory system.
The stomach and small intestine have more blood vessels associated with them because it is where the blood absorbs all the food needed for all the cells.
Science Chapters
Book used? Folens - Essential Science
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mrarchewannabe · 3 years
First Contact and it's Complications: Part 2         Biology Lesson 
This is head researcher Bea'zikal following up from my previous reports as I stated before, I do apologize for the lack explanation and detail in those entries and I will now give you the full documentation of what I have observed with my time spent with Humanity and more specifically Human Head researcher who is referred to as Jamal Alteriq, a very fine scientific mind and excellent guide as he was the one to be our ambassador through Human space and of course to keep eyes on us. We saw many incredible things on our journey and I will explain in due time, but I thought it wise to give a basic run down on human biology to better help visualize the scenes I will explain in later logs. (Note: I advise you to open the attached encrypted files for observation while reading)
Humans are lightly Haired mammals that evolved on a rich but highly diverse Planet that was covered in approximately 71% water with humans living on the 29% of Land, resources were plentiful but competition was fierce as many species competed for control of those same resources, the resources in question being food and 'fresh' water which is a specific term as humans cannot drink water that is above or below a certain Ph. Level or a has a heavy imbalance of minerals;They also cannot drink any water that is contaminated with parasites, or Planetary elements such as dirt. This of course isn't to say humans have entirely weak stomachs as they are capable of consuming certain acids such as Malic and Citric Acid which is used in food flavoring, and of which would result in violent death should either substance be consumed by a Zeatikian, in addition to consumption of such compounds they can digest Certain forms of Alcohol and many forms of Capsaicin which many of course know isn't poisonous but considered non-edible to all Zeatikians and instead sees a use as a defense weapon. Moving on from the topic of consumable and non-consumable liquids brings us to eating habits; Humans specified as Omnivore 'Persistence' Predators, and can consume a wide variety of Meat and Plants, which a balance of both is needed to maintain peak physical form and a healthy digestive and immune system. From what Human Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq has told me ancient human hunting wasn't chasing down prey at high speeds but rather simply outlasting it in a slower walk chase(Note: Humans have a extreme amount of stamina and can walk for hours at a time as they evolved to efficiently maintain a pace of speed) and when the prey was tired and unable to continue on humans would slay the creature and bring it back to be cooked then consumed. (Note: Cooking is one of the few things that are shared in Both Zeatikians and Human evolution) Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq also informed me that eventually ancient Humanity began Agriculture and that is what primarily began to start up human culture and civilization.(Note: again one of the few things that are shared amongst our history)
Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq told me of the Human Life stages which are of a very different cycle of our own from our People the Zeatikians, conception of offspring is relatively the same between our two species, but with various degrees of success in humans as their method of reproduction is relatively different between Human to Human. Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq Suggested that's all we do to speak on the matter and I obliged his request how ever odd I thought it was.(Note: After doing research on this topic myself I also now recommend that all Zeatikian researchers stay away from this topic as well as it's very traumatizing to look at) Humans generally can only have one child every half a cycle but it can be more numerous if chance allows it, and human offspring is extremely vulnerable and must be cared for by it's parents constantly otherwise it will most likely guaranteed to perish; of course in this time human 'infants' (Note: Infants are the name for children that under a cycle and half old) are cared for by not only the parents but also other humans hired to be care takers as well that can give the infants whatever they need at anytime while the parents set off to complete tasks. 
Humans possess what is called an Endoskeleton(Note: Observe attached files) which gives their bodies structure and allows an anchor for their extremely complex muscular system as well as keep internal organs safe and secure. This Endoskeleton is made up of bones of very high calcium content and is extremely durable and strong, shown being able to with stand many hits that could cripple, paralyze or downright kill a healthy Zeatikian. Infant humans start out with more numerous but weaker bones and cartilage numbering around 300 individual structures but eventually after many cycles they all fuse into their respective positions and become stronger and thicker; this is most prominent around what they call their 'Skull' which is a bone structure that contains their brain and connects to the spinal column (Note: Observe Highlighted Area) and starts out segmented and eventually becomes fully fused and one solid structure in about 22 cycles. Part of the function of the skull is a basic one hinged jaw that contains anywhere from 32 to 36 bone structures they call teeth which allows them to tear through tougher foods and aids in digestion, the human jaw is relatively weak surprisingly only able to produce 300UPSQ which would absolutely be enough to hurt a Zeatikian so I would advise you be careful.
Adolescent Human offspring undergoes a change around 9 Cycles in males and 7.5 in females, as they approach sexual maturity they begin to swell on muscle mass and increase in growth exponentially over a time period of 4 cycles, during this time hormones are pumped through and over about 1.5 to 2 cycles the voice deepens and body hair is increased, this incredible change is known to cause certain behavior changes as well as changes in diet and appetite. Many human females have certain large orifices located on their chests that are used primarily to feed their young, which should have been obvious seeing how I have already stated they are indeed mammals,(Note: I have been told to report on this much only as logging anymore would make many among the human population uncomfortable, I do not know why but I shall oblige) and as mammals they are indeed warm blooded, which means they do not take too well to fluctuating temperatures as Being in below freezing temperatures for too long can lead to a humans death in about 20 minutes should they be naked in said weather; and so if in the future you have humans boarding your vessel be sure to keep it atleast a median temperature of 400TM and provide them with necessary heating elements if they do not have any.
Humans possess a 'Circulatory system' much like our own that pumps blood all across it's body at a very steady rate of 60 to 100 beats per tick, which is quite slow compared to our 120 to 150 beats per tick. Humans also possess a blood color that shines a bright red compared to that of a Zeatikian that has a bright purple hue, both of our species have iron in our respective Hemoglobins but our kind carries what they call 'Hemerythrin' while they carry whats called 'Heme' and thus that's what gives the difference in blood pigmentation. They also possess various different organs that process everything from sugars and proteins to alcohol and carbs, the 'Liver' which is described as a 'Blood Filter' cleanses the blood as it passes through it, while organs like the 'Kidneys' process liquid waste, sugars, salts, and all minerals to help keep it stable within the body.
The Human 'Immune system' is a very strong and very important system in the human body as humans do not have segmented Carapaces like all Zeatikian's have, rather they possess a skin of 7 layers and this layered skin protects the body from the outside world, when penetrated or slashed open blood will began to flow out much like a broken carapace or cut joint segment would, the cells in the human would try to seal the cut with platelets which will form a scab, which is a temporary seal while the skin is being repaired anew; as this process does share similarities with the way our Carapace heals itself our process is much slower while the humans can heal their skin in a matter of a few rotations depending on the severity of the injury. Of course during the cut possible bacteria and other such microorganisms could have infiltrated the bloodstream and usually once successful they become targeted by the protector cells or as humans call them 'white blood cells' for destruction.
The 'Digestive track' is relatively self-explanatory so I will be brief on the subject, when food is consumed it is first chewed and made wet by the 'Saliva' a human produces in their mouth which helps break it down further and eases the transfer of food from the mouth down the 'Trachea' as they call it and into the 'Stomach' which becomes broken down by 'Stomach' acid,various compounds,and gut bacteria that absorb the nutrients and forward the waste through what humans call the 'Large Intestine' which then transfers through the 'Small intestine' which is the excreted by the Human, relatively the same processes any Zeatikian goes through.
Humans of this modern era however are nearly perfect as about 1000 cycles ago an event on their home world that was put into motion made humans as nearly perfect as they could be biologically, but this change however was not a instant process as the changes would only take place slowly after every generation, each one living longer then the last, getting sick less, and less in the population being born with genetic conditions that had debilitated humanity for eons. Nowadays it is rarer for humans to catch a sickness, but impossible for any human being to be born with a genetic condition aside from the few they found desirable. Many live long fulfilling lives from what I'm told by Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq, some living their full total lifespans of 200 cycles which I can only dream of living a mere 40 cycles let alone a long 200 cycles. 
