#video standards council
pannaginip · 7 months
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DZRH News on Twitter @dzrhnews:
JUST IN: Drag artist na si Amadeus Fernando Pagente o mas kilala bilang Pura Luka Vega, muling inaresto ng MPD
RH29 @/boy_gonzales
2024 Feb. 29
Bahaghari on Facebook: Pura Luka Vega's rearrest highlights LGBTQI's non-enjoyment of freedom of expression and artistic freedom
After months of being released on bail, drag artist Pura Luka Vega has been arrested again, this time by a different court but with the same complaint.
Bahaghari once again condemns the weaponization of the law against Pura and their right to freely express their relationship with faith through art. Evangelical groups have allotted resources to further marginalize an LGBTQI+ person in the court of law. Similarly, many city councils across the Philippines have declared them "persona non grata," following a viral video where they, dressed as Jesus Christ, performed Ama Namin remix in a bar.
It has not gone unnoticed to Bahaghari the double standards at play in this case. Pastor Apollo Quiboloy of the mega-church Kingdom of Jesus Christ was indicted by FBI for alleged crimes against women and children but none of the city councils who have declared Pura "persona non grata" are mum on this issue. Until now, Quiboloy is in hiding even with summons from the Senate in their investigation on the abuse allegations against him. Furthermore, the complainants for the case are all affiliated with the Philippines for Jesus Movement (PJM) founded by Eddie Villanueva, the father of Senator Joel Villanueva, whose office has deployed disgusting tactics to delay the SOGIESC Equality Bill.
The art of drag and other similar acts of expression by LGBTQI+ people are under attack around the world. In the United States, legislations have been passed to criminalize people based on gender identity and expression. In the Philippines where a national anti-discrimination law is absent, LGBTQI+ individuals are subject to gender-based violence.
Pura Luka Vega's case is an attack on LGBTQI+ people's expression on their relationship with faith and religion and the expression of their artistic freedom. LGBTQI+ individuals have different expressions on their faith. Many are still practicing their religion. Some have abandoned it altogether due to the trauma and marginalization they felt in the presence of their religious leaders.
#DragIsNotACrime #FreePuraLukaVega
2024 Mar. 1
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cy-cyborg · 7 months
Earlier today I saw a video from Council of geeks on Youtube talking about how frequently and potentially overused swearing is in adult animation. It’s a great video, but I wanted to add my 2c to the conversation real quick.
I grew up in rural Australia in an area that is primarily inhabited by bogans, and if there’s one thing rural bogans know, it’s casual swearing. Australia as a whole uses the word “cunt” in almost the same way we say “mate” - in some circles “cunt” is seen as the friendlier option, and bogans take that even further. constant, frequent swearing was such a normalised part of speech when I was a kid that it was normal for our teachers in high school (which starts in years 6 or 7 depending on the state, and goes all the way to year 12) to swear at us. Not aggressively mind you, they just used the words casually, and the kids would swear at them back. It wasn’t usually an issue, even when they were trying to be an asshole.
Despite this, even I find a lot of adult animation’s use of swear words a bit jarring at times, and I think Council of Geeks put the feeling i’d had about it into words very well: it’s the way a lot of these shows draw attention to it, even when it’s supposedly normalised.
The people back home can hardly get through a sentence without swearing at least once. at least. I use the word “fuck’n…” the same way other people use “umm…” and I know someone who named their dogs “sick cunt” (or “cunty” for short) and my own dad named one of my childhood dogs “fugly” (short for fucking ugly - that was his legal name my dad put on his adoption paperwork from the shelter). when these words are used so often, they do loose their impact, and you can tell they have by the way we all use them around there. If you’re going to use that same kind of frequent “bad” language in your work, you need to acknowledge it too. that’s where a lot of shows who try to emulate this way of speaking fall over.
As funny as it is to say, Spongbob was right when it called the obvious stand-ins for swear words “sentence enhancers” - that is usually the goal of words like “fuck” and “shit” when not used in the context of their literal definitions: to put emphasis on what’s being said. You could say “This traffic is SO slow!” or you could say “Fuck! This traffic is SO fucking slow!”. You could say “are you kidding me?” or you could say “Are you shitting me?” - in both these cases, the addition of the swear words emphasises the rest of the sentence and the emotion behind it.
But when you are swearing every other word, they stop working that way. “this traffic is so fucking slow” is a lot less impactful when that’s the 5th time you’ve said some variation of “fucking” that conversation. So when people back home swear, it’s just a filler word. there is no emphasis, there’s not heightened emotion, nothing. It’s a normal, standard part of speech that is so common and normalised, it sounds weird to people back home when you don’t use it. I’d go so far as to say it get’s the same kind of reaction from people back home as if you were speaking with flat affect (I’m saying this as an autistic person who took a while to warm up to swearing like that, with autistic friends who spoke with very little tone or expression).
phrases like “ah get fucked cunt” are an honestly very casual and friendly phrase (no, I’m not exaggerating) said the same tone you might use to say “nah I don’t feel like [whatever the topic of conversation was]”. honestly I tried to give some more examples, but it’s extremely difficult to demonstrate over text. Australia has a pretty big film and TV industry though, so if you want some examples of what I mean, watch some Aussie TV (look for anything with an MA or R rating, anything under that and they will likely limit the use of “foul language”) especially anything set in small towns or the bush or find rural aussie creators online.
My point is, If you want to have swearing and cursing as a part of your regular vocabulary in your setting, you need to treat it like it’s actually normalised like any other word. If you wouldn’t put emphasis on words like “house” or “dog” or “car” then don’t put that emphasis on words like “fuck” and “shit” lol.
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Look out its a Linkblr Dashboard Simulator!
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🪶 redwingskies Follow
So who was gonna tell me the Surface is Real, huh? Who.
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
Where are you from?? What....what are you??? ....God?
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Nah turns out she's my best friend though.
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Hey btw, If I kill a god does that make me one? Is there like. Rules for this? Asking for a friend. (Like seriously. I don't care. He does.)
1,680 notes
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🚋 train-life Follow
Today's Fact: Did you know Trains are the reason New Hyrule has Standardized Time Zones? As citizens needed to know when to get to a train station, the council lobbied for standardized time that could be applied precisely for travel by train! The entire modern perception of time is because of the Train!
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Thanks, I hate it. Lets go back to living by the sun rise and set.
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
??? We've always had standard time zones??? What are you talking about. Trains didn't invent that.
🚋 train-life Follow
...they literally did. I re-researched this to double check. What are YOU talking about?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Time zones? Like. The era of Legend, the Golden era, bullfish like that?
🚋 train-life Follow
... you can swear you know? I'm 12 not a baby.
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
you're HOW OLD? I thought you were a Royal Engineer???
🚋 train-life Follow
12? It's in my bio?
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
I love you but get the hell off of this website why are you here
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Can we go back to the weirdo who thinks Time Zones are HISTORICAL PERIODS?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Haha yea total weirdo, what, are they like 400 years old or something? Lol
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Actually I wanna get back to why a 12 year old has a job
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🐟 indigo-gos-official Follow
Hey anybody willing to lend me bail money? I'm short like 10 rupees and it's really annoying.
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Wait shit wrong account! Wrong account!!
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Why do you have access to a hyper-famous Zora Band's account??
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Their lead guitarist died in front of me and I am very nice. Now get me out of jail goatman.
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🌳 wildflowerwastaken Follow
#hi #i saw a cool bird today #the camera was left on selfie mode so it only got a picture of me squinting at it #the bird noticed the flash and it pecked me until I fell out of the tree #straight into a malice puddle #the bird was pretty tho #so I say my day went great!
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🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Hey apparently I need to update people on my boundaries. So. Here is a list of what's okay:
Kissing me
Kissing me directly on the lips
Parasocial relationships where you praise me constantly <3
And this is NOT okay
Hunting me for my blood to revive the prince of darkness
Ignoring me
Thank you, that's really all, I'm kinda sad that this has to be said but clarity is wisdom and all.
👑 princess-of-hyrule Follow
Link. This is not what I told you to post.
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Well EXUSe ME if my boundaries look different than yours!!
25,690 notes
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⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey pulled the Four Sword again so we need help figuring out who gets to run the blog lol.
Thanks everybody
⏳️ forestchild Follow
Lol this loser doesn't know how to make sideblogs
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
The poll says "Who gets to be Link on MAIN" though, so maybe they do? They just wanna have one person in charge of the first blog?
⏳️ forestchild Follow
The path to truth is unity. Many voices can be heard within one "main".
-The Diety
⏳️ forestchild Follow
...ignore him, I've made him a sideblog and he refuses to use it.
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey wait no let him come back, he's the only smart person I've ever heard
-Green (?)
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
I am going to kill you.
#we have all agreed to not utilize this blog until the poll is complete #so shut up green
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dseval · 23 days
New AU? 🤔🤔
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(This drawing took several years of my life, i think. Had fun but I wasn't a pro artist, sorry color theorists)
I made a joke UTMV AU based on Blue Archive, as a joke, said joke took too many effort now to just be called a joke. Decided to post it on Tumblr because I guess I need Social Media sometimes. The AU is based off Blue Archive (heavily) and To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (loosely). Interested in this long idea dump?
Under the cut.
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(logo made with the Blue Archive Logo Generator, this is also a joke name)
ArchiveVerse, or I would personally abbreviate it as ArchV or ArcV for the remaining of this post, is a UTMV AU, where all the characters are our favourite skeleton: Sans but from multiple AUs. It is heavily based off Blue Archive, borrowing a lot of concepts— and loosely from To Aru Kagaku No Railgun.
Side note, i do not actually watch To Aru, nor do I play Blue Archive anymore. So several stuff are definitely made up.
This is literally my second post ever on Tumblr.
The joke concept image that started it all...
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I'm sorry for the terrible artwork sksksks
Do note ahead that this AU is made in-and-out of art block, so some information and designs are inconsistent throughout the post. Everything is also written in Comic Sans MS, as a joke.
The Academy City
Do not take this AU seriously, it's just a slice of life thing. (Unless)
The academy city is occupied with students, nobody is an adult. However there are complete facilities in the city, like malls, restaurants, etc. Some students work in these facilities, but most of the time they are ran by robots/artificial intelligence.
In the heart of the city, rests the Omega Tower, which, hypothetically, kept the city running. It is occupied by the General Student Council. The Academy City itself is shrouded in mystery.
