#wammys week
numbuh424 · 6 months
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Wammy Boys and sleepwear 😴🛌
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also I changed Near's to this because I liked it better for him and thought him having the pillow was cute
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yeonban · 15 days
Nothing worse in Tobias' life than boredom fr.
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rairai-raven · 2 years
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Prompt 6 and 7: Broken and Recovery
The constant wars had caused a wedge in their relationship at one point. With their differing viewpoints on how to solve conflicts, arguments were surely a given. However, sometimes they got personal, driving the two further apart. It wasn't until the end of the incident with Red Alert that they started to mend their relationship and renew their love for one another.
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wall-e-gorl · 2 years
ah the best and worst time of the year
When you get gifts but have to make a list first
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L head canons
Every time he finishes a case he takes two weeks to a month to take a new class or learn a new skill. The time helps him decompress and reset his mind for the next case.
Just about the only savory item he'll eat is a charcuterie board. He doesn't like deep fried meats, but would inhale a funnel cake with no problem.
He truly is one of those people that'll listen to anything. He loves the human experience and wondering the true meaning behind most music.
L has accidentally eaten the wrong sort of gummies more than once when investigating. He almost had a panic attack, worrying that the slowed effects of his mind were him losing his advanced mental capabilities.
A large part of him that he wouldn't like to admit hates having to go back to Wammy's House. It brings up a lot of memories from his childhood, and the haunting question as to where his true family is. It's kept him traveling abroad for years, taking case after case. Due to this, he's only met the Wammy's children a handful of times.
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zimthandmade · 1 month
You asked for it, and here it is, Near scenario:
You mentioned a while ago that you imagined at some point Mello just lost it and injured Near seriously.
The fight is followed by a meltdown, a bad one like he hadn’t had in years. Near shuts himself in his room after receiving medical attention, his roommate his only contact with the outside.
He had gotten better at controlling his emotions and reactions since he got to Wammy’s, his self esteem had gotten slightly better since so many failures in public school. But losing it completely in front of all of his classmates, like some baby who can’t stand up for himself, is incredibly humiliating. He’s not angry at Mello. Not that he likes what happened, at all. Still, no matter how supportive his family is, how well Wammy’s taking care of him and helping him, he can’t help blaming himself every time he has an outburst.
Since the staff can’t manage to get him out, after two days they decide to call the family. He doesn’t want to speak to them. Not another failure, not after his parents had found some hope that he might manage on his own.
The day next, his sister comes. She comes into the room, Near’s roommate politely excuses himself.
Near’s in his corner/laboratory on the ground, keeping his hands and eyes busy by dismantling some toy robot. His face is all purple and bandaged.
After a while, his sister gets him to talk to her.
S (for sister, can’t remember her name): so, who do I have to kill? What happened?
N: Don’t be silly, if you want to commit a murder I should remind you that a school full of future detectives isn’t really the ideal place. Unless you want to become our new assignment of the week. You would make the children really happy though.
She asks if he wants to come back home, he refuses. It takes him a lot of effort to convince her that he was not being bullied, and that this was a very isolated accident. Yet, she insists on wanting to know what’s going on.
It’s afternoon, and yet the orange light does not come through the window in the isolated room that was picked just for his needs, sealing him away from his classmates.
Near shares his consternation at having been unable to read the situation before it escalated, and his shame for the meltdown in front of everyone. Of course he knows that it’s mostly Mello’s fault for beating him, but he also knows that if he wants to become a good detective he’ll have to know how to recognise a violent reaction when it’s arriving, or he’ll never be independent.
She smiles.
“Don’t call me that, you can’t do it here.”
“Nate, when will you get it into that huge brain of yours that nobody ever is actually fully able to function on their own? All of us got blindspots, but not many are so aware of where they are, and not so many would be such sticklers in trying to make up for them. You are doing your best. That’s more than many people can say to do.”