This concludes my report on the basic biology of humanity I hope you found it informative and helpful, I shall work on my next log about human economic and social status, which Human Head Researcher Jamal Alteriq Helped immensely on. 
Head Researcher Bea'zikal Signing off
(I hope you enjoy the sequel to what I wrote first I'm really proud of this one but please tell me if there is anything I could do to better my writing? Constructive criticism is appreciated, more parts on the way)
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jettries · 3 years
Section 105: Your Throat
Theme: I Talk
Acknowledging our impacts
Chapter 3: Inspiration & the Lymphatic System
Once we have practiced some honest communication with ourselves, and maybe even tried out some personal expression, we start to tap into clairsentience, or “clear feeling”. This is our innate ability to intuitively take in information through feeling. Have you ever walked into a room or come home and felt totally relaxed and comfortable? Or walked into a different place and felt weird and jittery like your body is screaming at you to leave? Our bodies have a way of reading the room far beyond what our mind can bring words to. And kids are Way better at feeling this than adults. Kids are just these raw bundles of energy and ideas and feelings and expressions. And there’s something about growing up, and socializing, and wanting to fit into our surroundings that teaches us to cover up all that rawness. To ignore the floods of feelings we go through all day in order to appear normal, and steady, and balanced on the outside. But who is that helping? How can we feel balance and peace on the inside? How can we relearn how to trust our own instincts? What do instincts have to do with inspiration, and where does inspiration come from?
It’s hard to feel inspired if we’re surrounded by garbage. Garbage food, and garbage entertainment. Garbage chores that never end, and a body loaded down with a lifetime’s worth of emotional garbage we can’t figure out how to take out. Inspiration strikes through necessity (ie: ahhh what do I do?? I need to get rid of this garbage if I ever want to function properly!), or in times of rest or boredom (ie: what are all the thousand ways I could fill my day: the saga of a daydreamer). There are lots of expressions for this: “The best ideas always come in the shower.” “Inspiration strikes when you least expect it” is a common one. Another even more common one is “hitting rock bottom.” It’s not that you hit some day or event that couldn’t get worse. Cuz sh*t can always get worse. It’s that you stopped what you were doing just long enough to have a “clear feeling”. You felt something that made your body scream at you “no don’t do that!” or “yes! That’s what we want!” You were inspired. And that moment of clarity feels so big. You have no doubts. You know what you felt, and all your actions that follow suit feel authentic. You feel like you. You feel all the energy and ideas and emotions exploding out of you like when you were a kid. Lots of artists and writers are master procrastinators for this exact reason. If you need inspiration to strike, you can force it through necessity (ie: ahhh I’m out of time! Just do something! Start something! Go go go!) But might I suggest perhaps trying the healthier route of letting inspiration strike in the shower, rather than at the bottom of a rock you threw at yourself.
The lymphatic system is your body’s way of cleaning out it’s own garbage. Fresh nutrients are delivered through your arteries and blood vessels out to your body’s cells and tissues, and then plasma and some waste is carried back. But there’s about a 15% seepage rate of excess fluids called lymph that also includes fun stuff like fats and proteins from the intestines, excessive minerals, bacteria, viruses, and damaged or cancerous cells. (yum) Lymph nodes are scattered all over your body along the lymphatic system, and they attempt to filter out the damaged or cancerous cells in lymph. They also create the immune system’s cells (like white blood cells) that attempt to fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, fungii, etc… before it all gets returned to your regularly circulating bloodstream to maintain blood pressure. Some lymphatic organs that probably sound familiar are your spleen, appendix, bone marrow, tonsils, and adenoid. They’re all doing their best to filter out the garbage and keep you running. Some things you can do to make their job easier: avoid consuming or breathing in harsh chemicals, cleaning products or pesticides. (hello 2020’s mask collection) Drink lots of water to keep that lymph-sludge moving along. And move your body.
This week’s posts are different types of lymphatic massage you can do at home. It’s best to do them in order from the chest out, always pressing in an upward motion. It’s also important to drink lots of water, and if you have any history of blood clots or cancer to consult a physician before performing lymphatic drainage.
Resources this week were found at:
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outofangband · 4 years
Maedhros in Angband which makes me realize I have not written much of the aftermath lately and I need to do that soon because I like writing that and I know a lot of you like reading those things Features Thuringwethil being a creepy little bat child though not nearly as creepy in my story which is actually centered on her which I'm honestly very proud of as a horror fan.  more specific warning under the cut
this one is actually pretty long yay
warning for implied abuse of all kinds and force-feeding not graphically described and without an emphasis on actual food because I know that does make a difference for some people it's more like magical substance force-feeding but it's still you know not pleasant. 1 vague reference to sexual assault which I'm probably making worse by even pointing out but again I still want to warn just in case
He had not meant to. Truly, he had not. He had hardly any idea why he had reacted in such a way as for so many months, he had been able to keep such impulses to himself. But it seemed that even in this weakened, ill, sleep deprived state, Maedhros still had limits and these limits had been crossed long, long ago. So, here he was, hanging by his wrists, feet barely touching the ground in what seemed to be a supply closet of some sort. He was not sure. The situation had gotten out of control very quickly; Mairon was gone, Maedhros did not particularly care where or why, but some lesser being, maybe another Maia, he was not sure had reached out to touch his hair as he was being dragged from one cell to another, (for reasons he was not sure of, he presumed it was Mairon’s orders) and he had snapped, whipping around and throwing her hand away. He had already endured days of her chattering about how pretty he was, how much she wanted to play with him if only the Masters Of The Fortress would let her. It was merely unsettling at first, for her words seemed to be those of a child speaking about a doll, or maybe a horse, rather than the true cruelty he usually encountered. He did not know whether to feel pity, annoyance, or confusion and this made him hesitate to strike back, even after he was presented with the opportunity to with Mairon gone.
But, his patience wore thin and inevitably it tore apart. He had pushed her hand away and she had screamed, truly like a child threatened with harm and Maedhros froze, for a moment overcome with guilt and concern. This gave the nearby guards enough of an advantage to drag the weakened elf away. Even after Maedhros came to his senses and begun to fight again, he was already overpowered by three or four others. He was brought here, to this tiny space and chains were attached to his wrists. He had no idea how long he waited until another guard came in to inform him that, by Mairon’s orders, he was to remain there for four days until the Maia himself came back to deal with him. Truly, this was more irritating than anything else and Maedhros had expressed this irritation even more foolishly, by spitting at him. The guard left after backhanding him across the face, hard enough for the coppery, sickening taste of blood to permeate his senses. Several hours later, he returned to tell the elf that Mairon had added the added punishment of no food or water until his arrival for the previous act of insolence. Maedhros bit his tongue to avoid worsening the situation further with yet another display of his frustration and merely glared as the guard left after hitting him again for no real reason.
Maedhros spent the next few days in relative silence. For many hours at a time, (he assumed these were some kind of working hours) there would be much commotion and noise outside the locked door. When there was none, however, he risked speaking and singing to himself quietly. He knew he was lucky, that these isolated hours, as boring and uncomfortable as they were, would be a mercy compared to what would come when Mairon or worse, Melkor required his presence again.
Perhaps it had been four days, perhaps more or less. Mairon seemed to be in a cheerful mood, which could not mean anything good.
“So, I leave you alone for two days and already such trouble you have caused!” the Maia remarked, amusement in his song like voice. Maedhros clenched his jaw and counseled himself to be silent. Antagonizing Mairon would not help at all, would only make things worse.
“You must be starving,” the other smirked, as though there was ever a moment in Angband when Maedhros wasn’t starving. He was rarely given food, barely of a substance to sustain even one of the Eldar.
