#vhope is real
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day 75/548 of hobi's military service
this selca was posted on 131210, when they visited yoongi who was in the hospital for his appendectomy, with the caption:
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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V's Diary in Japan Weather : It's raining here.. While we were in Japan we had a showcase, photo-shoot and interview. Although we've been through it before, the first stages always seem nerve-wrecking. Actually I was shaking a little during our showcase but as I got accustomed to it I slowly enjoyed myself! Time has passed so fast since our debut showcase and that now we're having a showcase in Japan, it's honestly a whole new feeling. So that we won't disappoint our ARMYs, we've to become an even better and even more handsome BTS!! Ah also we had a photo-shoot after our showcase I was so happy because it was taken really well~ I hope it'll be revealed soon!!
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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Hello! ㅎㅅㅎ Jimin-ie's here after a long while hehe We've had our first Japan showcase! Our debut showcase in June feels as though it was just a few days ago but time's passing so fast while performing infront of our ARMYs, us smiling at each other and enjoying ourselves, it's honestly something I still haven't adapted to. At every moment I really do (feel that I) have to work harder. To put in more effort. Also that we've to always be thankful for ours fans. These seem like rather obvious to say but I really do think so! Everytime we see ARMYs it's really enjoyable for us but I hope that it's also as enjoyable and happy for our ARMYs when you see us~~ Thank you very much~~ -Our ARMYs always be smiling~ All the good luck~~With that in mind everybody kimchi~~~~! (Sorry for the real kimchi^^;) ps. Suga hyung's alright so don't worry too much~~~~
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
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I'm RapMon. We went to Suga hyung's hospital ward. It's a real relief that he looks alright. He looks so bored it's pitiful. Singing Syub hyung is the best.
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
bangtan bomb posted that day:
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chevelleneech · 30 days
Now there's the whole issue with peopleg giving AYS bad ratings on purpose. It just makes me so sad, how Jimin and Jungkook can never be enjoyed as a duo the way the rest are in BTS. And then Taekookers (and some ARMYs) have the audacity to say the company uses Jikook for fanservice because they make money off of them as a duo very easily, and I'm just like "where??". For who are they doing all this when a majority of the fandom are Taekookers and ARMYs who prefer Taekook together the most? We see it with the views all the time.
I don't know when people are gonna open their eyes. It's not HYBE's fault that Jikook have the kind of dynamic they do that they (the antis) obviously notice but hate for some reason.
Poor Jimin and Jungkook. I feel so sorry for them for real. I don't even want people to see what I see in them as someone who ships them, I really just dream about ARMY reacting to them the way they react to Vmin, Minimoni, Sope, Vhope, Taejin and literally any other duo in BTS. I just wanna come across a Jikook video and not come across weird, delusional and mean comments about them all the time that dismiss them having anything that goes beyond a co-worker relationship.
Do you think it hurts them to see how much the fandom hates seeing them together, or used to at one point?
My main takeaway, that proves these reviews are being left by people who are Tkk shippers and nothing else, is how hard they are trying to word things so they sound like unbiased, casual dislikes.
I’d usually say they don’t view the members are real people, but using things such as, “the script”, “the protagonist”, “falling flat”, “forced acting” makes it clear they actually do, and are aware that they have to twist things into fiction to come across as more “honest”.
They have to use words and phrases that don’t ping as being unnecessarily hateful, but to do that, they have to paint AYS as a scripted/forced project. Because how do you unbiasedly say, about a band you supposedly love and understand do skinship with each other in general, “I don’t like that these two members specifically are interacting.” without it coming across as you being hateful of those two members specifically? You can’t.
They can’t give real Anders to how or why JM and JK seem scripted, because doing that requires listing all the things they do and why it is fake, without also presenting a case for why it’s fake for other members including Tae and Wooga. Because doing that would also require proving Jimin and JK’s actions have been fake this entire time, which is delusional. No one is going to believe that 10+ year long best friends are doing scripted friendship shit now, but weren’t in the last. Not will anyone believe for a second that two people would fake being best friends for TEN YEARS. No paycheck is worth that, when it’s not an actual fictional tv show or movie.