N: “….I’ll admit I haven’t seen much improvement in Mello’s anger issues lately”
S: “haha definitely not, by the way where can I find him? Mom ordered me to-“
N: “whatever it is, please don’t.”
Near is not completely alone in his dark room for that evening.
That’s the gist of the scene. Hope it can be inspiring.
Thank you for reading ❤️❤️
I had this in my inbox for so long now cause I wanted to write that incident out better first but I couldn't get around to do it yet </3
But this here, this is the good shit ☝️ Thank you so so so much for this absolutely lovely scene, Anon 🤍
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Sister's name is Alison btw!
----- My other socials Commission Info Let's drink some Ko-Fi! 🍵
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rinrinart · 5 months
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I just finished watching Death Note like a week ago. That was so cool >:D
Have the Wammy kids in the winter ❄️
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rosazoldyckk · 2 years
𝒀𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒆!𝑳 𝑳𝒂𝒘𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒕 𝑿 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Title: It’s yours alone. Fandom: Death Note. TW’s: Extreme mentions of Yandere/Obsessive behaviour, mentions of kidnapping and manipulation, a bit of non-consensual behaviours near the end (ONLY KISSING THOUGH!!) . If these make you uncomfortable then please read with caution or skip
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It's been almost three weeks since the infamous L Lawliet had saved you. And you had not stopped crying since.
It was driving him insane, the tears rolling down your beautiful plump cheeks. He loved how you looked with your cute lip-pouted, and tear-stained face, how your skin gets tinted, and the sniffle and twitch of your nose. You were just so unbelievably adorable.
Yet how could he enjoy such a sweet impression when it was made by sadness and not pleasure or happiness? It completely baffled the man as to why you were crying so much anyways. You probably missed your friends and family and the outside world. But he was here for you, to listen to your venting and frustration, yet you refused to even bat an eye towards him.
He really tried to help, he gave you as much space as you needed. He made sure that Watari had memorised your favourite meals, games, books, whatever it may be. L loved you, he wanted to make you feel good before you got used to him.
He knew you tried to escape a couple of times when he had been out doing detective work. He had cameras in his home, and he made a habit of watching you from his little computer room. He didn't need to bring up punishments yet since you were barely functioning at the moment, so he settled for watching and making his plan.
It was how he was now in this situation. With a sigh, L pushed the door open, restless on his feet to look at you in person again. You were a drug to him, and he had previously satisfied his urges with a glimpse of you while you walked home, gazing at you while you changed, unconscious of the eyes watching. But all he had now was his cameras, and he was already tired of that.
When the door swung open, he saw your head snap in his direction, your semi-relaxed posture straightening on the bed, and sitting up in a more alerting position. When your eyes met, he could feel his heart racing, alive, more so than he had felt in years. Yours glistened with unshed tears, already puffy with the previous nights worth of crying.
The silence hung in the air waiting to be pierced through. And though the detective believed he outgrew the puppy-eyed awkward phase of his life you made him feel like he felt then, the small newbie in Wammy's orphanage he was when his obsession love started. He gulped a bit, regaining his composure and walking in, closing the door.
Your eyes darted around the room, fingers lacing in the sheets. He gasped softly, "...You... "
"W-what?" You're voice shook, it made him hesitate. Your eyes narrowed in a glare, "What? What do you want from me?!"
He was taken aback. You were screaming at him, chest heaving, short huffs for breath and anger evident in your eyes. Your tone was grating to the raven haired man. L held himself together, not to make a scene and appear lacking in control. But his heart jumped at your tone. He understood why you were reacting like this, he had calculated this reaction, it was the beginning of his strategy. So despite the strange feeling boiling in his chest, he ignored it. Instead, he focused on you. How beautiful you looked.
"What are you here for?" Your voice broke. Though he ignored your words and approached you, he held his breath, inhaling softly in hopes to steal a little of your scent, he stood in front of you, and he felt dizzy.