“How long am I to go without this time? Four more days? One week? It hardly matters,” Maedhros snarled, ignoring his previous warnings to himself. Mairon’s smile widened.
“Oh, no, no, no,” he crooned in that saccharine tone Maedhros so hated, “That is not at all what I meant, darling, for I come bearing relief.”
That couldn’t be good. Mairon approached the elf until their faces were mere inches apart. Never taking his eyes off the other, the Maia reached up with one hand to loosen the chains on Maedhros’s wrists so his feet were more steadied on the ground. With the other hand, Mairon reached into his robes and produced a small bag, fiddling with the string ties until they were opened. Taking advantage of Maedhros’s nervous gaze on the container, Mairon gripped his chin, pressing fingers painfully into his lower jaw.
“Open up now,” he said softly. The elf shook his head. This command almost always prefaced something horrifying and even though though they were in a different position than usual, Maedhros had no reason to believe this encounter would end any better.
“I said, open your mouth,” Mairon whispered dangerously, “For this will be the only chance you get to eat for quite some time.” I care not! Maedhros wanted to snarl, but instead he grit his teeth, resolved to doing everything he could to prevent whatever foul substance the Maia held from entering his mouth.
Mairon sighed and moved closer to him, gripping the back of his head with his spare hand. Maedhros’s eyes watered in pain as Mairon tugged spare locks with brutal force. He managed to remain silent until finally the other pulled his head back and let go, knocking the elf against the wall behind him. Unable to soften the blow with his hands bound as they were, Maedhros yelped in pain as a wave of dizziness rolled over him and sparks lit in front of his eyes.
Seizing this opportunity, Mairon shoved a small greenish object into the other’s mouth, immediately pressing his hand over it and returning his grip to Maedhros’s hair to hold him steady as he was forced to swallow. The elf was unsure what he had just been given for it tasted vaguely like sage but had the consistency of…caramel? Or something else chewy and sticky. He could only assume it was some potent herb that Mairon had cultured himself and dreaded to think of what effect it would have on him. He did not have to wait long, for the Maia seemed quite willing to explain.
“Do not fret, dear. This is not your dinner. In a little while, you will fall asleep and when you awaken, we will get you some proper food. How does that sound to you?”
How did that sound? Confusing, was the honest answer. Why on Arda did Mairon wish to drug him now? So rarely was the elf given any substance that took away his consciousness, and almost exclusively when he became so unruly that Mairon wished to subdue him strongly enough so that he could be left alone somewhere when the Maia was called off to a different task. Would he be taken somewhere else again? Mairon rarely seemed to have the need to subdue him during transport; chains and other guards were usually enough. The elf tried to glare as the telltale signs of induced drowsiness washed over him and he blinked repeatedly. Mairon reached out to stroke his face. Maedhros managed to turn away before his head fell against his chest, the weight of keeping it up making him blindingly dizzy.  The Maia reached up to undo some the bindings on his wrists, allowing the other to weakly fall forward. His bruised cheek brushed up against Mairon’s tunic and then it was dark.
When Maedhros woke up to dazzlingly white lights and a general feeling of cold, he knew immediately where he was and groaned aloud in despair. As he came more and more into his senses, his suspicions were confirmed; he was indeed strapped to the cold metal table in Mairon’s quasi infirmary room. The Maia stood over him, pouring one vial of a dark liquid into another beaker of a clear, almost  sparkling substance.
“Ah, Maitimo. Welcome back,” he said cordially, not looking away from his task.
“Why am I here?” Maedhros muttered sleepily as memories of the last hour or so before he fell asleep swam behind his eyes. Unsurprisingly, Mairon laughed.
“Do you not remember? I said I would feed you once you woke up. I did not want to waste time dragging you here, not when you have been so starved for vital nutrients!” He brushed Maedhros’s hair off his face, noting the elf’s eyes still on the beaker set to the side. Maedhros was still confused. The Maia had never before gone to such efforts to give him food. In fact, Mairon was never the one who did; usually some guard tossed him a piece of bread, or shoved a small tin of water through the door of his cell. The other seemed to notice his confusion.
“This is a special occasion, Maitimo,” said Mairon cheerfully, “For not only will you be taken care of but I will have the opportunity to test out a new substance of mine. It has taken some time to convince my master to allow me this opportunity, he is so Keen to have you returned to him. It should very much come in handy should you continue to insist on being stubborn! One dose of this and you will not require more than water for several weeks! Easier on everyone, do you not think?” Maedhros suppressed another groan. He hated having to test out the various concoctions and medicines that Mairon put together, hated being the subject for the other’s invasive, unpleasant, and often quite dangerous research. Mairon smiled again at the other’s dismay.
“ Let us not waste more time!” he said brightly, returning his hand to the elf’s hair, pulling it off his face and holding his head still. Maedhros was still too nauseous to struggle against this grip, much to his horror as Mairon took another metal device from the tray beside him and held it against his lips. Maedhros had already experienced it before and his heart rate sped up. Carefully and easily, Mairon forced the two thin, metal bars into the other’s mouth until his jaw was forced uncomfortably open. The device was attached to straps on either side of his head and tightened yet again.
Mairon stood back to admire his work, smirking at the outrage and indigence in Maedhros’s eyes. As he strode over to the other table to retrieve the beaker, a few drops of saliva fell onto the table beside the elf, only adding to his humiliation. Mairon also pulled up a chair beside his bound captive so he could better access what he needed.
“Remember, if you had not been so unruly, this need not have happened,” said Mairon sweetly as he dipped a spoon into the beaker and placed it on Maedhros’s tongue. He groaned incoherently, the concoction tasting nearly unbearably bitter and burning as it ran down his throat. Unable to shake his head or move away due to the tight straps, Maedhros screamed in protest as Mairon brought the utensil back into the container.
“Hush now,” the Maia said absently as he gave the elf a second spoonful of the horrid mixture, “If you are good, I will give you something nicer afterwards.”
For the next ten minutes, Maedhros continued to endure the humiliation of being spoonfed by his enemy. Yes similar things that happened which he did not wish to dwell on especially not now but this was even more blatant. He did not know how many helpings he was forced to swallow. It was at least nine when  he finally succumbed to the bitterness, spitting up a few ounces of the vile liquid. His face burned with shame as Mairon so sweetly wiped his cheeks and chin with a cloth, adjusting the gag so he could swallow more easily.
Finally,  when it was done, Mairon returned the beaker to the smaller tray and removed the metal device from the elf’s mouth.
“What was that?” Maedhros gasped out once he had relaxed his aching jaw enough to speak clearly.
“Were you not listening before, darling?” Mairon asked, returning to his chair beside the other, “It’s a special concoction I created that will give you the nutrients you need without having to argue every day when you refuse to eat. You should be grateful.” With his remaining strength, Maedhros glared at the other for speaking of him like he was an unruly child who refused to sit still for dinner.
“Would you like to wash that taste out of your mouth? Do not look at me like that, Maitimo, I know you would,” Mairon purred, seizing the elf’s chin, yet again, “Now open your mouth,  elf.” Tears of shame and self hatred burned in Maedhros’s eyes as he opened his mouth long enough for the Maia to pour a few drops of a sweet, fruit like substance in. It certainly did remove the disgusting taste of the other potion but the look of delight and triumph on Mairon’s own face burned in his mind. What he would give to avoid his enemy having reason for such glee!
Maedhros rested his head down dejectedly as Mairon stood up, apparently to leave. As nice as it would be to have some peace from the depraved being, Maedhros still did not really appreciate being left strapped naked to the freezing metal table. At least, if the Maia was correct, this particular punishment would not be one he would be forced to endure again for quite some time
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lalalizzy16fitness · 4 years
Hello fellow humans!
