#vope is real
ezamevolni · 2 years
Distinctions between Cute and Sus
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I guess this is common sense but in the shipping realm, common sense is often MIA.
I'm deep into shipping so I've been around these waters quite a bit now and have noticed most so-called 'my ship is real' moments are just very, very cute. But definitively romantic? Nope.
Cute moments are totally ship-worthy but they are not significant as proof the two people are involved in a special relationship.
Exercise #1
The members are close to each other's families.
Jimin called out "Eommoni~" to Jk's mom and Jk's mom told Jimin "I love you!".
RM and Jin's family got together to watch Bangbangcon. RM and Jin's dads are great friends who hang out daily.
Jk often imitates Suga's dad and Suga said that his dad calls Jk gentle/softie.
Are Jikook, Namjin, Yoonkook in romantic relationships because their families are close?
Ans: Seventeen is in a polygamous marriage. Hoshi says 'hi' while eating galbi with Joshua's mom in LA.
Exercise #2
The members often hang out together in private.
Jikook and their Tokyo trip. Nuff said. Only two who went on a long distance trip together so far.
Vmin used to do long walks on the pier when they couldn't sleep during their Japan tours.
Taekook and their recent outings skiing, bowling, watching a musical.
Vope who went on a candlelit rooftop dinner date.
Sin who went biking and fishing during their long break in 2019.
Were Jikook, Vmin, Taekook, Vope, Sin all on romantic dates?
Ans: Let's just pretend for a second that friendly hangouts are a thing. Yes, even between two men. I know this can come as a shock to some but deep breathes, it's alright.
Exercise #3
The members love skinship.
[Insert X amount of hugs, kisses, massages, butt slaps.]
Are [all 21 BTS ship names] in a secret relationship?
Ans: Right, because the 21-ships orgy fan fictions you read on ao3 is but a glimpse into their open-mindedness and deviance.
To think I wrote the answer part before finding the example...and was spoon fed confirmation down in the comments thread 😭
Exercise #4
The members know private details about each other.
Jin knew when Jk took English or drum lessons.
V loved to show off Jhope's sleeping habits on variety shows.
RM knew Suga was going to see the dermatologist the next day after filming.
Jk knew V recently went to get nail care.
[insert X amount of instances they showed certain members their solo work before release.]
Are Jinkook, Vope, Namgi and Taekook (and more) accidentally revealing how much attention they pay to their partners?
Ans: Contrary to popular belief, the members still talk to each other after the cameras are cut.
Exercise #5
They look great together. In the group photo, the two of them stand out as 'that couple'.
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[What's this? Top tier all-male group hides three couples and loner Sunshine cried asking 'Where's my other half?'] Read p9 for the full story
Are Vmin, Yoonkook, Namjin, Jikook, Taekook, Jihope, Jinkook, Minimoni using the chance to show off their relationships?
Ans: This is the very reason why tabloid mags and clickbait articles still have readers.
When you see your OTP interacting, that excitement and happiness is from the same place in your brain that activates when you get a sip of hot cocoa after coming inside from a raging blizzard. You find them cute, lovely, more of that please! But it's just that. Those moments show the chemistry, rapport or good relations between the two. It doesn't automatically support them as 'boyfriends/girlfriends'. It does not Define the relationship.
Jinkook have plenty of cute moments. Plenty. But those don't say 'They're dating'. I can show my friend a video of them hugging, smiling at each other, playing around, but I can't stop the video and ask "Now do you see how in love they are??" My non-army friend will think I've finally gone bananas from the internet. Lots of moments that I find cute about Jinkook fizzle to bits once I lift them out of the shipping realm. Very very squeal-inducing, but does not define them as a couple.
I gave so many counterexamples of what not to consider when trying to ship a 'real' couple. So what're the correct things to look for? Ha, if I had solid examples, I wouldn't still be floundering here on the internet. In the realm of shipping, the correct answer is: no single moment can prove that a ship is real. Shipping is fun but if you want to be serious about it and actually consider if the two people are dating irl secretly, guess what, it's detective time. If you don't have a recorded confession, well it's time to get down to the nitty gritty, start theorizing, find evidence and make your stand. It's work and effort now, not just appreciating the cute moments as they appear on your tl. Unfortunate I know.
Legend says there exists another kind that is more thought-provoking and nuanced. After seeing such instances, the correct reaction should contain a little bit of self-doubt, discomfort and a pinch of 'Let me rewind'. And the next thought following should be 'that can't be. I'm reading too much into it. They're just brothers.' And then somewhere down the line you might join me here. These are moments you spotted in the wild and not in a shipper edit. The moment has to be organic.
Of course, that goes for any ship at all about any two people on the planet. Who's to say whose instincts are right? ☺️
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blackcatasdfg · 6 years
I failed making it at Jhope’s birthday, but I least I tried. Little bit contribution for Vhope nation and Vhope shipper I hope you like it >.<
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gumiho cisswap bangtan x reader pt 3
cw: this one has sexier things (implied uhh. non con touching/fingering i guess??), the usual blood, violence, sexy liver eating yandere bangtans part 1 here part 2 here
you flinch back, instincts bypassing existential malaise, but already you know the figures aren't soldiers or farmers by the way taehee springs out of the fox pile with a joyful yelp. "hobi-unnie!"
one of the lithe, graceful shadows stumbles back with an oof as taehee tackles her, nosing at her neck and cheek, and your cheeks heat as a sliver of tongue darts out to lick. you turn away, and realize your time has run out.
"ah, jimin-ah," sighs jin as jimin stretches and gets her own greeting from taehee, "we were just about to deal with your - snack? pet? she's filthy. blood everywhere. could barely restrain myself."
jimin's gaze swings around to pin you in place, and your muscles lock into place. she's gracefully disheveled, hair loose and flowing in some breeze, the front of her vest unclasped. the fabric is of much finer work than yours - stolen? bought? gumiho magic?
"deal with her, unnie?" says jimin, closer now, and then the clawed hand that ripped your shaman's heart out is again gripping your jaw, tilting your head this way and that in examination. "i would share, if you asked nicely."
"no you wouldn't," says jungha. you shudder.