As for whether not Jimin and Jungkook see it and are affected? I don’t know. I’d hope not, but they have access to the same internet as the rest of us, and have proven time again they know what’s going on in Armyland. So I would say yes, they do know there’s a certain faction of this fandom who hates them being a Them, and they likely do also know how little is done on the overall fandom to stop it.
Does it affect them? My guess is no. They’ve been a Them for a long time now, be-it platonic or romantic, and they haven’t changed their behavior. They know people think they’re dating, they continue to act like they’re dating. They know people don’t like seeing them together. They continue to be seen together. They know people think their friendship is forced by the company. They continue to call each other best friends.
So my take away is, if they do care what people think, they have worked very hard on making sure it doesn’t change their thoughts and feelings for each other, whatever they may be.
All that said, it is incredibly fucked up that Jimin and Jungkook being friends is disliked as much as it is. They don’t do anything but love on each other and love on the other members, yet one stupid group of fans are loud enough to put such a damper on that. Those people need help.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I was looking through tkk blogs to see what they were saying about Jimin’s death threats and their role in it—unsurprisingly nothing, and I saw you in the replies and just wanted to say, they don’t have receipts because they don’t exist. Their entire ship is built on slow-mo edits and conspiracy theories.
I do wish some jkkrs would realize they’re starting to think and move like the cult. That blog seemed more rational and reasonable than I’ve seen a tkkr be before, and harassing them isn’t doing anyone any favors. No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can’t convert a jkkr. That blog at least thinks jk and jm are friends… and wow the bar is on the floor isn’t it? I am surprised that blog is so popular though because they don’t seem to say much of anything. They agree when tkkrs send them asks and then give vague non answers with no receipts for any other ask, but I guess they’re used to that sort of thing. The one time I saw them trying to show receipts it was from an account named KookV FANTASY FICTION 😂
I did not harrass them. I do not harass people. I just made a statement. Like u said, this person seemed pretty level headed so yeah, I replied. You don't come across a sane tkkr everyday so that's why I was confused by their post. Because all I have to do is swap Taekook for Jikook and I can find all the moments they described.... with receipts! 😅
There is something you said thou that stands out to me.
No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can't convert a jkkr.
Anon, I disagree. If a tkkr showed me legit questionable moments I would listen. If we didn't have HD photos of the Taennie Paris drama I would listen. But as it stands everything they say makes tkk real can be found with V and the wooga squad, can be found with V and other members, with JK and other members. There is not one single "sus" tkk thing that applies to only them.
So yeah, a tkkr would never make me stop believing in Jikook... but Jikook would make me stop believing in Jikook. What happened with V is NEVER going to happen with Jikook. There is not leaked photos or videos (legit ones) that exist of Jimin and JK with other men or women. I personally don't think they have ever broken up so I believe this to be fact. From 2013 when we met them till now November 2023, there is nothing of substance out there that suggests Jimin or JK are or have ever been with other people.
Idk about the future but now, in this moment, I can confidently say this.
If in future they broke up and stopped... well Jikooking, I guarantee you Jikookers would stop "shipping" them. Me included. We don't support Jikook to be stubborn. We believe in them because they remind us of our own rlships or rlships of people we know about.
I discovered BTS and then gravitated towards the two members who screamed "we suck each other's dicks!" to me. This is the story of 90% of Jokers. If it was RM and Jin who acted the way Jikook do, this would be a Namjin blog. If it was Jhope and V doing and saying the things Jikook do, this would be a Vhope blog. Because I am an Army and I watched alot of content with all 7 and Jikook just happened to be the sus ones.
Heck, if Tkk were any bit suspicious to me, i would be a tkkr too!
But alas! That's not the case.