There are four academies in the city, each with their own districts:
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(Thanks to an irl friend for helping me design and clean up the logos ♡)
Each student belongs to their own unique academy, though students can be promoted and enrolled from OPS to either Ordenance or Paradigm if they possess the qualities of excellence. Students who have already been in Juvenile Containment aren't allowed enrollment in Ordenance or Paradigm.
Here are several more fun facts about the academies:
Juvie students are still allowed to go out of their district, though this depends. If the student has a light sentence and hasn't committed any heavy crimes, they're allowed to go pretty much everywhere (unless they're banned in certain locations). Any student can go in and out freely if they have a pass.
There are no teachers, the students learn from text books and videos, though they still attend class.
Even if students come from different academies, they're still allowed to visit and make friends with students from other academies.
The Omega Public School district is the largest district among all academies, and each and every student has their own house, as opposed to the other academies' dormitory system.
Only the Paradigm Academy has a standard uniform. Ordenance students have a dress code, OPS is free to wear whatever. While Juvie students must still wear the uniform of the academy they are once associated with.
A list of basically every student I have somewhat designed for this AU. Each student has their own unique halo, and their own unique powers, which I have put in the sheets. It also includes a short backstory.
However, they're, uh, pretty shabby. This is the most I have designed for a joke (what the hell). Some are well-made, though i faltered around the end. So please zoom in to see text more clearly.
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Friendly note that Nightmare's bones isn't covered in goop in this AU, see the very very first Illustration on top of this post to see what I mean. They also have wings. Nightmare's wings are broken and a bit ugly here and there, while Dream's wings are white and pristine. Can they fly? Take a guess.
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Guys I love Reaper but I suck at drawing him Im sorry
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Halo designs are not final. Also, rest assured, these three are not the only members of the GSC.
Each student has their own special power. So far, I... Literally have nothing to say about these powers, except a few things:
They can manifest from emotions. For example, when Horror is flustered, smoke can come out of the crack of his skull. Or when Dust is nervous, he gets 'cold feet,' A.K.A the ground under his feet turns to ice. Cross also has lightning fizzle out of his fingers when he's nervous or surprised.
They can channel their powers to a weapon, though it's not necessary.
Welp, that was fun. I have fun making this AU (even if it's unlikely anyone will see it). Thanks, guys, have a nice day.
Credits (please tell me if I missed anyone, or misspelled anything):
Undertale by Toby Fox
Nightmare and Dream Sans by Jokublog
Dust Sans by Ask-Dusttale blog
Killer Sans by Rahafwabas
Horror Sans by SourAppleStudios
Cross Sans by Jakei
Epic Sans by Yugogeer012
Color Sans by superyoumna
Delta Sans by AnimatedZorox
Ink Sans by Comyet/Mye bi
Error Sans and Geno by CrayonQueen/LoverofPiggies
Reaper Sans by Renrink
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rayan12sworld · 6 months
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🧡💙Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism!
A night-hunt goes wrong, and Wei Wuxian is scapegoated for the death of the Jiang Sect Leader and the destroyed core of the Jiang Sect Heir. As punishment, his core is taken and given to Jiang Cheng, and he is stripped of his cultivation credentials and expelled from the sect.
What everyone forgot was that Wei Wuxian was wearing the standard issue body camera that each cultivator wore on training missions and high-risk night-hunts. Struggling to make ends meet, Wei Wuxian finds his way to Caiyi Town with the doctor who performed the surgery, a partial core still secretly in place. His application to work at Cloud Recesses is summarily rejected by the hard-edged Second Jade of Lan after an unfortunate initial encounter.
But things change when someone hacks into the Jiang systems and releases the footage of what happened.
Core transfer? His blood began to run cold. And then he got to the part that involved Wei Wuxian. The ‘choice’ he had been given between execution and removal of his core, and how—at any time—if he revealed the nature of his core injury, he would be returned to the Jiang for execution. He was on his feet with his hand on Bichen’s hilt before he had even finished reading the clause. Lan Xichen grabbed his arm to prevent him from advancing on Madam Yu or drawing his sword. Wei Wuxian was also on his feet, a hand pressed against Lan Wangji’s chest to hold him back. Some part of Lan Wangji’s brain knew that actually running Madam Yu through in the middle of a Council meeting would not be considered acceptable conduct, but he really, really wanted to. “I invoke the Rite of Requital,” Lan Wangji said through gritted teeth, momentarily cutting through the surprised voices of the Council at his actions before the room erupted into chaos at his words. The commotion nearly drowned out the voice of his brother standing beside him, still holding onto his sword arm. “Wangji!” Lan Xichen’s shocked voice came from beside him, but Lan Wangji kept his gaze locked on Madam Yu, who was looking at him as though he’d lost his mind.
“Lan Zhan, what are you doing?” Wei Wuxian whispered frantically, his hands fisting into Lan Wangji’s robes even though Lan Wangji was no longer trying to move towards Madam Yu. He had issued his challenge. He would face her at the appropriate time if the Council refused to take action. “She took your core,” Lan Wangji said, the words almost impossible to get past his throat. “She gave you a choice between execution and removing your core.” “His core belongs to the Jiang,” Madam Yu said, though her voice sounded more shaken than arrogantly confident. She appeared to be aware of the likely outcome of a duel between the two of them. “We taught him to cultivate. It was ours to give and ours to take.” Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen looked horrified at the thought of a sect leader holding (and acting upon) such beliefs. Even Madam Jin looked at her sworn sister with shock at her words. “That is not true,” Wen Qing said, looking over to her uncle, who gave her a brief nod. “While it is true that Wei Wuxian grew and strengthened his core while training with the Jiang, my examination of his core showed that it had been developed much earlier in childhood, prior to the death of his parents. The seed of his core was not yours to take.” “Impossible!” Jin Guangshan said. “Wei Wuxian was only four or five when his parents died. No one forms their core that young.” Wen Qing eyed Jing Guangshan with thinly veiled disdain. “As the person who has studied core development for a living, and Wei Wuxian’s core in particular, I have to respectfully disagree. If the Jin are interested, I will forward the findings from my latest research for their edification when it is published.” Jin Guangshan looked like he was about to argue more, but Wen Ruohn cut him off. “In the matter of the Second Jade’s challenge, such things are irrelevant. But he cannot claim the Rite without grounds, no matter how morally offensive he finds the Jiang Sect’s actions. Lan Wangji, on what grounds are you claiming the Rite?” Wen Ruohan asked calmly. Of everyone in the room, he was the least perturbed by the turn of events. Possibly because he was old enough to remember similar challenges in the past. “Wei Wuxian is not a member of your family or the Lan Sect.” “Wei Ying is my cultivation partner,” Lan Wangji said firmly, tearing his gaze from Madam Yu to look first at Wen Ruohan, then at Wei Ying. Wei Ying was staring at him as though he had never seen him before, but he was not refuting Lan Wangji’s claim, and he did not look angry about it, so Lan Wangji did not back down. “I have grounds.”
It's an amazing fanfic, it's not like I can have all of my favourite moments in tumblr so I took this moment when Lan Wangji says that wei ying is his cultivation partner🫡
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 3 months
Personally, I'm going to need more than just one single scene between aegon and his son to be convinced that he's a good father, especially after what we learned about him and his bastards in s1. And no I don't care what Tom said about aegon not knowing he had bastards, one because I've only ever seen people say that he said it and when asked for actual links to the article or video in which he said it there's nothing but crickets. Secondly because even if he did say that, it makes no sense. You expect me to believe that erryk, or arryk whichever one it was, was aware that the child was aegon's child, but aegon himself didn't. When he took his brother to the pits he points out the child like he had seen the child before, he only attended the pits with aegon, so I don't believe for one second that aegon looked at that very targaryen looking child and didn't realise it was his, again especially when erryk did. The whole point of that scene was to show aegon's depravity. Erryk is telling his brother look not only does aegon enjoy watching brutal fights between children, but it's worse than that, look over there that's his own child that he let's participate in these fights. This loses any significance and weight if aegon doesn't know that's his child. Erryk wouldn't have pointed out that child as an example of how depraved aegon truly was if aegon didn't know it was his child. Sorry but the argument that aegon just didn't know sounds like nonsense to me.
OK so he doesn't care about his bastards so let's talk about his true born children. I keep seeing all this praise for aegon, talking about how he is such a good dad, how he is so much better than viserys and daemon etc. But like I said we only got one scene between aegon and his son and during this scene we see him smiling and laughing at jaehaerys, which yes had cute vibes about it.
But honestly, watching the scene, I think it was less he was laughing in happiness and pride at his heir and more because he thought it was funny that tyland was being annoyed. I saw posts talking about aww aegon loves his son so much that he knows he likes pony rides and wants tyland to give him one, and I'm just like ???
First off every child likes pony rides, aegon doesn't have to know his son really well to know that he might like a pony ride, secondly this scene wasn't about aegon's love for his son it was about aegon trying to humiliate tyland. It was supposed to show how unsuited he was to rule. He brought his too young son to a council meeting where the child proceeded to cause a distraction and then he tried to use that child as a way to humiliate a member of his small council causing the queen mother to step in. This was not some display of fatherly love, he was entertained by his son annoying tyland because he himself is very childish.
What we are shown in this episode when it comes to aegon's fatherhood was that he came to the children's quarters looking for his heir, approached his daughter then proceeded to ignore her when he realised she wasn't his son, didn't know where his son usually spends his time, doesn't know where he attends his lessons, takes him out of his lessons to attend a small council meeting, let's his son disrupt that meeting and laughs at his bad behaviour and also tried to use his son in an attempt to humiliate tyland, before he sends his son away again when he told this is no time for entertainment.
Don't get me wrong, as I said before, the scene between them was cute, but it doesn't tell me that aegon is a good father. I mean, if the standard for determining how good a parent a character is can be judged by having one cute scene with their child, then viserys is a top-notch father, he had several scenes with baby aegon where he was smiling and laughing at him after all, and daemon too has excellent parenting skills after all there was that adorable scene between him and baela where he was teaching her high valyrian and she kissed his cheek.
Point is people are judging whether a character is a good parent or a bad one based off of single scenes. Aegon is a good dad because in one scene he smiled at his son, daemon is a bad dad because in one scene rhaena said that he ignores her, etc. But I'm getting tired with seeing tg posts saying that tb don't want to accept that aegon is a good dad and we just want to villainise aegon, or maybe we just don't think one scene where he's nice to one of his children is enough proof that he is in fact a good dad. They'll say tb need to accept that daemon is a shitty dad and point out that one scene where rhaena, one of his children, said he ignores her and then get mad when tb say that one scene isn't enough to prove he's a bad dad and then give examples of other scenes that show him being a good father. For me it's the hypocrisy, they can take a single scene and base all their arguments for aegon being a good dad on it, but if tb point out that daemon has shown moments of being a good parent they get angry and return back to that one rhaena scene.