"jin-unnie," rumbles the last voice, that same one that had told jimin to stop playing with you, and you manage to tear your eyes away from jimin long enough to see yoonji (smaller, thinner than the others, but with nine glorious tails fanning out behind her) stalking towards jin, who scrambles upright with a serious look on her face. you try to catch yoonji's eye, but she ignores you, and with a nod to jin walks with her into the woods.
a claw digging into the soft skin under your jaw brings your attention back to jimin, who smiles down at you with those same crescent moon eyes. "unnie was right," she says, "you do need to be cleaned up."
it's stupid to feel self conscious in front of monsters (especially since they were the ones who bled you and dragged you through the dirt), but to be suddenly, sharply aware of the stains on your hanbok and the twigs in your hair is almost a relief from the constant dread, and you allow jimin to pull you to your feet without protest. despite her sharp claws, her hand itself is small, but there's a strength there that could crush all the bones in your hand if you tried to escape.
she leads you to a river, one too deep for an army to ford. then she stands on the pebbled bank and tells you to strip.
the points of her claws catch the moonlight like crystals, but perhaps she's being considerate and doesn't want to ruin your clothes by simply slicing them away from your skin. or perhaps she just wants you to obey her.
squeezing your eyes shut, you obey. your vest is stiff with blood, but you manage to peel it off, and then you untie the strings and undo the clasps, and try to make sure none of it lands in mud when you step out in just your underclothes, shivering against the night chill. then you open your eyes.
"no," says jimin, eyes glittering, "i said strip."
before you can hurry to obey, jimin steps into your space and yanks at the front of your shirt, tearing hours of sewing and mending away and leaving only your skin as a barrier between your heart and her teeth. then she does the same with your pants, pulling the ties apart so that the fabric between your legs falls and you stand completely naked before her.
"that's better," she purrs. something soft brushes your waist, and you glance down to see twin fox tails curling around your ribcage. it's warm. jimin is the warmest thing you've felt since the sunlight and shaman's blood splashed over your face.
"cute little human," she sighs, tilting your chin with a single finger. "i can hear your heart pounding."
jimin doesn't undress herself, but guides you into the water, and forces you down with a clawed grip on your shoulder. the cold has you gasping, and then she's pulling you up, smoothing her hands over the wet skin of your shoulders. she tilts your head to massage away the dried blood, then grips your hair and forces you under again, and again, until you don't know how you ever felt warm, there with her foxtails around you, even for a moment.
she cleans your chest, pausing to squeeze each of your breasts when she passes over them, and warmth blooms again behind your navel. you hold still, letting her push and prod you like you might've pushed and prodded meat at the market only a week prior.
then she cleans your legs, and drags her fingers slowly between them, and your knees go weak.
"sweet," she purrs, moving one hand to hold your trembling thigh as the other strokes back between. "we're only here to eat baekje soldiers, you know. not cute little village girls."
you swallow a noise that had tried to escape. "you're silla... mercenaries?"
jimin pauses, holds her hand warm in place as she hums thoughtfully. "i suppose. namjoo-unnie knows all the logistics." she bares her teeth in a grin. "war is a bloody affair, though. much faster than our usual methods. turn around."
you obey, and the hand between your legs moves to join its partner in undoing your plait. you tell yourself you're not disappointed.
jimin washes your hair with surprising gentleness. she combs through the tangles with her claws, working upwards, then rubs at your scalp with her fingers, and almost the entire time she hums or talks, telling you about their strangle little family, how hosook (the one taehee called hobi-unnie, adoration dripping from each syllable) always scolds jimin for being so messy, how jungha is going through her sulky phase now but is still a good little dongsaeng, how jin can tell what kind of life a man lived from his liver, how yoonji barely talks but gives jimin the little marbled heart slices she likes best. you wonder if your body will be divvied up along those lines, along jin's expertise and yoonji's generosity and jungha's hunger, but the onslaught of sensation keeps it distant curiosity and not the immediate terror it should be. you almost don't realize it when your feet lose feeling from the cold.
"clean!" jimin declares, and then you're stepping out of the water back into the moonlight. you reach for your clothes, but jimin tsks. "those are still dirty. and i don't like them, the colors don't suit you."
well. that makes about as much sense as anything else. fatigue has you blinking stupidly at jimin, and she coos. "don't worry, sweet, we'll find something nice. i'm getting tired of grubby soldiers, i want you to look nice for me."
when you return to their clearing, wrapped in nothing but jimin's fox tails curling around you and keeping you close to her, jin and yoonji still haven't returned, and the moon has edged closer to the west. jungha is curled up, and taehee and hosook are lying together - not asleep. you quickly look away from the murmurs and shifting movements, but hosook sits up anyway at your approach. she's - lovely, of course she is, and so bright, sharp, a cut gemstone, angular and gleaming. it would be so easy to cut yourself on that brightness, and you're sure many men have.
"this is the human?"
the hazy unreality jimin drew you into with cold water and harsh-gentle touches vanishes with her words, and you remember that you are prey too stupid to have fled. you drop your eyes, but next to you, jimin audibly preens. "she was with the shaman, hobi-unnie, isn't that funny?"
hosook wrinkles her nose. "she's dirty. either eat her already or keep her away from me."
"don't be grumpy, hobari," says jimin, but hosook just turns around with a scoff, and you are even stupider to feel humiliated for it.
then taehee sits up, tilts her head at you. "jin-unnie said she was hungry, too, jimin-ah did you feed her?"
"feeding the food?" hosook grumbles, trying to pull taehee back down.
"that's next," says jimin, and smiles at you. "there's a pre-dawn ambush. we like things fresh, don't we, sweet?"
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beyondthequotes · 6 years
Hoseok: Let's talk about our ideal type then
Taehyung: Hyung, what is your ideal type?
Hoseok: Me? A girl like you
(Seokjin: How is it that our words are all so honest)
Taehyung: Really? Seriously?
Hoseok: I wanna bite you
-방탄소년단 (BTS), SKIT: Soulmate
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
So I'm still relatively new to this fandom and jikook and I apologize if my question seems silly, I read somewhere that minimoni, minimini,vope, sope, taekook all acknowledge their ship/unit names sorry if I left any other ones out these ones I know are acknowledged by the members and the editors so far but I'm still learning them all. but the pair who hasn't acknowleged theirs is jikook/kookmin which leads to speculation that they could be real and don't want to draw attention to it which is why they don't acknowledge it? I mean they read the comments right? so they would have to know that we call them that could this be true?