Anon I disagree because majority of Jikookers have reason. We are smart, we did the math. When we get debunked we accept. When we get corrected by the Koreans, we accept. We admit when we are wrong and the survival of our ship doesn't depend on getting rid of V. Most importantly we don't make up anything just so our ship can keep sailing.
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GCF Saipan who???
We are here because among all 7 members it was Jikook who looked like they had something going on. You will find Suga biased Jkkrs, Jhope biased Jkkrs, Jin biased Jkkrs, etc. If I thought tkk were real, I would support them despite Jimin being my bias. THAT, anon is the difference between us and them. Not what you think.
Oh. This is the post anon and I are talking about. Please no hate to the blog. He/she seems like good people.
Like @magicshop-pjm1 likes to say; thanks for attending my TED talk
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beautifulpersonpeach · 7 months
Jin's weverse post has me feeling some things. It makes is all seem more real. I cannot wait for the chaos of Jin being left alone with us and beginning the start of the welcome backs. As much as I miss them, I feel grateful for how this has all been planned out by them. We've got Tae's song and Hope on the street coming, whatever Namjoon's project is and any other surprises. I know it's still a long while to go before they are all back, but just having Jin back and then Hobi joining not long after, it feels like we're finally starting the home stretch.
Anon, you’ve got it bad when Jin saying “D-100” is enough to bring to the fore a riot of emotions. But it’s okay we can feel the emotions together. I feel the same as you do.
And you’re right, we’re slowly closing in on the home stretch, thank goodness.
I feel when Jin returns things will be calm at first. He’ll be back around Festa so I imagine some emotions will feel a bit raw. It’s going to take time for everybody to adjust, rally for his album and then for Hobi returning in October. And in the meantime we’ve got Vhope’s releases and Yoongi’s birthday to keep us busy before Joon drops his own project.
BigHit and the boys have planned it all very well, as you said, and made what could’ve easily been a much drier hiatus feel less so. I’m thankful too.
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ham1lton · 3 months
Anyway I just noticed that the directioner to k-pop stan to F1 fan pipeline/mix is far too real and common -🪻
MEEEE HELSPSPSO 😭😭 i went from being obsessed with zarry to being obsessed with vhope and now being obsessed with 1644. only bad bitches get it 😍
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mimikoolover · 6 months
They're free to do what they want idt they need an excuse to spend their time together even if it means going outside the country before MS.
V and hobi literally went to Hawaii with their families when all the members went to US after covid like vhope were the Only pair that went to Hawaii and others stayed for work while jinkook came back to sk. No one questioned them so no one will question the jikook too. The World is not a shipping bubble who move like shippers and start questioning as far as hangouts like every normal person do. These "omgg they're definitely dating" with m/m or f/f idols only happens in the fandom that too shipping fandom but the world is bigger than that. No media is gonna question why two bandmates that are friends are going out or having vacations especially if the two are known close friends. Idk why you guys always think about this hiding and all these things.
Jungkook himself said that the company suddenly made a move over something jikook agreed to do on years ago. And all this content is mostly for fans to keep engaged till they come back. Y'all saw they did friendification with taehyung, they're doing that travel show with jikook. Not saying jikook won't enjoy it of course it's actually a good opportunity for them to be relax before MS. But the important reason behind it not as shippers think it is. Cause jungkook himself said so that the company arranged it and not like jikook themselves asked for it suddenly.
it's one thing doing it but if they wanted to share it as well the travel show was the way to do it cause it's not like jungkook could drop another GCF in tokyo with a gay ass song in the bg just before they're enlisting in the military where it's literally illegal to be gay.
idk who "you guys are" but you can fuck off with grouping me into any group. no one said jikook would be hiding anything or that the media would be all over it if they travelled together. undoubtedly the two of them cannot just go travelling anywhere on their own so staff would have went with them anyway like they did back in 2017 and they were nowhere near as famous. I'm sure you didn't miss the insane attention it got when the two of them went to the airport together and even in the USA jungkook was asked about jimin being in NYC too.