At the end of the day, personally I think they are all, aegon, daemon, viserys, corlys and even laenor, both good and bad fathers at times. Because they are all humans who are imperfect, they are going to have moments when they do things right, but they also all have flaws and moments when they fail as parents.
I am sure that aegon has love for his son, I'm sure he's going to be devastated by his death and feel anger and grief, just like daemon feels grief and anger at luke's death, like corlys felt grief and anger over his children's deaths. But the writers need to give me more than a 2 or so minute long scene of aegon in the role of a father if they want me to come to the conclusion that aegon is a good father myself. And that's my opinion on it.
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just-another-josh · 11 months
Kara had the best of intentions.
She really, really did.
But let’s be honest, she didn’t stand a chance. She was setup to fail since childhood. During her time on Krypton, she never saw an actual, honest-to-Rao wedding proposal; not anything resembling Earth standards, mind you. No, it was basically your parents marching you down to the local council building when you came of age and submitting your DNA to the Matricomp to find a genetically suitable partner. The nobler the house, the better. It was no different than an arranged marriage on Earth.
On the off chance you did meet someone you wanted to bond with, the process was the same, save for your DNA was only tested against your potential mate’s. When Kara reached adulthood and reflected on the matching process, ‘cringy’ was the best way she could describe it. She was honestly happy the ritual didn’t survive Krypton’s destruction and by extension was not practiced on Argo. She loved keeping her culture alive and all, but she had no interest in telling Alura and Zor-El to “piss off” if her parents ever had the audacity to suggest she of submit her name.
Her exposure to proposals on Earth were limited, at best. Sure, she’d seen her fair share of people popping the question in the multitude of rom coms she’d watched and books she’d read, but her sample of real-world proposals was…sketchy. Eliza never shared the story of how Jeremiah proposed to her simply because it brought up too many bad memories. Kal and Lois were always vague when sharing the story of their engagement. As for Alex and Sam, their proposal took place immediately after destroying Al’s bar fighting Lex and Nyxly for the Love totem; any guidance they had to offer lacked credibility.
Without any authentic, trustworthy examples available to her, Kara decided to forge ahead on her own when she made the decision to propose to Lena. She convinced herself she didn’t need any help; she’s the editor-in-chief of CatCo magazine, hell, she’s Supergirl for Rao’s sake. She could come up with the perfect proposal that would blow the CEO’s mind! Something that would ooze love, devotion, and romance.
Kara spent a month coming up with the perfect set-up. She’d already forged the bonding bracelet in the Fortress and, with a little help from Sara Lance and Iris West-Allen, had purchased the perfect engagement ring (she didn’t involve her sister in the process; Alex had a big mouth whenever she hung out with Lena). She had a special box created to house the bracelet and ring for an optimal presentation; lining it with blue felt on the exterior and red felt inside.
As for the location, she decided to keep it simple and propose at their penthouse. She would fill the living and dining areas with candles to set the mood; sparing a few for the bedroom in case they decided to celebrate their pending nuptials in a more intimate setting.
She wanted to look particularly radiant that night, and with Nia’s help, Kara found the perfect dress at an upscale boutique. Not wanting the Naltorian to know why she was getting the dress (much like Alex, Nia also had a big mouth), Kara told her that she and Lena were going to dinner at a fancy new restaurant. Kara was nervous and disappointed when she was told the color dress she wanted had to be fitted and altered and couldn’t take it home that day, but the sales clerk assured her it would be ready before their “special night”.
Kara planned the perfect meal for her zhao. It would be a magnificent dinner filled with her favorite Irish foods. The Kryptonian knew she wasn’t the best cook, but she felt confident she could prepare Irish stew, soda bread, Colcannon Mash, and traditional Irish apple cake with custard sauce after watching a few YouTube videos.
Last but not least, Kara spent weeks preparing the speech she would give Lena when she proposed to her. The first draft went through multiple edits before she scrapped the whole thing and rewrote it. After rewriting the speech from scratch four more times and dozens of edits, Kara was finally satisfied. The hero thought it was the greatest piece of writing she’d ever done; in her mind, eclipsing even her Pulitzer winning expose on Lex and Red Daughter.
The plan was simple: Kara would propose to Lena on a Friday night. The CEO always got off in time for dinner on Fridays; a compromise the CEO made with the hero when they moved in together. She would meet Lena at the door wearing her very expensive dress; dinner already platted and on the dining room table. They’d enjoy a candlelit dinner with her and Lena’s favorite sappy playlist playing softly in the background. Once dinner was finished, she’d ask Lena to dance with her and when the playlist hit their special song (Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift, of course), Kara would produce the box that she had strategically hidden under the coffee table, get down on one knee, and propose. If Lena said ‘yes’ (Kara was at least 90% sure she would), her and her new fiancé would enjoy dessert and later head off to their bedroom to make love the rest of the night.
“Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy” as Winn would say.
The first indication that things were not going to go smoothly was a delay with the alterations to her new dress. The clerk at the boutique called her three days before the big night saying that the seamstress had been ill and was behind on her orders, but before Kara could hyperventilate, the clerk assured her it would be ready Friday morning with plenty of time to spare before dinner. Kara spent the next fifteen minutes doing controlled breathing exercises Eliza had taught her when she first arrived on Earth, reassuring herself that everything was going to be okay.
The rest of the week passed without further complications; it wasn’t until Friday morning that everything started going sideways.
Kara received word from the clerk at the boutique that her dress had been destroyed in a sewing machine mishap. Kara tried to roll with the punches and asked if they still had the dress in the color that she initially tried on. Unfortunately, the clerk informed her that that style of dress had sold out. After receiving a half-assed apology from the clearly disingenuous clerk, Kara poked her finger through her phone as she ended the call. The Kryptonian rushed to her private bathroom and spent several minutes doing breathing exercises again. Kara quietly mumbled to herself between breaths, “Everything’s going to be okay. This is just a minor setback. It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll just dig out that dress I wore when we crashed Morgan Edge’s party. Yeah, that’s it, that’ll work. Everything’s going to be great!” She got up, splashed some water on her face, and went back to work.
Fortunately, Kara was able to escape CatCo in the early afternoon. With her personal phone taking up residence in the trash can, Kara grabbed her seldom used work phone, shot a text off to Lena telling her that she’d be using it the rest of the day, and flew (literally) out of her office to pick up the ingredients for the night’s special meal. The hero hated that she had to wait until the last minute to hit the grocery store, but between EIC and Supergirl duties that week, she just hadn’t had the time. Luck seemed to be on Kara’s side as she had no issues finding the supplies she needed and getting out of the store swiftly.
She returned home around 4pm and began fixing dinner in earnest, super-speeding through prepping the ingredients. She boiled potatoes, sliced up beef, apples, and veggies, whipped together dough, and sauteed some of the chopped vegetables in olive oil. She had everything prepped and ready to cook within twenty minutes (the potatoes took forever to boil, and she didn’t trust speeding up the cook time with her heat vision).
Kara didn’t realize the stew would take three hours in the crock pot before it was ready, creating a slight problem; Lena was due home in two hours. Kara turned the heat up to its highest setting to speed up the process. The bread, Colcannon, and apple cake would only take a half hour in the oven, so she moved on to the next phase of her plan.
Placing the candles throughout the penthouse was simple enough, but she ran into a bit of an issue when she went to pair her phone with the built-in sound system. Her work phone did not have the playlist she wanted downloaded on it and she couldn’t download it from the Cloud. Lena refused to connect any phone that didn’t have her personal encryption software installed, hence the reason why Kara never used her work phone. The Kryptonian for a generic YouTube playlist to stream directly into the living room speakers.
After speed cleaning the penthouse, setting the dining room table, and checking the progress of the stew (it was lukewarm at best), she readied her other dishes for the oven. A slight hiccup with the remaining dishes: each had to be cooked at different temperatures for different lengths of time. Unfortunately, the penthouse only had one oven, but Kara had prepared for this. Her plan was to average out the cooking times of the three dishes and repeat the process for the cooking temperatures. Bubbling with pride at her ingenuity, the blonde put the remaining dishes in the oven.
Her tasks completed; Kara noted she had forty-five minutes before Lena was due to arrive home. She used the time to take a shower, get dressed, and do her hair and make-up. As per usual, she kept her make-up light, save for using a darker shade of red lipstick. She styled her hair in a pompadour-style updo reminiscent of the way she wore during her exposure to Red K. Although she would never admit it to another living soul, she actually liked her wardrobe and style choices while she was infected; her fondness for that awful experience ending there.
Twenty minutes later, Kara exited the bedroom looking (and more importantly) feeling sexy and confident. She spent the next five minutes lighting the candles spread about the penthouse. Sadly, she had to light each candle at human speed; the candles would be blown out if she went any faster.
With twenty minutes left before Lena walked through the door, Kara walked into the kitchen to inspect her still-cooking food. Everything in the oven looked like it was progressing as planned; nothing was burned, smoking, or on fire, a win in Kara’s book. Much to her chagrin, the stew was still undercooked. Starting to panic, the Kryptonian decided to take a risk and use her heat vision to heat the stew to the appropriate temperature. Focusing on the simmering meal, Kara released two narrow, blue beams of heat vision. She had to use the utmost control to ensure she didn’t incinerate the stew (or the crock pot for that matter). She was reminded of all the times Eliza had had her finish cooking the Thanksgiving turkey in a similar fashion. Heating up a turkey was easy in comparison to what was essentially a thick soup; the slightest slip up could result in a boiling cauldron of inedible slop. As she slowly brought the hearty meal to temperature, she could smell a delicious combination of meat, vegetables, and spices. She couldn’t help the beaming, congratulatory smile on her face.
As far as Kara was concerned, she was killing it.
As if the universe had decided that Kara’s cockiness needed to be tempered, the alarm from the smoke detector roared to life causing the hero to lose focus; an intense burst of heat vision blowing the crock pot and its contents throughout the kitchen. Kara screamed as she was covered in thick, viscous brown chunks. The startled hero backed away from the oven and collided with the food prep area; the force of the impact crushing the lip of the marble counter with a loud crunch. Kara spun around to inspect whatever damage she’d done to the counter and in the process smacked the bottle of olive oil she’d used earlier. The oil splashed in all directions; some ending up on the candlelit dining table. The highly flammable oil ignited when it made contact with the candle’s open flame which resulted in bright flames springing to life on the tabletop; increasing its intensity quickly when the cloth napkins turned to kindling.