Hello anon! I don't think them not acknowledging their unit name is them saying they are real... lmao it IS a little odd that everyone seems comfortable saying their unit name but Jikook won't or haven't. Who knows. And yes, they are used for ships but these are UNIT names. They aren't acknowledging their ships as real or otherwise when they use them. The only thing I can think of for them is during 2017 Prom Party, a fan shouted "Jikook" during ending speeches to JK and he smiled and went "huh?" Or when referring to going drinking with Jin and Jimin he said "JinJiKook" and the last was during a fansign someone asked Jimin what his unit name with Jungkook would be if they were ever in a unit together and he said "minkook or jikook" lol. They also got very giggly over the comments in their 2020 vlive together but didn't share any with us. And i know there was a lot of jikook comment spam going on in that comment section... lmao
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Minimoni especially loves to use their unit name. Anytime they go live together they introduce themselves as minimoni and they will sometimes hype themselves up as minimoni if they are paired up together on a team during RUN. They REALLY like their ship name. Lol it's so cute. I love it everytime!
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Taekook came up with their unit name themselves too. It's something tkkrs trend on the anniversary of them coming up with their ship name, april? I think, and they were so cute and giggly trying to combine their names for their unit. It was because they were a photoshoot unit and I think Tae said they needed a unit name. Again, this has nothing to do with their ship.... it's a unit name and their shippers took it way too seriously and ignore all the other times Tae did this with everyone else. They say Taekook whenever they go live together too, possible because of the taekook comment spam.... lol who knows
When Jhope, Suga and V went live for the first time in the Hybe building, Tae had them spend the first few minutes trying to come up with unit name for the 3 of them and even asking ARMYs to help create one. Lol
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Tae and J-hope have been calling themselves V-Hope since debut and then during a live stream went through new options before settling on Vope together.
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I think I remember one time Jimin saying he wanted to make a subunit with Suga and they could call it MiniMini, but I don't know for sure and can't find where that came from... so take it with a grain of salt.
Sope is probably the loudest about their unit name right up their with Minimoni. Lol they talk about it often! And bring it up whenever they do anything together and greatly enjoy it!
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Jimin, Jungkook and Jhope dubbed themselves the 3Js during their Home Party performance when they did a dance cover unit together and are still referred to that way sometimes if they end up teamed up by the editors and other members
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During that Same home party in 2017, Suga and Jin named themselves Sin. RM and V called themselves RV.
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100% they all know what we call them together. They even create the names themselves half the time. But again, they refer to them like more as units. Maybe jikook don't just think of it as "unit" name so they don't use it. They are also sometimes called the "Busans" by editors. And most recently, the sun and moon duo. Lol Who knows!
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Vmin don't really refer to themselves as Vmin either too much. They instead call themselves the 95z or friends or soulmate usually.
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J-hope and RM refer to themselves as the 94z sometimes. These are just the ones i can think of off the top of my head. I know they've all probably said it or used it in a hashtag somewhere at some point for all of them.
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We don't know WHY jikook don't really acknowledge their unit name outloud as much as the others. It is interesting though. But I wouldn't consider it as proof of it being yes a ship is real or no it isn't. Lol it just... is...
Hope this helped!
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humanuser0613 · 3 years
What's My Toxic Trait: A Shipping Discussion
I saw this article and said, "Yep, that's a sign. Let me get started on these posts."
I hope the article was interesting. There are definitely discussions that have been happening in jikooker circles around toxic portrayals and I have also pointed out toxic traits in certain ships.
I'm curious to see what I find in other ships while still hoping to not be too disappointed. After all shipping is purely for one's own pleasure and has nothing to do with the individuals being shipped. It's never more true than when the individuals described in the ship have no bearing on the real people.
I'll search through Twitter posts and see about yt videos and check Instagram and perhaps TikTok to see what I find and then create posts and link them here. I'll do my best. 💜
2seok (thx @unlyshedstar!)
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rantingravingliving · 3 years
So I was not feeling well and was in bed when I got the vlive notification. And I almost dropped my phone when I saw them!
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They look oh so good! And though I cannot understand anything they are saying, I just nod my head in agreement and smiled.
And who wouldn’t get all happy happy joy joy by just seeing them again after their concert in LA last December? Joonie who looks extra buff in that sweater but still all cute and cuddly (especially that part when he attempted to crack the walnut but it fell hehe). Yoongi my love with his fave skull jacket and his mullet! Oh gods, he looks so 🔥 that I just want to take him home and make little yoongis 🤪 and Jiminie! Hobi was right! Jimin did something cute with his hair! Most Armys were guessing a nee hair color and a cut. But what did we get! A permed Jiminie! And he looks adorable! And fluffy! And you just want to run your fingers into that soft hair of his and bury your nose and sniff it until all your troubles go away. Sigh. Jimin. You are just perfect.
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So, I watched the entire broadcast, just soaking in the good vibes from MoniMiniMini. After they ended it, I slept.
And upon waking up, I went to vlive and checked if I indeed watched their broadcast and was not just dreaming about it. Glad it was real. I can’t wait for the next broadcast and the next group (2Seok? Taekook? TaeJin? HopeKook? TaeJinHopeKook? Vope? Jikook? OT7? ) Ah! The possibilities are endless! But one thing is for sure. They are back! And we better get ready because it will sure be busy for Army once comeback is here. But for now, here is some 💜 from these 3.
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Come be my teacher - a vhope fic pt. 1
I can't believe I'm doing this
Vope/vhope parent/teacher au
Jk is Hobi's baby but for real
Taetae is his teacher
Jiminie is JK friend and Namjoon little bro i don't even know if it's relevant but technically this is a side namjin
As. They are there. Maybe I'll talk about them. Maybe I'll never mention them anymore
Anyway, DISCLAIMER: I DON'T KNOW SHIT. This is not accurate, doesn't want to be accurate and mostly is only for my own enjoyment
Everything I'll write is just garbage and i love BTS all of them yes all of them
And I'll show my love by laughing at them as any mature piece of shit would do
But anyway
Jungkook has this teacher and he loves him the most
Has a father, and he also loves him the most
Jungkook believes that good people should be together
And he also has eyes. He's a seven years old, smarter than any of his peers and with a talent for discovering everything that could give his beloved father an headache
Hoseok is a 30-something editor of a local publishing company
Stable work, stable house, stable life, everything for his own beloved child, so that he'll never feel anything missing
Kim Taehyung loves kids and loves teaching them how to read, write and understand the world around them
He has friends, he has hobbies, he has his own world
And he may or may not have a crush, but that's a issue that he'll not dwell into
As he'll not dwell in the way his eyes linger every time he's waiting for the children to go out and being picked up from their parents, looking for a specific pair of eyes that never fail to acknowledge him and give a nod
He should not, it's unethical, and yet he can't help being mesmerized by the beautiful man
So it's already a precarious and difficult task he has on heart when Jung Jungkook decides to make it worst asking "so, do you like my dada?"