jungkook didn't divulge a lot of information actually on how the travel show ended up being, he just said he and jimin talked about doing one ages ago and then the company set it up 'suddenly' but he did not go into detail of what happened and how it was all arranged so your guess is as good as mine. so it could actually be that jikook went to them and said we want to travel knowing staff would have to be there anyway so bighit was like ok we will set that shit up for you. you will film it too so you don't drop another gay ass vlog on us and instead we'll make it a show for the fans. that's as valid as whatever you think happened and we'll never know unless they tell us in the show itself or after🤷‍♀️
you can think (what you want but also) that the company went to them and was like y'all will be travelling, here's a gopro go film it. but then you gotta wonder why they asked jikook to do it and not any other pairing when taekook as a ship and money making entity is 1000 times more popular than jikook🤔
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 5 months
Not talking about yoonmin or any ship but they might have kept it secret many times too as much as they have publically traveled together. Definitely not for the purpose shippers think but more like for their own privacy cause then people just try finding their locations and all. Jimin's paris trip was all over the internet, same happened with taehyung. taekook has travelled together but no one would have known if he didn't share the pic (idk if the travelling happened in korea itself but it's more likely korea cause other countries except japan just don't care about the privacy like that), jungkook has done trips with his friends, so has jimin and in between that some were public some only got figured out after the members posted themselves, same for the vminkook jeju trip. So yeah it's not because of the reasons shippers think but most likely for their own privacy. I remember taehyung thanking the Hawaii people for respecting his privacy and keeping boundaries. The vhope trip got to know because they posted on Instagram. Some members post it and some just never post it like take example of jungkook he Hardly posts his trips and all even tho he goes on trips with his friends. People only suspect it when there's an eye witnesses or else he Hardly posts it or mention it. Jimin, yoongi, jungkook are some of the members who prefer their privacy the most. Not saying others don't care but these three usually these three and i think jin too. So it's basically taejoonhope that let people know.
Jimin publicly travelled to Chicago to support Hoseok in Lolla. He went to Yoongi's concert without hiding. He publicly took a flight to the US during Jungkook debut to film with him. He showed up at Taehyung's music show recording. He visited Jin in the military and photos were posted.
If Jimin was travelling with a member for a public schedule, it would've been known. So the theories don't make sense. All the other times you mentioned were private trips that the members took in their free time, with real-life friends, they weren't travelling with other BTS members in their free time. If Jimin had travelled with Yoongi to Singapore, or with Jungkook to Qatar, it most definitely would've been known.
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people really don't guess/think JK is gay
most QUEER armys/fans think he's at least bi, if not gay lol
hasn't shown any over interest in men except PJM tbh
so nj being his "boy crush", staring at and idolizing g dragon, iron man being his celeb crush, choosing the male lead form the k-drama 2521 when asked to choose between the two female leads, baby gay jk hopping around all giggly bc vhope (th + jh) were kissing, being nervous and giggly about meeting the skr men's football team during the world cup (when he performed 'dreamers' in qatar), flashing his abs at fanboys at ptd, saying yes to fanboys asking him out at a fansign event, getting happy when male fans call him handsome, and liking to be called hyung more than oppa mean nothing??
also even if it was just jm, demisexual is a thing anon 💀
had a gf before
that he didn't talk to for a couple hundred days lol
also when asked "if you see a really pretty girl after going to school, what will you do?" jk said "just pass her by"
or when asked "you’re asked out by a girl who you don’t like. what would you tell her without hurting her feelings?”, jk said "can i be honest? i don’t feel anything when i see you.”
also from MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, i'm a lesbian but in elementary school (age 5 - 11) i had a "boyfriend" that i then proceeded to completely forget about/did not talk to for i don't even know how long, and he had even switched schools without me knowing/caring lol...
loves IU
jk has been asked about his "ideal type" MANY times, and it has kept changing, at some point he even seemed to be describing jm...
imo jk sees iu as his idol, like how western queers/gays are with lady gaga/britney/ariana grande (jk admires her too btw 😭)
doesn't 'look or sound' gay
this is very homophobic and weird to say anon...