Since the world seems to be in an imminent spiral towards a certain and fiery destruction, I thought it might be time to get back to something simple. Now either this is the crippling loneliness of an official quarantine talking, or perhaps a severe case of “cabin fever” that has been eating my brain since late March. I thought I would dedicate this one to my one true homie. The one who is still there for me every day no matter what fresh hell is knocking at our front doors. The one who tastes suspiciously good in any form.
I am speaking of course, of my ride or die, the orange.
Oranges are water-rich (I do not know the conversion rate of water to the American dollar. The term “rich” in this instance is up for interpretation)
One medium orange provides four ounces (or a half cup) of water. Roughly 60-70% of the human body is made of water, and it is required for every bodily process. Foods can provide 20% of your daily fluid needs, and water-rich foods like oranges contribute even more to the daily requirement. Consuming enough daily fluid helps support mental and physical energy, improve circulation, optimize organ function, flush out waste, and maximize metabolism.
Oranges provide gut- and health-protective fiber
A medium orange offers about three grams of fiber. The fiber in oranges supports digestive function, helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, boosts feelings of fullness, and can even contribute to healthy sleep. One study that tracked adults over five years found that for each 10-gram increase in soluble fiber consumed, the rate of visceral belly fat accumulation decreased by 3.7%, (for you mathematician’s out there, that a lot): Carrying more visceral fat is linked to increased inflammation and a greater risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers.
Oranges have high vitamin C (C is for cookie)
One orange packs about 80% of the daily goal for vitamin C. In addition to supporting immune function, this key nutrient helps produce collagen, reduce inflammation, and boost the body's ability to use fat as a fuel source, both during exercise and at rest. Too little blood vitamin C has also been tied to increased body fat and waist measurements.
Vitamin C also helps boost the absorption of iron, which can enhance oxygen availability and reduce fatigue. This is especially important for premenopausal women who lose iron through menstruation, and those who follow a plant-based diet, since iron is less readily absorbed from plant sources. Vitamin C also acts as an aging-fighting antioxidant, and it is needed for DNA repair and serotonin production. The latter helps to promote happiness and sleep.
Oranges supply other key nutrients (That’s the fun part)
Potassium and folate are two additional vital nutrients found in oranges. Potassium supports heart function and muscle contractions, and it helps maintain muscle mass. This mineral also acts as a natural diuretic, to reduce blood pressure and counter fluid retention. Folate supports the brain and nervous system, and adequate amounts may help protect against depression and memory problems. Oranges also supply smaller amounts of calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and B vitamins.
Oranges are antioxidant superstars
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Antioxidants in oranges provide anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial benefits. They also defend against oxidative stress, which is essentially an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body's ability to counter their harmful effects.
The antioxidants in oranges may also protect your mental health. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that higher flavonoid intake may be associated with lower depression risk, particularly among older women. A higher flavonoid intake is also linked to the prevention of weight gain and reduced body fat.
Orange peels have health benefits, too (You can EAT the wrapper people!)
Health-protective nutrients are not only found in oranges and orange juice; they are also in the peel. Research shows that flavonoids in citrus peels may help prevent the reproduction, growth, and spread of cancer cells, as well as support apoptosis, the self-destruct sequence the body uses to kill off dysfunctional cells. If you consume citrus peel, opt for organic oranges to reduce exposure to pesticide residues. Use a grater to zest the outer skin, avoiding the more bitter white pith. Add orange zest to homemade salads dressings, or as a garnish for oatmeal, fruit salad, and avocado toast to cooked veggies, quinoa, stir fries, and desserts.    
Orange juice also has health benefits (Give me your blood you delicious bitch)
While whole oranges are more filling and provide more fiber, juice can count as part of your daily fruit intake. Research on the consumption of citrus juice indicates important benefits. One study found that a higher intake of citrus juice was linked to improvements in cognitive function in older adults. Another found that flavanone-rich citrus juice in quantities commonly consumed can enhance blood flow to the brain in healthy, young adults.
Freshly squeeze your own juice, or look for 100% orange juice or a blend of orange and other whole fruits. Aim for a four-ounce or half cup portion, and think of juice as a serving of fruit or an ingredient rather than a beverage. Add pure orange juice to a stir-fry sauce, marinade, or soup. Use to make cocktails or mocktails, or freeze in an ice cube tray and add to water along with mint or ginger.
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wisdomrays · 4 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 153
The Impeccable Sanitation of the Blood
Think of a marvelous machine that consists of pipes, pumps, processors, and plugs. This machine grinds and grates, pumps and pours, moves and maneuvers. It constructs and consumes constantly. Despite all this action and activity, it never rusts or ruptures. I believe most of you know what I’m trying to get at. Yes, this machine is indeed the human body. The brain, the heart, the lungs, and the kidneys are in a constant state of function. A central player in all these functions is the vital fluid we call blood. It continuously monitors, cleans, nurtures, and balances without wasting anything, and does all these while keeping itself pure and pristine. How does it maintain its constitution and purity without wasting even a single molecule, while carrying out numerous tasks all over the body? This, my friend, is what I will try to explain in this article.
One of the processes that occurs in the body is called “inflammation.” Inflammation occurs when a cut into the skin also punctures a blood vessel. This situation directly exposes the blood to the air. Inflammation occurs in a few steps. First, the blood vessels near the wound are expanded (which causes the swelling that we see near the cut) and special proteins called “fibrins” are brought in. These fibrins bind to each other to form a net-like structure. We are all quite familiar with this net, which we call a blood clot. This net stops the bleeding and cuts the interaction between the air and the blood within a few minutes.
Next, it is time to quickly eliminate any foreign objects that got into the tissue. Special immune cells called “macrophages” are sent to the crime scene to clean up. Macrophages are large white blood cells that “eat” microbes and other foreign objects using a process called “phagocytosis.” After the scene is all cleaned up, these macrophages excrete special molecules that induce tissue repair and return the blood flow to normal. An important note here is the specific order of these events. Like every single process in the body, they occur in the most purposeful way possible. What do I mean? I mean that, first the wound is closed urgently; second, macrophages are sent in; third comes the tissue repair. Any other order would have greatly lowered the effectiveness of inflammation. Imagine that the wound is closed after the macrophages are sent in. Then, by the time the macrophages killed all the microbes, twice as many would have entered the scene. The body seems to know every single event beforehand and plans its defense accordingly.
Our body is perfectly calibrated to keep our blood, the milk of our organ systems, absolutely pristine.
Let’s say a microbe managed to sneak into the blood before inflammation occurred, and is long gone to another region of the body. Does the microbe win? Unfortunately for the microbe, it has to pass another test. This time the tester is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the sewage system of the body. When the blood transfers its nutrients to the tissue, the fluid goes through the “interstitial area” (the empty space between organs). During this process, some of the fluid stays in this area and starts to accumulate. This is where the lymphatic system kicks in. The lymphatic system consists of many tubes running parallel to the blood vessels and recollects any excess fluid and transports them to the subclavian vein near the neck. This way, excess fluids of the body and all of the molecules in them, are reintroduced into the circulation. If there is a problem with this process, an abnormality called “edema” occurs. Of course, the blood is a very sensitive fluid because it travels through the whole body and seeps into almost every single cell. If a microbe were to get into it, it would easily spread and cause disease. So, the lympatics first does a checkup on the body fluid. This checkup occurs at special nodes in the system called lymph nodes found all over the body. Two of the most famous lymph nodes are the spleen and the tonsils. Within these nodes are lymphocytes, special immune cells that “tag” bacteria and other microbes to be later destroyed by macrophages. Thus, the blood is continuously cleaned and kept safe from harmful microbes.