Taehyung felt every hunch of life leave him, leaving behind an empty cold shell of a man
"you like him, he's a cute man, right? You told us that some people like women and some like men and some like both, but honestly i really didn't unde-under-under---- get it. I mean how can anyone know if they like every men and every women, wouldn't be easier to just like one person at the time?"
The waterfall of words nearly overwhelms Tae, but he gets back at it quite fast
"you're right, Jungkook" he says, and smiles, hoping that the bells will save him
Almost like their role were reversed and he went back to ten years ago and he didn't study for the day
"So, you like my father, right? Hoseok, he's the brown hair nicely dressed man that comes to get me every day"
"I know your father" he manages to say " and he's a very distinguished man" he hopes it's enough to distract him
"what does it mean distinguished?"
Mission accomplished.
Or so he thinks
The high pitch was higher than any of the voices it the little yard
Tae is super good at run inside the school pretending he has many important serious things ™ to do
He'll not be able to meet the man eyes for a while
Speaking of the man himself, Jung Hoseok
While he finds weird the abrupt departure of the teacher, who usually have the decency to be sure that all the kids went to the right parent and similia
Didn't think much of it. How could he, when the little hurricane he's rising literally threw himself at him yelling something
"wh-who-what? Slow down kookie"
"my teacher, Mr Taehyung-ssi" the kid was already buckled up in the back of the car
"who said what, brat" asks the voice in the front. Min Yoongi, Hoseok best friend and Jungkook other father figure.
Maybe granpa figure
"my teacher" Jungkook is tired of repeating himself. "He said dada is really distilled"
The words met a wall of silence. Yoongi fought back a laughter, while Hoseok waited until it was safe to stop before asking why, on earth, his teacher would say that about him
"because I asked him if he liked you" the "DUH" was implicit.
Of course.
I mean. Of course. Yes. Make sense. Hoseok is not at all shaken by the fact that the day after he was going to get to work later and apologize for whatever is going on in his child mind
Of course a child wouldn't know why all of that was totally inappropriate
Of course a child wouldn't know what "all of that" even is
But now Yoongi was laughing loudly and Jungkook as well because he was after all a precious child and Hoseok decided it was Yoongi fault
He drives Jungkook home to his babysitter, as per usual, and then back to the office, as per usual
(He ought to remember to leave Namjoon a bonus by the end of the month. It was December, after all)
No words about the weird teacher situation were spoken until Yoongi didn't decide to bring it up
"is the one always checking you up when you pick up the spawn of satan?"
Hoseok stared at him. His expression was enough to make Yoongi retreat. "Okay, not the spawn of Satan. The babiest of the babies that ever babied. But it's him right"
And boi it was him and okay, okay, Hoseok might have noticed that he's not exactly hideous
And being Jungkookie teacher he of course managed to speak with him a couple of time
And okay he knows he's, like, probably a great person based on how his child is being raised
But still. Kid's teacher. Nothing more.
"OH IS SO HIM" Yoongi shouted clapping his hands and calling the elevator
Right, work
They were there he precisely took Yoongi out of his cave to meet with him at the office so they could finish the book once and for all
"you won't avoid the filing work of your own book by distracting me" hoseok mutters, and Yoongi hisses.
"Hoseok. My friend. Soul of my mate. I would never deceive you on a such important matter as the word by word checking we need to do today but"
They stood outside the office, and an hunch Hoseok can explain only as parent instinct told him to wait
"if you were finally screwing someone you oughta tell me"
Hoseok face went red and then white. His lips faced downward and the grip on the handle intensified
"I am not. Screwing. My kid's teacher"
He thought his voice was at a normal level but a few concerned looks on the people around then suggested him that it may not be exactly the truthful truth
"DUH! That is exactly the problem"
So, life choose violence that day on Hoseok.
Replies are overrated anyway. He just march inside and sit at his desk and no more mention of Kim Taehyung will be made for the rest of the day
.............................. Ok no mention but his brain cannot be faulted if sometimes conjured up the image of the man. The glasses, the soft sweater, the curly dark hair.
It's not like he didn't struck up to Hoseok in general, and in a different situation he would handled things differently maybe
But reality is reality because is real and is it
So the next morning he accompanied Jungkook at school and the boy even had the audacity to smirk at him when he asked for a word with the teacher
The man looks positively surprised, but when he reaches him he speaks normally
"so, when Jungkook told me I look distilled he meant.."
"Distinguished. Yes. Exactly. I just told him his father looks distinguished"
"well, thank you" oh my Hoseok is smiling and it's like looking at the sun directly
"I-I'm sorry if it overstepped.. something. We just went through the different kinds of relationship and I guess kids are.. excitable
"oh don't worry, it was just funny. I know how Jungkook doesn't really know the difference between spontaneous and obnoxious, and I'm quite sure if anyone is to blame here is Yoongi hyung"
Now, Taehyung is smart enough and aware enough to know he was probably talking about Min Yoongi, the novelist
Also he has seen them often out of school
And Jungkook talked about him like a second father or uncle
So even if he had a little squick of surprise, he wasn't surprised at all
It was only natural that someone as beautiful as Jung Hoseok would have someone by his side talented as Min Yoongi. He read his books. He knows it.
He smiles politely, and so does Hoseok, before departing
And if Hoseok lingered a bit when Tae was walking back to the class
No one would never know
Hope you liked it! Hope I'll come soon with the second part! Byee
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keeperoftinyarmy · 4 years
Tae hugging hobi and walking with his hands on hobi’s shoulders like he did to jk a few days ago must mean vope is the real couple right?
Why do they always ignore VHope? Those two have lots of nice cuddles.