"doesn't look/act/sound gay" is exactly why we have so many people not willing to except th and jk, bc they're basing if someone is "gay enough" on stereotypes of queer/gay people
also this fandom has a hard time even saying jm, someone who "fits" those stereotypes, is bisexual/queer when the man has been screaming it since forever, but especially recently during face
seems you don't pay enough attention to jk and/or queer people
Edit to add:
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Good morning anon,
People who don't know want to know these things about Jk or who refuse these things by making excuses are people who are threatened by the real him.
Perhaps they are homophobic or dislike the idea of jikook happening or think Jk will someday be into them.
Just let him be.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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tanniefiles · 5 months
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VHOPE 140211
Uploading this right after the end. Everyone, how were the performances??  It’s so fun to be having a showcase in a long while.. Real Man (Boy In Luv).. How is it??  It’s really a first for me to feel so happy while dancing all out.. Wah.. Daebak seriously, I think it’s really fortunate that we managed to safely complete ‘Just One Day’ and 'Jump’ stages as well..  We’re all prepared to blast off coolly, everyone will be cheering for us right?? hehe  ARMYs I love you!!!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi! This is my first time doing anything on tumblr other than looking at your posts, so I hope I'm doing this ask thing right. I came across a vid of jikook that I've never seen outside of that one vid before, and because I've never seen it anywhere else, I'm skeptical on how real it is. I found it a long time ago, back when I used to watch a lot of jikook analysis/moments vids, and was just wondering if you've ever seen it before and if you think it's legit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feHaFCvuY70&t=47s
I hope you can see it lol
so, yeah. was just wondering if you've seen it or not, and if you have where it came from? because if it is real then...damn that's just another think to add to the never ending list of jikook moments that highly highly suggest they're in a romantic relationship. to be fair, it could've just been a cheek or forehead kiss, but STILL
Hi! Lol so yes I found the video for you, yes it's real. But idk if you can call it a kiss of any sort. It's possible, but it's also not clear so it could also just be that they leaned over to adjust things or move their stuff around or to whisper something. Who knows. We just see their heads lean in together and yeah, it does look like he could've leaned in for a quick kiss on forehead, cheek, or otherwise. But they are also surrounded by people, staff, fans and paparazzi.... so I personally am a little doubtful that's what actually happened.
This is from 181207 at the airport in Taiwan, they arrived at the airport to fly to Taiwan together too and then got into the same car to go to wherever they were headed first, hotel or venue or whatever together leaving the Taiwan Airport too. Which is cute. Jimin also looks so cuddly in that jacket
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You can watch the full, unedited video of this moment here. NamGi get into the first car, then Vhope in the second, Jikook in the 3rd and Jin in the 4th. You can see the moment where your video suggested a kiss happened, but again, who knows. Their heads lean in together very briefly that you can see through the windshield at 58 seconds into the video
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And here is another video where a few were cut together to show them arriving at the airport to Fly to Taiwan and then them getting into the car together at Taiwan too.
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They were flying in for their concert the next day on the 8th! Hope this helps! 🥰 thank you for the ask!
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booksanimeandtea · 1 year
I seriously don't know where to start... it is all quite confusing...so let's sum it up. Ok. we got jm working for months on his album and especially after they went solo, beginning of the year he was busy...we started to have tk going out together. Jkks here and there telling me it's ok, they are friends, don't worry when jm ends promotions, they'll see each other. and I know i asked this question: what excuses you all find when jm promo ends and they do not see e/o?