He felt his breath evaporate, he couldn't feel anything but notice how your hair looked, how your skin seemed to glow despite the dimly lit room, how your eyes, despite the rampant hatred in them, held the galaxies in their depth. Your presence threatened him by wobbling his knees, demanding him to fall to his knees and truly worship you. You were divine, he was lucky to be in your gaze.
You were so ethereal.
Your lips shook with a sob, and snapped him out of his mind. Your hands rubbed your eyes, though the tears didn't leave, only fell faster, bigger, and your sobs louder. "...Are y-you going t-to..." You breathed in a soft shaky breath, "k-kill me?"
...kill you?
It took him a moment to comprehend what you were saying. Kill you? He would never even fathom such a sinful thought. Ever since he met you at Wammy's orphanage he fucking cherished you, you were his everything. His whole existence rested on yours, that's exactly why he had to save you. That's why he have to rush everything. But it's okay, it will be now, you were here, and his strategy had changed. He reached out, ignoring the way you flinched back when his hand touched your skin.
You hated the response you gave. The way your body froze when he crept close, the raven-haired man's eyes wide and watching, unnerving you more. His fingers slowly caressed your skin, even with your brows furrowed, his hands caressed you with all of a strange intent in his touch.
"kill you?" he muttered, dazed. "No, No. No, never, darling, I would never dare, your life is mine, mine is yours." His voice lowered still. "Love, I only saved you, I'd never do that."
Your eyebrows furrowed, cringing in your own skin when he leaned in more, his forehead leaning on yours, even if you tried to back away. His hand moved down, dropping onto yours. His crooked fingers gripped your own, and you jumped a little, but he didn't do anything to respond to your jittery behaviour, he was too dazed. Too dazed by something you couldn't understand.
L stared, his large coal eyes bore into your own. His hand pulled yours upwards and towards him. You were frozen still, and nervous to resist. Thoughts of when he abducted you in your mind, the way he manhandled you, the bruises still staining your skin, and you couldn't resist. You couldn't resist. You were terrified.
He placed your hands on his chest and inhaled deeply. He smiled softly, "My heart, can you hear it, love?"
His heartbeat fluttered softly. You hated the way his heartbeat made your stomach explode in butterflies, It was warm, a shiver crawling up from your stomach, it burned faintly. You didnt understand.
"Do you hear it?" L whispered. "Do you hear my heart, Y/N? It's beating. It's beating for you."
You shook your head slowly. “Please-“
"I live for you, Y/N."
L leaned in, you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for the worst.
Warm, soft lips pressed against your own, and your eyes opened along with your mouth from pure shock. L did not let this opportunity slip by. Before you could snap it shut again, he slipped his tongue into your mouth, sliding it around every-which-way, exploring every single corner. Nothing was left untouched.
Stop -
You squirmed, trying to shove the sick man off of you, but he pinned your wrists to the sides of your hips, pressing his mouth even harder against yours. A low rumble of pleasure sounded in his throat as he kissed you absolutely breathless.
L pulled away, both of you gasping, one simply for air, while the other from need of oxygen as well as horror. You tried once more to break free of L's grasp, but he was simply too strong for you.
"Y/N." L's voice had gone husky. You avoided his eyes, afraid to set loose the monster inside that was already making it's presence known.
"You must understand my heart…it's yours alone."
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gh0stbeeee · 1 year
tell us more about the death note/h2o crossover please 👀
Warning, tiny bit of dark content near the end. But like, it's death note sooo...
Rikki = Light
Emma = L
Cleo = Misa
Lewis = Matsuda
Miriam = Kiyomi
Zane = Mikami
Kim = Sayu
Elliot = Near, Mello, Matt
Miss Chatham = Ryuk
Now, despite character assignments I'm still giving cannon siblings. So Sayu is still Light's little sister, the wammy boys are L's etc. The roles are based off of personality, so not everything fits and I'll move things around. Like yeah, Ryuk is Chatham because him as a weird old ocean man with ominous advice is hysterical.
Starts of pretty similar, will diverge.