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taesangels · 4 years
♪  rules: answer the questions and tag more armys to play along ♫
i was tagged by the lovely @innrchld​ ♡ im doing this ages after you tagged me kjdks but i love doing these so!! thank you cat!! ur an angel ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭♡
first bts song? the legend herself: blood sweat & tears 
first bias? jimin 🥺 hes such a captivating performer honestly i looked at him once and was obsessed,, plus hes the sweetest person in the world :( :(  i didnt have a choice but to stan 
current bias? im a big softie for taehyung and jimin 💘💞💗 they are a package deal 🥺 (but honestly all the member are so precious to me in different ways and the seven of them together are #1 in my heart....so i might just bias ot7?? kdksd i cant make up my mind???) 
put the members in order of your bias list: i literally cant kskd sorry
favorite bts song? serendipity.....love of my life 💖💘💓💞💗 also boy with luv 💗💞💓💖💘, home, black swan, friends, euphoria, pied piper, dionysus, baepsae, just one day.....and i could keep going......🤐
favorite underrated BTS song? tonight (technically not a bts song i guess but i dont care: stream! her!), sea, and paradise
favorite song off wings? bs&t
favorite song of each ly: her, tear, & answer? this is so hard kdskd??? her: serendipity + pied piper tear: (the whole album) love maze  answer: euphoria 
favorite music video? boy with luv....its so colorful and pretty, and watching bwl brings back so many happy memories from last year...i wanna go back 😔 & spring day  
favorite dancer? jimin n hobi 
favorite vocalist? jungkook 
favorite rapper? yoongi 
favorite hair color on each member? i gave myself a headache deciding on this kskdk and im still not fully sure......but here: 
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(kdjkd dont mind tannie hes just there to fill up the gap and cause i love him) 
favorite choreography? fake love, on, and singularity 
favorite (bromance) ship? i dont ship real people so i dont mean this in that way.....but u know 🤕.....i love those soulmates....vmin 💗💓💖💞💘 also yoonjin, jinkook, vope, jikook, and namkook make me really soft ♡
i tag: @moonpjms​ @blumiin​ @angtaelic​ @moonstarvmin​ @onhopemin​ @cafejoon​ @springdaymv​ @namkook​ @rayofyoongi​ @personaguk​ @afternoonstreet​ @seokie​ @kjinseok​ @kim-taehyung​ @ksj1​♡
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bathroomcube · 4 years
uninstall reinstall uninstall reinstall uninstall reinstall uninstall reinstall uninstall reinstall uninstall reinstall uninstall reinstall uninstall im sorry i know i said im ok but i really am not i survive on a constant stream of video games to keep me from realizing that the world is real and the actions i make have consequences and other people are real and its all real and i have to live with it all and going even just like a day without them makes me suicidal i cant fucking take it i know this is me being sensitive and not voping well but im banging on the walls of this flesh prison and i want OUT i want freedom <3 if youre reading this, this is a cry for help no it isnt yes it is no its not its really not but it is dont get too worried but im absolutely not okay and the duct tape and superglue that has been holding my life and mental health together is failing and i genuinely do not know how much longer i can do this for.
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icouldntresistit · 5 years
Serious question: Do you guys think all the relationships (Taegi, Namjin, Jikook, Sope, Taekook, Vope, Minimoni, Yoonmin, etc.) give off the same vibe/have the same moments? Therefore one is no more special than the next?
When I say ‘relationships’ I just mean the literal definition of the word, a relation between two people. I don’t necessarily mean romantic, brotherhood, friendship, etc. So if you’re looking to say “ships aren’t real”, etc., don’t waste your breath
I’m curious as to what everyone thinks but I’ll refrain from giving my opinion on this post
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blackcatasdfg · 6 years
Sorry I’m little bit late, little gift for VHope Nation for V birthday!!!!
I hope you like it
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sickjoonie · 5 years
fic recs for each ship
i love every ship and read fics for each ship... so i made a masterlist of my favorite fics for every ship lol. also i apologize in advance because i read really long fics
Precisely When Somebody Shows You to the Ocean - 21k - M
The longer Yoongi hangs around the tank in the aquarium, the more he thinks that Seokjin is, in fact, a real mermaid.
“You’re really real,” he says, keeping his voice neutral. “You’re not acting, are you?”
Seokjin smiles, yet it’s the saddest Yoongi has seen him. “I am acting, though. I’m pretending to pretend to be a mermaid.”
(we love a chaotic but soft duo)
hashtag trashbag - 15k - T
Hoseok plays video games for a living. Also, he's gay. Like, so deep in the gay, dicks in his mouth kinda gay.
(this one is fucking hilarious. i love reading it)
cotton candies and sugar addicts - 6k - T
In a final, desperate attempt to get Seokjin to notice him, Namjoon dyes his hair pink. However, Seokjin avoids him more than ever and Namjoon doesn't know what he did wrong.
(namjoon is an angsty overgrown teen but it’s okay jin loves him anyways)
The Golden Rule of Love Curses - 16k - G
A comprehensive list of things Seokjin expected when he took a job at the library:
a decent paycheck to mitigate his growing student loan debt
time to catch up on his reading
and by "reading" he means his DS. He's going to play video games.
admittedly this is bordering on ironic seeing as he's a librarian but a chef's life isn't all about food, so he figures a librarian can enjoy other pursuits.
his would be, though. If he was a chef, it would be all food, all the time.
An incomprehensive list of things Seokjin did not expect when he took a job at the library:
a talking seagull.
did he mention the talking seagull, because he feels like no one is properly panicking about a talking seagull?
oh, and also a wizard places him under a curse.
sorry, correction, a wizard places him under a spell. There is obviously a very significant difference, apologies Jimin. A spell is so much better than a curse.
(put the two sassiest members together and you get this)
i put the EEL in fEELings - 11k - T
"Average person expresses 3 genuine feelings a day" factoid actually just statistical error. Average person expresses 10 genuine feelings per day. Spiders Seokjin, who lives in a dorm and expresses -10,000 feelings each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
(Wherein Taehyung woos Seokjin with flowers, cooking, RJ heads, and a potato, and Seokjin... totally doesn't have a meltdown. Ever.)
(ao3 tag seokjin is bad at feelings but taehyung is a good boy)
Fake Sugar - 87k - E
Hedge Fund wunderkind and Certified Awkward Gay Jungkook needs a sugar baby to show off at work, and Professional Competitive Eater and Objectively Beautiful Human Jin just wants to stop working shitty side-jobs. Fake Sugar Daddy AU. A trope and a half.
(this is so long but so funny but also so sad. love it. seokjin eats a lot)
could roses bloom - 5k - NR
Yoongi looks up and finds himself staring at a gorgeous stranger with dyed brown hair and dark circles under his eyes. He startles a bit and watches as this other man sets a glass of lukewarm water in front of him.
"In case you get thirsty," the man smiles and it's like a fragment from a dream.
(this one is kind of like a sickfic and i think that’s mainly why it’s my fav lmao)
what rhymes with pug me - 62k - T
namjoon and yoongi share a sweater (and also some feelings)
You’re a Flame In My Heart - 29k - T
Yoongi is a permanently exhausted part-timer in a flower shop who hates flowers, and Jimin is a dancer that is allergic to pollen and needs a better boyfriend. Yoongi thinks Jimin might be his favorite flower, and he's biologically human, what the fuck.