Set me free pt.2, like crazy and face are released. A masterpiece i ho. Go stream it. Don't let me talk about the sabotage. Anyway...jk goes live watching jm at suchwita and smf2..nice, very nice, a supporting member good...we also had jk always inviting jm there and jm always busy...it seemed like jm had to go eat that ramen at jk's home after coming from ny but he didn't. So then we have music shows, jhope and suga went there, jhope was even on the set of like crazy, super besties, hugs and joy...during jm's live after inkigayo pre record, jk arrives, says he's his number 1 fan and says he wants to see jm at music shows, not knowing they ended, as jm told him...so he didn't know about jm's schedule? But hope and suga yes, jm always saw them at hybe and filmed challenges with them. Nothing with v and jk...but jm told jk not to worry because he went to his rehearsals....
And in fact we got the rehearsals..jk was there, so many though noticed a certain awkardness, could depend on many things according to your beliefs: were they trying to not show too much the fact they are a couple irl? Or had they not see e/o in a long time and it felt strange? Jm seemed quite enamored, jk more distant...oh well he still went...(ofc haters gonna hate and all this time jm received hate on hate, especially from tkks)
And now to what happened few hours ago: v came live, from jk's home and left..of course he did. I was honestly waiting for him to appear after jimin promo...he always does this, comes to talk about jk and disappears...tkks were crying, he had to come...what's worse is that he was at jk's home...minutes later, jk arrives, with jhope and v there, he says he invited members at his hime and only vhope came...at that moment it was 5 am...he said they talked a lot and eat tteokbokki that v ordered...so they might have been together for a while...then they left because thei taxi arrived and jk was left explaining he did laundry and was now time to fold it...
Now...if this does not confirm my suspects...remember? What will you all say when jm ends his work and jk still sees v? Exactly, it has happened. And i already read some excuses like jm was hiding. Weren't we all making fun of tkks saying this shit not much ago? Are we the new tkks? We are not getting jkk outside of hybe content...were was jimin now? Why not there? Jk just watches jm throuh a tv and that's all? Yes he cares about jimin but loves to spend his time with v now?
And what irks me more...they fucking know about the hate jm gets from tkks...so if tk not real, why then we have v doing everything in his powers to fuel it? And jk following him? Wth...
I don't want jkk to come out, or flirt in a live, nothing of that sort...just trying to understand tf is happening, why can't they act like friends as they are supposed to be...and why tf especially his supposed friends like to betray him by fueling crazy af shippers aka the whole fandom, in hating him. This does not look good.
Anyway, if you want to add your opinion, you're very invited to...as jkks on twt don't want to talk to me anymore, and I'm sorry but I can't refuse the reality, yes the past happened and it was real, and yes the MS and all that, but you should see it too that something IS strange...
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
did you see tae saying he recorded a song(songs?) at jk's house? wow, didn't know jk had a recording studio at his house, he doesn't even have proper pillows for his bed.
and before yall say i'm calling tae a liar, i'm not. he's just notorious for leaving details out of things when it comes to taekook adventures 💀 he probably recorded a demo on his phone at jk's house. or jk probably even did backup vocals for one of taehyung's tracks. that would be interesting to watch unfold though, cause tkkrs clowned jkkrs for saying Letter was intended for jungkook, watch how they'll say the same if JK did record background vocals for one of taehyung's songs. no more "well, he's the main vocalist, duh!" i guess lol
The amount. Of asks. I have go10. About this. Are krazy.
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Would y'all care if RM had said this? Or Suga? No? Then there lies your issue innit?
No, V isn't lying. If he said he recorded at JK's that's exactly what happened. But I agree with anon; JK doesn't have a studio @ his. So if that happened maybe V got a song idea and recorded it on his phone or some shit. Who knows?
Bottom line is, this has been a good year for Taekook and that's a good thing! Especially in light of this new in4 about V and his estranged siblings. Let him have a little brother in JK, damn!
Jikookers. Listen to me 👂🏽: IT DOESN'T MATTER. IT👏🏾DOESN'T👏🏾FUCKING👏🏾MATTER👏🏾 Let tkk have moments without y'all losing your freaking minds. If u reacted to this negatively you need to think about how strong your belief in Jikook is, for u to be threatened by nothing.