Last but certainly not the least, the final inspection the blood goes through takes place in the kidneys. The aforementioned two checkpoints prevent the entrance of any foreign materials into the blood, and the elimination of any microbes lucky enough to somehow make it through. So, the only task to be completed is the elimination of excess molecules formed in the metabolism. For example, the blood in the veins (the vessels that carry carbon dioxide formed by the respiration of cells) is carried to the lungs where the carbon dioxide is exhaled. But, a much more precise mechanism comes into play in the kidneys. Blood vessels that come from all around the body form a knot-like structure in the kidney called the “glomerulus.” This knot-like shape increases the surface area of filtration. The blood running from the glomerulus is then filtered into the “Bowman capsule,” which surrounds the glomerulus.
But wait! The sanitation system is not satisfied with this first filtration and “thinks” that the filtrate is not ready to be excreted by the urine. So, a more delicate filtration occurs right after the filtrate enters the “proximal tubule.” While passing through this tubule, essential molecules are immediately reabsorbed into the body. The most valuable of all these molecules is glucose, since it is the main source of energy in the body. The proximal tubule reabsorbs around 98 % of all the glucose, while the distal tubule scouts out the rest. After the tubules are done with the filtration, not a single glucose molecule is left in the urine. As a matter of fact, the presence of even a few glucose molecules in the urine leads to a diagnosis of “renal glycosuria.”
After the proximal tubule, the filtrate goes into the “loop of Henle,” where it is dipped into a high-concentration environment. Water travels passively (without the need for energy) from low-concentration to high-concentration areas. In the loop of Henle, the urine is low-concentration, so water runs back into the body. Thus, any excess water in the urine is effectively and economically reabsorbed. The big machine that consists of the glomerulus, the Bowman capsule, the tubules, and the loop of Henle is called a “nephron.” Everything described above occurs in a single nephron. The average number of nephrons in one kidney is around 1,000,000. The human bladder holds around 150 ml of urine on average. So, each nephron is actually responsible for 0.00015 ml of urine production. The kidneys filter over 1,000 liters of blood each day, so our blood is kept just as we want it. Millions of tiny nephrons work in unison to take in huge amounts of blood and they know exactly what to leave and what to keep, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our blood is our life source. It is the milk of the organs, and our organs would dry up without it. Believe it or not, our organs are quite picky. If they are to receive anything they don’t like, they will start acting up. In order to keep the organs happy, the three mechanisms mentioned above have to work hard and not make a single mistake. These mechanisms are, of course, also made up of cells. These miniscule cells “know” exactly what their clients on the ends of the body like and don’t like, and prepare the blood composition accordingly. Only one word can describe these wondrous mechanisms: Impeccable.
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biomedmillie · 5 years
Debunking health-related IG posts
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Post One:
The whole portrayal of this image is wrong; the body is efficient at ‘cleansing’ by itself. The liver is the body’s detoxification system and as such any product or food claiming to ‘detoxify’ or cleanse your system is unfortunately exaggerating its abilities. The symptoms the image is describing are common for those with a generally unhealthy diet, whilst some have no scientific backing whatsoever. 
The sugar cravings are most likely attributed to high sugar and low-fibre foods that are not slow-release, whilst belly fat is due to an overconsumption of calories (all adipose tissue acts as stores for excess sugar). 
Bloating and gas can come from a diet with little fruit and veg- this means low dietary fibre as well as poor gut flora which help absorb nutrients from food, causing gut problems.
There is no scientifically proven link between diet and skin condition (although if a certain diet or avoidance of foods work for you, stick with it!).
Low energy, again a claim from eating fast-release carbohydrates.
Overly sugary foods and liquids can cause bad breath (NHS, 2019).
Constipation is again due to a low fibre diet; insoluble carbohydrates such as cellulose act as roughage which aid peristalsis (rhythmic contraction of the gut).
Certain energy restrictive diets can improve cognitive function, but no paper I could find linked diet with mood (Brinkworth, Buckley, Noakes et al).
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Post Two:
Again, another mysterious claim of ‘detox’. This one comes from a specific chemical in apples, mainly Phlorizidin. This is a drug that helps lower blood sugar concentrations and was previously considered as a treatment for Type 2 diabetes (the drug, not a diet of apples). However, this drug is inefficient at lowering blood sugar and better alternatives have been found.
There seems to be a common belief in pseudo-science that bile lets the liver excrete toxic or ‘bad’ substances; in all my studies there is no literature to support this, bile aids in digestion and is an alkaline mixture rich in bicarbonate ions to neutralise acidic chyme once it enters the duodenum. All excretion is facilitated by the kidneys, which essentially act as a filter for the blood.
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Post Three:
There is some credence for celery juice’s ability to boost your immune system’s function due to its rich source of vitamins, particularly vitamin C which supports your immune by increasing the cellular processes of the cells that run it (Carr, Magini, 2017), but to say it removes ‘viral waste’ is ridiculous to say the least. Despite viral waste not even being a legitimate medical term, viral debris from destroyed cells will be removed by phagocytosis; white blood cells (phagocytes) engulf the cell, destroy it and absorb the remains.
Furthermore, common viruses such as the Flu are Pyro viruses, meaning they increase your body’s temperature. This is because your hypothalamus increases its ‘set point’ (the core body temperature) to kill the virus off. There is no scientific evidence to significantly suggest that celery juice aids this.
All in all this post is incredibly misleading.
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Post Four:
The literature on this is extremely mixed, with some studies reporting inconclusive results and others reporting effects in contextual memories. All studies agree certain odours activate specific context-dependent memories (meaning there is no inclination to suggest that just because you’ve been sniffing rosemary you’re going to remember Avagadro’s number). All in all, there’s not enough scientific literature to draw a conclusion, and I have no clue where the author got their “75%” from.
I’ll reference a prominent paper on this below, but again this post is extremely misleading (Ball, Shoker, Miles. 2010).
In summary, take IG posts with a pinch of salt! Medical facts are stretched or even falsified to create a satiating quote that we all wish to believe, of which the avid science student will often roll their eyes and scoff at. Before changing your diet and lifestyle, always consult a healthcare professional before doing so.
Note: If any information is factually incorrect please privately inform me with some scientific support and I will always correct my work- we could all learn a little more! However I do fact check to the best of my ability using accredited journals and studies published by the scientific community. I will not be naming the authors; my intent is to shame no one, but to inform the general public about evidence-driven science.
Brinkworth GD, Buckley JD, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Wilson CJ. (2009) Long-term Effects of a Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet and a Low-Fat Diet on Mood and Cognitive Function. Arch Intern Med. 169(20):1873–1880
Ball, L.J. Shoker, J. Miles, N.V. (2010) Odour‐based context reinstatement effects with indirect measures of memory: The curious case of rosemary. British Journal of Psychology. 101 (4).
Carr, A.C. Magini, S. (2017) Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients. 3;9 (11).
NHS, (2019). Bad Breath. [online] Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Bad-breath/ [30/12/2019]
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Anatomy Class
Author: Nat / @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
Requested: Yes – @real-sunshine  
Tagging: @phoenix-fire-fangirl @thisismysecrethappyplace
Fandom: Avengers
Relationship: Established; Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Peter helps the Reader study for her biology exam by giving her an anatomy lesson.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: References to sex.
Disclaimer: I do not study anatomy.
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Peter was, without a doubt, the smartest person you knew. He was your best friend for most of high school; but, in your senior year he asked you to prom and the two of you had been together, as like dating, ever since.
You harbored a crush on Peter early on. He was smart and funny and caring and sweet, really he was the ideal guy and he was cute, which was a bonus. And you got to watch as your cute best friend got hot throughout tenth and eleventh grade, which escalated your feelings towards Peter.
Peter told you midway through eleventh grade that he was Spider-Man, or, more accurately, you found out midway through eleventh grade that Peter was Spider-Man. You went over to his house to study for a math test and he wasn’t home, so you were just lounging in his room waiting for him to come home when he came home through the window dressed as Spider-Man. Peter was kinda forced to confess at that point.