(yoonmin often has yoongi as this cold, edgy guy. this fic accurately portrays them. also some soft, caring yoongi heals the soul)
my heart flutters from the sugar high - 5k - M
Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They've drawn different conclusions.
(also fucking hilarious. they’re oblivious)
let the light in - 65k - T
There is magic in the world, but for years Jungkook has shied away from his gift. (It's intrusive, unwelcome, dangerous.) Now, he's in New York City, battling loneliness and a college course he hates. Until on one particularly bad day, he turns down a side street in East Village and his life changes forever.
(you think you won’t cry but you will. you WILL.)
tadhana - 32k - E
The site was in English, and Namjoon really should've checked it over before Hoseok booked the room, but there's nothing to be done about it now.
They've got a ten day honeymoon package on a beautiful island, and they're going to make the most of it. Even if it means pretending they're newlyweds to win extra prizes from the resort.
(probs the least angsty fake dating au. i feel like this is the most accurate portrayal of them)
out of the blue and into my world, you could be the making of me - 23k - E
jimin and hoseok are spies who are deep undercover. everyone thinks they're happily married and at some point, the two just stopped pretending.
(wholesome soft husbands. also there are kittens, that’s important)
Vortex of Death - 16k - M
Jung Hoseok is mortally afraid of roller-coasters and water-slides. He’s also fatally attracted to the boy who works as a lifeguard at the theme park’s greatest attraction: the Vortex of Death.
(hoseok gay panicking for 16k words)
Jeongguk thinks Hoseok likes him. Hoseok thinks Jeongguk does not like him.
They are both wrong and get yelled at by Yoongi.
(character developement....chef’s kiss)
of dogs & men - 20k - T
I work at a vet clinic and you work for the mafia. You started coming in to get patched up and threatened me to not to turn you into the police. Little do you know that I remember you as my high school crush, and you have no need to threaten me, because I'm still charmed by you
(an ACCURATE mafia au. mafias aren’t sexy and this depicts what it is actually like. namjoon isn’t too deep involved, just as a spoiler)
i see the sun in your ocean eyes - 14k - T
Taehyung is a selkie who wants to live in the human world; Namjoon is a boy who doesn't know how to. They figure it out together on an island off the coast of Jeju.
(this is soft and sad. good for rainy days)
bees, knees, and emotional crises - 20k - T
Jungkook and Namjoon meet at the weekly farmer's market where Namjoon sells honey that he makes himself, and Jungkook has a crush the size of Pangea and also cries about bees a few times because they're important, damn it
(bees. bees! BEES!)
we feel the same within our veins - 12k - T
the au where taehyung wakes up glowing, jimin is probably his soulmate, and everyone is reasonably concerned
oh boy (will you awaken the hidden me?) - 6k - T
Jimin thinks he's lucid dreaming and kisses Jeongguk.
(shy jungkook is my aesthetic. they do some smooching)
Cinnamon Crisp - 21k - M
Jungkook needs his daily dose of cuddles and Taehyung likes to wear Jungkook's clothes. They don't care that alphas and omegas aren't supposed to be best friends.
(if you want non traditional/toxic abo fic... with soft taekook cuddles.... and soft warm fuzzy love...this is it)
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Nuovo post su http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2017/07/06/lutrino-lustrino-nardo-chiama-napoli-risponde-si-spera-22/
Lutrino e lustrino: Nardò chiama, Napoli risponde; si spera ... (2/2)
di Armando Polito
La speranza dubitativamente manifestata nel titolo non è andata delusa, come chiunque potrà constatare leggendo il commento del sig. Angelo De Stefano a quella che originariamente (http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2017/06/25/lutrinu-lustrinu-nardo-chiama-napoli-risponde-si-spera/) era l’unica parte e che ora è diventata la prima, avendo io ritenuto opportuno rispondergli con questa seconda parte che, a tutti gli effetti, è l’integrazione di quella, tant’è che ne conserva integralmente il titolo.
Preliminarmente debbo dire che i nomi dialettali dei pesci (e non solo) rappresentano in alcuni casi un vero rompicapo, anche perché le testimonianze dei locali, magari pure pescatori, non sempre sono concordi.
Detto questo, tenterò di approfondire l’argomento partendo dalle informazioni fornitemi dal mio gentile interlocutore.
Su litrinos non credo ci sia bisogno di dire alcunché, mentre  fagrì è la forma moderna del classico φἀγρος (leggi fagros) da me citato e dovrebbe corrispondere al nostro dentice. La voce moderna con la sua inequivocabile derivazione da quella classica ribadisce, ove ce ne fosse stato bisogno, la totale assenza di qualsiasi rapporto tra fagros e fragolino, al di là della metatesi fagr>frag– che di per sè poteva pure essere un fenomeno normalissimo.
Per quanto riguarda luvero, livrino, liverino, luvrino e luverino, la prima voce sembra la madre delle rimanenti, ma credo di aver trovato il suo antenato nel luuare che si legge nell’ultima ottava del terzo canto del poema eroico L’agnano  zeffonnato1 di Andrea Perruccio, pubblicato la prima volta per i tipi dell’editore Paci a Napoli nel 1678 e a distanza di più di un secolo ristampato per i tipi di Porcelli sempre a Napoli nel 1787.
  Riproduco l’ottava dalla pagina 70 della prima edizione (ma nella più recente non cambia né il numero di pagina né il carattere tipografico), aggiungendo la mia traduzione e qualche nota.
  Sale Girolamo con gli altri sulla galea/e, mentre (con lo sguardo) scorre sott’acqua felice,/vede nuotare pesci di ogni maniera: pagelli fragolini, sparaglioni, occhiate, alici,/cernie, mafroni e un branco di boghe,/spicare, lucci di mare, scorfani e schifezze;/lasciato insomma il regno marino,/guizzarono in alto vicino a Nisida.