How come I haven't go10 any asks about this
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In my opinion, Minimoni out on a museum date is stronger than V recording a song at JK's. I'm I the only one who sees it this way? These are photos of Minimoni out and about, looking good, admiring art Vs one half of Taekook saying he was over at JK's and he did a song. He doesn't even say if JK was involved. JK hasn't even concured this yet. We have no photos of it.... not to mention he also says he showed the songs to Jhope. So is Vhope real????
Hope y'all see the issue here. Stop letting Taekookers get to you, please.
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echoesofadream · 2 years
Day 2 of bts enlistment. Im rating bangtan ships
1 namgi. they have definitely fist fought many times. until Namjoon said quit ur job and join my emo band. yoongi said ok but turns out its an idol group. this rlly strengthened their bond and made it possible for them to after ten plus years finally make eye contact for the first time. Amazing
2 taekook. Universally hated, despised by locals making fun of shippers and non-taekooker army alike. But no couple encompasses duality this well, im sorry to say but baby girls and alphas live in them both, its fantastic. Super awkward crushing jungkook when he was younger=gold. Taehyung just wants to baby the maknae AND be manhandled by him. Have consistenly had a handshake all these years which theyve switched up, extreme bro behavior yet everyone knows the real reason taehyung is interested in working out with him. An enigma - do they secretly hate each other and are super awkward around each other or do they make sweet love all night long. Or are they simply bro best friends who game and play sports together? No one knows (But taehyung def wants jk to top hi-*gets blown up*)
3 taejoon. They love each other
4 vhope. They are just really gay, by themselves and together. They are gay best friends and sometimes they f
5 vmin. One time taehyung said jimin-ssiiiiii on vlive with a voice never heard before or since. Most voted to live happily ever after. Disney couple. Iconic fights. Jimin asking genuinely ”idk why it makes me jealous when tae is with his other friends can anyone tell me why it makes me feel this way?” Definition of ”Is that allowed?” vine. No one else than tae can make otherwise flirty libra jimin this flustered. Kms
6 jinkook. Have you ever looked at someone and wondered whats going on inside their head? I dont want to know but i know they will miss each other during enlistment. Wait why did i make myself emotional how embarrassing
7 namkook. Gay little jungkook crushing AGAIN, fated romance for real. ”What was you second chance?” ”You joining the band” WHAT. Jungkook saying ”i fell for you” and he wasnt even joking.
stopping here, sorry for discriminating but other people can talk about other ships im sure
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
Hello. I read your introduction on Jikook and it seems you took the effort to check on that ship ‘biggest’ hits to form an opinion.
I wanted to ask if you are aware of other ships ‘evidences’ as well. I am not in the fandom for long but Long enough to notice that every ship has their ‘If X ship isn’t real, then explain this ‘ …
So I wanted to ask about Jinkook. It is a very small ship compared to the big one but like every ship, their have their believers.
One of the ‘evidences’ it seems to be that JungKook is caught calling Jin ‘Yeobo’ more than once, sometimes correcting himself. It seems it’s a term only used between couples … meaning darling, honey or something like that. And not a very common term at all outside of this kind of relationship.
Do you know these occasions? What do you make of it?
Sometimes I wonder that people focus a lot on Taekook and Jikook and if it’s. Ot possible that, if a relationship really exists, if it’s not one of these low keys, very disreet and almost unnoticed like Vhope and Jinkook that nobody is looking.
Anyway, what do you think of these (about 3 different occasions ) that Jungkook called Jin Yeobo? ( imthink Jinkook shippers have other things also but this one is the one I found more suspicious).
By the way, I don’t believe in Jinkook… But maybe it’s because i don’t see it.
I’ll be honest, I’m definitely not as up on the big ship moments outside of Taekook and Jikook.