Light and Misa go to high school at the Gold Coast, Australia. Light's mother is a marine biologist that works at a nearby institute, while his father still works in Japan as the chief of the NPA.
Misa lives there with her parents, and is close with Light. Ie, she follows him around and he puts up with her. She is also good friends with Matsuda, who studies with her occasionally.
L is the new transfer kid, who Light doesn't like because he keeps on challenging his intellect. Plus he's weird.
So of course Light gets put in a group biology project with him, along with Misa.
While brainstorming where to research, L asks about Mako Island. Light says the Island and the waters around it are too dangerous. L (in essence) calls him chicken.
That weekend, the two, and an unwilling Misa, take Sachiko's boat out to Mako. And the gas tank leaks. So, they row the short rest of the way to Mako.
Of course, there's no phone service, and no one will look for them until after the weekend. Light and L bicker on the beach until Misa makes them go setup camp on the shore, then look for higher ground to try and get reception.
While looking, Misa falls in a hole. L goes in to help her. Light falls into trying to lend them the rope. Stuck down there, they look for an exit, and find the moon pool.
After oooing and aweing, they figure out the pool is connected to the ocean due to tidal rings. They plan to swim out after L scopes it out. Problem, Misa can't swim.
But after encouraging words and promises to help her, they all get in the pool as the full moon rises over the mouth of the volcano.
Weird bubbles happen.
But they ignore it, swimming out to the ocean and back to their camp near shore, getting dry and going to sleep.
The next morning they go into the shallow water to look for samples for their project since they have nothing else to do.
And they all turn into fish.
They freak, Misa screams, it's a mess. They all crawl onto shore to try and figure this out, and as soon as they're dry, they turn back to normal.
Misa refuses to touch water again. L needs time to process what just happened. But Light, the little getter he is, goes for a swim.
And he loves it, it's the most awesome swimming experience he's ever had. Way better than swimming as a clumsy human. He convinces L, then Misa, and after they all start to get used to their tails, they're having the time of their lives.
Now, they can push the boat back to the mainland, and say that "luckily" the gas tank leaked right as they were getting back.
They get what they need for the project, and like the dorky 16 year olds they are, swear a pact to never tell anyone about this.
(Touta finds out a week later when Misa tried to go to a pool party.)
Miscellaneous/Plot Points
Misa shows up at school the following day in total beach girl aesthetic, including beach curls, shell/pearl jewelry, flowy clothes and wedges. L nearly smacks her upside the head. Light does.
They turn the moon pool into their own little hangout! Misa gets them all to buy fairy lights, tapestries, blankets, pillows, and even shelves for all of their stuff, along with a crap ton of batteries for the lights. It turns out surprisingly cozy.
They all hang out a lot for obvious reasons, which puts a chip in Kiyomi and Teru's shoulder. They've tried to be close to Light to no avail, but suddenly this L guy, and Misa who is now more than tolerated, are suddenly thick as thieves with him! They get bitchy with the two, especially L.
Misa made them all fishing net pouch-belts to put cool things they find during swims in.
The pool starts to look like a little treasure trove, since there is a LOT of cool stuff to find and the bottom of the ocean.
With the sheer amount of pearls and mother of pearl they find, Light starts to make accessories out of it. Misa is overjoyed and accepts the items with joy. L likes to watch Light tinker. Light doesn't mind him there.
The three, especially Light develop a superiority complex in regards to other people. It's based in insecurity about not being human anymore, but they do feel superior because of their powers.
L goes research nuts. A large portion of the moon pool wall looks like a mermaid conspiracy board, he wants to find any possible explanation. Light helps where he can, impressed with L's brain.
L was the first to find his powers, when he froze Kiyomi and Mikami to a wet sidewalk. Next was Light, after he boiled his annoying history teachers coffee all over his desk. Misa found her power a few days after, accidentally flooding her bathroom when she tried to bath.
