#visions in meditation
eaktionsshaytan · 2 years
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Visions in Meditation
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lovilaa · 9 months
Me and the college girls are locking in next semester
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stuckinapril · 4 months
Just a girl who wants to be her mother’s daughter in the ways that matter
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lxdymaria · 2 years
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zeestie · 3 months
my simple manifesting "routine"
it's v automatic & random cos that's how I like it
state: I remind myself of the fact that I have it all through acting/thinking like "her" and rampaging whenever I feel like it to boost my self esteem
reminders: I have a minutely reminder that manifesting is instant and hourly reminders for self love, not doubting myself, taking care of myself, celebrating the present moment (ngl this all you need – it will be embarrassing for others to see at first but you will get used to it)
visualisation: I like daydreaming (was a maladaptive daydreamer) so I try to always consciously choose what to imagine when my mind wants to daydream (usually happens before sleeping)
vision boards: I do quarter planning and I create a vision board by the end of it, I keep it anywhere i could see it – wallpapers, chrome bg, etc. I'm thinking of employing visual subs into it (if u have experience with that please lmk !)
affirming: I have this setting on my phone that as soon as I unlock it, it launches my counter app & I do 10 sets of affirmations in wtv language/pov I feel like (switching the language/pov helps me a lot) + I affirm whenever I feel like it
subliminals & tapes: I recently started making my own subs and tapes (ima start to critically examine the submakers I follow too...), anywho ! I play subs and tapes whenever I feel like it, my earbuds are stuck to my ears 24/7 & I got yt premium for better access >:)
mediation & hypnosis: I meditate whenever I feel like it (used to do it once a day), I might sit in silence, play some frequencies/subs, do a guided meditation, or opt for a hypnosis if I wanna go for long and deeper.
journaling/scripting: can't believe I almost forgot about this, but I script every evening to work my self concept, practice gratitude, and visualise my ideal life/scenarios.
rampages: so I sometimes do mirror work or talk to ai chatbots in order to vaunt in the morning and evening+ whenever I need it.
prayer: so I'm muslim & I like using prayer & religion in general as a way to regulate my nervous system + to manifest! I don't have anything specific I do outside of the regular islamic teachings.
media: I like using movies, books, music, etc. to get in the mood, raise my self concept, and also normalise my desires & take them off the pedestal.
lmk what u think of it and any cool/unconventional techniques you use !!
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kdmatheson · 9 months
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"SHAMAN" kd matheson
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nyaskitten · 9 months
I can imagine a scenario during the war where Wu, Acronix, and the previous EM of Ice are all meant to be the seers of the Elemental Alliance, and they're all huddled around a bunch of Spirit Smoke, trying to trigger any possible future outcomes/visions.
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audrinawf · 1 year
I realized something, I’m not lazy I’m avoidant and that’s where my procrastination began
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nayypretty · 7 months
¿Qué es la espiritualidad?
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es una dimensión del ser humano que se refiere a la búsqueda de sentido, propósito y conexión con algo trascendente, ya sea Dios, la naturaleza, el universo o uno mismo.
¿Cómo practicar la espiritualidad?
puede practicarse de diferentes formas, según las creencias, valores y preferencias de cada persona. Aquí te presento algunas sugerencias:
Meditación: La meditación es una práctica espiritual que te ayuda a conectar con tu interior. Dedica tiempo cada día para meditar y estar en el momento presente.
Oración o reflexión: Independientemente de tus creencias religiosas, puedes tomarte un momento para orar o reflexionar. Pide guía, agradécele al universo o simplemente conecta con tus pensamientos más profundos.
Conexión con la naturaleza: Sal a caminar al aire libre, observa los árboles, las flores y el cielo. La naturaleza nos conecta con algo más grande que nosotros mismos.
Práctica de la compasión: Trata a los demás con amabilidad y empatía. La compasión es una forma de cultivar la espiritualidad en nuestras relaciones diarias.
Autoconocimiento: Reflexiona sobre quién eres, tus valores y tus propósitos. Conócete a ti mismo a través de la introspección y la autoexploración.
Vivir en el presente: Practica la atención plena. Disfruta cada momento y sé consciente de tus acciones y pensamientos.
Eso es todo, girls. Y recuerden: la espiritualidad es personal encuentra lo que resuena contigo y crea tu propia practica espiritual.
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babydoll2 · 4 months
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⋆ ・˳ . ⋆ ୨ৎ ⋆ ・˳ . ⋆
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lovilaa · 11 months
Controversial but I wanna be a mother
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hexavexen · 8 months
Why can't you go to the Nether???
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Of course they wouldn't want us to go back.
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sammylovesbendy · 2 years
Does Sammy have eyes or is he blind
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he can see just fine
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hardtreekoala · 1 year
The Art of Manifestation Journaling: A Guide to Attracting Your Desires
Manifestation journaling is a powerful practice that involves putting your goals, dreams, and desires onto paper with the intention of attracting them into your life. By engaging in this daily ritual, you tap into the law of attraction, allowing you to manifest your deepest aspirations and create positive changes in your life. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to start your manifestation journaling journey.
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Step 1: Set Clear Intentions Begin by clarifying your intentions. What do you truly want to manifest? Be specific and visualize your desires as if they are already happening. Write them down in the present tense to strengthen the connection between your thoughts and reality.
Step 2: Create a Sacred Space Find a quiet and comfortable place to write in your manifestation journal. Creating a sacred space helps you get into a focused and meditative state, allowing your intentions to flow freely onto the pages.
Step 3: Express Gratitude Before diving into your desires, practice gratitude. Write down the things you are grateful for in your life. This shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your current reality and opens the door for more abundance to come your way.
Step 4: Be Consistent Make manifestation journaling a daily practice. Consistency is key to rewiring your thought patterns and aligning yourself with your intentions. Set aside a specific time each day to write in your journal and stick to it.
Step 5: Use Positive Affirmations Incorporate positive affirmations into your entries. Affirmations help reprogram your subconscious mind and reinforce the belief that you can achieve your goals. Write affirmations that resonate with you and reflect your aspirations.
Step 6: Visualize and Embrace Emotions As you write about your desires, vividly visualize achieving them. Feel the emotions associated with reaching your goals. The more you can immerse yourself in the experience, the more powerful your manifestation practice becomes.
Step 7: Release Doubts and Limiting Beliefs Address any doubts or limiting beliefs that may arise during your journaling. Challenge and replace them with positive and empowering thoughts. Let go of the fear of failure and trust in the process of manifestation.
Step 8: Stay Open to Opportunities Stay open to unexpected opportunities that come your way. The universe may present new paths to help you achieve your desires. Be receptive to change and embrace the journey toward your goals.
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Manifestation journaling is a transformative tool to attract your desires and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. By setting clear intentions, practicing gratitude, using positive affirmations, and consistently engaging in this practice, you can harness the power of the law of attraction and manifest your dreams into reality. Embrace the process, stay open to possibilities, and watch as your manifestation journal becomes a gateway to your ideal life. Happy manifesting!
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