Seeing the mini-inferno spreading across the tabletop, Kara released a panicked yelp. “No, no, no, no, no, no!” she cried. She swiftly positioned herself near the table and extinguished the flames using her freeze-breath. The force of the artic blast knocked several candles off their perches: some landing on the floor and some on the furniture. Luckily, the candles were extinguished by the same force that knocked them over, but hot, liquified wax splashed onto the carpet and furniture indiscriminately.
With the table fire quelled, Kara turned back towards the kitchen to identify what had set off the smoke detector. The blonde zeroed in on a plume of smoke billowing out of the oven and rushed back into the kitchen. In her panic-driven haste, the Kryptonian ripped the oven door clean off its hinges and carelessly flung it away. The freshly launched door smashed through the glass sliding door and landed with a loud clang when it landed on the balcony.
Kara peered into the now doorless oven. “No!” she bellowed when she saw the soda bread burned to a crisp; thick black smoke rising from its charred corpse. The apple cake was well on its way to becoming charcoal but had yet to transition into a gaseous mess. The Colcannon resembled a Jello mold.
Kara, a crushed look on her stew-stained face, stepped back from the oven and doused the still smoking dishes with a quick burst of freeze-breath. She slowly became aware of the obnoxious shriek continuing to be emitted from the smoke detector. The Kryptonian removed the glass dish containing the Colcannon from the oven and flung it at the detector, smashing both to pieces.
Mercifully, the penthouse fell silent.
“Miss Zor-El, there is an incoming call from building security.” Hope’s soothing but indifferent voice broke the silence.
“Okay,” Kara quietly responded, clearly in a haze.
“Miss Danvers, this is Chet at the security desk. We’re monitoring a smoke detector activation coming from your unit. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just a little accident. Everything’s fine,” the hero flatly responded.
“Another issue with your toaster oven?” the guard said jokingly.
“Something like that.” She let out a shuddering breath at the guard’s playful ribbing, but the joke fell flat as it was just another reminder of her past cooking failures and compounded the gravity of her current situation.
“No worries, Miss Danvers. I’m glad everything’s okay. Please contact us if you need anything. Have a good night.” The guard hung up without a response; not that Kara really cared at this point.
Kara surveyed the penthouse; slowly taking in the scope of the damage. The kitchen counter and dining table both sported large scorch marks; the counter also showed a Kara-size indentation. Chunks of crushed, white marble littered the floor. The front of the oven sported black smoke residue that made a trail up to the ceiling. She turned towards the living room and saw that multiple candles were strewn about the carpet. Their white couch and loveseat bore splashes of now-cooled wax. The shattered sliding door and the severed oven door lying on the balcony floor added the finishing touches to the carnage.
Kara’s eyes filled with tears, but she refused to cry. She turned away from the damage and nonchalantly made her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she robotically wiped the brownish, caked-on stew residue off her face with a wet washcloth. Her face clean, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her once well-quaffed hair had wild strands hanging loose, her dress had crusty brown splotches running from top to bottom, and, turning to look at her backside, pieces of plaster and crushed marble covered her ass.
Kara squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head in disbelief. She exited the bathroom without making any other attempts to clean the remaining muck out of her hair or off her dress.
Kara returned to the living room and sat on their wax encrusted couch and the very edge of the cushion, her body ramrod straight.  After a few minutes sitting quietly, the Kryptonian reached under the coffee table and retrieved the blue box containing the bonding bracelet and engagement ring. She set the box on top of the coffee table and longingly gazed at it. She closed her eyes and, as if finally giving permission to break free, a trickle of tears began to slide down her cheeks.
This is how Lena found her when she entered the penthouse.
The CEO mindlessly glimpsed at the mangled penthouse; mere seconds passed before her brain caught up to what she was seeing. “Kara!” She moved quickly to the couch, a look of panic in her eyes. “What happened? Did someone attack you?” Kara gave no indication that she was aware of Lena’s presence, let alone respond to her questions. Lena sat on the edge of the couch next to Kara, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning the seemingly catatonic Kryptonian’s body to face her. Lena closely examined her stunned girlfriend. She focused on the brown stains littering Kara’s dress, going so far as to scrape some of the crusted substance off with her fingernail.
After a brief examination of the unknown substance, a perplexed Lena gently cupped Kara’s cheek and ever so slowly turned the hero to face her. Lena saw a smattering of tears running down her cheeks.  “Darling, what happened?” she asked with all the gentleness she could muster.
A look of pure anguish fell over Kara’s face and the floodgates opened. The hero pulled Lena into an almost too tight hug and buried her face in the CEO’s shoulder; uncontrollable sobs erupted from her. Rage, disappointment, embarrassment, and a litany of other emotions poured out of the blonde as her body was racked with an onslaught of tears. Muffled wails soon followed, the hero’s body quaking with each mournful cry.
On the verge of tears herself, Lena kept her composure as best she could. Her girlfriend needed her to keep her shit together and, although the CEO had no idea what was going on, she intended to support the hero in any way she could. She squeezed the blonde as tight as she could and ran her fingers through her hair, periodically planting chaste kisses on her forehead and softly whispering reassurances that everything would be okay.
After fifteen or so minutes, the Kryptonian’s cries were reduced to shuddered breaths and occasional sniffles. Taking this as a sign the blonde had finally calmed down, Lena decided it was a good time to get to the bottom of her girlfriend’s meltdown. “Are you feeling up to telling me what happened?” Kara’s body briefly stiffened, but the hero nodded into the brunette’s shoulder, nonetheless. She slowly extricated herself from Lena’s embrace and situated herself on the couch so she could properly face her.
Lena took one look at the bloodshot and puffy eyes on Kara’s tear-streaked face and her heart broke. “Oh, my giehrehv-divil, please tell me what happened.” Lena tucked a few strands of wet, matted hair behind the blonde’s ear.
Kara nodded and took a deep, shuddering breath. “I…I tried to plan a…a special evening for us. I ordered a special dress from Matti D and…and…I…was going to make some authentic, Irish food…and…and…so we could have a nice candlelight dinner…and then I was going to put on our favorite playlist…so…so we could dance…and then…and then…I was gonna…gonna give you…” Kara glanced at the blue box on the table and let out a painful, hiccupped whimper. “But everything got ruined!” she said with an angry stutter. “The seamstress destroyed the dress…so I had to put on this…this old rag which I know you like…but it’s four-years-old…and then…and then I broke my phone when they called me, so I didn’t have access to our playlist…” The intensity in Kara’s voice began to increase, as did the intervals between stuttered breaths. “…and…and I tried to cook dinner…but everything burned…and then…the table caught on fire and…and…I broke the counter…and…I ripped the door off the oven and threw it through the sliding door…and the wax on the couch…” Kara choked on a sob. “I wrecked everything!” she howled before crumbling into heaping mess of tears.
Lena deftly pulled the hysterical Kryptonian into her arms and began rocking her. She rubbed small circles on her back and planted more soft kisses on her forehead. The hero didn’t take long to recover but Lena refused to release her. Instead, the CEO slowly moved herself and Kara into a lying position on the couch; Kara readjusting her body so Lena could spoon her. The brunette planted soft kisses behind the Kryptonian’s ear, Kara melting further in her embrace.
The couple stayed cuddled together for an indeterminant amount of time before Lena broke the silence. “Is that for me?” she asked, indicating the blue box.
Kara somberly sighed.  “It was supposed to be.”
“Now I don’t get it?”
Kara scoffed, “I don’t think you’d want it.”
“And why is that?” Lena asked, eyebrow raised inquisitively.
Kara sat up and turned to face the CEO. “Why?” she said incredulously. “Look at me…look at all this.” Kara waved her hand indicating the living room and kitchen. “Lena, I’m a dumpster fire!” the Kryptonian pleaded.
Lena sat up and grabbed ahold of Kara’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “Is that really what you think?”
Kara shrugged. “It’s how I see myself sometimes. Especially after I do shit like this,” she said as she motioned towards the kitchen again.
Lena thinned her lips as she carefully considered how to respond to Kara’s unfair assessment of herself. “So, because you see yourself as a dumpster fire, I should reject whatever’s in there.” Lena pointed at the box.
“You would if you knew what was in it,” Kara whispered defeatedly.
Lena chuckled. “Oh, my sweet, sweet, darling. I’m fairly certain I already know what’s in there.” The CEO confidently smiled, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes.
Kara gasped, her shoulders slumped, and she looked away; attempting to avoid the certainty in her girlfriend’s gaze.
Lena pulled at Kara’s hand. “Hey, don’t run away.” The Kryptonian turned towards the brunette but refused to make eye contact with her. Lena cupped her chin and gently guided Kara to face her. “I need you to look at me and listen,” Lena said with conviction. “You say you see yourself as a dumpster fire. Do you want to know what I see?” Lena asked rhetorically, not giving the blonde any time to reply. “When I look at you, I see a loving, considerate, romantic, and giving woman who…I don’t know…for the quadrillionth time since I met her, went out of her way to show me just how much she loves me…no one has ever gone to the lengths that you have to make me feel like I’m cherished. Honestly, you could accidently destroy our entire penthouse and I would still love you.”
Lena laid a soft kiss on Kara’s hand. “We’ve been through hell and back to get to where we are. I would be a damn fool if some broken appliances and a few scorched furniture made me question how what we’re trying to build here.”
“But I had this perfect plan…” Kara whispered.
“Darling, I can’t imagine how disappointed you must be, and I’m so sorry all this happened.” Lena squeezed her girlfriend’s hand tighter. “But please understand, I don’t need perfect, Kara. I just need you, imperfections and all…especially the imperfections…they’re what made me fall in love with you in the first place.”
Kara minutely nodded, still not looking convinced. “I just…I sometimes feel like I’m not good enough for you…like…somehow I’m not worthy of your love,” the hero said, averting her eyes.
Lena couldn’t help the astonished gasp escaping her lungs. “Kara. How could you say that? How could you ever think that?” she said with a hint of anger in her voice. The CEO lightly grasped the Kryptonian by the shoulders and made sure she had her attention. With a pained look on her face, Lena calmly said, “I’m sorry for raising my voice. I of all people understand how you can feel like that sometimes. When it came to you, I felt unworthy for years. I thought to myself ‘There’s no way I’m a good enough person to have Kara in my life’.  And don’t even get me started on where my head was at when we started dating. I felt like a fraud. I convinced myself that I didn’t deserve your friendship, let alone your love.”