The first full moon was... not good. Ryuk randomly showed up at the beach to warn Light, who discarded his words as meaningless blabbering. The three of them went moon crazy, and swam in the ocean until Misa got caught in an illegal fishing boat net.
The next morning, the boat was found sunken and destroyed, the charred and frozen bodies of the small were found with it.
None of them swam for three days.
But uh, yeah! They're a little pod, very protective of eachother :)
Misa likes to find starfish that match their hair colours and stick them on the boys' hair. They don't come off :)
It's the wammy boys that notice something up (they including Sayu are 10 btw) and they end up finding some of L's research. Watari just said it was probably a hobby when they showed him, but when they go to Sayu and they find a type of shell that is only found at diving depth in Light's room, they begin to think their theory of mermaids is warranted.
The trio is annoyed by the snoopyness, and now that they were technically murderers there was another level of urgency to keep this secret.
Unfortunately, mermaid hunters and scientists do start showing up, as "sitings" have increased due to underwater cameras.
Stakes rise and the three begin to ponder the benefits of staying. And the risks of going.
They start sabotaging. Finding the groups, their plans and evidence under the guise of mermaid enthusiasts. It works mostly, except for one group that keeps coming back. L finds himself impressed with how easily Light can manipulate them.
The three start going farther away during swims, able to go to places like Fiji or the Mediterranean in under an hour due to their extraordinary tails.
There is relationship drama. Misa is realizing her crush on Light is going no where, and he and L have started to become closer. Eventually they get over it, but lawlight is end game.
Kiyomi's jealousy deflates over time, and she begins to appreciate Misa without Light clouding her mind ;)
That's all for now I think! BTW, blue tails for mermen isn't on a whim, it's cannon in the h2o sequel Mako mermaids :)
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aliypop · 4 months
Good Luck Charm
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Word count: 461
Prompt: Elvis and Cecelia are having a quiet night winding the twins down when Jesse has another idea.
Warning: None
Memphis 1961
"Look at your little tummy wummies!" Cecelia cooed, bathing the twins as Elvis sat by Cecelia, eyes full of adoration, "You're a great mama, you know." He smiled, cleaning up spit from Jesse's mouth, "And you're a great daddy," She kissed his nose, hearing Jesse and Elaine babble, "Hey! Can't your daddy get some kisses," He chuckled as she smiled. It had only been three weeks since she had the twins, but they'd been adjusting the best they could,
"Bawbababwa!!" Elaine said, sticking her tongue out. Elvis gasped as he looked at his brown-eyed cutie of a daughter, "Baaah to you too!" Cecelia chuckled, the two going back and forth as she took her out of the tub, "Seems you two are in a heated debate, huh?"
"Naw, she said Mama should give her more milk." He teased, still washing up Jesse, "Well, Elaine, if your brother didn't have your daddy's appetite, you'd get more." She teased, walking Elaine to her nursery. She dried off the baby and powered her down,
"There we go. Now it's time for your sockie wockies." Elaine fought as she didn't want them on her feet, but the poor thing had no choice,
"Alright, now for your jammy wammys."
"AW HELL JESSE PEED ON ME!" Was all Cecelia heard. Holding back her laughter, Elvis came in as he held a twice-wet Jesse, his blue eyes looking at his own father's blue eyes with mischief,
"Well... you know what they say?"
"What's that?"
"It's a good luck charm... uh-huh-huh." She chuckled, handing Elvis a diaper and Jesse's pajamas, "Very funny honey, "He kissed her cheeks, and Cecelia blushed as she looked at him,
"Alright Jesse, be good to your daddy an put your foot in this sock."
"Mhmm." Elvis nodded,
"I know!" He slid the material on his feet as he kissed his forehead, the couple then rocked them to sleep with a lullaby,
"Say, Elvis..."
"Why don't you be my little good luck charm tonight?" Cecelia looked at him,
"Ain't nothing little about this charm." He teased scooping her up in his arms. Maybe moments like this were why they called babies bundles of joy.