Non posso lasciarmi sfuggire l’occasione di dire qualcosa sui nomi dei pesci tradotti in corsivo, che  nell’originale compaiono tutti al plurale ma che qui esaminerò al singolare, lasciando a bella posta per ultimo pagelli fragolini (nell’originale: luuare).
sparaglione: accrescitivo da sparo, per il quale vedi nella prima parte.
occhiata: dal latino oculata(m) presente come sostantivo in Plinio (I secolo d. C.) ma derivato dal femminile dell’aggettivo oculatus/oculata/oculatum col significato di dotata di grandi occhi. Ajata presenta il passaggio o->a– in comune col salentino acchiata e, in particolare, col verbo neretino acchiare che significa trovare (alla lettera cogliere con l’occhio); a differenza del salentino in cui la trafila –cula->cla->-cchia– è normalissima, in ajata –j– è dovuto ad influsso dello spagnolo ojo=occhio.
alice: dal latino hallece(m) che significa salsa di pesce, a conferma della vocazione gastronomica del pesce.
cernia: dal latino tardo acernia(m) attestato in Cassiodoro2 (V-VI secolo), variante del classico  acharna, che è dal greco ἀχάρνας (leggi acharna). Cernia è il frutto di errata deglutinazione di a- inteso come parte dell’articolo: acernia>l’acernia>la cernia>cernia.
mafrone (o manfrone): da un precedente vafrone, accrescitivo del letterario vafro, che è dal latino vafru(m)=astuto. In manfrone l’epentesi di –n– può essere dovuta ad influsso di manfrina (che, però ha altra etimologia: da monferrina, danza popolare piemontese di ritmo binario e di carattere allegro e vivace). Lascio agli amici pescatori il compito di confermare o meno l’astuzia e/o la vivacità come caratteristiche di questo pesce.
boga: dal latino tardo  boca(m), a sua volta dal greco βόαξ (leggi bòax), che è da βοάω (leggi boào)=gridare. La variante neretina opa è dal greco βόωψ leggi bòops) per il quale il Montanari )la voce nel Rocci è assente) rinvia a βόαξ; io credo invece che per motivi fonetici  [(la radice di βόαξ è βοακ– (leggi boac-), quella di βόωψ è βοοπ- (leggi boop-)] βόωψ sia parola composta dalla radice di βοῡς (leggi bus)=bue+la radice di ὄψ (leggi ops)=sguardo. Insomma in boga il riferimento sarebbe al rumore che il pesce emette appena pescato, in opa alla forma dell’occhio. Per finire: mentre in opa c’è stata l’aferesi di b– in vopa c’è stato il normalissimo passaggio b->v-.
schifezza: pesce minuto e di poco pregio.
spicara: è il nome scientifico di un genere che comprende parecchie specie. La voce è forma aggettivale dal latino spica=spiga e il riferimento è alla pinna dorsale generalmente reca due o tre raggi spinosi.
luccio di mare; l’originale aluzza ha lo stesso etimo della voce italiana con in più la prostesi di a- per agglutinazione della -a dell’articolo dopo il cambio di genere: la luzza>l’aluzza>aluzza. Tutte le voci sono dal latino lucius attestato in Decimo Magno Ausonio3 (IV secolo).
scorfano:  dal latino scorpaena, a sua volta dal gr. σκόρπαινα, derivato di σκορπίος=scorpione.
E siamo a pagello fragolino, traduzione dell’originale luuare. La tentazione è di emendarlo in luvare, considerandolo plurale del luvero, segnalato dal lettore napoletano è grande, ma si scontra con la grafia delle altre v (vede, vope e vecino). Molto difficile, dunque, anche se non impossibile, che un errore di stampa si sia verificato proprio in luuare per luvare. Nel 1678 non esisteva certo la possibilità di registrazione magnetica, mentre oggi non approfittiamo neppure di quella digitale per conservare la pronuncia di una parola dialettale dalla voce e dalla memoria, si spera vive affidabili, degli ultimi testimoni. Voglio dire che, in fondo, non c’è conflitto tra luuare e luvare, se non una piccola differenza nella pronuncia del primo dovuta alla vocalizzazione di v o, forse più correttamente se rispettiamo la cronologia, alla consonantizzazione della seconda u nel secondo. Mi fa preferire quest’opzione quello che è successo dopo il 1670.
Ecco, a raffica, una serie di testimonianze che riporto, come al solito, in formato immagine non solo con il furbesco intento di fare più presto ma anche, direi soprattutto, per evitare qualsiasi rischio di errore nella trascrizione.
A) Vocabolario delle parole del dialetto napoletano che più si scostano dal dialetto toscano, Porcelli, Napoli, 1789, lemma Pesci (https://books.google.it/books?id=NxcJAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=parole+del+dialetto+napoletano&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiiuduCmN7UAhWKIMAKHSfpAdwQ6AEIIjAA#v=onepage&q=parole%20del%20dialetto%20napoletano&f=false)
�� Ho evidenziato in rosso i nomi che compaiono nel poema eroico, ma ci interessa soprattutto notare come il luuare del 1670 a distanza di più di un secolo è diventato luvere.
  B) Vocabolario napoletano lessigrafico e storico, Stamperia reale, Napoli, 1845, v. I, a p. 121 (https://books.google.it/books?id=HRK5Tw5COm0C&pg=RA1-PA216&dq=napoletano+luvero&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjiwuPoldvUAhXD0RQKHRg1AF0Q6AEIKDAB#v=onepage&q=napoletano%20luvero&f=false)
    Il luuare del 1670, già luvere nel 1789, è diventato lavare nel 1845.
  C) Vocabolario napolitano-toscano domestico di arti e mestieri, A spese dell’autore, Napoli, 1873, al lemma Ajata (https://archive.org/details/vocabolarionapo01ambrgoog)
  Il luuare del 1670, che nel 1879 era diventato luvere e nel 1845 lavare, nel 1873 è ritornato ad essere  lùvere. Colpisce in questa testimonianza, come pure in quella precedente, non solo la discrepanza in una comune citazione dalla stessa opera, ma anche l’errata indicazione, in un caso e nell’altro, del numero di canto e di ottava.
Ecco, tratto da questo stesso vocabolario, il lemma lùvaro.
Sinceramente qui non si capisce come da un plurale lùvere si abbia un singolare lùvaro e non lùvero e si ha pure l’impressione che il lòvero che accompagna Pesce sia un tentativo d’italianizzazione che non vuol fare torto né a lùvere, né a lùvaro.
Diamo ora un rapido sguardo agli altri dialetti meridionali, cominciando con il siciliano.
D) Vocabolario siciliano etimologico di Michele Pasqualino, Reale stamperia, Palermo, 1789 (https://books.google.it/books?id=8e9OAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:YFksSo-wjwcC&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi79MvX1tvUAhWEVhoKHSDyCQcQ6AEIQTAF#v=onepage&q&f=false)
Dato l’etimologico del titolo, ci saremmo aspettato qualcosa di più che voce dell’uso , troppo generico, a meno che non sia da intendersi come voce gergale.