The thing about Jikook is that they do seem different to me.  Not in the sense that I think there’s actually anything going on between them, but with Jikook, I do think there’s a certain combination of tension and visible closeness that -- after looking into them more for myself early on -- I learned didn’t seem to have any indication of romantic interest or intimacy to me, but which I can understand other people leaning into and seeing the possibility of something more.  To me, their relationship reads so consistently as bro-y that I can’t say I really get it, but I at least understand the jumping off point, if that makes sense.
With Jinkook, on the other hand, I don’t even see that much.  I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head with your last sentence, anon: a lot of this stuff just comes down to the vibes we get, and with Jin and Jungkook I just truly don’t see anything other than an extremely familial platonic bond.
Because of that, I’m obviously not really going to see any possibility of the two of them being together romantically.  In fact, I feel like out of everyone in BTS, Jin and Jungkook have the bond that seems the most like true family to me.
They obviously love each other a lot, they go out of their way to bug each other but also comfort, and find comfort in, each other, and at the same time, keeping in constant close contact is clearly not a huge priority to either of them (based on the fact that they seem to often not even have each other’s phone numbers saved).
As far as their “shippable” moments, most of what I’ve seen very much seems like the stereotypical clips that have been slowed way down, tiny instances played over and over again because the “interaction” they’re meant to be showing is so brief that it’s hard to catch, and moments where the shipper is apparently a mind reader and can explain exactly what the members involved are thinking based on nothing more than completely normal eye movements.
I hadn’t heard about the “yeobo” thing, so I looked it up, and even in a compilation of occurrences, it was hard to tell if that was even what Jungkook was saying at all.  Not knowing Korean myself, I can’t really say one way or another, but based on the read I already have of their relationship, and the fact that “yeobo” is presumably only really used as a term of endearment between married couples, my guess would be that if Jungkook calls Jin this, he does it as a joke.
As for the larger point about ships like Vhope and Jinkook in general, and the likelihood of these less popular ships being the “real” ones, I have a few points. 
One is that everyone who says it’s not very likely for any intra-group ships to be real is technically right.  It’s not like it’s a statistical probability that one of the ships within BTS is real and therefore maybe it’s one of the less obvious ones that’s the real truth.  If they seem less obvious, and therefore less likely, then it’s probably because they are less likely.
Another is sort of similar but different, which is related to your point about these being the ships that people are paying less attention to.  Because, I mean, why do you think that is?  Maybe people are paying less attention to them because there’s less to pay attention to.
Why assume that they’re secretly living out a whole romance that no one is picking up on when it’s much simpler to figure that the people who act the most couple-y are the most likely to be a real couple, especially considering that the odds are against any “real” couples within the group in the first place?
Obviously we all have different ideas of what’s obvious and what’s subtle, what’s couple behavior and what’s purely platonic, and we all come to our own conclusions about the pairings most likely to be “real” within BTS as a result, but I do think there’s something to be taken from the fact that certain pairings are not just the most popular, but also the most vehemently believed in.
All that said, Jinkook are wicked cute, I just can’t imagine seeing them as anything other than brother-esque friends, and I feel similarly about the other common but less popular BTS ships.
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I think Vhope is more realistic than Taekook، and all that taekook thing is to cover up the real relationship between them
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lokisasylum · 2 years
#01. a fic you discovered this month
[its related to THIS post ]
  Bark for me and I'll bark back for you (because I love you)  by  hobimo
Jikook (with a side of VHope), Human JiminxWerewolf Jungkook, very cute and LOTS OF HUMOR.
To give you guys  quick recap without spoiling too much: Basically Jungkook confesses to Jimin (his boyfriend and with whom he’s been living together) that he is “a wolf” (much to the dread of poor Jimin who thought they were breaking up XD). Happy that they’re not actually breaking up, Jimin doesnt think much of it and just thinks Jungkook is confessing some type of secret Kink to him that they wanna try sometime and dismisses it.
The real fun starts when he calls Taehyung to tell him “I think Jungkook is a furry”. LOL
Ya’ll should read it, its fun.
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