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neallo · 2 months
some sentences sunday: to have and to hurt
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here's a sneak peek of my favorite oneshot i've written to date, to have and to hurt, which will go live in one week :3 it's a 5x1 covering moments throughout mello and near's relationship, from pre-rivalry wammy's era through the kira case.
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snakxreader · 11 months
overworked journalist that Wammy forces to get some rest and gets them to fall asleep “like a dad figure”
I find asking this one quite ironic since like you know, the wammy ask from before, Triffanny has it
A/N: DADBUS ASKS REALLL!!! I love doing parental asks, please gimme more/hj
Pretty fun to do, mildy based off personally experience/hj, I hope you enjoy!
Wambus and Journalist (Take a Break)
With every passing minute, their body felt like it was going to give way from exhaustion. But it wasn’t like they weren’t used to that feeling, so they did their best to roll with it. Buddy had been on a real catching spree as of lately, Donating to Gramble’s barn, helping Chandlo get his ‘gains’, the snax used to help Snorpy defend against the Grumpanati or whatever had happened to somebody in town. Of course, these started to wear on them and their friends noticed. Filbo in particular.
But it was fine. They were fine. They had to be, because who was going to do it otherwise?
Buddy stopped by Wambus’s farm for a second, to gather the sauces needed to gather the Bugsnax they needed today. The farmer noticed them, pausing in his work to greet them.
“Stranger! What brings you here so early?”
“Headed out to the Simmering Springs to catch some stuff for Beffica, she’s really obsessed with Snaquiri right now….” They said, swiping some Cholocate Sauce. “Amd Wiggle wants a Grapeskeeto….oh, and Snorpy wants a Pinkle for something….then I gotta backtrack to Sugarpine-”
“Uh…those are, uh, lotta requests…” Wambus frowned, eyebrows furrowed. He rested his weight against his hoe. “Shouldn’t you space those out?”
“It’s fine. Why not do them all today, right?” Buddy yawned, shaking themselves slightly as to not fall asleep. Wambus still looked unconvinced.
“It’s fine. I’m fine.” Buddy affirmed, preparing to head down to the Sinmering Springs. Their eyes were still heavy but other than the usual exhaustion, they coud run errands. Wouldn’t bet that hard. Snaquiri just had to be shot down with a bit of Sauce, and thye could used the chocolate to get Grapeskeeto, so really all they had to do was catch those, walk through the campfire, head to Sugarpine, catch the Sprinklepede, then make it back to Flavor Falls to-
Wait. Campfire?
They looked down. Oh, they were on fire. People were screaming.
Seems about right.
…..Oh grump, they’re on fire!!
Buddy ran around, kicking up as much dirt as they possibly could and stepping on their own feet in an attempt to put out the fire. Thankfully, they had only been set ablaze for a minute or so, letting it pamper out with only minor bits of singed fur. Buddy sighed.
“Buddy!” Filbo cried out, but Buddy brushed him off, intent to keep going, mumbling a quick apology.
And then, Buddy felt himself getting lifted into the air and slung a navy furred shoulder.
“I’ve been watching ya for the past week as you ran yourself dry with different errands, ya need to lay down!” Wambus growled. “Now.”
“Wambus! Wambus, let me go!” Buddy tried to squirm their way out of Wambus’s grasp, only to fail everytime. He marched them to their hut, and plopped them on their bed, tucking them into the sheets. The journalist pouted, annoyed at the turn of events. They tried to get up, but Wambus refused to let them leave, keeping them under the blankets.
“Ya look like death, take a nap.”
“I don’t-”
“Shhhhhhhh….nap.” Wambus shushed them. “Don’t fight it, I can see it in your eyes.”
“I’m…I’m,,,” Buddy tried to struggle, but Wambsu was right. He was exhausted, sleep deprived and in a bit of pain. They laid against the pillow, feeling themselves get tucked in once more.
“I’m not tired. Just. Just a quick break.”