E) Nuovo dizionario siciliano-italiano di Vincenzo Mortillaro, Palermo, 1853 (https://books.google.it/books?id=u7gWAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=it&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false)
  F) Nuovo vocabolario siciliano-italiano di Antonino Traina, Pedone Lauriel, Palermo, 1868 (https://books.google.it/books?id=jtFFAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=vocabolario+siciliano-italiano&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqx_Kb0tvUAhUJOxQKHdUEBZcQ6AEILDAB#v=onepage&q=vocabolario%20siciliano-italiano&f=false)
Ringraziando per la conferma dell’accento (quando le parole non sono piane, specialmente in lavori di questo tipo, l’accento è un dettaglio fondamentale), notiamo Crythrinus per Erythrinus, sicuramente errore di stampa.
  G) Nuovo vocabolario siciliano-italiano e italiano-siciliano di Sebastiano Macaluso Storaci, Norcia, Siracusa, 1875 (https://books.google.it/books?id=Bnw7AQAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=vocabolario+siciliano-italiano&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqx_Kb0tvUAhUJOxQKHdUEBZcQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=vocabolario%20siciliano-italiano&f=false)
  E siamo al Salento.
H) Vocabolario dei dialetti salentini (Terra d’Otranto), Congedo, Galatina, 1976.
L 12 è la sigla con cui il Rohlfs cataloga la fonte (L sta per dialetti della provincia di Lecce).
Lùvaro, dunque, non è stato, per così dire, colto sul campo; perciò appare più interessante la variante lùvere segnalata per il Brindisino a Ceglie messapica (B ce), in cui la particolare grafia delle due e, qui irriproducibile, segnala la loro pronuncia evanescente. Per quanto riguarda l’etimo non mi sembra discutibile il confronto con il sardo lìmaru e l’estensione della sua probabile etimologia a lùvaru, quanto, piuttosto, il fatto che la voce sarda non è registrata in nessun dizionario dei dialetti sardi, compresi, naturalmente, quelli di Vincenzo Porru, Tipografia Arciobispali, Casteddu, 1832 e di Giovanni Spano, Imprenta Nationale, Kalaris, 1851, nonché, per la sua specificità, il repertorio di Elisio Marcialis, Società tipografica sarda, 1913. E se la sostituzione in lìmari della v di lùvaro non è una difficoltà insormontabile (vedi lo stesso passaggio addotto prima nell’etimo di mafrone) bisognerebbe avere la onferma che la voracità è veramente la caratteristica più spiccata di questo pesce.
È giunto il momento di trarre le conclusioni, ma prima ho ritenuto opportuno riprodurre la tabella relativa al nostro pesce presente a p. 107 di A. Palombi e M. Santarelli, Gli animali commestibili dei mari d’Italia. Hoepli, Milano, 1986 (https://books.google.it/books?id=-r6rEuosIssC&pg=PA108&dq=pesci+Vedi+la+spiegazione+a+pag.+103&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjlsO66n-DUAhXqKsAKHSTyAd0Q6AEIIjAA#v=onepage&q=pesci%20Vedi%20la%20spiegazione%20a%20pag.%20103&f=false).
La tabella riserva non poche sorprese, tra cui il lèmaru/lèmuru sardo certamente sovrapponibile al lìmaru citato dal Rohlfs; più notevole i tutti, però, mi pare il luuru siciliano sovrapponibile al luuare del poema eroico da ui siamo partiti ed al quale son ritornato per evitare che questo post diventi una sorta di poema (!) tragicomico …
In conclusione: secondo me possono essere individuati due filoni etimologici entrambi legati al colore del pesce.
Il primo, indiscutibile, mette in campo la voce greca ἐρυθρός (leggi eriuthròs), che significa rosso, e coinvolge, con i passaggi individuati nella prima parte, lutrìno.
Il secondo, con qualche dubbio per i contorsionismi cui costringe, come subito vedremo, la probabile ricostruzione della filiera, mette in campo, confermando l’etimo della Treccani citato dal mio interlocutore, e cioè  l’aggettivo latino ruber/rubra/rubrum, che significa anch’esso rosso, e coinvolge lùvaro e i suoi compagni siciliani in tabella (primo tra tutti lùvaru e poi luuru, ùvaru e alùvaru). Quanto alle altre varianti: liverino e luverino sono diminutivi di lùvaro, mentre livrino e livrino sono le rispettive forme sincopate. Ogni riferimento alla livrea appare da escludere definitivamente.
La filiera sarebbe questa: rubru(m)>*rùberu(m)4>*rùbaru(m)5>*lùvaru(m)>lùvaro.
Mia moglia mi avverte che l’arrosto di pesce in programma per il pranzo di oggi è pronto. Trattandosi di lutrini pensate che oggi mangerò con entusiasmo dopo che di questo pesce, non certo per colpa sua, ne ho piene le palle … degli occhi (la visione prolungata a monitor affatica la vista)?
  Per la prima parte: http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2017/06/25/lutrinu-lustrinu-nardo-chiama-napoli-risponde-si-spera/
1 Agnano affondata. Agnano è il nome di un vulcano inattivo dei Campi flegrei. Nel poema l’autore l’immagina come una città andata in rovina.
2 Variae, XIV, 4, 1: … Bruttiorum mare dulces mittat acernias ... (… il mare dei Calabresi mandi le dolci cernie …).
3 Mosella, 122-123: Lucius, obscuras ulva caenoque lacunas/obsidet … (Il luccio abita gli antri oscuri per l’alga e per il fango …).
4 Con epentesi di –e– per motivi eufonici; tuttavia si potrebbe anche ipotizzare una forma di partenza *rùberum, della lingua volgare, tenendo presente il caso del sostantivo sòcer/sòceri dal cui accusativo suocerum è derivato l’italiano suocero; ma il salentino suècru mostra un’origine da un accusativo *socru(m).Il caso di socer/sòceri e non socer/socri contro, per esempio, ager/agri e l’esito della voce salentina dimostrano, a mio avviso, l’andamento ballerino della e presente al nominativo ma assente nel tema (come, appunto in ager/agri). Nulla vieta di pensare che lo stesso accadesse, a livello di lingua parlata, con gli aggettivi in –er, come, sempre a mio avviso, dimostra il superlativo, per esempio, di sacer/sacra/sacrum che è acerrimus contro l’acrissimus che ci saremmo aspettato.
5 Ma il lùvere di Ceglie messapica (vedi H) suppone un più regolare *rùberu(m).
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