Lena’s eyes were filling with unshed tears. Kara noticed and mirrored her girlfriend’s painful expression. “But I don’t feel that way anymore, and do you want to know who finally got me out of that spiral?” Lena leaned in to rest her forehead on Kara’s. “You, my giehrehv-divil. You spent years showing me that I not only deserved to be loved by you but loved by our friends and family. You never gave up on me. I spent those same years doubting everything you tried to show me. Until one day, one day I started to believe it. There was no special event or earthshattering circumstance that opened my eyes. I just remember one day I was looking in the mirror and came to the realization that I was good enough, that I was deserving of your love, and that I was worthy of you.”
Both had tears cascading down their cheeks. Kara leaned in and gave Lena the gentlest of kisses, the blonde grinned into her girlfriend’s lips. The couple broke apart and Lena filled Kara’s hands with her own. “And let me tell you something, if that box has in it what I think it does, you, Kara Zor-El, are more than worthy enough to ask me the question that goes with it.”
A light dusting of pink appeared on Kara’s cheeks. “Promise?” she said bashfully.
Lena softly smiled. “Promise.”
Kara slammed the brunette into the arm of the couch with a bone crushing hug; almost knocking the wind out of the surprised billionaire. The Kryptonian ended up atop her girlfriend and buried her face in the crook of her neck. Lena could feel Kara’s smile tickling her skin, the blonde adding a hum of contentment once they were comfortably settled.
After enjoying a few minutes of happily snuggling with her girlfriend, Lena, staring contemplatively at the Kryptonian curled up on her side, brushed her lips against the blonde’s forehead and asked, “Kara, do you know what the odds are that, out of all time and space, the two of us would end up here, on this couch, in each other’s arms?”
Kara thought a moment before mumbling “no” into Lena’s neck.
“Well, in the interest of saving me the trouble of rattling off an obscenely long number, let’s just say a person would be more likely to be randomly struck by lightning...” Lena paused to let her words sink in.
Kara removed herself from Lena’s neck and leveled a raised eyebrow at her; clearly unimpressed. “That’s not a big…”
“…25 times,” Lena interrupted, sporting a mischievous grin. Kara’s eyebrows flew to her hairline, and she let out a low whistle. Lena nodded in agreement. For the first time since she arrived home, Lena was treated to her girlfriend’s trademark, radiant smile. The CEO cupped the Kryptonian’s face and slowly ran the pads of her fingers down the baby soft skin. The brunette’s features softened into a look of adoration and something akin to awe. “I don’t know if it was fate, a cosmic coincidence, or hell, even Rao that brought you to me, but I cherish every moment I get to be with you.”
Kara’s eyes began to well up again. She swiftly captured Lena’s lips with her own, her kiss desperate and hungry. They kissed until Lena had to come up for air. Kara leisurely moved off the brunette and sat up straight. She glanced over at the kitchen and frowned; a frustrated sigh followed. “Well, I guess I better get to cleaning up this mess.” Kara moved to get up but was quickly stopped by Lena’s hand grabbing her wrist.
Lena scoffed, “The hell you are. I didn’t triple the insurance coverage when you moved in for nothing. I’ll have a clean-up crew in here tomorrow to deal with this.” Kara reluctantly nodded in agreement. “No, you and I are going to order some take-out because I’m starving…as are you, I’m sure. While we’re waiting for dinner to be delivered, we’re going to get you out of that dress and into the shower, hopefully we can wash that goulash out of your hair.”
“It’s Irish stew…or it was supposed to be,” Kara said with a hint of embarrassment.
Lena’s face lit up. “Darling, that’s so sweet of you!” She sat up and gave Kara a quick peck on the cheek before continuing, “The food should be here by the time we get out of the shower, so we’ll eat, and then it’s straight to bed so I can show you how much I love you.” Lena seductively bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows. “Multiple times.”
Kara giggled excitedly and rose from the couch. “I’ll go get your phone out of your purse, I have no idea where my work phone ended up and I have no interest in finding it right now.” She had barely taken a step before she felt Lena’s hand grip her wrist again. She looked down at the seated CEO confused.
“I think you’re forgetting something,” Lena said, eyeing her girlfriend with an expectant look.
Kara scanned around the room; not finding anything that needed to be attended to immediately, she asked, “What am I forgetting?”
“Didn’t you have something you wanted to ask me?” Lena motioned towards the blue box on the coffee table.
The Kryptonian followed her girlfriend’s eyeline and when she realized what the brunette was alluding to, a deep blush and a look of shock overtook her features. “Oh…yes…right…okay!” She let out a long breath and shook her arms to loosen them up. Kara took several deep breaths and rolled her shoulders. “I can do this…I can do this,” she not-so-quietly told herself.
While Kara was having a mini-nervous breakdown, Lena sat silently trying her best not to laugh at the Kryptonian’s panic induced calisthenics. The brunette could not hide how much she was enjoying watching the blonde come unraveled.
Appearing to have psyched herself up sufficiently, Kara lifted the box up and cradled it in her hands. She opened her mouth as if to speak but stopped short. The Kryptonian set the box back on the table and began patting at her chest with both hands. Having not found what she was apparently searching for, she slid her hand into the top of her bra and, after digging under the cup for a few seconds, removed her still empty hand. She repeated the process with the other cup, once again coming up empty handed.
“Kara, what are you doing?” Lena said, leveling her girlfriend with a perplexed look.
The Kryptonian smiled sheepishly and held up her index finger. “Ummm, be right back.” She super-speeded out of the living room leaving a bewildered, windswept Lena without answers. Kara reappeared in front of the CEO within seconds, her face reddening and her jaw clenched. “I left my speech at the office,” Kara said through gritted teeth. “I worked on that speech for weeks.”
A small giggle escaped Lena’s lips, but she quickly slapped her hands over her mouth trying to quiet herself.
Kara threw her hands up in defeat, her body completely deflated. “Seems to be the theme this evening. Well, I guess I’m gonna have to wing it!” she said in exasperation. She aggressively swiped the box off the coffee table and unceremoniously plopped down on one knee.
Lena smiled, took Kara’s hand into her own, and lightly kissed it. “Relax, darling. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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creature-wizard · 8 months
https://youtu.be/U8NNHmV3QPw?si=6aInyR5QVTAT3z0R Watch if you're bored but you might be surprised 🤷🏻‍♀️.
It's about spirit science
GHJKSD when you said this video was about Spirit Science, I thought you were gonna like, link to a video talking about how the Spirit Science guy Jordan Duchnycz is a rapist or his weird obsession with Emma Watson or his antisemitic claim that Jews come from another planet. I didn't expect you were going to link to like, an actual Spirit Science video.
In brief, what Jordan's putting out here is straight-up baloney. A lot of it's pretty bog-standard New Age pseudohistory based on unsubstantiated conjecture, misinterpretation of various mythological traditions, and shit somebody just pulled straight from their ass. Not only is there no actual evidence to support any of the stuff he's putting out there, the actual evidence we do have inevitably precludes it.
Here are some links that explain why and how we know that people like Jordan are just wrong:
The Sirius Mystery: did the Dogon know about Sirius B?
The Truth About Atlantis
Atlantis @ Bad Archaeology
The Weird Case of Atlantis-Mu in the Madrid Codex
Lemuria, the weirdest continent that never existed
Naacal @ Wikipedia
Close encounters of the racist kind
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis Is Racist And Harmful
Zechariah Sitchin @ Bad Archaeology
"The Emerald Tablets of Thoth": A Lovecraftian Plagiarism
Left- vs. Right-Brained: Why the Brain Laterality Myth Persists
Are the Egyptian pyramids aligned with the stars?
Criticisms of Drunvalo Melchizedek @ Wikipedia
Detailed deconstruction of the "face" and pyramids on Mars claims
"Christ" @ Wiktionary
"Allah" @ Wiktionary
Charles Hapgood @ Wikipedia
It’s better light, not worse behaviour, that explains crimes on a full Moon
Sphinx water erosion hypothesis @ Wikipedia
Egyptian Hieroglyphs @ World History Encyclopedia
Predynastic Period in Egypt @ World History Encyclopedia
Sumer @ World History Encyclopedia
Debunking the Myth: The Council of Nicaea and the Formation of the Biblical Canon
First Council of Nicaea @ Encyclopedia Britannica
Did Jesus Go to India? A Modern Gospel Forgery
Also, the fact that Jordan appeals to channeled information is a massive red flag. Channeling is fun and sometimes produces some interesting things, but a source of reliable information it is not.
He also claims that a pole reversal makes the planet start spinning the other way, which is literally not how pole reversals work at all.
And of course, Jason's claim that thirteen powerful families are controlling the world is that general conspiracy theory shit derived from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, early modern witch panic, and blood libel. The whole thirteen families thing in particular comes from Fritz Springmeier, a far right conspiracy theorist who proudly cites other hateful kooks like Edith Starr Miller and Alexander Hislop and basically claims anything that isn't good wholesome Christian entertainment is actually Satanic programming.
Basically, Jordan Duchnycz is just another New Age conspiracy theorist pushing the same old garbage as loads of others like him.
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puckpocketed · 2 months
you prob have but have you seen fowler’s helmet design it is such a delight
hello hi helloo!!! I am not a goalie guy or mask guy usually but you got me on a little rabbit hole :> i love a quick a lengthy afternoon research project!!!
Jacob Fowler has a few notable masks so i suppose we should talk about all of them? I'm not sure which helmet you are referencing so! here goes!!
First, to get it out of the way, Fowler wore a white mask through his minor/junior hockey career. I do enjoy the blank design for narrative reasons (underestimated and ignored btw. passed over in juniors drafts btw. if u even CARE!!!!) but i think this is prob not the one you are asking about. I am currently NOT in the mood for a deeep web search to find nice close-up photos of him in the gear but Bauer's official shop has Fowler's gear set listed here. And here is their shop image of the mask + a photo from Fowler's EP page:
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link 1, archive link // link 2, archive link
I was gonna say, I do think its funny that they've put up an image with the wrong bar style. Bauer's photo uses the "grid" style bars (left) and Fowler's cage in the image features "cats-eye" bars (right), but upon further inspection Fowler DID use the grid style mask at some point.