Wambus snorted. “Of course, Stranger.” He ruffled their hair and left their hut.
Buddy was asleep in less than two minutes.
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yeonban · 1 month
One of the main differences between Tobias & Elijah is how they react when they need help badly. Elijah's first thought is to contact Wammy's House and ask them for help. Tobias' first thought is how to get out of the mess by himself. And if you were to ask who they'd go to if they had to choose just one person, Elijah's pick would be Tobias, whereas Tobias' pick would be no one bc he's the only person he's CERTAIN he can rely on without further adding to his troubles.
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mihaelkeehl · 6 months
Wammy memes?
- Matt has never stopped having covid, judging from the coughs
- Beyond Birthday recently got his degree in underwater welding so he can return home to the pipes. He yearns for the pipes.
- Trying to guess how many filters Matt has smoked that week by accidentally lighting the wrong end of his cigarette
- Linda realising all her kindle downloads can be seen by Roger he is not impressed at her reading 50 Chick Tingle books in four months
- Near sick and hopped up on Benadryl talking to Mello “I know you’re mad, you don’t have to turn into spiders about it.”
- “ibuprofen…if you’re out there”
- A small graveyard outside with the many fish who have lived in the school - but died a noble death inside Roger’s sandwiches
- Junko posing at Mello because he does back unconsciously
- this image
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translightyagami · 2 months
Lawlight Week 2024, except I'm two weeks late
SORRY it just took me a minute to write this chapter. But the good news is I took the extra time to write an extra horned-up installment.
What a Week | chapter six: free
“We’re taking a trip to Wammy’s,” L said. “I have to visit before the winter.” “No.” Eyes still on his monitor, Light rearranged a few spreadsheet cells while L insisted he wasn’t allowed to say no. “I’m not going, L. There’s no reason for me to come along. Everyone hates me there. They think I corrupted you.” “Didn’t you?”
(L makes a deal with Light, earning the former Kira his biggest fantasy)
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lawmane-enthusiast · 9 months
Lawmane Week Day 01 * “Monster”
Word count: 403 (short, I know)
CWs: none, just fluff
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“The past is past, what’s gone is gone. Remember, don’t dwell.” L recalled his mother’s words so fondly, and he couldn’t help but smile when he thought of her face. He remembered her soft voice, and the feeling of her hand grasping onto his, and the shine her brown eyes had in the dark. Remember, don’t dwell. He couldn’t get past that. All his life, he’d been dwelling on things long beside him. He couldn’t get over what had happened with Beyond Birthday, and he couldn’t get over how he had left Near, Mello, A, and all the rest in Wammy’s House. Alone. He needed something to pull him away, to bring him back from all that. A sweet escape. If he was honest, he found it in her. He found a sweet escape in their quiet nights alone, and time spent watching the sun go down. He argued and argued with her about ‘not liking the sappy stuff’, but what real human being didn’t break down and take some affection once in a while? Remember, don’t dwell. He’d tried to stick to it. But now he found himself sitting by the fireplace, going through a photo album and suddenly his cheeks were wet. Misa quickly came down the stairs, probably looking for a snack, and greeted him, though her face fell when she noticed his expression. “Darling, oh, love.” She said, coming over and sitting next to him. “Are you alright?” She asked softly, giving him space and a moment to breathe. “I can’t help but feel, I’ve done them all wrong. I couldn’t keep the promise I made, and when I think of that, I tend to get a sickening feeling.” He leaned his head back and let a soft huffing sigh out through his teeth. “Oh, darling, it’s alright.” She took his hand with a faint grip and smiled at him fondly. “Please, try to remember what I always say! No point in spending so much time on what’s behind you, baby. You’re not a monster for leaving the Wammy’s kids, please, please don’t think that. Okay?” L only gave her a sweet, tired look. “No point in spending time on what is behind me, hm?” He said, and she could tell the fire of worry in him was dying. “That’s right.” She said happily, and she gave his hand one last pat.
You and me, we’ll be together forever.
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