You were a little upset in the beginning that Peter, your best friend, hid such a big secret from you for so long, but you could never stay mad at Peter for long, so the two of you made up quite quickly. After that, you thought it was pretty cool that your best friend was a super hero, though it did increase your stress levels.
Your stress levels increased a lot more when you realized you loved him. And as Peter got older, the villains he faced got stronger, and the number of times Peter crawled through your window in the middle of the night injured increase too, which scared the living hell out of you.
Maybe it was all of those nights that Peter crawled through your window bleeding, in need of stitches, with broken bones and collapsed lungs, you name it, that pushed you into the medical field, who knows. But, nursing was what you ended up pursuing in College. And nursing meant biology.
You were near the top of your class in high school, but Peter wasthe top of your class. You did good in biology and math and English, but Peter did better. So when College exams rolled around, you looked to your brilliant minded boyfriend to help you study for your biology exam, and Peter was more than willing to help you.
“Okay, let’s start it off easy,” Peter said, leaning back on your bed holding a deck of flash cards. You were seated on your spinning office chair at your desk. “What is the circulatory system?”
“Easy,” you replied. “The circulatory system is also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, and it is an organ system that allows blood to circulate and transport nutrients such as amino acids and electrolytes, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help fight disease, stabilize temperature and pH, and maintain homeostasis. The circulatory system also includes the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph. The passage of lymph takes much longer than blood.”
“Very good.” Peter replied with a smile. “And what is homeostasis?”
“Um, homeostasis is an organism’s tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements?” You answered, but your answer sounded more like a question than a solid answer.
“Are you sure?” Peter asked you. You bit your lip and nodded.
Peter smiled and nodded. “You’re right. You need to have more confidence in yourself, babe.”
You laughed a bit at your boyfriend before gesturing for Peter to continue.
“What is blood exactly? And don’t tell me it’s ‘the red stuff in our bodies.’” Peter said with a laugh.
You joined Peter in laughing before answering. “Blood is a fluid consisting of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that is circulated by the heart through the vertebrate vascular system, carrying oxygen and nutrients to and waste materials away from all body tissues.”
Peter smiled and nodded. “Yes, you are correct. What is Lymph?”
“Lymph is essentially recycled excess blood plasma after it has been filtered from the interstitial fluid and returned to the lymphatic system.” You replied easily.
Peter nodded as you answered. “That’s right again.” Peter flipped through your flashcards before looking back up to you. “(Y/N/N), you know all of this stuff, I know you do, so what do you really need help studying. Is there anything that you find more challenging that you need to go over?”
You bit your lip as you thought. “I guess general anatomy I have more trouble with. Like, I know where the heart, lungs, liver and all the important stuff is, like your brain and spine, but I have more trouble with remembering the smaller bones and weirdly named muscles…”
Peter nodded and placed an elastic over the flashcards to keep them together. “Okay, then let’s go over anatomy.”
You nodded, “okay.” You turned around and fished through your desk for a minute before pulling out another stack of flashcards. “These are the anatomy ones, but they weren’t helping me. They tell me the muscle name on one side and its placement on the other, but ‘in the thigh’ or ‘it’s the hip bone’ don’t help me remember…” You trailed off before throwing the flashcards at Peter, which he effortlessly caught.
“Hey…” Peter said, placing the flashcards on the bed before standing up and walking over to you. “Don’t worry, I’ll help. We’ll get through this and you’re going to rock the exam, okay?”
You nodded and Peter gestured towards your bed. You stood up and followed Peter to your bed, sitting down at the foot of the bed. Peter took his place back at the head of the bed.
“Okay,” Peter said opening the flashcards. “What is the deltoid?”
You moved your hand to your shoulder. “That’s this one, right? The one just above your biceps and triceps?”
Peter nodded. “Yes it is. Which means your biceps and triceps are where?”
You moved your hand down a bit. “This is my bicep and this is my triceps.”
Peter nodded with a smile. “Yes it is, good job. Three out of three so far!”
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, but you couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay, what is the muscle in your chest,” Peter gestured to his chest, “called?”
“Those are your pecs.” You answered with a laugh.
Peter nodded his head. “And the real name is…?”
“Your pectoral muscles.” You answered.
“Pectoralis major.” Peter correct causing you to shake your head, muttering a ‘fuck’ under your breath.
“You were close. You’ll get there eventually.” Peter reassured. “Okay, where is the latissimus dorsi?”
You blinked back at Peter for a moment. “I have no idea.”
“None?” Peter asked.
“None.” You replied.
Peter nodded. “Okay, the latissimus dorsi is in your side, here.” Peter said, moving his hand to his side.
You squinted your eyes at him. “I don’t know where your gesturing to.”
Peter looked down at himself and laughed. He was wearing a big bagging t-shirt with a plaid shirt over top, there was no way you would know where he was pointing at.
“My bad…” Peter said with a small laugh and put the flash cards down before shrugging off his plaid shirt and taking his t-shirt off too.
“What are you…” You trailed off as Peter pointed to his side.
“This,” Peter said stepping off the bed to walk closer to you, standing just a few inches from you, “is my latissimus dorsi.”
You never got tired of seeing Peter without his clothes. He had amazing muscles and you loved to see and touch them. Peter took your hand and placed it on his muscle, “latissimus dorsi.”
“Latissimus dorsi.” You replied, feeling the muscle.
Peter smiled at you and nodded. “See, you’re getting it.”
“I’m getting something…” You muttered.
Peter nodded his head to the flashcards on the bed. “Can you pass them to me?”
You nodded and reached over to grab them, handing them to your shirtless boyfriend standing before you.
“Where are my serratus anteriors?” Peter asked you.
“Anterior means… Okay, they’re here?” You asked, pointing to the middle off Peter’s stomach.
Peter shook his head and moved your hand back towards his latissimus dorsi. “The serratus anterior is next to the latissimus dorsi.”
You nodded and stroked Peter’s muscle once more. “Serratus anterior.”
“What is this muscle called?” Peter asked, moving your hand to his abs.
You laughed and ran your hand down his hard, sculpted abs. “Those are your abs, Pete.”
Peter laughed and nodded. “They are, but what are they officially?”
“Abdominal muscles?” You tried and Peter gave you a pointed look. “No? Okay, are they abdominis intersections?”
Peter gave you a cringing smile. “You’re close.” Peter moved your hand back to where he first put it, his upper abs. “This is my tendinous intersections, and these,” Peter moved your hand down to his lower abs, “are my rectus abdominis. So, you were like half right.”
You laughed and Peter went to ask you the next question. “What is—“
But, Peter never got the opportunity to ask you the next question because you undid his jeans, pushing them down a bit.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked you softly.
“This,” you said, lightly running your finger over the top of his hip bone, “is your iliac, right?”
Peter swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, that’s the iliac. The back,” Peter said, moving your hand to the back of his hip, “is called the iliac crest.”
You nodded and moved your hand down to Peter’s ass. “And this one is the gluteus maximus?”
Peter nodded. “Yeah, that would be my gluteus maximus…”
You smiled at Peter and moved your hand back to the front of his pants. “This is your penis. A penis is also called a cock and it can be used for reproduction.”
“I’m here to help you study…” Peter whispered, stepping back.
You smiled at him. “The reproductive organs are part of anatomy, Peter.”
Peter smiled at you before leaning down to press his lips to yours. His lips were warm and soft against yours and Peter leaned into you further, pressing you into the bed.
“I guess you do have a point.” Peter whispered against your lips.
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puppyexpressions · 5 years
The 7 Biggest Myths About Dog Food
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The Internet can offer a wealth of tips and facts on dog health. Unfortunately, it provides even more myths and misinformation. Here’s a sampling of dog-feeding urban legends populating the Web and the truths behind them.
“Never feed dogs pork!”