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link, archive link
He swapped from the grid to the cats-eye and has not gone back, and I'm gonna assume the discrepancy on Bauer's site has to do with what masks are certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group) and The Hockey Equipment Certification Council (HECC)...? Short article on mask certifications can be found here // archive link. tl;dr cats-eye bars aren't certified! Here's a fun youtube video I came across a while back about the history of goalie masks! (It's fully cited and sourced... beautiful..... really great material, highly recommend the watch if you have 30 mins free !)
and alrighty I think maybe the mask you were talking about was this one:
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post by vicedesign on instagram. link 1, archive link // link 2, archive link
for those following along at home, this is Fowler's Boston College Eagles mask! Here is the instagram video where he explains it. notable facts under the cut because this post is getting long as HELL.
his first mask as a kid was an iron man design mask, and when it came time to choose a design he went back to that!
the host notes that the design is very on-theme for Eagles hockey colours, and that it's a "full-circle" moment <3 I just think that's neat !
the license plate on the back is a reference to where he's from; it's important to him that he reps florida because there's "not too much hockey down there"
The numbers on the license plate are for his mother's birthday
"take me home, country roads" quote is because he spent his summers in West Virginia!
The license plate is SOOO good. I love the colours, the little cartoon oranges. and speaking as a once-iron man enjoyer... LOVE!!! i think also the symmetry of having your mask art be a literal helmet is so fun <3 I'd like to know what city skyline is painted on the side but I fear this would never get published if I attempted to go down that research hole....
And finally, Fowler's most recent mask, which debuted at habs development camp:
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link 1, archive link // link 2, archive link
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post by pbkreation on instagram. link, archive link // second photo is screenshot of the instagram vid.
If you are reading this and haven't already heard about it or summarily been struck by lightning at the familiarity of the mask... Fowler has chosen to emulate the mask design of legendary Canadiens goalie Patrick Roy.
Here is one incarnation of this mask that Roy wore as a Canadien, for reference:
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link 1, archive link // link 2, archive link
(super funny that he chose Roy, who notoriously did NOT end things with the Habs on good terms...) People took note of the mask the MOMENT he came out in it and I have . ough. MANY thoughts on Fowler's choice to invite the conversations, to evoke the past, what with all the Carey-Price-Come-Again comparisons. probably more on this at some point when i feel less unwell about it and have done more reading.
it's a really fun spot the difference game to me!! Fowler has the text running along the side, his name in that distinct lettering. The Habs logo on the forehead is updated but still in the same spot. the logo on the chin does not feature Fowler's player number the same way that Roy's has his #33. the bars on Fowler's mask are white rather than blue. The back of Fowler's mask of course features the Florida license plate!! <3 i really hope he keeps that motif for every mask he has going into the future. All in all, it's a tribute to the past, but it has a unique Jacob Fowler twist !
In this video he explains the mask. Notes:
pbkreations did Fowler's special mask for his Boston College vs Boston University match up
Fowler wanted to do something that represented his family's connection to the Habs! <3
Palm trees on the back!! FLORIDA BOY!!!!
it's a pretty close replica even down to the holographic 'les canadiens' text..!
he clarifies that the mask design is likely just for dev camp. when the host asks him if he'll wear it in a habs uniform, he diplomatically answers the question but avoids confirming that he'll go through with it (veeeerry communications major of him. lol)
Personally i am sooo charmed and endeared by his little florida license plate and his plucky invite to the hockey gods with the invocation of a legendary habs goalie. <3 jacob fowler YOU are goin in my pocket !!!
Anyway, anon thank you for derailing my entire afternoon (with affection) today was supposed to be a gifing day but I got very blissfully side-tracked by Fowler's goalie helmet lore!! Thanks for allowing me to test run my new sourcing/linking policies on a long post :3 hope this was to your liking!!
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Adam Levick
Mahdawi, whose column is devoted to revealing ‘The Week in Patriarchy’, is, even by Guardian standards, an especially dishonest writer/activist, and she was true to form in her latest hatchet job, falsely accusing Seinfeld of misogyny, while continuing to remain silent about Hamas’s rape, torture and mutilation of Israeli women and girls.
However, even more shamefully, he accuses Seinfeld of “cheerleading…genocidal violence” and “joking about suffering children in Gaza”.
Here’s the relevant part:
But while Seinfeld has never been a bleeding-heart liberal, it feels like he’s never been quite so vocally anti-progressive as he is now. Ever since 7 October, Seinfeld has advocated loudly for Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians, demonized pro-Palestinian protesters, and joked about suffering children in Gaza. “Save the children of Gaza,” he said in a mocking voice after getting heckled by pro-Palestinian protesters at a show. Along with cheerleading what the United Nations human rights council has described as genocidal violence, he has also apparently decided that a great tactic for publicizing his much-panned movie about Pop-Tarts is by complaining about the left.
Let’s unpack this:
First, like most people outside of Mahdawi’s anti-Zionist bubble, Seinfeld’s reaction to the worst antisemitic atrocity since the Holocaust was to express support for the Israeli victims and support the war against the genocidal terrorist group responsible for it.  The incident involving the ‘pro-Palestinian protesters’ in question involved two Israel haters interrupting a performance of his in Norfolk, Virginia to scream at Seinfeld himself – again, because he supports Israel in their war with Hamas – that he’s a “genocide supporter”, and that everyone in the crowd is a genocide supporter.  A second protester interrupted the show, screaming ‘Save the Children of Gaza’.
As you can see in the video published at various media outlets, Seinfeld did not “joke about suffering children of Gaza”.  He reacted to the interruption by rightly mocking the protester for evidently believing that harassing a Jewish performer in the US is going to help Palestinians.
Next, in the paragraph cited above, Mahdawi falsely claims that the “United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) described” Israel’s war as “genocidal violence”. If you open the link, it clearly shows that it wasn’t the UNHRC itself which charged Israel with genocide. The accusation was made by the widely discredited UN ‘Special Rappatour’ Francesca Albanese – in a report to the UNHRC.
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months
A twofer for ya. 1) This Louis is far more ambitious than book!Louis. What endgame could you see for him that's better/more satisfying for him than being Lestat's consort? Especially since him standing behind Lestat would evoke images of their date at the opera house. 2) How critical do you think it is for us to sympathize with Marius, and based on that, do you think they'll keep the sexual/romantic aspects of his relationship with Armand?
Hey dear!
I think that the show version of the "court" (whatever that may be) will them have on much more equal footing. Now, Louis is instrumental for the last arc(s), but there is also a lot of room for expansion. And, I mean, this Louis has a knack for business, right, and let's be real, a court is an enterprise.
That said, I can also see Louis leaving the more tedious aspects of ruling to Lestat (and even more Marius), and after finally accepting himself having a "good time" with the friends he (canonically) makes there. (And I kinda want that for him! He deserves it.)
I think that the show will definitely (if we get our seasons) go into the resolution for them, the acceptance of themselves. And that includes the "blood communions", but also the "blood spouses" thing, and, as the show has already foreshadowed their dance (and arguably showed us their "wedding"), I think that will come back to be mirrored then. Instead of "a prince" we'll probably have princes :)) (though I'm not sure if the show will ever use these kind of titles).
And also, a (blood) communion is held in a church, or a sacrosanct place, right. There is also the crossover with the (catholic) faith here - my body, my blood - literally. In the books this turns to be literally, and I think that theme cannot be dismissed, especially with the canon layering of Louis' view of Lestat as his errrr... personal Jesus.
Now, I do not see this Louis to be as passive as book Louis, or as ... let's call it neutral, but he is still the same character. They're still playing with that imagery, and applying the text here, as we saw from the teaser. I have no reason to believe they'll eradicated this from the character, on the contrary.
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And we know that for show Louis his faith was an important thing, and one that made him suffer. And I do not think that the comment "raised religion" can be dismissed totally either, because it means there was a shift in him wrt that. Whatever shift that might turn out to be.
This is all a very long way^^ to say that I think Louis will be involved a lot more in the resolution of it all in the end of the arcs. I think maybe his leanings wrt faith will shift Lestat's own acceptance of their rituals (hints of that are in the book, in the "council session" with Gabrielle and Louis). I think he will just be a lot more involved and shaping the court.
I know why Anne had to let Louis go - but the show doesn't have that problem^^- and so I think they will dig out all the little hints for his "endgame" as you put it.
And as per your other question...
I do not know.
Do we need to sympathize with him? I mean...
Marius is a very interesting and very complicated character. I don't think he can easily be judged by "today's" standards. We are all children of our times (and circumstances) and.. well. His were definitely different to ours (this obviously goes for a lot of these vampires).
I do think they will keep all the difficult aspects, yes. I do think they will keep the sexual aspects. I do think they will be quite unapologetic about it all.
If the Justin Kirk rumor turns out to be true, then this actor has no qualms portraying difficult characters. Just look at his character in Succession.
And I think it does take an actor who is able to portray all the facets of Marius quite unapologetically.
I remember that video interview with Jacob, where he said he first loved Marius in TVL, and then as he read on...^^ I think the show will go a similar way, maybe.
I don't think they're going to tone anything down, actually.
And of course we will get his story latest when Akasha happens.
But if that will make us sympathize with him? No idea.
It will be very interesting to see what they choose to show us of him next season. And what part wrt Armand, too.
Marius is involved in all of this, and he is an important character in the VC. Given all these vampires are monsters...
However, all this said, and even without many probably not sympathizing with him^^- I do think the show will show him and Armand reconciled (at some point, maybe even "now"). Because he and Marius reach that point (more or less) over time. And I think that painting on the wall hints at that reconciliation.
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aceouttatime · 2 months
26 29 45 50 for your Shep!
paine! thanks for the ask!!! <33
26. Does Shepard have a Twitter account?
-> Whatever the galactic version of Twitter is, Shepard probably has one. While he genuinely doesn't have much time for it, he thinks it's important to stay up to date on galactic issues. Granted, when he does have free time he doesn't want to have to deal with petty, online issues when he's actually out there doing things about the state of things, so it's a delicate balance.
I'm sure he gets told by all kinds of sources, news or otherwise, what to post, so he's got an official account that's partially managed by a team on the Citadel that corresponds with him when he's on duty. He may have multiple important people in the Alliance muted in his DMs.
Shep keeps it professional, mostly commenting on the state of the galaxy or what other important political figures put out. But that's absolutely not to say his omnitool isn't full of memories of the crew on shore leave, and cute pictures he snuck of Garrus asleep next to him, and videos from That One Time Everyone Had Their Asses Handed To Them playing poker against Cortez and Vega.
He'd be one of those people that would gravitate more towards facebook/instagram to keep up with the lives of close friends, if he was living a civilian life, but as it is, Space Twitter is accessible and easy to put away when he needs to.
29. Does the alliance use their image for propaganda/recruitment? Did they agree to/want it?
-> This is very much in the same vein as the social media thing. The Alliance has made a figurehead out of Shepard, boosting their influence, funding, and numbers, often by cherrypicking things he's said on tape as part of whatever their current pro-Alliance propaganda is and riding off of the success of his bravery during service and induction into the Spectres. They made him their hero, their golden boy, and then discarded his autonomy in the matter when he no longer fit with that image (see: Cerberus, claims of a Reaper invasion, Arrival DLC).
Shepard himself has very little say over the matter; he'd practically signed his life away to the Alliance after the raids on Mindoir, back when he was a traumatized teenager latching on to anything stable. Even during his training and service, he disliked the media attention wrought by important events like graduation ceremonies, ballroom dinner parties, and political events, most of which were not all that optional. He felt out of place--he wasn't a politician, he was a soldier, and for a long time, he floundered during things like that, not having ever needed to learn those sorts of intricacies. So he continued being unabashedly straightforward and saw much of the socio-political nonsense for what it was: a game he had no place in.
By the era of the trilogy, Shepard held a deep dislike for the way his image was warped to further ideals that were not his own. But they fell in line with what the Alliance needed, what the Council expected, and what kept the suits of the galaxy placated.
So he tries to let his actions speak for themselves because it is too late to reverse the distortion of his public image.
45. Do they vote?
-> Yes! Shepard casts his vote in at least the most important/largest issues affecting Council and Alliance space. He's technically a citizen of Mindoir (a colony of the United North American States--economically pretty reliant on, and thus fairly politically controlled by, them), but he also has citizenship on the Citadel itself, which functions a little differently than how human citizenships typically work, most notably in the taxation and legal departments (but I won't get into that just now). (I talk politics a little here--if that bothers you, please feel free to skip to the end of the blue section <3)
Politically speaking, Shep values more socialist internal policies like accessible healthcare, a well-funded and standardized education system, and workers' rights. He believes that the material, economic, and societal profit of a governmental system should primarily benefit and be controlled by the means of production: the everyday people that keep the system running.
He also has strong opinions on the rights of individual colonies, states, and nations, as he values national identity and the preservation of culture, natural resources, and history. While he sees the benefit in a centralized government for both each specie and the galaxy as a whole, he believes that the systems put in place before the shift towards interconnectedness should not be written off as arbitrary, outdated, or inefficient. There is a balance that must be struck between overarching governmental systems and lower ones, and that balance will be different for different peoples, whether due to biology, psychology, economics, history, culture, etc. He believes that a higher government's main duty is to defend the people and systems beneath it in a way that respects their freedoms, and therefore puts a lot of importance in national defense (as a victim of terrorism, a career-long Alliance soldier, and a man who pays close mind to the turbulent state of the galaxy in places beyond Council jurisdiction, like the Terminus systems).
Socially, his opinion is left-leaning, though he has some opinions that do not fit within the mainstream ideology. Shepard is a proponent of equality as a concept: racial, gender, sexual, etc., and equity where equality does not suffice. He puts value in individual freedoms like bodily autonomy, marriage rights, protections for minors, the right to carry, voting rights, minority rights, and privacy protections.
50. What was the last thing (non-email) Shepard read? Book, play, poem, essay etc
-> The most recent undertaking is, Vuigaris Ro'tana Dime (Folk Devils), a collective biography of a number of non-asari biotics that explores the stigma, state of infrastructure, medical issues, military training, and psychology regarding biotics and being biotic in different species and cultures. Some of the highlights are the experiences of a retired turian Cabal officer, a woman who worked on the development team for multiple L-series implants, and a salarian diplomat who faced political fallout after developing late-onset biotics.
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mariacallous · 8 months
A Russian disinformation campaign is deploying everything from high-ranking lawmakers and government officials to lifestyle influencers, bloggers, and powerful state-run media outlets to stoke divisions in the United States around the Texas border crisis.
WIRED has also obtained exclusive access to data from two separate disinformation research groups that demonstrate a coordinated Russian effort on Telegram and X (formerly Twitter) to sow discord by pushing the narrative that the US is heading for civil war.
The disinformation campaign began in earnest in late January, and expanded after Russian politicians spoke out when the US Supreme Court lifted an order by a lower court and sided with President Joe Biden’s administration to rule that US Border Patrol officers were allowed to take down razor-wire fencing erected by the Texas National Guard. Days later, when Texas governor Greg Abbott refused to stand down, former Russian president and prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, who is currently deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, claimed that the Texas border dispute is “another vivid example of the US hegemony getting weaker.”
“Establishing a People’s Republic of Texas is getting more and more real,” Medvedev added on X, claiming the situation could lead to “a bloody civil war which cost thousands upon thousands of lives.”
Others chimed in: “It’s high time the American president, following in his predecessor Obama’s footsteps, declares ‘Texas must go’ and assembles an international coalition to liberate its residents in the name of democracy,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram. Russian lawmaker Sergey Mironov even offered Texas help: “If necessary, we are ready to help with the independence referendum. And of course, we will recognize the People’s Republic of Texas if there is one,” Mironov wrote on X.
After these comments, state media, influencers, and bloggers quickly got involved. Over the past two weeks, state-run media outlets like Sputnik and RT have called the dispute between the Texas governor and the Biden administration a “constitutional crisis” and an “unmitigated disaster,” while one Sputnik correspondent posed a video on the outlet’s X account, stating: “There’s a big convoy of truck drivers going down there. So, it can very easily get out of hand. It can genuinely lead to an actual civil war, where the US Army is fighting against US citizens.”
On Telegram, there were clear signs of a coordinated effort to boost conversations around the Texas crisis, according to analysis shared exclusively with WIRED by Logically, a company using artificial intelligence to track disinformation campaigns.
“The idea of targeting highly contentious US domestic issues and amplifying them via their own channels—it’s the standard Russian playbook for disinformation,” Kyle Walter, director of research at Logically, tells WIRED.
The channels on Telegram include those run by TV presenters, bloggers who report on Russia’s military, and social media influencers, each of whom have hundreds of thousands of followers. One of the accounts, belonging to Russian TV personality Vladimir Solovyov, has more than 1.2 million followers, and he claimed the “the US was close to civil war.”
When I'm trying to identify disinformation operations in the wild I need to understand the initial signals and ideas that Russian state media and influencers are sharing,” Walter tells WIRED. “Russian Telegram channels just blew up overnight, and started really dialing into messaging specifically about the possibility that Texas could be an independent state, the possibility that there could be a US civil war.”
Russian state media echoed these claims, and published a flood of articles with headlines featuring phrases like “Civil War 2.0.” They also spread conspiracies claiming that “US elites will keep the border wide open.”
Last week, the Russian Telegram channels and state media also began to boost the ‘Take Our Border Back’ convoy led by far-right extremists, sovereign citizens, QAnon adherents, and anti-vaccine conspiracists who traveled from Virginia to the border in Texas in support of Abbott. “Fears of FBI Spying on ‘Take Our Border Back’ Convoy Show US Democracy Dying,” one Sputnik headline read last week.
The convoy’s official channels on Telegram were also infiltrated by Russian accounts, though some were removed or called out by the US-based members of the group. “They are in every single group on any social media,” one member who calls themselves ‘Eat Putin’s Heart’ wrote on Telegram in response to a question about why Russians were members of the group. “They want a civil war/chaos more than anything. What’s bad for America is great for Russia.”
Researchers at Antibot4Navalny, a Russian anti-disinformation research group that has been closely tracking a Russian disinformation network known as Doppelganger on X, shared data exclusively with WIRED that shows a network of bot accounts previously linked to the Doppelganger campaign has been deployed online in the past week to discuss the Texas issue.
While previous Doppelganger campaigns shared links to fake websites designed to look like legitimate ones but with fake articles, this campaign linked to websites run built and maintained by the Doppelganger operatives to push narratives to suit their needs. One article, for example, appeared on a fake site called Warfare Insider, and stated that Texas “has become a battleground symbolizing the clash between state and federal authorities.
In recent days, the bots have also been responding to posts unrelated to Texas by referencing the situation at the border.
Some experts have been linking this campaign to previous Russian disinformation campaigns. Already, it echoes the incident when Russian operatives were accused of organizing an anti-immigrant rally and a counterprotest event to their own rally in Texas ahead of the 2016 election.
Caroline Orr, a behavioral scientist and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Maryland who tracks disinformation online, wrote in her newsletter Weaponized that the term “Free Texas” in Russian was being “used extensively [on X], and nearly exclusively, by Russian accounts associated with the notorious Internet Research Agency, which housed the 2016 election interference operation.”
The IRA was a Kremlin-linked troll farm launched in St. Petersburg that gained notoriety for its role in attempting to interfere in the 2016 US presidential election. It was run by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin who also ran the Wagner mercenary group until he died in a mysterious helicopter crash last year.
There also appear to be a number of Russian accounts on X posing as pro-Texas groups, in another echo of 2016 when an account that claimed to be run by Tennessee Republicans was outed as Russian-run.
One of the suspect accounts is the Texan Independence Supporters, which has already been called out for spelling errors and constantly referencing Ukraine and Russia. On Sunday, the account claimed “we are a Texan organization, not Russian. We can definitely assure ya’ll [sic] that we’re not Russian.”
Before this, Russia had already been accused of dipping its toe in the 2024 US presidential election—including boosting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign—but Walters says the effort to push the Texas crisis narrative marks an escalation in the Kremlin’s efforts.
“This is the first thing that I see as a potentially significant concern to look out for, because I think it is an area [where] they could fairly easily cause more divide in the US,” he says.
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clonemando · 11 months
Haunted Clone Week
Written for the Day 3 prompt "Body Horror -Please Not Again"
AO3 version here
Alpha-17 gathers the Jedi council to get permission to take action after he received a recording of some very gruesome happenings going on right under their noses.
Trigger Warnings for Body Horror, Forced Surgery, Abuse to Clones.
The Jedi Council weren’t sure why they were all being summoned, Alpha-17 could tell by their faces and how calm they all seemed as they greeted each other as those there in person took their seats and those who couldn’t be present appeared via holoprojection. 