My initial reaction to this was “hogwash!” But then I started to wonder why so few commercial foods contained pork. A perusal of the Internet found several sites warning me off the killer pig, including that pork’s high fat content will cause pancreatitis (yet pork contains a little over one-third the fat content of beef), that it contains something toxic to dogs’ livers (a mystery component), that pigs eat disgusting things including bugs (but it’s OK for people to eat them), and that pig meat is hard to come by (harder than bison?).
I found that a few dog food companies do offer pork-based foods. Its scarcity may simply be because so many parts of a pig are used for human consumption, so snouts and feet and such don’t make it to the dog food plant. And because of the possibility of trichinosis in uncooked pork, nobody is going to suggest it as a great raw-food ingredient.
Still, I needed a more authoritative source than my own musings, so I contacted one of the companies that offer a pork-based food. I spoke to veterinarian Al Townshend, DVM, to get the skinny on pork. “Pork is a highly digestible animal protein, an excellent source of amino acids, and a unique protein source that not all pets are typically exposed to,” he told me. “It’s less likely to cause an allergic reaction that some pets may have to other proteins. We recommend pork as a protein because it contains more calories per pound.” Besides, it’s the other white meat.
“Lamb is hypoallergenic.”
There is nothing inherently less allergenic in one meat compared to another. Lamb was initially used in hypoallergenic dog foods because it was a meat most dogs had not eaten before, and therefore were unlikely to have developed allergic reactions to. Now, with so many people feeding lamb as a regular diet, manufacturers have had to find more exotic meat sources such as duck or bison.
“High-protein diets cause kidney failure.”
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The idea that excess protein causes kidney failure arises from the fact that high levels of protein have historically been ill-advised for dogs with kidney failure. Failing kidneys allow urea, a byproduct of protein metabolism, to build up in the blood, making the dog feel sick. That’s why the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is used as one index of kidney function. Decreasing dietary protein can decrease the BUN. But if the protein level is too low, the body simply draws on its own protein source, its muscles, causing more harm.
In fact, there’s a huge debate about whether restricted protein is the way to go for dogs with kidney disease, with studies disagreeing about whether it helps kidney patients live longer. Researchers do agree that protein sources with high biological value produce fewer waste products and are better choices. Egg protein has the highest biological value, followed by milk, meats, soybean, and grains.
But what about protein levels for dogs with normal kidney function? The idea got out that you could preserve kidney health by not taxing them with too much protein. There’s very little support for this precaution, however. We can start by looking at situations in humans where people eat a high-protein diet. Bodybuilders, for example, have a very high-protein diet but a recent study showed they have no protein-related kidney problems.
Even historically, members of the Lewis and Clark expedition reportedly ate a diet of mostly buffalo meat each day with no ill effects. More than 1,600 women followed for 11 years had no significant differences in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), a measure of kidney function, related to protein intake. In rats receiving a diet of 50 percent protein, no anatomical changes were noted in the kidneys compared to rats on a 14 percent protein diet.
There’s still disagreement about the ideal level of protein, but the bottom line is, feed a moderate level of high-quality protein, and your dog will likely be just fine.
“Meat is more nutritious than meat meal.”
If you’re comparing ingredient lists, should you choose the one with meat or with meat meal listed first? If your goal is to have the most meat nutrients, choose meat meal. Ingredients appear in descending order of their weight; that weight includes any water in the ingredient. When you see chicken listed as an ingredient, it means unprocessed chicken, complete with water. Chicken meal means chicken with the water and fat removed. It weighs less than chicken but actually can contain a higher percentage of protein.
“Grain, especially soy or corn, is bad for dogs.”
Some people blame grains for allergies, and it’s true some dogs can be allergic to some grains, just as some dogs can be allergic to some meats. But for most dogs, grain is fine, and usually contains more nutrients than replacement ingredients used in grain-free diets.
“Feed raw eggs for a shiny coat!”
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I’ve heard this since I was a little kid. And I have never found one study showing it to be true. The idea isn’t without merit; eggs contain lots of protein, fat, and vitamins, all essential to hair growth and skin health. One of those vitamins is biotin, which is important for cell growth and fatty-acid metabolism. Biotin is widely accepted to be helpful for human hair, though that may be simply because deficiencies can cause hair loss. While egg whites contain avidin, a biotin inhibitor, the yolks contain enough biotin to make up for it. But diets high in fat have been shown to result in glossier and softer coats in dogs, and might do the coat more good than eggs would.
As for feeding them raw, it’s true that cooking will do away with the avidin, but some people feel it also destroys vitamins. And of course, the raw egg/salmonella debate rages, with most food authorities cautioning against feeding eggs raw and many dog naturalists advocating it, pointing out that the coyote that raised the chicken coop didn’t bother to cook them. And, I assume, had a shiny coat.
The bottom line is an egg is a good source of protein and other nutrients, but probably no better than any good diet at promoting a shiny coat.
“Dogs don’t like variety.”
Whatever dog food company first promoted this may have honestly thought so. It’s true that dogs raised on a non-varied diet prefer to stay on it and don’t accept new foods readily. But dogs raised on a varied diet prefer variety. From a nutritional standpoint, it makes sense for an animal to crave nutrients its current diet lacks.
While the Internet can be a great source of information, remember to use trustworthy sources and seek scientific research backing up any claims your Facebook friends may be making before hitting that share button.
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How To Get Rid Of Face Wrinkles - I Wasted Money, Until I Discovered This
A man who cares to hold-off signs of aging for the greatest volume of time does not purchase any product without first checking out the product licence plate. He looks to evaluate if or not a product he has upon an actual or virtual pharmacy shelf contains dioxane.
Skin care: A healthy skin exactly what a woman should aspire for. Given that a healthy skin creates a skin outstanding. Then only the make up will add beauty towards skin. Skin Care Tips There are various skin care products that comes in the market which augment the amazing the templates. In order to get clear skin, washing the troubled area more than once day by day is vital. Many know this. One problem is the fact harsh numerous make frequent face washing damaging. Hyaluronic acid is a complicated sugar located in the total body. With age, its level decreases. This acid offers an astounding capability to hold liquid. It can hold 1000 times its own weight in water. This acid is answerable to keeping pores and skin cells hydrated and toxin-free. It by means of toxins and ensures good supply of nutrients to cells. The nice anti wrinkle Cure Soft Cream replenishes water in cells by taking out the deficiency with this acid. Though most people will think about avocados as vegetables, Cure Soft Skin also they are sometimes considered herbs. The explanation for avocados have a type of oil that deeply penetrates skin, which contains vitamins A, D and E. They too contain lecithin and blood potassium. Potassium is known as the youth organic compound. This combination of vitamins and minerals Skin Care Routine can certainly help you with those age spots. Toto, you know me. I lack knowledge and confidence in natual skin care treatments. That boils right down to is a real matter of gathering-up my courage looking not to permit those perfectly coiffed sales harpies that flock every and every unsuspecting wrinkled old hag like an overzealous gang of flying monkeys intimidate me. I absolutely have to have to remind myself that those sales harpies specialize in capturing the attention of those desperate for just a rejuvenating miracle with promises of whatever over-priced miraculous instant face lift in a jar occurs be trendy at the second. But the new demands our everyday lives, it's hard to come by time for acne Skin Care. If you work on a two-shift type of job for example, the first thing you're thinking of when you get home is receiving some sleeping. If you wanted to integrate acne natual skin care into your agenda, you would need whilst management skills and accomplishing an exercise degree of commitment. Begin to think than me as a necessity so you get to give it the attention it merits. Eat Healthy: Eating healthy and using a balanced eating habits are essential for everyone that to be able to have a young looking tone. Eats lots of white meats, fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Along with will provide adequate antioxidants and Cure Soft Omega-3 and 6 that are needed for healthy skin.