Alpha had basically ordered Yoda to summon them all and maybe it was his own emotions being projected in the force, or maybe Yoda had heard the rumors of 17 previously declaring he would punt the little master like a football if they allowed something like what happened to Wolffe’s boys happen again. Not the death, he didn’t blame the jedi for that, but the situation afterwards where Wolffe, Comet and Sinker were not given the proper care they deserved or needed for that sort of situation. Two days leave was not enough before sticking them in another battle. Alpha had commed Obi-Wan and told him to fix it or he’d fix it himself and they’d all regret that. 
Either way, the little troll had come through and the council had been gathered. Alpha stepped forward once they were all there. “I would not have asked for you to gather if what I had to tell and show you was not critical. As you are aware, the Kaminoans are not the most moral of people and their view of clones is the same as mere product to earn them a profit. However they are a proud people who would only sell a product of high quality and standards. That is why it was one of them who brought this new horror to my attention to then bring word to you.” He said seriously looking at each of them in turn. 
“What I am about to show you is gruesome and not for faint hearts. I ask that if at any point you need me to stop the recording, or if you need to step away, please do so. A written report has also been sent out now.” He said causing several of them to look at him with concern but he ignored them and stepped side to raise a holoscreen where a recording was paused. With a final look around he began the video. 
“My name is Min-No, I am from experimental batch K-Alpha. I was asked to make this recording showing what is happening here in the deep sea labs. I’ll begin with myself. I am a clone of Jango Fett that has been spliced with Kaminoan DNA. I am the only one of my batch to survive as I was lucky that my mutations didn’t lead to suffocation via collapsing lungs or other fatal complications. My neck is a little long for a human, my eyes perceive light on the ultraviolet spectrum but leave me with migraines without special goggles, I cannot grow hair on my body. My bones and organs are made to withstand great pressure without being crushed. This is the main factor that killed the others. I was more human and it saved me.” A young feminine voice spoke and they were able to see the girl speaking in a mirror. Her limbs looked oddly long and she seemed to sway even when standing but overall she was clearly a clone just like the countless others they fought with. 
“They decided I was wasted being left in a room all day so they trained me to help with other experiments… That is what I’m supposed to show you. I… I don’t want to show you.” Her voice trembled around the camera before she carefully hid it in her scrubs to peek out of a hole in the shirt pocket. They watched her hesitate but looking at a clock in corner got her moving out of the fresher and out into what must of been the main cloning chamber.
There were rows and rows of tubes filled with clones of varying ages but none of them were standard clones. There were clones with extra limbs, clones with tendrils spilling out of their heads or half formed montrals or lekku. But all of them Min-No passed without fear or trouble. They had been born or created this way and to her they were no more horrific then her own reflection. No the horror came when she stepped through an access locked door after imputing the codes- slowly enough they could see it. 
Inside were more clones, strapped to tables, blood and other fluids left to stain their skin as if they weren’t even worth the water to rinse them off. These had limbs missing or grafted on in ways clearly meant to cause pain or allow pain to continue when it could have been prevented. 
“These are… the harvesting rooms… for spare parts and… pain tolerance testing. This is also where they do surgery to test if certain limbs or organs will work on standard clones.” She whispered as she walked through the room towards the back where a new clone was being strapped to the table under the watchful eyes of a Kaminoan scientist. 
“Ah, K-01, good. This clone was slated for decommissioning however it would be wasted not to get use out of them first. We still need to test if the eyes from the others from your batch can be used for anything useful.” The Kaminoan said clearly trying to test her. Min-No seemed to know it too. 
“Of course. Shall I retrieve the samples from cold storage?” She asked voice completely detached and cold and nothing like the voice she had used when addressing the recording. It was a good front and 17 was certain it was another reason they hadn’t just replaced her. 
“No, remain here with the test subject and begin prepping for surgery. I will gather the needed samples.” The Kaminoan told her and glided from the room. She started messing with the IVs as the trooper whined. 
“Please, not again. Please don’t make me do this again. Just kill me.” He begged blinking sightless eyes, likely the reason he was scheduled to be decommissioned. He already had scars from some other surgery done to his chest. 
“I’m going to give you some pain meds. It’s all I can do, I’m sorry.” She murmured quietly and then added some drugs to the IV that caused him to slowly stop mumbling after a while. The video continued on showing the whole procedure with all the gory details. 
Two of the Jedi on the council ended up needing to leave the room. 17 didn’t judge them.
“This… You are correct. This needs to be stopped. Do you have a plan?” Shaak Ti asked with a quiet simmering behind her eyes. Alpha 17 nodded. 
“I have a team ready but this will not be quiet. The Kaminoans will try to over their own asses once this comes to light. I need you all to deal with the fallout, not the actual mission, though you are welcome as always Master Ti.” 17 said with a grin. They were going to teach those aiwha-baits a lesson they weren’t going to forget anytime soon.
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therealaiko-yumei · 11 months
Aiko's character profile(Prob wip will change every now and then)
Name: Yumei Aiko
Kanji: 夢依 あいこ
Kana: ユメイ アイコ
Age: around 18(not confirmed due to being an orphan)
Birthday: September 15th, 2005/1994(Also not confirmed😓)
Sign: Virgo(probably not confirmed too🥰)
Nationality: Filipino/Japanese(The Filipino part not confirmed 😓😓)
Species: Half-human half-vampire(Explains why she has natural fangs😯‼️‼️)
Blood type: A
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual(heavy on women)
Pronouns: She/her
Occupation: third year high school student/student council secretary
Japanese voice actress: Yui Ishikawa(violet evergarden)
English voice actress: Erika Harlacher(Violet evergarden)
Nicknames: Schelm(the user she goes by online), Ai-chan(what her friends(Aisy, Yuki, and Rinsuu) calls her)
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Hair: Aiko has short and soft black hair with a fringe that is divided into three strands: one falls on her face, and the remaining two blend into two longer strands that end on her shoulders. At the back, using the two remaining strands of her hair, she ties them together to make it look like she has a half pony tail.
Eyes: Aiko has dark magenta eyes. She also has slight dark circles under her eyes due to lack of sleep.
Body type: Slender body. C cup I guess
Height: 170 cm(5'7)
Weight: 49 kg
School uniform: She wears the standard Ryoutei Academy uniform, but she puts the bow in her uniform under her collar. She also braids her left fringe and ties it with a magenta ribbon.
Casual wear: She wears a white dress shirt underneath a black sweater and black pants. She doesn't braid her left fringe(sometimes she wears something else). But in general, Aiko's clothes are more tomboyish than girly. She also prefers wears a black suit and neck ties instead of skirts and gowns on special occasions.
Aiko's wardrobe in general:
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Aiko is a quiet, intelligent girl who is usually seen alone or with the other members of the student council. Aiko is a student with high honours. Aiko is said to excel in both academics and sports. Hence, many individuals set high standards in her when it comes to those topics. However, she is still in the top 2 in her classes, Sakamaki Reiji being the top 1.
Aiko is aloof and usually shows a calm demeanour even when in serious situations. She is also pretty blunt.
According to google, INTJs is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one.
Positive personality traits:
Hard working
Negative personality traits:
Slightly mean once she gets comfortable with you.
Does not care about her mental health
Will NEVER get therapy
Carries a pepper spray
Knows self-defense
Knows how to use a bow and arrow
Her loved ones
Color: Black
Food: Pasta
Drinks: Nothing in particular
Game genre: Indie horror
Favorite video game: Alice: Madness returns
Music genre: Alternative rock/pop, J-rock, gothic metal and a bit of classical
Favorite music artist: Mitski, Das Feenreich, Malice Mizer
Favorite songs:
Flower: Irises
Other things she likes: Quiet places, listening to music, playing the piano, her thoughts, goth/ouji
More facts abt her if u want lol
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Aiko was an abandoned child since birth. She lived in the streets, and yk was homeless and shit. Aiko's health was bad, and she gets nosebleeds often. Aiko felt empty like there was something missing in her life. One day, when she was around the age of 6, she was founded by an orphanage who took her in. The orphanage staff taught her speech, writing, reading, and other things a child should know. Aiko's health was also getting better. One day, while she was playing piano in the orphanage, she encountered a new kid. The new kid's name was Isabella. Isabella and Aiko soon became very close friends, and Aiko soon gained feelings for Isabella. Isabella was the one who filled the void in Aiko's heart. However, when Aiko was 10, Aiko got adopted and not Isabella. Aiko was devastated when she heard that she won't be with Isabella anymore. Aiko tried everything she could to make Isabella stay with her. But nothing worked, and they got separated.
Aiko's parents were not the best. Aiko's parents were strict, distant, and ignorant to Aiko's feelings. They always had high expectations with Aiko, which REALLY pressured her to the point that she changed herself around her parents and to her elders just to please them. When she enrolled in Ryoutei Academy, her parents went overseas for work matters.
Mother: Unnamed foster mother
Father: Unnamed foster father
Others: Mukami Yuriko(Friends), Sakamaki Reiji(Lover/Acquaintance), Hoshiko Yuuki(Friends), Tanako Roo(Acquaintance), Rinsuu(friends), Yuki(friends), Aisy(friends), Kauze(Friends?), Scarlett(Acquaintance), Komori Kianna(Friends?), Yui Komori(friends)
What Aiko thinks about the diaboys
(This part of Aiko's char profile will be updated depending on her interactions with other OCs or canon characters)
Other character info
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anxiously-going · 6 months
I keep seeing videos of folks doing like "Gotham FYP" stuff and if makes me desperately want to do one from the perspective of someone moving to Gotham from Night Vale, but I am too much of a coward to actually put my face on the internet like that, so I'm considering writing like...email correspondence from this person to Cecil.
Because like I've seen the "transplant" videos before where they're like "I had to get a gas mask???/They gave me this gas mask when i moved in??" But a Night Valean would be "Cecil, you're never gonna believe this! My apartment building just gave me this brand new gas mask for free! It's so much nicer than the standard issue WWII replicas issued by City Council! I'll see if I can get some extras to mail to you and the family."
And just like...telling Cecil how Gotham isn't nearly as bad as everyone says. "Heck, they haven't even outlawed autonomic breathing here!"
I've said before Gotham is East Coat Night Vale, I stand by that, but at the same time, the weirdness of Night Vale is so much more overt. I think it would be amazing to see that kind of crossover.
"Yeah, sure, there are regular bank robberies, but I can go to the public library and not have to worry about being eaten in the history section (which is totally unrestricted?? You can actually read the books? They're not all complete blacked out except for the few coded messages that remind you to take your car in for emissions?) so is it really all that bad?"
I just think it would a fun little project and it absolute delights me to think that there might be a way to actually alarm the Gothamites.
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