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jdgo51 · 2 years
The Power of the Blood
Today's inspiration comes from:
How Great Is Our God
by Louie Giglio
Editor's note: Have you ever thought about why the Earth needs the moon? Do you know how whirlpools form, what makes something glow in the dark, or the incredible properties of blood? Enjoy today's devotion from How Great Is Our God, the follow-up to the bestselling devotional Indescribable, with 100 devotions that showcase the greatness of our Creator.
"Blood. Some people faint at the sight of it, but you couldn’t live without it!
Blood is made up of red and white blood cells floating in a liquid called plasma.
The red blood cells are a kind of delivery system. They carry oxygen and other nutrients to all the cells in your body, and then they carry away all the waste, like carbon dioxide. Blood is pumped through your body by the heart. Your heart is one strong muscle, and it’s fast too — it can pump blood to every cell in your body in less than a minute! Blood travels through tubes called blood vessels. The vessels that carry blood away from your heart are called arteries, while the ones that carry it back to your heart are called veins. The white blood cells are the warrior cells. They work together with your immune system to fight off germs and diseases.
His blood can carry your sins away Your blood is pretty powerful and important stuff! But the blood of Jesus is even more powerful. Because He is the Son of God, lived a perfect life, and never sinned — not even one single time — His blood can carry your sins away and give you the forgiveness you need to live forever with God. All you have to do is believe and obey Him. When Jesus gave His life for you on the cross, it was both terrible and beautiful—terrible for the way Jesus was hurt, but so beautiful for the gift of love and forgiveness and heaven He gave to you and me.
Lord, it’s hard to think about Jesus’ death on the cross, and I’m so sorry for all He suffered. But I am so grateful for His blood that washes my sins away.
Platelets are another very important part of your blood. (You say it the way it looks: PLATE-let.) When you get a cut or scrape, these little guys spring into action, sticking together to stop the ow of blood — called clotting. They not only keep blood inside your body but also keep germs out!"
Excerpted with permission from How Great Is Our God by Louie Giglio, copyright Louie Giglio.
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petculiars · 2 years
Can Cats Eat Mushrooms? Any Risks or Benefits?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/can-cats-eat-mushrooms/
Can Cats Eat Mushrooms? Any Risks or Benefits?
Mushrooms are integrated into many types of food for humans, but veterinarians are more concerned about the wild varieties of mushrooms that may occur overnight during rainy months in many parts of the United States. So, are mushrooms found on a thrown-away slice of pizza safe for cats to eat?
From time to time, you can feed your cat store-bought mushrooms, as they are considered the safest ones. When talking about wild mushrooms, keep in mind that there are also some sorts of shrooms that are good for humans but toxic for cats. If you are not sure which one is safe, don’t let your cat eat any type of mushroom.
How are mushrooms good for cats?
Mushrooms contain oils exceeding the content of all vegetables. Carbohydrates are favorable to the activity of intestinal microflora and promote the excretion of cholesterol and various toxic substances. Various proteins from fresh mushrooms reach 2-5% and they are also rich in thiamine, niacin, provitamin D, vitamin B, and so on. This is why through their components, mushrooms are products that can help with the proper development of a cat.
You might also like my articles on whether cats can eat salmon skin, sausage, or shrimp.
Mushrooms are very nourishing and resemble meat products. With their flavor and quality taste, a cat will enjoy eating them from time to time.
How do all these nutrients help your cat?
the potassium content helps to maintain low blood pressure and prevents cerebral attack;
copper prevents heart problems and ensures a good functioning of metabolism;
calcium strengthens the bones and the iron prevents anemia;
the antioxidants strengthen immunity and prevent infections;
the combination of protein, fiber, and vitamin B helps to a healthy metabolism.
In order to maintain their organism in good condition, cats use all these nutrients and components to boost their metabolism.
What kind of mushrooms can cats eat?
If your cat eats a mushroom while enjoying some forgotten leftovers, there’s no need to panic. Not all mushrooms pose a threat to a cat. Usually, the mushrooms bought from stores are not dangerous for your cat.
You can offer it sticks with a very small quantity of shiitake, button, or Portobello mushrooms. It is also important to make sure they are cooked well and you shouldn’t add spices. They can irritate the cat’s stomach.
Wild mushrooms are not safe for cats to eat. There are countless varieties of mushrooms and many of them have been associated with toxicity to cats. While some mushrooms are non-toxic, it is encouraged to consider any mushroom ingested in the open air by your cat, as toxic.
ASPCA strongly recommends against cats eating wild mushrooms and also recommends removing any signs of them in your yard.
What do you do if your cat eats mushrooms?
If your cat has eaten wild mushrooms, look for the following symptoms:
excessive salivation
If your cat suffers from any of these symptoms, seek veterinary assistance immediately.
Can kittens eat mushrooms?
If you intend to offer your kittens mushrooms, the safest ones are the white, store-bought mushrooms. Remember: moderation is best, both for cats and kittens!
Can cats eat mushroom soup?
If a cat can eat mushrooms, it can also eat mushroom soup, as long as it is properly cooked. It is very important for the mushrooms to be well cleaned and cooked so any type of bacteria will be eliminated.
Mushrooms are difficult to digest because the walls of fungal cells contain chitin substances that do not decompose into gastro-intestinal waste. The best way to offer your cat mushrooms is to chop and cook them well. When you mash the mushrooms, the chitin comes out of the cells, and thus the product is assimilated up to 70% better.
Can cats eat raw mushrooms?
Yes, cats can also eat raw mushrooms, but don’t forget that they might give indigestion due to chitin.
Types of wild mushrooms to avoid for cats
If you decide to give your cat wild mushrooms, then start by giving them a very small amount. Watch your cat if there are no allergic reactions or intoxication.
Depression, weak response to stimuli, thirst, discharge from the nasal cavity, anemic mouth and mucous membranes, vomiting, diarrhea, all these testify to signs of allergy or poisoning.
Here are some wild mushrooms you must avoid giving your cat:
Slender Caesar’s Mushroom (Amanita virosa var. alba)
Solitary Dapperling (Leccinum versipelle)
Sickener (Russula emetica)
Poison Pie (Amanita bisporigera
Panther Cap (Amanita pantherina)
Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa)
Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)
Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)
Can cats eat dried mushrooms?
Dried mushrooms are harder than canned or fresh mushrooms, so they will be more difficult to be digested. Either way, cats can eat dried mushrooms.
Can cats eat oyster mushrooms?
Oyster mushrooms are softer than dried mushrooms, so if cats can eat dried mushrooms, they can also eat oyster mushrooms.
Can cats eat morel mushrooms?
Morel mushrooms are also rich in iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, vitamin D, Fiber, and protein and should be given in moderation. They are often used as ingredients in stews and soups.
Can cats eat white mushrooms?
Cats can eat cremini or white button mushrooms because they contain niacin riboflavin which is good for their immune system, nervous system.
Can cats eat maitake mushrooms?
Maitake mushrooms should be well cooked before offering them to your cat in order to avoid any adverse reaction. They are rich in vitamin D and niacin.
Can cats eat portabella mushrooms?
Portabella mushrooms are called this way because their cap is so large it can fit in one’s hand, and yes, cats can eat this type of mushroom.
Can cats eat enoki mushrooms?
Enoki mushrooms are low in calories and have a soft flavor, perfect for a cat.
Can cats eat psychedelic mushrooms?
Psychedelic mushrooms contain psychoactive compounds so it isn’t recommended to give them to your cat. They will affect your cats’ nervous system by causing them hallucinations and making them sick.
In most cases, mushrooms are best to be avoided. An exception makes a small number of mushrooms that can be purchased from shops. Wild mushrooms can be extremely poisonous and cause health problems for your cat. When a wild mushroom is seen in your backyard, it is better to assume it is toxic. If your cat swallows any type of mushrooms, it is best to call the veterinarian immediately to seek professional treatment.
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